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File sh-3.10.0.obscpio of Package shfmt
07070100000000000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000051000000000000000000000000000000000000001900000000sh-3.10.0/.gitattributes# To prevent CRLF breakages on Windows for fragile files, like testdata. * -text 07070100000001000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001200000000sh-3.10.0/.github07070100000002000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000000E000000000000000000000000000000000000001E00000000sh-3.10.0/.github/FUNDING.ymlgithub: mvdan 07070100000003000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001C00000000sh-3.10.0/.github/workflows07070100000004000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100002091000000000000000000000000000000000000002500000000sh-3.10.0/.github/workflows/test.ymlon: [push, pull_request] name: Test jobs: test: strategy: matrix: go-version: [1.22.x, 1.23.x] os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest] runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/setup-go@v5 with: go-version: ${{ matrix.go-version }} cache: false - run: go test ./... - run: go test -race ./... if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' - run: GOARCH=386 go test -count=1 ./... if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' - name: confirm tests with Bash 5.2 run: | go install CGO_ENABLED=0 go test -run TestRunnerRunConfirm -exec 'dockexec bash:5.2' ./interp if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' # Static checks from this point forward. Only run on one Go version and on # Linux, since it's the fastest platform, and the tools behave the same. - if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' && matrix.go-version == '1.23.x' run: diff <(echo -n) <(gofmt -s -d .) - if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' && matrix.go-version == '1.23.x' run: go vet ./... test-linux-alpine: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Test as root, without cgo, and with busybox run: docker run -v="$PWD:/pwd" -w=/pwd -e=CGO_ENABLED=0 golang:1.23.0-alpine go test ./... docker: name: Build and test Docker images # Only deploy if previous stages pass. needs: [test, test-linux-alpine] runs-on: ubuntu-latest services: registry: image: registry:2 ports: - 5000:5000 # this is needed because we restart the docker daemon for experimental # support options: "--restart always" env: # Export environment variables for all stages. DOCKER_USER: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USER }} DOCKER_DEPLOY_IMAGES: false DOCKER_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_TOKEN }} DOCKER_REPO: shfmt # We use all platforms for which FROM images in our Dockerfile are # available. DOCKER_PLATFORMS: > linux/386 linux/amd64 linux/arm/v7 linux/arm64/v8 linux/ppc64le # linux/s390x TODO: reenable when we figure out its weird errors when # fetching dependencies, including: # # zip: checksum error # Get "": local error: tls: bad record MAC # Get "": local error: tls: unexpected message # Get "": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: fetch-depth: 0 # also fetch tags for 'git describe' # Enable docker daemon experimental support (for 'pull --platform'). - name: Enable experimental support run: | config='/etc/docker/daemon.json' if [[ -e "$config" ]]; then sudo sed -i -e 's/{/{ "experimental": true, /' "$config" else echo '{ "experimental": true }' | sudo tee "$config" fi sudo systemctl restart docker - uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v3 - uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3 with: driver-opts: network=host - name: Set up env vars run: | set -vx # Export environment variable for later stages. if echo "$GITHUB_REF" | grep -q '^refs/heads/master$'; then # Pushes to the master branch deploy 'latest'. echo "TAG=latest" >> $GITHUB_ENV elif echo "$GITHUB_REF" | grep -q '^refs/heads/docker-push-test$'; then # Pushes to the test branch deploy 'latest-test'. echo "TAG=latest-test" >> $GITHUB_ENV elif echo "$GITHUB_REF" | grep -q '^refs/tags/'; then # Pushes to a git tag use it as the docker tag. echo "TAG=${GITHUB_REF/refs\/tags\//}" >> $GITHUB_ENV else # Otherwise, we build and test the image locally, but we don't push it. echo "TAG=${GITHUB_SHA::8}" >> $GITHUB_ENV fi echo "DOCKER_BASE=test/${{ env.DOCKER_REPO }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "DOCKER_BUILD_PLATFORMS=${DOCKER_PLATFORMS// /,}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Build and push to local registry uses: docker/build-push-action@v5 with: provenance: false # temporarily work around context: . file: ./cmd/shfmt/Dockerfile platforms: ${{ env.DOCKER_BUILD_PLATFORMS }} push: true tags: localhost:5000/${{ env.DOCKER_BASE }}:${{ env.TAG }} - name: Build and push to local registry (alpine) uses: docker/build-push-action@v5 with: provenance: false # temporarily work around context: . file: ./cmd/shfmt/Dockerfile platforms: ${{ env.DOCKER_BUILD_PLATFORMS }} push: true tags: localhost:5000/${{ env.DOCKER_BASE }}:${{ env.TAG }}-alpine target: alpine - name: Test multi-arch Docker images locally run: | for platform in $DOCKER_PLATFORMS; do for ext in '' '-alpine'; do image="localhost:5000/${DOCKER_BASE}:${TAG}${ext}" msg="Testing docker image $image on platform $platform" line="${msg//?/=}" printf "\n${line}\n${msg}\n${line}\n" docker pull -q --platform "$platform" "$image" if [[ -n "$ext" ]]; then echo -n "Image architecture: " docker run --rm --entrypoint /bin/sh "$image" -c 'uname -m' fi version=$(docker run --rm "$image" --version) echo "shfmt version: $version" if [[ $TAG != "latest" ]] && [[ $TAG != "latest-test" ]] && [[ $TAG != "$version" ]] && ! echo "$version" | grep -q "$TAG"; then echo "Version mismatch: shfmt $version tagged as $TAG" exit 1 fi docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/mnt" -w '/mnt' "$image" -d cmd/shfmt/ done done - name: Check GitHub settings if: > github.event_name == 'push' && github.repository == 'mvdan/sh' && (github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/docker-push-test' || startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/')) run: | missing=() [[ -n "${{ secrets.DOCKER_USER }}" ]] || missing+=(DOCKER_USER) [[ -n "${{ secrets.DOCKER_TOKEN }}" ]] || missing+=(DOCKER_TOKEN) for i in "${missing[@]}"; do echo "Missing github secret: $i" done (( ${#missing[@]} == 0 )) || exit 1 echo "DOCKER_DEPLOY_IMAGES=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Login to DockerHub if: ${{ env.DOCKER_DEPLOY_IMAGES == 'true' }} uses: docker/login-action@v3 with: username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USER }} password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_TOKEN }} - name: Push images to DockerHub if: ${{ env.DOCKER_DEPLOY_IMAGES == 'true' }} run: | for ext in '' '-alpine'; do image_src="${DOCKER_BASE}:${TAG}${ext}" image_dsts=("${{ secrets.DOCKER_USER }}/${{ env.DOCKER_REPO }}:${TAG}${ext}") if echo $TAG | grep -q '^v3\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+$'; then image_dsts+=("${{ secrets.DOCKER_USER }}/${{ env.DOCKER_REPO }}:v3${ext}") elif [[ $TAG == latest-test ]]; then image_dsts+=("${{ secrets.DOCKER_USER }}/${{ env.DOCKER_REPO }}:v3-test${ext}") fi # Show what we're doing. msg="Copy multi-arch docker images to DockerHub ($image_src with ${#image_dsts[@]} destinations)" line="${msg//?/=}" printf "\n${line}\n${msg}\n${line}\n" for image_dst in "${image_dsts[@]}"; do skopeo copy --all --src-tls-verify=0 docker://localhost:5000/$image_src docker://$image_dst done done - name: Update DockerHub description if: ${{ env.DOCKER_DEPLOY_IMAGES == 'true' }} uses: peter-evans/dockerhub-description@v4 with: username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USER }} password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_TOKEN }} repository: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USER }}/${{ env.DOCKER_REPO }} readme-filepath: 07070100000005000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000008B000000000000000000000000000000000000001500000000sh-3.10.0/.gitignore*.a *.zip # Don't store any of this in the master branch. suppressions/ crashers/ corpus/ vendor/ /_js/index.js* /_js/_js.js* /_js/*.log 07070100000006000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000081C4000000000000000000000000000000000000001700000000sh-3.10.0/ Changelog ## [3.10.0] - 2024-10-20 - **cmd/shfmt** - Report the correct language variant in parser error messages - #1102 - Move `--filename` out of the parser options category - #1079 - **syntax** - Parse all CRLF line endings as LF, including inside heredocs - #1088 - Count skipped backslashes inside backticks in position column numbers - #1098 - Count skipped null bytes in position column numbers for consistency - **interp** - Fix a regression in `v3.9.0` which broke redirecting files to stdin - #1099 - Fix a regression in `v3.9.0` where `HandlerContext.Stdin` was never nil - Add an `Interactive` option to be used by interactive shells - #1100 - Support closing stdin, stdout, and stderr via redirections like `<&-` Consider [becoming a sponsor]( if you benefit from the work that went into this release! ## [3.9.0] - 2024-08-16 This release drops support for Go 1.21 and includes many fixes. - **cmd/shfmt** - Switch the diff implementation to remove one dependency - **syntax** - Protect against overflows in position offset integers - **interp** - Use `os.Pipe` for stdin to prevent draining by subprocesses - #1085 - Support cancelling reads in builtins when stdin is a file - #1066 - Support the `nocaseglob` bash option - #1073 - Support the Bash 5.2 `@k` parameter expansion operator - Support the `test -O` and `test -G` operators on non-Windows - #1080 - Support the `read -s` builtin flag - #1063 - **expand** - Add support for case insensitive globbing - #1073 - Don't panic when pattern words are nil - #1076 A special thanks to @theclapp for their contributors to this release! Consider [becoming a sponsor]( if you benefit from the work that went into this release! ## [3.8.0] - 2024-02-11 This release drops support for Go 1.19 and 1.20 and includes many features and bugfixes, such as improving EditorConfig support in `shfmt`. - **cmd/shfmt** - Support EditorConfig language sections such as `[[shell]]` - #664 - Add `--apply-ignore` for tools and editors - #1037 - **syntax** - Allow formatting redirects before all command argumetnts - #942 - Support brace expansions with uppercase letters - #1042 - Unescape backquotes in single quotes within backquotes - #1041 - Better error when using `function` in POSIX mode - #993 - Better column numbers for escapes inside backquotes - #1028 - **interp** - Support parentheses in classic test commands - #1036 - Determine access to a directory via `unix.Access` - #1033 - Support subshells with `FuncEnviron` as `Env` - #1043 - Add support for `fs.DirEntry` via `ReadDirHandler2` - **expand** - Add support for `fs.DirEntry` via `ReadDir2` - Support zero-padding in brace expansions - #1042 ## [3.7.0] - 2023-06-18 - **syntax** - Correctly parse `$foo#bar` as a single word - #1003 - Make `&>` redirect operators an error in POSIX mode - #991 - Avoid producing invalid shell when minifying some heredocs - #923 - Revert the simplification of `${foo:-}` into `${foo-}` - #970 - **interp** - Add `ExecHandlers` to support layering multiple middlewares - #964 - Add initial support for the `select` clause - #969 - Support combining the `errexit` and `pipefail` options - #870 - Set `EUID` just like `UID` - #958 - Replace panics on unimplemented builtins with errors - #999 - Tweak build tags to support building for `js/wasm` - #983 - **syntax/typedjson** - Avoid `reflect.Value.MethodByName` to reduce binary sizes - #961 ## [3.6.0] - 2022-12-11 This release drops support for Go 1.17 and includes many features and fixes. - **cmd/shfmt** - Implement `--from-json` as the reverse of `--to-json` - [#900] - Improve the quality of the `--to-json` output - [#900] - Provide detected language when erroring with `-ln=auto` - [#803] - **syntax** - Don't require peeking two bytes after `echo *` - [#835] - Simplify `${name:-}` to the equivalent `${name-}` - [#849] - Don't print trailing whitespaces on nested subshells - [#814] - Don't print extra newlines in some case clauses - [#779] - Don't indent comments preceding case clause items - [#917] - Allow escaped newlines before unquoted words again - [#873] - Parse a redirections edge case without spaces - [#879] - Give a helpful error when `<<<` is used in POSIX mode - [#881] - Forbid `${!foo*}` and `${!foo@}` in mksh mode - [#929] - Batch allocations less aggressively in the parser - **syntax/typedjson** - Expose `--from-json` and `--to-json` as Go APIs - [#885] - **expand** - Improve support for expanding array keys and values - [#884] - Don't panic on unsupported syntax nodes - [#841] - Don't panic on division by zero - [#892] - Properly expand unquoted parameters with spaces - [#886] - Trim spaces when converting strings to integers - [#928] - **interp** - Add initial implementation for `mapfile` and `readarray` - [#863] - Improve matching patterns against multiple lines - [#866] - Support `%b` in the `printf` builtin - [#955] - Display all Bash options in `shopt` - [#877] - **pattern** - Add `EntireString` to match the entire string using `^$` - [#866] ## [3.5.1] - 2022-05-23 - **cmd/shfmt** - Fix the Docker publishing script bug which broke 3.5.0 - [#860] - **interp** - Support multi-line strings when pattern matching in `[[` - [#861] - Invalid glob words are no longer removed with `nullglob` - [#862] - **pattern** - `Regexp` now returns the typed error `SyntaxError` - [#862] ## [3.5.0] - 2022-05-11 This release drops support for Go 1.16 and includes many new features. - **cmd/shfmt** - Switch to `-ln=auto` by default to detect the shell language - Add support for long flags, like `--indent` for `-i` - **syntax** - Allow extglob wildcards as function names like `@() { ... }` - Add support for heredocs surrounded by backquotes - Add support for backquoted inline comments - Add `NewPos` to create `Pos` values externally - Support escaped newlines with CRLF line endings - `Minify` no longer omits a leading shebang comment - Avoid printing escaped newlines in non-quoted words - Fix some printer edge cases where comments weren't properly spaced - **fileutil** - Add `Shebang` to extract the shell language from a `#!` line - **expand** - Reimplement globstar `**` globbing for correctness - Replace `os.Stat` as the last direct use of the filesystem - **interp** - Add `CallHandler` to intercept all interpreted `CallExpr` nodes - Add `ReadDirHandler` to intercept glob expansion filesystem reads - Add `StatHandler` to intercept `os.Stat` and `os.Lstat` calls - Always surface exit codes from command substitutions - Add initial and incomplete support for `set -x` - Add support for `cd -` as `cd "$OLDPWD"` - Avoid panic on `set - args` ## [3.4.3] - 2022-02-19 - **cmd/shfmt** - New Docker `v3` tag to track the latest stable version - Don't duplicate errors when walking directories - **interp** - Properly handle empty paths in the `test` builtin - Allow unsetting global vars from inside a function again - Use `%w` to wrap errors in `Dir` ## [3.4.2] - 2021-12-24 - The tests no longer assume what locales are installed - **interp** - Keep `PATH` list separators OS-specific to fix a recent regression - Avoid negative elapsed durations in the `time` builtin ## [3.4.1] - 2021-11-23 - **syntax** - Don't return an empty string on empty input to `Quote` - **expand** - Properly sort in `ListEnviron` to avoid common prefix issues - **interp** - `export` used in functions now affects the global scope - Support looking for scripts in `$PATH` in `source` - Properly slice arrays in parameter expansions ## [3.4.0] - 2021-10-01 This release drops support for Go 1.15, which allows the code to start benefitting from `io/fs`. - **cmd/shfmt** - Walks directories ~10% faster thanks to `filepath.WalkDir` - **syntax** - Add `Quote` to mirror `strconv.Quote` for shell syntax - Skip null characters when parsing, just like Bash - Rewrite fuzzers with Go 1.18's native fuzzing - **fileutil** - Add `CouldBeScript2` using `io/fs.DirEntry` - **expand** - Skip or stop at null characters, just like Bash - **interp** - Set `GID` just like `UID` - Add support for `read -p` - Add support for `pwd` flags - Create random FIFOs for process substitutions more robustly - Avoid leaking an open file when interpreting `$(<file)` ## [3.3.1] - 2021-08-01 - **syntax** - Don't convert `&` in a separate line into `;` - Fix a `BinaryNextLine` edge case idempotency bug - Never start printing a command with an escaped newline - **interp** - Support calling `Runner.Reset` before `Runner.Run` - Obey `set -e` for failed redirections ## [3.3.0] - 2021-05-17 - **cmd/shfmt** - Document the `FORCE_COLOR` env var to always use colors in diffs - **syntax** - Add the printer `SingleLine` option to avoid printing newlines - Positions now use more bits for line numbers than column numbers - Test operators like `&&` and `||` no longer escape newlines - Properly handle closing backquotes in a few edge cases - Properly handle trailing escaped newlines in heredocs - **interp** - Redesigned variable scoping to fix a number of edge cases - Refactor `set -o nounset` support to fix many edge cases - Deprecate `LookPath` in favor of `LookPathDir` - Array element words are now expanded correctly - Add support for `trap` with error and exit signals - Add support for `shopt -s nullglob` - Add support for `type -p` ## [3.2.4] - 2021-03-08 - **cmd/shfmt** - Don't stop handling arguments when one results in a failure - **expand** - Don't panic when a backslash is followed by EOF ## [3.2.2] - 2021-01-29 - **syntax** - Avoid comment position panic in the printer ## [3.2.1] - 2020-12-02 - **syntax** - Fix an endless loop when parsing single quotes in parameter expansions - Properly print assignments using escaped newlines - Print inline heredoc comments in the right place - **interp** - Always expand `~` in Bash test expressions - **expand** - Don't panic on out of bounds array index expansions ## [3.2.0] - 2020-10-29 - **cmd/shfmt** - Add a man page via [scdoc](; see [shfmt.1.scd](cmd/shfmt/shfmt.1.scd) - Add `-filename` to give a name to standard input - **syntax** - Add initial support for [Bats]( - Protect line and column position numbers against overflows - Rewrite arithmetic parsing to fix operator precedence - Don't add parentheses to `function f {...}` declarations for ksh support - `KeepPadding` now obeys extra indentation when using space indentation - Properly tokenize `((` within test expressions - Properly tokenize single quotes within parameter expansions - Obey print options inside `<<-` heredocs - Don't simplify indexed parameter expansions in arithmetic expressions - Improve parsing errors for missing test expressions - `LangVariant` now implements [flag.Value]( - **interp** - Avoid panic on C-style loops which omit expressions - `$@` and `$*` always exist, so `"$@"` can expand to zero words ## [3.1.2] - 2020-06-26 - **syntax** - Fix brace indentation when using `FunctionNextLine` - Support indirect parameter expansions with transformations - Stop heredoc bodies only when the entire line matches - **interp** - Make the tests pass on 32-bit platforms ## [3.1.1] - 2020-05-04 - **cmd/shfmt** - Recognise `function_next_line` in EditorConfig files - **syntax** - Don't ignore escaped newlines at the end of heredoc bodies - Improve support for parsing regexes in test expressions - Count columns for `KeepPadding` in bytes, to better support unicode - Never let `KeepPadding` add spaces right after indentation - **interp** - Hide unset variables when executing programs ## [3.1.0] - 2020-04-07 - Redesigned Docker images, including buildx and an Alpine variant - **cmd/shfmt** - Replace source files atomically when possible - Support `ignore = true` in an EditorConfig to skip directories - Add `-fn` to place function opening braces on the next line - Improve behavior of `-f` when given non-directories - Docker images and `go get` installs now embed good version information - **syntax** - Add support for nested here-documents - Allow parsing for loops with braces, present in mksh and Bash - Expand `CaseClause` to describe its `in` token - Allow empty lines in Bash arrays in the printer - Support disabling `KeepPadding` - Avoid mis-printing some programs involving `&` - **interp** - Add initial support for Bash process substitutions - Add initial support for aliases - Fix an edge case where the status code would not be reset - The exit status code can now reflect being stopped by a signal - `test -t` now uses the interpreter's stdin/stdout/stderr files - **expand** - Improve the interaction of `@` and `*` with quotes and `IFS` ## [3.0.2] - 2020-02-22 - **syntax** - Don't indent after escaped newlines in heredocs - Don't parse `*[i]=x` as a valid assignment - **interp** - Prevent subshells from defining funcs in the parent shells - **expand** - Parameters to `Fields` no longer get braces expanded in-place ## [3.0.1] - 2020-01-11 - **cmd/shfmt** - Fix an edge case where walking directories could panic - **syntax** - Only do a trailing read in `Parser.Stmts` if we have open heredocs - Ensure comments are never folded into heredocs - Properly tokenize `)` after a `=~` test regexp - Stop parsing a comment at an escaped newline - **expand** - `"$@"` now expands to zero fields when there are zero parameters ## [3.0.0] - 2019-12-16 This is the first stable release as a proper module, now under ``. Go 1.12 or later is supported. A large number of changes have been done since the last feature release a year ago. All users are encouraged to update. Below are the major highlights. - **cmd/shfmt** - Support for [EditorConfig]( files - Drop the dependency on `diff` for the `-d` flag, now using pure Go - **syntax** - Overhaul escaped newlines, now represented as `WordPart` positions - Improve some operator type names, to consistently convey meaning - Completely remove `StmtList` - Redesign `IfClause`, making its "else" another `IfClause` node - Redesign `DeclClause` to remove its broken `Opts` field - Brace expression parsing is now done with a `BraceExp` word part - Improve comment alignment in `Printer` via a post-process step - Add support for the `~` bitwise negation operator - Record the use of deprecated tokens in the syntax tree - **interp** - Improve the module API as "handlers", to reduce confusion with Go modules - Split `LookPath` out of `ExecHandler` to allow custom behavior - `Run` now returns `nil` instead of `ShellExitStatus(0)` - `OpenDevImpls` is removed; see `ExampleOpenHandler` for an alternative - **expand** - Redesign `Variable` to reduce allocations - Add support for more escape sequences - Make `Config` a bit more powerful via `func` fields - Rework brace expansion via the new `BraceExp` word part - **pattern** - New package for shell pattern matching, extracted from `syntax` - Add support for multiple modes, including filenames and braces Special thanks to Konstantin Kulikov for his contribution to this release. ## [2.6.4] - 2019-03-10 - **syntax** - Support array elements without values, like `declare -A x=([index]=)` - Parse `for i; do ...` uniquely, as it's short for `for i in "$@"` - Add missing error on unclosed nested backquotes - **expand** - Don't expand tildes twice, fixing `echo ~` on Windows - **interp** - Fix the use of `Params` as an option to `New` - Support lowercase Windows volume names in `$PATH` ## [2.6.3] - 2019-01-19 - **expand** - Support globs with path prefixes and suffixes, like `./foo/*/` - Don't error when skipping non-directories in glob walks ## [2.6.2] - 2018-12-08 - **syntax** - Avoid premature reads in `Parser.Interactive` when parsing Unicode bytes - Fix parsing of certain Bash test expression involving newlines - `Redirect.End` now takes the `Hdoc` field into account - `ValidName` now returns `false` for an empty string - **expand** - Environment variables on Windows are case insensitive again - **interp** - Don't crash on `declare $unset=foo` - Fix a regression where executed programs would receive a broken environment Note that the published Docker image was changed to set `shfmt` as the entrypoint, so previous uses with arguments like `docker run mvdan/shfmt:v2.6.1 shfmt --version` should now be `docker run mvdan/shfmt:v2.6.2 --version`. ## [2.6.1] - 2018-11-17 - **syntax** - Fix `Parser.Incomplete` with some incomplete literals - Fix parsing of Bash regex tests in some edge cases - **interp** - Add support for `$(<file)` special command substitutions ## [2.6.0] - 2018-11-10 This is the biggest v2 release to date. It's now possible to write an interactive shell, and it's easier and safer to perform shell expansions. This will be the last major v2 version, to allow converting the project to a Go module in v3. - Go 1.10 or later required to build - **syntax** - Add `Parser.Interactive` to implement an interactive shell - Add `Parser.Document` to parse a single here-document body - Add `Parser.Words` to incrementally parse separate words - Add the `Word.Lit` helper method - Support custom indentation in `<<-` heredoc bodies - **interp** - Stabilize API and add some examples - Introduce a constructor, and redesign `Runner.Reset` - Move the context from a field to function parameters - Remove `Runner.Stmt` in favor of `Run` with `ShellExitStatus` - **shell** - Stabilize API and add some examples - Add `Expand`, as a more powerful `os.Expand` - Add `Fields`, similar to the old `Runner.Fields` - `Source*` functions now take a context - `Source*` functions no longer try to sandbox - **expand** - New package, split from `interp` - Allows performing shell expansions in a controlled way - Redesigned `Environ` and `Variable` moved from `interp` ## [2.5.1] - 2018-08-03 - **syntax** - Fix a regression where semicolons would disappear within switch cases ## [2.5.0] - 2018-07-13 - **syntax** - Add support for Bash's `{varname}<` redirects - Add `SpaceRedirects` to format redirects like `> word` - Parse `$\"` correctly within double quotes - A few fixes where minification would break programs - Printing of heredocs within `<()` no longer breaks them - Printing of single statements no longer adds empty lines - Error on invalid parameter names like `${1a}` - **interp** - `Runner.Dir` is now always an absolute path - **shell** - `Expand` now supports expanding a lone `~` - `Expand` and `SourceNode` now have default timeouts - **cmd/shfmt** - Add `-sr` to print spaces after redirect operators - Don't skip empty string values in `-tojson` - Include comment positions in `-tojson` ## [2.4.0] - 2018-05-16 - Publish as a JS package, [mvdan-sh]( - **syntax** - Add `DebugPrint` to pretty-print a syntax tree - Fix comment parsing and printing in some edge cases - Indent `<<-` heredoc bodies if indenting with tabs - Add support for nested backquotes - Relax parser to allow quotes in arithmetic expressions - Don't rewrite `declare foo=` into `declare foo` - **interp** - Add support for `shopt -s globstar` - Replace `Runner.Env` with an interface - **shell** - Add `Expand` as a fully featured version of `os.Expand` - **cmd/shfmt** - Set appropriate exit status when `-d` is used ## [2.3.0] - 2018-03-07 - **syntax** - Case clause patterns are no longer forced on a single line - Add `ExpandBraces`, to perform Bash brace expansion on words - Improve the handling of backslashes within backquotes - Improve the parsing of Bash test regexes - **interp** - Support `$DIRSTACK`, `${param[@]#word}`, and `${param,word}` - **cmd/shfmt** - Add `-d`, to display diffs when formatting differs - Promote `-exp.tojson` to `-tojson` - Add `Pos` and `End` fields to nodes in `-tojson` - Inline `StmtList` fields to simplify the `-tojson` output - Support `-l` on standard input ## [2.2.1] - 2018-01-25 - **syntax** - Don't error on `${1:-default}` - Allow single quotes in `${x['str key']}` as well as double quotes - Add support for `${!foo[@]}` - Don't simplify `foo[$x]` to `foo[x]`, to not break string indexes - Fix `Stmt.End` when the end token is the background operator `&` - Never apply the negation operator `!` to `&&` and `||` lists - Apply the background operator `&` to entire `&&` and `||` lists - Fix `StopAt` when the stop string is at the beginning of the source - In `N>word`, check that `N` is a valid numeric literal - Fix a couple of crashers found via fuzzing - **cmd/shfmt** - Don't error if non-bash files can't be written to ## [2.2.0] - 2018-01-18 - Tests on Mac and Windows are now ran as part of CI - **syntax** - Add `StopAt` to stop lexing at a custom arbitrary token - Add `TranslatePattern` and `QuotePattern` for pattern matching - Minification support added to the printer - see `Minify` - Add ParamExp.Names to represent `${!prefix*}` - Add TimeClause.PosixFormat for its `-p` flag - Fix parsing of assignment values containing `=` - Fix parsing of parameter expansions followed by a backslash - Fix quotes in parameter expansion operators like `${v:-'def'}` - Fix parsing of negated declare attributes like `declare +x name` - Fix parsing of `${#@}` - Reject bad parameter expansion operators like `${v@WRONG}` - Reject inline array variables like `a=(b c) prog` - Reject indexing of special vars like `${1[3]}` - Reject `${!name}` when in POSIX mode - Reject multiple parameter expansion actions like `${#v:-def}` - **interp** - Add Bash brace expansion support, including `{a,b}` and `{x..y}` - Pattern matching actions are more correct and precise - Exported some Runner internals, including `Vars` and `Funcs` - Use the interpreter's `$PATH` to find binaries - Roll our own globbing to use our own pattern matching code - Support the `getopts` sh builtin - Support the `read` bash builtin - Numerous changes to improve Windows support - **shell** - New experimental package with high-level utility functions - Add `SourceFile` to get the variables declared in a script - Add `SourceNode` as a lower-level version of the above - **cmd/shfmt** - Add `-mn`, which minifies programs via `syntax.Minify` ## [2.1.0] - 2017-11-25 - **syntax** - Add `Stmts`, to parse one statement at a time - Walk no longer ignores comments - Parameter expansion end fixes, such as `$` - Whitespace alignment can now be kept - see `KeepPadding` - Introduce an internal newline token to simplify the parser - Fix `Block.Pos` to actually return the start position - Fix mishandling of inline comments in two edge cases - **interp** - Expose `Fields` to expand words into strings - First configurable modules - cmds and files - Add support for the new `TimeClause` - Add support for namerefs and readonly vars - Add support for associative arrays (maps) - More sh builtins: `exec return` - More bash builtins: `command pushd popd dirs` - More `test` operators: `-b -c -t -o` - Configurable kill handling - see `KillTimeout` - **cmd/shfmt** - Add `-f` to just list all the shell files found - Add `-kp` to keep the column offsets in place - **cmd/gosh** - Now supports a basic interactive mode ## [2.0.0] - 2017-08-30 - The package import paths were moved to `` - **syntax** - Parser and Printer structs introduced with functional options - Node positions are now independent - `Position` merged into `Pos` - All comments are now attached to nodes - Support `mksh` - MirBSD's Korn Shell, used in Android - Various changes to the AST: - `EvalClause` removed; `eval` is no longer parsed as a keyword - Add support for Bash's `time` and `select` - Merge `UntilClause` into `WhileClause` - Moved `Stmt.Assigns` to `CallExpr.Assigns` - Remove `Elif` - chain `IfClause` nodes instead - Support for indexed assignments like `a[i]=b` - Allow expansions in arithmetic expressions again - Unclosed heredocs now produce an error - Binary ops are kept in the same line - see `BinaryNextLine` - Switch cases are not indented by default - see `SwitchCaseIndent` - **cmd/shfmt** - Add `-s`, which simplifies programs via `syntax.Simplify` - Add `-ln <lang>`, like `-ln mksh` - Add `-bn` to put binary ops in the next line, like in v1 - Add `-ci` to indent switch cases, like in v1 - **interp** - Some progress made, though still experimental - Most of POSIX done - some builtins remain to be done ## [1.3.1] - 2017-05-26 - **syntax** - Fix parsing of `${foo[$bar]}` - Fix printer regression where `> >(foo)` would be turned into `>>(foo)` - Break comment alignment on any line without a comment, fixing formatting issues - Error on keywords like `fi` and `done` used as commands ## [1.3.0] - 2017-04-24 - **syntax** - Fix backslashes in backquote command substitutions - Disallow some test expressions like `[[ a == ! b ]]` - Disallow some parameter expansions like `${$foo}` - Disallow some arithmetic expressions like `((1=3))` and `(($(echo 1 + 2)))` - Binary commands like `&&`, `||` and pipes are now left-associative - **fileutil** - `CouldBeScript` may now return true on non-regular files such as symlinks - **interp** - New experimental package to interpret a `syntax.File` in pure Go ## [1.2.0] - 2017-02-22 - **syntax** - Add support for escaped characters in bash regular expressions - **fileutil** - New package with some code moved from `cmd/shfmt`, now importable - New funcs `HasShebang` and `CouldBeScript` - Require shebangs to end with whitespace to reject `#!/bin/shfoo` ## [1.1.0] - 2017-01-05 - **syntax** - Parse `[[ a = b ]]` like `[[ a == b ]]`, deprecating `TsAssgn` in favour of `TsEqual` - Add support for the `-k`, `-G`, `-O` and `-N` unary operators inside `[[ ]]` - Add proper support for `!` in parameter expansions, like `${!foo}` - Fix a couple of crashes found via fuzzing - **cmd/shfmt** - Rewrite `[[ a = b ]]` into the saner `[[ a == b ]]` (see above) ## [1.0.0] - 2016-12-13 - **syntax** - Stable release, API now frozen - `Parse` now reads input in chunks of 1KiB - **cmd/shfmt** - Add `-version` flag ## [0.6.0] - 2016-12-05 - **syntax** - `Parse` now takes an `io.Reader` instead of `[]byte` - Invalid UTF-8 is now reported as an error - Remove backtracking for `$((` and `((` - `Walk` now takes a func literal to simplify its use ## [0.5.0] - 2016-11-24 - **cmd/shfmt** - Remove `-cpuprofile` - Don't read entire files into memory to check for a shebang - **syntax** - Use `uint32` for tokens and positions in nodes - Use `Word` and `Lit` pointers consistently instead of values - Ensure `Word.Parts` is never empty - Add support for expressions in array indexing and parameter expansion slicing ## [0.4.0] - 2016-11-08 - Merge `parser`, `ast`, `token` and `printer` into a single package `syntax` - Use separate operator types in nodes rather than `Token` - Use operator value names that express their function - Keep `;` if on a separate line when formatting - **cmd/shfmt** - Allow whitespace after `#!` in a shebang - **syntax** - Implement operator precedence for `[[ ]]` - Parse `$(foo)` and ``foo`` as the same (`shfmt` then converts the latter to the former) - Rename `Quoted` to `DblQuoted` for clarity - Split `((foo))` nodes as their own type, `ArithmCmd` - Add support for bash parameter expansion slicing ## [0.3.0] - 2016-10-26 - Add support for bash's `coproc` and extended globbing like `@(foo)` - Improve test coverage, adding tests to `cmd/shfmt` and bringing `parser` and `printer` close to 100% - Support empty C-style for loops like `for ((;;)) ...` - Support for the `>|` redirect operand - **cmd/shfmt** - Fix issue where `.sh` and `.bash` files might not be walked if running on a directory - Fix issue where `-p` was not obeyed when formatting stdin - **parser** - `$''` now generates an `ast.SglQuoted`, not an `ast.Quoted` - Support for ambiguous `((` like with `$((` - Improve special parameter expansions like `$@` or `$!` - Improve bash's `export` `typeset`, `nameref` and `readonly` - `<>`, `>&` and `<&` are valid POSIX - Support for bash's `^`, `^^`, `,` and `,,` operands inside `${}` ## [0.2.0] - 2016-10-13 - Optimizations all around, making `shfmt` ~15% faster - **cmd/shfmt** - Add `-p` flag to only accept POSIX Shell programs (`parser.PosixConformant`) - **parser** - Add support for ambiguous `$((` as in `$((foo) | bar)` - Limit more bash features to `PosixConformant` being false - Don't parse heredoc bodies in nested expansions and contexts - Run tests through `bash` to confirm the presence of a parse error - **ast** - Add `Walk(Visitor, Node)` function ## [0.1.0] - 2016-09-20 Initial release. [3.10.0]: [3.9.0]: [3.8.0]: [3.7.0]: [3.6.0]: [#779]: [#803]: [#814]: [#835]: [#841]: [#849]: [#863]: [#866]: [#873]: [#877]: [#879]: [#881]: [#884]: [#885]: [#886]: [#892]: [#900]: [#917]: [#928]: [#929]: [#955]: [3.5.1]: [#860]: [#861]: [#862]: [3.5.0]: [3.4.3]: [3.4.2]: [3.4.1]: [3.4.0]: [3.3.1]: [3.3.0]: [3.2.4]: [3.2.2]: [3.2.1]: [3.2.0]: [3.1.2]: [3.1.1]: [3.1.0]: [3.0.2]: [3.0.1]: [3.0.0]: [2.6.4]: [2.6.3]: [2.6.2]: [2.6.1]: [2.6.0]: [2.5.1]: [2.5.0]: [2.4.0]: [2.3.0]: [2.2.1]: [2.2.0]: [2.1.0]: [2.0.0]: [1.3.1]: [1.3.0]: [1.2.0]: [1.1.0]: [1.0.0]: [0.6.0]: [0.5.0]: [0.4.0]: [0.3.0]: [0.2.0]: [0.1.0]: 07070100000007000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000005D0000000000000000000000000000000000000001200000000sh-3.10.0/LICENSECopyright (c) 2016, Daniel Martí. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 07070100000008000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000017E9000000000000000000000000000000000000001400000000sh-3.10.0/ sh [![Go Reference](]( A shell parser, formatter, and interpreter. Supports [POSIX Shell], [Bash], and [mksh]. Requires Go 1.22 or later. ### Quick start To parse shell scripts, inspect them, and print them out, see the [syntax examples]( For high-level operations like performing shell expansions on strings, see the [shell examples]( ### shfmt go install `shfmt` formats shell programs. See [](syntax/ for a quick look at its default style. For example: shfmt -l -w For more information, see [its manpage](cmd/shfmt/shfmt.1.scd), which can be viewed directly as Markdown or rendered with [scdoc]. Packages are available on [Alpine], [Arch], [Debian], [Docker], [Fedora], [FreeBSD], [Homebrew], [MacPorts], [NixOS], [OpenSUSE], [Scoop], [Snapcraft], [Void] and [webi]. ### gosh go install Proof of concept shell that uses `interp`. Note that it's not meant to replace a POSIX shell at the moment, and its options are intentionally minimalistic. ### Fuzzing We use Go's native fuzzing support. For instance: cd syntax go test -run=- -fuzz=ParsePrint ### Caveats * When indexing Bash associative arrays, always use quotes. The static parser will otherwise have to assume that the index is an arithmetic expression. ```sh $ echo '${array[spaced string]}' | shfmt 1:16: not a valid arithmetic operator: string $ echo '${array[dash-string]}' | shfmt ${array[dash - string]} ``` * `$((` and `((` ambiguity is not supported. Backtracking would complicate the parser and make streaming support via `io.Reader` impossible. The POSIX spec recommends to [space the operands][posix-ambiguity] if `$( (` is meant. ```sh $ echo '$((foo); (bar))' | shfmt 1:1: reached ) without matching $(( with )) ``` * `export`, `let`, and `declare` are parsed as keywords. This allows statically building their syntax tree, as opposed to keeping the arguments as a slice of words. It is also required to support `declare foo=(bar)`. Note that this means expansions like `declare {a,b}=c` are not supported. ### JavaScript A subset of the Go packages are available as an npm package called [mvdan-sh]. See the [_js](_js) directory for more information. ### Docker All release tags are published via [Docker], such as `v3.5.1`. The latest stable release is currently published as `v3`, and the latest development version as `latest`. The images only include `shfmt`; `-alpine` variants exist on Alpine Linux. To build a Docker image, run: docker build -t my:tag -f cmd/shfmt/Dockerfile . To use a Docker image, run: docker run --rm -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" -v "$PWD:/mnt" -w /mnt my:tag <shfmt arguments> ### Related projects The following editor integrations wrap `shfmt`: - [BashSupport-Pro] - Bash plugin for JetBrains IDEs - [intellij-shellcript] - Intellij Jetbrains `shell script` plugin - [micro] - Editor with a built-in plugin - [shell-format] - VS Code plugin - [vscode-shfmt] - VS Code plugin - [shfmt.el] - Emacs package - [Sublime-Pretty-Shell] - Sublime Text 3 plugin - [Trunk] - Universal linter, available as a CLI, VS Code plugin, and GitHub action - [vim-shfmt] - Vim plugin Other noteworthy integrations include: - [modd] - A developer tool that responds to filesystem changes - [prettier-plugin-sh] - [Prettier] plugin using [mvdan-sh] - [sh-checker] - A GitHub Action that performs static analysis for shell scripts - [mdformat-shfmt] - [mdformat] plugin to format shell scripts embedded in Markdown with shfmt - [pre-commit-shfmt] - [pre-commit] shfmt hook [alpine]: [arch]: [bash]: [BashSupport-Pro]: [debian]: [docker]: [editorconfig]: [examples]: [fedora]: [freebsd]: [homebrew]: [intellij-shellcript]: [macports]: [mdformat-shfmt]: [mdformat]: [micro]: [mksh]: [modd]: [mvdan-sh]: [nixos]: [OpenSUSE]: [posix shell]: [posix-ambiguity]: [pre-commit]: [pre-commit-shfmt]: [prettier-plugin-sh]: [prettier]: [scdoc]: [scoop]: [sh-checker]: [shell-format]: [shfmt.el]: [snapcraft]: [sublime-pretty-shell]: [trunk]: [vim-shfmt]: [void]: [vscode-shfmt]: [webi]: 07070100000009000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000E00000000sh-3.10.0/_js0707010000000A000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000005D0000000000000000000000000000000000000001600000000sh-3.10.0/_js/LICENSECopyright (c) 2016, Daniel Martí. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 0707010000000B000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000B53000000000000000000000000000000000000001800000000sh-3.10.0/_js/ mvdan-sh This package is a JavaScript version of a shell package written in Go, available at It is transpiled from Go to JS using ### Sample usage ``` const sh = require('mvdan-sh') const syntax = sh.syntax var parser = syntax.NewParser() var printer = syntax.NewPrinter() var src = "echo 'foo'" var f = parser.Parse(src, "") // print out the syntax tree syntax.DebugPrint(f) console.log() // replace all single quoted string values syntax.Walk(f, function(node) { if (syntax.NodeType(node) == "SglQuoted") { node.Value = "bar" } return true }) // print the code back out console.log(printer.Print(f)) // echo 'bar' ``` You can find more samples in [testmain.js]( ### Available APIs The APIs listed below are wrapped to be usable in JavaScript. Follow the links to read their documentation. * [syntax.NewParser]( - [Parser.Parse]( - [Parser.Interactive]( - [Parser.Incomplete]( * [syntax.DebugPrint]( * [syntax.Walk]( * [syntax.NewPrinter]( - [Printer.Print]( Constructor options like [syntax.KeepComments]( are also available. The original `io.Reader` parameters can take a string or a [stream.Readable]( object. `io.Writer` parameters are replaced by string returns. The nodes you will find in the syntax tree are all equivalent to the nodes you will see on the Go API. To get the type of a node, use `syntax.NodeType` as the example above shows. Some of the most common node types include: * [syntax.File]( * [syntax.Stmt]( * [syntax.CallExpr]( * [syntax.Word]( * [syntax.Lit]( The five above will show up in your syntax tree if you parse a `echo foo` command, which you can see if you use `syntax.DebugPrint` to inspect the syntax tree. ### Building You will need: * Latest Go 1.17.x * NodeJS, to run the `testmain.js` test suite Then, simply run `./build`. The result will be `index.js`, which isn't minified. At the time of writing, `index.js` weighs 1.7MiB in plaintext, and 220KiB when minified and gzipped. 0707010000000C000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000174C000000000000000000000000000000000000001A00000000sh-3.10.0/_js/api_dump.go// Copyright (c) 2019, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information //go:build ignore // +build ignore // api_dump is a simple program to create a description of what the syntax // package's API is. The main purpose is so that the JS package users can // inspect the API programmatically, to generate documentation, code, etc. // // To run with Go 1.11 or later: GO111MODULE=on go run api_dump.go package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "go/ast" "go/token" "go/types" "os" "reflect" "" ) type Package struct { Types map[string]NamedType `json:"types"` Funcs map[string]DocType `json:"funcs"` } type NamedType struct { Doc string `json:"doc"` Type interface{} `json:"type"` EnumValues []string `json:"enumvalues,omitempty"` Implementers []string `json:"implementers,omitempty"` Methods map[string]DocType `json:"methods"` } type DocType struct { Doc string `json:"doc"` Type interface{} `json:"type"` } func main() { cfg := &packages.Config{Mode: packages.LoadSyntax} pkgs, err := packages.Load(cfg, "") if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) os.Exit(1) } if packages.PrintErrors(pkgs) > 0 { os.Exit(1) } if len(pkgs) != 1 { panic("expected exactly one package") } dump := &Package{ Types: map[string]NamedType{}, Funcs: map[string]DocType{}, } // from identifier position to its doc docs := make(map[token.Pos]*ast.CommentGroup) pkg := pkgs[0] for _, file := range pkg.Syntax { ast.Inspect(file, func(node ast.Node) bool { switch node := node.(type) { case *ast.FuncDecl: docs[node.Name.Pos()] = node.Doc case *ast.GenDecl: if len(node.Specs) != 1 { break } // TypeSpec.Doc is sometimes not passed on switch spec := node.Specs[0].(type) { case *ast.TypeSpec: spec.Doc = node.Doc } case *ast.TypeSpec: docs[node.Name.Pos()] = node.Doc case *ast.Field: if len(node.Names) != 1 { break } docs[node.Names[0].Pos()] = node.Doc case *ast.ValueSpec: if len(node.Names) != 1 { break } docs[node.Names[0].Pos()] = node.Doc } return true }) } scope := pkg.Types.Scope() var allImpls []*types.Pointer var allConsts []*types.Const for _, name := range scope.Names() { obj := scope.Lookup(name) if !obj.Exported() { continue } switch obj := obj.(type) { case *types.TypeName: // not interfaces if _, ok := obj.Type().(*types.Interface); !ok { // include pointer receivers too allImpls = append(allImpls, types.NewPointer(obj.Type())) } case *types.Const: allConsts = append(allConsts, obj) } } for _, name := range scope.Names() { obj := scope.Lookup(name) if !obj.Exported() { continue } if fn, ok := obj.(*types.Func); ok { dump.Funcs[fn.Name()] = DocType{ Doc: docs[fn.Pos()].Text(), Type: dumpType(docs, fn.Type()), } continue } tname, ok := obj.(*types.TypeName) if !ok { continue } name := tname.Name() named, ok := obj.Type().(*types.Named) if !ok { continue } under := named.Underlying() dumpNamed := NamedType{ Doc: docs[tname.Pos()].Text(), Type: dumpType(docs, under), Methods: map[string]DocType{}, } switch under := under.(type) { case *types.Basic: if under.Info()&types.IsInteger == 0 { break } for _, cnst := range allConsts { if cnst.Type() == named { dumpNamed.EnumValues = append(dumpNamed.EnumValues, cnst.Name()) } } case *types.Interface: for _, typ := range allImpls { if types.Implements(typ, under) { dumpNamed.Implementers = append(dumpNamed.Implementers, typ.Elem().String()) } } } for i := 0; i < named.NumMethods(); i++ { fn := named.Method(i) if !fn.Exported() { continue } dumpNamed.Methods[fn.Name()] = DocType{ Doc: docs[fn.Pos()].Text(), Type: dumpType(docs, fn.Type()), } } dump.Types[name] = dumpNamed } enc := json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout) enc.SetIndent("", "\t") if err := enc.Encode(dump); err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) } } func dumpType(docs map[token.Pos]*ast.CommentGroup, typ types.Type) interface{} { dump := map[string]interface{}{} switch typ := typ.(type) { case *types.Interface: dump["kind"] = "interface" methods := map[string]DocType{} for i := 0; i < typ.NumMethods(); i++ { fn := typ.Method(i) if !fn.Exported() { continue } methods[fn.Name()] = DocType{ Doc: docs[fn.Pos()].Text(), Type: dumpType(docs, fn.Type()), } } dump["methods"] = methods return dump case *types.Struct: dump["kind"] = "struct" type Field struct { Doc string `json:"doc"` Type interface{} `json:"type"` Embedded bool `json:"embedded"` } fields := map[string]Field{} for i := 0; i < typ.NumFields(); i++ { fd := typ.Field(i) if !fd.Exported() { continue } fields[fd.Name()] = Field{ Doc: docs[fd.Pos()].Text(), Type: dumpType(docs, fd.Type()), Embedded: fd.Embedded(), } } dump["fields"] = fields return dump case *types.Slice: dump["kind"] = "list" dump["elem"] = dumpType(docs, typ.Elem()) return dump case *types.Pointer: dump["kind"] = "pointer" dump["elem"] = dumpType(docs, typ.Elem()) return dump case *types.Signature: dump["kind"] = "function" dump["params"] = dumpTuple(docs, typ.Params()) dump["results"] = dumpTuple(docs, typ.Results()) return dump case *types.Basic: return typ.String() case *types.Named: return typ.String() } panic("TODO: " + reflect.TypeOf(typ).String()) } func dumpTuple(docs map[token.Pos]*ast.CommentGroup, tuple *types.Tuple) []interface{} { typs := make([]interface{}, 0) for i := 0; i < tuple.Len(); i++ { vr := tuple.At(i) typs = append(typs, map[string]interface{}{ "name": vr.Name(), "type": dumpType(docs, vr.Type()), }) } return typs } 0707010000000D000081ED00000000000000000000000167156AC1000000CE000000000000000000000000000000000000001400000000sh-3.10.0/_js/build#!/bin/sh if ! go version | grep -q go1.17; then echo "Go 1.17.x required to build." exit 1 fi go run build --minify --output=index.js || exit 1 node testmain.js || exit 1 0707010000000E000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000009A000000000000000000000000000000000000001500000000sh-3.10.0/_js/go.modmodule shjs go 1.19 replace => ../ require ( v1.17.2 v3.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000 ) 0707010000000F000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000244000000000000000000000000000000000000001500000000sh-3.10.0/_js/ v1.14.4 h1:g2rn0vABPOOXmZUj+vbmUp0lPoXEMuhTpIluN0XL9UY= v0.5.9 h1:O2Tfq5qg4qc4AmwVlvv0oLiVAGB7enBSJ2x2DqQFi38= v1.17.2 h1:fQnZVsXk8uxXIStYb0N4bGk7jeyTalG/wsZjQ25dO0g= v1.17.2/go.mod h1:pRRIvn/QzFLrKfvEz3qUuEhtE/zLCWfreZ6J5gM2i+k= v0.3.1 h1:flRD4NNwYAUpkphVc1HcthR4KEIFJ65n8Mw5qdRn3LE= v0.2.0 h1:5Nx0Ya0ZqY2ygV366QzturHI13Jq95ApcVaJBhpS+AY= v1.9.0 h1:73kH8U+JUqXU8lRuOHeVHaa/SZPifC7BkcraZVejAe8= 07070100000010000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000188A000000000000000000000000000000000000001600000000sh-3.10.0/_js/main.gopackage main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" "math" "os" "strings" "" "" ) func main() { var exps *js.Object if js.Module != js.Undefined { // node exps = js.Module.Get("exports") } else { // browser, `module.exports` in unavailable exps = js.MakeWrapper(map[string]interface{}{}) originalGlobalSh := js.Global.Get("sh") exps.Set("noConflict", func() *js.Object { js.Global.Set("sh", originalGlobalSh) return exps }) // make it accessible on `` js.Global.Set("sh", exps) } exps.Set("syntax", map[string]interface{}{}) stx := exps.Get("syntax") // Type helpers just for JS stx.Set("NodeType", func(v interface{}) string { if v == nil { return "nil" } node, ok := v.(syntax.Node) if !ok { panic("NodeType requires a Node argument") } typ := fmt.Sprintf("%T", node) if i := strings.LastIndexAny(typ, "*.]"); i >= 0 { typ = typ[i+1:] } return typ }) // Parser stx.Set("NewParser", func(options ...func(interface{})) *js.Object { p := syntax.NewParser() jp := js.MakeFullWrapper(&jsParser{Parser: *p}) // Apply the options after we've wrapped the parser, as // otherwise we cannot internalise the value. for _, opt := range options { opt(jp) } return jp }) stx.Set("IsIncomplete", syntax.IsIncomplete) stx.Set("KeepComments", func(enabled bool) func(interface{}) { return func(v interface{}) { syntax.KeepComments(enabled)(&v.(*jsParser).Parser) } }) stx.Set("Variant", func(l syntax.LangVariant) func(interface{}) { if math.IsNaN(float64(l)) { panic("Variant requires a LangVariant argument") } return func(v interface{}) { syntax.Variant(l)(&v.(*jsParser).Parser) } }) stx.Set("LangBash", syntax.LangBash) stx.Set("LangPOSIX", syntax.LangPOSIX) stx.Set("LangMirBSDKorn", syntax.LangMirBSDKorn) stx.Set("StopAt", func(word string) func(interface{}) { return func(v interface{}) { syntax.StopAt(word)(&v.(*jsParser).Parser) } }) // Printer stx.Set("NewPrinter", func(options ...func(interface{})) *js.Object { p := syntax.NewPrinter() jp := js.MakeFullWrapper(&jsPrinter{Printer: *p}) // Apply the options after we've wrapped the printer, as // otherwise we cannot internalise the value. for _, opt := range options { opt(jp) } return jp }) stx.Set("Indent", func(spaces uint) func(interface{}) { return func(v interface{}) { syntax.Indent(spaces)(&v.(*jsPrinter).Printer) } }) stx.Set("BinaryNextLine", func(enabled bool) func(interface{}) { return func(v interface{}) { syntax.BinaryNextLine(enabled)(&v.(*jsPrinter).Printer) } }) stx.Set("SwitchCaseIndent", func(enabled bool) func(interface{}) { return func(v interface{}) { syntax.SwitchCaseIndent(enabled)(&v.(*jsPrinter).Printer) } }) stx.Set("SpaceRedirects", func(enabled bool) func(interface{}) { return func(v interface{}) { syntax.SpaceRedirects(enabled)(&v.(*jsPrinter).Printer) } }) stx.Set("KeepPadding", func(enabled bool) func(interface{}) { return func(v interface{}) { syntax.KeepPadding(enabled)(&v.(*jsPrinter).Printer) } }) stx.Set("Minify", func(enabled bool) func(interface{}) { return func(v interface{}) { syntax.Minify(enabled)(&v.(*jsPrinter).Printer) } }) stx.Set("FunctionNextLine", func(enabled bool) func(interface{}) { return func(v interface{}) { syntax.FunctionNextLine(enabled)(&v.(*jsPrinter).Printer) } }) // Syntax utilities stx.Set("Walk", func(node syntax.Node, jsFn func(*js.Object) bool) { fn := func(node syntax.Node) bool { if node == nil { return jsFn(nil) } return jsFn(js.MakeFullWrapper(node)) } syntax.Walk(node, fn) }) stx.Set("DebugPrint", func(node syntax.Node) { syntax.DebugPrint(os.Stdout, node) }) stx.Set("SplitBraces", func(w *syntax.Word) *js.Object { syntax.SplitBraces(w) return js.MakeFullWrapper(w) }) } func throw(err error) { js.Global.Call("$throw", js.MakeFullWrapper(err)) } // streamReader is an io.Reader wrapper for Node's stream.Readable. See // // TODO: support too? type streamReader struct { stream *js.Object } func (r streamReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { obj :="read", len(p)) if obj == nil { return 0, io.EOF } bs := []byte(obj.String()) return copy(p, bs), nil } type jsParser struct { syntax.Parser accumulated []*syntax.Stmt incomplete bytes.Buffer } func adaptReader(src *js.Object) io.Reader { if src.Get("read") != js.Undefined { return streamReader{stream: src} } return strings.NewReader(src.String()) } func (p *jsParser) Parse(src *js.Object, name string) *js.Object { f, err := p.Parser.Parse(adaptReader(src), name) if err != nil { throw(err) } return js.MakeFullWrapper(f) } func (p *jsParser) Incomplete() bool { return p.Parser.Incomplete() } func (p *jsParser) Interactive(src *js.Object, jsFn func([]*js.Object) bool) { fn := func(stmts []*syntax.Stmt) bool { objs := make([]*js.Object, len(stmts)) for i, stmt := range stmts { objs[i] = js.MakeFullWrapper(stmt) } return jsFn(objs) } err := p.Parser.Interactive(adaptReader(src), fn) if err != nil { throw(err) } } func (p *jsParser) InteractiveStep(line string) []*syntax.Stmt { // pick up previous chunks of the incomplete statement r := strings.NewReader(p.incomplete.String() + line) lastEnd := uint(0) err := p.Parser.Interactive(r, func(stmts []*syntax.Stmt) bool { if len(stmts) > 0 { // don't re-parse finished statements lastEnd = stmts[len(stmts)-1].End().Offset() } p.accumulated = append(p.accumulated, stmts...) return false }) if syntax.IsIncomplete(err) { // starting or continuing an incomplete statement p.incomplete.WriteString(line[lastEnd:]) return p.accumulated } // complete; empty both fields and return p.incomplete.Reset() if err != nil { throw(err) } acc := p.accumulated p.accumulated = p.accumulated[:0] return acc } type jsPrinter struct { syntax.Printer } func (p jsPrinter) Print(file *syntax.File) string { var buf bytes.Buffer if err := p.Printer.Print(&buf, file); err != nil { throw(err) } return buf.String() } 07070100000011000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000190000000000000000000000000000000000000001B00000000sh-3.10.0/_js/package.json{ "name": "mvdan-sh", "version": "0.10.1", "description": "A shell parser and formatter (POSIX/Bash/mksh)", "main": "index.js", "repository": "", "author": "Daniel Martí", "license": "BSD-3-Clause", "files": [ "", "LICENSE", "index.js" ], "keywords": [ "shell", "bash", "sh", "parser", "ast", "syntax", "posix", "bash-parser" ] } 07070100000012000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000370000000000000000000000000000000000000001F00000000sh-3.10.0/_js/testbrowser.html<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <title>mvdan-sh</title> </head> <body> <script> var sh = "mock-sh"; </script> <script src="./index.js"></script> <script> const assert = { equal(x, y) { if (x !== y) { throw new Error("assert error"); } }, }; assert.equal(!sh, false); const syntax = sh.syntax; const parser = syntax.NewParser(); const printer = syntax.NewPrinter(); const src = "echo 'foo'"; const f = parser.Parse(src, "src"); const out = printer.Print(f); assert.equal(out, "echo 'foo'\n"); assert.equal(sh, (window.newSh = sh.noConflict())); assert.equal(sh, "mock-sh"); </script> </body> </html> 07070100000013000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000015F0000000000000000000000000000000000000001A00000000sh-3.10.0/_js/testmain.jsconst assert = require('assert').strict const stream = require('stream') const sh = require('./index') const syntax = sh.syntax const parser = syntax.NewParser() const printer = syntax.NewPrinter() { // parsing a simple program const src = "echo 'foo'" var f = parser.Parse(src, "src") var stmts = f.Stmts assert.equal(f.Stmts.length, 1) var args = f.Stmts[0].Cmd.Args assert.equal(args.length, 2) assert.equal(args[0].Parts.length, 1) assert.equal(args[0].Parts[0].Value, "echo") } { // accessing fields or methods creates separate objects const src = "echo 'foo'" var f = parser.Parse(src, "src") assert.equal(f.Stmts == f.Stmts, false) assert.equal(f.Stmts === f.Stmts, false) var stmtsObj = f.Stmts assert.equal(stmtsObj == stmtsObj, true) assert.equal(stmtsObj === stmtsObj, true) } { // fatal parse error const src = "echo )" try { parser.Parse(src, "src")"did not error") } catch (err) { assert.equal(err.Filename, "src") assert.equal(err.Pos.Line(), 1) assert.equal(syntax.IsIncomplete(err), false) } } { // incomplete parse error const src = "echo ${" try { parser.Parse(src, "src")"did not error") } catch (err) { assert.equal(syntax.IsIncomplete(err), true) } } { // js error from the wrapper layer var foo = {} try { syntax.NodeType(foo)"did not error") } catch (err) { assert.equal(err.message.includes("requires a Node argument"), true) } } { // node types, operators, and positions const src = "foo || bar" var f = parser.Parse(src, "src") var cmd = f.Stmts[0].Cmd assert.equal(syntax.NodeType(cmd), "BinaryCmd") // TODO: see // assert.equal(syntax.String(cmd.Op), "||") assert.equal(cmd.Pos().String(), "1:1") assert.equal(cmd.OpPos.String(), "1:5") assert.equal(cmd.OpPos.Line(), 1) assert.equal(cmd.OpPos.Col(), 5) assert.equal(cmd.OpPos.Offset(), 4) } { // running Walk const src = "foo bar" var f = parser.Parse(src, "src") var nilCount = 0 var nonNilCount = 0 var seenBar = false var seenCall = false syntax.Walk(f, function(node) { var typ = syntax.NodeType(node) if (node == null) { nilCount++ assert.equal(typ, "nil") } else { nonNilCount++ if (node.Value == "bar") { seenBar = true } assert.notEqual(typ, "nil") } if (typ == "CallExpr") { seenCall = true } return true }) assert.equal(nonNilCount, 7) assert.equal(nilCount, 7) assert.equal(seenBar, true) assert.equal(seenCall, true) } { // printing const src = "echo 'foo'" var f = parser.Parse(src, "src") var out = printer.Print(f) assert.equal(out, "echo 'foo'\n") } { // parser options const parser = syntax.NewParser( syntax.KeepComments(true), syntax.Variant(syntax.LangMirBSDKorn), syntax.StopAt("$$") ) const src = "echo ${|stmts;} # bar\n$$" var f = parser.Parse(src, "src") var out = printer.Print(f) assert.equal(out, "echo ${|stmts;} # bar\n") } { // parsing a readable stream const src = new stream.Readable src.push("echo foo") src.push(null) var f = parser.Parse(src, "src") var cmd = f.Stmts[0].Cmd assert.equal(cmd.Args.length, 2) } { // using the parser interactively const lines = [ "foo\n", "bar; baz\n", "\n", "foo; 'incom\n", " \n", "plete'\n", ] const wantCallbacks = [ {"count": 1, "incomplete": false}, {"count": 2, "incomplete": false}, {"count": 0, "incomplete": false}, {"count": 1, "incomplete": true}, {"count": 1, "incomplete": true}, {"count": 2, "incomplete": false}, ] var gotCallbacks = [] const src = {"read": function(size) { if (lines.length == 0) { if (gotCallbacks.length == 0) { throw "did not see any callbacks before EOF" } return null // EOF } s = lines[0] lines.shift() return s }} parser.Interactive(src, function(stmts) { for (var i in stmts) { var stmt = stmts[i] assert.equal(syntax.NodeType(stmt), "Stmt") } gotCallbacks.push({ "count": stmts.length, "incomplete": parser.Incomplete(), }) return true }) assert.deepEqual(gotCallbacks, wantCallbacks) } { // using the parser interactively with steps const lines = [ "foo\n", "bar; baz\n", "\n", "foo; 'incom\n", " \n", "plete'\n", ] const wantResults = [ {"count": 1, "incomplete": false}, {"count": 2, "incomplete": false}, {"count": 0, "incomplete": false}, {"count": 1, "incomplete": true}, {"count": 1, "incomplete": true}, {"count": 2, "incomplete": false}, ] var gotResults = [] for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i] var want = wantResults[i] var stmts = parser.InteractiveStep(line) gotResults.push({ "count": stmts.length, "incomplete": parser.Incomplete(), }) } assert.deepEqual(gotResults, wantResults) } { // splitting brace expressions const parser = syntax.NewParser() const src = "{foo,bar}" var f = parser.Parse(src, "src") var word = f.Stmts[0].Cmd.Args[0] assert.equal(word.Parts.length, 1) assert.equal(syntax.NodeType(word.Parts[0]), "Lit") word = syntax.SplitBraces(word) // TODO: get rid of the empty lit assert.equal(word.Parts.length, 2) assert.equal(syntax.NodeType(word.Parts[0]), "BraceExp") assert.equal(word.Parts[0].Elems.length, 2) assert.equal(syntax.NodeType(word.Parts[1]), "Lit") assert.equal(word.Parts[1].Value, "") } { const printer = syntax.NewPrinter( syntax.Indent(2), syntax.BinaryNextLine(true) ) const f = parser.Parse("RUN yarn install && \\\n yarn build") const out = printer.Print(f) assert.equal(out, "RUN yarn install \\\n && yarn build\n") } 07070100000014000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000E00000000sh-3.10.0/cmd07070100000015000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001300000000sh-3.10.0/cmd/gosh07070100000016000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000007B0000000000000000000000000000000000000001B00000000sh-3.10.0/cmd/gosh/main.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information // gosh is a proof of concept shell built on top of [interp]. package main import ( "context" "flag" "fmt" "io" "os" "strings" "" "" "" ) var command = flag.String("c", "", "command to be executed") func main() { flag.Parse() err := runAll() if e, ok := interp.IsExitStatus(err); ok { os.Exit(int(e)) } if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) os.Exit(1) } } func runAll() error { r, err := interp.New(interp.Interactive(true), interp.StdIO(os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr)) if err != nil { return err } if *command != "" { return run(r, strings.NewReader(*command), "") } if flag.NArg() == 0 { if term.IsTerminal(int(os.Stdin.Fd())) { return runInteractive(r, os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr) } return run(r, os.Stdin, "") } for _, path := range flag.Args() { if err := runPath(r, path); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func run(r *interp.Runner, reader io.Reader, name string) error { prog, err := syntax.NewParser().Parse(reader, name) if err != nil { return err } r.Reset() ctx := context.Background() return r.Run(ctx, prog) } func runPath(r *interp.Runner, path string) error { f, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil { return err } defer f.Close() return run(r, f, path) } func runInteractive(r *interp.Runner, stdin io.Reader, stdout, stderr io.Writer) error { parser := syntax.NewParser() fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "$ ") var runErr error fn := func(stmts []*syntax.Stmt) bool { if parser.Incomplete() { fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "> ") return true } ctx := context.Background() for _, stmt := range stmts { runErr = r.Run(ctx, stmt) if r.Exited() { return false } } fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "$ ") return true } if err := parser.Interactive(stdin, fn); err != nil { return err } return runErr } 07070100000017000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000013CE000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000sh-3.10.0/cmd/gosh/main_test.go// Copyright (c) 2018, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package main import ( "fmt" "io" "os" "testing" "" "" ) // Each test has an even number of strings, which form input-output pairs for // the interactive shell. The input string is fed to the interactive shell, and // bytes are read from its output until the expected output string is matched or // an error is encountered. // // In other words, each first string is what the user types, and each following // string is what the shell will print back. Note that the first "$ " output is // implicit. var interactiveTests = []struct { pairs []string wantErr string }{ {}, { pairs: []string{ "\n", "$ ", "\n", "$ ", }, }, { pairs: []string{ "echo foo\n", "foo\n", }, }, { pairs: []string{ "echo foo\n", "foo\n$ ", "echo bar\n", "bar\n", }, }, { pairs: []string{ "if true\n", "> ", "then echo bar; fi\n", "bar\n", }, }, { pairs: []string{ "echo 'foo\n", "> ", "bar'\n", "foo\nbar\n", }, }, { pairs: []string{ "echo foo; echo bar\n", "foo\nbar\n", }, }, { pairs: []string{ "echo foo; echo 'bar\n", "> ", "baz'\n", "foo\nbar\nbaz\n", }, }, { pairs: []string{ "(\n", "> ", "echo foo)\n", "foo\n", }, }, { pairs: []string{ "[[\n", "> ", "true ]]\n", "$ ", }, }, { pairs: []string{ "echo foo ||\n", "> ", "echo bar\n", "foo\n", }, }, { pairs: []string{ "echo foo |\n", "> ", "read var; echo $var\n", "foo\n", }, }, { pairs: []string{ "echo foo", "", " bar\n", "foo bar\n", }, }, { pairs: []string{ "echo\\\n", "> ", " foo\n", "foo\n", }, }, { pairs: []string{ "echo foo\\\n", "> ", "bar\n", "foobar\n", }, }, { pairs: []string{ "echo 你好\n", "你好\n$ ", }, }, { pairs: []string{ "echo *; :\n", "main.go main_test.go\n$ ", "echo *\n", "main.go main_test.go\n$ ", "shopt -s globstar; echo **\n", "main.go main_test.go\n$ ", }, }, { pairs: []string{ "echo foo; exit 0; echo bar\n", "foo\n", "echo baz\n", "", }, }, { pairs: []string{ "echo foo; exit 1; echo bar\n", "foo\n", "echo baz\n", "", }, wantErr: "exit status 1", }, { pairs: []string{ "(\n", "> ", }, wantErr: "1:1: reached EOF without matching ( with )", }, { pairs: []string{ "gosh_alias arg || true\n", "\"gosh_alias\": executable file not found in $PATH\n$ ", "alias gosh_alias=echo\n", "$ ", "gosh_alias arg || true\n", "arg\n$ ", "unalias gosh_alias\n", "$ ", "gosh_alias arg || true\n", "\"gosh_alias\": executable file not found in $PATH\n$ ", }, }, } func TestInteractive(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for _, tc := range interactiveTests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { inReader, inWriter, err := os.Pipe() qt.Assert(t, qt.IsNil(err)) outReader, outWriter, err := os.Pipe() qt.Assert(t, qt.IsNil(err)) runner, _ := interp.New(interp.Interactive(true), interp.StdIO(inReader, outWriter, outWriter)) errc := make(chan error, 1) go func() { errc <- runInteractive(runner, inReader, outWriter, outWriter) // Discard the rest of the input. io.Copy(io.Discard, inReader) inReader.Close() outWriter.Close() }() if err := readString(outReader, "$ "); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } line := 1 for len(tc.pairs) > 0 { t.Logf("write %q", tc.pairs[0]) if _, err := io.WriteString(inWriter, tc.pairs[0]); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } t.Logf("read %q", tc.pairs[1]) if err := readString(outReader, tc.pairs[1]); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } line++ tc.pairs = tc.pairs[2:] } // Close the input pipe, so that the parser can stop. inWriter.Close() // Once the input pipe is closed, close the output pipe // so that any remaining prompt writes get discarded. outReader.Close() err = <-errc if err != nil && tc.wantErr == "" { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err) } else if tc.wantErr != "" && fmt.Sprint(err) != tc.wantErr { t.Fatalf("want error %q, got: %v", tc.wantErr, err) } }) } } func TestInteractiveExit(t *testing.T) { inReader, inWriter, err := os.Pipe() qt.Assert(t, qt.IsNil(err)) defer inReader.Close() go func() { io.WriteString(inWriter, "exit\n") inWriter.Close() }() w := io.Discard runner, _ := interp.New(interp.Interactive(true), interp.StdIO(inReader, w, w)) if err := runInteractive(runner, inReader, w, w); err != nil { t.Fatal("expected a nil error") } } // readString will keep reading from a reader until all bytes from the supplied // string are read. func readString(r io.Reader, want string) error { p := make([]byte, len(want)) _, err := io.ReadFull(r, p) if err != nil { return err } got := string(p) if got != want { return fmt.Errorf("ReadString: read %q, wanted %q", got, want) } return nil } 07070100000018000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001400000000sh-3.10.0/cmd/shfmt07070100000019000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000001C1000000000000000000000000000000000000001F00000000sh-3.10.0/cmd/shfmt/DockerfileFROM golang:1.23.2-alpine AS build WORKDIR /src RUN apk add --no-cache git COPY . . RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags "-w -s -extldflags '-static' -X main.version=$(git describe --always --dirty --tags)" ./cmd/shfmt FROM alpine:3.20.3 AS alpine COPY --from=build /src/shfmt /bin/shfmt COPY "./cmd/shfmt/" "/init" ENTRYPOINT ["/init"] FROM scratch COPY --from=build /src/shfmt /bin/shfmt ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/shfmt"] CMD ["-h"] 0707010000001A000081ED00000000000000000000000167156AC10000022C000000000000000000000000000000000000002900000000sh-3.10.0/cmd/shfmt/!/bin/sh # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # # Copyright (C) 2019 Olliver Schinagl <> # # A beginning user should be able to docker run image bash (or sh) without # needing to learn about --entrypoint # set -eu # run command if it is not starting with a "-" and is an executable in PATH if [ "${#}" -gt 0 ] && [ "${1#-}" = "${1}" ] && command -v "${1}" >"/dev/null" 2>&1; then exec "${@}" else # else default to run the command exec /bin/shfmt "${@}" fi exit 0 0707010000001B000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100003E10000000000000000000000000000000000000001C00000000sh-3.10.0/cmd/shfmt/main.go// Copyright (c) 2016, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information // shfmt formats shell programs. package main import ( "bytes" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "io" "io/fs" "os" "path/filepath" "regexp" "runtime/debug" "strings" maybeio "" diffpkg "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type multiFlag[T any] struct { short, long string val T } var ( versionFlag = &multiFlag[bool]{"", "version", false} list = &multiFlag[bool]{"l", "list", false} write = &multiFlag[bool]{"w", "write", false} simplify = &multiFlag[bool]{"s", "simplify", false} minify = &multiFlag[bool]{"mn", "minify", false} find = &multiFlag[bool]{"f", "find", false} diff = &multiFlag[bool]{"d", "diff", false} applyIgnore = &multiFlag[bool]{"", "apply-ignore", false} lang = &multiFlag[syntax.LangVariant]{"ln", "language-dialect", syntax.LangAuto} posix = &multiFlag[bool]{"p", "posix", false} filename = &multiFlag[string]{"", "filename", ""} indent = &multiFlag[uint]{"i", "indent", 0} binNext = &multiFlag[bool]{"bn", "binary-next-line", false} caseIndent = &multiFlag[bool]{"ci", "case-indent", false} spaceRedirs = &multiFlag[bool]{"sr", "space-redirects", false} keepPadding = &multiFlag[bool]{"kp", "keep-padding", false} funcNext = &multiFlag[bool]{"fn", "func-next-line", false} toJSON = &multiFlag[bool]{"tojson", "to-json", false} // TODO(v4): remove "tojson" for consistency fromJSON = &multiFlag[bool]{"", "from-json", false} // useEditorConfig will be false if any parser or printer flags were used. useEditorConfig = true parser *syntax.Parser printer *syntax.Printer readBuf, writeBuf bytes.Buffer color bool copyBuf = make([]byte, 32*1024) version = "(devel)" // to match the default from runtime/debug allFlags = []any{ versionFlag, list, write, simplify, minify, find, diff, applyIgnore, lang, posix, filename, indent, binNext, caseIndent, spaceRedirs, keepPadding, funcNext, toJSON, fromJSON, } ) func init() { // TODO: the flag package has constructors like newBoolValue; // if we had access to something like that, we could use flag.Value everywhere, // and avoid this monstrosity of a type switch. for _, f := range allFlags { switch f := f.(type) { case *multiFlag[bool]: if name := f.short; name != "" { flag.BoolVar(&f.val, name, f.val, "") } if name := f.long; name != "" { flag.BoolVar(&f.val, name, f.val, "") } case *multiFlag[string]: if name := f.short; name != "" { flag.StringVar(&f.val, name, f.val, "") } if name := f.long; name != "" { flag.StringVar(&f.val, name, f.val, "") } case *multiFlag[uint]: if name := f.short; name != "" { flag.UintVar(&f.val, name, f.val, "") } if name := f.long; name != "" { flag.UintVar(&f.val, name, f.val, "") } case *multiFlag[syntax.LangVariant]: if name := f.short; name != "" { flag.Var(&f.val, name, "") } if name := f.long; name != "" { flag.Var(&f.val, name, "") } default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T", f)) } } } func main() { os.Exit(main1()) } func main1() int { flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, `usage: shfmt [flags] [path ...] shfmt formats shell programs. If the only argument is a dash ('-') or no arguments are given, standard input will be used. If a given path is a directory, all shell scripts found under that directory will be used. --version show version and exit -l, --list list files whose formatting differs from shfmt's -w, --write write result to file instead of stdout -d, --diff error with a diff when the formatting differs -s, --simplify simplify the code -mn, --minify minify the code to reduce its size (implies -s) --apply-ignore always apply EditorConfig ignore rules --filename str provide a name for the standard input file Parser options: -ln, --language-dialect str bash/posix/mksh/bats, default "auto" -p, --posix shorthand for -ln=posix Printer options: -i, --indent uint 0 for tabs (default), >0 for number of spaces -bn, --binary-next-line binary ops like && and | may start a line -ci, --case-indent switch cases will be indented -sr, --space-redirects redirect operators will be followed by a space -kp, --keep-padding keep column alignment paddings -fn, --func-next-line function opening braces are placed on a separate line Utilities: -f, --find recursively find all shell files and print the paths --to-json print syntax tree to stdout as a typed JSON --from-json read syntax tree from stdin as a typed JSON Formatting options can also be read from EditorConfig files; see 'man shfmt' for a detailed description of the tool's behavior. For more information and to report bugs, see `) } flag.Parse() if versionFlag.val { // don't overwrite the version if it was set by -ldflags=-X if info, ok := debug.ReadBuildInfo(); ok && version == "(devel)" { mod := &info.Main if mod.Replace != nil { mod = mod.Replace } version = mod.Version } fmt.Println(version) return 0 } if posix.val && lang.val != syntax.LangAuto { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "-p and -ln=lang cannot coexist\n") return 1 } if minify.val { simplify.val = true } flag.Visit(func(f *flag.Flag) { switch f.Name { case lang.short, lang.long, posix.short, posix.long, indent.short, indent.long, binNext.short, binNext.long, caseIndent.short, caseIndent.long, spaceRedirs.short, spaceRedirs.long, keepPadding.short, keepPadding.long, funcNext.short, funcNext.long: useEditorConfig = false } }) parser = syntax.NewParser(syntax.KeepComments(true)) printer = syntax.NewPrinter(syntax.Minify(minify.val)) if !useEditorConfig { if posix.val { // -p equals -ln=posix lang.val = syntax.LangPOSIX } syntax.Indent(indent.val)(printer) syntax.BinaryNextLine(binNext.val)(printer) syntax.SwitchCaseIndent(caseIndent.val)(printer) syntax.SpaceRedirects(spaceRedirs.val)(printer) syntax.KeepPadding(keepPadding.val)(printer) syntax.FunctionNextLine(funcNext.val)(printer) } // Decide whether or not to use color for the diff output, // as described in shfmt.1.scd. if os.Getenv("FORCE_COLOR") != "" { color = true } else if os.Getenv("NO_COLOR") != "" || os.Getenv("TERM") == "dumb" { } else if term.IsTerminal(int(os.Stdout.Fd())) { color = true } if flag.NArg() == 0 || (flag.NArg() == 1 && flag.Arg(0) == "-") { name := "<standard input>" if toJSON.val { name = "" // the default is not useful there } if filename.val != "" { name = filename.val } if err := formatStdin(name); err != nil { if err != errChangedWithDiff { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) } return 1 } return 0 } if filename.val != "" { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "-filename can only be used with stdin") return 1 } if toJSON.val { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "--to-json can only be used with stdin") return 1 } status := 0 for _, path := range flag.Args() { if info, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil && !info.IsDir() && !applyIgnore.val && !find.val { // When given paths to files directly, always format them, // no matter their extension or shebang. // // One exception is --apply-ignore, which explicitly changes this behavior. // Another is --find, whose logic depends on walkPath being called. if err := formatPath(path, false); err != nil { if err != errChangedWithDiff { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) } status = 1 } continue } if err := filepath.WalkDir(path, func(path string, entry fs.DirEntry, err error) error { if err != nil { return err } switch err := walkPath(path, entry); err { case nil: case filepath.SkipDir: return err case errChangedWithDiff: status = 1 default: fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) status = 1 } return nil }); err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) status = 1 } } return status } var errChangedWithDiff = fmt.Errorf("") func formatStdin(name string) error { if write.val { return fmt.Errorf("-w cannot be used on standard input") } if applyIgnore.val { // Mimic the logic from walkPath to apply the ignore rules. props, err := ecQuery.Find(name, []string{"shell"}) if err != nil { return err } if props.Get("ignore") == "true" { return nil } } src, err := io.ReadAll(os.Stdin) if err != nil { return err } fileLang := lang.val if fileLang == syntax.LangAuto { extensionLang := strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.Ext(name), ".") if err := fileLang.Set(extensionLang); err != nil || fileLang == syntax.LangPOSIX { shebangLang := fileutil.Shebang(src) if err := fileLang.Set(shebangLang); err != nil { // Fall back to bash. fileLang = syntax.LangBash } } } return formatBytes(src, name, fileLang) } var vcsDir = regexp.MustCompile(`^\.(git|svn|hg)$`) func walkPath(path string, entry fs.DirEntry) error { if entry.IsDir() && vcsDir.MatchString(entry.Name()) { return filepath.SkipDir } // We don't know the language variant at this point yet, as we are walking directories // and we first want to tell if we should skip a path entirely. // // TODO: Should the call to Find with the language name check "ignore" too, then? // Otherwise a [[bash]] section with ignore=true is effectively never used. // // TODO: Should there be a way to explicitly turn off ignore rules when walking? // Perhaps swapping the default to --apply-ignore=auto and allowing --apply-ignore=false? // I don't imagine it's a particularly uesful scenario for now. props, err := ecQuery.Find(path, []string{"shell"}) if err != nil { return err } if props.Get("ignore") == "true" { if entry.IsDir() { return filepath.SkipDir } else { return nil } } conf := fileutil.CouldBeScript2(entry) if conf == fileutil.ConfNotScript { return nil } err = formatPath(path, conf == fileutil.ConfIfShebang) if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) { return err } return nil } var ecQuery = editorconfig.Query{ FileCache: make(map[string]*editorconfig.File), RegexpCache: make(map[string]*regexp.Regexp), } func propsOptions(lang syntax.LangVariant, props editorconfig.Section) (_ syntax.LangVariant, validLang bool) { // if shell_variant is set to a valid string, it will take precedence langErr := lang.Set(props.Get("shell_variant")) syntax.Variant(lang)(parser) size := uint(0) if props.Get("indent_style") == "space" { size = 8 if n := props.IndentSize(); n > 0 { size = uint(n) } } syntax.Indent(size)(printer) syntax.BinaryNextLine(props.Get("binary_next_line") == "true")(printer) // TODO(v4): rename to case_indent for consistency with flags syntax.SwitchCaseIndent(props.Get("switch_case_indent") == "true")(printer) syntax.SpaceRedirects(props.Get("space_redirects") == "true")(printer) syntax.KeepPadding(props.Get("keep_padding") == "true")(printer) // TODO(v4): rename to func_next_line for consistency with flags syntax.FunctionNextLine(props.Get("function_next_line") == "true")(printer) return lang, langErr == nil } func formatPath(path string, checkShebang bool) error { f, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil { return err } defer f.Close() fileLang := lang.val shebangForAuto := false if fileLang == syntax.LangAuto { extensionLang := strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.Ext(path), ".") if err := fileLang.Set(extensionLang); err != nil || fileLang == syntax.LangPOSIX { shebangForAuto = true } } readBuf.Reset() if checkShebang || shebangForAuto { n, err := io.ReadAtLeast(f, copyBuf[:32], len("#!/bin/sh\n")) switch { case !checkShebang: // only wanted the shebang for LangAuto case err == io.EOF, errors.Is(err, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF): return nil // too short to have a shebang case err != nil: return err // some other read error } shebangLang := fileutil.Shebang(copyBuf[:n]) if checkShebang && shebangLang == "" { return nil // not a shell script } if shebangForAuto { if err := fileLang.Set(shebangLang); err != nil { // Fall back to bash. fileLang = syntax.LangBash } } readBuf.Write(copyBuf[:n]) } if find.val { fmt.Println(path) return nil } if _, err := io.CopyBuffer(&readBuf, f, copyBuf); err != nil { return err } f.Close() return formatBytes(readBuf.Bytes(), path, fileLang) } func editorConfigLangs(l syntax.LangVariant) []string { // All known shells match [[shell]]. // As a special case, bash and the bash-like bats also match [[bash]] // We can later consider others like [[mksh]] or [[posix-shell]], // just consider what list of languages the EditorConfig spec might eventually use. switch l { case syntax.LangBash, syntax.LangBats: return []string{"shell", "bash"} case syntax.LangPOSIX, syntax.LangMirBSDKorn, syntax.LangAuto: return []string{"shell"} } return nil } func formatBytes(src []byte, path string, fileLang syntax.LangVariant) error { fileLangFromEditorConfig := false if useEditorConfig { props, err := ecQuery.Find(path, editorConfigLangs(fileLang)) if err != nil { return err } fileLang, fileLangFromEditorConfig = propsOptions(fileLang, props) } else { syntax.Variant(fileLang)(parser) } var node syntax.Node var err error if fromJSON.val { node, err = typedjson.Decode(bytes.NewReader(src)) if err != nil { return err } } else { node, err = parser.Parse(bytes.NewReader(src), path) if err != nil { if s, ok := err.(syntax.LangError); ok && lang.val == syntax.LangAuto { if fileLangFromEditorConfig { return fmt.Errorf("%w (parsed as %s via EditorConfig)", s, fileLang) } return fmt.Errorf("%w (parsed as %s via -%s=%s)", s, fileLang, lang.short, lang.val) } return err } } if simplify.val { syntax.Simplify(node) } if toJSON.val { // must be standard input; fine to return // TODO: change the default behavior to be compact, // and allow using --to-json=pretty or --to-json=indent. return typedjson.EncodeOptions{Indent: "\t"}.Encode(os.Stdout, node) } writeBuf.Reset() printer.Print(&writeBuf, node) res := writeBuf.Bytes() if !bytes.Equal(src, res) { if list.val { fmt.Println(path) } if write.val { info, err := os.Lstat(path) if err != nil { return err } perm := info.Mode().Perm() // TODO: support atomic writes on Windows? if err := maybeio.WriteFile(path, res, perm); err != nil { return err } } if diff.val { diffBytes := diffpkg.Diff(path+".orig", src, path, res) if !color { os.Stdout.Write(diffBytes) return errChangedWithDiff } // The first three lines are the header with the filenames, including --- and +++, // and are marked in bold. current := terminalBold os.Stdout.WriteString(current) for i, line := range bytes.SplitAfter(diffBytes, []byte("\n")) { last := current switch { case i < 3: // the first three lines are bold case bytes.HasPrefix(line, []byte("@@")): current = terminalCyan case bytes.HasPrefix(line, []byte("-")): current = terminalRed case bytes.HasPrefix(line, []byte("+")): current = terminalGreen default: current = terminalReset } if current != last { os.Stdout.WriteString(current) } os.Stdout.Write(line) } return errChangedWithDiff } } if !list.val && !write.val && !diff.val { os.Stdout.Write(res) } return nil } const ( terminalGreen = "\u001b[32m" terminalRed = "\u001b[31m" terminalCyan = "\u001b[36m" terminalReset = "\u001b[0m" terminalBold = "\u001b[1m" ) 0707010000001C000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000025A000000000000000000000000000000000000002100000000sh-3.10.0/cmd/shfmt/main_test.go// Copyright (c) 2016, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package main import ( "flag" "os" "path/filepath" "testing" "" ) func TestMain(m *testing.M) { os.Exit(testscript.RunMain(m, map[string]func() int{ "shfmt": main1, })) } var update = flag.Bool("u", false, "update testscript output files") func TestScript(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() testscript.Run(t, testscript.Params{ Dir: filepath.Join("testdata", "script"), UpdateScripts: *update, RequireExplicitExec: true, }) } 0707010000001D000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000013A8000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000sh-3.10.0/cmd/shfmt/shfmt.1.scdshfmt(1) # NAME shfmt - Format shell programs # SYNOPSIS *shfmt* [flags] [path...] # DESCRIPTION shfmt formats shell programs. If the only argument is a dash (*-*) or no arguments are given, standard input will be used. If a given path is a directory, all shell scripts found under that directory will be used. If any EditorConfig files are found, they will be used to apply formatting options. If any parser or printer flags are given to the tool, no EditorConfig formatting options will be used. A default like *-i=0* can be used for this purpose. shfmt's default shell formatting was chosen to be consistent, common, and predictable. Some aspects of the format can be configured via printer flags. # OPTIONS ## Generic flags *--version* Show version and exit. *-l*, *--list* List files whose formatting differs from shfmt's. *-w*, *--write* Write result to file instead of stdout. *-d*, *--diff* Error with a diff when the formatting differs. The diff uses color when the output is a terminal. To never use color, set a non-empty *NO_COLOR* or *TERM=dumb*. To always use color, set a non-empty *FORCE_COLOR*. *-s*, *--simplify* Simplify the code. *-mn*, *--minify* Minify the code to reduce its size (implies *-s*). *--apply-ignore* Always apply EditorConfig ignore rules. When formatting files directly, ignore rules are skipped without this flag. Should be useful to any tools or editors which format stdin or a single file. When printing results to stdout, an ignored file results in no output at all. *--filename* str Provide a name for the standard input file. Use of this flag is necessary for EditorConfig support to work with stdin, since EditorConfig files are found relative to the location of a script. ## Parser flags *-ln*, *--language-dialect* <str> Language dialect (*bash*/*posix*/*mksh*/*bats*, default *auto*). When set to *auto*, the language is detected from the input filename, as long as it has a shell extension like *foo.mksh*. Otherwise, if the input begins with a shell shebang like *#!/bin/sh*, that's used instead. If neither come up with a result, *bash* is used as a fallback. The filename extension *.sh* is a special case: it implies *posix*, but may be overridden by a valid shell shebang. *-p*, *--posix* Shorthand for *-ln=posix*. ## Printer flags *-i*, *--indent* <uint> Indent: *0* for tabs (default), *>0* for number of spaces. *-bn*, *--binary-next-line* Binary ops like *&&* and *|* may start a line. *-ci*, *--case-indent* Switch cases will be indented. *-sr*, *--space-redirects* Redirect operators will be followed by a space. *-kp*, *--keep-padding* Keep column alignment paddings. This flag is *DEPRECATED* and will be removed in the next major version. For more information, see: *-fn*, *--func-next-line* Function opening braces are placed on a separate line. ## Utility flags *-f*, *--find* Recursively find all shell files and print the paths. *--to-json* Print syntax tree to stdout as a typed JSON. *--from-json* Read syntax tree from stdin as a typed JSON. # EXAMPLES Format all the scripts under the current directory, printing which are modified: shfmt -l -w . For CI, one can use a variant where formatting changes are just shown as diffs: shfmt -d . The following formatting flags closely resemble Google's shell style defined in <>: shfmt -i 2 -ci -bn Below is a sample EditorConfig file as defined by <>, showing how to set any option: ``` [*.sh] # like -i=4 indent_style = space indent_size = 4 # --language-variant shell_variant = posix binary_next_line = true # --case-indent switch_case_indent = true space_redirects = true keep_padding = true # --func-next-line function_next_line = true # Ignore the entire "third_party" directory when calling shfmt on directories, # such as "shfmt -l -w .". When formatting files directly, # like "shfmt -w third_party/" or "shfmt --filename=third_party/", # the ignore logic is applied only when the --apply-ignore flag is given. [third_party/**] ignore = true ``` EditorConfig sections may also use `[[shell]]` or `[[bash]]` to match any shell or bash scripts, which is particularly useful when scripts use a shebang but no extension. Note that this feature is outside of the EditorConfig spec and may be changed in the future. shfmt can also replace *bash -n* to check shell scripts for syntax errors. It is more exhaustive, as it parses all syntax statically and requires valid UTF-8: ``` $ echo '${foo:1 2}' | bash -n $ echo '${foo:1 2}' | shfmt >/dev/null 1:9: not a valid arithmetic operator: 2 $ echo 'foo=(1 2)' | bash --posix -n $ echo 'foo=(1 2)' | shfmt -p >/dev/null 1:5: arrays are a bash feature ``` # AUTHORS Maintained by Daniel Martí <>, who is assisted by other open source contributors. For more information and development, see <>. 0707010000001E000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001D00000000sh-3.10.0/cmd/shfmt/testdata0707010000001F000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002400000000sh-3.10.0/cmd/shfmt/testdata/script07070100000020000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000219000000000000000000000000000000000000003100000000sh-3.10.0/cmd/shfmt/testdata/script/atomic.txtar[windows] skip 'atomic writes aren''t supported on Windows' [!exec:sh] skip 'sh is required to run this test' # If we don't do atomic writes, most shells will error when shfmt overwrites the # very script it's running from. This is because the shell doesn't read all of # the input script upfront. exec sh cmp stdout stdout.golden ! stderr . cmp -- -- echo foo shfmt -l -w echo bar -- -- echo foo shfmt -l -w echo bar -- stdout.golden -- foo bar 07070100000021000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000028B000000000000000000000000000000000000003000000000sh-3.10.0/cmd/shfmt/testdata/script/basic.txtarcp stdin exec shfmt cmp stdout ! stderr . stdin exec shfmt - cmp stdout ! stderr . exec shfmt cmp stdout ! stderr . exec shfmt -l stdout 'input\.sh' ! stdout foo ! stderr . cmp exec shfmt -l stdout -count=2 '' exec shfmt -l -w stdout 'input\.sh' ! stdout foo ! stderr . cmp cp exec shfmt --list --write stdout 'input\.sh' ! stdout foo ! stderr . cmp -- -- foo -- -- foo 07070100000022000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000307000000000000000000000000000000000000002F00000000sh-3.10.0/cmd/shfmt/testdata/script/diff.txtarstdin ! exec shfmt -d cmp stdout ! stderr . stdin ! exec shfmt --diff cmp stdout ! stderr . ! exec shfmt -d cmp stdout ! stderr . ! exec shfmt -d stdout -count=4 '' env FORCE_COLOR=true stdin ! exec shfmt -d stdout '\x1b\[31m- foo' ! stderr . env FORCE_COLOR= ! exec shfmt -d . cmp stdout ! stderr . -- -- foo bar -- -- foo bar -- -- diff <standard input>.orig <standard input> --- <standard input>.orig +++ <standard input> @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - foo - +foo bar -- -- diff --- +++ @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - foo - +foo bar 07070100000023000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000013FC000000000000000000000000000000000000003700000000sh-3.10.0/cmd/shfmt/testdata/script/editorconfig.txtarcp # Using stdin should use EditorConfig. stdin exec shfmt cmp stdout ! stderr . # Verify that -filename works well with EditorConfig. stdin stdin-filename-bash exec shfmt stdin stdin-filename-bash ! exec shfmt stderr '^* arrays are a bash.*parsed as posix via EditorConfig' stdin stdin-filename-bash ! exec shfmt -filename=${WORK}/ stderr ^${WORK@R}/'* arrays are a bash.*parsed as posix via EditorConfig' # Using a file path should use EditorConfig, including with the use of flags # like -l. exec shfmt cmp stdout ! stderr . exec shfmt -l stdout 'input\.sh' ! stderr . # Using any formatting option should skip all EditorConfig usage. exec shfmt -p cmp stdout ! stderr . exec shfmt -l -p ! stdout . ! stderr . exec shfmt -sr cmp stdout ! stderr . # Check that EditorConfig files merge properly. exec shfmt morespaces/ cmp stdout morespaces/ ! stderr . # Check a folder with all other knobs. exec shfmt -l otherknobs ! stdout . ! stderr . # Files found by walking directories are skipped if they match ignore=true properties. exec shfmt -l ignored stdout 'regular\.sh' ! stdout 'ignored\.sh' ! stderr . # EditorConfig ignore=true properties are obeyed even when any formatting flags # are used, which cause formatting options from EditorConfig files to be skipped. exec shfmt -i=0 -l ignored stdout 'regular\.sh' ! stdout 'ignored\.sh' ! stderr . # Formatting files directly does not obey ignore=true properties by default. # Test the various modes in which shfmt can run. ! exec shfmt -l ignored/ ignored/third_party/ stdout -count=1 'input\.sh$' stdout -count=1 'ignored\.sh$' stderr -count=1 'ignored\.sh.* must be followed by' ! exec shfmt -d ignored/ ignored/third_party/ stdout -count=2 'input\.sh$' stdout -count=2 'ignored\.sh$' stderr -count=1 'ignored\.sh.* must be followed by' ! exec shfmt ignored/ ignored/third_party/ stdout -count=1 'indented' stdout -count=1 'echo foo' stderr -count=1 'ignored\.sh.* must be followed by' stdin ignored/ exec shfmt --filename=ignored/ stdout -count=1 'echo foo' ! stderr . # Formatting files directly obeys ignore=true when --apply-ignore is given. # Test the same modes that the earlier section does. exec shfmt --apply-ignore -l ignored/ ignored/third_party/ stdout -count=1 'input\.sh$' ! stdout 'ignored\.sh' ! stderr . ! exec shfmt --apply-ignore -d ignored/ ignored/third_party/ stdout -count=2 'input\.sh$' ! stdout 'ignored\.sh' ! stderr . exec shfmt --apply-ignore ignored/ ignored/third_party/ stdout -count=1 'indented' ! stdout 'echo foo' ! stderr . stdin ignored/ exec shfmt --apply-ignore --filename=ignored/ ! stdout . ! stderr . # Check EditorConfig [[language]] sections, used primarily for extension-less strings with shebangs. exec shfmt -d shebang ! stdout . ! stderr . -- .editorconfig -- root = true [*] indent_style = space indent_size = 3 [*] shell_variant = posix -- -- { indented } -- -- { indented } -- stdin-filename-bash -- array=( element ) -- morespaces/.editorconfig -- [*.sh] indent_size = 6 -- morespaces/ -- { indented } -- morespaces/ -- { indented } -- otherknobs/.editorconfig -- root = true [*] shell_variant = bash [*] shell_variant = mksh [] # check its default; we tested "space" above. [] binary_next_line = true [] switch_case_indent = true [] space_redirects = true [] keep_padding = true [] function_next_line = true -- otherknobs/ -- array=(elem) -- otherknobs/ -- coprocess |& -- otherknobs/ -- { indented } -- otherknobs/ -- foo \ | bar -- otherknobs/ -- case "$1" in A) echo foo ;; esac -- otherknobs/ -- echo foo > bar -- otherknobs/ -- echo foo bar -- otherknobs/ -- foo() { echo foo } -- ignored/.editorconfig -- root = true [third_party/**] ignore = true [] ignore = true [2_dir_ignored] ignore = true -- ignored/third_party/ -- bad (syntax -- ignored/ -- echo foo -- ignored/2_dir_ignored/ -- echo foo -- ignored/3_regular/ -- echo foo -- shebang/.editorconfig -- root = true [*] indent_style = space indent_size = 1 [[shell]] indent_size = 2 [[bash]] indent_size = 4 -- shebang/binsh -- #!/bin/sh { indented } -- shebang/binbash -- #!/bin/bash { indented } array=(elem) 07070100000024000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000010D7000000000000000000000000000000000000003000000000sh-3.10.0/cmd/shfmt/testdata/script/flags.txtarexec shfmt -h ! stderr 'flag provided but not defined' stderr 'usage: shfmt' stderr 'Utilities' # definitely includes our help text ! stderr 'help requested' # don't duplicate usage output ! stderr '-test\.' # don't show the test binary's usage func exec shfmt --help stderr 'usage: shfmt' exec shfmt -version stdout 'devel|v3' ! stderr . exec shfmt --version stdout 'devel|v3' ! stderr . ! exec shfmt -ln=bash -p stderr 'cannot coexist' ! exec shfmt --language-dialect=bash --posix stderr 'cannot coexist' ! exec shfmt -ln=bad stderr 'unknown shell language' ! exec shfmt --to-json file stderr '--to-json can only be used with stdin' ! exec shfmt -filename=foo file stderr '-filename can only be used with stdin' # Check all the -ln variations. stdin input-posix ! exec shfmt stdin input-posix exec shfmt -ln=posix stdout 'let' stdin input-posix exec shfmt -p stdout 'let' stdin input-posix ! exec shfmt -ln=mksh stdin input-posix ! exec shfmt -ln=bash stdin input-mksh exec shfmt -ln=mksh stdout 'coprocess' stdin input-mksh ! exec shfmt # Ensure that the default "bash" language works with and without flags. stdin input-bash exec shfmt stdout loop # Ensure that -ln=auto works on stdin via filename. stdin input-mksh exec shfmt -filename=input.mksh stdout 'coprocess' # Ensure that -ln=auto works on stdin via shebang. stdin input-mksh-shebang exec shfmt stdout 'coprocess' # Ensure that -ln=auto works on stdin using the fallback. stdin input-bash exec shfmt stdout 'loop' # The default -ln=auto shouldn't require an extension or shebang, # as long as we're explicitly formatting a file. exec shfmt input-tiny stdout foo # -ln=auto should prefer a shebang if the extension is only ".sh". stdin input-mksh-shebang exec shfmt stdout 'coprocess' # An explicit -ln=auto should still work. stdin input-mksh exec shfmt -ln=auto -filename=input.mksh stdout 'coprocess' # Explicitly state language on parse errors stdin input-bash-arrays ! exec shfmt -ln=auto stderr 'parsed as posix via -ln=auto' stdin input-bash-extglobs ! exec shfmt stderr 'parsed as posix via -ln=auto' stdin flags-input exec shfmt -i 2 cmp stdout flags-output.indent-golden stdin flags-input exec shfmt --indent 2 cmp stdout flags-output.indent-golden stdin flags-input exec shfmt -bn cmp stdout flags-output.binary-next-line-golden stdin flags-input exec shfmt --binary-next-line cmp stdout flags-output.binary-next-line-golden stdin flags-input exec shfmt -ci cmp stdout stdin flags-input exec shfmt --case-indent cmp stdout stdin flags-input exec shfmt -sr cmp stdout stdin flags-input exec shfmt --space-redirects cmp stdout stdin flags-input exec shfmt -kp cmp stdout flags-output.keep-padding-golden stdin flags-input exec shfmt --keep-padding cmp stdout flags-output.keep-padding-golden stdin flags-input exec shfmt -fn cmp stdout flags-output.func-next-line-golden stdin flags-input exec shfmt --func-next-line cmp stdout flags-output.func-next-line-golden -- input-posix -- let a+ -- input-bash -- for ((;;)); do loop; done -- input-tiny -- foo -- input-mksh -- coprocess |& -- input-mksh-shebang -- #!/bin/mksh coprocess |& -- input-bash-extglobs -- #!/bin/sh echo !(a) -- input-bash-arrays -- #!