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51.726562 L 33.933594 51.726562 L 33.933594 244.472656 L 44.304688 252.96875 L 73.609375 252.96875 L 276.71875 43.160156 L 276.71875 20.550781 L 268.226562 11.984375 L 175.632812 11.984375 L 166.199219 20.550781 L 166.199219 43.160156 "/> <path fill="none" stroke-width="2.16" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(13.729858%, 12.159729%, 12.548828%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 1661.992188 2388.398438 L 1746.953125 2302.734375 L 1160.898438 1708.007812 L 1160.898438 2302.734375 L 1217.773438 2302.734375 L 1302.734375 2388.398438 L 1302.734375 2614.492188 L 1217.773438 2700.15625 L 273.125 2700.15625 L 188.164062 2614.492188 L 188.164062 2388.398438 L 273.125 2302.734375 L 339.335938 2302.734375 L 339.335938 375.273438 L 443.046875 290.3125 L 736.09375 290.3125 L 2767.1875 2388.398438 L 2767.1875 2614.492188 L 2682.265625 2700.15625 L 1756.328125 2700.15625 L 1661.992188 2614.492188 Z M 1661.992188 2388.398438 " transform="matrix(0.1, 0, 0, -0.1, 0, 282)"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(100%, 100%, 100%)" fill-opacity="1" d="M 30.121094 46.039062 L 24.429688 40.351562 L 24.429688 23.359375 L 30.121094 17.671875 L 118.96875 17.601562 L 124.585938 23.359375 L 118.96875 26.097656 L 116.089844 23.359375 L 30.121094 37.472656 L 30.121094 46.039062 "/> <path fill="none" stroke-width="2.16" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(13.729858%, 12.159729%, 12.548828%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 301.210938 2359.609375 L 244.296875 2416.484375 L 244.296875 2586.40625 L 301.210938 2643.28125 L 1189.6875 2643.984375 L 1245.859375 2586.40625 L 1189.6875 2559.023438 L 1160.898438 2586.40625 L 301.210938 2445.273438 Z M 301.210938 2359.609375 " transform="matrix(0.1, 0, 0, -0.1, 0, 282)"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(100%, 100%, 100%)" fill-opacity="1" d="M 47.113281 247.28125 L 40.488281 241.59375 L 40.488281 45.96875 L 47.113281 40.351562 L 47.113281 247.28125 "/> <path fill="none" stroke-width="2.16" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(13.729858%, 12.159729%, 12.548828%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 471.132812 347.1875 L 404.882812 404.0625 L 404.882812 2360.3125 L 471.132812 2416.484375 Z M 471.132812 347.1875 " transform="matrix(0.1, 0, 0, -0.1, 0, 282)"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(100%, 100%, 100%)" fill-opacity="1" d="M 188.878906 46.039062 L 194.566406 40.351562 L 194.566406 51.726562 L 100.03125 148.0625 L 110.472656 125.382812 L 188.878906 46.039062 "/> <path fill="none" stroke-width="2.16" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(13.729858%, 12.159729%, 12.548828%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 1888.789062 2359.609375 L 1945.664062 2416.484375 L 1945.664062 2302.734375 L 1000.3125 1339.375 L 1104.726562 1566.171875 Z M 1888.789062 2359.609375 " transform="matrix(0.1, 0, 0, -0.1, 0, 282)"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(56.697083%, 55.909729%, 56.105042%)" fill-opacity="1" d="M 49.054688 37.542969 L 47.113281 40.351562 L 40.488281 46.039062 L 30.121094 46.039062 L 30.121094 34.664062 L 49.054688 37.542969 "/> <path fill="none" stroke-width="2.16" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(13.729858%, 12.159729%, 12.548828%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 490.546875 2444.570312 L 471.132812 2416.484375 L 404.882812 2359.609375 L 301.210938 2359.609375 L 301.210938 2473.359375 Z M 490.546875 2444.570312 " transform="matrix(0.1, 0, 0, -0.1, 0, 