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File excalibur.spec of Package excalibur
# # spec file for package excalibur # # Copyright (c) 2012 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # %define with() %{expand:%%{?with_%{1}:1}%%{!?with_%{1}:0}} %define without() %{expand:%%{?with_%{1}:0}%%{!?with_%{1}:1}} %define bcond_with() %{expand:%%{?_with_%{1}:%%global with_%{1} 1}} %define bcond_without() %{expand:%%{!?_without_%{1}:%%global with_%{1} 1}} %bcond_with jdk6 # If you want repolib package to be built, # issue the following: 'rpmbuild --with repolib' %define _with_repolib 1 %define with_repolib %{?_with_repolib:1}%{!?_with_repolib:0} %define without_repolib %{!?_with_repolib:1}%{?_with_repolib:0} # If you don't want to build with maven, and use straight ant instead, # give rpmbuild option '--without maven' %define with_maven %{!?_without_maven:1}%{?_without_maven:0} %define without_maven %{?_without_maven:1}%{!?_without_maven:0} %define _without_maven 1 %define section free %define rsvn r508111 %define rdate 15022007 %define main_version 1.0 %define components_version 2.2.1 %define containerkit_version 2.2.1 %define cornerstone_version 2.2.1 %define excalidep_version 2.2.1 %define fortress_version 1.3.1 %define framework_version 4.3.1 Name: excalibur Version: 0.91.r508111 Release: 0 Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components License: Apache-2.0 Group: Development/Libraries/Java Url: Source0: Source2: excalibur-1.0-build-files.tar.gz Source3: excalibur-settings.xml Source4: excalibur-1.0-jpp-depmap.xml Source100: excalibur-avalon-framework-component-info.xml Source101: excalibur-avalon-logkit-component-info.xml Source1000: excalibur-rpmlintrc # FIXME: patch out maven-gpg-plugin processing Patch0: excalibur-r508111-00-pom_xml.patch #### # add saxon-aelfred to dependencies: Patch1: excalibur-components-xmlutil-pom.patch #### Patch1: excalibur-r508111-components-xmlutil-01-pom_xml.patch # add concurrent to dependencies: Patch2: excalibur-r508111-fortress-container-impl-02-pom_xml.patch # set testFailureIgnore to true FIXME: Patch3: excalibur-r508111-deprecated-component-test-03-pom_xml.patch Patch4: excalibur-r508111-fortress-examples-04-pom_xml.patch Patch5: excalibur-r508111-fortress-platform-05-script.patch Patch6: excalibur-r508111-fortress-platform-06-wrapper_conf.patch Patch7: excalibur-containerkit-logkit-DefaultDataSource.patch Patch8: excalibur-components-xmlutil-Saxon8ProcessorImpl.patch Patch9: excalibur-r508111-maven-compile-target.patch Patch10: excalibur-r508111-components-xmlutil-project-xml.patch Patch11: excalibur-java6.patch Patch12: excalibur-java7.patch BuildRequires: ant >= 1.6 BuildRequires: ant-junit BuildRequires: hsqldb BuildRequires: java-devel >= 1.5.0 BuildRequires: jmock BuildRequires: jpackage-utils >= 1.7.5 BuildRequires: junit %if %{with_maven} BuildRequires: avalon-framework BuildRequires: maven-release BuildRequires: maven-surefire-plugin BuildRequires: maven2 >= 2.0.7 BuildRequires: maven2-plugin-antrun BuildRequires: maven2-plugin-compiler BuildRequires: maven2-plugin-eclipse BuildRequires: maven2-plugin-idea BuildRequires: maven2-plugin-install BuildRequires: maven2-plugin-jar BuildRequires: maven2-plugin-javadoc BuildRequires: maven2-plugin-plugin BuildRequires: maven2-plugin-resources BuildRequires: maven2-plugin-source %endif BuildRequires: bcel BuildRequires: javamail_1_3_1_api #BuildRequires: geronimo-javamail-1.3.1-api BuildRequires: concurrent BuildRequires: d-haven-event BuildRequires: d-haven-mpool BuildRequires: jms_1_1_api #BuildRequires: geronimo-jms-1.1-api BuildRequires: jakarta-commons-beanutils BuildRequires: jakarta-commons-collections BuildRequires: jakarta-commons-httpclient3 BuildRequires: jakarta-commons-logging BuildRequires: jakarta-commons-vfs BuildRequires: jaxen BuildRequires: jisp2 BuildRequires: jtidy BuildRequires: junitperf BuildRequires: log4j >= 1.2.13 BuildRequires: qdox BuildRequires: saxon8 BuildRequires: saxon8-xpath #### BuildRequires: saxon #### BuildRequires: saxon7 #### BuildRequires: saxon-aelfred #BuildRequires: servlet_2_3_api BuildRequires: servletapi4 BuildRequires: xalan-j2 BuildRequires: xerces-j2 BuildRequires: xml-commons-apis BuildRequires: xml-commons-resolver BuildRequires: xom BuildArch: noarch Requires(post): jpackage-utils >= 1.7.4 Requires(postun): jpackage-utils >= 1.7.4 # subpackages needs it Provides: %{name} = %{main_version} BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build %description Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package avalon-framework Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{framework_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-logkit = %{containerkit_version} Requires: jakarta-commons-logging Requires: log4j >= 1.2.13 %description avalon-framework Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %if %{with_repolib} %package avalon-framework-repolib Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{framework_version} Release: 0 %description avalon-framework-repolib Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %endif %package avalon-framework-api Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{framework_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-logkit = %{containerkit_version} %description avalon-framework-api Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package avalon-framework-impl Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{framework_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-logkit = %{containerkit_version} Requires: jakarta-commons-logging Requires: log4j >= 1.2.13 %description avalon-framework-impl Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package avalon-logkit Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{containerkit_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: javamail_1_3_1_api Requires: jms_1_1_api Requires: log4j >= 1.2.13 Requires: servlet %description avalon-logkit Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %if %{with_repolib} %package avalon-logkit-repolib Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{containerkit_version} Release: 0 %description avalon-logkit-repolib Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %endif %package cornerstone-connection-api Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-thread-api = %{components_version} %description cornerstone-connection-api Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-connection-impl Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-cornerstone-connection-api = %{cornerstone_version} Requires: %{name}-cornerstone-sockets-api = %{cornerstone_version} Requires: %{name}-cornerstone-threads-api = %{cornerstone_version} Requires: %{name}-datasource = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-api = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-impl = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-thread-api = %{components_version} Requires: jakarta-commons-logging Requires: xerces-j2 Requires: xml-commons-apis %description cornerstone-connection-impl Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-datasources-api Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} %description cornerstone-datasources-api Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-datasources-impl Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-cornerstone-datasources-api = %{cornerstone_version} Requires: %{name}-datasource = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-api = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-impl = %{components_version} Requires: xerces-j2 Requires: xml-commons-apis %description cornerstone-datasources-impl Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-scheduler-api Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: xerces-j2 Requires: xml-commons-apis %description cornerstone-scheduler-api Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-scheduler-impl Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-cornerstone-scheduler-api = %{cornerstone_version} Requires: %{name}-cornerstone-threads-api = %{cornerstone_version} Requires: %{name}-thread-api = %{components_version} Requires: xerces-j2 Requires: xml-commons-apis %description cornerstone-scheduler-impl Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-sockets-api Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} %description cornerstone-sockets-api Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-sockets-impl Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-cornerstone-sockets-api = %{cornerstone_version} Requires: xerces-j2 Requires: xml-commons-apis %description cornerstone-sockets-impl Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-store-api Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} %description cornerstone-store-api Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-store-impl Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-cornerstone-store-api = %{cornerstone_version} Requires: xerces-j2 Requires: xml-commons-apis %description cornerstone-store-impl Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-threads-api Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-thread-api = %{components_version} %description