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File python-bandit.changes of Package python-bandit
------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 12 17:04:57 UTC 2024 - Matej Cepl <> - Add missing BRs and establish Requires according to pyproject.toml. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 8 09:21:01 UTC 2024 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Update to 1.7.10 * Bump docker/build-push-action from 5.4.0 to 6.0.0 * Suggested small refactors in assignments * Performance improvement in blacklist function * Add test for usage of FTP_TLS * New check: B113: TrojanSource - Bidirectional control characters * Bump docker/build-push-action from 6.0.0 to 6.1.0 * feat(plugins): add support for httpx in B113 * Nit: remove unused variable * Add recent releases to version choice in bug report * Bump docker/build-push-action from 6.1.0 to 6.2.0 * Bump docker/build-push-action from 6.2.0 to 6.3.0 * Bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 * Bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0 * Bump docker/login-action from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0 * Bump docker/build-push-action from 6.3.0 to 6.5.0 * Bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 3.5.0 to 3.6.1 * Bump docker/build-push-action from 6.5.0 to 6.6.1 * Bump sigstore/cosign-installer from 3.5.0 to 3.6.0 * Bump docker/build-push-action from 6.6.1 to 6.7.0 * Use consistent file naming of docs * Pytorch Load / Save Plugin - from version 1.7.9 * Bump docker/build-push-action from 5.1.0 to 5.2.0 * [] pre-commit autoupdate * New logo for Bandit based on raccoon * Start testing on Python 3.13 * Bump docker/build-push-action from 5.2.0 to 5.3.0 * Bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 * Bump docker/login-action from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 * [] pre-commit autoupdate * [] pre-commit autoupdate * Bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0 * [] pre-commit autoupdate * Bump sigstore/cosign-installer from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0 * [] pre-commit autoupdate * Updates banner logo so it renders well in dark mode * [] pre-commit autoupdate * Add a sponsor section to README * Ensure sarif extra is included as part of doc build * Bump docker/login-action from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 * [] pre-commit autoupdate * [] pre-commit autoupdate * Guard against empty call argument list * Bump docker/build-push-action from 5.3.0 to 5.4.0 * Support configfile in .bandit file - from version 1.7.8 * Incorrect tag naming in readme * Utilize PyPI's trusted publishing * Bump sigstore/cosign-installer from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 * Add 1.7.7 to versions of bug template * Use datetime to avoid updating copyright year * filter data is safe for tarfile extractall * Bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 * [B605] Add functions that are vulnerable to shell injection * Add a SARIF output formatter - from version 1.7.7 * Add the new release to bandit versions of bug template * Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 * Handle variant in how policy is passed in paramiko * Flag str.replace as possible sql injection * defusedxml: Show correct module name * Add tidelift to the sponsor funding list * Create a security policy * Fix up issues found running Bandit on itself * Add random.randbytes to blacklist calls * Prepend ./ for files specified as CLI args * Rework GitPython dependency to be an extra for bandit-baseline * Bump actions/dependency-review-action from 3 to 4 * Introduce Official Bandit Images * Remove markdown formatting in reStructuredText formatted README * Downsize the org:repo name by - Refresh remove-non-test-deps.patch - Use Python 3.11 on SLE-15 by default - Switch build system from setuptools to pyproject.toml * Add python-pip and python-wheel to BuildRequires * Replace %python_build with %pyproject_wheel * Replace %python_install with %pyproject_install ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Dec 14 09:15:32 UTC 2023 - Petr Gajdos <> - update to 1.7.6: * Fixes for sphinx build * refactor: remove \`importlib-metadata\` fallback * Fix crash on pyproject.toml without bandit config * Add official support of Python 3.12 * Use mirror repository for black pre-commit