/bin/sh foo=(bar) -- flags-input -- foo() { bar && baz case $i in j) z ;; esac space >redirs keep padding } -- flags-output.indent-golden -- foo() { bar && baz case $i in j) z ;; esac space >redirs keep padding } -- flags-output.binary-next-line-golden -- foo() { bar \ && baz case $i in j) z ;; esac space >redirs keep padding } -- -- foo() { bar && baz case $i in j) z ;; esac space >redirs keep padding } -- -- foo() { bar && baz case $i in j) z ;; esac space > redirs keep padding } -- flags-output.keep-padding-golden -- foo() { bar && baz case $i in j) z ;; esac space >redirs keep padding } -- flags-output.func-next-line-golden -- foo() { bar && baz case $i in j) z ;; esac space >redirs keep padding } 07070100000025000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000180000000000000000000000000000000000000003300000000sh-3.10.0/cmd/shfmt/testdata/script/simplify.txtarexec shfmt -s cmp stdout exec shfmt --simplify cmp stdout exec shfmt -mn cmp stdout exec shfmt --minify cmp stdout -- -- foo() { (( $bar )) } -- -- foo() { ((bar)) } -- -- foo(){ ((bar)) } 07070100000026000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000CAD000000000000000000000000000000000000003100000000sh-3.10.0/cmd/shfmt/testdata/script/tojson.txtarstdin exec shfmt -tojson # old flag name cmp stdout ! stderr . stdin exec shfmt --to-json cmp stdout stdin exec shfmt --to-json cmp stdout stdin exec shfmt --to-json cmp stdout -- -- -- -- { "Type": "File" } -- -- foo -- -- { "Type": "File", "Pos": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 3, "Line": 1, "Col": 4 }, "Stmts": [ { "Pos": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 3, "Line": 1, "Col": 4 }, "Cmd": { "Type": "CallExpr", "Pos": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 3, "Line": 1, "Col": 4 }, "Args": [ { "Pos": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 3, "Line": 1, "Col": 4 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "Lit", "Pos": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 3, "Line": 1, "Col": 4 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 3, "Line": 1, "Col": 4 }, "Value": "foo" } ] } ] }, "Position": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 } } ] } -- -- ((2)) -- -- { "Type": "File", "Pos": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 5, "Line": 1, "Col": 6 }, "Stmts": [ { "Pos": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 5, "Line": 1, "Col": 6 }, "Cmd": { "Type": "ArithmCmd", "Pos": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 5, "Line": 1, "Col": 6 }, "Left": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 }, "Right": { "Offset": 3, "Line": 1, "Col": 4 }, "X": { "Type": "Word", "Pos": { "Offset": 2, "Line": 1, "Col": 3 }, "End": { "Offset": 3, "Line": 1, "Col": 4 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "Lit", "Pos": { "Offset": 2, "Line": 1, "Col": 3 }, "End": { "Offset": 3, "Line": 1, "Col": 4 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 2, "Line": 1, "Col": 3 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 3, "Line": 1, "Col": 4 }, "Value": "2" } ] } }, "Position": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 } } ] } -- -- # -- -- { "Type": "File", "Pos": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 1, "Line": 1, "Col": 2 }, "Last": [ { "Pos": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 1, "Line": 1, "Col": 2 }, "Hash": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 } } ] } 07070100000027000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000010BE000000000000000000000000000000000000002F00000000sh-3.10.0/cmd/shfmt/testdata/script/walk.txtarmkdir symlink/subdir cp modify/ symlink/subdir/ [symlink] symlink symlink/subdir/symlink-file -> ../modify/ [symlink] symlink symlink/ -> ../modify/ [symlink] symlink symlink/symlink-dir -> subdir [symlink] symlink symlink/symlink-none -> nonexistent exec shfmt -f . ! stderr . cmpenv stdout find.golden exec shfmt --find . ! stderr . cmpenv stdout find.golden # try to format missing paths ! exec shfmt nonexistent stderr -count=1 nonexistent ! exec shfmt nonexistent-1 nonexistent-2 nonexistent-3 stderr -count=1 nonexistent-1 stderr -count=1 nonexistent-2 stderr -count=1 nonexistent-3 # format an entire directory without -l or -w ! exec shfmt . stdout 'foo' stdout 'bin/env' stderr -count=1 'parse-error\.sh' # just -l, as a dry run ! exec shfmt --list . stderr -count=1 'parse-error\.sh' ! stderr '^modify' cmpenv stdout modify.golden # format an entire directory with -l and -w ! exec shfmt -l -w . stderr -count=1 'parse-error\.sh' ! stderr '^modify' cmpenv stdout modify.golden # parse-error again, but now as a lone file ! exec shfmt error/ stderr -count=1 'parse-error\.sh' # format files directly which we would ignore when walking directories exec shfmt none/ext-shebang.other stdout 'foo' exec shfmt none/noext-noshebang stdout 'foo' [symlink] exec shfmt symlink/ [symlink] stdout 'foo' [symlink] exec shfmt symlink/symlink-dir [symlink] ! stdout . # note that filepath.WalkDir does not follow symlinks # -f on files should still check extension and shebang exec shfmt -f modify/ modify/shebang-sh none/ext-shebang.other none/noext-noshebang stdout -count=2 '^modify' ! stdout '^none' # -ln shouldn't be overwritten by a filename mkdir modify-ln cp modify/ext.mksh modify-ln ! exec shfmt -ln=bash modify-ln stderr '|& must be followed by a statement' rm modify-ln # -ln shouldn't be overwritten by a shebang mkdir modify-ln cp modify/shebang-mksh modify-ln ! exec shfmt -ln=bash modify-ln stderr '|& must be followed by a statement' rm modify-ln -- find.golden -- error${/} modify${/}dir${/} modify${/} modify${/}ext.bash modify${/}ext.bats modify${/}ext.mksh modify${/} modify${/}shebang-args modify${/}shebang-bash modify${/} modify${/}shebang-env-bash modify${/}shebang-env-bats modify${/}shebang-env-sh modify${/}shebang-mksh modify${/}shebang-sh modify${/}shebang-space modify${/}shebang-tabs modify${/}shebang-usr-sh symlink${/}subdir${/} -- modify.golden -- modify${/}dir${/} modify${/} modify${/}ext.bash modify${/}ext.bats modify${/}ext.mksh modify${/} modify${/}shebang-args modify${/}shebang-bash modify${/} modify${/}shebang-env-bash modify${/}shebang-env-bats modify${/}shebang-env-sh modify${/}shebang-mksh modify${/}shebang-sh modify${/}shebang-space modify${/}shebang-tabs modify${/}shebang-usr-sh symlink${/}subdir${/} -- modify/shebang-sh -- #!/bin/sh foo -- modify/shebang-bash -- #!/bin/bash foo=(bar) -- modify/ -- #!/bin/bash foo=(bar) -- modify/shebang-usr-sh -- #!/usr/bin/sh foo -- modify/shebang-env-bash -- #!/usr/bin/env bash foo=(bar) -- modify/shebang-env-sh -- #!/bin/env sh foo -- modify/shebang-mksh -- #!/bin/mksh foo |& -- modify/shebang-env-bats -- #!/usr/bin/env bats @test "foo" { bar; } -- modify/shebang-space -- #! /bin/sh foo -- modify/shebang-tabs -- #! /bin/env sh foo -- modify/shebang-args -- #!/bin/bash -e -x foo -- modify/ -- foo -- modify/ext.bash -- foo=(bar) -- modify/ext.mksh -- foo |& -- modify/ext.bats -- @test "foo" { bar; } -- modify/ -- #!/bin/sh foo -- modify/dir/ -- foo -- none/.hidden -- foo long enough -- none/.hidden-shebang -- #!/bin/sh foo -- none/..hidden-shebang -- #!/bin/sh foo -- none/noext-empty -- foo -- none/noext-noshebang -- foo long enough -- none/shebang-nonewline -- #!/bin/shfoo -- none/ext.other -- foo -- none/empty -- -- none/ext-shebang.other -- #!/bin/sh foo -- none/shebang-nospace -- #!/bin/envsh foo -- skip/ext.zsh foo -- skip/shebang-zsh #!/bin/zsh foo -- skip/.git/ -- foo -- skip/.svn/ -- foo -- skip/.hg/ -- foo -- error/ -- foo( 07070100000028000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001100000000sh-3.10.0/expand07070100000029000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100001163000000000000000000000000000000000000001A00000000sh-3.10.0/expand/arith.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package expand import ( "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "" ) func Arithm(cfg *Config, expr syntax.ArithmExpr) (int, error) { switch expr := expr.(type) { case *syntax.Word: str, err := Literal(cfg, expr) if err != nil { return 0, err } // recursively fetch vars i := 0 for syntax.ValidName(str) { val := cfg.envGet(str) if val == "" { break } if i++; i >= maxNameRefDepth { break } str = val } // default to 0 return atoi(str), nil case *syntax.ParenArithm: return Arithm(cfg, expr.X) case *syntax.UnaryArithm: switch expr.Op { case syntax.Inc, syntax.Dec: name := expr.X.(*syntax.Word).Lit() old := atoi(cfg.envGet(name)) val := old if expr.Op == syntax.Inc { val++ } else { val-- } if err := cfg.envSet(name, strconv.Itoa(val)); err != nil { return 0, err } if expr.Post { return old, nil } return val, nil } val, err := Arithm(cfg, expr.X) if err != nil { return 0, err } switch expr.Op { case syntax.Not: return oneIf(val == 0), nil case syntax.BitNegation: return ^val, nil case syntax.Plus: return val, nil default: // syntax.Minus return -val, nil } case *syntax.BinaryArithm: switch expr.Op { case syntax.Assgn, syntax.AddAssgn, syntax.SubAssgn, syntax.MulAssgn, syntax.QuoAssgn, syntax.RemAssgn, syntax.AndAssgn, syntax.OrAssgn, syntax.XorAssgn, syntax.ShlAssgn, syntax.ShrAssgn: return cfg.assgnArit(expr) case syntax.TernQuest: // TernColon can't happen here cond, err := Arithm(cfg, expr.X) if err != nil { return 0, err } b2 := expr.Y.(*syntax.BinaryArithm) // must have Op==TernColon if cond == 1 { return Arithm(cfg, b2.X) } return Arithm(cfg, b2.Y) } left, err := Arithm(cfg, expr.X) if err != nil { return 0, err } right, err := Arithm(cfg, expr.Y) if err != nil { return 0, err } return binArit(expr.Op, left, right) default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected arithm expr: %T", expr)) } } func oneIf(b bool) int { if b { return 1 } return 0 } // atoi is like [strconv.Atoi], but it ignores errors and trims whitespace. func atoi(s string) int { s = strings.TrimSpace(s) n, _ := strconv.Atoi(s) return n } func (cfg *Config) assgnArit(b *syntax.BinaryArithm) (int, error) { name := b.X.(*syntax.Word).Lit() val := atoi(cfg.envGet(name)) arg, err := Arithm(cfg, b.Y) if err != nil { return 0, err } switch b.Op { case syntax.Assgn: val = arg case syntax.AddAssgn: val += arg case syntax.SubAssgn: val -= arg case syntax.MulAssgn: val *= arg case syntax.QuoAssgn: if arg == 0 { return 0, fmt.Errorf("division by zero") } val /= arg case syntax.RemAssgn: if arg == 0 { return 0, fmt.Errorf("division by zero") } val %= arg case syntax.AndAssgn: val &= arg case syntax.OrAssgn: val |= arg case syntax.XorAssgn: val ^= arg case syntax.ShlAssgn: val <<= uint(arg) case syntax.ShrAssgn: val >>= uint(arg) } if err := cfg.envSet(name, strconv.Itoa(val)); err != nil { return 0, err } return val, nil } func intPow(a, b int) int { p := 1 for b > 0 { if b&1 != 0 { p *= a } b >>= 1 a *= a } return p } func binArit(op syntax.BinAritOperator, x, y int) (int, error) { switch op { case syntax.Add: return x + y, nil case syntax.Sub: return x - y, nil case syntax.Mul: return x * y, nil case syntax.Quo: if y == 0 { return 0, fmt.Errorf("division by zero") } return x / y, nil case syntax.Rem: if y == 0 { return 0, fmt.Errorf("division by zero") } return x % y, nil case syntax.Pow: return intPow(x, y), nil case syntax.Eql: return oneIf(x == y), nil case syntax.Gtr: return oneIf(x > y), nil case syntax.Lss: return oneIf(x < y), nil case syntax.Neq: return oneIf(x != y), nil case syntax.Leq: return oneIf(x <= y), nil case syntax.Geq: return oneIf(x >= y), nil case syntax.And: return x & y, nil case syntax.Or: return x | y, nil case syntax.Xor: return x ^ y, nil case syntax.Shr: return x >> uint(y), nil case syntax.Shl: return x << uint(y), nil case syntax.AndArit: return oneIf(x != 0 && y != 0), nil case syntax.OrArit: return oneIf(x != 0 || y != 0), nil default: // syntax.Comma // x is executed but its result discarded return y, nil } } 0707010000002A000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000008CB000000000000000000000000000000000000001B00000000sh-3.10.0/expand/braces.go// Copyright (c) 2018, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package expand import ( "strconv" "strings" "" ) // Braces performs brace expansion on a word, given that it contains any // [syntax.BraceExp] parts. For example, the word with a brace expansion // "foo{bar,baz}" will return two literal words, "foobar" and "foobaz". // // Note that the resulting words may share word parts. func Braces(word *syntax.Word) []*syntax.Word { var all []*syntax.Word var left []syntax.WordPart for i, wp := range word.Parts { br, ok := wp.(*syntax.BraceExp) if !ok { left = append(left, wp) continue } if br.Sequence { chars := false fromLit := br.Elems[0].Lit() toLit := br.Elems[1].Lit() zeros := max(extraLeadingZeros(fromLit), extraLeadingZeros(toLit)) from, err1 := strconv.Atoi(fromLit) to, err2 := strconv.Atoi(toLit) if err1 != nil || err2 != nil { chars = true from = int(br.Elems[0].Lit()[0]) to = int(br.Elems[1].Lit()[0]) } upward := from <= to incr := 1 if !upward { incr = -1 } if len(br.Elems) > 2 { n, _ := strconv.Atoi(br.Elems[2].Lit()) if n != 0 && n > 0 == upward { incr = n } } n := from for { if upward && n > to { break } if !upward && n < to { break } next := *word next.Parts = next.Parts[i+1:] lit := &syntax.Lit{} if chars { lit.Value = string(rune(n)) } else { lit.Value = strings.Repeat("0", zeros) + strconv.Itoa(n) } next.Parts = append([]syntax.WordPart{lit}, next.Parts...) exp := Braces(&next) for _, w := range exp { w.Parts = append(left, w.Parts...) } all = append(all, exp...) n += incr } return all } for _, elem := range br.Elems { next := *word next.Parts = next.Parts[i+1:] next.Parts = append(elem.Parts, next.Parts...) exp := Braces(&next) for _, w := range exp { w.Parts = append(left, w.Parts...) } all = append(all, exp...) } return all } return []*syntax.Word{{Parts: left}} } func extraLeadingZeros(s string) int { for i, r := range s { if r != '0' { return i } } return 0 // "0" has no extra leading zeros } 0707010000002B000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000E98000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000sh-3.10.0/expand/braces_test.go// Copyright (c) 2018, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package expand import ( "bytes" "testing" "" ) func lit(s string) *syntax.Lit { return &syntax.Lit{Value: s} } func word(ps ...syntax.WordPart) *syntax.Word { return &syntax.Word{Parts: ps} } func litWord(s string) *syntax.Word { return word(lit(s)) } func litWords(strs ...string) []*syntax.Word { l := make([]*syntax.Word, 0, len(strs)) for _, s := range strs { l = append(l, litWord(s)) } return l } var braceTests = []struct { in *syntax.Word want []*syntax.Word }{ { litWord("a{b"), litWords("a{b"), }, { litWord("a}b"), litWords("a}b"), }, { litWord("{a,b{c,d}"), litWords("{a,bc", "{a,bd"), }, { litWord("{a{b"), litWords("{a{b"), }, { litWord("a{}"), litWords("a{}"), }, { litWord("a{b}"), litWords("a{b}"), }, { litWord("a{b,c}"), litWords("ab", "ac"), }, { litWord("a{à,世界}"), litWords("aà", "a世界"), }, { litWord("a{b,c}d{e,f}g"), litWords("abdeg", "abdfg", "acdeg", "acdfg"), }, { litWord("a{b{x,y},c}d"), litWords("abxd", "abyd", "acd"), }, { litWord("a{1,2,3,4,5}"), litWords("a1", "a2", "a3", "a4", "a5"), }, { litWord("a{1.."), litWords("a{1.."), }, { litWord("a{1..4"), litWords("a{1..4"), }, { litWord("a{1.4}"), litWords("a{1.4}"), }, { litWord("{a,b}{1..4"), litWords("a{1..4", "b{1..4"), }, { litWord("a{1..4}"), litWords("a1", "a2", "a3", "a4"), }, { litWord("a{1..2}b{4..5}c"), litWords("a1b4c", "a1b5c", "a2b4c", "a2b5c"), }, { litWord("a{1..f}"), litWords("a{1..f}"), }, { litWord("a{c..f}"), litWords("ac", "ad", "ae", "af"), }, { litWord("a{H..K}"), litWords("aH", "aI", "aJ", "aK"), }, { litWord("a{-..f}"), litWords("a{-..f}"), }, { litWord("a{3..-}"), litWords("a{3..-}"), }, { litWord("a{1..10..3}"), litWords("a1", "a4", "a7", "a10"), }, { litWord("a{1..4..0}"), litWords("a1", "a2", "a3", "a4"), }, { litWord("a{4..1}"), litWords("a4", "a3", "a2", "a1"), }, { litWord("a{4..1..-2}"), litWords("a4", "a2"), }, { litWord("a{4..1..1}"), litWords("a4", "a3", "a2", "a1"), }, { litWord("{1..005}"), litWords("001", "002", "003", "004", "005"), }, { litWord("{0001..05..2}"), litWords("0001", "0003", "0005"), }, { litWord("{0..1}"), litWords("0", "1"), }, { litWord("a{d..k..3}"), litWords("ad", "ag", "aj"), }, { litWord("a{d..k..n}"), litWords("a{d..k..n}"), }, { litWord("a{k..d..-2}"), litWords("ak", "ai", "ag", "ae"), }, { litWord("{1..1}"), litWords("1"), }, } func TestBraces(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for _, tc := range braceTests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { inStr := printWords( wantStr := printWords(tc.want...) wantBraceExpParts(t,, false) inBraces := * syntax.SplitBraces(&inBraces) wantBraceExpParts(t, &inBraces, inStr != wantStr) got := Braces(&inBraces) gotStr := printWords(got...) if gotStr != wantStr { t.Fatalf("mismatch in %q\nwant:\n%s\ngot: %s", inStr, wantStr, gotStr) } }) } } func wantBraceExpParts(t *testing.T, word *syntax.Word, want bool) { t.Helper() anyBrace := false for _, part := range word.Parts { if _, anyBrace = part.(*syntax.BraceExp); anyBrace { break } } if anyBrace && !want { t.Fatalf("didn't want any BraceExp node, but found one") } else if !anyBrace && want { t.Fatalf("wanted a BraceExp node, but found none") } } func printWords(words ...*syntax.Word) string { p := syntax.NewPrinter() var buf bytes.Buffer call := &syntax.CallExpr{Args: words} p.Print(&buf, call) return buf.String() } 0707010000002C000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000000B4000000000000000000000000000000000000001800000000sh-3.10.0/expand/doc.go// Copyright (c) 2018, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information // Package expand contains code to perform various shell expansions. package expand 0707010000002D000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100001A8A000000000000000000000000000000000000001C00000000sh-3.10.0/expand/environ.go// Copyright (c) 2018, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package expand import ( "cmp" "runtime" "slices" "strings" ) // Environ is the base interface for a shell's environment, allowing it to fetch // variables by name and to iterate over all the currently set variables. type Environ interface { // Get retrieves a variable by its name. To check if the variable is // set, use Variable.IsSet. Get(name string) Variable // Each iterates over all the currently set variables, calling the // supplied function on each variable. Iteration is stopped if the // function returns false. // // The names used in the calls aren't required to be unique or sorted. // If a variable name appears twice, the latest occurrence takes // priority. // // Each is required to forward exported variables when executing // programs. Each(func(name string, vr Variable) bool) } // WriteEnviron is an extension on Environ that supports modifying and deleting // variables. type WriteEnviron interface { Environ // Set sets a variable by name. If !vr.IsSet(), the variable is being // unset; otherwise, the variable is being replaced. // // It is the implementation's responsibility to handle variable // attributes correctly. For example, changing an exported variable's // value does not unexport it, and overwriting a name reference variable // should modify its target. // // An error may be returned if the operation is invalid, such as if the // name is empty or if we're trying to overwrite a read-only variable. Set(name string, vr Variable) error } type ValueKind uint8 const ( Unset ValueKind = iota String NameRef Indexed Associative ) // Variable describes a shell variable, which can have a number of attributes // and a value. // // A Variable is unset if its Kind field is Unset, which can be checked via // [Variable.IsSet]. The zero value of a Variable is thus a valid unset variable. // // If a variable is set, its Value field will be a []string if it is an indexed // array, a map[string]string if it's an associative array, or a string // otherwise. type Variable struct { Local bool Exported bool ReadOnly bool Kind ValueKind Str string // Used when Kind is String or NameRef. List []string // Used when Kind is Indexed. Map map[string]string // Used when Kind is Associative. } // IsSet returns whether the variable is set. An empty variable is set, but an // undeclared variable is not. func (v Variable) IsSet() bool { return v.Kind != Unset } // String returns the variable's value as a string. In general, this only makes // sense if the variable has a string value or no value at all. func (v Variable) String() string { switch v.Kind { case String: return v.Str case Indexed: if len(v.List) > 0 { return v.List[0] } case Associative: // nothing to do } return "" } // maxNameRefDepth defines the maximum number of times to follow references when // resolving a variable. Otherwise, simple name reference loops could crash a // program quite easily. const maxNameRefDepth = 100 // Resolve follows a number of nameref variables, returning the last reference // name that was followed and the variable that it points to. func (v Variable) Resolve(env Environ) (string, Variable) { name := "" for i := 0; i < maxNameRefDepth; i++ { if v.Kind != NameRef { return name, v } name = v.Str // keep name for the next iteration v = env.Get(name) } return name, Variable{} } // FuncEnviron wraps a function mapping variable names to their string values, // and implements Environ. Empty strings returned by the function will be // treated as unset variables. All variables will be exported. // // Note that the returned Environ's Each method will be a no-op. func FuncEnviron(fn func(string) string) Environ { return funcEnviron(fn) } type funcEnviron func(string) string func (f funcEnviron) Get(name string) Variable { value := f(name) if value == "" { return Variable{} } return Variable{Exported: true, Kind: String, Str: value} } func (f funcEnviron) Each(func(name string, vr Variable) bool) {} // ListEnviron returns an Environ with the supplied variables, in the form // "key=value". All variables will be exported. The last value in pairs is used // if multiple values are present. // // On Windows, where environment variable names are case-insensitive, the // resulting variable names will all be uppercase. func ListEnviron(pairs ...string) Environ { return listEnvironWithUpper(runtime.GOOS == "windows", pairs...) } // listEnvironWithUpper implements ListEnviron, but letting the tests specify // whether to uppercase all names or not. func listEnvironWithUpper(upper bool, pairs ...string) Environ { list := slices.Clone(pairs) if upper { // Uppercase before sorting, so that we can remove duplicates // without the need for linear search nor a map. for i, s := range list { if sep := strings.IndexByte(s, '='); sep > 0 { list[i] = strings.ToUpper(s[:sep]) + s[sep:] } } } slices.SortStableFunc(list, func(a, b string) int { isep := strings.IndexByte(a, '=') jsep := strings.IndexByte(b, '=') if isep < 0 { isep = 0 } else { isep += 1 } if jsep < 0 { jsep = 0 } else { jsep += 1 } return strings.Compare(a[:isep], b[:jsep]) }) last := "" for i := 0; i < len(list); { s := list[i] sep := strings.IndexByte(s, '=') if sep <= 0 { // invalid element; remove it list = append(list[:i], list[i+1:]...) continue } name := s[:sep] if last == name { // duplicate; the last one wins list = append(list[:i-1], list[i:]...) continue } last = name i++ } return listEnviron(list) } // listEnviron is a sorted list of "name=value" strings. type listEnviron []string func (l listEnviron) Get(name string) Variable { eqpos := len(name) endpos := len(name) + 1 i, ok := slices.BinarySearchFunc(l, name, func(l, name string) int { if len(l) < endpos { // Too short; see if we are before or after the name. return strings.Compare(l, name) } // Compare the name prefix, then the equal character. c := strings.Compare(l[:eqpos], name) eq := l[eqpos] if c == 0 { return cmp.Compare(eq, '=') } return c }) if ok { return Variable{Exported: true, Kind: String, Str: l[i][endpos:]} } return Variable{} } func (l listEnviron) Each(fn func(name string, vr Variable) bool) { for _, pair := range l { i := strings.IndexByte(pair, '=') if i < 0 { // should never happen; see listEnvironWithUpper panic("expand.listEnviron: did not expect malformed name-value pair: " + pair) } name, value := pair[:i], pair[i+1:] if !fn(name, Variable{Exported: true, Kind: String, Str: value}) { return } } } 0707010000002E000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000712000000000000000000000000000000000000002100000000sh-3.10.0/expand/environ_test.go// Copyright (c) 2018, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package expand import ( "reflect" "testing" ) func TestListEnviron(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string upper bool pairs []string want []string }{ { name: "Empty", pairs: nil, want: nil, }, { name: "Simple", pairs: []string{"A=b", "c="}, want: []string{"A=b", "c="}, }, { name: "MissingEqual", pairs: []string{"A=b", "invalid", "c="}, want: []string{"A=b", "c="}, }, { name: "DuplicateNames", pairs: []string{"A=x", "A=b", "c=", "c=y"}, want: []string{"A=b", "c=y"}, }, { name: "NoName", pairs: []string{"=b", "=c"}, want: []string{}, }, { name: "EmptyElements", pairs: []string{"A=b", "", "", "c="}, want: []string{"A=b", "c="}, }, { name: "MixedCaseNoUpper", pairs: []string{"A=b1", "Path=foo", "a=b2"}, want: []string{"A=b1", "Path=foo", "a=b2"}, }, { name: "MixedCaseUpper", upper: true, pairs: []string{"A=b1", "Path=foo", "a=b2"}, want: []string{"A=b2", "PATH=foo"}, }, } for _, tc := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { gotEnv := listEnvironWithUpper(tc.upper, tc.pairs...) got := []string(gotEnv.(listEnviron)) if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tc.want) { t.Fatalf("ListEnviron(%t, %q) wanted %#v, got %#v", tc.upper, tc.pairs, tc.want, got) } }) } } func TestGetWithSameSubPrefix(t *testing.T) { gotEnv := ListEnviron("GREETING=text1", "GREETING2=text2") got := gotEnv.Get("GREETING2").String() if got != "text2" { t.Fatalf("ListEnviron.Get(GREETING2) wanted text2, got %q", got) } got = gotEnv.Get("GREETING").String() if got != "text1" { t.Fatalf("ListEnviron.Get(GREETING) wanted text1, got %q", got) } } 0707010000002F000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100006DE7000000000000000000000000000000000000001B00000000sh-3.10.0/expand/expand.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package expand import ( "cmp" "errors" "fmt" "io" "io/fs" "os" "os/user" "path/filepath" "regexp" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "syscall" "" "" ) // A Config specifies details about how shell expansion should be performed. The // zero value is a valid configuration. type Config struct { // Env is used to get and set environment variables when performing // shell expansions. Some special parameters are also expanded via this // interface, such as: // // * "#", "@", "*", "0"-"9" for the shell's parameters // * "?", "$", "PPID" for the shell's status and process // * "HOME foo" to retrieve user foo's home directory (if unset, // os/user.Lookup will be used) // // If nil, there are no environment variables set. Use // ListEnviron(os.Environ()...) to use the system's environment // variables. Env Environ // CmdSubst expands a command substitution node, writing its standard // output to the provided io.Writer. // // If nil, encountering a command substitution will result in an // UnexpectedCommandError. CmdSubst func(io.Writer, *syntax.CmdSubst) error // ProcSubst expands a process substitution node. // // Note that this feature is a work in progress, and the signature of // this field might change until #451 is completely fixed. ProcSubst func(*syntax.ProcSubst) (string, error) // TODO(v4): replace ReadDir with ReadDir2. // ReadDir is the older form of [ReadDir2], before io/fs. // // Deprecated: use ReadDir2 instead. ReadDir func(string) ([]fs.FileInfo, error) // ReadDir is used for file path globbing. // If nil, and ReadDir is nil as well, globbing is disabled. // Use os.ReadDir to use the filesystem directly. ReadDir2 func(string) ([]fs.DirEntry, error) // GlobStar corresponds to the shell option that allows globbing with // "**". GlobStar bool // NoCaseGlob corresponds to the shell option that causes case-insensitive // pattern matching in pathname expansion. NoCaseGlob bool // NullGlob corresponds to the shell option that allows globbing // patterns which match nothing to result in zero fields. NullGlob bool // NoUnset corresponds to the shell option that treats unset variables // as errors. NoUnset bool bufferAlloc strings.Builder fieldAlloc [4]fieldPart fieldsAlloc [4][]fieldPart ifs string // A pointer to a parameter expansion node, if we're inside one. // Necessary for ${LINENO}. curParam *syntax.ParamExp } // UnexpectedCommandError is returned if a command substitution is encountered // when [Config.CmdSubst] is nil. type UnexpectedCommandError struct { Node *syntax.CmdSubst } func (u UnexpectedCommandError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("unexpected command substitution at %s", u.Node.Pos()) } var zeroConfig = &Config{} // TODO: note that prepareConfig is modifying the user's config in place, // which doesn't feel right - we should make a copy. func prepareConfig(cfg *Config) *Config { cfg = cmp.Or(cfg, zeroConfig) cfg.Env = cmp.Or(cfg.Env, FuncEnviron(func(string) string { return "" })) cfg.ifs = " \t\n" if vr := cfg.Env.Get("IFS"); vr.IsSet() { cfg.ifs = vr.String() } if cfg.ReadDir != nil && cfg.ReadDir2 == nil { cfg.ReadDir2 = func(path string) ([]fs.DirEntry, error) { infos, err := cfg.ReadDir(path) if err != nil { return nil, err } entries := make([]fs.DirEntry, len(infos)) for i, info := range infos { entries[i] = fs.FileInfoToDirEntry(info) } return entries, nil } } return cfg } func (cfg *Config) ifsRune(r rune) bool { for _, r2 := range cfg.ifs { if r == r2 { return true } } return false } func (cfg *Config) ifsJoin(strs []string) string { sep := "" if cfg.ifs != "" { sep = cfg.ifs[:1] } return strings.Join(strs, sep) } func (cfg *Config) strBuilder() *strings.Builder { b := &cfg.bufferAlloc b.Reset() return b } func (cfg *Config) envGet(name string) string { return cfg.Env.Get(name).String() } func (cfg *Config) envSet(name, value string) error { wenv, ok := cfg.Env.(WriteEnviron) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("environment is read-only") } return wenv.Set(name, Variable{Kind: String, Str: value}) } // Literal expands a single shell word. It is similar to Fields, but the result // is a single string. This is the behavior when a word is used as the value in // a shell variable assignment, for example. // // The config specifies shell expansion options; nil behaves the same as an // empty config. func Literal(cfg *Config, word *syntax.Word) (string, error) { if word == nil { return "", nil } cfg = prepareConfig(cfg) field, err := cfg.wordField(word.Parts, quoteNone) if err != nil { return "", err } return cfg.fieldJoin(field), nil } // Document expands a single shell word as if it were within double quotes. It // is similar to Literal, but without brace expansion, tilde expansion, and // globbing. // // The config specifies shell expansion options; nil behaves the same as an // empty config. func Document(cfg *Config, word *syntax.Word) (string, error) { if word == nil { return "", nil } cfg = prepareConfig(cfg) field, err := cfg.wordField(word.Parts, quoteDouble) if err != nil { return "", err } return cfg.fieldJoin(field), nil } const patMode = pattern.Filenames | pattern.Braces // Pattern expands a single shell word as a pattern, using [syntax.QuotePattern] // on any non-quoted parts of the input word. The result can be used on // [syntax.TranslatePattern] directly. // // The config specifies shell expansion options; nil behaves the same as an // empty config. func Pattern(cfg *Config, word *syntax.Word) (string, error) { if word == nil { return "", nil } cfg = prepareConfig(cfg) field, err := cfg.wordField(word.Parts, quoteNone) if err != nil { return "", err } sb := cfg.strBuilder() for _, part := range field { if part.quote > quoteNone { sb.WriteString(pattern.QuoteMeta(part.val, patMode)) } else { sb.WriteString(part.val) } } return sb.String(), nil } // Format expands a format string with a number of arguments, following the // shell's format specifications. These include printf(1), among others. // // The resulting string is returned, along with the number of arguments used. // // The config specifies shell expansion options; nil behaves the same as an // empty config. func Format(cfg *Config, format string, args []string) (string, int, error) { cfg = prepareConfig(cfg) sb := cfg.strBuilder() consumed, err := formatInto(sb, format, args) if err != nil { return "", 0, err } return sb.String(), consumed, err } func formatInto(sb *strings.Builder, format string, args []string) (int, error) { var fmts []byte initialArgs := len(args) formatLoop: for i := 0; i < len(format); i++ { // readDigits reads from 0 to max digits, either octal or // hexadecimal. readDigits := func(max int, hex bool) string { j := 0 for ; j < max; j++ { c := format[i+j] if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (hex && c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (hex && c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { // valid octal or hex char } else { break } } digits := format[i : i+j] i += j - 1 // -1 since the outer loop does i++ return digits } c := format[i] switch { case c == '\\': // escaped i++ switch c = format[i]; c { case 'a': // bell sb.WriteByte('\a') case 'b': // backspace sb.WriteByte('\b') case 'e', 'E': // escape sb.WriteByte('\x1b') case 'f': // form feed sb.WriteByte('\f') case 'n': // new line sb.WriteByte('\n') case 'r': // carriage return sb.WriteByte('\r') case 't': // horizontal tab sb.WriteByte('\t') case 'v': // vertical tab sb.WriteByte('\v') case '\\', '\'', '"', '?': // just the character sb.WriteByte(c) case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7': digits := readDigits(3, false) // if digits don't fit in 8 bits, 0xff via strconv n, _ := strconv.ParseUint(digits, 8, 8) sb.WriteByte(byte(n)) case 'x', 'u', 'U': i++ max := 2 switch c { case 'u': max = 4 case 'U': max = 8 } digits := readDigits(max, true) if len(digits) > 0 { // can't error n, _ := strconv.ParseUint(digits, 16, 32) if n == 0 { // If we're about to print \x00, // stop the entire loop, like bash. break formatLoop } if c == 'x' { // always as a single byte sb.WriteByte(byte(n)) } else { sb.WriteRune(rune(n)) } break } fallthrough default: // no escape sequence sb.WriteByte('\\') sb.WriteByte(c) } case len(fmts) > 0: switch c { case '%': sb.WriteByte('%') fmts = nil case 'c': var b byte if len(args) > 0 { arg := "" arg, args = args[0], args[1:] if len(arg) > 0 { b = arg[0] } } sb.WriteByte(b) fmts = nil case '+', '-', ' ': if len(fmts) > 1 { return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid format char: %c", c) } fmts = append(fmts, c) case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9': fmts = append(fmts, c) case 's', 'b', 'd', 'i', 'u', 'o', 'x': arg := "" if len(args) > 0 { arg, args = args[0], args[1:] } var farg any if c == 'b' { // Passing in nil for args ensures that % format // strings aren't processed; only escape sequences // will be handled. _, err := formatInto(sb, arg, nil) if err != nil { return 0, err } } else if c != 's' { n, _ := strconv.ParseInt(arg, 0, 0) if c == 'i' || c == 'd' { farg = int(n) } else { farg = uint(n) } if c == 'i' || c == 'u' { c = 'd' } } else { farg = arg } if farg != nil { fmts = append(fmts, c) fmt.Fprintf(sb, string(fmts), farg) } fmts = nil default: return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid format char: %c", c) } case args != nil && c == '%': // if args == nil, we are not doing format // arguments fmts = []byte{c} default: sb.WriteByte(c) } } if len(fmts) > 0 { return 0, fmt.Errorf("missing format char") } return initialArgs - len(args), nil } func (cfg *Config) fieldJoin(parts []fieldPart) string { switch len(parts) { case 0: return "" case 1: // short-cut without a string copy return parts[0].val } sb := cfg.strBuilder() for _, part := range parts { sb.WriteString(part.val) } return sb.String() } func (cfg *Config) escapedGlobField(parts []fieldPart) (escaped string, glob bool) { sb := cfg.strBuilder() for _, part := range parts { if part.quote > quoteNone { sb.WriteString(pattern.QuoteMeta(part.val, patMode)) continue } sb.WriteString(part.val) if pattern.HasMeta(part.val, patMode) { glob = true } } if glob { // only copy the string if it will be used escaped = sb.String() } return escaped, glob } // Fields expands a number of words as if they were arguments in a shell // command. This includes brace expansion, tilde expansion, parameter expansion, // command substitution, arithmetic expansion, and quote removal. func Fields(cfg *Config, words ...*syntax.Word) ([]string, error) { cfg = prepareConfig(cfg) fields := make([]string, 0, len(words)) dir := cfg.envGet("PWD") for _, word := range words { word := *word // make a copy, since SplitBraces replaces the Parts slice afterBraces := []*syntax.Word{&word} if syntax.SplitBraces(&word) { afterBraces = Braces(&word) } for _, word2 := range afterBraces { wfields, err := cfg.wordFields(word2.Parts) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, field := range wfields { path, doGlob := cfg.escapedGlobField(field) var matches []string if doGlob && cfg.ReadDir2 != nil { matches, err = cfg.glob(dir, path) if err != nil { // We avoid [errors.As] as it allocates, // and we know that [Config.glob] returns [pattern.Regexp] errors without wrapping. if _, ok := err.(*pattern.SyntaxError); !ok { return nil, err } } else if len(matches) > 0 || cfg.NullGlob { fields = append(fields, matches...) continue } } fields = append(fields, cfg.fieldJoin(field)) } } } return fields, nil } type fieldPart struct { val string quote quoteLevel } type quoteLevel uint const ( quoteNone quoteLevel = iota quoteDouble quoteSingle ) func (cfg *Config) wordField(wps []syntax.WordPart, ql quoteLevel) ([]fieldPart, error) { var field []fieldPart for i, wp := range wps { switch wp := wp.(type) { case *syntax.Lit: s := wp.Value if i == 0 && ql == quoteNone { if prefix, rest := cfg.expandUser(s); prefix != "" { // TODO: return two separate fieldParts, // like in wordFields? s = prefix + rest } } if ql == quoteDouble && strings.Contains(s, "\\") { sb := cfg.strBuilder() for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { b := s[i] if b == '\\' && i+1 < len(s) { switch s[i+1] { case '"', '\\', '$', '`': // special chars continue } } sb.WriteByte(b) } s = sb.String() } if i := strings.IndexByte(s, '\x00'); i >= 0 { s = s[:i] } field = append(field, fieldPart{val: s}) case *syntax.SglQuoted: fp := fieldPart{quote: quoteSingle, val: wp.Value} if wp.Dollar { fp.val, _, _ = Format(cfg, fp.val, nil) } field = append(field, fp) case *syntax.DblQuoted: wfield, err := cfg.wordField(wp.Parts, quoteDouble) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, part := range wfield { part.quote = quoteDouble field = append(field, part) } case *syntax.ParamExp: val, err := cfg.paramExp(wp) if err != nil { return nil, err } field = append(field, fieldPart{val: val}) case *syntax.CmdSubst: val, err := cfg.cmdSubst(wp) if err != nil { return nil, err } field = append(field, fieldPart{val: val}) case *syntax.ArithmExp: n, err := Arithm(cfg, wp.X) if err != nil { return nil, err } field = append(field, fieldPart{val: strconv.Itoa(n)}) case *syntax.ProcSubst: path, err := cfg.ProcSubst(wp) if err != nil { return nil, err } field = append(field, fieldPart{val: path}) default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled word part: %T", wp)) } } return field, nil } func (cfg *Config) cmdSubst(cs *syntax.CmdSubst) (string, error) { if cfg.CmdSubst == nil { return "", UnexpectedCommandError{Node: cs} } sb := cfg.strBuilder() if err := cfg.CmdSubst(sb, cs); err != nil { return "", err } out := sb.String() if strings.IndexByte(out, '\x00') >= 0 { out = strings.ReplaceAll(out, "\x00", "") } return strings.TrimRight(out, "\n"), nil } func (cfg *Config) wordFields(wps []syntax.WordPart) ([][]fieldPart, error) { fields := cfg.fieldsAlloc[:0] curField := cfg.fieldAlloc[:0] allowEmpty := false flush := func() { if len(curField) == 0 { return } fields = append(fields, curField) curField = nil } splitAdd := func(val string) { fieldStart := -1 for i, r := range val { if cfg.ifsRune(r) { if fieldStart >= 0 { // ending a field curField = append(curField, fieldPart{val: val[fieldStart:i]}) fieldStart = -1 } flush() } else { if fieldStart < 0 { // starting a new field fieldStart = i } } } if fieldStart >= 0 { // ending a field without IFS curField = append(curField, fieldPart{val: val[fieldStart:]}) } } for i, wp := range wps { switch wp := wp.(type) { case *syntax.Lit: s := wp.Value if i == 0 { prefix, rest := cfg.expandUser(s) curField = append(curField, fieldPart{ quote: quoteSingle, val: prefix, }) s = rest } if strings.Contains(s, "\\") { sb := cfg.strBuilder() for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { b := s[i] if b == '\\' { if i++; i >= len(s) { break } b = s[i] } sb.WriteByte(b) } s = sb.String() } curField = append(curField, fieldPart{val: s}) case *syntax.SglQuoted: allowEmpty = true fp := fieldPart{quote: quoteSingle, val: wp.Value} if wp.Dollar { fp.val, _, _ = Format(cfg, fp.val, nil) } curField = append(curField, fp) case *syntax.DblQuoted: if len(wp.Parts) == 1 { pe, _ := wp.Parts[0].(*syntax.ParamExp) if elems := cfg.quotedElemFields(pe); elems != nil { for i, elem := range elems { if i > 0 { flush() } curField = append(curField, fieldPart{ quote: quoteDouble, val: elem, }) } continue } } allowEmpty = true wfield, err := cfg.wordField(wp.Parts, quoteDouble) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, part := range wfield { part.quote = quoteDouble curField = append(curField, part) } case *syntax.ParamExp: val, err := cfg.paramExp(wp) if err != nil { return nil, err } splitAdd(val) case *syntax.CmdSubst: val, err := cfg.cmdSubst(wp) if err != nil { return nil, err } splitAdd(val) case *syntax.ArithmExp: n, err := Arithm(cfg, wp.X) if err != nil { return nil, err } curField = append(curField, fieldPart{val: strconv.Itoa(n)}) case *syntax.ProcSubst: path, err := cfg.ProcSubst(wp) if err != nil { return nil, err } splitAdd(path) case *syntax.ExtGlob: return nil, fmt.Errorf("extended globbing is not supported") default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled word part: %T", wp)) } } flush() if allowEmpty && len(fields) == 0 { fields = append(fields, curField) } return fields, nil } // quotedElemFields returns the list of elements resulting from a quoted // parameter expansion that should be treated especially, like "${foo[@]}". func (cfg *Config) quotedElemFields(pe *syntax.ParamExp) []string { if pe == nil || pe.Length || pe.Width { return nil } name := pe.Param.Value if pe.Excl { switch pe.Names { case syntax.NamesPrefixWords: // "${!prefix@}" return cfg.namesByPrefix(pe.Param.Value) case syntax.NamesPrefix: // "${!prefix*}" return nil } switch nodeLit(pe.Index) { case "@": // "${!name[@]}" switch vr := cfg.Env.Get(name); vr.Kind { case Indexed: keys := make([]string, 0, len(vr.Map)) // TODO: maps.Keys if it makes it into Go 1.23 for key := range vr.List { keys = append(keys, strconv.Itoa(key)) } return keys case Associative: keys := make([]string, 0, len(vr.Map)) // TODO: maps.Keys if it makes it into Go 1.23 for key := range vr.Map { keys = append(keys, key) } return keys } } return nil } switch name { case "*": // "${*}" return []string{cfg.ifsJoin(cfg.Env.Get(name).List)} case "@": // "${@}" return cfg.Env.Get(name).List } switch nodeLit(pe.Index) { case "@": // "${name[@]}" switch vr := cfg.Env.Get(name); vr.Kind { case Indexed: return vr.List case Associative: // TODO: maps.Values if it makes it into Go 1.23 elems := make([]string, 0, len(vr.Map)) for _, elem := range vr.Map { elems = append(elems, elem) } return elems } case "*": // "${name[*]}" if vr := cfg.Env.Get(name); vr.Kind == Indexed { return []string{cfg.ifsJoin(vr.List)} } } return nil } func (cfg *Config) expandUser(field string) (prefix, rest string) { if len(field) == 0 || field[0] != '~' { return "", field } name := field[1:] if i := strings.Index(name, "/"); i >= 0 { rest = name[i:] name = name[:i] } if name == "" { // Current user; try via "HOME", otherwise fall back to the // system's appropriate home dir env var. Don't use os/user, as // that's overkill. We can't use os.UserHomeDir, because we want // to use cfg.Env, and we always want to check "HOME" first. if vr := cfg.Env.Get("HOME"); vr.IsSet() { return vr.String(), rest } if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { if vr := cfg.Env.Get("USERPROFILE"); vr.IsSet() { return vr.String(), rest } } return "", field } // Not the current user; try via "HOME <name>", otherwise fall back to // os/user. There isn't a way to lookup user home dirs without cgo. if vr := cfg.Env.Get("HOME " + name); vr.IsSet() { return vr.String(), rest } u, err := user.Lookup(name) if err != nil { return "", field } return u.HomeDir, rest } func findAllIndex(pat, name string, n int) [][]int { expr, err := pattern.Regexp(pat, 0) if err != nil { return nil } rx := regexp.MustCompile(expr) return rx.FindAllStringIndex(name, n) } var rxGlobStar = regexp.MustCompile(".*") // pathJoin2 is a simpler version of [filepath.Join] without cleaning the result, // since that's needed for globbing. func pathJoin2(elem1, elem2 string) string { if elem1 == "" { return elem2 } if strings.HasSuffix(elem1, string(filepath.Separator)) { return elem1 + elem2 } return elem1 + string(filepath.Separator) + elem2 } // pathSplit splits a file path into its elements, retaining empty ones. Before // splitting, slashes are replaced with [filepath.Separator], so that splitting // Unix paths on Windows works as well. func pathSplit(path string) []string { path = filepath.FromSlash(path) return strings.Split(path, string(filepath.Separator)) } func (cfg *Config) glob(base, pat string) ([]string, error) { parts := pathSplit(pat) matches := []string{""} if filepath.IsAbs(pat) { if parts[0] == "" { // unix-like matches[0] = string(filepath.Separator) } else { // windows (for some reason it won't work without the // trailing separator) matches[0] = parts[0] + string(filepath.Separator) } parts = parts[1:] } // TODO: as an optimization, we could do chunks of the path all at once, // like doing a single stat for "/foo/bar" in "/foo/bar/*". // TODO: Another optimization would be to reduce the number of ReadDir2 calls. // For example, /foo/* can end up doing one duplicate call: // // ReadDir2("/foo") to ensure that "/foo/" exists and only matches a directory // ReadDir2("/foo") glob "*" for i, part := range parts { // Keep around for debugging. // log.Printf("matches %q part %d %q", matches, i, part) wantDir := i < len(parts)-1 switch { case part == "", part == ".", part == "..": for i, dir := range matches { matches[i] = pathJoin2(dir, part) } continue case !pattern.HasMeta(part, patMode): var newMatches []string for _, dir := range matches { match := dir if !filepath.IsAbs(match) { match = filepath.Join(base, match) } match = pathJoin2(match, part) // We can't use ReadDir2 on the parent and match the directory // entry by name, because short paths on Windows break that. // Our only option is to ReadDir2 on the directory entry itself, // which can be wasteful if we only want to see if it exists, // but at least it's correct in all scenarios. if _, err := cfg.ReadDir2(match); err != nil { const errPathNotFound = syscall.Errno(3) // from syscall/types_windows.go, to avoid a build tag var pathErr *os.PathError if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && errors.As(err, &pathErr) && pathErr.Err == errPathNotFound { // Unfortunately, os.File.Readdir on a regular file on // Windows returns an error that satisfies ErrNotExist. // Luckily, it returns a special "path not found" rather // than the normal "file not found" for missing files, // so we can use that knowledge to work around the bug. // See // TODO: remove when the Go issue above is resolved. } else if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) { continue // simply doesn't exist } if wantDir { continue // exists but not a directory } } newMatches = append(newMatches, pathJoin2(dir, part)) } matches = newMatches continue case part == "**" && cfg.GlobStar: // Find all recursive matches for "**". // Note that we need the results to be in depth-first order, // and to avoid recursion, we use a slice as a stack. // Since we pop from the back, we populate the stack backwards. stack := make([]string, 0, len(matches)) for i := len(matches) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { // "a/**" should match "a/ a/b a/b/cfg ..."; // note how the zero-match case has a trailing separator. stack = append(stack, pathJoin2(matches[i], "")) } matches = matches[:0] var newMatches []string // to reuse its capacity for len(stack) > 0 { dir := stack[len(stack)-1] stack = stack[:len(stack)-1] // Don't include the original "" match as it's not a valid path. if dir != "" { matches = append(matches, dir) } // If dir is not a directory, we keep the stack as-is and continue. newMatches = newMatches[:0] newMatches, _ = cfg.globDir(base, dir, rxGlobStar, false, wantDir, newMatches) for i := len(newMatches) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { stack = append(stack, newMatches[i]) } } continue } mode := pattern.Filenames | pattern.EntireString if cfg.NoCaseGlob { mode |= pattern.NoGlobCase } expr, err := pattern.Regexp(part, mode) if err != nil { return nil, err } rx := regexp.MustCompile(expr) matchHidden := part[0] == byte('.') var newMatches []string for _, dir := range matches { newMatches, err = cfg.globDir(base, dir, rx, matchHidden, wantDir, newMatches) if err != nil { return nil, err } } matches = newMatches } return matches, nil } func (cfg *Config) globDir(base, dir string, rx *regexp.Regexp, matchHidden bool, wantDir bool, matches []string) ([]string, error) { fullDir := dir if !filepath.IsAbs(dir) { fullDir = filepath.Join(base, dir) } infos, err := cfg.ReadDir2(fullDir) if err != nil { // We still want to return matches, for the sake of reusing slices. return matches, err } for _, info := range infos { name := info.Name() if !wantDir { // No filtering. } else if mode := info.Type(); mode&os.ModeSymlink != 0 { // We need to know if the symlink points to a directory. // This requires an extra syscall, as ReadDir on the parent directory // does not follow symlinks for each of the directory entries. // ReadDir is somewhat wasteful here, as we only want its error result, // but we could try to reuse its result as per the TODO in Config.glob. if _, err := cfg.ReadDir2(filepath.Join(fullDir, info.Name())); err != nil { continue } } else if !mode.IsDir() { // Not a symlink nor a directory. continue } if !matchHidden && name[0] == '.' { continue } if rx.MatchString(name) { matches = append(matches, pathJoin2(dir, name)) } } return matches, nil } // ReadFields splits and returns n fields from s, like the "read" shell builtin. // If raw is set, backslash escape sequences are not interpreted. // // The config specifies shell expansion options; nil behaves the same as an // empty config. func ReadFields(cfg *Config, s string, n int, raw bool) []string { cfg = prepareConfig(cfg) type pos struct { start, end int } var fpos []pos runes := make([]rune, 0, len(s)) infield := false esc := false for _, r := range s { if infield { if cfg.ifsRune(r) && (raw || !esc) { fpos[len(fpos)-1].end = len(runes) infield = false } } else { if !cfg.ifsRune(r) && (raw || !esc) { fpos = append(fpos, pos{start: len(runes), end: -1}) infield = true } } if r == '\\' { if raw || esc { runes = append(runes, r) } esc = !esc continue } runes = append(runes, r) esc = false } if len(fpos) == 0 { return nil } if infield { fpos[len(fpos)-1].end = len(runes) } switch { case n == 1: // include heading/trailing IFSs fpos[0].start, fpos[0].end = 0, len(runes) fpos = fpos[:1] case n != -1 && n < len(fpos): // combine to max n fields fpos[n-1].end = fpos[len(fpos)-1].end fpos = fpos[:n] } fields := make([]string, len(fpos)) for i, p := range fpos { fields[i] = string(runes[p.start:p.end]) } return fields } 07070100000030000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000AE1000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000sh-3.10.0/expand/expand_test.go// Copyright (c) 2018, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package expand import ( "io/fs" "os" "reflect" "strings" "testing" "" ) func parseWord(t *testing.T, src string) *syntax.Word { t.Helper() p := syntax.NewParser() word, err := p.Document(strings.NewReader(src)) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return word } func TestConfigNils(t *testing.T) { os.Setenv("EXPAND_GLOBAL", "value") tests := []struct { name string cfg *Config src string want string }{ { "NilConfig", nil, "$EXPAND_GLOBAL", "", }, { "ZeroConfig", &Config{}, "$EXPAND_GLOBAL", "", }, { "EnvConfig", &Config{Env: ListEnviron(os.Environ()...)}, "$EXPAND_GLOBAL", "value", }, } for _, tc := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { word := parseWord(t, tc.src) got, err := Literal(tc.cfg, word) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("did not want error, got %v", err) } if got != tc.want { t.Fatalf("wanted %q, got %q", tc.want, got) } }) } } func TestFieldsIdempotency(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { src string want []string }{ { "{1..4}", []string{"1", "2", "3", "4"}, }, { "a{1..4}", []string{"a1", "a2", "a3", "a4"}, }, } for _, tc := range tests { word := parseWord(t, tc.src) for j := 0; j < 2; j++ { got, err := Fields(nil, word) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("did not want error, got %v", err) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tc.want) { t.Fatalf("wanted %q, got %q", tc.want, got) } } } } func Test_glob(t *testing.T) { cfg := &Config{ ReadDir2: func(string) ([]fs.DirEntry, error) { return []fs.DirEntry{ &mockFileInfo{name: "a"}, &mockFileInfo{name: "ab"}, &mockFileInfo{name: "A"}, &mockFileInfo{name: "AB"}, }, nil }, } tests := []struct { noCaseGlob bool pat string want []string }{ {false, "a*", []string{"a", "ab"}}, {false, "A*", []string{"A", "AB"}}, {false, "*b", []string{"ab"}}, {false, "b*", nil}, {true, "a*", []string{"a", "ab", "A", "AB"}}, {true, "A*", []string{"a", "ab", "A", "AB"}}, {true, "*b", []string{"ab", "AB"}}, {true, "b*", nil}, } for _, tc := range tests { cfg.NoCaseGlob = tc.noCaseGlob got, err := cfg.glob("/", tc.pat) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("did not want error, got %v", err) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tc.want) { t.Fatalf("wanted %q, got %q", tc.want, got) } } } type mockFileInfo struct { name string typ fs.FileMode fs.DirEntry // Stub out everything but Name() & Type() } var _ fs.DirEntry = (*mockFileInfo)(nil) func (fi *mockFileInfo) Name() string { return } func (fi *mockFileInfo) Type() fs.FileMode { return fi.typ } 07070100000031000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000242E000000000000000000000000000000000000001A00000000sh-3.10.0/expand/param.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package expand import ( "fmt" "regexp" "slices" "strconv" "strings" "unicode" "unicode/utf8" "" "" ) func nodeLit(node syntax.Node) string { if word, ok := node.(*syntax.Word); ok { return word.Lit() } return "" } type UnsetParameterError struct { Node *syntax.ParamExp Message string } func (u UnsetParameterError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", u.Node.Param.Value, u.Message) } func overridingUnset(pe *syntax.ParamExp) bool { if pe.Exp == nil { return false } switch pe.Exp.Op { case syntax.AlternateUnset, syntax.AlternateUnsetOrNull, syntax.DefaultUnset, syntax.DefaultUnsetOrNull, syntax.ErrorUnset, syntax.ErrorUnsetOrNull, syntax.AssignUnset, syntax.AssignUnsetOrNull: return true } return false } func (cfg *Config) paramExp(pe *syntax.ParamExp) (string, error) { oldParam := cfg.curParam cfg.curParam = pe defer func() { cfg.curParam = oldParam }() name := pe.Param.Value index := pe.Index switch name { case "@", "*": index = &syntax.Word{Parts: []syntax.WordPart{ &syntax.Lit{Value: name}, }} } var vr Variable switch name { case "LINENO": // This is the only parameter expansion that the environment // interface cannot satisfy. line := uint64(cfg.curParam.Pos().Line()) vr = Variable{Kind: String, Str: strconv.FormatUint(line, 10)} default: vr = cfg.Env.Get(name) } orig := vr _, vr = vr.Resolve(cfg.Env) if cfg.NoUnset && vr.Kind == Unset && !overridingUnset(pe) { return "", UnsetParameterError{ Node: pe, Message: "unbound variable", } } var sliceOffset, sliceLen int if pe.Slice != nil { var err error if pe.Slice.Offset != nil { sliceOffset, err = Arithm(cfg, pe.Slice.Offset) if err != nil { return "", err } } if pe.Slice.Length != nil { sliceLen, err = Arithm(cfg, pe.Slice.Length) if err != nil { return "", err } } } var ( str string elems []string indexAllElements bool // true if var has been accessed with * or @ index callVarInd = true ) switch nodeLit(index) { case "@", "*": switch vr.Kind { case Unset: elems = nil indexAllElements = true case Indexed: indexAllElements = true callVarInd = false elems = vr.List slicePos := func(n int) int { if n < 0 { n = len(elems) + n if n < 0 { n = len(elems) } } else if n > len(elems) { n = len(elems) } return n } if pe.Slice != nil && pe.Slice.Offset != nil { elems = elems[slicePos(sliceOffset):] } if pe.Slice != nil && pe.Slice.Length != nil { elems = elems[:slicePos(sliceLen)] } str = strings.Join(elems, " ") } } if callVarInd { var err error str, err = cfg.varInd(vr, index) if err != nil { return "", err } } if !indexAllElements { elems = []string{str} } switch { case pe.Length: n := len(elems) switch nodeLit(index) { case "@", "*": default: n = utf8.RuneCountInString(str) } str = strconv.Itoa(n) case pe.Excl: var strs []string switch { case pe.Names != 0: strs = cfg.namesByPrefix(pe.Param.Value) case orig.Kind == NameRef: strs = append(strs, orig.Str) case pe.Index != nil && vr.Kind == Indexed: for i, e := range vr.List { if e != "" { strs = append(strs, strconv.Itoa(i)) } } case pe.Index != nil && vr.Kind == Associative: // TODO: use maps.Keys for k := range vr.Map { strs = append(strs, k) } case vr.Kind == Unset: return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid indirect expansion") case str == "": return "", nil default: vr = cfg.Env.Get(str) strs = append(strs, vr.String()) } slices.Sort(strs) str = strings.Join(strs, " ") case pe.Slice != nil: if callVarInd { slicePos := func(n int) int { if n < 0 { n = len(str) + n if n < 0 { n = len(str) } } else if n > len(str) { n = len(str) } return n } if pe.Slice.Offset != nil { str = str[slicePos(sliceOffset):] } if pe.Slice.Length != nil { str = str[:slicePos(sliceLen)] } } // else, elems are already sliced case pe.Repl != nil: orig, err := Pattern(cfg, pe.Repl.Orig) if err != nil { return "", err } if orig == "" { break // nothing to replace } with, err := Literal(cfg, pe.Repl.With) if err != nil { return "", err } n := 1 if pe.Repl.All { n = -1 } locs := findAllIndex(orig, str, n) sb := cfg.strBuilder() last := 0 for _, loc := range locs { sb.WriteString(str[last:loc[0]]) sb.WriteString(with) last = loc[1] } sb.WriteString(str[last:]) str = sb.String() case pe.Exp != nil: arg, err := Literal(cfg, pe.Exp.Word) if err != nil { return "", err } switch op := pe.Exp.Op; op { case syntax.AlternateUnsetOrNull: if str == "" { break } fallthrough case syntax.AlternateUnset: if vr.IsSet() { str = arg } case syntax.DefaultUnset: if vr.IsSet() { break } fallthrough case syntax.DefaultUnsetOrNull: if str == "" { str = arg } case syntax.ErrorUnset: if vr.IsSet() { break } fallthrough case syntax.ErrorUnsetOrNull: if str == "" { return "", UnsetParameterError{ Node: pe, Message: arg, } } case syntax.AssignUnset: if vr.IsSet() { break } fallthrough case syntax.AssignUnsetOrNull: if str == "" { if err := cfg.envSet(name, arg); err != nil { return "", err } str = arg } case syntax.RemSmallPrefix, syntax.RemLargePrefix, syntax.RemSmallSuffix, syntax.RemLargeSuffix: suffix := op == syntax.RemSmallSuffix || op == syntax.RemLargeSuffix small := op == syntax.RemSmallPrefix || op == syntax.RemSmallSuffix for i, elem := range elems { elems[i] = removePattern(elem, arg, suffix, small) } str = strings.Join(elems, " ") case syntax.UpperFirst, syntax.UpperAll, syntax.LowerFirst, syntax.LowerAll: caseFunc := unicode.ToLower if op == syntax.UpperFirst || op == syntax.UpperAll { caseFunc = unicode.ToUpper } all := op == syntax.UpperAll || op == syntax.LowerAll // empty string means '?'; nothing to do there expr, err := pattern.Regexp(arg, 0) if err != nil { return str, nil } rx := regexp.MustCompile(expr) for i, elem := range elems { rs := []rune(elem) for ri, r := range rs { if rx.MatchString(string(r)) { rs[ri] = caseFunc(r) if !all { break } } } elems[i] = string(rs) } str = strings.Join(elems, " ") case syntax.OtherParamOps: switch arg { case "Q": str, err = syntax.Quote(str, syntax.LangBash) if err != nil { // Is this even possible? If a user runs into this panic, // it's most likely a bug we need to fix. panic(err) } case "E": tail := str var rns []rune for tail != "" { var rn rune rn, _, tail, _ = strconv.UnquoteChar(tail, 0) rns = append(rns, rn) } str = string(rns) case "P", "A", "a": panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled @%s param expansion", arg)) default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected @%s param expansion", arg)) } } } return str, nil } func removePattern(str, pat string, fromEnd, shortest bool) string { var mode pattern.Mode if shortest { mode |= pattern.Shortest } expr, err := pattern.Regexp(pat, mode) if err != nil { return str } switch { case fromEnd && shortest: // use .* to get the right-most shortest match expr = ".*(" + expr + ")$" case fromEnd: // simple suffix expr = "(" + expr + ")$" default: // simple prefix expr = "^(" + expr + ")" } // no need to check error as Translate returns one rx := regexp.MustCompile(expr) if loc := rx.FindStringSubmatchIndex(str); loc != nil { // remove the original pattern (the submatch) str = str[:loc[2]] + str[loc[3]:] } return str } func (cfg *Config) varInd(vr Variable, idx syntax.ArithmExpr) (string, error) { if idx == nil { return vr.String(), nil } switch vr.Kind { case String: n, err := Arithm(cfg, idx) if err != nil { return "", err } if n == 0 { return vr.Str, nil } case Indexed: switch nodeLit(idx) { case "*", "@": return strings.Join(vr.List, " "), nil } i, err := Arithm(cfg, idx) if err != nil { return "", err } if i < 0 { return "", fmt.Errorf("negative array index") } if i < len(vr.List) { return vr.List[i], nil } case Associative: switch lit := nodeLit(idx); lit { case "@", "*": strs := make([]string, 0, len(vr.Map)) // TODO: use maps.Values for _, val := range vr.Map { strs = append(strs, val) } slices.Sort(strs) if lit == "*" { return cfg.ifsJoin(strs), nil } return strings.Join(strs, " "), nil } val, err := Literal(cfg, idx.(*syntax.Word)) if err != nil { return "", err } return vr.Map[val], nil } return "", nil } func (cfg *Config) namesByPrefix(prefix string) []string { var names []string cfg.Env.Each(func(name string, vr Variable) bool { if strings.HasPrefix(name, prefix) { names = append(names, name) } return true }) return names } 07070100000032000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001300000000sh-3.10.0/fileutil07070100000033000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000A2B000000000000000000000000000000000000001B00000000sh-3.10.0/fileutil/file.go// Copyright (c) 2016, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information // Package fileutil allows inspecting shell files, such as detecting whether a // file may be shell or extracting its shebang. package fileutil import ( "io/fs" "os" "regexp" "strings" ) var ( shebangRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^#!\s?/(usr/)?bin/(env\s+)?(sh|bash|mksh|bats|zsh)(\s|$)`) extRe = regexp.MustCompile(`\.(sh|bash|mksh|bats|zsh)$`) ) // TODO: consider removing HasShebang in favor of Shebang in v4 // HasShebang reports whether bs begins with a valid shell shebang. // It supports variations with /usr and env. func HasShebang(bs []byte) bool { return Shebang(bs) != "" } // Shebang parses a "#!" sequence from the beginning of the input bytes, // and returns the shell that it points to. // // For instance, it returns "sh" for "#!/bin/sh", // and "bash" for "#!/usr/bin/env bash". func Shebang(bs []byte) string { m := shebangRe.FindSubmatch(bs) if m == nil { return "" } return string(m[3]) } // ScriptConfidence defines how likely a file is to be a shell script, // from complete certainty that it is not one to complete certainty that // it is one. type ScriptConfidence int const ( // ConfNotScript describes files which are definitely not shell scripts, // such as non-regular files or files with a non-shell extension. ConfNotScript ScriptConfidence = iota // ConfIfShebang describes files which might be shell scripts, depending // on the shebang line in the file's contents. Since CouldBeScript only // works on fs.FileInfo, the answer in this case can't be final. ConfIfShebang // ConfIsScript describes files which are definitely shell scripts, // which are regular files with a valid shell extension. ConfIsScript ) // CouldBeScript is a shortcut for CouldBeScript2(fs.FileInfoToDirEntry(info)). // // Deprecated: prefer CouldBeScript2, which usually requires fewer syscalls. func CouldBeScript(info fs.FileInfo) ScriptConfidence { return CouldBeScript2(fs.FileInfoToDirEntry(info)) } // CouldBeScript2 reports how likely a directory entry is to be a shell script. // It discards directories, symlinks, hidden files and files with non-shell // extensions. func CouldBeScript2(entry fs.DirEntry) ScriptConfidence { name := entry.Name() switch { case entry.IsDir(), name[0] == '.': return ConfNotScript case entry.Type()&os.ModeSymlink != 0: return ConfNotScript case extRe.MatchString(name): return ConfIsScript case strings.IndexByte(name, '.') > 0: return ConfNotScript // different extension default: return ConfIfShebang } } 07070100000034000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000001F9000000000000000000000000000000000000001100000000sh-3.10.0/go.modmodule go 1.22 require ( v1.1.23 v1.101.0 v0.6.0 v2.0.0 v0.2.2 v1.13.1 v0.8.0 v0.26.0 v0.25.0 v0.3.0 ) require ( v0.3.1 // indirect v0.2.0 // indirect v0.22.0 // indirect ) 07070100000035000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000979000000000000000000000000000000000000001100000000sh-3.10.0/ v1.1.9/go.mod h1:oKZEueFk5CKHvIhNR5MUki03XCEU+Q6VDXinZuGJ33E= v1.1.23 h1:4M6+isWdcStXEf15G/RbrMPOQj1dZ7HPZCGwE4kOeP0= v1.1.23/go.mod h1:08sCNb52WyoAwi2QDyzUCTgcvVFhUzewun7wtTfvcwE= v1.101.0 h1:O1K29Txy5P2OK0dGo59b7b0LR6wKfIhttaAhHUyn7eI= v1.101.0/go.mod h1:14Bz/f7NwaXPtdYEgzsx46kqSxVwTbzVZsDC26tQJow= v0.6.0 h1:ofyhxvXcZhMsU5ulbFiLKl/XBFqE1GSq7atu8tAmTRI= v0.6.0/go.mod h1:17dUlkBOakJ0+DkrSSNjCkIjxS6bF9zb3elmeNGIjoY= v2.0.0 h1:UifI23ZTGY8Tt29JbYFiuyIU3eX+RNFtUwefq9qAhxg= v2.0.0/go.mod h1:BtmJXm5YlszgC+TD4HOEEUFgkJP3nLxehU6hfe7jRt4= v0.3.1 h1:flRD4NNwYAUpkphVc1HcthR4KEIFJ65n8Mw5qdRn3LE= v0.3.1/go.mod h1:hoEshYVHaxMs3cyo3Yncou5ZscifuDolrwPKZanG3xk= v0.2.0 h1:5Nx0Ya0ZqY2ygV366QzturHI13Jq95ApcVaJBhpS+AY= v0.2.0/go.mod h1:eLer722TekiGuMkidMxC/pM04lWEeraHUUmBw8l2grE= v0.2.2 h1:3I4Kt4BQjOR54NavqnDogx/MIoWBFa0StPA8ELUXHmA= v0.2.2/go.mod h1:3XuTXfFS2VjM+HTLZY9Ak0l6eUKfijIfMUZ4EgX0QYo= v0.0.0-20210226163009-20ebb0f2a09e/go.mod h1:pJLUxLENpZxwdsKMEsNbx1VGcRFpLqf3715MtcvvzbA= v1.9.0/go.mod h1:WtVeX8xhTBvf0smdhujwtBcq4Qrzq/fJaraNFVN+nFs= v1.13.1 h1:KvO1DLK/DRN07sQ1LQKScxyZJuNnedQ5/wKSR38lUII= v1.13.1/go.mod h1:uMEvuHeurkdAXX61udpOXGD/AzZDWNMNyH2VO9fmH0o= v0.8.0 h1:3NFvSEYkUoMifnESzZl15y791HH1qU2xm6eCJU5ZPXQ= v0.8.0/go.mod h1:Czt+wKu1gCyEFDUtn0jG5QVvpJ6rzVqr5aXyt9drQfk= v0.26.0 h1:KHjCJyddX0LoSTb3J+vWpupP9p0oznkqVk/IfjymZbo= v0.26.0/go.mod h1:/VUhepiaJMQUp4+oa/7Zr1D23ma6VTLIYjOOTFZPUcA= v0.25.0 h1:WtHI/ltw4NvSUig5KARz9h521QvRC8RmF/cuYqifU24= v0.25.0/go.mod h1:RPyXicDX+6vLxogjjRxjgD2TKtmAO6NZBsBRfrOLu7M= v0.22.0 h1:gqSGLZqv+AI9lIQzniJ0nZDRG5GBPsSi+DRNHWNz6yA= v0.22.0/go.mod h1:aCwcsjqvq7Yqt6TNyX7QMU2enbQ/Gt0bo6krSeEri+c= v0.3.0 h1:D1D2wLYEYGpawWT5SpM5pRivgEgXjtEXwC9MWhEY0gQ= v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NcJHuDtNOTEJ6251indKiWuzK6+VcrMuLzGMLKBFupQ= 07070100000036000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001100000000sh-3.10.0/interp07070100000037000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100005C76000000000000000000000000000000000000001800000000sh-3.10.0/interp/api.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information // Package interp implements an interpreter that executes shell // programs. It aims to support POSIX, but its support is not complete // yet. It also supports some Bash features. // // The interpreter generally aims to behave like Bash, // but it does not support all of its features. // // The interpreter currently aims to behave like a non-interactive shell, // which is how most shells run scripts, and is more useful to machines. // In the future, it may gain an option to behave like an interactive shell. package interp import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "io" "io/fs" "maps" "math/rand" "os" "path/filepath" "strconv" "sync" "time" "" "" "" ) // A Runner interprets shell programs. It can be reused, but it is not safe for // concurrent use. Use [New] to build a new Runner. // // Note that writes to Stdout and Stderr may be concurrent if background // commands are used. If you plan on using an [io.Writer] implementation that // isn't safe for concurrent use, consider a workaround like hiding writes // behind a mutex. // // Runner's exported fields are meant to be configured via [RunnerOption]; // once a Runner has been created, the fields should be treated as read-only. type Runner struct { // Env specifies the initial environment for the interpreter, which must // be non-nil. Env expand.Environ writeEnv expand.WriteEnviron // Dir specifies the working directory of the command, which must be an // absolute path. Dir string // Params are the current shell parameters, e.g. from running a shell // file or calling a function. Accessible via the $@/$* family of vars. Params []string // Separate maps - note that bash allows a name to be both a var and a // func simultaneously. // Vars is mostly superseded by Env at this point. // TODO(v4): remove these Vars map[string]expand.Variable Funcs map[string]*syntax.Stmt alias map[string]alias // callHandler is a function allowing to replace a simple command's // arguments. It may be nil. callHandler CallHandlerFunc // execHandler is responsible for executing programs. It must not be nil. execHandler ExecHandlerFunc // execMiddlewares grows with calls to ExecHandlers, // and is used to construct execHandler when Reset is first called. // The slice is needed to preserve the relative order of middlewares. execMiddlewares []func(ExecHandlerFunc) ExecHandlerFunc // openHandler is a function responsible for opening files. It must not be nil. openHandler OpenHandlerFunc // readDirHandler is a function responsible for reading directories during // glob expansion. It must be non-nil. readDirHandler ReadDirHandlerFunc2 // statHandler is a function responsible for getting file stat. It must be non-nil. statHandler StatHandlerFunc stdin *os.File // e.g. the read end of a pipe stdout io.Writer stderr io.Writer ecfg *expand.Config ectx context.Context // just so that Runner.Subshell can use it again lastExpandExit int // used to surface exit codes while expanding fields // didReset remembers whether the runner has ever been reset. This is // used so that Reset is automatically called when running any program // or node for the first time on a Runner. didReset bool usedNew bool // rand is used mainly to generate temporary files. rand *rand.Rand // wgProcSubsts allows waiting for any process substitution sub-shells // to finish running. wgProcSubsts sync.WaitGroup filename string // only if Node was a File // >0 to break or continue out of N enclosing loops breakEnclosing, contnEnclosing int inLoop bool inFunc bool inSource bool noErrExit bool // track if a sourced script set positional parameters sourceSetParams bool err error // current shell exit code or fatal error handlingTrap bool // whether we're currently in a trap callback shellExited bool // whether the shell needs to exit // The current and last exit status code. They can only be different if // the interpreter is in the middle of running a statement. In that // scenario, 'exit' is the status code for the statement being run, and // 'lastExit' corresponds to the previous statement that was run. exit int lastExit int bgShells errgroup.Group opts runnerOpts origDir string origParams []string origOpts runnerOpts origStdin *os.File origStdout io.Writer origStderr io.Writer // Most scripts don't use pushd/popd, so make space for the initial PWD // without requiring an extra allocation. dirStack []string dirBootstrap [1]string optState getopts // keepRedirs is used so that "exec" can make any redirections // apply to the current shell, and not just the command. keepRedirs bool // Fake signal callbacks callbackErr string callbackExit string } type alias struct { args []*syntax.Word blank bool } func (r *Runner) optByFlag(flag byte) *bool { for i, opt := range &shellOptsTable { if opt.flag == flag { return &r.opts[i] } } return nil } // New creates a new Runner, applying a number of options. If applying any of // the options results in an error, it is returned. // // Any unset options fall back to their defaults. For example, not supplying the // environment falls back to the process's environment, and not supplying the // standard output writer means that the output will be discarded. func New(opts ...RunnerOption) (*Runner, error) { r := &Runner{ usedNew: true, openHandler: DefaultOpenHandler(), readDirHandler: DefaultReadDirHandler2(), statHandler: DefaultStatHandler(), } r.dirStack = r.dirBootstrap[:0] // turn "on" the default Bash options for i, opt := range bashOptsTable { r.opts[len(shellOptsTable)+i] = opt.defaultState } for _, opt := range opts { if err := opt(r); err != nil { return nil, err } } // Set the default fallbacks, if necessary. if r.Env == nil { Env(nil)(r) } if r.Dir == "" { if err := Dir("")(r); err != nil { return nil, err } } if r.stdout == nil || r.stderr == nil { StdIO(r.stdin, r.stdout, r.stderr)(r) } return r, nil } // RunnerOption can be passed to [New] to alter a [Runner]'s behaviour. // It can also be applied directly on an existing Runner, // such as interp.Params("-e")(runner). // Note that options cannot be applied once Run or Reset have been called. type RunnerOption func(*Runner) error // TODO: enforce the rule above via didReset. // Env sets the interpreter's environment. If nil, a copy of the current // process's environment is used. func Env(env expand.Environ) RunnerOption { return func(r *Runner) error { if env == nil { env = expand.ListEnviron(os.Environ()...) } r.Env = env return nil } } // Dir sets the interpreter's working directory. If empty, the process's current // directory is used. func Dir(path string) RunnerOption { return func(r *Runner) error { if path == "" { path, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not get current dir: %w", err) } r.Dir = path return nil } path, err := filepath.Abs(path) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not get absolute dir: %w", err) } info, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not stat: %w", err) } if !info.IsDir() { return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a directory", path) } r.Dir = path return nil } } // Interactive configures the interpreter to behave like an interactive shell, // akin to Bash. Currently, this only enables the expansion of aliases, // but later on it should also change other behavior. func Interactive(enabled bool) RunnerOption { return func(r *Runner) error { r.opts[optExpandAliases] = enabled return nil } } // Params populates the shell options and parameters. For example, Params("-e", // "--", "foo") will set the "-e" option and the parameters ["foo"], and // Params("+e") will unset the "-e" option and leave the parameters untouched. // // This is similar to what the interpreter's "set" builtin does. func Params(args ...string) RunnerOption { return func(r *Runner) error { fp := flagParser{remaining: args} for fp.more() { flag := fp.flag() if flag == "-" { // TODO: implement "The -x and -v options are turned off." if args := fp.args(); len(args) > 0 { r.Params = args } return nil } enable := flag[0] == '-' if flag[1] != 'o' { opt := r.optByFlag(flag[1]) if opt == nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid option: %q", flag) } *opt = enable continue } value := fp.value() if value == "" && enable { for i, opt := range &shellOptsTable { r.printOptLine(, r.opts[i], true) } continue } if value == "" && !enable { for i, opt := range &shellOptsTable { setFlag := "+o" if r.opts[i] { setFlag = "-o" } r.outf("set %s %s\n", setFlag, } continue } _, opt := r.optByName(value, false) if opt == nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid option: %q", value) } *opt = enable } if args := fp.args(); args != nil { // If "--" wasn't given and there were zero arguments, // we don't want to override the current parameters. r.Params = args // Record whether a sourced script sets the parameters. if r.inSource { r.sourceSetParams = true } } return nil } } // CallHandler sets the call handler. See [CallHandlerFunc] for more info. func CallHandler(f CallHandlerFunc) RunnerOption { return func(r *Runner) error { r.callHandler = f return nil } } // ExecHandler sets one command execution handler, // which replaces DefaultExecHandler(2 * time.Second). // // Deprecated: use [ExecHandlers] instead, which allows for middleware handlers. func ExecHandler(f ExecHandlerFunc) RunnerOption { return func(r *Runner) error { r.execHandler = f return nil } } // ExecHandlers appends middlewares to handle command execution. // The middlewares are chained from first to last, and the first is called by the runner. // Each middleware is expected to call the "next" middleware at most once. // // For example, a middleware may implement only some commands. // For those commands, it can run its logic and avoid calling "next". // For any other commands, it can call "next" with the original parameters. // // Another common example is a middleware which always calls "next", // but runs custom logic either before or after that call. // For instance, a middleware could change the arguments to the "next" call, // or it could print log lines before or after the call to "next". // // The last exec handler is DefaultExecHandler(2 * time.Second). func ExecHandlers(middlewares ...func(next ExecHandlerFunc) ExecHandlerFunc) RunnerOption { return func(r *Runner) error { r.execMiddlewares = append(r.execMiddlewares, middlewares...) return nil } } // TODO: consider porting the middleware API in ExecHandlers to OpenHandler, // ReadDirHandler, and StatHandler. // TODO(v4): now that ExecHandlers allows calling a next handler with changed // arguments, one of the two advantages of CallHandler is gone. The other is the // ability to work with builtins; if we make ExecHandlers work with builtins, we // could join both APIs. // OpenHandler sets file open handler. See [OpenHandlerFunc] for more info. func OpenHandler(f OpenHandlerFunc) RunnerOption { return func(r *Runner) error { r.openHandler = f return nil } } // ReadDirHandler sets the read directory handler. See [ReadDirHandlerFunc] for more info. // // Deprecated: use [ReadDirHandler2]. func ReadDirHandler(f ReadDirHandlerFunc) RunnerOption { return func(r *Runner) error { r.readDirHandler = func(ctx context.Context, path string) ([]fs.DirEntry, error) { infos, err := f(ctx, path) if err != nil { return nil, err } entries := make([]fs.DirEntry, len(infos)) for i, info := range infos { entries[i] = fs.FileInfoToDirEntry(info) } return entries, nil } return nil } } // ReadDirHandler2 sets the read directory handler. See [ReadDirHandlerFunc2] for more info. func ReadDirHandler2(f ReadDirHandlerFunc2) RunnerOption { return func(r *Runner) error { r.readDirHandler = f return nil } } // StatHandler sets the stat handler. See [StatHandlerFunc] for more info. func StatHandler(f StatHandlerFunc) RunnerOption { return func(r *Runner) error { r.statHandler = f return nil } } func stdinFile(r io.Reader) (*os.File, error) { switch r := r.(type) { case *os.File: return r, nil case nil: return nil, nil default: pr, pw, err := os.Pipe() if err != nil { return nil, err } go func() { io.Copy(pw, r) pw.Close() }() return pr, nil } } // StdIO configures an interpreter's standard input, standard output, and // standard error. If out or err are nil, they default to a writer that discards // the output. // // Note that providing a non-nil standard input other than [os.File] will require // an [os.Pipe] and spawning a goroutine to copy into it, // as an [os.File] is the only way to share a reader with subprocesses. // See [os/exec.Cmd.Stdin]. func StdIO(in io.Reader, out, err io.Writer) RunnerOption { return func(r *Runner) error { stdin, _err := stdinFile(in) if _err != nil { return _err } r.stdin = stdin if out == nil { out = io.Discard } r.stdout = out if err == nil { err = io.Discard } r.stderr = err return nil } } // optByName returns the matching runner's option index and status func (r *Runner) optByName(name string, bash bool) (index int, status *bool) { if bash { for i, opt := range bashOptsTable { if == name { index = len(shellOptsTable) + i return index, &r.opts[index] } } } for i, opt := range &shellOptsTable { if == name { return i, &r.opts[i] } } return 0, nil } type runnerOpts [len(shellOptsTable) + len(bashOptsTable)]bool type shellOpt struct { flag byte name string } type bashOpt struct { name string defaultState bool // Bash's default value for this option supported bool // whether we support the option's non-default state } var shellOptsTable = [...]shellOpt{ // sorted alphabetically by name; use a space for the options // that have no flag form {'a', "allexport"}, {'e', "errexit"}, {'n', "noexec"}, {'f', "noglob"}, {'u', "nounset"}, {'x', "xtrace"}, {' ', "pipefail"}, } var bashOptsTable = [...]bashOpt{ // supported options, sorted alphabetically by name { name: "expand_aliases", defaultState: false, supported: true, }, { name: "globstar", defaultState: false, supported: true, }, { name: "nocaseglob", defaultState: false, supported: true, }, { name: "nullglob", defaultState: false, supported: true, }, // unsupported options, sorted alphabetically by name {name: "assoc_expand_once"}, {name: "autocd"}, {name: "cdable_vars"}, {name: "cdspell"}, {name: "checkhash"}, {name: "checkjobs"}, { name: "checkwinsize", defaultState: true, }, { name: "cmdhist", defaultState: true, }, {name: "compat31"}, {name: "compat32"}, {name: "compat40"}, {name: "compat41"}, {name: "compat42"}, {name: "compat44"}, {name: "compat43"}, {name: "compat44"}, { name: "complete_fullquote", defaultState: true, }, {name: "direxpand"}, {name: "dirspell"}, {name: "dotglob"}, {name: "execfail"}, {name: "extdebug"}, {name: "extglob"}, { name: "extquote", defaultState: true, }, {name: "failglob"}, { name: "force_fignore", defaultState: true, }, {name: "globasciiranges"}, {name: "gnu_errfmt"}, {name: "histappend"}, {name: "histreedit"}, {name: "histverify"}, { name: "hostcomplete", defaultState: true, }, {name: "huponexit"}, { name: "inherit_errexit", defaultState: true, }, { name: "interactive_comments", defaultState: true, }, {name: "lastpipe"}, {name: "lithist"}, {name: "localvar_inherit"}, {name: "localvar_unset"}, {name: "login_shell"}, {name: "mailwarn"}, {name: "no_empty_cmd_completion"}, {name: "nocasematch"}, { name: "progcomp", defaultState: true, }, {name: "progcomp_alias"}, { name: "promptvars", defaultState: true, }, {name: "restricted_shell"}, {name: "shift_verbose"}, { name: "sourcepath", defaultState: true, }, {name: "xpg_echo"}, } // To access the shell options arrays without a linear search when we // know which option we're after at compile time. First come the shell options, // then the bash options. const ( // These correspond to indexes in shellOptsTable optAllExport = iota optErrExit optNoExec optNoGlob optNoUnset optXTrace optPipeFail // These correspond to indexes (offset by the above seven items) of // supported options in bashOptsTable optExpandAliases optGlobStar optNoCaseGlob optNullGlob ) // Reset returns a runner to its initial state, right before the first call to // Run or Reset. // // Typically, this function only needs to be called if a runner is reused to run // multiple programs non-incrementally. Not calling Reset between each run will // mean that the shell state will be kept, including variables, options, and the // current directory. func (r *Runner) Reset() { if !r.usedNew { panic("use interp.New to construct a Runner") } if !r.didReset { r.origDir = r.Dir r.origParams = r.Params r.origOpts = r.opts r.origStdin = r.stdin r.origStdout = r.stdout r.origStderr = r.stderr if r.execHandler != nil && len(r.execMiddlewares) > 0 { panic("interp.ExecHandler should be replaced with interp.ExecHandlers, not mixed") } if r.execHandler == nil { r.execHandler = DefaultExecHandler(2 * time.Second) } // Middlewares are chained from first to last, and each can call the // next in the chain, so we need to construct the chain backwards. for i := len(r.execMiddlewares) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { middleware := r.execMiddlewares[i] r.execHandler = middleware(r.execHandler) } } // reset the internal state *r = Runner{ Env: r.Env, callHandler: r.callHandler, execHandler: r.execHandler, openHandler: r.openHandler, readDirHandler: r.readDirHandler, statHandler: r.statHandler, // These can be set by functions like Dir or Params, but // builtins can overwrite them; reset the fields to whatever the // constructor set up. Dir: r.origDir, Params: r.origParams, opts: r.origOpts, stdin: r.origStdin, stdout: r.origStdout, stderr: r.origStderr, origDir: r.origDir, origParams: r.origParams, origOpts: r.origOpts, origStdin: r.origStdin, origStdout: r.origStdout, origStderr: r.origStderr, // emptied below, to reuse the space Vars: r.Vars, dirStack: r.dirStack[:0], usedNew: r.usedNew, } if r.Vars == nil { r.Vars = make(map[string]expand.Variable) } else { clear(r.Vars) } // TODO(v4): Use the supplied Env directly if it implements enough methods. r.writeEnv = &overlayEnviron{parent: r.Env} if !r.writeEnv.Get("HOME").IsSet() { home, _ := os.UserHomeDir() r.setVarString("HOME", home) } if !r.writeEnv.Get("UID").IsSet() { r.setVar("UID", nil, expand.Variable{ Kind: expand.String, ReadOnly: true, Str: strconv.Itoa(os.Getuid()), }) } if !r.writeEnv.Get("EUID").IsSet() { r.setVar("EUID", nil, expand.Variable{ Kind: expand.String, ReadOnly: true, Str: strconv.Itoa(os.Geteuid()), }) } if !r.writeEnv.Get("GID").IsSet() { r.setVar("GID", nil, expand.Variable{ Kind: expand.String, ReadOnly: true, Str: strconv.Itoa(os.Getgid()), }) } r.setVarString("PWD", r.Dir) r.setVarString("IFS", " \t\n") r.setVarString("OPTIND", "1") r.dirStack = append(r.dirStack, r.Dir) r.didReset = true } // exitStatus is a non-zero status code resulting from running a shell node. type exitStatus uint8 func (s exitStatus) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("exit status %d", s) } // NewExitStatus creates an error which contains the specified exit status code. func NewExitStatus(status uint8) error { return exitStatus(status) } // IsExitStatus checks whether error contains an exit status and returns it. func IsExitStatus(err error) (status uint8, ok bool) { var s exitStatus if errors.As(err, &s) { return uint8(s), true } return 0, false } // Run interprets a node, which can be a *File, *Stmt, or Command. If a non-nil // error is returned, it will typically contain a command's exit status, which // can be retrieved with IsExitStatus. // // Run can be called multiple times synchronously to interpret programs // incrementally. To reuse a Runner without keeping the internal shell state, // call Reset. // // Calling Run on an entire *File implies an exit, meaning that an exit trap may // run. func (r *Runner) Run(ctx context.Context, node syntax.Node) error { if !r.didReset { r.Reset() } r.fillExpandConfig(ctx) r.err = nil r.shellExited = false r.filename = "" switch node := node.(type) { case *syntax.File: r.filename = node.Name r.stmts(ctx, node.Stmts) if !r.shellExited { r.exitShell(ctx, r.exit) } case *syntax.Stmt: r.stmt(ctx, node) case syntax.Command: r.cmd(ctx, node) default: return fmt.Errorf("node can only be File, Stmt, or Command: %T", node) } if r.exit != 0 { r.setErr(NewExitStatus(uint8(r.exit))) } if r.Vars != nil { r.writeEnv.Each(func(name string, vr expand.Variable) bool { r.Vars[name] = vr return true }) } return r.err } // Exited reports whether the last Run call should exit an entire shell. This // can be triggered by the "exit" built-in command, for example. // // Note that this state is overwritten at every Run call, so it should be // checked immediately after each Run call. func (r *Runner) Exited() bool { return r.shellExited } // Subshell makes a copy of the given Runner, suitable for use concurrently // with the original. The copy will have the same environment, including // variables and functions, but they can all be modified without affecting the // original. // // Subshell is not safe to use concurrently with Run. Orchestrating this is // left up to the caller; no locking is performed. // // To replace e.g. stdin/out/err, do StdIO(r.stdin, r.stdout, r.stderr)(r) on // the copy. func (r *Runner) Subshell() *Runner { if !r.didReset { r.Reset() } // Keep in sync with the Runner type. Manually copy fields, to not copy // sensitive ones like errgroup.Group, and to do deep copies of slices. r2 := &Runner{ Dir: r.Dir, Params: r.Params, callHandler: r.callHandler, execHandler: r.execHandler, openHandler: r.openHandler, readDirHandler: r.readDirHandler, statHandler: r.statHandler, stdin: r.stdin, stdout: r.stdout, stderr: r.stderr, filename: r.filename, opts: r.opts, usedNew: r.usedNew, exit: r.exit, lastExit: r.lastExit, origStdout: r.origStdout, // used for process substitutions } // Funcs are copied, since they might be modified. // Env vars aren't copied; setVar will copy lists and maps as needed. oenv := &overlayEnviron{parent: r.writeEnv} r2.writeEnv = oenv r2.Funcs = maps.Clone(r.Funcs) r2.Vars = make(map[string]expand.Variable) r2.alias = maps.Clone(r.alias) r2.dirStack = append(r2.dirBootstrap[:0], r.dirStack...) r2.fillExpandConfig(r.ectx) r2.didReset = true return r2 } 07070100000038000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000062D8000000000000000000000000000000000000001C00000000sh-3.10.0/interp/builtin.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package interp import ( "bufio" "bytes" "cmp" "context" "errors" "fmt" "io" "os" "path/filepath" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "syscall" "" "" "" "" ) func isBuiltin(name string) bool { switch name { case "true", ":", "false", "exit", "set", "shift", "unset", "echo", "printf", "break", "continue", "pwd", "cd", "wait", "builtin", "trap", "type", "source", ".", "command", "dirs", "pushd", "popd", "umask", "alias", "unalias", "fg", "bg", "getopts", "eval", "test", "[", "exec", "return", "read", "mapfile", "readarray", "shopt": return true } return false } // TODO: oneIf and atoi are duplicated in the expand package. func oneIf(b bool) int { if b { return 1 } return 0 } // atoi is like [strconv.Atoi], but it ignores errors and trims whitespace. func atoi(s string) int { s = strings.TrimSpace(s) n, _ := strconv.Atoi(s) return n } func (r *Runner) builtinCode(ctx context.Context, pos syntax.Pos, name string, args []string) int { switch name { case "true", ":": case "false": return 1 case "exit": exit := 0 switch len(args) { case 0: exit = r.lastExit case 1: n, err := strconv.Atoi(args[0]) if err != nil { r.errf("invalid exit status code: %q\n", args[0]) return 2 } exit = n default: r.errf("exit cannot take multiple arguments\n") return 1 } r.exitShell(ctx, exit) return exit case "set": if err := Params(args...)(r); err != nil { r.errf("set: %v\n", err) return 2 } r.updateExpandOpts() case "shift": n := 1 switch len(args) { case 0: case 1: if n2, err := strconv.Atoi(args[0]); err == nil { n = n2 break } fallthrough default: r.errf("usage: shift [n]\n") return 2 } if n >= len(r.Params) { r.Params = nil } else { r.Params = r.Params[n:] } case "unset": vars := true funcs := true unsetOpts: for i, arg := range args { switch arg { case "-v": funcs = false case "-f": vars = false default: args = args[i:] break unsetOpts } } for _, arg := range args { if vars && r.lookupVar(arg).IsSet() { r.delVar(arg) } else if _, ok := r.Funcs[arg]; ok && funcs { delete(r.Funcs, arg) } } case "echo": newline, doExpand := true, false echoOpts: for len(args) > 0 { switch args[0] { case "-n": newline = false case "-e": doExpand = true case "-E": // default default: break echoOpts } args = args[1:] } for i, arg := range args { if i > 0 { r.out(" ") } if doExpand { arg, _, _ = expand.Format(r.ecfg, arg, nil) } r.out(arg) } if newline { r.out("\n") } case "printf": if len(args) == 0 { r.errf("usage: printf format [arguments]\n") return 2 } format, args := args[0], args[1:] for { s, n, err := expand.Format(r.ecfg, format, args) if err != nil { r.errf("%v\n", err) return 1 } r.out(s) args = args[n:] if n == 0 || len(args) == 0 { break } } case "break", "continue": if !r.inLoop { r.errf("%s is only useful in a loop\n", name) break } enclosing := &r.breakEnclosing if name == "continue" { enclosing = &r.contnEnclosing } switch len(args) { case 0: *enclosing = 1 case 1: if n, err := strconv.Atoi(args[0]); err == nil { *enclosing = n break } fallthrough default: r.errf("usage: %s [n]\n", name) return 2 } case "pwd": evalSymlinks := false for len(args) > 0 { switch args[0] { case "-L": evalSymlinks = false case "-P": evalSymlinks = true default: r.errf("invalid option: %q\n", args[0]) return 2 } args = args[1:] } pwd := r.envGet("PWD") if evalSymlinks { var err error pwd, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(pwd) if err != nil { r.setErr(err) return 1 } } r.outf("%s\n", pwd) case "cd": var path string switch len(args) { case 0: path = r.envGet("HOME") case 1: path = args[0] // replicate the commonly implemented behavior of `cd -` // ref: if path == "-" { path = r.envGet("OLDPWD") r.outf("%s\n", path) } default: r.errf("usage: cd [dir]\n") return 2 } return r.changeDir(ctx, path) case "wait": if len(args) > 0 { panic("wait with args not handled yet") } err := r.bgShells.Wait() if _, ok := IsExitStatus(err); err != nil && !ok { r.setErr(err) } case "builtin": if len(args) < 1 { break } if !isBuiltin(args[0]) { return 1 } return r.builtinCode(ctx, pos, args[0], args[1:]) case "type": anyNotFound := false mode := "" fp := flagParser{remaining: args} for fp.more() { switch flag := fp.flag(); flag { case "-a", "-f", "-P", "--help": r.errf("command: NOT IMPLEMENTED\n") return 3 case "-p", "-t": mode = flag default: r.errf("command: invalid option %q\n", flag) return 2 } } args := fp.args() for _, arg := range args { if mode == "-p" { if path, err := LookPathDir(r.Dir, r.writeEnv, arg); err == nil { r.outf("%s\n", path) } else { anyNotFound = true } continue } if syntax.IsKeyword(arg) { if mode == "-t" { r.out("keyword\n") } else { r.outf("%s is a shell keyword\n", arg) } continue } if als, ok := r.alias[arg]; ok && r.opts[optExpandAliases] { var buf bytes.Buffer if len(als.args) > 0 { printer := syntax.NewPrinter() printer.Print(&buf, &syntax.CallExpr{ Args: als.args, }) } if als.blank { buf.WriteByte(' ') } if mode == "-t" { r.out("alias\n") } else { r.outf("%s is aliased to `%s'\n", arg, &buf) } continue } if _, ok := r.Funcs[arg]; ok { if mode == "-t" { r.out("function\n") } else { r.outf("%s is a function\n", arg) } continue } if isBuiltin(arg) { if mode == "-t" { r.out("builtin\n") } else { r.outf("%s is a shell builtin\n", arg) } continue } if path, err := LookPathDir(r.Dir, r.writeEnv, arg); err == nil { if mode == "-t" { r.out("file\n") } else { r.outf("%s is %s\n", arg, path) } continue } if mode != "-t" { r.errf("type: %s: not found\n", arg) } anyNotFound = true } if anyNotFound { return 1 } case "eval": src := strings.Join(args, " ") p := syntax.NewParser() file, err := p.Parse(strings.NewReader(src), "") if err != nil { r.errf("eval: %v\n", err) return 1 } r.stmts(ctx, file.Stmts) return r.exit case "source", ".": if len(args) < 1 { r.errf("%v: source: need filename\n", pos) return 2 } path, err := scriptFromPathDir(r.Dir, r.writeEnv, args[0]) if err != nil { // If the script was not found in PATH or there was any error, pass // the source path to the open handler so it has a chance to look // at files it manages (eg: virtual filesystem), and also allow // it to look for the sourced script in the current directory. path = args[0] } f, err :=, path, os.O_RDONLY, 0, false) if err != nil { r.errf("source: %v\n", err) return 1 } defer f.Close() p := syntax.NewParser() file, err := p.Parse(f, path) if err != nil { r.errf("source: %v\n", err) return 1 } // Keep the current versions of some fields we might modify. oldParams := r.Params oldSourceSetParams := r.sourceSetParams oldInSource := r.inSource // If we run "source file args...", set said args as parameters. // Otherwise, keep the current parameters. sourceArgs := len(args[1:]) > 0 if sourceArgs { r.Params = args[1:] r.sourceSetParams = false } // We want to track if the sourced file explicitly sets the // parameters. r.sourceSetParams = false r.inSource = true // know that we're inside a sourced script. r.stmts(ctx, file.Stmts) // If we modified the parameters and the sourced file didn't // explicitly set them, we restore the old ones. if sourceArgs && !r.sourceSetParams { r.Params = oldParams } r.sourceSetParams = oldSourceSetParams r.inSource = oldInSource if code, ok := r.err.(returnStatus); ok { r.err = nil return int(code) } return r.exit case "[": if len(args) == 0 || args[len(args)-1] != "]" { r.errf("%v: [: missing matching ]\n", pos) return 2 } args = args[:len(args)-1] fallthrough case "test": parseErr := false p := testParser{ rem: args, err: func(err error) { r.errf("%v: %v\n", pos, err) parseErr = true }, } expr := p.classicTest("[", false) if parseErr { return 2 } return oneIf(r.bashTest(ctx, expr, true) == "") case "exec": // TODO: Consider unix.Exec, i.e. actually replacing // the process. It's in theory what a shell should do, // but in practice it would kill the entire Go process // and it's not available on Windows. if len(args) == 0 { r.keepRedirs = true break } r.exitShell(ctx, 1) r.exec(ctx, args) return r.exit case "command": show := false fp := flagParser{remaining: args} for fp.more() { switch flag := fp.flag(); flag { case "-v": show = true default: r.errf("command: invalid option %q\n", flag) return 2 } } args := fp.args() if len(args) == 0 { break } if !show { if isBuiltin(args[0]) { return r.builtinCode(ctx, pos, args[0], args[1:]) } r.exec(ctx, args) return r.exit } last := 0 for _, arg := range args { last = 0 if r.Funcs[arg] != nil || isBuiltin(arg) { r.outf("%s\n", arg) } else if path, err := LookPathDir(r.Dir, r.writeEnv, arg); err == nil { r.outf("%s\n", path) } else { last = 1 } } return last case "dirs": for i := len(r.dirStack) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { r.outf("%s", r.dirStack[i]) if i > 0 { r.out(" ") } } r.out("\n") case "pushd": change := true if len(args) > 0 && args[0] == "-n" { change = false args = args[1:] } swap := func() string { oldtop := r.dirStack[len(r.dirStack)-1] top := r.dirStack[len(r.dirStack)-2] r.dirStack[len(r.dirStack)-1] = top r.dirStack[len(r.dirStack)-2] = oldtop return top } switch len(args) { case 0: if !change { break } if len(r.dirStack) < 2 { r.errf("pushd: no other directory\n") return 1 } newtop := swap() if code := r.changeDir(ctx, newtop); code != 0 { return code } r.builtinCode(ctx, syntax.Pos{}, "dirs", nil) case 1: if change { if code := r.changeDir(ctx, args[0]); code != 0 { return code } r.dirStack = append(r.dirStack, r.Dir) } else { r.dirStack = append(r.dirStack, args[0]) swap() } r.builtinCode(ctx, syntax.Pos{}, "dirs", nil) default: r.errf("pushd: too many arguments\n") return 2 } case "popd": change := true if len(args) > 0 && args[0] == "-n" { change = false args = args[1:] } switch len(args) { case 0: if len(r.dirStack) < 2 { r.errf("popd: directory stack empty\n") return 1 } oldtop := r.dirStack[len(r.dirStack)-1] r.dirStack = r.dirStack[:len(r.dirStack)-1] if change { newtop := r.dirStack[len(r.dirStack)-1] if code := r.changeDir(ctx, newtop); code != 0 { return code } } else { r.dirStack[len(r.dirStack)-1] = oldtop } r.builtinCode(ctx, syntax.Pos{}, "dirs", nil) default: r.errf("popd: invalid argument\n") return 2 } case "return": if !r.inFunc && !r.inSource { r.errf("return: can only be done from a func or sourced script\n") return 1 } code := 0 switch len(args) { case 0: case 1: code = atoi(args[0]) default: r.errf("return: too many arguments\n") return 2 } r.setErr(returnStatus(code)) case "read": var prompt string raw := false silent := false fp := flagParser{remaining: args} for fp.more() { switch flag := fp.flag(); flag { case "-s": silent = true case "-r": raw = true case "-p": prompt = fp.value() if prompt == "" { r.errf("read: -p: option requires an argument\n") return 2 } default: r.errf("read: invalid option %q\n", flag) return 2 } } args := fp.args() for _, name := range args { if !syntax.ValidName(name) { r.errf("read: invalid identifier %q\n", name) return 2 } } if prompt != "" { r.out(prompt) } var line []byte var err error if silent { line, err = term.ReadPassword(int(syscall.Stdin)) } else { line, err = r.readLine(ctx, raw) } if len(args) == 0 { args = append(args, shellReplyVar) } values := expand.ReadFields(r.ecfg, string(line), len(args), raw) for i, name := range args { val := "" if i < len(values) { val = values[i] } r.setVarString(name, val) } // We can get data back from readLine and an error at the same time, so // check err after we process the data. if err != nil { return 1 } return 0 case "getopts": if len(args) < 2 { r.errf("getopts: usage: getopts optstring name [arg ...]