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File forgejo-runner-4.0.1.obscpio of Package forgejo-runner
07070100000000000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD0000001A000000000000000000000000000000000000002300000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/.dockerignoreDockerfile forgejo-runner 07070100000001000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000000DD000000000000000000000000000000000000002300000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/.editorconfigroot = true [*] indent_style = space indent_size = 2 tab_width = 2 end_of_line = lf charset = utf-8 trim_trailing_whitespace = true insert_final_newline = true [*.{go}] indent_style = tab [Makefile] indent_style = tab 07070100000002000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001E00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/.forgejo07070100000003000081ED00000000000000000000000167246EDD00000135000000000000000000000000000000000000003900000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/.forgejo/cascading-pr-setup-forgejo#!/bin/bash set -ex setup_forgejo=$1 setup_forgejo_pr=$2 runner=$3 runner_pr=$4 url=$(jq --raw-output .head.repo.html_url < $runner_pr) test "$url" != null branch=$(jq --raw-output .head.ref < $runner_pr) test "$branch" != null cd $setup_forgejo ./utils/ $url @$branch date > last-upgrade 07070100000004000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002D00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/.forgejo/issue_template07070100000005000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000E5B000000000000000000000000000000000000003D00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/.forgejo/issue_template/bug-report.yamlname: 🐛 Bug Report description: Found something you weren't expecting? Report it here! title: "bug: " labels: ["Kind/Bug"] body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | **NOTE: If your issue is a security concern, please email <> (GPG: `A4676E79`) instead of opening a public issue.** - type: markdown attributes: value: | - Please speak English, as this is the language all maintainers can speak and write. - Be as clear and concise as possible. A very verbose report is harder to interpret in a concrete way. - Be civil, and follow the [Forgejo Code of Conduct]( - Take a moment to [check that your issue hasn't been reported before]( - type: dropdown id: can-reproduce attributes: label: Can you reproduce the bug on the Forgejo test instance? description: | Please try reproducing your issue at It is running the latest development branch and will confirm the problem is not already fixed. If you can reproduce it, provide a URL in the description. options: - "Yes" - "No" validations: required: true - type: textarea id: description attributes: label: Description description: | Please provide a description of your issue here, with a URL if you were able to reproduce the issue (see above). validations: required: true - type: input id: forgejo-ver attributes: label: Forgejo Version description: Forgejo version (or commit reference) of your instance - type: input id: runner-ver attributes: label: Runner Version description: Runner version (or commit reference) of the runner on your instance - type: textarea id: forgejo-run-info attributes: label: How are you running Forgejo? description: | Please include information on whether you built Forgejo yourself, used one of our downloads, or are using some other package. Please also tell us how you are running Forgejo, e.g. if it is being run from a container, a command-line, systemd etc. If you are using a package or systemd tell us what distribution you are using. validations: required: true - type: textarea id: runner-run-info attributes: label: How are you running the Runner? description: | Please include information on whether you built the Runner yourself, used one of our downloads, or are using some other package. Please also tell us how you are running it, e.g. if it is being run from a container, a command-line, systemd etc. If you are using a package or systemd tell us what distribution you are using. validations: required: true - type: textarea id: logs attributes: label: Logs description: | It's really important to provide pertinent logs. You must give us `DEBUG` level logs. Please read Please copy and paste your logs here, with any sensitive information (e.g. API keys) removed/hidden. You can wrap your logs in `<details>...</details>` tags so it doesn't take up too much space in the issue. - type: textarea id: workflow attributes: label: Workflow file description: | If the bug occurs in a specific workflow, please provide an example workflow file. If you have linked to a reproduction repository this won't be necessary. 07070100000006000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000004D4000000000000000000000000000000000000004200000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/.forgejo/issue_template/feature-request.yamlname: 💡 Feature Request description: Got an idea for an improvement to the Forgejo Runner? Suggest it here! title: "feat: " labels: ["Kind/Enhancement"] body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | - Please speak English, as this is the language all maintainers can speak and write. - Be as clear and concise as possible. A very verbose request is harder to interpret in a concrete way. - Be civil, and follow the [Forgejo Code of Conduct]( - Please make sure you are using the latest release of the runner and take a moment to [check that your feature hasn't already been suggested]( - type: textarea id: needs-benefits attributes: label: Needs and benefits description: As concisely as possible, describe the benefits your feature request will provide or the problems it will try to solve. validations: required: true - type: textarea id: description attributes: label: Feature Description description: As concisely as possible, describe the feature you would like to see added or the changes you would like to see made to Forgejo. validations: required: true 07070100000007000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000003C0000000000000000000000000000000000000002F00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/.forgejo/labelscompare.pyimport json expectedLabels = { "maintainer": "", "org.opencontainers.image.authors": "Forgejo", "org.opencontainers.image.url": "", "org.opencontainers.image.documentation": "", "org.opencontainers.image.source": "", "org.opencontainers.image.version": "1.2.3", "org.opencontainers.image.vendor": "Forgejo", "org.opencontainers.image.licenses": "MIT", "org.opencontainers.image.title": "Forgejo Runner", "org.opencontainers.image.description": "A runner for Forgejo Actions.", } inspect = None with open("./labels.json", "r") as f: inspect = json.load(f) assert inspect labels = inspect[0]["Config"]["Labels"] for k, v in expectedLabels.items(): assert k in labels, f"'{k}' is missing from labels" assert labels[k] == v, f"expected {v} in key {k}, found {labels[k]}" 07070100000008000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002700000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/.forgejo/testdata07070100000009000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000000EB000000000000000000000000000000000000003000000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/.forgejo/testdata/ipv6.yml--- on: push jobs: ipv6: runs-on: docker container: image: steps: - run: | apt update -qq ; apt --quiet install -qq --yes iputils-ping ping -c 1 -6 ::1 0707010000000A000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002800000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/.forgejo/workflows0707010000000B000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000C30000000000000000000000000000000000000004600000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/.forgejo/workflows/build-release-integration.ymlname: Integration tests for the release process on: push: paths: - go.mod - Dockerfile - .forgejo/workflows/build-release.yml - .forgejo/workflows/build-release-integration.yml pull_request: paths: - go.mod - Dockerfile - .forgejo/workflows/build-release.yml - .forgejo/workflows/build-release-integration.yml jobs: release-simulation: runs-on: self-hosted if: github.repository_owner != 'forgejo-integration' && github.repository_owner != 'forgejo-release' steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - id: forgejo uses: with: user: root password: admin1234 image-version: 1.20 lxc-ip-prefix: 10.0.9 - name: publish run: | set -x version=1.2.3 cat > /etc/docker/daemon.json <<EOF { "insecure-registries" : ["${{ }}"] } EOF systemctl restart docker dir=$(mktemp -d) trap "rm -fr $dir" EXIT url=http://root:admin1234@${{ }} export FORGEJO_RUNNER_LOGS="${{ steps.forgejo.outputs.runner-logs }}" # # Create a new project with the runner and the release workflow only # rsync -a --exclude .git ./ $dir/ rm $(find $dir/.forgejo/workflows/*.yml | grep -v build-release.yml) push $dir $url root runner sha=$( branch_tip $url root/runner main) # # Push a tag to trigger the release workflow and wait for it to complete # api_json --data-raw '{"tag_name": "v'$version'", "target": "'$sha'"}' $url/api/v1/repos/root/runner/tags LOOPS=180 wait_success "$url" root/runner $sha # # uncomment to see the logs even when everything is reported to be working ok # #cat $FORGEJO_RUNNER_LOGS # # Minimal sanity checks. e2e test is for the setup-forgejo action # for arch in amd64 arm64 ; do binary=forgejo-runner-$version-linux-$arch for suffix in '' '.xz' ; do curl --fail -L -sS $url/root/runner/releases/download/v$version/$binary$suffix > $binary$suffix if test "$suffix" = .xz ; then unxz --keep $binary$suffix fi chmod +x $binary ./$binary --version | grep $version curl --fail -L -sS $url/root/runner/releases/download/v$version/$binary$suffix.sha256 > $binary$suffix.sha256 shasum -a 256 --check $binary$suffix.sha256 rm $binary$suffix done done docker pull ${{ }}/root/runner:$version docker inspect ${{}}/root/runner:$version > labels.json python3 .forgejo/ 0707010000000C000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000DE1000000000000000000000000000000000000003A00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/.forgejo/workflows/build-release.yml# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # # # # Build the runner binaries and OCI images # # ROLE: forgejo-integration # DOER: forgejo-ci # TOKEN: <generated from> # name: Build release on: push: tags: 'v*' jobs: release: runs-on: self-hosted # root is used for testing, allow it if: secrets.ROLE == 'forgejo-integration' || github.repository_owner == 'root' steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Increase the verbosity when there are no secrets id: verbose run: | if test -z "${{ secrets.TOKEN }}"; then value=true else value=false fi echo "value=$value" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - name: Sanitize the name of the repository id: repository run: | echo "value=${GITHUB_REPOSITORY##*/}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - name: create test TOKEN id: token if: ${{ secrets.TOKEN == '' }} run: | apt-get -qq install -y jq url="${{ env.GITHUB_SERVER_URL }}" hostport=${url##http*://} hostport=${hostport%%/} doer=root api=http://$doer:admin1234@$hostport/api/v1/users/$doer/tokens curl -sS -X DELETE $api/release token=$(curl -sS -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"name": "release", "scopes": ["all"]}' $api | jq --raw-output .sha1) echo "value=${token}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - name: version from ref_name id: tag-version run: | version=${GITHUB_REF_NAME##*v} echo "value=$version" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - name: release notes id: release-notes run: | anchor=${{ steps.tag-version.outputs.value }} anchor=${anchor//./-} cat >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" <<EOF value<<ENDVAR See$anchor ENDVAR EOF - name: build without TOKEN if: ${{ secrets.TOKEN == '' }} uses: with: forgejo: "${{ env.GITHUB_SERVER_URL }}" owner: "${{ env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER }}" repository: "${{ steps.repository.outputs.value }}" doer: root sha: "${{ github.sha }}" release-version: "${{ steps.tag-version.outputs.value }}" token: ${{ steps.token.outputs.value }} platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64 release-notes: "${{ steps.release-notes.outputs.value }}" binary-name: forgejo-runner binary-path: /bin/forgejo-runner verbose: ${{ steps.verbose.outputs.value }} - name: build with TOKEN if: ${{ secrets.TOKEN != '' }} uses: with: forgejo: "${{ env.GITHUB_SERVER_URL }}" owner: "${{ env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER }}" repository: "${{ steps.repository.outputs.value }}" doer: "${{ secrets.DOER }}" sha: "${{ github.sha }}" release-version: "${{ steps.tag-version.outputs.value }}" token: "${{ secrets.TOKEN }}" platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64 release-notes: "${{ steps.release-notes.outputs.value }}" binary-name: forgejo-runner binary-path: /bin/forgejo-runner verbose: ${{ steps.verbose.outputs.value }} 0707010000000D000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000329000000000000000000000000000000000000004200000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/.forgejo/workflows/cascade-setup-forgejo.yml# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT on: pull_request_target: types: - opened - synchronize - closed jobs: cascade: runs-on: docker if: vars.CASCADE != 'no' steps: - uses: actions/cascading-pr@v1 with: origin-url: ${{ env.GITHUB_SERVER_URL }} origin-repo: forgejo/runner origin-token: ${{ secrets.CASCADING_PR_ORIGIN }} origin-pr: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} destination-url: ${{ env.GITHUB_SERVER_URL }} destination-repo: actions/setup-forgejo destination-fork-repo: cascading-pr/setup-forgejo destination-branch: main destination-token: ${{ secrets.CASCADING_PR_DESTINATION }} close-merge: true update: .forgejo/cascading-pr-setup-forgejo 0707010000000E000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000ABC000000000000000000000000000000000000004300000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/.forgejo/workflows/example-docker-compose.yml# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT on: push: branches: - 'main' pull_request: jobs: example-docker-compose: runs-on: self-hosted steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Install docker run: | apt-get update -qq export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -qq -y ca-certificates curl gnupg install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg echo "deb [arch="$(dpkg --print-architecture)" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] "$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME")" stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null apt-get update -qq apt-get install -qq -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin=2.20.2-1~debian.11~bullseye docker version # # docker compose is prone to non backward compatible changes, pin it # apt-get install -qq -y docker-compose-plugin=2.20.2-1~debian.11~bullseye docker compose version - name: run the example run: | set -x cd examples/docker-compose secret=$(openssl rand -hex 20) sed -i -e "s/{SHARED_SECRET}/$secret/" compose-forgejo-and-runner.yml cli="docker compose --progress quiet -f compose-forgejo-and-runner.yml" # # Launch Forgejo & the runner # $cli up -d for delay in $(seq 60) ; do test -f /srv/runner-data/.runner && break ; sleep 30 ; done test -f /srv/runner-data/.runner # # Run the demo workflow # cli="$cli -f compose-demo-workflow.yml" $cli up -d demo-workflow # # Wait for the demo workflow to complete # success='DEMO WORKFLOW SUCCESS' failure='DEMO WORKFLOW FAILURE' for delay in $(seq 60) ; do $cli logs demo-workflow > /tmp/out grep --quiet "$success" /tmp/out && break grep --quiet "$failure" /tmp/out && break $cli ps --all $cli logs --tail=20 runner-daemon demo-workflow sleep 30 done grep --quiet "$success" /tmp/out $cli logs runner-daemon > /tmp/runner.log grep --quiet 'Start' /tmp/runner.log - name: full docker compose logs if: always() run: | cd examples/docker-compose docker compose -f compose-forgejo-and-runner.yml -f compose-demo-workflow.yml logs 0707010000000F000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000516000000000000000000000000000000000000003C00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/.forgejo/workflows/publish-release.yml# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # # # # Copies & sign a release from to # # ROLE: forgejo-release # FORGEJO: # FROM_OWNER: forgejo-integration # TO_OWNER: forgejo # DOER: release-team # TOKEN: <generated from> # GPG_PRIVATE_KEY: <XYZ> # GPG_PASSPHRASE: <ABC> # name: publish on: push: tags: 'v*' jobs: publish: runs-on: self-hosted if: secrets.DOER != '' && secrets.FORGEJO != '' && secrets.TO_OWNER != '' && secrets.FROM_OWNER != '' && secrets.TOKEN != '' steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: copy & sign uses: with: forgejo: ${{ secrets.FORGEJO }} from-owner: ${{ secrets.FROM_OWNER }} to-owner: ${{ secrets.TO_OWNER }} repo: "runner" ref-name: ${{ github.ref_name }} container-suffixes: " " doer: ${{ secrets.DOER }} token: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }} gpg-private-key: ${{ secrets.GPG_PRIVATE_KEY }} gpg-passphrase: ${{ secrets.GPG_PASSPHRASE }} verbose: ${{ secrets.VERBOSE }} 07070100000010000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000D81000000000000000000000000000000000000003100000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/.forgejo/workflows/test.ymlname: checks on: push: branches: - 'main' pull_request: env: FORGEJO_HOST_PORT: 'forgejo:3000' FORGEJO_ADMIN_USER: 'root' FORGEJO_ADMIN_PASSWORD: 'admin1234' FORGEJO_RUNNER_SECRET: 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' FORGEJO_SCRIPT: | /bin/s6-svscan /etc/s6 & sleep 10 ; su -c "forgejo admin user create --admin --username $FORGEJO_ADMIN_USER --password $FORGEJO_ADMIN_PASSWORD --email" git && su -c "forgejo forgejo-cli actions register --labels docker --name therunner --secret $FORGEJO_RUNNER_SECRET" git && sleep infinity GOPROXY:,direct jobs: build-and-tests: name: build and test if: github.repository_owner != 'forgejo-integration' && github.repository_owner != 'forgejo-experimental' && github.repository_owner != 'forgejo-release' runs-on: docker services: forgejo: image: env: FORGEJO__security__INSTALL_LOCK: "true" FORGEJO__log__LEVEL: "debug" FORGEJO__actions__ENABLED: "true" FORGEJO_ADMIN_USER: ${{ env.FORGEJO_ADMIN_USER }} FORGEJO_ADMIN_PASSWORD: ${{ env.FORGEJO_ADMIN_PASSWORD }} FORGEJO_RUNNER_SECRET: ${{ env.FORGEJO_RUNNER_SECRET }} cmd: - 'bash' - '-c' - ${{ env.FORGEJO_SCRIPT }} steps: - uses: actions/setup-go@v3 with: go-version: '1.21' - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - run: make vet - run: make build - uses: with: name: forgejo-runner path: forgejo-runner - name: check the forgejo server is responding run: | apt-get update -qq apt-get install -y -qq jq curl test $FORGEJO_ADMIN_USER = $(curl -sS http://$FORGEJO_ADMIN_USER:$FORGEJO_ADMIN_PASSWORD@$FORGEJO_HOST_PORT/api/v1/user | jq --raw-output .login) - run: make FORGEJO_URL=http://$FORGEJO_HOST_PORT test runner-exec-tests: needs: [build-and-tests] name: runner exec tests if: github.repository_owner != 'forgejo-integration' && github.repository_owner != 'forgejo-experimental' && github.repository_owner != 'forgejo-release' runs-on: self-hosted steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: with: name: forgejo-runner - name: install docker run: | mkdir /etc/docker cat > /etc/docker/daemon.json <<EOF { "ipv6": true, "experimental": true, "ip6tables": true, "fixed-cidr-v6": "fd05:d0ca:1::/64", "default-address-pools": [ { "base": "", "size": 24 }, { "base": "fd05:d0ca:2::/104", "size": 112 } ] } EOF apt --quiet install --yes -qq - name: forgejo-runner exec --enable-ipv6 run: | set -x chmod +x forgejo-runner ./forgejo-runner exec --enable-ipv6 --workflows .forgejo/testdata/ipv6.yml if ./forgejo-runner exec --workflows .forgejo/testdata/ipv6.yml >& /tmp/out ; then cat /tmp/out echo "IPv6 not enabled, should fail" exit 1 fi 07070100000011000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000013000000000000000000000000000000000000002400000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/.gitattributes* text=auto eol=lf 07070100000012000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000085000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/.gitignore*~ forgejo-runner .env .runner coverage.txt /gitea-vet /config.yaml # MS VSCode .vscode __debug_bin # gorelease binary folder dist 07070100000013000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000F3A000000000000000000000000000000000000002300000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/.golangci.ymllinters: enable: - gosimple - typecheck - govet - errcheck - staticcheck - unused - dupl #- gocyclo # The cyclomatic complexety of a lot of functions is too high, we should refactor those another time. - gofmt - misspell - gocritic - bidichk - ineffassign - revive - gofumpt - depguard - nakedret - unconvert - wastedassign - nolintlint - stylecheck enable-all: false disable-all: true fast: false run: go: 1.18 timeout: 10m skip-dirs: - node_modules - public - web_src linters-settings: stylecheck: checks: ["all", "-ST1005", "-ST1003"] nakedret: max-func-lines: 0 gocritic: disabled-checks: - ifElseChain - singleCaseSwitch # Every time this occurred in the code, there was no other way. revive: ignore-generated-header: false severity: warning confidence: 0.8 errorCode: 1 warningCode: 1 rules: - name: blank-imports - name: context-as-argument - name: context-keys-type - name: dot-imports - name: error-return - name: error-strings - name: error-naming - name: exported - name: if-return - name: increment-decrement - name: var-naming - name: var-declaration - name: package-comments - name: range - name: receiver-naming - name: time-naming - name: unexported-return - name: indent-error-flow - name: errorf - name: duplicated-imports - name: modifies-value-receiver gofumpt: extra-rules: true lang-version: "1.18" depguard: # TODO: use depguard to replace import checks in gitea-vet list-type: denylist # Check the list against standard lib. include-go-root: true packages-with-error-message: - "use gitea's util and replacements" issues: exclude-rules: # Exclude some linters from running on tests files. - path: _test\.go linters: - gocyclo - errcheck - dupl - gosec - unparam - staticcheck - path: models/migrations/v linters: - gocyclo - errcheck - dupl - gosec - linters: - dupl text: "webhook" - linters: - gocritic text: "`ID' should not be capitalized" - path: modules/templates/helper.go linters: - gocritic - linters: - unused text: "swagger" - path: contrib/pr/checkout.go linters: - errcheck - path: models/issue.go linters: - errcheck - path: models/migrations/ linters: - errcheck - path: modules/log/ linters: - errcheck - path: routers/api/v1/repo/issue_subscription.go linters: - dupl - path: routers/repo/view.go linters: - dupl - path: models/migrations/ linters: - unused - linters: - staticcheck text: "argument x is overwritten before first use" - path: modules/httplib/httplib.go linters: - staticcheck # Enabling this would require refactoring the methods and how they are called. - path: models/issue_comment_list.go linters: - dupl - linters: - misspell text: '`Unknwon` is a misspelling of `Unknown`' - path: models/update.go linters: - unused - path: cmd/dump.go linters: - dupl - text: "commentFormatting: put a space between `//` and comment text" linters: - gocritic - text: "exitAfterDefer:" linters: - gocritic - path: modules/graceful/manager_windows.go linters: - staticcheck text: "svc.IsAnInteractiveSession is deprecated: Use IsWindowsService instead." - path: models/user/openid.go linters: - golint 07070100000014000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000590000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/DockerfileFROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM AS xx FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM as build-env # # Transparently cross compile for the target platform # COPY --from=xx / / ARG TARGETPLATFORM RUN apk --no-cache add clang lld RUN xx-apk --no-cache add gcc musl-dev RUN xx-go --wrap # Do not remove `git` here, it is required for getting runner version when executing `make build` RUN apk add --no-cache build-base git COPY . /srv WORKDIR /srv RUN make clean && make build FROM ARG RELEASE_VERSION RUN apk add --no-cache git bash COPY --from=build-env /srv/forgejo-runner /bin/forgejo-runner LABEL maintainer="" \ org.opencontainers.image.authors="Forgejo" \ org.opencontainers.image.url="" \ org.opencontainers.image.documentation="" \ org.opencontainers.image.source="" \ org.opencontainers.image.version="${RELEASE_VERSION}" \ org.opencontainers.image.vendor="Forgejo" \ org.opencontainers.image.licenses="MIT" \ org.opencontainers.image.title="Forgejo Runner" \ org.opencontainers.image.description="A runner for Forgejo Actions." ENV HOME=/data USER 1000:1000 WORKDIR /data VOLUME ["/data"] CMD ["/bin/forgejo-runner"] 07070100000015000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD0000044C000000000000000000000000000000000000001D00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/LICENSECopyright (c) 2023 The Forgejo Authors Copyright (c) 2022 The Gitea Authors Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 07070100000016000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD0000164B000000000000000000000000000000000000001E00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/MakefileDIST := dist EXECUTABLE := forgejo-runner GOFMT ?= gofumpt -l DIST := dist DIST_DIRS := $(DIST)/binaries $(DIST)/release GO ?= go SHASUM ?= shasum -a 256 HAS_GO = $(shell hash $(GO) > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo "GO" || echo "NOGO" ) XGO_PACKAGE ?= XGO_VERSION := go-1.21.x GXZ_PAGAGE ?= LINUX_ARCHS ?= linux/amd64,linux/arm64 DARWIN_ARCHS ?= darwin-12/amd64,darwin-12/arm64 WINDOWS_ARCHS ?= windows/amd64 GO_FMT_FILES := $(shell find . -type f -name "*.go" ! -name "generated.*") GOFILES := $(shell find . -type f -name "*.go" -o -name "go.mod" ! -name "generated.*") DOCKER_IMAGE ?= gitea/act_runner DOCKER_TAG ?= nightly DOCKER_REF := $(DOCKER_IMAGE):$(DOCKER_TAG) DOCKER_ROOTLESS_REF := $(DOCKER_IMAGE):$(DOCKER_TAG)-dind-rootless EXTLDFLAGS = -extldflags "-static" $(null) ifeq ($(HAS_GO), GO) GOPATH ?= $(shell $(GO) env GOPATH) export PATH := $(GOPATH)/bin:$(PATH) CGO_EXTRA_CFLAGS := -DSQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER=32766 CGO_CFLAGS ?= $(shell $(GO) env CGO_CFLAGS) $(CGO_EXTRA_CFLAGS) endif ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT) GOFLAGS := -v -buildmode=exe EXECUTABLE ?= $(EXECUTABLE).exe else ifeq ($(OS), Windows) GOFLAGS := -v -buildmode=exe EXECUTABLE ?= $(EXECUTABLE).exe else GOFLAGS := -v EXECUTABLE ?= $(EXECUTABLE) endif STORED_VERSION_FILE := VERSION ifneq ($(DRONE_TAG),) VERSION ?= $(subst v,,$(DRONE_TAG)) RELASE_VERSION ?= $(VERSION) else ifneq ($(DRONE_BRANCH),) VERSION ?= $(subst release/v,,$(DRONE_BRANCH)) else VERSION ?= main endif STORED_VERSION=$(shell cat $(STORED_VERSION_FILE) 2>/dev/null) ifneq ($(STORED_VERSION),) RELASE_VERSION ?= $(STORED_VERSION) else RELASE_VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --tags --always | sed 's/-/+/' | sed 's/^v//') endif endif GO_PACKAGES_TO_VET ?= $(filter-out,$(shell $(GO) list ./...)) TAGS ?= LDFLAGS ?= -X "$(RELASE_VERSION)" all: build fmt: @hash gofumpt > /dev/null 2>&1; if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \ $(GO) install; \ fi $(GOFMT) -w $(GO_FMT_FILES) .PHONY: go-check go-check: $(eval MIN_GO_VERSION_STR := $(shell grep -Eo '^go\s+[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' go.mod | cut -d' ' -f2)) $(eval MIN_GO_VERSION := $(shell printf "%03d%03d" $(shell echo '$(MIN_GO_VERSION_STR)' | tr '.' ' '))) $(eval GO_VERSION := $(shell printf "%03d%03d" $(shell $(GO) version | grep -Eo '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | tr '.' ' ');)) @if [ "$(GO_VERSION)" -lt "$(MIN_GO_VERSION)" ]; then \ echo "Act Runner requires Go $(MIN_GO_VERSION_STR) or greater to build. You can get it at"; \ exit 1; \ fi .PHONY: fmt-check fmt-check: @hash gofumpt > /dev/null 2>&1; if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \ $(GO) install; \ fi @diff=$$($(GOFMT) -d $(GO_FMT_FILES)); \ if [ -n "$$diff" ]; then \ echo "Please run 'make fmt' and commit the result:"; \ echo "$${diff}"; \ exit 1; \ fi; test: fmt-check @$(GO) test -v -cover -coverprofile coverage.txt ./... && echo "\n==>\033[32m Ok\033[m\n" || exit 1 .PHONY: vet vet: @echo "Running go vet..." @$(GO) vet $(GO_PACKAGES_TO_VET) install: $(GOFILES) $(GO) install -v -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(EXTLDFLAGS)-s -w $(LDFLAGS)' build: go-check $(EXECUTABLE) $(EXECUTABLE): $(GOFILES) $(GO) build -v -tags 'netgo osusergo $(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(EXTLDFLAGS)-s -w $(LDFLAGS)' -o $@ .PHONY: deps-backend deps-backend: $(GO) mod download $(GO) install $(GXZ_PAGAGE) $(GO) install $(XGO_PACKAGE) .PHONY: release release: release-windows release-linux release-darwin release-copy release-compress release-check $(DIST_DIRS): mkdir -p $(DIST_DIRS) .PHONY: release-windows release-windows: | $(DIST_DIRS) CGO_CFLAGS="$(CGO_CFLAGS)" $(GO) run $(XGO_PACKAGE) -go $(XGO_VERSION) -buildmode exe -dest $(DIST)/binaries -tags 'netgo osusergo $(TAGS)' -ldflags '-linkmode external -extldflags "-static" $(LDFLAGS)' -targets '$(WINDOWS_ARCHS)' -out $(EXECUTABLE)-$(VERSION) . ifeq ($(CI),true) cp -r /build/* $(DIST)/binaries/ endif .PHONY: release-linux release-linux: | $(DIST_DIRS) CGO_CFLAGS="$(CGO_CFLAGS)" $(GO) run $(XGO_PACKAGE) -go $(XGO_VERSION) -dest $(DIST)/binaries -tags 'netgo osusergo $(TAGS)' -ldflags '-linkmode external -extldflags "-static" $(LDFLAGS)' -targets '$(LINUX_ARCHS)' -out $(EXECUTABLE)-$(VERSION) . ifeq ($(CI),true) cp -r /build/* $(DIST)/binaries/ endif .PHONY: release-darwin release-darwin: | $(DIST_DIRS) CGO_CFLAGS="$(CGO_CFLAGS)" $(GO) run $(XGO_PACKAGE) -go $(XGO_VERSION) -dest $(DIST)/binaries -tags 'netgo osusergo $(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' -targets '$(DARWIN_ARCHS)' -out $(EXECUTABLE)-$(VERSION) . ifeq ($(CI),true) cp -r /build/* $(DIST)/binaries/ endif .PHONY: release-copy release-copy: | $(DIST_DIRS) cd $(DIST); for file in `find . -type f -name "*"`; do cp $${file} ./release/; done; .PHONY: release-check release-check: | $(DIST_DIRS) cd $(DIST)/release/; for file in `find . -type f -name "*"`; do echo "checksumming $${file}" && $(SHASUM) `echo $${file} | sed 's/^..//'` > $${file}.sha256; done; .PHONY: release-compress release-compress: | $(DIST_DIRS) cd $(DIST)/release/; for file in `find . -type f -name "*"`; do echo "compressing $${file}" && $(GO) run $(GXZ_PAGAGE) -k -9 $${file}; done; .PHONY: docker docker: if ! docker buildx version >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ ARG_DISABLE_CONTENT_TRUST=--disable-content-trust=false; \ fi; \ docker build $${ARG_DISABLE_CONTENT_TRUST} -t $(DOCKER_REF) . docker build $${ARG_DISABLE_CONTENT_TRUST} -t $(DOCKER_ROOTLESS_REF) -f Dockerfile.rootless . clean: $(GO) clean -x -i ./... rm -rf coverage.txt $(EXECUTABLE) $(DIST) version: @echo $(VERSION) 07070100000017000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000D96000000000000000000000000000000000000001F00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/ Forgejo Runner **WARNING:** this is [alpha release quality]( code and should not be considered secure enough to deploy in production. A daemon that connects to a Forgejo instance and runs jobs for continous integration. The [installation and usage instructions]( are part of the Forgejo documentation. # Reporting bugs When filing a bug in [the issue tracker](, it is very helpful to propose a pull request [in the end-to-end tests]( repository that adds a reproducer. It will fail the CI and unambiguously demonstrate that the problem exists. In most cases it is enough to add a workflow ([see the echo example]( For more complicated cases it is also possible to add a runner config file as well as shell scripts to setup and teardown the test case ([see the service example]( # Hacking The Forgejo runner depends on [a fork of ACT]( and is a dependency of the [setup-forgejo action]( See [the full dependency graph]( for a global view. ## Local debug The repositories are checked out in the same directory: - **runner**: [Forgejo runner]( - **act**: [ACT]( - **setup-forgejo**: [setup-forgejo]( ### Install dependencies The dependencies are installed manually or with: ```shell setup-forgejo/ ``` ### Build the Forgejo runner with the local ACT The Forgejo runner is rebuilt with the ACT directory by changing the `runner/go.mod` file to: ``` replace => ../act ``` Running: ``` cd runner ; go mod tidy ``` Building: ```shell cd runner ; rm -f forgejo-runner ; make forgejo-runner ``` ### Launch Forgejo and the runner A Forgejo instance is launched with: ```shell cd setup-forgejo ./ setup firefox $(cat forgejo-url) ``` The user is `root` with password `admin1234`. The runner is registered with: ``` cd setup-forgejo docker exec --user 1000 forgejo forgejo actions generate-runner-token > forgejo-runner-token ../runner/forgejo-runner register --no-interactive --instance "$(cat forgejo-url)" --name runner --token $(cat forgejo-runner-token) --labels docker:docker://node:20-bullseye,self-hosted:host://-self-hosted,lxc:lxc://debian:bullseye ``` And launched with: ```shell cd setup-forgejo ; ../runner/forgejo-runner --config runner-config.yml daemon ``` Note that the `runner-config.yml` is required in that particular case to configure the network in `bridge` mode, otherwise the runner will create a network that cannot reach the forgejo instance. ### Try a sample workflow From the Forgejo web interface, create a repository and add the following to `.forgejo/workflows/try.yaml`. It will launch the job and the result can be observed from the `actions` tab. ```yaml on: [push] jobs: ls: runs-on: docker steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - run: | ls ${{ github.workspace }} ``` 07070100000018000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD0000172C000000000000000000000000000000000000002600000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/ Release Notes ## 4.0.1 * Do not panic when [the number of arguments of a function evaluated in an expression is incorect]( ## 4.0.0 * Breaking change: fix the default configuration for `docker_host` is changed to [not mounting the docker server socket]( * [Remove debug information from the setup of a workflow]( * Fix [crash in some cases when the YAML structure is not as expected]( ## 3.5.1 * Fix [CVE-2024-24557]( * [Add report_interval option to config]( to allow setting the interval of status and log reports ## 3.5.0 * [Allow graceful shutdowns]( when receiving a signal (INT or TERM) wait for running jobs to complete (up to shutdown_timeout). * [Fix label declaration]( Runner in daemon mode now takes labels found in config.yml into account when declaration was successful. * [Fix the docker compose example]( to workaround the race on labels. * [Fix the kubernetes dind example]( * [Rewrite ::group:: and ::endgroup:: commands like github]( * [Added opencontainers labels to the image]( * [Upgrade the default container to node:20]( ## 3.4.1 * Fixes a regression introduced in 3.4.0 by which a job with no image explicitly set would [be bound to the host]( network instead of a custom network (empty string in the configuration file). ## 3.4.0 Although this version is able to run [actions/upload-artifact@v4]( and [actions/download-artifact@v4](, these actions will fail because it does not run against A fork of those two actions with this check disabled is made available at: * * and they can be used as shown in [an example from the end-to-end test suite]( * When running against, the default poll frequency is 30s instead of 2s. * Fix compatibility issue with actions/{upload,download}-artifact@v4. * Upgrade ACT v1.20.0 which brings: * `[container].options` from the config file is exposed in containers created by the workflows * the expressions in the value of `jobs.<job-id>.runs-on` are evaluated * fix a bug causing the evaluated expression of `jobs.<job-id>.runs-on` to fail if it was an array * mount `act-toolcache:/opt/hostedtoolcache` instead of `act-toolcache:/toolcache` * a few improvements to the readability of the error messages displayed in the logs * `amd64` can be used instead of `x86_64` and `arm64` intead of `aarch64` when specifying the architecture * fixed YAML parsing bugs preventing dispatch workflows to be parsed correctly * add support for `runs-on.labels` which is equivalent to `runs-on` followed by a list of labels * the expressions in the service `ports` and `volumes` values are evaluated * network aliases are only supported when the network is user specified, not when it is provided by the runner * If `[runner].insecure` is true in the configuration, insecure cloning actions is allowed ## 3.3.0 * Support IPv6 with addresses from a private range and NAT for docker:// with --enable-ipv6 and [container].enable_ipv6 lxc:// always ## 3.2.0 * Support LXC container capabilities via `lxc:lxc://debian:bookworm:k8s` or `lxc:lxc://debian:bookworm:docker lxc k8s` * Update ACT v1.16.0 to resolve a [race condition when bootstraping LXC templates]( ## 3.1.0 The `self-hosted` label that was hardwired to be a LXC container running `debian:bullseye` was reworked and documented ([user guide]( and [admin guide]( There now are two different schemes: `lxc://` for LXC containers and `host://` for running directly on the host. * Support the `host://` scheme for running directly on the host. * Support the `lxc://` scheme in labels * Update [ v1.14.0]( to implement both self-hosted and LXC schemes ## 3.0.3 * Update [ v1.13.0]( to keep up with ## 3.0.2 * Update [ v1.12.0]( to upgrade the node installed in the LXC container to node20 ## 3.0.1 * Update [ v1.11.0]( to resolve a bug preventing actions based on node20 from running, such as [checkout@v4]( ## 3.0.0 * Publish a rootless OCI image * Refactor the release process ## 2.5.0 * Update [ v1.10.0]( ## 2.4.0 * Update [ v1.9.0]( ## 2.3.0 * Add support for [offline registration]( 07070100000019000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000000B0000000000000000000000000000000000000001E00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/build.go// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT //go:build vendor package main import ( // for vet _ "" ) 0707010000001A000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001D00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/contrib0707010000001B000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000179000000000000000000000000000000000000003400000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/contrib/forgejo-runner.service[Unit] Description=Forgejo Runner Documentation= After=docker.service [Service] ExecStart=forgejo-runner daemon ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID # This user and working directory must already exist User=runner WorkingDirectory=/home/runner Restart=on-failure TimeoutSec=0 RestartSec=10 [Install] 0707010000001C000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001E00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/examples0707010000001D000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000004A2000000000000000000000000000000000000002800000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/examples/README.mdThis directory contains a collection of usage and deployment examples. Workflow examples can be found [in the documentation]( and in the [sources of the setup-forgejo]( action. | Section | Description | |-----------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [`docker`](docker) | using the host docker server by mounting the socket | | [`docker-compose`](docker-compose) | all in one docker-compose with the Forgejo server, the runner and docker in docker | | [`kubernetes`](kubernetes) | a sample deployment for the Forgejo runner | 0707010000001E000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002500000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/examples/docker0707010000001F000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002D00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/examples/docker-compose07070100000020000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000D57000000000000000000000000000000000000003700000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/examples/docker-compose/ Docker compose with docker-in-docker The `compose-forgejo-and-runner.yml` compose file runs a Forgejo instance and registers a `Forgejo runner`. A docker server is also launched within a container (using [dind]( and will be used by the `Forgejo runner` to execute the workflows. ### Quick start ```sh rm -fr /srv/runner-data /srv/forgejo-data secret=$(openssl rand -hex 20) sed -i -e "s/{SHARED_SECRET}/$secret/" compose-forgejo-and-runner.yml docker compose -f compose-forgejo-and-runner.yml up -d ``` Visit with login `root` and password `{ROOT_PASSWORD}` and see the runner is registered with the label `docker`. > NOTE: the `Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is "http://localhost:3000/", it's unlikely matching the site you are visiting.` message is a warning that can be ignored in the context of this example. ```sh docker compose -f compose-forgejo-and-runner.yml -f compose-demo-workflow.yml up demo-workflow ``` Visit and see that the job ran. ### Running Create a shared secret with: ```sh openssl rand -hex 20 ``` Replace all occurences of {SHARED_SECRET} in [compose-forgejo-and-runner.yml](compose-forgejo-and-runner.yml). > **NOTE:** a token obtained from the Forgejo web interface cannot be used as a shared secret. Replace {ROOT_PASSWORD} with a secure password in [compose-forgejo-and-runner.yml](compose-forgejo-and-runner.yml). ```sh docker compose -f compose-forgejo-and-runner.yml up Creating docker-compose_docker-in-docker_1 ... done Creating docker-compose_forgejo_1 ... done Creating docker-compose_runner-register_1 ... done ... docker-in-docker_1 | time="2023-08-24T10:22:15.023338461Z" level=warning msg="WARNING: API is accessible on ... forgejo_1 | 2023/08/24 10:22:14 ...s/graceful/server.go:75:func1() [D] Starting server on tcp: (PID: 19) ... runner-daemon_1 | time="2023-08-24T10:22:16Z" level=info msg="Starting runner daemon" ``` ### Manual testing To login the Forgejo instance: * URL: * user: `root` * password: `{ROOT_PASSWORD}` `Forgejo Actions` is enabled by default when creating a repository. ## Tests workflow The `compose-demo-workflow.yml` compose file runs two demo workflows: * one to verify the `Forgejo runner` can pick up a task from the Forgejo instance and run it to completion. * one to verify docker can be run inside the `Forgejo runner` container. A new repository is created in root/test with the following workflows: #### `.forgejo/workflows/demo.yml`: ```yaml on: [push] jobs: test: runs-on: docker steps: - run: echo All Good ``` #### `.forgejo/workflows/demo_docker.yml` ```yaml on: [push] jobs: test_docker: runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 steps: - run: docker info ``` A wait loop expects the status of the check associated with the commit in Forgejo to show "success" to assert the workflow was run. ### Running ```sh $ docker-compose -f compose-forgejo-and-runner.yml -f compose-demo-workflow.yml up demo-workflow ... demo-workflow_1 | To http://forgejo:3000/root/test demo-workflow_1 | + 5ce134e...261cc79 main -> main (forced update) demo-workflow_1 | branch 'main' set up to track 'http://root:admin1234@forgejo:3000/root/test/main'. ... demo-workflow_1 | running ... ``` 07070100000021000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000005A8000000000000000000000000000000000000004700000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/examples/docker-compose/compose-demo-workflow.yml# Copyright 2024 The Forgejo Authors. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT services: demo-workflow: image: links: - forgejo command: >- sh -ec ' apk add --quiet git curl jq ; mkdir -p /srv/demo ; cd /srv/demo ; git init --initial-branch=main ; mkdir -p .forgejo/workflows ; echo "{ on: [push], jobs: { test: { runs-on: docker, steps: [ {uses: actions/checkout@v4}, { run: echo All Good } ] } } }" > .forgejo/workflows/demo.yml ; echo "{ on: [push], jobs: { test_docker: { runs-on: ubuntu-22.04, steps: [ { run: docker info } ] } } }" > .forgejo/workflows/demo_docker.yml ; git add . ; git config ; git config username ; git commit -m demo ; while : ; do git push --set-upstream --force http://root:{ROOT_PASSWORD}@forgejo:3000/root/test main && break ; sleep 5 ; done ; sha=`git rev-parse HEAD` ; for delay in 1 1 1 1 2 5 5 10 10 10 15 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 ; do curl -sS -f http://forgejo:3000/api/v1/repos/root/test/commits/$$sha/status | jq --raw-output .state | tee status ; if grep success status ; then echo DEMO WORKFLOW SUCCESS && break ; fi ; if grep failure status ; then echo DEMO WORKFLOW FAILURE && break ; fi ; sleep $$delay ; done ; grep success status || echo DEMO WORKFLOW FAILURE ' 07070100000022000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000BBE000000000000000000000000000000000000004C00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/examples/docker-compose/compose-forgejo-and-runner.yml# Copyright 2024 The Forgejo Authors. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # # Create a secret with: # # openssl rand -hex 20 # # Replace all occurences of {SHARED_SECRET} below with the output. # # NOTE: a token obtained from the Forgejo web interface cannot be used # as a shared secret. # # Replace {ROOT_PASSWORD} with a secure password # volumes: docker_certs: services: docker-in-docker: image: hostname: docker # Must set hostname as TLS certificates are only valid for docker or localhost privileged: true environment: DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR: /certs DOCKER_HOST: docker-in-docker volumes: - docker_certs:/certs forgejo: image: command: >- bash -c ' /bin/s6-svscan /etc/s6 & sleep 10 ; su -c "forgejo forgejo-cli actions register --secret {SHARED_SECRET}" git ; su -c "forgejo admin user create --admin --username root --password {ROOT_PASSWORD} --email" git ; sleep infinity ' environment: FORGEJO__security__INSTALL_LOCK: "true" FORGEJO__log__LEVEL: "debug" FORGEJO__repository__ENABLE_PUSH_CREATE_USER: "true" FORGEJO__repository__DEFAULT_PUSH_CREATE_PRIVATE: "false" FORGEJO__repository__DEFAULT_REPO_UNITS: "repo.code,repo.actions" volumes: - /srv/forgejo-data:/data ports: - 8080:3000 runner-register: image: links: - docker-in-docker - forgejo environment: DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker-in-docker:2376 volumes: - /srv/runner-data:/data user: 0:0 command: >- bash -ec ' while : ; do forgejo-runner create-runner-file --connect --instance http://forgejo:3000 --name runner --secret {SHARED_SECRET} && break ; sleep 1 ; done ; sed -i -e "s|\"labels\": null|\"labels\": [\"docker:docker://\", \"ubuntu-22.04:docker://catthehacker/ubuntu:act-22.04\"]|" .runner ; forgejo-runner generate-config > config.yml ; sed -i -e "s|network: .*|network: host|" config.yml ; sed -i -e "s|^ envs:$$| envs:\n DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2376\n DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY: 1\n DOCKER_CERT_PATH: /certs/client|" config.yml ; sed -i -e "s|^ options:| options: -v /certs/client:/certs/client|" config.yml ; sed -i -e "s| valid_volumes: \[\]$$| valid_volumes:\n - /certs/client|" config.yml ; chown -R 1000:1000 /data ' runner-daemon: image: links: - docker-in-docker - forgejo environment: DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2376 DOCKER_CERT_PATH: /certs/client DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY: "1" volumes: - /srv/runner-data:/data - docker_certs:/certs command: >- bash -c ' while : ; do test -w .runner && forgejo-runner --config config.yml daemon ; sleep 1 ; done ' 07070100000023000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000001B6000000000000000000000000000000000000002F00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/examples/docker/README.mdThe following assumes: * a docker server runs on the host * the docker group of the host is GID 133 * a `.runner` file exists in /tmp/data * a `runner-config.yml` file exists in /tmp/data ```sh docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /tmp/data:/data --user 1000:133 --rm forgejo-runner --config runner-config.yaml daemon ``` The workflows will run using the host docker srever 07070100000024000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002900000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/examples/kubernetes07070100000025000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000002D9000000000000000000000000000000000000003300000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/examples/kubernetes/ Kubernetes Docker in Docker Deployment Registers Kubernetes pod runners using [offline registration](, allowing the scaling of runners as needed. NOTE: Docker in Docker (dind) requires elevated privileges on Kubernetes. The current way to achieve this is to set the pod `SecurityContext` to `privileged`. Keep in mind that this is a potential security issue that has the potential for a malicious application to break out of the container context. [`dind-docker.yaml`](dind-docker.yaml) creates a deployment and secret for Kubernetes to act as a runner. The Docker credentials are re-generated each time the pod connects and does not need to be persisted. 07070100000026000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000A8F000000000000000000000000000000000000003A00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/examples/kubernetes/dind-docker.yaml# Secret data. # You will need to retrive this from the web UI, and your Forgejo instance must be running v1.21+ # Alternatively, create this with # kubectl create secret generic runner-secret --from-literal=token=your_offline_token_here apiVersion: v1 stringData: token: your_offline_secret_here kind: Secret metadata: name: runner-secret --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: labels: app: forgejo-runner name: forgejo-runner spec: # Two replicas means that if one is busy, the other can pick up jobs. replicas: 2 selector: matchLabels: app: forgejo-runner strategy: {} template: metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: app: forgejo-runner spec: restartPolicy: Always volumes: - name: docker-certs emptyDir: {} - name: runner-data emptyDir: {} # Initialise our configuration file using offline registration # initContainers: - name: runner-register image: command: ["forgejo-runner", "register", "--no-interactive", "--token", $(RUNNER_SECRET), "--name", $(RUNNER_NAME), "--instance", $(FORGEJO_INSTANCE_URL)] env: - name: RUNNER_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: - name: RUNNER_SECRET valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: runner-secret key: token - name: FORGEJO_INSTANCE_URL value: http://forgejo-http.forgejo.svc.cluster.local:3000 resources: limits: cpu: "0.50" memory: "64Mi" volumeMounts: - name: runner-data mountPath: /data containers: - name: runner image: command: ["sh", "-c", "while ! nc -z localhost 2376 </dev/null; do echo 'waiting for docker daemon...'; sleep 5; done; forgejo-runner daemon"] env: - name: DOCKER_HOST value: tcp://localhost:2376 - name: DOCKER_CERT_PATH value: /certs/client - name: DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY value: "1" volumeMounts: - name: docker-certs mountPath: /certs - name: runner-data mountPath: /data - name: daemon image: docker:23.0.6-dind env: - name: DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR value: /certs securityContext: privileged: true volumeMounts: - name: docker-certs mountPath: /certs 07070100000027000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD0000122D000000000000000000000000000000000000001C00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/go.modmodule go 1.21.13 toolchain go1.23.2 require ( v0.4.0 v0.2.3 v1.17.0 v4.6.0 v25.0.6+incompatible v1.6.0 v1.5.1 v0.0.20 v0.2.49 v1.9.3 v1.8.1 v1.9.0 v0.25.0 v0.7.0 v1.35.1 v3.0.1 v3.5.1 ) require ( v1.0.0 // indirect v0.0.0-20230124172434-306776ec8161 // indirect v1.5.0 // indirect v0.6.1 // indirect v0.0.0-20230828082145-3c4c8a2d2371 // indirect v1.3.7 // indirect v1.7.13 // indirect v0.1.0 // indirect v1.1.21 // indirect v0.2.4 // indirect v1.1.1 // indirect v0.5.0 // indirect v25.0.3+incompatible // indirect v2.8.3+incompatible // indirect v0.8.0 // indirect v0.5.0 // indirect v0.5.0 // indirect v1.18.1 // indirect v1.16.0 // indirect v1.0.4 // 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h1:AGCNq9Evsj31mOgNPcLyXc+4PNABt905YmuqPYYpBWk= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:uNxQE+84aUszobStD9th8a29P2fMDhsBdgRYvZOxGmk= v0.0.0-20230811130428-ced1acdcaa24 h1:bvDV9vkmnHYOMsOr4WLk+Vo07yKIzd94sVoIqshQ4bU= v0.0.0-20230811130428-ced1acdcaa24/go.mod h1:8o94RPi1/7XTJvwPpRSzSUedZrtlirdB3r9Z20bi2f8= v0.0.0-20230124172434-306776ec8161 h1:L/gRVlceqvL25UVaW/CKtUDjefjrs0SPonmDGUVOYP0= v0.0.0-20230124172434-306776ec8161/go.mod h1:xomTg63KZ2rFqZQzSB4Vz2SUXa1BpHTVz9L5PTmPC4E= v1.5.0 h1:H65muMkzWKEuNDnfl9d70GUjFniHKHRbFPGBuZ3QEww= v1.5.0/go.mod h1:MB6lktGJrhw8PrUyiEoblNEGEQ+RzHPF078ddwwvV3Y= v0.5.2/go.mod h1:WpS1mjBmmwHBEWmogvA2mj8546UReBk4v8QkMxJ6pZY= v0.6.1 h1:9/kr64B9VUZrLm5YYwbGtUJnMgqWVOdUAXu6Migciow= v0.6.1/go.mod h1:LRdKpFKfdobln8UmuiYcKPot9D2v6svN5+sAH+4kjUM= v0.11.4 h1:68vKo2VN8DE9AdN4tnkWnmdhqdbpUFM8OF3Airm7fz8= v0.11.4/go.mod h1:smjE4dvqPX9Zldna+t5FG3rnoHhaB7QYxPRqGcpAD9w= v0.0.0-20230828082145-3c4c8a2d2371 h1:kkhsdkhsCvIsutKu5zLMgWtgh9YxGCNAw8Ad8hjwfYg= v0.0.0-20230828082145-3c4c8a2d2371/go.mod h1:EjAoLdwvbIOoOQr3ihjnSoLZRtE8azugULFRteWMNc0= v0.0.0-20200514113438-38f4b401e2be h1:9AeTilPcZAjCFIImctFaOjnTIavg87rW78vTPkQqLI8= v0.0.0-20200514113438-38f4b401e2be/go.mod h1:ySMOLuWl6zY27l47sB3qLNK6tF2fkHG55UZxx8oIVo4= v0.0.0-20160902184237-e75332964ef5 h1:0CwZNZbxp69SHPdPJAN/hZIm0C4OItdklCFmMRWYpio= v0.0.0-20160902184237-e75332964ef5/go.mod h1:wHh0iHkYZB8zMSxRWpUBQtwG5a7fFgvEO+odwuTv2gs= v4.6.0 h1:K9xNA+KeB8HHc2aWFuLb25Offp+0iVRXEvFx8IinRJA= v4.6.0/go.mod h1:gvWlPhBVsvBbLkVGDg/KwvBv0bEkCOLRRSHKIr2PyOE= v1.2.3/go.mod h1:fUIoIZaG73pV5biE2Blr2xEzDoMj7NFEuV9ekS419A0= v4.2.1 h1:y4OZtCnogmCPw98Zjyt5a6+QwPLGkiQsYW5oUqylYbM= v4.2.1/go.mod h1:Y3VNntkOUPxTVeUxJ/G5vcM//AlwfmyYozVcomhLiZE= v1.3.3/go.mod h1:5XYMA4rFBvNIrhs50XuiBJ15vF2pZn4nnUKZrLbUZFA= v1.3.7 h1:qlCDlTPz2n9fu58M0Nh1J/JzcFpfgkFHHX3O35r5vcU= v1.3.7/go.mod h1:sRTcRWXGLrKw6yIGJ+l7amYJFfAXbZG0kBSc8r4zxgA= v1.7.13 h1:wPYKIeGMN8vaggSKuV1X0wZulpMz4CrgEsZdaCyB6Is= v1.7.13/go.mod h1:zT3up6yTRfEUa6+GsITYIJNgSVL9NQ4x4h1RPzk0Wu4= v0.1.0 h1:TCJt7ioM2cr/tfR8GPbGf9/VRAX8D2B4PjzCpfX540I= v0.1.0/go.mod h1:VRRf09a7mHDIRezVKTRCrOq78v577GXq3bSa3EhrzVo= v2.0.4/go.mod h1:tgQtvFlXSQOSOSIRvRPT7W67SCa46tRHOmNcaadrF8o= v1.1.21 h1:1/QdRyBaHHJP61QkWMXlOIBfsgdDeeKfK8SYVUWJKf0= v1.1.21/go.mod h1:MOBLtS5ELjhRRrroQr9kyvTxUAFNvYEK993ew/Vr4O4= v0.2.4 h1:Ugdm7cg7i6ZK6x3xDF1oEu1nfkyfH53EtKeQYTC3kyg= v0.2.4/go.mod h1:aPGpWjXOXUn2NCNjFvBE6aRxGGx79pTxQpKOJNYHHl4= v1.1.0/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= v1.1.1 h1:vj9j/u1bqnvCEfJOwUhtlOARqs3+rkHYY13jYWTU97c= v1.1.1/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= v0.5.0 h1:/FUIFXtfc/x2gpa5/VGfiGLuOIdYa1t65IKK2OFGvA0= v0.5.0/go.mod h1:BbU0aIcezP1/5jX/8MP0YiH4SdvB5Y4f/wlDRiLyi3E= v25.0.3+incompatible h1:KLeNs7zws74oFuVhgZQ5ONGZiXUUdgsdy6/EsX/6284= v25.0.3+incompatible/go.mod h1:JLrzqnKDaYBop7H2jaqPtU4hHvMKP+vjCwu2uszcLI8= v2.8.3+incompatible h1:AtKxIZ36LoNK51+Z6RpzLpddBirtxJnzDrHLEKxTAYk= v2.8.3+incompatible/go.mod h1:J2gT2udsDAN96Uj4KfcMRqY0/ypR+oyYUYmja8H+y+w= v25.0.6+incompatible h1:5cPwbwriIcsua2REJe8HqQV+6WlWc1byg2QSXzBxBGg= v25.0.6+incompatible/go.mod h1:eEKB0N0r5NX/I1kEveEz05bcu8tLC/8azJZsviup8Sk= v0.8.0 h1:YQFtbBQb4VrpoPxhFuzEBPQ9E16qz5SpHLS+uswaCp8= v0.8.0/go.mod h1:UGFXcuoQ5TxPiB54nHOZ32AWRqQdECoh/Mg0AlEYb40= v0.5.0 h1:USnMq7hx7gwdVZq1L49hLXaFtUdTADjXGp+uj1Br63c= v0.5.0/go.mod h1:ov60Kzw0kKElRwhNs9UlUHAE/F9Fe6GLaXnqyDdmEXc= v0.5.0 h1:69rxXcBk27SvSaaxTtLh/8llcHD8vYHT7WSdRZ/jvr4= v0.5.0/go.mod h1:fgPhTUdO+D/Jk86RDLlptpiXQzgHJF7gydDDbaIK4Dk= v0.0.0-20230808193330-2592e75ae04a h1:mATvB/9r/3gvcejNsXKSkQ6lcIaNec2nyfOdlTBR2lU= v0.0.0-20230808193330-2592e75ae04a/go.mod h1:Ro8st/ElPeALwNFlcTpWmkr6IoMFfkjXAvTHpevnDsM= v1.18.1 h1:FXtiHYKDGKCW2KzwZKx0iC0PQmdlorYgdFG9jPXJ1Bc= v1.18.1/go.mod h1:8tpGGwCnJ5H4r6BWwaV6OrWmMoPhUl5jm/FMNAnJvWQ= v1.16.0 h1:zmkK9Ngbjj+K0yRhTVONQh1p/HknKYSlNT+vZCzyokM= v1.16.0/go.mod h1:fL2Sau1YI5c0pdGEVCbKQbLXB6edEj1ZgiY4NijnWvE= v1.0.4 h1:NFTV2Zj1bL4mc9sqWACXbQFVBBg2W3GPvqp8/ESS2Wg= v1.0.4/go.mod h1:m8KPJKqk1gH5J9DgRY2ASl2lWCfGKXixSwevea8zH2U= v0.3.5 h1:OcaySEmAQJgyYcArR+gGGTHCyE7nvhEMTlYY+Dp8CpY= v0.3.5/go.mod h1:8XB4KraRrX39qHhT6yxPsHedjA08I/uBVwj4xC+/+z4= v1.5.1-0.20230307220236-3a3c6141e376 h1:+zs/tPmkDkHx3U66DAb0lQFJrpS6731Oaa12ikc+DiI= v1.5.1-0.20230307220236-3a3c6141e376/go.mod h1:an3vInlBmSxCcxctByoQdvwPiA7DTK7jaaFDBTtu0ic= v5.5.0 h1:yEY4yhzCDuMGSv83oGxiBotRzhwhNr8VZyphhiu+mTU= v5.5.0/go.mod h1:hmexnoNsr2SJU1Ju67OaNz5ASJY3+sHgFRpCtpDCKow= v4.3.2-0.20231010084843-55a94097c399 h1:eMje31YglSBqCdIqdhKBW8lokaMrL3uTkpGYlE2OOT4= v4.3.2-0.20231010084843-55a94097c399/go.mod h1:1OCfN199q1Jm3HZlxleg+Dw/mwps2Wbk9frAWm+4FII= v5.11.0 h1:XIZc1p+8YzypNr34itUfSvYJcv+eYdTnTvOZ2vD3cA4= v5.11.0/go.mod h1:6GFcX2P3NM7FPBfpePbpLd21XxsgdAt+lKqXmCUiUCY= v1.2.2/go.mod h1:jdQByPbusPIv2/zmleS9BjJVeZ6kBagPoEUsqbVz/1A= v1.3.0 h1:2y3SDp0ZXuc6/cjLSZ+Q3ir+QB9T/iG5yYRXqsagWSY= v1.3.0/go.mod h1:9T104GzyrTigFIr8wt5mBrctHMim0Nb2HLGrmQ40KvY= v1.2.2 h1:hSWxHoqTgW2S2qGc0LTAI563KZ5YKYRhT3MFKZMbjag= v1.2.2/go.mod h1:mMo/vtBO5dYbehREoey6XUKy/eSumjCCveDpRre4VKE= v0.2.3 h1:A4xDbljILXROh+kObIiy5kIaPYD8e96x1tgBhUI5J+Y= v0.2.3/go.mod h1:d3Ez4x06l9bZtSvzIay5+Yzi0fmZzPgnTbPcKjJAkT8= v1.3.2 h1:Ov1cvc58UF3b5XjBnZv7+opcTcQFZebYjWzi34vdm4Q= v1.3.2/go.mod h1:P1XiOD3dCwIKUDQYPy72D8LYyHL2YPYrpS2s69NZV8Q= v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da h1:oI5xCqsCo564l8iNU+DwB5epxmsaqB+rhGL0m5jtYqE= v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da/go.mod h1:cIg4eruTrX1D+g88fzRXU5OdNfaM+9IcxsU14FzY7Hc= v1.5.3 h1:KhyjKVUg7Usr/dYsdSqoFveMYd5ko72D+zANwlG1mmg= v1.5.3/go.mod h1:XVQd3VNwM+JqD3oG2Ue2ip4fOMUkwXdXDdiuN0vRsmY= v0.6.0 h1:ofyhxvXcZhMsU5ulbFiLKl/XBFqE1GSq7atu8tAmTRI= v0.6.0/go.mod h1:17dUlkBOakJ0+DkrSSNjCkIjxS6bF9zb3elmeNGIjoY= v0.0.0-20191202100458-e7afc7fbc510 h1:El6M4kTTCOh6aBiKaUGG7oYTSPP8MxqL4YI3kZKwcP4= v0.0.0-20191202100458-e7afc7fbc510/go.mod h1:pupxD2MaaD3pAXIBCelhxNneeOaAeabZDe5s4K6zSpQ= v1.6.0 h1:NIvaJDMOsjHA8n1jAhLSgzrAzy1Hgr+hNrb57e+94F0= v1.6.0/go.mod h1:TIyPZe4MgqvfeYDBFedMoGGpEw/LqOeaOT+nhxU+yHo= v2.16.0 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h1:uYBEerGOWcJyEORxN+Ek8+TT266gXkNlHdJBwexUsBg= v0.0.0-20190717185122-a985d3407aa7/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0= v0.0.0-20191011141410-1b5146add898/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0= v0.0.0-20191204190536-9bdfabe68543/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0= v0.0.0-20200804184101-5ec99f83aff1/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0= v0.0.0-20231016165738-49dd2c1f3d0b h1:+YaDE2r2OG8t/z5qmsh7Y+XXwCbvadxxZ0YY6mTdrVA= v0.0.0-20231016165738-49dd2c1f3d0b h1:CIC2YMXmIhYw6evmhPxBKJ4fmLbOFtXQN/GV3XOZR8k= v0.0.0-20231016165738-49dd2c1f3d0b/go.mod h1:IBQ646DjkDkvUIsVq/cc03FUFQ9wbZu7yE396YcL870= v0.0.0-20231016165738-49dd2c1f3d0b h1:ZlWIi1wSK56/8hn4QcBp/j9M7Gt3U/3hZw3mC7vDICo= v0.0.0-20231016165738-49dd2c1f3d0b/go.mod h1:swOH3j0KzcDDgGUWr+SNpyTen5YrXjS3eyPzFYKc6lc= v1.59.0 h1:Z5Iec2pjwb+LEOqzpB2MR12/eKFhDPhuqW91O+4bwUk= v1.59.0/go.mod h1:aUPDwccQo6OTjy7Hct4AfBPD1GptF4fyUjIkQ9YtF98= v1.35.1 h1:m3LfL6/Ca+fqnjnlqQXNpFPABW1UD7mjh8KO2mKFytA= v1.35.1/go.mod h1:9fA7Ob0pmnwhb644+1+CVWFRbNajQ6iRojtC/QF5bRE= v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0= v1.0.0-20190902080502-41f04d3bba15/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0= v1.0.0-20201130134442-10cb98267c6c h1:Hei/4ADfdWqJk1ZMxUNpqntNwaWcugrBjAiHlqqRiVk= v1.0.0-20201130134442-10cb98267c6c/go.mod h1:JHkPIbrfpd72SG/EVd6muEfDQjcINNoR0C8j2r3qZ4Q= v0.1.2 h1:wFXVbFY8DY5/xOe1ECiWdKCzZlxgshcYVNkBHstARME= v0.1.2/go.mod h1:jksf8JmL6Qr/oQM2OXTHunEvvTAsrWBLb6OOjuVWRNI= v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI= v2.4.0 h1:D8xgwECY7CYvx+Y2n4sBz93Jn9JRvxdiyyo8CTfuKaY= v2.4.0/go.mod h1:RDklbk79AGWmwhnvt/jBztapEOGDOx6ZbXqjP6csGnQ= v3.0.0-20200313102051-9f266ea9e77c/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM= v3.0.1 h1:fxVm/GzAzEWqLHuvctI91KS9hhNmmWOoWu0XTYJS7CA= v3.0.1/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM= v3.5.1 h1:EENdUnS3pdur5nybKYIh2Vfgc8IUNBjxDPSjtiJcOzU= v3.5.1/go.mod h1:isy3WKz7GK6uNw/sbHzfKBLvlvXwUyV06n6brMxxopU= 07070100000029000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001E00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal0707010000002A000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002200000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/app0707010000002B000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002600000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/app/cmd0707010000002C000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000548000000000000000000000000000000000000003600000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/app/cmd/cache-server.go// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package cmd import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "os/signal" "" "" log "" "" ) type cacheServerArgs struct { Dir string Host string Port uint16 } func runCacheServer(ctx context.Context, configFile *string, cacheArgs *cacheServerArgs) func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { return func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { cfg, err := config.LoadDefault(*configFile) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid configuration: %w", err) } initLogging(cfg) var ( dir = cfg.Cache.Dir host = cfg.Cache.Host port = cfg.Cache.Port ) // cacheArgs has higher priority if cacheArgs.Dir != "" { dir = cacheArgs.Dir } if cacheArgs.Host != "" { host = cacheArgs.Host } if cacheArgs.Port != 0 { port = cacheArgs.Port } cacheHandler, err := artifactcache.StartHandler( dir, host, port, log.StandardLogger().WithField("module", "cache_request"), ) if err != nil { return err } log.Infof("cache server is listening on %v", cacheHandler.ExternalURL()) c := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt) <-c return nil } } 0707010000002D000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000AFB000000000000000000000000000000000000002D00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/app/cmd/cmd.go// Copyright 2022 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package cmd import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "" "" "" ) func Execute(ctx context.Context) { // ./act_runner rootCmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "forgejo-runner [event name to run]\nIf no event name passed, will default to \"on: push\"", Short: "Run Forgejo Actions locally by specifying the event name (e.g. `push`) or an action name directly.", Args: cobra.MaximumNArgs(1), Version: ver.Version(), SilenceUsage: true, } configFile := "" rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&configFile, "config", "c", "", "Config file path") // ./act_runner register var regArgs registerArgs registerCmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "register", Short: "Register a runner to the server", Args: cobra.MaximumNArgs(0), RunE: runRegister(ctx, ®Args, &configFile), // must use a pointer to regArgs } registerCmd.Flags().BoolVar(®Args.NoInteractive, "no-interactive", false, "Disable interactive mode") registerCmd.Flags().StringVar(®Args.InstanceAddr, "instance", "", "Forgejo instance address") registerCmd.Flags().StringVar(®Args.Token, "token", "", "Runner token") registerCmd.Flags().StringVar(®Args.RunnerName, "name", "", "Runner name") registerCmd.Flags().StringVar(®Args.Labels, "labels", "", "Runner tags, comma separated") rootCmd.AddCommand(registerCmd) rootCmd.AddCommand(createRunnerFileCmd(ctx, &configFile)) // ./act_runner daemon daemonCmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "daemon", Short: "Run as a runner daemon", Args: cobra.MaximumNArgs(1), RunE: runDaemon(ctx, &configFile), } rootCmd.AddCommand(daemonCmd) // ./act_runner exec rootCmd.AddCommand(loadExecCmd(ctx)) // ./act_runner config rootCmd.AddCommand(&cobra.Command{ Use: "generate-config", Short: "Generate an example config file", Args: cobra.MaximumNArgs(0), Run: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) { fmt.Printf("%s", config.Example) }, }) // ./act_runner cache-server var cacheArgs cacheServerArgs cacheCmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "cache-server", Short: "Start a cache server for the cache action", Args: cobra.MaximumNArgs(0), RunE: runCacheServer(ctx, &configFile, &cacheArgs), } cacheCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&cacheArgs.Dir, "dir", "d", "", "Cache directory") cacheCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&cacheArgs.Host, "host", "s", "", "Host of the cache server") cacheCmd.Flags().Uint16VarP(&cacheArgs.Port, "port", "p", 