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File rubygem-metric_fu.changes of Package rubygem-metric_fu
------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 25 14:17:01 UTC 2020 - Stephan Kulow <> updated to version 4.13.0 see installed ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 19 04:31:01 UTC 2015 - - updated to version 4.12.0 see installed ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 27 05:29:51 UTC 2015 - - updated to version 4.11.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 10 18:03:58 UTC 2015 - - updated to version 4.11.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 13 14:22:39 UTC 2014 - - adapt to new rubygem packaging ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun May 18 09:04:34 UTC 2014 - - updated to version 4.11.1 * Fixes * Captured shell-output now only includes STDOUT. Appending STDERR was breaking expectations. (Benjamin Fleischer, #230, fixes #229) ### [4.11.0]( * Features * There is now a `MetricFu.logger` with standard available configurations. The old `mf_debug` and `mf_log` main mixin is presevered. Needs documentation. See #113. (Benjamin Fleischer, a49bfdd182) * Use *launchy* (new dependency) when opening output files. (Nick Veys, #224) * Coverage formatter now behaves like SimpleCov; it ignores certain lines in calculating the precent run. Fixes #153, #222 (Benjamin Fleischer, #226). - Thanks to @crv for the test in #153 - Note: JRuby will usually report different Coverage from MRI. This is a known issue. - Note: This technically is a *breaking change* from how RCov works. But wwe don't run RCov anymore. (65bf21723291f) * Fixes * Ensure paths with spaces don't cause the open command to fail (Nick Veys, #220) * Read in source files for annotation in BINARY mode to avoid encoding errors. (Benjamin Fleischer, #216) * Start SimpleCov before any MetricFu code is loaded. Coverage isn't tracked on already-loaded code. (Benjamin Fleischer, cca659f7d48d3f6799) * Remove unused/invalid Flay param 'filetypes'. Closes #151. (Benjamin Fleischer, 5973595f51c) * Misc * Document ENV variables the may fix encoding exceptions. (Mike Szyndel, #217) * Begin adding shared tests for metrics and configuration. Test fenced-codeblock matching. (Benjamin Fleischer, #221) * Reorganize the application file layout. Still more to be done. (Benjamin Fleischer, #223) * Rename AwesomeTemplate to MetricFu::Templates::MetricsTemplate. (Benjamin Fleischer, 55c52afd95d78) * Rename ReekHotspot to MetricFu::ReekHotspot. Was missing namespace. (Benjamin Fleischer, a3aa70c1a9) * Allow failures for Ruby 2.1, in addition to rbx per issues with rvm. (Benjamin Fleischer, 3018b22) * `spec/quality_spec.rb` checks for whitespace, tabs, quotes, etc. `rake spec` also checks for warnings. (Benjamin Fleischer, b0c51bb9b17) * When run with COVERAGE=true, will ouptut a file to `coverage/coverage_percent.txt` that can be checked via `rake check_code_coverage`. Borrowed from VCR. (Benjamin Fleischer, 32df3a34c6) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Mar 15 18:46:00 UTC 2014 - - updated to version 4.8.0 * Features * Add configurable `MetricFu.report_name`. (Paul Swagerty, #203) ### [4.7.4 / 2014-02-16]( * Fixes * Reek no longer crashes when reporting no warnings (Michael Stark, #199) * Prevent Roodi non-metric output from ending up in the results (Martin Gotink #202) * Coverage file is only read in when the specified external file exists. (Benjamin Fleischer, #156) * Metrics are configured to default values before the user config is loaded (Benjamin Fleischer, #156, #78) ### [4.7.3 / 2014-02-09]( * Fixes * Add `strip_escape_codes`; remove from Roodi output. (Przemysław Dąbek, #197) * Misc * Fix markdown in README. (Guilherme Simões, #198) * Add Ruby 2.1 to Travis CI build. (Michael Stark , #200) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 6 18:00:02 UTC 2014 - - updated to version 4.7.2 * Fixes * Open Saikuro scratch files in BINARY; fixes #190. (Benjamin Fleischer, #195) * Update to churn 0.0.35 for API compatibility. (Przemysław Dąbek, #193) * Only specify reek config when set; disable line numbers. (Benjamin Fleischer, #196) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 20 09:29:44 UTC 2014 - - updated to version 4.7.1 * Features * Move to using churn library and allowing all churn options to be passed through to churn library. (Dan Mayer, #182) * Create template for syntax highlighting in report. (Benjamin Fleischer, #179) * Gem deps now derirved from gemspec via regex (from Gemnasium). Related to #184. `--debug-info` will now show the version of the activated gem, if available. (Benjamin Fleischer, #189) * Fixes * Force gemspec to use utf-8 encoding when importing the AUTHORS file. (Paul Swagerty, #183) * Ensure gemspec doesn't crash when reading in AUTHORS file. (saltracer, #184) * Fix bad parsing of reek output. (Greg Allen, #185) * Misc * Spelling correction. (mdb, #177) * Clean up README indentation. (simi, #187) * Tests run faster. (Benjamin Fleischer, #181) * Simplify