\n") return 2 } optind, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.envGet("OPTIND")) if optind-1 != r.optState.argidx { if optind < 1 { optind = 1 } r.optState = getopts{argidx: optind - 1} } optstr := args[0] name := args[1] if !syntax.ValidName(name) { r.errf("getopts: invalid identifier: %q\n", name) return 2 } args = args[2:] if len(args) == 0 { args = r.Params } diagnostics := !strings.HasPrefix(optstr, ":") opt, optarg, done :=, args) r.setVarString(name, string(opt)) r.delVar("OPTARG") switch { case opt == '?' && diagnostics && !done: r.errf("getopts: illegal option -- %q\n", optarg) case opt == ':' && diagnostics: r.errf("getopts: option requires an argument -- %q\n", optarg) default: if optarg != "" { r.setVarString("OPTARG", optarg) } } if optind-1 != r.optState.argidx { r.setVarString("OPTIND", strconv.FormatInt(int64(r.optState.argidx+1), 10)) } return oneIf(done) case "shopt": mode := "" posixOpts := false fp := flagParser{remaining: args} for fp.more() { switch flag := fp.flag(); flag { case "-s", "-u": mode = flag case "-o": posixOpts = true case "-p", "-q": panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled shopt flag: %s", flag)) default: r.errf("shopt: invalid option %q\n", flag) return 2 } } args := fp.args() bash := !posixOpts if len(args) == 0 { if bash { for i, opt := range bashOptsTable { r.printOptLine(, r.opts[len(shellOptsTable)+i], opt.supported) } break } for i, opt := range &shellOptsTable { r.printOptLine(, r.opts[i], true) } break } for _, arg := range args { i, opt := r.optByName(arg, bash) if opt == nil { r.errf("shopt: invalid option name %q\n", arg) return 1 } var ( bo *bashOpt supported = true // default for shell options ) if bash { bo = &bashOptsTable[i-len(shellOptsTable)] supported = bo.supported } switch mode { case "-s", "-u": if bash && !supported { r.errf("shopt: invalid option name %q %q (%q not supported)\n", arg, r.optStatusText(bo.defaultState), r.optStatusText(!bo.defaultState)) return 1 } *opt = mode == "-s" default: // "" r.printOptLine(arg, *opt, supported) } } r.updateExpandOpts() case "alias": show := func(name string, als alias) { var buf bytes.Buffer if len(als.args) > 0 { printer := syntax.NewPrinter() printer.Print(&buf, &syntax.CallExpr{ Args: als.args, }) } if als.blank { buf.WriteByte(' ') } r.outf("alias %s='%s'\n", name, &buf) } if len(args) == 0 { for name, als := range r.alias { show(name, als) } } for _, name := range args { i := strings.IndexByte(name, '=') if i < 1 { // don't save an empty name als, ok := r.alias[name] if !ok { r.errf("alias: %q not found\n", name) continue } show(name, als) continue } // TODO: parse any CallExpr perhaps, or even any Stmt parser := syntax.NewParser() var words []*syntax.Word src := name[i+1:] if err := parser.Words(strings.NewReader(src), func(w *syntax.Word) bool { words = append(words, w) return true }); err != nil { r.errf("alias: could not parse %q: %v\n", src, err) continue } name = name[:i] if r.alias == nil { r.alias = make(map[string]alias) } r.alias[name] = alias{ args: words, blank: strings.TrimRight(src, " \t") != src, } } case "unalias": for _, name := range args { delete(r.alias, name) } case "trap": fp := flagParser{remaining: args} callback := "-" for fp.more() { switch flag := fp.flag(); flag { case "-l", "-p": r.errf("trap: %q: NOT IMPLEMENTED flag\n", flag) return 2 case "-": // default signal default: r.errf("trap: %q: invalid option\n", flag) r.errf("trap: usage: trap [-lp] [[arg] signal_spec ...]\n") return 2 } } args := fp.args() switch len(args) { case 0: // Print non-default signals if r.callbackExit != "" { r.outf("trap -- %q EXIT\n", r.callbackExit) } if r.callbackErr != "" { r.outf("trap -- %q ERR\n", r.callbackErr) } case 1: // assume it's a signal, the default will be restored default: callback = args[0] args = args[1:] } // For now, treat both empty and - the same since ERR and EXIT have no // default callback. if callback == "-" { callback = "" } for _, arg := range args { switch arg { case "ERR": r.callbackErr = callback case "EXIT": r.callbackExit = callback default: r.errf("trap: %s: invalid signal specification\n", arg) return 2 } } case "readarray", "mapfile": dropDelim := false delim := "\n" fp := flagParser{remaining: args} for fp.more() { switch flag := fp.flag(); flag { case "-t": // Remove the delim from each line read dropDelim = true case "-d": if len(fp.remaining) == 0 { r.errf("%s: -d: option requires an argument\n", name) return 2 } delim = fp.value() if delim == "" { // Bash sets the delim to an ASCII NUL if provided with an empty // string. delim = "\x00" } default: r.errf("%s: invalid option %q\n", name, flag) return 2 } } args := fp.args() var arrayName string switch len(args) { case 0: arrayName = "MAPFILE" case 1: if !syntax.ValidName(args[0]) { r.errf("%s: invalid identifier %q\n", name, args[0]) return 2 } arrayName = args[0] default: r.errf("%s: Only one array name may be specified, %v\n", name, args) return 2 } var vr expand.Variable vr.Kind = expand.Indexed scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r.stdin) scanner.Split(mapfileSplit(delim[0], dropDelim)) for scanner.Scan() { vr.List = append(vr.List, scanner.Text()) } if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { r.errf("%s: unable to read, %v\n", name, err) return 2 } r.setVarInternal(arrayName, vr) return 0 default: // "umask", "fg", "bg", r.errf("%s: unimplemented builtin\n", name) return 2 } return 0 } // mapfileSplit returns a suitable Split function for a [bufio.Scanner]; // the code is mostly stolen from [bufio.ScanLines]. func mapfileSplit(delim byte, dropDelim bool) func(data []byte, atEOF bool) (advance int, token []byte, err error) { return func(data []byte, atEOF bool) (advance int, token []byte, err error) { if atEOF && len(data) == 0 { return 0, nil, nil } if i := bytes.IndexByte(data, delim); i >= 0 { // We have a full newline-terminated line. if dropDelim { return i + 1, data[0:i], nil } else { return i + 1, data[0 : i+1], nil } } // If we're at EOF, we have a final, non-terminated line. Return it. if atEOF { return len(data), data, nil } // Request more data. return 0, nil, nil } } func (r *Runner) printOptLine(name string, enabled, supported bool) { state := r.optStatusText(enabled) if supported { r.outf("%s\t%s\n", name, state) return } r.outf("%s\t%s\t(%q not supported)\n", name, state, r.optStatusText(!enabled)) } func (r *Runner) readLine(ctx context.Context, raw bool) ([]byte, error) { if r.stdin == nil { return nil, errors.New("interp: can't read, there's no stdin") } var line []byte esc := false stdin := io.Reader(r.stdin) // [cancelreader.NewReader] may fail under some circumstances, such as r.stdin being // a regular file on Linux, in which case epoll returns an "operation not permitted" error // given that regular files can always be read immediately. Polling them makes no sense. // As such, if cancelreader fails, fall back to no cancellation, meaning this is best-effort. // // TODO: it would be nice if the cancelreader library classified errors so that we could // safely handle "this file does not need polling" by skipping the polling as we do below // but still fail on other errors, which may be unexpected or hide bugs. // See the upstream issue: if cr, err := cancelreader.NewReader(r.stdin); err == nil { done := make(chan struct{}) var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(1) go func() { select { case <-ctx.Done(): cr.Cancel() case <-done: } wg.Done() }() defer func() { close(done) wg.Wait() // Could put the Close in the above goroutine, but if "read" is // immediately called again, the Close might overlap with creating a // new cancelreader. Want this cancelreader to be completely closed // by the time readLine returns. cr.Close() }() stdin = cr } for { var buf [1]byte n, err := stdin.Read(buf[:]) if n > 0 { b := buf[0] switch { case !raw && b == '\\': line = append(line, b) esc = !esc case !raw && b == '\n' && esc: // line continuation line = line[len(line)-1:] esc = false case b == '\n': return line, nil default: line = append(line, b) esc = false } } if err != nil { return line, err } } } func (r *Runner) changeDir(ctx context.Context, path string) int { path = cmp.Or(path, ".") path = r.absPath(path) info, err := r.stat(ctx, path) if err != nil || !info.IsDir() { return 1 } if !hasPermissionToDir(path) { return 1 } r.Dir = path r.setVarString("OLDPWD", r.envGet("PWD")) r.setVarString("PWD", path) return 0 } func absPath(dir, path string) string { if path == "" { return "" } if !filepath.IsAbs(path) { path = filepath.Join(dir, path) } return filepath.Clean(path) // TODO: this clean is likely unnecessary } func (r *Runner) absPath(path string) string { return absPath(r.Dir, path) } // flagParser is used to parse builtin flags. // // It's similar to the getopts implementation, but with some key differences. // First, the API is designed for Go loops, making it easier to use directly. // Second, it doesn't require the awkward ":ab" syntax that getopts uses. // Third, it supports "-a" flags as well as "+a". type flagParser struct { current string remaining []string } func (p *flagParser) more() bool { if p.current != "" { // We're still parsing part of "-ab". return true } if len(p.remaining) == 0 { // Nothing left. p.remaining = nil return false } arg := p.remaining[0] if arg == "--" { // We explicitly stop parsing flags. p.remaining = p.remaining[1:] return false } if len(arg) == 0 || (arg[0] != '-' && arg[0] != '+') { // The next argument is not a flag. return false } // More flags to come. return true } func (p *flagParser) flag() string { arg := p.current if arg == "" { arg = p.remaining[0] p.remaining = p.remaining[1:] } else { p.current = "" } if len(arg) > 2 { // We have "-ab", so return "-a" and keep "-b". p.current = arg[:1] + arg[2:] arg = arg[:2] } return arg } func (p *flagParser) value() string { if len(p.remaining) == 0 { return "" } arg := p.remaining[0] p.remaining = p.remaining[1:] return arg } func (p *flagParser) args() []string { return p.remaining } type getopts struct { argidx int runeidx int } func (g *getopts) next(optstr string, args []string) (opt rune, optarg string, done bool) { if len(args) == 0 || g.argidx >= len(args) { return '?', "", true } arg := []rune(args[g.argidx]) if len(arg) < 2 || arg[0] != '-' || arg[1] == '-' { return '?', "", true } opts := arg[1:] opt = opts[g.runeidx] if g.runeidx+1 < len(opts) { g.runeidx++ } else { g.argidx++ g.runeidx = 0 } i := strings.IndexRune(optstr, opt) if i < 0 { // invalid option return '?', string(opt), false } if i+1 < len(optstr) && optstr[i+1] == ':' { if g.argidx >= len(args) { // missing argument return ':', string(opt), false } optarg = args[g.argidx] g.argidx++ g.runeidx = 0 } return opt, optarg, false } // optStatusText returns a shell option's status text display func (r *Runner) optStatusText(status bool) string { if status { return "on" } return "off" } 07070100000039000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000925000000000000000000000000000000000000002100000000sh-3.10.0/interp/example_test.go// Copyright (c) 2018, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package interp_test import ( "context" "fmt" "io" "os" "runtime" "strings" "" "" "" ) func Example() { src := ` foo=abc for i in 1 2 3; do foo+=$i done let bar=(2 + 3) echo $foo $bar echo $GLOBAL ` file, _ := syntax.NewParser().Parse(strings.NewReader(src), "") runner, _ := interp.New( // Use [interp.Interactive] to enable interactive shell defaults like expanding aliases. interp.Env(expand.ListEnviron("GLOBAL=global_value")), interp.StdIO(nil, os.Stdout, os.Stdout), ) runner.Run(context.TODO(), file) // Output: // abc123 5 // global_value } func ExampleExecHandlers() { src := "echo foo; join ! foo bar baz; missing-program bar" file, _ := syntax.NewParser().Parse(strings.NewReader(src), "") execJoin := func(next interp.ExecHandlerFunc) interp.ExecHandlerFunc { return func(ctx context.Context, args []string) error { hc := interp.HandlerCtx(ctx) if args[0] == "join" { fmt.Fprintln(hc.Stdout, strings.Join(args[2:], args[1])) return nil } return next(ctx, args) } } execNotInstalled := func(next interp.ExecHandlerFunc) interp.ExecHandlerFunc { return func(ctx context.Context, args []string) error { hc := interp.HandlerCtx(ctx) if _, err := interp.LookPathDir(hc.Dir, hc.Env, args[0]); err != nil { fmt.Printf("%s is not installed\n", args[0]) return interp.NewExitStatus(1) } return next(ctx, args) } } runner, _ := interp.New( interp.StdIO(nil, os.Stdout, os.Stdout), interp.ExecHandlers(execJoin, execNotInstalled), ) runner.Run(context.TODO(), file) // Output: // foo // foo!bar!baz // missing-program is not installed } func ExampleOpenHandler() { src := "echo foo; echo bar >/dev/null" file, _ := syntax.NewParser().Parse(strings.NewReader(src), "") open := func(ctx context.Context, path string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) { if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && path == "/dev/null" { path = "NUL" } return interp.DefaultOpenHandler()(ctx, path, flag, perm) } runner, _ := interp.New( interp.StdIO(nil, os.Stdout, os.Stdout), interp.OpenHandler(open), ) runner.Run(context.TODO(), file) // Output: // foo } 0707010000003A000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000029F0000000000000000000000000000000000000001C00000000sh-3.10.0/interp/handler.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package interp import ( "context" "fmt" "io" "io/fs" "io/ioutil" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" "syscall" "time" "" ) // HandlerCtx returns HandlerContext value stored in ctx. // It panics if ctx has no HandlerContext stored. func HandlerCtx(ctx context.Context) HandlerContext { hc, ok := ctx.Value(handlerCtxKey{}).(HandlerContext) if !ok { panic("interp.HandlerCtx: no HandlerContext in ctx") } return hc } type handlerCtxKey struct{} // HandlerContext is the data passed to all the handler functions via [context.WithValue]. // It contains some of the current state of the [Runner]. type HandlerContext struct { // Env is a read-only version of the interpreter's environment, // including environment variables, global variables, and local function // variables. Env expand.Environ // Dir is the interpreter's current directory. Dir string // Stdin is the interpreter's current standard input reader. Stdin io.Reader // Stdout is the interpreter's current standard output writer. Stdout io.Writer // Stderr is the interpreter's current standard error writer. Stderr io.Writer } // CallHandlerFunc is a handler which runs on every [syntax.CallExpr]. // It is called once variable assignments and field expansion have occurred. // The call's arguments are replaced by what the handler returns, // and then the call is executed by the Runner as usual. // At this time, returning an empty slice without an error is not supported. // // This handler is similar to [ExecHandlerFunc], but has two major differences: // // First, it runs for all simple commands, including function calls and builtins. // // Second, it is not expected to execute the simple command, but instead to // allow running custom code which allows replacing the argument list. // Shell builtins touch on many internals of the Runner, after all. // // Returning a non-nil error will halt the Runner. type CallHandlerFunc func(ctx context.Context, args []string) ([]string, error) // TODO: consistently treat handler errors as non-fatal by default, // but have an interface or API to specify fatal errors which should make // the shell exit with a particular status code. // ExecHandlerFunc is a handler which executes simple commands. // It is called for all [syntax.CallExpr] nodes // where the first argument is neither a declared function nor a builtin. // // Returning a nil error means a zero exit status. // Other exit statuses can be set with [NewExitStatus]. // Any other error will halt the Runner. type ExecHandlerFunc func(ctx context.Context, args []string) error // DefaultExecHandler returns the [ExecHandlerFunc] used by default. // It finds binaries in PATH and executes them. // When context is cancelled, an interrupt signal is sent to running processes. // killTimeout is a duration to wait before sending the kill signal. // A negative value means that a kill signal will be sent immediately. // // On Windows, the kill signal is always sent immediately, // because Go doesn't currently support sending Interrupt on Windows. // [Runner] defaults to a killTimeout of 2 seconds. func DefaultExecHandler(killTimeout time.Duration) ExecHandlerFunc { return func(ctx context.Context, args []string) error { hc := HandlerCtx(ctx) path, err := LookPathDir(hc.Dir, hc.Env, args[0]) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(hc.Stderr, err) return NewExitStatus(127) } cmd := exec.Cmd{ Path: path, Args: args, Env: execEnv(hc.Env), Dir: hc.Dir, Stdin: hc.Stdin, Stdout: hc.Stdout, Stderr: hc.Stderr, } err = cmd.Start() if err == nil { if done := ctx.Done(); done != nil { go func() { <-done if killTimeout <= 0 || runtime.GOOS == "windows" { _ = cmd.Process.Signal(os.Kill) return } // TODO: don't temporarily leak this goroutine // if the program stops itself with the // interrupt. go func() { time.Sleep(killTimeout) _ = cmd.Process.Signal(os.Kill) }() _ = cmd.Process.Signal(os.Interrupt) }() } err = cmd.Wait() } switch err := err.(type) { case *exec.ExitError: // started, but errored - default to 1 if OS // doesn't have exit statuses if status, ok := err.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok { if status.Signaled() { if ctx.Err() != nil { return ctx.Err() } return NewExitStatus(uint8(128 + status.Signal())) } return NewExitStatus(uint8(status.ExitStatus())) } return NewExitStatus(1) case *exec.Error: // did not start fmt.Fprintf(hc.Stderr, "%v\n", err) return NewExitStatus(127) default: return err } } } func checkStat(dir, file string, checkExec bool) (string, error) { if !filepath.IsAbs(file) { file = filepath.Join(dir, file) } info, err := os.Stat(file) if err != nil { return "", err } m := info.Mode() if m.IsDir() { return "", fmt.Errorf("is a directory") } if checkExec && runtime.GOOS != "windows" && m&0o111 == 0 { return "", fmt.Errorf("permission denied") } return file, nil } func winHasExt(file string) bool { i := strings.LastIndex(file, ".") if i < 0 { return false } return strings.LastIndexAny(file, `:\/`) < i } // findExecutable returns the path to an existing executable file. func findExecutable(dir, file string, exts []string) (string, error) { if len(exts) == 0 { // non-windows return checkStat(dir, file, true) } if winHasExt(file) { if file, err := checkStat(dir, file, true); err == nil { return file, nil } } for _, e := range exts { f := file + e if f, err := checkStat(dir, f, true); err == nil { return f, nil } } return "", fmt.Errorf("not found") } // findFile returns the path to an existing file. func findFile(dir, file string, _ []string) (string, error) { return checkStat(dir, file, false) } // LookPath is deprecated; see [LookPathDir]. func LookPath(env expand.Environ, file string) (string, error) { return LookPathDir(env.Get("PWD").String(), env, file) } // LookPathDir is similar to [os/exec.LookPath], with the difference that it uses the // provided environment. env is used to fetch relevant environment variables // such as PWD and PATH. // // If no error is returned, the returned path must be valid. func LookPathDir(cwd string, env expand.Environ, file string) (string, error) { return lookPathDir(cwd, env, file, findExecutable) } // findAny defines a function to pass to lookPathDir. type findAny = func(dir string, file string, exts []string) (string, error) func lookPathDir(cwd string, env expand.Environ, file string, find findAny) (string, error) { if find == nil { panic("no find function found") } pathList := filepath.SplitList(env.Get("PATH").String()) if len(pathList) == 0 { pathList = []string{""} } chars := `/` if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { chars = `:\/` } exts := pathExts(env) if strings.ContainsAny(file, chars) { return find(cwd, file, exts) } for _, elem := range pathList { var path string switch elem { case "", ".": // otherwise "foo" won't be "./foo" path = "." + string(filepath.Separator) + file default: path = filepath.Join(elem, file) } if f, err := find(cwd, path, exts); err == nil { return f, nil } } return "", fmt.Errorf("%q: executable file not found in $PATH", file) } // scriptFromPathDir is similar to LookPathDir, with the difference that it looks // for both executable and non-executable files. func scriptFromPathDir(cwd string, env expand.Environ, file string) (string, error) { return lookPathDir(cwd, env, file, findFile) } func pathExts(env expand.Environ) []string { if runtime.GOOS != "windows" { return nil } pathext := env.Get("PATHEXT").String() if pathext == "" { return []string{".com", ".exe", ".bat", ".cmd"} } var exts []string for _, e := range strings.Split(strings.ToLower(pathext), `;`) { if e == "" { continue } if e[0] != '.' { e = "." + e } exts = append(exts, e) } return exts } // OpenHandlerFunc is a handler which opens files. It is // called for all files that are opened directly by the shell, such as // in redirects. Files opened by executed programs are not included. // // The path parameter may be relative to the current directory, // which can be fetched via [HandlerCtx]. // // Use a return error of type [*os.PathError] to have the error printed to // stderr and the exit status set to 1. If the error is of any other type, the // interpreter will come to a stop. // // Note that implementations which do not return [os.File] will cause // extra files and goroutines for input redirections; see [StdIO]. type OpenHandlerFunc func(ctx context.Context, path string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) // DefaultOpenHandler returns the [OpenHandlerFunc] used by default. // It uses [os.OpenFile] to open files. func DefaultOpenHandler() OpenHandlerFunc { return func(ctx context.Context, path string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) { mc := HandlerCtx(ctx) if path != "" && !filepath.IsAbs(path) { path = filepath.Join(mc.Dir, path) } return os.OpenFile(path, flag, perm) } } // TODO(v4): if this is kept in v4, it most likely needs to use [io/fs.DirEntry] for efficiency // ReadDirHandlerFunc is a handler which reads directories. It is called during // shell globbing, if enabled. type ReadDirHandlerFunc func(ctx context.Context, path string) ([]fs.FileInfo, error) type ReadDirHandlerFunc2 func(ctx context.Context, path string) ([]fs.DirEntry, error) // DefaultReadDirHandler returns the [ReadDirHandlerFunc] used by default. // It makes use of [ioutil.ReadDir]. func DefaultReadDirHandler() ReadDirHandlerFunc { return func(ctx context.Context, path string) ([]fs.FileInfo, error) { return ioutil.ReadDir(path) } } // DefaultReadDirHandler2 returns the [ReadDirHandlerFunc2] used by default. // It uses [os.ReadDir]. func DefaultReadDirHandler2() ReadDirHandlerFunc2 { return func(ctx context.Context, path string) ([]fs.DirEntry, error) { return os.ReadDir(path) } } // StatHandlerFunc is a handler which gets a file's information. type StatHandlerFunc func(ctx context.Context, name string, followSymlinks bool) (fs.FileInfo, error) // DefaultStatHandler returns the [StatHandlerFunc] used by default. // It makes use of [os.Stat] and [os.Lstat], depending on followSymlinks. func DefaultStatHandler() StatHandlerFunc { return func(ctx context.Context, path string, followSymlinks bool) (fs.FileInfo, error) { if !followSymlinks { return os.Lstat(path) } else { return os.Stat(path) } } } 0707010000003B000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000025FD000000000000000000000000000000000000002100000000sh-3.10.0/interp/handler_test.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package interp_test import ( "bufio" "bytes" "context" "fmt" "io" "io/fs" "os" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "syscall" "testing" "time" "" "" ) func blocklistOneExec(name string) func(interp.ExecHandlerFunc) interp.ExecHandlerFunc { return func(next interp.ExecHandlerFunc) interp.ExecHandlerFunc { return func(ctx context.Context, args []string) error { if args[0] == name { return fmt.Errorf("%s: blocklisted program", name) } return next(ctx, args) } } } func blocklistAllExec(next interp.ExecHandlerFunc) interp.ExecHandlerFunc { return func(ctx context.Context, args []string) error { return fmt.Errorf("blocklisted: %s", args[0]) } } func blocklistNondevOpen(ctx context.Context, path string, flags int, mode os.FileMode) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) { if path != "/dev/null" { return nil, fmt.Errorf("non-dev: %s", path) } return testOpenHandler(ctx, path, flags, mode) } func blocklistGlob(ctx context.Context, path string) ([]fs.FileInfo, error) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("blocklisted: glob") } func execPrint(next interp.ExecHandlerFunc) interp.ExecHandlerFunc { return func(ctx context.Context, args []string) error { hc := interp.HandlerCtx(ctx) fmt.Fprintf(hc.Stdout, "would run: %s", args) return nil } } // runnerCtx allows us to give handler functions access to the Runner, if needed. var runnerCtx = new(int) func execPrintWouldExec(next interp.ExecHandlerFunc) interp.ExecHandlerFunc { return func(ctx context.Context, args []string) error { runner, ok := ctx.Value(runnerCtx).(*interp.Runner) if ok && runner.Exited() { return fmt.Errorf("would exec via builtin: %s", args) } return nil } } // TODO: join with TestRunnerOpts? var modCases = []struct { name string opts []interp.RunnerOption src string want string }{ { name: "ExecBlocklistOne", opts: []interp.RunnerOption{ interp.ExecHandlers(blocklistOneExec("sleep")), }, src: "echo foo; sleep 1", want: "foo\nsleep: blocklisted program", }, { name: "ExecBlocklistOneSubshell", opts: []interp.RunnerOption{ interp.ExecHandlers(blocklistOneExec("faa")), }, src: "a=$(echo foo | sed 's/o/a/g'); echo $a; $a args", want: "faa\nfaa: blocklisted program", }, { name: "ExecBlocklistAllSubshell", opts: []interp.RunnerOption{ interp.ExecHandlers(blocklistAllExec), }, src: "(malicious)", want: "blocklisted: malicious", }, { name: "ExecPipe", opts: []interp.RunnerOption{ interp.ExecHandlers(blocklistAllExec), }, src: "malicious | echo foo", want: "foo\nblocklisted: malicious", }, { name: "ExecCmdSubst", opts: []interp.RunnerOption{ interp.ExecHandlers(blocklistAllExec), }, src: "a=$(malicious)", want: "blocklisted: malicious\n", // TODO: why the newline? }, { name: "ExecBackground", opts: []interp.RunnerOption{ interp.ExecHandlers(blocklistAllExec), }, src: "{ malicious; true; } & { malicious; true; } & wait", want: "blocklisted: malicious", }, { name: "ExecPrintWouldExec", opts: []interp.RunnerOption{ interp.ExecHandlers(execPrintWouldExec), }, src: "exec /bin/sh", want: "would exec via builtin: [/bin/sh]", }, { name: "ExecPrintAndBlocklist", opts: []interp.RunnerOption{ interp.ExecHandlers( execPrint, blocklistOneExec("foo"), ), }, src: "foo", want: "would run: [foo]", }, { name: "ExecPrintAndBlocklistSeparate", opts: []interp.RunnerOption{ interp.ExecHandlers(execPrint), interp.ExecHandlers(blocklistOneExec("foo")), }, src: "foo", want: "would run: [foo]", }, { name: "ExecBlocklistAndPrint", opts: []interp.RunnerOption{ interp.ExecHandlers( blocklistOneExec("foo"), execPrint, ), }, src: "foo", want: "foo: blocklisted program", }, { name: "OpenForbidNonDev", opts: []interp.RunnerOption{ interp.OpenHandler(blocklistNondevOpen), }, src: "echo foo >/dev/null; echo bar >/tmp/x", want: "non-dev: /tmp/x", }, { name: "CallReplaceWithBlank", opts: []interp.RunnerOption{ interp.OpenHandler(blocklistNondevOpen), interp.CallHandler(func(ctx context.Context, args []string) ([]string, error) { return []string{"echo", "blank"}, nil }), }, src: "echo foo >/dev/null; { bar; } && baz", want: "blank\nblank\n", }, { name: "CallDryRun", opts: []interp.RunnerOption{ interp.CallHandler(func(ctx context.Context, args []string) ([]string, error) { return append([]string{"echo", "run:"}, args...), nil }), }, src: "cd some-dir; cat foo; exit 1", want: "run: cd some-dir\nrun: cat foo\nrun: exit 1\n", }, { name: "CallError", opts: []interp.RunnerOption{ interp.CallHandler(func(ctx context.Context, args []string) ([]string, error) { if args[0] == "echo" && len(args) > 2 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("refusing to run echo builtin with multiple args") } return args, nil }), }, src: "echo foo; echo foo bar", want: "foo\nrefusing to run echo builtin with multiple args", }, { name: "GlobForbid", opts: []interp.RunnerOption{ interp.ReadDirHandler(blocklistGlob), }, src: "echo *", want: "blocklisted: glob\n", }, } func TestRunnerHandlers(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := syntax.NewParser() for _, tc := range modCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { file := parse(t, p, tc.src) var cb concBuffer r, err := interp.New(interp.StdIO(nil, &cb, &cb)) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } for _, opt := range tc.opts { opt(r) } ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), runnerCtx, r) if err := r.Run(ctx, file); err != nil { cb.WriteString(err.Error()) } got := cb.String() if got != tc.want { t.Fatalf("want:\n%q\ngot:\n%q", tc.want, got) } }) } } type readyBuffer struct { buf bytes.Buffer seenReady sync.WaitGroup } func (b *readyBuffer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { if string(p) == "ready\n" { b.seenReady.Done() return len(p), nil } return b.buf.Write(p) } func TestKillTimeout(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("sleeps and timeouts are slow") } if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { t.Skip("skipping trap tests on windows") } t.Parallel() tests := []struct { src string want string killTimeout time.Duration forcedKill bool }{ // killed immediately { `sh -c "trap 'echo trapped; exit 0' INT; echo ready; for i in \$(seq 1 100); do sleep 0.01; done"`, "", -1, true, }, // interrupted first, and stops itself in time { `sh -c "trap 'echo trapped; exit 0' INT; echo ready; for i in \$(seq 1 100); do sleep 0.01; done"`, "trapped\n", time.Second, false, }, // interrupted first, but does not stop itself in time { `sh -c "trap 'echo trapped; for i in \$(seq 1 100); do sleep 0.01; done' INT; echo ready; for i in \$(seq 1 100); do sleep 0.01; done"`, "trapped\n", 20 * time.Millisecond, true, }, } for _, test := range tests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() file := parse(t, nil, test.src) attempt := 0 for { var rbuf readyBuffer rbuf.seenReady.Add(1) ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) r, err := interp.New( interp.StdIO(nil, &rbuf, &rbuf), interp.ExecHandler(interp.DefaultExecHandler(test.killTimeout)), ) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } go func() { rbuf.seenReady.Wait() cancel() }() err = r.Run(ctx, file) if test.forcedKill { if _, ok := interp.IsExitStatus(err); ok || err == nil { t.Error("command was not force-killed") } } else { if err != nil && err != context.Canceled && err != context.DeadlineExceeded { t.Errorf("execution errored: %v", err) } } got := rbuf.buf.String() if got != test.want { if attempt < 3 && got == "" && test.killTimeout > 0 { attempt++ test.killTimeout *= 2 continue } t.Fatalf("want:\n%s\ngot:\n%s", test.want, got) } break } }) } } func TestKillSignal(t *testing.T) { if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { t.Skip("skipping signal tests on windows") } tests := []struct { signal os.Signal want error }{ {syscall.SIGINT, interp.NewExitStatus(130)}, // 128 + 2 {syscall.SIGKILL, interp.NewExitStatus(137)}, // 128 + 9 {syscall.SIGTERM, interp.NewExitStatus(143)}, // 128 + 15 } // pid_and_hang is implemented in TestMain; we use it to have the // interpreter spawn a process, and easily grab its PID to send it a // signal directly. The program prints its PID and hangs forever. file := parse(t, nil, "GOSH_CMD=pid_and_hang $GOSH_PROG") for _, test := range tests { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("signal-%d", test.signal), func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second) defer cancel() outReader, outWriter := io.Pipe() stderr := new(bytes.Buffer) r, _ := interp.New(interp.StdIO(nil, outWriter, stderr)) errch := make(chan error, 1) go func() { errch <- r.Run(ctx, file) outWriter.Close() }() br := bufio.NewReader(outReader) line, err := br.ReadString('\n') if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } pid, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(line)) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } proc, err := os.FindProcess(pid) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if err := proc.Signal(test.signal); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if got := <-errch; got != test.want { t.Fatalf("want error %v, got %v. stderr: %s", test.want, got, stderr) } }) } } 0707010000003C000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10001B7C0000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000sh-3.10.0/interp/interp_test.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package interp_test import ( "bytes" "context" "fmt" "io" "math/bits" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "regexp" "runtime" "slices" "strings" "sync" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" ) // runnerRunTimeout is the context timeout used by any tests calling Runner.Run. // The timeout saves us from hangs or burning too much CPU if there are bugs. // All the test cases are designed to be inexpensive and stop in a very short // amount of time, so 5s should be plenty even for busy machines. const runnerRunTimeout = 5 * time.Second // Some program which should be in $PATH. Needs to run before runTests is // initialized (so an init function wouldn't work), because runTest uses it. var pathProg = func() string { if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { return "cmd" } return "sh" }() func parse(tb testing.TB, parser *syntax.Parser, src string) *syntax.File { if parser == nil { parser = syntax.NewParser() } file, err := parser.Parse(strings.NewReader(src), "") if err != nil { tb.Fatal(err) } return file } func BenchmarkRun(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() b.StopTimer() src := ` echo a b c d echo ./$foo_interp_missing/etc $(echo foo_interp_missing bar_interp_missing) foo_interp_missing="bar_interp_missing" x=y : fn() { local a=b for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i | cat done } [[ $foo_interp_missing == bar_interp_missing ]] && fn echo a{b,c}d *.go let i=(2 + 3) ` file := parse(b, nil, src) r, _ := interp.New() ctx := context.Background() b.StartTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { r.Reset() if err := r.Run(ctx, file); err != nil { b.Fatal(err) } } } var hasBash52 bool func TestMain(m *testing.M) { if os.Getenv("GOSH_PROG") != "" { switch os.Getenv("GOSH_CMD") { case "exec_ok": fmt.Printf("exec ok\n") os.Exit(0) case "exec_fail": fmt.Printf("exec fail\n") os.Exit(1) case "pid_and_hang": fmt.Println(os.Getpid()) time.Sleep(time.Hour) case "foo_interp_missing_null_bar_interp_missing": fmt.Println("foo_interp_missing\x00bar_interp_missing") os.Exit(1) case "lookpath": _, err := exec.LookPath(pathProg) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) } fmt.Printf("%s found\n", pathProg) os.Exit(0) } r := strings.NewReader(os.Args[1]) file, err := syntax.NewParser().Parse(r, "") if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) os.Exit(1) } runner, _ := interp.New( interp.StdIO(os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr), interp.OpenHandler(testOpenHandler), interp.ExecHandlers(testExecHandler), ) ctx := context.Background() if err := runner.Run(ctx, file); err != nil { if status, ok := interp.IsExitStatus(err); ok { os.Exit(int(status)) } fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) os.Exit(1) } os.Exit(0) } prog, err := os.Executable() if err != nil { panic(err) } os.Setenv("GOSH_PROG", prog) // Mimic syntax/parser_test.go's TestMain. os.Setenv("LANGUAGE", "C.UTF-8") os.Setenv("LC_ALL", "C.UTF-8") os.Unsetenv("CDPATH") hasBash52 = checkBash() wd, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { panic(err) } os.Setenv("GO_TEST_DIR", wd) os.Setenv("INTERP_GLOBAL", "value") os.Setenv("MULTILINE_INTERP_GLOBAL", "\nwith\nnewlines\n\n") // Double check that env vars on Windows are case insensitive. if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { os.Setenv("mixedCase_INTERP_GLOBAL", "value") } else { os.Setenv("MIXEDCASE_INTERP_GLOBAL", "value") } os.Setenv("PATH_PROG", pathProg) // To print env vars. Only a builtin on Windows. if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { os.Setenv("ENV_PROG", "cmd /c set") } else { os.Setenv("ENV_PROG", "env") } for _, s := range []string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "foo_interp_missing", "bar_interp_missing"} { os.Unsetenv(s) } exit := m.Run() os.Exit(exit) } func checkBash() bool { out, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", "echo -n $BASH_VERSION").Output() if err != nil { return false } return strings.HasPrefix(string(out), "5.2") } // concBuffer wraps a [bytes.Buffer] in a mutex so that concurrent writes // to it don't upset the race detector. type concBuffer struct { buf bytes.Buffer sync.Mutex } func (c *concBuffer) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { c.Lock() n, err := c.buf.Write(p) c.Unlock() return n, err } func (c *concBuffer) WriteString(s string) (int, error) { c.Lock() n, err := c.buf.WriteString(s) c.Unlock() return n, err } func (c *concBuffer) String() string { c.Lock() s := c.buf.String() c.Unlock() return s } func (c *concBuffer) Reset() { c.Lock() c.buf.Reset() c.Unlock() } type runTest struct { in, want string } var runTests = []runTest{ // no-op programs {"", ""}, {"true", ""}, {":", ""}, {"exit", ""}, {"exit 0", ""}, {"{ :; }", ""}, {"(:)", ""}, // exit status codes {"exit 1", "exit status 1"}, {"exit -1", "exit status 255"}, {"exit 300", "exit status 44"}, {"false", "exit status 1"}, {"false foo_interp_missing", "exit status 1"}, {"! false", ""}, {"true foo_interp_missing", ""}, {": foo_interp_missing", ""}, {"! true", "exit status 1"}, {"false; true", ""}, {"false; exit", "exit status 1"}, {"exit; echo foo_interp_missing", ""}, {"exit 0; echo foo_interp_missing", ""}, {"printf", "usage: printf format [arguments]\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR"}, {"break", "break is only useful in a loop\n #JUSTERR"}, {"continue", "continue is only useful in a loop\n #JUSTERR"}, {"cd a b", "usage: cd [dir]\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR"}, {"shift a", "usage: shift [n]\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR"}, { "shouldnotexist", "\"shouldnotexist\": executable file not found in $PATH\nexit status 127 #JUSTERR", }, { "for i in 1; do continue a; done", "usage: continue [n]\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR", }, { "for i in 1; do break a; done", "usage: break [n]\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR", }, {"false; a=b", ""}, {"false; false &", ""}, // we don't need to follow bash error strings {"exit a", "invalid exit status code: \"a\"\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR"}, {"exit 1 2", "exit cannot take multiple arguments\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR"}, // echo {"echo", "\n"}, {"echo a b c", "a b c\n"}, {"echo -n foo_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing"}, {`echo -e '\t'`, "\t\n"}, {`echo -E '\t'`, "\\t\n"}, {"echo -x foo_interp_missing", "-x foo_interp_missing\n"}, {"echo -e -x -e foo_interp_missing", "-x -e foo_interp_missing\n"}, // printf {"printf foo_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing"}, {"printf %%", "%"}, {"printf %", "missing format char\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR"}, {"printf %; echo foo_interp_missing", "missing format char\nfoo_interp_missing\n #IGNORE"}, {"printf %1", "missing format char\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR"}, {"printf %+", "missing format char\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR"}, {"printf %B foo_interp_missing", "invalid format char: B\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR"}, {"printf %12-s foo_interp_missing", "invalid format char: -\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR"}, {"printf ' %s \n' bar_interp_missing", " bar_interp_missing \n"}, {"printf '\\A'", "\\A"}, {"printf %s foo_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing"}, {"printf %s", ""}, {"printf %d,%i 3 4", "3,4"}, {"printf %d", "0"}, {"printf %d,%d 010 0x10", "8,16"}, {"printf %c,%c,%c foo_interp_missing àa", "f,\xc3,\x00"}, // TODO: use a rune? {"printf %3s a", " a"}, {"printf %3i 1", " 1"}, {"printf %+i%+d 1 -3", "+1-3"}, {"printf %-5x 10", "a "}, {"printf %02x 1", "01"}, {"printf 'a% 5s' a", "a a"}, {"printf 'nofmt' 1 2 3", "nofmt"}, {"printf '%d_' 1 2 3", "1_2_3_"}, {"printf '%02d %02d\n' 1 2 3", "01 02\n03 00\n"}, {`printf '0%s1' 'a\bc'`, `0a\bc1`}, {`printf '0%b1' 'a\bc'`, "0a\bc1"}, {"printf 'a%bc'", "ac"}, // words and quotes {"echo foo_interp_missing ", "foo_interp_missing\n"}, {"echo ' foo_interp_missing '", " foo_interp_missing \n"}, {`echo " foo_interp_missing "`, " foo_interp_missing \n"}, {`echo a'b'c"d"e`, "abcde\n"}, {`a=" b c "; echo $a`, "b c\n"}, {`a=" b c "; echo "$a"`, " b c \n"}, {`a=" b c "; echo foo${a}bar`, "foo b c bar\n"}, {`a="b c"; echo foo${a}bar`, "foob cbar\n"}, {`echo "$(echo ' b c ')"`, " b c \n"}, {"echo ''", "\n"}, {`$(echo)`, ""}, {`echo -n '\\'`, `\\`}, {`echo -n "\\"`, `\`}, {`set -- a b c; x="$@"; echo "$x"`, "a b c\n"}, {`set -- b c; echo a"$@"d`, "ab cd\n"}, {`count() { echo $#; }; set --; count "$@"`, "0\n"}, {`count() { echo $#; }; set -- ""; count "$@"`, "1\n"}, {`count() { echo $#; }; set -- ""; shift; count "$@"`, "0\n"}, {`count() { echo $#; }; a=(); count "${a[@]}"`, "0\n"}, {`count() { echo $#; }; a=(""); count "${a[@]}"`, "1\n"}, {`echo $1 $3; set -- a b c; echo $1 $3`, "\na c\n"}, {`[[ $0 == "bash" || $0 == "gosh" ]]`, ""}, // dollar quotes {`echo $'foo_interp_missing\nbar_interp_missing'`, "foo_interp_missing\nbar_interp_missing\n"}, {`echo $'\r\t\\'`, "\r\t\\\n"}, {`echo $"foo_interp_missing\nbar_interp_missing"`, "foo_interp_missing\\nbar_interp_missing\n"}, {`echo $'%s'`, "%s\n"}, {`a=$'\r\t\\'; echo "$a"`, "\r\t\\\n"}, {`a=$"foo_interp_missing\nbar_interp_missing"; echo "$a"`, "foo_interp_missing\\nbar_interp_missing\n"}, {`echo $'\a\b\e\E\f\v'`, "\a\b\x1b\x1b\f\v\n"}, {`echo $'\\\'\"\?'`, "\\'\"?\n"}, {`echo $'\1\45\12345\777\9'`, "\x01%S45\xff\\9\n"}, {`echo $'\x\xf\x09\xAB'`, "\\x\x0f\x09\xab\n"}, {`echo $'\u\uf\u09\uABCD\u00051234'`, "\\u\u000f\u0009\uabcd\u00051234\n"}, {`echo $'\U\Uf\U09\UABCD\U00051234'`, "\\U\u000f\u0009\uabcd\U00051234\n"}, { "echo 'foo_interp_missing\x00bar_interp_missing'", "foo_interp_missingbar_interp_missing\n", }, { "echo \"foo_interp_missing\x00bar_interp_missing\"", "foo_interp_missingbar_interp_missing\n", }, { "echo $'foo_interp_missing\x00bar_interp_missing'", "foo_interp_missingbar_interp_missing\n", }, { "echo $'foo_interp_missing\\x00bar_interp_missing'", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "echo $'foo_interp_missing\\xbar_interp_missing'", "foo_interp_missing\xbar_interp_missing\n", }, { "a='foo_interp_missing\x00bar_interp_missing'; eval \"echo -n ${a} ${a@Q}\";", "foo_interp_missingbar_interp_missing foo_interp_missingbar_interp_missing", }, { "a=$'foo_interp_missing\\x00bar_interp_missing'; eval \"echo -n ${a} ${a@Q}\";", "foo_interp_missing foo_interp_missing", }, { "i\x00f true; then echo foo_interp_missing\x00; \x00fi", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "echo $(GOSH_CMD=foo_interp_missing_null_bar_interp_missing $GOSH_PROG)", "foo_interp_missingbar_interp_missing\n #IGNORE", }, // See the TODO where FOO_INTERP_MISSING_NULL_BAR_INTERP_MISSING is set. // { // "echo $FOO_INTERP_MISSING_NULL_BAR_INTERP_MISSING \"${FOO_INTERP_MISSING_NULL_BAR_INTERP_MISSING}\"", // "foo_interp_missing\n", // }, // escaped chars {"echo a\\b", "ab\n"}, {"echo a\\ b", "a b\n"}, {"echo \\$a", "$a\n"}, {"echo \"a\\b\"", "a\\b\n"}, {"echo 'a\\b'", "a\\b\n"}, {"echo \"a\\\nb\"", "ab\n"}, {"echo 'a\\\nb'", "a\\\nb\n"}, {`echo "\""`, "\"\n"}, {`echo \\`, "\\\n"}, {`echo \\\\`, "\\\\\n"}, {`echo \`, "\n"}, // vars {"foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; echo $foo_interp_missing", "bar_interp_missing\n"}, {"foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing foo_interp_missing=etc; echo $foo_interp_missing", "etc\n"}, {"foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; foo_interp_missing=etc; echo $foo_interp_missing", "etc\n"}, {"foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; foo_interp_missing=; echo $foo_interp_missing", "\n"}, {"unset foo_interp_missing; echo $foo_interp_missing", "\n"}, {"foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; unset foo_interp_missing; echo $foo_interp_missing", "\n"}, {"echo $INTERP_GLOBAL", "value\n"}, {"INTERP_GLOBAL=; echo $INTERP_GLOBAL", "\n"}, {"unset INTERP_GLOBAL; echo $INTERP_GLOBAL", "\n"}, {"echo $MIXEDCASE_INTERP_GLOBAL", "value\n"}, {"foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; foo_interp_missing=x true; echo $foo_interp_missing", "bar_interp_missing\n"}, {"foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; foo_interp_missing=x true; echo $foo_interp_missing", "bar_interp_missing\n"}, {"foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; $ENV_PROG | grep '^foo_interp_missing='", "exit status 1"}, {"foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing $ENV_PROG | grep '^foo_interp_missing='", "foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing\n"}, {"foo_interp_missing=a foo_interp_missing=b $ENV_PROG | grep '^foo_interp_missing='", "foo_interp_missing=b\n"}, {"$ENV_PROG | grep '^INTERP_GLOBAL='", "INTERP_GLOBAL=value\n"}, {"INTERP_GLOBAL=new; $ENV_PROG | grep '^INTERP_GLOBAL='", "INTERP_GLOBAL=new\n"}, {"INTERP_GLOBAL=; $ENV_PROG | grep '^INTERP_GLOBAL='", "INTERP_GLOBAL=\n"}, {"unset INTERP_GLOBAL; $ENV_PROG | grep '^INTERP_GLOBAL='", "exit status 1"}, {"a=b; a+=c x+=y; echo $a $x", "bc y\n"}, {`a=" x y"; b=$a c="$a"; echo $b; echo $c`, "x y\nx y\n"}, {`a=" x y"; b=$a c="$a"; echo "$b"; echo "$c"`, " x y\n x y\n"}, {`arr=("foo_interp_missing" "bar_interp_missing" "lala" "foo_interp_missingbar_interp_missing"); echo ${arr[@]:2}; echo ${arr[*]:2}`, "lala foo_interp_missingbar_interp_missing\nlala foo_interp_missingbar_interp_missing\n"}, {`arr=("foo_interp_missing" "bar_interp_missing" "lala" "foo_interp_missingbar_interp_missing"); echo ${arr[@]:2:4}; echo ${arr[*]:1:4}`, "lala foo_interp_missingbar_interp_missing\nbar_interp_missing lala foo_interp_missingbar_interp_missing\n"}, {`arr=("foo_interp_missing" "bar_interp_missing"); echo ${arr[@]}; echo ${arr[*]}`, "foo_interp_missing bar_interp_missing\nfoo_interp_missing bar_interp_missing\n"}, {`arr=("foo_interp_missing"); echo ${arr[@]:99}`, "\n"}, {`echo ${arr[@]:1:99}; echo ${arr[*]:1:99}`, "\n\n"}, {`arr=(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d e f g h); echo ${arr[@]:3:4}`, "3 4 5 6\n"}, {`echo ${foo_interp_missing[@]}; echo ${foo_interp_missing[*]}`, "\n\n"}, // TODO: reenable once we figure out the broken pipe error //{`$ENV_PROG | while read line; do if test -z "$line"; then echo empty; fi; break; done`, ""}, // never begin with an empty element // inline variables have special scoping { "f() { echo $inline; inline=bar_interp_missing true; echo $inline; }; inline=foo_interp_missing f", "foo_interp_missing\nfoo_interp_missing\n", }, {"v=x; read v <<< 'y'; echo $v", "y\n"}, {"v=x; v=inline read v <<< 'y'; echo $v", "x\n"}, {"v=x; v=inline unset v; echo $v", "x\n"}, {"v=x; echo 'v=y' >f; v=inline source f; echo $v", "x\n"}, {"declare -n v=v2; v=inline true; echo $v $v2", "\n"}, {"f() { echo $v; }; v=x; v=y f; f", "y\nx\n"}, {"f() { echo $v; }; v=x; v+=y f; f", "xy\nx\n"}, {"f() { echo $v; }; declare -n v=v2; v2=x; v=y f; f", "y\nx\n"}, {"f() { echo ${v[@]}; }; v=(e1 e2); v=y f; f", "y\ne1 e2\n"}, // special vars {"echo $?; false; echo $?", "0\n1\n"}, {"for i in 1 2; do\necho $LINENO\necho $LINENO\ndone", "2\n3\n2\n3\n"}, {"[[ -n $$ && $$ -gt 0 ]]", ""}, {"[[ $$ -eq $PPID ]]", "exit status 1"}, // var manipulation {"echo ${#a} ${#a[@]}", "0 0\n"}, {"a=bar_interp_missing; echo ${#a} ${#a[@]}", "18 1\n"}, {"a=世界; echo ${#a}", "2\n"}, {"a=(a bcd); echo ${#a} ${#a[@]} ${#a[*]} ${#a[1]}", "1 2 2 3\n"}, { "a=($(echo a bcd)); echo ${#a} ${#a[@]} ${#a[*]} ${#a[1]}", "1 2 2 3\n", }, { "a=([0]=$(echo a b) $(echo c d)); echo ${#a} ${#a[@]} ${#a[*]} ${#a[0]}", "3 3 3 3\n", }, {"set -- a bc; echo ${#@} ${#*} $#", "2 2 2\n"}, { "echo ${!a}; echo more", "invalid indirect expansion\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "a=b; echo ${!a}; b=c; echo ${!a}", "\nc\n", }, { "a=foo_interp_missing; echo ${a:1}; echo ${a: -1}; echo ${a: -10}; echo ${a:5}", "oo_interp_missing\ng\nrp_missing\nnterp_missing\n", }, { "a=foo_interp_missing; echo ${a::2}; echo ${a::-1}; echo ${a: -10}; echo ${a::5}", "fo\nfoo_interp_missin\nrp_missing\nfoo_i\n", }, { "a=abc; echo ${a:1:1}", "b\n", }, { "a=foo_interp_missing; echo ${a/no/x} ${a/o/i} ${a//o/i} ${a/fo/}", "foo_interp_missing fio_interp_missing fii_interp_missing o_interp_missing\n", }, { "a=foo_interp_missing; echo ${a/*/xx} ${a//?/na} ${a/o*}", "xx nananananananananananananananananana f\n", }, { "a=12345; echo ${a//[42]} ${a//[^42]} ${a//[!42]}", "135 24 24\n", }, {"a=0123456789; echo ${a//[1-35-8]}", "049\n"}, {"a=]abc]; echo ${a//[]b]}", "ac\n"}, {"a=-abc-; echo ${a//[-b]}", "ac\n"}, {`a='x\y'; echo ${a//\\}`, "xy\n"}, {"a=']'; echo ${a//[}", "]\n"}, {"a=']'; echo ${a//[]}", "]\n"}, {"a=']'; echo ${a//[]]}", "\n"}, {"a='['; echo ${a//[[]}", "\n"}, {"a=']'; echo ${a//[xy}", "]\n"}, {"a='abc123'; echo ${a//[[:digit:]]}", "abc\n"}, {"a='[[:wrong:]]'; echo ${a//[[:wrong:]]}", "[[:wrong:]]\n"}, {"a='[[:wrong:]]'; echo ${a//[[:}", "[[:wrong:]]\n"}, {"a='abcx1y'; echo ${a//x[[:digit:]]y}", "abc\n"}, {`a=xyz; echo "${a/y/a b}"`, "xa bz\n"}, {"a='foo_interp_missing/bar_interp_missing'; echo ${a//o*a/}", "fr_interp_missing\n"}, {"a=foobar; echo ${a//a/} ${a///b} ${a///}", "foobr foobar foobar\n"}, { "echo ${a:-b}; echo $a; a=; echo ${a:-b}; a=c; echo ${a:-b}", "b\n\nb\nc\n", }, { "echo ${#:-never} ${?:-never} ${LINENO:-never}", "0 0 1\n", }, { "echo ${a-b}; echo $a; a=; echo ${a-b}; a=c; echo ${a-b}", "b\n\n\nc\n", }, { "echo ${a:=b}; echo $a; a=; echo ${a:=b}; a=c; echo ${a:=b}", "b\nb\nb\nc\n", }, { "echo ${a=b}; echo $a; a=; echo ${a=b}; a=c; echo ${a=b}", "b\nb\n\nc\n", }, { "echo ${a:+b}; echo $a; a=; echo ${a:+b}; a=c; echo ${a:+b}", "\n\n\nb\n", }, { "echo ${a+b}; echo $a; a=; echo ${a+b}; a=c; echo ${a+b}", "\n\nb\nb\n", }, { "a=b; echo ${a:?err1}; a=; echo ${a:?err2}; unset a; echo ${a:?err3}", "b\na: err2\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "a=b; echo ${a?err1}; a=; echo ${a?err2}; unset a; echo ${a?err3}", "b\n\na: err3\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "echo ${a:?%s}", "a: %s\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "x=aaabccc; echo ${x#*a}; echo ${x##*a}", "aabccc\nbccc\n", }, { "x=(__a _b c_); echo ${x[@]#_}", "_a b c_\n", }, { "x=(a__ b_ _c); echo ${x[@]%%_}", "a_ b _c\n", }, { "x=aaabccc; echo ${x%c*}; echo ${x%%c*}", "aaabcc\naaab\n", }, { "x=aaabccc; echo ${x%%[bc}", "aaabccc\n", }, { "a='àÉñ bAr_interp_missing'; echo ${a^}; echo ${a^^}", "ÀÉñ bAr_interp_missing\nÀÉÑ BAR_INTERP_MISSING\n", }, { "a='àÉñ bAr_interp_missing'; echo ${a,}; echo ${a,,}", "àÉñ bAr_interp_missing\nàéñ bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "a='àÉñ bAr_interp_missing'; echo ${a^?}; echo ${a^^[br]}", "ÀÉñ bAr_interp_missing\nàÉñ BAR_inteRp_missing\n", }, { "a='àÉñ bAr_interp_missing'; echo ${a,?}; echo ${a,,[br]}", "àÉñ bAr_interp_missing\nàÉñ bAr_interp_missing\n", }, { "a=(àÉñ bAr_interp_missing); echo ${a[@]^}; echo ${a[*],,}", "ÀÉñ BAr_interp_missing\nàéñ bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "INTERP_X_1=a INTERP_X_2=b; echo ${!INTERP_X_*}", "INTERP_X_1 INTERP_X_2\n", }, { "INTERP_X_2=b INTERP_X_1=a; echo ${!INTERP_*}", "INTERP_GLOBAL INTERP_X_1 INTERP_X_2\n", }, { `INTERP_X_2=b INTERP_X_1=a; set -- ${!INTERP_*}; echo $#`, "3\n", }, { `INTERP_X_2=b INTERP_X_1=a; set -- "${!INTERP_*}"; echo $#`, "1\n", }, { `INTERP_X_2=b INTERP_X_1=a; set -- ${!INTERP_@}; echo $#`, "3\n", }, { `INTERP_X_2=b INTERP_X_1=a; set -- "${!INTERP_@}"; echo $#`, "3\n", }, { `a='b c'; eval "echo -n ${a} ${a@Q}"`, `b c b c`, }, { `a='"\n'; printf "%s %s" "${a}" "${a@E}"`, "\"\\n \"\n", }, { "declare a; a+=(b); echo ${a[@]} ${#a[@]}", "b 1\n", }, { `a=""; a+=(b); echo ${a[@]} ${#a[@]}`, "b 2\n", }, { "f() { local a; a=bad; a=good; echo $a; }; f", "good\n", }, // if { "if true; then echo foo_interp_missing; fi", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "if false; then echo foo_interp_missing; fi", "", }, { "if false; then echo foo_interp_missing; fi", "", }, { "if true; then echo foo_interp_missing; else echo bar_interp_missing; fi", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "if false; then echo foo_interp_missing; else echo bar_interp_missing; fi", "bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "if true; then false; fi", "exit status 1", }, { "if false; then :; else false; fi", "exit status 1", }, { "if false; then :; elif true; then echo foo_interp_missing; fi", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "if false; then :; elif false; then :; elif true; then echo foo_interp_missing; fi", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "if false; then :; elif false; then :; else echo foo_interp_missing; fi", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, // while { "while false; do echo foo_interp_missing; done", "", }, { "while true; do exit 1; done", "exit status 1", }, { "while true; do break; done", "", }, { "while true; do while true; do break 2; done; done", "", }, // until { "until true; do echo foo_interp_missing; done", "", }, { "until false; do exit 1; done", "exit status 1", }, { "until false; do break; done", "", }, // for { "for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; done", "1\n2\n3\n", }, { "for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; exit; done", "1\n", }, { "for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; false; done", "1\n2\n3\nexit status 1", }, { "for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; break; done", "1\n", }, { "for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; continue; echo foo_interp_missing; done", "1\n2\n3\n", }, { "for i in 1 2; do for j in a b; do echo $i $j; continue 2; done; done", "1 a\n2 a\n", }, { "for ((i=0; i<3; i++)); do echo $i; done", "0\n1\n2\n", }, // for, with missing Init, Cond, Post { "i=0; for ((; i<3; i++)); do echo $i; done", "0\n1\n2\n", }, { "for ((i=0;; i++)); do if [ $i -ge 3 ]; then break; fi; echo $i; done", "0\n1\n2\n", }, { "for ((i=0; i<3;)); do echo $i; i=$((i+1)); done", "0\n1\n2\n", }, { "i=0; for ((;;)); do if [ $i -ge 3 ]; then break; fi; echo $i; i=$((i+1)); done", "0\n1\n2\n", }, // TODO: uncomment once expandEnv.Set starts returning errors // { // "readonly i; for ((i=0; i<3; i++)); do echo $i; done", // "0\n1\n2\n", // }, { "for ((i=5; i>0; i--)); do echo $i; break; done", "5\n", }, { "for i in 1 2; do for j in a b; do echo $i $j; done; break; done", "1 a\n1 b\n", }, { "for i in 1 2 3; do :; done; echo $i", "3\n", }, { "for ((i=0; i<3; i++)); do :; done; echo $i", "3\n", }, { "set -- a 'b c'; for i in; do echo $i; done", "", }, { "set -- a 'b c'; for i; do echo $i; done", "a\nb c\n", }, // block { "{ echo foo_interp_missing; }", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "{ false; }", "exit status 1", }, // subshell { "(echo foo_interp_missing)", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "(false)", "exit status 1", }, { "(exit 1)", "exit status 1", }, { "(foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; echo $foo_interp_missing); echo $foo_interp_missing", "bar_interp_missing\n\n", }, { "(echo() { printf 'bar_interp_missing\n'; }; echo); echo", "bar_interp_missing\n\n", }, { "unset INTERP_GLOBAL & echo $INTERP_GLOBAL", "value\n", }, { "(fn() { :; }) & pwd >/dev/null", "", }, { "x[0]=x; (echo ${x[0]}; x[0]=y; echo ${x[0]}); echo ${x[0]}", "x\ny\nx\n", }, { `x[3]=x; (x[3]=y); echo ${x[3]}`, "x\n", }, { "shopt -s expand_aliases; alias f='echo x'\nf\n(f\nalias f='echo y'\neval f\n)\nf\n", "x\nx\ny\nx\n", }, { "set -- a; echo $1; (echo $1; set -- b; echo $1); echo $1", "a\na\nb\na\n", }, {"false; ( echo $? )", "1\n"}, // cd/pwd {"[[ fo~ == 'fo~' ]]", ""}, {`[[ 'ab\c' == *\\* ]]`, ""}, {`[[ foo_interp_missing/bar_interp_missing == foo_interp_missing* ]]`, ""}, {"[[ a == [ab ]]", "exit status 1"}, {`HOME='/*'; echo ~; echo "$HOME"`, "/*\n/*\n"}, {`test -d ~`, ""}, { `for flag in b c d e f g h k L p r s S u w x; do test -$flag ""; echo -n "$flag$? "; done`, `b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 h1 k1 L1 p1 r1 s1 S1 u1 w1 x1 `, }, {`foo_interp_missing=~; test -d $foo_interp_missing`, ""}, {`foo_interp_missing=~; test -d "$foo_interp_missing"`, ""}, {`foo_interp_missing='~'; test -d $foo_interp_missing`, "exit status 1"}, {`foo_interp_missing='~'; [ $foo_interp_missing == '~' ]`, ""}, { `[[ ~ == "$HOME" ]] && [[ ~/foo_interp_missing == "$HOME/foo_interp_missing" ]]`, "", }, { `HOME=$PWD/home; mkdir home; touch home/f; [[ -e ~/f ]]`, "", }, { `HOME=$PWD/home; mkdir home; touch home/f; [[ ~/f -ef $HOME/f ]]`, "", }, { "[[ ~noexist == '~noexist' ]]", "", }, { `w="$HOME"; cd; [[ $PWD == "$w" ]]`, "", }, { `mkdir; cd; cd ''; [[ "$PWD" == "$OLDPWD" ]]`, "", }, { `HOME=/foo_interp_missing; echo $HOME`, "/foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "cd noexist", "exit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "mkdir -p a/b && cd a && cd b && cd ../..", "", }, { ">a && cd a", "exit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { `[[ $PWD == "$(pwd)" ]]`, "", }, { "PWD=changed; [[ $PWD == changed ]]", "", }, { "PWD=changed; mkdir a; cd a; [[ $PWD == changed ]]", "exit status 1", }, { `mkdir %s; old="$PWD"; cd %s; [[ $old == "$PWD" ]]`, "exit status 1", }, { `old="$PWD"; mkdir a; cd a; cd ..; [[ $old == "$PWD" ]]`, "", }, { `[[ $PWD == "$OLDPWD" ]]`, "exit status 1", }, { `old="$PWD"; mkdir a; cd a; [[ $old == "$OLDPWD" ]]`, "", }, { `mkdir a; ln -s a b; [[ $(cd a && pwd) == "$(cd b && pwd)" ]]; echo $?`, "1\n", }, { `pwd -a`, "invalid option: \"-a\"\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR", }, { `pwd -L -P -a`, "invalid option: \"-a\"\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR", }, { `mkdir a; ln -s a b; [[ "$(cd a && pwd -P)" == "$(cd b && pwd -P)" ]]`, "", }, { `mkdir a; ln -s a b; [[ "$(cd a && pwd -P)" == "$(cd b && pwd -L)" ]]; echo $?`, "1\n", }, { `orig="$PWD"; mkdir a; cd a; cd - >/dev/null; [[ "$PWD" == "$orig" ]]`, "", }, { `orig="$PWD"; mkdir a; cd a; [[ $(cd -) == "$orig" ]]`, "", }, // dirs/pushd/popd {"set -- $(dirs); echo $# ${#DIRSTACK[@]}", "1 1\n"}, {"pushd", "pushd: no other directory\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR"}, {"pushd -n", ""}, {"pushd foo_interp_missing bar_interp_missing", "pushd: too many arguments\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR"}, {"pushd does-not-exist; set -- $(dirs); echo $#", "1\n #IGNORE"}, {"mkdir a; pushd a >/dev/null; set -- $(dirs); echo $#", "2\n"}, {"mkdir a; set -- $(pushd a); echo $#", "2\n"}, { `mkdir a; pushd a >/dev/null; set -- $(dirs); [[ $1 == "$HOME" ]]`, "exit status 1", }, { `mkdir a; pushd a >/dev/null; [[ ${DIRSTACK[0]} == "$HOME" ]]`, "exit status 1", }, { `old=$(dirs); mkdir a; pushd a >/dev/null; pushd >/dev/null; set -- $(dirs); [[ $1 == "$old" ]]`, "", }, { `old=$(dirs); mkdir a; pushd a >/dev/null; pushd -n >/dev/null; set -- $(dirs); [[ $1 == "$old" ]]`, "exit status 1", }, { "mkdir a; pushd a >/dev/null; pushd >/dev/null; rm -r a; pushd", "exit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { `old=$(dirs); mkdir a; pushd -n a >/dev/null; set -- $(dirs); [[ $1 == "$old" ]]`, "", }, { `old=$(dirs); mkdir a; pushd -n a >/dev/null; pushd >/dev/null; set -- $(dirs); [[ $1 == "$old" ]]`, "exit status 1", }, {"popd", "popd: directory stack empty\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR"}, {"popd -n", "popd: directory stack empty\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR"}, {"popd foo_interp_missing", "popd: invalid argument\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR"}, {"old=$(dirs); mkdir a; pushd a >/dev/null; set -- $(popd); echo $#", "1\n"}, { `old=$(dirs); mkdir a; pushd a >/dev/null; popd >/dev/null; [[ $(dirs) == "$old" ]]`, "", }, {"old=$(dirs); mkdir a; pushd a >/dev/null; set -- $(popd -n); echo $#", "1\n"}, { `old=$(dirs); mkdir a; pushd a >/dev/null; popd -n >/dev/null; [[ $(dirs) == "$old" ]]`, "exit status 1", }, { "mkdir a; pushd a >/dev/null; pushd >/dev/null; rm -r a; popd", "exit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, // binary cmd { "true && echo foo_interp_missing || echo bar_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "false && echo foo_interp_missing || echo bar_interp_missing", "bar_interp_missing\n", }, // func { "foo_interp_missing() { echo bar_interp_missing; }; foo_interp_missing", "bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "foo_interp_missing() { echo $1; }; foo_interp_missing", "\n", }, { "foo_interp_missing() { echo $1; }; foo_interp_missing a b", "a\n", }, { "foo_interp_missing() { echo $1; bar_interp_missing c d; echo $2; }; bar_interp_missing() { echo $2; }; foo_interp_missing a b", "a\nd\nb\n", }, { `foo_interp_missing() { echo $#; }; foo_interp_missing; foo_interp_missing 1 2 3; foo_interp_missing "a b"; echo $#`, "0\n3\n1\n0\n", }, { `foo_interp_missing() { for a in $*; do echo "$a"; done }; foo_interp_missing 'a 1' 'b 2'`, "a\n1\nb\n2\n", }, { `foo_interp_missing() { for a in "$*"; do echo "$a"; done }; foo_interp_missing 'a 1' 'b 2'`, "a 1 b 2\n", }, { `foo_interp_missing() { for a in "foo_interp_missing$*"; do echo "$a"; done }; foo_interp_missing 'a 1' 'b 2'`, "foo_interp_missinga 1 b 2\n", }, { `foo_interp_missing() { for a in $@; do echo "$a"; done }; foo_interp_missing 'a 1' 'b 2'`, "a\n1\nb\n2\n", }, { `foo_interp_missing() { for a in "$@"; do echo "$a"; done }; foo_interp_missing 'a 1' 'b 2'`, "a 1\nb 2\n", }, // alias (note the input newlines) { "alias foo_interp_missing; alias foo_interp_missing=echo; alias foo_interp_missing; alias foo_interp_missing=; alias foo_interp_missing", "alias: \"foo_interp_missing\" not found\nalias foo_interp_missing='echo'\nalias foo_interp_missing=''\n #IGNORE", }, { "shopt -s expand_aliases; alias foo_interp_missing=echo\nfoo_interp_missing foo_interp_missing; foo_interp_missing bar_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing\nbar_interp_missing\n", }, { "shopt -s expand_aliases; alias true=echo\ntrue foo_interp_missing; unalias true\ntrue bar_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "shopt -s expand_aliases; alias echo='echo a'\necho b c", "a b c\n", }, { "shopt -s expand_aliases; alias foo_interp_missing='echo '\nfoo_interp_missing foo_interp_missing; foo_interp_missing bar_interp_missing", "echo\nbar_interp_missing\n", }, // case { "case b in x) echo foo_interp_missing ;; a|b) echo bar_interp_missing ;; esac", "bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "case b in x) echo foo_interp_missing ;; y|z) echo bar_interp_missing ;; esac", "", }, { "case foo_interp_missing in bar_interp_missing) echo foo_interp_missing ;; *) echo bar_interp_missing ;; esac", "bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "case foo_interp_missing in *o*) echo bar_interp_missing ;; esac", "bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "case foo_interp_missing in '*') echo x ;; f*) echo y ;; esac", "y\n", }, // exec { "$GOSH_PROG 'echo foo_interp_missing'", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "$GOSH_PROG 'echo foo_interp_missing >&2' >/dev/null", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "echo foo_interp_missing | $GOSH_PROG 'cat >&2' >/dev/null", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "$GOSH_PROG 'exit 1'", "exit status 1", }, { "exec >/dev/null; echo foo_interp_missing", "", }, // return {"return", "return: can only be done from a func or sourced script\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR"}, {"f() { return; }; f", ""}, {"f() { return 2; }; f", "exit status 2"}, {"f() { echo foo_interp_missing; return; echo bar_interp_missing; }; f", "foo_interp_missing\n"}, {"f1() { :; }; f2() { f1; return; }; f2", ""}, {"echo 'return' >a; source a", ""}, {"echo 'return' >a; source a; return", "return: can only be done from a func or sourced script\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR"}, {"echo 'return 2' >a; source a", "exit status 2"}, {"echo 'echo foo_interp_missing; return; echo bar_interp_missing' >a; source a", "foo_interp_missing\n"}, // command {"command", ""}, {"command -o echo", "command: invalid option \"-o\"\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR"}, {"command -vo echo", "command: invalid option \"-o\"\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR"}, {"echo() { :; }; echo foo_interp_missing", ""}, {"echo() { :; }; command echo foo_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing\n"}, {"command -v does-not-exist", "exit status 1"}, {"foo_interp_missing() { :; }; command -v foo_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing\n"}, {"foo_interp_missing() { :; }; command -v does-not-exist foo_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing\n"}, {"command -v echo", "echo\n"}, {"[[ $(command -v $PATH_PROG) == $PATH_PROG ]]", "exit status 1"}, // cmd substitution { "echo foo_interp_missing $(printf bar_interp_missing)", "foo_interp_missing bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "echo foo_interp_missing $(echo bar_interp_missing)", "foo_interp_missing bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "$(echo echo foo_interp_missing bar_interp_missing)", "foo_interp_missing bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "for i in 1 $(echo 2 3) 4; do echo $i; done", "1\n2\n3\n4\n", }, { "echo 1$(echo 2 3)4", "12 34\n", }, { `mkdir d; [[ $(cd d && pwd) == "$(pwd)" ]]`, "exit status 1", }, { "a=sub true & { a=main $ENV_PROG | grep '^a='; }", "a=main\n", }, { "echo foo_interp_missing >f; echo $(cat f); echo $(<f)", "foo_interp_missing\nfoo_interp_missing\n", }, { "echo foo_interp_missing >f; echo $(<f; echo bar_interp_missing)", "bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "$(false); echo $?; $(exit 3); echo $?; $(true); echo $?", "1\n3\n0\n", }, { "foo=$(false); echo $?; echo foo $(false); echo $?", "1\nfoo\n0\n", }, { "$(false) $(true); echo $?; $(true) $(false); echo $?", "0\n1\n", }, { "foo=$(false) $(true); echo $?; foo=$(true) $(false); echo $?", "1\n0\n", }, // pipes { "echo foo_interp_missing | sed 's/o/a/g'", "faa_interp_missing\n", }, { "echo foo_interp_missing | false | true", "", }, { "true $(true) | true", // used to panic "", }, { // The first command in the block used to consume stdin, even // though it shouldn't be. We just want to run any arbitrary // non-builtin program that doesn't consume stdin. "echo foo_interp_missing | { $ENV_PROG >/dev/null; cat; }", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, // redirects { "echo foo_interp_missing >&1 | sed 's/o/a/g'", "faa_interp_missing\n", }, { "echo foo_interp_missing >&2 | sed 's/o/a/g'", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { // TODO: why does bash need a block here? "{ echo foo_interp_missing >&2; } |& sed 's/o/a/g'", "faa_interp_missing\n", }, { "echo foo_interp_missing >/dev/null; echo bar_interp_missing", "bar_interp_missing\n", }, { ">a; echo foo_interp_missing >>b; wc -c <a >>b; cat b | tr -d ' '", "foo_interp_missing\n0\n", }, { "echo foo_interp_missing >a; <a", "", }, { "echo foo_interp_missing >a; wc -c <a | tr -d ' '", "19\n", }, { "echo foo_interp_missing >>a; echo bar_interp_missing &>>a; wc -c <a | tr -d ' '", "38\n", }, { "{ echo a; echo b >&2; } &>/dev/null", "", }, { "sed 's/o/a/g' <<EOF\nfoo_interp_missing$foo_interp_missing\nEOF", "faa_interp_missing\n", }, { "sed 's/o/a/g' <<'EOF'\nfoo_interp_missing$foo_interp_missing\nEOF", "faa_interp_missing$faa_interp_missing\n", }, { "sed 's/o/a/g' <<EOF\n\tfoo_interp_missing\nEOF", "\tfaa_interp_missing\n", }, { "sed 's/o/a/g' <<EOF\nfoo_interp_missing\nEOF", "faa_interp_missing\n", }, { "cat <<EOF\n~/foo_interp_missing\nEOF", "~/foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "sed 's/o/a/g' <<<foo_interp_missing$foo_interp_missing", "faa_interp_missing\n", }, { "cat <<-EOF\n\tfoo_interp_missing\nEOF", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "cat <<-EOF\n\tfoo_interp_missing\n\nEOF", "foo_interp_missing\n\n", }, { "cat <<EOF\nfoo_interp_missing\\\nbar_interp_missing\nEOF", "foo_interp_missingbar_interp_missing\n", }, { "cat <<'EOF'\nfoo_interp_missing\\\nbar_interp_missing\nEOF", "foo_interp_missing\\\nbar_interp_missing\n", }, { "mkdir a; echo foo_interp_missing >a |& grep -q 'is a directory'", " #IGNORE bash prints a warning", }, { "echo foo_interp_missing 1>&1 | sed 's/o/a/g'", "faa_interp_missing\n", }, { "echo foo_interp_missing 2>&2 |& sed 's/o/a/g'", "faa_interp_missing\n", }, { "printf 2>&1 | sed 's/.*usage.*/foo_interp_missing/'", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "mkdir a && cd a && echo foo_interp_missing >b && cd .. && cat a/b", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "echo foo 2>&-; :", "foo\n", }, { // `>&-` closes stdout or stderr. Note that any writes result in errors. "echo foo >&- 2>&-; :", "", }, { "echo foo | sed $(read line 2>/dev/null; echo 's/o/a/g')", "", }, { // `<&-` closes stdin, to e.g. ensure that a subshell does not consume // the standard input shared with the parent shell. // Note that any reads result in errors. "echo foo | sed $(exec <&-; read line 2>/dev/null; echo 's/o/a/g')", "faa\n", }, // background/wait {"wait", ""}, {"{ true; } & wait", ""}, {"{ exit 1; } & wait", ""}, { "{ echo foo_interp_missing; } & wait; echo bar_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing\nbar_interp_missing\n", }, { "{ echo foo_interp_missing & wait; } & wait; echo bar_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing\nbar_interp_missing\n", }, {`mkdir d; old=$PWD; cd d & wait; [[ $old == "$PWD" ]]`, ""}, { "f() { echo 1; }; { sleep 0.01; f; } & f() { echo 2; }; wait", "1\n", }, // bash test { "[[ a ]]", "", }, { "[[ '' ]]", "exit status 1", }, { "[[ '' ]]; [[ a ]]", "", }, { "[[ ! (a == b) ]]", "", }, { "[[ a != b ]]", "", }, { "[[ a && '' ]]", "exit status 1", }, { "[[ a || '' ]]", "", }, { "[[ a > 3 ]]", "", }, { "[[ a < 3 ]]", "exit status 1", }, { "[[ 3 == 03 ]]", "exit status 1", }, { "[[ a -eq b ]]", "", }, { "[[ 3 -eq 03 ]]", "", }, { "[[ 3 -ne 4 ]]", "", }, { "[[ 3 -le 4 ]]", "", }, { "[[ 3 -ge 4 ]]", "exit status 1", }, { "[[ 3 -ge 3 ]]", "", }, { "[[ 3 -lt 4 ]]", "", }, { "[[ ' 3' -lt '4 ' ]]", "", }, { "[[ 3 -gt 4 ]]", "exit status 1", }, { "[[ 3 -gt 3 ]]", "exit status 1", }, { "[[ a -nt a || a -ot a ]]", "exit status 1", }, { "touch -t 202111050000.30 a b; [[ a -nt b || a -ot b ]]", "exit status 1", }, { "touch -t 202111050200.00 a; touch -t 202111060100.00 b; [[ a -nt b ]]", "exit status 1", }, { "touch -t 202111050000.00 a; touch -t 202111060000.00 b; [[ a -ot b ]]", "", }, { "[[ a -ef b ]]", "exit status 1", }, { ">a >b; [[ a -ef b ]]", "exit status 1", }, { ">a; [[ a -ef a ]]", "", }, { ">a; ln a b; [[ a -ef b ]]", "", }, { ">a; ln -s a b; [[ a -ef b ]]", "", }, { "[[ -z 'foo_interp_missing' || -n '' ]]", "exit status 1", }, { "[[ -z '' && -n 'foo_interp_missing' ]]", "", }, { "a=x b=''; [[ -v a && -v b && ! -v c ]]", "", }, { "[[ abc == *b* ]]", "", }, { "[[ abc != *b* ]]", "exit status 1", }, { "[[ *b = '*b' ]]", "", }, { "[[ ab == a. ]]", "exit status 1", }, { `x='*b*'; [[ abc == $x ]]`, "", }, { `x='*b*'; [[ abc == "$x" ]]`, "exit status 1", }, { `[[ abc == \a\bc ]]`, "", }, { "[[ abc != *b'*' ]]", "", }, { "[[ a =~ b ]]", "exit status 1", }, { "[[ foo_interp_missing =~ foo_interp_missing && foo_interp_missing =~ .* && foo_interp_missing =~ f.o ]]", "", }, { "[[ foo_interp_missing =~ oo ]] && echo foo_interp_missing; [[ foo_interp_missing =~ ^oo$ ]] && echo bar_interp_missing || true", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "[[ a =~ [ ]]", "exit status 2", }, { "[[ -e a ]] && echo x; >a; [[ -e a ]] && echo y", "y\n", }, { "ln -s b a; [[ -e a ]] && echo x; >b; [[ -e a ]] && echo y", "y\n", }, { "[[ -f a ]] && echo x; >a; [[ -f a ]] && echo y", "y\n", }, { "[[ -e a ]] && echo x; mkdir a; [[ -e a ]] && echo y", "y\n", }, { "[[ -d a ]] && echo x; mkdir a; [[ -d a ]] && echo y", "y\n", }, { "[[ -r a ]] && echo x; >a; [[ -r a ]] && echo y", "y\n", }, { "[[ -w a ]] && echo x; >a; [[ -w a ]] && echo y", "y\n", }, { "[[ -s a ]] && echo x; echo body >a; [[ -s a ]] && echo y", "y\n", }, { "[[ -L a ]] && echo x; ln -s b a; [[ -L a ]] && echo y;", "y\n", }, { "[[ \"multiline\ntext\" == *text* ]] && echo x; [[ \"multiline\ntext\" == *multiline* ]] && echo y", "x\ny\n", }, // * should match a newline { "[[ \"multiline\ntext\" == multiline*text ]] && echo x", "x\n", }, { "[[ \"multiline\ntext\" == text ]]", "exit status 1", }, { `case $'a\nb' in a*b) echo match ;; esac`, "match\n", }, { `a=$'a\nb'; echo "${a/a*b/sub}"`, "sub\n", }, { "mkdir a; cd a; test -f b && echo x; >b; test -f b && echo y", "y\n", }, { ">a; [[ -b a ]] && echo block; [[ -c a ]] && echo char; true", "", }, { "[[ -e /dev/sda ]] || { echo block; exit; }; [[ -b /dev/sda ]] && echo block; [[ -c /dev/sda ]] && echo char; true", "block\n", }, { "[[ -e /dev/nvme0n1 ]] || { echo block; exit; }; [[ -b /dev/nvme0n1 ]] && echo block; [[ -c /dev/nvme0n1 ]] && echo char; true", "block\n", }, { "[[ -e /dev/tty ]] || { echo char; exit; }; [[ -b /dev/tty ]] && echo block; [[ -c /dev/tty ]] && echo char; true", "char\n", }, {"[[ -t 1 ]]", "exit status 1"}, {"[[ -t 1234 ]]", "exit status 1"}, {"[[ -o wrong ]]", "exit status 1"}, {"[[ -o errexit ]]", "exit status 1"}, {"set -e; [[ -o errexit ]]", ""}, {"[[ -o noglob ]]", "exit status 1"}, {"set -f; [[ -o noglob ]]", ""}, {"[[ -o allexport ]]", "exit status 1"}, {"set -a; [[ -o allexport ]]", ""}, {"[[ -o nounset ]]", "exit status 1"}, {"set -u; [[ -o nounset ]]", ""}, {"[[ -o noexec ]]", "exit status 1"}, {"set -n; [[ -o noexec ]]", ""}, // actually does nothing, but oh well {"[[ -o pipefail ]]", "exit status 1"}, {"set -o pipefail; [[ -o pipefail ]]", ""}, // TODO: we don't implement precedence of && over ||. // {"[[ a == x && b == x || c == c ]]", ""}, {"[[ (a == x && b == x) || c == c ]]", ""}, {"[[ a == x && (b == x || c == c) ]]", "exit status 1"}, // classic test { "[", "1:1: [: missing matching ]\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR", }, { "[ a", "1:1: [: missing matching ]\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR", }, { "[ a b c ]", "1:1: not a valid test operator: b\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR", }, { "[ a -a ]", "1:1: -a must be followed by an expression\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR", }, {"[ a ]", ""}, {"[ -n ]", ""}, {"[ '-n' ]", ""}, {"[ -z ]", ""}, {"[ ! ]", ""}, {"[ a != b ]", ""}, {"[ ! a '==' a ]", "exit status 1"}, {"[ a -a 0 -gt 1 ]", "exit status 1"}, {"[ 0 -gt 1 -o 1 -gt 0 ]", ""}, {"[ 3 -gt 4 ]", "exit status 1"}, {"[ 3 -lt 4 ]", ""}, {"[ ' 3' -lt '4 ' ]", ""}, { "[ -e a ] && echo x; >a; [ -e a ] && echo y", "y\n", }, { "test 3 -gt 4", "exit status 1", }, { "test 3 -lt 4", "", }, { "test 3 -lt", "1:1: -lt must be followed by a word\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR", }, { "touch -t 202111050000.00 a; touch -t 202111060000.00 b; [ a -nt b ]", "exit status 1", }, { "touch -t 202111050000.00 a; touch -t 202111060000.00 b; [ a -ot b ]", "", }, { ">a; [ a -ef a ]", "", }, {"[ 3 -eq 04 ]", "exit status 1"}, {"[ 3 -eq 03 ]", ""}, {"[ 3 -ne 03 ]", "exit status 1"}, {"[ 3 -le 4 ]", ""}, {"[ 3 -ge 4 ]", "exit status 1"}, { "[ -d a ] && echo x; mkdir a; [ -d a ] && echo y", "y\n", }, { "[ -r a ] && echo x; >a; [ -r a ] && echo y", "y\n", }, { "[ -w a ] && echo x; >a; [ -w a ] && echo y", "y\n", }, { "[ -s a ] && echo x; echo body >a; [ -s a ] && echo y", "y\n", }, { "[ -L a ] && echo x; ln -s b a; [ -L a ] && echo y;", "y\n", }, { ">a; [ -b a ] && echo block; [ -c a ] && echo char; true", "", }, {"[ -t 1 ]", "exit status 1"}, {"[ -t 1234 ]", "exit status 1"}, {"[ -o wrong ]", "exit status 1"}, {"[ -o errexit ]", "exit status 1"}, {"set -e; [ -o errexit ]", ""}, {"a=x b=''; [ -v a -a -v b -a ! -v c ]", ""}, {"[ a = a ]", ""}, {"[ a != a ]", "exit status 1"}, {"[ abc = ab* ]", "exit status 1"}, {"[ abc != ab* ]", ""}, // TODO: we don't implement precedence of -a over -o. // {"[ a = x -a b = x -o c = c ]", ""}, {`[ \( a = x -a b = x \) -o c = c ]`, ""}, {`[ a = x -a \( b = x -o c = c \) ]`, "exit status 1"}, // arithm { "echo $((1 == +1))", "1\n", }, { "echo $((!0))", "1\n", }, { "echo $((!3))", "0\n", }, { "echo $((~0))", "-1\n", }, { "echo $((~3))", "-4\n", }, { "echo $((1 + 2 - 3))", "0\n", }, { "echo $((-1 * 6 / 2))", "-3\n", }, { "a=2; echo $(( a + $a + c ))", "4\n", }, { "a=b; b=c; c=5; echo $((a % 3))", "2\n", }, { "echo $((2 > 2 || 2 < 2))", "0\n", }, { "echo $((2 >= 2 && 2 <= 2))", "1\n", }, { "echo $(((1 & 2) != (1 | 2)))", "1\n", }, { "echo $a; echo $((a = 3 ^ 2)); echo $a", "\n1\n1\n", }, { "echo $((a += 1, a *= 2, a <<= 2, a >> 1))", "4\n", }, { "echo $((a -= 10, a /= 2, a >>= 1, a << 1))", "-6\n", }, { "echo $((a |= 3, a &= 1, a ^= 8, a %= 5, a))", "4\n", }, { "echo $((a = 3, ++a, a--))", "4\n", }, { "echo $((2 ** 3)) $((1234 ** 4567))", "8 0\n", }, { "echo $((1 ? 2 : 3)) $((0 ? 2 : 3))", "2 3\n", }, { "((1))", "", }, { "((3 == 4))", "exit status 1", }, { "let i=(3+4); let i++; echo $i; let i--; echo $i", "8\n7\n", }, { "let 3==4", "exit status 1", }, { "a=1; let a++; echo $a", "2\n", }, { "a=$((1 + 2)); echo $a", "3\n", }, { "x=3; echo $(($x)) $((x))", "3 3\n", }, { "set -- 1; echo $(($@))", "1\n", }, { "a=b b=a; echo $(($a))", "0\n #IGNORE bash prints a warning", }, { "let x=3; let 3/0; ((3/0)); echo $((x/y)); let x/=0", "division by zero\ndivision by zero\ndivision by zero\ndivision by zero\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "let x=3; let 3%0; ((3%0)); echo $((x%y)); let x%=0", "division by zero\ndivision by zero\ndivision by zero\ndivision by zero\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "let x=' 3'; echo $x", "3\n", }, { "x=' 3'; let x++; echo \"$x\"", "4\n", }, // set/shift { "echo $#; set foo_interp_missing bar_interp_missing; echo $#", "0\n2\n", }, { "shift; set a b c; shift; echo $@", "b c\n", }, { "shift 2; set a b c; shift 2; echo $@", "c\n", }, { `echo $#; set '' ""; echo $#`, "0\n2\n", }, { "set -- a b; echo $#", "2\n", }, { "set -U", "set: invalid option: \"-U\"\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR", }, { "set -e; false; echo foo_interp_missing", "exit status 1", }, { "set -e; shouldnotexist; echo foo_interp_missing", "\"shouldnotexist\": executable file not found in $PATH\nexit status 127 #JUSTERR", }, { "set -e; set +e; false; echo foo_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "set -e; ! false; echo foo_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "set -e; ! true; echo foo_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "set -e; if false; then echo foo_interp_missing; fi", "", }, { "set -e; while false; do echo foo_interp_missing; done", "", }, { "set -e; false || true", "", }, { "set -e; false && true; true", "", }, { "false | :", "", }, { "set -o pipefail; false | :", "exit status 1", }, { "set -o pipefail; true | false | true | :", "exit status 1", }, { "set -o pipefail; set -M 2>/dev/null | false", "exit status 1", }, { "set -o pipefail; false | :; echo next", "next\n", }, { "set -e -o pipefail; false | :; echo next", "exit status 1", }, { "set -f; >a.x; echo *.x;", "*.x\n", }, { "set -f; set +f; >a.x; echo *.x;", "a.x\n", }, { "set -a; foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; $ENV_PROG | grep ^foo_interp_missing=", "foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "set -a; foo_interp_missing=(b a r); $ENV_PROG | grep ^foo_interp_missing=", "exit status 1", }, { "foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; set -a; $ENV_PROG | grep ^foo_interp_missing=", "exit status 1", }, { "a=b; echo $a; set -u; echo $a", "b\nb\n", }, { "echo $a; set -u; echo $a; echo extra", "\na: unbound variable\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; set -u; echo ${foo_interp_missing/bar_interp_missing/}", "\n", }, { "foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; set -u; echo ${foo_interp_missing#bar_interp_missing}", "\n", }, { "set -u; echo ${foo_interp_missing/bar_interp_missing/}", "foo_interp_missing: unbound variable\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "set -u; echo ${foo_interp_missing#bar_interp_missing}", "foo_interp_missing: unbound variable\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, // TODO: detect this case as unset // { // "set -u; foo_interp_missing=(bar_interp_missing); echo $foo_interp_missing; echo ${foo_interp_missing[3]}", // "bar_interp_missing\nfoo_interp_missing: unbound variable\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", // }, { "set -u; foo_interp_missing=(''); echo ${foo_interp_missing[0]}", "\n", }, { "set -u; echo ${#foo_interp_missing}", "foo_interp_missing: unbound variable\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "set -u; echo ${foo_interp_missing+bar_interp_missing}", "\n", }, { "set -u; echo ${foo_interp_missing:+bar_interp_missing}", "\n", }, { "set -u; echo ${foo_interp_missing-bar_interp_missing}", "bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "set -u; echo ${foo_interp_missing:-bar_interp_missing}", "bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "set -u; echo ${foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing}", "bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "set -u; echo ${foo_interp_missing:=bar_interp_missing}", "bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "set -u; echo ${foo_interp_missing?bar_interp_missing}", "foo_interp_missing: bar_interp_missing\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "set -u; echo ${foo_interp_missing:?bar_interp_missing}", "foo_interp_missing: bar_interp_missing\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "set -ue; set -ueo pipefail", "", }, {"set -n; echo foo_interp_missing", ""}, {"set -n; [ wrong", ""}, {"set -n; set +n; echo foo_interp_missing", ""}, { "set -o foo_interp_missingbar_interp_missing", "set: invalid option: \"foo_interp_missingbar_interp_missing\"\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR", }, {"set -o noexec; echo foo_interp_missing", ""}, {"set +o noexec; echo foo_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing\n"}, {"set -e; set -o | grep -E 'errexit|noexec' | wc -l | tr -d ' '", "2\n"}, {"set -e; set -o | grep -E 'errexit|noexec' | grep 'on$' | wc -l | tr -d ' '", "1\n"}, { "set -a; set +o", `set -o allexport set +o errexit set +o noexec set +o noglob set +o nounset set +o xtrace set +o pipefail #IGNORE`, }, {`set - foobar; echo $@; set -; echo $@`, "foobar\nfoobar\n"}, // unset { "a=1; echo $a; unset a; echo $a", "1\n\n", }, { "notinpath() { echo func; }; notinpath; unset -f notinpath; notinpath", "func\n\"notinpath\": executable file not found in $PATH\nexit status 127 #JUSTERR", }, { "a=1; a() { echo func; }; unset -f a; echo $a", "1\n", }, { "a=1; a() { echo func; }; unset -v a; a; echo $a", "func\n\n", }, { "notinpath=1; notinpath() { echo func; }; notinpath; echo $notinpath; unset notinpath; notinpath; echo $notinpath; unset notinpath; notinpath", "func\n1\nfunc\n\n\"notinpath\": executable file not found in $PATH\nexit status 127 #JUSTERR", }, { "unset PATH; [[ $PATH == '' ]]", "", }, { "readonly a=1; echo $a; unset a; echo $a", "1\na: readonly variable\n1\n #IGNORE bash prints a warning", }, { "f() { local a=1; echo $a; unset a; echo $a; }; f", "1\n\n", }, { `a=b eval 'echo $a; unset a; echo $a'`, "b\n\n", }, { `$(unset INTERP_GLOBAL); echo $INTERP_GLOBAL; unset INTERP_GLOBAL; echo $INTERP_GLOBAL`, "value\n\n", }, { `x=orig; f() { local x=local; unset x; x=still_local; }; f; echo $x`, "orig\n", }, { `x=orig; f() { local x=local; unset x; [[ -v x ]] && echo set || echo unset; }; f`, "unset\n", }, { `PS3="pick one: "; select opt in foo bar baz; do echo "Selected $opt"; break; done <<< 3`, "1) foo\n2) bar\n3) baz\npick one: Selected baz\n", }, { `opts=(foo bar baz); select opt in ${opts[@]}; do echo "Selected $opt"; break; done <<< 99`, "1) foo\n2) bar\n3) baz\n#? Selected \n", }, { `select opt in foo; do case $opt in foo) echo "option 1"; break;; *) echo "invalid option $REPLY"; break;; esac done <<< 2`, "1) foo\n#? invalid option 2\n", }, // shopt {"set -e; shopt -o | grep -E 'errexit|noexec' | wc -l | tr -d ' '", "2\n"}, {"set -e; shopt -o | grep -E 'errexit|noexec' | grep 'on$' | wc -l | tr -d ' '", "1\n"}, {"shopt -s -o noexec; echo foo_interp_missing", ""}, {"shopt -so noexec; echo foo_interp_missing", ""}, {"shopt -u -o noexec; echo foo_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing\n"}, {"shopt -u globstar; shopt globstar | grep 'off$' | wc -l | tr -d ' '", "1\n"}, {"shopt -s globstar; shopt globstar | grep 'off$' | wc -l | tr -d ' '", "0\n"}, {"shopt extglob | grep 'off' | wc -l | tr -d ' '", "1\n"}, { "shopt inherit_errexit", "inherit_errexit\ton\t(\"off\" not supported)\n #JUSTERR", }, { "shopt -s extglob", "shopt: invalid option name \"extglob\" \"off\" (\"on\" not supported)\nexit status 1 #IGNORE", }, { "shopt -s interactive_comments", "shopt: invalid option name \"interactive_comments\" \"on\" (\"off\" not supported)\nexit status 1 #IGNORE", }, { "shopt -s foo", "shopt: invalid option name \"foo\"\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { // Beware that macOS file systems are by default case-preserving but // case-insensitive, so e.g. "touch x X" creates only one file. "touch a ab Ac Ad; shopt -u nocaseglob; echo a*", "a ab\n", }, { "touch a ab Ac Ad; shopt -s nocaseglob; echo a*", "Ac Ad a ab\n", }, { "touch a ab abB Ac Ad; shopt -u nocaseglob; echo *b", "ab\n", }, { "touch a ab abB Ac Ad; shopt -s nocaseglob; echo *b", "ab abB\n", }, // IFS {`echo -n "$IFS"`, " \t\n"}, {`a="x:y:z"; IFS=:; echo $a`, "x y z\n"}, {`a=(x y z); IFS=-; echo ${a[*]}`, "x y z\n"}, {`a=(x y z); IFS=-; echo ${a[@]}`, "x y z\n"}, {`a=(x y z); IFS=-; echo "${a[*]}"`, "x-y-z\n"}, {`a=(x y z); IFS=-; echo "${a[@]}"`, "x y z\n"}, {`a=" x y z"; IFS=; echo $a`, " x y z\n"}, {`a=(x y z); IFS=; echo "${a[*]}"`, "xyz\n"}, {`a=(x y z); IFS=-; echo "${!a[@]}"`, "0 1 2\n"}, {`set -- x y z; IFS=-; echo $*`, "x y z\n"}, {`set -- x y z; IFS=-; echo "$*"`, "x-y-z\n"}, {`set -- x y z; IFS=; echo $*`, "x y z\n"}, {`set -- x y z; IFS=; echo "$*"`, "xyz\n"}, // builtin {"builtin", ""}, {"builtin noexist", "exit status 1 #JUSTERR"}, {"builtin echo foo_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing\n"}, { "echo() { printf 'bar_interp_missing\n'; }; echo foo_interp_missing; builtin echo foo_interp_missing", "bar_interp_missing\nfoo_interp_missing\n", }, // type {"type", ""}, {"type for", "for is a shell keyword\n"}, {"type echo", "echo is a shell builtin\n"}, {"echo() { :; }; type echo | grep 'is a function'", "echo is a function\n"}, {"type $PATH_PROG | grep -q -E ' is (/|[A-Z]:)'", ""}, {"type noexist", "type: noexist: not found\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR"}, {"PATH=/; type $PATH_PROG", "type: " + pathProg + ": not found\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR"}, {"shopt -s expand_aliases; alias foo_interp_missing='bar_interp_missing baz'\ntype foo_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing is aliased to `bar_interp_missing baz'\n"}, {"alias foo_interp_missing='bar_interp_missing baz'\ntype foo_interp_missing", "type: foo_interp_missing: not found\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR"}, {"type -p $PATH_PROG | grep -q -E '^(/|[A-Z]:)'", ""}, {"PATH=/; type -p $PATH_PROG", "exit status 1"}, {"shopt -s expand_aliases; alias foo_interp_missing='bar_interp_missing'; type -t foo_interp_missing", "alias\n"}, {"type -t case", "keyword\n"}, {"foo_interp_missing(){ :; }; type -t foo_interp_missing", "function\n"}, {"type -t type", "builtin\n"}, {"type -t $PATH_PROG", "file\n"}, {"type -t inexisting_dfgsdgfds", "exit status 1"}, // trap {"trap 'echo at_exit' EXIT; true", "at_exit\n"}, {"trap 'echo on_err' ERR; false; echo FAIL", "on_err\nFAIL\n"}, {"trap 'echo on_err' ERR; false || true; echo OK", "OK\n"}, {"trap 'echo at_exit' EXIT; trap - EXIT; echo OK", "OK\n"}, {"set -e; trap 'echo A' ERR EXIT; false; echo FAIL", "A\nA\nexit status 1"}, {"trap 'foo_interp_missingbar_interp_missing' UNKNOWN", "trap: UNKNOWN: invalid signal specification\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR"}, // TODO: our builtin appears to not receive the piped bytes? // {"trap 'echo on_err' ERR; trap | grep -q '.*echo on_err.*'", "trap -- \"echo on_err\" ERR\n"}, {"trap 'false' ERR EXIT; false", "exit status 1"}, // eval {"eval", ""}, {"eval ''", ""}, {"eval echo foo_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing\n"}, {"eval 'echo foo_interp_missing'", "foo_interp_missing\n"}, {"eval 'exit 1'", "exit status 1"}, {"eval '('", "eval: 1:1: reached EOF without matching ( with )\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR"}, {"set a b; eval 'echo $@'", "a b\n"}, {"eval 'a=foo_interp_missing'; echo $a", "foo_interp_missing\n"}, {`a=b eval "echo $a"`, "\n"}, {`a=b eval 'echo $a'`, "b\n"}, {`eval 'echo "\$a"'`, "$a\n"}, {`a=b eval 'x=y eval "echo \$a \$x"'`, "b y\n"}, {`a=b eval 'a=y eval "echo $a \$a"'`, "b y\n"}, {"a=b eval '(echo $a)'", "b\n"}, // source { "source", "1:1: source: need filename\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR", }, { "echo 'echo foo_interp_missing' >a; source a; . a", "foo_interp_missing\nfoo_interp_missing\n", }, { "echo 'echo $@' >a; source a; source a b c; echo $@", "\nb c\n\n", }, { "echo 'foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing' >a; source a; echo $foo_interp_missing", "bar_interp_missing\n", }, // source from PATH { "mkdir test; echo 'echo foo_interp_missing' >test/a; PATH=$PWD/test source a; . test/a", "foo_interp_missing\nfoo_interp_missing\n", }, // source with set and shift { "echo 'set -- d e f' >a; source a; echo $@", "d e f\n", }, { "echo 'echo $@' >a; set -- b c; source a; echo $@", "b c\nb c\n", }, { "echo 'echo $@' >a; set -- b c; source a d e; echo $@", "d e\nb c\n", }, { "echo 'shift; echo $@' >a; set -- b c; source a d e; echo $@", "e\nb c\n", }, { "echo 'shift' >a; set -- b c; source a; echo $@", "c\n", }, { "echo 'shift; set -- $@' >a; set -- b c; source a d e; echo $@", "e\n", }, { "echo 'set -- g f'>b; echo 'set -- d e f; echo $@; source b;' >a; source a; echo $@", "d e f\ng f\n", }, { "echo 'set -- g f'>b; echo 'echo $@; set -- d e f; source b;' >a; source a b c; echo $@", "b c\ng f\n", }, { "echo 'shift; echo $@' >b; echo 'shift; echo $@; source b' >a; source a b c d; echo $@", "c d\nd\n\n", }, { "echo 'set -- b c d' >b; echo 'source b' >a; set -- a; source a; echo $@", "b c d\n", }, { "echo 'echo $@' >b; echo 'set -- b c d; source b' >a; set -- a; source a; echo $@", "b c d\nb c d\n", }, { "echo 'shift; echo $@' >b; echo 'shift; echo $@; source b c d' >a; set -- a b; source a; echo $@", "b\nd\nb\n", }, { "echo 'set -- a b c' >b; echo 'echo $@; source b; echo $@' >a; source a; echo $@", "\na b c\na b c\n", }, // indexed arrays { "a=foo_interp_missing; echo ${a[0]} ${a[@]} ${a[x]}; echo ${a[1]}", "foo_interp_missing foo_interp_missing foo_interp_missing\n\n", }, { "a=(); echo ${a[0]} ${a[@]} ${a[x]} ${a[1]}", "\n", }, { "a=(b c); echo $a; echo ${a[0]}; echo ${a[1]}; echo ${a[x]}", "b\nb\nc\nb\n", }, { "a=(b c); echo ${a[@]}; echo ${a[*]}", "b c\nb c\n", }, { "a=(1 2 3); echo ${a[2-1]}; echo $((a[1+1]))", "2\n3\n", }, { "a=(1 2) x=(); a+=b x+=c; echo ${a[@]}; echo ${x[@]}", "1b 2\nc\n", }, { "a=(1 2) x=(); a+=(b c) x+=(d e); echo ${a[@]}; echo ${x[@]}", "1 2 b c\nd e\n", }, { "a=bbb; a+=(c d); echo ${a[@]}", "bbb c d\n", }, { `a=('a 1' 'b 2'); for e in ${a[@]}; do echo "$e"; done`, "a\n1\nb\n2\n", }, { `a=('a 1' 'b 2'); for e in "${a[*]}"; do echo "$e"; done`, "a 1 b 2\n", }, { `a=('a 1' 'b 2'); for e in "${a[@]}"; do echo "$e"; done`, "a 1\nb 2\n", }, { `a=([1]=y [0]=x); echo ${a[0]}`, "x\n", }, { `a=(y); a[2]=x; echo ${a[2]}`, "x\n", }, { `a="y"; a[2]=x; echo ${a[2]}`, "x\n", }, { `declare -a a=(x y); echo ${a[1]}`, "y\n", }, { `a=b; echo "${a[@]}"`, "b\n", }, { `a=(b); echo ${a[3]}`, "\n", }, { `a=(b); echo ${a[-2]}`, "negative array index\n #JUSTERR", }, // TODO: also test with gaps in arrays. { `a=([0]=' x ' [1]=' y '); for v in "${a[@]}"; do echo "$v"; done`, " x \n y \n", }, { `a=([0]=' x ' [1]=' y '); for v in "${a[*]}"; do echo "$v"; done`, " x y \n", }, { `a=([0]=' x ' [1]=' y '); for v in "${!a[@]}"; do echo "$v"; done`, "0\n1\n", }, { `a=([0]=' x ' [1]=' y '); for v in "${!a[*]}"; do echo "$v"; done`, "0 1\n", }, // associative arrays { `a=foo_interp_missing; echo ${a[""]} ${a["x"]}`, "foo_interp_missing foo_interp_missing\n", }, { `declare -A a=(); echo ${a[0]} ${a[@]} ${a[1]} ${a["x"]}`, "\n", }, { `declare -A a=([x]=b [y]=c); echo $a; echo ${a[0]}; echo ${a["x"]}; echo ${a["_"]}`, "\n\nb\n\n", }, { `declare -A a=([x]=b [y]=c); for e in ${a[@]}; do echo $e; done | sort`, "b\nc\n", }, { `declare -A a=([y]=b [x]=c); for e in ${a[*]}; do echo $e; done | sort`, "b\nc\n", }, { `declare -A a=([x]=a); a["y"]=d; a["x"]=c; for e in ${a[@]}; do echo $e; done | sort`, "c\nd\n", }, { `declare -A a=([x]=a); a[y]=d; a[x]=c; for e in ${a[@]}; do echo $e; done | sort`, "c\nd\n", }, { // cheating a little; bash just did a=c `a=(["x"]=b ["y"]=c); echo ${a["y"]}`, "c\n", }, { `declare -A a=(['x']=b); echo ${a['x']} ${a[$'x']} ${a[$"x"]}`, "b b b\n", }, { `a=(['x']=b); echo ${a['y']}`, "\n #IGNORE bash requires -A", }, { `declare -A a=(['a 1']=' x ' ['b 2']=' y '); for v in "${a[@]}"; do echo "$v"; done | sort`, " x \n y \n", }, { `declare -A a=(['a 1']=' x ' ['b 2']=' y '); for v in "${a[*]}"; do echo "$v"; done | sort`, " x y \n", }, { `declare -A a=(['a 1']=' x ' ['b 2']=' y '); for v in "${!a[@]}"; do echo "$v"; done | sort`, "a 1\nb 2\n", }, { `declare -A a=(['a 1']=' x ' ['b 2']=' y '); for v in "${!a[*]}"; do echo "$v"; done | sort`, "a 1 b 2\n", }, // weird assignments {"a=b; a=(c d); echo ${a[@]}", "c d\n"}, {"a=(b c); a=d; echo ${a[@]}", "d c\n"}, {"declare -A a=([x]=b [y]=c); a=d; for e in ${a[@]}; do echo $e; done | sort", "b\nc\nd\n"}, {"i=3; a=b; a[i]=x; echo ${a[@]}", "b x\n"}, {"i=3; declare a=(b); a[i]=x; echo ${!a[@]}", "0 3\n"}, {"i=3; declare -A a=(['x']=b); a[i]=x; for e in ${!a[@]}; do echo $e; done | sort", "i\nx\n"}, // declare {"declare -B foo_interp_missing", "declare: invalid option \"-B\"\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR"}, {"a=b; declare a; echo $a; declare a=; echo $a", "b\n\n"}, {"a=b; declare a; echo $a", "b\n"}, { "declare a=b c=(1 2); echo $a; echo ${c[@]}", "b\n1 2\n", }, {"a=x; declare $a; echo $a $x", "x\n"}, {"a=x=y; declare $a; echo $a $x", "x=y y\n"}, {"a='x=(y)'; declare $a; echo $a $x", "x=(y) (y)\n"}, {"a='x=b y=c'; declare $a; echo $x $y", "b c\n"}, {"declare =bar_interp_missing", "declare: invalid name \"\"\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR"}, {"declare $unset=$unset", "declare: invalid name \"\"\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR"}, // export {"declare foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; $ENV_PROG | grep '^foo_interp_missing='", "exit status 1"}, {"declare -x foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; $ENV_PROG | grep '^foo_interp_missing='", "foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing\n"}, {"export foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; $ENV_PROG | grep '^foo_interp_missing='", "foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing\n"}, {"foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; export foo_interp_missing; $ENV_PROG | grep '^foo_interp_missing='", "foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing\n"}, {"export foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; foo_interp_missing=baz; $ENV_PROG | grep '^foo_interp_missing='", "foo_interp_missing=baz\n"}, {"export foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; readonly foo_interp_missing=baz; $ENV_PROG | grep '^foo_interp_missing='", "foo_interp_missing=baz\n"}, {"export foo_interp_missing=(1 2); $ENV_PROG | grep '^foo_interp_missing='", "exit status 1"}, {"declare -A foo_interp_missing=([a]=b); export foo_interp_missing; $ENV_PROG | grep '^foo_interp_missing='", "exit status 1"}, {"export foo_interp_missing=(b c); foo_interp_missing=x; $ENV_PROG | grep '^foo_interp_missing='", "exit status 1"}, {"foo_interp_missing() { bar_interp_missing=foo_interp_missing; export bar_interp_missing; }; foo_interp_missing; $ENV_PROG | grep ^bar_interp_missing=", "bar_interp_missing=foo_interp_missing\n"}, {"foo_interp_missing() { export bar_interp_missing; }; bar_interp_missing=foo_interp_missing; foo_interp_missing; $ENV_PROG | grep ^bar_interp_missing=", "bar_interp_missing=foo_interp_missing\n"}, {"foo_interp_missing() { export bar_interp_missing; }; foo_interp_missing; bar_interp_missing=foo_interp_missing; $ENV_PROG | grep ^bar_interp_missing=", "bar_interp_missing=foo_interp_missing\n"}, {"foo_interp_missing() { export bar_interp_missing=foo_interp_missing; }; foo_interp_missing; readonly bar_interp_missing; $ENV_PROG | grep ^bar_interp_missing=", "bar_interp_missing=foo_interp_missing\n"}, // local { "local a=b", "local: can only be used in a function\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "local a=b 2>/dev/null; echo $a", "\n", }, { "{ local a=b; }", "local: can only be used in a function\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "echo 'local a=b' >a; source a", "local: can only be used in a function\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "echo 'local a=b' >a; f() { source a; }; f; echo $a", "\n", }, { "f() { local a=b; }; f; echo $a", "\n", }, { "a=x; f() { local a=b; }; f; echo $a", "x\n", }, { "a=x; f() { echo $a; local a=b; echo $a; }; f", "x\nb\n", }, { "f1() { local a=b; }; f2() { f1; echo $a; }; f2", "\n", }, { "f() { a=1; declare b=2; export c=3; readonly d=4; declare -g e=5; }; f; echo $a $b $c $d $e", "1 3 4 5\n", }, { `f() { local x; [[ -v x ]] && echo set || echo unset; }; f`, "unset\n", }, { `f() { local x=; [[ -v x ]] && echo set || echo unset; }; f`, "set\n", }, { `export x=before; f() { local x; export x=after; $ENV_PROG | grep '^x='; }; f; echo $x`, "x=after\nbefore\n", }, // unset global from inside function {"f() { unset foo_interp_missing; echo $foo_interp_missing; }; foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; f", "\n"}, {"f() { unset foo_interp_missing; }; foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; f; echo $foo_interp_missing", "\n"}, // name references {"declare -n foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; bar_interp_missing=etc; [[ -R foo_interp_missing ]]", ""}, {"declare -n foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; bar_interp_missing=etc; [ -R foo_interp_missing ]", ""}, {"nameref foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; bar_interp_missing=etc; [[ -R foo_interp_missing ]]", " #IGNORE"}, {"declare foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; bar_interp_missing=etc; [[ -R foo_interp_missing ]]", "exit status 1"}, { "declare -n foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; bar_interp_missing=etc; echo $foo_interp_missing; bar_interp_missing=zzz; echo $foo_interp_missing", "etc\nzzz\n", }, { "declare -n foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; bar_interp_missing=(x y); echo ${foo_interp_missing[1]}; bar_interp_missing=(a b); echo ${foo_interp_missing[1]}", "y\nb\n", }, { "declare -n foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; bar_interp_missing=etc; echo $foo_interp_missing; unset bar_interp_missing; echo $foo_interp_missing", "etc\n\n", }, { "declare -n a1=a2 a2=a3 a3=a4; a4=x; echo $a1 $a3", "x x\n", }, { "declare -n foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing bar_interp_missing=foo_interp_missing; echo $foo_interp_missing", "\n #IGNORE", }, { "declare -n foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; echo $foo_interp_missing", "\n", }, { "declare -n foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; echo ${!foo_interp_missing}", "bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "declare -n foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; bar_interp_missing=etc; echo $foo_interp_missing; echo ${!foo_interp_missing}", "etc\nbar_interp_missing\n", }, { "declare -n foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; bar_interp_missing=etc; foo_interp_missing=xxx; echo $foo_interp_missing $bar_interp_missing", "xxx xxx\n", }, { "declare -n foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; foo_interp_missing=xxx; echo $foo_interp_missing $bar_interp_missing", "xxx xxx\n", }, // TODO: figure this one out //{ // "declare -n foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing bar_interp_missing=baz; foo_interp_missing=xxx; echo $foo_interp_missing $bar_interp_missing; echo $baz", // "xxx xxx\nxxx\n", //}, { "echo ${!@}-${!*}-${!1}; set -- foo_interp_missing; echo ${!@}-${!*}-${!1}; foo_interp_missing=value; echo ${!@}-${!*}-${!1}", "--\n--\nvalue-value-value\n", }, // read-only vars {"declare -r foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; echo $foo_interp_missing", "bar_interp_missing\n"}, {"readonly foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; echo $foo_interp_missing", "bar_interp_missing\n"}, {"readonly foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; export foo_interp_missing; echo $foo_interp_missing", "bar_interp_missing\n"}, {"readonly foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; readonly bar_interp_missing=foo_interp_missing; export foo_interp_missing bar_interp_missing; echo $bar_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing\n"}, { "a=b; a=c; echo $a; readonly a; a=d", "c\na: readonly variable\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "declare -r foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; foo_interp_missing=etc", "foo_interp_missing: readonly variable\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "declare -r foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; export foo_interp_missing=", "foo_interp_missing: readonly variable\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "readonly foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; foo_interp_missing=etc", "foo_interp_missing: readonly variable\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "foo_interp_missing() { bar_interp_missing=foo_interp_missing; readonly bar_interp_missing; }; foo_interp_missing; bar_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing", "bar_interp_missing: readonly variable\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "foo_interp_missing() { readonly bar_interp_missing; }; foo_interp_missing; bar_interp_missing=foo_interp_missing", "bar_interp_missing: readonly variable\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "foo_interp_missing() { readonly bar_interp_missing=foo_interp_missing; }; foo_interp_missing; export bar_interp_missing; $ENV_PROG | grep '^bar_interp_missing='", "bar_interp_missing=foo_interp_missing\n", }, // multiple var modes at once { "declare -r -x foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; $ENV_PROG | grep '^foo_interp_missing='", "foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "declare -r -x foo_interp_missing=bar_interp_missing; foo_interp_missing=x", "foo_interp_missing: readonly variable\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, // globbing {"echo .", ".\n"}, {"echo ..", "..\n"}, {"echo ./.", "./.\n"}, { ">a.x >b.x >c.x; echo *.x; rm a.x b.x c.x", "a.x b.x c.x\n", }, { `>a.x; echo '*.x' "*.x"; rm a.x`, "*.x *.x\n", }, { `>a.x >b.y; echo *'.'x; rm a.x`, "a.x\n", }, { `>a.x; echo *'.x' "a."