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File mingw32-angleproject.spec of Package mingw32-angleproject
# # spec file for package mingw32-angleproject # # Copyright (c) 2014 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # %global svn_revision 2426 %global svn_stamp 20131118 Name: mingw32-angleproject Version: 0 Release: 0 Summary: Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine License: BSD-3-Clause Group: Development/Libraries Url: # Upstream hasn't done any official releases yet # To generate snapshot: # svn checkout angleproject # tar --exclude-vcs -cjvpf angleproject-r$(svnversion angleproject).tar.bz2 angleproject Source: angleproject-r%{svn_revision}.tar.bz2 # File names are case-sensitive on Linux Patch0: angleproject-fix-case-sensitive-include.patch # Make sure an import library is created and the correct .def file is used during the build Patch2: angleproject-include-import-library-and-use-def-file.patch # .def pieces taken from Patch3: angleproject-fix-mingw-compatibility.patch # # Fix typedefs for Win64 # The long int type is incorrect for Windows 64-bit as LLP64 is used there. Patch4: angleproject-fix-typedefs-for-win64.patch # WebKit depends on symbols which are used in the static library called translator_hlsl # This static library is linked into the libGLESv2 shared library # To allow building WebKit export the required symbols in the libGLESv2 shared library Patch5: angleproject-export-shader-symbols.patch BuildRequires: gyp BuildRequires: mingw32-cross-binutils BuildRequires: mingw32-cross-gcc BuildRequires: mingw32-cross-gcc-c++ BuildRequires: mingw32-filesystem BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build %_mingw32_package_header_debug BuildArch: noarch #!BuildIgnore: post-build-checks %description ANGLE is a conformant implementation of the OpenGL ES 2.0 specification that is hardware‐accelerated via Direct3D. ANGLE v1.0.772 was certified compliant by passing the ES 2.0.3 conformance tests in October 2011. ANGLE also provides an implementation of the EGL 1.4 specification. ANGLE is used as the default WebGL backend for both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox on Windows platforms. Chrome uses ANGLE for all graphics rendering on Windows, including the accelerated Canvas2D implementation and the Native Client sandbox environment. Portions of the ANGLE shader compiler are used as a shader validator and translator by WebGL implementations across multiple platforms. It is used on Mac OS X, Linux, and in mobile variants of the browsers. Having one shader validator helps to ensure that a consistent set of GLSL ES shaders are accepted across browsers and platforms. The shader translator can be used to translate shaders to other shading languages, and to optionally apply shader modifications to work around bugs or quirks in the native graphics drivers. The translator targets Desktop GLSL, Direct3D HLSL, and even ESSL for native GLES2 platforms. %package devel Summary: Files for Developing with angleproject Group: Development/Libraries %description devel ANGLE is a conformant implementation of the OpenGL ES 2.0 specification that is hardware‐accelerated via Direct3D. ANGLE v1.0.772 was certified compliant by passing the ES 2.0.3 conformance tests in October 2011. ANGLE also provides an implementation of the EGL 1.4 specification. ANGLE is used as the default WebGL backend for both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox on Windows platforms. Chrome uses ANGLE for all graphics rendering on Windows, including the accelerated Canvas2D implementation and the Native Client sandbox environment. Portions of the ANGLE shader compiler are used as a shader validator and translator by WebGL implementations across multiple platforms. It is used on Mac OS X, Linux, and in mobile variants of the browsers. Having one shader validator helps to ensure that a consistent set of GLSL ES shaders are accepted across browsers and platforms. The shader translator can be used to translate shaders to other shading languages, and to optionally apply shader modifications to work around bugs or quirks in the native graphics drivers. The translator targets Desktop GLSL, Direct3D HLSL, and even ESSL for native GLES2 platforms. %_mingw32_debug_package %prep %setup -q -n angleproject %patch0 %patch2 %patch3 %patch4 -p4 %patch5 %build unset RPM_OPT_FLAGS export CXX=%{_mingw32_cxx} export AR=%{_mingw32_ar} gyp -D OS=win -D TARGET=mingw32 --depth . -I build/common.gypi src/build_angle.gyp # Make sure the correct libraries are linked in sed -i s@'^LIBS :='@'LIBS := -ld3d9'@ src/ sed -i s@'^LIBS :='@'LIBS := -ld3d9 -ldxguid -L. -lGLESv2'@ src/ make %{?_smp_mflags} V=1 CXXFLAGS="-std=c++11 -msse2 -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE" %install # The gyp build system doesn't know how to install files # and gives libraries invalid filenames.. *sigh* mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mingw32_bindir} %{buildroot}%{_mingw32_libdir} %{buildroot}%{_mingw32_includedir} install out/Debug/ %{buildroot}%{_mingw32_bindir}/libGLESv2.dll install out/Debug/ %{buildroot}%{_mingw32_bindir}/libEGL.dll install -m0644 libGLESv2.dll.a %{buildroot}%{_mingw32_libdir} install -m0644 libEGL.dll.a %{buildroot}%{_mingw32_libdir} cp -Rv include/* %{buildroot}%{_mingw32_includedir} %files %defattr(-,root,root) %{_mingw32_bindir}/libEGL.dll %{_mingw32_bindir}/libGLESv2.dll %files devel %defattr(-,root,root) %{_mingw32_includedir}/EGL %{_mingw32_includedir}/GLES2 %{_mingw32_includedir}/GLSLANG %{_mingw32_includedir}/KHR %{_mingw32_libdir}/libEGL.dll.a %{_mingw32_libdir}/libGLESv2.dll.a %changelog
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