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File fat-gundel.c of Package fat-gundel
/* * fat-gundel.c - UNDELete Graphics from a FAT filesystem. * The name was inspired by the german brand 'gundel-putz': * * (C) 2006,2012, distribute under GPL-2.0 or ask. * * 2006-12-07, jw, V0.1 -- reads a fat superblock. * searches jpeg headers. * 2012-03-21, jw, V0.3 -- survive bad superblocks. * Using ENV variables to configure. * * Wow. A medium that was emtpy before written has all the blocks in sequence * So we just jump from jpeg magic to jpeg magic, and dump what is in between * as an image. That was easy. * * See also * - it has a larger set of explicit jpeg start markers. * - it ignores sector boundaries. * - it detects end markers "\xff\xd9" - may yield truncated images. * See also git clone * - it recognises many file types, and does sanity checks. * - PhotoRec is a signature based file recovery utility. It handles more than * 200 file formats including JPG, MSOffice, OpenOffice documents. * * * TODO: * - add support for gif, tiff, and other graphics formats. * - add support for fragmented media: play puzzle with a * jpeg decoder, and output what has no errors. * * GIF support details: * start with GIF89a or GIF87a, * next 16bits are width, lsb-first, next 16bits are height. * a follows \x2c somewhere, end in \x00\x3b * - should do some sanity checks with width*height to avoid truncated images. * */ #define VERSION "0.3" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <string.h> // strcmp() #if 0 #define LIMIT 10 // for faster debugging, stop after a few images. #endif static struct bootsector { int sector_size; // 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 int sectors_total; // total number of sectors int cluster_size; // number of sectors per cluster (unused) char oem_name[10]; // 0-terminated. char volume_label[12]; // 0-terminated. fat12/16 only char fs_type[10]; // 0-terminated. fat12/16 only char fat_type; // fat12, fat16, fat32 int serial_num; // fat12, 16 only. } bs; static int read_sector(int fd, unsigned char *buf, int sector_nr) { if (lseek(fd, bs.sector_size * sector_nr, SEEK_SET) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "seek(%d) ", bs.sector_size * sector_nr); perror("failed"); exit(0); } int n; if ((n = read(fd, buf, bs.sector_size)) < bs.sector_size) { fprintf(stderr, "read(%d, %d) = %d", bs.sector_size * sector_nr, bs.sector_size, n); perror("failed"); exit(0); } return n; } static int read_bootsector(int fd, unsigned char *buf) { int i; int pause_secs = 0; bs.sector_size = 512; read_sector(fd, buf, 0); if (buf[510] != 0x55 && buf[511] != 0xaa) { fprintf(stderr, "FAT signature 55aa not found.\n- Make sure you specify the entire device.\n"); if (!getenv("FAT_NO_SIG")) { fprintf(stderr, "- Use env FAT_NO_SIG=1 to ignore this.\n"); exit(0); } else { fprintf(stderr, "... Continuing at your own risk\n"); pause_secs = 5; } } bs.sector_size = buf[11] + (buf[12] << 8); bs.sectors_total = buf[19] + (buf[20] << 8); bs.cluster_size = buf[13]; for (i = 3; i <= 10; i++) bs.oem_name[i-3] = (buf[i] >= ' ' && buf[i] < 128) ? buf[i] : '#'; bs.oem_name[i-3] = '\0'; int ss; char *e; switch (bs.sector_size) { case 512: case 1024: case 2048: case 4096: break; default: fprintf(stderr, "invalid sector size %d\n", bs.sector_size); e = getenv("FAT_SECTOR_SIZE"); ss = atoi(e ? e : "512"); fprintf(stderr, "Defaulting to %d,\n override with e.g. env FAT_SECTOR_SIZE=1024\n", ss); bs.sector_size = ss; } if ((buf[38] == 0x29) || (buf[38] == 0x28)) bs.fat_type = 16; if (buf[66] == 0x29) bs.fat_type = 32; else { e = getenv("FAT_TYPE"); ss = atoi(e ? e : "16"); fprintf(stderr, "Defaulting to fat%d,\n override with e.g. env FAT_TYPE=32\n", ss); bs.fat_type = ss; } if ((bs.sectors_total == 0) && (bs.fat_type > 12)) { bs.sectors_total = buf[32]|(buf[33]<<8)|(buf[34]<<16)|(buf[35]<<24); } if (bs.fat_type == 16) { bs.serial_num = buf[39]|(buf[40]<<8)|(buf[41]<<16)|(buf[42]<<24); for (i = 43; i <= 53; i++) bs.volume_label[i-43] = (buf[i] >= ' ' && buf[i] < 128) ? buf[i] : '#'; bs.volume_label[i-43] = '\0'; for (i = 54; i <= 61; i++) bs.fs_type[i-54] = (buf[i] >= ' ' && buf[i] < 128) ? buf[i] : '#'; bs.fs_type[i-54] = '\0'; } else if (bs.fat_type == 32) { bs.serial_num = buf[67]|(buf[68]<<8)|(buf[69]<<16)|(buf[70]<<24); for (i = 71; i <= 81; i++) bs.volume_label[i-71] = (buf[i] >= ' ' && buf[i] < 128) ? buf[i] : '#'; bs.volume_label[i-71] = '\0'; for (i = 82; i <= 89; i++) bs.fs_type[i-82] = (buf[i] >= ' ' && buf[i] < 128) ? buf[i] : '#'; bs.fs_type[i-82] = '\0'; } if (bs.sectors_total == 0 || bs.sectors_total == 0xffff) { fprintf(stderr, "sectors_total=%d appears invalid. Trying sizeof().