0, "Port of the cache server") rootCmd.AddCommand(cacheCmd) // hide completion command rootCmd.CompletionOptions.HiddenDefaultCmd = true if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil { os.Exit(1) } } 0707010000002E000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD0000112D000000000000000000000000000000000000003C00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/app/cmd/create-runner-file.go// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package cmd import ( "context" "encoding/hex" "fmt" "os" pingv1 "" "" gouuid "" log "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type createRunnerFileArgs struct { Connect bool InstanceAddr string Secret string Name string } func createRunnerFileCmd(ctx context.Context, configFile *string) *cobra.Command { var argsVar createRunnerFileArgs cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "create-runner-file", Short: "Create a runner file using a shared secret used to pre-register the runner on the Forgejo instance", Args: cobra.MaximumNArgs(0), RunE: runCreateRunnerFile(ctx, &argsVar, configFile), } cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&argsVar.Connect, "connect", false, "tries to connect to the instance using the secret (Forgejo v1.21 instance or greater)") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&argsVar.InstanceAddr, "instance", "", "Forgejo instance address") cmd.MarkFlagRequired("instance") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&argsVar.Secret, "secret", "", "secret shared with the Forgejo instance via forgejo-cli actions register") cmd.MarkFlagRequired("secret") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&argsVar.Name, "name", "", "Runner name") return cmd } // must be exactly the same as fogejo/models/actions/forgejo.go func uuidFromSecret(secret string) (string, error) { uuid, err := gouuid.FromBytes([]byte(secret[:16])) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("gouuid.FromBytes %v", err) } return uuid.String(), nil } // should be exactly the same as forgejo/cmd/forgejo/actions.go func validateSecret(secret string) error { secretLen := len(secret) if secretLen != 40 { return fmt.Errorf("the secret must be exactly 40 characters long, not %d", secretLen) } if _, err := hex.DecodeString(secret); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("the secret must be an hexadecimal string: %w", err) } return nil } func ping(cfg *config.Config, reg *config.Registration) error { // initial http client cli := client.New( reg.Address, cfg.Runner.Insecure, "", "", ver.Version(), ) _, err := cli.Ping(context.Background(), connect.NewRequest(&pingv1.PingRequest{ Data: reg.UUID, })) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("ping %s failed %w", reg.Address, err) } return nil } func runCreateRunnerFile(ctx context.Context, args *createRunnerFileArgs, configFile *string) func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { return func(*cobra.Command, []string) error { log.SetLevel(log.DebugLevel) log.Info("Creating runner file") // // Prepare the registration data // cfg, err := config.LoadDefault(*configFile) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid configuration: %w", err) } if err := validateSecret(args.Secret); err != nil { return err } uuid, err := uuidFromSecret(args.Secret) if err != nil { return err } name := args.Name if name == "" { name, _ = os.Hostname() log.Infof("Runner name is empty, use hostname '%s'.", name) } reg := &config.Registration{ Name: name, UUID: uuid, Token: args.Secret, Address: args.InstanceAddr, } // // Verify the Forgejo instance is reachable // if err := ping(cfg, reg); err != nil { return err } // // Save the registration file // if err := config.SaveRegistration(cfg.Runner.File, reg); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to save runner config to %s: %w", cfg.Runner.File, err) } // // Verify the secret works // if args.Connect { cli := client.New( reg.Address, cfg.Runner.Insecure, reg.UUID, reg.Token, ver.Version(), ) runner := run.NewRunner(cfg, reg, cli) resp, err := runner.Declare(ctx, cfg.Runner.Labels) if err != nil && connect.CodeOf(err) == connect.CodeUnimplemented { log.Warn("Cannot verify the connection because the Forgejo instance is lower than v1.21") } else if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("fail to invoke Declare") return err } else { log.Infof("connection successful: %s, with version: %s, with labels: %v", resp.Msg.Runner.Name, resp.Msg.Runner.Version, resp.Msg.Runner.Labels) } } return nil } } 0707010000002F000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000C26000000000000000000000000000000000000004100000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/app/cmd/create-runner-file_test.go// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package cmd import ( "bytes" "context" "os" "testing" runnerv1 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func executeCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd *cobra.Command, args ...string) (string, error) { buf := new(bytes.Buffer) cmd.SetOut(buf) cmd.SetErr(buf) cmd.SetArgs(args) err := cmd.ExecuteContext(ctx) return buf.String(), err } func Test_createRunnerFileCmd(t *testing.T) { configFile := "config.yml" ctx := context.Background() cmd := createRunnerFileCmd(ctx, &configFile) output, err := executeCommand(ctx, cmd) assert.ErrorContains(t, err, `required flag(s) "instance", "secret" not set`) assert.Contains(t, output, "Usage:") } func Test_validateSecret(t *testing.T) { assert.ErrorContains(t, validateSecret("abc"), "exactly 40 characters") assert.ErrorContains(t, validateSecret("ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"), "must be an hexadecimal") } func Test_uuidFromSecret(t *testing.T) { uuid, err := uuidFromSecret("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA") assert.NoError(t, err) assert.EqualValues(t, uuid, "41414141-4141-4141-4141-414141414141") } func Test_ping(t *testing.T) { cfg := &config.Config{} address := os.Getenv("FORGEJO_URL") if address == "" { address = "" } reg := &config.Registration{ Address: address, UUID: "create-runner-file_test.go", } assert.NoError(t, ping(cfg, reg)) } func Test_runCreateRunnerFile(t *testing.T) { // // Set the .runner file to be in a temporary directory // dir := t.TempDir() configFile := dir + "/config.yml" runnerFile := dir + "/.runner" cfg, err := config.LoadDefault("") cfg.Runner.File = runnerFile yamlData, err := yaml.Marshal(cfg) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.NoError(t, os.WriteFile(configFile, yamlData, 0o666)) instance, has := os.LookupEnv("FORGEJO_URL") if !has { instance = "" } secret, has := os.LookupEnv("FORGEJO_RUNNER_SECRET") assert.True(t, has) name := "testrunner" // // Run create-runner-file // ctx := context.Background() cmd := createRunnerFileCmd(ctx, &configFile) output, err := executeCommand(ctx, cmd, "--connect", "--secret", secret, "--instance", instance, "--name", name) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.EqualValues(t, "", output) // // Read back the runner file and verify its content // reg, err := config.LoadRegistration(runnerFile) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.EqualValues(t, secret, reg.Token) assert.EqualValues(t, instance, reg.Address) // // Verify that fetching a task successfully returns there is // no task for this runner // cli := client.New( reg.Address, cfg.Runner.Insecure, reg.UUID, reg.Token, ver.Version(), ) resp, err := cli.FetchTask(ctx, connect.NewRequest(&runnerv1.FetchTaskRequest{})) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Nil(t, resp.Msg.Task) } 07070100000030000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00001869000000000000000000000000000000000000003000000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/app/cmd/daemon.go// Copyright 2022 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package cmd import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "" "" log "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func runDaemon(ctx context.Context, configFile *string) func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { return func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { cfg, err := config.LoadDefault(*configFile) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid configuration: %w", err) } initLogging(cfg) log.Infoln("Starting runner daemon") reg, err := config.LoadRegistration(cfg.Runner.File) if os.IsNotExist(err) { log.Error("registration file not found, please register the runner first") return err } else if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to load registration file: %w", err) } cfg.Tune(reg.Address) lbls := reg.Labels if len(cfg.Runner.Labels) > 0 { lbls = cfg.Runner.Labels } ls := labels.Labels{} for _, l := range lbls { label, err := labels.Parse(l) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Warnf("ignored invalid label %q", l) continue } ls = append(ls, label) } if len(ls) == 0 { log.Warn("no labels configured, runner may not be able to pick up jobs") } if ls.RequireDocker() { dockerSocketPath, err := getDockerSocketPath(cfg.Container.DockerHost) if err != nil { return err } if err := envcheck.CheckIfDockerRunning(ctx, dockerSocketPath); err != nil { return err } // if dockerSocketPath passes the check, override DOCKER_HOST with dockerSocketPath os.Setenv("DOCKER_HOST", dockerSocketPath) // empty cfg.Container.DockerHost means act_runner need to find an available docker host automatically // and assign the path to cfg.Container.DockerHost if cfg.Container.DockerHost == "" { cfg.Container.DockerHost = dockerSocketPath } // check the scheme, if the scheme is not npipe or unix // set cfg.Container.DockerHost to "-" because it can't be mounted to the job container if protoIndex := strings.Index(cfg.Container.DockerHost, "://"); protoIndex != -1 { scheme := cfg.Container.DockerHost[:protoIndex] if !strings.EqualFold(scheme, "npipe") && !strings.EqualFold(scheme, "unix") { cfg.Container.DockerHost = "-" } } } cli := client.New( reg.Address, cfg.Runner.Insecure, reg.UUID, reg.Token, ver.Version(), ) runner := run.NewRunner(cfg, reg, cli) // declare the labels of the runner before fetching tasks resp, err := runner.Declare(ctx, ls.Names()) if err != nil && connect.CodeOf(err) == connect.CodeUnimplemented { // Gitea instance is older version. skip declare step. log.Warn("Because the Forgejo instance is an old version, skipping declaring the labels and version.") } else if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("fail to invoke Declare") return err } else { log.Infof("runner: %s, with version: %s, with labels: %v, declared successfully", resp.Msg.Runner.Name, resp.Msg.Runner.Version, resp.Msg.Runner.Labels) // if declared successfully, override the labels in the.runner file with valid labels in the config file (if specified) runner.Update(ctx, ls) reg.Labels = ls.ToStrings() if err := config.SaveRegistration(cfg.Runner.File, reg); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to save runner config: %w", err) } } poller := poll.New(cfg, cli, runner) go poller.Poll() <-ctx.Done() log.Infof("runner: %s shutdown initiated, waiting [runner].shutdown_timeout=%s for running jobs to complete before shutting down", resp.Msg.Runner.Name, cfg.Runner.ShutdownTimeout) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), cfg.Runner.ShutdownTimeout) defer cancel() err = poller.Shutdown(ctx) if err != nil { log.Warnf("runner: %s cancelled in progress jobs during shutdown", resp.Msg.Runner.Name) } return nil } } // initLogging setup the global logrus logger. func initLogging(cfg *config.Config) { isTerm := isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stdout.Fd()) format := &log.TextFormatter{ DisableColors: !isTerm, FullTimestamp: true, } log.SetFormatter(format) if l := cfg.Log.Level; l != "" { level, err := log.ParseLevel(l) if err != nil { log.WithError(err). Errorf("invalid log level: %q", l) } // debug level if level == log.DebugLevel { log.SetReportCaller(true) format.CallerPrettyfier = func(f *runtime.Frame) (string, string) { // get function name s := strings.Split(f.Function, ".") funcname := "[" + s[len(s)-1] + "]" // get file name and line number _, filename := path.Split(f.File) filename = "[" + filename + ":" + strconv.Itoa(f.Line) + "]" return funcname, filename } log.SetFormatter(format) } if log.GetLevel() != level { log.Infof("log level changed to %v", level) log.SetLevel(level) } } } var commonSocketPaths = []string{ "/var/run/docker.sock", "/run/podman/podman.sock", "$HOME/.colima/docker.sock", "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/docker.sock", "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/podman/podman.sock", `\\.\pipe\docker_engine`, "$HOME/.docker/run/docker.sock", } func getDockerSocketPath(configDockerHost string) (string, error) { // a `-` means don't mount the docker socket to job containers if configDockerHost != "" && configDockerHost != "-" { return configDockerHost, nil } socket, found := os.LookupEnv("DOCKER_HOST") if found { return socket, nil } for _, p := range commonSocketPaths { if _, err := os.Lstat(os.ExpandEnv(p)); err == nil { if strings.HasPrefix(p, `\\.\`) { return "npipe://" + filepath.ToSlash(os.ExpandEnv(p)), nil } return "unix://" + filepath.ToSlash(os.ExpandEnv(p)), nil } } return "", fmt.Errorf("daemon Docker Engine socket not found and docker_host config was invalid") } 07070100000031000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000043D9000000000000000000000000000000000000002E00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/app/cmd/exec.go// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // Copyright 2019 nektos // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package cmd import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" log "" "" "" ) type executeArgs struct { runList bool job string event string workdir string workflowsPath string noWorkflowRecurse bool autodetectEvent bool forcePull bool forceRebuild bool jsonLogger bool envs []string envfile string secrets []string defaultActionsURL string insecureSecrets bool privileged bool usernsMode string containerArchitecture string containerDaemonSocket string useGitIgnore bool containerCapAdd []string containerCapDrop []string containerOptions string artifactServerPath string artifactServerAddr string artifactServerPort string noSkipCheckout bool debug bool dryrun bool image string cacheHandler *artifactcache.Handler network string enableIPv6 bool githubInstance string } // WorkflowsPath returns path to workflow file(s) func (i *executeArgs) WorkflowsPath() string { return i.resolve(i.workflowsPath) } // Envfile returns path to .env func (i *executeArgs) Envfile() string { return i.resolve(i.envfile) } func (i *executeArgs) LoadSecrets() map[string]string { s := make(map[string]string) for _, secretPair := range i.secrets { secretPairParts := strings.SplitN(secretPair, "=", 2) secretPairParts[0] = strings.ToUpper(secretPairParts[0]) if strings.ToUpper(s[secretPairParts[0]]) == secretPairParts[0] { log.Errorf("Secret %s is already defined (secrets are case insensitive)", secretPairParts[0]) } if len(secretPairParts) == 2 { s[secretPairParts[0]] = secretPairParts[1] } else if env, ok := os.LookupEnv(secretPairParts[0]); ok && env != "" { s[secretPairParts[0]] = env } else { fmt.Printf("Provide value for '%s': ", secretPairParts[0]) val, err := term.ReadPassword(int(os.Stdin.Fd())) fmt.Println() if err != nil { log.Errorf("failed to read input: %v", err) os.Exit(1) } s[secretPairParts[0]] = string(val) } } return s } func readEnvs(path string, envs map[string]string) bool { if _, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil { env, err := godotenv.Read(path) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Error loading from %s: %v", path, err) } for k, v := range env { envs[k] = v } return true } return false } func (i *executeArgs) LoadEnvs() map[string]string { envs := make(map[string]string) if i.envs != nil { for _, envVar := range i.envs { e := strings.SplitN(envVar, `=`, 2) if len(e) == 2 { envs[e[0]] = e[1] } else { envs[e[0]] = "" } } } _ = readEnvs(i.Envfile(), envs) envs["ACTIONS_CACHE_URL"] = i.cacheHandler.ExternalURL() + "/" return envs } // Workdir returns path to workdir func (i *executeArgs) Workdir() string { return i.resolve(".") } func (i *executeArgs) resolve(path string) string { basedir, err := filepath.Abs(i.workdir) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if path == "" { return path } if !filepath.IsAbs(path) { path = filepath.Join(basedir, path) } return path } func printList(plan *model.Plan) error { type lineInfoDef struct { jobID string jobName string stage string wfName string wfFile string events string } lineInfos := []lineInfoDef{} header := lineInfoDef{ jobID: "Job ID", jobName: "Job name", stage: "Stage", wfName: "Workflow name", wfFile: "Workflow file", events: "Events", } jobs := map[string]bool{} duplicateJobIDs := false jobIDMaxWidth := len(header.jobID) jobNameMaxWidth := len(header.jobName) stageMaxWidth := len(header.stage) wfNameMaxWidth := len(header.wfName) wfFileMaxWidth := len(header.wfFile) eventsMaxWidth := len( for i, stage := range plan.Stages { for _, r := range stage.Runs { jobID := r.JobID line := lineInfoDef{ jobID: jobID, jobName: r.String(), stage: strconv.Itoa(i), wfName: r.Workflow.Name, wfFile: r.Workflow.File, events: strings.Join(r.Workflow.On(), `,`), } if _, ok := jobs[jobID]; ok { duplicateJobIDs = true } else { jobs[jobID] = true } lineInfos = append(lineInfos, line) if jobIDMaxWidth < len(line.jobID) { jobIDMaxWidth = len(line.jobID) } if jobNameMaxWidth < len(line.jobName) { jobNameMaxWidth = len(line.jobName) } if stageMaxWidth < len(line.stage) { stageMaxWidth = len(line.stage) } if wfNameMaxWidth < len(line.wfName) { wfNameMaxWidth = len(line.wfName) } if wfFileMaxWidth < len(line.wfFile) { wfFileMaxWidth = len(line.wfFile) } if eventsMaxWidth < len( { eventsMaxWidth = len( } } } jobIDMaxWidth += 2 jobNameMaxWidth += 2 stageMaxWidth += 2 wfNameMaxWidth += 2 wfFileMaxWidth += 2 fmt.Printf("%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s\n", -stageMaxWidth, header.stage, -jobIDMaxWidth, header.jobID, -jobNameMaxWidth, header.jobName, -wfNameMaxWidth, header.wfName, -wfFileMaxWidth, header.wfFile, -eventsMaxWidth,, ) for _, line := range lineInfos { fmt.Printf("%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s\n", -stageMaxWidth, line.stage, -jobIDMaxWidth, line.jobID, -jobNameMaxWidth, line.jobName, -wfNameMaxWidth, line.wfName, -wfFileMaxWidth, line.wfFile, -eventsMaxWidth,, ) } if duplicateJobIDs { fmt.Print("\nDetected multiple jobs with the same job name, use `-W` to specify the path to the specific workflow.