cornerstone-threads-api Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-threads-impl Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-cornerstone-threads-api = %{cornerstone_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-api = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-impl = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-thread-api = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-thread-impl = %{components_version} Requires: concurrent Requires: jakarta-commons-collections %description cornerstone-threads-impl Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package component Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{excalidep_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-logkit = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-instrument-api = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-instrument-mgr-api = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-instrument-mgr-impl = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-logger = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-api = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-impl = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-instrumented = %{components_version} Requires: jakarta-commons-collections Requires: log4j Requires: servlet %description component Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package datasource Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-logkit = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-instrument-api = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-logger = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-api = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-impl = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-instrumented = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-testcase = %{excalidep_version} Requires: concurrent Requires: hsqldb %description datasource Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package event-api Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{excalidep_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} %description event-api Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package event-impl Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{excalidep_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-logkit = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-event-api = %{excalidep_version} Requires: %{name}-logger = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-api = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-impl = %{components_version} Requires: concurrent Requires: jakarta-commons-collections %description event-impl Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package fortress-bean Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{fortress_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-logkit = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-fortress-container-api = %{fortress_version} Requires: %{name}-fortress-container-impl = %{fortress_version} Requires: %{name}-logger = %{containerkit_version} Requires: junit %description fortress-bean Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package fortress-container-api Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{fortress_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: d-haven-event %description fortress-container-api Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package fortress-container-impl Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{fortress_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-logkit = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-fortress-container-api = %{fortress_version} Requires: %{name}-instrument-api = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-instrument-mgr-api = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-instrument-mgr-impl = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-lifecycle-api = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-lifecycle-impl = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-logger = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-sourceresolve = %{components_version} Requires: bcel Requires: concurrent Requires: d-haven-event Requires: d-haven-mpool Requires: jakarta-commons-beanutils Requires: jakarta-commons-collections %description fortress-container-impl Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package fortress-examples Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{fortress_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-fortress-container-api = %{fortress_version} Requires: %{name}-fortress-container-impl = %{fortress_version} Requires: %{name}-instrument-api = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-lifecycle-api = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-lifecycle-impl = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-logger = %{containerkit_version} Requires: servlet %description fortress-examples Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package fortress-meta Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{fortress_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-fortress-container-api = %{fortress_version} Requires: ant Requires: qdox %description fortress-meta Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package fortress-migration Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{fortress_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-fortress-container-api = %{fortress_version} Requires: %{name}-fortress-container-impl = %{fortress_version} %description fortress-migration Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package fortress-platform Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{fortress_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-fortress-container-impl = %{fortress_version} Requires: tanukiwrapper %description fortress-platform Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package fortress-testcase Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{fortress_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-fortress-container-api = %{fortress_version} Requires: %{name}-fortress-container-impl = %{fortress_version} Requires: junit %description fortress-testcase Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package instrument-api Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{containerkit_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} %description instrument-api Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package instrument-client Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{containerkit_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} %description instrument-client Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package instrument-mgr-api Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{containerkit_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-instrument-api = %{containerkit_version} Requires: xml-commons-apis %description instrument-mgr-api Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package instrument-mgr-http Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{containerkit_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-instrument-api = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-instrument-mgr-api = %{containerkit_version} Requires: xml-commons-apis %description instrument-mgr-http Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package instrument-mgr-impl Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{containerkit_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-instrument-api = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-instrument-mgr-api = %{containerkit_version} Requires: xml-commons-apis %description instrument-mgr-impl Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package lifecycle-api Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{containerkit_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} %description lifecycle-api Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package lifecycle-impl Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{containerkit_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-lifecycle-api = %{containerkit_version} %description lifecycle-impl Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package logger Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{containerkit_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-logkit = %{containerkit_version} Requires: javamail_1_3_1_api Requires: jms_1_1_api Requires: log4j Requires: servlet Requires: xml-commons-apis %description logger Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package monitor Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-logkit = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-sourceresolve = %{components_version} Requires: log4j %description monitor Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package pool-api Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} %description pool-api Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package pool-impl Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-api = %{components_version} Requires: concurrent Requires: jakarta-commons-collections %description pool-impl Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package pool-instrumented Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-fortress-container-api = %{fortress_version} Requires: %{name}-instrument-api = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-api = %{components_version} Requires: concurrent Requires: jakarta-commons-collections Requires: jakarta-commons-logging %description pool-instrumented Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package sourceresolve Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: jakarta-commons-httpclient3 Requires: jakarta-commons-logging Requires: jakarta-commons-vfs %description sourceresolve Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package store Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-fortress-container-api = %{fortress_version} Requires: %{name}-instrument-api = %{containerkit_version} Requires: concurrent Requires: jisp2 %description store Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package testcase Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{excalidep_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-logkit = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-component = %{excalidep_version} Requires: %{name}-logger = %{containerkit_version} Requires: junit Requires: log4j %description testcase Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package thread-api Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} %description thread-api Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package thread-impl Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-api = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-impl = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-thread-api = %{components_version} %description thread-impl Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package thread-instrumented Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-impl = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-instrument-api = %{containerkit_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-api = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-impl = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-instrumented = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-thread-api = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-thread-impl = %{components_version} %description thread-instrumented Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package xmlutil Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 Requires: %{name} = %{main_version} Requires: %{name}-avalon-framework-api = %{framework_version} Requires: %{name}-pool-api = %{components_version} #### Requires: saxon Requires: %{name}-sourceresolve = %{components_version} Requires: %{name}-store = %{components_version} Requires: jaxen Requires: jtidy #### Requires: saxon-aelfred #### Requires: saxon7 Requires: saxon8 Requires: saxon8-xpath Requires: xalan-j2 Requires: xerces-j2 Requires: xml-commons-apis Requires: xml-commons-resolver %description xmlutil Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package avalon-framework-api-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{framework_version} Release: 0 %description avalon-framework-api-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package avalon-framework-impl-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{framework_version} Release: 0 %description avalon-framework-impl-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package avalon-logkit-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{containerkit_version} Release: 0 %description avalon-logkit-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-connection-api-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 %description cornerstone-connection-api-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-connection-impl-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 %description cornerstone-connection-impl-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-datasources-api-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 %description cornerstone-datasources-api-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-datasources-impl-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 %description cornerstone-datasources-impl-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-scheduler-api-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 %description cornerstone-scheduler-api-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-scheduler-impl-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 %description cornerstone-scheduler-impl-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-sockets-api-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 %description cornerstone-sockets-api-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-sockets-impl-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 %description cornerstone-sockets-impl-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-store-api-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 %description cornerstone-store-api-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-store-impl-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 %description cornerstone-store-impl-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-threads-api-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 %description cornerstone-threads-api-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package cornerstone-threads-impl-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{cornerstone_version} Release: 0 %description cornerstone-threads-impl-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package component-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{excalidep_version} Release: 0 %description component-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package datasource-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 %description datasource-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package event-api-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{excalidep_version} Release: 0 %description event-api-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package event-impl-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{excalidep_version} Release: 0 %description event-impl-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package fortress-bean-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{fortress_version} Release: 0 %description fortress-bean-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package fortress-container-api-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{fortress_version} Release: 0 %description fortress-container-api-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package fortress-container-impl-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{fortress_version} Release: 0 %description fortress-container-impl-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package fortress-examples-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{fortress_version} Release: 0 %description fortress-examples-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package fortress-meta-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{fortress_version} Release: 0 %description fortress-meta-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package fortress-migration-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{fortress_version} Release: 0 %description fortress-migration-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package fortress-testcase-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{fortress_version} Release: 0 %description fortress-testcase-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package instrument-api-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{containerkit_version} Release: 0 %description instrument-api-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package instrument-client-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{containerkit_version} Release: 0 %description instrument-client-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package instrument-mgr-api-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{containerkit_version} Release: 0 %description instrument-mgr-api-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package instrument-mgr-http-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{containerkit_version} Release: 0 %description instrument-mgr-http-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package instrument-mgr-impl-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{containerkit_version} Release: 0 %description instrument-mgr-impl-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package lifecycle-api-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{containerkit_version} Release: 0 %description lifecycle-api-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package lifecycle-impl-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{containerkit_version} Release: 0 %description lifecycle-impl-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package logger-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{containerkit_version} Release: 0 %description logger-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package monitor-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 %description monitor-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package pool-api-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 %description