\n", bs.sectors_total); bs.sectors_total = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END) / bs.sector_size; fprintf(stderr, " got sectors_total=%d, override with e.g. env FAT_SECTORS_TOTAL=31332352\n", bs.sectors_total); } if ((e = getenv("FAT_SECTORS_TOTAL"))) { ss = atoi(e); bs.sectors_total = ss; } printf("fat%d: sector_size=%d, sectors_total=%d, sectors_per_cluster=%d, oem_name='%s'\n", bs.fat_type, bs.sector_size, bs.sectors_total, bs.cluster_size, bs.oem_name); if (bs.fat_type > 12) printf("volume_label='%s', fs_type='%s', serial_num=0x%08x\n", bs.volume_label, bs.fs_type, bs.serial_num); if (pause_secs) { fprintf(stderr, "Waiting %d sec for your review -- press CTRL-C to abort.\n", pause_secs); sleep(pause_secs); } return bs.fat_type; } static int find_jpeg_header(int fd, unsigned char *buf, int sector) { // 0x20200 unsigned char t[5] = "jpeg"; read_sector(fd, buf, sector); if ((buf[0] != 0xff) || (buf[1] != 0xd8)) return 0; // no jpeg magic if ((buf[2] == 0xff) && ((buf[3] & 0xfe) == 0xe0)) { int i; for (i = 6; i <= 9; i++) { t[i-6] = buf[i]; } } t[4] = '\0'; printf("ffd8 %s at 0x%x sector %d\n", t, bs.sector_size * sector, sector); return ((t[0] << 8)| t[1]); } struct image { int id; // sequence number of the image int type; // 1=jpeg, 2=JFIF, 3=Exif int start; // first sector_number; }; struct image_list { int max; // allocated int cnt; // used struct image *img; // list }; static struct image_list *find_images(int fd, unsigned char *buf) { int i; static struct image_list l; l.max = 128; l.cnt = 0; l.img = malloc(l.max * sizeof(struct image)); for (i = 1; i < bs.sectors_total; i++) { int t; if ((t = find_jpeg_header(fd, buf, i))) { if (l.cnt >= l.max) { l.max *= 2; l.img = realloc(l.img, l.max * sizeof(struct image)); } l.img[l.cnt].id = l.cnt; l.img[l.cnt].start = i; l.img[l.cnt].type = t; l.cnt++; } if ((i & 0x0f) == 0) fprintf(stderr, " %d \t%d \r", bs.sectors_total-i, l.cnt); #ifdef LIMIT if (l.cnt > LIMIT) i = bs.sectors_total; #endif } fprintf(stderr, " \r%d candidates found.\n", l.cnt); return &l; } struct sector { unsigned short img_nr; // image number this sector belongs to. 0xffff if unused. }; // returns an array of struct sectors. static struct sector *sect_list(struct image_list *il) { struct sector *s = malloc(bs.sectors_total * sizeof(struct sector)); int i; for (i = 0; i < bs.sectors_total; i++) { s[i].img_nr = 0xffff; } for (i = 0; i < il->cnt; i++) { s[il->img[i].start].img_nr = i; } return s; } int main(int ac, char **av) { int ifd; unsigned char buf[4096]; int i; char *prefix = "./gundel_"; if (ac != 2 && ac != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "fat-gundel %s Usage:\n\t%s block_dev [outputdir/prefix]\n\n\ outputdir and prefix defaults to '%s'.\n", VERSION, av[0], prefix); } if (ac == 3) prefix = av[2]; if (!av[1] || !strcmp(av[1], "-h") || !strcmp(av[1], "--help")) { fprintf(stderr, "\nThe following environment variables help with a corrupt boot sector:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " FAT_NO_SIG=1 ignore missing FAT signature\n"); fprintf(stderr, " FAT_SECTOR_SIZE=512 overwrite the sector size\n"); fprintf(stderr, " FAT_SECTORS_TOTAL=2000000 specify number of sectors.\n\n"); exit(0); } if ((ifd = open(av[1], O_RDONLY)) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s ", av[1]); perror("for reading"); exit(1); } read_bootsector(ifd, buf); fprintf(stderr, "searching %s ...\n", av[1]); struct image_list *il = find_images(ifd, buf); struct sector *sl = sect_list(il); fprintf(stderr, "writing to %s ...\n", av[2]); for (i = 0; i < il->cnt; i++) { int n = 0; int sect = il->img[i].start; char oname[20]; sprintf(oname, "%s%04d.jpg", prefix, i); int ofd = open(oname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0644); if (ofd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot write %s", oname); perror(""); exit (0); } while ((sl[sect].img_nr == 0xffff) || (sl[sect].img_nr == i)) { read_sector(ifd, buf, sect); if (write(ofd, buf, bs.sector_size) < bs.sector_size) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", oname); perror("write fails"); exit (0); } sect++; n++; } if (close(ofd)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", oname); perror("final write failed"); exit(0); } double kbyte = n*bs.sector_size/1024.0; char ss = 'k'; if (kbyte > 1024.) { ss = 'M'; kbyte = kbyte / 1024.0; } fprintf(stderr, "%s written. (%.1f%c)\n", oname, kbyte, ss); fprintf(stderr, " %d%% done\r", (i+1)*100/il->cnt); #ifdef LIMIT if (i == (LIMIT-1)) break; // last image may get huge, if not all starts were seen. #endif } close(ifd); exit(0); }
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