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File nbase.spec of Package nbase
# # spec file for package nbase # # Copyright (c) 2019 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # %define disable() %{expand:%%global disabled_%{1} 1} %define do_not_build() export NOSUBDIR='%*' %define enabled() %{expand:%%{?disabled_%{1}:0}%%{!?disabled_%{1}:1}} %define disabled() %{expand:%%{?disabled_%{1}:1}%%{!?disabled_%{1}:0}} Name: nbase Version: Release: 0 Summary: NetBSD userlevel portable to other UNIX-like systems License: BSD-2-Clause AND BSD-3-Clause AND BSD-4-Clause Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities URL: Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRequires: bison BuildRequires: flex BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: libbz2-devel BuildRequires: libbsd-devel BuildRequires: ncurses-devel BuildRequires: libdb-4_8-devel BuildRequires: mk-configure >= 0.37.0 BuildRequires: mk-configure-rpm-macros BuildRequires: zlib-devel %disable chgrp %disable chown %disable cleantags %disable domainname %disable fgen %disable fpr %disable fsplit %disable what %define export_nosubdir %{do_not_build chgrp chown cleantags domainname fgen fpr fsplit what} %description nbase is a collection of NetBSD tools portable to Linux, macOS and other UNIX-like systems. %prep %setup -q %package dirs Summary: Directories for nbase-* packages Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities %description dirs Directories for nbase-* packages. %if %{enabled apply} %package apply Summary: NetBSD version of apply(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description apply NetBSD version of apply(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled asa} %package asa Summary: NetBSD version of asa(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description asa NetBSD version of asa(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled awk} %package awk Summary: NetBSD version of awk(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description awk NetBSD version of awk(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled banner} %package banner Summary: NetBSD version of banner(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description banner NetBSD version of banner(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled basename} %package basename Summary: NetBSD version of basename(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description basename NetBSD version of basename(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled cat} %package cat Summary: NetBSD version of cat(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description cat NetBSD version of cat(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled chgrp} %package chgrp Summary: NetBSD version of chgrp(8) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description chgrp NetBSD version of chgrp(8) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled chmod} %package chmod Summary: NetBSD version of chmod(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description chmod NetBSD version of chmod(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled chown} %package chown Summary: NetBSD version of chown(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description chown NetBSD version of chown(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled cksum} %package cksum Summary: NetBSD version of cksum(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description cksum NetBSD version of cksum(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled cleantags} %package cleantags Summary: NetBSD version of cleantags(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description cleantags NetBSD version of cleantags(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled cmp} %package cmp Summary: NetBSD version of cmp(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description cmp NetBSD version of cmp(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled col} %package col Summary: NetBSD version of col(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description col NetBSD version of col(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled colcrt} %package colcrt Summary: NetBSD version of colcrt(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description colcrt NetBSD version of colcrt(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled rm} %package colrm Summary: NetBSD version of colrm(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description colrm NetBSD version of colrm(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled column} %package column Summary: NetBSD version of column(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description column NetBSD version of column(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled comm} %package comm Summary: NetBSD version of comm(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description comm NetBSD version of comm(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled compress} %package compress Summary: NetBSD version of compress(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description compress NetBSD version of compress(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled cp} %package cp Summary: NetBSD version of cp(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description cp NetBSD version of cp(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled csplit} %package csplit Summary: NetBSD version of csplit(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description csplit NetBSD version of csplit(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled ctags} %package ctags Summary: NetBSD version of ctags(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description ctags NetBSD version of ctags(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled cut} %package cut Summary: NetBSD version of cut(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description cut NetBSD version of cut(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled deroff} %package deroff Summary: NetBSD version of deroff(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description deroff NetBSD version of deroff(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled dd} %package dd Summary: NetBSD version of dd(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description dd NetBSD version of dd(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled dirname} %package dirname Summary: NetBSD version of dirname(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description dirname NetBSD version of dirname(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled domainname} %package domainname Summary: NetBSD version of domainname(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description domainname NetBSD version of domainname(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled du} %package du Summary: NetBSD version of du(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description du NetBSD version of du(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled echo} %package echo Summary: NetBSD version of echo(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description echo NetBSD version of echo(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled ed} %package ed Summary: NetBSD version of ed(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description ed NetBSD version of ed(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled env} %package env Summary: NetBSD version of env(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description env NetBSD version of env(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled error} %package error Summary: NetBSD version of error(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description error NetBSD version of error(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled expand} %package expand Summary: NetBSD version of expand(1) and unexpand(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description expand NetBSD version of expand(1) and unexpand(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled expr} %package expr Summary: NetBSD version of expr(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description expr NetBSD version of expr(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled false} %package false Summary: NetBSD version of false(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description false NetBSD version of false(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled fgen} %package fgen Summary: NetBSD version of fgen(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description