load paths. (Benjamin Fleicher, #139) * Update to RSpec 3.0.0.beta1. (Benjamin Fleischer) * Update to new release of TestConstruct. (Benjamin Fleischer) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 22 08:40:32 UTC 2013 - - updated to version 4.6.0 * Features * Allow configuration of the generation template, eg link_prefix (Adrien Montfort, #171) * Fixes * Return 0% coverage when the file has no lines. (Chirag Viradiya #152, Benjamin Fleischer, Michael Foley) * Return stats code to test ratio of 0.0 when NaN (Benjamin Fleischer, reported by Greg Allen) * Misc ### MetricFu [4.5.2 / 2013-11-07]( * Misc * Exclude etc dir from built gem; save 1.1MB by not including erd.png. (Benjamin Fleischer, #173) ### MetricFu [4.5.1 / 2013-11-07]( * Features * Fixes * Misc * Releasing the signed gem didn't work. See ed2f96d8 ### MetricFu [4.5.0 / 2013-11-07]( * Features * Signed gem; added certs/bf4.pem * Run metrics without shelling out; use Open3.popen3 (Benjamin Fleischer, #157) - GemRun runs external libraries, outputs nice error messages - GemVersion returns version requirements for a gem dependency; replaces metric_fu_requires - Consolidate code that runs external metrics to the generator - `--debug-info` now outputs metric dependencies * Add new MetricFu.run_dir that defaults to Pathname.pwd, but can be set (Benjamin Fleischer, #160) - Used in dummy app for testing 9fcc085 * User config (.metrics) now loaded when metric_fu required (Benjamin Fleischer, #158) * Consolidate grapher code; remove gchart grapher (Benjamin Fleischer, 5fd8f4) - Remove bluff gem; bluff grapher is a js library. (Benjamin Fleischer, 8b534c7) * Better rake tasks: can set options form the task (Benjamin Fleischer, 11ac27) - Add ::run(options) and ::run_only(metric_name) to MetricFu namespace * Fixes * Churn hotspot no longer tries to read directories as if they were files (Adrien Montfort, #169) * Set default Reek config to config/*.reek, per Reek docs (Benjamin Fleischer, #165) - Ensure .reek still loaded, for backwards-compatibility * Bump reek patch version due to change in meaning in reek config (Benjamin Fleischer, #166) * Cleanup scratch files Saikuro leaves behind; else they are re-used! (Benjamin Fleischer, 91ac9af) * Various IO-related fixes - Close read pipe when capturing output, per @eclubb, Earle Clubb (6696d42) - Stop leaving files open everywhere, even though 'everyone does it'. (Benjamin Fleischer, #159) - Isolate file-system interactions in specs; rbx specs can pass (Benjamin Fleischer, #161) * Remove unused before/after generator methods; standardize not_implemented message (Benjamin Fleischer, 5842d83) * Misc * Update README, and how to contribute (Benjamin Fleischer, #114) * Set sane defaults for generator per_file_data hash (Benjamin Fleischer, d991fb8) * Ensure gemspec reads AUTHORS from relative path (Benjamin Fleischer, ee0274f) * Configure SimpleCov to run with the html and rcov text formatters (Benjamin Fleischer, d372d00) * Extract CLI option parsing methods (Benjamin Fleischer, a54d018) * Test improvements - Update setup, add pry (Benjamin Fleischer) - Add rspec FAIL_FAST option (bd2745a) - Update spec_helper, add filters, defer gc (3db59d7) - Configure tests not to manage GC under JRuby (000200b) - Remove FakeFS; doesn't seem to be speeding up the tests, but it does break them (afc5518) - Cache test fixtures. (And rename from resources to fixtures.) (Benjamin Fleischer, #164) - Set timeout on each test (Benjamin Fleischer, f1d5f20) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 10 14:20:47 UTC 2013 - - updated to version 4.4.4 * Features * Fixes * Update rcov config instructions in README to include call to activate (Carlos Fernandez, #145) * rcov hotspot analyzer (MetricFu::RcovHotspot) now overrides map_strategy instead of map (Carlos Fernandez, #145) * Fix test failures relating to artifact directory missing (Benjamin Fleischer, #144) * Misc ### MetricFu [4.4.3 / 2013-09-25]( * Features * Fixes * Scratch directory no longer dependent on generator class name. Saikuro works again! (Benjamin Fleischer, #141) * Misc * Metric scratch directory now set via Metric `run_options[:output_directory] || MetricFu::Io::FileSystem.scratch_directory(metric)` (Benjamin Fleischer, #141) ### MetricFu [4.4.2 / 2013-09-25]( * Features * Add --debug-info command line switch to get debug info for Issues. (calveto, #118) * Fixes * Return valid line locations for code with either no AST or nil nodes (Benjamin Fleischer, #137) * Only use FakeFS on MRI. Avoid intermittent failures on JRuby or Rubinius (Benjamin Fleischer, #135) * Hotspots no longer serialize actual classes to YAML. (Benjamin Fleischer, #128) * Misc * Extract SexpNode class from LineNumbers to handle Sexp Processing (Benjamin Fleischer, #137) * Separate out Hotspot ranked problem location and misc code improvements (Benjamin Fleischer, #128) * Identify directories with code to analyze by checking if they exist. (No longer use :rails? as a proxy for checking if we should run on 'app'). (George Erickson, #129) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 3 08:10:06 UTC 2013 - - updated to version 4.4.