* '*'.x; rm a.x`, "a.x a.x *.x\n", }, { "echo *.x; echo foo_interp_missing *.y bar_interp_missing", "*.x\nfoo_interp_missing *.y bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "mkdir a; >a/b.x; echo */*.x | sed 's@\\\\@/@g'; cd a; echo *.x", "a/b.x\nb.x\n", }, { "mkdir -p a/b/c; echo a/* | sed 's@\\\\@/@g'", "a/b\n", }, { ">.hidden >a; echo *; echo .h*; rm .hidden a", "a\n.hidden\n", }, { `mkdir d; >d/.hidden >d/a; set -- "$(echo d/*)" "$(echo d/.h*)"; echo ${#1} ${#2}; rm -r d`, "3 9\n", }, { "mkdir -p a/b/c; echo a/** | sed 's@\\\\@/@g'", "a/b\n", }, { "shopt -s globstar; mkdir -p a/b/c; echo a/** | sed 's@\\\\@/@g'", "a/ a/b a/b/c\n", }, { "shopt -s globstar; mkdir -p a/b/c; echo **/c | sed 's@\\\\@/@g'", "a/b/c\n", }, { "shopt -s globstar; mkdir -p a/b; touch c; echo ** | sed 's@\\\\@/@g'", "a a/b c\n", }, { "shopt -s globstar; mkdir -p a/b; touch c; echo **/ | sed 's@\\\\@/@g'", "a/ a/b/\n", }, { "shopt -s globstar; mkdir -p a/b/c a/d; echo ** | sed 's@\\\\@/@g'", "a a/b a/b/c a/d\n", }, { "mkdir foo; touch foo/bar; echo */bar */bar/ | sed 's@\\\\@/@g'", "foo/bar */bar/\n", }, { "shopt -s nullglob; touch existing-1; echo missing-* existing-*", "existing-1\n", }, // Extended globbing is not supported {"ls ab+(2|3).txt", "extended globbing is not supported\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR"}, {"echo *(/)", "extended globbing is not supported\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR"}, // Ensure that setting nullglob does not return invalid globs as null // strings. { "shopt -s nullglob; [ -n butter ] && echo bubbles", "bubbles\n", }, { "cat <<EOF\n{foo_interp_missing,bar_interp_missing}\nEOF", "{foo_interp_missing,bar_interp_missing}\n", }, { "cat <<EOF\n*.go\nEOF", "*.go\n", }, { "mkdir -p a/b a/c; echo ./a/* | sed 's@\\\\@/@g'", "./a/b ./a/c\n", }, { "mkdir -p a/b a/c d; cd d; echo ../a/* | sed 's@\\\\@/@g'", "../a/b ../a/c\n", }, { "mkdir x-d1 x-d2; >x-f; echo x-*/ | sed 's@\\\\@/@g'", "x-d1/ x-d2/\n", }, { "mkdir x-d1 x-d2; >x-f; echo ././x-*/// | sed 's@\\\\@/@g'", "././x-d1/ ././x-d2/\n", }, { "mkdir -p x-d1/a x-d2/b; >x-f; echo x-*/* | sed 's@\\\\@/@g'", "x-d1/a x-d2/b\n", }, { "mkdir -p foo_interp_missing/bar_interp_missing; ln -s foo_interp_missing sym; echo sy*/; echo sym/b*", "sym/\nsym/bar_interp_missing\n", }, { ">foo_interp_missing; ln -s foo_interp_missing sym; echo sy*; echo sy*/", "sym\nsy*/\n", }, { "mkdir x-d; >x-f; test -d $PWD/x-*/", "", }, { "mkdir dir; >dir/x-f; ln -s dir sym; cd sym; test -f $PWD/x-*", "", }, // brace expansion; more exhaustive tests in the syntax package {"echo a}b", "a}b\n"}, {"echo {a,b{c,d}", "{a,bc {a,bd\n"}, {"echo a{b}", "a{b}\n"}, {"echo a{à,世界}", "aà a世界\n"}, {"echo a{b,c}d{e,f}g", "abdeg abdfg acdeg acdfg\n"}, {"echo a{b{x,y},c}d", "abxd abyd acd\n"}, {"echo a{1..", "a{1..\n"}, {"echo a{1..2}b{4..5}c", "a1b4c a1b5c a2b4c a2b5c\n"}, {"echo a{c..f}", "ac ad ae af\n"}, {"echo a{4..1..1}", "a4 a3 a2 a1\n"}, // tilde expansion { "[[ '~/foo_interp_missing' == ~/foo_interp_missing ]] || [[ ~/foo_interp_missing == '~/foo_interp_missing' ]]", "exit status 1", }, { "case '~/foo_interp_missing' in ~/foo_interp_missing) echo match ;; esac", "", }, { "a=~/foo_interp_missing; [[ $a == '~/foo_interp_missing' ]]", "exit status 1", }, { `a=$(echo "~/foo_interp_missing"); [[ $a == '~/foo_interp_missing' ]]`, "", }, // /dev/null {"echo foo_interp_missing >/dev/null", ""}, {"cat </dev/null", ""}, // time - real would be slow and flaky; see TestElapsedString {"{ time; } |& wc | tr -s ' '", " 4 6 42\n"}, {"{ time echo -n; } |& wc | tr -s ' '", " 4 6 42\n"}, {"{ time -p; } |& wc | tr -s ' '", " 3 6 29\n"}, {"{ time -p echo -n; } |& wc | tr -s ' '", " 3 6 29\n"}, // exec {"exec", ""}, { "exec builtin echo foo_interp_missing", "\"builtin\": executable file not found in $PATH\nexit status 127 #JUSTERR", }, { "exec $GOSH_PROG 'echo foo_interp_missing'; echo bar_interp_missing", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, // read { "read </dev/null", "exit status 1", }, { "read 1</dev/null", "exit status 1", }, { "read -X", "read: invalid option \"-X\"\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR", }, { "read -rX", "read: invalid option \"-X\"\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR", }, { "read 0ab", "read: invalid identifier \"0ab\"\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR", }, { "read <<< foo_interp_missing; echo $REPLY", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "read <<<' a b c '; echo \"$REPLY\"", " a b c \n", }, { "read <<< 'y\nn\n'; echo $REPLY", "y\n", }, { "read a_0 <<< foo_interp_missing; echo $a_0", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { "read a b <<< 'foo_interp_missing bar_interp_missing baz '; echo \"$a\"; echo \"$b\"", "foo_interp_missing\nbar_interp_missing baz\n", }, { "while read a; do echo $a; done <<< 'a\nb\nc'", "a\nb\nc\n", }, { "while read a b; do echo -e \"$a\n$b\"; done <<< '1 2\n3'", "1\n2\n3\n\n", }, { `read a <<< '\\'; echo "$a"`, "\\\n", }, { `read a <<< '\a\b\c'; echo "$a"`, "abc\n", }, { "read -r a b <<< '1\\\t2'; echo $a; echo $b;", "1\\\n2\n", }, { "echo line\\\ncontinuation | while read a; do echo $a; done", "linecontinuation\n", }, { "while read a; do echo $a; GOSH_CMD=exec_ok $GOSH_PROG; done <<< 'a\nb\nc'", "a\nexec ok\nb\nexec ok\nc\nexec ok\n", }, { "while read a; do echo $a; GOSH_CMD=exec_ok $GOSH_PROG; done <<EOF\na\nb\nc\nEOF", "a\nexec ok\nb\nexec ok\nc\nexec ok\n", }, { "echo file1 >f; echo file2 >>f; while read a; do echo $a; done <f", "file1\nfile2\n", }, // TODO: our final exit status here isn't right. // { // "while read a; do echo $a; GOSH_CMD=exec_fail $GOSH_PROG; done <<< 'a\nb\nc'", // "a\nexec fail\nb\nexec fail\nc\nexec fail\nexit status 1", // }, { `read -r a <<< '\\'; echo "$a"`, "\\\\\n", }, { "read -r a <<< '\\a\\b\\c'; echo $a", "\\a\\b\\c\n", }, { "IFS=: read a b c <<< '1:2:3'; echo $a; echo $b; echo $c", "1\n2\n3\n", }, { "IFS=: read a b c <<< '1\\:2:3'; echo \"$a\"; echo $b; echo $c", "1:2\n3\n\n", }, { "read -p", "read: -p: option requires an argument\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR", }, { "read -X -p", "read: invalid option \"-X\"\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR", }, { "read -p 'Display me as a prompt. Continue? (y/n) ' choice <<< 'y'; echo $choice", "Display me as a prompt. Continue? (y/n) y\n #IGNORE bash requires a terminal", }, { "read -r -p 'Prompt and raw flag together: ' a <<< '\\a\\b\\c'; echo $a", "Prompt and raw flag together: \\a\\b\\c\n #IGNORE bash requires a terminal", }, { `a=a; echo | (read a; echo -n "$a")`, "", }, { `a=b; read a < /dev/null; echo -n "$a"`, "", }, { "a=c; echo x | (read a; echo -n $a)", "x", }, { "a=d; echo -n y | (read a; echo -n $a)", "y", }, // getopts { "getopts", "getopts: usage: getopts optstring name [arg ...]\nexit status 2", }, { "getopts a a:b", "getopts: invalid identifier: \"a:b\"\nexit status 2 #JUSTERR", }, { "getopts abc opt -a; echo $opt; $optarg", "a\n", }, { "getopts abc opt -z", "getopts: illegal option -- \"z\"\n #IGNORE", }, { "getopts a: opt -a", "getopts: option requires an argument -- \"a\"\n #IGNORE", }, { "getopts :abc opt -z; echo $opt; echo $OPTARG", "?\nz\n", }, { "getopts :a: opt -a; echo $opt; echo $OPTARG", ":\na\n", }, { "getopts abc opt foo_interp_missing -a; echo $opt; echo $OPTIND", "?\n1\n", }, { "getopts abc opt -a foo_interp_missing; echo $opt; echo $OPTIND", "a\n2\n", }, { "OPTIND=3; getopts abc opt -a -b -c; echo $opt;", "c\n", }, { "OPTIND=100; getopts abc opt -a -b -c; echo $opt;", "?\n", }, { "OPTIND=foo_interp_missing; getopts abc opt -a -b -c; echo $opt;", "a\n", }, { "while getopts ab:c opt -c -b arg -a foo_interp_missing; do echo $opt $OPTARG $OPTIND; done", "c 2\nb arg 4\na 5\n", }, { "while getopts abc opt -ba -c foo_interp_missing; do echo $opt $OPTARG $OPTIND; done", "b 1\na 2\nc 3\n", }, { "a() { while getopts abc: opt; do echo $opt $OPTARG; done }; a -a -b -c arg", "a\nb\nc arg\n", }, // mapfile { "mapfile <<EOF\na\nb\nc\nEOF\n" + `for x in "${MAPFILE[@]}"; do echo "$x"; done`, "a\n\nb\n\nc\n\n", }, { "mapfile -t <<EOF\na\nb\nc\nEOF\n" + `for x in "${MAPFILE[@]}"; do echo "$x"; done`, "a\nb\nc\n", }, { "mapfile -t -d b <<EOF\nabc\nEOF\n" + `for x in "${MAPFILE[@]}"; do echo "$x"; done`, "a\nc\n\n", }, { "mapfile -t butter <<EOF\na\nb\nc\nEOF\n" + `for x in "${butter[@]}"; do echo "$x"; done`, "a\nb\nc\n", }, } var runTestsUnix = []runTest{ {"[[ -n $PPID && $PPID -ge 0 ]]", ""}, // can be 0 if running as the init process { // no root user on windows "[[ ~root == '~root' ]]", "exit status 1", }, // windows does not support paths with '*' { "mkdir -p '*/a.z' 'b/a.z'; cd '*'; set -- *.z; echo $#", "1\n", }, { "mkdir -p 'a-*/d'; test -d $PWD/a-*/*", "", }, // no fifos on windows { "[ -p a ] && echo x; mkfifo a; [ -p a ] && echo y", "y\n", }, { "[[ -p a ]] && echo x; mkfifo a; [[ -p a ]] && echo y", "y\n", }, {"sh() { :; }; sh -c 'echo foo_interp_missing'", ""}, {"sh() { :; }; command sh -c 'echo foo_interp_missing'", "foo_interp_missing\n"}, // chmod is practically useless on Windows { "[ -x a ] && echo x; >a; chmod 0755 a; [ -x a ] && echo y", "y\n", }, { "[[ -x a ]] && echo x; >a; chmod 0755 a; [[ -x a ]] && echo y", "y\n", }, { ">a; [ -k a ] && echo x; chmod +t a; [ -k a ] && echo y", "y\n", }, { ">a; [ -u a ] && echo x; chmod u+s a; [ -u a ] && echo y", "y\n", }, { ">a; [ -g a ] && echo x; chmod g+s a; [ -g a ] && echo y", "y\n", }, { ">a; [[ -k a ]] && echo x; chmod +t a; [[ -k a ]] && echo y", "y\n", }, { ">a; [[ -u a ]] && echo x; chmod u+s a; [[ -u a ]] && echo y", "y\n", }, { ">a; [[ -g a ]] && echo x; chmod g+s a; [[ -g a ]] && echo y", "y\n", }, { `mkdir a; chmod 0100 a; cd a`, "", }, // Note that these will succeed if we're root. { `mkdir a; chmod 0000 a; cd a && test $UID -ne 0`, "exit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { `mkdir a; chmod 0222 a; cd a && test $UID -ne 0`, "exit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { `mkdir a; chmod 0444 a; cd a && test $UID -ne 0`, "exit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { `mkdir a; chmod 0010 a; cd a && test $UID -ne 0`, "exit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { `mkdir a; chmod 0001 a; cd a && test $UID -ne 0`, "exit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { `unset UID`, "UID: readonly variable\n #IGNORE", }, { `test -n "$EUID" && echo OK`, "OK\n", }, { `set EUID=newvalue; test EUID != newvalue && echo OK || echo EUID=$EUID`, "OK\n", }, { `unset EUID`, "EUID: readonly variable\n #IGNORE", }, // GID is not set in bash { `unset GID`, "GID: readonly variable\n #IGNORE", }, { `[[ -z $GID ]] && echo "GID not set"`, "exit status 1 #JUSTERR #IGNORE", }, // Unix-y PATH { "PATH=; bash -c 'echo foo_interp_missing'", "\"bash\": executable file not found in $PATH\nexit status 127 #JUSTERR", }, { "cd /; sure/is/missing", "stat /sure/is/missing: no such file or directory\nexit status 127 #JUSTERR", }, { "echo '#!/bin/sh\necho b' >a; chmod 0755 a; PATH=; a", "b\n", }, { "mkdir c; cd c; echo '#!/bin/sh\necho b' >a; chmod 0755 a; PATH=; a", "b\n", }, { "mkdir c; echo '#!/bin/sh\necho b' >c/a; chmod 0755 c/a; c/a", "b\n", }, { "GOSH_CMD=lookpath $GOSH_PROG", "sh found\n", }, // error strings which are too different on Windows { "echo foo_interp_missing >/shouldnotexist/file", "open /shouldnotexist/file: no such file or directory\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, { "set -e; echo foo_interp_missing >/shouldnotexist/file; echo foo_interp_missing", "open /shouldnotexist/file: no such file or directory\nexit status 1 #JUSTERR", }, // process substitution; named pipes (fifos) are a TODO for windows { "sed 's/o/e/g' <(echo foo_interp_missing bar_interp_missing)", "fee_interp_missing bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "cat <(echo foo_interp_missing) <(echo bar_interp_missing) <(echo baz)", "foo_interp_missing\nbar_interp_missing\nbaz\n", }, { "cat <(cat <(echo nested))", "nested\n", }, { "echo foo_interp_missing bar_interp_missing > >(sed 's/o/e/g')", "fee_interp_missing bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "echo foo_interp_missing bar_interp_missing | tee >(sed 's/o/e/g') >/dev/null", "fee_interp_missing bar_interp_missing\n", }, { "echo nested > >(cat > >(cat))", "nested\n", }, // echo trace { `set -x; animals=("dog", "cat", "otter"); echo "hello ${animals[*]}"`, `+ animals=("dog", "cat", "otter") + echo 'hello dog, cat, otter' hello dog, cat, otter `, }, { `set -x; s="always print a decimal point for %e, %E, %f, %F, %g and %G; do not remove trailing zeros for %g and %G"; echo "$s"`, `+ s='always print a decimal point for %e, %E, %f, %F, %g and %G; do not remove trailing zeros for %g and %G' + echo 'always print a decimal point for %e, %E, %f, %F, %g and %G; do not remove trailing zeros for %g and %G' always print a decimal point for %e, %E, %f, %F, %g and %G; do not remove trailing zeros for %g and %G `, }, { `set -x x=without; echo "$x" x="double quote"; echo "$x" x='single quote'; echo "$x"`, `+ x=without + echo without without + x='double quote' + echo 'double quote' double quote + x='single quote' + echo 'single quote' single quote `, }, // for trace { `set -x exec >/dev/null echo "trace should go to stderr"`, `+ exec + echo 'trace should go to stderr' `, }, { `set -x animals=(dog, cat, otter) for i in ${animals[@]} do echo "hello ${i}" done `, `+ animals=(dog, cat, otter) + for i in ${animals[@]} + echo 'hello dog,' hello dog, + for i in ${animals[@]} + echo 'hello cat,' hello cat, + for i in ${animals[@]} + echo 'hello otter' hello otter `, }, { `set -x loop() { for i do echo "something with $i" done } loop 1 2 3`, `+ loop 1 2 3 + for i in "$@" + echo 'something with 1' something with 1 + for i in "$@" + echo 'something with 2' something with 2 + for i in "$@" + echo 'something with 3' something with 3 `, }, { `set -x; animals=(dog, cat, otter); for i in ${animals[@]}; do echo "hello ${i}"; done`, `+ animals=(dog, cat, otter) + for i in ${animals[@]} + echo 'hello dog,' hello dog, + for i in ${animals[@]} + echo 'hello cat,' hello cat, + for i in ${animals[@]} + echo 'hello otter' hello otter `, }, { `set -x; a=x"y"$z b=(foo_interp_missing bar_interp_missing $none '')`, "+ a=xy\n+ b=(foo_interp_missing bar_interp_missing $none '')\n", }, { `set -x; for i in a b; do echo $i; done`, `+ for i in a b + echo a a + for i in a b + echo b b `, }, { `set -x; for i in $none_a $none_b; do echo $i; done`, ``, }, // case trace { `set -x; pet=dog; case $pet in 'dog') echo "barks";; *) echo "unknown";; esac`, `+ pet=dog + case $pet in + echo barks barks `, }, { `set -x pet="dog" case $pet in dog) echo "barks" ;; *) echo "unknown" ;; esac`, `+ pet=dog + case $pet in + echo barks barks `, }, // arithmetic { `set -x a=$(( 4 + 5 )); echo $a a=$((3+5)); echo $a`, `+ a=9 + echo 9 9 + a=8 + echo 8 8 `, }, { `set -x; let a=5+4; echo $a let "a = 5 + 4"; echo $a let a++; echo $a`, `+ let a=5+4 + echo 9 9 + let 'a = 5 + 4' + echo 9 9 + let a++ + echo 10 10 `, }, // functions { `set -x; function with_function () { echo 'hello, world'; }; with_function`, `+ with_function + echo 'hello, world' hello, world `, }, { `set -x; without_function () { echo 'hello, world'; }; without_function`, `+ without_function + echo 'hello, world' hello, world `, }, { // globbing wildcard as function name `@() { echo "$@"; }; @ lala; function +() { echo "$@"; }; + foo_interp_missing`, "lala\nfoo_interp_missing\n", }, { ` @() { echo "$@"; }; @ lala;`, "lala\n", }, { // globbing wildcard as function name but with space after the name `+ () { echo "$@"; }; + foo_interp_missing; @ () { echo "$@"; }; @ lala; ? () { echo "$@"; }; ? bar_interp_missing`, "foo_interp_missing\nlala\nbar_interp_missing\n", }, // mapfile, no process substitution yet on Windows { `mapfile -t -d "" < <(printf "a\0b\n"); for x in "${MAPFILE[@]}"; do echo "$x"; done`, "a\nb\n\n", }, // Windows does not support having a `\n` in a filename { `> $'bar\nbaz'; echo bar*baz`, "bar\nbaz\n", }, } var runTestsWindows = []runTest{ {"[[ -n $PPID || $PPID -gt 0 ]]", ""}, // os.Getppid can be 0 on windows {"cmd() { :; }; cmd /c 'echo foo_interp_missing'", ""}, {"cmd() { :; }; command cmd /c 'echo foo_interp_missing'", "foo_interp_missing\r\n"}, { "GOSH_CMD=lookpath $GOSH_PROG", "cmd found\n", }, } // These tests are specific to 64-bit architectures, and that's fine. We don't // need to add explicit versions for 32-bit. var runTests64bit = []runTest{ {"printf %i,%u -3 -3", "-3,18446744073709551613"}, {"printf %o -3", "1777777777777777777775"}, {"printf %x -3", "fffffffffffffffd"}, } func init() { if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { runTests = append(runTests, runTestsWindows...) } else { // Unix-y runTests = append(runTests, runTestsUnix...) } if bits.UintSize == 64 { runTests = append(runTests, runTests64bit...) } } // ln -s: wine doesn't implement symlinks; see var skipOnWindows = regexp.MustCompile(`ln -s`) // process substitutions seemflaky on mac; see var skipOnMac = regexp.MustCompile(`>\(|<\(`) func skipIfUnsupported(tb testing.TB, src string) { switch { case runtime.GOOS == "windows" && skipOnWindows.MatchString(src): tb.Skipf("skipping non-portable test on windows") case runtime.GOOS == "darwin" && skipOnMac.MatchString(src): tb.Skipf("skipping non-portable test on mac") } } func TestRunnerRun(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := syntax.NewParser() for _, c := range runTests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { skipIfUnsupported(t, // Parse first, as we reuse a single parser. file := parse(t, p, t.Parallel() tdir := t.TempDir() var cb concBuffer r, err := interp.New(interp.Dir(tdir), interp.StdIO(nil, &cb, &cb), // TODO: why does this make some tests hang? // interp.Env(expand.ListEnviron(append(os.Environ(), // "FOO_INTERP_MISSING_NULL_BAR_INTERP_MISSING=foo_interp_missing\x00bar_interp_missing")...)), interp.OpenHandler(testOpenHandler), interp.ExecHandlers(testExecHandler), ) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), runnerRunTimeout) defer cancel() if err := r.Run(ctx, file); err != nil { cb.WriteString(err.Error()) } want := c.want if i := strings.Index(want, " #"); i >= 0 { want = want[:i] } if got := cb.String(); got != want { if len(got) > 200 { got = "…" + got[len(got)-200:] } t.Fatalf("wrong output in %q:\nwant: %q\ngot: %q",, want, got) } }) } } func readLines(hc interp.HandlerContext) ([][]byte, error) { bs, err := io.ReadAll(hc.Stdin) if err != nil { return nil, err } if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { bs = bytes.ReplaceAll(bs, []byte("\r\n"), []byte("\n")) } bs = bytes.TrimSuffix(bs, []byte("\n")) return bytes.Split(bs, []byte("\n")), nil } func absPath(dir, path string) string { if path == "" { return "" } if !filepath.IsAbs(path) { path = filepath.Join(dir, path) } return filepath.Clean(path) // TODO: this clean is likely unnecessary } var testBuiltinsMap = map[string]func(interp.HandlerContext, []string) error{ "cat": func(hc interp.HandlerContext, args []string) error { if len(args) == 0 { if hc.Stdin == nil || hc.Stdout == nil { return nil } _, err := io.Copy(hc.Stdout, hc.Stdin) return err } for _, arg := range args { path := absPath(hc.Dir, arg) f, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil { return err } _, err = io.Copy(hc.Stdout, f) f.Close() if err != nil { return err } } return nil }, "wc": func(hc interp.HandlerContext, args []string) error { bs, err := io.ReadAll(hc.Stdin) if err != nil { return err } if len(args) == 0 { fmt.Fprintf(hc.Stdout, "%7d", bytes.Count(bs, []byte("\n"))) fmt.Fprintf(hc.Stdout, "%8d", len(bytes.Fields(bs))) fmt.Fprintf(hc.Stdout, "%8d\n", len(bs)) } else if args[0] == "-c" { fmt.Fprintln(hc.Stdout, len(bs)) } else if args[0] == "-l" { fmt.Fprintln(hc.Stdout, bytes.Count(bs, []byte("\n"))) } return nil }, "tr": func(hc interp.HandlerContext, args []string) error { if len(args) != 2 || len(args[1]) != 1 { return fmt.Errorf("usage: tr [-s -d] [character]") } squeeze := args[0] == "-s" char := args[1][0] bs, err := io.ReadAll(hc.Stdin) if err != nil { return err } for { i := bytes.IndexByte(bs, char) if i < 0 { hc.Stdout.Write(bs) // remaining break } hc.Stdout.Write(bs[:i]) // up to char bs = bs[i+1:] bs = bytes.TrimLeft(bs, string(char)) // remove repeats if squeeze { hc.Stdout.Write([]byte{char}) } } return nil }, "sort": func(hc interp.HandlerContext, args []string) error { lines, err := readLines(hc) if err != nil { return err } slices.SortFunc(lines, bytes.Compare) for _, line := range lines { fmt.Fprintf(hc.Stdout, "%s\n", line) } return nil }, "grep": func(hc interp.HandlerContext, args []string) error { var rx *regexp.Regexp quiet := false for _, arg := range args { if arg == "-q" { quiet = true } else if arg == "-E" { } else if rx == nil { rx = regexp.MustCompile(arg) } else { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected arg: %q", arg) } } lines, err := readLines(hc) if err != nil { return err } anyMatch := false for _, line := range lines { if rx.Match(line) { if quiet { return nil } anyMatch = true fmt.Fprintf(hc.Stdout, "%s\n", line) } } if !anyMatch { return interp.NewExitStatus(1) } return nil }, "sed": func(hc interp.HandlerContext, args []string) error { f := hc.Stdin switch len(args) { case 1: case 2: var err error f, err = os.Open(absPath(hc.Dir, args[1])) if err != nil { return err } default: return fmt.Errorf("usage: sed pattern [file]") } expr := args[0] if expr == "" || expr[0] != 's' { return fmt.Errorf("unimplemented") } sep := expr[1] expr = expr[2:] from := expr[:strings.IndexByte(expr, sep)] expr = expr[len(from)+1:] to := expr[:strings.IndexByte(expr, sep)] bs, err := io.ReadAll(f) if err != nil { return err } rx := regexp.MustCompile(from) bs = rx.ReplaceAllLiteral(bs, []byte(to)) _, err = hc.Stdout.Write(bs) return err }, "mkdir": func(hc interp.HandlerContext, args []string) error { for _, arg := range args { if arg == "-p" { continue } path := absPath(hc.Dir, arg) if err := os.MkdirAll(path, 0o777); err != nil { return err } } return nil }, "rm": func(hc interp.HandlerContext, args []string) error { for _, arg := range args { if arg == "-r" { continue } path := absPath(hc.Dir, arg) if err := os.RemoveAll(path); err != nil { return err } } return nil }, "ln": func(hc interp.HandlerContext, args []string) error { symbolic := args[0] == "-s" if symbolic { args = args[1:] } oldname := absPath(hc.Dir, args[0]) newname := absPath(hc.Dir, args[1]) if symbolic { return os.Symlink(oldname, newname) } return os.Link(oldname, newname) }, "touch": func(hc interp.HandlerContext, args []string) error { filenames := args // create all arugments as filenames newTime := time.Now() if args[0] == "-t" { if len(args) < 3 { return fmt.Errorf("usage: touch [-t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS]] file") } filenames = args[2:] // treat the rest of the args as filenames arg := args[1] if len(arg) > 15 { return fmt.Errorf("usage: touch [-t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS]] file") } s, err := time.Parse("200601021504.05", arg) if err != nil { return err } newTime = s } for _, arg := range filenames { if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-") { return fmt.Errorf("usage: touch [-t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS]] file") } path := absPath(hc.Dir, arg) // create the file if it does not exist f, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE, 0o666) if err != nil { return err } f.Close() // change the modification and access time if err := os.Chtimes(path, newTime, newTime); err != nil { return err } } return nil }, "sleep": func(hc interp.HandlerContext, args []string) error { for _, arg := range args { // assume and default unit to be in seconds d, err := time.ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("%ss", arg)) if err != nil { return err } time.Sleep(d) } return nil }, } func testExecHandler(next interp.ExecHandlerFunc) interp.ExecHandlerFunc { return func(ctx context.Context, args []string) error { if fn := testBuiltinsMap[args[0]]; fn != nil { return fn(interp.HandlerCtx(ctx), args[1:]) } return next(ctx, args) } } func testOpenHandler(ctx context.Context, path string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) { if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && path == "/dev/null" { path = "NUL" } return interp.DefaultOpenHandler()(ctx, path, flag, perm) } func TestRunnerRunConfirm(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("calling bash is slow") } if !hasBash52 { t.Skip("bash 5.2 required to run") } t.Parallel() if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { // For example, it seems to treat environment variables as // case-sensitive, which isn't how Windows works. t.Skip("bash on Windows emulates Unix-y behavior") } for _, c := range runTests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { if strings.Contains(c.want, " #IGNORE") { return } skipIfUnsupported(t, t.Parallel() tdir := t.TempDir() ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), runnerRunTimeout) defer cancel() cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "bash") cmd.Dir = tdir cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader( out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput() if strings.Contains(c.want, " #JUSTERR") { // bash sometimes exits with status code 0 and // stderr "bash: ..." for an error fauxErr := bytes.HasPrefix(out, []byte("bash:")) if err == nil && !fauxErr { t.Fatalf("wanted bash to error in %q", } return } got := string(out) if err != nil { got += err.Error() } if got != c.want { t.Fatalf("wrong bash output in %q:\nwant: %q\ngot: %q",, c.want, got) } }) } } func TestRunnerOpts(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() withPath := func(strs ...string) func(*interp.Runner) error { prefix := []string{ "PATH=" + os.Getenv("PATH"), "ENV_PROG=" + os.Getenv("ENV_PROG"), } return interp.Env(expand.ListEnviron(append(prefix, strs...)...)) } opts := func(list ...interp.RunnerOption) []interp.RunnerOption { return list } cases := []struct { opts []interp.RunnerOption in, want string }{ { nil, "$ENV_PROG | grep '^INTERP_GLOBAL='", "INTERP_GLOBAL=value\n", }, { opts(withPath()), "$ENV_PROG | grep '^INTERP_GLOBAL='", "exit status 1", }, { opts(withPath("INTERP_GLOBAL=bar_interp_missing")), "$ENV_PROG | grep '^INTERP_GLOBAL='", "INTERP_GLOBAL=bar_interp_missing\n", }, { opts(withPath("a=b")), "echo $a", "b\n", }, { opts(withPath("A=b")), "$ENV_PROG | grep '^A='; echo $A", "A=b\nb\n", }, { opts(withPath("A=b", "A=c")), "$ENV_PROG | grep '^A='; echo $A", "A=c\nc\n", }, { opts(withPath("HOME=")), "echo $HOME", "\n", }, { opts(withPath("PWD=foo_interp_missing")), "[[ $PWD == foo_interp_missing ]]", "exit status 1", }, { opts(interp.Params("foo_interp_missing")), "echo $@", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { opts(interp.Params("-u", "--", "foo_interp_missing")), "echo $@; echo $unset", "foo_interp_missing\nunset: unbound variable\nexit status 1", }, { opts(interp.Params("-u", "--", "foo_interp_missing")), "echo $@; echo ${unset:-default}", "foo_interp_missing\ndefault\n", }, { opts(interp.Params("foo_interp_missing")), "set >/dev/null; echo $@", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { opts(interp.Params("foo_interp_missing")), "set -e; echo $@", "foo_interp_missing\n", }, { opts(interp.Params("foo_interp_missing")), "set --; echo $@", "\n", }, { opts(interp.Params("foo_interp_missing")), "set bar_interp_missing; echo $@", "bar_interp_missing\n", }, { opts(interp.Env(expand.FuncEnviron(func(name string) string { if name == "foo" { return "bar" } return "" }))), "(echo $foo); echo x | echo $foo", "bar\nbar\n", }, } p := syntax.NewParser() for _, c := range cases { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { skipIfUnsupported(t, file := parse(t, p, var cb concBuffer r, err := interp.New(append(c.opts, interp.StdIO(nil, &cb, &cb), interp.OpenHandler(testOpenHandler), interp.ExecHandlers(testExecHandler), )...) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), runnerRunTimeout) defer cancel() if err := r.Run(ctx, file); err != nil { cb.WriteString(err.Error()) } if got := cb.String(); got != c.want { t.Fatalf("wrong output in %q:\nwant: %q\ngot: %q",, c.want, got) } }) } } func TestRunnerContext(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() cases := []string{ "", "while true; do true; done", "until false; do true; done", "sleep 1000", "while true; do true; done & wait", "sleep 1000 & wait", "(while true; do true; done)", "$(while true; do true; done)", "while true; do true; done | while true; do true; done", } p := syntax.NewParser() for _, in := range cases { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { file := parse(t, p, in) ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) cancel() r, _ := interp.New() errChan := make(chan error) go func() { errChan <- r.Run(ctx, file) }() timeout := 500 * time.Millisecond select { case err := <-errChan: if err != nil && err != ctx.Err() { t.Fatal("Runner did not use ctx.Err()") } case <-time.After(timeout): t.Fatalf("program was not killed in %s", timeout) } }) } } func TestCancelreader(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := syntax.NewParser() file := parse(t, p, "read x") ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 100*time.Millisecond) // Make the linter happy, even though we deliberately wait for the // timeout. defer cancel() var stdinRead *os.File if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { // On Windows, the cancelreader only works on stdin stdinRead = os.Stdin } else { var stdinWrite *os.File var err error stdinRead, stdinWrite, err = os.Pipe() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error calling os.Pipe: %v", err) } defer func() { stdinWrite.Close() stdinRead.Close() }() } r, _ := interp.New(interp.StdIO(stdinRead, nil, nil)) now := time.Now() errChan := make(chan error) go func() { errChan <- r.Run(ctx, file) }() timeout := 500 * time.Millisecond select { case err := <-errChan: if err == nil || err.Error() != "exit status 1" || ctx.Err() != context.DeadlineExceeded { t.Fatalf("'read x' did not timeout correctly; err: %v, ctx.Err(): %v; dur: %v", err, ctx.Err(), time.Since(now)) } case <-time.After(timeout): t.Fatalf("program was not killed in %s", timeout) } } func TestRunnerAltNodes(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() in := "echo foo_interp_missing" file := parse(t, nil, in) want := "foo_interp_missing\n" nodes := []syntax.Node{ file, file.Stmts[0], file.Stmts[0].Cmd, } for _, node := range nodes { var cb concBuffer r, _ := interp.New(interp.StdIO(nil, &cb, &cb)) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), runnerRunTimeout) defer cancel() if err := r.Run(ctx, node); err != nil { cb.WriteString(err.Error()) } if got := cb.String(); got != want { t.Fatalf("wrong output in %q:\nwant: %q\ngot: %q", in, want, got) } } } func TestRunnerDir(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() wd, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } t.Run("Missing", func(t *testing.T) { _, err := interp.New(interp.Dir("missing")) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected New to error when Dir is missing") } }) t.Run("NotDir", func(t *testing.T) { _, err := interp.New(interp.Dir("interp_test.go")) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected New to error when Dir is not a dir") } }) t.Run("NotDirAbs", func(t *testing.T) { _, err := interp.New(interp.Dir(filepath.Join(wd, "interp_test.go"))) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected New to error when Dir is not a dir") } }) t.Run("Relative", func(t *testing.T) { // On Windows, it's impossible to make a relative path from one // drive to another. Use the parent directory, as that's for // sure in the same drive as the current directory. rel := ".." + string(filepath.Separator) r, err := interp.New(interp.Dir(rel)) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if !filepath.IsAbs(r.Dir) { t.Errorf("Runner.Dir is not absolute") } }) // Ensure that we treat symlinks and short paths properly, especially // with Dir and globbing. t.Run("SymlinkOrShortPath", func(t *testing.T) { tdir := t.TempDir() realDir := filepath.Join(tdir, "real-long-dir-name") realFile := filepath.Join(realDir, "realfile") if err := os.Mkdir(realDir, 0o777); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if err := os.WriteFile(realFile, []byte(""), 0o666); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } var altDir string if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { short, err := shortPathName(realDir) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } altDir = short // We replace tdir later, and it might have been shortened. tdir = filepath.Dir(altDir) } else { altDir = filepath.Join(tdir, "symlink") if err := os.Symlink(realDir, altDir); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } var b bytes.Buffer r, err := interp.New(interp.Dir(altDir), interp.StdIO(nil, &b, &b)) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } file := parse(t, nil, "echo $PWD $PWD/*") ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), runnerRunTimeout) defer cancel() if err := r.Run(ctx, file); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } got := b.String() got = strings.ReplaceAll(got, tdir, "") got = strings.TrimSpace(got) want := `/symlink /symlink/realfile` if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { want = `\\REAL.{4} \\REAL.{4}\\realfile` } if !regexp.MustCompile(want).MatchString(got) { t.Fatalf("\nwant regexp: %q\ngot: %q", want, got) } }) } func TestRunnerIncremental(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() file := parse(t, nil, "echo foo_interp_missing; false; echo bar_interp_missing; exit 0; echo baz") want := "foo_interp_missing\nbar_interp_missing\n" var b bytes.Buffer r, _ := interp.New(interp.StdIO(nil, &b, &b)) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), runnerRunTimeout) defer cancel() for _, stmt := range file.Stmts { err := r.Run(ctx, stmt) if _, ok := interp.IsExitStatus(err); !ok && err != nil { // Keep track of unexpected errors. b.WriteString(err.Error()) } if r.Exited() { break } } if got := b.String(); got != want { t.Fatalf("\nwant: %q\ngot: %q", want, got) } } func TestRunnerResetFields(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tdir := t.TempDir() logPath := filepath.Join(tdir, "log") logFile, err := os.Create(logPath) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer logFile.Close() r, _ := interp.New( interp.Params("-f", "--", "first", tdir, logPath), interp.Dir(tdir), interp.OpenHandler(testOpenHandler), interp.ExecHandlers(testExecHandler), ) // Check that using option funcs and Runner fields directly is still // kept by Reset. interp.StdIO(nil, logFile, os.Stderr)(r) r.Env = expand.ListEnviron(append(os.Environ(), "GLOBAL=foo_interp_missing")...) file := parse(t, nil, ` # Params set 3 arguments [[ $# -eq 3 ]] || exit 10 [[ $1 == "first" ]] || exit 11 # Params set the -f option (noglob) [[ -o noglob ]] || exit 12 # $PWD was set via Dir, and should be equal to $2 [[ "$PWD" == "$2" ]] || exit 13 # stdout should go into the log file, which is at $3 echo line1 echo line2 [[ "$(wc -l <$3)" == "2" ]] || exit 14 # $GLOBAL was set directly via the Env field [[ "$GLOBAL" == "foo_interp_missing" ]] || exit 15 # Change all of the above within the script. Reset should undo this. set +f -- newargs cd exec >/dev/null 2>/dev/null GLOBAL= export GLOBAL= `) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), runnerRunTimeout) defer cancel() for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { if err := r.Run(ctx, file); err != nil { t.Fatalf("run number %d: %v", i, err) } r.Reset() // empty the log file too logFile.Truncate(0) logFile.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) } } func TestRunnerManyResets(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() r, _ := interp.New() for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { r.Reset() } } func TestRunnerFilename(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() want := "\n" file, _ := syntax.NewParser().Parse(strings.NewReader("echo $0"), "") var b bytes.Buffer r, _ := interp.New(interp.StdIO(nil, &b, &b)) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), runnerRunTimeout) defer cancel() if err := r.Run(ctx, file); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if got := b.String(); got != want { t.Fatalf("\nwant: %q\ngot: %q", want, got) } } func TestRunnerEnvNoModify(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() env := expand.ListEnviron("one=1", "two=2") file := parse(t, nil, `echo -n "$one $two; "; one=x; unset two`) var b bytes.Buffer r, _ := interp.New(interp.Env(env), interp.StdIO(nil, &b, &b)) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), runnerRunTimeout) defer cancel() for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { r.Reset() err := r.Run(ctx, file) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } want := "1 2; 1 2; 1 2; " if got := b.String(); got != want { t.Fatalf("\nwant: %q\ngot: %q", want, got) } } func TestMalformedPathOnWindows(t *testing.T) { if runtime.GOOS != "windows" { t.Skip("Skipping windows test on non-windows GOOS") } tdir := t.TempDir() t.Parallel() path := filepath.Join(tdir, "test.cmd") script := []byte("@echo foo_interp_missing") if err := os.WriteFile(path, script, 0o777); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // set PATH to c:\tmp\dir instead of C:\tmp\dir volume := filepath.VolumeName(tdir) pathList := strings.ToLower(volume) + tdir[len(volume):] file := parse(t, nil, "test.cmd") var cb concBuffer r, _ := interp.New(interp.Env(expand.ListEnviron("PATH="+pathList)), interp.StdIO(nil, &cb, &cb)) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), runnerRunTimeout) defer cancel() if err := r.Run(ctx, file); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } want := "foo_interp_missing\r\n" if got := cb.String(); got != want { t.Fatalf("wrong output:\nwant: %q\ngot: %q", want, got) } } func TestReadShouldNotPanicWithNilStdin(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() r, err := interp.New() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } f := parse(t, nil, "read foo_interp_missingbar_interp_missing") ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), runnerRunTimeout) defer cancel() if err := r.Run(ctx, f); err == nil { t.Fatal("it should have retuned an error") } } func TestRunnerVars(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() r, err := interp.New() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } f := parse(t, nil, "FOO_INTERP_MISSING=updated; BAR_INTERP_MISSING=new") ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), runnerRunTimeout) defer cancel() if err := r.Run(ctx, f); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if want, got := "updated", r.Vars["FOO_INTERP_MISSING"].String(); got != want { t.Fatalf("wrong output:\nwant: %q\ngot: %q", want, got) } } func TestRunnerSubshell(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() r1, err := interp.New() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } r2 := r1.Subshell() f1 := parse(t, nil, "PARENT=foo_interp_missing") f2 := parse(t, nil, "CHILD=bar_interp_missing") ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), runnerRunTimeout) defer cancel() if err := r1.Run(ctx, f1); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if err := r2.Run(ctx, f2); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if want, got := "foo_interp_missing", r1.Vars["PARENT"].String(); got != want { t.Fatalf("wrong output:\nwant: %q\ngot: %q", want, got) } if want, got := "bar_interp_missing", r2.Vars["CHILD"].String(); got != want { t.Fatalf("wrong output:\nwant: %q\ngot: %q", want, got) } r3 := r2.Subshell() f3 := parse(t, nil, "CHILD=modified") if err := r3.Run(ctx, f3); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if want, got := "bar_interp_missing", r2.Vars["CHILD"].String(); got != want { t.Fatalf("wrong output:\nwant: %q\ngot: %q", want, got) } if want, got := "modified", r3.Vars["CHILD"].String(); got != want { t.Fatalf("wrong output:\nwant: %q\ngot: %q", want, got) } } func TestRunnerNonFileStdin(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() var cb concBuffer r, err := interp.New(interp.StdIO(strings.NewReader("a\nb\nc\n"), &cb, &cb)) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } file := parse(t, nil, "while read a; do echo $a; GOSH_CMD=exec_ok $GOSH_PROG; done") ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), runnerRunTimeout) defer cancel() if err := r.Run(ctx, file); err != nil { cb.WriteString(err.Error()) } // TODO: just like with heredocs, the first exec_ok call consumes all stdin. qt.Assert(t, qt.Equals(cb.String(), "a\nexec ok\nb\nexec ok\nc\nexec ok\n")) } 0707010000003D000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000031E000000000000000000000000000000000000001F00000000sh-3.10.0/interp/os_notunix.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Andrey Nering <> // See LICENSE for licensing information //go:build !unix package interp import ( "context" "fmt" "" ) func mkfifo(path string, mode uint32) error { return fmt.Errorf("unsupported") } // hasPermissionToDir is a no-op on Windows. func hasPermissionToDir(string) bool { return true } // unTestOwnOrGrp panics. Under Unix, it implements the -O and -G unary tests, // but under Windows, it's unclear how to implement those tests, since Windows // doesn't have the concept of a file owner, just ACLs, and it's unclear how // to map the one to the other. func (r *Runner) unTestOwnOrGrp(ctx context.Context, op syntax.UnTestOperator, x string) bool { panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled unary test op: %v", op)) } 0707010000003E000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000449000000000000000000000000000000000000001C00000000sh-3.10.0/interp/os_unix.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Andrey Nering <> // See LICENSE for licensing information //go:build unix package interp import ( "context" "os/user" "strconv" "syscall" "" "" ) func mkfifo(path string, mode uint32) error { return unix.Mkfifo(path, mode) } // hasPermissionToDir returns true if the OS current user has execute // permission to the given directory func hasPermissionToDir(path string) bool { return unix.Access(path, unix.X_OK) == nil } // unTestOwnOrGrp implements the -O and -G unary tests. If the file does not // exist, or the current user cannot be retrieved, returns false. func (r *Runner) unTestOwnOrGrp(ctx context.Context, op syntax.UnTestOperator, x string) bool { info, err := r.stat(ctx, x) if err != nil { return false } u, err := user.Current() if err != nil { return false } if op == syntax.TsUsrOwn { uid, _ := strconv.Atoi(u.Uid) return uint32(uid) == info.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t).Uid } gid, _ := strconv.Atoi(u.Gid) return uint32(gid) == info.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t).Gid } 0707010000003F000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100005E26000000000000000000000000000000000000001B00000000sh-3.10.0/interp/runner.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package interp import ( "bytes" "context" "errors" "fmt" "io" "io/fs" "math" "math/rand" "os" "regexp" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" "" ) const ( // shellReplyPS3Var, or PS3, is a special variable in Bash used by the select command, // while the shell is awaiting for input. the default value is shellDefaultPS3 shellReplyPS3Var = "PS3" // shellDefaultPS3, or #?, is PS3's default value shellDefaultPS3 = "#? " // shellReplyVar, or REPLY, is a special variable in Bash that is used to store the result of // the select command or of the read command, when no variable name is specified shellReplyVar = "REPLY" ) func (r *Runner) fillExpandConfig(ctx context.Context) { r.ectx = ctx r.ecfg = &expand.Config{ Env: expandEnv{r}, CmdSubst: func(w io.Writer, cs *syntax.CmdSubst) error { switch len(cs.Stmts) { case 0: // nothing to do return nil case 1: // $(<file) word := catShortcutArg(cs.Stmts[0]) if word == nil { break } path := r.literal(word) f, err :=, path, os.O_RDONLY, 0, true) if err != nil { return err } _, err = io.Copy(w, f) f.Close() return err } r2 := r.Subshell() r2.stdout = w r2.stmts(ctx, cs.Stmts) r.lastExpandExit = r2.exit return r2.err }, ProcSubst: func(ps *syntax.ProcSubst) (string, error) { if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { return "", fmt.Errorf("TODO: support process substitution on Windows") } if len(ps.Stmts) == 0 { // nothing to do return os.DevNull, nil } if r.rand == nil { r.rand = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) } dir := os.TempDir() // We can't atomically create a random unused temporary FIFO. // Similar to os.CreateTemp, // keep trying new random paths until one does not exist. // We use a uint64 because a uint32 easily runs into retries. var path string try := 0 for { path = fmt.Sprintf("%s/sh-interp-%x", dir, r.rand.Uint64()) err := mkfifo(path, 0o666) if err == nil { break } if !os.IsExist(err) { return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot create fifo: %v", err) } if try++; try > 100 { return "", fmt.Errorf("giving up at creating fifo: %v", err) } } r2 := r.Subshell() stdout := r.origStdout r.wgProcSubsts.Add(1) go func() { defer r.wgProcSubsts.Done() switch ps.Op { case syntax.CmdIn: f, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_WRONLY, 0) if err != nil { r.errf("cannot open fifo for stdout: %v\n", err) return } r2.stdout = f defer func() { if err := f.Close(); err != nil { r.errf("closing stdout fifo: %v\n", err) } os.Remove(path) }() default: // syntax.CmdOut f, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_RDONLY, 0) if err != nil { r.errf("cannot open fifo for stdin: %v\n", err) return } r2.stdin = f r2.stdout = stdout defer func() { f.Close() os.Remove(path) }() } r2.stmts(ctx, ps.Stmts) }() return path, nil }, } r.updateExpandOpts() } // catShortcutArg checks if a statement is of the form "$(<file)". The redirect // word is returned if there's a match, and nil otherwise. func catShortcutArg(stmt *syntax.Stmt) *syntax.Word { if stmt.Cmd != nil || stmt.Negated || stmt.Background || stmt.Coprocess { return nil } if len(stmt.Redirs) != 1 { return nil } redir := stmt.Redirs[0] if redir.Op != syntax.RdrIn { return nil } return redir.Word } func (r *Runner) updateExpandOpts() { if r.opts[optNoGlob] { r.ecfg.ReadDir2 = nil } else { r.ecfg.ReadDir2 = func(s string) ([]fs.DirEntry, error) { return r.readDirHandler(r.handlerCtx(context.Background()), s) } } r.ecfg.GlobStar = r.opts[optGlobStar] r.ecfg.NoCaseGlob = r.opts[optNoCaseGlob] r.ecfg.NullGlob = r.opts[optNullGlob] r.ecfg.NoUnset = r.opts[optNoUnset] } func (r *Runner) expandErr(err error) { if err != nil { errMsg := err.Error() fmt.Fprintln(r.stderr, errMsg) switch { case errors.As(err, &expand.UnsetParameterError{}): case errMsg == "invalid indirect expansion": // TODO: These errors are treated as fatal by bash. // Make the error type reflect that. case strings.HasSuffix(errMsg, "not supported"): // TODO: This "has suffix" is a temporary measure until the expand // package supports all syntax nodes like extended globbing. default: return // other cases do not exit } r.exitShell(context.TODO(), 1) } } func (r *Runner) arithm(expr syntax.ArithmExpr) int { n, err := expand.Arithm(r.ecfg, expr) r.expandErr(err) return n } func (r *Runner) fields(words ...*syntax.Word) []string { strs, err := expand.Fields(r.ecfg, words...) r.expandErr(err) return strs } func (r *Runner) literal(word *syntax.Word) string { str, err := expand.Literal(r.ecfg, word) r.expandErr(err) return str } func (r *Runner) document(word *syntax.Word) string { str, err := expand.Document(r.ecfg, word) r.expandErr(err) return str } func (r *Runner) pattern(word *syntax.Word) string { str, err := expand.Pattern(r.ecfg, word) r.expandErr(err) return str } // expandEnviron exposes Runner's variables to the expand package. type expandEnv struct { r *Runner } var _ expand.WriteEnviron = expandEnv{} func (e expandEnv) Get(name string) expand.Variable { return e.r.lookupVar(name) } func (e expandEnv) Set(name string, vr expand.Variable) error { e.r.setVarInternal(name, vr) return nil // TODO: return any errors } func (e expandEnv) Each(fn func(name string, vr expand.Variable) bool) { e.r.writeEnv.Each(fn) } func (r *Runner) handlerCtx(ctx context.Context) context.Context { hc := HandlerContext{ Env: &overlayEnviron{parent: r.writeEnv}, Dir: r.Dir, Stdout: r.stdout, Stderr: r.stderr, } if r.stdin != nil { // do not leave hc.Stdin as a typed nil hc.Stdin = r.stdin } return context.WithValue(ctx, handlerCtxKey{}, hc) } func (r *Runner) setErr(err error) { if r.err == nil { r.err = err } } func (r *Runner) out(s string) { io.WriteString(r.stdout, s) } func (r *Runner) outf(format string, a ...any) { fmt.Fprintf(r.stdout, format, a...) } func (r *Runner) errf(format string, a ...any) { fmt.Fprintf(r.stderr, format, a...) } func (r *Runner) stop(ctx context.Context) bool { if r.err != nil || r.Exited() { return true } if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil { r.err = err return true } if r.opts[optNoExec] { return true } return false } func (r *Runner) stmt(ctx context.Context, st *syntax.Stmt) { if r.stop(ctx) { return } r.exit = 0 if st.Background { r2 := r.Subshell() st2 := *st st2.Background = false r.bgShells.Go(func() error { return r2.Run(ctx, &st2) }) } else { r.stmtSync(ctx, st) } r.lastExit = r.exit } func (r *Runner) stmtSync(ctx context.Context, st *syntax.Stmt) { defer r.wgProcSubsts.Wait() oldIn, oldOut, oldErr := r.stdin, r.stdout, r.stderr for _, rd := range st.Redirs { cls, err := r.redir(ctx, rd) if err != nil { r.exit = 1 break } if cls != nil { defer cls.Close() } } if r.exit == 0 && st.Cmd != nil { r.cmd(ctx, st.Cmd) } if st.Negated { r.exit = oneIf(r.exit == 0) } else if _, ok := st.Cmd.(*syntax.CallExpr); !ok { } else if r.exit != 0 && !r.noErrExit && r.opts[optErrExit] { // If the "errexit" option is set and a simple command failed, // exit the shell. Exceptions: // // conditions (if <cond>, while <cond>, etc) // part of && or || lists // preceded by ! r.exitShell(ctx, r.exit) } else if r.exit != 0 && !r.noErrExit { r.trapCallback(ctx, r.callbackErr, "error") } if !r.keepRedirs { r.stdin, r.stdout, r.stderr = oldIn, oldOut, oldErr } } func (r *Runner) cmd(ctx context.Context, cm syntax.Command) { if r.stop(ctx) { return } tracingEnabled := r.opts[optXTrace] trace := r.tracer() switch cm := cm.(type) { case *syntax.Block: r.stmts(ctx, cm.Stmts) case *syntax.Subshell: r2 := r.Subshell() r2.stmts(ctx, cm.Stmts) r.exit = r2.exit r.setErr(r2.err) case *syntax.CallExpr: // Use a new slice, to not modify the slice in the alias map. var args []*syntax.Word left := cm.Args for len(left) > 0 && r.opts[optExpandAliases] { als, ok := r.alias[left[0].Lit()] if !ok { break } args = append(args, als.args...) left = left[1:] if !als.blank { break } } args = append(args, left...) r.lastExpandExit = 0 fields := r.fields(args...) if len(fields) == 0 { for _, as := range cm.Assigns { vr := r.assignVal(as, "") r.setVar(as.Name.Value, as.Index, vr) if !tracingEnabled { continue } // Strangely enough, it seems like Bash prints original // source for arrays, but the expanded value otherwise. // TODO: add test cases for x[i]=y and x+=y. if as.Array != nil { trace.expr(as) } else if as.Value != nil { val, err := syntax.Quote(vr.String(), syntax.LangBash) if err != nil { // should never happen panic(err) } trace.stringf("%s=%s", as.Name.Value, val) } trace.newLineFlush() } // If interpreting the last expansion like $(foo) failed, // and the expansion and assignments otherwise succeeded, // we need to surface that last exit code. if r.exit == 0 { r.exit = r.lastExpandExit } break } type restoreVar struct { name string vr expand.Variable } var restores []restoreVar for _, as := range cm.Assigns { name := as.Name.Value origVr := r.lookupVar(name) vr := r.assignVal(as, "") // Inline command vars are always exported. vr.Exported = true restores = append(restores, restoreVar{name, origVr}) r.setVarInternal(name, vr) }[0], fields[1:]...) trace.newLineFlush(), cm.Args[0].Pos(), fields) for _, restore := range restores { r.setVarInternal(, restore.vr) } case *syntax.BinaryCmd: switch cm.Op { case syntax.AndStmt, syntax.OrStmt: oldNoErrExit := r.noErrExit r.noErrExit = true r.stmt(ctx, cm.X) r.noErrExit = oldNoErrExit if (r.exit == 0) == (cm.Op == syntax.AndStmt) { r.stmt(ctx, cm.Y) } case syntax.Pipe, syntax.PipeAll: pr, pw, err := os.Pipe() if err != nil { r.setErr(err) return } r2 := r.Subshell() r2.stdout = pw if cm.Op == syntax.PipeAll { r2.stderr = pw } else { r2.stderr = r.stderr } r.stdin = pr var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(1) go func() { r2.stmt(ctx, cm.X) pw.Close() wg.Done() }() r.stmt(ctx, cm.Y) pr.Close() wg.Wait() if r.opts[optPipeFail] && r2.exit != 0 && r.exit == 0 { r.exit = r2.exit r.shellExited = r2.shellExited } r.setErr(r2.err) } case *syntax.IfClause: oldNoErrExit := r.noErrExit r.noErrExit = true r.stmts(ctx, cm.Cond) r.noErrExit = oldNoErrExit if r.exit == 0 { r.stmts(ctx, cm.Then) break } r.exit = 0 if cm.Else != nil { r.cmd(ctx, cm.Else) } case *syntax.WhileClause: for !r.stop(ctx) { oldNoErrExit := r.noErrExit r.noErrExit = true r.stmts(ctx, cm.Cond) r.noErrExit = oldNoErrExit stop := (r.exit == 0) == cm.Until r.exit = 0 if stop || r.loopStmtsBroken(ctx, cm.Do) { break } } case *syntax.ForClause: switch y := cm.Loop.(type) { case *syntax.WordIter: name := y.Name.Value items := r.Params // for i; do ... inToken := y.InPos.IsValid() if inToken { items = r.fields(y.Items...) // for i in ...; do ... } if cm.Select { ps3 := shellDefaultPS3 if e := r.envGet(shellReplyPS3Var); e != "" { ps3 = e } prompt := func() []byte { // display menu for i, word := range items { r.errf("%d) %v\n", i+1, word) } r.errf("%s", ps3) line, err := r.readLine(ctx, true) if err != nil { r.exit = 1 return nil } return line } retry: choice := prompt() if len(choice) == 0 { goto retry // no reply; try again } reply := string(choice) r.setVarString(shellReplyVar, reply) c, _ := strconv.Atoi(reply) if c > 0 && c <= len(items) { r.setVarString(name, items[c-1]) } // execute commands until break or return is encountered if r.loopStmtsBroken(ctx, cm.Do) { break } } for _, field := range items { r.setVarString(name, field) trace.stringf("for %s in", y.Name.Value) if inToken { for _, item := range y.Items { trace.string(" ") trace.expr(item) } } else { trace.string(` "$@"`) } trace.newLineFlush() if r.loopStmtsBroken(ctx, cm.Do) { break } } case *syntax.CStyleLoop: if y.Init != nil { r.arithm(y.Init) } for y.Cond == nil || r.arithm(y.Cond) != 0 { if r.exit != 0 || r.loopStmtsBroken(ctx, cm.Do) { break } if y.Post != nil { r.arithm(y.Post) } } } case *syntax.FuncDecl: r.setFunc(cm.Name.Value, cm.Body) case *syntax.ArithmCmd: r.exit = oneIf(r.arithm(cm.X) == 0) case *syntax.LetClause: var val int for _, expr := range cm.Exprs { val = r.arithm(expr) if !tracingEnabled { continue } switch expr := expr.(type) { case *syntax.Word: qs, err := syntax.Quote(r.literal(expr), syntax.LangBash) if err != nil { return } trace.stringf("let %v", qs) case *syntax.BinaryArithm, *syntax.UnaryArithm: trace.expr(cm) case *syntax.ParenArithm: // TODO } } trace.newLineFlush() r.exit = oneIf(val == 0) case *syntax.CaseClause: trace.string("case ") trace.expr(cm.Word) trace.string(" in") trace.newLineFlush() str := r.literal(cm.Word) for _, ci := range cm.Items { for _, word := range ci.Patterns { pattern := r.pattern(word) if match(pattern, str) { r.stmts(ctx, ci.Stmts) return } } } case *syntax.TestClause: if r.bashTest(ctx, cm.X, false) == "" && r.exit == 0 { // to preserve exit status code 2 for regex errors, etc r.exit = 1 } case *syntax.DeclClause: local, global := false, false var modes []string valType := "" switch cm.Variant.Value { case "declare": // When used in a function, "declare" acts as "local" // unless the "-g" option is used. local = r.inFunc case "local": if !r.inFunc { r.errf("local: can only be used in a function\n") r.exit = 1 return } local = true case "export": modes = append(modes, "-x") case "readonly": modes = append(modes, "-r") case "nameref": valType = "-n" } for _, as := range cm.Args { for _, as := range r.flattenAssign(as) { name := as.Name.Value if strings.HasPrefix(name, "-") { switch name { case "-x", "-r": modes = append(modes, name) case "-a", "-A", "-n": valType = name case "-g": global = true default: r.errf("declare: invalid option %q\n", name) r.exit = 2 return } continue } if !syntax.ValidName(name) { r.errf("declare: invalid name %q\n", name) r.exit = 1 return } var vr expand.Variable if !as.Naked { vr = r.assignVal(as, valType) } if global { vr.Local = false } else if local { vr.Local = true } for _, mode := range modes { switch mode { case "-x": vr.Exported = true case "-r": vr.ReadOnly = true } } if as.Naked { if vr.Exported || vr.Local || vr.ReadOnly { r.setVarInternal(name, vr) } } else { r.setVar(name, as.Index, vr) } } } case *syntax.TimeClause: start := time.Now() if cm.Stmt != nil { r.stmt(ctx, cm.Stmt) } format := "%s\t%s\n" if cm.PosixFormat { format = "%s %s\n" } else { r.outf("\n") } real := time.Since(start) r.outf(format, "real", elapsedString(real, cm.PosixFormat)) // TODO: can we do these? r.outf(format, "user", elapsedString(0, cm.PosixFormat)) r.outf(format, "sys", elapsedString(0, cm.PosixFormat)) default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled command node: %T", cm)) } } func (r *Runner) trapCallback(ctx context.Context, callback, name string) { if callback == "" { return // nothing to do } if r.handlingTrap { return // don't recurse, as that could lead to cycles } r.handlingTrap = true p := syntax.NewParser() // TODO: do this parsing when "trap" is called? file, err := p.Parse(strings.NewReader(callback), name+" trap") if err != nil { r.errf(name+"trap: %v\n", err) // ignore errors in the callback return } r.stmts(ctx, file.Stmts) r.handlingTrap = false } // exitShell exits the current shell session with the given status code. func (r *Runner) exitShell(ctx context.Context, status int) { if status != 0 { r.trapCallback(ctx, r.callbackErr, "error") } r.trapCallback(ctx, r.callbackExit, "exit") r.shellExited = true // Restore the original exit status. We ignore the callbacks. r.exit = status } func (r *Runner) flattenAssign(as *syntax.Assign) []*syntax.Assign { // Convert "declare $x" into "declare value". // Don't use syntax.Parser here, as we only want the basic // splitting by '='. if as.Name != nil { return []*syntax.Assign{as} // nothing to do } var asgns []*syntax.Assign for _, field := range r.fields(as.Value) { as := &syntax.Assign{} parts := strings.SplitN(field, "=", 2) as.Name = &syntax.Lit{Value: parts[0]} if len(parts) == 1 { as.Naked = true } else { as.Value = &syntax.Word{Parts: []syntax.WordPart{ &syntax.Lit{Value: parts[1]}, }} } asgns = append(asgns, as) } return asgns } func match(pat, name string) bool { expr, err := pattern.Regexp(pat, pattern.EntireString) if err != nil { return false } rx := regexp.MustCompile(expr) return rx.MatchString(name) } func elapsedString(d time.Duration, posix bool) string { if posix { return fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", d.Seconds()) } min := int(d.Minutes()) sec := math.Mod(d.Seconds(), 60.0) return fmt.Sprintf("%dm%.3fs", min, sec) } func (r *Runner) stmts(ctx context.Context, stmts []*syntax.Stmt) { for _, stmt := range stmts { r.stmt(ctx, stmt) } } func (r *Runner) hdocReader(rd *syntax.Redirect) (*os.File, error) { pr, pw, err := os.Pipe() if err != nil { return nil, err } // We write to the pipe in a new goroutine, // as pipe writes may block once the buffer gets full. // We still construct and buffer the entire heredoc first, // as doing it concurrently would lead to different semantics and be racy. if rd.Op != syntax.DashHdoc { hdoc := r.document(rd.Hdoc) go func() { pw.WriteString(hdoc) pw.Close() }() return pr, nil } var buf bytes.Buffer var cur []syntax.WordPart flushLine := func() { if buf.Len() > 0 { buf.WriteByte('\n') } buf.WriteString(r.document(&syntax.Word{Parts: cur})) cur = cur[:0] } for _, wp := range rd.Hdoc.Parts { lit, ok := wp.(*syntax.Lit) if !ok { cur = append(cur, wp) continue } for i, part := range strings.Split(lit.Value, "\n") { if i > 0 { flushLine() cur = cur[:0] } part = strings.TrimLeft(part, "\t") cur = append(cur, &syntax.Lit{Value: part}) } } flushLine() go func() { pw.Write(buf.Bytes()) pw.Close() }() return pr, nil } func (r *Runner) redir(ctx context.Context, rd *syntax.Redirect) (io.Closer, error) { if rd.Hdoc != nil { pr, err := r.hdocReader(rd) if err != nil { return nil, err } r.stdin = pr return pr, nil } orig := &r.stdout if rd.N != nil { switch rd.N.Value { case "0": // Note that the input redirects below always use stdin (0) // because we don't support anything else right now. case "1": // The default for the output redirects below. case "2": orig = &r.stderr default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported redirect fd: %v", rd.N.Value)) } } arg := r.literal(rd.Word) switch rd.Op { case syntax.WordHdoc: pr, pw, err := os.Pipe() if err != nil { return nil, err } r.stdin = pr // We write to the pipe in a new goroutine, // as pipe writes may block once the buffer gets full. go func() { pw.WriteString(arg) pw.WriteString("\n") pw.Close() }() return pr, nil case syntax.DplOut: switch arg { case "1": *orig = r.stdout case "2": *orig = r.stderr case "-": *orig = io.Discard // closing the output writer default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled %v arg: %q", rd.Op, arg)) } return nil, nil case syntax.RdrIn, syntax.RdrOut, syntax.AppOut, syntax.RdrAll, syntax.AppAll: // done further below case syntax.DplIn: switch arg { case "-": r.stdin = nil // closing the input file default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled %v arg: %q", rd.Op, arg)) } return nil, nil default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled redirect op: %v", rd.Op)) } mode := os.O_RDONLY switch rd.Op { case syntax.AppOut, syntax.AppAll: mode = os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND case syntax.RdrOut, syntax.RdrAll: mode = os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREATE | os.O_TRUNC } f, err :=, arg, mode, 0o644, true) if err != nil { return nil, err } switch rd.Op { case syntax.RdrIn: stdin, err := stdinFile(f) if err != nil { return nil, err } r.stdin = stdin case syntax.RdrOut, syntax.AppOut: *orig = f case syntax.RdrAll, syntax.AppAll: r.stdout = f r.stderr = f default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled redirect op: %v", rd.Op)) } return f, nil } func (r *Runner) loopStmtsBroken(ctx context.Context, stmts []*syntax.Stmt) bool { oldInLoop := r.inLoop r.inLoop = true defer func() { r.inLoop = oldInLoop }() for _, stmt := range stmts { r.stmt(ctx, stmt) if r.contnEnclosing > 0 { r.contnEnclosing-- return r.contnEnclosing > 0 } if r.breakEnclosing > 0 { r.breakEnclosing-- return true } } return false } type returnStatus uint8 func (s returnStatus) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("return status %d", s) } func (r *Runner) call(ctx context.Context, pos syntax.Pos, args []string) { if r.stop(ctx) { return } if r.callHandler != nil { var err error args, err = r.callHandler(r.handlerCtx(ctx), args) if err != nil { // handler's custom fatal error r.setErr(err) return } } name := args[0] if body := r.Funcs[name]; body != nil { // stack them to support nested func calls oldParams := r.Params r.Params = args[1:] oldInFunc := r.inFunc r.inFunc = true // Functions run in a nested scope. // Note that Runner.exec below does something similar. origEnv := r.writeEnv r.writeEnv = &overlayEnviron{parent: r.writeEnv, funcScope: true} r.stmt(ctx, body) r.writeEnv = origEnv r.Params = oldParams r.inFunc = oldInFunc if code, ok := r.err.(returnStatus); ok { r.err = nil r.exit = int(code) } return } if isBuiltin(name) { r.exit = r.builtinCode(ctx, pos, name, args[1:]) return } r.exec(ctx, args) } func (r *Runner) exec(ctx context.Context, args []string) { err := r.execHandler(r.handlerCtx(ctx), args) if status, ok := IsExitStatus(err); ok { r.exit = int(status) return } if err != nil { // handler's custom fatal error r.setErr(err) return } r.exit = 0 } func (r *Runner) open(ctx context.Context, path string, flags int, mode os.FileMode, print bool) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) { f, err := r.openHandler(r.handlerCtx(ctx), path, flags, mode) // TODO: support wrapped PathError returned from openHandler. switch err.(type) { case nil: return f, nil case *os.PathError: if print { r.errf("%v\n", err) } default: // handler's custom fatal error r.setErr(err) } return nil, err } func (r *Runner) stat(ctx context.Context, name string) (fs.FileInfo, error) { path := absPath(r.Dir, name) return r.statHandler(ctx, path, true) } func (r *Runner) lstat(ctx context.Context, name string) (fs.FileInfo, error) { path := absPath(r.Dir, name) return r.statHandler(ctx, path, false) } 07070100000040000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000144E000000000000000000000000000000000000001900000000sh-3.10.0/interp/test.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package interp import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "os/exec" "regexp" "" "" "" ) // non-empty string is true, empty string is false func (r *Runner) bashTest(ctx context.Context, expr syntax.TestExpr, classic bool) string { switch x := expr.(type) { case *syntax.Word: if classic { // In the classic "test" mode, we already expanded and // split the list of words, so don't redo that work. return r.document(x) } return r.literal(x) case *syntax.ParenTest: return r.bashTest(ctx, x.X, classic) case *syntax.BinaryTest: switch x.Op { case syntax.TsMatchShort, syntax.TsMatch, syntax.TsNoMatch: str := r.literal(x.X.(*syntax.Word)) yw := x.Y.(*syntax.Word) if classic { // test, [ lit := r.literal(yw) if (str == lit) == (x.Op != syntax.TsNoMatch) { return "1" } } else { // [[ pattern := r.pattern(yw) if match(pattern, str) == (x.Op != syntax.TsNoMatch) { return "1" } } return "" } if r.binTest(ctx, x.Op, r.bashTest(ctx, x.X, classic), r.bashTest(ctx, x.Y, classic)) { return "1" } return "" case *syntax.UnaryTest: if r.unTest(ctx, x.Op, r.bashTest(ctx, x.X, classic)) { return "1" } return "" } return "" } func (r *Runner) binTest(ctx context.Context, op syntax.BinTestOperator, x, y string) bool { switch op { case syntax.TsReMatch: re, err := regexp.Compile(y) if err != nil { r.exit = 2 return false } return re.MatchString(x) case syntax.TsNewer: info1, err1 := r.stat(ctx, x) info2, err2 := r.stat(ctx, y) if err1 != nil || err2 != nil { return false } return info1.ModTime().After(info2.ModTime()) case syntax.TsOlder: info1, err1 := r.stat(ctx, x) info2, err2 := r.stat(ctx, y) if err1 != nil || err2 != nil { return false } return info1.ModTime().Before(info2.ModTime()) case syntax.TsDevIno: info1, err1 := r.stat(ctx, x) info2, err2 := r.stat(ctx, y) if err1 != nil || err2 != nil { return false } return os.SameFile(info1, info2) case syntax.TsEql: return atoi(x) == atoi(y) case syntax.TsNeq: return atoi(x) != atoi(y) case syntax.TsLeq: return atoi(x) <= atoi(y) case syntax.TsGeq: return atoi(x) >= atoi(y) case syntax.TsLss: return atoi(x) < atoi(y) case syntax.TsGtr: return atoi(x) > atoi(y) case syntax.AndTest: return x != "" && y != "" case syntax.OrTest: return x != "" || y != "" case syntax.TsBefore: return x < y default: // syntax.TsAfter return x > y } } func (r *Runner) statMode(ctx context.Context, name string, mode os.FileMode) bool { info, err := r.stat(ctx, name) return err == nil && info.Mode()&mode != 0 } func (r *Runner) unTest(ctx context.Context, op syntax.UnTestOperator, x string) bool { switch op { case syntax.TsExists: _, err := r.stat(ctx, x) return err == nil case syntax.TsRegFile: info, err := r.stat(ctx, x) return err == nil && info.Mode().IsRegular() case syntax.TsDirect: return r.statMode(ctx, x, os.ModeDir) case syntax.TsCharSp: return r.statMode(ctx, x, os.ModeCharDevice) case syntax.TsBlckSp: info, err := r.stat(ctx, x) return err == nil && info.Mode()&os.ModeDevice != 0 && info.Mode()&os.ModeCharDevice == 0 case syntax.TsNmPipe: return r.statMode(ctx, x, os.ModeNamedPipe) case syntax.TsSocket: return r.statMode(ctx, x, os.ModeSocket) case syntax.TsSmbLink: info, err := r.lstat(ctx, x) return err == nil && info.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 case syntax.TsSticky: return r.statMode(ctx, x, os.ModeSticky) case syntax.TsUIDSet: return r.statMode(ctx, x, os.ModeSetuid) case syntax.TsGIDSet: return r.statMode(ctx, x, os.ModeSetgid) // case syntax.TsGrpOwn: // case syntax.TsUsrOwn: // case syntax.TsModif: case syntax.TsRead: f, err :=, x, os.O_RDONLY, 0, false) if err == nil { f.Close() } return err == nil case syntax.TsWrite: f, err :=, x, os.O_WRONLY, 0, false) if err == nil { f.Close() } return err == nil case syntax.TsExec: _, err := exec.LookPath(r.absPath(x)) return err == nil case syntax.TsNoEmpty: info, err := r.stat(ctx, x) return err == nil && info.Size() > 0 case syntax.TsFdTerm: fd := atoi(x) var f any switch fd { case 0: f = r.stdin case 1: f = r.stdout case 2: f = r.stderr } if f, ok := f.(interface{ Fd() uintptr }); ok { // Support Fd methods such as the one on *os.File. return term.IsTerminal(int(f.Fd())) } // TODO: allow term.IsTerminal here too if running in the // "single process" mode. return false case syntax.TsEmpStr: return x == "" case syntax.TsNempStr: return x != "" case syntax.TsOptSet: if _, opt := r.optByName(x, false); opt != nil { return *opt } return false case syntax.TsVarSet: return r.lookupVar(x).IsSet() case syntax.TsRefVar: return r.lookupVar(x).Kind == expand.NameRef case syntax.TsNot: return x == "" case syntax.TsUsrOwn, syntax.TsGrpOwn: return r.unTestOwnOrGrp(ctx, op, x) default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled unary test op: %v", op)) } } 07070100000041000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000F74000000000000000000000000000000000000002100000000sh-3.10.0/interp/test_classic.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package interp import ( "fmt" "" ) const illegalTok = 0 type testParser struct { eof bool val string rem []string err func(err error) } func (p *testParser) errf(format string, a ...any) { p.err(fmt.Errorf(format, a...)) } func (p *testParser) next() { if p.eof || len(p.rem) == 0 { p.eof = true p.val = "" return } p.val = p.rem[0] p.rem = p.rem[1:] } func (p *testParser) followWord(fval string) *syntax.Word { if p.eof { p.errf("%s must be followed by a word", fval) } w := &syntax.Word{Parts: []syntax.WordPart{ &syntax.Lit{Value: p.val}, }} return w } func (p *testParser) classicTest(fval string, pastAndOr bool) syntax.TestExpr { var left syntax.TestExpr if pastAndOr { left = p.testExprBase(fval) } else { left = p.classicTest(fval, true) } if left == nil || p.eof || p.val == ")" { return left } opStr := p.val op := testBinaryOp(p.val) if op == illegalTok { p.errf("not a valid test operator: %s", p.val) } b := &syntax.BinaryTest{ Op: op, X: left, } switch b.Op { case syntax.AndTest, syntax.OrTest: if b.Y = p.classicTest(opStr, false); b.Y == nil { p.errf("%s must be followed by an expression", opStr) } default: b.Y = p.followWord(opStr) } return b } func (p *testParser) testExprBase(fval string) syntax.TestExpr { if p.eof || p.val == ")" { return nil } op := testUnaryOp(p.val) switch op { case syntax.TsNot: u := &syntax.UnaryTest{Op: op} u.X = p.classicTest(op.String(), false) return u case syntax.TsParen: pe := &syntax.ParenTest{} pe.X = p.classicTest(op.String(), false) if p.val != ")" { p.errf("reached %s without matching ( with )", p.val) } return pe case illegalTok: return p.followWord(fval) default: u := &syntax.UnaryTest{Op: op} if p.eof { // make [ -e ] fall back to [ -n -e ], i.e. use // the operator as an argument return &syntax.Word{Parts: []syntax.WordPart{ &syntax.Lit{Value: op.String()}, }} } u.X = p.followWord(op.String()) return u } } // testUnaryOp is an exact copy of syntax's. func testUnaryOp(val string) syntax.UnTestOperator { switch val { case "!": return syntax.TsNot case "(": return syntax.TsParen case "-e", "-a": return syntax.TsExists case "-f": return syntax.TsRegFile case "-d": return syntax.TsDirect case "-c": return syntax.TsCharSp case "-b": return syntax.TsBlckSp case "-p": return syntax.TsNmPipe case "-S": return syntax.TsSocket case "-L", "-h": return syntax.TsSmbLink case "-k": return syntax.TsSticky case "-g": return syntax.TsGIDSet case "-u": return syntax.TsUIDSet case "-G": return syntax.TsGrpOwn case "-O": return syntax.TsUsrOwn case "-N": return syntax.TsModif case "-r": return syntax.TsRead case "-w": return syntax.TsWrite case "-x": return syntax.TsExec case "-s": return syntax.TsNoEmpty case "-t": return syntax.TsFdTerm case "-z": return syntax.TsEmpStr case "-n": return syntax.TsNempStr case "-o": return syntax.TsOptSet case "-v": return syntax.TsVarSet case "-R": return syntax.TsRefVar default: return illegalTok } } // testBinaryOp is like syntax's, but with -a and -o, and without =~. func testBinaryOp(val string) syntax.BinTestOperator { switch val { case "-a": return syntax.AndTest case "-o": return syntax.OrTest case "==", "=": return syntax.TsMatch case "!=": return syntax.TsNoMatch case "-nt": return syntax.TsNewer case "-ot": return syntax.TsOlder case "-ef": return syntax.TsDevIno case "-eq": return syntax.TsEql case "-ne": return syntax.TsNeq case "-le": return syntax.TsLeq case "-ge": return syntax.TsGeq case "-lt": return syntax.TsLss case "-gt": return syntax.TsGtr default: return illegalTok } } 07070100000042000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000092E000000000000000000000000000000000000001A00000000sh-3.10.0/interp/trace.gopackage interp import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" "strings" "" ) // tracer prints expressions like a shell would do if its // options '-o' is set to either 'xtrace' or its shorthand, '-x'. type tracer struct { buf bytes.Buffer printer *syntax.Printer output io.Writer needsPlus bool } func (r *Runner) tracer() *tracer { if !r.opts[optXTrace] { return nil } return &tracer{ printer: syntax.NewPrinter(), output: r.stderr, needsPlus: true, } } // string writes s to tracer.buf if tracer is non-nil, // prepending "+" if tracer.needsPlus is true. func (t *tracer) string(s string) { if t == nil { return } if t.needsPlus { t.buf.WriteString("+ ") } t.needsPlus = false t.buf.WriteString(s) } func (t *tracer) stringf(f string, a ...any) { if t == nil { return } t.string(fmt.Sprintf(f, a...)) } // expr prints x to tracer.buf if tracer is non-nil, // prepending "+" if tracer.isFirstPrint is true. func (t *tracer) expr(x syntax.Node) { if t == nil { return } if t.needsPlus { t.buf.WriteString("+ ") } t.needsPlus = false if err := t.printer.Print(&t.buf, x); err != nil { panic(err) } } // flush writes the contents of tracer.buf to the tracer.stdout. func (t *tracer) flush() { if t == nil { return } t.output.Write(t.buf.Bytes()) t.buf.Reset() } // newLineFlush is like flush, but with extra new line before tracer.buf gets flushed. func (t *tracer) newLineFlush() { if t == nil { return } t.buf.WriteString("\n") t.flush() // reset state t.needsPlus = true } // call prints a command and its arguments with varying formats depending on the cmd type, // for example, built-in command's arguments are printed enclosed in single quotes, // otherwise, call defaults to printing with double quotes. func (t *tracer) call(cmd string, args ...string) { if t == nil { return } s := strings.Join(args, " ") if strings.TrimSpace(s) == "" { // fields may be empty for function () {} declarations t.string(cmd) } else if isBuiltin(cmd) { if cmd == "set" { // TODO: only first occurrence of set is not printed, succeeding calls are printed return } qs, err := syntax.Quote(s, syntax.LangBash) if err != nil { // should never happen panic(err) } t.stringf("%s %s", cmd, qs) } else { t.stringf("%s %s", cmd, s) } } 07070100000043000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000038B000000000000000000000000000000000000002400000000sh-3.10.0/interp/unexported_test.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package interp import ( "testing" "time" ) func TestElapsedString(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tests := []struct { in time.Duration posix bool want string }{ {time.Nanosecond, false, "0m0.000s"}, {time.Millisecond, false, "0m0.001s"}, {time.Millisecond, true, "0.00"}, {2500 * time.Millisecond, false, "0m2.500s"}, {2500 * time.Millisecond, true, "2.50"}, { 10*time.Minute + 10*time.Second, false, "10m10.000s", }, { 10*time.Minute + 10*time.Second, true, "610.00", }, {31 * time.Second, false, "0m31.000s"}, {102 * time.Second, false, "1m42.000s"}, } for _, tc := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { got := elapsedString(, tc.posix) if got != tc.want { t.Fatalf("wanted %q, got %q", tc.want, got) } }) } } 07070100000044000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000E26000000000000000000000000000000000000001E00000000sh-3.10.0/interp/unix_test.go// Copyright (c) 2019, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information //go:build unix package interp_test import ( "bufio" "context" "io" "os" "os/exec" "strings" "testing" "" "" ) func TestRunnerTerminalStdIO(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tests := []struct { name string files func(*testing.T) (secondary io.Writer, primary io.Reader) want string }{ {"Nil", func(t *testing.T) (io.Writer, io.Reader) { return nil, strings.NewReader("\n") }, "\n"}, {"Pipe", func(t *testing.T) (io.Writer, io.Reader) { pr, pw := io.Pipe() return pw, pr }, "end\n"}, {"Pseudo", func(t *testing.T) (io.Writer, io.Reader) { primary, secondary, err := pty.Open() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return secondary, primary }, "012end\r\n"}, } file := parse(t, nil, ` for n in 0 1 2 3; do if [[ -t $n ]]; then echo -n $n; fi; done; echo end `) for _, test := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() secondary, primary := test.files(t) // some secondary ends can be used as stdin too secondaryReader, _ := secondary.(io.Reader) r, _ := interp.New(interp.StdIO(secondaryReader, secondary, secondary)) go func() { // To mimic os/exec.Cmd.Start, use a goroutine. if err := r.Run(context.Background(), file); err != nil { t.Error(err) } }() got, err := bufio.NewReader(primary).ReadString('\n') if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if got != test.want { t.Fatalf("\nwant: %q\ngot: %q", test.want, got) } if closer, ok := secondary.(io.Closer); ok { if err := closer.Close(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } if closer, ok := primary.(io.Closer); ok { if err := closer.Close(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } }) } } func TestRunnerTerminalExec(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tests := []struct { name string start func(*testing.T, *exec.Cmd) io.Reader want string }{ {"Nil", func(t *testing.T, cmd *exec.Cmd) io.Reader { if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return strings.NewReader("\n") }, "\n"}, {"Pipe", func(t *testing.T, cmd *exec.Cmd) io.Reader { out, err := cmd.StdoutPipe() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } cmd.Stderr = cmd.Stdout if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return out }, "end\n"}, {"Pseudo", func(t *testing.T, cmd *exec.Cmd) io.Reader { // Note that we avoid pty.Start, // as it closes the secondary terminal via a defer, // possibly before the command has finished. // That can lead to "signal: hangup" flakes. primary, secondary, err := pty.Open() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } cmd.Stdin = secondary cmd.Stdout = secondary cmd.Stderr = secondary if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return primary }, "012end\r\n"}, } for _, test := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() cmd := exec.Command(os.Getenv("GOSH_PROG"), "for n in 0 1 2 3; do if [[ -t $n ]]; then echo -n $n; fi; done; echo end") primary := test.start(t, cmd) got, err := bufio.NewReader(primary).ReadString('\n') if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if got != test.want { t.Fatalf("\nwant: %q\ngot: %q", test.want, got) } if closer, ok := primary.(io.Closer); ok { if err := closer.Close(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } }) } } func shortPathName(path string) (string, error) { panic("only works on windows") } 07070100000045000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000023FA000000000000000000000000000000000000001900000000sh-3.10.0/interp/vars.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package interp import ( "fmt" "maps" "os" "runtime" "slices" "strconv" "strings" "" "" ) type overlayEnviron struct { parent expand.Environ values map[string]expand.Variable // We need to know if the current scope is a function's scope, because // functions can modify global variables. funcScope bool } func (o *overlayEnviron) Get(name string) expand.Variable { if vr, ok := o.values[name]; ok { return vr } return o.parent.Get(name) } func (o *overlayEnviron) Set(name string, vr expand.Variable) error { // Manipulation of a global var inside a function. if o.funcScope && !vr.Local && !o.values[name].Local { if vr.IsSet() { // "foo=bar" on a global var in a function updates the global scope } else if vr.Exported || vr.ReadOnly { // "foo=bar" followed by "export foo" or "readonly foo" prev := o.Get(name) prev.Exported = prev.Exported || vr.Exported prev.ReadOnly = prev.ReadOnly || vr.ReadOnly vr = prev } // In a function, the parent environment is ours, so it's always read-write. return o.parent.(expand.WriteEnviron).Set(name, vr) } prev := o.Get(name) if o.values == nil { o.values = make(map[string]expand.Variable) } if !vr.IsSet() && (vr.Exported || vr.Local || vr.ReadOnly) { // marking as exported/local/readonly prev.Exported = prev.Exported || vr.Exported prev.Local = prev.Local || vr.Local prev.ReadOnly = prev.ReadOnly || vr.ReadOnly vr = prev o.values[name] = vr return nil } if prev.ReadOnly { return fmt.Errorf("readonly variable") } if !vr.IsSet() { // unsetting if prev.Local { vr.Local = true o.values[name] = vr return nil } delete(o.values, name) } else if prev.Exported { // variable is set and was marked as exported vr.Exported = true } // modifying the entire variable vr.Local = prev.Local || vr.Local o.values[name] = vr return nil } func (o *overlayEnviron) Each(f func(name string, vr expand.Variable) bool) { o.parent.Each(f) for name, vr := range o.values { if !f(name, vr) { return } } } func execEnv(env expand.Environ) []string { list := make([]string, 0, 64) env.Each(func(name string, vr expand.Variable) bool { if !vr.IsSet() { // If a variable is set globally but unset in the // runner, we need to ensure it's not part of the final // list. Seems like zeroing the element is enough. // This is a linear search, but this scenario should be // rare, and the number of variables shouldn't be large. for i, kv := range list { if strings.HasPrefix(kv, name+"=") { list[i] = "" } } } if vr.Exported && vr.Kind == expand.String { list = append(list, name+"="+vr.String()) } return true }) return list } func (r *Runner) lookupVar(name string) expand.Variable { if name == "" { panic("variable name must not be empty") } var vr expand.Variable switch name { case "#": vr.Kind, vr.Str = expand.String, strconv.Itoa(len(r.Params)) case "@", "*": vr.Kind = expand.Indexed if r.Params == nil { // r.Params may be nil but positional parameters always exist vr.List = []string{} } else { vr.List = r.Params } case "?": vr.Kind, vr.Str = expand.String, strconv.Itoa(r.lastExit) case "$": vr.Kind, vr.Str = expand.String, strconv.Itoa(os.Getpid()) case "PPID": vr.Kind, vr.Str = expand.String, strconv.Itoa(os.Getppid()) case "DIRSTACK": vr.Kind, vr.List = expand.Indexed, r.dirStack case "0": vr.Kind = expand.String if r.filename != "" { vr.Str = r.filename } else { vr.Str = "gosh" } case "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9": vr.Kind = expand.String i := int(name[0] - '1') if i < len(r.Params) { vr.Str = r.Params[i] } else { vr.Str = "" } } if vr.IsSet() { return vr } if vr := r.writeEnv.Get(name); vr.IsSet() { return vr } if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { upper := strings.ToUpper(name) if vr := r.writeEnv.Get(upper); vr.IsSet() { return vr } } return expand.Variable{} } func (r *Runner) envGet(name string) string { return r.lookupVar(name).String() } func (r *Runner) delVar(name string) { if err := r.writeEnv.Set(name, expand.Variable{}); err != nil { r.errf("%s: %v\n", name, err) r.exit = 1 return } } func (r *Runner) setVarString(name, value string) { r.setVar(name, nil, expand.Variable{Kind: expand.String, Str: value}) } func (r *Runner) setVarInternal(name string, vr expand.Variable) { if r.opts[optAllExport] { vr.Exported = true } if err := r.writeEnv.Set(name, vr); err != nil { r.errf("%s: %v\n", name, err) r.exit = 1 return } } func (r *Runner) setVar(name string, index syntax.ArithmExpr, vr expand.Variable) { cur := r.lookupVar(name) if name2, var2 := cur.Resolve(r.writeEnv); name2 != "" { name = name2 cur = var2 } if vr.Kind == expand.String && index == nil { // When assigning a string to an array, fall back to the // zero value for the index. switch cur.Kind { case expand.Indexed: index = &syntax.Word{Parts: []syntax.WordPart{ &syntax.Lit{Value: "0"}, }} case expand.Associative: index = &syntax.Word{Parts: []syntax.WordPart{ &syntax.DblQuoted{}, }} } } if index == nil { r.setVarInternal(name, vr) return } // from the syntax package, we know that value must be a string if index // is non-nil; nested arrays are forbidden. valStr := vr.Str var list []string switch cur.Kind { case expand.String: list = append(list, cur.Str) case expand.Indexed: // TODO: only clone when inside a subshell and getting a var from outside for the first time list = slices.Clone(cur.List) case expand.Associative: // if the existing variable is already an AssocArray, try our // best to convert the key to a string w, ok := index.(*syntax.Word) if !ok { return } k := r.literal(w) // TODO: only clone when inside a subshell and getting a var from outside for the first time cur.Map = maps.Clone(cur.Map) cur.Map[k] = valStr r.setVarInternal(name, cur) return } k := r.arithm(index) for len(list) < k+1 { list = append(list, "") } list[k] = valStr cur.Kind = expand.Indexed cur.List = list r.setVarInternal(name, cur) } func (r *Runner) setFunc(name string, body *syntax.Stmt) { if r.Funcs == nil { r.Funcs = make(map[string]*syntax.Stmt, 4) } r.Funcs[name] = body } func stringIndex(index syntax.ArithmExpr) bool { w, ok := index.(*syntax.Word) if !ok || len(w.Parts) != 1 { return false } switch w.Parts[0].(type) { case *syntax.DblQuoted, *syntax.SglQuoted: return true } return false } // TODO: make assignVal and setVar consistent with the WriteEnviron interface func (r *Runner) assignVal(as *syntax.Assign, valType string) expand.Variable { prev := r.lookupVar(as.Name.Value) if as.Value != nil { s := r.literal(as.Value) if !as.Append || !prev.IsSet() { prev.Kind = expand.String if valType == "-n" { prev.Kind = expand.NameRef } prev.Str = s return prev } switch prev.Kind { case expand.String: prev.Str += s case expand.Indexed: if len(prev.List) == 0 { prev.List = append(prev.List, "") } prev.List[0] += s case expand.Associative: // TODO } return prev } if as.Array == nil { // don't return the zero value, as that's an unset variable prev.Kind = expand.String if valType == "-n" { prev.Kind = expand.NameRef } prev.Str = "" return prev } // Array assignment. elems := as.Array.Elems if valType == "" { valType = "-a" // indexed if len(elems) > 0 && stringIndex(elems[0].Index) { valType = "-A" // associative } } if valType == "-A" { amap := make(map[string]string, len(elems)) for _, elem := range elems { k := r.literal(elem.Index.(*syntax.Word)) amap[k] = r.literal(elem.Value) } if !as.Append { prev.Kind = expand.Associative prev.Map = amap return prev } // TODO return prev } // Evaluate values for each array element. elemValues := make([]struct { index int values []string }, len(elems)) var index, maxIndex int for i, elem := range elems { if elem.Index != nil { // Index resets our index with a literal value. index = r.arithm(elem.Index) elemValues[i].values = []string{r.literal(elem.Value)} } else { // Implicit index, advancing for every word. elemValues[i].values = r.fields(elem.Value) } elemValues[i].index = index index += len(elemValues[i].values) maxIndex = max(maxIndex, index) } // Flatten down the values. strs := make([]string, maxIndex) for _, ev := range elemValues { for i, str := range ev.values { strs[ev.index+i] = str } } if !as.Append { prev.Kind = expand.Indexed prev.List = strs return prev } switch prev.Kind { case expand.Unset: prev.Kind = expand.Indexed prev.List = strs case expand.String: prev.Kind = expand.Indexed prev.List = append([]string{prev.Str}, strs...) case expand.Indexed: prev.List = append(prev.List, strs...) case expand.Associative: // TODO default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled conversion of kind %d", prev.Kind)) } return prev } 07070100000046000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000028B000000000000000000000000000000000000002100000000sh-3.10.0/interp/windows_test.go// Copyright (c) 2019, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information //go:build windows package interp_test import "" // shortPathName is used for testing against DOS short names. // // Only used for testing, so we assume that a short path always fits in // 2*len(path) in UTF-16. func shortPathName(path string) (string, error) { src, err := windows.UTF16FromString(path) if err != nil { return "", err } dst := make([]uint16, len(src)*2) if _, err := windows.GetShortPathName(&src[0], &dst[0], uint32(len(dst))); err != nil { return "", err } return windows.UTF16ToString(dst), nil } 07070100000047000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001200000000sh-3.10.0/pattern07070100000048000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000381000000000000000000000000000000000000002200000000sh-3.10.0/pattern/example_test.go// Copyright (c) 2019, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package pattern_test import ( "fmt" "regexp" "" ) func ExampleRegexp() { pat := "foo?bar*" fmt.Println(pat) expr, err := pattern.Regexp(pat, 0) if err != nil { return } fmt.Println(expr) rx := regexp.MustCompile(expr) fmt.Println(rx.MatchString("foo bar baz")) fmt.Println(rx.MatchString("foobarbaz")) // Output: // foo?bar* // (?s)* // true // false } func ExampleQuoteMeta() { pat := "foo?bar*" const mode = 0 fmt.Println(pat) quoted := pattern.QuoteMeta(pat, mode) fmt.Println(quoted) expr, err := pattern.Regexp(quoted, mode) if err != nil { return } rx := regexp.MustCompile(expr) fmt.Println(rx.MatchString("foo bar baz")) fmt.Println(rx.MatchString("foo?bar*")) // Output: // foo?bar* // foo\?bar\* // false // true } 07070100000049000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000021AC000000000000000000000000000000000000001D00000000sh-3.10.0/pattern/pattern.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information // Package pattern allows working with shell pattern matching notation, also // known as wildcards or globbing. // // For reference, see // package pattern import ( "bytes" "fmt" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" ) // Mode can be used to supply a number of options to the package's functions. // Not all functions change their behavior with all of the options below. type Mode uint type SyntaxError struct { msg string err error } func (e SyntaxError) Error() string { return e.msg } func (e SyntaxError) Unwrap() error { return e.err } const ( Shortest Mode = 1 << iota // prefer the shortest match. Filenames // "*" and "?" don't match slashes; only "**" does Braces // support "{a,b}" and "{1..4}" EntireString // match the entire string using ^$ delimiters NoGlobCase // Do case-insensitive match (that is, use (?i) in the regexp) ) var numRange = regexp.MustCompile(`^([+-]?\d+)\.\.([+-]?\d+)}`) // Regexp turns a shell pattern into a regular expression that can be used with // [regexp.Compile]. It will return an error if the input pattern was incorrect. // Otherwise, the returned expression can be passed to [regexp.MustCompile]. // // For example, Regexp(`foo*bar?`, true) returns `foo.*bar.`. // // Note that this function (and [QuoteMeta]) should not be directly used with file // paths if Windows is supported, as the path separator on that platform is the // same character as the escaping character for shell patterns. func Regexp(pat string, mode Mode) (string, error) { needsEscaping := false noopLoop: for _, r := range pat { switch r { // including those that need escaping since they are // regular expression metacharacters case '*', '?', '[', '\\', '.', '+', '(', ')', '|', ']', '{', '}', '^', '$': needsEscaping = true break noopLoop } } if !needsEscaping && mode&EntireString == 0 { // short-cut without a string copy return pat, nil } closingBraces := []int{} var buf bytes.Buffer // Enable matching `\n` with the `.` metacharacter as globs match `\n` buf.WriteString("(?s)") dotMeta := false if mode&NoGlobCase != 0 { buf.WriteString("(?i)") } if mode&EntireString != 0 { buf.WriteString("^") } writeLoop: for i := 0; i < len(pat); i++ { switch c := pat[i]; c { case '*': if mode&Filenames != 0 { if i++; i < len(pat) && pat[i] == '*' { if i++; i < len(pat) && pat[i] == '/' { buf.WriteString("(.*/|)") dotMeta = true } else { buf.WriteString(".*") dotMeta = true i-- } } else { buf.WriteString("[^/]*") i-- } } else { buf.WriteString(".*") dotMeta = true } if mode&Shortest != 0 { buf.WriteByte('?') } case '?': if mode&Filenames != 0 { buf.WriteString("[^/]") } else { buf.WriteByte('.') dotMeta = true } case '\\': if i++; i >= len(pat) { return "", &SyntaxError{msg: `\ at end of pattern`} } buf.WriteString(regexp.QuoteMeta(string(pat[i]))) case '[': name, err := charClass(pat[i:]) if err != nil { return "", &SyntaxError{msg: "charClass invalid", err: err} } if name != "" { buf.WriteString(name) i += len(name) - 1 break } if mode&Filenames != 0 { for _, c := range pat[i:] { if c == ']' { break } else if c == '/' { buf.WriteString("\\[") continue writeLoop } } } buf.WriteByte(c) if i++; i >= len(pat) { return "", &SyntaxError{msg: "[ was not matched with a closing ]"} } switch c = pat[i]; c { case '!', '^': buf.WriteByte('^') if i++; i >= len(pat) { return "", &SyntaxError{msg: "[ was not matched with a closing ]"} } } if c = pat[i]; c == ']' { buf.WriteByte(']') if i++; i >= len(pat) { return "", &SyntaxError{msg: "[ was not matched with a closing ]"} } } rangeStart := byte(0) loopBracket: for ; i < len(pat); i++ { c = pat[i] buf.WriteByte(c) switch c { case '\\': if i++; i < len(pat) { buf.WriteByte(pat[i]) } continue case ']': break loopBracket } if rangeStart != 0 && rangeStart > c { return "", &SyntaxError{msg: fmt.Sprintf("invalid range: %c-%c", rangeStart, c)} } if c == '-' { rangeStart = pat[i-1] } else { rangeStart = 0 } } if i >= len(pat) { return "", &SyntaxError{msg: "[ was not matched with a closing ]"} } case '{': if mode&Braces == 0 { buf.WriteString(regexp.QuoteMeta(string(c))) break } innerLevel := 1 commas := false peekBrace: for j := i + 1; j < len(pat); j++ { switch c := pat[j]; c { case '{': innerLevel++ case ',': commas = true case '\\': j++ case '}': if innerLevel--; innerLevel > 0 { continue } if !commas { break peekBrace } closingBraces = append(closingBraces, j) buf.WriteString("(?:") continue writeLoop } } if match := numRange.FindStringSubmatch(pat[i+1:]); len(match) == 3 { start, err1 := strconv.Atoi(match[1]) end, err2 := strconv.Atoi(match[2]) if err1 != nil || err2 != nil || start > end { return "", &SyntaxError{msg: fmt.Sprintf("invalid range: %q", match[0])} } // TODO: can we do better here? buf.WriteString("(?:") for n := start; n <= end; n++ { if n > start { buf.WriteByte('|') } fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d", n) } buf.WriteByte(')') i += len(match[0]) break } buf.WriteString(regexp.QuoteMeta(string(c))) case ',': if len(closingBraces) == 0 { buf.WriteString(regexp.QuoteMeta(string(c))) } else { buf.WriteByte('|') } case '}': if len(closingBraces) > 0 && closingBraces[len(closingBraces)-1] == i { buf.WriteByte(')') closingBraces = closingBraces[:len(closingBraces)-1] } else { buf.WriteString(regexp.QuoteMeta(string(c))) } default: if c > 128 { buf.WriteByte(c) } else { buf.WriteString(regexp.QuoteMeta(string(c))) } } } if mode&EntireString != 0 { buf.WriteString("$") } // No `.` metacharacters were used, so don't return the (?s) flag. if !dotMeta { return string(buf.Bytes()[4:]), nil } return buf.String(), nil } func charClass(s string) (string, error) { if strings.HasPrefix(s, "[[.") || strings.HasPrefix(s, "[[=") { return "", fmt.Errorf("collating features not available") } if !strings.HasPrefix(s, "[[:") { return "", nil } name := s[3:] end := strings.Index(name, ":]]") if end < 0 { return "", fmt.Errorf("[[: was not matched with a closing :]]") } name = name[:end] switch name { case "alnum", "alpha", "ascii", "blank", "cntrl", "digit", "graph", "lower", "print", "punct", "space", "upper", "word", "xdigit": default: return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid character class: %q", name) } return s[:len(name)+6], nil } // HasMeta returns whether a string contains any unescaped pattern // metacharacters: '*', '?', or '['. When the function returns false, the given // pattern can only match at most one string. // // For example, HasMeta(`foo\*bar`) returns false, but HasMeta(`foo*bar`) // returns true. // // This can be useful to avoid extra work, like TranslatePattern. Note that this // function cannot be used to avoid QuotePattern, as backslashes are quoted by // that function but ignored here. func HasMeta(pat string, mode Mode) bool { for i := 0; i < len(pat); i++ { switch pat[i] { case '\\': i++ case '*', '?', '[': return true case '{': if mode&Braces != 0 { return true } } } return false } // QuoteMeta returns a string that quotes all pattern metacharacters in the // given text. The returned string is a pattern that matches the literal text. // // For example, QuoteMeta(`foo*bar?`) returns `foo\*bar\?`. func QuoteMeta(pat string, mode Mode) string { needsEscaping := false loop: for _, r := range pat { switch r { case '{': if mode&Braces == 0 { continue } fallthrough case '*', '?', '[', '\\': needsEscaping = true break loop } } if !needsEscaping { // short-cut without a string copy return pat } var sb strings.Builder for _, r := range pat { switch r { case '*', '?', '[', '\\': sb.WriteByte('\\') case '{': if mode&Braces != 0 { sb.WriteByte('\\') } } sb.WriteRune(r) } return sb.String() } 0707010000004A000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100001010000000000000000000000000000000000000002200000000sh-3.10.0/pattern/pattern_test.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package pattern import ( "fmt" "regexp/syntax" "testing" ) var translateTests = []struct { pat string mode Mode want string wantErr bool }{ {pat: ``, want: ``}, {pat: `foo`, want: `foo`}, {pat: `foóà中`, mode: Filenames | Braces, want: `foóà中`}, {pat: `.`, want: `\.`}, {pat: `foo*`, want: `(?s)foo.*`}, {pat: `foo*`, mode: Shortest, want: `(?s)foo.*?`}, {pat: `foo*`, mode: Shortest | Filenames, want: `foo[^/]*?`}, {pat: `*foo`, mode: Filenames, want: `[^/]*foo`}, {pat: `**`, want: `(?s).*.*`}, {pat: `**`, mode: Filenames, want: `(?s).*`}, {pat: `/**/foo`, want: `(?s)/.*.*/foo`}, {pat: `/**/foo`, mode: Filenames, want: `(?s)/(.*/|)foo`}, {pat: `/**/à`, mode: Filenames, want: `(?s)/(.*/|)à`}, {pat: `/**foo`, mode: Filenames, want: `(?s)/.*foo`}, {pat: `\*`, want: `\*`}, {pat: `\`, wantErr: true}, {pat: `?`, want: `(?s).`}, {pat: `?`, mode: Filenames, want: `[^/]`}, {pat: `?à`, want: `(?s).à`}, {pat: `\a`, want: `a`}, {pat: `(`, want: `\(`}, {pat: `a|b`, want: `a\|b`}, {pat: `x{3}`, want: `x\{3\}`}, {pat: `{3,4}`, want: `\{3,4\}`}, {pat: `{3,4}`, mode: Braces, want: `(?:3|4)`}, {pat: `{3,`, want: `\{3,`}, {pat: `{3,`, mode: Braces, want: `\{3,`}, {pat: `{3,{4}`, mode: Braces, want: `\{3,\{4\}`}, {pat: `{3,{4}}`, mode: Braces, want: `(?:3|\{4\})`}, {pat: `{3,{4,[56]}}`, mode: Braces, want: `(?:3|(?:4|[56]))`}, {pat: `{3..5}`, mode: Braces, want: `(?:3|4|5)`}, {pat: `{9..12}`, mode: Braces, want: `(?:9|10|11|12)`}, {pat: `[a]`, want: `[a]`}, {pat: `[abc]`, want: `[abc]`}, {pat: `[^bc]`, want: `[^bc]`}, {pat: `[!bc]`, want: `[^bc]`}, {pat: `[[]`, want: `[[]`}, {pat: `[\]]`, want: `[\]]`}, {pat: `[\]]`, mode: Filenames, want: `[\]]`}, {pat: `[]]`, want: `[]]`}, {pat: `[!]]`, want: `[^]]`}, {pat: `[^]]`, want: `[^]]`}, {pat: `[a/b]`, want: `[a/b]`}, {pat: `[a/b]`, mode: Filenames, want: `\[a/b\]`}, {pat: `[`, wantErr: true}, {pat: `[\`, wantErr: true}, {pat: `[^`, wantErr: true}, {pat: `[!`, wantErr: true}, {pat: `[!bc]`, want: `[^bc]`}, {pat: `[]`, wantErr: true}, {pat: `[^]`, wantErr: true}, {pat: `[!]`, wantErr: true}, {pat: `[ab`, wantErr: true}, {pat: `[a-]`, want: `[a-]`}, {pat: `[z-a]`, wantErr: true}, {pat: `[a-a]`, want: `[a-a]`}, {pat: `[aa]`, want: `[aa]`}, {pat: `[0-4A-Z]`, want: `[0-4A-Z]`}, {pat: `[-a]`, want: `[-a]`}, {pat: `[^-a]`, want: `[^-a]`}, {pat: `[a-]`, want: `[a-]`}, {pat: `[[:digit:]]`, want: `[[:digit:]]`}, {pat: `[[:`, wantErr: true}, {pat: `[[:digit`, wantErr: true}, {pat: `[[:wrong:]]`, wantErr: true}, {pat: `[[=x=]]`, wantErr: true}, {pat: `[[.x.]]`, wantErr: true}, } func TestRegexp(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for i, tc := range translateTests { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%02d", i), func(t *testing.T) { got, gotErr := Regexp(tc.pat, tc.mode) if tc.wantErr && gotErr == nil { t.Fatalf("(%q, %b) did not error", tc.pat, tc.mode) } if !tc.wantErr && gotErr != nil { t.Fatalf("(%q, %b) errored with %q", tc.pat, tc.mode, gotErr) } if got != tc.want { t.Fatalf("(%q, %b) got %q, wanted %q", tc.pat, tc.mode, got, tc.want) } _, rxErr := syntax.Parse(got, syntax.Perl) if gotErr == nil && rxErr != nil { t.Fatalf("regexp/syntax.Parse(%q) failed with %q", got, rxErr) } }) } } var metaTests = []struct { pat string mode Mode wantHas bool wantQuote string }{ {``, 0, false, ``}, {`foo`, 0, false, `foo`}, {`.`, 0, false, `.`}, {`*`, 0, true, `\*`}, {`*`, Shortest | Filenames, true, `\*`}, {`foo?`, 0, true, `foo\?