282)"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(56.697083%, 55.909729%, 56.105042%)" fill-opacity="1" d="M 110.472656 46.039062 L 110.472656 125.382812 L 100.03125 147.992188 L 100.03125 40.28125 L 116.089844 40.28125 L 118.96875 37.472656 L 116.089844 23.359375 L 124.585938 23.359375 L 124.585938 40.351562 L 118.96875 46.039062 L 110.472656 46.039062 "/> <path fill="none" stroke-width="2.16" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(13.729858%, 12.159729%, 12.548828%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 1104.726562 2359.609375 L 1104.726562 1566.171875 L 1000.3125 1340.078125 L 1000.3125 2417.1875 L 1160.898438 2417.1875 L 1189.6875 2445.273438 L 1160.898438 2586.40625 L 1245.859375 2586.40625 L 1245.859375 2416.484375 L 1189.6875 2359.609375 Z M 1104.726562 2359.609375 " transform="matrix(0.1, 0, 0, -0.1, 0, 282)"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(100%, 100%, 100%)" fill-opacity="1" d="M 177.503906 46.039062 L 171.886719 40.351562 L 171.886719 23.359375 L 178.441406 17.671875 L 264.480469 17.671875 L 271.105469 23.359375 L 261.601562 31.855469 L 177.503906 37.472656 L 177.503906 46.039062 "/> <path fill="none" stroke-width="2.16" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(13.729858%, 12.159729%, 12.548828%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 1775.039062 2359.609375 L 1718.867188 2416.484375 L 1718.867188 2586.40625 L 1784.414062 2643.28125 L 2644.804688 2643.28125 L 2711.054688 2586.40625 L 2616.015625 2501.445312 L 1775.039062 2445.273438 Z M 1775.039062 2359.609375 " transform="matrix(0.1, 0, 0, -0.1, 0, 282)"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(56.697083%, 55.909729%, 56.105042%)" fill-opacity="1" d="M 271.105469 40.351562 L 71.664062 247.28125 L 47.113281 247.28125 L 47.113281 238.785156 L 65.113281 238.785156 L 264.480469 34.664062 L 261.601562 23.359375 L 271.105469 23.359375 L 271.105469 40.351562 "/> <path fill="none" stroke-width="2.16" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(13.729858%, 12.159729%, 12.548828%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 2711.054688 2416.484375 L 716.640625 347.1875 L 471.132812 347.1875 L 471.132812 432.148438 L 651.132812 432.148438 L 2644.804688 2473.359375 L 2616.015625 2586.40625 L 2711.054688 2586.40625 Z M 2711.054688 2416.484375 " transform="matrix(0.1, 0, 0, -0.1, 0, 282)"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(56.697083%, 55.909729%, 56.105042%)" fill-opacity="1" d="M 196.441406 37.542969 L 194.496094 40.351562 L 188.878906 46.039062 L 177.503906 46.039062 L 177.503906 34.664062 L 196.441406 37.542969 "/> <path fill="none" stroke-width="2.16" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(13.729858%, 12.159729%, 12.548828%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 1964.414062 2444.570312 L 1944.960938 2416.484375 L 1888.789062 2359.609375 L 1775.039062 2359.609375 L 1775.039062 2473.359375 Z M 1964.414062 2444.570312 " transform="matrix(0.1, 0, 0, -0.1, 0, 282)"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(82.751465%, 82.437134%, 82.514954%)" fill-opacity="1" d="M 100.03125 147.992188 L 100.03125 40.28125 L 116.089844 40.28125 L 118.96875 37.472656 L 118.96875 26.097656 L 116.089844 23.289062 L 32.925781 23.289062 L 30.121094 26.097656 L 30.121094 37.472656 L 32.925781 40.28125 L 47.113281 40.28125 L 47.113281 238.785156 L 50.785156 241.59375 L 66.984375 241.59375 L 265.414062 34.664062 L 265.414062 26.527344 L 262.535156 23.289062 L 180.382812 23.289062 L 177.503906 26.097656 L 177.503906 37.542969 L 180.382812 40.351562 L 194.566406 