hook * fix(plugins/B507): also detect class instances * Fix for ReadtheDocs build * Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 * Fix dependabot to update github actions * Support ignoring blacklists by name * Update blacklist call documentation * Avoid gitpyhon CVE-2022-24439 * django\_rawsql\_used: support keyword arguments used in \`RawSQL\` * Simplify \`wrap\_file\_object\` * Update documentation * Remove support for Python 3.7 due to end-of-life * Make pre-commit run Bandit hook using a single process * Switch from open collective to PSF * Replace pbr in favor of importlib * Add a copy button to all code snippets in docs * Add \`random.Random\` to B311 checks * Update pre-commit hooks * Update versions of used GitHub Actions * Skip unnecessary \`pip install\` commands in the pythonpackage.yml workflow * Switch to tox 4 * Adds check for crypt module usage as weak hash * language and linting updates * xmlrpclib replaced with xmlrpc in Python3 * Improper detection of non-requests module * Remove checks for Python2 urllib * Render Python 3.10 in drop down correctly * Update bug report to include version 1.7.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 24 20:22:50 UTC 2023 - Dirk Müller <> - update to 1.7.5: * Added a bit more \`project\_urls\` * Check for github action updates monthly * Improve handling nosec for multi-line strings * Improve detecting SQL injections in f-strings * Correct build status badge in README * Fix breaking build due to new tox * DOC: Add explanation on how to use pre-commit with config file * Add official Python 3.11 support * remove py2 exec example in docs * Typo fix * [docs] Mention \`exclude\_dirs\` option available in TOML and YAML * Fix AttributeError on detect of tuple assign condition * Fix json and yaml formatters to respect num lines * Fixup some invalid pickle testing * Pass correct number of arguments to match the \`%s\` placeholders. * Remove python 2 reference in docs * Fix filename of B202 in docs * weak\_cryptographic\_key assumes positional arg * Check for deprecated TLS 1.1 * Adding tarfile.extractall() plugin with examples * Fix issue #453 jinja2 template select\_autoescape when using\_autoescape * Fix a false positive condition yaml\_load * Add case for global exec * Docs for request without timeout has dead link * Blacklist pandas read\_pickle and add functional test for it * Enhancement Proposal: Plugin "assert\_used" config-skip snippet * Add end\_col\_offset if available * Fix reading the number argument from config file * add jsonpickle deserialization blacklist * Add some missing curve types * Remove invalid checking on hashlib * Avoid redundant message if debug on * Update version of dependency-review-action * Add releases link in "Version control integration" * Add another bad example of yaml load * Specify semver range for Python 3.11 * Make small fixes in docs * Test plugin listing incorrectly pointing b612 to plugin ref of b1022 * Close the <b> tag in HTML formatter * Add dependency review action * Update action versions in Actions workflows (#890) * Add Discord link to README * Add myself to sponsor list * Test against Python 3.11 * Corrected documentation on configuration * Remove redundant pip line * Removal of ghugo * Adding logging.config.listen() plugin with examples * Add a Discord link to the docs * Add request for feedback via 👍 * Remove redundant word Bandit in titles of sections * Add license and contributing links to docs * Fix for build breaks in format job * add check for "requests" calls without timeout * Fix up B109 and B111 removed plugins docs * Replace \`toml\` with \`tomli\` * Make use of rich for the progress bar * Add doc for hashlib plugin * Add the httpx module check for verify * Indiciate hash type in message * Remove blacklist call check for os.tempnam * Removal of blacklist call B309 httpsconnection * Add classifier to indicate Py3 only * Fix line range using Python 3.8 end\_lineno * Group location line with code output * Use a constant for weak hashes * Bad link to screen shot * Add an example screen shot of Bandit to README ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 27 11:16:40 UTC 2022 - Daniel Garcia <> - Remove not needed python-six dependency - Use autosetup instead of setup + patch - More specific sitelib package in %files ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 16 06:50:41 UTC 2022 - - version update to 1.7.4 1.7.4 ----- * Add 1.7.4 in issue template (#846) * core/config: Fix ConfigError missing argument if toml is missing (#845) * Add version 1.7.3 to dropdown (#833) * Fix traceback in hashlib\_insecure\_functions (#834) 1.7.3 ----- * Build of artifact fails if raw directive used (#831) * Center the bandit logo in readme (#823) * Target Python >= 3.7 in pre-commit hooks (#830) * Inaccurate message in hashlib check (#827) * Improve performance of linerange (#629) * Use CWE link in HTML formatter (#825) * Use versioned links to docs (#819) * Fix root doc for readthedocs (#818) * Fix up some warnings and errors in docs (#817) * Test on operating systems we can support (#804) * Cannot seek stdin on pipe (#496) * Respect color environment variables if set (#813) * Show usage with no arguments (#814) * Cleanup the README * Fix references to the default branch name (#810) * Better hashlib check for Python 3.9 (#805) * Check for hardcoded passwords in class attributes (#766) * Add new plugin to check use of pyghmi (#803) * Remove redundant Python 3.6 code (#802) * Check value of usedforsecurity for hashlib (#798) * Change up how CWE is formatted (#788) * Suport disabling individual tests * Add functional test of snmp\_security\_check (#791) * Avoid printing metrics as float point numbers (#794) * Fix up warnings in output of tox (#793) * Removal of the CWEMAP dict (#789) * Including CWE information (#613) * Add Getting Started chapter (migrate from README) (#773) * Delete releasenotes directory (more openstack leftovers) (#786) * Update publish-to-pypi.yml (#785) * Use released version of gh-action-pypi-publish (#784) * Delete release-drafter.yml (#781) * Update issue template with latest versions (#783) * Rely on toml conditionally ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 6 10:04:06 UTC 2022 - Dirk Müller <> - update to 1.7.2: * Correctly define extras in \`setup.cfg\` (#755) * Remove leftover openstack code (#778) * Added snmp\_security check plugin for various SNMP checks (#403) * Fix README.rst (#365) * Fixup typo (#769) * Drop end-of-life Python 3.6 (#777) * Drop end-of-life Python 3.5 (#746) * Start using auto-formatters (#754) * Create FUNDING.yml (#774) * test\_help\_arg: remove assert on 'optional arguments' (#752) * Fix broken reported URL link for B107 (#751) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jan 15 16:40:26 UTC 2022 - Dirk Müller <> - update to 1.7.1: * fix reading initial values from .bandit * Always use a Loader in yaml.load * PEP-518 support: configure bandit via pyproject.toml * document that random.choices() isn't secure either * Fix syntax errors in bug report * Update bug\_report.yaml * Fix syntax error in bug report * Use new issue template format * Update README.rst * Mock part of python 3.x * Add license to package installation metadata * #694 Bandit fails when using importlib with named arguments * Add string options for severity and confidence * Add support for Python 3.9 * Create config.yml * Add default labels to issues * Replace http with https URLs * More cleanup of license headers * Updates to address docstring code scan issues, add flake8 configuration * Small syntax and formatting cleanup * More complete removal of Python2 code * Show column offset on all formatters * Add the column offset to the issue model * Clearer message for subprocess module use * Specify language\_version in .pre-commit-hooks.yaml * Specify output\_file encoding as utf-8 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Oct 27 12:05:40 UTC 2021 - - %check: use %pyunittest rpm macro - added sources + _multibuild ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 9 06:13:09 UTC 2021 - Steve Kowalik <> - Update to 1.7.0: * Remove blacklist call to input() (#662) @ericwb * Remove universal support on the wheel (#655) @ericwb * Give some tips on how to resolve B101 in the doc (#616) @xuhdev * Don't show progress information on --quiet (#641) @fniessink * Add skip configuration to assert_used (#633) @wilbertom * Drop Python2 build, test, and install (#615) @ericwb * [FIX] blacklist: fix typo in import_ftplib (#601) @Yenthe666 * Resolve 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'id'Traceback in django_mark_safe (#598) @ehooo * Fix typo for activating