pool-api-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package pool-impl-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 %description pool-impl-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package pool-instrumented-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 %description pool-instrumented-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package sourceresolve-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 %description sourceresolve-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package store-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 %description store-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package testcase-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{excalidep_version} Release: 0 %description testcase-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package thread-api-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 %description thread-api-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package thread-impl-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 %description thread-impl-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package thread-instrumented-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 %description thread-instrumented-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %package xmlutil-javadoc Summary: Excalibur IOC Frameworks, Containers, Components Group: Development/Libraries/Java Version: %{components_version} Release: 0 %description xmlutil-javadoc Excalibur is a platform for component and container applications built on key design patterns such as Inversion of Control and Separation of Concerns available for the Java platform. You can use Excalibur to build any number of other applications from desktop centric Swing apps to complicated servers. The Avalon Framework (the core of Excalibur) is often used as the "underpinning" of a larger application or platform. Such applications include Apache Cocoon, Apache James, and the Keel Framework. Excalibur is not part of the J2EE stack. While Excalibur can be used in developing J2EE applications and even used to build a J2EE server, the platform is not part of J2EE or a J2EE application server. Excalibur is much simpler and does not include many J2EE specifications out of the box. That said, you might write a J2EE application which embeds Excalibur (such as in a servlet) or you may embed a J2EE server in a larger Excalibur-based container. The Excalibur platform is the following: * A core framework for component programming (The Avalon Framework) * An IoC container called Fortress * A set of container utilities called ContainerKit * A component library called Cornerstone When working with Excalibur you may use one or all of these. %prep %setup -q -n %{name}-src-%{rsvn}-%{rdate} %setup -q -n %{name}-src-%{rsvn}-%{rdate} -T -D -a 2 cp -p %{SOURCE3} settings.xml find . -name "*.jar" | xargs -t rm rm components/xmlutil/src/java/org/apache/excalibur/xml/xpath/ mv components/xmlutil/src/java/org/apache/excalibur/xml/xpath/ \ components/xmlutil/src/java/org/apache/excalibur/xml/xpath/ ## patch out maven-gpg-plugin processing FIXME %patch0 -b .sav00 %patch1 -b .sav01 # add saxon-aelfred to dependencies #### %patch1 -b .sav01 # add concurrent to dependencies %patch2 -b .sav02 # set testFailureIgnore to true %patch3 -b .sav03 # %patch4 -b .sav04 # %patch5 -b .sav05 # %patch6 -b .sav06 %if %with jdk6 %patch7 -b .sav07 %endif %patch8 -b .sav08 %patch9 -b .sav09 %patch10 -b .sav10 %patch11 -b .java6 %patch12 -p1 %build export CLASSPATH=$(build-classpath xalan-j2-serializer) %if %{with_maven} sed -i -e "s|<url>__JPP_URL_PLACEHOLDER__</url>|<url>file://`pwd`/.m2/repository</url>|g" settings.xml sed -i -e "s|<url>__JAVADIR_PLACEHOLDER__</url>|<url>file://`pwd`/external_repo</url>|g" settings.xml sed -i -e "s|<url>__MAVENREPO_DIR_PLACEHOLDER__</url>|<url>file://`pwd`/.m2/repository</url>|g" settings.xml sed -i -e "s|<url>__MAVENDIR_PLUGIN_PLACEHOLDER__</url>|<url>file:///usr/share/maven2/plugins</url>|g" settings.xml sed -i -e "s|<url>__ECLIPSEDIR_PLUGIN_PLACEHOLDER__</url>|<url>file:///usr/share/eclipse/plugins</url>|g" settings.xml export MAVEN_REPO_LOCAL=$(pwd)/.m2/repository mkdir -p $MAVEN_REPO_LOCAL mkdir external_repo ln -s %{_javadir} external_repo/JPP mkdir testDir export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx384m" export MAVEN_SETTINGS=$(pwd)/settings mvn-jpp \ -e \ -s $MAVEN_SETTINGS \ -Dmaven2.jpp.mode=true \ -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true \ -Dmaven2.jpp.depmap.file=%{SOURCE4} \ -Dmaven.repo.local=$MAVEN_REPO_LOCAL \ -Dtest.db.driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver \ -Dtest.db.jdbc=jdbc:hsqldb:mem:dbtest \ -Dtest.db.user=sa \ -Dtest.db.pword="" \"true" \ install javadoc:javadoc %else export EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR=$(pwd) pushd containerkit/logkit export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$(build-classpath \ log4j \ servletapi4 \ javamail_1_3_1_api \ jms_1_1_api \ junit \ ) CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dencoding=utf-8 -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd framework/api export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/containerkit/logkit/target/avalon-logkit-%{containerkit_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dencoding=utf-8 -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd framework/impl export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$(build-classpath \ commons-logging \ jmock \ junit \ log4j \ ) CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/containerkit/logkit/target/avalon-logkit-%{containerkit_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd containerkit/logger export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/containerkit/logkit/target/avalon-logkit-%{containerkit_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/impl/target/avalon-framework-impl-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$(build-classpath \ log4j \ servletapi4 \ javamail_1_3_1_api \ jms_1_1_api \ xml-commons-apis \ ) CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd containerkit/lifecycle/api export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd containerkit/lifecycle/impl export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/containerkit/lifecycle/api/target/excalibur-lifecycle-api-%{containerkit_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/impl/target/avalon-framework-impl-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd containerkit/instrument/api export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/impl/target/avalon-framework-impl-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$(build-classpath \ junit \ ) CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd containerkit/instrument/client export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/impl/target/avalon-framework-impl-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd containerkit/instrument/mgr-api export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/containerkit/instrument/api/target/excalibur-instrument-api-%{containerkit_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$(build-classpath \ xml-commons-apis \ ) CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd containerkit/instrument/mgr-http export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/impl/target/avalon-framework-impl-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/containerkit/instrument/api/target/excalibur-instrument-api-%{containerkit_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/containerkit/instrument/mgr-api/target/excalibur-instrument-mgr-api-%{containerkit_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$(build-classpath \ xml-commons-apis \ ) CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd containerkit/instrument/mgr-impl export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/impl/target/avalon-framework-impl-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/containerkit/instrument/api/target/excalibur-instrument-api-%{containerkit_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/containerkit/instrument/mgr-api/target/excalibur-instrument-mgr-api-%{containerkit_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$(build-classpath \ junit \ xml-commons-apis \ ) CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd fortress/container-api export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$(build-classpath \ d-haven-event \ ) CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd fortress/meta export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/fortress/container-api/target/excalibur-fortress-container-api-%{fortress_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$(build-classpath \ ant \ qdox \ ) CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd fortress/plugin popd pushd components/sourceresolve export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/impl/target/avalon-framework-impl-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$(build-classpath \ commons-vfs \ commons-httpclient3 \ commons-logging \ junit \ ) CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd components/pool/api export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd components/pool/impl export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/components/pool/api/target/excalibur-pool-api-%{components_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/impl/target/avalon-framework-impl-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$(build-classpath \ commons-collections \ concurrent \ junitperf \ junit \ ) CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd components/pool/instrumented export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/containerkit/instrument/api/target/excalibur-instrument-api-%{containerkit_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/components/pool/api/target/excalibur-pool-api-%{components_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/impl/target/avalon-framework-impl-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/fortress/container-api/target/excalibur-fortress-container-api-%{fortress_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$(build-classpath \ commons-collections \ commons-logging \ concurrent \ junitperf \ junit \ ) CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd deprecated/component export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/impl/target/avalon-framework-impl-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/containerkit/logger/target/excalibur-logger-%{containerkit_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/containerkit/logkit/target/avalon-logkit-%{containerkit_version}.jar 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CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/impl/target/avalon-framework-impl-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/deprecated/component/target/excalibur-component-%{excalidep_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/containerkit/logger/target/excalibur-logger-%{containerkit_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/containerkit/logkit/target/avalon-logkit-%{containerkit_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$(build-classpath \ junit \ log4j \ ) CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd components/store export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/impl/target/avalon-framework-impl-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/containerkit/instrument/api/target/excalibur-instrument-api-%{containerkit_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/fortress/container-api/target/excalibur-fortress-container-api-%{fortress_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$(build-classpath \ concurrent \ jisp2 \ junit \ ) CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd components/xmlutil export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/components/pool/api/target/excalibur-pool-api-%{components_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/components/sourceresolve/target/excalibur-sourceresolve-%{components_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/components/store/target/excalibur-store-%{components_version}.jar 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CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/cornerstone/sockets/api/target/cornerstone-sockets-api-%{cornerstone_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/impl/target/avalon-framework-impl-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$(build-classpath \ xerces-j2 \ xml-commons-apis \ ) CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd cornerstone/store/api export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:target/classes:target/test-classes ant -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only jar javadoc popd pushd cornerstone/store/impl export CLASSPATH="" CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$EXCALIBUR_BASEDIR/cornerstone/store/api/target/cornerstone-store-api-%{cornerstone_version}.jar 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$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-thread-instrumented.pom %endif install -pm 644 components/xmlutil/target/excalibur-xmlutil-%{components_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/excalibur-xmlutil-%{components_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.components excalibur-xmlutil %{components_version} JPP/%{name} excalibur-xmlutil %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 components/xmlutil/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-xmlutil.pom %endif (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name} && for jar in *-%{components_version}*; do ln -sf ${jar} `echo $jar| sed "s|-%{components_version}||g"`; done) install -pm 644 containerkit/instrument/api/target/excalibur-instrument-api-%{containerkit_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/excalibur-instrument-api-%{containerkit_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.containerkit excalibur-instrument-api %{containerkit_version} JPP/%{name} excalibur-instrument-api %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 containerkit/instrument/api/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-instrument-api.pom %endif install -pm 644 containerkit/instrument/client/target/excalibur-instrument-client-%{containerkit_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/excalibur-instrument-client-%{containerkit_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.containerkit excalibur-instrument-client %{containerkit_version} JPP/%{name} excalibur-instrument-client %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 containerkit/instrument/client/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-instrument-client.pom %endif install -pm 644 containerkit/instrument/mgr-api/target/excalibur-instrument-mgr-api-%{containerkit_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/excalibur-instrument-mgr-api-%{containerkit_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.containerkit excalibur-instrument-mgr-api %{containerkit_version} JPP/%{name} excalibur-instrument-mgr-api %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 containerkit/instrument/mgr-api/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-instrument-mgr-api.pom %endif install -pm 644 containerkit/instrument/mgr-http/target/excalibur-instrument-mgr-http-%{containerkit_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/excalibur-instrument-mgr-http-%{containerkit_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.containerkit excalibur-instrument-mgr-http %{containerkit_version} JPP/%{name} excalibur-instrument-mgr-http %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 containerkit/instrument/mgr-http/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-instrument-mgr-http.pom %endif install -pm 644 containerkit/instrument/mgr-impl/target/excalibur-instrument-mgr-impl-%{containerkit_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/excalibur-instrument-mgr-impl-%{containerkit_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.containerkit excalibur-instrument-mgr-impl %{containerkit_version} JPP/%{name} excalibur-instrument-mgr-impl %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 containerkit/instrument/mgr-impl/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-instrument-mgr-impl.pom %endif install -pm 644 containerkit/lifecycle/api/target/excalibur-lifecycle-api-%{containerkit_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/excalibur-lifecycle-api-%{containerkit_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.containerkit excalibur-lifecycle-api %{containerkit_version} JPP/%{name} excalibur-lifecycle-api %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 containerkit/lifecycle/api/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-lifecycle-api.pom %endif install -pm 644 containerkit/lifecycle/impl/target/excalibur-lifecycle-impl-%{containerkit_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/excalibur-lifecycle-impl-%{containerkit_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.containerkit excalibur-lifecycle-impl %{containerkit_version} JPP/%{name} excalibur-lifecycle-impl %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 containerkit/lifecycle/impl/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-lifecycle-impl.pom %endif install -pm 644 containerkit/logger/target/excalibur-logger-%{containerkit_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/excalibur-logger-%{containerkit_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.containerkit excalibur-logger %{containerkit_version} JPP/%{name} excalibur-logger %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 containerkit/logger/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-logger.pom %endif install -pm 644 containerkit/logkit/target/avalon-logkit-%{containerkit_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/avalon-logkit-%{containerkit_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.avalon.logkit avalon-logkit %{containerkit_version} JPP/%{name} avalon-logkit %add_to_maven_depmap logkit logkit %{containerkit_version} JPP/%{name} avalon-logkit %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 containerkit/logkit/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-avalon-logkit.pom %endif %if %{with_repolib} %define repodir %{_javadir}/{containerkit_version}-brew %define repodirlib %{repodir}/lib %define repodirsrc %{repodir}/src install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{repodir} install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{repodirlib} install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE101} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{repodir}/component-info.xml tag=`echo %{name}-%{version}-%{release} | sed 's|\.