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File perl-XML-DOM.spec of Package perl-XML-DOM
# # spec file for package perl-XML-DOM # # Copyright (c) 2022 SUSE LLC # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # Name: perl-XML-DOM Version: 1.46 Release: 0 %define cpan_name XML-DOM Summary: Perl Module for Building Dom Level 1 Compliant Document Structures # "You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself" License: Artistic-1.0 OR GPL-1.0-or-later Group: Development/Libraries/Perl URL: Source0:{cpan_name}-%{version}.tar.gz Source1: cpanspec.yml BuildArch: noarch BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build BuildRequires: perl BuildRequires: perl-macros BuildRequires: perl(LWP::UserAgent) BuildRequires: perl(XML::Parser) >= 2.30 BuildRequires: perl(XML::Parser::PerlSAX) >= 0.07 BuildRequires: perl(XML::RegExp) Requires: perl(LWP::UserAgent) Requires: perl(XML::Parser) >= 2.30 Requires: perl(XML::Parser::PerlSAX) >= 0.07 Requires: perl(XML::RegExp) %{perl_requires} %description This module extends the XML::Parser module by Clark Cooper. The XML::Parser module is built on top of XML::Parser::Expat, which is a lower level interface to James Clark's expat library. XML::DOM::Parser is derived from XML::Parser. It parses XML strings or files and builds a data structure that conforms to the API of the Document Object Model as described at See the XML::Parser manpage for other available features of the XML::DOM::Parser class. Note that the 'Style' property should not be used (it is set internally.) The XML::Parser _NoExpand_ option is more or less supported, in that it will generate EntityReference objects whenever an entity reference is encountered in character data. I'm not sure how useful this is. Any comments are welcome. As described in the synopsis, when you create an XML::DOM::Parser object, the parse and parsefile methods create an _XML::DOM::Document_ object from the specified input. This Document object can then be examined, modified and written back out to a file or converted to a string. When using XML::DOM with XML::Parser version 2.19 and up, setting the XML::DOM::Parser option _KeepCDATA_ to 1 will store CDATASections in CDATASection nodes, instead of converting them to Text nodes. Subsequent CDATASection nodes will be merged into one. Let me know if this is a problem. When using XML::Parser 2.27 and above, you can suppress expansion of parameter entity references (e.g. %pent;) in the DTD, by setting _ParseParamEnt_ to 1 and _ExpandParamEnt_ to 0. See Hidden Nodes for details. A Document has a tree structure consisting of _Node_ objects. A Node may contain other nodes, depending on its type. A Document may have Element, Text, Comment, and CDATASection nodes. Element nodes may have Attr, Element, Text, Comment, and CDATASection nodes. The other nodes may not have any child nodes. This module adds several node types that are not part of the DOM spec (yet.) These are: ElementDecl (for <!ELEMENT ...> declarations), AttlistDecl (for <!ATTLIST ...> declarations), XMLDecl (for <?xml ...?> declarations) and AttDef (for attribute definitions in an AttlistDecl.) %prep %setup -q -n %{cpan_name}-%{version} %build %{__perl} Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor %{__make} %{?_smp_mflags} %check %{__make} test %install %perl_make_install %perl_process_packlist %perl_gen_filelist %files -f %{name}.files %defattr(-,root,root,755) %doc BUGS Changes FAQ.xml README samples XML-Parser-2.31.patch %changelog
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