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File papirus-folders.changes of Package papirus-folders
------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 23 11:20:58 UTC 2024 - Andrea Manzini <> - update to 1.13.1: * Fixed a potential issue with the color auto-detect feature ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 15 13:00:55 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <> - update to 1.12.1: * Added Adwaita color ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 1 07:24:20 UTC 2022 - andy great <> - Update to version 1.12.0. * Added adwaita color ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 31 23:22:54 UTC 2022 - andy great <> - Update to version 1.11.0. * Added DISABLE_UPDATE_ICON_CACHE environment variable to disable updating the icon caches * Updated papirus-folders -l|--list command to make it parsable when executing in pipe and subshell * Replaced static list of colors to dynamic list in shell completions - Update to version 1.10.0 * Added darkcyan folder color that suitable to Pop!_OS GTK theme ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 26 21:09:51 UTC 2021 - andy great <> - Update to version 1.9.0. * Added carmine folder color ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 1 18:44:03 UTC 2020 - andy great <> - Update to version 1.8.0. * Added palebrown folder color that suitable to Adwaita GTK theme * Added breeze folder color that suitable to KDE Breeze theme * Added paleorange folder color that suitable to the default elementary OS theme * Update bash and zsh completion scripts * Drop KDE4 support - Updates since 0.0.3. * Added yaru folder color that suitable to Ubuntu Yaru theme * Update bash and zsh completion scripts * Prevent changing user's icons when running with sudo * -t|--theme option now can accept a path to an icon theme as a value * Added -o|--once option to skip saving the config file when changing color * Write messages to stdout instead of stderr * Changed exit code when parser fails * Added nordic folder color that suitable to Nordic GTK theme * Added deeporange folder color that suitable to Yaru GTK theme * Added indigo and white colors to completion scripts * Added white folder colors PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-theme#1641 * Added indigo folder colors PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-theme#1632 * Added pink and purple folder colors to papirus-icon-theme * Improved the message of usage * Removed LOGNAME support * Reduced requirements to bash ≥ 4.0 and busybox utilities * Replaced find command to for-loop statement * Added --colour as a hidden alias for --color * Revert to default color works for unknown icon themes * Changed several error messages to make it more user-friendly * BSD and Linux versions of papirus-folders were merged into one * Fixed bug with invalid symlinks that appears when changing color to blue * Fixed find: ‘...’: No such file or directory crash * Fixed restore saved color when $HOME is unset * Fixed zsh completion for a case when icons_dir is a symlink * Added XDG Base Directory support * Improved bash/zsh completion scripts * Added bluegrey folder color to match Adapta-BlueGrey(-Nokto) theme from adapta-gtk-theme-colorpack PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-theme#1177 * Fixed paths to install the completion scripts * Added zsh and bash completions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 9 2018 - Fixed version number ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 6 2018 - Fixed issues in first commit * modified spec file * created changes file * patched upstream script to avoid following rpmlint warning: * papirus-folders.noarch: E: env-script-interpreter * (Badness: 9) /usr/bin/papirus-folders /usr/bin/env bash ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 7 2018 - Initial commit
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