|_|g'` sed -i "s/@TAG@/$tag/g" $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{repodir}/component-info.xml sed -i "s/@CONTAINERKIT_VERSION@/%{containerkit_version}/g" $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{repodir}/component-info.xml install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{repodirsrc} install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE0} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{repodirsrc} install -p -m 644 %{PATCH0} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{repodirsrc} install -p -m 644 %{PATCH1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{repodirsrc} install -p -m 644 %{PATCH2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{repodirsrc} install -p -m 644 %{PATCH3} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{repodirsrc} install -p -m 644 %{PATCH4} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{repodirsrc} install -p -m 644 %{PATCH5} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{repodirsrc} install -p -m 644 %{PATCH6} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{repodirsrc} cp -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/avalon-logkit-%{containerkit_version}.jar $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{repodirlib}/logkit.jar %endif (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name} && for jar in *-%{containerkit_version}*; do ln -sf ${jar} `echo $jar| sed "s|-%{containerkit_version}||g"`; done) install -pm 644 cornerstone/connection/api/target/cornerstone-connection-api-%{cornerstone_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/cornerstone-connection-api-%{cornerstone_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.connection cornerstone-connection-api %{cornerstone_version} JPP/%{name} cornerstone-connection-api %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 cornerstone/connection/api/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-cornerstone-connection-api.pom %endif install -pm 644 cornerstone/connection/impl/target/cornerstone-connection-impl-%{cornerstone_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/cornerstone-connection-impl-%{cornerstone_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.connection cornerstone-connection-impl %{cornerstone_version} JPP/%{name} cornerstone-connection-impl %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 cornerstone/connection/impl/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-cornerstone-connection-impl.pom %endif install -pm 644 cornerstone/datasources/api/target/cornerstone-datasources-api-%{cornerstone_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/cornerstone-datasources-api-%{cornerstone_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.datasources cornerstone-datasources-api %{cornerstone_version} JPP/%{name} cornerstone-datasources-api %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 cornerstone/datasources/api/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-cornerstone-datasources-api.pom %endif install -pm 644 cornerstone/datasources/impl/target/cornerstone-datasources-impl-%{cornerstone_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/cornerstone-datasources-impl-%{cornerstone_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.datasources cornerstone-datasources-impl %{cornerstone_version} JPP/%{name} cornerstone-datasources-impl %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 cornerstone/datasources/impl/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-cornerstone-datasources-impl.pom %endif install -pm 644 cornerstone/scheduler/api/target/cornerstone-scheduler-api-%{cornerstone_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/cornerstone-scheduler-api-%{cornerstone_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.scheduler cornerstone-scheduler-api %{cornerstone_version} JPP/%{name} cornerstone-scheduler-api %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 cornerstone/scheduler/api/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-cornerstone-scheduler-api.pom %endif install -pm 644 cornerstone/scheduler/impl/target/cornerstone-scheduler-impl-%{cornerstone_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/cornerstone-scheduler-impl-%{cornerstone_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.scheduler cornerstone-scheduler-impl %{cornerstone_version} JPP/%{name} cornerstone-scheduler-impl %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 cornerstone/scheduler/impl/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-cornerstone-scheduler-impl.pom %endif install -pm 644 cornerstone/sockets/api/target/cornerstone-sockets-api-%{cornerstone_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/cornerstone-sockets-api-%{cornerstone_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.sockets cornerstone-sockets-api %{cornerstone_version} JPP/%{name} cornerstone-sockets-api %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 cornerstone/sockets/api/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-cornerstone-sockets-api.pom %endif install -pm 644 cornerstone/sockets/impl/target/cornerstone-sockets-impl-%{cornerstone_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/cornerstone-sockets-impl-%{cornerstone_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.sockets cornerstone-sockets-impl %{cornerstone_version} JPP/%{name} cornerstone-sockets-impl %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 cornerstone/sockets/impl/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-cornerstone-sockets-impl.pom %endif install -pm 644 cornerstone/store/api/target/cornerstone-store-api-%{cornerstone_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/cornerstone-store-api-%{cornerstone_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap cornerstone-store-api %{cornerstone_version} JPP/%{name} cornerstone-store-api %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 cornerstone/store/api/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-cornerstone-store-api.pom %endif install -pm 644 cornerstone/store/impl/target/cornerstone-store-impl-%{cornerstone_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/cornerstone-store-impl-%{cornerstone_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap cornerstone-store-impl %{cornerstone_version} JPP/%{name} cornerstone-store-impl %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 cornerstone/store/impl/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-cornerstone-store-impl.pom %endif install -pm 644 cornerstone/threads/api/target/cornerstone-threads-api-%{cornerstone_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/cornerstone-threads-api-%{cornerstone_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.threads cornerstone-threads-api %{cornerstone_version} JPP/%{name} cornerstone-threads-api %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 cornerstone/threads/api/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-cornerstone-threads-api.pom %endif install -pm 644 cornerstone/threads/impl/target/cornerstone-threads-impl-%{cornerstone_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/cornerstone-threads-impl-%{cornerstone_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.threads cornerstone-threads-impl %{cornerstone_version} JPP/%{name} cornerstone-threads-impl %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 cornerstone/threads/impl/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-cornerstone-threads-impl.pom %endif (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name} && for jar in *-%{cornerstone_version}*; do ln -sf ${jar} `echo $jar| sed "s|-%{cornerstone_version}||g"`; done) install -pm 644 deprecated/component/target/excalibur-component-%{excalidep_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/excalibur-component-%{excalidep_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.component excalibur-component %{excalidep_version} JPP/%{name} excalibur-component %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 deprecated/component/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-component.pom %endif install -pm 644 deprecated/event/api/target/excalibur-event-api-%{excalidep_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/excalibur-event-api-%{excalidep_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.event excalibur-event-api %{excalidep_version} JPP/%{name} excalibur-event-api %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 deprecated/event/api/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-event-api.pom %endif install -pm 644 deprecated/event/impl/target/excalibur-event-impl-%{excalidep_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/excalibur-event-impl-%{excalidep_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.event excalibur-event-impl %{excalidep_version} JPP/%{name} excalibur-event-impl %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 