\n") } return nil } func runExecList(ctx context.Context, planner model.WorkflowPlanner, execArgs *executeArgs) error { // plan with filtered jobs - to be used for filtering only var filterPlan *model.Plan // Determine the event name to be filtered var filterEventName string if len(execArgs.event) > 0 { log.Infof("Using chosed event for filtering: %s", execArgs.event) filterEventName = execArgs.event } else if execArgs.autodetectEvent { // collect all events from loaded workflows events := planner.GetEvents() // set default event type to first event from many available // this way user dont have to specify the event. log.Infof("Using first detected workflow event for filtering: %s", events[0]) filterEventName = events[0] } var err error if execArgs.job != "" { log.Infof("Preparing plan with a job: %s", execArgs.job) filterPlan, err = planner.PlanJob(execArgs.job) if err != nil { return err } } else if filterEventName != "" { log.Infof("Preparing plan for a event: %s", filterEventName) filterPlan, err = planner.PlanEvent(filterEventName) if err != nil { return err } } else { log.Infof("Preparing plan with all jobs") filterPlan, err = planner.PlanAll() if err != nil { return err } } _ = printList(filterPlan) return nil } func runExec(ctx context.Context, execArgs *executeArgs) func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { return func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { planner, err := model.NewWorkflowPlanner(execArgs.WorkflowsPath(), execArgs.noWorkflowRecurse) if err != nil { return err } if execArgs.runList { return runExecList(ctx, planner, execArgs) } // plan with triggered jobs var plan *model.Plan // Determine the event name to be triggered var eventName string // collect all events from loaded workflows events := planner.GetEvents() if len(execArgs.event) > 0 { log.Infof("Using chosed event for filtering: %s", execArgs.event) eventName = execArgs.event } else if len(events) == 1 && len(events[0]) > 0 { log.Infof("Using the only detected workflow event: %s", events[0]) eventName = events[0] } else if execArgs.autodetectEvent && len(events) > 0 && len(events[0]) > 0 { // set default event type to first event from many available // this way user dont have to specify the event. log.Infof("Using first detected workflow event: %s", events[0]) eventName = events[0] } else { log.Infof("Using default workflow event: push") eventName = "push" } // build the plan for this run if execArgs.job != "" { log.Infof("Planning job: %s", execArgs.job) plan, err = planner.PlanJob(execArgs.job) if err != nil { return err } } else { log.Infof("Planning jobs for event: %s", eventName) plan, err = planner.PlanEvent(eventName) if err != nil { return err } } maxLifetime := 3 * time.Hour if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok { maxLifetime = time.Until(deadline) } // init a cache server handler, err := artifactcache.StartHandler("", "", 0, log.StandardLogger().WithField("module", "cache_request")) if err != nil { return err } log.Infof("cache handler listens on: %v", handler.ExternalURL()) execArgs.cacheHandler = handler if len(execArgs.artifactServerAddr) == 0 { ip := common.GetOutboundIP() if ip == nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to determine outbound IP address") } execArgs.artifactServerAddr = ip.String() } if len(execArgs.artifactServerPath) == 0 { tempDir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "gitea-act-") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } defer os.RemoveAll(tempDir) execArgs.artifactServerPath = tempDir } // run the plan config := &runner.Config{ Workdir: execArgs.Workdir(), BindWorkdir: false, ReuseContainers: false, ForcePull: execArgs.forcePull, ForceRebuild: execArgs.forceRebuild, LogOutput: true, JSONLogger: execArgs.jsonLogger, Env: execArgs.LoadEnvs(), Secrets: execArgs.LoadSecrets(), InsecureSecrets: execArgs.insecureSecrets, Privileged: execArgs.privileged, UsernsMode: execArgs.usernsMode, ContainerArchitecture: execArgs.containerArchitecture, ContainerDaemonSocket: execArgs.containerDaemonSocket, UseGitIgnore: execArgs.useGitIgnore, GitHubInstance: execArgs.githubInstance, ContainerCapAdd: execArgs.containerCapAdd, ContainerCapDrop: execArgs.containerCapDrop, ContainerOptions: execArgs.containerOptions, AutoRemove: true, ArtifactServerPath: execArgs.artifactServerPath, ArtifactServerPort: execArgs.artifactServerPort, ArtifactServerAddr: execArgs.artifactServerAddr, NoSkipCheckout: execArgs.noSkipCheckout, // PresetGitHubContext: preset, // EventJSON: string(eventJSON), ContainerNamePrefix: fmt.Sprintf("FORGEJO-ACTIONS-TASK-%s", eventName), ContainerMaxLifetime: maxLifetime, ContainerNetworkMode: container.NetworkMode(, ContainerNetworkEnableIPv6: execArgs.enableIPv6, DefaultActionInstance: execArgs.defaultActionsURL, PlatformPicker: func(_ []string) string { return execArgs.image }, ValidVolumes: []string{"**"}, // All volumes are allowed for `exec` command } config.Env["ACT_EXEC"] = "true" if t := config.Secrets["GITEA_TOKEN"]; t != "" { config.Token = t } else if t := config.Secrets["GITHUB_TOKEN"]; t != "" { config.Token = t } if !execArgs.debug { logLevel := log.InfoLevel config.JobLoggerLevel = &logLevel } r, err := runner.New(config) if err != nil { return err } artifactCancel := artifacts.Serve(ctx, execArgs.artifactServerPath, execArgs.artifactServerAddr, execArgs.artifactServerPort) log.Debugf("artifacts server started at %s:%s", execArgs.artifactServerPath, execArgs.artifactServerPort) ctx = common.WithDryrun(ctx, execArgs.dryrun) executor := r.NewPlanExecutor(plan).Finally(func(ctx context.Context) error { artifactCancel() return nil }) return executor(ctx) } } func loadExecCmd(ctx context.Context) *cobra.Command { execArg := executeArgs{} execCmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "exec", Short: "Run workflow locally.", Args: cobra.MaximumNArgs(20), RunE: runExec(ctx, &execArg), } execCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&execArg.runList, "list", "l", false, "list workflows") execCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&execArg.job, "job", "j", "", "run a specific job ID") execCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&execArg.event, "event", "E", "", "run a event name") execCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&execArg.workflowsPath, "workflows", "W", "./.forgejo/workflows/", "path to workflow file(s)") execCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&execArg.workdir, "directory", "C", ".", "working directory") execCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&execArg.noWorkflowRecurse, "no-recurse", "", false, "Flag to disable running workflows from subdirectories of specified path in '--workflows'/'-W' flag") execCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&execArg.autodetectEvent, "detect-event", "", false, "Use first event type from workflow as event that triggered the workflow") execCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&execArg.forcePull, "pull", "p", false, "pull docker image(s) even if already present") execCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&execArg.forceRebuild, "rebuild", "", false, "rebuild local action docker image(s) even if already present") execCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&execArg.jsonLogger, "json", false, "Output logs in json format") execCmd.Flags().StringArrayVarP(&execArg.envs, "env", "", []string{}, "env to make available to actions with optional value (e.g. --env myenv=foo or --env myenv)") execCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&execArg.envfile, "env-file", "", ".env", "environment file to read and use as env in the containers") execCmd.Flags().StringArrayVarP(&execArg.secrets, "secret", "s", []string{}, "secret to make available to actions with optional value (e.g. -s mysecret=foo or -s mysecret)") execCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&execArg.insecureSecrets, "insecure-secrets", "", false, "NOT RECOMMENDED! Doesn't hide secrets while printing logs.") execCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&execArg.privileged, "privileged", false, "use privileged mode") execCmd.Flags().StringVar(&execArg.usernsMode, "userns", "", "user namespace to use") execCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&execArg.containerArchitecture, "container-architecture", "", "", "Architecture which should be used to run containers, e.g.: linux/amd64. If not specified, will use host default architecture. Requires Docker server API Version 1.41+. Ignored on earlier Docker server platforms.") execCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&execArg.containerDaemonSocket, "container-daemon-socket", "", "/var/run/docker.sock", "Path to Docker daemon socket which will be mounted to containers") execCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&execArg.useGitIgnore, "use-gitignore", true, "Controls whether paths specified in .gitignore should be copied into container") execCmd.Flags().StringArrayVarP(&execArg.containerCapAdd, "container-cap-add", "", []string{}, "kernel capabilities to add to the workflow containers (e.g. --container-cap-add SYS_PTRACE)") execCmd.Flags().StringArrayVarP(&execArg.containerCapDrop, "container-cap-drop", "", []string{}, "kernel capabilities to remove from the workflow containers (e.g. --container-cap-drop SYS_PTRACE)") execCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&execArg.containerOptions, "container-opts", "", "", "container options") execCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&execArg.artifactServerPath, "artifact-server-path", "", ".", "Defines the path where the artifact server stores uploads and retrieves downloads from. If not specified the artifact server will not start.") execCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&execArg.artifactServerAddr, "artifact-server-addr", "", "", "Defines the address where the artifact server listens") execCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&execArg.artifactServerPort, "artifact-server-port", "", "34567", "Defines the port where the artifact server listens (will only bind to localhost).") execCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&execArg.defaultActionsURL, "default-actions-url", "", "", "Defines the default base url of the action.") execCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&execArg.noSkipCheckout, "no-skip-checkout", "", false, "Do not skip actions/checkout") execCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&execArg.debug, "debug", "d", false, "enable debug log") execCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&execArg.dryrun, "dryrun", "n", false, "dryrun mode") execCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&execArg.image, "image", "i", "node:20-bullseye", "Docker image to use. Use \"-self-hosted\" to run directly on the host.") execCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&, "network", "", "", "Specify the network to which the container will connect") execCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&execArg.enableIPv6, "enable-ipv6", "6", false, "Create network with IPv6 enabled.") execCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&execArg.githubInstance, "gitea-instance", "", "", "Gitea instance to use.") return execCmd } 07070100000032000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000023D7000000000000000000000000000000000000003200000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/app/cmd/register.go// Copyright 2022 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package cmd import ( "bufio" "context" "fmt" "os" "os/signal" goruntime "runtime" "strings" "time" pingv1 "" runnerv1 "" "" "" log "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // runRegister registers a runner to the server func runRegister(ctx context.Context, regArgs *registerArgs, configFile *string) func(*cobra.Command, []string) error { return func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { log.SetReportCaller(false) isTerm := isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stdout.Fd()) log.SetFormatter(&log.TextFormatter{ DisableColors: !isTerm, DisableTimestamp: true, }) log.SetLevel(log.DebugLevel) log.Infof("Registering runner, arch=%s, os=%s, version=%s.", goruntime.GOARCH, goruntime.GOOS, ver.Version()) // runner always needs root permission if os.Getuid() != 0 { // TODO: use a better way to check root permission log.Warnf("Runner in user-mode.") } if regArgs.NoInteractive { if err := registerNoInteractive(ctx, *configFile, regArgs); err != nil { return err } } else { go func() { if err := registerInteractive(ctx, *configFile); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) return } os.Exit(0) }() c := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt) <-c } return nil } } // registerArgs represents the arguments for register command type registerArgs struct { NoInteractive bool InstanceAddr string Token string RunnerName string Labels string } type registerStage int8 const ( StageUnknown registerStage = -1 StageOverwriteLocalConfig registerStage = iota + 1 StageInputInstance StageInputToken StageInputRunnerName StageInputLabels StageWaitingForRegistration StageExit ) var defaultLabels = []string{ "docker:docker://node:20-bullseye", } type registerInputs struct { InstanceAddr string Token string RunnerName string Labels []string } func (r *registerInputs) validate() error { if r.InstanceAddr == "" { return fmt.Errorf("instance address is empty") } if r.Token == "" { return fmt.Errorf("token is empty") } if len(r.Labels) > 0 { return validateLabels(r.Labels) } return nil } func validateLabels(ls []string) error { for _, label := range ls { if _, err := labels.Parse(label); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (r *registerInputs) assignToNext(stage registerStage, value string, cfg *config.Config) registerStage { // must set instance address and token. // if empty, keep current stage. if stage == StageInputInstance || stage == StageInputToken { if value == "" { return stage } } // set hostname for runner name if empty if stage == StageInputRunnerName && value == "" { value, _ = os.Hostname() } switch stage { case StageOverwriteLocalConfig: if value == "Y" || value == "y" { return StageInputInstance } return StageExit case StageInputInstance: r.InstanceAddr = value return StageInputToken case StageInputToken: r.Token = value return StageInputRunnerName case StageInputRunnerName: r.RunnerName = value // if there are some labels configured in config file, skip input labels stage if len(cfg.Runner.Labels) > 0 { ls := make([]string, 0, len(cfg.Runner.Labels)) for _, l := range cfg.Runner.Labels { _, err := labels.Parse(l) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Warnf("ignored invalid label %q", l) continue } ls = append(ls, l) } if len(ls) == 0 { log.Warn("no valid labels configured in config file, runner may not be able to pick up jobs") } r.Labels = ls return StageWaitingForRegistration } return StageInputLabels case StageInputLabels: r.Labels = defaultLabels if value != "" { r.Labels = strings.Split(value, ",") } if validateLabels(r.Labels) != nil { log.Infoln("Invalid labels, please input again, leave blank to use the default labels (for example, ubuntu-20.04:docker://node:20-bookworm,ubuntu-18.04:docker://node:20-bookworm)") return StageInputLabels } return StageWaitingForRegistration } return StageUnknown } func registerInteractive(ctx context.Context, configFile string) error { var ( reader = bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) stage = StageInputInstance inputs = new(registerInputs) ) cfg, err := config.LoadDefault(configFile) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to load config: %v", err) } if f, err := os.Stat(cfg.Runner.File); err == nil && !f.IsDir() { stage = StageOverwriteLocalConfig } for { printStageHelp(stage) cmdString, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if err != nil { return err } stage = inputs.assignToNext(stage, strings.TrimSpace(cmdString), cfg) if stage == StageWaitingForRegistration { log.Infof("Registering runner, name=%s, instance=%s, labels=%v.", inputs.RunnerName, inputs.InstanceAddr, inputs.Labels) if err := doRegister(ctx, cfg, inputs); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to register runner: %w", err) } log.Infof("Runner registered successfully.") return nil } if stage == StageExit { return nil } if stage <= StageUnknown { log.Errorf("Invalid input, please re-run act command.") return nil } } } func printStageHelp(stage registerStage) { switch stage { case StageOverwriteLocalConfig: log.Infoln("Runner is already registered, overwrite local config? [y/N]") case StageInputInstance: log.Infoln("Enter the Forgejo instance URL (for example,") case StageInputToken: log.Infoln("Enter the runner token:") case StageInputRunnerName: hostname, _ := os.Hostname() log.Infof("Enter the runner name (if set empty, use hostname: %s):\n", hostname) case StageInputLabels: log.Infoln("Enter the runner labels, leave blank to use the default labels (comma-separated, for example, ubuntu-20.04:docker://node:20-bookworm,ubuntu-18.04:docker://node:20-bookworm):") case StageWaitingForRegistration: log.Infoln("Waiting for registration...") } } func registerNoInteractive(ctx context.Context, configFile string, regArgs *registerArgs) error { cfg, err := config.LoadDefault(configFile) if err != nil { return err } inputs := ®isterInputs{ InstanceAddr: regArgs.InstanceAddr, Token: regArgs.Token, RunnerName: regArgs.RunnerName, Labels: defaultLabels, } regArgs.Labels = strings.TrimSpace(regArgs.Labels) // command line flag. if regArgs.Labels != "" { inputs.Labels = strings.Split(regArgs.Labels, ",") } // specify labels in config file. if len(cfg.Runner.Labels) > 0 { if regArgs.Labels != "" { log.Warn("Labels from command will be ignored, use labels defined in config file.") } inputs.Labels = cfg.Runner.Labels } if inputs.RunnerName == "" { inputs.RunnerName, _ = os.Hostname() log.Infof("Runner name is empty, use hostname '%s'.", inputs.RunnerName) } if err := inputs.validate(); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("Invalid input, please re-run act command.") return nil } if err := doRegister(ctx, cfg, inputs); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to register runner: %w", err) } log.Infof("Runner registered successfully.") return nil } func doRegister(ctx context.Context, cfg *config.Config, inputs *registerInputs) error { // initial http client cli := client.New( inputs.InstanceAddr, cfg.Runner.Insecure, "", "", ver.Version(), ) for { _, err := cli.Ping(ctx, connect.NewRequest(&pingv1.PingRequest{ Data: inputs.RunnerName, })) select { case <-ctx.Done(): return ctx.Err() default: } if ctx.Err() != nil { break } if err != nil { log.WithError(err). Errorln("Cannot ping the Forgejo instance server") // TODO: if ping failed, retry or exit time.Sleep(time.Second) } else { log.Debugln("Successfully pinged the Forgejo instance server") break } } reg := &config.Registration{ Name: inputs.RunnerName, Token: inputs.Token, Address: inputs.InstanceAddr, Labels: inputs.Labels, } ls := make([]string, len(reg.Labels)) for i, v := range reg.Labels { l, _ := labels.Parse(v) ls[i] = l.Name } // register new runner. resp, err := cli.Register(ctx, connect.NewRequest(&runnerv1.RegisterRequest{ Name: reg.Name, Token: reg.Token, Version: ver.Version(), AgentLabels: ls, // Could be removed after Gitea 1.20 Labels: ls, })) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("poller: cannot register new runner") return err } reg.ID = resp.Msg.Runner.Id reg.UUID = resp.Msg.Runner.Uuid reg.Name = resp.Msg.Runner.Name reg.Token = resp.Msg.Runner.Token if err := config.SaveRegistration(cfg.Runner.File, reg); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to save runner config: %w", err) } return nil } 07070100000033000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002700000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/app/poll07070100000034000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000F25000000000000000000000000000000000000003100000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/app/poll/poller.go// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package poll import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "sync" "sync/atomic" runnerv1 "" "" log "" "" "" "" "" ) const PollerID = "PollerID" type Poller interface { Poll() Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error } type poller struct { client client.Client runner run.RunnerInterface cfg *config.Config tasksVersion atomic.Int64 // tasksVersion used to store the version of the last task fetched from the Gitea. pollingCtx context.Context shutdownPolling context.CancelFunc jobsCtx context.Context shutdownJobs context.CancelFunc done chan any } func New(cfg *config.Config, client client.Client, runner run.RunnerInterface) Poller { return (&poller{}).init(cfg, client, runner) } func (p *poller) init(cfg *config.Config, client client.Client, runner run.RunnerInterface) Poller { pollingCtx, shutdownPolling := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) jobsCtx, shutdownJobs := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) done := make(chan any) p.client = client p.runner = runner p.cfg = cfg p.pollingCtx = pollingCtx p.shutdownPolling = shutdownPolling p.jobsCtx = jobsCtx p.shutdownJobs = shutdownJobs p.done = done return p } func (p *poller) Poll() { limiter := rate.NewLimiter(rate.Every(p.cfg.Runner.FetchInterval), 1) wg := &sync.WaitGroup{} for i := 0; i < p.cfg.Runner.Capacity; i++ { wg.Add(1) go p.poll(i, wg, limiter) } wg.Wait() // signal the poller is finished close(p.done) } func (p *poller) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error { p.shutdownPolling() select { case <-p.done: log.Trace("all jobs are complete") return nil case <-ctx.Done(): log.Trace("forcing the jobs to shutdown") p.shutdownJobs() <-p.done log.Trace("all jobs have been shutdown") return ctx.Err() } } func (p *poller) poll(id int, wg *sync.WaitGroup, limiter *rate.Limiter) { log.Infof("[poller %d] launched", id) defer wg.Done() for { if err := limiter.Wait(p.pollingCtx); err != nil { log.Infof("[poller %d] shutdown", id) return } task, ok := p.fetchTask(p.pollingCtx) if !ok { continue } p.runTaskWithRecover(p.jobsCtx, task) } } func (p *poller) runTaskWithRecover(ctx context.Context, task *runnerv1.Task) { defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { err := fmt.Errorf("panic: %v", r) log.WithError(err).Error("panic in runTaskWithRecover") } }() if err := p.runner.Run(ctx, task); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("failed to run task") } } func (p *poller) fetchTask(ctx context.Context) (*runnerv1.Task, bool) { reqCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, p.cfg.Runner.FetchTimeout) defer cancel() // Load the version value that was in the cache when the request was sent. v := p.tasksVersion.Load() resp, err := p.client.FetchTask(reqCtx, connect.NewRequest(&runnerv1.FetchTaskRequest{ TasksVersion: v, })) if errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) { log.Trace("deadline exceeded") err = nil } if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { log.WithError(err).Debugf("shutdown, fetch task canceled") } else { log.WithError(err).Error("failed to fetch task") } return nil, false } if resp == nil || resp.Msg == nil { return nil, false } if resp.Msg.TasksVersion > v { p.tasksVersion.CompareAndSwap(v, resp.Msg.TasksVersion) } if resp.Msg.Task == nil { return nil, false } // got a task, set `tasksVersion` to zero to focre query db in next request. p.tasksVersion.CompareAndSwap(resp.Msg.TasksVersion, 0) return resp.Msg.Task, true } 07070100000035000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00001436000000000000000000000000000000000000003600000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/app/poll/poller_test.go// Copyright The Forgejo Authors. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package poll import ( "context" "fmt" "testing" "time" "" "" runnerv1 "" "" "" log "" "" ) type mockPoller struct { poller } func (o *mockPoller) Poll() { o.poller.Poll() } type mockClient struct { pingv1connect.PingServiceClient runnerv1connect.RunnerServiceClient sleep time.Duration cancel bool err error noTask bool } func (o mockClient) Address() string { return "" } func (o mockClient) Insecure() bool { return true } func (o *mockClient) FetchTask(ctx context.Context, req *connect.Request[runnerv1.FetchTaskRequest]) (*connect.Response[runnerv1.FetchTaskResponse], error) { if o.sleep > 0 { select { case <-ctx.Done(): log.Trace("fetch task done") return nil, context.DeadlineExceeded case <-time.After(o.sleep): log.Trace("slept") return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected") } } if o.cancel { return nil, context.Canceled } if o.err != nil { return nil, o.err } task := &runnerv1.Task{} if o.noTask { task = nil o.noTask = false } return connect.NewResponse(&runnerv1.FetchTaskResponse{ Task: task, TasksVersion: int64(1), }), nil } type mockRunner struct { cfg *config.Runner log chan string panics bool err error } func (o *mockRunner) Run(ctx context.Context, task *runnerv1.Task) error { o.log <- "runner starts" if o.panics { log.Trace("panics") o.log <- "runner panics" o.panics = false panic("whatever") } if o.err != nil { log.Trace("error") o.log <- "runner error" err := o.err o.err = nil return err } for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): log.Trace("shutdown") o.log <- "runner shutdown" return nil case <-time.After(o.cfg.Timeout): log.Trace("after") o.log <- "runner timeout" return nil } } } func setTrace(t *testing.T) { t.Helper() log.SetReportCaller(true) log.SetLevel(log.TraceLevel) } func TestPoller_New(t *testing.T) { p := New(&config.Config{}, &mockClient{}, &mockRunner{}) assert.NotNil(t, p) } func TestPoller_Runner(t *testing.T) { setTrace(t) for _, testCase := range []struct { name string timeout time.Duration noTask bool panics bool err error expected string contextTimeout time.Duration }{ { name: "Simple", timeout: 10 * time.Second, expected: "runner shutdown", }, { name: "Panics", timeout: 10 * time.Second, panics: true, expected: "runner panics", }, { name: "Error", timeout: 10 * time.Second, err: fmt.Errorf("ERROR"), expected: "runner error", }, { name: "PollTaskError", timeout: 10 * time.Second, noTask: true, expected: "runner shutdown", }, { name: "ShutdownTimeout", timeout: 1 * time.Second, contextTimeout: 1 * time.Minute, expected: "runner timeout", }, } { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { runnerLog := make(chan string, 3) configRunner := config.Runner{ FetchInterval: 1, Capacity: 1, Timeout: testCase.timeout, } p := &mockPoller{} p.init( &config.Config{ Runner: configRunner, }, &mockClient{ noTask: testCase.noTask, }, &mockRunner{ cfg: &configRunner, log: runnerLog, panics: testCase.panics, err: testCase.err, }) go p.Poll() assert.Equal(t, "runner starts", <-runnerLog) var ctx context.Context var cancel context.CancelFunc if testCase.contextTimeout > 0 { ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testCase.contextTimeout) defer cancel() } else { ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background()) cancel() } p.Shutdown(ctx) <-p.done assert.Equal(t, testCase.expected, <-runnerLog) }) } } func TestPoller_Fetch(t *testing.T) { setTrace(t) for _, testCase := range []struct { name string noTask bool sleep time.Duration err error cancel bool success bool }{ { name: "Success", success: true, }, { name: "Timeout", sleep: 100 * time.Millisecond, }, { name: "Canceled", cancel: true, }, { name: "NoTask", noTask: true, }, { name: "Error", err: fmt.Errorf("random error"), }, } { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { configRunner := config.Runner{ FetchTimeout: 1 * time.Millisecond, } p := &mockPoller{} p.init( &config.Config{ Runner: configRunner, }, &mockClient{ sleep: testCase.sleep, cancel: testCase.cancel, noTask: testCase.noTask, err: testCase.err, }, &mockRunner{}, ) task, ok := p.fetchTask(context.Background()) if testCase.success { assert.True(t, ok) assert.NotNil(t, task) } else { assert.False(t, ok) assert.Nil(t, task) } }) } } 07070100000036000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002600000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/app/run07070100000037000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00001FAA000000000000000000000000000000000000003000000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/app/run/runner.go// Copyright 2022 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package run import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "path/filepath" "strings" "sync" "time" runnerv1 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" log "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // Runner runs the pipeline. type Runner struct { name string cfg *config.Config client client.Client labels labels.Labels envs map[string]string runningTasks sync.Map } type RunnerInterface interface { Run(ctx context.Context, task *runnerv1.Task) error } func NewRunner(cfg *config.Config, reg *config.Registration, cli client.Client) *Runner { ls := labels.Labels{} for _, v := range reg.Labels { if l, err := labels.Parse(v); err == nil { ls = append(ls, l) } } if cfg.Runner.Envs == nil { cfg.Runner.Envs = make(map[string]string, 10) } cfg.Runner.Envs["GITHUB_SERVER_URL"] = reg.Address envs := make(map[string]string, len(cfg.Runner.Envs)) for k, v := range cfg.Runner.Envs { envs[k] = v } if cfg.Cache.Enabled == nil || *cfg.Cache.Enabled { if cfg.Cache.ExternalServer != "" { envs["ACTIONS_CACHE_URL"] = cfg.Cache.ExternalServer } else { cacheHandler, err := artifactcache.StartHandler( cfg.Cache.Dir, cfg.Cache.Host, cfg.Cache.Port, log.StandardLogger().WithField("module", "cache_request"), ) if err != nil { log.Errorf("cannot init cache server, it will be disabled: %v", err) // go on } else { envs["ACTIONS_CACHE_URL"] = cacheHandler.ExternalURL() + "/" } } } // set artifact gitea api artifactGiteaAPI := strings.TrimSuffix(cli.Address(), "/") + "/api/actions_pipeline/" envs["ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL"] = artifactGiteaAPI envs["ACTIONS_RESULTS_URL"] = strings.TrimSuffix(cli.Address(), "/") // Set specific environments to distinguish between Gitea and GitHub envs["GITEA_ACTIONS"] = "true" envs["GITEA_ACTIONS_RUNNER_VERSION"] = ver.Version() return &Runner{ name: reg.Name, cfg: cfg, client: cli, labels: ls, envs: envs, } } func (r *Runner) Run(ctx context.Context, task *runnerv1.Task) error { if _, ok := r.runningTasks.Load(task.Id); ok { return fmt.Errorf("task %d is already running", task.Id) } r.runningTasks.Store(task.Id, struct{}{}) defer r.runningTasks.Delete(task.Id) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, r.cfg.Runner.Timeout) defer cancel() reporter := report.NewReporter(ctx, cancel, r.client, task, r.cfg.Runner.ReportInterval) var runErr error defer func() { lastWords := "" if runErr != nil { lastWords = runErr.Error() } _ = reporter.Close(lastWords) }() reporter.RunDaemon() runErr =, task, reporter) return nil } func (r *Runner) run(ctx context.Context, task *runnerv1.Task, reporter *report.Reporter) (err error) { defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("panic: %v", r) } }() reporter.Logf("%s(version:%s) received task %v of job %v, be triggered by event: %s",, ver.Version(), task.Id, task.Context.Fields["job"].GetStringValue(), task.Context.Fields["event_name"].GetStringValue()) workflow, jobID, err := generateWorkflow(task) if err != nil { return err } plan, err := model.CombineWorkflowPlanner(workflow).PlanJob(jobID) if err != nil { return err } job := workflow.GetJob(jobID) reporter.ResetSteps(len(job.Steps)) taskContext := task.Context.Fields log.Infof("task %v repo is %v %v %v", task.Id, taskContext["repository"].GetStringValue(), taskContext["gitea_default_actions_url"].GetStringValue(), r.client.Address()) preset := &model.GithubContext{ Event: taskContext["event"].GetStructValue().AsMap(), RunID: taskContext["run_id"].GetStringValue(), RunNumber: taskContext["run_number"].GetStringValue(), Actor: taskContext["actor"].GetStringValue(), Repository: taskContext["repository"].GetStringValue(), EventName: taskContext["event_name"].GetStringValue(), Sha: taskContext["sha"].GetStringValue(), Ref: taskContext["ref"].GetStringValue(), RefName: taskContext["ref_name"].GetStringValue(), RefType: taskContext["ref_type"].GetStringValue(), HeadRef: taskContext["head_ref"].GetStringValue(), BaseRef: taskContext["base_ref"].GetStringValue(), Token: taskContext["token"].GetStringValue(), RepositoryOwner: taskContext["repository_owner"].GetStringValue(), RetentionDays: taskContext["retention_days"].GetStringValue(), } if t := task.Secrets["GITEA_TOKEN"]; t != "" { preset.Token = t } else if t := task.Secrets["GITHUB_TOKEN"]; t != "" { preset.Token = t } giteaRuntimeToken := taskContext["gitea_runtime_token"].GetStringValue() if giteaRuntimeToken == "" { // use task token to action api token for previous Gitea Server Versions giteaRuntimeToken = preset.Token } r.envs["ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN"] = giteaRuntimeToken eventJSON, err := json.Marshal(preset.Event) if err != nil { return err } maxLifetime := 3 * time.Hour if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok { maxLifetime = time.Until(deadline) } var inputs map[string]string if preset.EventName == "workflow_dispatch" { if inputsRaw, ok := preset.Event["inputs"]; ok { inputs, _ = inputsRaw.(map[string]string) } } runnerConfig := &runner.Config{ // On Linux, Workdir will be like "/<parent_directory>/<owner>/<repo>" // On Windows, Workdir will be like "\<parent_directory>\<owner>\<repo>" Workdir: filepath.FromSlash(filepath.Clean(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", r.cfg.Container.WorkdirParent, preset.Repository))), BindWorkdir: false, ActionCacheDir: filepath.FromSlash(r.cfg.Host.WorkdirParent), ReuseContainers: false, ForcePull: r.cfg.Container.ForcePull, ForceRebuild: false, LogOutput: true, JSONLogger: false, Env: r.envs, Secrets: task.Secrets, GitHubInstance: strings.TrimSuffix(r.client.Address(), "/"), AutoRemove: true, NoSkipCheckout: true, PresetGitHubContext: preset, EventJSON: string(eventJSON), ContainerNamePrefix: fmt.Sprintf("GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-%d", task.Id), ContainerMaxLifetime: maxLifetime, ContainerNetworkMode: container.NetworkMode(r.cfg.Container.Network), ContainerNetworkEnableIPv6: r.cfg.Container.EnableIPv6, ContainerOptions: r.cfg.Container.Options, ContainerDaemonSocket: r.cfg.Container.DockerHost, Privileged: r.cfg.Container.Privileged, DefaultActionInstance: taskContext["gitea_default_actions_url"].GetStringValue(), PlatformPicker: r.labels.PickPlatform, Vars: task.Vars, ValidVolumes: r.cfg.Container.ValidVolumes, InsecureSkipTLS: r.cfg.Runner.Insecure, Inputs: inputs, } rr, err := runner.New(runnerConfig) if err != nil { return err } executor := rr.NewPlanExecutor(plan) reporter.Logf("workflow prepared") // add logger recorders ctx = common.WithLoggerHook(ctx, reporter) execErr := executor(ctx) reporter.SetOutputs(job.Outputs) return execErr } func (r *Runner) Declare(ctx context.Context, labels []string) (*connect.Response[runnerv1.DeclareResponse], error) { return r.client.Declare(ctx, connect.NewRequest(&runnerv1.DeclareRequest{ Version: ver.Version(), Labels: labels, })) } func (r *Runner) Update(ctx context.Context, labels labels.Labels) { r.labels = labels } 07070100000038000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000309000000000000000000000000000000000000003500000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/app/run/runner_test.gopackage run import ( "context" "testing" "" "" ) func TestLabelUpdate(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() ls := labels.Labels{} initialLabel, err := labels.Parse("testlabel:docker://alpine") assert.NoError(t, err) ls = append(ls, initialLabel) newLs := labels.Labels{} newLabel, err := labels.Parse("next label:host") assert.NoError(t, err) newLs = append(newLs, initialLabel) newLs = append(newLs, newLabel) runner := Runner{ labels: ls, } assert.Contains(t, runner.labels, initialLabel) assert.NotContains(t, runner.labels, newLabel) runner.Update(ctx, newLs) assert.Contains(t, runner.labels, initialLabel) assert.Contains(t, runner.labels, newLabel) } 07070100000039000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000004DC000000000000000000000000000000000000003200000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/app/run/workflow.go// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package run import ( "bytes" "fmt" "sort" "strings" runnerv1 "" "" "" ) func generateWorkflow(task *runnerv1.Task) (*model.Workflow, string, error) { workflow, err := model.ReadWorkflow(bytes.NewReader(task.WorkflowPayload)) if err != nil { return nil, "", err } jobIDs := workflow.GetJobIDs() if len(jobIDs) != 1 { return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("multiple jobs found: %v", jobIDs) } jobID := jobIDs[0] needJobIDs := make([]string, 0, len(task.Needs)) for id, need := range task.Needs { needJobIDs = append(needJobIDs, id) needJob := &model.Job{ Outputs: need.Outputs, Result: strings.ToLower(strings.TrimPrefix(need.Result.String(), "RESULT_")), } workflow.Jobs[id] = needJob } sort.Strings(needJobIDs) rawNeeds := yaml.Node{ Kind: yaml.SequenceNode, Content: make([]*yaml.Node, 0, len(needJobIDs)), } for _, id := range needJobIDs { rawNeeds.Content = append(rawNeeds.Content, &yaml.Node{ Kind: yaml.ScalarNode, Value: id, }) } workflow.Jobs[jobID].RawNeeds = rawNeeds return workflow, jobID, nil } 0707010000003A000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000826000000000000000000000000000000000000003700000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/app/run/workflow_test.go// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package run import ( "testing" runnerv1 "" "" "" "" ) func Test_generateWorkflow(t *testing.T) { type args struct { task *runnerv1.Task } tests := []struct { name string args args assert func(t *testing.T, wf *model.Workflow, err error) want1 string wantErr bool }{ { name: "has needs", args: args{ task: &runnerv1.Task{ WorkflowPayload: []byte(` name: Build and deploy on: push jobs: job9: needs: build runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - run: ./deploy --build ${{ needs.job1.outputs.output1 }} - run: ./deploy --build ${{ needs.job2.outputs.output2 }} `), Needs: map[string]*runnerv1.TaskNeed{ "job1": { Outputs: map[string]string{ "output1": "output1 value", }, Result: runnerv1.Result_RESULT_SUCCESS, }, "job2": { Outputs: map[string]string{ "output2": "output2 value", }, Result: runnerv1.Result_RESULT_SUCCESS, }, }, }, }, assert: func(t *testing.T, wf *model.Workflow, err error) { assert.DeepEqual(t, wf.GetJob("job9").Needs(), []string{"job1", "job2"}) }, want1: "job9", wantErr: false, }, { name: "valid YAML syntax in top level env but wrong value type", args: args{ task: &runnerv1.Task{ WorkflowPayload: []byte(` on: push env: value: {{ }} `), }, }, assert: func(t *testing.T, wf *model.Workflow, err error) { require.Nil(t, wf) assert.ErrorContains(t, err, "cannot unmarshal") }, wantErr: true, }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { got, got1, err := generateWorkflow(tt.args.task) if tt.wantErr { require.Error(t, err) } else { require.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, got1, tt.want1) } tt.assert(t, got, err) }) } } 0707010000003B000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002200000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg0707010000003C000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002900000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/client0707010000003D000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000001C8000000000000000000000000000000000000003300000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/client/client.go// Copyright 2022 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package client import ( "" "" ) // A Client manages communication with the runner. // //go:generate mockery --name Client type Client interface { pingv1connect.PingServiceClient runnerv1connect.RunnerServiceClient Address() string Insecure() bool } 0707010000003E000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000113000000000000000000000000000000000000003300000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/client/header.go// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package client const ( UUIDHeader = "x-runner-uuid" TokenHeader = "x-runner-token" // Deprecated: could be removed after Gitea 1.20 released VersionHeader = "x-runner-version" ) 0707010000003F000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000007E6000000000000000000000000000000000000003100000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/client/http.go// Copyright 2022 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package client import ( "context" "crypto/tls" "net/http" "strings" "" "" "" ) func getHTTPClient(endpoint string, insecure bool) *http.Client { if strings.HasPrefix(endpoint, "https://") && insecure { return &http.Client{ Transport: &http.Transport{ TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{ InsecureSkipVerify: true, }, }, } } return http.DefaultClient } // New returns a new runner client. func New(endpoint string, insecure bool, uuid, token, version string, opts ...connect.ClientOption) *HTTPClient { baseURL := strings.TrimRight(endpoint, "/") + "/api/actions" opts = append(opts, connect.WithInterceptors(connect.UnaryInterceptorFunc(func(next connect.UnaryFunc) connect.UnaryFunc { return func(ctx context.Context, req connect.AnyRequest) (connect.AnyResponse, error) { if uuid != "" { req.Header().Set(UUIDHeader, uuid) } if token != "" { req.Header().Set(TokenHeader, token) } // TODO: version will be removed from request header after Gitea 1.20 released. if version != "" { req.Header().Set(VersionHeader, version) } return next(ctx, req) } }))) return &HTTPClient{ PingServiceClient: pingv1connect.NewPingServiceClient( getHTTPClient(endpoint, insecure), baseURL, opts..., ), RunnerServiceClient: runnerv1connect.NewRunnerServiceClient( getHTTPClient(endpoint, insecure), baseURL, opts..., ), endpoint: endpoint, insecure: insecure, } } func (c *HTTPClient) Address() string { return c.endpoint } func (c *HTTPClient) Insecure() bool { return c.insecure } var _ Client = (*HTTPClient)(nil) // An HTTPClient manages communication with the runner API. type HTTPClient struct { pingv1connect.PingServiceClient runnerv1connect.RunnerServiceClient endpoint string insecure bool } 07070100000040000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002F00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/client/mocks07070100000041000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00001ADA000000000000000000000000000000000000003900000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/client/mocks/Client.go// Code generated by mockery v2.26.1. DO NOT EDIT. package mocks import ( context "context" connect "" mock "" pingv1 "" runnerv1 "" ) // Client is an autogenerated mock type for the Client type type Client struct { mock.Mock } // Address provides a mock function with given fields: func (_m *Client) Address() string { ret := _m.Called() var r0 string if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func() string); ok { r0 = rf() } else { r0 = ret.Get(0).(string) } return r0 } // Declare provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1 func (_m *Client) Declare(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *connect.Request[runnerv1.DeclareRequest]) (*connect.Response[runnerv1.DeclareResponse], error) { ret := _m.Called(_a0, _a1) var r0 *connect.Response[runnerv1.DeclareResponse] var r1 error if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *connect.Request[runnerv1.DeclareRequest]) (*connect.Response[runnerv1.DeclareResponse], error)); ok { return rf(_a0, _a1) } if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *connect.Request[runnerv1.DeclareRequest]) *connect.Response[runnerv1.DeclareResponse]); ok { r0 = rf(_a0, _a1) } else { if ret.Get(0) != nil { r0 = ret.Get(0).(*connect.Response[runnerv1.DeclareResponse]) } } if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, *connect.Request[runnerv1.DeclareRequest]) error); ok { r1 = rf(_a0, _a1) } else { r1 = ret.Error(1) } return r0, r1 } // FetchTask provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1 func (_m *Client) FetchTask(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *connect.Request[runnerv1.FetchTaskRequest]) (*connect.Response[runnerv1.FetchTaskResponse], error) { ret := _m.Called(_a0, _a1) var r0 *connect.Response[runnerv1.FetchTaskResponse] var r1 error if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *connect.Request[runnerv1.FetchTaskRequest]) (*connect.Response[runnerv1.FetchTaskResponse], error)); ok { return rf(_a0, _a1) } if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *connect.Request[runnerv1.FetchTaskRequest]) *connect.Response[runnerv1.FetchTaskResponse]); ok { r0 = rf(_a0, _a1) } else { if ret.Get(0) != nil { r0 = ret.Get(0).(*connect.Response[runnerv1.FetchTaskResponse]) } } if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, *connect.Request[runnerv1.FetchTaskRequest]) error); ok { r1 = rf(_a0, _a1) } else { r1 = ret.Error(1) } return r0, r1 } // Insecure provides a mock function with given fields: func (_m *Client) Insecure() bool { ret := _m.Called() var r0 bool if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func() bool); ok { r0 = rf() } else { r0 = ret.Get(0).(bool) } return r0 } // Ping provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1 func (_m *Client) Ping(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *connect.Request[pingv1.PingRequest]) (*connect.Response[pingv1.PingResponse], error) { ret := _m.Called(_a0, _a1) var r0 *connect.Response[pingv1.PingResponse] var r1 error if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *connect.Request[pingv1.PingRequest]) (*connect.Response[pingv1.PingResponse], error)); ok { return rf(_a0, _a1) } if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *connect.Request[pingv1.PingRequest]) *connect.Response[pingv1.PingResponse]); ok { r0 = rf(_a0, _a1) } else { if ret.Get(0) != nil { r0 = ret.Get(0).