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 26 05:05:52 UTC 2013 - - updated to version 4.4.0 * Features * Metrics now configure themselves in a subclass of MetricFu::Metric ( Benjamin Fleischer / Robin Curry #91, #111) * Metrics can be configured individually via Metric.configuration.configure_metric(:some_metric) or Metric.configuration.configure_metrics {|metric| }. See .metrics file for examples ( Benjamin Fleischer / Robin Curry #91, #111) * Distinguish between an activated metric library and an enabled metric. * An enabled metric will be run. * An activated metric has had its library successfully required. (Benjamin Fleischer #125) * Code Statistics metrics always runs now, relies on the code_metrics gem extracted from Rails. Does not shell out. ( Benjamin Fleischer, #108 ) * Rails Best Practices report now provides a link to the description and solution of the problem (Calveto #117) * Rails Best Practices now runs as a library. It is no longer shelled out. (Calveto #117) * Update flog to ~> 4.1.1, this is needed to use keyword parameters in ruby 2. (George Erickson, #122) * Fixes * Skip reek when no files are found to run against. Otherwise, reek hangs trying to read from STDIN (Benjamin Fleischer, #119, #121) * Reek will now find files on Windows. Remove *nix-specific '/' directory separators from Reek file glob. (Benjamin Fleischer, #119, #121) * Link to correct reek url on report. (Calveto #116) * Hack to accomodate Rails Best Practices dependency Code Analyzer monkey patch of Sexp (Benjamin Fleischer #123, #124) * Misc * Moved environmental concerns into an Environment module ( Benjamin Fleischer / Robin Curry #91, #111) * Exposed RubyParser patch ( Benjamin Fleischer / Robin Curry #91, #111) * Separated out io / filesystem /templating concerns into their own classes or modules. Thus, we removed all the metaprogrammatically defined methods and instance variables.( Benjamin Fleischer / Robin Curry #91, #111, #112, #115) * Generator subclasses can now be found by metric name. MetricFu::Generator.get_generator(:flog) (Benjamin Fleischer, #126) * Breaking change related to the above: removed configuration methods / MetricFu module methods: add_graph, add_metric, configure_graph, configure_metric, configure_graph_engine, graph_engine, metrics, formatters, graphs, graph_engines, rails?, code_dirs, base_directory, scratch_directory, output_directory, data_directory, file_globs_to_ignore, metric_fu_root_directory, template_directory, template_class, link_prefix, darwin_txmt_protocol_no_thanks, syntax_highlighting ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 6 17:45:16 UTC 2013 - - updated to version 4.3.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 30 18:46:50 UTC 2013 - - updated to version 4.3.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 9 11:56:34 UTC 2011 - - Update to version 2.1.1: * Making syntax highlighting optional so Ruby 1.9.2 users don't get "invalid byte sequence in UTF-8" errors. - Changes from version 2.1.0: * Flog gemspec version was >= 2.2.0, which was too early and didn't work. Changed to >= 2.3.0 * RCov generator now uses a regex with begin and end line anchor to avoid splitting on comments with equal signs in source files * RCov generator now always strips the 3 leading characters from the lines when reconstruction source files so that heredocs and block comments parse successfully * Dan Mayer ported some specs for the Hotspots code into MetricFu from Caliper's code. * Stefan Huber fixed some problems with churn pretending not to support Svn. * Kakutani Shintaro added the ability to opt out of opening files with TextMate (config.darwin_txmt_protocol_no_thanks = true). * Joel Nimety and Andrew Selder fixed a problem where Saikuro was parsing a dir twice. * Dan Sinclair added a verbose mode (config.verbose = true). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 22 17:27:07 UTC 2010 - - update to version 1.4.0 - Added support for rails_best_practices gem - Richard Huang - Added rails stats graphing -- Josh Cronemeyer - Parameterize the filetypes for flay. By default flay supports haml as well as rb and has a plugin ability for other filetypes. - bfabry - Support for Flog 2.4.0 line numbers - Dan Mayer - Saikuro multi input directory patch - Spencer Dillard and Dan Mayer - Can now parse rcov analysis file coming from multiple sources with an rcov :external option in the config. - Tarsoly András - Fixed open file handles problem in the Saikuro analyzer - aselder, erebor - Fix some problems with the google charts - Chris Griego - Stop showing the googlecharts warning if you are not using google charts. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 11 10:00:01 UTC 2010 - - use rubygems_requires macro ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 1 13:26:17 UTC 2010 - - created package
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