`}, {`\[`, 0, false, `\\\[`}, {`{`, 0, false, `{`}, {`{`, Braces, true, `\{`}, } func TestMeta(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for _, tc := range metaTests { if got := HasMeta(tc.pat, tc.mode); got != tc.wantHas { t.Errorf("HasMeta(%q, %b) got %t, wanted %t", tc.pat, tc.mode, got, tc.wantHas) } if got := QuoteMeta(tc.pat, tc.mode); got != tc.wantQuote { t.Errorf("QuoteMeta(%q, %b) got %q, wanted %q", tc.pat, tc.mode, got, tc.wantQuote) } } } 0707010000004B000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000sh-3.10.0/shell0707010000004C000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000259000000000000000000000000000000000000001700000000sh-3.10.0/shell/doc.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information // Package shell contains high-level features that use the syntax, expand, and // interp packages under the hood. // // Please note that this package uses POSIX Shell syntax. As such, path names on // Windows need to use double backslashes or be within single quotes when given // to functions like Fields. For example: // // shell.Fields("echo /foo/bar") // on Unix-like // shell.Fields("echo C:\\foo\\bar") // on Windows // shell.Fields("echo 'C:\foo\bar'") // on Windows, with quotes package shell 0707010000004D000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000477000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000sh-3.10.0/shell/example_test.go// Copyright (c) 2018, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package shell_test import ( "fmt" "" ) func ExampleExpand() { env := func(name string) string { switch name { case "HOME": return "/home/user" } return "" // leave the rest unset } out, _ := shell.Expand("No place like $HOME", env) fmt.Println(out) out, _ = shell.Expand("Some vars are ${missing:-awesome}", env) fmt.Println(out) out, _ = shell.Expand("Math is fun! $((12 * 34))", nil) fmt.Println(out) // Output: // No place like /home/user // Some vars are awesome // Math is fun! 408 } func ExampleFields() { env := func(name string) string { switch name { case "foo": return "bar baz" } return "" // leave the rest unset } out, _ := shell.Fields(`"many quoted" ' strings '`, env) fmt.Printf("%#v\n", out) out, _ = shell.Fields("unquoted $foo", env) fmt.Printf("%#v\n", out) out, _ = shell.Fields(`quoted "$foo"`, env) fmt.Printf("%#v\n", out) // Output: // []string{"many quoted", " strings "} // []string{"unquoted", "bar", "baz"} // []string{"quoted", "bar baz"} } 0707010000004E000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000007AA000000000000000000000000000000000000001A00000000sh-3.10.0/shell/expand.go// Copyright (c) 2018, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package shell import ( "os" "strings" "" "" ) // Expand performs shell expansion on s as if it were within double quotes, // using env to resolve variables. This includes parameter expansion, arithmetic // expansion, and quote removal. // // If env is nil, the current environment variables are used. Empty variables // are treated as unset; to support variables which are set but empty, use the // expand package directly. // // Command substitutions like $(echo foo) aren't supported to avoid running // arbitrary code. To support those, use an interpreter with the expand package. // // An error will be reported if the input string had invalid syntax. func Expand(s string, env func(string) string) (string, error) { p := syntax.NewParser() word, err := p.Document(strings.NewReader(s)) if err != nil { return "", err } if env == nil { env = os.Getenv } cfg := &expand.Config{Env: expand.FuncEnviron(env)} return expand.Document(cfg, word) } // Fields performs shell expansion on s as if it were a command's arguments, // using env to resolve variables. It is similar to Expand, but includes brace // expansion, tilde expansion, and globbing. // // If env is nil, the current environment variables are used. Empty variables // are treated as unset; to support variables which are set but empty, use the // expand package directly. // // An error will be reported if the input string had invalid syntax. func Fields(s string, env func(string) string) ([]string, error) { p := syntax.NewParser() var words []*syntax.Word err := p.Words(strings.NewReader(s), func(w *syntax.Word) bool { words = append(words, w) return true }) if err != nil { return nil, err } if env == nil { env = os.Getenv } cfg := &expand.Config{Env: expand.FuncEnviron(env)} return expand.Fields(cfg, words...) } 0707010000004F000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000AC3000000000000000000000000000000000000001F00000000sh-3.10.0/shell/expand_test.go// Copyright (c) 2018, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package shell import ( "fmt" "os" "reflect" "runtime" "strings" "testing" ) func strEnviron(pairs ...string) func(string) string { return func(name string) string { prefix := name + "=" for _, pair := range pairs { if val := strings.TrimPrefix(pair, prefix); val != pair { return val } } return "" } } var expandTests = []struct { in string env func(name string) string want string }{ {"foo", nil, "foo"}, {"\nfoo\n", nil, "\nfoo\n"}, {"a-$b-c", nil, "a--c"}, {"${INTERP_GLOBAL:+hasOsEnv}", nil, "hasOsEnv"}, {"a-$b-c", strEnviron(), "a--c"}, {"a-$b-c", strEnviron("b=b_val"), "a-b_val-c"}, {"${x//o/a}", strEnviron("x=foo"), "faa"}, {"*.go", nil, "*.go"}, {"~", nil, "~"}, } func TestExpand(t *testing.T) { os.Setenv("INTERP_GLOBAL", "value") for _, tc := range expandTests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() got, err := Expand(, tc.env) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if got != tc.want { t.Fatalf("\nwant: %q\ngot: %q", tc.want, got) } }) } } func TestUnexpectedCmdSubst(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() want := "unexpected command substitution at 1:6" for _, fn := range []func() error{ func() error { _, err := Expand("echo $(uname -a)", nil) return err }, func() error { _, err := Fields("echo $(uname -a)", nil) return err }, } { got := fmt.Sprint(fn()) if !strings.Contains(got, want) { t.Fatalf("wanted error %q, got: %s", want, got) } } } var fieldsTests = []struct { in string env func(name string) string want []string }{ {"foo", nil, []string{"foo"}}, {"\nfoo\n", nil, []string{"foo"}}, {"foo bar", nil, []string{"foo", "bar"}}, {"foo 'bar baz'", nil, []string{"foo", "bar baz"}}, {"$x", strEnviron("x=foo bar"), []string{"foo", "bar"}}, {`"$x"`, strEnviron("x=foo bar"), []string{"foo bar"}}, {"~", strEnviron("HOME=/my/home"), []string{"/my/home"}}, {"~/foo/bar", strEnviron("HOME=/my/home"), []string{"/my/home/foo/bar"}}, {"~foo/file", strEnviron("HOME foo=/bar"), []string{"/bar/file"}}, {"*.go", nil, []string{"*.go"}}, {"~", func(name string) string { switch runtime.GOOS { case "windows": if name == "USERPROFILE" { return "/my/home" } default: if name == "HOME" { return "/my/home" } } return "" }, []string{"/my/home"}}, } func TestFields(t *testing.T) { os.Setenv("INTERP_GLOBAL", "value") for _, tc := range fieldsTests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() got, err := Fields(, tc.env) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tc.want) { t.Fatalf("\nwant: %q\ngot: %q", tc.want, got) } }) } } 07070100000050000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001100000000sh-3.10.0/syntax07070100000051000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000004C2000000000000000000000000000000000000001F00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/bench_test.go// Copyright (c) 2016, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package syntax import ( "io" "strings" "testing" ) func BenchmarkParse(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() src := "" + strings.Repeat("\n\n\t\t \n", 10) + "# " + strings.Repeat("foo bar ", 10) + "\n" + strings.Repeat("longlit_", 10) + "\n" + "'" + strings.Repeat("foo bar ", 10) + "'\n" + `"` + strings.Repeat("foo bar ", 10) + `"` + "\n" + strings.Repeat("aa bb cc dd; ", 6) + "a() { (b); { c; }; }; $(d; `e`)\n" + "foo=bar; a=b; c=d$foo${bar}e $simple ${complex:-default}\n" + "if a; then while b; do for c in d e; do f; done; done; fi\n" + "a | b && c || d | e && g || f\n" + "foo >a <b <<<c 2>&1 <<EOF\n" + strings.Repeat("somewhat long heredoc line\n", 10) + "EOF" + "" p := NewParser(KeepComments(true)) in := strings.NewReader(src) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { if _, err := p.Parse(in, ""); err != nil { b.Fatal(err) } in.Reset(src) } } func BenchmarkPrint(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() prog := parsePath(b, canonicalPath) printer := NewPrinter() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { if err := printer.Print(io.Discard, prog); err != nil { b.Fatal(err) } } } 07070100000052000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000F46000000000000000000000000000000000000001B00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/braces.go// Copyright (c) 2018, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package syntax import "strconv" var ( litLeftBrace = &Lit{Value: "{"} litComma = &Lit{Value: ","} litDots = &Lit{Value: ".."} litRightBrace = &Lit{Value: "}"} ) // SplitBraces parses brace expansions within a word's literal parts. If any // valid brace expansions are found, they are replaced with BraceExp nodes, and // the function returns true. Otherwise, the word is left untouched and the // function returns false. // // For example, a literal word "foo{bar,baz}" will result in a word containing // the literal "foo", and a brace expansion with the elements "bar" and "baz". // // It does not return an error; malformed brace expansions are simply skipped. // For example, the literal word "a{b" is left unchanged. func SplitBraces(word *Word) bool { toSplit := false top := &Word{} acc := top var cur *BraceExp open := []*BraceExp{} pop := func() *BraceExp { old := cur open = open[:len(open)-1] if len(open) == 0 { cur = nil acc = top } else { cur = open[len(open)-1] acc = cur.Elems[len(cur.Elems)-1] } return old } addLit := func(lit *Lit) { acc.Parts = append(acc.Parts, lit) } for _, wp := range word.Parts { lit, ok := wp.(*Lit) if !ok { acc.Parts = append(acc.Parts, wp) continue } last := 0 for j := 0; j < len(lit.Value); j++ { addlitidx := func() { if last == j { return // empty lit } l2 := *lit l2.Value = l2.Value[last:j] addLit(&l2) } switch lit.Value[j] { case '{': addlitidx() acc = &Word{} cur = &BraceExp{Elems: []*Word{acc}} open = append(open, cur) case ',': if cur == nil { continue } addlitidx() acc = &Word{} cur.Elems = append(cur.Elems, acc) case '.': if cur == nil { continue } if j+1 >= len(lit.Value) || lit.Value[j+1] != '.' { continue } addlitidx() cur.Sequence = true acc = &Word{} cur.Elems = append(cur.Elems, acc) j++ case '}': if cur == nil { continue } toSplit = true addlitidx() br := pop() if len(br.Elems) == 1 { // return {x} to a non-brace addLit(litLeftBrace) acc.Parts = append(acc.Parts, br.Elems[0].Parts...) addLit(litRightBrace) break } if !br.Sequence { acc.Parts = append(acc.Parts, br) break } var chars [2]bool broken := false for i, elem := range br.Elems[:2] { val := elem.Lit() if _, err := strconv.Atoi(val); err == nil { } else if len(val) == 1 && (('a' <= val[0] && val[0] <= 'z') || ('A' <= val[0] && val[0] <= 'Z')) { chars[i] = true } else { broken = true } } if len(br.Elems) == 3 { // increment must be a number val := br.Elems[2].Lit() if _, err := strconv.Atoi(val); err != nil { broken = true } } // are start and end both chars or // non-chars? if chars[0] != chars[1] { broken = true } if !broken { acc.Parts = append(acc.Parts, br) break } // return broken {x..y[..incr]} to a non-brace addLit(litLeftBrace) for i, elem := range br.Elems { if i > 0 { addLit(litDots) } acc.Parts = append(acc.Parts, elem.Parts...) } addLit(litRightBrace) default: continue } last = j + 1 } if last == 0 { addLit(lit) } else { left := *lit left.Value = left.Value[last:] addLit(&left) } } if !toSplit { return false } // open braces that were never closed fall back to non-braces for acc != top { br := pop() addLit(litLeftBrace) for i, elem := range br.Elems { if i > 0 { if br.Sequence { addLit(litDots) } else { addLit(litComma) } } acc.Parts = append(acc.Parts, elem.Parts...) } } *word = *top return true } 07070100000053000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000013D000000000000000000000000000000000000001E00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/!/bin/bash # separate comment ! foo bar >a & foo() { bar; } { var1="some long value" # var1 comment var2=short # var2 comment } if foo; then bar; fi for foo in a b c; do bar done case $foo in a) A ;; b) B ;; esac foo | bar foo && $(bar) && (more) foo 2>&1 foo <<-EOF bar EOF $((3 + 4)) 07070100000054000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000000E2000000000000000000000000000000000000001800000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/doc.go// Copyright (c) 2016, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information // Package syntax implements parsing and formatting of shell programs. // It supports POSIX Shell, Bash, and mksh. package syntax 07070100000055000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100001361000000000000000000000000000000000000002100000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/example_test.go// Copyright (c) 2016, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package syntax_test import ( "fmt" "os" "strings" "" ) func Example() { r := strings.NewReader("{ foo; bar; }") f, err := syntax.NewParser().Parse(r, "") if err != nil { return } syntax.NewPrinter().Print(os.Stdout, f) // Output: // { // foo // bar // } } func ExampleWord() { r := strings.NewReader("echo foo${bar}'baz'") f, err := syntax.NewParser().Parse(r, "") if err != nil { return } printer := syntax.NewPrinter() args := f.Stmts[0].Cmd.(*syntax.CallExpr).Args for i, word := range args { fmt.Printf("Word number %d:\n", i) for _, part := range word.Parts { fmt.Printf("%-20T - ", part) printer.Print(os.Stdout, part) fmt.Println() } fmt.Println() } // Output: // Word number 0: // *syntax.Lit - echo // // Word number 1: // *syntax.Lit - foo // *syntax.ParamExp - ${bar} // *syntax.SglQuoted - 'baz' } func ExampleCommand() { r := strings.NewReader("echo foo; if x; then y; fi; foo | bar") f, err := syntax.NewParser().Parse(r, "") if err != nil { return } printer := syntax.NewPrinter() for i, stmt := range f.Stmts { fmt.Printf("Cmd %d: %-20T - ", i, stmt.Cmd) printer.Print(os.Stdout, stmt.Cmd) fmt.Println() } // Output: // Cmd 0: *syntax.CallExpr - echo foo // Cmd 1: *syntax.IfClause - if x; then y; fi // Cmd 2: *syntax.BinaryCmd - foo | bar } func ExampleNewParser_options() { src := "for ((i = 0; i < 5; i++)); do echo $i >f; done" // LangBash is the default r := strings.NewReader(src) f, err := syntax.NewParser().Parse(r, "") fmt.Println(err) // Parser errors with LangPOSIX r = strings.NewReader(src) _, err = syntax.NewParser(syntax.Variant(syntax.LangPOSIX)).Parse(r, "") fmt.Println(err) syntax.NewPrinter().Print(os.Stdout, f) syntax.NewPrinter(syntax.SpaceRedirects(true)).Print(os.Stdout, f) // Output: // <nil> // 1:5: c-style fors are a bash feature // for ((i = 0; i < 5; i++)); do echo $i >f; done // for ((i = 0; i < 5; i++)); do echo $i > f; done } // Keep in sync with FuzzQuote. func ExampleQuote() { for _, s := range []string{ "foo", "bar $baz", `"won't"`, "~/home", "#1304", "name=value", "for", "glob-*", "invalid-\xe2'", "nonprint-\x0b\x1b", } { // We assume Bash syntax here. // For general shell syntax quoting, use syntax.LangPOSIX. quoted, err := syntax.Quote(s, syntax.LangBash) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("%q cannot be quoted: %v\n", s, err) } else { fmt.Printf("Quote(%17q): %s\n", s, quoted) } } // Output: // Quote( "foo"): foo // Quote( "bar $baz"): 'bar $baz' // Quote( "\"won't\""): "\"won't\"" // Quote( "~/home"): '~/home' // Quote( "#1304"): '#1304' // Quote( "name=value"): 'name=value' // Quote( "for"): 'for' // Quote( "glob-*"): 'glob-*' // Quote( "invalid-\xe2'"): $'invalid-\xe2\'' // Quote("nonprint-\v\x1b"): $'nonprint-\v\x1b' } func ExampleWalk() { in := strings.NewReader(`echo $foo "and $bar"`) f, err := syntax.NewParser().Parse(in, "") if err != nil { return } syntax.Walk(f, func(node syntax.Node) bool { switch node := node.(type) { case *syntax.ParamExp: node.Param.Value = strings.ToUpper(node.Param.Value) } return true }) syntax.NewPrinter().Print(os.Stdout, f) // Output: echo $FOO "and $BAR" } func ExampleDebugPrint() { in := strings.NewReader(`echo 'foo'`) f, err := syntax.NewParser().Parse(in, "") if err != nil { return } syntax.DebugPrint(os.Stdout, f) // Output: // *syntax.File { // . Name: "" // . Stmts: []*syntax.Stmt (len = 1) { // . . 0: *syntax.Stmt { // . . . Comments: []syntax.Comment (len = 0) {} // . . . Cmd: *syntax.CallExpr { // . . . . Assigns: []*syntax.Assign (len = 0) {} // . . . . Args: []*syntax.Word (len = 2) { // . . . . . 0: *syntax.Word { // . . . . . . Parts: []syntax.WordPart (len = 1) { // . . . . . . . 0: *syntax.Lit { // . . . . . . . . ValuePos: 1:1 // . . . . . . . . ValueEnd: 1:5 // . . . . . . . . Value: "echo" // . . . . . . . } // . . . . . . } // . . . . . } // . . . . . 1: *syntax.Word { // . . . . . . Parts: []syntax.WordPart (len = 1) { // . . . . . . . 0: *syntax.SglQuoted { // . . . . . . . . Left: 1:6 // . . . . . . . . Right: 1:10 // . . . . . . . . Dollar: false // . . . . . . . . Value: "foo" // . . . . . . . } // . . . . . . } // . . . . . } // . . . . } // . . . } // . . . Position: 1:1 // . . . Semicolon: 0:0 // . . . Negated: false // . . . Background: false // . . . Coprocess: false // . . . Redirs: []*syntax.Redirect (len = 0) {} // . . } // . } // . Last: []syntax.Comment (len = 0) {} // } } 07070100000056000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100017D79000000000000000000000000000000000000002300000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/filetests_test.go// Copyright (c) 2016, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package syntax import ( "reflect" "strings" "testing" ) func prepareTest(c *testCase) { c.common = fullProg(c.common) c.bash = fullProg(c.bash) c.posix = fullProg(c.posix) c.mksh = fullProg(c.mksh) c.bsmk = fullProg(c.bsmk) // bash AND mksh c.bats = fullProg(c.bats) if f, ok := c.common.(*File); ok && f != nil { c.All = append(c.All, f) c.Bash = f c.Posix = f c.MirBSDKorn = f c.Bats = f } if f, ok := c.bash.(*File); ok && f != nil { c.All = append(c.All, f) c.Bash = f c.Bats = f } if f, ok := c.posix.(*File); ok && f != nil { c.All = append(c.All, f) c.Posix = f } if f, ok := c.mksh.(*File); ok && f != nil { c.All = append(c.All, f) c.MirBSDKorn = f } if f, ok := c.bsmk.(*File); ok && f != nil { c.All = append(c.All, f) c.Bash = f c.MirBSDKorn = f } if f, ok := c.bats.(*File); ok && f != nil { c.All = append(c.All, f) c.Bats = f } } func init() { for i := range fileTests { prepareTest(&fileTests[i]) } for i := range fileTestsNoPrint { prepareTest(&fileTestsNoPrint[i]) } for i := range fileTestsKeepComments { prepareTest(&fileTestsKeepComments[i]) } } func lit(s string) *Lit { return &Lit{Value: s} } func word(ps ...WordPart) *Word { return &Word{Parts: ps} } func litWord(s string) *Word { return word(lit(s)) } func litWords(strs ...string) []*Word { l := make([]*Word, 0, len(strs)) for _, s := range strs { l = append(l, litWord(s)) } return l } func call(words ...*Word) *CallExpr { return &CallExpr{Args: words} } func litCall(strs ...string) *CallExpr { return call(litWords(strs...)...) } func stmt(cmd Command) *Stmt { return &Stmt{Cmd: cmd} } func stmts(cmds ...Command) []*Stmt { l := make([]*Stmt, len(cmds)) for i, cmd := range cmds { l[i] = stmt(cmd) } return l } func litStmt(strs ...string) *Stmt { return stmt(litCall(strs...)) } func litStmts(strs ...string) []*Stmt { l := make([]*Stmt, len(strs)) for i, s := range strs { l[i] = litStmt(s) } return l } func sglQuoted(s string) *SglQuoted { return &SglQuoted{Value: s} } func sglDQuoted(s string) *SglQuoted { return &SglQuoted{Dollar: true, Value: s} } func dblQuoted(ps ...WordPart) *DblQuoted { return &DblQuoted{Parts: ps} } func dblDQuoted(ps ...WordPart) *DblQuoted { return &DblQuoted{Dollar: true, Parts: ps} } func block(sts ...*Stmt) *Block { return &Block{Stmts: sts} } func subshell(sts ...*Stmt) *Subshell { return &Subshell{Stmts: sts} } func arithmExp(e ArithmExpr) *ArithmExp { return &ArithmExp{X: e} } func arithmExpBr(e ArithmExpr) *ArithmExp { return &ArithmExp{Bracket: true, X: e} } func arithmCmd(e ArithmExpr) *ArithmCmd { return &ArithmCmd{X: e} } func parenArit(e ArithmExpr) *ParenArithm { return &ParenArithm{X: e} } func parenTest(e TestExpr) *ParenTest { return &ParenTest{X: e} } func cmdSubst(sts ...*Stmt) *CmdSubst { return &CmdSubst{Stmts: sts} } func litParamExp(s string) *ParamExp { return &ParamExp{Short: true, Param: lit(s)} } func letClause(exps ...ArithmExpr) *LetClause { return &LetClause{Exprs: exps} } func arrValues(words ...*Word) *ArrayExpr { ae := &ArrayExpr{} for _, w := range words { ae.Elems = append(ae.Elems, &ArrayElem{Value: w}) } return ae } type testCase struct { Strs []string common any bash, posix any bsmk, mksh any bats any All []*File Bash, Posix *File MirBSDKorn *File Bats *File } var fileTests = []testCase{ { Strs: []string{"", " ", "\t", "\n \n", "\r \r\n"}, common: &File{}, }, { Strs: []string{"", "# foo", "# foo ( bar", "# foo'bar"}, common: &File{}, }, { Strs: []string{"foo", "foo ", " foo", "foo # bar"}, common: litWord("foo"), }, { Strs: []string{`\`}, common: litWord(`\`), }, { Strs: []string{`foo\`, "f\\\noo\\"}, common: litWord(`foo\`), }, { Strs: []string{`foo\a`, "f\\\noo\\a"}, common: litWord(`foo\a`), }, { Strs: []string{ "foo\nbar", "foo; bar;", "foo;bar;", "\nfoo\nbar\n", "foo\r\nbar\r\n", }, common: litStmts("foo", "bar"), }, { Strs: []string{"foo a b", " foo a b ", "foo \\\n a b", "foo \\\r\n a b"}, common: litCall("foo", "a", "b"), }, { Strs: []string{"foobar", "foo\\\nbar", "foo\\\nba\\\nr"}, common: litWord("foobar"), }, { Strs: []string{"foo", "foo \\\n", "foo \\\r\n"}, common: litWord("foo"), }, { Strs: []string{"foo'bar'"}, common: word(lit("foo"), sglQuoted("bar")), }, { Strs: []string{"(foo)", "(foo;)", "(\nfoo\n)"}, common: subshell(litStmt("foo")), }, { Strs: []string{"(\n\tfoo\n\tbar\n)", "(foo; bar)"}, common: subshell(litStmt("foo"), litStmt("bar")), }, { Strs: []string{"{ foo; }", "{\nfoo\n}"}, common: block(litStmt("foo")), }, { Strs: []string{ "{ if a; then b; fi; }", "{ if a; then b; fi }", }, common: block(stmt(&IfClause{ Cond: litStmts("a"), Then: litStmts("b"), })), }, { Strs: []string{ "if a; then b; fi", "if a\nthen\nb\nfi", "if a;\nthen\nb\nfi", "if a \nthen\nb\nfi", "if\x00 a; th\x00en b; \x00fi", }, common: &IfClause{ Cond: litStmts("a"), Then: litStmts("b"), }, }, { Strs: []string{ "if a; then b; else c; fi", "if a\nthen b\nelse\nc\nfi", }, common: &IfClause{ Cond: litStmts("a"), Then: litStmts("b"), Else: &IfClause{ Then: litStmts("c"), }, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "if a; then a; elif b; then b; else c; fi", }, common: &IfClause{ Cond: litStmts("a"), Then: litStmts("a"), Else: &IfClause{ Cond: litStmts("b"), Then: litStmts("b"), Else: &IfClause{ Then: litStmts("c"), }, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "if a; then a; elif b; then b; elif c; then c; else d; fi", "if a\nthen a\nelif b\nthen b\nelif c\nthen c\nelse\nd\nfi", }, common: &IfClause{ Cond: litStmts("a"), Then: litStmts("a"), Else: &IfClause{ Cond: litStmts("b"), Then: litStmts("b"), Else: &IfClause{ Cond: litStmts("c"), Then: litStmts("c"), Else: &IfClause{ Then: litStmts("d"), }, }, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "if\n\ta1\n\ta2 foo\n\ta3 bar\nthen b; fi", "if a1; a2 foo; a3 bar; then b; fi", }, common: &IfClause{ Cond: []*Stmt{ litStmt("a1"), litStmt("a2", "foo"), litStmt("a3", "bar"), }, Then: litStmts("b"), }, }, { Strs: []string{`((a == 2))`}, bsmk: arithmCmd(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Eql, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("2"), }), posix: subshell(stmt(subshell(litStmt("a", "==", "2")))), }, { Strs: []string{"if (($# > 2)); then b; fi"}, bsmk: &IfClause{ Cond: stmts(arithmCmd(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Gtr, X: word(litParamExp("#")), Y: litWord("2"), })), Then: litStmts("b"), }, }, { Strs: []string{ "(($(date -u) > DATE))", "((`date -u` > DATE))", }, bsmk: arithmCmd(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Gtr, X: word(cmdSubst(litStmt("date", "-u"))), Y: litWord("DATE"), }), }, { Strs: []string{": $((0x$foo == 10))"}, common: call( litWord(":"), word(arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Eql, X: word(lit("0x"), litParamExp("foo")), Y: litWord("10"), })), ), }, { Strs: []string{"((# 1 + 2))", "(( # 1 + 2 ))"}, mksh: &ArithmCmd{ X: &BinaryArithm{ Op: Add, X: litWord("1"), Y: litWord("2"), }, Unsigned: true, }, }, { Strs: []string{"$((# 1 + 2))", "$(( # 1 + 2 ))"}, mksh: &ArithmExp{ X: &BinaryArithm{ Op: Add, X: litWord("1"), Y: litWord("2"), }, Unsigned: true, }, }, { Strs: []string{"((3#20))"}, bsmk: arithmCmd(litWord("3#20")), }, { Strs: []string{ "while a; do b; done", "wh\\\nile a; do b; done", "wh\\\r\nile a; do b; done", "while a\ndo\nb\ndone", "while a;\ndo\nb\ndone", }, common: &WhileClause{ Cond: litStmts("a"), Do: litStmts("b"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"while { a; }; do b; done", "while { a; } do b; done"}, common: &WhileClause{ Cond: stmts(block(litStmt("a"))), Do: litStmts("b"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"while (a); do b; done", "while (a) do b; done"}, common: &WhileClause{ Cond: stmts(subshell(litStmt("a"))), Do: litStmts("b"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"while ((1 > 2)); do b; done"}, bsmk: &WhileClause{ Cond: stmts(arithmCmd(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Gtr, X: litWord("1"), Y: litWord("2"), })), Do: litStmts("b"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"until a; do b; done", "until a\ndo\nb\ndone"}, common: &WhileClause{ Until: true, Cond: litStmts("a"), Do: litStmts("b"), }, }, { Strs: []string{ "for i; do foo; done", "for i do foo; done", "for i\ndo foo\ndone", "for i;\ndo foo\ndone", "for i in; do foo; done", }, common: &ForClause{ Loop: &WordIter{Name: lit("i")}, Do: litStmts("foo"), }, }, { Strs: []string{ "for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; done", "for i in 1 2 3\ndo echo $i\ndone", "for i in 1 2 3;\ndo echo $i\ndone", "for i in 1 2 3 #foo\ndo echo $i\ndone", }, common: &ForClause{ Loop: &WordIter{ Name: lit("i"), Items: litWords("1", "2", "3"), }, Do: stmts(call( litWord("echo"), word(litParamExp("i")), )), }, }, { Strs: []string{ "for i in \\\n\t1 2 3; do #foo\n\techo $i\ndone", "for i #foo\n\tin 1 2 3; do\n\techo $i\ndone", }, common: &ForClause{ Loop: &WordIter{ Name: lit("i"), Items: litWords("1", "2", "3"), }, Do: stmts(call( litWord("echo"), word(litParamExp("i")), )), }, }, { Strs: []string{ "for i; do foo; done", "for i; { foo; }", }, bsmk: &ForClause{ Loop: &WordIter{Name: lit("i")}, Do: litStmts("foo"), }, }, { Strs: []string{ "for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; done", "for i in 1 2 3; { echo $i; }", }, bsmk: &ForClause{ Loop: &WordIter{ Name: lit("i"), Items: litWords("1", "2", "3"), }, Do: stmts(call( litWord("echo"), word(litParamExp("i")), )), }, }, { Strs: []string{ "for ((i = 0; i < 10; i++)); do echo $i; done", "for ((i=0;i<10;i++)) do echo $i; done", "for (( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ))\ndo echo $i\ndone", "for (( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ));\ndo echo $i\ndone", }, bash: &ForClause{ Loop: &CStyleLoop{ Init: &BinaryArithm{ Op: Assgn, X: litWord("i"), Y: litWord("0"), }, Cond: &BinaryArithm{ Op: Lss, X: litWord("i"), Y: litWord("10"), }, Post: &UnaryArithm{ Op: Inc, Post: true, X: litWord("i"), }, }, Do: stmts(call( litWord("echo"), word(litParamExp("i")), )), }, }, { Strs: []string{ "for (( ; ; )); do foo; done", "for ((;;)); do foo; done", }, bash: &ForClause{ Loop: &CStyleLoop{}, Do: litStmts("foo"), }, }, { Strs: []string{ "for ((i = 0; ; )); do foo; done", "for ((i = 0;;)); do foo; done", }, bash: &ForClause{ Loop: &CStyleLoop{ Init: &BinaryArithm{ Op: Assgn, X: litWord("i"), Y: litWord("0"), }, }, Do: litStmts("foo"), }, }, { Strs: []string{ "select i; do foo; done", // TODO: bash won't allow this - bug? //"select i in; do foo; done", }, bsmk: &ForClause{ Select: true, Loop: &WordIter{Name: lit("i")}, Do: litStmts("foo"), }, }, { Strs: []string{ "select i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; done", "select i in 1 2 3\ndo echo $i\ndone", "select i in 1 2 3 #foo\ndo echo $i\ndone", }, bsmk: &ForClause{ Select: true, Loop: &WordIter{ Name: lit("i"), Items: litWords("1", "2", "3"), }, Do: stmts(call( litWord("echo"), word(litParamExp("i")), )), }, }, { Strs: []string{"select foo bar"}, posix: litStmt("select", "foo", "bar"), }, { Strs: []string{`' ' "foo bar"`}, common: call( word(sglQuoted(" ")), word(dblQuoted(lit("foo bar"))), ), }, { Strs: []string{`"foo \" bar"`}, common: word(dblQuoted(lit(`foo \" bar`))), }, { Strs: []string{"\">foo\" \"\nbar\""}, common: call( word(dblQuoted(lit(">foo"))), word(dblQuoted(lit("\nbar"))), ), }, { Strs: []string{`foo \" bar`}, common: litCall(`foo`, `\"`, `bar`), }, { Strs: []string{`'"'`}, common: sglQuoted(`"`), }, { Strs: []string{"'`'"}, common: sglQuoted("`"), }, { Strs: []string{`"'"`}, common: dblQuoted(lit("'")), }, { Strs: []string{`""`}, common: dblQuoted(), }, { Strs: []string{"=a s{s s=s"}, common: litCall("=a", "s{s", "s=s"), }, { Strs: []string{"foo && bar", "foo&&bar", "foo &&\nbar"}, common: &BinaryCmd{ Op: AndStmt, X: litStmt("foo"), Y: litStmt("bar"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo &&\n\tbar"}, common: &BinaryCmd{ Op: AndStmt, X: litStmt("foo"), Y: litStmt("bar"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo || bar", "foo||bar", "foo ||\nbar"}, common: &BinaryCmd{ Op: OrStmt, X: litStmt("foo"), Y: litStmt("bar"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"if a; then b; fi || while a; do b; done"}, common: &BinaryCmd{ Op: OrStmt, X: stmt(&IfClause{ Cond: litStmts("a"), Then: litStmts("b"), }), Y: stmt(&WhileClause{ Cond: litStmts("a"), Do: litStmts("b"), }), }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo && bar1 || bar2"}, common: &BinaryCmd{ Op: OrStmt, X: stmt(&BinaryCmd{ Op: AndStmt, X: litStmt("foo"), Y: litStmt("bar1"), }), Y: litStmt("bar2"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"a || b || c || d"}, common: &BinaryCmd{ Op: OrStmt, X: stmt(&BinaryCmd{ Op: OrStmt, X: stmt(&BinaryCmd{ Op: OrStmt, X: litStmt("a"), Y: litStmt("b"), }), Y: litStmt("c"), }), Y: litStmt("d"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo | bar", "foo|bar", "foo |\n#etc\nbar"}, common: &BinaryCmd{ Op: Pipe, X: litStmt("foo"), Y: litStmt("bar"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo | bar | extra"}, common: &BinaryCmd{ Op: Pipe, X: stmt(&BinaryCmd{ Op: Pipe, X: litStmt("foo"), Y: litStmt("bar"), }), Y: litStmt("extra"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo | a=b bar"}, common: &BinaryCmd{ Op: Pipe, X: litStmt("foo"), Y: stmt(&CallExpr{ Assigns: []*Assign{{ Name: lit("a"), Value: litWord("b"), }}, Args: litWords("bar"), }), }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo |&"}, mksh: &Stmt{Cmd: litCall("foo"), Coprocess: true}, }, { Strs: []string{"foo \\\n\t|&"}, mksh: &Stmt{Cmd: litCall("foo"), Coprocess: true}, }, { Strs: []string{"foo |& bar", "foo|&bar"}, bash: &BinaryCmd{ Op: PipeAll, X: litStmt("foo"), Y: litStmt("bar"), }, mksh: []*Stmt{ {Cmd: litCall("foo"), Coprocess: true}, litStmt("bar"), }, }, { Strs: []string{ "foo() {\n\ta\n\tb\n}", "foo() { a; b; }", "foo ( ) {\na\nb\n}", "foo()\n{\na\nb\n}", }, common: &FuncDecl{ Parens: true, Name: lit("foo"), Body: stmt(block(litStmt("a"), litStmt("b"))), }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo() { a; }\nbar", "foo() {\na\n}; bar"}, common: []Command{ &FuncDecl{ Parens: true, Name: lit("foo"), Body: stmt(block(litStmt("a"))), }, litCall("bar"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"foO_123() { a; }"}, common: &FuncDecl{ Parens: true, Name: lit("foO_123"), Body: stmt(block(litStmt("a"))), }, }, { Strs: []string{"-foo_.,+-bar() { a; }"}, bsmk: &FuncDecl{ Parens: true, Name: lit("-foo_.,+-bar"), Body: stmt(block(litStmt("a"))), }, }, { Strs: []string{ "function foo() {\n\ta\n\tb\n}", "function foo() { a; b; }", }, bsmk: &FuncDecl{ RsrvWord: true, Parens: true, Name: lit("foo"), Body: stmt(block(litStmt("a"), litStmt("b"))), }, }, { Strs: []string{ "function foo {\n\ta\n\tb\n}", "function foo { a; b; }", }, bsmk: &FuncDecl{ RsrvWord: true, Name: lit("foo"), Body: stmt(block(litStmt("a"), litStmt("b"))), }, }, { Strs: []string{"function foo() (a)"}, bash: &FuncDecl{ RsrvWord: true, Parens: true, Name: lit("foo"), Body: stmt(subshell(litStmt("a"))), }, }, { Strs: []string{"a=b foo=$bar foo=start$bar"}, common: &CallExpr{ Assigns: []*Assign{ {Name: lit("a"), Value: litWord("b")}, {Name: lit("foo"), Value: word(litParamExp("bar"))}, {Name: lit("foo"), Value: word( lit("start"), litParamExp("bar"), )}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{"a=\"\nbar\""}, common: &CallExpr{ Assigns: []*Assign{{ Name: lit("a"), Value: word(dblQuoted(lit("\nbar"))), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"A_3a= foo"}, common: &CallExpr{ Assigns: []*Assign{{Name: lit("A_3a")}}, Args: litWords("foo"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"a=b=c"}, common: &CallExpr{ Assigns: []*Assign{{Name: lit("a"), Value: litWord("b=c")}}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"à=b foo"}, common: litStmt("à=b", "foo"), }, { Strs: []string{ "foo >a >>b <c", "foo > a >> b < c", ">a >>b <c foo", }, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord("a")}, {Op: AppOut, Word: litWord("b")}, {Op: RdrIn, Word: litWord("c")}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "foo bar >a", "foo >a bar", }, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo", "bar"), Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord("a")}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`>a >\b`}, common: &Stmt{ Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord("a")}, {Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord(`\b`)}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{">a\n>b", ">a; >b"}, common: []*Stmt{ {Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord("a")}, }}, {Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord("b")}, }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo1\nfoo2 >r2", "foo1; >r2 foo2"}, common: []*Stmt{ litStmt("foo1"), { Cmd: litCall("foo2"), Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord("r2")}, }, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo >bar$(etc)", "foo >b\\\nar`etc`"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: RdrOut, Word: word( lit("bar"), cmdSubst(litStmt("etc")), )}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "a=b c=d foo >x <y", "a=b c=d >x <y foo", ">x a=b c=d <y foo", ">x <y a=b c=d foo", "a=b >x c=d foo <y", }, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: &CallExpr{ Assigns: []*Assign{ {Name: lit("a"), Value: litWord("b")}, {Name: lit("c"), Value: litWord("d")}, }, Args: litWords("foo"), }, Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord("x")}, {Op: RdrIn, Word: litWord("y")}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "foo <<EOF\nbar\nEOF", "foo <<EOF \nbar\nEOF", "foo <<EOF\t\nbar\nEOF", "foo <<EOF\r\nbar\r\nEOF\r\n", }, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("bar\n"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo <<EOF\n\nbar\nEOF"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("\nbar\n"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo <<EOF\nbar\n\nEOF"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("bar\n\n"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo <<EOF\n1\n2\n3\nEOF"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("1\n2\n3\n"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"a <<EOF\nfoo$bar\nEOF"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("a"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: word( lit("foo"), litParamExp("bar"), lit("\n"), ), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"a <<EOF\n\"$bar\"\nEOF"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("a"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: word( lit(`"`), litParamExp("bar"), lit("\"\n"), ), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"a <<EOF\n$''$bar\nEOF"}, bash: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("a"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: word( lit("$"), lit("''"), litParamExp("bar"), lit("\n"), ), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "a <<EOF\n$(b)\nc\nEOF", "a <<EOF\n`b`\nc\nEOF", }, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("a"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: word( cmdSubst(litStmt("b")), lit("\nc\n"), ), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "a <<EOF\nfoo$(bar)baz\nEOF", "a <<EOF\nfoo`bar`baz\nEOF", }, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("a"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: word( lit("foo"), cmdSubst(litStmt("bar")), lit("baz\n"), ), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"a <<EOF\n\\${\nEOF"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("a"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("\\${\n"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "{\n\tfoo <<EOF\nbar\nEOF\n}", "{ foo <<EOF\nbar\nEOF\n}", }, common: block(&Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("bar\n"), }}, }), }, { Strs: []string{ "$(\n\tfoo <<EOF\nbar\nEOF\n)", "$(foo <<EOF\nbar\nEOF\n)", "`\nfoo <<EOF\nbar\nEOF\n`", "`foo <<EOF\nbar\nEOF`", }, common: cmdSubst(&Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("bar\n"), }}, }), }, { Strs: []string{ "foo <<EOF\nbar\nEOF$(oops)\nEOF", "foo <<EOF\nbar\nEOF`oops`\nEOF", }, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: word( lit("bar\nEOF"), cmdSubst(litStmt("oops")), lit("\n"), ), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "foo <<EOF\nbar\nNOTEOF$(oops)\nEOF", "foo <<EOF\nbar\nNOTEOF`oops`\nEOF", }, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: word( lit("bar\nNOTEOF"), cmdSubst(litStmt("oops")), lit("\n"), ), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "$(\n\tfoo <<'EOF'\nbar\nEOF\n)", "$(foo <<'EOF'\nbar\nEOF\n)", "`\nfoo <<'EOF'\nbar\nEOF\n`", "`foo <<'EOF'\nbar\nEOF`", }, common: cmdSubst(&Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: word(sglQuoted("EOF")), Hdoc: litWord("bar\n"), }}, }), }, { Strs: []string{"foo <<'EOF'\nbar\nEOF`oops`\nEOF"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: word(sglQuoted("EOF")), Hdoc: litWord("bar\nEOF`oops`\n"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo <<'EOF'\nbar\nNOTEOF`oops`\nEOF"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: word(sglQuoted("EOF")), Hdoc: litWord("bar\nNOTEOF`oops`\n"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"$(<foo)", "`<foo`"}, common: cmdSubst(&Stmt{ Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: RdrIn, Word: litWord("foo"), }}, }), }, { Strs: []string{"foo <<EOF >f\nbar\nEOF"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{ { Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("bar\n"), }, {Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord("f")}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo <<EOF && {\nbar\nEOF\n\tetc\n}"}, common: &BinaryCmd{ Op: AndStmt, X: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("bar\n"), }}, }, Y: stmt(block(litStmt("etc"))), }, }, { Strs: []string{ "$(\n\tfoo\n) <<EOF\nbar\nEOF", "<<EOF $(\n\tfoo\n)\nbar\nEOF", }, // note that dash won't accept the second one bsmk: &Stmt{ Cmd: call(word(cmdSubst(litStmt("foo")))), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("bar\n"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "$(\n\tfoo\n) <<EOF\nbar\nEOF", "`\n\tfoo\n` <<EOF\nbar\nEOF", "<<EOF `\n\tfoo\n`\nbar\nEOF", }, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: call(word(cmdSubst(litStmt("foo")))), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("bar\n"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "$((foo)) <<EOF\nbar\nEOF", "<<EOF $((\n\tfoo\n))\nbar\nEOF", }, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: call(word(arithmExp(litWord("foo")))), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("bar\n"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"if true; then\n\tfoo <<-EOF\n\t\tbar\n\tEOF\nfi"}, common: &IfClause{ Cond: litStmts("true"), Then: []*Stmt{{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: DashHdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("\t\tbar\n\t"), }}, }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"if true; then\n\tfoo <<-EOF\n\tEOF\nfi"}, common: &IfClause{ Cond: litStmts("true"), Then: []*Stmt{{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: DashHdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("\t"), }}, }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo <<EOF\nEOF_body\nEOF\nfoo2"}, common: []*Stmt{ { Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("EOF_body\n"), }}, }, litStmt("foo2"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo <<FOOBAR\nbar\nFOOBAR"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("FOOBAR"), Hdoc: litWord("bar\n"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo <<\"EOF\"\nbar\nEOF"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: word(dblQuoted(lit("EOF"))), Hdoc: litWord("bar\n"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo <<'EOF'\nEOF_body\nEOF\nfoo2"}, common: []*Stmt{ { Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: word(sglQuoted("EOF")), Hdoc: litWord("EOF_body\n"), }}, }, litStmt("foo2"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo <<'EOF'\n${\nEOF"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: word(sglQuoted("EOF")), Hdoc: litWord("${\n"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo <<'EOF'\nEOF"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: word(sglQuoted("EOF")), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo <<\"EOF\"2\nbar\nEOF2"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: word(dblQuoted(lit("EOF")), lit("2")), Hdoc: litWord("bar\n"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo <<\\EOF\nbar\nEOF"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("\\EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("bar\n"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo <<EOF\nbar\\\nbaz\nEOF"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: word(lit("bar"), lit("baz\n")), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "foo <<'EOF'\nbar\\\nEOF", "foo <<'EOF'\nbar\\\r\nEOF", "foo <<'EOF'\nbar\\\r\nEOF\r\n", }, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: word(sglQuoted("EOF")), Hdoc: litWord("bar\\\n"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "foo <<-EOF\n\tbar\nEOF", "foo <<-EOF\r\n\tbar\r\nEOF\r\n", }, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: DashHdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("\tbar\n"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo <<EOF\nEOF"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo <<-EOF\nEOF"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: DashHdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo <<-EOF\n\tbar\nEOF"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: DashHdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("\tbar\n"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo <<-'EOF'\n\tbar\nEOF"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: DashHdoc, Word: word(sglQuoted("EOF")), Hdoc: litWord("\tbar\n"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "f1 <<EOF1\nh1\nEOF1\nf2 <<EOF2\nh2\nEOF2", "f1 <<EOF1; f2 <<EOF2\nh1\nEOF1\nh2\nEOF2", }, common: []*Stmt{ { Cmd: litCall("f1"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF1"), Hdoc: litWord("h1\n"), }}, }, { Cmd: litCall("f2"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF2"), Hdoc: litWord("h2\n"), }}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "a <<EOF\nfoo\nEOF\nb\nb\nb\nb\nb\nb\nb\nb\nb", "a <<EOF;b;b;b;b;b;b;b;b;b\nfoo\nEOF", }, common: []*Stmt{ { Cmd: litCall("a"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("foo\n"), }}, }, litStmt("b"), litStmt("b"), litStmt("b"), litStmt("b"), litStmt("b"), litStmt("b"), litStmt("b"), litStmt("b"), litStmt("b"), }, }, { Strs: []string{ "foo \"\narg\" <<EOF\nbar\nEOF", "foo <<EOF \"\narg\"\nbar\nEOF", }, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: call( litWord("foo"), word(dblQuoted(lit("\narg"))), ), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("bar\n"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo >&2 <&0 2>file 345>file <>f2"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: DplOut, Word: litWord("2")}, {Op: DplIn, Word: litWord("0")}, {Op: RdrOut, N: lit("2"), Word: litWord("file")}, {Op: RdrOut, N: lit("345"), Word: litWord("file")}, {Op: RdrInOut, Word: litWord("f2")}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "foo bar >file", "foo bar>file", }, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo", "bar"), Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord("file")}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo &>a &>>b"}, bsmk: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: RdrAll, Word: litWord("a")}, {Op: AppAll, Word: litWord("b")}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo 2>file bar", "2>file foo bar"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo", "bar"), Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: RdrOut, N: lit("2"), Word: litWord("file")}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{"a >f1\nb >f2", "a >f1; b >f2"}, common: []*Stmt{ { Cmd: litCall("a"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord("f1")}}, }, { Cmd: litCall("b"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord("f2")}}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo >|bar"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: ClbOut, Word: litWord("bar")}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "foo <<<input", "foo <<< input", }, bsmk: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: WordHdoc, Word: litWord("input"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{ `foo <<<"spaced input"`, `foo <<< "spaced input"`, }, bsmk: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: WordHdoc, Word: word(dblQuoted(lit("spaced input"))), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo >(foo)"}, bash: call( litWord("foo"), word(&ProcSubst{ Op: CmdOut, Stmts: litStmts("foo"), }), ), }, { Strs: []string{"foo < <(foo)"}, bash: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: RdrIn, Word: word(&ProcSubst{ Op: CmdIn, Stmts: litStmts("foo"), }), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"a<(b) c>(d)"}, bash: call( word(lit("a"), &ProcSubst{ Op: CmdIn, Stmts: litStmts("b"), }), word(lit("c"), &ProcSubst{ Op: CmdOut, Stmts: litStmts("d"), }), ), }, { Strs: []string{"foo {fd}<f"}, bash: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: RdrIn, N: lit("{fd}"), Word: litWord("f")}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{"! foo"}, common: &Stmt{ Negated: true, Cmd: litCall("foo"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo &\nbar", "foo & bar", "foo&bar"}, common: []*Stmt{ {Cmd: litCall("foo"), Background: true}, litStmt("bar"), }, }, { Strs: []string{ "! if foo; then bar; fi >/dev/null &", "! if foo; then bar; fi>/dev/null&", }, common: &Stmt{ Negated: true, Cmd: &IfClause{ Cond: litStmts("foo"), Then: litStmts("bar"), }, Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord("/dev/null")}, }, Background: true, }, }, { Strs: []string{"! foo && bar"}, common: &BinaryCmd{ Op: AndStmt, X: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Negated: true, }, Y: litStmt("bar"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"! foo | bar"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: &BinaryCmd{ Op: Pipe, X: litStmt("foo"), Y: litStmt("bar"), }, Negated: true, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "a && b &\nc", "a && b & c", }, common: []*Stmt{ { Cmd: &BinaryCmd{ Op: AndStmt, X: litStmt("a"), Y: litStmt("b"), }, Background: true, }, litStmt("c"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"a | b &"}, common: &Stmt{ Cmd: &BinaryCmd{ Op: Pipe, X: litStmt("a"), Y: litStmt("b"), }, Background: true, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo#bar"}, common: litWord("foo#bar"), }, { Strs: []string{"$foo#bar foo#$bar"}, common: call( word(litParamExp("foo"), lit("#bar")), word(lit("foo#"), litParamExp("bar")), ), }, { Strs: []string{"{ echo } }; }"}, common: block(litStmt("echo", "}", "}")), }, { Strs: []string{"$({ echo; })"}, common: cmdSubst(stmt( block(litStmt("echo")), )), }, { Strs: []string{ "$( (echo foo bar))", "$( (echo foo bar) )", "`(echo foo bar)`", }, common: cmdSubst(stmt( subshell(litStmt("echo", "foo", "bar")), )), }, { Strs: []string{"$()"}, common: cmdSubst(), }, { Strs: []string{"()"}, mksh: subshell(), // not common, as dash/bash wrongly error }, { Strs: []string{ "$(\n\t(a)\n\tb\n)", "$( (a); b)", "`(a); b`", }, common: cmdSubst( stmt(subshell(litStmt("a"))), litStmt("b"), ), }, { Strs: []string{ `$(echo \')`, "`" + `echo \\'` + "`", }, common: cmdSubst(litStmt("echo", `\'`)), }, { Strs: []string{ `$(echo \\)`, "`" + `echo \\\\` + "`", }, common: cmdSubst(litStmt("echo", `\\`)), }, { Strs: []string{ `$(echo '\' 'a\b' "\\" "a\a")`, "`" + `echo '\' 'a\\b' "\\\\" "a\a"` + "`", }, common: cmdSubst(stmt(call( litWord("echo"), word(sglQuoted(`\`)), word(sglQuoted(`a\b`)), word(dblQuoted(lit(`\\`))), word(dblQuoted(lit(`a\a`))), ))), }, { Strs: []string{ "$(echo $(x))", "`echo \\`x\\``", }, common: cmdSubst(stmt(call( litWord("echo"), word(cmdSubst(litStmt("x"))), ))), }, { Strs: []string{ "$($(foo bar))", "`\\`foo bar\\``", }, common: cmdSubst(stmt(call( word(cmdSubst(litStmt("foo", "bar"))), ))), }, { Strs: []string{"$( (a) | b)"}, common: cmdSubst( stmt(&BinaryCmd{ Op: Pipe, X: stmt(subshell(litStmt("a"))), Y: litStmt("b"), }), ), }, { Strs: []string{`"$( (foo))"`}, common: dblQuoted(cmdSubst(stmt( subshell(litStmt("foo")), ))), }, { Strs: []string{"\"foo\\\nbar\""}, common: dblQuoted(lit("foo"), lit("bar")), }, { Strs: []string{"'foo\\\nbar'", "'foo\\\r\nbar'"}, common: sglQuoted("foo\\\nbar"), }, { Strs: []string{"$({ echo; })", "`{ echo; }`"}, common: cmdSubst(stmt( block(litStmt("echo")), )), }, { Strs: []string{`{foo}`}, common: litWord(`{foo}`), }, { Strs: []string{`{"foo"`}, common: word(lit("{"), dblQuoted(lit("foo"))), }, { Strs: []string{`foo"bar"`, "fo\\\no\"bar\"", "fo\\\r\no\"bar\""}, common: word(lit("foo"), dblQuoted(lit("bar"))), }, { Strs: []string{`!foo`}, common: litWord(`!foo`), }, { Strs: []string{"$(foo bar)", "`foo bar`"}, common: cmdSubst(litStmt("foo", "bar")), }, { Strs: []string{"$(foo | bar)", "`foo | bar`"}, common: cmdSubst( stmt(&BinaryCmd{ Op: Pipe, X: litStmt("foo"), Y: litStmt("bar"), }), ), }, { Strs: []string{"$(foo | >f)", "`foo | >f`"}, common: cmdSubst( stmt(&BinaryCmd{ Op: Pipe, X: litStmt("foo"), Y: &Stmt{Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord("f"), }}}, }), ), }, { Strs: []string{"$(foo $(b1 b2))"}, common: cmdSubst(stmt(call( litWord("foo"), word(cmdSubst(litStmt("b1", "b2"))), ))), }, { Strs: []string{`"$(foo "bar")"`}, common: dblQuoted(cmdSubst(stmt(call( litWord("foo"), word(dblQuoted(lit("bar"))), )))), }, { Strs: []string{"$(foo)", "`fo\\\no`"}, common: cmdSubst(litStmt("foo")), }, { Strs: []string{"foo $(bar)", "foo `bar`"}, common: call( litWord("foo"), word(cmdSubst(litStmt("bar"))), ), }, { Strs: []string{"$(foo 'bar')", "`foo 'bar'`"}, common: cmdSubst(stmt(call( litWord("foo"), word(sglQuoted("bar")), ))), }, { Strs: []string{`$(foo "bar")`, "`foo \"bar\"`"}, common: cmdSubst(stmt(call( litWord("foo"), word(dblQuoted(lit("bar"))), ))), }, { Strs: []string{`"$(foo "bar")"`, "\"`foo \"bar\"`\""}, common: dblQuoted(cmdSubst(stmt(call( litWord("foo"), word(dblQuoted(lit("bar"))), )))), }, { Strs: []string{"${ foo;}", "${\n\tfoo; }", "${\tfoo;}"}, mksh: &CmdSubst{ Stmts: litStmts("foo"), TempFile: true, }, }, { Strs: []string{"${\n\tfoo\n\tbar\n}", "${ foo; bar;}"}, mksh: &CmdSubst{ Stmts: litStmts("foo", "bar"), TempFile: true, }, }, { Strs: []string{"${|foo;}", "${| foo; }"}, mksh: &CmdSubst{ Stmts: litStmts("foo"), ReplyVar: true, }, }, { Strs: []string{"${|\n\tfoo\n\tbar\n}", "${|foo; bar;}"}, mksh: &CmdSubst{ Stmts: litStmts("foo", "bar"), ReplyVar: true, }, }, { Strs: []string{`"$foo"`}, common: dblQuoted(litParamExp("foo")), }, { Strs: []string{`"#foo"`}, common: dblQuoted(lit("#foo")), }, { Strs: []string{`$@a $*a $#a $$a $?a $!a $-a $0a $30a $_a`}, common: call( word(litParamExp("@"), lit("a")), word(litParamExp("*"), lit("a")), word(litParamExp("#"), lit("a")), word(litParamExp("$"), lit("a")), word(litParamExp("?"), lit("a")), word(litParamExp("!"), lit("a")), word(litParamExp("-"), lit("a")), word(litParamExp("0"), lit("a")), word(litParamExp("3"), lit("0a")), word(litParamExp("_a")), ), }, { Strs: []string{`$`, `$ #`}, common: litWord("$"), }, { Strs: []string{`${@} ${*} ${#} ${$} ${?} ${!} ${0} ${29} ${-}`}, common: call( word(&ParamExp{Param: lit("@")}), word(&ParamExp{Param: lit("*")}), word(&ParamExp{Param: lit("#")}), word(&ParamExp{Param: lit("$")}), word(&ParamExp{Param: lit("?")}), word(&ParamExp{Param: lit("!")}), word(&ParamExp{Param: lit("0")}), word(&ParamExp{Param: lit("29")}), word(&ParamExp{Param: lit("-")}), ), }, { Strs: []string{`${#$} ${#@} ${#*} ${##}`}, common: call( word(&ParamExp{Length: true, Param: lit("$")}), word(&ParamExp{Length: true, Param: lit("@")}), word(&ParamExp{Length: true, Param: lit("*")}), word(&ParamExp{Length: true, Param: lit("#")}), ), }, { Strs: []string{`${foo}`}, common: &ParamExp{Param: lit("foo")}, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo}"bar"`}, common: word( &ParamExp{Param: lit("foo")}, dblQuoted(lit("bar")), ), }, { Strs: []string{`$a/b $a-b $a:b $a}b $a]b $a.b $a,b $a*b $a_b $a2b`}, common: call( word(litParamExp("a"), lit("/b")), word(litParamExp("a"), lit("-b")), word(litParamExp("a"), lit(":b")), word(litParamExp("a"), lit("}b")), word(litParamExp("a"), lit("]b")), word(litParamExp("a"), lit(".b")), word(litParamExp("a"), lit(",b")), word(litParamExp("a"), lit("*b")), word(litParamExp("a_b")), word(litParamExp("a2b")), ), }, { Strs: []string{`$aàb $àb $,b`}, common: call( word(litParamExp("a"), lit("àb")), word(lit("$"), lit("àb")), word(lit("$"), lit(",b")), ), }, { Strs: []string{"$à", "$\\\nà", "$\\\r\nà"}, common: word(lit("$"), lit("à")), }, { Strs: []string{"$foobar", "$foo\\\nbar"}, common: call( word(litParamExp("foobar")), ), }, { Strs: []string{"$foo\\bar"}, common: call( word(litParamExp("foo"), lit("\\bar")), ), }, { Strs: []string{`echo -e "$foo\nbar"`}, common: call( litWord("echo"), litWord("-e"), word(dblQuoted( litParamExp("foo"), lit(`\nbar`), )), ), }, { Strs: []string{`${foo-bar}`}, common: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: DefaultUnset, Word: litWord("bar"), }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo+}"bar"`}, common: word( &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Exp: &Expansion{Op: AlternateUnset}, }, dblQuoted(lit("bar")), ), }, { Strs: []string{`${foo:=<"bar"}`}, common: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: AssignUnsetOrNull, Word: word(lit("<"), dblQuoted(lit("bar"))), }, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "${foo:=b${c}$(d)}", "${foo:=b${c}`d`}", }, common: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: AssignUnsetOrNull, Word: word( lit("b"), &ParamExp{Param: lit("c")}, cmdSubst(litStmt("d")), ), }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo?"${bar}"}`}, common: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: ErrorUnset, Word: word(dblQuoted( &ParamExp{Param: lit("bar")}, )), }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo:?bar1 bar2}`}, common: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: ErrorUnsetOrNull, Word: litWord("bar1 bar2"), }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${a:+b}${a:-b}${a=b}`}, common: word( &ParamExp{ Param: lit("a"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: AlternateUnsetOrNull, Word: litWord("b"), }, }, &ParamExp{ Param: lit("a"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: DefaultUnsetOrNull, Word: litWord("b"), }, }, &ParamExp{ Param: lit("a"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: AssignUnset, Word: litWord("b"), }, }, ), }, { Strs: []string{`${3:-'$x'}`}, common: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("3"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: DefaultUnsetOrNull, Word: word(sglQuoted("$x")), }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${@:-$x}`}, common: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("@"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: DefaultUnsetOrNull, Word: word(litParamExp("x")), }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${var#*'="'}`}, common: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("var"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: RemSmallPrefix, Word: word(lit("*"), sglQuoted(`="`)), }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${var/'a'/b'c'd}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("var"), Repl: &Replace{ Orig: word(sglQuoted("a")), With: word(lit("b"), sglQuoted("c"), lit("d")), }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo%bar}${foo%%bar*}`}, common: word( &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: RemSmallSuffix, Word: litWord("bar"), }, }, &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: RemLargeSuffix, Word: litWord("bar*"), }, }, ), }, { Strs: []string{`${3#bar}${-##bar*}`}, common: word( &ParamExp{ Param: lit("3"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: RemSmallPrefix, Word: litWord("bar"), }, }, &ParamExp{ Param: lit("-"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: RemLargePrefix, Word: litWord("bar*"), }, }, ), }, { Strs: []string{`${foo%?}`}, common: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: RemSmallSuffix, Word: litWord("?"), }, }, }, { Strs: []string{ `${foo[1]}`, `${foo[ 1 ]}`, }, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Index: litWord("1"), }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo[-1]}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Index: &UnaryArithm{ Op: Minus, X: litWord("1"), }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo[@]}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Index: litWord("@"), }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo[*]-etc}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Index: litWord("*"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: DefaultUnset, Word: litWord("etc"), }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo[bar]}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Index: litWord("bar"), }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo[$bar]}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Index: word(litParamExp("bar")), }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo[${bar}]}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Index: word(&ParamExp{Param: lit("bar")}), }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo:1}`, `${foo: 1 }`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Slice: &Slice{Offset: litWord("1")}, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo:1:2}`, `${foo: 1 : 2 }`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Slice: &Slice{ Offset: litWord("1"), Length: litWord("2"), }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo:a:b}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Slice: &Slice{ Offset: litWord("a"), Length: litWord("b"), }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo:1:-2}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Slice: &Slice{ Offset: litWord("1"), Length: &UnaryArithm{Op: Minus, X: litWord("2")}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo::+3}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Slice: &Slice{ Length: &UnaryArithm{Op: Plus, X: litWord("3")}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo: -1}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Slice: &Slice{ Offset: &UnaryArithm{Op: Minus, X: litWord("1")}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo: +2+3}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Slice: &Slice{ Offset: &BinaryArithm{ Op: Add, X: &UnaryArithm{Op: Plus, X: litWord("2")}, Y: litWord("3"), }, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo:a?1:2:3}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Slice: &Slice{ Offset: &BinaryArithm{ Op: TernQuest, X: litWord("a"), Y: &BinaryArithm{ Op: TernColon, X: litWord("1"), Y: litWord("2"), }, }, Length: litWord("3"), }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo/a/b}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Repl: &Replace{Orig: litWord("a"), With: litWord("b")}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"${foo/ /\t}"}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Repl: &Replace{Orig: litWord(" "), With: litWord("\t")}, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo/[/]-}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Repl: &Replace{Orig: litWord("["), With: litWord("]-")}, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo/bar/b/a/r}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Repl: &Replace{ Orig: litWord("bar"), With: litWord("b/a/r"), }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo/$a/$'\''}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Repl: &Replace{ Orig: word(litParamExp("a")), With: word(sglDQuoted(`\'`)), }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo//b1/b2}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Repl: &Replace{ All: true, Orig: litWord("b1"), With: litWord("b2"), }, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo///}`, `${foo//}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Repl: &Replace{All: true}, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo/-//}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Repl: &Replace{Orig: litWord("-"), With: litWord("/")}, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo//#/}`, `${foo//#}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Repl: &Replace{All: true, Orig: litWord("#")}, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${foo//[42]/}`}, bsmk: &ParamExp{ Param: lit("foo"), Repl: &Replace{All: true, Orig: litWord("[42]")}, }, }, { Strs: []string{`${a^b} ${a^^b} ${a,b} ${a,,b}`}, bash: call( word(&ParamExp{ Param: lit("a"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: UpperFirst, Word: litWord("b"), }, }), word(&ParamExp{ Param: lit("a"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: UpperAll, Word: litWord("b"), }, }), word(&ParamExp{ Param: lit("a"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: LowerFirst, Word: litWord("b"), }, }), word(&ParamExp{ Param: lit("a"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: LowerAll, Word: litWord("b"), }, }), ), }, { Strs: []string{`${a@E} ${b@a} ${@@Q} ${!ref@P}`}, bash: call( word(&ParamExp{ Param: lit("a"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: OtherParamOps, Word: litWord("E"), }, }), word(&ParamExp{ Param: lit("b"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: OtherParamOps, Word: litWord("a"), }, }), word(&ParamExp{ Param: lit("@"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: OtherParamOps, Word: litWord("Q"), }, }), word(&ParamExp{ Excl: true, Param: lit("ref"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: OtherParamOps, Word: litWord("P"), }, }), ), }, { Strs: []string{`${a@K} ${b@k}`}, bash: call( word(&ParamExp{ Param: lit("a"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: OtherParamOps, Word: litWord("K"), }, }), word(&ParamExp{ Param: lit("b"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: OtherParamOps, Word: litWord("k"), }, }), ), }, { Strs: []string{`${a@Q} ${b@#}`}, mksh: call( word(&ParamExp{ Param: lit("a"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: OtherParamOps, Word: litWord("Q"), }, }), word(&ParamExp{ Param: lit("b"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: OtherParamOps, Word: litWord("#"), }, }), ), }, { Strs: []string{`${#foo}`}, common: &ParamExp{ Length: true, Param: lit("foo"), }, }, { Strs: []string{`${%foo}`}, mksh: &ParamExp{ Width: true, Param: lit("foo"), }, }, { Strs: []string{`${!foo} ${!bar[@]}`}, bsmk: call( word(&ParamExp{ Excl: true, Param: lit("foo"), }), word(&ParamExp{ Excl: true, Param: lit("bar"), Index: litWord("@"), }), ), }, { Strs: []string{`${!foo*} ${!bar@}`}, bash: call( word(&ParamExp{ Excl: true, Param: lit("foo"), Names: NamesPrefix, }), word(&ParamExp{ Excl: true, Param: lit("bar"), Names: NamesPrefixWords, }), ), }, { Strs: []string{`${#?}`}, common: call( word(&ParamExp{Length: true, Param: lit("?")}), ), }, { Strs: []string{`${#-foo} ${#?bar}`}, common: call( word(&ParamExp{ Param: lit("#"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: DefaultUnset, Word: litWord("foo"), }, }), word(&ParamExp{ Param: lit("#"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: ErrorUnset, Word: litWord("bar"), }, }), ), }, { Strs: []string{`"${foo}"`}, common: dblQuoted(&ParamExp{Param: lit("foo")}), }, { Strs: []string{`"(foo)"`}, common: dblQuoted(lit("(foo)")), }, { Strs: []string{`"${foo}>"`}, common: dblQuoted( &ParamExp{Param: lit("foo")}, lit(">"), ), }, { Strs: []string{`"$(foo)"`, "\"`foo`\""}, common: dblQuoted(cmdSubst(litStmt("foo"))), }, { Strs: []string{ `"$(foo bar)"`, `"$(foo bar)"`, "\"`foo bar`\"", "\"`foo bar`\"", }, common: dblQuoted(cmdSubst(litStmt("foo", "bar"))), }, { Strs: []string{`'${foo}'`}, common: sglQuoted("${foo}"), }, { Strs: []string{"$((1))"}, common: arithmExp(litWord("1")), }, { Strs: []string{"$((1 + 3))", "$((1+3))"}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Add, X: litWord("1"), Y: litWord("3"), }), }, { Strs: []string{`"$((foo))"`}, common: dblQuoted(arithmExp( litWord("foo"), )), }, { Strs: []string{`$((a)) b`}, common: call( word(arithmExp(litWord("a"))), litWord("b"), ), }, { Strs: []string{`$((arr[0]++))`}, bsmk: arithmExp(&UnaryArithm{ Op: Inc, Post: true, X: word(&ParamExp{ Short: true, Param: lit("arr"), Index: litWord("0"), }), }), }, { Strs: []string{`$((++arr[0]))`}, bsmk: arithmExp(&UnaryArithm{ Op: Inc, X: word(&ParamExp{ Short: true, Param: lit("arr"), Index: litWord("0"), }), }), }, { Strs: []string{`$((${a:-1}))`}, bsmk: arithmExp(word(&ParamExp{ Param: lit("a"), Exp: &Expansion{ Op: DefaultUnsetOrNull, Word: litWord("1"), }, })), }, { Strs: []string{"$((5 * 2 - 1))", "$((5*2-1))"}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Sub, X: &BinaryArithm{ Op: Mul, X: litWord("5"), Y: litWord("2"), }, Y: litWord("1"), }), }, { Strs: []string{"$((i | 13))"}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Or, X: litWord("i"), Y: litWord("13"), }), }, { Strs: []string{ "$(((a) + ((b))))", "$((\n(a) + \n(\n(b)\n)\n))", }, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Add, X: parenArit(litWord("a")), Y: parenArit(parenArit(litWord("b"))), }), }, { Strs: []string{ "$((3 % 7))", "$((3\n% 7))", "$((3\\\n % 7))", "$((3\\\r\n % 7))", }, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Rem, X: litWord("3"), Y: litWord("7"), }), }, { Strs: []string{`"$((1 / 3))"`}, common: dblQuoted(arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Quo, X: litWord("1"), Y: litWord("3"), })), }, { Strs: []string{"$((2 ** 10))"}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Pow, X: litWord("2"), Y: litWord("10"), }), }, { Strs: []string{`$(((1) ^ 3))`}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Xor, X: parenArit(litWord("1")), Y: litWord("3"), }), }, { Strs: []string{`$((1 >> (3 << 2)))`}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Shr, X: litWord("1"), Y: parenArit(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Shl, X: litWord("3"), Y: litWord("2"), }), }), }, { Strs: []string{`$((-(1)))`}, common: arithmExp(&UnaryArithm{ Op: Minus, X: parenArit(litWord("1")), }), }, { Strs: []string{`$((i++))`}, common: arithmExp(&UnaryArithm{ Op: Inc, Post: true, X: litWord("i"), }), }, { Strs: []string{`$((--i))`}, common: arithmExp(&UnaryArithm{Op: Dec, X: litWord("i")}), }, { Strs: []string{`$((!i))`}, common: arithmExp(&UnaryArithm{Op: Not, X: litWord("i")}), }, { Strs: []string{`$((~i))`}, common: arithmExp(&UnaryArithm{Op: BitNegation, X: litWord("i")}), }, { Strs: []string{`$((-!+i))`}, common: arithmExp(&UnaryArithm{ Op: Minus, X: &UnaryArithm{ Op: Not, X: &UnaryArithm{Op: Plus, X: litWord("i")}, }, }), }, { Strs: []string{`$((!!i))`}, common: arithmExp(&UnaryArithm{ Op: Not, X: &UnaryArithm{Op: Not, X: litWord("i")}, }), }, { Strs: []string{`$((~~i))`}, common: arithmExp(&UnaryArithm{ Op: BitNegation, X: &UnaryArithm{Op: BitNegation, X: litWord("i")}, }), }, { Strs: []string{`$((1 < 3))`}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Lss, X: litWord("1"), Y: litWord("3"), }), }, { Strs: []string{`$((i = 2))`, `$((i=2))`}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Assgn, X: litWord("i"), Y: litWord("2"), }), }, { Strs: []string{`((a[i] = 4))`, `((a[i]=4))`}, bsmk: arithmCmd(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Assgn, X: word(&ParamExp{ Short: true, Param: lit("a"), Index: litWord("i"), }), Y: litWord("4"), }), }, { Strs: []string{"$((a += 2, b -= 3))"}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Comma, X: &BinaryArithm{ Op: AddAssgn, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("2"), }, Y: &BinaryArithm{ Op: SubAssgn, X: litWord("b"), Y: litWord("3"), }, }), }, { Strs: []string{"$((a >>= 2, b <<= 3))"}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Comma, X: &BinaryArithm{ Op: ShrAssgn, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("2"), }, Y: &BinaryArithm{ Op: ShlAssgn, X: litWord("b"), Y: litWord("3"), }, }), }, { Strs: []string{"$((a == b && c > d))"}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: AndArit, X: &BinaryArithm{ Op: Eql, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("b"), }, Y: &BinaryArithm{ Op: Gtr, X: litWord("c"), Y: litWord("d"), }, }), }, { Strs: []string{"$((a != b))"}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Neq, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("b"), }), }, { Strs: []string{"$((a &= b))"}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: AndAssgn, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("b"), }), }, { Strs: []string{"$((a |= b))"}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: OrAssgn, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("b"), }), }, { Strs: []string{"$((a %= b))"}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: RemAssgn, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("b"), }), }, { Strs: []string{"$((a /= b))", "$((a/=b))"}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: QuoAssgn, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("b"), }), }, { Strs: []string{"$((a ^= b))"}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: XorAssgn, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("b"), }), }, { Strs: []string{"$((i *= 3))"}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: MulAssgn, X: litWord("i"), Y: litWord("3"), }), }, { Strs: []string{"$((2 >= 10))"}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Geq, X: litWord("2"), Y: litWord("10"), }), }, { Strs: []string{"$((foo ? b1 : b2))"}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: TernQuest, X: litWord("foo"), Y: &BinaryArithm{ Op: TernColon, X: litWord("b1"), Y: litWord("b2"), }, }), }, { Strs: []string{`$((a <= (1 || 2)))`}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Leq, X: litWord("a"), Y: parenArit(&BinaryArithm{ Op: OrArit, X: litWord("1"), Y: litWord("2"), }), }), }, { Strs: []string{"foo$", "foo$\n"}, common: word(lit("foo"), lit("$")), }, { Strs: []string{"foo$", "foo$\\\n", "foo$\\\r\n"}, common: word(lit("foo"), lit("$")), }, { Strs: []string{`$''`}, bsmk: sglDQuoted(""), posix: word(lit("$"), sglQuoted("")), }, { Strs: []string{`$""`}, bsmk: dblDQuoted(), posix: word(lit("$"), dblQuoted()), }, { Strs: []string{`$'foo'`}, bsmk: sglDQuoted("foo"), posix: word(lit("$"), sglQuoted("foo")), }, { Strs: []string{`$'f+oo${'`}, bsmk: sglDQuoted("f+oo${"), }, { Strs: []string{"$'foo bar`'"}, bsmk: sglDQuoted("foo bar`"), }, { Strs: []string{"$'a ${b} c'"}, bsmk: sglDQuoted("a ${b} c"), }, { Strs: []string{`$"a ${b} c"`}, bsmk: dblDQuoted( lit("a "), &ParamExp{Param: lit("b")}, lit(" c"), ), }, { Strs: []string{`"a $b c"`}, common: dblQuoted(lit("a "), litParamExp("b"), lit(" c")), }, { Strs: []string{`$"a $b c"`}, bsmk: dblDQuoted( lit("a "), litParamExp("b"), lit(" c"), ), }, { Strs: []string{"$'f\\'oo\n'"}, bsmk: sglDQuoted("f\\'oo\n"), }, { Strs: []string{`$"foo"`}, bsmk: dblDQuoted(lit("foo")), posix: word(lit("$"), dblQuoted(lit("foo"))), }, { Strs: []string{`$"foo$"`}, bsmk: dblDQuoted(lit("foo"), lit("$")), }, { Strs: []string{`$"foo bar"`}, bsmk: dblDQuoted(lit("foo bar")), }, { Strs: []string{`$'f\'oo'`}, bsmk: sglDQuoted(`f\'oo`), }, { Strs: []string{`$"f\"oo"`}, bsmk: dblDQuoted(lit(`f\"oo`)), }, { Strs: []string{`"foo$"`}, common: dblQuoted(lit("foo"), lit("$")), }, { Strs: []string{`"foo$$"`}, common: dblQuoted(lit("foo"), litParamExp("$")), }, { Strs: []string{`"a $\"b\" c"`}, common: dblQuoted(lit(`a `), lit(`$`), lit(`\"b\" c`)), }, { Strs: []string{"$(foo$)", "`foo$`"}, common: cmdSubst( stmt(call(word(lit("foo"), lit("$")))), ), }, { Strs: []string{"foo$bar"}, common: word(lit("foo"), litParamExp("bar")), }, { Strs: []string{"foo$(bar)"}, common: word(lit("foo"), cmdSubst(litStmt("bar"))), }, { Strs: []string{"foo${bar}"}, common: word(lit("foo"), &ParamExp{Param: lit("bar")}), }, { Strs: []string{"'foo${bar'"}, common: sglQuoted("foo${bar"), }, { Strs: []string{"(foo)\nbar", "(foo); bar"}, common: []Command{ subshell(litStmt("foo")), litCall("bar"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo\n(bar)", "foo; (bar)"}, common: []Command{ litCall("foo"), subshell(litStmt("bar")), }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo\n(bar)", "foo; (bar)"}, common: []Command{ litCall("foo"), subshell(litStmt("bar")), }, }, { Strs: []string{ "case $i in 1) foo ;; 2 | 3*) bar ;; esac", "case $i in 1) foo;; 2 | 3*) bar; esac", "case $i in (1) foo;; 2 | 3*) bar;; esac", "case $i\nin\n#etc\n1)\nfoo\n;;\n2 | 3*)\nbar\n;;\nesac", }, common: &CaseClause{ Word: word(litParamExp("i")), Items: []*CaseItem{ { Op: Break, Patterns: litWords("1"), Stmts: litStmts("foo"), }, { Op: Break, Patterns: litWords("2", "3*"), Stmts: litStmts("bar"), }, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{"case i in 1) a ;& 2) ;; esac"}, bsmk: &CaseClause{ Word: litWord("i"), Items: []*CaseItem{ { Op: Fallthrough, Patterns: litWords("1"), Stmts: litStmts("a"), }, {Op: Break, Patterns: litWords("2")}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "case i in 1) a ;; esac", "case i { 1) a ;; }", "case i {\n1) a ;;\n}", }, mksh: &CaseClause{ Word: litWord("i"), Items: []*CaseItem{{ Op: Break, Patterns: litWords("1"), Stmts: litStmts("a"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"case i in 1) a ;;& 2) b ;; esac"}, bash: &CaseClause{ Word: litWord("i"), Items: []*CaseItem{ { Op: Resume, Patterns: litWords("1"), Stmts: litStmts("a"), }, { Op: Break, Patterns: litWords("2"), Stmts: litStmts("b"), }, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{"case i in 1) a ;| 2) b ;; esac"}, mksh: &CaseClause{ Word: litWord("i"), Items: []*CaseItem{ { Op: ResumeKorn, Patterns: litWords("1"), Stmts: litStmts("a"), }, { Op: Break, Patterns: litWords("2"), Stmts: litStmts("b"), }, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{"case $i in 1) cat <<EOF ;;\nfoo\nEOF\nesac"}, common: &CaseClause{ Word: word(litParamExp("i")), Items: []*CaseItem{{ Op: Break, Patterns: litWords("1"), Stmts: []*Stmt{{ Cmd: litCall("cat"), Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("foo\n"), }}, }}, }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo | while read a; do b; done"}, common: &BinaryCmd{ Op: Pipe, X: litStmt("foo"), Y: stmt(&WhileClause{ Cond: []*Stmt{litStmt("read", "a")}, Do: litStmts("b"), }), }, }, { Strs: []string{"while read l; do foo || bar; done"}, common: &WhileClause{ Cond: []*Stmt{litStmt("read", "l")}, Do: stmts(&BinaryCmd{ Op: OrStmt, X: litStmt("foo"), Y: litStmt("bar"), }), }, }, { Strs: []string{"echo if while"}, common: litCall("echo", "if", "while"), }, { Strs: []string{"${foo}if"}, common: word(&ParamExp{Param: lit("foo")}, lit("if")), }, { Strs: []string{"$if'|'"}, common: word(litParamExp("if"), sglQuoted("|")), }, { Strs: []string{"if a; then b=; fi", "if a; then b=\nfi"}, common: &IfClause{ Cond: litStmts("a"), Then: stmts(&CallExpr{ Assigns: []*Assign{ {Name: lit("b")}, }, }), }, }, { Strs: []string{"if a; then >f; fi", "if a; then >f\nfi"}, common: &IfClause{ Cond: litStmts("a"), Then: []*Stmt{{ Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord("f")}, }, }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"if a; then (a); fi", "if a; then (a) fi"}, common: &IfClause{ Cond: litStmts("a"), Then: stmts(subshell(litStmt("a"))), }, }, { Strs: []string{"a=b\nc=d", "a=b; c=d"}, common: []Command{ &CallExpr{Assigns: []*Assign{ {Name: lit("a"), Value: litWord("b")}, }}, &CallExpr{Assigns: []*Assign{ {Name: lit("c"), Value: litWord("d")}, }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo && write | read"}, common: &BinaryCmd{ Op: AndStmt, X: litStmt("foo"), Y: stmt(&BinaryCmd{ Op: Pipe, X: litStmt("write"), Y: litStmt("read"), }), }, }, { Strs: []string{"write | read && bar"}, common: &BinaryCmd{ Op: AndStmt, X: stmt(&BinaryCmd{ Op: Pipe, X: litStmt("write"), Y: litStmt("read"), }), Y: litStmt("bar"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo >f | bar"}, common: &BinaryCmd{ Op: Pipe, X: &Stmt{ Cmd: litCall("foo"), Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord("f")}, }, }, Y: litStmt("bar"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"(foo) >f | bar"}, common: &BinaryCmd{ Op: Pipe, X: &Stmt{ Cmd: subshell(litStmt("foo")), Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord("f")}, }, }, Y: litStmt("bar"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo | >f"}, common: &BinaryCmd{ Op: Pipe, X: litStmt("foo"), Y: &Stmt{Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord("f")}, }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ a ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: litWord("a")}, posix: litStmt("[[", "a", "]]"), }, { Strs: []string{"[[ a ]]\nb"}, bsmk: stmts( &TestClause{X: litWord("a")}, litCall("b"), ), }, { Strs: []string{"[[ a > b ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsAfter, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("b"), }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ 1 -nt 2 ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsNewer, X: litWord("1"), Y: litWord("2"), }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ 1 -eq 2 ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsEql, X: litWord("1"), Y: litWord("2"), }}, }, { Strs: []string{ "[[ -R a ]]", "[[\n-R a\n]]", }, bash: &TestClause{X: &UnaryTest{ Op: TsRefVar, X: litWord("a"), }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ a =~ b ]]", "[[ a =~ b ]];"}, bash: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsReMatch, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("b"), }}, }, { Strs: []string{`[[ a =~ " foo "$bar ]]`}, bash: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsReMatch, X: litWord("a"), Y: word( dblQuoted(lit(" foo ")), litParamExp("bar"), ), }}, }, { Strs: []string{`[[ a =~ foo"bar" ]]`}, bash: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsReMatch, X: litWord("a"), Y: word( lit("foo"), dblQuoted(lit("bar")), ), }}, }, { Strs: []string{`[[ a =~ [ab](c |d) ]]`}, bash: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsReMatch, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("[ab](c |d)"), }}, }, { Strs: []string{`[[ a =~ ( ]]<>;&) ]]`}, bash: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsReMatch, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("( ]]<>;&)"), }}, }, { Strs: []string{`[[ a =~ ($foo) ]]`}, bash: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsReMatch, X: litWord("a"), Y: word(lit("("), litParamExp("foo"), lit(")")), }}, }, { Strs: []string{`[[ a =~ b\ c|d ]]`}, bash: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsReMatch, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord(`b\ c|d`), }}, }, { Strs: []string{`[[ a == -n ]]`}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsMatch, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("-n"), }}, }, { Strs: []string{`[[ a =~ -n ]]`}, bash: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsReMatch, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("-n"), }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ a =~ b$ || c =~ d$ ]]"}, bash: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: OrTest, X: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsReMatch, X: litWord("a"), Y: word(lit("b"), lit("$")), }, Y: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsReMatch, X: litWord("c"), Y: word(lit("d"), lit("$")), }, }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ -n $a ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{ X: &UnaryTest{Op: TsNempStr, X: word(litParamExp("a"))}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ ! $a < 'b' ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &UnaryTest{ Op: TsNot, X: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsBefore, X: word(litParamExp("a")), Y: word(sglQuoted("b")), }, }}, }, { Strs: []string{ "[[ ! -e $a ]]", "[[ ! -a $a ]]", "[[\n!\n-a $a\n]]", }, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &UnaryTest{ Op: TsNot, X: &UnaryTest{Op: TsExists, X: word(litParamExp("a"))}, }}, }, { Strs: []string{ "[[ a && b ]]", "[[\na &&\nb ]]", "[[\n\na &&\n\nb ]]", }, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: AndTest, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("b"), }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ (a && b) ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: parenTest(&BinaryTest{ Op: AndTest, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("b"), })}, }, { Strs: []string{ "[[ a && (b) ]]", "[[ a &&\n(\nb) ]]", }, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: AndTest, X: litWord("a"), Y: parenTest(litWord("b")), }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ (a && b) || -f c ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: OrTest, X: parenTest(&BinaryTest{ Op: AndTest, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("b"), }), Y: &UnaryTest{Op: TsRegFile, X: litWord("c")}, }}, }, { Strs: []string{ "[[ -S a && -L b ]]", "[[ -S a && -h b ]]", }, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: AndTest, X: &UnaryTest{Op: TsSocket, X: litWord("a")}, Y: &UnaryTest{Op: TsSmbLink, X: litWord("b")}, }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ -k a && -N b ]]"}, bash: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: AndTest, X: &UnaryTest{Op: TsSticky, X: litWord("a")}, Y: &UnaryTest{Op: TsModif, X: litWord("b")}, }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ -G a && -O b ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: AndTest, X: &UnaryTest{Op: TsGrpOwn, X: litWord("a")}, Y: &UnaryTest{Op: TsUsrOwn, X: litWord("b")}, }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ -d a && -c b ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: AndTest, X: &UnaryTest{Op: TsDirect, X: litWord("a")}, Y: &UnaryTest{Op: TsCharSp, X: litWord("b")}, }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ -b a && -p b ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: AndTest, X: &UnaryTest{Op: TsBlckSp, X: litWord("a")}, Y: &UnaryTest{Op: TsNmPipe, X: litWord("b")}, }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ -g a && -u b ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: AndTest, X: &UnaryTest{Op: TsGIDSet, X: litWord("a")}, Y: &UnaryTest{Op: TsUIDSet, X: litWord("b")}, }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ -r a && -w b ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: AndTest, X: &UnaryTest{Op: TsRead, X: litWord("a")}, Y: &UnaryTest{Op: TsWrite, X: litWord("b")}, }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ -x a && -s b ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: AndTest, X: &UnaryTest{Op: TsExec, X: litWord("a")}, Y: &UnaryTest{Op: TsNoEmpty, X: litWord("b")}, }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ -t a && -z b ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: AndTest, X: &UnaryTest{Op: TsFdTerm, X: litWord("a")}, Y: &UnaryTest{Op: TsEmpStr, X: litWord("b")}, }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ -o a && -v b ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: AndTest, X: &UnaryTest{Op: TsOptSet, X: litWord("a")}, Y: &UnaryTest{Op: TsVarSet, X: litWord("b")}, }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ a -ot b && c -ef d ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: AndTest, X: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsOlder, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("b"), }, Y: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsDevIno, X: litWord("c"), Y: litWord("d"), }, }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ a = b && c != d ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: AndTest, X: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsMatchShort, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("b"), }, Y: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsNoMatch, X: litWord("c"), Y: litWord("d"), }, }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ a -ne b && c -le d ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: AndTest, X: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsNeq, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("b"), }, Y: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsLeq, X: litWord("c"), Y: litWord("d"), }, }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ c -ge d ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsGeq, X: litWord("c"), Y: litWord("d"), }}, }, { Strs: []string{"[[ a -lt b && c -gt d ]]"}, bsmk: &TestClause{X: &BinaryTest{ Op: AndTest, X: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsLss, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("b"), }, Y: &BinaryTest{ Op: TsGtr, X: litWord("c"), Y: litWord("d"), }, }}, }, { Strs: []string{"declare -f func"}, common: litStmt("declare", "-f", "func"), bash: &DeclClause{ Variant: lit("declare"), Args: []*Assign{ {Naked: true, Value: litWord("-f")}, {Naked: true, Name: lit("func")}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{"(local bar)"}, bsmk: subshell(stmt(&DeclClause{ Variant: lit("local"), Args: []*Assign{{ Naked: true, Name: lit("bar"), }}, })), posix: subshell(litStmt("local", "bar")), }, { Strs: []string{"typeset"}, bsmk: &DeclClause{Variant: lit("typeset")}, posix: litStmt("typeset"), }, { Strs: []string{"export bar"}, bsmk: &DeclClause{ Variant: lit("export"), Args: []*Assign{{ Naked: true, Name: lit("bar"), }}, }, posix: litStmt("export", "bar"), }, { Strs: []string{"readonly -n"}, bsmk: &DeclClause{ Variant: lit("readonly"), Args: []*Assign{{Naked: true, Value: litWord("-n")}}, }, posix: litStmt("readonly", "-n"), }, { Strs: []string{"nameref bar="}, bsmk: &DeclClause{ Variant: lit("nameref"), Args: []*Assign{{ Name: lit("bar"), }}, }, posix: litStmt("nameref", "bar="), }, { Strs: []string{"declare -a +n -b$o foo=bar"}, bash: &DeclClause{ Variant: lit("declare"), Args: []*Assign{ {Naked: true, Value: litWord("-a")}, {Naked: true, Value: litWord("+n")}, {Naked: true, Value: word(lit("-b"), litParamExp("o"))}, {Name: lit("foo"), Value: litWord("bar")}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "declare -a foo=(b1 $(b2))", "declare -a foo=(b1 `b2`)", }, bash: &DeclClause{ Variant: lit("declare"), Args: []*Assign{ {Naked: true, Value: litWord("-a")}, { Name: lit("foo"), Array: arrValues( litWord("b1"), word(cmdSubst(litStmt("b2"))), ), }, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{"local -a foo=(b1)"}, bash: &DeclClause{ Variant: lit("local"), Args: []*Assign{ {Naked: true, Value: litWord("-a")}, { Name: lit("foo"), Array: arrValues(litWord("b1")), }, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{"declare -A foo=([a]=b)"}, bash: &DeclClause{ Variant: lit("declare"), Args: []*Assign{ {Naked: true, Value: litWord("-A")}, { Name: lit("foo"), Array: &ArrayExpr{Elems: []*ArrayElem{{ Index: litWord("a"), Value: litWord("b"), }}}, }, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{"declare foo[a]="}, bash: &DeclClause{ Variant: lit("declare"), Args: []*Assign{{ Name: lit("foo"), Index: litWord("a"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"declare foo[*]"}, bash: &DeclClause{ Variant: lit("declare"), Args: []*Assign{{ Name: lit("foo"), Index: litWord("*"), Naked: true, }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{`declare foo["x y"]`}, bash: &DeclClause{ Variant: lit("declare"), Args: []*Assign{{ Name: lit("foo"), Index: word(dblQuoted(lit("x y"))), Naked: true, }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{`declare foo['x y']`}, bash: &DeclClause{ Variant: lit("declare"), Args: []*Assign{{ Name: lit("foo"), Index: word(sglQuoted("x y")), Naked: true, }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo=([)"}, mksh: &CallExpr{Assigns: []*Assign{{ Name: lit("foo"), Array: arrValues(litWord("[")), }}}, }, { Strs: []string{ "a && b=(c)\nd", "a && b=(c); d", }, bsmk: stmts( &BinaryCmd{ Op: AndStmt, X: litStmt("a"), Y: stmt(&CallExpr{Assigns: []*Assign{{ Name: lit("b"), Array: arrValues(litWord("c")), }}}), }, litCall("d"), ), }, { Strs: []string{"declare -f $func >/dev/null"}, bash: &Stmt{ Cmd: &DeclClause{ Variant: lit("declare"), Args: []*Assign{ {Naked: true, Value: litWord("-f")}, { Naked: true, Value: word(litParamExp("func")), }, }, }, Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord("/dev/null")}, }, }, }, { Strs: []string{"declare a\n{ x; }"}, bash: stmts( &DeclClause{ Variant: lit("declare"), Args: []*Assign{{ Naked: true, Name: lit("a"), }}, }, block(litStmt("x")), ), }, { Strs: []string{"eval a=b foo"}, common: litStmt("eval", "a=b", "foo"), }, { Strs: []string{"time", "time\n"}, posix: litStmt("time"), bsmk: &TimeClause{}, }, { Strs: []string{"time -p"}, posix: litStmt("time", "-p"), bsmk: &TimeClause{PosixFormat: true}, }, { Strs: []string{"time -a"}, posix: litStmt("time", "-a"), bsmk: &TimeClause{Stmt: litStmt("-a")}, }, { Strs: []string{"time --"}, posix: litStmt("time", "--"), bsmk: &TimeClause{Stmt: litStmt("--")}, }, { Strs: []string{"time foo"}, bsmk: &TimeClause{Stmt: litStmt("foo")}, }, { Strs: []string{"time { foo; }"}, bsmk: &TimeClause{Stmt: stmt(block(litStmt("foo")))}, }, { Strs: []string{"time\nfoo"}, bsmk: []*Stmt{ stmt(&TimeClause{}), litStmt("foo"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"coproc foo bar"}, common: litStmt("coproc", "foo", "bar"), bash: &CoprocClause{Stmt: litStmt("foo", "bar")}, }, { Strs: []string{"coproc name { foo; }"}, bash: &CoprocClause{ Name: litWord("name"), Stmt: stmt(block(litStmt("foo"))), }, }, { Strs: []string{"coproc $namevar { foo; }"}, bash: &CoprocClause{ Name: word(litParamExp("namevar")), Stmt: stmt(block(litStmt("foo"))), }, }, { Strs: []string{"coproc foo", "coproc foo;"}, bash: &CoprocClause{Stmt: litStmt("foo")}, }, { Strs: []string{"coproc { foo; }"}, bash: &CoprocClause{ Stmt: stmt(block(litStmt("foo"))), }, }, { Strs: []string{"coproc (foo)"}, bash: &CoprocClause{ Stmt: stmt(subshell(litStmt("foo"))), }, }, { Strs: []string{"coproc name foo | bar"}, bash: &CoprocClause{ Name: litWord("name"), Stmt: stmt(&BinaryCmd{ Op: Pipe, X: litStmt("foo"), Y: litStmt("bar"), }), }, }, { Strs: []string{"coproc $()", "coproc ``"}, bash: &CoprocClause{Stmt: stmt(call( word(cmdSubst()), ))}, }, { Strs: []string{`let i++`}, bsmk: letClause( &UnaryArithm{Op: Inc, Post: true, X: litWord("i")}, ), posix: litStmt("let", "i++"), }, { Strs: []string{`let a++ b++ c +d`}, bsmk: letClause( &UnaryArithm{Op: Inc, Post: true, X: litWord("a")}, &UnaryArithm{Op: Inc, Post: true, X: litWord("b")}, litWord("c"), &UnaryArithm{Op: Plus, X: litWord("d")}, ), }, { Strs: []string{`let ++i >/dev/null`}, bsmk: &Stmt{ Cmd: letClause(&UnaryArithm{Op: Inc, X: litWord("i")}), Redirs: []*Redirect{{Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord("/dev/null")}}, }, }, { Strs: []string{ `let a=(1 + 2) b=3+4`, `let a=(1+2) b=3+4`, }, bash: letClause( &BinaryArithm{ Op: Assgn, X: litWord("a"), Y: parenArit(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Add, X: litWord("1"), Y: litWord("2"), }), }, &BinaryArithm{ Op: Assgn, X: litWord("b"), Y: &BinaryArithm{ Op: Add, X: litWord("3"), Y: litWord("4"), }, }, ), }, { Strs: []string{ `let a=$(echo 3)`, "let a=`echo 3`", }, bash: letClause( &BinaryArithm{ Op: Assgn, X: litWord("a"), Y: word(cmdSubst(litStmt("echo", "3"))), }, ), }, { Strs: []string{"(foo-bar)"}, common: subshell(litStmt("foo-bar")), }, { Strs: []string{ "let i++\nbar", "let i++ \nbar", "let i++; bar", }, bsmk: stmts( letClause(&UnaryArithm{ Op: Inc, Post: true, X: litWord("i"), }), litCall("bar"), ), }, { Strs: []string{ "let i++\nfoo=(bar)", "let i++; foo=(bar)", "let i++; foo=(bar)\n", }, bsmk: stmts( letClause(&UnaryArithm{ Op: Inc, Post: true, X: litWord("i"), }), &CallExpr{Assigns: []*Assign{{ Name: lit("foo"), Array: arrValues(litWord("bar")), }}}, ), }, { Strs: []string{ "case a in b) let i++ ;; esac", "case a in b) let i++;; esac", }, bsmk: &CaseClause{ Word: word(lit("a")), Items: []*CaseItem{{ Op: Break, Patterns: litWords("b"), Stmts: stmts(letClause(&UnaryArithm{ Op: Inc, Post: true, X: litWord("i"), })), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"a+=1"}, bsmk: &CallExpr{ Assigns: []*Assign{{ Append: true, Name: lit("a"), Value: litWord("1"), }}, }, posix: litStmt("a+=1"), }, { Strs: []string{"b+=(2 3)"}, bsmk: &CallExpr{Assigns: []*Assign{{ Append: true, Name: lit("b"), Array: arrValues(litWords("2", "3")...), }}}, }, { Strs: []string{"a[2]=b c[-3]= d[x]+=e"}, posix: litStmt("a[2]=b", "c[-3]=", "d[x]+=e"), bsmk: &CallExpr{Assigns: []*Assign{ { Name: lit("a"), Index: litWord("2"), Value: litWord("b"), }, { Name: lit("c"), Index: &UnaryArithm{ Op: Minus, X: litWord("3"), }, }, { Name: lit("d"), Index: litWord("x"), Append: true, Value: litWord("e"), }, }}, }, { Strs: []string{"*[i]=x"}, posix: lit("*[i]=x"), common: word(lit("*"), lit("[i]=x")), }, { Strs: []string{ "b[i]+=2", "b[ i ]+=2", }, bsmk: &CallExpr{Assigns: []*Assign{{ Append: true, Name: lit("b"), Index: litWord("i"), Value: litWord("2"), }}}, }, { Strs: []string{`$((a + "b + $c"))`}, common: arithmExp(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Add, X: litWord("a"), Y: word(dblQuoted( lit("b + "), litParamExp("c"), )), }), }, { Strs: []string{`let 'i++'`}, bsmk: letClause(word(sglQuoted("i++"))), }, { Strs: []string{`echo ${a["x y"]}`}, bash: call(litWord("echo"), word(&ParamExp{ Param: lit("a"), Index: word(dblQuoted(lit("x y"))), })), }, { Strs: []string{ `a[$"x y"]=b`, `a[ $"x y" ]=b`, }, bash: &CallExpr{Assigns: []*Assign{{ Name: lit("a"), Index: word(&DblQuoted{Dollar: true, Parts: []WordPart{ lit("x y"), }}), Value: litWord("b"), }}}, }, { Strs: []string{`((a["x y"] = b))`, `((a["x y"]=b))`}, bsmk: arithmCmd(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Assgn, X: word(&ParamExp{ Short: true, Param: lit("a"), Index: word(dblQuoted(lit("x y"))), }), Y: litWord("b"), }), }, { Strs: []string{ `a=(["x y"]=b)`, `a=( [ "x y" ]=b)`, }, bash: &CallExpr{Assigns: []*Assign{{ Name: lit("a"), Array: &ArrayExpr{Elems: []*ArrayElem{{ Index: word(dblQuoted(lit("x y"))), Value: litWord("b"), }}}, }}}, }, { Strs: []string{ "a=([x]= [y]=)", "a=(\n[x]=\n[y]=\n)", }, bash: &CallExpr{Assigns: []*Assign{{ Name: lit("a"), Array: &ArrayExpr{Elems: []*ArrayElem{ {Index: litWord("x")}, {Index: litWord("y")}, }}, }}}, }, { Strs: []string{"a]b"}, common: litStmt("a]b"), }, { Strs: []string{"echo a[b c[de]f"}, posix: litStmt("echo", "a[b", "c[de]f"), bsmk: call(litWord("echo"), word(lit("a"), lit("[b")), word(lit("c"), lit("[de]f")), ), }, { Strs: []string{"<<EOF | b\nfoo\nEOF"}, common: &BinaryCmd{ Op: Pipe, X: &Stmt{Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("foo\n"), }}}, Y: litStmt("b"), }, }, { Strs: []string{"<<EOF1 <<EOF2 | c && d\nEOF1\nEOF2"}, common: &BinaryCmd{ Op: AndStmt, X: stmt(&BinaryCmd{ Op: Pipe, X: &Stmt{Redirs: []*Redirect{ {Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF1")}, {Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF2")}, }}, Y: litStmt("c"), }), Y: litStmt("d"), }, }, { Strs: []string{ "<<EOF && { bar; }\nhdoc\nEOF", "<<EOF &&\nhdoc\nEOF\n{ bar; }", }, common: &BinaryCmd{ Op: AndStmt, X: &Stmt{Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("hdoc\n"), }}}, Y: stmt(block(litStmt("bar"))), }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo() {\n\t<<EOF && { bar; }\nhdoc\nEOF\n}"}, common: &FuncDecl{ Parens: true, Name: lit("foo"), Body: stmt(block(stmt(&BinaryCmd{ Op: AndStmt, X: &Stmt{Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: Hdoc, Word: litWord("EOF"), Hdoc: litWord("hdoc\n"), }}}, Y: stmt(block(litStmt("bar"))), }))), }, }, { Strs: []string{`"a$("")"`, "\"a`\"\"`\""}, common: dblQuoted( lit("a"), cmdSubst(stmt(call( word(dblQuoted()), ))), ), }, { Strs: []string{"echo ?(b)*(c)+(d)@(e)!(f)"}, bsmk: call(litWord("echo"), word( &ExtGlob{Op: GlobZeroOrOne, Pattern: lit("b")}, &ExtGlob{Op: GlobZeroOrMore, Pattern: lit("c")}, &ExtGlob{Op: GlobOneOrMore, Pattern: lit("d")}, &ExtGlob{Op: GlobOne, Pattern: lit("e")}, &ExtGlob{Op: GlobExcept, Pattern: lit("f")}, )), }, { Strs: []string{"echo foo@(b*(c|d))bar"}, bsmk: call(litWord("echo"), word( lit("foo"), &ExtGlob{Op: GlobOne, Pattern: lit("b*(c|d)")}, lit("bar"), )), }, { Strs: []string{"echo $a@(b)$c?(d)$e*(f)$g+(h)$i!(j)$k"}, bsmk: call(litWord("echo"), word( litParamExp("a"), &ExtGlob{Op: GlobOne, Pattern: lit("b")}, litParamExp("c"), &ExtGlob{Op: GlobZeroOrOne, Pattern: lit("d")}, litParamExp("e"), &ExtGlob{Op: GlobZeroOrMore, Pattern: lit("f")}, litParamExp("g"), &ExtGlob{Op: GlobOneOrMore, Pattern: lit("h")}, litParamExp("i"), &ExtGlob{Op: GlobExcept, Pattern: lit("j")}, litParamExp("k"), )), }, { Strs: []string{"@test \"desc\" { body; }"}, bats: &TestDecl{ Description: word(dblQuoted(lit("desc"))), Body: stmt(block(litStmt("body"))), }, }, { Strs: []string{"@test 'desc' {\n\tmultiple\n\tstatements\n}"}, bats: &TestDecl{ Description: word(sglQuoted("desc")), Body: stmt(block(litStmts("multiple", "statements")...)), }, }, } // these don't have a canonical format with the same syntax tree var fileTestsNoPrint = []testCase{ { Strs: []string{`$[foo]`}, posix: word(lit("$"), lit("[foo]")), }, { Strs: []string{`"$[foo]"`}, posix: dblQuoted(lit("$"), lit("[foo]")), }, { Strs: []string{`"$[1 + 3]"`}, bash: dblQuoted(arithmExpBr(&BinaryArithm{ Op: Add, X: litWord("1"), Y: litWord("3"), })), }, } // these parse with comments var fileTestsKeepComments = []testCase{ { Strs: []string{"# foo\ncmd\n# bar"}, common: &File{ Stmts: []*Stmt{{ Comments: []Comment{{Text: " foo"}}, Cmd: litCall("cmd"), }}, Last: []Comment{{Text: " bar"}}, }, }, { Strs: []string{"foo # bar # baz"}, common: &File{ Stmts: []*Stmt{{ Comments: []Comment{{Text: " bar # baz"}}, Cmd: litCall("foo"), }}, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "$(\n\t# foo\n)", "`\n\t# foo\n`", "`# foo\n`", }, common: &CmdSubst{ Last: []Comment{{Text: " foo"}}, }, }, { Strs: []string{ "`# foo`", "` # foo`", }, common: &CmdSubst{ Last: []Comment{{Text: " foo"}}, }, }, } func fullProg(v any) *File { f := &File{} switch v := v.(type) { case *File: return v case []*Stmt: f.Stmts = v return f case *Stmt: f.Stmts = append(f.Stmts, v) return f case []Command: for _, cmd := range v { f.Stmts = append(f.Stmts, stmt(cmd)) } return f case *Word: return fullProg(call(v)) case WordPart: return fullProg(word(v)) case Command: return fullProg(stmt(v)) case nil: default: panic(reflect.TypeOf(v)) } return nil } func recursiveSanityCheck(tb testing.TB, src string, v any) { checkPos := func(pos Pos, strs ...string) { if !pos.IsValid() { tb.Fatalf("invalid Pos in %T", v) } if src == "" { return } offs := pos.Offset() if offs > uint(len(src)) { tb.Errorf("Pos offset %d in %T is out of bounds in %q", offs, v, src) return } if len(strs) == 0 { return } if strings.Contains(src, "<<-") { // since the tab indentation in <<- heredoc bodies // aren't part of the final literals return } var gotErr string for i, want := range strs { got := src[offs:] if i == 0 { gotErr = got } got = strings.ReplaceAll(got, "\x00", "") got = strings.ReplaceAll(got, "\r\n", "\n") if !strings.Contains(want, "\\\n") { // Hack to let "foobar" match the input "foo\\\nbar". got = strings.ReplaceAll(got, "\\\n", "") } if strings.HasPrefix(got, want) { return } } tb.Errorf("Expected one of %q at %s in %q, found %q", strs, pos, src, gotErr) } checkNodePosEnd := func(n Node) { if n.Pos().After(n.End()) { tb.Errorf("Found End() before Pos() in %T", n) } } recurse := func(v any) { recursiveSanityCheck(tb, src, v) if n, ok := v.(Node); ok { checkNodePosEnd(n) } } switch v := v.