deprecated/event/impl/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-event-impl.pom %endif install -pm 644 deprecated/testcase/target/excalibur-testcase-%{excalidep_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/excalibur-testcase-%{excalidep_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.testcase excalibur-testcase %{excalidep_version} JPP/%{name} excalibur-testcase %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 deprecated/testcase/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-testcase.pom %endif (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name} && for jar in *-%{excalidep_version}*; do ln -sf ${jar} `echo $jar| sed "s|-%{excalidep_version}||g"`; done) install -pm 644 fortress/bean/target/excalibur-fortress-bean-%{fortress_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/excalibur-fortress-bean-%{fortress_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.fortress.bean excalibur-fortress-bean %{fortress_version} JPP/%{name} excalibur-fortress-bean %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 fortress/bean/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-fortress-bean.pom %endif install -pm 644 fortress/container-api/target/excalibur-fortress-container-api-%{fortress_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/excalibur-fortress-container-api-%{fortress_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.fortress.container excalibur-fortress-container-api %{fortress_version} JPP/%{name} excalibur-fortress-container-api %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 fortress/container-api/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-fortress-container-api.pom %endif install -pm 644 fortress/container-impl/target/excalibur-fortress-container-impl-%{fortress_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/excalibur-fortress-container-impl-%{fortress_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.fortress.container excalibur-fortress-container-impl %{fortress_version} JPP/%{name} excalibur-fortress-container-impl %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 fortress/container-impl/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-fortress-container-impl.pom %endif install -pm 644 fortress/examples/target/excalibur-fortress-examples-%{fortress_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/excalibur-fortress-examples-%{fortress_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.fortress.examples excalibur-fortress-examples %{fortress_version} JPP/%{name} excalibur-fortress-examples %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 fortress/examples/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-fortress-examples.pom %endif install -pm 644 fortress/meta/target/excalibur-fortress-meta-%{fortress_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/excalibur-fortress-meta-%{fortress_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.fortress.meta excalibur-fortress-meta %{fortress_version} JPP/%{name} excalibur-fortress-meta %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 fortress/meta/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-fortress-meta.pom %endif install -pm 644 fortress/migration/target/excalibur-fortress-migration-%{fortress_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/excalibur-fortress-migration-%{fortress_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.fortress.migration excalibur-fortress-migration %{fortress_version} JPP/%{name} excalibur-fortress-migration %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 fortress/migration/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-fortress-migration.pom %endif %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 fortress/plugin/target/maven-fortress-plugin-%{fortress_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/maven-fortress-plugin-%{fortress_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.fortress.meta maven-fortress-plugin %{fortress_version} JPP/%{name} maven-fortress-plugin install -pm 644 fortress/plugin/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-maven-fortress-plugin.pom %endif install -pm 644 fortress/testcase/target/excalibur-fortress-testcase-%{fortress_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/excalibur-fortress-testcase-%{fortress_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.fortress.testcase excalibur-fortress-testcase %{fortress_version} JPP/%{name} excalibur-fortress-testcase %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 fortress/testcase/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-fortress-testcase.pom %endif (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name} && for jar in *-%{fortress_version}*; do ln -sf ${jar} `echo $jar| sed "s|-%{fortress_version}||g"`; done) install -pm 644 framework/api/target/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/avalon-framework-api-%{framework_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.avalon.framework avalon-framework-api %{framework_version} JPP/%{name} avalon-framework-api %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 framework/api/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-avalon-framework-api.pom %endif install -pm 644 framework/impl/target/avalon-framework-impl-%{framework_version}.jar \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}/avalon-framework-impl-%{framework_version}.jar %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.avalon.framework avalon-framework-impl %{framework_version} JPP/%{name} avalon-framework-impl %if %{with_maven} install -pm 644 framework/impl/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-avalon-framework-impl.pom %endif (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name} && for jar in *-%{framework_version}*; do ln -sf ${jar} `echo $jar| sed "s|-%{framework_version}||g"`; done) # other poms and depmap frags #./components/pom.xml MISSING install -pm 644 components/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-components.pom %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.components excalibur-components-modules 1 JPP/%{name} excalibur-components #./components/pool/pom.xml MISSING install -pm 644 components/pool/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-pool.pom %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.components excalibur-pool-modules 1 JPP/%{name} excalibur-pool #./components/thread/pom.xml MISSING install -pm 644 components/thread/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-thread.pom %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.components excalibur-thread-modules 1 JPP/%{name} excalibur-thread #./containerkit/instrument/pom.xml MISSING install -pm 644 containerkit/instrument/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-instrument.pom %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.containerkit excalibur-instrument-modules 1 JPP/%{name} excalibur-instrument #./containerkit/lifecycle/pom.xml MISSING install -pm 644 containerkit/lifecycle/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-lifecycle.pom %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.containerkit excalibur-lifecycle-modules 1 JPP/%{name} excalibur-lifecycle #./containerkit/pom.xml MISSING install -pm 644 containerkit/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-containerkit.pom %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.containerkit excalibur-containerkit 1 JPP/%{name} excalibur-containerkit #./cornerstone/connection/pom.xml MISSING install -pm 644 cornerstone/connection/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-cornerstone-connection.pom %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.connection cornerstone-connection 1 JPP/%{name} cornerstone-connection #./cornerstone/datasources/pom.xml MISSING install -pm 644 cornerstone/datasources/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-cornerstone-datasources.pom %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.datasources cornerstone-datasources 1 JPP/%{name} cornerstone-datasources #./cornerstone/pom.xml MISSING install -pm 644 cornerstone/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-cornerstone.pom %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.avalon.cornerstone avalon-cornerstone-modules 1 JPP/%{name} cornerstone #./cornerstone/scheduler/pom.xml MISSING install -pm 644 cornerstone/scheduler/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-cornerstone-scheduler.pom %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.scheduler cornerstone-scheduler 1 JPP/%{name} cornerstone-scheduler #./cornerstone/sockets/pom.xml MISSING install -pm 644 cornerstone/sockets/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-cornerstone-sockets.pom %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.sockets cornerstone-sockets 1 JPP/%{name} cornerstone-sockets #./cornerstone/store/pom.xml MISSING install -pm 644 cornerstone/store/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-cornerstone-store.pom %add_to_maven_depmap cornerstone-store 1 JPP/%{name} cornerstone-store #./cornerstone/threads/pom.xml MISSING install -pm 644 cornerstone/threads/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-cornerstone-threads.pom %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.threads cornerstone-threads 1 JPP/%{name} cornerstone-threads #./deprecated/event/pom.xml MISSING install -pm 644 deprecated/event/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-event.pom %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.event excalibur-event-modules 1 JPP/%{name} excalibur-event #./deprecated/pom.xml MISSING install -pm 644 deprecated/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-deprecated.pom %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.deprecated excalibur-deprecated-modules 1 JPP/%{name} excalibur-deprecated #./fortress/pom.xml MISSING install -pm 644 fortress/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur-fortress.pom %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur.fortress excalibur-fortress-modules 1 JPP/%{name} excalibur-fortress #./framework/pom.xml MISSING install -pm 644 framework/pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-avalon-framework.pom %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.avalon avalon-framework 1 JPP/%{name} avalon-framework #./pom.xml MISSING install -pm 644 pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/maven2/poms/JPP.