venv (#590) @bavedarnow * Bump pyyaml (#588) @dosisod * Fix colorama not being disabled after being used (#586) @adambenali * Cleanup some typos in recent contributor guide (#585) @ericwb * [DOC] Support python3 venv creation (#583) @look4regev * Add sha1 to the list of insecure hashes (#561) @ericwb * Fix docs for B610,B611,B703 (#555) @amacfie * Add a section explaining "nosec" (#554) @exhuma * Add official support of Python 3.8 (#547) @ericwb * Ignore common directories by default (#544) @ericwb * Add shelve to the pickle blacklists (#542) @auscompgeek * Remove obsolete "sudo" keyword. (#538) @jugmac00 * Update test requirements to latest versions (#535) @ericwb * Fix readme file on Extending Bandit on list things (#534) @Aurel10 * fix the documentation file README.rst (#533) @Aurel10 * Cleanup comments after #510 (#532) @florczakraf * Use SPDX license identifier instead of bulky headers (#530) @ericwb * fix B603 docstring (#524) @graingert * Add type checking to name node of hashlib_new (#516) @teeann * --exit-zero option (#510) @maciejstromich * Fix 3.8 errors (#509) @tylerwince * Add several ini options for .bandit file (#508) @vuolter * get_url returns different urls calling twice (bug #506) (#507) @ehooo * Replace setattr (#493) @tylerwince - Refresh remove-non-test-deps.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 13 10:21:09 UTC 2021 - Dirk Müller <> - cli tool, don't build with multiple python versions ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 4 16:15:56 UTC 2020 - Dirk Mueller <> - drop oslosphinx dependency ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 14 15:05:01 UTC 2019 - Tomáš Chvátal <> - Skip out python2 build as the dependencies are unresolvable ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 24 10:13:14 UTC 2019 - - version update to 1.6.2 * add test for regression and fix directory exclusion without wildcards (#489) * add namespaces for parent attributes (#492) * Performance fix (#502) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 16 17:29:13 UTC 2019 - Bryan Stephenson <> - Update to version 1.6.0 * Add namespaces for parent attributes ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 8 02:46:11 UTC 2019 - John Vandenberg <> - Add missing dependency on stestr >= 1.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 11 08:10:09 UTC 2019 - John Vandenberg <> - Add remove-non-test-deps.patch to remove build dependencies not needed to build, including hacking which requires an unavailable version of flake8 - Activate tests - Use %license - Remove unnecessary devel build dependency - Update to v1.5.1 * Fixed crash on dynamic import traversal * New plugin to check for ignoring host keys * Adding test case for traversal crash - from 1.5.0 * Add Python 3.7 support * Add experimental Python 3.8-dev to test with * Remove the unused integration tests (#285) @ericwb * Show support for Python 3.6 (#288) @ericwb * Remove integration test playbooks (#290) @ericwb * Django sql injection (#292) @ehooo * Add detection for Django XSS (#295) @ehooo * Fast fix for yaml import (#303) @ehooo * Add missing B413 import_pycrypto in README (#308) @ericwb * Add PyCryptodome to import blacklists (#307) @warthog9 * Django sql injection (#292) @ehooo * Add detection for Django XSS (#295) @ehooo * Add missing documentation link for B703 (#314) @ericwb * Improve shell (#298) @ehooo * Remove openstack specific utils.exec checks (#328) @ericwb * add os.tempnam() / os.tmpnam() to blacklist (#330) @chair6 * Add to B602 (#334) @ericwb * Repair some broken see also links in the doc (#336) @ericwb * Use html.escape() instead of cgi.escape() (#339) @ericwb * Re-enable functional tests as part of CI (#348) @ericwb * Add more_info URL to XML output (#354) @stannum-l * Report dill usage (#347) @calve * Add emojis to issue types (#358) @ericwb * Add more_info URL to text output (#359) @stannum-l * Add more_info URL to screen formatter (#360) @stannum-l * Add support to run bandit as python -m bandit (#363) @rtfpessoa * Add more_info URL to csv formatter (#361) @stannum-l * Add external documentation references (#368) @evqna * Change ver 1.4.1 references to 1.5.0 (#370) @ericwb ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 16 17:44:23 UTC 2017 - - Initial version for v1.4.0
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