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File ocaml.spec of Package ocaml
# # spec file for package ocaml # # Copyright (c) 2014 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # Copyright (c) 2010 Andrew Psaltis <ampsaltis at gmail dot com> # Copyright (c) 2011 Andrew Psaltis <ampsaltis at gmail dot com> # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # Name: ocaml Version: 4.01.0 Release: 0 %define doc_version 4.01 %define do_opt 0 %ifarch %arm %ix86 ppc ppc64 ppc64le x86_64 %define do_opt 1 %endif #{doc_version}/ Source0: ocaml-%{version}.tar.xz Source1: ocaml-%{doc_version}-refman-html.tar.xz Source2: ocaml-%{doc_version} Source3: ocaml-%{doc_version} Source4: rpmlintrc Patch0: ocaml-3.00-camldebug_el.patch Patch2: ocaml-3.04-ocamltags--no-site-start.patch # FIX-UPSTREAM remove rpath from make file Patch3: ocaml-rpath.patch # FIX-UPSTREAM pass RPM_OPT_FLAGS to build Patch4: ocaml-configure-Allow-user-defined-C-compiler-flags.patch Patch5: ocaml-3.08.3-gcc4.patch Patch7: ocaml-3.09-emacs_localcompile.patch # FIX-UPSTREAM use mkstemp to fix rpmlint warning Patch8: ocaml-yacc-Use-mkstemp-instead-of-mktemp.patch # FIX-UPSTREAM enable build on PowerPC 64bit platform. Patch9: ocaml-ppc64.patch # FIX-UPSTREAM enable build on PowerPC 64bit LE platform. Patch10: ocaml-ppc64le.patch Url: Summary: The Objective Caml Compiler and Programming Environment License: QPL-1.0 and SUSE-LGPL-2.0-with-linking-exception Group: Development/Languages/Other BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build PreReq: %install_info_prereq BuildRequires: emacs-nox BuildRequires: fdupes BuildRequires: gdbm-devel BuildRequires: ncurses-devel BuildRequires: tk-devel # This gets ocamlobjinfo to work with .cmxs files BuildRequires: binutils-devel %if %{do_opt} Requires: gcc Provides: ocaml(ocaml.opt) = %{version} %endif Provides: ocaml(compiler) = %{version} Requires: ocaml-runtime = %{version} # This ensures that the find_provides/find_requires calls ocamlobjinfo correctly. %global __ocaml_requires_opts -c -f "%{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ocamlrun %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ocamlobjinfo" %global __ocaml_provides_opts -f "%{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ocamlrun %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ocamlobjinfo" %description Objective Caml is a high-level, strongly-typed, functional and object-oriented programming language from the ML family of languages. This package comprises two batch compilers (a fast bytecode compiler and an optimizing native-code compiler), an interactive top level system, Lex&Yacc tools, a replay debugger, and a comprehensive library. %package runtime Summary: The Objective Caml Compiler and Programming Environment License: QPL-1.0 Group: Development/Languages/Other Provides: ocaml(runtime) = %{version} %description runtime Objective Caml is a high-level, strongly-typed, functional and object-oriented programming language from the ML family of languages. This package contains the runtime environment needed to run Objective Caml bytecode. %package source Summary: Source code for Objective Caml libraries License: QPL-1.0 and SUSE-LGPL-2.0-with-linking-exception Group: Development/Languages/Other Requires: ocaml = %{version} %description source Source code for Objective Caml libraries. %package x11 Summary: X11 support for Objective Caml License: SUSE-LGPL-2.0-with-linking-exception Group: System/Libraries Requires: ocaml-runtime = %{version} %description x11 X11 support for Objective Caml. %package labltk Summary: The Objective Caml Compiler and Programming Environment License: SUSE-LGPL-2.0-with-linking-exception Group: System/Libraries Requires: ocaml = %{version} Requires: ocaml(runtime) = %{version} %description labltk Labltk is a library for interfacing Objective Caml with the scripting language Tcl/Tk. This package contains the runtime files. %package labltk-devel Summary: Development files for labltk License: SUSE-LGPL-2.0-with-linking-exception Group: Development/Libraries/Other Requires: %{name}-labltk = %{version} Requires: ocaml = %{version} Requires: tcl-devel Requires: tk-devel Requires: xorg-x11-libX11-devel %description labltk-devel Labltk is a library for interfacing Objective Caml with the scripting language Tcl/Tk. This package contains the development files. It includes the ocaml browser for code editing and library browsing. %package camlp4 Summary: Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml License: SUSE-LGPL-2.0-with-linking-exception Group: Development/Languages/Other Requires: ocaml-runtime = %{version} %if %suse_version < 1210 # Due to lack of generated requires in old rpm, force this Requires: ocaml-compiler-libs %endif %description camlp4 Camlp4 is a Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml, parsing a source file and printing some result on standard output. This package contains the runtime files. %package camlp4-devel Summary: Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml License: SUSE-LGPL-2.0-with-linking-exception Group: Development/Languages/Other Requires: %{name}-camlp4 = %{version} Requires: ocaml = %{version} Provides: camlp4 = %{version} Obsoletes: camlp4 < %{version} %description camlp4-devel Camlp4 