(*connect.Response[pingv1.PingResponse]) } } if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, *connect.Request[pingv1.PingRequest]) error); ok { r1 = rf(_a0, _a1) } else { r1 = ret.Error(1) } return r0, r1 } // Register provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1 func (_m *Client) Register(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *connect.Request[runnerv1.RegisterRequest]) (*connect.Response[runnerv1.RegisterResponse], error) { ret := _m.Called(_a0, _a1) var r0 *connect.Response[runnerv1.RegisterResponse] var r1 error if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *connect.Request[runnerv1.RegisterRequest]) (*connect.Response[runnerv1.RegisterResponse], error)); ok { return rf(_a0, _a1) } if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *connect.Request[runnerv1.RegisterRequest]) *connect.Response[runnerv1.RegisterResponse]); ok { r0 = rf(_a0, _a1) } else { if ret.Get(0) != nil { r0 = ret.Get(0).(*connect.Response[runnerv1.RegisterResponse]) } } if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, *connect.Request[runnerv1.RegisterRequest]) error); ok { r1 = rf(_a0, _a1) } else { r1 = ret.Error(1) } return r0, r1 } // UpdateLog provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1 func (_m *Client) UpdateLog(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *connect.Request[runnerv1.UpdateLogRequest]) (*connect.Response[runnerv1.UpdateLogResponse], error) { ret := _m.Called(_a0, _a1) var r0 *connect.Response[runnerv1.UpdateLogResponse] var r1 error if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *connect.Request[runnerv1.UpdateLogRequest]) (*connect.Response[runnerv1.UpdateLogResponse], error)); ok { return rf(_a0, _a1) } if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *connect.Request[runnerv1.UpdateLogRequest]) *connect.Response[runnerv1.UpdateLogResponse]); ok { r0 = rf(_a0, _a1) } else { if ret.Get(0) != nil { r0 = ret.Get(0).(*connect.Response[runnerv1.UpdateLogResponse]) } } if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, *connect.Request[runnerv1.UpdateLogRequest]) error); ok { r1 = rf(_a0, _a1) } else { r1 = ret.Error(1) } return r0, r1 } // UpdateTask provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1 func (_m *Client) UpdateTask(_a0 context.Context, _a1 *connect.Request[runnerv1.UpdateTaskRequest]) (*connect.Response[runnerv1.UpdateTaskResponse], error) { ret := _m.Called(_a0, _a1) var r0 *connect.Response[runnerv1.UpdateTaskResponse] var r1 error if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *connect.Request[runnerv1.UpdateTaskRequest]) (*connect.Response[runnerv1.UpdateTaskResponse], error)); ok { return rf(_a0, _a1) } if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *connect.Request[runnerv1.UpdateTaskRequest]) *connect.Response[runnerv1.UpdateTaskResponse]); ok { r0 = rf(_a0, _a1) } else { if ret.Get(0) != nil { r0 = ret.Get(0).(*connect.Response[runnerv1.UpdateTaskResponse]) } } if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, *connect.Request[runnerv1.UpdateTaskRequest]) error); ok { r1 = rf(_a0, _a1) } else { r1 = ret.Error(1) } return r0, r1 } type mockConstructorTestingTNewClient interface { mock.TestingT Cleanup(func()) } // NewClient creates a new instance of Client. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. func NewClient(t mockConstructorTestingTNewClient) *Client { mock := &Client{} mock.Mock.Test(t) t.Cleanup(func() { mock.AssertExpectations(t) }) return mock } 07070100000042000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002900000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/config07070100000043000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00001259000000000000000000000000000000000000003D00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/config/config.example.yaml# Example configuration file, it's safe to copy this as the default config file without any modification. # You don't have to copy this file to your instance, # just run `forgejo-runner generate-config > config.yaml` to generate a config file. log: # The level of logging, can be trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal level: info runner: # Where to store the registration result. file: .runner # Execute how many tasks concurrently at the same time. capacity: 1 # Extra environment variables to run jobs. envs: A_TEST_ENV_NAME_1: a_test_env_value_1 A_TEST_ENV_NAME_2: a_test_env_value_2 # Extra environment variables to run jobs from a file. # It will be ignored if it's empty or the file doesn't exist. env_file: .env # The timeout for a job to be finished. # Please note that the Forgejo instance also has a timeout (3h by default) for the job. # So the job could be stopped by the Forgejo instance if it's timeout is shorter than this. timeout: 3h # The timeout for the runner to wait for running jobs to finish when # shutting down because a TERM or INT signal has been received. Any # running jobs that haven't finished after this timeout will be # cancelled. # If unset or zero the jobs will be cancelled immediately. shutdown_timeout: 3h # Whether skip verifying the TLS certificate of the instance. insecure: false # The timeout for fetching the job from the Forgejo instance. fetch_timeout: 5s # The interval for fetching the job from the Forgejo instance. fetch_interval: 2s # The interval for reporting the job status and logs to the Forgejo instance. report_interval: 1s # The labels of a runner are used to determine which jobs the runner can run, and how to run them. # Like: ["macos-arm64:host", "ubuntu-latest:docker://node:20-bookworm", "ubuntu-22.04:docker://node:20-bookworm"] # If it's empty when registering, it will ask for inputting labels. # If it's empty when executing the `daemon`, it will use labels in the `.runner` file. labels: [] cache: # Enable cache server to use actions/cache. enabled: true # The directory to store the cache data. # If it's empty, the cache data will be stored in $HOME/.cache/actcache. dir: "" # The host of the cache server. # It's not for the address to listen, but the address to connect from job containers. # So is a bad choice, leave it empty to detect automatically. host: "" # The port of the cache server. # 0 means to use a random available port. port: 0 # The external cache server URL. Valid only when enable is true. # If it's specified, it will be used to set the ACTIONS_CACHE_URL environment variable. The URL should generally end with "/". # Otherwise it will be set to the the URL of the internal cache server. external_server: "" container: # Specifies the network to which the container will connect. # Could be host, bridge or the name of a custom network. # If it's empty, create a network automatically. network: "" # Whether to create networks with IPv6 enabled. Requires the Docker daemon to be set up accordingly. # Only takes effect if "network" is set to "". enable_ipv6: false # Whether to use privileged mode or not when launching task containers (privileged mode is required for Docker-in-Docker). privileged: false # And other options to be used when the container is started (eg, --add-host=my.forgejo.url:host-gateway). options: # The parent directory of a job's working directory. # If it's empty, /workspace will be used. workdir_parent: # Volumes (including bind mounts) can be mounted to containers. Glob syntax is supported, see # You can specify multiple volumes. If the sequence is empty, no volumes can be mounted. # For example, if you only allow containers to mount the `data` volume and all the json files in `/src`, you should change the config to: # valid_volumes: # - data # - /src/*.json # If you want to allow any volume, please use the following configuration: # valid_volumes: # - '**' valid_volumes: [] # overrides the docker client host with the specified one. # If "-", an available docker host will automatically be found. # If empty, an available docker host will automatically be found and mounted in the job container (e.g. /var/run/docker.sock). # Otherwise the specified docker host will be used and an error will be returned if it doesn't work. docker_host: "-" # Pull docker image(s) even if already present force_pull: false host: # The parent directory of a job's working directory. # If it's empty, $HOME/.cache/act/ will be used. workdir_parent: 07070100000044000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00001D54000000000000000000000000000000000000003300000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/config/config.go// Copyright 2022 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package config import ( "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "time" "" log "" "" ) // Log represents the configuration for logging. type Log struct { Level string `yaml:"level"` // Level indicates the logging level. } // Runner represents the configuration for the runner. type Runner struct { File string `yaml:"file"` // File specifies the file path for the runner. Capacity int `yaml:"capacity"` // Capacity specifies the capacity of the runner. Envs map[string]string `yaml:"envs"` // Envs stores environment variables for the runner. EnvFile string `yaml:"env_file"` // EnvFile specifies the path to the file containing environment variables for the runner. Timeout time.Duration `yaml:"timeout"` // Timeout specifies the duration for runner timeout. ShutdownTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"shutdown_timeout"` // ShutdownTimeout specifies the duration to wait for running jobs to complete during a shutdown of the runner. Insecure bool `yaml:"insecure"` // Insecure indicates whether the runner operates in an insecure mode. FetchTimeout time.Duration `yaml:"fetch_timeout"` // FetchTimeout specifies the timeout duration for fetching resources. FetchInterval time.Duration `yaml:"fetch_interval"` // FetchInterval specifies the interval duration for fetching resources. ReportInterval time.Duration `yaml:"report_interval"` // ReportInterval specifies the interval duration for reporting status and logs of a running job. Labels []string `yaml:"labels"` // Labels specify the labels of the runner. Labels are declared on each startup } // Cache represents the configuration for caching. type Cache struct { Enabled *bool `yaml:"enabled"` // Enabled indicates whether caching is enabled. It is a pointer to distinguish between false and not set. If not set, it will be true. Dir string `yaml:"dir"` // Dir specifies the directory path for caching. Host string `yaml:"host"` // Host specifies the caching host. Port uint16 `yaml:"port"` // Port specifies the caching port. ExternalServer string `yaml:"external_server"` // ExternalServer specifies the URL of external cache server } // Container represents the configuration for the container. type Container struct { Network string `yaml:"network"` // Network specifies the network for the container. NetworkMode string `yaml:"network_mode"` // Deprecated: use Network instead. Could be removed after Gitea 1.20 EnableIPv6 bool `yaml:"enable_ipv6"` // EnableIPv6 indicates whether the network is created with IPv6 enabled. Privileged bool `yaml:"privileged"` // Privileged indicates whether the container runs in privileged mode. Options string `yaml:"options"` // Options specifies additional options for the container. WorkdirParent string `yaml:"workdir_parent"` // WorkdirParent specifies the parent directory for the container's working directory. ValidVolumes []string `yaml:"valid_volumes"` // ValidVolumes specifies the volumes (including bind mounts) can be mounted to containers. DockerHost string `yaml:"docker_host"` // DockerHost specifies the Docker host. It overrides the value specified in environment variable DOCKER_HOST. ForcePull bool `yaml:"force_pull"` // Pull docker image(s) even if already present } // Host represents the configuration for the host. type Host struct { WorkdirParent string `yaml:"workdir_parent"` // WorkdirParent specifies the parent directory for the host's working directory. } // Config represents the overall configuration. type Config struct { Log Log `yaml:"log"` // Log represents the configuration for logging. Runner Runner `yaml:"runner"` // Runner represents the configuration for the runner. Cache Cache `yaml:"cache"` // Cache represents the configuration for caching. Container Container `yaml:"container"` // Container represents the configuration for the container. Host Host `yaml:"host"` // Host represents the configuration for the host. } // Tune the config settings accordingly to the Forgejo instance that will be used. func (c *Config) Tune(instanceURL string) { if instanceURL == "" { if c.Runner.FetchInterval < 30*time.Second { log.Info("The runner is configured to be used by a public instance, fetch interval is set to 30 seconds.") c.Runner.FetchInterval = 30 * time.Second } } } // LoadDefault returns the default configuration. // If file is not empty, it will be used to load the configuration. func LoadDefault(file string) (*Config, error) { cfg := &Config{} if file != "" { content, err := os.ReadFile(file) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("open config file %q: %w", file, err) } if err := yaml.Unmarshal(content, cfg); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("parse config file %q: %w", file, err) } } compatibleWithOldEnvs(file != "", cfg) if cfg.Runner.EnvFile != "" { if stat, err := os.Stat(cfg.Runner.EnvFile); err == nil && !stat.IsDir() { envs, err := godotenv.Read(cfg.Runner.EnvFile) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("read env file %q: %w", cfg.Runner.EnvFile, err) } if cfg.Runner.Envs == nil { cfg.Runner.Envs = map[string]string{} } for k, v := range envs { cfg.Runner.Envs[k] = v } } } if cfg.Log.Level == "" { cfg.Log.Level = "info" } if cfg.Runner.File == "" { cfg.Runner.File = ".runner" } if cfg.Runner.Capacity <= 0 { cfg.Runner.Capacity = 1 } if cfg.Runner.Timeout <= 0 { cfg.Runner.Timeout = 3 * time.Hour } if cfg.Cache.Enabled == nil { b := true cfg.Cache.Enabled = &b } if *cfg.Cache.Enabled { if cfg.Cache.Dir == "" { home, _ := os.UserHomeDir() cfg.Cache.Dir = filepath.Join(home, ".cache", "actcache") } } if cfg.Container.WorkdirParent == "" { cfg.Container.WorkdirParent = "workspace" } if cfg.Host.WorkdirParent == "" { home, _ := os.UserHomeDir() cfg.Host.WorkdirParent = filepath.Join(home, ".cache", "act") } if cfg.Runner.FetchTimeout <= 0 { cfg.Runner.FetchTimeout = 5 * time.Second } if cfg.Runner.FetchInterval <= 0 { cfg.Runner.FetchInterval = 2 * time.Second } if cfg.Runner.ReportInterval <= 0 { cfg.Runner.ReportInterval = time.Second } // although `container.network_mode` will be deprecated, but we have to be compatible with it for now. if cfg.Container.NetworkMode != "" && cfg.Container.Network == "" { log.Warn("You are trying to use deprecated configuration item of `container.network_mode`, please use `` instead.") if cfg.Container.NetworkMode == "bridge" { // Previously, if the value of `container.network_mode` is `bridge`, we will create a new network for job. // But “bridge” is easily confused with the bridge network created by Docker by default. // So we set the value of `` to empty string to make `act_runner` automatically create a new network for job. cfg.Container.Network = "" } else { cfg.Container.Network = cfg.Container.NetworkMode } } return cfg, nil } 07070100000045000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000003AB000000000000000000000000000000000000003800000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/config/config_test.go// Copyright 2024 The Forgejo Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package config import ( "testing" "time" "" ) func TestConfigTune(t *testing.T) { c := &Config{ Runner: Runner{}, } t.Run("Public instance tuning", func(t *testing.T) { c.Runner.FetchInterval = 60 * time.Second c.Tune("") assert.EqualValues(t, 60*time.Second, c.Runner.FetchInterval) c.Runner.FetchInterval = 2 * time.Second c.Tune("") assert.EqualValues(t, 30*time.Second, c.Runner.FetchInterval) }) t.Run("Non-public instance tuning", func(t *testing.T) { c.Runner.FetchInterval = 60 * time.Second c.Tune("") assert.EqualValues(t, 60*time.Second, c.Runner.FetchInterval) c.Runner.FetchInterval = 2 * time.Second c.Tune("") assert.EqualValues(t, 2*time.Second, c.Runner.FetchInterval) }) } 07070100000046000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000005F8000000000000000000000000000000000000003700000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/config/deprecated.go// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package config import ( "os" "strconv" "strings" log "" ) // Deprecated: could be removed in the future. TODO: remove it when Gitea 1.20.0 is released. // Be compatible with old envs. func compatibleWithOldEnvs(fileUsed bool, cfg *Config) { handleEnv := func(key string) (string, bool) { if v, ok := os.LookupEnv(key); ok { if fileUsed { log.Warnf("env %s has been ignored because config file is used", key) return "", false } log.Warnf("env %s will be deprecated, please use config file instead", key) return v, true } return "", false } if v, ok := handleEnv("GITEA_DEBUG"); ok { if b, _ := strconv.ParseBool(v); b { cfg.Log.Level = "debug" } } if v, ok := handleEnv("GITEA_TRACE"); ok { if b, _ := strconv.ParseBool(v); b { cfg.Log.Level = "trace" } } if v, ok := handleEnv("GITEA_RUNNER_CAPACITY"); ok { if i, _ := strconv.Atoi(v); i > 0 { cfg.Runner.Capacity = i } } if v, ok := handleEnv("GITEA_RUNNER_FILE"); ok { cfg.Runner.File = v } if v, ok := handleEnv("GITEA_RUNNER_ENVIRON"); ok { splits := strings.Split(v, ",") if cfg.Runner.Envs == nil { cfg.Runner.Envs = map[string]string{} } for _, split := range splits { kv := strings.SplitN(split, ":", 2) if len(kv) == 2 && kv[0] != "" { cfg.Runner.Envs[kv[0]] = kv[1] } } } if v, ok := handleEnv("GITEA_RUNNER_ENV_FILE"); ok { cfg.Runner.EnvFile = v } } 07070100000047000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000000AF000000000000000000000000000000000000003200000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/config/embed.go// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package config import _ "embed" //go:embed config.example.yaml var Example []byte 07070100000048000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD0000050B000000000000000000000000000000000000003900000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/config/registration.go// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package config import ( "encoding/json" "os" ) const registrationWarning = "This file is automatically generated by act-runner. Do not edit it manually unless you know what you are doing. Removing this file will cause act runner to re-register as a new runner." // Registration is the registration information for a runner type Registration struct { Warning string `json:"WARNING"` // Warning message to display, it's always the registrationWarning constant ID int64 `json:"id"` UUID string `json:"uuid"` Name string `json:"name"` Token string `json:"token"` Address string `json:"address"` Labels []string `json:"labels"` } func LoadRegistration(file string) (*Registration, error) { f, err := os.Open(file) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer f.Close() var reg Registration if err := json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(®); err != nil { return nil, err } reg.Warning = "" return ®, nil } func SaveRegistration(file string, reg *Registration) error { f, err := os.Create(file) if err != nil { return err } defer f.Close() reg.Warning = registrationWarning enc := json.NewEncoder(f) enc.SetIndent("", " ") return enc.Encode(reg) } 07070100000049000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002B00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/envcheck0707010000004A000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000000C8000000000000000000000000000000000000003200000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/envcheck/doc.go// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // Package envcheck provides a simple way to check if the environment is ready to run jobs. package envcheck 0707010000004B000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000272000000000000000000000000000000000000003500000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/envcheck/docker.go// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package envcheck import ( "context" "fmt" "" ) func CheckIfDockerRunning(ctx context.Context, configDockerHost string) error { opts := []client.Opt{ client.FromEnv, } if configDockerHost != "" { opts = append(opts, client.WithHost(configDockerHost)) } cli, err := client.NewClientWithOpts(opts...) if err != nil { return err } defer cli.Close() _, err = cli.Ping(ctx) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot ping the docker daemon. is it running? %w", err) } return nil } 0707010000004C000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002900000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/labels0707010000004D000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000945000000000000000000000000000000000000003300000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/labels/labels.go// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package labels import ( "fmt" "strings" ) const ( SchemeHost = "host" SchemeDocker = "docker" SchemeLXC = "lxc" ) type Label struct { Name string Schema string Arg string } func Parse(str string) (*Label, error) { splits := strings.SplitN(str, ":", 3) label := &Label{ Name: splits[0], Schema: "host", Arg: "", } if len(splits) >= 2 { label.Schema = splits[1] } if len(splits) >= 3 { label.Arg = splits[2] } if label.Schema != SchemeHost && label.Schema != SchemeDocker && label.Schema != SchemeLXC { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported schema: %s", label.Schema) } return label, nil } type Labels []*Label func (l Labels) RequireDocker() bool { for _, label := range l { if label.Schema == SchemeDocker { return true } } return false } func (l Labels) PickPlatform(runsOn []string) string { platforms := make(map[string]string, len(l)) for _, label := range l { switch label.Schema { case SchemeDocker: // "//" will be ignored platforms[label.Name] = strings.TrimPrefix(label.Arg, "//") case SchemeHost: platforms[label.Name] = "-self-hosted" case SchemeLXC: platforms[label.Name] = "lxc:" + strings.TrimPrefix(label.Arg, "//") default: // It should not happen, because Parse has checked it. continue } } for _, v := range runsOn { if v, ok := platforms[v]; ok { return v } } // TODO: support multiple labels // like: // ["ubuntu-22.04"] => "ubuntu:22.04" // ["with-gpu"] => "linux:with-gpu" // ["ubuntu-22.04", "with-gpu"] => "ubuntu:22.04_with-gpu" // return default. // So the runner receives a task with a label that the runner doesn't have, // it happens when the user have edited the label of the runner in the web UI. // TODO: it may be not correct, what if the runner is used as host mode only? return "node:20-bullseye" } func (l Labels) Names() []string { names := make([]string, 0, len(l)) for _, label := range l { names = append(names, label.Name) } return names } func (l Labels) ToStrings() []string { ls := make([]string, 0, len(l)) for _, label := range l { lbl := label.Name if label.Schema != "" { lbl += ":" + label.Schema if label.Arg != "" { lbl += ":" + label.Arg } } ls = append(ls, lbl) } return ls } 0707010000004E000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD0000040A000000000000000000000000000000000000003800000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/labels/labels_test.go// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package labels import ( "testing" "" "" ) func TestParse(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { args string want *Label wantErr bool }{ { args: "ubuntu:docker://node:18", want: &Label{ Name: "ubuntu", Schema: "docker", Arg: "//node:18", }, wantErr: false, }, { args: "ubuntu:host", want: &Label{ Name: "ubuntu", Schema: "host", Arg: "", }, wantErr: false, }, { args: "ubuntu", want: &Label{ Name: "ubuntu", Schema: "host", Arg: "", }, wantErr: false, }, { args: "ubuntu:vm:ubuntu-18.04", want: nil, wantErr: true, }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(tt.args, func(t *testing.T) { got, err := Parse(tt.args) if tt.wantErr { require.Error(t, err) return } require.NoError(t, err) assert.DeepEqual(t, got, tt.want) }) } } 0707010000004F000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002900000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/report07070100000050000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000027C9000000000000000000000000000000000000003500000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/report/reporter.go// Copyright 2022 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package report import ( "context" "fmt" "regexp" "strings" "sync" "time" runnerv1 "" "" retry "" log "" "" "" "" ) type Reporter struct { ctx context.Context cancel context.CancelFunc closed bool client client.Client clientM sync.Mutex logOffset int logRows []*runnerv1.LogRow logReplacer *strings.Replacer oldnew []string reportInterval time.Duration state *runnerv1.TaskState stateMu sync.RWMutex outputs sync.Map debugOutputEnabled bool stopCommandEndToken string } func NewReporter(ctx context.Context, cancel context.CancelFunc, client client.Client, task *runnerv1.Task, reportInterval time.Duration) *Reporter { var oldnew []string if v := task.Context.Fields["token"].GetStringValue(); v != "" { oldnew = append(oldnew, v, "***") } if v := task.Context.Fields["gitea_runtime_token"].GetStringValue(); v != "" { oldnew = append(oldnew, v, "***") } for _, v := range task.Secrets { oldnew = append(oldnew, v, "***") } rv := &Reporter{ ctx: ctx, cancel: cancel, client: client, oldnew: oldnew, reportInterval: reportInterval, logReplacer: strings.NewReplacer(oldnew...), state: &runnerv1.TaskState{ Id: task.Id, }, } if task.Secrets["ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG"] == "true" { rv.debugOutputEnabled = true } return rv } func (r *Reporter) ResetSteps(l int) { r.stateMu.Lock() defer r.stateMu.Unlock() for i := 0; i < l; i++ { r.state.Steps = append(r.state.Steps, &runnerv1.StepState{ Id: int64(i), }) } } func (r *Reporter) Levels() []log.Level { return log.AllLevels } func appendIfNotNil[T any](s []*T, v *T) []*T { if v != nil { return append(s, v) } return s } func (r *Reporter) Fire(entry *log.Entry) error { r.stateMu.Lock() defer r.stateMu.Unlock() log.WithFields(entry.Data).Trace(entry.Message) timestamp := entry.Time if r.state.StartedAt == nil { r.state.StartedAt = timestamppb.New(timestamp) } stage := entry.Data["stage"] if stage != "Main" { if v, ok := entry.Data["jobResult"]; ok { if jobResult, ok := r.parseResult(v); ok { r.state.Result = jobResult r.state.StoppedAt = timestamppb.New(timestamp) for _, s := range r.state.Steps { if s.Result == runnerv1.Result_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED { s.Result = runnerv1.Result_RESULT_CANCELLED if jobResult == runnerv1.Result_RESULT_SKIPPED { s.Result = runnerv1.Result_RESULT_SKIPPED } } } } } if !r.duringSteps() { r.logRows = appendIfNotNil(r.logRows, r.parseLogRow(entry)) } return nil } var step *runnerv1.StepState if v, ok := entry.Data["stepNumber"]; ok { if v, ok := v.(int); ok && len(r.state.Steps) > v { step = r.state.Steps[v] } } if step == nil { if !r.duringSteps() { r.logRows = appendIfNotNil(r.logRows, r.parseLogRow(entry)) } return nil } if step.StartedAt == nil { step.StartedAt = timestamppb.New(timestamp) } if v, ok := entry.Data["raw_output"]; ok { if rawOutput, ok := v.(bool); ok && rawOutput { if row := r.parseLogRow(entry); row != nil { if step.LogLength == 0 { step.LogIndex = int64(r.logOffset + len(r.logRows)) } step.LogLength++ r.logRows = append(r.logRows, row) } } } else if !r.duringSteps() { r.logRows = appendIfNotNil(r.logRows, r.parseLogRow(entry)) } if v, ok := entry.Data["stepResult"]; ok { if stepResult, ok := r.parseResult(v); ok { if step.LogLength == 0 { step.LogIndex = int64(r.logOffset + len(r.logRows)) } step.Result = stepResult step.StoppedAt = timestamppb.New(timestamp) } } return nil } func (r *Reporter) RunDaemon() { if r.closed { return } if r.ctx.Err() != nil { return } _ = r.ReportLog(false) _ = r.ReportState() time.AfterFunc(r.reportInterval, r.RunDaemon) } func (r *Reporter) Logf(format string, a ...interface{}) { r.stateMu.Lock() defer r.stateMu.Unlock() r.logf(format, a...) } func (r *Reporter) logf(format string, a ...interface{}) { if !r.duringSteps() { r.logRows = append(r.logRows, &runnerv1.LogRow{ Time: timestamppb.Now(), Content: fmt.Sprintf(format, a...), }) } } func (r *Reporter) SetOutputs(outputs map[string]string) { r.stateMu.Lock() defer r.stateMu.Unlock() for k, v := range outputs { if len(k) > 255 { r.logf("ignore output because the key is too long: %q", k) continue } if l := len(v); l > 1024*1024 { log.Println("ignore output because the value is too long:", k, l) r.logf("ignore output because the value %q is too long: %d", k, l) } if _, ok := r.outputs.Load(k); ok { continue } r.outputs.Store(k, v) } } func (r *Reporter) Close(lastWords string) error { r.closed = true r.stateMu.Lock() if r.state.Result == runnerv1.Result_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED { if lastWords == "" { lastWords = "Early termination" } for _, v := range r.state.Steps { if v.Result == runnerv1.Result_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED { v.Result = runnerv1.Result_RESULT_CANCELLED } } r.state.Result = runnerv1.Result_RESULT_FAILURE r.logRows = append(r.logRows, &runnerv1.LogRow{ Time: timestamppb.Now(), Content: lastWords, }) r.state.StoppedAt = timestamppb.Now() } else if lastWords != "" { r.logRows = append(r.logRows, &runnerv1.LogRow{ Time: timestamppb.Now(), Content: lastWords, }) } r.stateMu.Unlock() return retry.Do(func() error { if err := r.ReportLog(true); err != nil { return err } return r.ReportState() }, retry.Context(r.ctx)) } func (r *Reporter) ReportLog(noMore bool) error { r.clientM.Lock() defer r.clientM.Unlock() r.stateMu.RLock() rows := r.logRows r.stateMu.RUnlock() resp, err := r.client.UpdateLog(r.ctx, connect.NewRequest(&runnerv1.UpdateLogRequest{ TaskId: r.state.Id, Index: int64(r.logOffset), Rows: rows, NoMore: noMore, })) if err != nil { return err } ack := int(resp.Msg.AckIndex) if ack < r.logOffset { return fmt.Errorf("submitted logs are lost") } r.stateMu.Lock() r.logRows = r.logRows[ack-r.logOffset:] r.logOffset = ack r.stateMu.Unlock() if noMore && ack < r.logOffset+len(rows) { return fmt.Errorf("not all logs are submitted") } return nil } func (r *Reporter) ReportState() error { r.clientM.Lock() defer r.clientM.Unlock() r.stateMu.RLock() state := proto.Clone(r.state).(*runnerv1.TaskState) r.stateMu.RUnlock() outputs := make(map[string]string) r.outputs.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool { if val, ok := v.(string); ok { outputs[k.(string)] = val } return true }) resp, err := r.client.UpdateTask(r.ctx, connect.NewRequest(&runnerv1.UpdateTaskRequest{ State: state, Outputs: outputs, })) if err != nil { return err } for _, k := range resp.Msg.SentOutputs { r.outputs.Store(k, struct{}{}) } if resp.Msg.State != nil && resp.Msg.State.Result == runnerv1.Result_RESULT_CANCELLED { r.cancel() } var noSent []string r.outputs.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool { if _, ok := v.(string); ok { noSent = append(noSent, k.(string)) } return true }) if len(noSent) > 0 { return fmt.Errorf("there are still outputs that have not been sent: %v", noSent) } return nil } func (r *Reporter) duringSteps() bool { if steps := r.state.Steps; len(steps) == 0 { return false } else if first := steps[0]; first.Result == runnerv1.Result_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED && first.LogLength == 0 { return false } else if last := steps[len(steps)-1]; last.Result != runnerv1.Result_RESULT_UNSPECIFIED { return false } return true } var stringToResult = map[string]runnerv1.Result{ "success": runnerv1.Result_RESULT_SUCCESS, "failure": runnerv1.Result_RESULT_FAILURE, "skipped": runnerv1.Result_RESULT_SKIPPED, "cancelled": runnerv1.Result_RESULT_CANCELLED, } func (r *Reporter) parseResult(result interface{}) (runnerv1.Result, bool) { str := "" if v, ok := result.(string); ok { // for jobResult str = v } else if v, ok := result.(fmt.Stringer); ok { // for stepResult str = v.String() } ret, ok := stringToResult[str] return ret, ok } var cmdRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^::([^ :]+)( .*)?::(.*)$`) func (r *Reporter) handleCommand(originalContent, command, parameters, value string) *string { if r.stopCommandEndToken != "" && command != r.stopCommandEndToken { return &originalContent } switch command { case "add-mask": r.addMask(value) return nil case "debug": if r.debugOutputEnabled { return &value } return nil case "notice": // Not implemented yet, so just return the original content. return &originalContent case "warning": // Not implemented yet, so just return the original content. return &originalContent case "error": // Not implemented yet, so just return the original content. return &originalContent case "group": // Rewriting into ##[] syntax which the frontend understands content := "##[group]" + value return &content case "endgroup": // Ditto content := "##[endgroup]" return &content case "stop-commands": r.stopCommandEndToken = value return nil case r.stopCommandEndToken: r.stopCommandEndToken = "" return nil } return &originalContent } func (r *Reporter) parseLogRow(entry *log.Entry) *runnerv1.LogRow { content := strings.TrimRightFunc(entry.Message, func(r rune) bool { return r == '\r' || r == '\n' }) matches := cmdRegex.FindStringSubmatch(content) if matches != nil { if output := r.handleCommand(content, matches[1], matches[2], matches[3]); output != nil { content = *output } else { return nil } } content = r.logReplacer.Replace(content) return &runnerv1.LogRow{ Time: timestamppb.New(entry.Time), Content: strings.ToValidUTF8(content, "?"), } } func (r *Reporter) addMask(msg string) { r.oldnew = append(r.oldnew, msg, "***") r.logReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(r.oldnew...) } 07070100000051000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00001453000000000000000000000000000000000000003A00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/report/reporter_test.go// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package report import ( "context" "strings" "testing" "time" runnerv1 "" connect_go "" log "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func TestReporter_parseLogRow(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string debugOutputEnabled bool args []string want []string }{ { "No command", false, []string{"Hello, world!"}, []string{"Hello, world!"}, }, { "Add-mask", false, []string{ "foo mysecret bar", "::add-mask::mysecret", "foo mysecret bar", }, []string{ "foo mysecret bar", "<nil>", "foo *** bar", }, }, { "Debug enabled", true, []string{ "::debug::GitHub Actions runtime token access controls", }, []string{ "GitHub Actions runtime token access controls", }, }, { "Debug not enabled", false, []string{ "::debug::GitHub Actions runtime token access controls", }, []string{ "<nil>", }, }, { "notice", false, []string{ "::notice,line=42,endLine=48,title=Cool Title::Gosh, that's not going to work", }, []string{ "::notice,line=42,endLine=48,title=Cool Title::Gosh, that's not going to work", }, }, { "warning", false, []string{ "::warning,line=42,endLine=48,title=Cool Title::Gosh, that's not going to work", }, []string{ "::warning,line=42,endLine=48,title=Cool Title::Gosh, that's not going to work", }, }, { "error", false, []string{ "::error,line=42,endLine=48,title=Cool Title::Gosh, that's not going to work", }, []string{ "::error,line=42,endLine=48,title=Cool Title::Gosh, that's not going to work", }, }, { "group", false, []string{ "::group::", "::endgroup::", }, []string{ "##[group]", "##[endgroup]", }, }, { "stop-commands", false, []string{ "::add-mask::foo", "::stop-commands::myverycoolstoptoken", "::add-mask::bar", "::debug::Stuff", "myverycoolstoptoken", "::add-mask::baz", "::myverycoolstoptoken::", "::add-mask::wibble", "foo bar baz wibble", }, []string{ "<nil>", "<nil>", "::add-mask::bar", "::debug::Stuff", "myverycoolstoptoken", "::add-mask::baz", "<nil>", "<nil>", "*** bar baz ***", }, }, { "unknown command", false, []string{ "::set-mask::foo", }, []string{ "::set-mask::foo", }, }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { r := &Reporter{ logReplacer: strings.NewReplacer(), debugOutputEnabled: tt.debugOutputEnabled, } for idx, arg := range tt.args { rv := r.parseLogRow(&log.Entry{Message: arg}) got := "<nil>" if rv != nil { got = rv.Content } assert.Equal(t, tt.want[idx], got) } }) } } func TestReporter_Fire(t *testing.T) { t.Run("ignore command lines", func(t *testing.T) { client := mocks.NewClient(t) client.On("UpdateLog", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(func(_ context.Context, req *connect_go.Request[runnerv1.UpdateLogRequest]) (*connect_go.Response[runnerv1.UpdateLogResponse], error) { t.Logf("Received UpdateLog: %s", req.Msg.String()) return connect_go.NewResponse(&runnerv1.UpdateLogResponse{ AckIndex: req.Msg.Index + int64(len(req.Msg.Rows)), }), nil }) client.On("UpdateTask", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(func(_ context.Context, req *connect_go.Request[runnerv1.UpdateTaskRequest]) (*connect_go.Response[runnerv1.UpdateTaskResponse], error) { t.Logf("Received UpdateTask: %s", req.Msg.String()) return connect_go.NewResponse(&runnerv1.UpdateTaskResponse{}), nil }) ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) taskCtx, err := structpb.NewStruct(map[string]interface{}{}) require.NoError(t, err) reporter := NewReporter(ctx, cancel, client, &runnerv1.Task{ Context: taskCtx, }, time.Second) defer func() { assert.NoError(t, reporter.Close("")) }() reporter.ResetSteps(5) dataStep0 := map[string]interface{}{ "stage": "Main", "stepNumber": 0, "raw_output": true, } assert.NoError(t, reporter.Fire(&log.Entry{Message: "regular log line", Data: dataStep0})) assert.NoError(t, reporter.Fire(&log.Entry{Message: "::debug::debug log line", Data: dataStep0})) assert.NoError(t, reporter.Fire(&log.Entry{Message: "regular log line", Data: dataStep0})) assert.NoError(t, reporter.Fire(&log.Entry{Message: "::debug::debug log line", Data: dataStep0})) assert.NoError(t, reporter.Fire(&log.Entry{Message: "::debug::debug log line", Data: dataStep0})) assert.NoError(t, reporter.Fire(&log.Entry{Message: "regular log line", Data: dataStep0})) assert.Equal(t, int64(3), reporter.state.Steps[0].LogLength) }) } 07070100000052000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002600000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/ver07070100000053000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000000FB000000000000000000000000000000000000003100000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/internal/pkg/ver/version.go// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package ver // go build -ldflags "-X" var version = "dev" func Version() string { return version } 07070100000054000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000166000000000000000000000000000000000000001D00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/main.go// Copyright 2022 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT package main import ( "context" "os/signal" "syscall" "" ) func main() { ctx, stop := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) defer stop() // run the command cmd.Execute(ctx) } 07070100000055000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD0000011D000000000000000000000000000000000000002300000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/renovate.json{ "$schema": "", "extends": ["local>forgejo/renovate-config"], "packageRules": [ { "description": "Disable nektos/act, it's replaced", "matchDepNames": [""], "enabled": false } ] } 07070100000056000041ED00000000000000000000000267246EDD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001D00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/scripts07070100000057000081ED00000000000000000000000167246EDD000000A2000000000000000000000000000000000000002900000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/scripts/!/usr/bin/env bash # wait for docker daemon while ! nc -z localhost 2376 </dev/null; do echo 'waiting for docker daemon...' sleep 5 done . /opt/act/ 07070100000058000081ED00000000000000000000000167246EDD000005B7000000000000000000000000000000000000002400000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/scripts/!/usr/bin/env bash if [[ ! -d /data ]]; then mkdir -p /data fi cd /data CONFIG_ARG="" if [[ ! -z "${CONFIG_FILE}" ]]; then CONFIG_ARG="--config ${CONFIG_FILE}" fi EXTRA_ARGS="" if [[ ! -z "${GITEA_RUNNER_LABELS}" ]]; then EXTRA_ARGS="${EXTRA_ARGS} --labels ${GITEA_RUNNER_LABELS}" fi # Use the same ENV variable names as if [[ ! -s .runner ]]; then try=$((try + 1)) success=0 # The point of this loop is to make it simple, when running both forgejo-runner and gitea in docker, # for the forgejo-runner to wait a moment for gitea to become available before erroring out. Within # the context of a single docker-compose, something similar could be done via healthchecks, but # this is more flexible. while [[ $success -eq 0 ]] && [[ $try -lt ${GITEA_MAX_REG_ATTEMPTS:-10} ]]; do forgejo-runner register \ --instance "${GITEA_INSTANCE_URL}" \ --token "${GITEA_RUNNER_REGISTRATION_TOKEN}" \ --name "${GITEA_RUNNER_NAME:-`hostname`}" \ ${CONFIG_ARG} ${EXTRA_ARGS} --no-interactive 2>&1 | tee /tmp/reg.log cat /tmp/reg.log | grep 'Runner registered successfully' > /dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "SUCCESS" success=1 else echo "Waiting to retry ..." sleep 5 fi done fi # Prevent reading the token from the forgejo-runner process unset GITEA_RUNNER_REGISTRATION_TOKEN forgejo-runner daemon ${CONFIG_ARG} 07070100000059000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD000000FC000000000000000000000000000000000000002E00000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/scripts/supervisord.conf[supervisord] nodaemon=true logfile=/dev/null logfile_maxbytes=0 [program:dockerd] command=/usr/local/bin/ [program:act_runner] stdout_logfile=/dev/fd/1 stdout_logfile_maxbytes=0 redirect_stderr=true command=/opt/act/ 0707010000005A000081A400000000000000000000000167246EDD00000649000000000000000000000000000000000000002800000000forgejo-runner-4.0.1/scripts/ Forgejo Runner with systemd User Services It is possible to use systemd's user services together with [podman]( to run `forgejo-runner` using a normal user account without any privileges and automatically start on boot. This was last tested on Fedora 39 on 2024-02-19, but should work elsewhere as well. Place the `forgejo-runner` binary in `/usr/local/bin/forgejo-runner` and make sure it can be executed (`chmod +x /usr/local/bin/forgejo-runner`). Install and enable `podman` as a user service: ```bash $ sudo dnf -y install podman ``` You *may* need to reboot your system after installing `podman` as it modifies some system configuration(s) that may need to be activated. Without rebooting the system my runner errored out when trying to set firewall rules, a reboot fixed it. Enable `podman` as a user service: ``` $ systemctl --user start podman.socket $ systemctl --user enable podman.socket ``` Make sure processes remain after your user account logs out: ```bash $ loginctl enable-linger ``` Create the file `/etc/systemd/user/forgejo-runner.service` with the following content: ``` [Unit] Description=Forgejo Runner [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/forgejo-runner daemon Restart=on-failure [Install] ``` Now activate it as a user service: ```bash $ systemctl --user daemon-reload $ systemctl --user start forgejo-runner $ systemctl --user enable forgejo-runner ``` To see/follow the log of `forgejo-runner`: ```bash $ journalctl -f -t forgejo-runner ``` If you reboot your system, all should come back automatically. 07070100000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000B00000000TRAILER!!!435 blocks
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