File not found: gegl-new-libraw.patch

Generic Graphics Library

Edit Package gegl

GEGL provides infrastructure to do demand based cached non destructive
image editing on larger than RAM buffers. Through babl it provides
support for a wide range of color models and pixel storage formats for
input and output.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
baselibs.conf 0000000014 14 Bytes
gegl-0.4.46.tar.xz 0005799248 5.53 MB
gegl.changes 0000052516 51.3 KB
gegl.spec 0000007516 7.34 KB
Latest Revision
Elisei Roca's avatar Elisei Roca (eroca) committed (revision 3)
Small fix to let gegl build with the latest SDL2 in SP6's Staging:S 
(since this fix is required by the SDL2 update, let's use that
one: jsc#PED-7603)

- Replace BuildRequires libSDL2-devel with pkgconfig(sdl2) which
  fixes building in SLE where both libSDL2-devel and a newer
  SDL2-devel packages are available.
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