is a Pre-Processor-Pretty-Printer for Objective Caml, parsing a source file and printing some result on standard output. This package contains the development files. %package ocamldoc Summary: The Objective Caml Compiler and Programming Environment License: QPL-1.0 Group: Development/Languages/Other Requires: ocaml = %{version} %description ocamldoc Objective Caml is a high-level, strongly-typed, functional and object-oriented programming language from the ML family of languages. This package contains a documentation generator for Objective Caml. %package emacs Summary: The Objective Caml Compiler and Programming Environment License: GPL-2.0+ Group: Development/Languages/Other Requires: emacs Requires: ocaml = %{version} Provides: caml-mode %description emacs Objective Caml is a high-level, strongly-typed, functional and object-oriented programming language from the ML family of languages. This package provides caml-mode for emacs %package docs Summary: The Objective Caml Compiler and Programming Environment License: GPL-2.0+ and QPL-1.0 Group: Development/Languages/Other Requires: ocaml = %{version} %description docs Objective Caml is a high-level, strongly-typed, functional and object-oriented programming language from the ML family of languages. This package comprises two batch compilers (a fast bytecode compiler and an optimizing native-code compiler), an interactive top level system, Lex&Yacc tools, a replay debugger, and a comprehensive library. %package compiler-libs Summary: Libraries used internal to the OCaml Compiler License: QPL-1.0 Group: Development/Libraries/Other Requires: ocaml = %{version} %description compiler-libs Objective Caml is a high-level, strongly-typed, functional and object-oriented programming language from the ML family of languages. This package contains several modules used internally by the OCaml compilers. They are not needed for normal OCaml development, but may be helpful in the development of certain applications. %package compiler-libs-devel Summary: Libraries used internal to the OCaml Compiler License: QPL-1.0 Group: Development/Libraries/Other Requires: ocaml-compiler-libs = %{version} %description compiler-libs-devel The %{name}-devel package contains libraries and signature files for developing applications that use %{name}. %prep %setup -q -T -b 0 %setup -q -T -D -a 1 %setup -q -T -D -a 3 %patch0 -p1 %patch2 -p1 %patch3 -p1 %patch4 -p1 %patch5 %patch7 %patch8 -p1 %patch9 -p1 %patch10 -p1 find -name ".cvsignore" | xargs -r rm -f %build %ifarch %ix86 # Default OPT flags for these architectures use -fomit-frame-pointer, # which gets in the way of some of the profiling done within. export RPM_OPT_FLAGS="${RPM_OPT_FLAGS/-fomit-frame-pointer/}" %endif # For ppc64 we need a larger stack than default to compile some files # because the stages in the OCaml compiler are not mutually tail # recursive. %ifarch ppc64 ppc64le ulimit -a ulimit -Hs 65536 ulimit -Ss 65536 %endif CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -DUSE_INTERP_RESULT" \ ./configure -bindir %{_bindir} \ -libdir %{_libdir}/ocaml \ -mandir %{_mandir} \ -x11include %{_includedir} \ -x11lib %{_libdir} %if %{do_opt} make world.opt %else make world %endif %install make install \ BINDIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}" \ LIBDIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/ocaml" \ MANDIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}" sed -i -e "s|^$RPM_BUILD_ROOT||" $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/ocaml/ld.conf install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir} \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp ( cd emacs make install BINDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir} EMACSDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp make install-ocamltags BINDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir} ) ( cd infoman; cp -f ocaml* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir} ) # fix bnc#411232 echo '(load "ocaml.el" nil t t)' >$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp/suse-start-ocaml.el cat <<EOF >$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp/%{name}.el (autoload 'caml-mode "caml" "Caml editing mode" t) (add-hook 'caml-mode-hook 'font-lock-mode) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\\\.mli?$" . caml-mode)) EOF sed -i '1s/^/#!\/usr\/bin\/ocaml\n/' $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/ocamltags export EXCLUDE_FROM_STRIP="ocamldebug ocamlbrowser" # Install the compiler libs install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/ocaml/compiler-libs cp -a typing/ utils/ parsing/ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/ocaml/compiler-libs %fdupes $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post %install_info --info-dir=%{_infodir} %{_infodir}/%{name}.info.gz %postun %install_info_delete --info-dir=%{_infodir} %{_infodir}/%{name}.info.gz %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc Changes LICENSE README %{_bindir}/* %{_mandir}/*/* %{_libdir}/ocaml/*.a %if %{do_opt} %{_libdir}/ocaml/*.cmxs %{_libdir}/ocaml/*.cmxa %{_libdir}/ocaml/*.cmx %{_libdir}/ocaml/*.o %endif %{_libdir}/ocaml/*.mli %{_libdir}/ocaml/ %{_libdir}/ocaml/vmthreads/*.mli %{_libdir}/ocaml/vmthreads/*.a %if %{do_opt} %{_libdir}/ocaml/threads/*.a %{_libdir}/ocaml/threads/*.cmxa %{_libdir}/ocaml/threads/*.cmx %endif %{_libdir}/ocaml/caml %{_libdir}/ocaml/ocamlbuild %{_libdir}/ocaml/Makefile.config %{_libdir}/ocaml/VERSION %{_libdir}/ocaml/extract_crc %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlheader %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlheader_ur %{_libdir}/ocaml/expunge %{_libdir}/ocaml/ld.conf %{_libdir}/ocaml/objinfo_helper %exclude %{_libdir}/ocaml/graphicsX11.mli %{_infodir}/* %exclude %{_bindir}/ocamlrun %exclude %{_bindir}/camlp4* %exclude %{_bindir}/mkcamlp4 %exclude %{_bindir}/labltk %exclude %{_bindir}/ocamltags %exclude %{_bindir}/ocamlbrowser %exclude %{_bindir}/ocamldoc* %exclude %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4 %exclude %{_libdir}/ocaml/labltk %exclude %{_libdir}/ocaml/ocamldoc %exclude %{_libdir}/ocaml/stublibs/ %files runtime %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_bindir}/ocamlrun %dir %{_libdir}/ocaml %{_libdir}/ocaml/*.cmo %{_libdir}/ocaml/*.cmi %{_libdir}/ocaml/*.cma %{_libdir}/ocaml/stublibs %dir %{_libdir}/ocaml/vmthreads %{_libdir}/ocaml/vmthreads/*.cmi %{_libdir}/ocaml/vmthreads/*.cma %dir %{_libdir}/ocaml/threads %{_libdir}/ocaml/threads/*.cmi %{_libdir}/ocaml/threads/*.cma %exclude %{_libdir}/ocaml/graphicsX11.cmi %exclude %{_libdir}/ocaml/stublibs/ %doc README LICENSE Changes %files x11 %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_libdir}/ocaml/graphicsX11.cmi %{_libdir}/ocaml/graphicsX11.mli %files source %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_libdir}/ocaml/*.ml %files labltk %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_bindir}/labltk %dir %{_libdir}/ocaml/labltk %{_libdir}/ocaml/labltk/*.cmi %{_libdir}/ocaml/labltk/*.cma %{_libdir}/ocaml/labltk/*.cmo %{_libdir}/ocaml/stublibs/ %files labltk-devel %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_bindir}/ocamlbrowser %{_libdir}/ocaml/labltk/labltktop %{_libdir}/ocaml/labltk/pp %{_libdir}/ocaml/labltk/tkcompiler %if %{do_opt} %{_libdir}/ocaml/labltk/*.a %{_libdir}/ocaml/labltk/*.cmxa %{_libdir}/ocaml/labltk/*.cmx %{_libdir}/ocaml/labltk/*.o %endif %{_libdir}/ocaml/labltk/*.mli %doc otherlibs/labltk/examples_labltk %doc otherlibs/labltk/examples_camltk %files camlp4 %defattr(-,root,root,-) %dir %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4 %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/*.cmi %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/*.cma %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/*.cmo %dir %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/Camlp4Filters %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/*.cmi %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/*.cmo %dir %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/*.cmo %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/*.cmi %dir %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/Camlp4Printers %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/*.cmi %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/*.cmo %dir %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/Camlp4Top %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/Camlp4Top/*.cmi %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/Camlp4Top/*.cmo %files camlp4-devel %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_bindir}/camlp4* %{_bindir}/mkcamlp4 %if %{do_opt} %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/*.a %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/*.cmxa %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/*.cmx %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/*.o %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/*.cmx %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/*.o %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/*.cmx %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/*.o %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/*.cmx %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/*.o %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/Camlp4Top/*.cmx %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp4/Camlp4Top/*.o %endif %files ocamldoc %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_bindir}/ocamldoc* %{_libdir}/ocaml/ocamldoc %doc ocamldoc/Changes.txt %files docs %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc htmlman %files emacs %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc emacs/README %dir %{_datadir}/emacs %dir %{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp %{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp/* %{_bindir}/ocamltags %files compiler-libs %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc LICENSE README %{_libdir}/ocaml/compiler-libs %if %{do_opt} %exclude %{_libdir}/ocaml/compiler-libs/*/*.cmx %exclude %{_libdir}/ocaml/compiler-libs/*/*.o %endif %exclude %{_libdir}/ocaml/compiler-libs/*/*.mli %exclude %{_libdir}/ocaml/compiler-libs/*/*.ml %files compiler-libs-devel %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc LICENSE README %if %{do_opt} %{_libdir}/ocaml/compiler-libs/*/*.cmx %{_libdir}/ocaml/compiler-libs/*/*.o %endif %{_libdir}/ocaml/compiler-libs/*/*.ml %{_libdir}/ocaml/compiler-libs/*/*.mli %changelog
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