40.351562 L 194.566406 51.726562 L 100.03125 147.992188 "/> <path fill="none" stroke-width="2.16" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(13.729858%, 12.159729%, 12.548828%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 1000.3125 1340.078125 L 1000.3125 2417.1875 L 1160.898438 2417.1875 L 1189.6875 2445.273438 L 1189.6875 2559.023438 L 1160.898438 2587.109375 L 329.257812 2587.109375 L 301.210938 2559.023438 L 301.210938 2445.273438 L 329.257812 2417.1875 L 471.132812 2417.1875 L 471.132812 432.148438 L 507.851562 404.0625 L 669.84375 404.0625 L 2654.140625 2473.359375 L 2654.140625 2554.726562 L 2625.351562 2587.109375 L 1803.828125 2587.109375 L 1775.039062 2559.023438 L 1775.039062 2444.570312 L 1803.828125 2416.484375 L 1945.664062 2416.484375 L 1945.664062 2302.734375 Z M 1000.3125 1340.078125 " transform="matrix(0.1, 0, 0, -0.1, 0, 282)"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(13.729858%, 12.159729%, 12.548828%)" fill-opacity="1" d="M 151.585938 148.136719 L 158.207031 142.449219 L 175.199219 142.449219 L 179.953125 148.136719 L 174.265625 165.128906 L 167.710938 170.816406 L 150.71875 170.816406 L 145.894531 165.128906 L 151.585938 148.136719 "/> <path fill="none" stroke-width="2.16" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(13.729858%, 12.159729%, 12.548828%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 1515.859375 1338.632812 L 1582.070312 1395.507812 L 1751.992188 1395.507812 L 1799.53125 1338.632812 L 1742.65625 1168.710938 L 1677.109375 1111.835938 L 1507.1875 1111.835938 L 1458.945312 1168.710938 Z M 1515.859375 1338.632812 " transform="matrix(0.1, 0, 0, -0.1, 0, 282)"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(13.729858%, 12.159729%, 12.548828%)" fill-opacity="1" d="M 157.273438 241.664062 L 174.335938 190.6875 L 168.648438 190.6875 L 174.335938 173.625 L 199.753906 173.625 L 205.441406 179.3125 L 209.257812 179.3125 L 214.871094 173.625 L 233.808594 173.625 L 239.496094 179.3125 L 243.238281 179.3125 L 248.929688 173.625 L 269.664062 173.625 L 277.222656 185 L 264.839844 225.320312 L 270.457031 225.320312 L 264.984375 241.664062 L 230.929688 241.664062 L 244.246094 201.992188 L 235.753906 201.992188 L 227.902344 225.175781 L 233.519531 225.175781 L 228.191406 241.664062 L 194.136719 241.664062 L 207.382812 201.992188 L 198.886719 201.992188 L 190.96875 225.320312 L 196.65625 225.320312 L 191.328125 241.664062 L 157.273438 241.664062 "/> <path fill="none" stroke-width="2.16" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(13.729858%, 12.159729%, 12.548828%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 1572.734375 403.359375 L 1743.359375 913.125 L 1686.484375 913.125 L 1743.359375 1083.75 L 1997.539062 1083.75 L 2054.414062 1026.875 L 2092.578125 1026.875 L 2148.710938 1083.75 L 2338.085938 1083.75 L 2394.960938 1026.875 L 2432.382812 1026.875 L 2489.296875 1083.75 L 2696.640625 1083.75 L 2772.226562 970 L 2648.398438 566.796875 L 2704.570312 566.796875 L 2649.84375 403.359375 L 2309.296875 403.359375 L 2442.460938 800.078125 L 2357.539062 800.078125 L 2279.023438 568.242188 L 2335.195312 568.242188 L 2281.914062 403.359375 L 1941.367188 403.359375 L 2073.828125 800.078125 L 1988.867188 800.078125 L 1909.6875 566.796875 L 1966.5625 566.796875 L 1913.28125 403.359375 Z M 1572.734375 403.359375 " transform="matrix(0.1, 0, 0, -0.1, 0, 282)"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(82.751465%, 82.437134%, 82.514954%)" fill-opacity="1" d="M 267.070312 179.3125 L 271.464844 185.578125 L 257.496094 230.359375 L 263.113281 230.359375 L 261.238281 235.976562 L 238.558594 