fgen NetBSD version of fgen(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled find} %package find Summary: NetBSD version of find(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description find NetBSD version of find(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled flock} %package flock Summary: NetBSD version of flock(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description flock NetBSD version of flock(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled fmt} %package fmt Summary: NetBSD version of fmt(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description fmt NetBSD version of fmt(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled fold} %package fold Summary: NetBSD version of fold(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description fold NetBSD version of fold(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled fpr} %package fpr Summary: NetBSD version of fpr(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description fpr NetBSD version of fpr(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled from} %package from Summary: NetBSD version of from(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description from NetBSD version of from(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled fsplit} %package fsplit Summary: NetBSD version of fsplit(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description fsplit NetBSD version of fsplit(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled getconf} %package getconf Summary: NetBSD version of getconf(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description getconf NetBSD version of getconf(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled getopt} %package getopt Summary: NetBSD version of getopt(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description getopt NetBSD version of getopt(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled grep} %package grep Summary: NetBSD version of grep(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description grep NetBSD version of grep(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled head} %package head Summary: NetBSD version of head(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description head NetBSD version of head(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled hexdump} %package hexdump Summary: NetBSD version of hexdump(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description hexdump NetBSD version of hexdump(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled hostname} %package hostname Summary: NetBSD version of hostname(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description hostname NetBSD version of hostname(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled id} %package id Summary: NetBSD version of id(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description id NetBSD version of id(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled join} %package join Summary: NetBSD version of join(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description join NetBSD version of join(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled jot} %package jot Summary: NetBSD version of jot(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description jot NetBSD version of jot(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled lam} %package lam Summary: NetBSD version of lam(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description lam NetBSD version of lam(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled leave} %package leave Summary: NetBSD version of leave(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description leave NetBSD version of leave(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled ln} %package ln Summary: NetBSD version of ln(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description ln NetBSD version of ln(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled logname} %package logname Summary: NetBSD version of logname(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description logname NetBSD version of logname(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled look} %package look Summary: NetBSD version of look(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description look NetBSD version of look(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled lorder} %package lorder Summary: NetBSD version of lorder(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description lorder NetBSD version of lorder(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled ls} %package ls Summary: NetBSD version of ls(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description ls NetBSD version of ls(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled m4} %package m4 Summary: NetBSD version of m4(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description m4 NetBSD version of m4(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled machine} %package machine Summary: NetBSD version of machine(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description machine NetBSD version of machine(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled menuc} %package menuc Summary: NetBSD version of menuc(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description menuc NetBSD version of menuc(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled mkdep} %package mkdep Summary: NetBSD version of mkdep(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description mkdep NetBSD version of mkdep(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled mkdir} %package mkdir Summary: NetBSD version of mkdir(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description mkdir NetBSD version of mkdir(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled mkfifo} %package mkfifo Summary: NetBSD version of mkfifo(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description mkfifo NetBSD version of mkfifo(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled mkstr} %package mkstr Summary: NetBSD version of mkstr(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description mkstr NetBSD version of mkstr(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled mktemp} %package mktemp Summary: NetBSD version of mktemp(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description mktemp NetBSD version of mktemp(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled msgc} %package msgc Summary: NetBSD version of msgc(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description msgc NetBSD version of msgc(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled mtree} %package mtree Summary: NetBSD version of mtree(8) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description mtree NetBSD version of mtree(8) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled mv} %package mv Summary: NetBSD version of mv(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description mv NetBSD version of mv(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled nice} %package nice Summary: NetBSD version of nice(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description nice NetBSD version of nice(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled nl} %package nl Summary: NetBSD version of nl(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description nl NetBSD version of nl(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled nohup} %package nohup Summary: NetBSD version of nohup(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description nohup NetBSD version of nohup(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled paste} %package paste Summary: NetBSD version of paste(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description paste NetBSD version of paste(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled patch} %package patch Summary: NetBSD version of patch(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description patch NetBSD version of patch(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled pax} %package pax Summary: NetBSD version of pax(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description pax NetBSD version of pax(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled pr} %package pr Summary: NetBSD version of pr(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description pr NetBSD version of pr(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled printenv} %package printenv Summary: NetBSD version of printenv(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description printenv NetBSD version of printenv(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled printf} %package printf Summary: NetBSD version of printf(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description printf NetBSD version of printf(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled pwd} %package pwd Summary: NetBSD version of pwd(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description pwd NetBSD version of pwd(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled qsubst} %package qsubst Summary: NetBSD version of qsubst(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description qsubst NetBSD version of qsubst(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled renice} %package renice Summary: NetBSD version of renice(8) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description renice NetBSD version of renice(8) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled rev} %package rev Summary: NetBSD version of rev(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description rev NetBSD version of rev(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled rm} %package rm Summary: NetBSD version of rm(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description rm NetBSD version of rm(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled rmdir} %package rmdir Summary: NetBSD version of rmdir(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description rmdir NetBSD version of rmdir(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled rs} %package rs Summary: NetBSD version of rs(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description rs NetBSD version of rs(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled script} %package script Summary: NetBSD version of script(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description script NetBSD version of script(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled sdiff} %package sdiff Summary: NetBSD version of sdiff(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description sdiff NetBSD version of sdiff(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled sed} %package sed Summary: NetBSD version of sed(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description sed NetBSD version of sed(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled seq} %package seq Summary: NetBSD version of seq(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description seq NetBSD version of seq(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled shar} %package shar Summary: NetBSD version of shar(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description shar NetBSD version of shar(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled shlock} %package shlock Summary: NetBSD version of shlock(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description shlock NetBSD version of shlock(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled shuffle} %package shuffle Summary: NetBSD version of shuffle(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description shuffle NetBSD version of shuffle(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled sleep} %package sleep Summary: NetBSD version of sleep(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description sleep NetBSD version of sleep(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled soelim} %package soelim Summary: NetBSD version of soelim(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description soelim NetBSD version of soelim(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled sort} %package sort Summary: NetBSD version of sort(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description sort NetBSD version of sort(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled split} %package split Summary: NetBSD version of split(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description split NetBSD version of split(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled sync} %package sync Summary: NetBSD version of sync(8) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description sync NetBSD version of sync(8) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled tabs} %package tabs Summary: NetBSD version of tabs(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description tabs NetBSD version of tabs(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled tail} %package tail Summary: NetBSD version of tail(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description tail NetBSD version of tail(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled tee} %package tee Summary: NetBSD version of tee(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description tee NetBSD version of tee(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled test} %package test Summary: NetBSD version of test(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description test NetBSD version of test(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled timeout} %package timeout Summary: NetBSD version of timeout(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description timeout NetBSD version of timeout(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled tr} %package tr Summary: NetBSD version of tr(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description tr NetBSD version of tr(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled true} %package true Summary: NetBSD version of true(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description true NetBSD version of true(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled tsort} %package tsort Summary: NetBSD version of tsort(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description tsort NetBSD version of tsort(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled tty} %package tty Summary: NetBSD version of tty(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description tty NetBSD version of tty(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled ul} %package ul Summary: NetBSD version of ul(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description ul NetBSD version of ul(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled unifdef} %package unifdef Summary: NetBSD version of unifdef(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description unifdef NetBSD version of unifdef(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled uniq} %package uniq Summary: NetBSD version of uniq(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description uniq NetBSD version of uniq(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled unvis} %package unvis Summary: NetBSD version of unvis(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description unvis NetBSD version of unvis(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled uuencode} %package uuencode Summary: NetBSD version of uuencode(1) and uudecode(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description uuencode NetBSD version of uuencode(1) and uudecode(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled vis} %package vis Summary: NetBSD version of vis(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description vis NetBSD version of vis(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled wc} %package wc Summary: NetBSD version of wc(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description wc NetBSD version of wc(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled what} %package what Summary: NetBSD version of what(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description what NetBSD version of what(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled whois} %package whois Summary: NetBSD version of whois(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description whois NetBSD version of whois(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled xargs} %package xargs Summary: NetBSD version of xargs(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description xargs NetBSD version of xargs(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled install} %package install Summary: NetBSD version of install(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description install NetBSD version of install(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled xstr} %package xstr Summary: NetBSD version of xstr(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description xstr NetBSD version of xstr(1) ported to Linux. %endif %if %{enabled yes} %package yes Summary: NetBSD version of yes(1) ported to Linux Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Requires: %{name}-dirs %description yes NetBSD version of yes(1) ported to Linux. %endif %define 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