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File translation-update.spec of Package translation-update
# # spec file for package translation-update # # Copyright (c) 2014 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # Name: translation-update BuildRequires: fdupes BuildRequires: gettext Version: 12.3 Release: 0 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build # Translation updates. Files here should not conflict with # translation-update-from-translation-update-upstream. # In case of conflict, the particular translation file is lost. Source: translation-update.tar.bz2 Source1: README Source2: COPYING Source3: AUTHORS # Auto-generated by translation-update-upstream supplementary scripts # + # (Includes packages that don't correctly update with # translation-update-upstream and packages that are not rebuilt in # target project.) Source4: translation-update-from-translation-update-upstream-20140903.tar.bz2 # Last minute additions that take precedence over # translation-update-from-translation-update-upstream. Strings are # merged in a smart way and existing strings are not lost. Source5: translation-update2.tar.bz2 Source6: translation-update.rpmlintrc # Supplementary scripts: # Reset ranslation-update.tar.bz2. Source100: # Strip all sub-packages from the spec file. Source101: # Generate spec file with needed sub-packages from .build.log from "osc build". Source102: BuildArch: noarch Summary: Translation Updates License: GPL-2.0+ Group: System/Base %description This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-ar Summary: Translation Updates for Arabic Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:ar) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-ar This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-as Summary: Translation Updates for Assamese Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:as) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-as This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-ast Summary: Translation Updates for Asturian Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:ast) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-ast This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-be Summary: Translation Updates for Belarusian Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:be) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-be This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-bg Summary: Translation Updates for Bulgarian Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:bg) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-bg This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-bn Summary: Translation Updates for Bengali Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:bn) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-bn This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-bn_IN Summary: Translation Updates for Bengali (India) Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:bn_IN) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-bn_IN This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-ca Summary: Translation Updates for Catalan Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:ca) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-ca This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-ca-valencia Summary: Translation Updates for Catalan Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:ca@valencia) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-ca-valencia This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-cs Summary: Translation Updates for Czech Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:cs) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-cs This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-da Summary: Translation Updates for Danish Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:da) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-da This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-de Summary: Translation Updates for Deutsch Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:de) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-de This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-el Summary: Translation Updates for Greek Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:el) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-el This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-en_GB Summary: Translation Updates for British English Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:en_GB) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-en_GB This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-en_US Summary: Translation Updates for Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:en_US) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-en_US This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-eo Summary: Translation Updates for Esperanto Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:eo) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-eo This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-es Summary: Translation Updates for Spanish Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:es) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-es This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-et Summary: Translation Updates for Estonian Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:et) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-et This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-eu Summary: Translation Updates for Basque Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:eu) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-eu This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-fa Summary: Translation Updates for Persian Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:fa) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-fa This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-fi Summary: Translation Updates for Finnish Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:fi) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-fi This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-fr Summary: Translation Updates for French Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:fr) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-fr This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-gl Summary: Translation Updates for Galician Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:gl) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-gl This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-gu Summary: Translation Updates for Gujarati Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:gu) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-gu This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-he Summary: Translation Updates for Hebrew Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:he) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-he This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-hi Summary: Translation Updates for hindi Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:hi) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-hi This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-hr Summary: Translation Updates for Croatian Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:hr) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-hr This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-hu Summary: Translation Updates for Hungarian Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:hu) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-hu This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-id Summary: Translation Updates for Indonesian Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:id) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-id This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-it Summary: Translation Updates for Italian Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:it) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-it This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-ja Summary: Translation Updates for Japanese Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:ja) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-ja This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-kk Summary: Translation Updates for Kazakh Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:kk) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-kk This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-km Summary: Translation Updates for Khmer Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:km) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-km This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-kn Summary: Translation Updates for Kannada Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:kn) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-kn This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-ko Summary: Translation Updates for Korean Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:ko) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-ko This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-lt Summary: Translation Updates for Lithuanian Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:lt) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-lt This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-lv Summary: Translation Updates for Latvian Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:lv) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-lv This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-ml Summary: Translation Updates for Swatantra Malayalam Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:ml) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-ml This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-mr Summary: Translation Updates for Marathi Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:mr) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-mr This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-nb Summary: Translation Updates for Norwegian Bokmål Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:nb) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-nb This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-nl Summary: Translation Updates for Dutch Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:nl) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-nl