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File of Package licenses
#! /usr/bin/perl -wT # # -- a script to copy license files from the system into a tar ball. # ###################################################################### # # Copyright 2007 Novell Inc., # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # ##################################################################### # 2007-01-16, jw, V1.0 -- initial draft. # 2007-01-30, jw, V1.1 -- rpm scanner added. # 2007-01-30, jw, V1.2 -- eula added to $collect. use Data::Dumper; use Digest::MD5; use Cwd; use strict; $ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin'; delete $ENV{ENV}; my $version = '1.2'; my $verbose = 1; my $tarball = 'licenses.tar.gz'; my $dir = 'licenses'; my $logfile = 'licenses/meta/log.txt'; my $blacklist_re = '(/usr/share/doc/licenses/|/usr/share/gnump3d/|\.png$|\.jpg$|\.svg$)'; my $collect_cmd_fmt = q{find '%s' -type f | egrep -i '%s'}; my $collect = q{/usr/share:(license|copying|copyright|eula)}; my $cpio = '/usr/bin/cpio --quiet'; my $rpm = '/bin/rpm'; my $extract = 0; my $pack = 0; my $run_collect = 0; my $add = 0; my $keep_unpacked = 0; my $rpmdir = undef; my $tmpdir = $ENV{LICENSES_TMP_DIR} || "/tmp/licenses-$$/%s"; my $noexec = 0; usage() unless @ARGV; while (defined(my $arg = shift)) { if ($arg =~ m{^-v}) { $verbose++; } elsif ($arg =~ m{^-q}) { $verbose = 0; } elsif ($arg =~ m{^--$}) { last; } elsif ($arg =~ m{^-a}) { $add++; } elsif ($arg =~ m{^-c}) { $run_collect++; $collect = shift if $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] !~ m{^-}} elsif ($arg =~ m{^-x}) { $extract++; } elsif ($arg =~ m{^-r}) { $rpmdir = shift; } elsif ($arg =~ m{^-p}) { $pack++; } elsif ($arg =~ m{^-t}) { $pack++; $extract++; } elsif ($arg =~ m{^-k}) { $keep_unpacked++; } elsif ($arg =~ m{^-}) { usage("unknown option '$arg'"); } else { unshift @ARGV, $arg; last } } $keep_unpacked++ unless $pack; my ($prefix_string,$infix_pattern,$collect_cmd) = split_prefix_infix($collect); if ($extract && -f $tarball) { my $cmd = "tar zxvf '$tarball'"; system $cmd and die "'$cmd' failed: $! $@\n"; } mkdir_pf($logfile); open L, ">>", $logfile; print L "$0 extract=$extract add=$add run_collect=$run_collect pack=$pack started " . scalar(localtime) . "\n"; print L "collect=$collect\n" if $run_collect; print L "rpmdir=$rpmdir\n" if defined $rpmdir; print L "$tarball extracted.\n" if $extract && -f $tarball; if (defined($rpmdir)) { $rpmdir = $1 if $rpmdir =~ m{^(.*)$}; # untaint. if (-d $rpmdir) { open FINDPKG, "find $rpmdir -name \*.rpm|" or die "open find $rpmdir failed: $! $@\n"; while (defined(my $pkg = <FINDPKG>)) { $pkg = $1 if $pkg =~ m{(\S+)}; die "find returned non-file: $pkg\n" unless -f $pkg; print " $pkg\n" if $verbose; collect_from_rpm($pkg); } close FINDPKG; } else { collect_from_rpm($rpmdir); } } else { collect_licenses('/'); } if ($pack && -d $dir) { rename $tarball, "$tarball." . time() if -f $tarball; my $cmd = "tar zcvf '$tarball' '$dir'"; system $cmd and die "'$cmd' failed: $! $@\n"; print L "$tarball packed.\n"; } print L "$0 done " . scalar(localtime) . "\n"; close L; rm_rf($dir) unless $keep_unpacked; exit 0; ############################################################################ ## ## this version of mkdir_pf handles relative and absolute paths. ## sub mkdir_pf { my ($path) = @_; my @dirs = split "/", $path; pop @dirs; # nuke trailing filename $path = ($dirs[0] eq '') ? '/' : ''; for my $d (@dirs) { $path .= "$d/"; mkdir $path, 0777 or die "mkdir $path failed: $!" unless -d $path; } return 1; # success, be mkdir compatible } ## rm_rf -- recursive file tree delete ## ## fn is a predicate, that receives a file path name as parameter. ## If fn returns zero for a file object, it is excluded from removal. ## Directories are removed unconditionally, if we can empty them first. ## ## Directories are traversed in reverse alphabetical order; ## thus dotfiles usually still exist while fn is called for other files. ## fn defaults to a true value. ## Adds write perm on the dir, if unlink/rmdir fails. ## ## Caution: No taint checks here. ## ## Does not follow symlinks for opendir; this could carry us out of the tree. ## Tries unlink after rmdir, just in case it is a weird directory symlik. ## ## rm_rf fails on very deep directory structures. It should ## - chdir downward (remembering inode numbers), ## - clear one level, ## - cd(..), check if ## - inode matches, clear one level ## - or, if it does not match redo from start. ## - done. ## sub rm_rf { my ($path, $fn, $comment) = @_; $comment ||=''; if (!-l $path and opendir DIR, $path) { my @e = grep { !/^(\.|\.\.)$/ } readdir DIR; closedir DIR; rm_rf("$path/$_") for reverse sort @e; $path = $1 if $path =~ m{^(.