235.976562 L 251.808594 196.304688 L 231.9375 196.304688 L 220.632812 230.359375 L 226.246094 230.359375 L 224.375 235.976562 L 201.695312 235.976562 L 214.945312 196.304688 L 195.070312 196.304688 L 183.769531 230.359375 L 189.457031 230.359375 L 187.511719 235.976562 L 164.832031 235.976562 L 181.894531 185 L 176.207031 185 L 178.078125 179.3125 L 198.886719 179.3125 L 204.574219 185 L 210.191406 185 L 215.878906 179.3125 L 232.871094 179.3125 L 238.558594 185 L 244.246094 185 L 249.9375 179.3125 L 267.070312 179.3125 "/> <path fill="none" stroke-width="2.16" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(13.729858%, 12.159729%, 12.548828%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 2670.703125 1026.875 L 2714.648438 964.21875 L 2574.960938 516.40625 L 2631.132812 516.40625 L 2612.382812 460.234375 L 2385.585938 460.234375 L 2518.085938 856.953125 L 2319.375 856.953125 L 2206.328125 516.40625 L 2262.460938 516.40625 L 2243.75 460.234375 L 2016.953125 460.234375 L 2149.453125 856.953125 L 1950.703125 856.953125 L 1837.695312 516.40625 L 1894.570312 516.40625 L 1875.117188 460.234375 L 1648.320312 460.234375 L 1818.945312 970 L 1762.070312 970 L 1780.78125 1026.875 L 1988.867188 1026.875 L 2045.742188 970 L 2101.914062 970 L 2158.789062 1026.875 L 2328.710938 1026.875 L 2385.585938 970 L 2442.460938 970 L 2499.375 1026.875 Z M 2670.703125 1026.875 " transform="matrix(0.1, 0, 0, -0.1, 0, 282)"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(13.729858%, 12.159729%, 12.548828%)" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width="2.16" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(13.729858%, 12.159729%, 12.548828%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 1714.570312 1083.75 L 1541.054688 567.539062 L 1600.078125 567.539062 L 1543.90625 403.359375 L 1204.0625 403.359375 L 1373.984375 913.125 L 1317.109375 913.125 Z M 1317.109375 913.125 L 1373.984375 1083.75 L 1714.570312 1083.75 Z M 1317.109375 913.125 " transform="matrix(0.1, 0, 0, -0.1, 0, 282)"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(82.751465%, 82.437134%, 82.514954%)" fill-opacity="1" d="M 150.648438 235.976562 L 152.519531 230.359375 L 146.832031 230.359375 L 163.894531 179.3125 L 140.28125 179.3125 L 138.335938 185 L 144.960938 185 L 127.96875 235.976562 L 150.648438 235.976562 "/> <path fill="none" stroke-width="2.16" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(13.729858%, 12.159729%, 12.548828%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 1506.484375 460.234375 L 1525.195312 516.40625 L 1468.320312 516.40625 L 1638.945312 1026.875 L 1402.8125 1026.875 L 1383.359375 970 L 1449.609375 970 L 1279.6875 460.234375 Z M 1506.484375 460.234375 " transform="matrix(0.1, 0, 0, -0.1, 0, 282)"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(82.751465%, 82.437134%, 82.514954%)" fill-opacity="1" d="M 169.511719 162.320312 L 173.328125 150.945312 L 171.457031 148.136719 L 160.078125 148.136719 L 156.335938 150.945312 L 152.519531 162.320312 L 154.464844 165.128906 L 165.839844 165.128906 L 169.511719 162.320312 "/> <path fill="none" stroke-width="2.16" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(13.729858%, 12.159729%, 12.548828%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 1695.117188 1196.796875 L 1733.28125 1310.546875 L 1714.570312 1338.632812 L 1600.78125 1338.632812 L 1563.359375 1310.546875 L 1525.195312 1196.796875 L 1544.648438 1168.710938 L 1658.398438 1168.710938 Z M 1695.117188 1196.796875 " transform="matrix(0.1, 0, 0, -0.1, 0, 282)"/> </svg>
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