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File xmms2.spec of Package xmms2
# # spec file for package xmms2 # # Copyright (c) 2012 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # %bcond_with libsidplay %bcond_with restricted %bcond_with cunit %if %suse_version >= 1120 %bcond_with gme %endif %define codename DrNo %define _ruby_sitedir %(ruby -rrbconfig -e 'puts Config::CONFIG["sitelibdir"]') %if %suse_version <= 1110 %define python_sitelib %py_sitedir %define python_sitearch %py_sitedir %endif Name: xmms2 Summary: A modular audio framework and plugin architecture License: LGPL-2.1+ and GPL-2.0+ and BSD-3-Clause Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Version: 0.7 Release: 0 # TODO: Make sure to update the verison number in xmms2-pkgconfig.patch. Source0: %{name}-%{version}%{codename}.tar.bz2 Source1: Source2: README.SuSE Source3: %name-ripper.1 # Don't add extra CFLAGS, we're smart enough, thanks. Patch0: %name-0.7-no-O0.patch Patch1: %name-0.7-no-return.patch Patch2: %name-0.7-cli-output-verbosity.patch Patch3: %name-0.7-escape-minus-signes.patch Patch4: %name-0.7-rpath.patch Patch5: %name-0.7-silent-launcher.patch Patch6: %name-0.7-spelling-error.patch Patch7: %name-0.7-fix-typo-in-xmms2-mdns-avahi-manpage.patch Patch8: %name-0.7-vorbis-picture-support.patch Patch9: %name-0.7-linker-flags.patch Patch10: %name-0.7-fix-cast-error.patch Patch11: %name-0.7-remove-path_max.patch %if %{with cunit} Patch12: %name-0.7-cunit.patch %endif # PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM xmms2-pkgconfig.patch -- pkg-config Version field contains illegal characters. Patch13: xmms2-pkgconfig.patch Patch14: %name-0.7-fixwarnings.patch Patch15: %name-0.7-ld_fix.patch # PATCH-FIX-OPENSUSE xmms2-disable-parallel-build.patch -- Disable parallel build Patch16: %name-disable-parallel-build.patch Url: BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build Requires: %name-plugin-base BuildRequires: SDL-devel BuildRequires: alsa-lib-devel BuildRequires: autoconf BuildRequires: automake BuildRequires: avahi-compat-mDNSResponder-devel BuildRequires: boost-devel BuildRequires: doxygen BuildRequires: fdupes BuildRequires: fftw3-devel BuildRequires: flac-devel BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: gnome-vfs2-devel BuildRequires: jack-audio-connection-kit-devel BuildRequires: libao-devel BuildRequires: libavahi-glib-devel BuildRequires: libcdio-paranoia-devel BuildRequires: libcurl-devel BuildRequires: libdiscid-devel BuildRequires: libmodplug-devel BuildRequires: libmpcdec-devel BuildRequires: libofa-devel BuildRequires: libogg-devel BuildRequires: libopenssl-devel BuildRequires: libpulse-devel BuildRequires: libsamplerate-devel BuildRequires: libshout-devel BuildRequires: libsmbclient-devel BuildRequires: libvisual-devel BuildRequires: libvorbis-devel BuildRequires: libxml2-devel BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: perl BuildRequires: pyrex BuildRequires: python-devel BuildRequires: readline-devel BuildRequires: ruby BuildRequires: ruby-devel BuildRequires: speex-devel BuildRequires: sqlite-devel BuildRequires: wavpack-devel %ifarch %ix86 x86_64 ppc ppc64 BuildRequires: valgrind-devel %endif %if %{with libsidplay} %if %suse_version >= 1120 BuildRequires: sidplay-libs-devel >= 2.0 %else BuildRequires: libsidplay-devel >= 2.0 %endif %endif %if %{with cunit} BuildRequires: cunit-devel %endif %if %suse_version >= 1120 %if %{with gme} BuildRequires: libgme0-devel %endif %endif %if %{with restricted} BuildRequires: libfaad-devel BuildRequires: libmms-devel BuildRequires: libmpg123-devel %endif %description XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package -n libxmmsclient++-glib1 Summary: Glib c++ client library for %{name} License: LGPL-2.1+ and GPL-2.0+ and BSD-3-Clause Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players %description -n libxmmsclient++-glib1 A simple glib c++ client library for XMMS2 %package -n libxmmsclient++4 Summary: C++ client library for %{name} License: LGPL-2.1+ and GPL-2.0+ and BSD-3-Clause Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players %description -n libxmmsclient++4 A simple C++ client library for XMMS2 %package -n libxmmsclient-glib1 Summary: Glib client library for %{name} License: LGPL-2.1+ and GPL-2.0+ and BSD-3-Clause Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players %description -n libxmmsclient-glib1 A simple Glib client library for XMMS2 %package -n libxmmsclient6 Summary: Client library for %{name} License: LGPL-2.1+ and GPL-2.0+ and BSD-3-Clause Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players %description -n libxmmsclient6 A simple client library for XMMS2 %package devel Summary: Development libraries and headers for XMMS2 License: LGPL-2.1+ and GPL-2.0+ and BSD-3-Clause Group: Development/Libraries/C and C++ Requires: %{name} = %{version} Requires: boost-devel Requires: glib2-devel Requires: libxmmsclient++-glib1 Requires: libxmmsclient++4 Requires: libxmmsclient-glib1 Requires: libxmmsclient6 Requires: pkgconfig %description devel Development libraries and headers for XMMS2. You probably need this to develop or build new plugins for XMMS2. %package docs Summary: Development documentation for XMMS2 License: LGPL-2.1+ and GPL-2.0+ and BSD-3-Clause Group: Documentation/Other Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description docs API documentation for the XMMS2 modular audio framework architecture. %package -n python-xmms2 Summary: Python support for XMMS2 License: LGPL-2.1+ and GPL-2.0+ and BSD-3-Clause Group: System/Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{version} Requires: python %description -n python-xmms2 Python bindings for XMMS2. %package perl Summary: Perl support for XMMS2 License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: System/Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{version} Requires: perl-base %description perl Perl bindings for XMMS2. %package ruby Summary: Ruby support for XMMS2 License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: System/Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{version} Requires: ruby >= 1.8 %description ruby Ruby bindings for XMMS2. %package plugin-base Summary: Base plugins for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-base XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-airplay Summary: Airplay Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-airplay XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-ao Summary: Ao Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-ao XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-apefile Summary: Apefile Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-apefile XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-asf Summary: Asf Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-asf XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-asx Summary: Asx Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-asx XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-cdda Summary: Cdda Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-cdda XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-cue Summary: Cue Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-cue XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-curl Summary: Curl Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-curl XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-daap Summary: Daap Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-daap XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-flac Summary: Flac Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-flac XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-flv Summary: Flv Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-flv XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-gvfs Summary: Gvfs Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-gvfs XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %if %suse_version >= 1120 %if %{with gme} %package plugin-gme Summary: Gme Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-gme XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %endif %endif %package plugin-html Summary: Html Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-html XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-ices Summary: Ices Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-ices XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-icymetaint Summary: SDL Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-icymetaint XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-id3v2 Summary: Id3v2 Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-id3v2 XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-jack Summary: Jack Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-jack XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-karaoke Summary: Karaoke Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-karaoke XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-m3u Summary: M3u Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-m3u XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-modplug Summary: Modplug Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-modplug XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-mp4 Summary: Mp4 Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-mp4 XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-musepack Summary: Musepack Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-musepack XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-normalize Summary: Normalize Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-normalize XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-ofa Summary: Ofa Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-ofa XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-pulse Summary: Pulse Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-pulse XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-samba Summary: Samba Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-samba XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-speex Summary: Speex Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-speex XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-tta Summary: Tta Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-tta XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-vocoder Summary: Vocoder Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-vocoder XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-wave Summary: Wave Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-wave XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %package plugin-wavpack Summary: Wavpack Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-wavpack XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %if %{with restricted} %package plugin-restricted Summary: Restricted plugins Support for %{name} License: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Sound/Players Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-restricted XMMS2 is an audio framework, but it is not a general multimedia player - it will not play videos. It has a modular framework and plugin architecture for audio processing, visualisation and output, but this framework has not been designed to support video. Also the client-server design of XMMS2 (and the daemon being independent of any graphics output) practically prevents direct video output being implemented. It has support for a wide range of audio formats, which is expandable via plugins. It includes a basic CLI interface to the XMMS2 framework, but most users will want to install a graphical XMMS2 client (such as gxmms2 or esperanza). %endif %prep %setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}%{codename} %patch0 -p1 %patch1 -p1 %patch2 -p1 %patch3 -p1 %patch4 -p1 %patch5 -p1 %patch6 -p1 %patch7 -p1 %patch8 -p1 %patch9 -p1 %patch10 -p1 %patch11 -p1 %if %{with cunit} %patch12 -p1 %endif %patch13 -p1 %patch14 -p1 %patch15 -p1 %patch16 # This header doesn't need to be executable chmod -x src/include/xmmsclient/xmmsclient++/dict.h # Clean up paths in wafadmin WAFADMIN_FILES=`find wafadmin/ -type f` for i in $WAFADMIN_FILES; do sed -i 's|/usr/lib|%{_libdir}|g' $i done %build %__cp %SOURCE2 . export CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing" export CXXFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing" ./waf configure --prefix=%{_prefix} --libdir=%{_libdir} --with-perl-archdir=%{perl_archlib} --with-pkgconfigdir=%{_libdir}/pkgconfig ./waf build -v %{?