(type) { case *File: recurse(v.Stmts) recurse(v.Last) checkNodePosEnd(v) case []*Stmt: for _, s := range v { recurse(s) } case []Comment: for i := range v { recurse(&v[i]) } case *Comment: checkPos(v.Hash, "#"+v.Text) case *Stmt: endOff := int(v.End().Offset()) if endOff < len(src) { end := src[endOff] switch { case end == ' ', end == '\n', end == '\t', end == '\r': // ended by whitespace case regOps(rune(end)): // ended by end character case endOff > 0 && src[endOff-1] == ';': // ended by semicolon case endOff > 0 && src[endOff-1] == '&': // ended by & or |& case end == '\\' && src[endOff+1] == '`': // ended by an escaped backquote default: tb.Errorf("Unexpected Stmt.End() %d %q in %q", endOff, end, src) } } recurse(v.Comments) if src[v.Position.Offset()] == '#' { tb.Errorf("Stmt.Pos() should not be a comment") } checkPos(v.Position) if v.Semicolon.IsValid() { checkPos(v.Semicolon, ";", "&", "|&") } if v.Cmd != nil { recurse(v.Cmd) } for _, r := range v.Redirs { checkPos(r.OpPos, r.Op.String()) if r.N != nil { recurse(r.N) } recurse(r.Word) if r.Hdoc != nil { recurse(r.Hdoc) } } case []*Assign: for _, a := range v { if a.Name != nil { recurse(a.Name) } if a.Index != nil { recurse(a.Index) } if a.Value != nil { recurse(a.Value) } if a.Array != nil { recurse(a.Array) } checkNodePosEnd(a) } case *CallExpr: recurse(v.Assigns) recurse(v.Args) case []*Word: for _, w := range v { recurse(w) } case *Word: recurse(v.Parts) case []WordPart: for _, wp := range v { recurse(wp) } case *Lit: pos, end := int(v.Pos().Offset()), int(v.End().Offset()) want := pos + len(v.Value) val := v.Value posLine := v.Pos().Line() endLine := v.End().Line() switch { case src == "": case strings.Contains(src, "\\\n"), strings.Contains(src, "\\\r\n"): case !strings.Contains(v.Value, "\n") && posLine != endLine: tb.Errorf("Lit without newlines has Pos/End lines %d and %d", posLine, endLine) case strings.Contains(src, "`") && strings.Contains(src, "\\"): // removed backslashes inside backquote cmd substs val = "" case end < len(src) && (src[end] == '\n' || src[end] == '`'): // heredoc literals that end with the // stop word and a newline or closing backquote case end == len(src): // same as above, but with word and EOF case end != want: tb.Errorf("Unexpected Lit %q End() %d (wanted %d for pos %d) in %q", val, end, want, pos, src) } checkPos(v.ValuePos, val) checkPos(v.ValueEnd) case *Subshell: checkPos(v.Lparen, "(") checkPos(v.Rparen, ")") recurse(v.Stmts) recurse(v.Last) case *Block: checkPos(v.Lbrace, "{") checkPos(v.Rbrace, "}") recurse(v.Stmts) recurse(v.Last) case *IfClause: if v.ThenPos.IsValid() { checkPos(v.Position, "if", "elif") checkPos(v.ThenPos, "then") } else { checkPos(v.Position, "else") } checkPos(v.FiPos, "fi") recurse(v.Cond) recurse(v.CondLast) recurse(v.Then) recurse(v.ThenLast) if v.Else != nil { recurse(v.Else) } case *WhileClause: rsrv := "while" if v.Until { rsrv = "until" } checkPos(v.WhilePos, rsrv) checkPos(v.DoPos, "do") checkPos(v.DonePos, "done") recurse(v.Cond) recurse(v.CondLast) recurse(v.Do) recurse(v.DoLast) case *ForClause: if v.Select { checkPos(v.ForPos, "select") } else { checkPos(v.ForPos, "for") } if v.Braces { checkPos(v.DoPos, "{") checkPos(v.DonePos, "}") // Zero out Braces, to not duplicate all the test cases. // The printer ignores the field anyway. v.Braces = false } else { checkPos(v.DoPos, "do") checkPos(v.DonePos, "done") } recurse(v.Loop) recurse(v.Do) recurse(v.DoLast) case *WordIter: recurse(v.Name) if v.InPos.IsValid() { checkPos(v.InPos, "in") } recurse(v.Items) case *CStyleLoop: checkPos(v.Lparen, "((") checkPos(v.Rparen, "))") if v.Init != nil { recurse(v.Init) } if v.Cond != nil { recurse(v.Cond) } if v.Post != nil { recurse(v.Post) } case *SglQuoted: checkPos(posAddCol(v.End(), -1), "'") valuePos := posAddCol(v.Left, 1) if v.Dollar { valuePos = posAddCol(valuePos, 1) } val := v.Value if strings.Contains(src, "`") && strings.Contains(src, "\\") { // removed backslashes inside backquote cmd substs val = "" } checkPos(valuePos, val) if v.Dollar { checkPos(v.Left, "$'") } else { checkPos(v.Left, "'") } checkPos(v.Right, "'") case *DblQuoted: checkPos(posAddCol(v.End(), -1), `"`) if v.Dollar { checkPos(v.Left, `$"`) } else { checkPos(v.Left, `"`) } checkPos(v.Right, `"`) recurse(v.Parts) case *UnaryArithm: checkPos(v.OpPos, v.Op.String()) recurse(v.X) case *UnaryTest: strs := []string{v.Op.String()} switch v.Op { case TsExists: strs = append(strs, "-a") case TsSmbLink: strs = append(strs, "-h") } checkPos(v.OpPos, strs...) recurse(v.X) case *BinaryCmd: checkPos(v.OpPos, v.Op.String()) recurse(v.X) recurse(v.Y) case *BinaryArithm: checkPos(v.OpPos, v.Op.String()) recurse(v.X) recurse(v.Y) case *BinaryTest: strs := []string{v.Op.String()} switch v.Op { case TsMatch: strs = append(strs, "=") } checkPos(v.OpPos, strs...) recurse(v.X) recurse(v.Y) case *ParenArithm: checkPos(v.Lparen, "(") checkPos(v.Rparen, ")") recurse(v.X) case *ParenTest: checkPos(v.Lparen, "(") checkPos(v.Rparen, ")") recurse(v.X) case *FuncDecl: if v.RsrvWord { checkPos(v.Position, "function") } else { checkPos(v.Position) } recurse(v.Name) recurse(v.Body) case *ParamExp: doll := "$" if v.nakedIndex() { doll = "" } checkPos(v.Dollar, doll) if !v.Short { checkPos(v.Rbrace, "}") } else if v.nakedIndex() { checkPos(posAddCol(v.End(), -1), "]") } recurse(v.Param) if v.Index != nil { recurse(v.Index) } if v.Slice != nil { if v.Slice.Offset != nil { recurse(v.Slice.Offset) } if v.Slice.Length != nil { recurse(v.Slice.Length) } } if v.Repl != nil { if v.Repl.Orig != nil { recurse(v.Repl.Orig) } if v.Repl.With != nil { recurse(v.Repl.With) } } if v.Exp != nil && v.Exp.Word != nil { recurse(v.Exp.Word) } case *ArithmExp: if v.Bracket { // deprecated $(( form checkPos(v.Left, "$[") checkPos(v.Right, "]") } else { checkPos(v.Left, "$((") checkPos(v.Right, "))") } recurse(v.X) case *ArithmCmd: checkPos(v.Left, "((") checkPos(v.Right, "))") recurse(v.X) case *CmdSubst: switch { case v.TempFile: checkPos(v.Left, "${ ", "${\t", "${\n") checkPos(v.Right, "}") case v.ReplyVar: checkPos(v.Left, "${|") checkPos(v.Right, "}") case v.Backquotes: checkPos(v.Left, "`", "\\`") checkPos(v.Right, "`", "\\`") // Zero out Backquotes, to not duplicate all the test // cases. The printer ignores the field anyway. v.Backquotes = false default: checkPos(v.Left, "$(") checkPos(v.Right, ")") } recurse(v.Stmts) recurse(v.Last) case *CaseClause: checkPos(v.Case, "case") if v.Braces { checkPos(v.In, "{") checkPos(v.Esac, "}") // Zero out Braces, to not duplicate all the test cases. // The printer ignores the field anyway. v.Braces = false } else { checkPos(v.In, "in") checkPos(v.Esac, "esac") } recurse(v.Word) for _, ci := range v.Items { recurse(ci) } case *CaseItem: if v.OpPos.IsValid() { checkPos(v.OpPos, v.Op.String(), "esac") } recurse(v.Patterns) recurse(v.Stmts) recurse(v.Last) case *TestClause: checkPos(v.Left, "[[") checkPos(v.Right, "]]") recurse(v.X) case *DeclClause: recurse(v.Variant) recurse(v.Args) case *TimeClause: checkPos(v.Time, "time") if v.Stmt != nil { recurse(v.Stmt) } case *CoprocClause: checkPos(v.Coproc, "coproc") if v.Name != nil { recurse(v.Name) } recurse(v.Stmt) case *LetClause: checkPos(v.Let, "let") for _, expr := range v.Exprs { recurse(expr) } case *TestDecl: checkPos(v.Position, "@test") recurse(v.Description) recurse(v.Body) case *ArrayExpr: checkPos(v.Lparen, "(") checkPos(v.Rparen, ")") for _, elem := range v.Elems { recurse(elem) } case *ArrayElem: if v.Index != nil { recurse(v.Index) } if v.Value != nil { recurse(v.Value) } case *ExtGlob: checkPos(v.OpPos, v.Op.String()) checkPos(posAddCol(v.End(), -1), ")") recurse(v.Pattern) case *ProcSubst: checkPos(v.OpPos, v.Op.String()) checkPos(v.Rparen, ")") recurse(v.Stmts) recurse(v.Last) default: panic(reflect.TypeOf(v)) } } 07070100000057000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000011E1000000000000000000000000000000000000001E00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/fuzz_test.go// Copyright (c) 2016, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package syntax import ( "fmt" "io" "os/exec" "strings" "testing" "" ) func FuzzQuote(f *testing.F) { if _, err := exec.LookPath("bash"); err != nil { f.Skipf("requires bash to verify quoted strings") } // Keep in sync with ExampleQuote. f.Add("foo", uint8(LangBash)) f.Add("bar $baz", uint8(LangBash)) f.Add(`"won't"`, uint8(LangBash)) f.Add(`~/home`, uint8(LangBash)) f.Add("#1304", uint8(LangBash)) f.Add("name=value", uint8(LangBash)) f.Add(`glob-*`, uint8(LangBash)) f.Add("invalid-\xe2'", uint8(LangBash)) f.Add("nonprint-\x0b\x1b", uint8(LangBash)) f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, s string, langVariant uint8) { if langVariant > 3 { t.Skip() // lang variants are 0-3 } lang := LangVariant(langVariant) quoted, err := Quote(s, lang) if err != nil { // Cannot be quoted; not interesting. t.Skip() } var shellProgram string switch lang { case LangBash: requireBash52(t) shellProgram = "bash" case LangPOSIX: requireDash059(t) shellProgram = "dash" case LangMirBSDKorn: requireMksh59(t) shellProgram = "mksh" case LangBats: t.Skip() // bats has no shell and its syntax is just bash default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown lang variant: %d", lang)) } // Verify that our parser ends up with a simple command with one word. f, err := NewParser(Variant(lang)).Parse(strings.NewReader(quoted), "") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("parse error on %q quoted as %s: %v", s, quoted, err) } qt.Assert(t, qt.Equals(len(f.Stmts), 1), qt.Commentf("in: %q, quoted: %s", s, quoted)) call, ok := f.Stmts[0].Cmd.(*CallExpr) qt.Assert(t, qt.IsTrue(ok), qt.Commentf("in: %q, quoted: %s", s, quoted)) qt.Assert(t, qt.Equals(len(call.Args), 1), qt.Commentf("in: %q, quoted: %s", s, quoted)) // Also check that the single word only uses literals or quoted strings. Walk(call.Args[0], func(node Node) bool { switch node.(type) { case nil, *Word, *Lit, *SglQuoted, *DblQuoted: default: t.Fatalf("unexpected node type: %T", node) } return true }) // The process below shouldn't run arbitrary code, // since our parser checks above should catch the use of ';' or '$', // in the case that Quote were too naive to quote them. out, err := exec.Command(shellProgram, "-c", "printf %s "+quoted).CombinedOutput() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("%s error on %q quoted as %s: %v: %s", shellProgram, s, quoted, err, out) } want, got := s, string(out) if want != got { t.Fatalf("%s output mismatch on %q quoted as %s: got %q (len=%d)", shellProgram, want, quoted, got, len(got)) } }) } func FuzzParsePrint(f *testing.F) { add := func(src string, variant LangVariant) { // For now, default to just KeepComments. f.Add(src, uint8(variant), true, false, uint8(0), false, false, false, false, false, false, false) } for _, test := range shellTests { add(, LangBash) } for _, test := range printTests { add(, LangBash) } for _, test := range fileTests { for _, in := range test.Strs { if test.Bash != nil { add(in, LangBash) } if test.Posix != nil { add(in, LangPOSIX) } if test.MirBSDKorn != nil { add(in, LangMirBSDKorn) } if test.Bats != nil { add(in, LangBats) } } } f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, src string, // parser options // TODO: also fuzz StopAt langVariant uint8, // 0-3 keepComments bool, simplify bool, // printer options indent uint8, // 0-255 binaryNextLine bool, switchCaseIndent bool, spaceRedirects bool, keepPadding bool, minify bool, singleLine bool, functionNextLine bool, ) { if langVariant > 3 { t.Skip() // lang variants are 0-3 } if indent > 16 { t.Skip() // more indentation won't really be interesting } parser := NewParser() Variant(LangVariant(langVariant))(parser) KeepComments(keepComments)(parser) prog, err := parser.Parse(strings.NewReader(src), "") if err != nil { t.Skip() // not valid shell syntax } if simplify { Simplify(prog) } printer := NewPrinter() Indent(uint(indent))(printer) BinaryNextLine(binaryNextLine)(printer) SwitchCaseIndent(switchCaseIndent)(printer) SpaceRedirects(spaceRedirects)(printer) KeepPadding(keepPadding)(printer) Minify(minify)(printer) SingleLine(singleLine)(printer) FunctionNextLine(functionNextLine)(printer) if err := printer.Print(io.Discard, prog); err != nil { t.Skip() // e.g. invalid option } }) } 07070100000058000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000573F000000000000000000000000000000000000001A00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/lexer.go// Copyright (c) 2016, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package syntax import ( "bytes" "io" "unicode/utf8" ) // bytes that form or start a token func regOps(r rune) bool { switch r { case ';', '"', '\'', '(', ')', '$', '|', '&', '>', '<', '`': return true } return false } // tokenize these inside parameter expansions func paramOps(r rune) bool { switch r { case '}', '#', '!', ':', '-', '+', '=', '?', '%', '[', ']', '/', '^', ',', '@', '*': return true } return false } // these start a parameter expansion name func paramNameOp(r rune) bool { switch r { case '}', ':', '+', '=', '%', '[', ']', '/', '^', ',': return false } return true } // tokenize these inside arithmetic expansions func arithmOps(r rune) bool { switch r { case '+', '-', '!', '~', '*', '/', '%', '(', ')', '^', '<', '>', ':', '=', ',', '?', '|', '&', '[', ']', '#': return true } return false } func bquoteEscaped(b byte) bool { switch b { case '$', '`', '\\': return true } return false } const escNewl rune = utf8.RuneSelf + 1 func (p *Parser) rune() rune { if p.r == '\n' || p.r == escNewl { // p.r instead of b so that newline // character positions don't have col 0. p.line++ p.col = 0 } p.col += int64(p.w) bquotes := 0 retry: if p.bsp < uint(len( { if b :=[p.bsp]; b < utf8.RuneSelf { p.bsp++ switch b { case '\x00': // Ignore null bytes while parsing, like bash. p.col++ goto retry case '\r': if p.peekByte('\n') { // \r\n turns into \n p.col++ goto retry } case '\\': if p.r == '\\' { } else if p.peekByte('\n') { p.bsp++ p.w, p.r = 1, escNewl return escNewl } else if p.peekBytes("\r\n") { // \\\r\n turns into \\\n p.col++ p.bsp += 2 p.w, p.r = 2, escNewl return escNewl } if p.openBquotes > 0 && bquotes < p.openBquotes && p.bsp < uint(len( && bquoteEscaped([p.bsp]) { // We turn backquote command substitutions into $(), // so we remove the extra backslashes needed by the backquotes. bquotes++ p.col++ goto retry } } if b == '`' { p.lastBquoteEsc = bquotes } if p.litBs != nil { p.litBs = append(p.litBs, b) } p.w, p.r = 1, rune(b) return p.r } if !utf8.FullRune([p.bsp:]) { // we need more bytes to read a full non-ascii rune p.fill() } var w int p.r, w = utf8.DecodeRune([p.bsp:]) if p.litBs != nil { p.litBs = append(p.litBs,[p.bsp:p.bsp+uint(w)]...) } p.bsp += uint(w) if p.r == utf8.RuneError && w == 1 { p.posErr(p.nextPos(), "invalid UTF-8 encoding") } p.w = w } else { if p.r == utf8.RuneSelf { } else if p.fill(); == nil { p.bsp++ p.r = utf8.RuneSelf p.w = 1 } else { goto retry } } return p.r } // fill reads more bytes from the input src into readBuf. Any bytes that // had not yet been used at the end of the buffer are slid into the // beginning of the buffer. func (p *Parser) fill() { p.offs += int64(p.bsp) left := len( - int(p.bsp) copy(p.readBuf[:left], p.readBuf[p.bsp:]) readAgain: n, err := 0, p.readErr if err == nil { n, err = p.src.Read(p.readBuf[left:]) p.readErr = err } if n == 0 { if err == nil { goto readAgain } // don't use p.errPass as we don't want to overwrite p.tok if err != io.EOF { p.err = err } if left > 0 { = p.readBuf[:left] } else { = nil } } else { = p.readBuf[:left+n] } p.bsp = 0 } func (p *Parser) nextKeepSpaces() { r := p.r if p.quote != hdocBody && p.quote != hdocBodyTabs { // Heredocs handle escaped newlines in a special way, but others // do not. for r == escNewl { r = p.rune() } } p.pos = p.nextPos() switch p.quote { case paramExpRepl: switch r { case '}', '/': p.tok = p.paramToken(r) case '`', '"', '$', '\'': p.tok = p.regToken(r) default: p.advanceLitOther(r) } case dblQuotes: switch r { case '`', '"', '$': p.tok = p.dqToken(r) default: p.advanceLitDquote(r) } case hdocBody, hdocBodyTabs: switch r { case '`', '$': p.tok = p.dqToken(r) default: p.advanceLitHdoc(r) } default: // paramExpExp: switch r { case '}': p.tok = p.paramToken(r) case '`', '"', '$', '\'': p.tok = p.regToken(r) default: p.advanceLitOther(r) } } if p.err != nil && p.tok != _EOF { p.tok = _EOF } } func (p *Parser) next() { if p.r == utf8.RuneSelf { p.tok = _EOF return } p.spaced = false if p.quote&allKeepSpaces != 0 { p.nextKeepSpaces() return } r := p.r for r == escNewl { r = p.rune() } skipSpace: for { switch r { case utf8.RuneSelf: p.tok = _EOF return case escNewl: r = p.rune() case ' ', '\t', '\r': p.spaced = true r = p.rune() case '\n': if p.tok == _Newl { // merge consecutive newline tokens r = p.rune() continue } p.spaced = true p.tok = _Newl if p.quote != hdocWord && len(p.heredocs) > p.buriedHdocs { p.doHeredocs() } return default: break skipSpace } } if p.stopAt != nil && (p.spaced || p.tok == illegalTok || p.stopToken()) { w := utf8.RuneLen(r) if bytes.HasPrefix([p.bsp-uint(w):], p.stopAt) { p.r = utf8.RuneSelf p.w = 1 p.tok = _EOF return } } p.pos = p.nextPos() switch { case p.quote&allRegTokens != 0: switch r { case ';', '"', '\'', '(', ')', '$', '|', '&', '>', '<', '`': p.tok = p.regToken(r) case '#': // If we're parsing $foo#bar, ${foo}#bar, 'foo'#bar, or "foo"#bar, // #bar is a continuation of the same word, not a comment. // TODO: support $(foo)#bar and `foo`#bar as well, which is slightly tricky, // as we can't easily tell them apart from (foo)#bar and `#bar`, // where #bar should remain a comment. if !p.spaced { switch p.tok { case _LitWord, rightBrace, sglQuote, dblQuote: p.advanceLitNone(r) return } } r = p.rune() p.newLit(r) runeLoop: for { switch r { case '\n', utf8.RuneSelf: break runeLoop case escNewl: p.litBs = append(p.litBs, '\\', '\n') break runeLoop case '`': if p.backquoteEnd() { break runeLoop } } r = p.rune() } if p.keepComments { *p.curComs = append(*p.curComs, Comment{ Hash: p.pos, Text: p.endLit(), }) } else { p.litBs = nil } case '[', '=': if p.quote == arrayElems { p.tok = p.paramToken(r) } else { p.advanceLitNone(r) } case '?', '*', '+', '@', '!': if p.extendedGlob() { switch r { case '?': p.tok = globQuest case '*': p.tok = globStar case '+': p.tok = globPlus case '@': p.tok = globAt default: // '!' p.tok = globExcl } p.rune() p.rune() } else { p.advanceLitNone(r) } default: p.advanceLitNone(r) } case p.quote&allArithmExpr != 0 && arithmOps(r): p.tok = p.arithmToken(r) case p.quote&allParamExp != 0 && paramOps(r): p.tok = p.paramToken(r) case p.quote == testExprRegexp: if !p.rxFirstPart && p.spaced { p.quote = noState goto skipSpace } p.rxFirstPart = false switch r { case ';', '"', '\'', '$', '&', '>', '<', '`': p.tok = p.regToken(r) case ')': if p.rxOpenParens > 0 { // continuation of open paren p.advanceLitRe(r) } else { p.tok = rightParen p.quote = noState p.rune() // we are tokenizing manually } default: // including '(', '|' p.advanceLitRe(r) } case regOps(r): p.tok = p.regToken(r) default: p.advanceLitOther(r) } if p.err != nil && p.tok != _EOF { p.tok = _EOF } } // extendedGlob determines whether we're parsing a Bash extended globbing expression. // For example, whether `*` or `@` are followed by `(` to form `@(foo)`. func (p *Parser) extendedGlob() bool { if p.val == "function" { return false } if p.peekByte('(') { // NOTE: empty pattern list is a valid globbing syntax like `@()`, // but we'll operate on the "likelihood" that it is a function; // only tokenize if its a non-empty pattern list. // We do this after peeking for just one byte, so that the input `echo *` // followed by a newline does not hang an interactive shell parser until // another byte is input. return !p.peekBytes("()") } return false } func (p *Parser) peekBytes(s string) bool { peekEnd := int(p.bsp) + len(s) // TODO: This should loop for slow readers, e.g. those providing one byte at // a time. Use a loop and test it with testing/iotest.OneByteReader. if peekEnd > len( { p.fill() } return peekEnd <= len( && bytes.HasPrefix([p.bsp:peekEnd], []byte(s)) } func (p *Parser) peekByte(b byte) bool { if p.bsp == uint(len( { p.fill() } return p.bsp < uint(len( &&[p.bsp] == b } func (p *Parser) regToken(r rune) token { switch r { case '\'': p.rune() return sglQuote case '"': p.rune() return dblQuote case '`': // Don't call p.rune, as we need to work out p.openBquotes to // properly handle backslashes in the lexer. return bckQuote case '&': switch p.rune() { case '&': p.rune() return andAnd case '>': if p.rune() == '>' { p.rune() return appAll } return rdrAll } return and case '|': switch p.rune() { case '|': p.rune() return orOr case '&': if p.lang == LangPOSIX { break } p.rune() return orAnd } return or case '$': switch p.rune() { case '\'': if p.lang == LangPOSIX { break } p.rune() return dollSglQuote case '"': if p.lang == LangPOSIX { break } p.rune() return dollDblQuote case '{': p.rune() return dollBrace case '[': if !p.lang.isBash() || p.quote == paramExpName { // latter to not tokenise ${$[@]} as $[ break } p.rune() return dollBrack case '(': if p.rune() == '(' { p.rune() return dollDblParen } return dollParen } return dollar case '(': if p.rune() == '(' && p.lang != LangPOSIX && p.quote != testExpr { p.rune() return dblLeftParen } return leftParen case ')': p.rune() return rightParen case ';': switch p.rune() { case ';': if p.rune() == '&' && p.lang.isBash() { p.rune() return dblSemiAnd } return dblSemicolon case '&': if p.lang == LangPOSIX { break } p.rune() return semiAnd case '|': if p.lang != LangMirBSDKorn { break } p.rune() return semiOr } return semicolon case '<': switch p.rune() { case '<': if r = p.rune(); r == '-' { p.rune() return dashHdoc } else if r == '<' { p.rune() return wordHdoc } return hdoc case '>': p.rune() return rdrInOut case '&': p.rune() return dplIn case '(': if !p.lang.isBash() { break } p.rune() return cmdIn } return rdrIn default: // '>' switch p.rune() { case '>': p.rune() return appOut case '&': p.rune() return dplOut case '|': p.rune() return clbOut case '(': if !p.lang.isBash() { break } p.rune() return cmdOut } return rdrOut } } func (p *Parser) dqToken(r rune) token { switch r { case '"': p.rune() return dblQuote case '`': // Don't call p.rune, as we need to work out p.openBquotes to // properly handle backslashes in the lexer. return bckQuote default: // '$' switch p.rune() { case '{': p.rune() return dollBrace case '[': if !p.lang.isBash() { break } p.rune() return dollBrack case '(': if p.rune() == '(' { p.rune() return dollDblParen } return dollParen } return dollar } } func (p *Parser) paramToken(r rune) token { switch r { case '}': p.rune() return rightBrace case ':': switch p.rune() { case '+': p.rune() return colPlus case '-': p.rune() return colMinus case '?': p.rune() return colQuest case '=': p.rune() return colAssgn } return colon case '+': p.rune() return plus case '-': p.rune() return minus case '?': p.rune() return quest case '=': p.rune() return assgn case '%': if p.rune() == '%' { p.rune() return dblPerc } return perc case '#': if p.rune() == '#' { p.rune() return dblHash } return hash case '!': p.rune() return exclMark case '[': p.rune() return leftBrack case ']': p.rune() return rightBrack case '/': if p.rune() == '/' && p.quote != paramExpRepl { p.rune() return dblSlash } return slash case '^': if p.rune() == '^' { p.rune() return dblCaret } return caret case ',': if p.rune() == ',' { p.rune() return dblComma } return comma case '@': p.rune() return at default: // '*' p.rune() return star } } func (p *Parser) arithmToken(r rune) token { switch r { case '!': if p.rune() == '=' { p.rune() return nequal } return exclMark case '=': if p.rune() == '=' { p.rune() return equal } return assgn case '~': p.rune() return tilde case '(': p.rune() return leftParen case ')': p.rune() return rightParen case '&': switch p.rune() { case '&': p.rune() return andAnd case '=': p.rune() return andAssgn } return and case '|': switch p.rune() { case '|': p.rune() return orOr case '=': p.rune() return orAssgn } return or case '<': switch p.rune() { case '<': if p.rune() == '=' { p.rune() return shlAssgn } return hdoc case '=': p.rune() return lequal } return rdrIn case '>': switch p.rune() { case '>': if p.rune() == '=' { p.rune() return shrAssgn } return appOut case '=': p.rune() return gequal } return rdrOut case '+': switch p.rune() { case '+': p.rune() return addAdd case '=': p.rune() return addAssgn } return plus case '-': switch p.rune() { case '-': p.rune() return subSub case '=': p.rune() return subAssgn } return minus case '%': if p.rune() == '=' { p.rune() return remAssgn } return perc case '*': switch p.rune() { case '*': p.rune() return power case '=': p.rune() return mulAssgn } return star case '/': if p.rune() == '=' { p.rune() return quoAssgn } return slash case '^': if p.rune() == '=' { p.rune() return xorAssgn } return caret case '[': p.rune() return leftBrack case ']': p.rune() return rightBrack case ',': p.rune() return comma case '?': p.rune() return quest case ':': p.rune() return colon default: // '#' p.rune() return hash } } func (p *Parser) newLit(r rune) { switch { case r < utf8.RuneSelf: p.litBs = p.litBuf[:1] p.litBs[0] = byte(r) case r > escNewl: w := utf8.RuneLen(r) p.litBs = append(p.litBuf[:0],[p.bsp-uint(w):p.bsp]...) default: // don't let r == utf8.RuneSelf go to the second case as RuneLen // would return -1 p.litBs = p.litBuf[:0] } } func (p *Parser) endLit() (s string) { if p.r == utf8.RuneSelf || p.r == escNewl { s = string(p.litBs) } else { s = string(p.litBs[:len(p.litBs)-p.w]) } p.litBs = nil return } func (p *Parser) isLitRedir() bool { lit := p.litBs[:len(p.litBs)-1] if lit[0] == '{' && lit[len(lit)-1] == '}' { return ValidName(string(lit[1 : len(lit)-1])) } for _, b := range lit { switch b { case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9': default: return false } } return true } func (p *Parser) advanceNameCont(r rune) { // we know that r is a letter or underscore loop: for p.newLit(r); r != utf8.RuneSelf; r = p.rune() { switch { case 'a' <= r && r <= 'z': case 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z': case r == '_': case '0' <= r && r <= '9': case r == escNewl: default: break loop } } p.tok, p.val = _LitWord, p.endLit() } func (p *Parser) advanceLitOther(r rune) { tok := _LitWord loop: for p.newLit(r); r != utf8.RuneSelf; r = p.rune() { switch r { case '\\': // escaped byte follows p.rune() case '\'', '"', '`', '$': tok = _Lit break loop case '}': if p.quote&allParamExp != 0 { break loop } case '/': if p.quote != paramExpExp { break loop } case ':', '=', '%', '^', ',', '?', '!', '~', '*': if p.quote&allArithmExpr != 0 || p.quote == paramExpName { break loop } case '[', ']': if p.lang != LangPOSIX && p.quote&allArithmExpr != 0 { break loop } fallthrough case '#', '@': if p.quote&allParamReg != 0 { break loop } case '+', '-', ' ', '\t', ';', '&', '>', '<', '|', '(', ')', '\n', '\r': if p.quote&allKeepSpaces == 0 { break loop } } } p.tok, p.val = tok, p.endLit() } func (p *Parser) advanceLitNone(r rune) { p.eqlOffs = -1 tok := _LitWord loop: for p.newLit(r); r != utf8.RuneSelf; r = p.rune() { switch r { case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r', '&', '|', ';', '(', ')': break loop case '\\': // escaped byte follows p.rune() case '>', '<': if p.peekByte('(') { tok = _Lit } else if p.isLitRedir() { tok = _LitRedir } break loop case '`': if p.quote != subCmdBckquo { tok = _Lit } break loop case '"', '\'', '$': tok = _Lit break loop case '?', '*', '+', '@', '!': if p.extendedGlob() { tok = _Lit break loop } case '=': if p.eqlOffs < 0 { p.eqlOffs = len(p.litBs) - 1 } case '[': if p.lang != LangPOSIX && len(p.litBs) > 1 && p.litBs[0] != '[' { tok = _Lit break loop } } } p.tok, p.val = tok, p.endLit() } func (p *Parser) advanceLitDquote(r rune) { tok := _LitWord loop: for p.newLit(r); r != utf8.RuneSelf; r = p.rune() { switch r { case '"': break loop case '\\': // escaped byte follows p.rune() case escNewl, '`', '$': tok = _Lit break loop } } p.tok, p.val = tok, p.endLit() } func (p *Parser) advanceLitHdoc(r rune) { // Unlike the rest of nextKeepSpaces quote states, we handle escaped // newlines here. If lastTok==_Lit, then we know we're following an // escaped newline, so the first line can't end the heredoc. lastTok := p.tok for r == escNewl { r = p.rune() lastTok = _Lit } p.pos = p.nextPos() p.tok = _Lit p.newLit(r) if p.quote == hdocBodyTabs { for r == '\t' { r = p.rune() } } lStart := len(p.litBs) - 1 stop := p.hdocStops[len(p.hdocStops)-1] for ; ; r = p.rune() { switch r { case escNewl, '$': p.val = p.endLit() return case '\\': // escaped byte follows p.rune() case '`': if !p.backquoteEnd() { p.val = p.endLit() return } fallthrough case '\n', utf8.RuneSelf: if p.parsingDoc { if r == utf8.RuneSelf { p.tok = _LitWord p.val = p.endLit() return } } else if lStart == 0 && lastTok == _Lit { // This line starts right after an escaped // newline, so it should never end the heredoc. } else if lStart >= 0 { // Compare the current line with the stop word. line := p.litBs[lStart:] if r != utf8.RuneSelf && len(line) > 0 { line = line[:len(line)-1] // minus trailing character } if bytes.Equal(line, stop) { p.tok = _LitWord p.val = p.endLit()[:lStart] if p.val == "" { p.tok = _Newl } p.hdocStops[len(p.hdocStops)-1] = nil return } } if r != '\n' { return // hit an unexpected EOF or closing backquote } if p.quote == hdocBodyTabs { for p.peekByte('\t') { p.rune() } } lStart = len(p.litBs) } } } func (p *Parser) quotedHdocWord() *Word { r := p.r p.newLit(r) pos := p.nextPos() stop := p.hdocStops[len(p.hdocStops)-1] for ; ; r = p.rune() { if r == utf8.RuneSelf { return nil } if p.quote == hdocBodyTabs { for r == '\t' { r = p.rune() } } lStart := len(p.litBs) - 1 runeLoop: for { switch r { case utf8.RuneSelf, '\n': break runeLoop case '`': if p.backquoteEnd() { break runeLoop } case escNewl: p.litBs = append(p.litBs, '\\', '\n') break runeLoop } r = p.rune() } if lStart < 0 { continue } // Compare the current line with the stop word. line := p.litBs[lStart:] if r != utf8.RuneSelf && len(line) > 0 { line = line[:len(line)-1] // minus \n } if bytes.Equal(line, stop) { p.hdocStops[len(p.hdocStops)-1] = nil val := p.endLit()[:lStart] if val == "" { return nil } return p.wordOne(p.lit(pos, val)) } } } func (p *Parser) advanceLitRe(r rune) { for p.newLit(r); ; r = p.rune() { switch r { case '\\': p.rune() case '(': p.rxOpenParens++ case ')': if p.rxOpenParens--; p.rxOpenParens < 0 { p.tok, p.val = _LitWord, p.endLit() p.quote = noState return } case ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n', ';', '&', '>', '<': if p.rxOpenParens <= 0 { p.tok, p.val = _LitWord, p.endLit() p.quote = noState return } case '"', '\'', '$', '`': p.tok, p.val = _Lit, p.endLit() return case utf8.RuneSelf: p.tok, p.val = _LitWord, p.endLit() p.quote = noState return } } } func testUnaryOp(val string) UnTestOperator { switch val { case "!": return TsNot case "-e", "-a": return TsExists case "-f": return TsRegFile case "-d": return TsDirect case "-c": return TsCharSp case "-b": return TsBlckSp case "-p": return TsNmPipe case "-S": return TsSocket case "-L", "-h": return TsSmbLink case "-k": return TsSticky case "-g": return TsGIDSet case "-u": return TsUIDSet case "-G": return TsGrpOwn case "-O": return TsUsrOwn case "-N": return TsModif case "-r": return TsRead case "-w": return TsWrite case "-x": return TsExec case "-s": return TsNoEmpty case "-t": return TsFdTerm case "-z": return TsEmpStr case "-n": return TsNempStr case "-o": return TsOptSet case "-v": return TsVarSet case "-R": return TsRefVar default: return 0 } } func testBinaryOp(val string) BinTestOperator { switch val { case "=": return TsMatchShort case "==": return TsMatch case "!=": return TsNoMatch case "=~": return TsReMatch case "-nt": return TsNewer case "-ot": return TsOlder case "-ef": return TsDevIno case "-eq": return TsEql case "-ne": return TsNeq case "-le": return TsLeq case "-ge": return TsGeq case "-lt": return TsLss case "-gt": return TsGtr default: return 0 } } 07070100000059000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000061B0000000000000000000000000000000000000001A00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/nodes.go// Copyright (c) 2016, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package syntax import ( "math" "strconv" "strings" ) // Node represents a syntax tree node. type Node interface { // Pos returns the position of the first character of the node. Comments // are ignored, except if the node is a *File. Pos() Pos // End returns the position of the character immediately after the node. // If the character is a newline, the line number won't cross into the // next line. Comments are ignored, except if the node is a *File. End() Pos } // File represents a shell source file. type File struct { Name string Stmts []*Stmt Last []Comment } func (f *File) Pos() Pos { return stmtsPos(f.Stmts, f.Last) } func (f *File) End() Pos { return stmtsEnd(f.Stmts, f.Last) } func stmtsPos(stmts []*Stmt, last []Comment) Pos { if len(stmts) > 0 { s := stmts[0] sPos := s.Pos() if len(s.Comments) > 0 { if cPos := s.Comments[0].Pos(); sPos.After(cPos) { return cPos } } return sPos } if len(last) > 0 { return last[0].Pos() } return Pos{} } func stmtsEnd(stmts []*Stmt, last []Comment) Pos { if len(last) > 0 { return last[len(last)-1].End() } if len(stmts) > 0 { s := stmts[len(stmts)-1] sEnd := s.End() if len(s.Comments) > 0 { if cEnd := s.Comments[0].End(); cEnd.After(sEnd) { return cEnd } } return sEnd } return Pos{} } // Pos is a position within a shell source file. type Pos struct { offs, lineCol uint32 } // We used to split line and column numbers evenly in 16 bits, but line numbers // are significantly more important in practice. Use more bits for them. const ( offsetMax = math.MaxUint32 lineBitSize = 18 lineMax = (1 << lineBitSize) - 1 colBitSize = 32 - lineBitSize colMax = (1 << colBitSize) - 1 colBitMask = colMax ) // TODO(v4): consider using uint32 for Offset/Line/Col to better represent bit sizes. // Or go with int64, which more closely resembles portable "sizes" elsewhere. // The latter is probably nicest, as then we can change the number of internal // bits later, and we can also do overflow checks for the user in NewPos. // NewPos creates a position with the given offset, line, and column. // // Note that Pos uses a limited number of bits to store these numbers. // If line or column overflow their allocated space, they are replaced with 0. func NewPos(offset, line, column uint) Pos { // Basic protection against offset overflow; // note that an offset of 0 is valid, so we leave the maximum. offset = min(offset, offsetMax) if line > lineMax { line = 0 // protect against overflows; rendered as "?" } if column > colMax { column = 0 // protect against overflows; rendered as "?" } return Pos{ offs: uint32(offset), lineCol: (uint32(line) << colBitSize) | uint32(column), } } // Offset returns the byte offset of the position in the original source file. // Byte offsets start at 0. // // Offset has basic protection against overflows; if an input is too large, // offset numbers will stop increasing past a very large number. func (p Pos) Offset() uint { return uint(p.offs) } // Line returns the line number of the position, starting at 1. // // Line is protected against overflows; if an input has too many lines, extra // lines will have a line number of 0, rendered as "?" by [Pos.String]. func (p Pos) Line() uint { return uint(p.lineCol >> colBitSize) } // Col returns the column number of the position, starting at 1. It counts in // bytes. // // Col is protected against overflows; if an input line has too many columns, // extra columns will have a column number of 0, rendered as "?" by [Pos.String]. func (p Pos) Col() uint { return uint(p.lineCol & colBitMask) } func (p Pos) String() string { var b strings.Builder if line := p.Line(); line > 0 { b.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(uint64(line), 10)) } else { b.WriteByte('?') } b.WriteByte(':') if col := p.Col(); col > 0 { b.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(uint64(col), 10)) } else { b.WriteByte('?') } return b.String() } // IsValid reports whether the position contains useful position information. // Some positions returned via [Parse] may be invalid: for example, [Stmt.Semicolon] // will only be valid if a statement contained a closing token such as ';'. func (p Pos) IsValid() bool { return p != Pos{} } // After reports whether the position p is after p2. It is a more expressive // version of p.Offset() > p2.Offset(). func (p Pos) After(p2 Pos) bool { return p.offs > p2.offs } func posAddCol(p Pos, n int) Pos { // TODO: guard against overflows p.lineCol += uint32(n) p.offs += uint32(n) return p } func posMax(p1, p2 Pos) Pos { if p2.After(p1) { return p2 } return p1 } // Comment represents a single comment on a single line. type Comment struct { Hash Pos Text string } func (c *Comment) Pos() Pos { return c.Hash } func (c *Comment) End() Pos { return posAddCol(c.Hash, 1+len(c.Text)) } // Stmt represents a statement, also known as a "complete command". It is // compromised of a command and other components that may come before or after // it. type Stmt struct { Comments []Comment Cmd Command Position Pos Semicolon Pos // position of ';', '&', or '|&', if any Negated bool // ! stmt Background bool // stmt & Coprocess bool // mksh's |& Redirs []*Redirect // stmt >a <b } func (s *Stmt) Pos() Pos { return s.Position } func (s *Stmt) End() Pos { if s.Semicolon.IsValid() { end := posAddCol(s.Semicolon, 1) // ';' or '&' if s.Coprocess { end = posAddCol(end, 1) // '|&' } return end } end := s.Position if s.Negated { end = posAddCol(end, 1) } if s.Cmd != nil { end = s.Cmd.End() } if len(s.Redirs) > 0 { end = posMax(end, s.Redirs[len(s.Redirs)-1].End()) } return end } // Command represents all nodes that are simple or compound commands, including // function declarations. // // These are *CallExpr, *IfClause, *WhileClause, *ForClause, *CaseClause, // *Block, *Subshell, *BinaryCmd, *FuncDecl, *ArithmCmd, *TestClause, // *DeclClause, *LetClause, *TimeClause, and *CoprocClause. type Command interface { Node commandNode() } func (*CallExpr) commandNode() {} func (*IfClause) commandNode() {} func (*WhileClause) commandNode() {} func (*ForClause) commandNode() {} func (*CaseClause) commandNode() {} func (*Block) commandNode() {} func (*Subshell) commandNode() {} func (*BinaryCmd) commandNode() {} func (*FuncDecl) commandNode() {} func (*ArithmCmd) commandNode() {} func (*TestClause) commandNode() {} func (*DeclClause) commandNode() {} func (*LetClause) commandNode() {} func (*TimeClause) commandNode() {} func (*CoprocClause) commandNode() {} func (*TestDecl) commandNode() {} // Assign represents an assignment to a variable. // // Here and elsewhere, Index can mean either an index expression into an indexed // array, or a string key into an associative array. // // If Index is non-nil, the value will be a word and not an array as nested // arrays are not allowed. // // If Naked is true and Name is nil, the assignment is part of a DeclClause and // the argument (in the Value field) will be evaluated at run-time. This // includes parameter expansions, which may expand to assignments or options. type Assign struct { Append bool // += Naked bool // without '=' Name *Lit // must be a valid name Index ArithmExpr // [i], ["k"] Value *Word // =val Array *ArrayExpr // =(arr) } func (a *Assign) Pos() Pos { if a.Name == nil { return a.Value.Pos() } return a.Name.Pos() } func (a *Assign) End() Pos { if a.Value != nil { return a.Value.End() } if a.Array != nil { return a.Array.End() } if a.Index != nil { return posAddCol(a.Index.End(), 2) } if a.Naked { return a.Name.End() } return posAddCol(a.Name.End(), 1) } // Redirect represents an input/output redirection. type Redirect struct { OpPos Pos Op RedirOperator N *Lit // fd>, or {varname}> in Bash Word *Word // >word Hdoc *Word // here-document body } func (r *Redirect) Pos() Pos { if r.N != nil { return r.N.Pos() } return r.OpPos } func (r *Redirect) End() Pos { if r.Hdoc != nil { return r.Hdoc.End() } return r.Word.End() } // CallExpr represents a command execution or function call, otherwise known as // a "simple command". // // If Args is empty, Assigns apply to the shell environment. Otherwise, they are // variables that cannot be arrays and which only apply to the call. type CallExpr struct { Assigns []*Assign // a=x b=y args Args []*Word } func (c *CallExpr) Pos() Pos { if len(c.Assigns) > 0 { return c.Assigns[0].Pos() } return c.Args[0].Pos() } func (c *CallExpr) End() Pos { if len(c.Args) == 0 { return c.Assigns[len(c.Assigns)-1].End() } return c.Args[len(c.Args)-1].End() } // Subshell represents a series of commands that should be executed in a nested // shell environment. type Subshell struct { Lparen, Rparen Pos Stmts []*Stmt Last []Comment } func (s *Subshell) Pos() Pos { return s.Lparen } func (s *Subshell) End() Pos { return posAddCol(s.Rparen, 1) } // Block represents a series of commands that should be executed in a nested // scope. It is essentially a list of statements within curly braces. type Block struct { Lbrace, Rbrace Pos Stmts []*Stmt Last []Comment } func (b *Block) Pos() Pos { return b.Lbrace } func (b *Block) End() Pos { return posAddCol(b.Rbrace, 1) } // IfClause represents an if statement. type IfClause struct { Position Pos // position of the starting "if", "elif", or "else" token ThenPos Pos // position of "then", empty if this is an "else" FiPos Pos // position of "fi", shared with .Else if non-nil Cond []*Stmt CondLast []Comment Then []*Stmt ThenLast []Comment Else *IfClause // if non-nil, an "elif" or an "else" Last []Comment // comments on the first "elif", "else", or "fi" } func (c *IfClause) Pos() Pos { return c.Position } func (c *IfClause) End() Pos { return posAddCol(c.FiPos, 2) } // WhileClause represents a while or an until clause. type WhileClause struct { WhilePos, DoPos, DonePos Pos Until bool Cond []*Stmt CondLast []Comment Do []*Stmt DoLast []Comment } func (w *WhileClause) Pos() Pos { return w.WhilePos } func (w *WhileClause) End() Pos { return posAddCol(w.DonePos, 4) } // ForClause represents a for or a select clause. The latter is only present in // Bash. type ForClause struct { ForPos, DoPos, DonePos Pos Select bool Braces bool // deprecated form with { } instead of do/done Loop Loop Do []*Stmt DoLast []Comment } func (f *ForClause) Pos() Pos { return f.ForPos } func (f *ForClause) End() Pos { return posAddCol(f.DonePos, 4) } // Loop holds either *WordIter or *CStyleLoop. type Loop interface { Node loopNode() } func (*WordIter) loopNode() {} func (*CStyleLoop) loopNode() {} // WordIter represents the iteration of a variable over a series of words in a // for clause. If InPos is an invalid position, the "in" token was missing, so // the iteration is over the shell's positional parameters. type WordIter struct { Name *Lit InPos Pos // position of "in" Items []*Word } func (w *WordIter) Pos() Pos { return w.Name.Pos() } func (w *WordIter) End() Pos { if len(w.Items) > 0 { return wordLastEnd(w.Items) } return posMax(w.Name.End(), posAddCol(w.InPos, 2)) } // CStyleLoop represents the behavior of a for clause similar to the C // language. // // This node will only appear with LangBash. type CStyleLoop struct { Lparen, Rparen Pos // Init, Cond, Post can each be nil, if the for loop construct omits it. Init, Cond, Post ArithmExpr } func (c *CStyleLoop) Pos() Pos { return c.Lparen } func (c *CStyleLoop) End() Pos { return posAddCol(c.Rparen, 2) } // BinaryCmd represents a binary expression between two statements. type BinaryCmd struct { OpPos Pos Op BinCmdOperator X, Y *Stmt } func (b *BinaryCmd) Pos() Pos { return b.X.Pos() } func (b *BinaryCmd) End() Pos { return b.Y.End() } // FuncDecl represents the declaration of a function. type FuncDecl struct { Position Pos RsrvWord bool // non-posix "function f" style Parens bool // with () parentheses, only meaningful with RsrvWord=true Name *Lit Body *Stmt } func (f *FuncDecl) Pos() Pos { return f.Position } func (f *FuncDecl) End() Pos { return f.Body.End() } // Word represents a shell word, containing one or more word parts contiguous to // each other. The word is delimited by word boundaries, such as spaces, // newlines, semicolons, or parentheses. type Word struct { Parts []WordPart } func (w *Word) Pos() Pos { return w.Parts[0].Pos() } func (w *Word) End() Pos { return w.Parts[len(w.Parts)-1].End() } // Lit returns the word as a literal value, if the word consists of *Lit nodes // only. An empty string is returned otherwise. Words with multiple literals, // which can appear in some edge cases, are handled properly. // // For example, the word "foo" will return "foo", but the word "foo${bar}" will // return "". func (w *Word) Lit() string { // In the usual case, we'll have either a single part that's a literal, // or one of the parts being a non-literal. Using strings.Join instead // of a strings.Builder avoids extra work in these cases, since a single // part is a shortcut, and many parts don't incur string copies. lits := make([]string, 0, 1) for _, part := range w.Parts { lit, ok := part.(*Lit) if !ok { return "" } lits = append(lits, lit.Value) } return strings.Join(lits, "") } // WordPart represents all nodes that can form part of a word. // // These are *Lit, *SglQuoted, *DblQuoted, *ParamExp, *CmdSubst, *ArithmExp, // *ProcSubst, and *ExtGlob. type WordPart interface { Node wordPartNode() } func (*Lit) wordPartNode() {} func (*SglQuoted) wordPartNode() {} func (*DblQuoted) wordPartNode() {} func (*ParamExp) wordPartNode() {} func (*CmdSubst) wordPartNode() {} func (*ArithmExp) wordPartNode() {} func (*ProcSubst) wordPartNode() {} func (*ExtGlob) wordPartNode() {} func (*BraceExp) wordPartNode() {} // Lit represents a string literal. // // Note that a parsed string literal may not appear as-is in the original source // code, as it is possible to split literals by escaping newlines. The splitting // is lost, but the end position is not. type Lit struct { ValuePos, ValueEnd Pos Value string } func (l *Lit) Pos() Pos { return l.ValuePos } func (l *Lit) End() Pos { return l.ValueEnd } // SglQuoted represents a string within single quotes. type SglQuoted struct { Left, Right Pos Dollar bool // $'' Value string } func (q *SglQuoted) Pos() Pos { return q.Left } func (q *SglQuoted) End() Pos { return posAddCol(q.Right, 1) } // DblQuoted represents a list of nodes within double quotes. type DblQuoted struct { Left, Right Pos Dollar bool // $"" Parts []WordPart } func (q *DblQuoted) Pos() Pos { return q.Left } func (q *DblQuoted) End() Pos { return posAddCol(q.Right, 1) } // CmdSubst represents a command substitution. type CmdSubst struct { Left, Right Pos Stmts []*Stmt Last []Comment Backquotes bool // deprecated `foo` TempFile bool // mksh's ${ foo;} ReplyVar bool // mksh's ${|foo;} } func (c *CmdSubst) Pos() Pos { return c.Left } func (c *CmdSubst) End() Pos { return posAddCol(c.Right, 1) } // ParamExp represents a parameter expansion. type ParamExp struct { Dollar, Rbrace Pos Short bool // $a instead of ${a} Excl bool // ${!a} Length bool // ${#a} Width bool // ${%a} Param *Lit Index ArithmExpr // ${a[i]}, ${a["k"]} Slice *Slice // ${a:x:y} Repl *Replace // ${a/x/y} Names ParNamesOperator // ${!prefix*} or ${!prefix@} Exp *Expansion // ${a:-b}, ${a#b}, etc } func (p *ParamExp) Pos() Pos { return p.Dollar } func (p *ParamExp) End() Pos { if !p.Short { return posAddCol(p.Rbrace, 1) } if p.Index != nil { return posAddCol(p.Index.End(), 1) } return p.Param.End() } func (p *ParamExp) nakedIndex() bool { return p.Short && p.Index != nil } // Slice represents a character slicing expression inside a ParamExp. // // This node will only appear in LangBash and LangMirBSDKorn. type Slice struct { Offset, Length ArithmExpr } // Replace represents a search and replace expression inside a ParamExp. type Replace struct { All bool Orig, With *Word } // Expansion represents string manipulation in a ParamExp other than those // covered by Replace. type Expansion struct { Op ParExpOperator Word *Word } // ArithmExp represents an arithmetic expansion. type ArithmExp struct { Left, Right Pos Bracket bool // deprecated $[expr] form Unsigned bool // mksh's $((# expr)) X ArithmExpr } func (a *ArithmExp) Pos() Pos { return a.Left } func (a *ArithmExp) End() Pos { if a.Bracket { return posAddCol(a.Right, 1) } return posAddCol(a.Right, 2) } // ArithmCmd represents an arithmetic command. // // This node will only appear in LangBash and LangMirBSDKorn. type ArithmCmd struct { Left, Right Pos Unsigned bool // mksh's ((# expr)) X ArithmExpr } func (a *ArithmCmd) Pos() Pos { return a.Left } func (a *ArithmCmd) End() Pos { return posAddCol(a.Right, 2) } // ArithmExpr represents all nodes that form arithmetic expressions. // // These are *BinaryArithm, *UnaryArithm, *ParenArithm, and *Word. type ArithmExpr interface { Node arithmExprNode() } func (*BinaryArithm) arithmExprNode() {} func (*UnaryArithm) arithmExprNode() {} func (*ParenArithm) arithmExprNode() {} func (*Word) arithmExprNode() {} // BinaryArithm represents a binary arithmetic expression. // // If Op is any assign operator, X will be a word with a single *Lit whose value // is a valid name. // // Ternary operators like "a ? b : c" are fit into this structure. Thus, if // Op==TernQuest, Y will be a *BinaryArithm with Op==TernColon. Op can only be // TernColon in that scenario. type BinaryArithm struct { OpPos Pos Op BinAritOperator X, Y ArithmExpr } func (b *BinaryArithm) Pos() Pos { return b.X.Pos() } func (b *BinaryArithm) End() Pos { return b.Y.End() } // UnaryArithm represents an unary arithmetic expression. The unary operator // may come before or after the sub-expression. // // If Op is Inc or Dec, X will be a word with a single *Lit whose value is a // valid name. type UnaryArithm struct { OpPos Pos Op UnAritOperator Post bool X ArithmExpr } func (u *UnaryArithm) Pos() Pos { if u.Post { return u.X.Pos() } return u.OpPos } func (u *UnaryArithm) End() Pos { if u.Post { return posAddCol(u.OpPos, 2) } return u.X.End() } // ParenArithm represents an arithmetic expression within parentheses. type ParenArithm struct { Lparen, Rparen Pos X ArithmExpr } func (p *ParenArithm) Pos() Pos { return p.Lparen } func (p *ParenArithm) End() Pos { return posAddCol(p.Rparen, 1) } // CaseClause represents a case (switch) clause. type CaseClause struct { Case, In, Esac Pos Braces bool // deprecated mksh form with braces instead of in/esac Word *Word Items []*CaseItem Last []Comment } func (c *CaseClause) Pos() Pos { return c.Case } func (c *CaseClause) End() Pos { return posAddCol(c.Esac, 4) } // CaseItem represents a pattern list (case) within a CaseClause. type CaseItem struct { Op CaseOperator OpPos Pos // unset if it was finished by "esac" Comments []Comment Patterns []*Word Stmts []*Stmt Last []Comment } func (c *CaseItem) Pos() Pos { return c.Patterns[0].Pos() } func (c *CaseItem) End() Pos { if c.OpPos.IsValid() { return posAddCol(c.OpPos, len(c.Op.String())) } return stmtsEnd(c.Stmts, c.Last) } // TestClause represents a Bash extended test clause. // // This node will only appear in LangBash and LangMirBSDKorn. type TestClause struct { Left, Right Pos X TestExpr } func (t *TestClause) Pos() Pos { return t.Left } func (t *TestClause) End() Pos { return posAddCol(t.Right, 2) } // TestExpr represents all nodes that form test expressions. // // These are *BinaryTest, *UnaryTest, *ParenTest, and *Word. type TestExpr interface { Node testExprNode() } func (*BinaryTest) testExprNode() {} func (*UnaryTest) testExprNode() {} func (*ParenTest) testExprNode() {} func (*Word) testExprNode() {} // BinaryTest represents a binary test expression. type BinaryTest struct { OpPos Pos Op BinTestOperator X, Y TestExpr } func (b *BinaryTest) Pos() Pos { return b.X.Pos() } func (b *BinaryTest) End() Pos { return b.Y.End() } // UnaryTest represents a unary test expression. The unary operator may come // before or after the sub-expression. type UnaryTest struct { OpPos Pos Op UnTestOperator X TestExpr } func (u *UnaryTest) Pos() Pos { return u.OpPos } func (u *UnaryTest) End() Pos { return u.X.End() } // ParenTest represents a test expression within parentheses. type ParenTest struct { Lparen, Rparen Pos X TestExpr } func (p *ParenTest) Pos() Pos { return p.Lparen } func (p *ParenTest) End() Pos { return posAddCol(p.Rparen, 1) } // DeclClause represents a Bash declare clause. // // Args can contain a mix of regular and naked assignments. The naked // assignments can represent either options or variable names. // // This node will only appear with LangBash. type DeclClause struct { // Variant is one of "declare", "local", "export", "readonly", // "typeset", or "nameref". Variant *Lit Args []*Assign } func (d *DeclClause) Pos() Pos { return d.Variant.Pos() } func (d *DeclClause) End() Pos { if len(d.Args) > 0 { return d.Args[len(d.Args)-1].End() } return d.Variant.End() } // ArrayExpr represents a Bash array expression. // // This node will only appear with LangBash. type ArrayExpr struct { Lparen, Rparen Pos Elems []*ArrayElem Last []Comment } func (a *ArrayExpr) Pos() Pos { return a.Lparen } func (a *ArrayExpr) End() Pos { return posAddCol(a.Rparen, 1) } // ArrayElem represents a Bash array element. // // Index can be nil; for example, declare -a x=(value). // Value can be nil; for example, declare -A x=([index]=). // Finally, neither can be nil; for example, declare -A x=([index]=value) type ArrayElem struct { Index ArithmExpr Value *Word Comments []Comment } func (a *ArrayElem) Pos() Pos { if a.Index != nil { return a.Index.Pos() } return a.Value.Pos() } func (a *ArrayElem) End() Pos { if a.Value != nil { return a.Value.End() } return posAddCol(a.Index.Pos(), 1) } // ExtGlob represents a Bash extended globbing expression. Note that these are // parsed independently of whether shopt has been called or not. // // This node will only appear in LangBash and LangMirBSDKorn. type ExtGlob struct { OpPos Pos Op GlobOperator Pattern *Lit } func (e *ExtGlob) Pos() Pos { return e.OpPos } func (e *ExtGlob) End() Pos { return posAddCol(e.Pattern.End(), 1) } // ProcSubst represents a Bash process substitution. // // This node will only appear with LangBash. type ProcSubst struct { OpPos, Rparen Pos Op ProcOperator Stmts []*Stmt Last []Comment } func (s *ProcSubst) Pos() Pos { return s.OpPos } func (s *ProcSubst) End() Pos { return posAddCol(s.Rparen, 1) } // TimeClause represents a Bash time clause. PosixFormat corresponds to the -p // flag. // // This node will only appear in LangBash and LangMirBSDKorn. type TimeClause struct { Time Pos PosixFormat bool Stmt *Stmt } func (c *TimeClause) Pos() Pos { return c.Time } func (c *TimeClause) End() Pos { if c.Stmt == nil { return posAddCol(c.Time, 4) } return c.Stmt.End() } // CoprocClause represents a Bash coproc clause. // // This node will only appear with LangBash. type CoprocClause struct { Coproc Pos Name *Word Stmt *Stmt } func (c *CoprocClause) Pos() Pos { return c.Coproc } func (c *CoprocClause) End() Pos { return c.Stmt.End() } // LetClause represents a Bash let clause. // // This node will only appear in LangBash and LangMirBSDKorn. type LetClause struct { Let Pos Exprs []ArithmExpr } func (l *LetClause) Pos() Pos { return l.Let } func (l *LetClause) End() Pos { return l.Exprs[len(l.Exprs)-1].End() } // BraceExp represents a Bash brace expression, such as "{a,f}" or "{1..10}". // // This node will only appear as a result of SplitBraces. type BraceExp struct { Sequence bool // {x..y[..incr]} instead of {x,y[,...]} Elems []*Word } func (b *BraceExp) Pos() Pos { return posAddCol(b.Elems[0].Pos(), -1) } func (b *BraceExp) End() Pos { return posAddCol(wordLastEnd(b.Elems), 1) } // TestDecl represents the declaration of a Bats test function. type TestDecl struct { Position Pos Description *Word Body *Stmt } func (f *TestDecl) Pos() Pos { return f.Position } func (f *TestDecl) End() Pos { return f.Body.End() } func wordLastEnd(ws []*Word) Pos { if len(ws) == 0 { return Pos{} } return ws[len(ws)-1].End() } 0707010000005A000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000006A9000000000000000000000000000000000000001F00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/nodes_test.go// Copyright (c) 2016, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package syntax import ( "fmt" "strings" "testing" ) func TestPosition(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() parserBash := NewParser(KeepComments(true)) parserPosix := NewParser(KeepComments(true), Variant(LangPOSIX)) parserMirBSD := NewParser(KeepComments(true), Variant(LangMirBSDKorn)) parserBats := NewParser(KeepComments(true), Variant(LangBats)) for i, c := range fileTests { for j, in := range c.Strs { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%03d-%d", i, j), func(t *testing.T) { parser := parserPosix if c.Bats != nil { parser = parserBats } else if c.Bash != nil { parser = parserBash } else if c.MirBSDKorn != nil { parser = parserMirBSD } prog, err := parser.Parse(strings.NewReader(in), "") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error in %q: %v", in, err) } v := &posWalker{ t: t, f: prog, lines: strings.Split(in, "\n"), } Walk(prog, v.Visit) }) } } } type posWalker struct { t *testing.T f *File lines []string } func (v *posWalker) Visit(n Node) bool { if n == nil { return true } p := n.Pos() if !p.IsValid() && len(v.f.Stmts) > 0 { v.t.Fatalf("Invalid Pos") } if c, ok := n.(*Comment); ok { if v.f.Pos().After(c.Pos()) { v.t.Fatalf("A Comment is before its File") } if c.End().After(v.f.End()) { v.t.Fatalf("A Comment is after its File") } } return true } func TestWeirdOperatorString(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() op := RedirOperator(1000) want := "token(1000)" if got := op.String(); got != want { t.Fatalf("token.String() mismatch: want %s, got %s", want, got) } } 0707010000005B000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000E8E9000000000000000000000000000000000000001B00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/parser.go// Copyright (c) 2016, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package syntax import ( "fmt" "io" "strconv" "strings" "unicode/utf8" ) // ParserOption is a function which can be passed to NewParser // to alter its behavior. To apply option to existing Parser // call it directly, for example KeepComments(true)(parser). type ParserOption func(*Parser) // KeepComments makes the parser parse comments and attach them to // nodes, as opposed to discarding them. func KeepComments(enabled bool) ParserOption { return func(p *Parser) { p.keepComments = enabled } } // LangVariant describes a shell language variant to use when tokenizing and // parsing shell code. The zero value is [LangBash]. type LangVariant int const ( // LangBash corresponds to the GNU Bash language, as described in its // manual at // // We currently follow Bash version 5.2. // // Its string representation is "bash". LangBash LangVariant = iota // LangPOSIX corresponds to the POSIX Shell language, as described at // // // Its string representation is "posix" or "sh". LangPOSIX // LangMirBSDKorn corresponds to the MirBSD Korn Shell, also known as // mksh, as described at // Note that it shares some features with Bash, due to the the shared // ancestry that is ksh. // // We currently follow mksh version 59. // // Its string representation is "mksh". LangMirBSDKorn // LangBats corresponds to the Bash Automated Testing System language, // as described at Note that // it's just a small extension of the Bash language. // // Its string representation is "bats". LangBats // LangAuto corresponds to automatic language detection, // commonly used by end-user applications like shfmt, // which can guess a file's language variant given its filename or shebang. // // At this time, [Variant] does not support LangAuto. LangAuto ) // Variant changes the shell language variant that the parser will // accept. // // The passed language variant must be one of the constant values defined in // this package. func Variant(l LangVariant) ParserOption { switch l { case LangBash, LangPOSIX, LangMirBSDKorn, LangBats: case LangAuto: panic("LangAuto is not supported by the parser at this time") default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown shell language variant: %d", l)) } return func(p *Parser) { p.lang = l } } func (l LangVariant) String() string { switch l { case LangBash: return "bash" case LangPOSIX: return "posix" case LangMirBSDKorn: return "mksh" case LangBats: return "bats" case LangAuto: return "auto" } return "unknown shell language variant" } func (l *LangVariant) Set(s string) error { switch s { case "bash": *l = LangBash case "posix", "sh": *l = LangPOSIX case "mksh": *l = LangMirBSDKorn case "bats": *l = LangBats case "auto": *l = LangAuto default: return fmt.Errorf("unknown shell language variant: %q", s) } return nil } func (l LangVariant) isBash() bool { return l == LangBash || l == LangBats } // StopAt configures the lexer to stop at an arbitrary word, treating it // as if it were the end of the input. It can contain any characters // except whitespace, and cannot be over four bytes in size. // // This can be useful to embed shell code within another language, as // one can use a special word to mark the delimiters between the two. // // As a word, it will only apply when following whitespace or a // separating token. For example, StopAt("$$") will act on the inputs // "foo $$" and "foo;$$", but not on "foo '$$'". // // The match is done by prefix, so the example above will also act on // "foo $$bar". func StopAt(word string) ParserOption { if len(word) > 4 { panic("stop word can't be over four bytes in size") } if strings.ContainsAny(word, " \t\n\r") { panic("stop word can't contain whitespace characters") } return func(p *Parser) { p.stopAt = []byte(word) } } // NewParser allocates a new [Parser] and applies any number of options. func NewParser(options ...ParserOption) *Parser { p := &Parser{} for _, opt := range options { opt(p) } return p } // Parse reads and parses a shell program with an optional name. It // returns the parsed program if no issues were encountered. Otherwise, // an error is returned. Reads from r are buffered. // // Parse can be called more than once, but not concurrently. That is, a // Parser can be reused once it is done working. func (p *Parser) Parse(r io.Reader, name string) (*File, error) { p.reset() p.f = &File{Name: name} p.src = r p.rune() p.f.Stmts, p.f.Last = p.stmtList() if p.err == nil { // EOF immediately after heredoc word so no newline to // trigger it p.doHeredocs() } return p.f, p.err } // Stmts reads and parses statements one at a time, calling a function // each time one is parsed. If the function returns false, parsing is // stopped and the function is not called again. func (p *Parser) Stmts(r io.Reader, fn func(*Stmt) bool) error { p.reset() p.f = &File{} p.src = r p.rune() p.stmts(fn) if p.err == nil { // EOF immediately after heredoc word so no newline to // trigger it p.doHeredocs() } return p.err } type wrappedReader struct { *Parser io.Reader lastLine int64 accumulated []*Stmt fn func([]*Stmt) bool } func (w *wrappedReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { // If we lexed a newline for the first time, we just finished a line, so // we may need to give a callback for the edge cases below not covered // by Parser.Stmts. if (w.r == '\n' || w.r == escNewl) && w.line > w.lastLine { if w.Incomplete() { // Incomplete statement; call back to print "> ". if !w.fn(w.accumulated) { return 0, io.EOF } } else if len(w.accumulated) == 0 { // Nothing was parsed; call back to print another "$ ". if !w.fn(nil) { return 0, io.EOF } } w.lastLine = w.line } return w.Reader.Read(p) } // Interactive implements what is necessary to parse statements in an // interactive shell. The parser will call the given function under two // circumstances outlined below. // // If a line containing any number of statements is parsed, the function will be // called with said statements. // // If a line ending in an incomplete statement is parsed, the function will be // called with any fully parsed statements, and [Parser.Incomplete] will return true. // // One can imagine a simple interactive shell implementation as follows: // // fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "$ ") // parser.Interactive(os.Stdin, func(stmts []*syntax.Stmt) bool { // if parser.Incomplete() { // fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "> ") // return true // } // run(stmts) // fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "$ ") // return true // } // // If the callback function returns false, parsing is stopped and the function // is not called again. func (p *Parser) Interactive(r io.Reader, fn func([]*Stmt) bool) error { w := wrappedReader{Parser: p, Reader: r, fn: fn} return p.Stmts(&w, func(stmt *Stmt) bool { w.accumulated = append(w.accumulated, stmt) // We finished parsing a statement and we're at a newline token, // so we finished fully parsing a number of statements. Call // back to run the statements and print "$ ". if p.tok == _Newl { if !fn(w.accumulated) { return false } w.accumulated = w.accumulated[:0] // The callback above would already print "$ ", so we // don't want the subsequent wrappedReader.Read to cause // another "$ " print thinking that nothing was parsed. w.lastLine = w.line + 1 } return true }) } // Words reads and parses words one at a time, calling a function each time one // is parsed. If the function returns false, parsing is stopped and the function // is not called again. // // Newlines are skipped, meaning that multi-line input will work fine. If the // parser encounters a token that isn't a word, such as a semicolon, an error // will be returned. // // Note that the lexer doesn't currently tokenize spaces, so it may need to read // a non-space byte such as a newline or a letter before finishing the parsing // of a word. This will be fixed in the future. func (p *Parser) Words(r io.Reader, fn func(*Word) bool) error { p.reset() p.f = &File{} p.src = r p.rune() for { w := p.getWord() if w == nil { if p.tok != _EOF { p.curErr("%s is not a valid word", p.tok) } return p.err } if !fn(w) { return nil } } } // Document parses a single here-document word. That is, it parses the input as // if they were lines following a <<EOF redirection. // // In practice, this is the same as parsing the input as if it were within // double quotes, but without having to escape all double quote characters. // Similarly, the here-document word parsed here cannot be ended by any // delimiter other than reaching the end of the input. func (p *Parser) Document(r io.Reader) (*Word, error) { p.reset() p.f = &File{} p.src = r p.rune() p.quote = hdocBody p.hdocStops = [][]byte{[]byte("MVDAN_CC_SH_SYNTAX_EOF")} p.parsingDoc = true w := p.getWord() return w, p.err } // Arithmetic parses a single arithmetic expression. That is, as if the input // were within the $(( and )) tokens. func (p *Parser) Arithmetic(r io.Reader) (ArithmExpr, error) { p.reset() p.f = &File{} p.src = r p.rune() p.quote = arithmExpr expr := p.arithmExpr(false) return expr, p.err } // Parser holds the internal state of the parsing mechanism of a // program. type Parser struct { src io.Reader bs []byte // current chunk of read bytes bsp uint // pos within chunk for the rune after r; uint helps eliminate bounds checks r rune // next rune w int // width of r f *File spaced bool // whether tok has whitespace on its left err error // lexer/parser error readErr error // got a read error, but bytes left tok token // current token val string // current value (valid if tok is _Lit*) // position of r, to be converted to Parser.pos later offs, line, col int64 pos Pos // position of tok quote quoteState // current lexer state eqlOffs int // position of '=' in val (a literal) keepComments bool lang LangVariant stopAt []byte forbidNested bool // list of pending heredoc bodies buriedHdocs int heredocs []*Redirect hdocStops [][]byte // stack of end words for open heredocs parsingDoc bool // true if using Parser.Document // openStmts is how many entire statements we're currently parsing. A // non-zero number means that we require certain tokens or words before // reaching EOF. openStmts int // openBquotes is how many levels of backquotes are open at the moment. openBquotes int // lastBquoteEsc is how many times the last backquote token was escaped lastBquoteEsc int rxOpenParens int rxFirstPart bool accComs []Comment curComs *[]Comment litBatch []Lit wordBatch []wordAlloc readBuf [bufSize]byte litBuf [bufSize]byte litBs []byte } // Incomplete reports whether the parser is waiting to read more bytes because // it needs to finish properly parsing a statement. // // It is only safe to call while the parser is blocked on a read. For an example // use case, see [Parser.Interactive]. func (p *Parser) Incomplete() bool { // If we're in a quote state other than noState, we're parsing a node // such as a double-quoted string. // If there are any open statements, we need to finish them. // If we're constructing a literal, we need to finish it. return p.quote != noState || p.openStmts > 0 || p.litBs != nil } const bufSize = 1 << 10 func (p *Parser) reset() { p.tok, p.val = illegalTok, "" p.eqlOffs = 0, p.bsp = nil, 0 p.offs, p.line, p.col = 0, 1, 1 p.r, p.w = 0, 0 p.err, p.readErr = nil, nil p.quote, p.forbidNested = noState, false p.openStmts = 0 p.heredocs, p.buriedHdocs = p.heredocs[:0], 0 p.hdocStops = nil p.parsingDoc = false p.openBquotes = 0 p.accComs = nil p.accComs, p.curComs = nil, &p.accComs p.litBatch = nil p.wordBatch = nil p.litBs = nil } func (p *Parser) nextPos() Pos { // Basic protection against offset overflow; // note that an offset of 0 is valid, so we leave the maximum. offset := min(p.offs+int64(p.bsp)-int64(p.w), offsetMax) var line, col uint if p.line <= lineMax { line = uint(p.line) } if p.col <= colMax { col = uint(p.col) } return NewPos(uint(offset), line, col) } func (p *Parser) lit(pos Pos, val string) *Lit { if len(p.litBatch) == 0 { p.litBatch = make([]Lit, 32) } l := &p.litBatch[0] p.litBatch = p.litBatch[1:] l.ValuePos = pos l.ValueEnd = p.nextPos() l.Value = val return l } type wordAlloc struct { word Word parts [1]WordPart } func (p *Parser) wordAnyNumber() *Word { if len(p.wordBatch) == 0 { p.wordBatch = make([]wordAlloc, 32) } alloc := &p.wordBatch[0] p.wordBatch = p.wordBatch[1:] w := &alloc.word w.Parts = p.wordParts([:0]) return w } func (p *Parser) wordOne(part WordPart) *Word { if len(p.wordBatch) == 0 { p.wordBatch = make([]wordAlloc, 32) } alloc := &p.wordBatch[0] p.wordBatch = p.wordBatch[1:] w := &alloc.word w.Parts =[:1] w.Parts[0] = part return w } func (p *Parser) call(w *Word) *CallExpr { var alloc struct { ce CallExpr ws [4]*Word } ce := &alloc.ce ce.Args =[:1] ce.Args[0] = w return ce } //go:generate stringer -type=quoteState type quoteState uint32 const ( noState quoteState = 1 << iota subCmd subCmdBckquo dblQuotes hdocWord hdocBody hdocBodyTabs arithmExpr arithmExprLet arithmExprCmd arithmExprBrack testExpr testExprRegexp switchCase paramExpName paramExpSlice paramExpRepl paramExpExp arrayElems allKeepSpaces = paramExpRepl | dblQuotes | hdocBody | hdocBodyTabs | paramExpExp allRegTokens = noState | subCmd | subCmdBckquo | hdocWord | switchCase | arrayElems | testExpr allArithmExpr = arithmExpr | arithmExprLet | arithmExprCmd | arithmExprBrack | paramExpSlice allParamReg = paramExpName | paramExpSlice allParamExp = allParamReg | paramExpRepl | paramExpExp | arithmExprBrack ) type saveState struct { quote quoteState buriedHdocs int } func (p *Parser) preNested(quote quoteState) (s saveState) { s.quote, s.buriedHdocs = p.quote, p.buriedHdocs p.buriedHdocs, p.quote = len(p.heredocs), quote return } func (p *Parser) postNested(s saveState) { p.quote, p.buriedHdocs = s.quote, s.buriedHdocs } func (p *Parser) unquotedWordBytes(w *Word) ([]byte, bool) { buf := make([]byte, 0, 4) didUnquote := false for _, wp := range w.Parts { buf, didUnquote = p.unquotedWordPart(buf, wp, false) } return buf, didUnquote } func (p *Parser) unquotedWordPart(buf []byte, wp WordPart, quotes bool) (_ []byte, quoted bool) { switch wp := wp.(type) { case *Lit: for i := 0; i < len(wp.Value); i++ { if b := wp.Value[i]; b == '\\' && !quotes { if i++; i < len(wp.Value) { buf = append(buf, wp.Value[i]) } quoted = true } else { buf = append(buf, b) } } case *SglQuoted: buf = append(buf, []byte(wp.Value)...) quoted = true case *DblQuoted: for _, wp2 := range wp.Parts { buf, _ = p.unquotedWordPart(buf, wp2, true) } quoted = true } return buf, quoted } func (p *Parser) doHeredocs() { hdocs := p.heredocs[p.buriedHdocs:] if len(hdocs) == 0 { // Nothing do do; don't even issue a read. return } p.rune() // consume '\n', since we know p.tok == _Newl old := p.quote p.heredocs = p.heredocs[:p.buriedHdocs] for i, r := range hdocs { if p.err != nil { break } p.quote = hdocBody if r.Op == DashHdoc { p.quote = hdocBodyTabs } stop, quoted := p.unquotedWordBytes(r.Word) p.hdocStops = append(p.hdocStops, stop) if i > 0 && p.r == '\n' { p.rune() } lastLine := p.line if quoted { r.Hdoc = p.quotedHdocWord() } else { r.Hdoc = p.getWord() } if r.Hdoc != nil { lastLine = int64(r.Hdoc.End().Line()) } if lastLine < p.line { // TODO: It seems like this triggers more often than it // should. Look into it. l := p.lit(p.nextPos(), "") if r.Hdoc == nil { r.Hdoc = p.wordOne(l) } else { r.Hdoc.Parts = append(r.Hdoc.Parts, l) } } if stop := p.hdocStops[len(p.hdocStops)-1]; stop != nil { p.posErr(r.Pos(), "unclosed here-document '%s'", stop) } p.hdocStops = p.hdocStops[:len(p.hdocStops)-1] } p.quote = old } func (p *Parser) got(tok token) bool { if p.tok == tok { return true } return false } func (p *Parser) gotRsrv(val string) (Pos, bool) { pos := p.pos if p.tok == _LitWord && p.val == val { return pos, true } return pos, false } func readableStr(s string) string { // don't quote tokens like & or } if s != "" && s[0] >= 'a' && s[0] <= 'z' { return strconv.Quote(s) } return s } func (p *Parser) followErr(pos Pos, left, right string) { leftStr := readableStr(left) p.posErr(pos, "%s must be followed by %s", leftStr, right) } func (p *Parser) followErrExp(pos Pos, left string) { p.followErr(pos, left, "an expression") } func (p *Parser) follow(lpos Pos, left string, tok token) { if ! { p.followErr(lpos, left, tok.String()) } } func (p *Parser) followRsrv(lpos Pos, left, val string) Pos { pos, ok := p.gotRsrv(val) if !ok { p.followErr(lpos, left, fmt.Sprintf("%q", val)) } return pos } func (p *Parser) followStmts(left string, lpos Pos, stops ...string) ([]*Stmt, []Comment) { if { return nil, nil } newLine := stmts, last := p.stmtList(stops...) if len(stmts) < 1 && !newLine { p.followErr(lpos, left, "a statement list") } return stmts, last } func (p *Parser) followWordTok(tok token, pos Pos) *Word { w := p.getWord() if w == nil { p.followErr(pos, tok.String(), "a word") } return w } func (p *Parser) stmtEnd(n Node, start, end string) Pos { pos, ok := p.gotRsrv(end) if !ok { p.posErr(n.Pos(), "%s statement must end with %q", start, end) } return pos } func (p *Parser) quoteErr(lpos Pos, quote token) { p.posErr(lpos, "reached %s without closing quote %s", p.tok.String(), quote) } func (p *Parser) matchingErr(lpos Pos, left, right any) { p.posErr(lpos, "reached %s without matching %s with %s", p.tok.String(), left, right) } func (p *Parser) matched(lpos Pos, left, right token) Pos { pos := p.pos if ! { p.matchingErr(lpos, left, right) } return pos } func (p *Parser) errPass(err error) { if p.err == nil { p.err = err p.bsp = uint(len( + 1 p.r = utf8.RuneSelf p.w = 1 p.tok = _EOF } } // IsIncomplete reports whether a Parser error could have been avoided with // extra input bytes. For example, if an [io.EOF] was encountered while there was // an unclosed quote or parenthesis. func IsIncomplete(err error) bool { perr, ok := err.(ParseError) return ok && perr.Incomplete } // IsKeyword returns true if the given word is part of the language keywords. func IsKeyword(word string) bool { // This list has been copied from the bash 5.1 source code, file +4460 switch word { case "!", "[[", // only if COND_COMMAND is defined "]]", // only if COND_COMMAND is defined "case", "coproc", // only if COPROCESS_SUPPORT is defined "do", "done", "else", "esac", "fi", "for", "function", "if", "in", "select", // only if SELECT_COMMAND is defined "then", "time", // only if COMMAND_TIMING is defined "until", "while", "{", "}": return true } return false } // ParseError represents an error found when parsing a source file, from which // the parser cannot recover. type ParseError struct { Filename string Pos Pos Text string Incomplete bool } func (e ParseError) Error() string { if e.Filename == "" { return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", e.Pos.String(), e.Text) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s: %s", e.Filename, e.Pos.String(), e.Text) } // LangError is returned when the parser encounters code that is only valid in // other shell language variants. The error includes what feature is not present // in the current language variant, and what languages support it. type LangError struct { Filename string Pos Pos Feature string Langs []LangVariant } func (e LangError) Error() string { var sb strings.Builder if e.Filename != "" { sb.WriteString(e.Filename + ":") } sb.WriteString(e.Pos.String() + ": ") sb.WriteString(e.Feature) if strings.HasSuffix(e.Feature, "s") { sb.WriteString(" are a ") } else { sb.WriteString(" is a ") } for i, lang := range e.Langs { if i > 0 { sb.WriteString("/") } sb.WriteString(lang.String()) } sb.WriteString(" feature") return sb.String() } func (p *Parser) posErr(pos Pos, format string, a ...any) { p.errPass(ParseError{ Filename: p.f.Name, Pos: pos, Text: fmt.Sprintf(format, a...), Incomplete: p.tok == _EOF && p.Incomplete(), }) } func (p *Parser) curErr(format string, a ...any) { p.posErr(p.pos, format, a...) } func (p *Parser) langErr(pos Pos, feature string, langs ...LangVariant) { p.errPass(LangError{ Filename: p.f.Name, Pos: pos, Feature: feature, Langs: langs, }) } func (p *Parser) stmts(fn func(*Stmt) bool, stops ...string) { gotEnd := true loop: for p.tok != _EOF { newLine := switch p.tok { case _LitWord: for _, stop := range stops { if p.val == stop { break loop } } case rightParen: if p.quote == subCmd { break loop } case bckQuote: if p.backquoteEnd() { break loop } case dblSemicolon, semiAnd, dblSemiAnd, semiOr: if p.quote == switchCase { break loop } p.curErr("%s can only be used in a case clause", p.tok) } if !newLine && !gotEnd { p.curErr("statements must be separated by &, ; or a newline") } if p.tok == _EOF { break } p.openStmts++ s := p.getStmt(true, false, false) p.openStmts-- if s == nil { p.invalidStmtStart() break } gotEnd = s.Semicolon.IsValid() if !fn(s) { break } } } func (p *Parser) stmtList(stops ...string) ([]*Stmt, []Comment) { var stmts []*Stmt var last []Comment fn := func(s *Stmt) bool { stmts = append(stmts, s) return true } p.stmts(fn, stops...) split := len(p.accComs) if p.tok == _LitWord && (p.val == "elif" || p.val == "else" || p.val == "fi") { // Split the comments, so that any aligned with an opening token // get attached to it. For example: // // if foo; then // # inside the body // # document the else // else // fi // TODO(mvdan): look into deduplicating this with similar logic // in caseItems. for i := len(p.accComs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { c := p.accComs[i] if c.Pos().Col() != p.pos.Col() { break } split = i } } if split > 0 { // keep last nil if empty last = p.accComs[:split] } p.accComs = p.accComs[split:] return stmts, last } func (p *Parser) invalidStmtStart() { switch p.tok { case semicolon, and, or, andAnd, orOr: p.curErr("%s can only immediately follow a statement", p.tok) case rightParen: p.curErr("%s can only be used to close a subshell", p.tok) default: p.curErr("%s is not a valid start for a statement", p.tok) } } func (p *Parser) getWord() *Word { if w := p.wordAnyNumber(); len(w.Parts) > 0 && p.err == nil { return w } return nil } func (p *Parser) getLit() *Lit { switch p.tok { case _Lit, _LitWord, _LitRedir: l := p.lit(p.pos, p.val) return l } return nil } func (p *Parser) wordParts(wps []WordPart) []WordPart { for { n := p.wordPart() if n == nil { if len(wps) == 0 { return nil // normalize empty lists into nil } return wps } wps = append(wps, n) if p.spaced { return wps } } } func (p *Parser) ensureNoNested() { if p.forbidNested { p.curErr("expansions not allowed in heredoc words") } } func (p *Parser) wordPart() WordPart { switch p.tok { case _Lit, _LitWord, _LitRedir: l := p.lit(p.pos, p.val) return l case dollBrace: p.ensureNoNested() switch p.r { case '|': if p.lang != LangMirBSDKorn { p.curErr(`"${|stmts;}" is a mksh feature`) } fallthrough case ' ', '\t', '\n': if p.lang != LangMirBSDKorn { p.curErr(`"${ stmts;}" is a mksh feature`) } cs := &CmdSubst{ Left: p.pos, TempFile: p.r != '|', ReplyVar: p.r == '|', } old := p.preNested(subCmd) p.rune() // don't tokenize '|' cs.Stmts, cs.Last = p.stmtList("}") p.postNested(old) pos, ok := p.gotRsrv("}") if !ok { p.matchingErr(cs.Left, "${", "}") } cs.Right = pos return cs default: return p.paramExp() } case dollDblParen, dollBrack: p.ensureNoNested() left := p.tok ar := &ArithmExp{Left: p.pos, Bracket: left == dollBrack} var old saveState if ar.Bracket { old = p.preNested(arithmExprBrack) } else { old = p.preNested(arithmExpr) } if { if p.lang != LangMirBSDKorn { p.langErr(ar.Pos(), "unsigned expressions", LangMirBSDKorn) } ar.Unsigned = true } ar.X = p.followArithm(left, ar.Left) if ar.Bracket { if p.tok != rightBrack { p.arithmMatchingErr(ar.Left, dollBrack, rightBrack) } p.postNested(old) ar.Right = p.pos } else { ar.Right = p.arithmEnd(dollDblParen, ar.Left, old) } return ar case dollParen: p.ensureNoNested() cs := &CmdSubst{Left: p.pos} old := p.preNested(subCmd) cs.Stmts, cs.Last = p.stmtList() p.postNested(old) cs.Right = p.matched(cs.Left, leftParen, rightParen) return cs case dollar: r := p.r switch { case singleRuneParam(r): p.tok, p.val = _LitWord, string(r) p.rune() case 'a' <= r && r <= 'z', 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z', '0' <= r && r <= '9', r == '_', r == '\\': p.advanceNameCont(r) default: l := p.lit(p.pos, "$") return l } p.ensureNoNested() pe := &ParamExp{Dollar: p.pos, Short: true} p.pos = posAddCol(p.pos, 1) pe.Param = p.getLit() if pe.Param != nil && pe.Param.Value == "" { l := p.lit(pe.Dollar, "$") // e.g. "$\\\"" within double quotes, so we must // keep the rest of the literal characters. l.ValueEnd = posAddCol(l.ValuePos, 1) return l } return pe case cmdIn, cmdOut: p.ensureNoNested() ps := &ProcSubst{Op: ProcOperator(p.tok), OpPos: p.pos} old := p.preNested(subCmd) ps.Stmts, ps.Last = p.stmtList() p.postNested(old) ps.Rparen = p.matched(ps.OpPos, token(ps.Op), rightParen) return ps case sglQuote, dollSglQuote: sq := &SglQuoted{Left: p.pos, Dollar: p.tok == dollSglQuote} r := p.r for p.newLit(r); ; r = p.rune() { switch r { case '\\': if sq.Dollar { p.rune() } case '\'': sq.Right = p.nextPos() sq.Value = p.endLit() p.rune() return sq case escNewl: p.litBs = append(p.litBs, '\\', '\n') case utf8.RuneSelf: p.tok = _EOF p.quoteErr(sq.Pos(), sglQuote) return nil } } case dblQuote, dollDblQuote: if p.quote == dblQuotes { // p.tok == dblQuote, as "foo$" puts $ in the lit return nil } return p.dblQuoted() case bckQuote: if p.backquoteEnd() { return nil } p.ensureNoNested() cs := &CmdSubst{Left: p.pos, Backquotes: true} old := p.preNested(subCmdBckquo) p.openBquotes++ // The lexer didn't call p.rune for us, so that it could have // the right p.openBquotes to properly handle backslashes. p.rune() cs.Stmts, cs.Last = p.stmtList() if p.tok == bckQuote && p.lastBquoteEsc < p.openBquotes-1 { // e.g. found ` before the nested backquote \` was closed. p.tok = _EOF p.quoteErr(cs.Pos(), bckQuote) } p.postNested(old) p.openBquotes-- cs.Right = p.pos // Like above, the lexer didn't call p.rune for us. p.rune() if ! { p.quoteErr(cs.Pos(), bckQuote) } return cs case globQuest, globStar, globPlus, globAt, globExcl: if p.lang == LangPOSIX { p.langErr(p.pos, "extended globs", LangBash, LangMirBSDKorn) } eg := &ExtGlob{Op: GlobOperator(p.tok), OpPos: p.pos} lparens := 1 r := p.r globLoop: for p.newLit(r); ; r = p.rune() { switch r { case utf8.RuneSelf: break globLoop case '(': lparens++ case ')': if lparens--; lparens == 0 { break globLoop } } } eg.Pattern = p.lit(posAddCol(eg.OpPos, 2), p.endLit()) p.rune() if lparens != 0 { p.matchingErr(eg.OpPos, eg.Op, rightParen) } return eg default: return nil } } func (p *Parser) dblQuoted() *DblQuoted { alloc := &struct { quoted DblQuoted parts [1]WordPart }{ quoted: DblQuoted{Left: p.pos, Dollar: p.tok == dollDblQuote}, } q := &alloc.quoted old := p.quote p.quote = dblQuotes q.Parts = p.wordParts([:0]) p.quote = old q.Right = p.pos if ! { p.quoteErr(q.Pos(), dblQuote) } return q } func singleRuneParam(r rune) bool { switch r { case '@', '*', '#', '$', '?', '!', '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9': return true } return false } func (p *Parser) paramExp() *ParamExp { pe := &ParamExp{Dollar: p.pos} old := p.quote p.quote = paramExpName if p.r == '#' { p.tok = hash p.pos = p.nextPos() p.rune() } else { } switch p.tok { case hash: if paramNameOp(p.r) { pe.Length = true } case perc: if p.lang != LangMirBSDKorn { p.posErr(pe.Pos(), `"${%%foo}" is a mksh feature`) } if paramNameOp(p.r) { pe.Width = true } case exclMark: if paramNameOp(p.r) { pe.Excl = true } } op := p.tok switch p.tok { case _Lit, _LitWord: if !numberLiteral(p.val) && !ValidName(p.val) { p.curErr("invalid parameter name") } pe.Param = p.lit(p.pos, p.val) case quest, minus: if pe.Length && p.r != '}' { // actually ${#-default}, not ${#-}; fix the ambiguity pe.Length = false pe.Param = p.lit(posAddCol(p.pos, -1), "#") pe.Param.ValueEnd = p.pos break } fallthrough case at, star, hash, exclMark, dollar: pe.Param = p.lit(p.pos, p.tok.String()) default: p.curErr("parameter expansion requires a literal") } switch p.tok { case _Lit, _LitWord: p.curErr("%s cannot be followed by a word", op) case rightBrace: if pe.Excl && p.lang == LangPOSIX { p.posErr(pe.Pos(), `"${!foo}" is a bash/mksh feature`) } pe.Rbrace = p.pos p.quote = old return pe case leftBrack: if p.lang == LangPOSIX { p.langErr(p.pos, "arrays", LangBash, LangMirBSDKorn) } if !ValidName(pe.Param.Value) { p.curErr("cannot index a special parameter name") } pe.Index = p.eitherIndex() } if p.tok == rightBrace { pe.Rbrace = p.pos p.quote = old return pe } if p.tok != _EOF && (pe.Length || pe.Width) { p.curErr("cannot combine multiple parameter expansion operators") } switch p.tok { case slash, dblSlash: // pattern search and replace if p.lang == LangPOSIX { p.langErr(p.pos, "search and replace", LangBash, LangMirBSDKorn) } pe.Repl = &Replace{All: p.tok == dblSlash} p.quote = paramExpRepl pe.Repl.Orig = p.getWord() p.quote = paramExpExp if { pe.Repl.With = p.getWord() } case colon: // slicing if p.lang == LangPOSIX { p.langErr(p.pos, "slicing", LangBash, LangMirBSDKorn) } pe.Slice = &Slice{} colonPos := p.pos p.quote = paramExpSlice if; p.tok != colon { pe.Slice.Offset = p.followArithm(colon, colonPos) } colonPos = p.pos if { pe.Slice.Length = p.followArithm(colon, colonPos) } // Need to use a different matched style so arithm errors // get reported correctly p.quote = old pe.Rbrace = p.pos p.matchedArithm(pe.Dollar, dollBrace, rightBrace) return pe case caret, dblCaret, comma, dblComma: // upper/lower case if !p.lang.isBash() { p.langErr(p.pos, "this expansion operator", LangBash) } pe.Exp = p.paramExpExp() case at, star: switch { case p.tok == at && p.lang == LangPOSIX: p.langErr(p.pos, "this expansion operator", LangBash, LangMirBSDKorn) case p.tok == star && !pe.Excl: p.curErr("not a valid parameter expansion operator: %v", p.tok) case pe.Excl && p.r == '}': if !p.lang.isBash() { p.posErr(pe.Pos(), `"${!foo%s}" is a bash feature`, p.tok) } pe.Names = ParNamesOperator(p.tok) default: pe.Exp = p.paramExpExp() } case plus, colPlus, minus, colMinus, quest, colQuest, assgn, colAssgn, perc, dblPerc, hash, dblHash: pe.Exp = p.paramExpExp() case _EOF: default: p.curErr("not a valid parameter expansion operator: %v", p.tok) } p.quote = old pe.Rbrace = p.matched(pe.Dollar, dollBrace, rightBrace) return pe } func (p *Parser) paramExpExp() *Expansion { op := ParExpOperator(p.tok) p.quote = paramExpExp if op == OtherParamOps { switch p.tok { case _Lit, _LitWord: default: p.curErr("@ expansion operator requires a literal") } switch p.val { case "a", "k", "u", "A", "E", "K", "L", "P", "U": if !p.lang.isBash() { p.langErr(p.pos, "this expansion operator", LangBash) } case "#": if p.lang != LangMirBSDKorn { p.langErr(p.pos, "this expansion operator", LangMirBSDKorn) } case "Q": default: p.curErr("invalid @ expansion operator %q", p.val) } } return &Expansion{Op: op, Word: p.getWord()} } func (p *Parser) eitherIndex() ArithmExpr { old := p.quote lpos := p.pos p.quote = arithmExprBrack if p.tok == star || p.tok == at { p.tok, p.val = _LitWord, p.tok.String() } expr := p.followArithm(leftBrack, lpos) p.quote = old p.matchedArithm(lpos, leftBrack, rightBrack) return expr } func (p *Parser) stopToken() bool { switch p.tok { case _EOF, _Newl, semicolon, and, or, andAnd, orOr, orAnd, dblSemicolon, semiAnd, dblSemiAnd, semiOr, rightParen: return true case bckQuote: return p.backquoteEnd() } return false } func (p *Parser) backquoteEnd() bool { return p.lastBquoteEsc < p.openBquotes } // ValidName returns whether val is a valid name as per the POSIX spec. func ValidName(val string) bool { if val == "" { return false } for i, r := range val { switch { case 'a' <= r && r <= 'z': case 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z': case r == '_': case i > 0 && '0' <= r && r <= '9': default: return false } } return true } func numberLiteral(val string) bool { for _, r := range val { if '0' > r || r > '9' { return false } } return true } func (p *Parser) hasValidIdent() bool { if p.tok != _Lit && p.tok != _LitWord { return false } if end := p.eqlOffs; end > 0 { if p.val[end-1] == '+' && p.lang != LangPOSIX { end-- // a+=x } if ValidName(p.val[:end]) { return true } } else if !ValidName(p.val) { return false // *[i]=x } return p.r == '[' // a[i]=x } func (p *Parser) getAssign(needEqual bool) *Assign { as := &Assign{} if p.eqlOffs > 0 { // foo=bar nameEnd := p.eqlOffs if p.lang != LangPOSIX && p.val[p.eqlOffs-1] == '+' { // a+=b as.Append = true nameEnd-- } as.Name = p.lit(p.pos, p.val[:nameEnd]) // since we're not using the entire p.val as.Name.ValueEnd = posAddCol(as.Name.ValuePos, nameEnd) left := p.lit(posAddCol(p.pos, 1), p.val[p.eqlOffs+1:]) if left.Value != "" { left.ValuePos = posAddCol(left.ValuePos, p.eqlOffs) as.Value = p.wordOne(left) } } else { // foo[x]=bar as.Name = p.lit(p.pos, p.val) // hasValidIdent already checks p.r is '[' p.rune() p.pos = posAddCol(p.pos, 1) as.Index = p.eitherIndex() if p.spaced || p.stopToken() { if needEqual { p.followErr(as.Pos(), "a[b]", "=") } else { as.Naked = true return as } } if len(p.val) > 0 && p.val[0] == '+' { as.Append = true p.val = p.val[1:] p.pos = posAddCol(p.pos, 1) } if len(p.val) < 1 || p.val[0] != '=' { if as.Append { p.followErr(as.Pos(), "a[b]+", "=") } else { p.followErr(as.Pos(), "a[b]", "=") } return nil } p.pos = posAddCol(p.pos, 1) p.val = p.val[1:] if p.val == "" { } } if p.spaced || p.stopToken() { return as } if as.Value == nil && p.tok == leftParen { if p.lang == LangPOSIX { p.langErr(p.pos, "arrays", LangBash, LangMirBSDKorn) } if as.Index != nil { p.curErr("arrays cannot be nested") } as.Array = &ArrayExpr{Lparen: p.pos} newQuote := p.quote if p.lang.isBash() { newQuote = arrayElems } old := p.preNested(newQuote) for p.tok != _EOF && p.tok != rightParen { ae := &ArrayElem{} ae.Comments, p.accComs = p.accComs, nil if p.tok == leftBrack { left := p.pos ae.Index = p.eitherIndex() p.follow(left, `"[x]"`, assgn) } if ae.Value = p.getWord(); ae.Value == nil { switch p.tok { case leftParen: p.curErr("arrays cannot be nested") return nil case _Newl, rightParen, leftBrack: // TODO: support [index]=[ default: p.curErr("array element values must be words") return nil } } if len(p.accComs) > 0 { c := p.accComs[0] if c.Pos().Line() == ae.End().Line() { ae.Comments = append(ae.Comments, c) p.accComs = p.accComs[1:] } } as.Array.Elems = append(as.Array.Elems, ae) } as.Array.Last, p.accComs = p.accComs, nil p.postNested(old) as.Array.Rparen = p.matched(as.Array.Lparen, leftParen, rightParen) } else if w := p.getWord(); w != nil { if as.Value == nil { as.Value = w } else { as.Value.Parts = append(as.Value.Parts, w.Parts...) } } return as } func (p *Parser) peekRedir() bool { switch p.tok { case rdrOut, appOut, rdrIn, dplIn, dplOut, clbOut, rdrInOut, hdoc, dashHdoc, wordHdoc, rdrAll, appAll, _LitRedir: return true } return false } func (p *Parser) doRedirect(s *Stmt) { var r *Redirect if s.Redirs == nil { var alloc struct { redirs [4]*Redirect redir Redirect } s.Redirs = alloc.redirs[:0] r = &alloc.redir s.Redirs = append(s.Redirs, r) } else { r = &Redirect{} s.Redirs = append(s.Redirs, r) } r.N = p.getLit() if !p.lang.isBash() && r.N != nil && r.N.Value[0] == '{' { p.langErr(r.N.Pos(), "{varname} redirects", LangBash) } if p.lang == LangPOSIX && (p.tok == rdrAll || p.tok == appAll) { p.langErr(p.pos, "&> redirects", LangBash, LangMirBSDKorn) } r.Op, r.OpPos = RedirOperator(p.tok), p.pos switch r.Op { case Hdoc, DashHdoc: old := p.quote p.quote, p.forbidNested = hdocWord, true p.heredocs = append(p.heredocs, r) r.Word = p.followWordTok(token(r.Op), r.OpPos) p.quote, p.forbidNested = old, false if p.tok == _Newl { if len(p.accComs) > 0 { c := p.accComs[0] if c.Pos().Line() == s.End().Line() { s.Comments = append(s.Comments, c) p.accComs = p.accComs[1:] } } p.doHeredocs() } case WordHdoc: if p.lang == LangPOSIX { p.langErr(r.OpPos, "herestrings", LangBash, LangMirBSDKorn) } fallthrough default: r.Word = p.followWordTok(token(r.Op), r.OpPos) } } func (p *Parser) getStmt(readEnd, binCmd, fnBody bool) *Stmt { pos, ok := p.gotRsrv("!") s := &Stmt{Position: pos} if ok { s.Negated = true if p.stopToken() { p.posErr(s.Pos(), `"!" cannot form a statement alone`) } if _, ok := p.gotRsrv("!"); ok { p.posErr(s.Pos(), `cannot negate a command multiple times`) } } if s = p.gotStmtPipe(s, false); s == nil || p.err != nil { return nil } // instead of using recursion, iterate manually for p.tok == andAnd || p.tok == orOr { if binCmd { // left associativity: in a list of BinaryCmds, the // right recursion should only read a single element return s } b := &BinaryCmd{ OpPos: p.pos, Op: BinCmdOperator(p.tok), X: s, } b.Y = p.getStmt(false, true, false) if b.Y == nil || p.err != nil { p.followErr(b.OpPos, b.Op.String(), "a statement") return nil } s = &Stmt{Position: s.Position} s.Cmd = b s.Comments, b.X.Comments = b.X.Comments, nil } if readEnd { switch p.tok { case semicolon: s.Semicolon = p.pos case and: s.Semicolon = p.pos s.Background = true case orAnd: s.Semicolon = p.pos s.Coprocess = true } } if len(p.accComs) > 0 && !binCmd && !fnBody { c := p.accComs[0] if c.Pos().Line() == s.End().Line() { s.Comments = append(s.Comments, c) p.accComs = p.accComs[1:] } } return s } func (p *Parser) gotStmtPipe(s *Stmt, binCmd bool) *Stmt { s.Comments, p.accComs = p.accComs, nil switch p.tok { case _LitWord: switch p.val { case "{": p.block(s) case "if": p.ifClause(s) case "while", "until": p.whileClause(s, p.val == "until") case "for": p.forClause(s) case "case": p.caseClause(s) case "}": p.curErr(`%q can only be used to close a block`, p.val) case "then": p.curErr(`%q can only be used in an if`, p.val) case "elif": p.curErr(`%q can only be used in an if`, p.val) case "fi": p.curErr(`%q can only be used to end an if`, p.val) case "do": p.curErr(`%q can only be used in a loop`, p.val) case "done": p.curErr(`%q can only be used to end a loop`, p.val) case "esac": p.curErr(`%q can only be used to end a case`, p.val) case "!": if !s.Negated { p.curErr(`"!" can only be used in full statements`) break } case "[[": if p.lang != LangPOSIX { p.testClause(s) } case "]]": if p.lang != LangPOSIX { p.curErr(`%q can only be used to close a test`, p.val) } case "let": if p.lang != LangPOSIX { p.letClause(s) } case "function": if p.lang != LangPOSIX { p.bashFuncDecl(s) } case "declare": if p.lang.isBash() { // Note that mksh lacks this one. p.declClause(s) } case "local", "export", "readonly", "typeset", "nameref": if p.lang != LangPOSIX { p.declClause(s) } case "time": if p.lang != LangPOSIX { p.timeClause(s) } case "coproc": if p.lang.isBash() { // Note that mksh lacks this one. p.coprocClause(s) } case "select": if p.lang != LangPOSIX { p.selectClause(s) } case "@test": if p.lang == LangBats { p.testDecl(s) } } if s.Cmd != nil { break } if p.hasValidIdent() { p.callExpr(s, nil, true) break } name := p.lit(p.pos, p.val) if; { p.follow(name.ValuePos, "foo(", rightParen) if p.lang == LangPOSIX && !ValidName(name.Value) { p.posErr(name.Pos(), "invalid func name") } p.funcDecl(s, name, name.ValuePos, true) } else { p.callExpr(s, p.wordOne(name), false) } case rdrOut, appOut, rdrIn, dplIn, dplOut, clbOut, rdrInOut, hdoc, dashHdoc, wordHdoc, rdrAll, appAll, _LitRedir: p.doRedirect(s) p.callExpr(s, nil, false) case bckQuote: if p.backquoteEnd() { return nil } fallthrough case _Lit, dollBrace, dollDblParen, dollParen, dollar, cmdIn, cmdOut, sglQuote, dollSglQuote, dblQuote, dollDblQuote, dollBrack, globQuest, globStar, globPlus, globAt, globExcl: if p.hasValidIdent() { p.callExpr(s, nil, true) break } w := p.wordAnyNumber() if { p.posErr(w.Pos(), "invalid func name") } p.callExpr(s, w, false) case leftParen: p.subshell(s) case dblLeftParen: p.arithmExpCmd(s) default: if len(s.Redirs) == 0 { return nil } } for p.peekRedir() { p.doRedirect(s) } // instead of using recursion, iterate manually for p.tok == or || p.tok == orAnd { if binCmd { // left associativity: in a list of BinaryCmds, the // right recursion should only read a single element return s } if p.tok == orAnd && p.lang == LangMirBSDKorn { // No need to check for LangPOSIX, as on that language // we parse |& as two tokens. break } b := &BinaryCmd{OpPos: p.pos, Op: BinCmdOperator(p.tok), X: s} if b.Y = p.gotStmtPipe(&Stmt{Position: p.pos}, true); b.Y == nil || p.err != nil { p.followErr(b.OpPos, b.Op.String(), "a statement") break } s = &Stmt{Position: s.Position} s.Cmd = b s.Comments, b.X.Comments = b.X.Comments, nil // in "! x | y", the bang applies to the entire pipeline s.Negated = b.X.Negated b.X.Negated = false } return s } func (p *Parser) subshell(s *Stmt) { sub := &Subshell{Lparen: p.pos} old := p.preNested(subCmd) sub.Stmts, sub.Last = p.stmtList() p.postNested(old) sub.Rparen = p.matched(sub.Lparen, leftParen, rightParen) s.Cmd = sub } func (p *Parser) arithmExpCmd(s *Stmt) { ar := &ArithmCmd{Left: p.pos} old := p.preNested(arithmExprCmd) if { if p.lang != LangMirBSDKorn { p.langErr(ar.Pos(), "unsigned expressions", LangMirBSDKorn) } ar.Unsigned = true } ar.X = p.followArithm(dblLeftParen, ar.Left) ar.Right = p.arithmEnd(dblLeftParen, ar.Left, old) s.Cmd = ar } func (p *Parser) block(s *Stmt) { b := &Block{Lbrace: p.pos} b.Stmts, b.Last = p.stmtList("}") pos, ok := p.gotRsrv("}") b.Rbrace = pos if !ok { p.matchingErr(b.Lbrace, "{", "}") } s.Cmd = b } func (p *Parser) ifClause(s *Stmt) { rootIf := &IfClause{Position: p.pos} rootIf.Cond, rootIf.CondLast = p.followStmts("if", rootIf.Position, "then") rootIf.ThenPos = p.followRsrv(rootIf.Position, "if <cond>", "then") rootIf.Then, rootIf.ThenLast = p.followStmts("then", rootIf.ThenPos, "fi", "elif", "else") curIf := rootIf for p.tok == _LitWord && p.val == "elif" { elf := &IfClause{Position: p.pos} curIf.Last = p.accComs p.accComs = nil elf.Cond, elf.CondLast = p.followStmts("elif", elf.Position, "then") elf.ThenPos = p.followRsrv(elf.Position, "elif <cond>", "then") elf.Then, elf.ThenLast = p.followStmts("then", elf.ThenPos, "fi", "elif", "else") curIf.Else = elf curIf = elf } if elsePos, ok := p.gotRsrv("else"); ok { curIf.Last = p.accComs p.accComs = nil els := &IfClause{Position: elsePos} els.Then, els.ThenLast = p.followStmts("else", els.Position, "fi") curIf.Else = els curIf = els } curIf.Last = p.accComs p.accComs = nil rootIf.FiPos = p.stmtEnd(rootIf, "if", "fi") for els := rootIf.Else; els != nil; els = els.Else { // All the nested IfClauses share the same FiPos. els.FiPos = rootIf.FiPos } s.Cmd = rootIf } func (p *Parser) whileClause(s *Stmt, until bool) { wc := &WhileClause{WhilePos: p.pos, Until: until} rsrv := "while" rsrvCond := "while <cond>" if wc.Until { rsrv = "until" rsrvCond = "until <cond>" } wc.Cond, wc.CondLast = p.followStmts(rsrv, wc.WhilePos, "do") wc.DoPos = p.followRsrv(wc.WhilePos, rsrvCond, "do") wc.Do, wc.DoLast = p.followStmts("do", wc.DoPos, "done") wc.DonePos = p.stmtEnd(wc, rsrv, "done") s.Cmd = wc } func (p *Parser) forClause(s *Stmt) { fc := &ForClause{ForPos: p.pos} fc.Loop = p.loop(fc.ForPos) start, end := "do", "done" if pos, ok := p.gotRsrv("{"); ok { if p.lang == LangPOSIX { p.langErr(pos, "for loops with braces", LangBash, LangMirBSDKorn) } fc.DoPos = pos fc.Braces = true start, end = "{", "}" } else { fc.DoPos = p.followRsrv(fc.ForPos, "for foo [in words]", start) } s.Comments = append(s.Comments, p.accComs...) p.accComs = nil fc.Do, fc.DoLast = p.followStmts(start, fc.DoPos, end) fc.DonePos = p.stmtEnd(fc, "for", end) s.Cmd = fc } func (p *Parser) loop(fpos Pos) Loop { if !p.lang.isBash() { switch p.tok { case leftParen, dblLeftParen: p.langErr(p.pos, "c-style fors", LangBash) } } if p.tok == dblLeftParen { cl := &CStyleLoop{Lparen: p.pos} old := p.preNested(arithmExprCmd) cl.Init = p.arithmExpr(false) if ! { p.follow(p.pos, "expr", semicolon) cl.Cond = p.arithmExpr(false) p.follow(p.pos, "expr", semicolon) } cl.Post = p.arithmExpr(false) cl.Rparen = p.arithmEnd(dblLeftParen, cl.Lparen, old) return cl } return p.wordIter("for", fpos) } func (p *Parser) wordIter(ftok string, fpos Pos) *WordIter { wi := &WordIter{} if wi.Name = p.getLit(); wi.Name == nil { p.followErr(fpos, ftok, "a literal") } if { return wi } if pos, ok := p.gotRsrv("in"); ok { wi.InPos = pos for !p.stopToken() { if w := p.getWord(); w == nil { p.curErr("word list can only contain words") } else { wi.Items = append(wi.Items, w) } } } else if p.tok == _LitWord && p.val == "do" { } else { p.followErr(fpos, ftok+" foo", `"in", "do", ;, or a newline`) } return wi } func (p *Parser) selectClause(s *Stmt) { fc := &ForClause{ForPos: p.pos, Select: true} fc.Loop = p.wordIter("select", fc.ForPos) fc.DoPos = p.followRsrv(fc.ForPos, "select foo [in words]", "do") fc.Do, fc.DoLast = p.followStmts("do", fc.DoPos, "done") fc.DonePos = p.stmtEnd(fc, "select", "done") s.Cmd = fc } func (p *Parser) caseClause(s *Stmt) { cc := &CaseClause{Case: p.pos} cc.Word = p.getWord() if cc.Word == nil { p.followErr(cc.Case, "case", "a word") } end := "esac" if pos, ok := p.gotRsrv("{"); ok { cc.In = pos cc.Braces = true if p.lang != LangMirBSDKorn { p.posErr(cc.Pos(), `"case i {" is a mksh feature`) } end = "}" } else { cc.In = p.followRsrv(cc.Case, "case x", "in") } cc.Items = p.caseItems(end) cc.Last, p.accComs = p.accComs, nil cc.Esac = p.stmtEnd(cc, "case", end) s.Cmd = cc } func (p *Parser) caseItems(stop string) (items []*CaseItem) { for p.tok != _EOF && (p.tok != _LitWord || p.val != stop) { ci := &CaseItem{} ci.Comments, p.accComs = p.accComs, nil for p.tok != _EOF { if w := p.getWord(); w == nil { p.curErr("case patterns must consist of words") } else { ci.Patterns = append(ci.Patterns, w) } if p.tok == rightParen { break } if ! { p.curErr("case patterns must be separated with |") } } old := p.preNested(switchCase) ci.Stmts, ci.Last = p.stmtList(stop) p.postNested(old) switch p.tok { case dblSemicolon, semiAnd, dblSemiAnd, semiOr: default: ci.Op = Break items = append(items, ci) return } ci.Last = append(ci.Last, p.accComs...) p.accComs = nil ci.OpPos = p.pos ci.Op = CaseOperator(p.tok) // Split the comments: // // case x in // a) // foo // ;; // # comment for a // # comment for b // b) // [...] split := len(p.accComs) for i := len(p.accComs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { c := p.accComs[i] if c.Pos().Col() != p.pos.Col() { break } split = i } ci.Comments = append(ci.Comments, p.accComs[:split]...) p.accComs = p.accComs[split:] items = append(items, ci) } return } func (p *Parser) testClause(s *Stmt) { tc := &TestClause{Left: p.pos} old := p.preNested(testExpr) if _, ok := p.gotRsrv("]]"); ok || p.tok == _EOF { p.posErr(tc.Left, "test clause requires at least one expression") } tc.X = p.testExpr(false) if tc.X == nil { p.followErrExp(tc.Left, "[[") } tc.Right = p.pos if _, ok := p.gotRsrv("]]"); !ok { p.matchingErr(tc.Left, "[[", "]]") } p.postNested(old) s.Cmd = tc } func (p *Parser) testExpr(pastAndOr bool) TestExpr { var left TestExpr if pastAndOr { left = p.testExprBase() } else { left = p.testExpr(true) } if left == nil { return left } switch p.tok { case andAnd, orOr: case _LitWord: if p.val == "]]" { return left } if p.tok = token(testBinaryOp(p.val)); p.tok == illegalTok { p.curErr("not a valid test operator: %s", p.val) } case rdrIn, rdrOut: case _EOF, rightParen: return left case _Lit: p.curErr("test operator words must consist of a single literal") default: p.curErr("not a valid test operator: %v", p.tok) } b := &BinaryTest{ OpPos: p.pos, Op: BinTestOperator(p.tok), X: left, } // Save the previous quoteState, since we change it in TsReMatch. oldQuote := p.quote switch b.Op { case AndTest, OrTest: if b.Y = p.testExpr(false); b.Y == nil { p.followErrExp(b.OpPos, b.Op.String()) } case TsReMatch: if !p.lang.isBash() { p.langErr(p.pos, "regex tests", LangBash) } p.rxOpenParens = 0 p.rxFirstPart = true // TODO(mvdan): Using nested states within a regex will break in // all sorts of ways. The better fix is likely to use a stop // token, like we do with heredocs. p.quote = testExprRegexp fallthrough default: if _, ok := b.X.