This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-nn Summary: Translation Updates for Norwegian Nynorsk Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:nn) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-nn This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-or Summary: Translation Updates for Oriya Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:or) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-or This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-pa Summary: Translation Updates for Punjabi/Panjabi Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:pa) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-pa This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-pl Summary: Translation Updates for Polish Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:pl) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-pl This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-pt Summary: Translation Updates for Portuguese Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:pt) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-pt This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-pt_BR Summary: Translation Updates for Brazilian Portuguese Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:pt_BR) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-pt_BR This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-pt_PT Summary: Translation Updates for Portuguese (Portugal) Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:pt_PT) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-pt_PT This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-ro Summary: Translation Updates for Romanian Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:ro) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-ro This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-ru Summary: Translation Updates for Russian Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:ru) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-ru This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-sk Summary: Translation Updates for Slovak Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:sk) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-sk This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-sl Summary: Translation Updates for Slovenian Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:sl) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-sl This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-sr Summary: Translation Updates for Serbian Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:sr) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-sr This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-sr-latin Summary: Translation Updates for Serbian Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:sr@latin) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-sr-latin This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-sv Summary: Translation Updates for Swedish Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:sv) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-sv This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-ta Summary: Translation Updates for Tamil Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:ta) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-ta This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-te Summary: Translation Updates for Telugu Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:te) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-te This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-th Summary: Translation Updates for Thai Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:th) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-th This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-tr Summary: Translation Updates for Turkish Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:tr) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-tr This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-ug Summary: Translation Updates for Uyghur Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:ug) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-ug This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-uk Summary: Translation Updates for Ukrainian Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:uk) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-uk This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-vi Summary: Translation Updates for Vietnamese Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:vi) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-vi This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-zh_CN Summary: Translation Updates for Simplified Chinese Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:zh_CN) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-zh_CN This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-zh_HK Summary: Translation Updates for Chinese (Hong Kong) Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:zh_HK) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-zh_HK This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %package -n translation-update-zh_TW Summary: Translation Updates for Traditional Chinese Group: System/Localization Provides: locale(translation-update:zh_TW) Requires: translation-update %description -n translation-update-zh_TW This is a set of translation updates that are installed into the preferred directory, /usr/share/locale-langpack/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/. Applications that use gettext correctly can then pick up overridden or updated translations from this location. %prep %setup -n translation-update -a 4 # # These were updated on SLE10 SP1 resp. separately as yast2-trans-{??,??_??} # rm -fr yast-trans/{ar,bn,ca,cs,de,es,fi,fr,hi,hu,it,ja,ko,nb,nl,pl,pt_BR,ru,sk,ta,zh_CN,zh_TW} cd .. mkdir tu2 cd tu2 tar xvf %{S:5} cd .. %build # Merge last minute updates in upstream collected files shopt -s nullglob up_dir=../../../translation-update/translation-update cd ../tu2/translation-update for PACKAGE in * ; do cd $PACKAGE for LL in * ; do msgfmt --check -o /dev/null $LL/$LL.po || continue # ls $up_dir up_ll_dir=$up_dir/$PACKAGE/$LL up_ll_file=$up_ll_dir/$LL.po if [ -f $up_ll_file ]; then msgcat --use-first -o tmp.po $LL/$LL.po $up_ll_file \ && mv tmp.po $up_ll_file \ || : else mkdir -p $up_ll_dir cp $LL/$LL.po $up_ll_dir fi done cd .. done %install mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/locale-langpack # First process translation-update tarball. shopt -s nullglob for PACKAGE in * ; do if test "$PACKAGE" = translation-update ; then continue fi cd $PACKAGE for LNG in * ; do cd $LNG for PO in *.po ; do if [ ${PO%.po} == $LNG ] ; then msgfmt -c -o $ $PO else msgfmt -c -o ${PO%.$LNG.po}.mo $PO fi if [ -d ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/locale-langpack/$LNG ] ; then install -m 644 *.mo ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/locale-langpack/$LNG/LC_MESSAGES else install -d ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/locale-langpack/$LNG/LC_MESSAGES install -m 644 *.mo ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/locale-langpack/$LNG/LC_MESSAGES fi done cd .. done cd .. done cd translation-update # Second process translation-update-from-translation-update-upstream tarball. # In case of conflict, it will overwrite the previous. (It should contain LCN + upstream fixes together. for PACKAGE in * ; do cd $PACKAGE for LNG in * ; do cd $LNG for PO in *.po ; do # Supplementary scripts make several checks. But if the # downstream po file was already invalid, then update may # still be invalid. Don't fail and ignore such updates. if [ ${PO%.po} == $LNG ] ; then if ! msgfmt -c -o $ $PO ; then echo "ERROR: $PACKAGE/$LNG/$PO is invalid. Ignoring update." continue fi else if ! msgfmt -c -o ${PO%.$LNG.po}.mo $PO ; then echo "ERROR: $PACKAGE/$LNG/$PO is invalid. Ignoring update." continue fi fi if [ -d ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/locale-langpack/$LNG ] ; then install -m 644 *.mo ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/locale-langpack/$LNG/LC_MESSAGES else install -d ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/locale-langpack/$LNG/LC_MESSAGES install -m 644 *.mo ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/locale-langpack/$LNG/LC_MESSAGES fi done cd .. done cd .. done cd .. install -d ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name} install -m 644 %{S:1} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name} install -m 644 %{S:2} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name} install -m 644 %{S:3} ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name} # For empty subpackages install -m 644 %{S:2} . # # go through valid locales and fail in invalid ones # set +x cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/locale-langpack for LOCALE in * ; do if ! test -d /usr/share/locale/$LOCALE ; then echo -n "removing unsupported translation $LOCALE" rm -rfv $LOCALE fi done # FIXME: There are duplicates! Some packages changed its domain and translation-update.tar.bz2 still uses the old one. %fdupes ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} %clean rm -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" %files %defattr(-,root,root) %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name} %files -n translation-update-ar %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(ar) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/ar %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-as %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(as) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/as %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-ast %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(ast) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/ast %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-be %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(be) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/be %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-bg %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(bg) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/bg %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-bn %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(bn) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/bn %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-bn_IN %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(bn_IN) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/bn_IN %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-ca %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(ca) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/ca %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-ca-valencia %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(ca@valencia) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/ca@valencia %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-cs %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(cs) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/cs %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-da %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(da) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/da %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-de %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(de) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/de %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-el %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(el) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/el %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-en_GB %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(en_GB) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/en_GB %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-en_US %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(en_US) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/en_US %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-eo %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(eo) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/eo %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-es %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(es) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/es %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-et %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(et) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/et %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-eu %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(eu) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/eu %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-fa %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(fa) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/fa %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-fi %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(fi) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/fi %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-fr %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(fr) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/fr %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-gl %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(gl) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/gl %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-gu %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(gu) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/gu %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-he %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(he) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/he %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-hi %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(hi) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/hi %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-hr %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(hr) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/hr %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-hu %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(hu) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/hu %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-id %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(id) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/id %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-it %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(it) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/it %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-ja %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(ja) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/ja %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-kk %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(kk) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/kk %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-km %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(km) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/km %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-kn %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(kn) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/kn %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-ko %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(ko) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/ko %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-lt %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(lt) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/lt %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-lv %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(lv) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/lv %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-ml %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(ml) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/ml %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-mr %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(mr) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/mr %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-nb %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(nb) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/nb %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-nl %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(nl) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/nl %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-nn %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(nn) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/nn %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-or %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(or) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/or %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-pa %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(pa) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/pa %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-pl %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(pl) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/pl %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-pt %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(pt) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/pt %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-pt_BR %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(pt_BR) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/pt_BR %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-pt_PT %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(pt_PT) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/pt_PT %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-ro %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(ro) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/ro %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-ru %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(ru) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/ru %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-sk %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(sk) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/sk %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-sl %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(sl) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/sl %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-sr %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(sr) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/sr %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-sr-latin %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(sr@latin) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/sr@latin %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-sv %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(sv) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/sv %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-ta %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(ta) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/ta %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-te %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(te) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/te %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-th %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(th) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/th %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-tr %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(tr) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/tr %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-ug %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(ug) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/ug %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-uk %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(uk) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/uk %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-vi %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(vi) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/vi %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-zh_CN %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(zh_CN) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/zh_CN %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-zh_HK %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(zh_HK) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/zh_HK %doc COPYING %files -n translation-update-zh_TW %defattr(-,root,root) %dir %{_datadir}/locale-langpack %lang(zh_TW) %{_datadir}/locale-langpack/zh_TW %doc COPYING %changelog
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