_smp_mflags} # make the docs doxygen %install ./waf install --destdir=%{buildroot} --prefix=%{_prefix} --libdir=%{_libdir} --with-ruby-libdir=%{ruby_sitearch} --with-perl-archdir=%{perl_archlib} --with-pkgconfigdir=%{_libdir}/pkgconfig # Convert to utf-8 for i in %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/*.gz; do gunzip $i; done for i in %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/*.1 ChangeLog; do iconv -o $i.iso88591 -f iso88591 -t utf8 $i mv $i.iso88591 $i done install -m0755 %SOURCE1 %{buildroot}%{_bindir} #the libraries are built as 64bit, they are just installed in the wrong dir %if "%_lib" == "lib64" %__mv %buildroot/usr/lib/* %buildroot/%_libdir/ %__mv %buildroot/%_libdir/perl* %buildroot/usr/lib/ %endif %__cp %{SOURCE3} %buildroot/%_mandir/man1/ %fdupes -s %{buildroot} %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %post -n libxmmsclient++-glib1 -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libxmmsclient++-glib1 -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n libxmmsclient++4 -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libxmmsclient++4 -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n libxmmsclient-glib1 -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libxmmsclient-glib1 -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n libxmmsclient6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libxmmsclient6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING COPYING.GPL COPYING.LGPL README TODO README.SuSE %_bindir/* %dir %_libdir/%name %_mandir/man1/*.gz %_datadir/pixmaps/* %dir %_datadir/%name %_datadir/%name/* %files -n libxmmsclient++-glib1 %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/ %_libdir/ %files -n libxmmsclient++4 %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/ %_libdir/ %files -n libxmmsclient-glib1 %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/ %_libdir/ %files -n libxmmsclient6 %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/ %_libdir/ %files devel %defattr(-,root,root,-) %dir %_includedir/%name %_includedir/%name/* %_libdir/libxmmsclient*.so %_libdir/pkgconfig/%name-*.pc %files docs %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc doc/xmms2/html %files perl %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{perl_archlib}/Audio/ %{perl_archlib}/auto/Audio/ %files -n python-xmms2 %defattr(-,root,root,-) %dir %{python_sitearch}/xmmsclient/ %{python_sitearch}/xmmsclient/* %files ruby %defattr(-,root,root,-) %dir %_ruby_sitedir/xmmsclient %_ruby_sitedir/* %files plugin-base %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %_libdir/xmms2/ %_libdir/xmms2/ %_libdir/xmms2/ %_libdir/xmms2/ %_libdir/xmms2/ %_libdir/xmms2/ %_libdir/xmms2/ %_libdir/xmms2/ %_libdir/xmms2/ %_libdir/xmms2/ %_libdir/xmms2/ %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-airplay %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-ao %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-apefile %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-asf %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-asx %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-cdda %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-cue %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-curl %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-daap %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-flac %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-flv %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-gvfs %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %if %suse_version >= 1120 %if %{with gme} %files plugin-gme %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %endif %endif %files plugin-html %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-ices %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-icymetaint %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-id3v2 %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-jack %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-karaoke %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-m3u %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-modplug %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-mp4 %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-musepack %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-normalize %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-ofa %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-pulse %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-samba %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-speex %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-tta %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-vocoder %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-wave %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %files plugin-wavpack %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %if %{with restricted} %files plugin-restricted %defattr(-,root,root,-) %_libdir/xmms2/ %_libdir/xmms2/ %_libdir/xmms2/ %endif %changelog
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