(*Word); !ok { p.posErr(b.OpPos, "expected %s, %s or %s after complex expr", AndTest, OrTest, "]]") } b.Y = p.followWordTok(token(b.Op), b.OpPos) } p.quote = oldQuote return b } func (p *Parser) testExprBase() TestExpr { switch p.tok { case _EOF, rightParen: return nil case _LitWord: op := token(testUnaryOp(p.val)) switch op { case illegalTok: case tsRefVar, tsModif: // not available in mksh if p.lang.isBash() { p.tok = op } default: p.tok = op } } switch p.tok { case exclMark: u := &UnaryTest{OpPos: p.pos, Op: TsNot} if u.X = p.testExpr(false); u.X == nil { p.followErrExp(u.OpPos, u.Op.String()) } return u case tsExists, tsRegFile, tsDirect, tsCharSp, tsBlckSp, tsNmPipe, tsSocket, tsSmbLink, tsSticky, tsGIDSet, tsUIDSet, tsGrpOwn, tsUsrOwn, tsModif, tsRead, tsWrite, tsExec, tsNoEmpty, tsFdTerm, tsEmpStr, tsNempStr, tsOptSet, tsVarSet, tsRefVar: u := &UnaryTest{OpPos: p.pos, Op: UnTestOperator(p.tok)} u.X = p.followWordTok(token(u.Op), u.OpPos) return u case leftParen: pe := &ParenTest{Lparen: p.pos} if pe.X = p.testExpr(false); pe.X == nil { p.followErrExp(pe.Lparen, "(") } pe.Rparen = p.matched(pe.Lparen, leftParen, rightParen) return pe case _LitWord: if p.val == "]]" { return nil } fallthrough default: if w := p.getWord(); w != nil { return w } // otherwise we'd return a typed nil above return nil } } func (p *Parser) declClause(s *Stmt) { ds := &DeclClause{Variant: p.lit(p.pos, p.val)} for !p.stopToken() && !p.peekRedir() { if p.hasValidIdent() { ds.Args = append(ds.Args, p.getAssign(false)) } else if p.eqlOffs > 0 { p.curErr("invalid var name") } else if p.tok == _LitWord && ValidName(p.val) { ds.Args = append(ds.Args, &Assign{ Naked: true, Name: p.getLit(), }) } else if w := p.getWord(); w != nil { ds.Args = append(ds.Args, &Assign{ Naked: true, Value: w, }) } else { p.followErr(p.pos, ds.Variant.Value, "names or assignments") } } s.Cmd = ds } func isBashCompoundCommand(tok token, val string) bool { switch tok { case leftParen, dblLeftParen: return true case _LitWord: switch val { case "{", "if", "while", "until", "for", "case", "[[", "coproc", "let", "function", "declare", "local", "export", "readonly", "typeset", "nameref": return true } } return false } func (p *Parser) timeClause(s *Stmt) { tc := &TimeClause{Time: p.pos} if _, ok := p.gotRsrv("-p"); ok { tc.PosixFormat = true } tc.Stmt = p.gotStmtPipe(&Stmt{Position: p.pos}, false) s.Cmd = tc } func (p *Parser) coprocClause(s *Stmt) { cc := &CoprocClause{Coproc: p.pos} if; isBashCompoundCommand(p.tok, p.val) { // has no name cc.Stmt = p.gotStmtPipe(&Stmt{Position: p.pos}, false) s.Cmd = cc return } cc.Name = p.getWord() cc.Stmt = p.gotStmtPipe(&Stmt{Position: p.pos}, false) if cc.Stmt == nil { if cc.Name == nil { p.posErr(cc.Coproc, "coproc clause requires a command") return } // name was in fact the stmt cc.Stmt = &Stmt{Position: cc.Name.Pos()} cc.Stmt.Cmd = cc.Name = nil } else if cc.Name != nil { if call, ok := cc.Stmt.Cmd.(*CallExpr); ok { // name was in fact the start of a call call.Args = append([]*Word{cc.Name}, call.Args...) cc.Name = nil } } s.Cmd = cc } func (p *Parser) letClause(s *Stmt) { lc := &LetClause{Let: p.pos} old := p.preNested(arithmExprLet) for !p.stopToken() && !p.peekRedir() { x := p.arithmExpr(true) if x == nil { break } lc.Exprs = append(lc.Exprs, x) } if len(lc.Exprs) == 0 { p.followErrExp(lc.Let, "let") } p.postNested(old) s.Cmd = lc } func (p *Parser) bashFuncDecl(s *Stmt) { fpos := p.pos if; p.tok != _LitWord { p.followErr(fpos, "function", "a name") } name := p.lit(p.pos, p.val) hasParens := false if; { hasParens = true p.follow(name.ValuePos, "foo(", rightParen) } p.funcDecl(s, name, fpos, hasParens) } func (p *Parser) testDecl(s *Stmt) { td := &TestDecl{Position: p.pos} if td.Description = p.getWord(); td.Description == nil { p.followErr(td.Position, "@test", "a description word") } if td.Body = p.getStmt(false, false, true); td.Body == nil { p.followErr(td.Position, `@test "desc"`, "a statement") } s.Cmd = td } func (p *Parser) callExpr(s *Stmt, w *Word, assign bool) { ce := if w == nil { ce.Args = ce.Args[:0] } if assign { ce.Assigns = append(ce.Assigns, p.getAssign(true)) } loop: for { switch p.tok { case _EOF, _Newl, semicolon, and, or, andAnd, orOr, orAnd, dblSemicolon, semiAnd, dblSemiAnd, semiOr: break loop case _LitWord: if len(ce.Args) == 0 && p.hasValidIdent() { ce.Assigns = append(ce.Assigns, p.getAssign(true)) break } // Avoid failing later with the confusing "} can only be used to close a block". if p.lang == LangPOSIX && p.val == "{" && w != nil && w.Lit() == "function" { p.curErr("the %q builtin is a bash feature; tried parsing as posix", "function") } ce.Args = append(ce.Args, p.wordOne(p.lit(p.pos, p.val))) case _Lit: if len(ce.Args) == 0 && p.hasValidIdent() { ce.Assigns = append(ce.Assigns, p.getAssign(true)) break } ce.Args = append(ce.Args, p.wordAnyNumber()) case bckQuote: if p.backquoteEnd() { break loop } fallthrough case dollBrace, dollDblParen, dollParen, dollar, cmdIn, cmdOut, sglQuote, dollSglQuote, dblQuote, dollDblQuote, dollBrack, globQuest, globStar, globPlus, globAt, globExcl: ce.Args = append(ce.Args, p.wordAnyNumber()) case rdrOut, appOut, rdrIn, dplIn, dplOut, clbOut, rdrInOut, hdoc, dashHdoc, wordHdoc, rdrAll, appAll, _LitRedir: p.doRedirect(s) case dblLeftParen: p.curErr("%s can only be used to open an arithmetic cmd", p.tok) case rightParen: if p.quote == subCmd { break loop } fallthrough default: // Note that we'll only keep the first error that happens. if len(ce.Args) > 0 { if cmd := ce.Args[0].Lit(); p.lang == LangPOSIX && isBashCompoundCommand(_LitWord, cmd) { p.curErr("the %q builtin is a bash feature; tried parsing as posix", cmd) } } p.curErr("a command can only contain words and redirects; encountered %s", p.tok) } } if len(ce.Assigns) == 0 && len(ce.Args) == 0 { return } if len(ce.Args) == 0 { ce.Args = nil } else { for _, asgn := range ce.Assigns { if asgn.Index != nil || asgn.Array != nil { p.posErr(asgn.Pos(), "inline variables cannot be arrays") } } } s.Cmd = ce } func (p *Parser) funcDecl(s *Stmt, name *Lit, pos Pos, withParens bool) { fd := &FuncDecl{ Position: pos, RsrvWord: pos != name.ValuePos, Parens: withParens, Name: name, } if fd.Body = p.getStmt(false, false, true); fd.Body == nil { p.followErr(fd.Pos(), "foo()", "a statement") } s.Cmd = fd } 0707010000005C000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000020AB000000000000000000000000000000000000002200000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/parser_arithm.gopackage syntax // compact specifies whether we allow spaces between expressions. // This is true for let func (p *Parser) arithmExpr(compact bool) ArithmExpr { return p.arithmExprComma(compact) } // These function names are inspired by Bash's expr.c func (p *Parser) arithmExprComma(compact bool) ArithmExpr { return p.arithmExprBinary(compact, p.arithmExprAssign, Comma) } func (p *Parser) arithmExprAssign(compact bool) ArithmExpr { // Assign is different from the other binary operators because it's // right-associative and needs to check that it's placed after a name value := p.arithmExprTernary(compact) switch BinAritOperator(p.tok) { case AddAssgn, SubAssgn, MulAssgn, QuoAssgn, RemAssgn, AndAssgn, OrAssgn, XorAssgn, ShlAssgn, ShrAssgn, Assgn: if compact && p.spaced { return value } if !isArithName(value) { p.posErr(p.pos, "%s must follow a name", p.tok.String()) } pos := p.pos tok := p.tok p.nextArithOp(compact) y := p.arithmExprAssign(compact) if y == nil { p.followErrExp(pos, tok.String()) } return &BinaryArithm{ OpPos: pos, Op: BinAritOperator(tok), X: value, Y: y, } } return value } func (p *Parser) arithmExprTernary(compact bool) ArithmExpr { value := p.arithmExprLor(compact) if BinAritOperator(p.tok) != TernQuest || (compact && p.spaced) { return value } if value == nil { p.curErr("%s must follow an expression", p.tok.String()) } questPos := p.pos p.nextArithOp(compact) if BinAritOperator(p.tok) == TernColon { p.followErrExp(questPos, TernQuest.String()) } trueExpr := p.arithmExpr(compact) if trueExpr == nil { p.followErrExp(questPos, TernQuest.String()) } if BinAritOperator(p.tok) != TernColon { p.posErr(questPos, "ternary operator missing : after ?") } colonPos := p.pos p.nextArithOp(compact) falseExpr := p.arithmExprTernary(compact) if falseExpr == nil { p.followErrExp(colonPos, TernColon.String()) } return &BinaryArithm{ OpPos: questPos, Op: TernQuest, X: value, Y: &BinaryArithm{ OpPos: colonPos, Op: TernColon, X: trueExpr, Y: falseExpr, }, } } func (p *Parser) arithmExprLor(compact bool) ArithmExpr { return p.arithmExprBinary(compact, p.arithmExprLand, OrArit) } func (p *Parser) arithmExprLand(compact bool) ArithmExpr { return p.arithmExprBinary(compact, p.arithmExprBor, AndArit) } func (p *Parser) arithmExprBor(compact bool) ArithmExpr { return p.arithmExprBinary(compact, p.arithmExprBxor, Or) } func (p *Parser) arithmExprBxor(compact bool) ArithmExpr { return p.arithmExprBinary(compact, p.arithmExprBand, Xor) } func (p *Parser) arithmExprBand(compact bool) ArithmExpr { return p.arithmExprBinary(compact, p.arithmExprEquality, And) } func (p *Parser) arithmExprEquality(compact bool) ArithmExpr { return p.arithmExprBinary(compact, p.arithmExprComparison, Eql, Neq) } func (p *Parser) arithmExprComparison(compact bool) ArithmExpr { return p.arithmExprBinary(compact, p.arithmExprShift, Lss, Gtr, Leq, Geq) } func (p *Parser) arithmExprShift(compact bool) ArithmExpr { return p.arithmExprBinary(compact, p.arithmExprAddition, Shl, Shr) } func (p *Parser) arithmExprAddition(compact bool) ArithmExpr { return p.arithmExprBinary(compact, p.arithmExprMultiplication, Add, Sub) } func (p *Parser) arithmExprMultiplication(compact bool) ArithmExpr { return p.arithmExprBinary(compact, p.arithmExprPower, Mul, Quo, Rem) } func (p *Parser) arithmExprPower(compact bool) ArithmExpr { // Power is different from the other binary operators because it's right-associative value := p.arithmExprUnary(compact) if BinAritOperator(p.tok) != Pow || (compact && p.spaced) { return value } if value == nil { p.curErr("%s must follow an expression", p.tok.String()) } op := p.tok pos := p.pos p.nextArithOp(compact) y := p.arithmExprPower(compact) if y == nil { p.followErrExp(pos, op.String()) } return &BinaryArithm{ OpPos: pos, Op: BinAritOperator(op), X: value, Y: y, } } func (p *Parser) arithmExprUnary(compact bool) ArithmExpr { if !compact { } switch UnAritOperator(p.tok) { case Not, BitNegation, Plus, Minus: ue := &UnaryArithm{OpPos: p.pos, Op: UnAritOperator(p.tok)} p.nextArithOp(compact) if ue.X = p.arithmExprUnary(compact); ue.X == nil { p.followErrExp(ue.OpPos, ue.Op.String()) } return ue } return p.arithmExprValue(compact) } func (p *Parser) arithmExprValue(compact bool) ArithmExpr { var x ArithmExpr switch p.tok { case addAdd, subSub: ue := &UnaryArithm{OpPos: p.pos, Op: UnAritOperator(p.tok)} p.nextArith(compact) if p.tok != _LitWord { p.followErr(ue.OpPos, token(ue.Op).String(), "a literal") } ue.X = p.arithmExprValue(compact) return ue case leftParen: pe := &ParenArithm{Lparen: p.pos} p.nextArithOp(compact) pe.X = p.followArithm(leftParen, pe.Lparen) pe.Rparen = p.matched(pe.Lparen, leftParen, rightParen) x = pe case leftBrack: p.curErr("[ must follow a name") case colon: p.curErr("ternary operator missing ? before :") case _LitWord: l := p.getLit() if p.tok != leftBrack { x = p.wordOne(l) break } pe := &ParamExp{Dollar: l.ValuePos, Short: true, Param: l} pe.Index = p.eitherIndex() x = p.wordOne(pe) case bckQuote: if p.quote == arithmExprLet && p.openBquotes > 0 { return nil } fallthrough default: if w := p.getWord(); w != nil { x = w } else { return nil } } if compact && p.spaced { return x } if !compact { } // we want real nil, not (*Word)(nil) as that // sets the type to non-nil and then x != nil if p.tok == addAdd || p.tok == subSub { if !isArithName(x) { p.curErr("%s must follow a name", p.tok.String()) } u := &UnaryArithm{ Post: true, OpPos: p.pos, Op: UnAritOperator(p.tok), X: x, } p.nextArith(compact) return u } return x } // nextArith consumes a token. // It returns true if compact and the token was followed by spaces func (p *Parser) nextArith(compact bool) bool { if compact && p.spaced { return true } if !compact { } return false } func (p *Parser) nextArithOp(compact bool) { pos := p.pos tok := p.tok if p.nextArith(compact) { p.followErrExp(pos, tok.String()) } } // arithmExprBinary is used for all left-associative binary operators func (p *Parser) arithmExprBinary(compact bool, nextOp func(bool) ArithmExpr, operators ...BinAritOperator) ArithmExpr { value := nextOp(compact) for { var foundOp BinAritOperator for _, op := range operators { if p.tok == token(op) { foundOp = op break } } if token(foundOp) == illegalTok || (compact && p.spaced) { return value } if value == nil { p.curErr("%s must follow an expression", p.tok.String()) } pos := p.pos p.nextArithOp(compact) y := nextOp(compact) if y == nil { p.followErrExp(pos, foundOp.String()) } value = &BinaryArithm{ OpPos: pos, Op: foundOp, X: value, Y: y, } } } func isArithName(left ArithmExpr) bool { w, ok := left.(*Word) if !ok || len(w.Parts) != 1 { return false } switch wp := w.Parts[0].(type) { case *Lit: return ValidName(wp.Value) case *ParamExp: return wp.nakedIndex() default: return false } } func (p *Parser) followArithm(ftok token, fpos Pos) ArithmExpr { x := p.arithmExpr(false) if x == nil { p.followErrExp(fpos, ftok.String()) } return x } func (p *Parser) peekArithmEnd() bool { return p.tok == rightParen && p.r == ')' } func (p *Parser) arithmMatchingErr(pos Pos, left, right token) { switch p.tok { case _Lit, _LitWord: p.curErr("not a valid arithmetic operator: %s", p.val) case leftBrack: p.curErr("[ must follow a name") case colon: p.curErr("ternary operator missing ? before :") case rightParen, _EOF: p.matchingErr(pos, left, right) default: if p.quote == arithmExpr { p.curErr("not a valid arithmetic operator: %v", p.tok) } p.matchingErr(pos, left, right) } } func (p *Parser) matchedArithm(lpos Pos, left, right token) { if ! { p.arithmMatchingErr(lpos, left, right) } } func (p *Parser) arithmEnd(ltok token, lpos Pos, old saveState) Pos { if !p.peekArithmEnd() { p.arithmMatchingErr(lpos, ltok, dblRightParen) } p.rune() p.postNested(old) pos := p.pos return pos } 0707010000005D000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000DB04000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/parser_test.go// Copyright (c) 2016, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package syntax import ( "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "io" "os" "os/exec" "regexp" "strings" "sync" "testing" "" "" ) func TestParseBashKeepComments(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := NewParser(KeepComments(true)) for i, c := range fileTestsKeepComments { want := c.Bash if want == nil { continue } for j, in := range c.Strs { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("#%03d-%d", i, j), singleParse(p, in, want)) } } } func TestParseBash(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := NewParser() for i, c := range append(fileTests, fileTestsNoPrint...) { want := c.Bash if want == nil { continue } for j, in := range c.Strs { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("#%03d-%d", i, j), singleParse(p, in, want)) } } } func TestParsePosOverflow(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // Consider using a custom reader to save memory. tests := []struct { name, in, want string }{ { "LineOverflowIsValid", strings.Repeat("\n", lineMax) + "foo; bar", "<nil>", }, { "LineOverflowPosString", strings.Repeat("\n", lineMax) + ")", "?:1: ) can only be used to close a subshell", }, { "LineOverflowExtraPosString", strings.Repeat("\n", lineMax+5) + ")", "?:1: ) can only be used to close a subshell", }, { "ColOverflowPosString", strings.Repeat(" ", colMax) + ")", "1:?: ) can only be used to close a subshell", }, { "ColOverflowExtraPosString", strings.Repeat(" ", colMax) + ")", "1:?: ) can only be used to close a subshell", }, { "ColOverflowSkippedPosString", strings.Repeat(" ", colMax+5) + "\n)", "2:1: ) can only be used to close a subshell", }, { "LargestLineNumber", strings.Repeat("\n", lineMax-1) + ")", "262143:1: ) can only be used to close a subshell", }, { "LargestColNumber", strings.Repeat(" ", colMax-1) + ")", "1:16383: ) can only be used to close a subshell", }, } for _, test := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := NewParser() _, err := p.Parse(strings.NewReader(, "") got := fmt.Sprint(err) if got != test.want { t.Fatalf("want error %q, got %q", test.want, got) } }) } } func TestParsePosix(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := NewParser(Variant(LangPOSIX)) for i, c := range append(fileTests, fileTestsNoPrint...) { want := c.Posix if want == nil { continue } for j, in := range c.Strs { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("#%03d-%d", i, j), singleParse(p, in, want)) } } } func TestParseMirBSDKorn(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := NewParser(Variant(LangMirBSDKorn)) for i, c := range append(fileTests, fileTestsNoPrint...) { want := c.MirBSDKorn if want == nil { continue } for j, in := range c.Strs { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("#%03d-%d", i, j), singleParse(p, in, want)) } } } func TestParseBats(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := NewParser(Variant(LangBats)) for i, c := range append(fileTests, fileTestsNoPrint...) { want := c.Bats if want == nil { continue } for j, in := range c.Strs { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("#%03d-%d", i, j), singleParse(p, in, want)) } } } func TestMain(m *testing.M) { // Set the locale to computer-friendly English and UTF-8, C.UTF-8, // which started shipping with glibc 2.35 in February 2022. os.Setenv("LANGUAGE", "C.UTF-8") os.Setenv("LC_ALL", "C.UTF-8") os.Exit(m.Run()) } var ( onceHasBash52 = sync.OnceValue(func() bool { return cmdContains("version 5.2", "bash", "--version") }) onceHasDash059 = sync.OnceValue(func() bool { // dash provides no way to check its version, so we have to // check if it's new enough as to not have the bug that breaks // our integration tests. // This also means our check does not require a specific version. return cmdContains("Bad subst", "dash", "-c", "echo ${#<}") }) onceHasMksh59 = sync.OnceValue(func() bool { return cmdContains(" R59 ", "mksh", "-c", "echo $KSH_VERSION") }) ) func requireBash52(tb testing.TB) { if !onceHasBash52() { tb.Skipf("bash 5.2 required to run") } } func requireDash059(tb testing.TB) { if !onceHasDash059() { tb.Skipf("dash 0.5.9+ required to run") } } func requireMksh59(tb testing.TB) { if !onceHasMksh59() { tb.Skipf("mksh 59 required to run") } } func cmdContains(substr, cmd string, args ...string) bool { out, err := exec.Command(cmd, args...).CombinedOutput() got := string(out) if err != nil { got += "\n" + err.Error() } return strings.Contains(got, substr) } var extGlobRe = regexp.MustCompile(`[@?*+!]\(`) func confirmParse(in, cmd string, wantErr bool) func(*testing.T) { return func(t *testing.T) { t.Helper() t.Parallel() var opts []string if strings.Contains(in, "\\\r\n") { t.Skip("shells do not generally support CRLF line endings") } if cmd == "bash" && extGlobRe.MatchString(in) { // otherwise bash refuses to parse these // properly. Also avoid -n since that too makes // bash bail. in = "shopt -s extglob\n" + in } else if !wantErr { // -n makes bash accept invalid inputs like // "let" or "`{`", so only use it in // non-erroring tests. Should be safe to not use // -n anyway since these are supposed to just fail. // also, -n will break if we are using extglob // as extglob is not actually applied. opts = append(opts, "-n") } cmd := exec.Command(cmd, opts...) cmd.Dir = t.TempDir() // to be safe cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader(in) var stderr bytes.Buffer cmd.Stderr = &stderr err := cmd.Run() if stderr.Len() > 0 { // bash sometimes likes to error on an input via stderr // while forgetting to set the exit code to non-zero. Fun. // Note that we also treat warnings as errors. err = errors.New(stderr.String()) } if err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "command not found") { err = nil } if wantErr && err == nil { t.Fatalf("Expected error in %q of %q, found none", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), in) } else if !wantErr && err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error in %q of %q: %v", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), in, err) } } } func TestParseBashConfirm(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("calling bash is slow.") } requireBash52(t) i := 0 for _, c := range append(fileTests, fileTestsNoPrint...) { if c.Bash == nil { continue } for j, in := range c.Strs { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("#%03d-%d", i, j), confirmParse(in, "bash", false)) } i++ } } func TestParsePosixConfirm(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("calling dash is slow.") } requireDash059(t) i := 0 for _, c := range append(fileTests, fileTestsNoPrint...) { if c.Posix == nil { continue } for j, in := range c.Strs { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("#%03d-%d", i, j), confirmParse(in, "dash", false)) } i++ } } func TestParseMirBSDKornConfirm(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("calling mksh is slow.") } requireMksh59(t) i := 0 for _, c := range append(fileTests, fileTestsNoPrint...) { if c.MirBSDKorn == nil { continue } for j, in := range c.Strs { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("#%03d-%d", i, j), confirmParse(in, "mksh", false)) } i++ } } func TestParseErrBashConfirm(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("calling bash is slow.") } requireBash52(t) for _, c := range shellTests { want := c.common if c.bsmk != nil { want = c.bsmk } if c.bash != nil { want = c.bash } if want == nil { continue } wantErr := !strings.Contains(want.(string), " #NOERR") t.Run("", confirmParse(, "bash", wantErr)) } } func TestParseErrPosixConfirm(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("calling dash is slow.") } requireDash059(t) for _, c := range shellTests { want := c.common if c.posix != nil { want = c.posix } if want == nil { continue } wantErr := !strings.Contains(want.(string), " #NOERR") t.Run("", confirmParse(, "dash", wantErr)) } } func TestParseErrMirBSDKornConfirm(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("calling mksh is slow.") } requireMksh59(t) for _, c := range shellTests { want := c.common if c.bsmk != nil { want = c.bsmk } if c.mksh != nil { want = c.mksh } if want == nil { continue } wantErr := !strings.Contains(want.(string), " #NOERR") t.Run("", confirmParse(, "mksh", wantErr)) } } var cmpOpt = cmp.FilterValues(func(p1, p2 Pos) bool { return true }, cmp.Ignore()) func singleParse(p *Parser, in string, want *File) func(t *testing.T) { return func(t *testing.T) { t.Helper() got, err := p.Parse(newStrictReader(in), "") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error in %q: %v", in, err) } recursiveSanityCheck(t, in, got) qt.Assert(t, qt.CmpEquals(got, want, cmpOpt)) } } type errorCase struct { in string common any bash, posix any bsmk, mksh any } var shellTests = []errorCase{ { in: "echo \x80", common: `1:6: invalid UTF-8 encoding #NOERR common shells use bytes`, }, { in: "\necho \x80", common: `2:6: invalid UTF-8 encoding #NOERR common shells use bytes`, }, { in: "echo foo\x80bar", common: `1:9: invalid UTF-8 encoding #NOERR common shells use bytes`, }, { in: "echo foo\xc3", common: `1:9: invalid UTF-8 encoding #NOERR common shells use bytes`, }, { in: "#foo\xc3", common: `1:5: invalid UTF-8 encoding #NOERR common shells use bytes`, }, { in: "echo a\x80", common: `1:7: invalid UTF-8 encoding #NOERR common shells use bytes`, }, { in: "<<$\xc8\n$\xc8", common: `1:4: invalid UTF-8 encoding #NOERR common shells use bytes`, }, { in: "echo $((foo\x80bar", common: `1:12: invalid UTF-8 encoding`, }, { in: "z=($\\\n#\\\n\\\n$#\x91\\\n", bash: `4:3: invalid UTF-8 encoding`, }, { in: `((# 1 + 2))`, bash: `1:1: unsigned expressions are a mksh feature`, }, { in: `$((# 1 + 2))`, posix: `1:1: unsigned expressions are a mksh feature`, bash: `1:1: unsigned expressions are a mksh feature`, }, { in: `${ foo;}`, posix: `1:1: "${ stmts;}" is a mksh feature`, bash: `1:1: "${ stmts;}" is a mksh feature`, }, { in: `${ `, mksh: `1:1: reached EOF without matching ${ with }`, }, { in: `${ foo;`, mksh: `1:1: reached EOF without matching ${ with }`, }, { in: `${ foo }`, mksh: `1:1: reached EOF without matching ${ with }`, }, { in: `${|foo;}`, posix: `1:1: "${|stmts;}" is a mksh feature`, bash: `1:1: "${|stmts;}" is a mksh feature`, }, { in: `${|`, mksh: `1:1: reached EOF without matching ${ with }`, }, { in: `${|foo;`, mksh: `1:1: reached EOF without matching ${ with }`, }, { in: `${|foo }`, mksh: `1:1: reached EOF without matching ${ with }`, }, { in: "((foo\x80bar", common: `1:6: invalid UTF-8 encoding`, }, { in: ";\x80", common: `1:2: invalid UTF-8 encoding`, }, { in: "${a\x80", common: `1:4: invalid UTF-8 encoding`, }, { in: "${a#\x80", common: `1:5: invalid UTF-8 encoding`, }, { in: "${a-'\x80", common: `1:6: invalid UTF-8 encoding`, }, { in: "echo $((a |\x80", common: `1:12: invalid UTF-8 encoding`, }, { in: "!", common: `1:1: "!" cannot form a statement alone`, }, { // bash allows lone '!', unlike dash, mksh, and us. in: "! !", common: `1:1: cannot negate a command multiple times`, bash: `1:1: cannot negate a command multiple times #NOERR`, }, { in: "! ! foo", common: `1:1: cannot negate a command multiple times #NOERR`, posix: `1:1: cannot negate a command multiple times`, }, { in: "}", common: `1:1: "}" can only be used to close a block`, }, { in: "then", common: `1:1: "then" can only be used in an if`, }, { in: "elif", common: `1:1: "elif" can only be used in an if`, }, { in: "fi", common: `1:1: "fi" can only be used to end an if`, }, { in: "do", common: `1:1: "do" can only be used in a loop`, }, { in: "done", common: `1:1: "done" can only be used to end a loop`, }, { in: "esac", common: `1:1: "esac" can only be used to end a case`, }, { in: "a=b { foo; }", common: `1:12: "}" can only be used to close a block`, }, { in: "a=b foo() { bar; }", common: `1:8: a command can only contain words and redirects; encountered (`, }, { in: "a=b if foo; then bar; fi", common: `1:13: "then" can only be used in an if`, }, { in: ">f { foo; }", common: `1:11: "}" can only be used to close a block`, }, { in: ">f foo() { bar; }", common: `1:7: a command can only contain words and redirects; encountered (`, }, { in: ">f if foo; then bar; fi", common: `1:12: "then" can only be used in an if`, }, { in: "if done; then b; fi", common: `1:4: "done" can only be used to end a loop`, }, { in: "'", common: `1:1: reached EOF without closing quote '`, }, { in: `"`, common: `1:1: reached EOF without closing quote "`, }, { in: `'\''`, common: `1:4: reached EOF without closing quote '`, }, { in: ";", common: `1:1: ; can only immediately follow a statement`, }, { in: "{ ; }", common: `1:3: ; can only immediately follow a statement`, }, { in: `"foo"(){ :; }`, common: `1:1: invalid func name`, mksh: `1:1: invalid func name #NOERR`, }, { in: `foo$bar(){ :; }`, common: `1:1: invalid func name`, }, { in: "{", common: `1:1: reached EOF without matching { with }`, }, { in: "{ #}", common: `1:1: reached EOF without matching { with }`, }, { in: "(", common: `1:1: reached EOF without matching ( with )`, }, { in: ")", common: `1:1: ) can only be used to close a subshell`, }, { in: "`", common: "1:1: reached EOF without closing quote `", }, { in: ";;", common: `1:1: ;; can only be used in a case clause`, }, { in: "( foo;", common: `1:1: reached EOF without matching ( with )`, }, { in: "&", common: `1:1: & can only immediately follow a statement`, }, { in: "|", common: `1:1: | can only immediately follow a statement`, }, { in: "&&", common: `1:1: && can only immediately follow a statement`, }, { in: "||", common: `1:1: || can only immediately follow a statement`, }, { in: "foo; || bar", common: `1:6: || can only immediately follow a statement`, }, { in: "echo & || bar", common: `1:8: || can only immediately follow a statement`, }, { in: "echo & ; bar", common: `1:8: ; can only immediately follow a statement`, }, { in: "foo;;", common: `1:4: ;; can only be used in a case clause`, }, { in: "foo(", common: `1:1: "foo(" must be followed by )`, }, { in: "foo(bar", common: `1:1: "foo(" must be followed by )`, }, { in: "à(", common: `1:1: "foo(" must be followed by )`, }, { in: "foo'", common: `1:4: reached EOF without closing quote '`, }, { in: `foo"`, common: `1:4: reached EOF without closing quote "`, }, { in: `"foo`, common: `1:1: reached EOF without closing quote "`, }, { in: `"foobar\`, common: `1:1: reached EOF without closing quote "`, }, { in: `"foo\a`, common: `1:1: reached EOF without closing quote "`, }, { in: "foo()", common: `1:1: "foo()" must be followed by a statement`, mksh: `1:1: "foo()" must be followed by a statement #NOERR`, }, { in: "foo() {", common: `1:7: reached EOF without matching { with }`, }, { in: "foo-bar() { x; }", posix: `1:1: invalid func name`, }, { in: "foò() { x; }", posix: `1:1: invalid func name`, }, { in: "echo foo(", common: `1:9: a command can only contain words and redirects; encountered (`, }, { in: "echo &&", common: `1:6: && must be followed by a statement`, }, { in: "echo |", common: `1:6: | must be followed by a statement`, }, { in: "echo ||", common: `1:6: || must be followed by a statement`, }, { in: "echo | #bar", common: `1:6: | must be followed by a statement`, }, { in: "echo && #bar", common: `1:6: && must be followed by a statement`, }, { in: "`echo &&`", common: `1:7: && must be followed by a statement`, }, { in: "`echo |`", common: `1:7: | must be followed by a statement`, }, { in: "echo | ! bar", common: `1:8: "!" can only be used in full statements`, }, { in: "echo >", common: `1:6: > must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "echo >>", common: `1:6: >> must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "echo <", common: `1:6: < must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "echo 2>", common: `1:7: > must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "echo <\nbar", common: `1:6: < must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "echo | < #bar", common: `1:8: < must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "echo && > #", common: `1:9: > must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "foo &>/dev/null", posix: `1:5: &> redirects are a bash/mksh feature`, }, { in: "foo &>>/dev/null", posix: `1:5: &> redirects are a bash/mksh feature`, }, { in: "<<", common: `1:1: << must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "<<EOF", common: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF' #NOERR`, bsmk: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF'`, }, { in: "<<EOF\n\\", common: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF' #NOERR`, bsmk: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF'`, }, { in: "<<EOF\n\\\n", common: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF' #NOERR`, bsmk: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF'`, }, { in: "<<EOF\n\\\nEOF", // Seems like mksh has a bug here. common: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF' #NOERR`, }, { in: "<<EOF\nfoo\\\nEOF", common: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF' #NOERR`, bsmk: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF'`, }, { in: "<<'EOF'\n\\\n", common: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF' #NOERR`, bsmk: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF'`, }, { in: "<<EOF <`\n#\n`\n``", common: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF'`, }, { in: "<<'EOF'", common: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF' #NOERR`, bsmk: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF'`, }, { in: "<<\\EOF", common: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF' #NOERR`, bsmk: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF'`, }, { in: "<<\\\\EOF", common: `1:1: unclosed here-document '\EOF' #NOERR`, bsmk: `1:1: unclosed here-document '\EOF'`, }, { in: "<<-EOF", common: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF' #NOERR`, bsmk: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF'`, }, { in: "<<-EOF\n\t", common: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF' #NOERR`, bsmk: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF'`, }, { in: "<<-'EOF'\n\t", common: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF' #NOERR`, bsmk: `1:1: unclosed here-document 'EOF'`, }, { in: "<<\nEOF\nbar\nEOF", common: `1:1: << must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "$(<<EOF\nNOTEOF)", bsmk: `1:3: unclosed here-document 'EOF'`, }, { in: "`<<EOF\nNOTEOF`", bsmk: `1:2: unclosed here-document 'EOF'`, }, { in: "if", common: `1:1: "if" must be followed by a statement list`, }, { in: "if true;", common: `1:1: "if <cond>" must be followed by "then"`, }, { in: "if true then", common: `1:1: "if <cond>" must be followed by "then"`, }, { in: "if true; then bar;", common: `1:1: if statement must end with "fi"`, }, { in: "if true; then bar; fi#etc", common: `1:1: if statement must end with "fi"`, }, { in: "if a; then b; elif c;", common: `1:15: "elif <cond>" must be followed by "then"`, }, { in: "'foo' '", common: `1:7: reached EOF without closing quote '`, }, { in: "'foo\n' '", common: `2:3: reached EOF without closing quote '`, }, { in: "while", common: `1:1: "while" must be followed by a statement list`, }, { in: "while true;", common: `1:1: "while <cond>" must be followed by "do"`, }, { in: "while true; do bar", common: `1:1: while statement must end with "done"`, }, { in: "while true; do bar;", common: `1:1: while statement must end with "done"`, }, { in: "until", common: `1:1: "until" must be followed by a statement list`, }, { in: "until true;", common: `1:1: "until <cond>" must be followed by "do"`, }, { in: "until true; do bar", common: `1:1: until statement must end with "done"`, }, { in: "until true; do bar;", common: `1:1: until statement must end with "done"`, }, { in: "for", common: `1:1: "for" must be followed by a literal`, }, { in: "for i", common: `1:1: "for foo" must be followed by "in", "do", ;, or a newline`, }, { in: "for i in;", common: `1:1: "for foo [in words]" must be followed by "do"`, }, { in: "for i in 1 2 3;", common: `1:1: "for foo [in words]" must be followed by "do"`, }, { in: "for i in 1 2 &", common: `1:1: "for foo [in words]" must be followed by "do"`, }, { in: "for i in 1 2 (", common: `1:14: word list can only contain words`, }, { in: "for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i;", common: `1:1: for statement must end with "done"`, }, { in: "for i in 1 2 3; echo $i;", common: `1:1: "for foo [in words]" must be followed by "do"`, }, { in: "for 'i' in 1 2 3; do echo $i; done", common: `1:1: "for" must be followed by a literal`, }, { in: "for in 1 2 3; do echo $i; done", common: `1:1: "for foo" must be followed by "in", "do", ;, or a newline`, }, { in: "select", bsmk: `1:1: "select" must be followed by a literal`, }, { in: "select i", bsmk: `1:1: "select foo" must be followed by "in", "do", ;, or a newline`, }, { in: "select i in;", bsmk: `1:1: "select foo [in words]" must be followed by "do"`, }, { in: "select i in 1 2 3;", bsmk: `1:1: "select foo [in words]" must be followed by "do"`, }, { in: "select i in 1 2 3; do echo $i;", bsmk: `1:1: select statement must end with "done"`, }, { in: "select i in 1 2 3; echo $i;", bsmk: `1:1: "select foo [in words]" must be followed by "do"`, }, { in: "select 'i' in 1 2 3; do echo $i; done", bsmk: `1:1: "select" must be followed by a literal`, }, { in: "select in 1 2 3; do echo $i; done", bsmk: `1:1: "select foo" must be followed by "in", "do", ;, or a newline`, }, { in: "echo foo &\n;", common: `2:1: ; can only immediately follow a statement`, }, { in: "echo $(foo", common: `1:6: reached EOF without matching ( with )`, }, { in: "echo $((foo", common: `1:6: reached EOF without matching $(( with ))`, }, { in: `echo $((\`, common: `1:6: reached EOF without matching $(( with ))`, }, { in: `echo $((o\`, common: `1:6: reached EOF without matching $(( with ))`, }, { in: `echo $((foo\a`, common: `1:6: reached EOF without matching $(( with ))`, }, { in: `echo $(($(a"`, common: `1:12: reached EOF without closing quote "`, }, { in: "echo $((`echo 0`", common: `1:6: reached EOF without matching $(( with ))`, }, { in: `echo $((& $(`, common: `1:9: & must follow an expression`, }, { in: `echo $((a'`, common: `1:10: reached EOF without closing quote '`, }, { in: `echo $((a b"`, common: `1:11: not a valid arithmetic operator: b`, }, { in: "echo $(())", common: `1:6: $(( must be followed by an expression #NOERR`, }, { in: "echo $((()))", common: `1:9: ( must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "echo $(((3))", common: `1:6: reached ) without matching $(( with ))`, }, { in: "echo $((+))", common: `1:9: + must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "echo $((a b c))", common: `1:11: not a valid arithmetic operator: b`, }, { in: "echo $((a ; c))", common: `1:11: not a valid arithmetic operator: ;`, }, { in: "echo $((foo) )", bsmk: `1:6: reached ) without matching $(( with )) #NOERR`, }, { in: "echo $((a *))", common: `1:11: * must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "echo $((++))", common: `1:9: ++ must be followed by a literal`, }, { in: "echo $((a ? b))", common: `1:11: ternary operator missing : after ?`, }, { in: "echo $((a : b))", common: `1:11: ternary operator missing ? before :`, }, { in: "echo $((/", common: `1:9: / must follow an expression`, }, { in: "echo $((:", common: `1:9: ternary operator missing ? before :`, }, { in: "echo $(((a)+=b))", common: `1:12: += must follow a name`, mksh: `1:12: += must follow a name #NOERR`, }, { in: "echo $((1=2))", common: `1:10: = must follow a name`, }, { in: "echo $(($0=2))", common: `1:11: = must follow a name #NOERR`, }, { in: "echo $(($(a)=2))", common: `1:13: = must follow a name #NOERR`, }, { in: "echo $((1'2'))", // TODO: Take a look at this again, since this no longer fails // after fixing // Note that Bash seems to treat code inside $(()) as if it were // within double quotes, yet still requires single quotes to be // matched. // common: `1:10: not a valid arithmetic operator: '`, }, { in: "<<EOF\n$(()a", common: `2:1: $(( must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "<<EOF\n`))", common: `2:2: ) can only be used to close a subshell`, }, { in: "echo ${foo", common: `1:6: reached EOF without matching ${ with }`, }, { in: "echo $foo ${}", common: `1:13: parameter expansion requires a literal`, }, { in: "echo ${à}", common: `1:8: invalid parameter name`, }, { in: "echo ${1a}", common: `1:8: invalid parameter name`, }, { in: "echo ${foo-bar", common: `1:6: reached EOF without matching ${ with }`, }, { in: "#foo\n{", common: `2:1: reached EOF without matching { with }`, }, { in: `echo "foo${bar"`, common: `1:15: not a valid parameter expansion operator: "`, }, { in: "echo ${%", common: `1:6: "${%foo}" is a mksh feature`, mksh: `1:8: parameter expansion requires a literal`, }, { in: "echo ${##", common: `1:6: reached EOF without matching ${ with }`, }, { in: "echo ${#<}", common: `1:9: parameter expansion requires a literal`, }, { in: "echo ${%<}", mksh: `1:9: parameter expansion requires a literal`, }, { in: "echo ${!<}", bsmk: `1:9: parameter expansion requires a literal`, }, { in: "echo ${@foo}", common: `1:9: @ cannot be followed by a word`, }, { in: "echo ${$foo}", common: `1:9: $ cannot be followed by a word`, }, { in: "echo ${?foo}", common: `1:9: ? cannot be followed by a word`, }, { in: "echo ${-foo}", common: `1:9: - cannot be followed by a word`, }, { in: "echo ${@[@]} ${@[*]}", bsmk: `1:9: cannot index a special parameter name`, }, { in: "echo ${*[@]} ${*[*]}", bsmk: `1:9: cannot index a special parameter name`, }, { in: "echo ${#[x]}", bsmk: `1:9: cannot index a special parameter name`, }, { in: "echo ${$[0]}", bsmk: `1:9: cannot index a special parameter name`, }, { in: "echo ${?[@]}", bsmk: `1:9: cannot index a special parameter name`, }, { in: "echo ${2[@]}", bsmk: `1:9: cannot index a special parameter name`, }, { in: "echo ${foo*}", bsmk: `1:11: not a valid parameter expansion operator: *`, }, { in: "echo ${foo;}", bsmk: `1:11: not a valid parameter expansion operator: ;`, }, { in: "echo ${foo!}", bsmk: `1:11: not a valid parameter expansion operator: !`, }, { in: "echo ${#foo:-bar}", bsmk: `1:12: cannot combine multiple parameter expansion operators`, }, { in: "echo ${%foo:1:3}", mksh: `1:12: cannot combine multiple parameter expansion operators`, }, { in: "echo ${#foo%x}", mksh: `1:12: cannot combine multiple parameter expansion operators`, }, { in: "echo foo\n;", common: `2:1: ; can only immediately follow a statement`, }, { in: "<<$ <<0\n$(<<$<<", bsmk: `2:6: << must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "(foo) bar", common: `1:7: statements must be separated by &, ; or a newline`, }, { in: "{ foo; } bar", common: `1:10: statements must be separated by &, ; or a newline`, }, { in: "if foo; then bar; fi bar", common: `1:22: statements must be separated by &, ; or a newline`, }, { in: "case", common: `1:1: "case" must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "case i", common: `1:1: "case x" must be followed by "in"`, }, { in: "case i in 3) foo;", common: `1:1: case statement must end with "esac"`, }, { in: "case i in 3) foo; 4) bar; esac", common: `1:20: a command can only contain words and redirects; encountered )`, }, { in: "case i in 3&) foo;", common: `1:12: case patterns must be separated with |`, }, { in: "case $i in &) foo;", common: `1:12: case patterns must consist of words`, }, { in: "case i {", common: `1:1: "case i {" is a mksh feature`, mksh: `1:1: case statement must end with "}"`, }, { in: "case i { x) y ;;", mksh: `1:1: case statement must end with "}"`, }, { in: "\"`\"", common: `1:3: reached EOF without closing quote "`, }, { in: "`\"`", common: "1:2: reached ` without closing quote \"", }, { in: "`\\```", common: "1:3: reached EOF without closing quote `", }, { in: "`{\n`", common: "1:2: reached ` without matching { with }", }, { in: "echo \"`)`\"", bsmk: `1:8: ) can only be used to close a subshell`, posix: `1:8: ) can only be used to close a subshell #NOERR dash bug`, }, { in: "<<$bar\n$bar", common: `1:3: expansions not allowed in heredoc words #NOERR`, }, { in: "<<${bar}\n${bar}", common: `1:3: expansions not allowed in heredoc words #NOERR`, }, // bash uses "$(bar)" as the closing word, but other shells use "$". // We instead give an error for expansions in heredoc words. { in: "<<$(bar)\n$", posix: `1:3: expansions not allowed in heredoc words`, mksh: `1:3: expansions not allowed in heredoc words #NOERR`, }, { in: "<<$(bar)\n$(bar)", bash: `1:3: expansions not allowed in heredoc words #NOERR`, }, { in: "<<$-\n$-", common: `1:3: expansions not allowed in heredoc words #NOERR`, }, { in: "<<`bar`\n`bar`", common: `1:3: expansions not allowed in heredoc words #NOERR`, }, { in: "<<\"$bar\"\n$bar", common: `1:4: expansions not allowed in heredoc words #NOERR`, }, { in: "<<a <<0\n$(<<$<<", common: `2:6: << must be followed by a word`, }, { in: `""()`, common: `1:1: invalid func name`, mksh: `1:1: invalid func name #NOERR`, }, { // bash errors on the empty condition here, this is to // add coverage for empty statement lists in: `if; then bar; fi; ;`, common: `1:19: ; can only immediately follow a statement`, }, { in: "]] )", bsmk: `1:1: "]]" can only be used to close a test`, posix: `1:4: a command can only contain words and redirects; encountered )`, }, { in: "((foo", bsmk: `1:1: reached EOF without matching (( with ))`, posix: `1:2: reached EOF without matching ( with )`, }, { in: "(())", bsmk: `1:1: (( must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "echo ((foo", bsmk: `1:6: (( can only be used to open an arithmetic cmd`, posix: `1:1: "foo(" must be followed by )`, }, { in: "echo |&", bash: `1:6: |& must be followed by a statement`, posix: `1:6: | must be followed by a statement`, }, { in: "|& a", bsmk: `1:1: |& is not a valid start for a statement`, }, { in: "foo |& bar", posix: `1:5: | must be followed by a statement`, }, { in: "let", bsmk: `1:1: "let" must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "let a+ b", bsmk: `1:6: + must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "let + a", bsmk: `1:5: + must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "let a ++", bsmk: `1:7: ++ must be followed by a literal`, }, { in: "let (a)++", bsmk: `1:8: ++ must follow a name`, }, { in: "let 1++", bsmk: `1:6: ++ must follow a name`, }, { in: "let $0++", bsmk: `1:7: ++ must follow a name`, }, { in: "let --(a)", bsmk: `1:5: -- must be followed by a literal`, }, { in: "let --$a", bsmk: `1:5: -- must be followed by a literal`, }, { in: "let a+\n", bsmk: `1:6: + must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "let ))", bsmk: `1:1: "let" must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "`let !`", bsmk: `1:6: ! must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "let a:b", bsmk: `1:6: ternary operator missing ? before :`, }, { in: "let a+b=c", bsmk: `1:8: = must follow a name`, }, { in: "`let` { foo; }", bsmk: `1:2: "let" must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "$(let)", bsmk: `1:3: "let" must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "[[", bsmk: `1:1: test clause requires at least one expression`, }, { in: "[[ ]]", bsmk: `1:1: test clause requires at least one expression`, }, { in: "[[ a", bsmk: `1:1: reached EOF without matching [[ with ]]`, }, { in: "[[ a ||", bsmk: `1:6: || must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "[[ a && &&", bsmk: `1:6: && must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "[[ a && ]]", bsmk: `1:6: && must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "[[ a ==", bsmk: `1:6: == must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "[[ a =~", bash: `1:6: =~ must be followed by a word`, mksh: `1:6: regex tests are a bash feature`, }, { in: "[[ -f a", bsmk: `1:1: reached EOF without matching [[ with ]]`, }, { in: "[[ -n\na ]]", bsmk: `1:4: -n must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "[[ a -ef\nb ]]", bsmk: `1:6: -ef must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "[[ a ==\nb ]]", bsmk: `1:6: == must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "[[ a -nt b", bsmk: `1:1: reached EOF without matching [[ with ]]`, }, { in: "[[ a =~ b", bash: `1:1: reached EOF without matching [[ with ]]`, }, { in: "[[ a b c ]]", bsmk: `1:6: not a valid test operator: b`, }, { in: "[[ a b$x c ]]", bsmk: `1:6: test operator words must consist of a single literal`, }, { in: "[[ a & b ]]", bsmk: `1:6: not a valid test operator: &`, }, { in: "[[ true && () ]]", bsmk: `1:12: ( must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "[[ true && (&& ]]", bsmk: `1:12: ( must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "[[ a == ! b ]]", bsmk: `1:11: not a valid test operator: b`, }, { in: "[[ (! ) ]]", bsmk: `1:5: ! must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "[[ ! && ]]", bsmk: `1:4: ! must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "[[ (-e ) ]]", bsmk: `1:5: -e must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "[[ (a) == b ]]", bsmk: `1:8: expected &&, || or ]] after complex expr`, }, { in: "[[ a =~ ; ]]", bash: `1:6: =~ must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "[[ a =~ )", bash: `1:6: =~ must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "[[ a =~ ())", bash: `1:1: reached ) without matching [[ with ]]`, }, { in: "[[ >", bsmk: `1:1: [[ must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "local (", bash: `1:7: "local" must be followed by names or assignments`, }, { in: "declare 0=${o})", bash: `1:9: invalid var name`, }, { in: "a=(<)", bsmk: `1:4: array element values must be words`, }, { in: "a=([)", bash: `1:4: [ must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "a=([i)", bash: `1:4: reached ) without matching [ with ]`, }, { in: "a=([i])", bash: `1:4: "[x]" must be followed by = #NOERR`, }, { in: "a[i]=(y)", bash: `1:6: arrays cannot be nested`, }, { in: "a=([i]=(y))", bash: `1:8: arrays cannot be nested`, }, { in: "o=([0]=#", bash: `1:8: array element values must be words`, }, { in: "a[b] ==[", bash: `1:1: "a[b]" must be followed by = #NOERR stringifies`, }, { in: "a[b] +=c", bash: `1:1: "a[b]" must be followed by = #NOERR stringifies`, }, { in: "a=(x y) foo", bash: `1:1: inline variables cannot be arrays #NOERR stringifies`, }, { in: "a[2]=x foo", bash: `1:1: inline variables cannot be arrays #NOERR stringifies`, }, { in: "function", bsmk: `1:1: "function" must be followed by a name`, }, { in: "function foo(", bsmk: `1:10: "foo(" must be followed by )`, }, { in: "function `function", bsmk: `1:1: "function" must be followed by a name`, }, { in: `function "foo"(){}`, bsmk: `1:1: "function" must be followed by a name`, }, { in: "function foo()", bsmk: `1:1: "foo()" must be followed by a statement`, }, { in: "echo <<<", bsmk: `1:6: <<< must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "a[", bsmk: `1:2: [ must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "a[b", bsmk: `1:2: reached EOF without matching [ with ]`, }, { in: "a[]", bsmk: `1:2: [ must be followed by an expression #NOERR is cmd`, }, { in: "a[[", bsmk: `1:3: [ must follow a name`, }, { in: "echo $((a[))", bsmk: `1:10: [ must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "echo $((a[b))", bsmk: `1:10: reached ) without matching [ with ]`, }, { in: "echo $((a[]))", bash: `1:10: [ must be followed by an expression`, mksh: `1:10: [ must be followed by an expression #NOERR wrong?`, }, { in: "echo $((x$t[", bsmk: `1:12: [ must follow a name`, }, { in: "a[1]", bsmk: `1:1: "a[b]" must be followed by = #NOERR is cmd`, }, { in: "a[i]+", bsmk: `1:1: "a[b]+" must be followed by = #NOERR is cmd`, }, { in: "a[1]#", bsmk: `1:1: "a[b]" must be followed by = #NOERR is cmd`, }, { in: "echo $[foo", bash: `1:6: reached EOF without matching $[ with ]`, }, { in: "echo $'", bsmk: `1:6: reached EOF without closing quote '`, }, { in: `echo $"`, bsmk: `1:6: reached EOF without closing quote "`, }, { in: "echo @(", bsmk: `1:6: reached EOF without matching @( with )`, }, { in: "echo @(a", bsmk: `1:6: reached EOF without matching @( with )`, }, { in: "((@(", bsmk: `1:1: reached ( without matching (( with ))`, }, { in: "time {", bsmk: `1:6: reached EOF without matching { with }`, }, { in: "time ! foo", bash: `1:6: "!" can only be used in full statements #NOERR wrong`, mksh: `1:6: "!" can only be used in full statements`, }, { in: "coproc", bash: `1:1: coproc clause requires a command`, }, { in: "coproc\n$", bash: `1:1: coproc clause requires a command`, }, { in: "coproc declare (", bash: `1:16: "declare" must be followed by names or assignments`, }, { in: "echo ${foo[1 2]}", bsmk: `1:14: not a valid arithmetic operator: 2`, }, { in: "echo ${foo[}", bsmk: `1:11: [ must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "echo ${foo]}", bsmk: `1:11: not a valid parameter expansion operator: ]`, }, { in: "echo ${foo[]}", bash: `1:11: [ must be followed by an expression`, mksh: `1:11: [ must be followed by an expression #NOERR wrong?`, }, { in: "echo ${a/\n", bsmk: `1:6: reached EOF without matching ${ with }`, }, { in: "echo ${a/''", bsmk: `1:6: reached EOF without matching ${ with }`, }, { in: "echo ${a-\n", bsmk: `1:6: reached EOF without matching ${ with }`, }, { in: "echo ${foo:", bsmk: `1:11: : must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "echo ${foo:1 2}", bsmk: `1:14: not a valid arithmetic operator: 2 #NOERR lazy eval`, }, { in: "echo ${foo:1", bsmk: `1:6: reached EOF without matching ${ with }`, }, { in: "echo ${foo:1:", bsmk: `1:13: : must be followed by an expression`, }, { in: "echo ${foo:1:2", bsmk: `1:6: reached EOF without matching ${ with }`, }, { in: "echo ${foo,", bash: `1:6: reached EOF without matching ${ with }`, }, { in: "echo ${foo@", bash: `1:11: @ expansion operator requires a literal`, }, { in: "echo ${foo@}", bash: `1:12: @ expansion operator requires a literal #NOERR empty string fallback`, }, { in: "echo ${foo@Q", bash: `1:6: reached EOF without matching ${ with }`, }, { in: "echo ${foo@bar}", bash: `1:12: invalid @ expansion operator "bar" #NOERR at runtime`, }, { in: "echo ${foo@'Q'}", bash: `1:12: @ expansion operator requires a literal #NOERR at runtime`, }, { in: `echo $((echo a); (echo b))`, bsmk: `1:14: not a valid arithmetic operator: a #NOERR backtrack`, }, { in: `((echo a); (echo b))`, bsmk: `1:8: not a valid arithmetic operator: a #NOERR backtrack`, }, { in: "for ((;;", bash: `1:5: reached EOF without matching (( with ))`, }, { in: "for ((;;0000000", bash: `1:5: reached EOF without matching (( with ))`, }, { in: "function foo() { bar; }", posix: `1:13: the "function" builtin is a bash feature; tried parsing as posix`, }, { in: "function foo { bar; }", posix: `1:14: the "function" builtin is a bash feature; tried parsing as posix`, }, { in: "declare foo=(bar)", posix: `1:13: the "declare" builtin is a bash feature; tried parsing as posix`, }, { in: "let foo=(bar)", posix: `1:9: the "let" builtin is a bash feature; tried parsing as posix`, }, { in: "echo <(", posix: `1:6: < must be followed by a word`, mksh: `1:6: < must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "echo >(", posix: `1:6: > must be followed by a word`, mksh: `1:6: > must be followed by a word`, }, { // shells treat {var} as an argument, but we are a bit stricter // so that users won't think this will work like they expect in // POSIX shell. in: "echo {var}>foo", posix: `1:6: {varname} redirects are a bash feature #NOERR`, mksh: `1:6: {varname} redirects are a bash feature #NOERR`, }, { in: "echo ;&", posix: `1:7: & can only immediately follow a statement`, bsmk: `1:6: ;& can only be used in a case clause`, }, { in: "echo ;;&", posix: `1:6: ;; can only be used in a case clause`, mksh: `1:6: ;; can only be used in a case clause`, }, { in: "echo ;|", posix: `1:7: | can only immediately follow a statement`, bash: `1:7: | can only immediately follow a statement`, }, { in: "for i in 1 2 3; { echo; }", posix: `1:17: for loops with braces are a bash/mksh feature`, }, { in: "for ((i=0; i<5; i++)); do echo; done", posix: `1:5: c-style fors are a bash feature`, mksh: `1:5: c-style fors are a bash feature`, }, { in: "echo !(a)", posix: `1:6: extended globs are a bash/mksh feature`, }, { in: "echo $a@(b)", posix: `1:8: extended globs are a bash/mksh feature`, }, { in: "foo=(1 2)", posix: `1:5: arrays are a bash/mksh feature`, }, { in: "a=$c\n'", common: `2:1: reached EOF without closing quote '`, }, { in: "echo ${!foo}", posix: `1:6: "${!foo}" is a bash/mksh feature`, }, { in: "echo ${!foo*}", posix: `1:6: "${!foo*}" is a bash feature`, mksh: `1:6: "${!foo*}" is a bash feature`, }, { in: "echo ${!foo@}", posix: `1:12: this expansion operator is a bash/mksh feature`, mksh: `1:6: "${!foo@}" is a bash feature`, }, { in: "echo ${!foo[@]}", posix: `1:12: arrays are a bash/mksh feature`, }, { in: "echo ${foo[1]}", posix: `1:11: arrays are a bash/mksh feature`, }, { in: "echo ${foo/a/b}", posix: `1:11: search and replace is a bash/mksh feature`, }, { in: "echo ${foo:1}", posix: `1:11: slicing is a bash/mksh feature`, }, { in: "foo <<< bar", posix: `1:5: herestrings are a bash/mksh feature`, }, { in: "foo << < bar", posix: `1:5: << must be followed by a word`, }, { in: "echo ${foo,bar}", posix: `1:11: this expansion operator is a bash feature`, mksh: `1:11: this expansion operator is a bash feature`, }, { in: "echo ${foo@Q}", posix: `1:11: this expansion operator is a bash/mksh feature`, }, { in: "echo ${foo@a}", mksh: `1:12: this expansion operator is a bash feature`, }, { in: "echo ${foo@u}", mksh: `1:12: this expansion operator is a bash feature`, }, { in: "echo ${foo@A}", mksh: `1:12: this expansion operator is a bash feature`, }, { in: "echo ${foo@E}", mksh: `1:12: this expansion operator is a bash feature`, }, { in: "echo ${foo@K}", mksh: `1:12: this expansion operator is a bash feature`, }, { in: "echo ${foo@k}", mksh: `1:12: this expansion operator is a bash feature`, }, { in: "echo ${foo@L}", mksh: `1:12: this expansion operator is a bash feature`, }, { in: "echo ${foo@P}", mksh: `1:12: this expansion operator is a bash feature`, }, { in: "echo ${foo@U}", mksh: `1:12: this expansion operator is a bash feature`, }, { in: "echo ${foo@#}", bash: `1:12: this expansion operator is a mksh feature #NOERR`, }, { in: "`\"`\\", common: "1:2: reached ` without closing quote \"", }, } func checkError(p *Parser, in, want string) func(*testing.T) { return func(t *testing.T) { if i := strings.Index(want, " #NOERR"); i >= 0 { want = want[:i] } _, err := p.Parse(newStrictReader(in), "") if err == nil { t.Fatalf("Expected error in %q: %v", in, want) } if got := err.Error(); got != want { t.Fatalf("Error mismatch in %q\nwant: %s\ngot: %s", in, want, got) } } } func TestParseErrPosix(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := NewParser(KeepComments(true), Variant(LangPOSIX)) for _, c := range shellTests { want := c.common if c.posix != nil { want = c.posix } if want == nil { continue } t.Run("", checkError(p,, want.(string))) } } func TestParseErrBash(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := NewParser(KeepComments(true)) for _, c := range shellTests { want := c.common if c.bsmk != nil { want = c.bsmk } if c.bash != nil { want = c.bash } if want == nil { continue } t.Run("", checkError(p,, want.(string))) } } func TestParseErrMirBSDKorn(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := NewParser(KeepComments(true), Variant(LangMirBSDKorn)) for _, c := range shellTests { want := c.common if c.bsmk != nil { want = c.bsmk } if c.mksh != nil { want = c.mksh } if want == nil { continue } t.Run("", checkError(p,, want.(string))) } } func TestInputName(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() in := "(" want := " reached EOF without matching ( with )" p := NewParser() _, err := p.Parse(strings.NewReader(in), "") if err == nil { t.Fatalf("Expected error in %q: %v", in, want) } got := err.Error() if got != want { t.Fatalf("Error mismatch in %q\nwant: %s\ngot: %s", in, want, got) } } var errBadReader = fmt.Errorf("write: expected error") type badReader struct{} func (b badReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { return 0, errBadReader } func TestReadErr(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := NewParser() _, err := p.Parse(badReader{}, "") if err == nil { t.Fatalf("Expected error with bad reader") } if err != errBadReader { t.Fatalf("Error mismatch with bad reader:\nwant: %v\ngot: %v", errBadReader, err) } } type strictStringReader struct { *strings.Reader gaveEOF bool } func newStrictReader(s string) *strictStringReader { return &strictStringReader{Reader: strings.NewReader(s)} } func (r *strictStringReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { n, err := r.Reader.Read(p) if err == io.EOF { if r.gaveEOF { return n, fmt.Errorf("duplicate EOF read") } r.gaveEOF = true } return n, err } func TestParseStmts(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := NewParser() inReader, inWriter := io.Pipe() recv := make(chan bool, 10) errc := make(chan error, 1) go func() { errc <- p.Stmts(inReader, func(s *Stmt) bool { recv <- true return true }) }() io.WriteString(inWriter, "foo\n") <-recv io.WriteString(inWriter, "bar; baz") inWriter.Close() <-recv <-recv if err := <-errc; err != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected no error: %v", err) } } func TestParseStmtsStopEarly(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := NewParser() inReader, inWriter := io.Pipe() defer inWriter.Close() recv := make(chan bool, 10) errc := make(chan error, 1) go func() { errc <- p.Stmts(inReader, func(s *Stmt) bool { recv <- true return !s.Background }) }() io.WriteString(inWriter, "a\n") <-recv io.WriteString(inWriter, "b &\n") // stop here <-recv if err := <-errc; err != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected no error: %v", err) } } func TestParseStmtsError(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() in := "foo; )" p := NewParser() recv := make(chan bool, 10) errc := make(chan error, 1) go func() { errc <- p.Stmts(strings.NewReader(in), func(s *Stmt) bool { recv <- true return true }) }() <-recv if err := <-errc; err == nil { t.Fatalf("Expected an error in %q, but got nil", in) } } func TestParseWords(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := NewParser() inReader, inWriter := io.Pipe() recv := make(chan bool, 10) errc := make(chan error, 1) go func() { errc <- p.Words(inReader, func(w *Word) bool { recv <- true return true }) }() // TODO: Allow a single space to end parsing a word. At the moment, the // parser must read the next non-space token (the next literal or // newline, in this case) to finish parsing a word. io.WriteString(inWriter, "foo ") io.WriteString(inWriter, "bar\n") <-recv io.WriteString(inWriter, "baz etc") inWriter.Close() <-recv <-recv <-recv if err := <-errc; err != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected no error: %v", err) } } func TestParseWordsStopEarly(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := NewParser() r := strings.NewReader("a\nb\nc\n") parsed := 0 err := p.Words(r, func(w *Word) bool { parsed++ return w.Lit() != "b" }) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Expected no error: %v", err) } if want := 2; parsed != want { t.Fatalf("wanted %d words parsed, got %d", want, parsed) } } func TestParseWordsError(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() in := "foo )" p := NewParser() recv := make(chan bool, 10) errc := make(chan error, 1) go func() { errc <- p.Words(strings.NewReader(in), func(w *Word) bool { recv <- true return true }) }() <-recv want := "1:5: ) is not a valid word" got := fmt.Sprintf("%v", <-errc) if got != want { t.Fatalf("Expected %q as an error, but got %q", want, got) } } var documentTests = []struct { in string want []WordPart }{ { "foo", []WordPart{lit("foo")}, }, { " foo $bar", []WordPart{ lit(" foo "), litParamExp("bar"), }, }, { "$bar\n\n", []WordPart{ litParamExp("bar"), lit("\n\n"), }, }, } func TestParseDocument(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := NewParser() for _, tc := range documentTests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { got, err := p.Document(strings.NewReader( if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } recursiveSanityCheck(t, "", got) want := &Word{Parts: tc.want} qt.Assert(t, qt.CmpEquals(got, want, cmpOpt)) }) } } func TestParseDocumentError(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() in := "foo $(" p := NewParser() _, err := p.Document(strings.NewReader(in)) want := "1:5: reached EOF without matching ( with )" got := fmt.Sprintf("%v", err) if got != want { t.Fatalf("Expected %q as an error, but got %q", want, got) } } var arithmeticTests = []struct { in string want ArithmExpr }{ { "foo", litWord("foo"), }, { "3 + 4", &BinaryArithm{ Op: Add, X: litWord("3"), Y: litWord("4"), }, }, { "3 + 4 + 5", &BinaryArithm{ Op: Add, X: &BinaryArithm{ Op: Add, X: litWord("3"), Y: litWord("4"), }, Y: litWord("5"), }, }, { "1 ? 0 : 2", &BinaryArithm{ Op: TernQuest, X: litWord("1"), Y: &BinaryArithm{ Op: TernColon, X: litWord("0"), Y: litWord("2"), }, }, }, { "a = 3, ++a, a--", &BinaryArithm{ Op: Comma, X: &BinaryArithm{ Op: Comma, X: &BinaryArithm{ Op: Assgn, X: litWord("a"), Y: litWord("3"), }, Y: &UnaryArithm{ Op: Inc, X: litWord("a"), }, }, Y: &UnaryArithm{ Op: Dec, Post: true, X: litWord("a"), }, }, }, } func TestParseArithmetic(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := NewParser() for _, tc := range arithmeticTests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { got, err := p.Arithmetic(strings.NewReader( if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } recursiveSanityCheck(t, "", got) qt.Assert(t, qt.CmpEquals(got, tc.want, cmpOpt)) }) } } func TestParseArithmeticError(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() in := "3 +" p := NewParser() _, err := p.Arithmetic(strings.NewReader(in)) want := "1:3: + must be followed by an expression" got := fmt.Sprintf("%v", err) if got != want { t.Fatalf("Expected %q as an error, but got %q", want, got) } } var stopAtTests = []struct { in string stop string want any }{ { "foo bar", "$$", litCall("foo", "bar"), }, { "$foo $", "$$", call(word(litParamExp("foo")), litWord("$")), }, { "echo foo $$", "$$", litCall("echo", "foo"), }, { "$$", "$$", &File{}, }, { "echo foo\n$$\n", "$$", litCall("echo", "foo"), }, { "echo foo; $$", "$$", litCall("echo", "foo"), }, { "echo foo; $$", "$$", litCall("echo", "foo"), }, { "echo foo;$$", "$$", litCall("echo", "foo"), }, { "echo '$$'", "$$", call(litWord("echo"), word(sglQuoted("$$"))), }, } func TestParseStmtsStopAt(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for _, c := range stopAtTests { p := NewParser(StopAt(c.stop)) want := fullProg(c.want) t.Run("", singleParse(p,, want)) } } func TestValidName(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tests := []struct { name string in string want bool }{ {"Empty", "", false}, {"Simple", "foo", true}, {"MixedCase", "Foo", true}, {"Underscore", "_foo", true}, {"NumberPrefix", "3foo", false}, {"NumberSuffix", "foo3", true}, } for _, tc := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { got := ValidName( if got != tc.want { t.Fatalf("ValidName(%q) got %t, wanted %t",, got, tc.want) } }) } } func TestIsIncomplete(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tests := []struct { in string want bool }{ {"foo\n", false}, {"foo;", false}, {"\n", false}, {"'incomp", true}, {"foo; 'incomp", true}, {" (incomp", true}, {"badsyntax)", false}, } p := NewParser() for i, tc := range tests { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("Parse%02d", i), func(t *testing.T) { r := strings.NewReader( _, err := p.Parse(r, "") if got := IsIncomplete(err); got != tc.want { t.Fatalf("%q got %t, wanted %t",, got, tc.want) } }) t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("Interactive%02d", i), func(t *testing.T) { r := strings.NewReader( err := p.Interactive(r, func([]*Stmt) bool { return false }) if got := IsIncomplete(err); got != tc.want { t.Fatalf("%q got %t, wanted %t",, got, tc.want) } }) } } func TestPosEdgeCases(t *testing.T) { in := "`\\\\foo`\n" + // one escaped backslash and 3 bytes "\x00foo\x00bar\n" // 8 bytes and newline p := NewParser() f, err := p.Parse(strings.NewReader(in), "") qt.Assert(t, qt.IsNil(err)) cmdSubst := f.Stmts[0].Cmd.(*CallExpr).Args[0].Parts[0].(*CmdSubst) lit := cmdSubst.Stmts[0].Cmd.(*CallExpr).Args[0].Parts[0].(*Lit) qt.Check(t, qt.Equals(lit.Value, lit.Value)) // Note that positions of literals with escape sequences inside backquote command substitutions // are weird, since we effectively skip over the double escaping in the literal value and positions. // Even though the input source has '\\foo' between columns 2 and 7 (length 5) // we end up keeping '\foo' between columns 3 and 7 (length 4). qt.Check(t, qt.Equals(lit.ValuePos.String(), "1:3")) qt.Check(t, qt.Equals(lit.ValueEnd.String(), "1:7")) // Check that we skip over null bytes when counting columns. qt.Check(t, qt.Equals(f.Stmts[1].Pos().String(), "2:2")) qt.Check(t, qt.Equals(f.Stmts[1].End().String(), "2:9")) } 0707010000005E000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000091DE000000000000000000000000000000000000001C00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/printer.go// Copyright (c) 2016, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package syntax import ( "bufio" "bytes" "fmt" "io" "strings" "text/tabwriter" "unicode" "" ) // PrinterOption is a function which can be passed to NewPrinter // to alter its behavior. To apply option to existing Printer // call it directly, for example KeepPadding(true)(printer). type PrinterOption func(*Printer) // Indent sets the number of spaces used for indentation. If set to 0, // tabs will be used instead. func Indent(spaces uint) PrinterOption { return func(p *Printer) { p.indentSpaces = spaces } } // BinaryNextLine will make binary operators appear on the next line // when a binary command, such as a pipe, spans multiple lines. A // backslash will be used. func BinaryNextLine(enabled bool) PrinterOption { return func(p *Printer) { p.binNextLine = enabled } } // SwitchCaseIndent will make switch cases be indented. As such, switch // case bodies will be two levels deeper than the switch itself. func SwitchCaseIndent(enabled bool) PrinterOption { return func(p *Printer) { p.swtCaseIndent = enabled } } // TODO(v4): consider turning this into a "space all operators" option, to also // allow foo=( bar baz ), (( x + y )), and so on. // SpaceRedirects will put a space after most redirection operators. The // exceptions are '>&', '<&', '>(', and '<('. func SpaceRedirects(enabled bool) PrinterOption { return func(p *Printer) { p.spaceRedirects = enabled } } // KeepPadding will keep most nodes and tokens in the same column that // they were in the original source. This allows the user to decide how // to align and pad their code with spaces. // // Note that this feature is best-effort and will only keep the // alignment stable, so it may need some human help the first time it is // run. // // Deprecated: this formatting option is flawed and buggy, and often does // not result in what the user wants when the code gets complex enough. // The next major version, v4, will remove this feature entirely. // See: func KeepPadding(enabled bool) PrinterOption { return func(p *Printer) { if enabled && !p.keepPadding { // Enable the flag, and set up the writer wrapper. p.keepPadding = true p.cols.Writer = p.bufWriter.(*bufio.Writer) p.bufWriter = &p.cols } else if !enabled && p.keepPadding { // Ensure we reset the state to that of NewPrinter. p.keepPadding = false p.bufWriter = p.cols.Writer p.cols = colCounter{} } } } // Minify will print programs in a way to save the most bytes possible. // For example, indentation and comments are skipped, and extra // whitespace is avoided when possible. func Minify(enabled bool) PrinterOption { return func(p *Printer) { p.minify = enabled } } // SingleLine will attempt to print programs in one line. For example, lists of // commands or nested blocks do not use newlines in this mode. Note that some // newlines must still appear, such as those following comments or around // here-documents. // // Print's trailing newline when given a *File is not affected by this option. func SingleLine(enabled bool) PrinterOption { return func(p *Printer) { p.singleLine = enabled } } // FunctionNextLine will place a function's opening braces on the next line. func FunctionNextLine(enabled bool) PrinterOption { return func(p *Printer) { p.funcNextLine = enabled } } // NewPrinter allocates a new Printer and applies any number of options. func NewPrinter(opts ...PrinterOption) *Printer { p := &Printer{ bufWriter: bufio.NewWriter(nil), tabWriter: new(tabwriter.Writer), } for _, opt := range opts { opt(p) } return p } // Print "pretty-prints" the given syntax tree node to the given writer. Writes // to w are buffered. // // The node types supported at the moment are *File, *Stmt, *Word, *Assign, any // Command node, and any WordPart node. A trailing newline will only be printed // when a *File is used. func (p *Printer) Print(w io.Writer, node Node) error { p.reset() if p.minify && p.singleLine { return fmt.Errorf("Minify and SingleLine together are not supported yet; please file an issue describing your use case:") } // TODO: consider adding a raw mode to skip the tab writer, much like in // go/printer. twmode := tabwriter.DiscardEmptyColumns | tabwriter.StripEscape tabwidth := 8 if p.indentSpaces == 0 { // indenting with tabs twmode |= tabwriter.TabIndent } else { // indenting with spaces tabwidth = int(p.indentSpaces) } p.tabWriter.Init(w, 0, tabwidth, 1, ' ', twmode) w = p.tabWriter p.bufWriter.Reset(w) switch node := node.(type) { case *File: p.stmtList(node.Stmts, node.Last) p.newline(Pos{}) case *Stmt: p.stmtList([]*Stmt{node}, nil) case Command: p.command(node, nil) case *Word: p.line = node.Pos().Line() p.word(node) case WordPart: p.line = node.Pos().Line() p.wordPart(node, nil) case *Assign: p.line = node.Pos().Line() p.assigns([]*Assign{node}) default: return fmt.Errorf("unsupported node type: %T", node) } p.flushHeredocs() p.flushComments() // flush the writers if err := p.bufWriter.Flush(); err != nil { return err } if tw, _ := w.(*tabwriter.Writer); tw != nil { if err := tw.Flush(); err != nil { return err } } return nil } type bufWriter interface { Write([]byte) (int, error) WriteString(string) (int, error) WriteByte(byte) error Reset(io.Writer) Flush() error } type colCounter struct { *bufio.Writer column int lineStart bool } func (c *colCounter) addByte(b byte) { switch b { case '\n': c.column = 0 c.lineStart = true case '\t', ' ', tabwriter.Escape: default: c.lineStart = false } c.column++ } func (c *colCounter) WriteByte(b byte) error { c.addByte(b) return c.Writer.WriteByte(b) } func (c *colCounter) WriteString(s string) (int, error) { for _, b := range []byte(s) { c.addByte(b) } return c.Writer.WriteString(s) } func (c *colCounter) Reset(w io.Writer) { c.column = 1 c.lineStart = true c.Writer.Reset(w) } // Printer holds the internal state of the printing mechanism of a // program. type Printer struct { bufWriter // TODO: embedding this makes the methods part of the API, which we did not intend tabWriter *tabwriter.Writer cols colCounter indentSpaces uint binNextLine bool swtCaseIndent bool spaceRedirects bool keepPadding bool minify bool singleLine bool funcNextLine bool wantSpace wantSpaceState // whether space is required or has been written wantNewline bool // newline is wanted for pretty-printing; ignored by singleLine; ignored by singleLine mustNewline bool // newline is required to keep shell syntax valid wroteSemi bool // wrote ';' for the current statement // pendingComments are any comments in the current line or statement // that we have yet to print. This is useful because that way, we can // ensure that all comments are written immediately before a newline. // Otherwise, in some edge cases we might wrongly place words after a // comment in the same line, breaking programs. pendingComments []Comment // firstLine means we are still writing the first line firstLine bool // line is the current line number line uint // lastLevel is the last level of indentation that was used. lastLevel uint // level is the current level of indentation. level uint // levelIncs records which indentation level increments actually // took place, to revert them once their section ends. levelIncs []bool nestedBinary bool // pendingHdocs is the list of pending heredocs to write. pendingHdocs []*Redirect // used when printing <<- heredocs with tab indentation tabsPrinter *Printer } func (p *Printer) reset() { p.wantSpace = spaceWritten p.wantNewline, p.mustNewline = false, false p.pendingComments = p.pendingComments[:0] // minification uses its own newline logic p.firstLine = !p.minify p.line = 0 p.lastLevel, p.level = 0, 0 p.levelIncs = p.levelIncs[:0] p.nestedBinary = false p.pendingHdocs = p.pendingHdocs[:0] } func (p *Printer) spaces(n uint) { for i := uint(0); i < n; i++ { p.WriteByte(' ') } } func (p *Printer) space() { p.WriteByte(' ') p.wantSpace = spaceWritten } func (p *Printer) spacePad(pos Pos) { if p.cols.lineStart && p.indentSpaces == 0 { // Never add padding at the start of a line unless we are indenting // with spaces, since this may result in mixing of spaces and tabs. return } if p.wantSpace == spaceRequired { p.WriteByte(' ') p.wantSpace = spaceWritten } for p.cols.column > 0 && p.cols.column < int(pos.Col()) { p.WriteByte(' ') } } // wantsNewline reports whether we want to print at least one newline before // printing a node at a given position. A zero position can be given to simply // tell if we want a newline following what's just been printed. func (p *Printer) wantsNewline(pos Pos, escapingNewline bool) bool { if p.mustNewline { // We must have a newline here. return true } if p.singleLine && len(p.pendingComments) == 0 { // The newline is optional, and singleLine skips it. // Don't skip if there are any pending comments, // as that might move them further down to the wrong place. return false } if escapingNewline && p.minify { return false } // The newline is optional, and we want it via either wantNewline or via // the position's line. return p.wantNewline || pos.Line() > p.line } func (p *Printer) bslashNewl() { if p.wantSpace == spaceRequired { } p.WriteString("\\\n") p.line++ p.indent() } func (p *Printer) spacedString(s string, pos Pos) { p.spacePad(pos) p.WriteString(s) p.wantSpace = spaceRequired } func (p *Printer) spacedToken(s string, pos Pos) { if p.minify { p.WriteString(s) p.wantSpace = spaceNotRequired return } p.spacePad(pos) p.WriteString(s) p.wantSpace = spaceRequired } func (p *Printer) semiOrNewl(s string, pos Pos) { if p.wantsNewline(Pos{}, false) { p.newline(pos) p.indent() } else { if !p.wroteSemi { p.WriteByte(';') } if !p.minify { } p.advanceLine(pos.Line()) } p.WriteString(s) p.wantSpace = spaceRequired } func (p *Printer) writeLit(s string) { // If p.tabWriter is nil, this is the nested printer being used to print // <<- heredoc bodies, so the parent printer will add the escape bytes // later. if p.tabWriter != nil && strings.Contains(s, "\t") { p.WriteByte(tabwriter.Escape) defer p.WriteByte(tabwriter.Escape) } p.WriteString(s) } func (p *Printer) incLevel() { inc := false if p.level <= p.lastLevel || len(p.levelIncs) == 0 { p.level++ inc = true } else if last := &p.levelIncs[len(p.levelIncs)-1]; *last { *last = false inc = true } p.levelIncs = append(p.levelIncs, inc) } func (p *Printer) decLevel() { if p.levelIncs[len(p.levelIncs)-1] { p.level-- } p.levelIncs = p.levelIncs[:len(p.levelIncs)-1] } func (p *Printer) indent() { if p.minify { return } p.lastLevel = p.level switch { case p.level == 0: case p.indentSpaces == 0: p.WriteByte(tabwriter.Escape) for i := uint(0); i < p.level; i++ { p.WriteByte('\t') } p.WriteByte(tabwriter.Escape) default: p.spaces(p.indentSpaces * p.level) } } // TODO(mvdan): add an indent call at the end of newline? // newline prints one newline and advances p.line to pos.Line(). func (p *Printer) newline(pos Pos) { p.flushHeredocs() p.flushComments() p.WriteByte('\n') p.wantSpace = spaceWritten p.wantNewline, p.mustNewline = false, false p.advanceLine(pos.Line()) } func (p *Printer) advanceLine(line uint) { if p.line < line { p.line = line } } func (p *Printer) flushHeredocs() { if len(p.pendingHdocs) == 0 { return } hdocs := p.pendingHdocs p.pendingHdocs = p.pendingHdocs[:0] coms := p.pendingComments p.pendingComments = nil if len(coms) > 0 { c := coms[0] if c.Pos().Line() == p.line { p.pendingComments = append(p.pendingComments, c) p.flushComments() coms = coms[1:] } } // Reuse the last indentation level, as // indentation levels are usually changed before // newlines are printed along with their // subsequent indentation characters. newLevel := p.level p.level = p.lastLevel for _, r := range hdocs { p.line++ p.WriteByte('\n') p.wantSpace = spaceWritten p.wantNewline, p.wantNewline = false, false if r.Op == DashHdoc && p.indentSpaces == 0 && !p.minify { if r.Hdoc != nil { extra := extraIndenter{ bufWriter: p.bufWriter, baseIndent: int(p.level + 1), firstIndent: -1, } p.tabsPrinter = &Printer{ bufWriter: &extra, // The options need to persist. indentSpaces: p.indentSpaces, binNextLine: p.binNextLine, swtCaseIndent: p.swtCaseIndent, spaceRedirects: p.spaceRedirects, keepPadding: p.keepPadding, minify: p.minify, funcNextLine: p.funcNextLine, line: r.Hdoc.Pos().Line(), } p.tabsPrinter.wordParts(r.Hdoc.Parts, true) } p.indent() } else if r.Hdoc != nil { p.wordParts(r.Hdoc.Parts, true) } p.unquotedWord(r.Word) if r.Hdoc != nil { // Overwrite p.line, since printing r.Word again can set // p.line to the beginning of the heredoc again. p.advanceLine(r.Hdoc.End().Line()) } p.wantSpace = spaceNotRequired } p.level = newLevel p.pendingComments = coms p.mustNewline = true } // newline prints between zero and two newlines. // If any newlines are printed, it advances p.line to pos.Line(). func (p *Printer) newlines(pos Pos) { if p.firstLine && len(p.pendingComments) == 0 { p.firstLine = false return // no empty lines at the top } if !p.wantsNewline(pos, false) { return } p.flushHeredocs() p.flushComments() p.WriteByte('\n') p.wantSpace = spaceWritten p.wantNewline, p.mustNewline = false, false l := pos.Line() if l > p.line+1 && !p.minify { p.WriteByte('\n') // preserve single empty lines } p.advanceLine(l) p.indent() } func (p *Printer) rightParen(pos Pos) { if len(p.pendingHdocs) > 0 || !p.minify { p.newlines(pos) } p.WriteByte(')') p.wantSpace = spaceRequired } func (p *Printer) semiRsrv(s string, pos Pos) { if p.wantsNewline(pos, false) { p.newlines(pos) } else { if !p.wroteSemi { p.WriteByte(';') } if !p.minify { p.spacePad(pos) } } p.WriteString(s) p.wantSpace = spaceRequired } func (p *Printer) flushComments() { for i, c := range p.pendingComments { if i == 0 { // Flush any pending heredocs first. Otherwise, the // comments would become part of a heredoc body. p.flushHeredocs() } p.firstLine = false // We can't call any of the newline methods, as they call this // function and we'd recurse forever. cline := c.Hash.Line() switch { case p.mustNewline, i > 0, cline > p.line && p.line > 0: p.WriteByte('\n') if cline > p.line+1 { p.WriteByte('\n') } p.indent() p.wantSpace = spaceWritten p.spacePad(c.Pos()) case p.wantSpace == spaceRequired: if p.keepPadding { p.spacePad(c.Pos()) } else { p.WriteByte('\t') } case p.wantSpace != spaceWritten: } // don't go back one line, which may happen in some edge cases p.advanceLine(cline) p.WriteByte('#') p.writeLit(strings.TrimRightFunc(c.Text, unicode.IsSpace)) p.wantNewline = true p.mustNewline = true } p.pendingComments = nil } func (p *Printer) comments(comments ...Comment) { if p.minify { for _, c := range comments { if fileutil.Shebang([]byte("#"+c.Text)) != "" && c.Hash.Col() == 1 && c.Hash.Line() == 1 { p.WriteString(strings.TrimRightFunc("#"+c.Text, unicode.IsSpace)) p.WriteString("\n") p.line++ } } return } p.pendingComments = append(p.pendingComments, comments...) } func (p *Printer) wordParts(wps []WordPart, quoted bool) { // We disallow unquoted escaped newlines between word parts below. // However, we want to allow a leading escaped newline for cases such as: // // foo <<< \ // "bar baz" if !quoted && !p.singleLine && wps[0].Pos().Line() > p.line { p.bslashNewl() } for i, wp := range wps { var next WordPart if i+1 < len(wps) { next = wps[i+1] } // Keep escaped newlines separating word parts when quoted. // Note that those escaped newlines don't cause indentaiton. // When not quoted, we strip them out consistently, // because attempting to keep them would prevent indentation. // Can't use p.wantsNewline here, since this is only about // escaped newlines. for quoted && !p.singleLine && wp.Pos().Line() > p.line { p.WriteString("\\\n") p.line++ } p.wordPart(wp, next) p.advanceLine(wp.End().Line()) } } func (p *Printer) wordPart(wp, next WordPart) { switch wp := wp.(type) { case *Lit: p.writeLit(wp.Value) case *SglQuoted: if wp.Dollar { p.WriteByte('$') } p.WriteByte('\'') p.writeLit(wp.Value) p.WriteByte('\'') p.advanceLine(wp.End().Line()) case *DblQuoted: p.dblQuoted(wp) case *CmdSubst: p.advanceLine(wp.Pos().Line()) switch { case wp.TempFile: p.WriteString("${") p.wantSpace = spaceRequired p.nestedStmts(wp.Stmts, wp.Last, wp.Right) p.wantSpace = spaceNotRequired p.semiRsrv("}", wp.Right) case wp.ReplyVar: p.WriteString("${|") p.nestedStmts(wp.Stmts, wp.Last, wp.Right) p.wantSpace = spaceNotRequired p.semiRsrv("}", wp.Right) // Special case: `# inline comment` case wp.Backquotes && len(wp.Stmts) == 0 && len(wp.Last) == 1 && wp.Right.Line() == p.line: p.WriteString("`#") p.WriteString(wp.Last[0].Text) p.WriteString("`") default: p.WriteString("$(") if len(wp.Stmts) > 0 && startsWithLparen(wp.Stmts[0]) { p.wantSpace = spaceRequired } else { p.wantSpace = spaceNotRequired } p.nestedStmts(wp.Stmts, wp.Last, wp.Right) p.rightParen(wp.Right) } case *ParamExp: litCont := ";" if nextLit, ok := next.(*Lit); ok && nextLit.Value != "" { litCont = nextLit.Value[:1] } name := wp.Param.Value switch { case !p.minify: case wp.Excl, wp.Length, wp.Width: case wp.Index != nil, wp.Slice != nil: case wp.Repl != nil, wp.Exp != nil: case len(name) > 1 && !ValidName(name): // ${10} case ValidName(name + litCont): // ${var}cont default: x2 := *wp x2.Short = true p.paramExp(&x2) return } p.paramExp(wp) case *ArithmExp: p.WriteString("$((") if wp.Unsigned { p.WriteString("# ") } p.arithmExpr(wp.X, false, false) p.WriteString("))") case *ExtGlob: p.WriteString(wp.Op.String()) p.writeLit(wp.Pattern.Value) p.WriteByte(')') case *ProcSubst: // avoid conflict with << and others if p.wantSpace == spaceRequired { } p.WriteString(wp.Op.String()) p.nestedStmts(wp.Stmts, wp.Last, wp.Rparen) p.rightParen(wp.Rparen) } } func (p *Printer) dblQuoted(dq *DblQuoted) { if dq.Dollar { p.WriteByte('$') } p.WriteByte('"') if len(dq.Parts) > 0 { p.wordParts(dq.Parts, true) } // Add any trailing escaped newlines. for p.line < dq.Right.Line() { p.WriteString("\\\n") p.line++ } p.WriteByte('"') } func (p *Printer) wroteIndex(index ArithmExpr) bool { if index == nil { return false } p.WriteByte('[') p.arithmExpr(index, false, false) p.WriteByte(']') return true } func (p *Printer) paramExp(pe *ParamExp) { if pe.nakedIndex() { // arr[x] p.writeLit(pe.Param.Value) p.wroteIndex(pe.Index) return } if pe.Short { // $var p.WriteByte('$') p.writeLit(pe.Param.Value) return } // ${var...} p.WriteString("${") switch { case pe.Length: p.WriteByte('#') case pe.Width: p.WriteByte('%') case pe.Excl: p.WriteByte('!') } p.writeLit(pe.Param.Value) p.wroteIndex(pe.Index) switch { case pe.Slice != nil: p.WriteByte(':') p.arithmExpr(pe.Slice.Offset, true, true) if pe.Slice.Length != nil { p.WriteByte(':') p.arithmExpr(pe.Slice.Length, true, false) } case pe.Repl != nil: if pe.Repl.All { p.WriteByte('/') } p.WriteByte('/') if pe.Repl.Orig != nil { p.word(pe.Repl.Orig) } p.WriteByte('/') if pe.Repl.With != nil { p.word(pe.Repl.With) } case pe.Names != 0: p.writeLit(pe.Names.String()) case pe.Exp != nil: p.WriteString(pe.Exp.Op.String()) if pe.Exp.Word != nil { p.word(pe.Exp.Word) } } p.WriteByte('}') } func (p *Printer) loop(loop Loop) { switch loop := loop.(type) { case *WordIter: p.writeLit(loop.Name.Value) if loop.InPos.IsValid() { p.spacedString(" in", Pos{}) p.wordJoin(loop.Items) } case *CStyleLoop: p.WriteString("((") if loop.Init == nil { } p.arithmExpr(loop.Init, false, false) p.WriteString("; ") p.arithmExpr(loop.Cond, false, false) p.WriteString("; ") p.arithmExpr(loop.Post, false, false) p.WriteString("))") } } func (p *Printer) arithmExpr(expr ArithmExpr, compact, spacePlusMinus bool) { if p.minify { compact = true } switch expr := expr.(type) { case *Word: p.word(expr) case *BinaryArithm: if compact { p.arithmExpr(expr.X, compact, spacePlusMinus) p.WriteString(expr.Op.String()) p.arithmExpr(expr.Y, compact, false) } else { p.arithmExpr(expr.X, compact, spacePlusMinus) if expr.Op != Comma { } p.WriteString(expr.Op.String()) p.arithmExpr(expr.Y, compact, false) } case *UnaryArithm: if expr.Post { p.arithmExpr(expr.X, compact, spacePlusMinus) p.WriteString(expr.Op.String()) } else { if spacePlusMinus { switch expr.Op { case Plus, Minus: } } p.WriteString(expr.Op.String()) p.arithmExpr(expr.X, compact, false) } case *ParenArithm: p.WriteByte('(') p.arithmExpr(expr.X, false, false) p.WriteByte(')') } } func (p *Printer) testExpr(expr TestExpr) { // Multi-line test expressions don't need to escape newlines. if expr.Pos().Line() > p.line { p.newlines(expr.Pos()) p.spacePad(expr.Pos()) } else if p.wantSpace == spaceRequired { } p.testExprSameLine(expr) } func (p *Printer) testExprSameLine(expr TestExpr) { p.advanceLine(expr.Pos().Line()) switch expr := expr.(type) { case *Word: p.word(expr) case *BinaryTest: p.testExprSameLine(expr.X) p.WriteString(expr.Op.String()) switch expr.Op { case AndTest, OrTest: p.wantSpace = spaceRequired p.testExpr(expr.Y) default: p.testExprSameLine(expr.Y) } case *UnaryTest: p.WriteString(expr.Op.String()) p.testExprSameLine(expr.X) case *ParenTest: p.WriteByte('(') if startsWithLparen(expr.X) { p.wantSpace = spaceRequired } else { p.wantSpace = spaceNotRequired } p.testExpr(expr.X) p.WriteByte(')') } } func (p *Printer) word(w *Word) { p.wordParts(w.Parts, false) p.wantSpace = spaceRequired } func (p *Printer) unquotedWord(w *Word) { for _, wp := range w.Parts { switch wp := wp.(type) { case *SglQuoted: p.writeLit(wp.Value) case *DblQuoted: p.wordParts(wp.Parts, true) case *Lit: for i := 0; i < len(wp.Value); i++ { if b := wp.Value[i]; b == '\\' { if i++; i < len(wp.Value) { p.WriteByte(wp.Value[i]) } } else { p.WriteByte(b) } } } } } func (p *Printer) wordJoin(ws []*Word) { anyNewline := false for _, w := range ws { if pos := w.Pos(); pos.Line() > p.line && !p.singleLine { if !anyNewline { p.incLevel() anyNewline = true } p.bslashNewl() } p.spacePad(w.Pos()) p.word(w) } if anyNewline { p.decLevel() } } func (p *Printer) casePatternJoin(pats []*Word) { anyNewline := false for i, w := range pats { if i > 0 { p.spacedToken("|", Pos{}) } if p.wantsNewline(w.Pos(), true) { if !anyNewline { p.incLevel() anyNewline = true } p.bslashNewl() } else { p.spacePad(w.Pos()) } p.word(w) } if anyNewline { p.decLevel() } } func (p *Printer) elemJoin(elems []*ArrayElem, last []Comment) { p.incLevel() for _, el := range elems { var left []Comment for _, c := range el.Comments { if c.Pos().After(el.Pos()) { left = append(left, c) break } p.comments(c) } // Multi-line array expressions don't need to escape newlines. if el.Pos().Line() > p.line { p.newlines(el.Pos()) p.spacePad(el.Pos()) } else if p.wantSpace == spaceRequired { } if p.wroteIndex(el.Index) { p.WriteByte('=') } if el.Value != nil { p.word(el.Value) } p.comments(left...) } if len(last) > 0 { p.comments(last...) p.flushComments() } p.decLevel() } func (p *Printer) stmt(s *Stmt) { p.wroteSemi = false if s.Negated { p.spacedString("!", s.Pos()) } var startRedirs int if s.Cmd != nil { startRedirs = p.command(s.Cmd, s.Redirs) } p.incLevel() for _, r := range s.Redirs[startRedirs:] { if p.wantsNewline(r.OpPos, true) { p.bslashNewl() } if p.wantSpace == spaceRequired { p.spacePad(r.Pos()) } if r.N != nil { p.writeLit(r.N.Value) } p.WriteString(r.Op.String()) if p.spaceRedirects && (r.Op != DplIn && r.Op != DplOut) { } else { p.wantSpace = spaceRequired } p.word(r.Word) if r.Op == Hdoc || r.Op == DashHdoc { p.pendingHdocs = append(p.pendingHdocs, r) } } sep := s.Semicolon.IsValid() && s.Semicolon.Line() > p.line && !p.singleLine if sep || s.Background || s.Coprocess { if sep { p.bslashNewl() } else if !p.minify { } if s.Background { p.WriteString("&") } else if s.Coprocess { p.WriteString("|&") } else { p.WriteString(";") } p.wroteSemi = true p.wantSpace = spaceRequired } p.decLevel() } func (p *Printer) printRedirsUntil(redirs []*Redirect, startRedirs int, pos Pos) int { for _, r := range redirs[startRedirs:] { if r.Pos().After(pos) || r.Op == Hdoc || r.Op == DashHdoc { break } if p.wantSpace == spaceRequired { p.spacePad(r.Pos()) } if r.N != nil { p.writeLit(r.N.Value) } p.WriteString(r.Op.String()) if p.spaceRedirects && (r.Op != DplIn && r.Op != DplOut) { } else { p.wantSpace = spaceRequired } p.word(r.Word) startRedirs++ } return startRedirs } func (p *Printer) command(cmd Command, redirs []*Redirect) (startRedirs int) { p.advanceLine(cmd.Pos().Line()) p.spacePad(cmd.Pos()) switch cmd := cmd.(type) { case *CallExpr: p.assigns(cmd.Assigns) if len(cmd.Args) > 0 { startRedirs = p.printRedirsUntil(redirs, startRedirs, cmd.Args[0].Pos()) } if len(cmd.Args) <= 1 { p.wordJoin(cmd.Args) return startRedirs } p.wordJoin(cmd.Args[:1]) startRedirs = p.printRedirsUntil(redirs, startRedirs, cmd.Args[1].Pos()) p.wordJoin(cmd.Args[1:]) case *Block: p.WriteByte('{') p.wantSpace = spaceRequired // Forbid "foo()\n{ bar; }" p.wantNewline = p.wantNewline || p.funcNextLine p.nestedStmts(cmd.Stmts, cmd.Last, cmd.Rbrace) p.semiRsrv("}", cmd.Rbrace) case *IfClause: p.ifClause(cmd, false) case *Subshell: p.WriteByte('(') stmts := cmd.Stmts if len(stmts) > 0 && startsWithLparen(stmts[0]) { p.wantSpace = spaceRequired // Add a space between nested parentheses if we're printing them in a single line, // to avoid the ambiguity between `((` and `( (`. if (cmd.Lparen.Line() != stmts[0].Pos().Line() || len(stmts) > 1) && !p.singleLine { p.wantSpace = spaceNotRequired if p.minify { p.mustNewline = true } } } else { p.wantSpace = spaceNotRequired } p.spacePad(stmtsPos(cmd.Stmts, cmd.Last)) p.nestedStmts(cmd.Stmts, cmd.Last, cmd.Rparen) p.wantSpace = spaceNotRequired p.spacePad(cmd.Rparen) p.rightParen(cmd.Rparen) case *WhileClause: if cmd.Until { p.spacedString("until", cmd.Pos()) } else { p.spacedString("while", cmd.Pos()) } p.nestedStmts(cmd.Cond, cmd.CondLast, Pos{}) p.semiOrNewl("do", cmd.DoPos) p.nestedStmts(cmd.Do, cmd.DoLast, cmd.DonePos) p.semiRsrv("done", cmd.DonePos) case *ForClause: if cmd.Select { p.WriteString("select ") } else { p.WriteString("for ") } p.loop(cmd.Loop) p.semiOrNewl("do", cmd.DoPos) p.nestedStmts(cmd.Do, cmd.DoLast, cmd.DonePos) p.semiRsrv("done", cmd.DonePos) case *BinaryCmd: p.stmt(cmd.X) if p.minify || p.singleLine || cmd.Y.Pos().Line() <= p.line { // leave p.nestedBinary untouched p.spacedToken(cmd.Op.String(), cmd.OpPos) p.advanceLine(cmd.Y.Pos().Line()) p.stmt(cmd.Y) break } indent := !p.nestedBinary if indent { p.incLevel() } if p.binNextLine { if len(p.pendingHdocs) == 0 { p.bslashNewl() } p.spacedToken(cmd.Op.String(), cmd.OpPos) if len(cmd.Y.Comments) > 0 { p.wantSpace = spaceNotRequired p.newline(cmd.Y.Pos()) p.indent() p.comments(cmd.Y.Comments...) p.newline(Pos{}) p.indent() } } else { p.spacedToken(cmd.Op.String(), cmd.OpPos) p.advanceLine(cmd.OpPos.Line()) p.comments(cmd.Y.Comments...) p.newline(Pos{}) p.indent() } p.advanceLine(cmd.Y.Pos().Line()) _, p.nestedBinary = cmd.Y.Cmd.(*BinaryCmd) p.stmt(cmd.Y) if indent { p.decLevel() } p.nestedBinary = false case *FuncDecl: if cmd.RsrvWord { p.WriteString("function ") } p.writeLit(cmd.Name.Value) if !cmd.RsrvWord || cmd.Parens { p.WriteString("()") } if p.funcNextLine { p.newline(Pos{}) p.indent() } else if !cmd.Parens || !p.minify { } p.advanceLine(cmd.Body.Pos().Line()) p.comments(cmd.Body.Comments...) p.stmt(cmd.Body) case *CaseClause: p.WriteString("case ") p.word(cmd.Word) p.WriteString(" in") p.advanceLine(cmd.In.Line()) p.wantSpace = spaceRequired if p.swtCaseIndent { p.incLevel() } if len(cmd.Items) == 0 { // Apparently "case x in; esac" is invalid shell. p.mustNewline = true } for i, ci := range cmd.Items { var last []Comment for i, c := range ci.Comments { if c.Pos().After(ci.Pos()) { last = ci.Comments[i:] break } p.comments(c) } p.newlines(ci.Pos()) p.spacePad(ci.Pos()) p.casePatternJoin(ci.Patterns) p.WriteByte(')') if !p.minify { p.wantSpace = spaceRequired } else { p.wantSpace = spaceNotRequired } bodyPos := stmtsPos(ci.Stmts, ci.Last) bodyEnd := stmtsEnd(ci.Stmts, ci.Last) sep := len(ci.Stmts) > 1 || bodyPos.Line() > p.line || (bodyEnd.IsValid() && ci.OpPos.Line() > bodyEnd.Line()) p.nestedStmts(ci.Stmts, ci.Last, ci.OpPos) p.level++ if !p.minify || i != len(cmd.Items)-1 { if sep { p.newlines(ci.OpPos) p.wantNewline = true } p.spacedToken(ci.Op.String(), ci.OpPos) p.advanceLine(ci.OpPos.Line()) // avoid ; directly after tokens like ;; p.wroteSemi = true } p.comments(last...) p.flushComments() p.level-- } p.comments(cmd.Last...) if p.swtCaseIndent { p.flushComments() p.decLevel() } p.semiRsrv("esac", cmd.Esac) case *ArithmCmd: p.WriteString("((") if cmd.Unsigned { p.WriteString("# ") } p.arithmExpr(cmd.X, false, false) p.WriteString("))") case *TestClause: p.WriteString("[[ ") p.incLevel() p.testExpr(cmd.X) p.decLevel() p.spacedString("]]", cmd.Right) case *DeclClause: p.spacedString(cmd.Variant.Value, cmd.Pos()) p.assigns(cmd.Args) case *TimeClause: p.spacedString("time", cmd.Pos()) if cmd.PosixFormat { p.spacedString("-p", cmd.Pos()) } if cmd.Stmt != nil { p.stmt(cmd.Stmt) } case *CoprocClause: p.spacedString("coproc", cmd.Pos()) if cmd.Name != nil { p.word(cmd.Name) } p.stmt(cmd.Stmt) case *LetClause: p.spacedString("let", cmd.Pos()) for _, n := range cmd.Exprs { p.arithmExpr(n, true, false) } case *TestDecl: p.spacedString("@test", cmd.Pos()) p.word(cmd.Description) p.stmt(cmd.Body) default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("syntax.Printer: unexpected node type %T", cmd)) } return startRedirs } func (p *Printer) ifClause(ic *IfClause, elif bool) { if !elif { p.spacedString("if", ic.Pos()) } p.nestedStmts(ic.Cond, ic.CondLast, Pos{}) p.semiOrNewl("then", ic.ThenPos) thenEnd := ic.FiPos el := ic.Else if el != nil { thenEnd = el.Position } p.nestedStmts(ic.Then, ic.ThenLast, thenEnd) if el != nil && el.ThenPos.IsValid() { p.comments(ic.Last...) p.semiRsrv("elif", el.Position) p.ifClause(el, true) return } if el == nil { p.comments(ic.Last...) } else { var left []Comment for _, c := range ic.Last { if c.Pos().After(el.Position) { left = append(left, c) break } p.comments(c) } p.semiRsrv("else", el.Position) p.comments(left...) p.nestedStmts(el.Then, el.ThenLast, ic.FiPos) p.comments(el.Last...) } p.semiRsrv("fi", ic.FiPos) } func (p *Printer) stmtList(stmts []*Stmt, last []Comment) { sep := p.wantNewline || (len(stmts) > 0 && stmts[0].Pos().Line() > p.line) for i, s := range stmts { if i > 0 && p.singleLine && p.wantNewline && !p.wroteSemi { // In singleLine mode, ensure we use semicolons between // statements. p.WriteByte(';') p.wantSpace = spaceRequired } pos := s.Pos() var midComs, endComs []Comment for _, c := range s.Comments { // Comments after the end of this command. Note that // this includes "<<EOF # comment". if s.Cmd != nil && c.End().After(s.Cmd.End()) { endComs = append(endComs, c) break } // Comments between the beginning of the statement and // the end of the command. if c.Pos().After(pos) { midComs = append(midComs, c) continue } // The rest of the comments are before the entire // statement. p.comments(c) } if p.mustNewline || !p.minify || p.wantSpace == spaceRequired { p.newlines(pos) } p.advanceLine(pos.Line()) p.comments(midComs...) p.stmt(s) p.comments(endComs...) p.wantNewline = true } if len(stmts) == 1 && !sep { p.wantNewline = false } p.comments(last...) } func (p *Printer) nestedStmts(stmts []*Stmt, last []Comment, closing Pos) { p.incLevel() switch { case len(stmts) > 1: // Force a newline if we find: // { stmt; stmt; } p.wantNewline = true case closing.Line() > p.line && len(stmts) > 0 && stmtsEnd(stmts, last).Line() < closing.Line(): // Force a newline if we find: // { stmt // } p.wantNewline = true case len(p.pendingComments) > 0 && len(stmts) > 0: // Force a newline if we find: // for i in a b # stmt // do foo; done p.wantNewline = true } p.stmtList(stmts, last) if closing.IsValid() { p.flushComments() } p.decLevel() } func (p *Printer) assigns(assigns []*Assign) { p.incLevel() for _, a := range assigns { if p.wantsNewline(a.Pos(), true) { p.bslashNewl() } else { p.spacePad(a.Pos()) } if a.Name != nil { p.writeLit(a.Name.Value) p.wroteIndex(a.Index) if a.Append { p.WriteByte('+') } if !a.Naked { p.WriteByte('=') } } if a.Value != nil { // Ensure we don't use an escaped newline after '=', // because that can result in indentation, thus // splitting "foo=bar" into "foo= bar". p.advanceLine(a.Value.Pos().Line()) p.word(a.Value) } else if a.Array != nil { p.wantSpace = spaceNotRequired p.WriteByte('(') p.elemJoin(a.Array.Elems, a.Array.Last) p.rightParen(a.Array.Rparen) } p.wantSpace = spaceRequired } p.decLevel() } type wantSpaceState uint8 const ( spaceNotRequired wantSpaceState = iota spaceRequired // we should generally print a space or a newline next spaceWritten // we have just written a space or newline ) // extraIndenter ensures that all lines in a '<<-' heredoc body have at least // baseIndent leading tabs. Those that had more tab indentation than the first // heredoc line will keep that relative indentation. type extraIndenter struct { bufWriter baseIndent int firstIndent int firstChange int curLine []byte } func (e *extraIndenter) WriteByte(b byte) error { e.curLine = append(e.curLine, b) if b != '\n' { return nil } trimmed := bytes.TrimLeft(e.curLine, "\t") if len(trimmed) == 1 { // no tabs if this is an empty line, i.e. "\n" e.bufWriter.Write(trimmed) e.curLine = e.curLine[:0] return nil } lineIndent := len(e.curLine) - len(trimmed) if e.firstIndent < 0 { // This is the first heredoc line we add extra indentation to. // Keep track of how much we indented. e.firstIndent = lineIndent e.firstChange = e.baseIndent - lineIndent lineIndent = e.baseIndent } else if lineIndent < e.firstIndent { // This line did not have enough indentation; simply indent it // like the first line. lineIndent = e.firstIndent } else { // This line had plenty of indentation. Add the extra // indentation that the first line had, for consistency. lineIndent += e.firstChange } e.bufWriter.WriteByte(tabwriter.Escape) for i := 0; i < lineIndent; i++ { e.bufWriter.WriteByte('\t') } e.bufWriter.WriteByte(tabwriter.Escape) e.bufWriter.Write(trimmed) e.curLine = e.curLine[:0] return nil } func (e *extraIndenter) WriteString(s string) (int, error) { for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { e.WriteByte(s[i]) } return len(s), nil } func startsWithLparen(node Node) bool { switch node := node.