*)$}; print "rmdir $path\n" if $verbose > 2; unless (unlink $path or rmdir $path) { my $dir; $dir = $1 if $path =~ m{^(.*/).}; $dir = '.' unless defined $dir; chmod 0777, $dir; return if unlink $path or rmdir $path; system "/bin/ls -la $path"; warn "rm_rf: rmdir($path) failed: $!\n"; } } else { if (!$fn or &$fn($path)) { $path = $1 if $path =~ m{^(.*)$}; # UNTAINT. brute print "unlink $path\n" if $verbose > 2; unless (unlink $path) { my $dir; $dir = $1 if $path =~ m{^(.*/).}; $dir = '.' unless defined $dir; chmod 0777, $dir; return if unlink $path; warn "rm_rf: unlink($path) failed: $!\n"; } } else { print "rm_rf: skip $path, $comment\n" if $verbose > 2; } } } sub rpm_header { my ($file, $name) = @_; my $cmd = "$rpm -qp --qf '%{$name}' '$file'"; open RPM, "$cmd|" or die "cannot run $cmd: $!"; my $r = join '', <RPM>; close RPM or die "failed to run $cmd: $!"; die "$cmd: failed\n" unless length $r; return $r; } sub rpm_filelist { my ($file, $name) = @_; my $cmd = "$rpm -qpl '$file'"; open RPM, "$cmd|" or die "cannot run $cmd: $!"; my @r = <RPM>; chomp @r; close RPM or die "failed to run $cmd: $!"; die "$cmd: failed\n" unless scalar @r; return @r; } # extract an RPM file, optionally limited to certain files. # sub unrpm { my ($pkg, $dir, $files) = @_; my $pattern = ''; if ($files) { # we put leading dots in front of the file name list. # This is how rpm2cpio exports the names. # And we escape '?' and '*' because cpio reads shell globbing # patterns, not files. $pattern = " '." . join("' '.", @$files) . "'" if $files; $pattern =~ s{([\*\?])}{\\$1}g; $pattern = $1 if $pattern =~ m{^(.*)$}; } run_cmd("rpm2cpio '$pkg' | (cd $dir && $cpio -uidm$pattern)"); } sub collect_from_rpm { my ($pkg) = @_; my $name = rpm_header($pkg, 'name'); $name = $1 if $name =~ m{^([^/]+)$}; # untaint, no slashes please. my @l = rpm_filelist($pkg); @l = grep { /$infix_pattern/i } grep { /^\Q$prefix_string\E/ } @l; return unless scalar @l; my $root = sprintf $tmpdir, $name; # where created files go. mkdir_pf("$root/."); unrpm($pkg, $root, \@l); collect_licenses($root, $name); rm_rf($root); } sub run_cmd { my ($cmd) = @_; print "\n$cmd\n" if $verbose > 1 or $noexec; return if $noexec; system "$cmd" and die "$cmd failed: $@ $!"; } sub usage { my ($msg) = @_; $msg .= "\n" if $msg and $msg !~ m{\n$}; $msg = "Error: " . $msg if $msg; print qq{ version $version $msg Usage: $0 [options] [files ...] Valid options are: -v Be more verbose. Default: $verbose -q Be quiet. -a Add files. -c [prefix:infix] Add files selected by pattern. A case sensitive prefix string and a case insensitive infix regexp-pattern can be specified seperated by a colon. Defaults to "$collect". -r rpmdir Add files found in the rpm's in rpmdir. -l logfile Append to logfile. Defaults to $logfile . -t First do -x, last do -p. -x Extract '$tarball' into ./$dir . -p Pack '$tarball' from ./$dir . Examples: Update from the current system: $0 -t -c Make a fresh start for SLES10-SP1: $0 -p -c -r /mounts/dist/install/SLP/SLES-10-SP1-Beta2/i386 add one file from one rpm: $0 -t -r foobar.rpm -a /usr/lib/foobar/doc/Readme.txt }; exit 0; } sub split_prefix_infix { my ($colon_sep) = @_; $colon_sep =~ m{^([^:]+):(.*)$} or die "split_prefix_infix: pattern seperator colon(:) not found\n"; my ($pre, $in) = ($1, $2); $pre =~ s{^/+}{}; my $cmd = sprintf $collect_cmd_fmt, $pre, $in; return ("/$pre", $in, $cmd); } sub collect_licenses { my ($root, $pkg_name) = @_; if ($run_collect) { print L "running comand in $root: $collect_cmd\n"; my $cwd = getcwd; chdir($root) or die "collect_licenses: chdir($root) failed: $!"; open C, "$collect_cmd|" or die "'$collect_cmd' failed: $! $@\n"; $cwd = $1 if $cwd =~ m{^(.*)$}; # untaint chdir($cwd) or warn "collect_licenses: chdir($cwd) failed: $!"; while (defined (my $line = <C>)) { chomp $line; my $file = ($line =~ m{^(.*)$})[0]; # force untaint $file = "/$file" unless $file =~ m{^/}; next if $file =~ m{$blacklist_re}; if (open FILE, "<", "$root$file") { my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new; $md5->addfile(*FILE); close(FILE); my $digest = $md5->hexdigest; my $dest = "$dir/md5/$digest"; unless (-f $dest) { mkdir_pf($dest); system "cp '$root$file' '$dest'" and die "cannot copy $root$file"; print L "added $digest $file\n"; print "added $file\n" if $verbose; } else { print L " have $digest $file\n"; } if ($pkg_name) { # my $lname = ($file =~ m{([^/]+)$})[0]; my $lname = $file; $lname =~ s{^/+}{}; $lname =~ s{/+}{,}g; $lname = "$dir/pkg/$pkg_name/$lname"; unless (-e $lname) { my $rel = $dest; $rel =~ s{^[^/]+/}{../../}; mkdir_pf($lname); symlink($rel, $lname); } } } else { warn "cannot read $root$file: $!\n"; } } close C; } else { warn "nothing done. try -c ?\n"; } }
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