%{name}-excalibur.pom %add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.excalibur excalibur 1 JPP/%{name} excalibur # javadoc install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-datasource-%{components_version} cp -pr components/datasource/target/site/apidocs/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-datasource-%{components_version} ln -s %{name}-datasource-%{components_version} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-datasource install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-monitor-%{components_version} cp -pr components/monitor/target/site/apidocs/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-monitor-%{components_version} ln -s %{name}-monitor-%{components_version} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-monitor install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-pool-api-%{components_version} cp -pr components/pool/api/target/site/apidocs/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-pool-api-%{components_version} ln -s %{name}-pool-api-%{components_version} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-pool-api install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-pool-impl-%{components_version} cp -pr components/pool/impl/target/site/apidocs/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-pool-impl-%{components_version} ln -s %{name}-pool-impl-%{components_version} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-pool-impl install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-pool-instrumented-%{components_version} cp -pr components/pool/instrumented/target/site/apidocs/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-pool-instrumented-%{components_version} ln -s %{name}-pool-instrumented-%{components_version} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-pool-instrumented install -d -m 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%{name}-cornerstone-sockets-impl-%{cornerstone_version} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-cornerstone-sockets-impl install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-cornerstone-store-api-%{cornerstone_version} cp -pr cornerstone/store/api/target/site/apidocs/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-cornerstone-store-api-%{cornerstone_version} ln -s %{name}-cornerstone-store-api-%{cornerstone_version} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-cornerstone-store-api install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-cornerstone-store-impl-%{cornerstone_version} cp -pr cornerstone/store/impl/target/site/apidocs/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-cornerstone-store-impl-%{cornerstone_version} ln -s %{name}-cornerstone-store-impl-%{cornerstone_version} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-cornerstone-store-impl install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-cornerstone-threads-api-%{cornerstone_version} cp -pr cornerstone/threads/api/target/site/apidocs/* 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touch %{buildroot}/%{_defaultdocdir}/tanukiwrapper/license.txt #ghost file install -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}/%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}-fortress-platform/ ln -sf %{_defaultdocdir}/tanukiwrapper/license.txt %{buildroot}/%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}-fortress-platform/license-wrapper.txt %post avalon-framework %update_maven_depmap %postun avalon-framework %update_maven_depmap %post avalon-framework-api %update_maven_depmap %postun avalon-framework-api %update_maven_depmap %post avalon-framework-impl %update_maven_depmap %postun avalon-framework-impl %update_maven_depmap %post avalon-logkit %update_maven_depmap %postun avalon-logkit %update_maven_depmap %post cornerstone-connection-api %update_maven_depmap %postun cornerstone-connection-api %update_maven_depmap %post cornerstone-datasources-api %update_maven_depmap %postun cornerstone-datasources-api %update_maven_depmap %post cornerstone-datasources-impl %update_maven_depmap %postun cornerstone-datasources-impl %update_maven_depmap %post cornerstone-scheduler-api %update_maven_depmap %postun cornerstone-scheduler-api %update_maven_depmap %post cornerstone-scheduler-impl %update_maven_depmap %postun cornerstone-scheduler-impl %update_maven_depmap %post cornerstone-sockets-api %update_maven_depmap %postun cornerstone-sockets-api %update_maven_depmap %post cornerstone-sockets-impl %update_maven_depmap %postun cornerstone-sockets-impl %update_maven_depmap %post cornerstone-store-api %update_maven_depmap %postun cornerstone-store-api %update_maven_depmap %post cornerstone-store-impl %update_maven_depmap %postun cornerstone-store-impl %update_maven_depmap %post cornerstone-threads-api %update_maven_depmap %postun cornerstone-threads-api %update_maven_depmap %post cornerstone-threads-impl %update_maven_depmap %postun cornerstone-threads-impl %update_maven_depmap %post component %update_maven_depmap %postun component %update_maven_depmap %post datasource %update_maven_depmap %postun datasource %update_maven_depmap %post 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instrument-client %update_maven_depmap %post instrument-mgr-api %update_maven_depmap %postun instrument-mgr-api %update_maven_depmap %post instrument-mgr-http %update_maven_depmap %postun instrument-mgr-http %update_maven_depmap %post instrument-mgr-impl %update_maven_depmap %postun instrument-mgr-impl %update_maven_depmap %post lifecycle-api %update_maven_depmap %postun lifecycle-api %update_maven_depmap %post lifecycle-impl %update_maven_depmap %postun lifecycle-impl %update_maven_depmap %post logger %update_maven_depmap %postun logger %update_maven_depmap %post monitor %update_maven_depmap %postun monitor %update_maven_depmap %post pool-api %update_maven_depmap %postun pool-api %update_maven_depmap %post pool-impl %update_maven_depmap %postun pool-impl %update_maven_depmap %post pool-instrumented %update_maven_depmap %postun pool-instrumented %update_maven_depmap %post sourceresolve %update_maven_depmap %postun sourceresolve %update_maven_depmap %post store %update_maven_depmap %postun store %update_maven_depmap %post testcase %update_maven_depmap %postun testcase %update_maven_depmap %post thread-api %update_maven_depmap %postun thread-api %update_maven_depmap %post thread-impl %update_maven_depmap %postun thread-impl %update_maven_depmap %post thread-instrumented %update_maven_depmap %postun thread-instrumented %update_maven_depmap %post xmlutil %update_maven_depmap %postun xmlutil %update_maven_depmap # %if %{with_maven} # %post maven-fortress-plugin # %update_maven_depmap # # %postun maven-fortress-plugin # %update_maven_depmap # %endif %files %defattr(0644,root,root,0755) %dir %{_javadir}/%{name} %{_datadir}/maven2/poms/* %config %{_mavendepmapfragdir}/* %files avalon-framework %defattr(0644,root,root,0755) %{_javadir}/%{name}/avalon-framework-%{framework_version}.jar %{_javadir}/%{name}/avalon-framework.jar %if %{with_repolib} %define repodir %{_javadir}/{framework_version}-brew %files avalon-framework-repolib %defattr(0644,root,root,0755) %{repodir} %dir %{_javadir}/ %dir %{_javadir}/ %endif %files avalon-framework-api %defattr(0644,root,root,0755) %{_javadir}/%{name}/avalon-framework-api* %files avalon-framework-impl %defattr(0644,root,root,0755) %{_javadir}/%{name}/avalon-framework-impl* %files avalon-logkit %defattr(0644,root,root,0755) %{_javadir}/%{name}/avalon-logkit* %if %{with_repolib} %define repodir %{_javadir}/{containerkit_version}-brew %files avalon-logkit-repolib %defattr(0644,root,root,0755) %{repodir} %dir %{_javadir}/ %dir %{_javadir}/ %endif %files cornerstone-connection-api %defattr(0644,root,root,0755) %{_javadir}/%{name}/cornerstone-connection-api* %files cornerstone-connection-impl %defattr(0644,root,root,0755) %{_javadir}/%{name}/cornerstone-connection-impl* %files cornerstone-datasources-api %defattr(0644,root,root,0755) %{_javadir}/%{name}/cornerstone-datasources-api* %files cornerstone-datasources-impl %defattr(0644,root,root,0755) %{_javadir}/%{name}/cornerstone-datasources-impl* %files 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