(type) { case *Stmt: return startsWithLparen(node.Cmd) case *BinaryCmd: return startsWithLparen(node.X) case *Subshell: return true // keep ( ( case *ArithmCmd: return true // keep ( (( } return false } 0707010000005F000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100007EA2000000000000000000000000000000000000002100000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/printer_test.go// Copyright (c) 2016, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package syntax import ( "bytes" "fmt" "os" "regexp" "strings" "testing" ) func TestPrintCompact(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() parserBash := NewParser(KeepComments(true)) parserPosix := NewParser(KeepComments(true), Variant(LangPOSIX)) parserMirBSD := NewParser(KeepComments(true), Variant(LangMirBSDKorn)) parserBats := NewParser(KeepComments(true), Variant(LangBats)) printer := NewPrinter() for _, c := range append(fileTests, fileTestsKeepComments...) { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { in := c.Strs[0] parser := parserPosix if c.Bats != nil { parser = parserBats } else if c.Bash != nil { parser = parserBash } else if c.MirBSDKorn != nil { parser = parserMirBSD } printTest(t, parser, printer, in, in) }) } } func strPrint(p *Printer, node Node) (string, error) { var buf bytes.Buffer err := p.Print(&buf, node) return buf.String(), err } type printCase struct { in, want string } func samePrint(s string) printCase { return printCase{in: s, want: s} } var printTests = []printCase{ samePrint(`fo○ b\år`), samePrint(`"fo○ b\år"`), samePrint(`'fo○ b\år'`), samePrint(`${a#fo○ b\år}`), samePrint(`#fo○ b\år`), samePrint("<<EOF\nfo○ b\\år\nEOF"), samePrint(`$'○ b\år'`), samePrint("${a/b//○}"), {strings.Repeat(" ", bufSize-3) + "○", "○"}, // at the end of a chunk {strings.Repeat(" ", bufSize-0) + "○", "○"}, // at the start of a chunk {strings.Repeat(" ", bufSize-2) + "○", "○"}, // split after 1st byte {strings.Repeat(" ", bufSize-1) + "○", "○"}, // split after 2nd byte // peekByte that would (but cannot) go to the next chunk {strings.Repeat(" ", bufSize-2) + ">(a)", ">(a)"}, // escaped newline at end of chunk {"a" + strings.Repeat(" ", bufSize-2) + "\\\nb", "a \\\n\tb"}, // panics if padding is only 4 (utf8.UTFMax) {strings.Repeat(" ", bufSize-10) + "${a/b//○}", "${a/b//○}"}, // multiple p.fill calls {"a" + strings.Repeat(" ", bufSize*4) + "b", "a b"}, // newline at the beginning of second chunk {"a" + strings.Repeat(" ", bufSize-2) + "\nb", "a\nb"}, {"foo; bar", "foo\nbar"}, {"foo\n\n\nbar", "foo\n\nbar"}, {"foo\n\n", "foo"}, {"\n\nfoo", "foo"}, {"# foo \n # bar\t", "# foo\n# bar"}, samePrint("#"), samePrint("#c1\\\n#c2"), samePrint("#\\\n#"), {"#\\\r\n#", "#\\\n#"}, samePrint("{\n\t# foo \\\n}"), samePrint("foo\\\\\nbar"), samePrint("a=b # inline\nbar"), samePrint("a=$(b) # inline"), samePrint("foo # inline\n# after"), samePrint("$(a) $(b)"), {"if a\nthen\n\tb\nfi", "if a; then\n\tb\nfi"}, samePrint("if a; then\n\tb\nelse\nfi"), {"if a; then b\nelse c\nfi", "if a; then\n\tb\nelse\n\tc\nfi"}, samePrint("foo >&2 <f bar"), samePrint("foo >&2 bar <f"), samePrint(">&2 foo bar <f"), samePrint(">&2 foo"), samePrint(">&2 foo 2>&1 bar <f"), {"foo >&2>/dev/null", "foo >&2 >/dev/null"}, {"foo <<EOF bar\nl1\nEOF", "foo bar <<EOF\nl1\nEOF"}, samePrint("foo <<\\\\\\\\EOF\nbar\n\\\\EOF"), samePrint("foo <<\"\\EOF\"\nbar\n\\EOF"), samePrint("foo <<\"EOF\"\nbar\nEOF\nbar"), samePrint("foo <<EOF && bar\nl1\nEOF"), samePrint("foo <<EOF &&\nl1\nEOF\n\tbar"), samePrint("foo <<EOF\nl1\nEOF\n\nfoo2"), samePrint("<<EOF\nfoo\\\nbar\nEOF"), samePrint("<<'EOF'\nfoo\\\nbar\nEOF"), samePrint("<<EOF\n\\\n$foo\nEOF"), samePrint("<<'EOF'\n\\\nEOF"), samePrint("{\n\t<<EOF\nfoo\\\nbar\nEOF\n}"), samePrint("{\n\t<<'EOF'\nfoo\\\nbar\nEOF\n}"), samePrint("<<EOF\nEOF"), samePrint("foo <<EOF\nEOF\n\nbar"), samePrint("foo <<'EOF'\nEOF\n\nbar"), { "{ foo; bar; }", "{\n\tfoo\n\tbar\n}", }, { "{ foo; bar; }\n#etc", "{\n\tfoo\n\tbar\n}\n#etc", }, { "{\n\tfoo; }", "{\n\tfoo\n}", }, { "{ foo\n}", "{\n\tfoo\n}", }, { "(foo\n)", "(\n\tfoo\n)", }, { "$(foo\n)", "$(\n\tfoo\n)", }, { "a\n\n\n# etc\nb", "a\n\n# etc\nb", }, { "a b\\\nc d", "a bc d", }, { "a bb\\\ncc d", "a bbcc d", }, samePrint("a \\\n\tb \\\n\t\"c\" \\\n\t;"), samePrint("a=1 \\\n\tb=2 \\\n\tc=\"3\" \\\n\t;"), { "a=\\\nfoo\nb=\\\n\"bar\"\nc=\\\n'baz'", "a=foo\nb=\"bar\"\nc='baz'", }, samePrint("if a \\\n\t; then b; fi"), samePrint("a > \\\n\tfoo"), samePrint("a <<< \\\n\t\"foo\""), samePrint("a 'b\nb' c"), samePrint("a $'b\nb' c"), { "(foo; bar)", "(\n\tfoo\n\tbar\n)", }, { "{\nfoo\nbar; }", "{\n\tfoo\n\tbar\n}", }, samePrint("\"$foo\"\n{\n\tbar\n}"), { "{\nbar\n# extra\n}", "{\n\tbar\n\t# extra\n}", }, { "foo\nbar # extra", "foo\nbar # extra", }, { "foo # 1\nfooo # 2\nfo # 3", "foo # 1\nfooo # 2\nfo # 3", }, { " foo # 1\n fooo # 2\n fo # 3", "foo # 1\nfooo # 2\nfo # 3", }, { "foo # 1\nfooo # 2\nfo # 3", "foo # 1\nfooo # 2\nfo # 3", }, { "foooooa\nfoo # 1\nfooo # 2\nfo # 3\nfooooo", "foooooa\nfoo # 1\nfooo # 2\nfo # 3\nfooooo", }, { "foo\nbar\nfoo # 1\nfooo # 2", "foo\nbar\nfoo # 1\nfooo # 2", }, samePrint("foobar # 1\nfoo\nfoo # 2"), samePrint("foobar # 1\n#foo\nfoo # 2"), samePrint("foobar # 1\n\nfoo # 2"), { "foo # 2\nfoo2 bar # 1", "foo # 2\nfoo2 bar # 1", }, { "foo bar # 1\n! foo # 2", "foo bar # 1\n! foo # 2", }, { "aa #b\nc #d\ne\nf #g", "aa #b\nc #d\ne\nf #g", }, { "{ a; } #x\nbbb #y\n{ #z\n}", "{ a; } #x\nbbb #y\n{ #z\n}", }, { "foo; foooo # 1", "foo\nfoooo # 1", }, { "aaa; b #1\nc #2", "aaa\nb #1\nc #2", }, { "a #1\nbbb; c #2\nd #3", "a #1\nbbb\nc #2\nd #3", }, samePrint("aa #c1\n{ #c2\n\tb\n}"), { "aa #c1\n{ b; c; } #c2", "aa #c1\n{\n\tb\n\tc\n} #c2", }, samePrint("a #c1\n'b\ncc' #c2"), { "(\nbar\n# extra\n)", "(\n\tbar\n\t# extra\n)", }, { "for a in 1 2\ndo\n\t# bar\ndone", "for a in 1 2; do\n\t# bar\ndone", }, samePrint("#before\nfoo | bar"), samePrint("#before\nfoo && bar"), samePrint("foo | bar # inline"), samePrint("foo && bar # inline"), samePrint("foo `# inline` \\\n\tbar"), samePrint("for a in 1 2; do\n\n\tbar\ndone"), { "a \\\n\t&& b", "a &&\n\tb", }, { "a \\\n\t&& b\nc", "a &&\n\tb\nc", }, { "{\n(a \\\n&& b)\nc\n}", "{\n\t(a &&\n\t\tb)\n\tc\n}", }, { "a && b \\\n&& c", "a && b &&\n\tc", }, { "a \\\n&& $(b) && c \\\n&& d", "a &&\n\t$(b) && c &&\n\td", }, { "a \\\n&& b\nc \\\n&& d", "a &&\n\tb\nc &&\n\td", }, { "a \\\n&&\n#c\nb", "a &&\n\t#c\n\tb", }, { "a | {\nb \\\n| c\n}", "a | {\n\tb |\n\t\tc\n}", }, { "a \\\n\t&& if foo; then\nbar\nfi", "a &&\n\tif foo; then\n\t\tbar\n\tfi", }, { "if\nfoo\nthen\nbar\nfi", "if\n\tfoo\nthen\n\tbar\nfi", }, { "if foo \\\nbar\nthen\nbar\nfi", "if foo \\\n\tbar; then\n\tbar\nfi", }, { "if foo \\\n&& bar\nthen\nbar\nfi", "if foo &&\n\tbar; then\n\tbar\nfi", }, { "a |\nb |\nc", "a |\n\tb |\n\tc", }, samePrint("a |\n\tb | c |\n\td"), samePrint("a | b |\n\tc |\n\td"), { "foo |\n# misplaced\nbar", "foo |\n\t# misplaced\n\tbar", }, samePrint("{\n\tfoo\n\t#a\n\tbar\n} | etc"), { "foo &&\n#a1\n#a2\n$(bar)", "foo &&\n\t#a1\n\t#a2\n\t$(bar)", }, { "{\n\tfoo\n\t#a\n} |\n# misplaced\nbar", "{\n\tfoo\n\t#a\n} |\n\t# misplaced\n\tbar", }, samePrint("foo | bar\n#after"), { "a |\nb | #c2\nc", "a |\n\tb | #c2\n\tc", }, { "{\nfoo &&\n#a1\n#a2\n$(bar)\n}", "{\n\tfoo &&\n\t\t#a1\n\t\t#a2\n\t\t$(bar)\n}", }, { "foo | while read l; do\nbar\ndone", "foo | while read l; do\n\tbar\ndone", }, samePrint("while x; do\n\t#comment\ndone"), { "while x\ndo\n\ty\ndone", "while x; do\n\ty\ndone", }, samePrint("\"\\\nfoo\""), samePrint("'\\\nfoo'"), samePrint("\"foo\\\n bar\""), samePrint("'foo\\\n bar'"), samePrint("v=\"\\\nfoo\""), { "v=foo\\\nbar", "v=foobar", }, { "v='foo'\\\n'bar'", "v='foo''bar'", }, { "v=\\\n\"foo\"", "v=\"foo\"", }, { "v=\\\nfoo\\\n$bar", "v=foo$bar", }, samePrint("\"\\\n\\\nfoo\\\n\\\n\""), samePrint("'\\\n\\\nfoo\\\n\\\n'"), { "foo \\\n>bar\netc", "foo \\\n\t>bar\netc", }, { "foo \\\nfoo2 \\\n>bar", "foo \\\n\tfoo2 \\\n\t>bar", }, samePrint("> >(foo)"), samePrint("x > >(foo) y"), samePrint("a | () |\n\tb"), samePrint("a | (\n\tx\n\ty\n) |\n\tb"), samePrint("a |\n\tif foo; then\n\t\tbar\n\tfi |\n\tb"), samePrint("a | if foo; then\n\tbar\nfi"), samePrint("a | b | if foo; then\n\tbar\nfi"), { "case $i in\n1)\nfoo\n;;\nesac", "case $i in\n1)\n\tfoo\n\t;;\nesac", }, { "case $i in\n1)\nfoo\nesac", "case $i in\n1)\n\tfoo\n\t;;\nesac", }, { "case $i in\n1) foo\nesac", "case $i in\n1) foo ;;\nesac", }, { "case $i in\n1) foo; bar\nesac", "case $i in\n1)\n\tfoo\n\tbar\n\t;;\nesac", }, { "case $i in\n1) foo; bar;;\nesac", "case $i in\n1)\n\tfoo\n\tbar\n\t;;\nesac", }, { "case $i in\n1)\n#foo \t\n;;\nesac", "case $i in\n1)\n\t#foo\n\t;;\nesac", }, { "case $i in\n1)\n\t;;\n\n2)\n\t;;\nesac", "case $i in\n1) ;;\n\n2) ;;\nesac", }, { "case $i\nin\n1)\n\t;;\nesac", "case $i in\n1) ;;\nesac", }, samePrint("case $i in\n1)\n\ta\n\t#b\n\t;;\nesac"), samePrint("case $i in\n1) foo() { bar; } ;;\nesac"), samePrint("case $i in\n1) ;; #foo\nesac"), samePrint("case $i in\n#foo\nesac"), samePrint("case $i in\n#before\n1) ;;\nesac"), samePrint("case $i in\n#bef\n1) ;; #inl\nesac"), samePrint("case $i in\n#before1\n'1') ;;\n#before2\n'2') ;;\nesac"), samePrint("case $i in\n1) ;; #inl1\n2) ;; #inl2\nesac"), samePrint("case $i in\n#bef\n1) #inl\n\tfoo\n\t;;\nesac"), samePrint("case $i in\n1) #inl\n\t;;\nesac"), samePrint("case $i in\n1) a \\\n\tb ;;\nesac"), samePrint("case $i in\n1 | 2 | \\\n\t3 | 4) a b ;;\nesac"), samePrint("case $i in\n1 | 2 | \\\n\t3 | 4)\n\ta b\n\t;;\nesac"), samePrint("case $i in\nx) ;;\ny) for n in 1; do echo $n; done ;;\nesac"), samePrint("case a in b) [[ x =~ y ]] ;; esac"), samePrint("case a in b) [[ a =~ b$ || c =~ d$ ]] ;; esac"), samePrint("case a in b) [[ a =~ (b) ]] ;; esac"), samePrint("[[ (a =~ b$) ]]"), samePrint("[[ a && ((b || c) && d) ]]"), samePrint("[[ a &&\n\tb ]]"), samePrint("[[ a ||\n\tb ]]"), { "[[ -f \\\n\tfoo ]]", "[[ -f foo ]]", }, { "[[ foo \\\n\t-ef \\\n\tbar ]]", "[[ foo -ef bar ]]", }, { "[[ a && \\\nb \\\n && c ]]", "[[ a &&\n\tb &&\n\tc ]]", }, samePrint("{\n\t[[ a || b ]]\n}"), { "a=(\nb\nc\n) b=c", "a=(\n\tb\n\tc\n) b=c", }, samePrint("a=(\n\t#before\n\tb #inline\n)"), samePrint("a=(\n\tb #foo\n\tc #bar\n)"), samePrint("a=(\n\tb\n\n\t#foo\n\t#bar\n\tc\n)"), samePrint("a=(\n\t#foo\n\t#bar\n\tc\n)"), samePrint("a=(\n\t#lone\n)"), samePrint("a=(\n\n)"), samePrint("a=(\n\tx\n\n\ty\n)"), samePrint("foo <<EOF | $(bar)\n3\nEOF"), { "a <<EOF\n$(\n\tb\n\tc)\nEOF", "a <<EOF\n$(\n\tb\n\tc\n)\nEOF", }, samePrint("<<EOF1\n$(\n\t<<EOF2\ninner\nEOF2\n)\nEOF1"), { "<(<<EOF\nbody\nEOF\n)", "<(\n\t<<EOF\nbody\nEOF\n)", }, { "( (foo) )\n$( (foo) )\n<( (foo) )", "( (foo))\n$( (foo))\n<((foo))", }, { "if ( ((foo)) || bar ); then baz; fi", "if ( ((foo)) || bar); then baz; fi", }, samePrint("if x; then (\n\ty\n) & fi"), samePrint("\"foo\n$(bar)\""), samePrint("\"foo\\\n$(bar)\""), samePrint("\"foo\\\nbar\""), samePrint("((foo++)) || bar"), { "a=b \\\nc=d \\\nfoo", "a=b \\\n\tc=d \\\n\tfoo", }, { "a=b \\\nc=d \\\nfoo \\\nbar", "a=b \\\n\tc=d \\\n\tfoo \\\n\tbar", }, samePrint("a $(x) \\\n\tb"), samePrint("\"foo\nbar\"\netc"), samePrint("\"foo\nbar\nbar2\"\netc"), samePrint("a=\"$b\n\"\nd=e"), samePrint("\"\n\"\n\nfoo"), samePrint("$\"\n\"\n\nfoo"), samePrint("'\n'\n\nfoo"), samePrint("$'\n'\n\nfoo"), samePrint("foo <<EOF\na\nb\nc\nd\nEOF\n{\n\tbar\n}"), samePrint("foo bar # one\nif a; then\n\tb\nfi # two"), { "# foo\n\n\nbar", "# foo\n\nbar", }, { "# foo\n\n\nbar\nbaz", "# foo\n\nbar\nbaz", }, samePrint("#foo\n#\n#bar"), { "(0 #\n0)#\n0", "(\n\t0 #\n\t0\n) #\n0", }, samePrint("a | #c1\n\t(\n\t\tb\n\t)"), samePrint("a | #c1\n\t{\n\t\tb\n\t}"), samePrint("a | #c1\n\tif b; then\n\t\tc\n\tfi"), samePrint("a | #c1\n\t#c2\n\t#c3\n\tb"), samePrint("a && #c1\n\t(\n\t\tb\n\t)"), samePrint("f() body # comment"), samePrint("f <<EOF\nbody\nEOF"), samePrint("f <<EOF\nEOF"), samePrint("f <<-EOF\n\tbody\nEOF"), { "f <<-EOF\nbody\nEOF", "f <<-EOF\n\tbody\nEOF", }, samePrint("f <<-EOF\nEOF"), samePrint("f <<-EOF\n\n\nEOF"), samePrint("f <<-EOF\n\n\tindented\n\nEOF"), samePrint("{\n\tf <<EOF\nEOF\n}"), samePrint("{\n\tf <<-EOF\n\t\tbody\n\tEOF\n}"), samePrint("{\n\tf <<-EOF\n\t\tbody\n\tEOF\n\tf2\n}"), samePrint("f <<-EOF\n\t{\n\t\tnicely indented\n\t}\nEOF"), samePrint("f <<-EOF\n\t{\n\t\tnicely indented\n\t}\nEOF"), { "f <<-EOF\n\t{\nbadly indented\n\t}\nEOF", "f <<-EOF\n\t{\n\tbadly indented\n\t}\nEOF", }, { "f <<-EOF\n\t\t{\n\t\t\ttoo indented\n\t\t}\nEOF", "f <<-EOF\n\t{\n\t\ttoo indented\n\t}\nEOF", }, { "f <<-EOF\n{\n\ttoo little indented\n}\nEOF", "f <<-EOF\n\t{\n\t\ttoo little indented\n\t}\nEOF", }, samePrint("<<-EOF\n\t$foo\nEOF\n\n{\n\tbar\n}"), samePrint("f <<EOF\nEOF\n# comment"), samePrint("f <<EOF\nEOF\n# comment\nbar"), samePrint("f <<EOF # inline\n$(\n\t# inside\n)\nEOF\n# outside\nbar"), samePrint("while foo; do\n\tbar\ndone <<-EOF # inline\n\tbaz\nEOF"), samePrint("{\n\tcat <<EOF\nEOF\n\t# comment\n}"), { "if foo # inline\nthen\n\tbar\nfi", "if foo; then # inline\n\tbar\nfi", }, samePrint("for i; do echo $i; done"), samePrint("for i in; do echo $i; done"), { "for foo in a b # inline\ndo\n\tbar\ndone", "for foo in a b; do # inline\n\tbar\ndone", }, { "if x # inline\nthen bar; fi", "if x; then # inline\n\tbar\nfi", }, { "for i in a b # inline\ndo bar; done", "for i in a b; do # inline\n\tbar\ndone", }, { "for i #a\n\tin 1; do #b\ndone", "for i in \\\n\t1; do #a\n\t#b\ndone", }, { "foo() # inline\n{\n\tbar\n}", "foo() { # inline\n\tbar\n}", }, { "foo() #before\n(\n\tbar #inline\n)", "foo() ( #before\n\tbar #inline\n)", }, { "foo() (#before\n\tbar #inline\n)", "foo() ( #before\n\tbar #inline\n)", }, { "foo()\n#before-1\n(#before-2\n\tbar #inline\n)", "foo() ( #before-1\n\t#before-2\n\tbar #inline\n)", }, { "(#before\n\tbar #inline\n)", "( #before\n\tbar #inline\n)", }, { "(\n#before\n\tbar #inline\n)", "(\n\t#before\n\tbar #inline\n)", }, { "foo=$(#before\n\tbar #inline\n)", "foo=$( #before\n\tbar #inline\n)", }, { "foo=`#before\nbar`", "foo=$( #before\n\tbar\n)", }, samePrint("if foo; then\n\tbar\n\t# comment\nfi"), samePrint("if foo; then\n\tbar\n# else commented out\nfi"), samePrint("if foo; then\n\tx\nelse\n\tbar\n\t# comment\nfi"), samePrint("if foo; then\n\tx\n#comment\nelse\n\ty\nfi"), samePrint("if foo; then\n\tx\n\t#comment\nelse\n\ty\nfi"), { "if foo; then\n\tx\n#a\n\t#b\n\t#c\nelse\n\ty\nfi", "if foo; then\n\tx\n\t#a\n\t#b\n\t#c\nelse\n\ty\nfi", }, samePrint("if foo; then\n\tx\nelse #comment\n\ty\nfi"), samePrint("if foo; then\n\tx\n#comment\nelif bar; then\n\ty\nfi"), samePrint("if foo; then\n\tx\n\t#comment\nelif bar; then\n\ty\nfi"), samePrint("case i in\nx)\n\ta\n\t;;\n#comment\ny) ;;\nesac"), samePrint("case i in\nx)\n\ta\n\t;;\n\t#comment\ny) ;;\nesac"), { "case i in\nx)\n\ta\n\t;;\n\t#a\n#b\n\t#c\ny) ;;\nesac", "case i in\nx)\n\ta\n\t;;\n\t#a\n\t#b\n\t#c\ny) ;;\nesac", }, samePrint("'foo\tbar'\n'foooo\tbar'"), samePrint("\"foo\tbar\"\n\"foooo\tbar\""), samePrint("foo\\\tbar\nfoooo\\\tbar"), samePrint("#foo\tbar\n#foooo\tbar"), { "array=('one'\n\t\t# 'two'\n\t\t'three')", "array=('one'\n\t# 'two'\n\t'three')", }, samePrint("#comment\n>redir"), { ">redir \\\n\tfoo", ">redir foo", }, samePrint("$(declare)"), { "`declare`", "$(declare)", }, { "(\n(foo >redir))", "(\n\t(foo >redir)\n)", }, { "( (foo) )", "( (foo))", }, { "( (foo); bar )", "(\n\t(foo)\n\tbar\n)", }, { "( ((foo++)) )", "( ((foo++)))", }, { "( ((foo++)); bar )", "(\n\t((foo++))\n\tbar\n)", }, samePrint("(\n\t((foo++))\n)"), samePrint("(foo && bar)"), samePrint(`$foo#bar ${foo}#bar 'foo'#bar "foo"#bar`), // TODO: support cases with command substitutions as well // { // "`foo`#bar", // "$(foo)#bar", // }, // samePrint(`$("foo"#bar)#bar`), } func TestPrintWeirdFormat(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() parser := NewParser(KeepComments(true)) printer := NewPrinter() for i, tc := range printTests { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("#%03d", i), func(t *testing.T) { printTest(t, parser, printer,, tc.want) }) t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("#%03d-nl", i), func(t *testing.T) { printTest(t, parser, printer, "\n""\n", tc.want) }) t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("#%03d-redo", i), func(t *testing.T) { printTest(t, parser, printer, tc.want, tc.want) }) } } func parsePath(tb testing.TB, path string) *File { f, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil { tb.Fatal(err) } defer f.Close() prog, err := NewParser(KeepComments(true)).Parse(f, "") if err != nil { tb.Fatal(err) } return prog } const canonicalPath = "" func TestPrintMultiline(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() prog := parsePath(t, canonicalPath) got, err := strPrint(NewPrinter(), prog) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } wantBs, err := os.ReadFile(canonicalPath) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // If we're on Windows and it was set up to automatically replace LF // with CRLF, that might make this test fail. Just ignore \r characters. want := strings.ReplaceAll(string(wantBs), "\r", "") got = strings.ReplaceAll(got, "\r", "") if got != want { t.Fatalf("Print mismatch in") } } func TestPrintSpaces(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() spaceFormats := [...]struct { spaces uint in, want string }{ { 0, "{\nfoo \\\nbar\n}", "{\n\tfoo \\\n\t\tbar\n}", }, { 2, "{\nfoo \\\nbar\n}", "{\n foo \\\n bar\n}", }, { 4, "{\nfoo \\\nbar\n}", "{\n foo \\\n bar\n}", }, { 2, "if foo; then # inline1\nbar # inline2\n# withfi\nfi", "if foo; then # inline1\n bar # inline2\n# withfi\nfi", }, { 2, "array=('one'\n # 'two'\n 'three')", "array=('one'\n # 'two'\n 'three')", }, } parser := NewParser(KeepComments(true)) for _, tc := range spaceFormats { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { printer := NewPrinter(Indent(tc.spaces)) printTest(t, parser, printer,, tc.want) }) } } var errBadWriter = fmt.Errorf("write: expected error") type badWriter struct{} func (b badWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { return 0, errBadWriter } func TestWriteErr(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() f := &File{Stmts: []*Stmt{ { Redirs: []*Redirect{{ Op: RdrOut, Word: litWord("foo"), }}, Cmd: &Subshell{}, }, }} err := NewPrinter().Print(badWriter{}, f) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("Expected error with bad writer") } if err != errBadWriter { t.Fatalf("Error mismatch with bad writer:\nwant: %v\ngot: %v", errBadWriter, err) } } func TestPrintBinaryNextLine(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tests := [...]printCase{ { "foo <<EOF &&\nl1\nEOF\nbar", "foo <<EOF && bar\nl1\nEOF", }, samePrint("a \\\n\t&& b"), samePrint("a \\\n\t&& b\nc"), { "{\n(a \\\n&& b)\nc\n}", "{\n\t(a \\\n\t\t&& b)\n\tc\n}", }, { "a && b \\\n&& c", "a && b \\\n\t&& c", }, { "a \\\n&& $(b) && c \\\n&& d", "a \\\n\t&& $(b) && c \\\n\t&& d", }, { "a \\\n&& b\nc \\\n&& d", "a \\\n\t&& b\nc \\\n\t&& d", }, { "a | {\nb \\\n| c\n}", "a | {\n\tb \\\n\t\t| c\n}", }, { "a \\\n\t&& if foo; then\nbar\nfi", "a \\\n\t&& if foo; then\n\t\tbar\n\tfi", }, { "if foo \\\n&& bar\nthen\nbar\nfi", "if foo \\\n\t&& bar; then\n\tbar\nfi", }, { "a |\nb |\nc", "a \\\n\t| b \\\n\t| c", }, { "foo |\n# misplaced\nbar", "foo \\\n\t|\n\t# misplaced\n\tbar", }, samePrint("{\n\tfoo\n\t#a\n\tbar\n} | etc"), { "foo &&\n#a1\n#a2\n$(bar)", "foo \\\n\t&&\n\t#a1\n\t#a2\n\t$(bar)", }, { "{\n\tfoo\n\t#a\n} |\n# misplaced\nbar", "{\n\tfoo\n\t#a\n} \\\n\t|\n\t# misplaced\n\tbar", }, samePrint("foo | bar\n#after"), { "a |\nb | #c2\nc", "a \\\n\t| b \\\n\t|\n\t#c2\n\tc", }, samePrint("a \\\n\t&"), } parser := NewParser(KeepComments(true)) printer := NewPrinter(BinaryNextLine(true)) for _, tc := range tests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { printTest(t, parser, printer,, tc.want) }) } } func TestPrintSwitchCaseIndent(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tests := [...]printCase{ { "case $i in\n1)\nfoo\n;;\nesac", "case $i in\n\t1)\n\t\tfoo\n\t\t;;\nesac", }, { "case $i in\n1)\na\n;;\n2)\nb\n;;\nesac", "case $i in\n\t1)\n\t\ta\n\t\t;;\n\t2)\n\t\tb\n\t\t;;\nesac", }, samePrint("case $i in\n\t#foo\nesac"), } parser := NewParser(KeepComments(true)) printer := NewPrinter(SwitchCaseIndent(true)) for _, tc := range tests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { printTest(t, parser, printer,, tc.want) }) } } func TestPrintFunctionNextLine(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tests := [...]printCase{ { "foo() { bar; }", "foo()\n{\n\tbar\n}", }, { "foo()\n{ bar; }", "foo()\n{\n\tbar\n}", }, { "foo()\n\n{\n\n\tbar\n}", "foo()\n{\n\n\tbar\n}", }, { "function foo {\n\tbar\n}", "function foo\n{\n\tbar\n}", }, { "function foo() {\n\tbar\n}", "function foo()\n{\n\tbar\n}", }, { "{ foo() { bar; }; }", "{\n\tfoo()\n\t{\n\t\tbar\n\t}\n}", }, } parser := NewParser(KeepComments(true)) printer := NewPrinter(FunctionNextLine(true)) for _, tc := range tests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { printTest(t, parser, printer,, tc.want) }) } } func TestPrintSpaceRedirects(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tests := [...]printCase{ samePrint("echo foo bar > f"), samePrint("echo > f foo bar"), samePrint("echo >(cmd)"), samePrint("echo > >(cmd)"), samePrint("<< EOF\nfoo\nEOF"), samePrint("<<- EOF\n\t$(< foo)\nEOF"), samePrint("echo 2> f"), samePrint("echo foo bar >&1"), samePrint("echo 2<&1 foo bar"), } parser := NewParser(KeepComments(true)) printer := NewPrinter(SpaceRedirects(true)) for _, tc := range tests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { printTest(t, parser, printer,, tc.want) }) } } func TestPrintKeepPadding(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tests := [...]printCase{ samePrint("echo foo bar"), samePrint("echo foo bar"), samePrint("a=b c=d bar"), samePrint("echo foo >bar"), samePrint("echo foo 2>bar"), samePrint("{ foo; }"), samePrint("a() { foo; }"), samePrint("a && b"), samePrint("a | b"), samePrint("a | b"), samePrint("{ a b c; }"), samePrint("foo # x\nbaaar # y"), samePrint("{ { a; }; }"), samePrint("{ a; }"), samePrint("( a )"), samePrint("'foo\nbar' # x"), {"\tfoo", "foo"}, {" if foo; then bar; fi", "if foo; then bar; fi"}, samePrint("echo '★' || true"), { "1234 || { x; y; }", "1234 || {\n\tx\n\ty\n}", }, { "array=('one'\n\t\t# 'two'\n\t\t'three')", "array=('one'\n\t# 'two'\n\t'three')", }, } parser := NewParser(KeepComments(true)) printer := NewPrinter(KeepPadding(true)) for _, tc := range tests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { // ensure that Reset does properly reset colCounter printer.WriteByte('x') printer.Reset(nil) printTest(t, parser, printer,, tc.want) }) } } func TestPrintKeepPaddingSpaces(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tests := [...]printCase{ samePrint("array=('one'\n # 'two'\n 'three')"), samePrint(" abc=123"), samePrint("foo \\\n bar \\\n baz"), samePrint("{\n foo\n bar\n}"), samePrint("# foo\n # bar"), } parser := NewParser(KeepComments(true)) printer := NewPrinter(KeepPadding(true), Indent(2)) for _, tc := range tests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { printTest(t, parser, printer,, tc.want) }) } } func TestPrintMinify(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tests := [...]printCase{ samePrint("echo foo bar $a $(b)"), { "#comment", "", }, { "foo #comment", "foo", }, { "foo\n\nbar", "foo\nbar", }, { "foo &", "foo&", }, samePrint("foo >bar 2>baz <etc"), { "{\n\tfoo\n}", "{\nfoo\n}", }, { "(\n\ta\n)\n(\n\tb\n\tc\n)", "(a)\n(b\nc)", }, { "$(\n\ta\n)\n$(\n\tb\n\tc\n)", "$(a)\n$(b\nc)", }, { "f() { x; }", "f(){ x;}", }, { "((1 + 2))", "((1+2))", }, { "echo $a ${b} ${c}-d ${e}f ${g}_h", "echo $a $b $c-d ${e}f ${g}_h", }, { "echo ${0} ${3} ${10} ${22}", "echo $0 $3 ${10} ${22}", }, { "case $a in\nx) c ;;\ny | z)\n\td\n\t;;\nesac", "case $a in\nx)c;;\ny|z)d\nesac", }, { "a && b | c", "a&&b|c", }, { "a &&\n\tb |\n\tc", "a&&b|c", }, { "${0/${a}\\\n}", "${0/$a/}", }, { "#!/bin/sh\necho 1\n#!/bin/sh\necho 2", "#!/bin/sh\necho 1\necho 2", }, samePrint("foo >bar 2>baz <etc"), samePrint("<<-EOF\n$(a|b)\nEOF"), { "a=$(\n\tcat <<'EOF'\n hello\nEOF\n)", "a=$(cat <<'EOF'\n hello\nEOF\n)", }, { "(\n\tcat <<EOF\n hello\nEOF\n)", "(cat <<EOF\n hello\nEOF\n)", }, samePrint("diff -y <(cat <<EOF\n1\n2\n3\nEOF\n) <(cat <<EOF\n1\n4\n3\nEOF\n)"), } parser := NewParser(KeepComments(true)) printer := NewPrinter(Minify(true)) for _, tc := range tests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { printTest(t, parser, printer,, tc.want) }) } } func TestPrintSingleLine(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tests := [...]printCase{ samePrint("echo foo bar $a $(b)"), samePrint("foo #comment"), { "foo\n\nbar", "foo; bar", }, samePrint("foo &"), samePrint("foo >bar 2>baz <etc"), { "{\n\tfoo\n}", "{ foo; }", }, { "(\n\ta\n)\n(\n\tb\n\tc\n)", "(a); (b; c)", }, { "$(\n\ta\n)\n$(\n\tb\n\tc\n)", "$(a); $(b; c)", }, samePrint("f() { x; }"), samePrint("((1 + 2))"), samePrint("echo $a ${b} ${c}-d ${e}f ${g}_h"), samePrint("echo ${0} ${3} ${10} ${22}"), { "case $a in\nx)c;;\ny|z)d\nesac", "case $a in x) c ;; y | z) d ;; esac", }, samePrint("a && b | c"), { "a &&\n\tb |\n\tc", "a && b | c", }, { "if\nfoo\nthen\nbar\nfi", "if foo; then bar; fi", }, { "a \\\n >b", "a >b", }, samePrint("foo >bar 2>baz <etc"), samePrint("<<-EOF\n\t$(a | b)\nEOF"), } parser := NewParser(KeepComments(true)) printer := NewPrinter(SingleLine(true)) for _, tc := range tests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { printTest(t, parser, printer,, tc.want) }) } } func TestPrintOptionsNotBroken(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() parserBash := NewParser(KeepComments(true)) parserPosix := NewParser(KeepComments(true), Variant(LangPOSIX)) parserMirBSD := NewParser(KeepComments(true), Variant(LangMirBSDKorn)) parserBats := NewParser(KeepComments(true), Variant(LangBats)) // e.g. comments and heredocs require newlines singleLineException := regexp.MustCompile(`#|<<|'|"`) checkSingleLine := func(t *testing.T, got string) { if singleLineException.MatchString(got) { return } got = strings.TrimSuffix(got, "\n") // trailing newline is expected if strings.Contains(got, "\n") { t.Fatalf("unexpected newline with SingleLine: %q", got) } } for _, opts := range []struct { name string list []PrinterOption }{ {"Minify", []PrinterOption{Minify(true)}}, {"SingleLine", []PrinterOption{SingleLine(true)}}, } { printer := NewPrinter(opts.list...) for _, tc := range append(fileTests, fileTestsNoPrint...) { t.Run("File", func(t *testing.T) { parser := parserPosix if tc.Bats != nil { parser = parserBats } else if tc.Bash != nil { parser = parserBash } else if tc.MirBSDKorn != nil { parser = parserMirBSD } in := tc.Strs[0] prog, err := parser.Parse(strings.NewReader(in), "") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } got, err := strPrint(printer, prog) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if == "SingleLine" { checkSingleLine(t, got) } _, err = parser.Parse(strings.NewReader(got), "") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("program was broken: %v\noriginal:\n%s\nfinal:\n%s", err, in, got) } }) } for _, tc := range printTests { t.Run("Print", func(t *testing.T) { prog, err := parserBash.Parse(strings.NewReader(, "") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } got, err := strPrint(printer, prog) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if == "SingleLine" { checkSingleLine(t, got) } _, err = parserBash.Parse(strings.NewReader(got), "") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("program was broken: %v\noriginal:\n%s\nfinal:\n%s", err,, got) } }) } } } func printTest(t *testing.T, parser *Parser, printer *Printer, in, want string) { t.Helper() prog, err := parser.Parse(strings.NewReader(in), "") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("parsing got an error: %s:\n%s", err, in) } origWant := want want += "\n" got, err := strPrint(printer, prog) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if got != want { t.Fatalf("Print mismatch:\nin:\n%q\nwant:\n%q\ngot:\n%q", in, want, got) } // With the original "want" output string, // make sure that it's idempotent when formatted again. // Note that we don't want the added newline, // as that can change the meaning of trailing backslashes. progAgain, err := parser.Parse(strings.NewReader(origWant), "") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Result is not valid shell:\n%s", want) } gotAgain, err := strPrint(printer, progAgain) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if gotAgain != want { t.Fatalf("Re-print mismatch:\nin:\n%q\nwant:\n%q\ngot:\n%q", in, want, gotAgain) } } func TestPrintNodeTypes(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() multiline, err := NewParser().Parse(strings.NewReader(` echo foo `), "") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } tests := [...]struct { in Node want string wantErr bool }{ { in: &File{Stmts: litStmts("foo")}, want: "foo\n", }, { in: &File{Stmts: litStmts("foo", "bar")}, want: "foo\nbar\n", }, { in: litStmt("foo", "bar"), want: "foo bar", }, { in: litCall("foo", "bar"), want: "foo bar", }, { in: litWord("foo"), want: "foo", }, { in: lit("foo"), want: "foo", }, { in: sglQuoted("foo"), want: "'foo'", }, { in: &Comment{}, wantErr: true, }, { in: multiline.Stmts[0], want: "echo foo", }, { in: multiline.Stmts[0].Cmd, want: "echo foo", }, { in: multiline.Stmts[0].Cmd.(*CallExpr).Args[0], want: "echo", }, { in: multiline.Stmts[0].Cmd.(*CallExpr).Args[0].Parts[0], want: "echo", }, } printer := NewPrinter() for _, tc := range tests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { got, err := strPrint(printer, if err == nil && tc.wantErr { t.Fatalf("wanted an error but found none") } else if err != nil && !tc.wantErr { t.Fatalf("didn't want an error but got %v", err) } if got != tc.want { t.Fatalf("Print mismatch:\nwant:\n%s\ngot:\n%s", tc.want, got) } }) } } func TestPrintManyStmts(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tests := [...]struct { in, want string }{ {"foo; bar", "foo\nbar\n"}, {"foo\nbar", "foo\nbar\n"}, {"\n\nfoo\nbar\n\n", "foo\nbar\n"}, {"foo\nbar <<EOF\nbody\nEOF\n", "foo\nbar <<EOF\nbody\nEOF\n"}, {"foo\nbar # inline", "foo\nbar # inline\n"}, {"# comment before\nfoo bar", "# comment before\nfoo bar\n"}, } parser := NewParser(KeepComments(true)) printer := NewPrinter() for _, tc := range tests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { f, err := parser.Parse(strings.NewReader(, "") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } var buf bytes.Buffer for _, stmt := range f.Stmts { printer.Print(&buf, stmt) buf.WriteByte('\n') } got := buf.String() if got != tc.want { t.Fatalf("Print mismatch:\nwant:\n%s\ngot:\n%s", tc.want, got) } }) } } func TestKeepPaddingRepeated(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() parser := NewParser() printer := NewPrinter() // Enable the KeepPadding option twice. This used to crash, since the // option made an invalid type assertion the second time. KeepPadding(true)(printer) KeepPadding(true)(printer) // Ensure the option is enabled. printTest(t, parser, printer, "foo bar", "foo bar") // Disable the option, and ensure it's disabled. KeepPadding(false)(printer) printTest(t, parser, printer, "foo bar", "foo bar") } 07070100000060000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000014C9000000000000000000000000000000000000001A00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/quote.go// Copyright (c) 2021, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package syntax import ( "fmt" "strings" "unicode" "unicode/utf8" ) type QuoteError struct { ByteOffset int Message string } func (e QuoteError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("cannot quote character at byte %d: %s", e.ByteOffset, e.Message) } const ( quoteErrNull = "shell strings cannot contain null bytes" quoteErrPOSIX = "POSIX shell lacks escape sequences" quoteErrRange = "rune out of range" quoteErrMksh = "mksh cannot escape codepoints above 16 bits" ) // Quote returns a quoted version of the input string, // so that the quoted version is expanded or interpreted // as the original string in the given language variant. // // Quoting is necessary when using arbitrary literal strings // as words in a shell script or command. // Without quoting, one can run into syntax errors, // as well as the possibility of running unintended code. // // An error is returned when a string cannot be quoted for a variant. // For instance, POSIX lacks escape sequences for non-printable characters, // and no language variant can represent a string containing null bytes. // In such cases, the returned error type will be *QuoteError. // // The quoting strategy is chosen on a best-effort basis, // to minimize the amount of extra bytes necessary. // // Some strings do not require any quoting and are returned unchanged. // Those strings can be directly surrounded in single quotes as well. func Quote(s string, lang LangVariant) (string, error) { if s == "" { // Special case; an empty string must always be quoted, // as otherwise it expands to zero fields. return "''", nil } shellChars := false nonPrintable := false offs := 0 for rem := s; len(rem) > 0; { r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(rem) switch r { // Like regOps; token characters. case ';', '"', '\'', '(', ')', '$', '|', '&', '>', '<', '`', // Whitespace; might result in multiple fields. ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n', // Escape sequences would be expanded. '\\', // Would start a comment unless quoted. '#', // Might result in brace expansion. '{', // Might result in tilde expansion. '~', // Might result in globbing. '*', '?', '[', // Might result in an assignment. '=': shellChars = true case '\x00': return "", &QuoteError{ByteOffset: offs, Message: quoteErrNull} } if r == utf8.RuneError || !unicode.IsPrint(r) { if lang == LangPOSIX { return "", &QuoteError{ByteOffset: offs, Message: quoteErrPOSIX} } nonPrintable = true } rem = rem[size:] offs += size } if !shellChars && !nonPrintable && !IsKeyword(s) { // Nothing to quote; avoid allocating. return s, nil } // Single quotes are usually best, // as they don't require any escaping of characters. // If we have any invalid utf8 or non-printable runes, // use $'' so that we can escape them. // Note that we can't use double quotes for those. var b strings.Builder if nonPrintable { b.WriteString("$'") lastRequoteIfHex := false offs := 0 for rem := s; len(rem) > 0; { nextRequoteIfHex := false r, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(rem) switch { case r == '\'', r == '\\': b.WriteByte('\\') b.WriteRune(r) case unicode.IsPrint(r) && r != utf8.RuneError: if lastRequoteIfHex && isHex(r) { b.WriteString("'$'") } b.WriteRune(r) case r == '\a': b.WriteString(`\a`) case r == '\b': b.WriteString(`\b`) case r == '\f': b.WriteString(`\f`) case r == '\n': b.WriteString(`\n`) case r == '\r': b.WriteString(`\r`) case r == '\t': b.WriteString(`\t`) case r == '\v': b.WriteString(`\v`) case r < utf8.RuneSelf, r == utf8.RuneError && size == 1: // \xXX, fixed at two hexadecimal characters. fmt.Fprintf(&b, "\\x%02x", rem[0]) // Unfortunately, mksh allows \x to consume more hex characters. // Ensure that we don't allow it to read more than two. if lang == LangMirBSDKorn { nextRequoteIfHex = true } case r > utf8.MaxRune: // Not a valid Unicode code point? return "", &QuoteError{ByteOffset: offs, Message: quoteErrRange} case lang == LangMirBSDKorn && r > 0xFFFD: // From the CAVEATS section in R59's man page: // // mksh currently uses OPTU-16 internally, which is the same as // UTF-8 and CESU-8 with 0000..FFFD being valid codepoints. return "", &QuoteError{ByteOffset: offs, Message: quoteErrMksh} case r < 0x10000: // \uXXXX, fixed at four hexadecimal characters. fmt.Fprintf(&b, "\\u%04x", r) default: // \UXXXXXXXX, fixed at eight hexadecimal characters. fmt.Fprintf(&b, "\\U%08x", r) } rem = rem[size:] lastRequoteIfHex = nextRequoteIfHex offs += size } b.WriteString("'") return b.String(), nil } // Single quotes without any need for escaping. if !strings.Contains(s, "'") { return "'" + s + "'", nil } // The string contains single quotes, // so fall back to double quotes. b.WriteByte('"') for _, r := range s { switch r { case '"', '\\', '`', '$': b.WriteByte('\\') } b.WriteRune(r) } b.WriteByte('"') return b.String(), nil } func isHex(r rune) bool { return (r >= '0' && r <= '9') || (r >= 'a' && r <= 'f') || (r >= 'A' && r <= 'F') } 07070100000061000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000543000000000000000000000000000000000000001F00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/quote_test.go// Copyright (c) 2021, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package syntax import ( "testing" "" ) func TestQuote(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() tests := [...]struct { str string lang LangVariant want any }{ {"", LangBash, `''`}, {"\a", LangBash, `$'\a'`}, {"\b", LangBash, `$'\b'`}, {"\f", LangBash, `$'\f'`}, {"\n", LangBash, `$'\n'`}, {"\r", LangBash, `$'\r'`}, {"\t", LangBash, `$'\t'`}, {"\v", LangBash, `$'\v'`}, {"null\x00", LangBash, &QuoteError{4, quoteErrNull}}, {"posix\x1b", LangPOSIX, &QuoteError{5, quoteErrPOSIX}}, {"posix\n", LangPOSIX, &QuoteError{5, quoteErrPOSIX}}, {"mksh16\U00086199", LangMirBSDKorn, &QuoteError{6, quoteErrMksh}}, {"\x1b\x1caaa", LangBash, `$'\x1b\x1caaa'`}, {"\x1b\x1caaa", LangMirBSDKorn, `$'\x1b\x1c'$'aaa'`}, {"\xff\x00", LangBash, &QuoteError{1, quoteErrNull}}, } for _, test := range tests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() got, gotErr := Quote(test.str, test.lang) switch want := test.want.(type) { case string: qt.Assert(t, qt.Equals(got, want)) qt.Assert(t, qt.IsNil(gotErr)) case *QuoteError: qt.Assert(t, qt.Equals(got, "")) qt.Assert(t, qt.DeepEquals(gotErr, error(want))) default: t.Fatalf("unexpected type: %T", want) } }) } } 07070100000062000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000729000000000000000000000000000000000000002600000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/quotestate_string.go// Code generated by "stringer -type=quoteState"; DO NOT EDIT. package syntax import "strconv" func _() { // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. var x [1]struct{} _ = x[noState-1] _ = x[subCmd-2] _ = x[subCmdBckquo-4] _ = x[dblQuotes-8] _ = x[hdocWord-16] _ = x[hdocBody-32] _ = x[hdocBodyTabs-64] _ = x[arithmExpr-128] _ = x[arithmExprLet-256] _ = x[arithmExprCmd-512] _ = x[arithmExprBrack-1024] _ = x[testExpr-2048] _ = x[testExprRegexp-4096] _ = x[switchCase-8192] _ = x[paramExpName-16384] _ = x[paramExpSlice-32768] _ = x[paramExpRepl-65536] _ = x[paramExpExp-131072] _ = x[arrayElems-262144] } const _quoteState_name = "noStatesubCmdsubCmdBckquodblQuoteshdocWordhdocBodyhdocBodyTabsarithmExprarithmExprLetarithmExprCmdarithmExprBracktestExprtestExprRegexpswitchCaseparamExpNameparamExpSliceparamExpReplparamExpExparrayElems" var _quoteState_map = map[quoteState]string{ 1: _quoteState_name[0:7], 2: _quoteState_name[7:13], 4: _quoteState_name[13:25], 8: _quoteState_name[25:34], 16: _quoteState_name[34:42], 32: _quoteState_name[42:50], 64: _quoteState_name[50:62], 128: _quoteState_name[62:72], 256: _quoteState_name[72:85], 512: _quoteState_name[85:98], 1024: _quoteState_name[98:113], 2048: _quoteState_name[113:121], 4096: _quoteState_name[121:135], 8192: _quoteState_name[135:145], 16384: _quoteState_name[145:157], 32768: _quoteState_name[157:170], 65536: _quoteState_name[170:182], 131072: _quoteState_name[182:193], 262144: _quoteState_name[193:203], } func (i quoteState) String() string { if str, ok := _quoteState_map[i]; ok { return str } return "quoteState(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" } 07070100000063000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100001633000000000000000000000000000000000000001D00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/simplify.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package syntax import "strings" // Simplify modifies a node to remove redundant pieces of syntax, and returns // whether any changes were made. // // The changes currently applied are: // // Remove clearly useless parentheses $(( (expr) )) // Remove dollars from vars in exprs (($var)) // Remove duplicate subshells $( (stmts) ) // Remove redundant quotes [[ "$var" == str ]] // Merge negations with unary operators [[ ! -n $var ]] // Use single quotes to shorten literals "\$foo" func Simplify(n Node) bool { s := simplifier{} Walk(n, s.visit) return s.modified } type simplifier struct { modified bool } func (s *simplifier) visit(node Node) bool { switch node := node.(type) { case *Assign: node.Index = s.removeParensArithm(node.Index) // Don't inline params, as x[i] and x[$i] mean // different things when x is an associative // array; the first means "i", the second "$i". case *ParamExp: node.Index = s.removeParensArithm(node.Index) // don't inline params - same as above. if node.Slice == nil { break } node.Slice.Offset = s.removeParensArithm(node.Slice.Offset) node.Slice.Offset = s.inlineSimpleParams(node.Slice.Offset) node.Slice.Length = s.removeParensArithm(node.Slice.Length) node.Slice.Length = s.inlineSimpleParams(node.Slice.Length) case *ArithmExp: node.X = s.removeParensArithm(node.X) node.X = s.inlineSimpleParams(node.X) case *ArithmCmd: node.X = s.removeParensArithm(node.X) node.X = s.inlineSimpleParams(node.X) case *ParenArithm: node.X = s.removeParensArithm(node.X) node.X = s.inlineSimpleParams(node.X) case *BinaryArithm: node.X = s.inlineSimpleParams(node.X) node.Y = s.inlineSimpleParams(node.Y) case *CmdSubst: node.Stmts = s.inlineSubshell(node.Stmts) case *Subshell: node.Stmts = s.inlineSubshell(node.Stmts) case *Word: node.Parts = s.simplifyWord(node.Parts) case *TestClause: node.X = s.removeParensTest(node.X) node.X = s.removeNegateTest(node.X) case *ParenTest: node.X = s.removeParensTest(node.X) node.X = s.removeNegateTest(node.X) case *BinaryTest: node.X = s.unquoteParams(node.X) node.X = s.removeNegateTest(node.X) if node.Op == TsMatchShort { s.modified = true node.Op = TsMatch } switch node.Op { case TsMatch, TsNoMatch: // unquoting enables globbing default: node.Y = s.unquoteParams(node.Y) } node.Y = s.removeNegateTest(node.Y) case *UnaryTest: node.X = s.unquoteParams(node.X) } return true } func (s *simplifier) simplifyWord(wps []WordPart) []WordPart { parts: for i, wp := range wps { dq, _ := wp.(*DblQuoted) if dq == nil || len(dq.Parts) != 1 { break } lit, _ := dq.Parts[0].(*Lit) if lit == nil { break } var sb strings.Builder escaped := false for _, r := range lit.Value { switch r { case '\\': escaped = !escaped if escaped { continue } case '\'': continue parts case '$', '"', '`': escaped = false default: if escaped { continue parts } escaped = false } sb.WriteRune(r) } newVal := sb.String() if newVal == lit.Value { break } s.modified = true wps[i] = &SglQuoted{ Left: dq.Pos(), Right: dq.End(), Dollar: dq.Dollar, Value: newVal, } } return wps } func (s *simplifier) removeParensArithm(x ArithmExpr) ArithmExpr { for { par, _ := x.(*ParenArithm) if par == nil { return x } s.modified = true x = par.X } } func (s *simplifier) inlineSimpleParams(x ArithmExpr) ArithmExpr { w, _ := x.(*Word) if w == nil || len(w.Parts) != 1 { return x } pe, _ := w.Parts[0].(*ParamExp) if pe == nil || !ValidName(pe.Param.Value) { // Not a parameter expansion, or not a valid name, like $3. return x } if pe.Excl || pe.Length || pe.Width || pe.Slice != nil || pe.Repl != nil || pe.Exp != nil || pe.Index != nil { // A complex parameter expansion can't be simplified. // // Note that index expressions can't generally be simplified // either. It's fine to turn ${a[0]} into a[0], but others like // a[*] are invalid in many shells including Bash. return x } s.modified = true return &Word{Parts: []WordPart{pe.Param}} } func (s *simplifier) inlineSubshell(stmts []*Stmt) []*Stmt { for len(stmts) == 1 { st := stmts[0] if st.Negated || st.Background || st.Coprocess || len(st.Redirs) > 0 { break } sub, _ := st.Cmd.(*Subshell) if sub == nil { break } s.modified = true stmts = sub.Stmts } return stmts } func (s *simplifier) unquoteParams(x TestExpr) TestExpr { w, _ := x.(*Word) if w == nil || len(w.Parts) != 1 { return x } dq, _ := w.Parts[0].(*DblQuoted) if dq == nil || len(dq.Parts) != 1 { return x } if _, ok := dq.Parts[0].(*ParamExp); !ok { return x } s.modified = true w.Parts = dq.Parts return w } func (s *simplifier) removeParensTest(x TestExpr) TestExpr { for { par, _ := x.(*ParenTest) if par == nil { return x } s.modified = true x = par.X } } func (s *simplifier) removeNegateTest(x TestExpr) TestExpr { u, _ := x.(*UnaryTest) if u == nil || u.Op != TsNot { return x } switch y := u.X.(type) { case *UnaryTest: switch y.Op { case TsEmpStr: y.Op = TsNempStr s.modified = true return y case TsNempStr: y.Op = TsEmpStr s.modified = true return y case TsNot: s.modified = true return y.X } case *BinaryTest: switch y.Op { case TsMatch: y.Op = TsNoMatch s.modified = true return y case TsNoMatch: y.Op = TsMatch s.modified = true return y } } return x } 07070100000064000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000963000000000000000000000000000000000000002200000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/simplify_test.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package syntax import ( "bytes" "strings" "testing" ) type simplifyTest struct { in, want string } func noSimple(in string) simplifyTest { return simplifyTest{in: in, want: in} } var simplifyTests = [...]simplifyTest{ // arithmetic exprs {"$((a + ((b - c))))", "$((a + (b - c)))"}, {"$((a + (((b - c)))))", "$((a + (b - c)))"}, {"$(((b - c)))", "$((b - c))"}, {"(((b - c)))", "((b - c))"}, {"${foo[(1)]}", "${foo[1]}"}, {"${foo:(1):(2)}", "${foo:1:2}"}, {"a[(1)]=2", "a[1]=2"}, {"$(($a + ${b}))", "$((a + b))"}, noSimple("$((${!a} + ${#b}))"), noSimple("a[$b]=2"), noSimple("${a[$b]}"), noSimple("${a[@]}"), noSimple("((${a[@]}))"), noSimple("((${a[*]}))"), noSimple("((${a[0]}))"), noSimple("(($3 == $#))"), // test exprs {`[[ "$foo" == "bar" ]]`, `[[ $foo == "bar" ]]`}, {`[[ (-z "$foo") ]]`, `[[ -z $foo ]]`}, {`[[ "a b" > "$c" ]]`, `[[ "a b" > $c ]]`}, {`[[ ! -n $foo ]]`, `[[ -z $foo ]]`}, {`[[ ! ! -e a && ! -z $b ]]`, `[[ -e a && -n $b ]]`}, {`[[ (! a == b) || (! c != d) ]]`, `[[ (a != b) || (c == d) ]]`}, noSimple(`[[ -n a$b && -n $c ]]`), noSimple(`[[ ! -e foo ]]`), noSimple(`[[ foo == bar ]]`), {`[[ foo = bar ]]`, `[[ foo == bar ]]`}, // stmts {"$( (sts))", "$(sts)"}, {"( ( (sts)))", "(sts)"}, noSimple("( (sts) >f)"), noSimple("(\n\tx\n\t(sts)\n)"), // strings noSimple(`"foo"`), noSimple(`"foo$bar"`), noSimple(`"$bar"`), noSimple(`"f'o\\o"`), noSimple(`"fo\'o"`), noSimple(`"fo\\'o"`), noSimple(`"fo\no"`), {`"fo\$o"`, `'fo$o'`}, {`"fo\"o"`, `'fo"o'`}, {"\"fo\\`o\"", "'fo`o'"}, noSimple(`fo"o"bar`), noSimple(`foo""bar`), } func TestSimplify(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() parser := NewParser() printer := NewPrinter() for _, tc := range simplifyTests { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { prog, err := parser.Parse(strings.NewReader(, "") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } simplified := Simplify(prog) var buf bytes.Buffer printer.Print(&buf, prog) want := tc.want + "\n" if got := buf.String(); got != want { t.Fatalf("Simplify mismatch of %q\nwant: %q\ngot: %q",, want, got) } if simplified && == tc.want { t.Fatalf("returned true but did not simplify") } else if !simplified && != tc.want { t.Fatalf("returned false but did simplify") } }) } } 07070100000065000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001A00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/testdata07070100000066000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001F00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/testdata/fuzz07070100000067000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002E00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/testdata/fuzz/FuzzParsePrint07070100000068000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000000A4000000000000000000000000000000000000003F00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/testdata/fuzz/FuzzParsePrint/293db3718a4ab7a5go test fuzz v1 string("A=0(") byte('\x00') bool(true) bool(false) byte('\x00') bool(false) bool(false) bool(false) bool(false) bool(false) bool(false) bool(false) 07070100000069000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC1000000AB000000000000000000000000000000000000003F00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/testdata/fuzz/FuzzParsePrint/6d0dc226922dc40cgo test fuzz v1 string("`\\$\\\\000") byte('\x02') bool(true) bool(false) byte('\x00') bool(false) bool(false) bool(false) bool(false) bool(false) bool(false) bool(false) 0707010000006A000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002900000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/testdata/fuzz/FuzzQuote0707010000006B000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000002E000000000000000000000000000000000000006A00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/testdata/fuzz/FuzzQuote/23cf0175e40438e8033b11cdd1441a2d2893a99144c4ac0f2b5f4caa113c9eddgo test fuzz v1 string("\uffff") byte('\x02') 0707010000006C000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000002D000000000000000000000000000000000000006A00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/testdata/fuzz/FuzzQuote/25f36feab4af00bc4dfc3cf56da02b842b62ba8c5ac44862b5b3b776a0d519b4go test fuzz v1 string("\xb3c") byte('\x02') 0707010000006D000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000002D000000000000000000000000000000000000006A00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/testdata/fuzz/FuzzQuote/2788bd30d386289e06a1024a030ad5ab7f363c703bea8a5d035de174491029bfgo test fuzz v1 string("\x0fC") byte('\x00') 0707010000006E000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000002F000000000000000000000000000000000000006A00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/testdata/fuzz/FuzzQuote/39d5fdf93d52b2cd50fb9582b27c82d159de0575623865538ced2a7780499fa6go test fuzz v1 string("\u05f5A") byte('\x00') 0707010000006F000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000032000000000000000000000000000000000000006A00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/testdata/fuzz/FuzzQuote/6fcce067200fb8ae6d4c2b1b7c1f55d3f7e4b38f4ee4f05e50e496a7c399f2d8go test fuzz v1 string("\U00086199") byte('\x02') 07070100000070000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000002C000000000000000000000000000000000000006A00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/testdata/fuzz/FuzzQuote/b26cd471412059c6ab6aa27b6153d42d2d00cbb00ad11d3cd88a192a7dfd2cdfgo test fuzz v1 string("\xb6") byte('\x01') 07070100000071000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000002D000000000000000000000000000000000000006A00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/testdata/fuzz/FuzzQuote/df6b5d69da50c7d58ca13f6dde15e2a7224a53ce7bd72a02d49893e580b6775bgo test fuzz v1 string("\x050") byte('\x02') 07070100000072000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000033000000000000000000000000000000000000006A00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/testdata/fuzz/FuzzQuote/ea14da9b0299f4463c20659e2a51808fef8d5fb0de6324f0de64153511d4b1f8go test fuzz v1 string("\U000600a04") byte('\x00') 07070100000073000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000F14000000000000000000000000000000000000002100000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/token_string.go// Code generated by "stringer -type token -linecomment -trimprefix _"; DO NOT EDIT. package syntax import "strconv" func _() { // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. var x [1]struct{} _ = x[illegalTok-0] _ = x[_EOF-1] _ = x[_Newl-2] _ = x[_Lit-3] _ = x[_LitWord-4] _ = x[_LitRedir-5] _ = x[sglQuote-6] _ = x[dblQuote-7] _ = x[bckQuote-8] _ = x[and-9] _ = x[andAnd-10] _ = x[orOr-11] _ = x[or-12] _ = x[orAnd-13] _ = x[dollar-14] _ = x[dollSglQuote-15] _ = x[dollDblQuote-16] _ = x[dollBrace-17] _ = x[dollBrack-18] _ = x[dollParen-19] _ = x[dollDblParen-20] _ = x[leftBrack-21] _ = x[dblLeftBrack-22] _ = x[leftParen-23] _ = x[dblLeftParen-24] _ = x[rightBrace-25] _ = x[rightBrack-26] _ = x[rightParen-27] _ = x[dblRightParen-28] _ = x[semicolon-29] _ = x[dblSemicolon-30] _ = x[semiAnd-31] _ = x[dblSemiAnd-32] _ = x[semiOr-33] _ = x[exclMark-34] _ = x[tilde-35] _ = x[addAdd-36] _ = x[subSub-37] _ = x[star-38] _ = x[power-39] _ = x[equal-40] _ = x[nequal-41] _ = x[lequal-42] _ = x[gequal-43] _ = x[addAssgn-44] _ = x[subAssgn-45] _ = x[mulAssgn-46] _ = x[quoAssgn-47] _ = x[remAssgn-48] _ = x[andAssgn-49] _ = x[orAssgn-50] _ = x[xorAssgn-51] _ = x[shlAssgn-52] _ = x[shrAssgn-53] _ = x[rdrOut-54] _ = x[appOut-55] _ = x[rdrIn-56] _ = x[rdrInOut-57] _ = x[dplIn-58] _ = x[dplOut-59] _ = x[clbOut-60] _ = x[hdoc-61] _ = x[dashHdoc-62] _ = x[wordHdoc-63] _ = x[rdrAll-64] _ = x[appAll-65] _ = x[cmdIn-66] _ = x[cmdOut-67] _ = x[plus-68] _ = x[colPlus-69] _ = x[minus-70] _ = x[colMinus-71] _ = x[quest-72] _ = x[colQuest-73] _ = x[assgn-74] _ = x[colAssgn-75] _ = x[perc-76] _ = x[dblPerc-77] _ = x[hash-78] _ = x[dblHash-79] _ = x[caret-80] _ = x[dblCaret-81] _ = x[comma-82] _ = x[dblComma-83] _ = x[at-84] _ = x[slash-85] _ = x[dblSlash-86] _ = x[colon-87] _ = x[tsExists-88] _ = x[tsRegFile-89] _ = x[tsDirect-90] _ = x[tsCharSp-91] _ = x[tsBlckSp-92] _ = x[tsNmPipe-93] _ = x[tsSocket-94] _ = x[tsSmbLink-95] _ = x[tsSticky-96] _ = x[tsGIDSet-97] _ = x[tsUIDSet-98] _ = x[tsGrpOwn-99] _ = x[tsUsrOwn-100] _ = x[tsModif-101] _ = x[tsRead-102] _ = x[tsWrite-103] _ = x[tsExec-104] _ = x[tsNoEmpty-105] _ = x[tsFdTerm-106] _ = x[tsEmpStr-107] _ = x[tsNempStr-108] _ = x[tsOptSet-109] _ = x[tsVarSet-110] _ = x[tsRefVar-111] _ = x[tsReMatch-112] _ = x[tsNewer-113] _ = x[tsOlder-114] _ = x[tsDevIno-115] _ = x[tsEql-116] _ = x[tsNeq-117] _ = x[tsLeq-118] _ = x[tsGeq-119] _ = x[tsLss-120] _ = x[tsGtr-121] _ = x[globQuest-122] _ = x[globStar-123] _ = x[globPlus-124] _ = x[globAt-125] _ = x[globExcl-126] } const _token_name = "illegalTokEOFNewlLitLitWordLitRedir'\"`&&&||||&$$'$\"${$[$($(([[[(((}])));;;;&;;&;|!~++--***==!=<=>=+=-=*=/=%=&=|=^=<<=>>=>>><<><&>&>|<<<<-<<<&>&>><(>(+:+-:-?:?=:=%%%###^^^,,,@///:-e-f-d-c-b-p-S-L-k-g-u-G-O-N-r-w-x-s-t-z-n-o-v-R=~-nt-ot-ef-eq-ne-le-ge-lt-gt?(*(+(@(!(" var _token_index = [...]uint16{0, 10, 13, 17, 20, 27, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 74, 76, 79, 81, 82, 83, 85, 87, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 117, 120, 121, 123, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 137, 140, 142, 145, 147, 149, 150, 152, 153, 155, 156, 158, 159, 161, 162, 164, 165, 167, 168, 170, 171, 173, 174, 175, 177, 178, 180, 182, 184, 186, 188, 190, 192, 194, 196, 198, 200, 202, 204, 206, 208, 210, 212, 214, 216, 218, 220, 222, 224, 226, 228, 231, 234, 237, 240, 243, 246, 249, 252, 255, 257, 259, 261, 263, 265} func (i token) String() string { if i >= token(len(_token_index)-1) { return "token(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" } return _token_name[_token_index[i]:_token_index[i+1]] } 07070100000074000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000268F000000000000000000000000000000000000001B00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/tokens.go// Copyright (c) 2016, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package syntax //go:generate stringer -type token -linecomment -trimprefix _ type token uint32 // The list of all possible tokens. const ( illegalTok token = iota _EOF _Newl _Lit _LitWord _LitRedir sglQuote // ' dblQuote // " bckQuote // ` and // & andAnd // && orOr // || or // | orAnd // |& dollar // $ dollSglQuote // $' dollDblQuote // $" dollBrace // ${ dollBrack // $[ dollParen // $( dollDblParen // $(( leftBrack // [ dblLeftBrack // [[ leftParen // ( dblLeftParen // (( rightBrace // } rightBrack // ] rightParen // ) dblRightParen // )) semicolon // ; dblSemicolon // ;; semiAnd // ;& dblSemiAnd // ;;& semiOr // ;| exclMark // ! tilde // ~ addAdd // ++ subSub // -- star // * power // ** equal // == nequal // != lequal // <= gequal // >= addAssgn // += subAssgn // -= mulAssgn // *= quoAssgn // /= remAssgn // %= andAssgn // &= orAssgn // |= xorAssgn // ^= shlAssgn // <<= shrAssgn // >>= rdrOut // > appOut // >> rdrIn // < rdrInOut // <> dplIn // <& dplOut // >& clbOut // >| hdoc // << dashHdoc // <<- wordHdoc // <<< rdrAll // &> appAll // &>> cmdIn // <( cmdOut // >( plus // + colPlus // :+ minus // - colMinus // :- quest // ? colQuest // :? assgn // = colAssgn // := perc // % dblPerc // %% hash // # dblHash // ## caret // ^ dblCaret // ^^ comma // , dblComma // ,, at // @ slash // / dblSlash // // colon // : tsExists // -e tsRegFile // -f tsDirect // -d tsCharSp // -c tsBlckSp // -b tsNmPipe // -p tsSocket // -S tsSmbLink // -L tsSticky // -k tsGIDSet // -g tsUIDSet // -u tsGrpOwn // -G tsUsrOwn // -O tsModif // -N tsRead // -r tsWrite // -w tsExec // -x tsNoEmpty // -s tsFdTerm // -t tsEmpStr // -z tsNempStr // -n tsOptSet // -o tsVarSet // -v tsRefVar // -R tsReMatch // =~ tsNewer // -nt tsOlder // -ot tsDevIno // -ef tsEql // -eq tsNeq // -ne tsLeq // -le tsGeq // -ge tsLss // -lt tsGtr // -gt globQuest // ?( globStar // *( globPlus // +( globAt // @( globExcl // !( ) type RedirOperator token const ( RdrOut = RedirOperator(rdrOut) + iota // > AppOut // >> RdrIn // < RdrInOut // <> DplIn // <& DplOut // >& ClbOut // >| Hdoc // << DashHdoc // <<- WordHdoc // <<< RdrAll // &> AppAll // &>> ) type ProcOperator token const ( CmdIn = ProcOperator(cmdIn) + iota // <( CmdOut // >( ) type GlobOperator token const ( GlobZeroOrOne = GlobOperator(globQuest) + iota // ?( GlobZeroOrMore // *( GlobOneOrMore // +( GlobOne // @( GlobExcept // !( ) type BinCmdOperator token const ( AndStmt = BinCmdOperator(andAnd) + iota // && OrStmt // || Pipe // | PipeAll // |& ) type CaseOperator token const ( Break = CaseOperator(dblSemicolon) + iota // ;; Fallthrough // ;& Resume // ;;& ResumeKorn // ;| ) type ParNamesOperator token const ( NamesPrefix = ParNamesOperator(star) // * NamesPrefixWords = ParNamesOperator(at) // @ ) type ParExpOperator token const ( AlternateUnset = ParExpOperator(plus) + iota // + AlternateUnsetOrNull // :+ DefaultUnset // - DefaultUnsetOrNull // :- ErrorUnset // ? ErrorUnsetOrNull // :? AssignUnset // = AssignUnsetOrNull // := RemSmallSuffix // % RemLargeSuffix // %% RemSmallPrefix // # RemLargePrefix // ## UpperFirst // ^ UpperAll // ^^ LowerFirst // , LowerAll // ,, OtherParamOps // @ ) type UnAritOperator token const ( Not = UnAritOperator(exclMark) + iota // ! BitNegation // ~ Inc // ++ Dec // -- Plus = UnAritOperator(plus) // + Minus = UnAritOperator(minus) // - ) type BinAritOperator token const ( Add = BinAritOperator(plus) // + Sub = BinAritOperator(minus) // - Mul = BinAritOperator(star) // * Quo = BinAritOperator(slash) // / Rem = BinAritOperator(perc) // % Pow = BinAritOperator(power) // ** Eql = BinAritOperator(equal) // == Gtr = BinAritOperator(rdrOut) // > Lss = BinAritOperator(rdrIn) // < Neq = BinAritOperator(nequal) // != Leq = BinAritOperator(lequal) // <= Geq = BinAritOperator(gequal) // >= And = BinAritOperator(and) // & Or = BinAritOperator(or) // | Xor = BinAritOperator(caret) // ^ Shr = BinAritOperator(appOut) // >> Shl = BinAritOperator(hdoc) // << AndArit = BinAritOperator(andAnd) // && OrArit = BinAritOperator(orOr) // || Comma = BinAritOperator(comma) // , TernQuest = BinAritOperator(quest) // ? TernColon = BinAritOperator(colon) // : Assgn = BinAritOperator(assgn) // = AddAssgn = BinAritOperator(addAssgn) // += SubAssgn = BinAritOperator(subAssgn) // -= MulAssgn = BinAritOperator(mulAssgn) // *= QuoAssgn = BinAritOperator(quoAssgn) // /= RemAssgn = BinAritOperator(remAssgn) // %= AndAssgn = BinAritOperator(andAssgn) // &= OrAssgn = BinAritOperator(orAssgn) // |= XorAssgn = BinAritOperator(xorAssgn) // ^= ShlAssgn = BinAritOperator(shlAssgn) // <<= ShrAssgn = BinAritOperator(shrAssgn) // >>= ) type UnTestOperator token const ( TsExists = UnTestOperator(tsExists) + iota // -e TsRegFile // -f TsDirect // -d TsCharSp // -c TsBlckSp // -b TsNmPipe // -p TsSocket // -S TsSmbLink // -L TsSticky // -k TsGIDSet // -g TsUIDSet // -u TsGrpOwn // -G TsUsrOwn // -O TsModif // -N TsRead // -r TsWrite // -w TsExec // -x TsNoEmpty // -s TsFdTerm // -t TsEmpStr // -z TsNempStr // -n TsOptSet // -o TsVarSet // -v TsRefVar // -R TsNot = UnTestOperator(exclMark) // ! TsParen = UnTestOperator(leftParen) // ( ) type BinTestOperator token const ( TsReMatch = BinTestOperator(tsReMatch) + iota // =~ TsNewer // -nt TsOlder // -ot TsDevIno // -ef TsEql // -eq TsNeq // -ne TsLeq // -le TsGeq // -ge TsLss // -lt TsGtr // -gt AndTest = BinTestOperator(andAnd) // && OrTest = BinTestOperator(orOr) // || TsMatchShort = BinTestOperator(assgn) // = TsMatch = BinTestOperator(equal) // == TsNoMatch = BinTestOperator(nequal) // != TsBefore = BinTestOperator(rdrIn) // < TsAfter = BinTestOperator(rdrOut) // > ) func (o RedirOperator) String() string { return token(o).String() } func (o ProcOperator) String() string { return token(o).String() } func (o GlobOperator) String() string { return token(o).String() } func (o BinCmdOperator) String() string { return token(o).String() } func (o CaseOperator) String() string { return token(o).String() } func (o ParNamesOperator) String() string { return token(o).String() } func (o ParExpOperator) String() string { return token(o).String() } func (o UnAritOperator) String() string { return token(o).String() } func (o BinAritOperator) String() string { return token(o).String() } func (o UnTestOperator) String() string { return token(o).String() } func (o BinTestOperator) String() string { return token(o).String() } 07070100000075000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001B00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/typedjson07070100000076000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100002362000000000000000000000000000000000000002300000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/typedjson/json.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information // Package typedjson allows encoding and decoding shell syntax trees as JSON. // The decoding process needs to know what syntax node types to decode into, // so the "typed JSON" requires "Type" keys in some syntax tree node objects: // // - The root node // - Any node represented as an interface field in the parent Go type // // The types of all other nodes can be inferred from context alone. // // For the sake of efficiency and simplicity, the "Type" key // described above must be first in each JSON object. package typedjson // TODO: encoding and decoding nodes other than File is untested. import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "reflect" "" ) // Encode is a shortcut for [EncodeOptions.Encode] with the default options. func Encode(w io.Writer, node syntax.Node) error { return EncodeOptions{}.Encode(w, node) } // EncodeOptions allows configuring how syntax nodes are encoded. type EncodeOptions struct { Indent string // e.g. "\t" // Allows us to add options later. } // Encode writes node to w in its typed JSON form, // as described in the package documentation. func (opts EncodeOptions) Encode(w io.Writer, node syntax.Node) error { val := reflect.ValueOf(node) encVal, tname := encodeValue(val) if tname == "" { panic("node did not contain a named type?") } encVal.Elem().Field(0).SetString(tname) enc := json.NewEncoder(w) if opts.Indent != "" { enc.SetIndent("", opts.Indent) } return enc.Encode(encVal.Interface()) } func encodeValue(val reflect.Value) (reflect.Value, string) { switch val.Kind() { case reflect.Ptr: if val.IsNil() { break } return encodeValue(val.Elem()) case reflect.Interface: if val.IsNil() { break } enc, tname := encodeValue(val.Elem()) if tname == "" { panic("interface did not contain a named type?") } enc.Elem().Field(0).SetString(tname) return enc, "" case reflect.Struct: // Construct a new struct with an optional Type, Pos and End, // and then all the visible fields which aren't positions. typ := val.Type() fields := []reflect.StructField{typeField, posField, endField} for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ { field := typ.Field(i) typ := anyType if field.Type == posType { typ = exportedPosType } fields = append(fields, reflect.StructField{ Name: field.Name, Type: typ, Tag: `json:",omitempty"`, }) } encTyp := reflect.StructOf(fields) enc := reflect.New(encTyp).Elem() // Node methods are defined on struct pointer receivers. if node, _ := val.Addr().Interface().(syntax.Node); node != nil { encodePos(enc.Field(1), node.Pos()) // posField encodePos(enc.Field(2), node.End()) // endField } // Do the rest of the fields. for i := 3; i < encTyp.NumField(); i++ { ftyp := encTyp.Field(i) fval := val.FieldByName(ftyp.Name) if ftyp.Type == exportedPosType { encodePos(enc.Field(i), fval.Interface().(syntax.Pos)) } else { encElem, _ := encodeValue(fval) if encElem.IsValid() { enc.Field(i).Set(encElem) } } } // Addr helps prevent an allocation as we use any fields. return enc.Addr(), typ.Name() case reflect.Slice: n := val.Len() if n == 0 { break } enc := reflect.MakeSlice(anySliceType, n, n) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { elem := val.Index(i) encElem, _ := encodeValue(elem) enc.Index(i).Set(encElem) } return enc, "" case reflect.Bool: if val.Bool() { return val, "" } case reflect.String: if val.String() != "" { return val, "" } case reflect.Uint32: if val.Uint() != 0 { return val, "" } default: panic(val.Kind().String()) } return noValue, "" } var ( noValue reflect.Value anyType = reflect.TypeFor[any]() anySliceType = reflect.TypeFor[[]any]() posType = reflect.TypeFor[syntax.Pos]() exportedPosType = reflect.TypeFor[*exportedPos]() // TODO(v4): derived fields like Type, Pos, and End should have clearly // different names to prevent confusion. For example: _type, _pos, _end. typeField = reflect.StructField{ Name: "Type", Type: reflect.TypeFor[string](), Tag: `json:",omitempty"`, } posField = reflect.StructField{ Name: "Pos", Type: exportedPosType, Tag: `json:",omitempty"`, } endField = reflect.StructField{ Name: "End", Type: exportedPosType, Tag: `json:",omitempty"`, } ) type exportedPos struct { Offset, Line, Col uint } func encodePos(encPtr reflect.Value, val syntax.Pos) { if !val.IsValid() { return } enc := reflect.New(exportedPosType.Elem()) encPtr.Set(enc) enc = enc.Elem() enc.Field(0).SetUint(uint64(val.Offset())) enc.Field(1).SetUint(uint64(val.Line())) enc.Field(2).SetUint(uint64(val.Col())) } func decodePos(val reflect.Value, enc map[string]any) { offset := uint(enc["Offset"].(float64)) line := uint(enc["Line"].(float64)) column := uint(enc["Col"].(float64)) val.Set(reflect.ValueOf(syntax.NewPos(offset, line, column))) } // Decode is a shortcut for [DecodeOptions.Decode] with the default options. func Decode(r io.Reader) (syntax.Node, error) { return DecodeOptions{}.Decode(r) } // DecodeOptions allows configuring how syntax nodes are encoded. type DecodeOptions struct { // Empty for now; allows us to add options later. } // Decode writes node to w in its typed JSON form, // as described in the package documentation. func (opts DecodeOptions) Decode(r io.Reader) (syntax.Node, error) { var enc any if err := json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&enc); err != nil { return nil, err } node := new(syntax.Node) if err := decodeValue(reflect.ValueOf(node).Elem(), enc); err != nil { return nil, err } return *node, nil } var nodeByName = map[string]reflect.Type{ "File": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.File](), "Word": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.Word](), "Lit": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.Lit](), "SglQuoted": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.SglQuoted](), "DblQuoted": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.DblQuoted](), "ParamExp": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.ParamExp](), "CmdSubst": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.CmdSubst](), "CallExpr": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.CallExpr](), "ArithmExp": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.ArithmExp](), "ProcSubst": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.ProcSubst](), "ExtGlob": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.ExtGlob](), "BraceExp": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.BraceExp](), "ArithmCmd": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.ArithmCmd](), "BinaryCmd": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.BinaryCmd](), "IfClause": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.IfClause](), "ForClause": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.ForClause](), "WhileClause": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.WhileClause](), "CaseClause": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.CaseClause](), "Block": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.Block](), "Subshell": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.Subshell](), "FuncDecl": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.FuncDecl](), "TestClause": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.TestClause](), "DeclClause": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.DeclClause](), "LetClause": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.LetClause](), "TimeClause": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.TimeClause](), "CoprocClause": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.CoprocClause](), "TestDecl": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.TestDecl](), "UnaryArithm": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.UnaryArithm](), "BinaryArithm": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.BinaryArithm](), "ParenArithm": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.ParenArithm](), "UnaryTest": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.UnaryTest](), "BinaryTest": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.BinaryTest](), "ParenTest": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.ParenTest](), "WordIter": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.WordIter](), "CStyleLoop": reflect.TypeFor[syntax.CStyleLoop](), } func decodeValue(val reflect.Value, enc any) error { switch enc := enc.(type) { case map[string]any: if val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && val.IsNil() { val.Set(reflect.New(val.Type().Elem())) } if typeName, _ := enc["Type"].(string); typeName != "" { typ := nodeByName[typeName] if typ == nil { return fmt.Errorf("unknown type: %q", typeName) } val.Set(reflect.New(typ)) } for val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || val.Kind() == reflect.Interface { val = val.Elem() } for name, fv := range enc { fval := val.FieldByName(name) switch name { case "Type", "Pos", "End": // Type is already used above. Pos and End came from method calls. continue } if !fval.IsValid() { return fmt.Errorf("unknown field for %s: %q", val.Type(), name) } if fval.Type() == posType { // TODO: don't panic on bad input decodePos(fval, fv.(map[string]any)) continue } if err := decodeValue(fval, fv); err != nil { return err } } case []any: for _, encElem := range enc { elem := reflect.New(val.Type().Elem()).Elem() if err := decodeValue(elem, encElem); err != nil { return err } val.Set(reflect.Append(val, elem)) } case float64: // Tokens and thus operators are uint32, but encoding/json defaults to float64. // TODO: reject invalid operators. u := uint64(enc) val.SetUint(u) default: if enc != nil { val.Set(reflect.ValueOf(enc)) } } return nil } 07070100000077000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000956000000000000000000000000000000000000002800000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/typedjson/json_test.go// Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package typedjson_test import ( "bytes" "flag" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "testing" "" "" "" ) var update = flag.Bool("u", false, "update output files") func TestRoundtrip(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() dir := filepath.Join("testdata", "roundtrip") shellPaths, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(dir, "*.sh")) qt.Assert(t, qt.IsNil(err)) for _, shellPath := range shellPaths { shellPath := shellPath // do not reuse the range var name := strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(shellPath), ".sh") jsonPath := filepath.Join(dir, name+".json") t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() shellInput, err := os.ReadFile(shellPath) qt.Assert(t, qt.IsNil(err)) jsonInput, err := os.ReadFile(jsonPath) if !*update { // allow it to not exist qt.Assert(t, qt.IsNil(err)) } sb := new(strings.Builder) // Parse the shell source and check that it is well formatted. parser := syntax.NewParser(syntax.KeepComments(true)) node, err := parser.Parse(bytes.NewReader(shellInput), "") qt.Assert(t, qt.IsNil(err)) printer := syntax.NewPrinter() sb.Reset() err = printer.Print(sb, node) qt.Assert(t, qt.IsNil(err)) qt.Assert(t, qt.Equals(sb.String(), string(shellInput))) // Validate writing the pretty JSON. sb.Reset() encOpts := typedjson.EncodeOptions{Indent: "\t"} err = encOpts.Encode(sb, node) qt.Assert(t, qt.IsNil(err)) got := sb.String() if *update { err := os.WriteFile(jsonPath, []byte(got), 0o666) qt.Assert(t, qt.IsNil(err)) } else { qt.Assert(t, qt.Equals(got, string(jsonInput))) } // Ensure we don't use the originally parsed node again. node = nil // Validate reading the pretty JSON and check that it formats the same. node2, err := typedjson.Decode(bytes.NewReader(jsonInput)) qt.Assert(t, qt.IsNil(err)) sb.Reset() err = printer.Print(sb, node2) qt.Assert(t, qt.IsNil(err)) qt.Assert(t, qt.Equals(sb.String(), string(shellInput))) // Validate that emitting the JSON again produces the same result. sb.Reset() err = encOpts.Encode(sb, node2) qt.Assert(t, qt.IsNil(err)) got = sb.String() qt.Assert(t, qt.Equals(got, string(jsonInput))) }) } } 07070100000078000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002400000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/typedjson/testdata07070100000079000041ED00000000000000000000000267156AC100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002E00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/typedjson/testdata/roundtrip0707010000007A000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000FE43000000000000000000000000000000000000003800000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/typedjson/testdata/roundtrip/file.json{ "Type": "File", "Pos": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 368, "Line": 30, "Col": 4 }, "Stmts": [ { "Pos": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 3, "Line": 1, "Col": 4 }, "Cmd": { "Type": "CallExpr", "Pos": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 3, "Line": 1, "Col": 4 }, "Args": [ { "Pos": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 3, "Line": 1, "Col": 4 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "Lit", "Pos": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 3, "Line": 1, "Col": 4 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 3, "Line": 1, "Col": 4 }, "Value": "foo" } ] } ] }, "Position": { "Offset": 0, "Line": 1, "Col": 1 } }, { "Pos": { "Offset": 4, "Line": 2, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 9, "Line": 2, "Col": 6 }, "Cmd": { "Type": "CallExpr", "Pos": { "Offset": 6, "Line": 2, "Col": 3 }, "End": { "Offset": 9, "Line": 2, "Col": 6 }, "Args": [ { "Pos": { "Offset": 6, "Line": 2, "Col": 3 }, "End": { "Offset": 9, "Line": 2, "Col": 6 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "Lit", "Pos": { "Offset": 6, "Line": 2, "Col": 3 }, "End": { "Offset": 9, "Line": 2, "Col": 6 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 6, "Line": 2, "Col": 3 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 9, "Line": 2, "Col": 6 }, "Value": "foo" } ] } ] }, "Position": { "Offset": 4, "Line": 2, "Col": 1 }, "Negated": true }, { "Pos": { "Offset": 10, "Line": 3, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 15, "Line": 3, "Col": 6 }, "Cmd": { "Type": "CallExpr", "Pos": { "Offset": 10, "Line": 3, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 13, "Line": 3, "Col": 4 }, "Args": [ { "Pos": { "Offset": 10, "Line": 3, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 13, "Line": 3, "Col": 4 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "Lit", "Pos": { "Offset": 10, "Line": 3, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 13, "Line": 3, "Col": 4 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 10, "Line": 3, "Col": 1 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 13, "Line": 3, "Col": 4 }, "Value": "foo" } ] } ] }, "Position": { "Offset": 10, "Line": 3, "Col": 1 }, "Semicolon": { "Offset": 14, "Line": 3, "Col": 5 }, "Background": true }, { "Pos": { "Offset": 16, "Line": 4, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 27, "Line": 4, "Col": 12 }, "Cmd": { "Type": "CallExpr", "Pos": { "Offset": 16, "Line": 4, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 27, "Line": 4, "Col": 12 }, "Args": [ { "Pos": { "Offset": 16, "Line": 4, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 21, "Line": 4, "Col": 6 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "SglQuoted", "Pos": { "Offset": 16, "Line": 4, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 21, "Line": 4, "Col": 6 }, "Left": { "Offset": 16, "Line": 4, "Col": 1 }, "Right": { "Offset": 20, "Line": 4, "Col": 5 }, "Value": "foo" } ] }, { "Pos": { "Offset": 22, "Line": 4, "Col": 7 }, "End": { "Offset": 27, "Line": 4, "Col": 12 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "DblQuoted", "Pos": { "Offset": 22, "Line": 4, "Col": 7 }, "End": { "Offset": 27, "Line": 4, "Col": 12 }, "Left": { "Offset": 22, "Line": 4, "Col": 7 }, "Right": { "Offset": 26, "Line": 4, "Col": 11 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "Lit", "Pos": { "Offset": 23, "Line": 4, "Col": 8 }, "End": { "Offset": 26, "Line": 4, "Col": 11 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 23, "Line": 4, "Col": 8 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 26, "Line": 4, "Col": 11 }, "Value": "bar" } ] } ] } ] }, "Position": { "Offset": 16, "Line": 4, "Col": 1 } }, { "Pos": { "Offset": 28, "Line": 5, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 50, "Line": 5, "Col": 23 }, "Cmd": { "Type": "CallExpr", "Pos": { "Offset": 28, "Line": 5, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 50, "Line": 5, "Col": 23 }, "Args": [ { "Pos": { "Offset": 28, "Line": 5, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 34, "Line": 5, "Col": 7 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "ParamExp", "Pos": { "Offset": 28, "Line": 5, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 34, "Line": 5, "Col": 7 }, "Dollar": { "Offset": 28, "Line": 5, "Col": 1 }, "Rbrace": { "Offset": 33, "Line": 5, "Col": 6 }, "Param": { "Pos": { "Offset": 30, "Line": 5, "Col": 3 }, "End": { "Offset": 33, "Line": 5, "Col": 6 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 30, "Line": 5, "Col": 3 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 33, "Line": 5, "Col": 6 }, "Value": "foo" } } ] }, { "Pos": { "Offset": 35, "Line": 5, "Col": 8 }, "End": { "Offset": 41, "Line": 5, "Col": 14 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "CmdSubst", "Pos": { "Offset": 35, "Line": 5, "Col": 8 }, "End": { "Offset": 41, "Line": 5, "Col": 14 }, "Left": { "Offset": 35, "Line": 5, "Col": 8 }, "Right": { "Offset": 40, "Line": 5, "Col": 13 }, "Stmts": [ { "Pos": { "Offset": 37, "Line": 5, "Col": 10 }, "End": { "Offset": 40, "Line": 5, "Col": 13 }, "Cmd": { "Type": "CallExpr", "Pos": { "Offset": 37, "Line": 5, "Col": 10 }, "End": { "Offset": 40, "Line": 5, "Col": 13 }, "Args": [ { "Pos": { "Offset": 37, "Line": 5, "Col": 10 }, "End": { "Offset": 40, "Line": 5, "Col": 13 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "Lit", "Pos": { "Offset": 37, "Line": 5, "Col": 10 }, "End": { "Offset": 40, "Line": 5, "Col": 13 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 37, "Line": 5, "Col": 10 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 40, "Line": 5, "Col": 13 }, "Value": "bar" } ] } ] }, "Position": { "Offset": 37, "Line": 5, "Col": 10 } } ] } ] }, { "Pos": { "Offset": 42, "Line": 5, "Col": 15 }, "End": { "Offset": 50, "Line": 5, "Col": 23 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "ArithmExp", "Pos": { "Offset": 42, "Line": 5, "Col": 15 }, "End": { "Offset": 50, "Line": 5, "Col": 23 }, "Left": { "Offset": 42, "Line": 5, "Col": 15 }, "Right": { "Offset": 48, "Line": 5, "Col": 21 }, "X": { "Type": "Word", "Pos": { "Offset": 45, "Line": 5, "Col": 18 }, "End": { "Offset": 48, "Line": 5, "Col": 21 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "Lit", "Pos": { "Offset": 45, "Line": 5, "Col": 18 }, "End": { "Offset": 48, "Line": 5, "Col": 21 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 45, "Line": 5, "Col": 18 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 48, "Line": 5, "Col": 21 }, "Value": "baz" } ] } } ] } ] }, "Position": { "Offset": 28, "Line": 5, "Col": 1 } }, { "Pos": { "Offset": 51, "Line": 6, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 67, "Line": 6, "Col": 17 }, "Cmd": { "Type": "CallExpr", "Pos": { "Offset": 51, "Line": 6, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 67, "Line": 6, "Col": 17 }, "Args": [ { "Pos": { "Offset": 51, "Line": 6, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 57, "Line": 6, "Col": 7 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "ExtGlob", "Pos": { "Offset": 51, "Line": 6, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 57, "Line": 6, "Col": 7 }, "OpPos": { "Offset": 51, "Line": 6, "Col": 1 }, "Op": 125, "Pattern": { "Pos": { "Offset": 53, "Line": 6, "Col": 3 }, "End": { "Offset": 56, "Line": 6, "Col": 6 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 53, "Line": 6, "Col": 3 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 56, "Line": 6, "Col": 6 }, "Value": "foo" } } ] }, { "Pos": { "Offset": 58, "Line": 6, "Col": 8 }, 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"FuncDecl", "Pos": { "Offset": 262, "Line": 19, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 276, "Line": 19, "Col": 15 }, "Position": { "Offset": 262, "Line": 19, "Col": 1 }, "Parens": true, "Name": { "Pos": { "Offset": 262, "Line": 19, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 265, "Line": 19, "Col": 4 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 262, "Line": 19, "Col": 1 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 265, "Line": 19, "Col": 4 }, "Value": "foo" }, "Body": { "Pos": { "Offset": 268, "Line": 19, "Col": 7 }, "End": { "Offset": 276, "Line": 19, "Col": 15 }, "Cmd": { "Type": "Block", "Pos": { "Offset": 268, "Line": 19, "Col": 7 }, "End": { "Offset": 276, "Line": 19, "Col": 15 }, "Lbrace": { "Offset": 268, "Line": 19, "Col": 7 }, "Rbrace": { "Offset": 275, "Line": 19, "Col": 14 }, "Stmts": [ { "Pos": { "Offset": 270, "Line": 19, "Col": 9 }, "End": { "Offset": 274, "Line": 19, "Col": 13 }, "Cmd": { "Type": "CallExpr", "Pos": { "Offset": 270, "Line": 19, "Col": 9 }, "End": { "Offset": 273, "Line": 19, "Col": 12 }, "Args": [ { "Pos": { "Offset": 270, "Line": 19, "Col": 9 }, "End": { "Offset": 273, "Line": 19, "Col": 12 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "Lit", "Pos": { "Offset": 270, "Line": 19, "Col": 9 }, "End": { "Offset": 273, "Line": 19, "Col": 12 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 270, "Line": 19, "Col": 9 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 273, "Line": 19, "Col": 12 }, "Value": "bar" } ] } ] }, "Position": { "Offset": 270, "Line": 19, "Col": 9 }, "Semicolon": { "Offset": 273, "Line": 19, "Col": 12 } } ] }, "Position": { "Offset": 268, "Line": 19, "Col": 7 } } }, "Position": { "Offset": 262, "Line": 19, "Col": 1 } }, { "Pos": { "Offset": 277, "Line": 20, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 288, "Line": 20, "Col": 12 }, "Cmd": { "Type": "DeclClause", "Pos": { "Offset": 277, "Line": 20, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 288, "Line": 20, "Col": 12 }, "Variant": { "Pos": { "Offset": 277, "Line": 20, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 284, "Line": 20, "Col": 8 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 277, "Line": 20, "Col": 1 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 284, "Line": 20, "Col": 8 }, "Value": "declare" }, "Args": [ { "Pos": { "Offset": 285, "Line": 20, "Col": 9 }, "End": { "Offset": 288, "Line": 20, "Col": 12 }, "Naked": true, "Name": { "Pos": { "Offset": 285, "Line": 20, "Col": 9 }, "End": { "Offset": 288, "Line": 20, "Col": 12 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 285, "Line": 20, "Col": 9 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 288, "Line": 20, "Col": 12 }, "Value": "foo" } } ] }, "Position": { "Offset": 277, "Line": 20, "Col": 1 } }, { "Pos": { "Offset": 289, "Line": 21, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 304, "Line": 21, "Col": 16 }, "Cmd": { "Type": "LetClause", "Pos": { "Offset": 289, "Line": 21, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 304, "Line": 21, "Col": 16 }, "Let": { "Offset": 289, "Line": 21, "Col": 1 }, "Exprs": [ { "Type": "BinaryArithm", "Pos": { "Offset": 293, "Line": 21, "Col": 5 }, "End": { "Offset": 304, "Line": 21, "Col": 16 }, "OpPos": { "Offset": 296, "Line": 21, "Col": 8 }, "Op": 74, "X": { "Type": "Word", "Pos": { "Offset": 293, "Line": 21, "Col": 5 }, "End": { "Offset": 296, "Line": 21, "Col": 8 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "Lit", "Pos": { "Offset": 293, "Line": 21, "Col": 5 }, "End": { "Offset": 296, "Line": 21, "Col": 8 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 293, "Line": 21, "Col": 5 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 296, "Line": 21, "Col": 8 }, "Value": "foo" } ] }, "Y": { "Type": "BinaryArithm", "Pos": { "Offset": 297, "Line": 21, "Col": 9 }, "End": { "Offset": 304, "Line": 21, "Col": 16 }, "OpPos": { "Offset": 302, "Line": 21, "Col": 14 }, "Op": 68, "X": { "Type": "ParenArithm", "Pos": { "Offset": 297, "Line": 21, "Col": 9 }, "End": { "Offset": 302, "Line": 21, "Col": 14 }, "Lparen": { "Offset": 297, "Line": 21, "Col": 9 }, "Rparen": { "Offset": 301, "Line": 21, "Col": 13 }, "X": { "Type": "Word", "Pos": { "Offset": 298, "Line": 21, "Col": 10 }, "End": { "Offset": 301, "Line": 21, "Col": 13 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "Lit", "Pos": { "Offset": 298, "Line": 21, "Col": 10 }, "End": { "Offset": 301, "Line": 21, "Col": 13 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 298, "Line": 21, "Col": 10 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 301, "Line": 21, "Col": 13 }, "Value": "bar" } ] } }, "Y": { "Type": "Word", "Pos": { "Offset": 303, "Line": 21, "Col": 15 }, "End": { "Offset": 304, "Line": 21, "Col": 16 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "Lit", "Pos": { "Offset": 303, "Line": 21, "Col": 15 }, "End": { "Offset": 304, "Line": 21, "Col": 16 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 303, "Line": 21, "Col": 15 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 304, "Line": 21, "Col": 16 }, "Value": "3" } ] } } } ] }, "Position": { "Offset": 289, "Line": 21, "Col": 1 } }, { "Pos": { "Offset": 305, "Line": 22, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 313, "Line": 22, "Col": 9 }, "Cmd": { "Type": "TimeClause", "Pos": { "Offset": 305, "Line": 22, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 313, "Line": 22, "Col": 9 }, "Time": { "Offset": 305, "Line": 22, "Col": 1 }, "Stmt": { "Pos": { "Offset": 310, "Line": 22, "Col": 6 }, "End": { "Offset": 313, "Line": 22, "Col": 9 }, "Cmd": { "Type": "CallExpr", "Pos": { "Offset": 310, "Line": 22, "Col": 6 }, "End": { "Offset": 313, "Line": 22, "Col": 9 }, "Args": [ { "Pos": { "Offset": 310, "Line": 22, "Col": 6 }, "End": { "Offset": 313, "Line": 22, "Col": 9 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "Lit", "Pos": { "Offset": 310, "Line": 22, "Col": 6 }, "End": { "Offset": 313, "Line": 22, "Col": 9 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 310, "Line": 22, "Col": 6 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 313, "Line": 22, "Col": 9 }, "Value": "foo" } ] } ] }, "Position": { "Offset": 310, "Line": 22, "Col": 6 } } }, "Position": { "Offset": 305, "Line": 22, "Col": 1 } }, { "Pos": { "Offset": 314, "Line": 23, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 324, "Line": 23, "Col": 11 }, "Cmd": { "Type": "CoprocClause", "Pos": { "Offset": 314, "Line": 23, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 324, "Line": 23, "Col": 11 }, "Coproc": { "Offset": 314, "Line": 23, "Col": 1 }, "Stmt": { "Pos": { "Offset": 321, "Line": 23, "Col": 8 }, "End": { "Offset": 324, "Line": 23, "Col": 11 }, "Cmd": { "Type": "CallExpr", "Pos": { "Offset": 321, "Line": 23, "Col": 8 }, "End": { "Offset": 324, "Line": 23, "Col": 11 }, "Args": [ { "Pos": { "Offset": 321, "Line": 23, "Col": 8 }, "End": { "Offset": 324, "Line": 23, "Col": 11 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "Lit", "Pos": { "Offset": 321, "Line": 23, "Col": 8 }, "End": { "Offset": 324, "Line": 23, "Col": 11 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 321, "Line": 23, "Col": 8 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 324, "Line": 23, "Col": 11 }, "Value": "foo" } ] } ] }, "Position": { "Offset": 321, "Line": 23, "Col": 8 } } }, "Position": { "Offset": 314, "Line": 23, "Col": 1 } }, { "Pos": { "Offset": 325, "Line": 24, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 330, "Line": 24, "Col": 6 }, "Cmd": { "Type": "ArithmCmd", "Pos": { "Offset": 325, "Line": 24, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 330, "Line": 24, "Col": 6 }, "Left": { "Offset": 325, "Line": 24, "Col": 1 }, "Right": { "Offset": 328, "Line": 24, "Col": 4 }, "X": { "Type": "Word", "Pos": { "Offset": 327, "Line": 24, "Col": 3 }, "End": { "Offset": 328, "Line": 24, "Col": 4 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "Lit", "Pos": { "Offset": 327, "Line": 24, "Col": 3 }, "End": { "Offset": 328, "Line": 24, "Col": 4 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 327, "Line": 24, "Col": 3 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 328, "Line": 24, "Col": 4 }, "Value": "2" } ] } }, "Position": { "Offset": 325, "Line": 24, "Col": 1 } }, { "Pos": { "Offset": 332, "Line": 26, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 352, "Line": 26, "Col": 21 }, "Cmd": { "Type": "TestClause", "Pos": { "Offset": 332, "Line": 26, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 352, "Line": 26, "Col": 21 }, "Left": { "Offset": 332, "Line": 26, "Col": 1 }, "Right": { "Offset": 350, "Line": 26, "Col": 19 }, "X": { "Type": "UnaryTest", "Pos": { "Offset": 335, "Line": 26, "Col": 4 }, "End": { "Offset": 349, "Line": 26, "Col": 18 }, "OpPos": { "Offset": 335, "Line": 26, "Col": 4 }, "Op": 34, "X": { "Type": "ParenTest", "Pos": { "Offset": 337, "Line": 26, "Col": 6 }, "End": { "Offset": 349, "Line": 26, "Col": 18 }, "Lparen": { "Offset": 337, "Line": 26, "Col": 6 }, "Rparen": { "Offset": 348, "Line": 26, "Col": 17 }, "X": { "Type": "BinaryTest", "Pos": { "Offset": 338, "Line": 26, "Col": 7 }, "End": { "Offset": 348, "Line": 26, "Col": 17 }, "OpPos": { "Offset": 342, "Line": 26, "Col": 11 }, "Op": 10, "X": { "Type": "Word", "Pos": { "Offset": 338, "Line": 26, "Col": 7 }, "End": { "Offset": 341, "Line": 26, "Col": 10 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "Lit", "Pos": { "Offset": 338, "Line": 26, "Col": 7 }, "End": { "Offset": 341, "Line": 26, "Col": 10 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 338, "Line": 26, "Col": 7 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 341, "Line": 26, "Col": 10 }, "Value": "foo" } ] }, "Y": { "Type": "Word", "Pos": { "Offset": 345, "Line": 26, "Col": 14 }, "End": { "Offset": 348, "Line": 26, "Col": 17 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "Lit", "Pos": { "Offset": 345, "Line": 26, "Col": 14 }, "End": { "Offset": 348, "Line": 26, "Col": 17 }, "ValuePos": { "Offset": 345, "Line": 26, "Col": 14 }, "ValueEnd": { "Offset": 348, "Line": 26, "Col": 17 }, "Value": "bar" } ] } } } } }, "Position": { "Offset": 332, "Line": 26, "Col": 1 } }, { "Pos": { "Offset": 365, "Line": 30, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 368, "Line": 30, "Col": 4 }, "Comments": [ { "Pos": { "Offset": 354, "Line": 28, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 363, "Line": 28, "Col": 10 }, "Hash": { "Offset": 354, "Line": 28, "Col": 1 }, "Text": " comment" } ], "Cmd": { "Type": "CallExpr", "Pos": { "Offset": 365, "Line": 30, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 368, "Line": 30, "Col": 4 }, "Args": [ { "Pos": { "Offset": 365, "Line": 30, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 368, "Line": 30, "Col": 4 }, "Parts": [ { "Type": "ProcSubst", "Pos": { "Offset": 365, "Line": 30, "Col": 1 }, "End": { "Offset": 368, "Line": 30, "Col": 4 }, "OpPos": { "Offset": 365, "Line": 30, "Col": 1 }, "Rparen": { "Offset": 367, "Line": 30, "Col": 3 }, "Op": 66 } ] } ] }, "Position": { "Offset": 365, "Line": 30, "Col": 1 } } ] } 0707010000007B000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000171000000000000000000000000000000000000003600000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/typedjson/testdata/roundtrip/file.shfoo ! foo foo & 'foo' "bar" ${foo} $(bar) $((baz)) @(foo) {bar,baz} foo && bar || baz foo | bar |& baz if foo; then bar; fi for i in 1 2 3; do bar; done for ((i = 0; i < 3; i++)); do bar; done while foo; do bar; done case i in foo) bar ;; esac { foo; } (foo) foo() { bar; } declare foo let foo=(bar)+3 time foo coproc foo ((2)) [[ ! (foo && bar) ]] # comment <() 0707010000007C000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC10000181A000000000000000000000000000000000000001900000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/walk.go// Copyright (c) 2016, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package syntax import ( "fmt" "io" "reflect" ) func walkStmts(stmts []*Stmt, last []Comment, f func(Node) bool) { for _, s := range stmts { Walk(s, f) } for _, c := range last { Walk(&c, f) } } func walkWords(words []*Word, f func(Node) bool) { for _, w := range words { Walk(w, f) } } // Walk traverses a syntax tree in depth-first order: It starts by calling // f(node); node must not be nil. If f returns true, Walk invokes f // recursively for each of the non-nil children of node, followed by // f(nil). func Walk(node Node, f func(Node) bool) { if !f(node) { return } switch node := node.(type) { case *File: walkStmts(node.Stmts, node.Last, f) case *Comment: case *Stmt: for _, c := range node.Comments { if !node.End().After(c.Pos()) { defer Walk(&c, f) break } Walk(&c, f) } if node.Cmd != nil { Walk(node.Cmd, f) } for _, r := range node.Redirs { Walk(r, f) } case *Assign: if node.Name != nil { Walk(node.Name, f) } if node.Value != nil { Walk(node.Value, f) } if node.Index != nil { Walk(node.Index, f) } if node.Array != nil { Walk(node.Array, f) } case *Redirect: if node.N != nil { Walk(node.N, f) } Walk(node.Word, f) if node.Hdoc != nil { Walk(node.Hdoc, f) } case *CallExpr: for _, a := range node.Assigns { Walk(a, f) } walkWords(node.Args, f) case *Subshell: walkStmts(node.Stmts, node.Last, f) case *Block: walkStmts(node.Stmts, node.Last, f) case *IfClause: walkStmts(node.Cond, node.CondLast, f) walkStmts(node.Then, node.ThenLast, f) if node.Else != nil { Walk(node.Else, f) } case *WhileClause: walkStmts(node.Cond, node.CondLast, f) walkStmts(node.Do, node.DoLast, f) case *ForClause: Walk(node.Loop, f) walkStmts(node.Do, node.DoLast, f) case *WordIter: Walk(node.Name, f) walkWords(node.Items, f) case *CStyleLoop: if node.Init != nil { Walk(node.Init, f) } if node.Cond != nil { Walk(node.Cond, f) } if node.Post != nil { Walk(node.Post, f) } case *BinaryCmd: Walk(node.X, f) Walk(node.Y, f) case *FuncDecl: Walk(node.Name, f) Walk(node.Body, f) case *Word: for _, wp := range node.Parts { Walk(wp, f) } case *Lit: case *SglQuoted: case *DblQuoted: for _, wp := range node.Parts { Walk(wp, f) } case *CmdSubst: walkStmts(node.Stmts, node.Last, f) case *ParamExp: Walk(node.Param, f) if node.Index != nil { Walk(node.Index, f) } if node.Repl != nil { if node.Repl.Orig != nil { Walk(node.Repl.Orig, f) } if node.Repl.With != nil { Walk(node.Repl.With, f) } } if node.Exp != nil && node.Exp.Word != nil { Walk(node.Exp.Word, f) } case *ArithmExp: Walk(node.X, f) case *ArithmCmd: Walk(node.X, f) case *BinaryArithm: Walk(node.X, f) Walk(node.Y, f) case *BinaryTest: Walk(node.X, f) Walk(node.Y, f) case *UnaryArithm: Walk(node.X, f) case *UnaryTest: Walk(node.X, f) case *ParenArithm: Walk(node.X, f) case *ParenTest: Walk(node.X, f) case *CaseClause: Walk(node.Word, f) for _, ci := range node.Items { Walk(ci, f) } for _, c := range node.Last { Walk(&c, f) } case *CaseItem: for _, c := range node.Comments { if c.Pos().After(node.Pos()) { defer Walk(&c, f) break } Walk(&c, f) } walkWords(node.Patterns, f) walkStmts(node.Stmts, node.Last, f) case *TestClause: Walk(node.X, f) case *DeclClause: for _, a := range node.Args { Walk(a, f) } case *ArrayExpr: for _, el := range node.Elems { Walk(el, f) } for _, c := range node.Last { Walk(&c, f) } case *ArrayElem: for _, c := range node.Comments { if c.Pos().After(node.Pos()) { defer Walk(&c, f) break } Walk(&c, f) } if node.Index != nil { Walk(node.Index, f) } if node.Value != nil { Walk(node.Value, f) } case *ExtGlob: Walk(node.Pattern, f) case *ProcSubst: walkStmts(node.Stmts, node.Last, f) case *TimeClause: if node.Stmt != nil { Walk(node.Stmt, f) } case *CoprocClause: if node.Name != nil { Walk(node.Name, f) } Walk(node.Stmt, f) case *LetClause: for _, expr := range node.Exprs { Walk(expr, f) } case *TestDecl: Walk(node.Description, f) Walk(node.Body, f) default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("syntax.Walk: unexpected node type %T", node)) } f(nil) } // DebugPrint prints the provided syntax tree, spanning multiple lines and with // indentation. Can be useful to investigate the content of a syntax tree. func DebugPrint(w io.Writer, node Node) error { p := debugPrinter{out: w} p.print(reflect.ValueOf(node)) p.printf("\n") return p.err } type debugPrinter struct { out io.Writer level int err error } func (p *debugPrinter) printf(format string, args ...any) { _, err := fmt.Fprintf(p.out, format, args...) if err != nil && p.err == nil { p.err = err } } func (p *debugPrinter) newline() { p.printf("\n") for i := 0; i < p.level; i++ { p.printf(". ") } } func (p *debugPrinter) print(x reflect.Value) { switch x.Kind() { case reflect.Interface: if x.IsNil() { p.printf("nil") return } p.print(x.Elem()) case reflect.Ptr: if x.IsNil() { p.printf("nil") return } p.printf("*") p.print(x.Elem()) case reflect.Slice: p.printf("%s (len = %d) {", x.Type(), x.Len()) if x.Len() > 0 { p.level++ p.newline() for i := 0; i < x.Len(); i++ { p.printf("%d: ", i) p.print(x.Index(i)) if i == x.Len()-1 { p.level-- } p.newline() } } p.printf("}") case reflect.Struct: if v, ok := x.Interface().(Pos); ok { p.printf("%v:%v", v.Line(), v.Col()) return } t := x.Type() p.printf("%s {", t) p.level++ p.newline() for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { p.printf("%s: ", t.Field(i).Name) p.print(x.Field(i)) if i == x.NumField()-1 { p.level-- } p.newline() } p.printf("}") default: if s, ok := x.Interface().(fmt.Stringer); ok && !x.IsZero() { p.printf("%#v (%s)", x.Interface(), s) } else { p.printf("%#v", x.Interface()) } } } 0707010000007D000081A400000000000000000000000167156AC100000B94000000000000000000000000000000000000001E00000000sh-3.10.0/syntax/walk_test.go// Copyright (c) 2016, Daniel Martí <> // See LICENSE for licensing information package syntax import ( "reflect" "strings" "testing" ) func TestWalk(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() seen := map[string]bool{ "*syntax.File": false, "*syntax.Comment": false, "*syntax.Stmt": false, "*syntax.Assign": false, "*syntax.Redirect": false, "*syntax.CallExpr": false, "*syntax.Subshell": false, "*syntax.Block": false, "*syntax.IfClause": false, "*syntax.WhileClause": false, "*syntax.ForClause": false, "*syntax.WordIter": false, "*syntax.CStyleLoop": false, "*syntax.BinaryCmd": false, "*syntax.FuncDecl": false, "*syntax.Word": false, "*syntax.Lit": false, "*syntax.SglQuoted": false, "*syntax.DblQuoted": false, "*syntax.CmdSubst": false, "*syntax.ParamExp": false, "*syntax.ArithmExp": false, "*syntax.ArithmCmd": false, "*syntax.BinaryArithm": false, "*syntax.UnaryArithm": false, "*syntax.ParenArithm": false, "*syntax.CaseClause": false, "*syntax.CaseItem": false, "*syntax.TestClause": false, "*syntax.BinaryTest": false, "*syntax.UnaryTest": false, "*syntax.ParenTest": false, "*syntax.DeclClause": false, "*syntax.ArrayExpr": false, "*syntax.ArrayElem": false, "*syntax.ExtGlob": false, "*syntax.ProcSubst": false, "*syntax.TimeClause": false, "*syntax.CoprocClause": false, "*syntax.LetClause": false, } parser := NewParser(KeepComments(true)) var allStrs []string for _, c := range fileTests { allStrs = append(allStrs, c.Strs[0]) } for _, c := range printTests { allStrs = append(allStrs, } for _, in := range allStrs { t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) { prog, err := parser.Parse(strings.NewReader(in), "") if err != nil { // good enough for now, as the bash // parser ignoring errors covers what we // need. return } lastOffs := uint(0) Walk(prog, func(node Node) bool { if node == nil { return false } tstr := reflect.TypeOf(node).String() if _, ok := seen[tstr]; !ok { t.Errorf("unexpected type: %s", tstr) } else { seen[tstr] = true } switch node.(type) { case *Lit: return false case *Comment: default: return true } offs := node.Pos().Offset() if offs >= lastOffs { lastOffs = offs } else { t.Errorf("comment offset goes back") } return true }) }) } for tstr, tseen := range seen { if !tseen { t.Errorf("type not seen: %s", tstr) } } } type newNode struct{} func (newNode) Pos() Pos { return Pos{} } func (newNode) End() Pos { return Pos{} } func TestWalkUnexpectedType(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() defer func() { if r := recover(); r == nil { t.Errorf("did not panic") } }() Walk(newNode{}, func(node Node) bool { return true }) } 07070100000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000B00000000TRAILER!!!1828 blocks
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