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File build.xml of Package bcel5_3
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Build file for BCEL $Id: build.xml 152851 2003-04-25 08:25:37Z mdahm $ Notes: This is a build file for use with the Jakarta Ant build tool. Prerequisites: jakarta-ant from Build Instructions: To build, run ant <target> in the directory where this file is located with the target you want. Available targets: - compile -> compile source classes and places result in "classes" directory - jar -> Create file "lib/bcel.jar" - test<x> -> Run example number x - test -> Run all examples - mini -> Run Mini compiler and test results - apidocs -> Build API documentation (javadoc) in "docs/api" --> <project default="jar" basedir="."> <!-- Allow any user specific values to override the defaults --> <property file="${user.home}/" /> <!-- Allow user defaults for this project --> <property file="" /> <!-- Set default values for the build --> <property file="" /> <target name="init"> <property name="name" value="bcel"/> <property name="packages" value="org.apache.bcel.*"/> <property name="src.dir" value="${basedir}/src/java"/> <property name="build.dir" value="${basedir}/bin"/> <property name="examples.dir" value="${basedir}/examples"/> <property name="mini.dir" value="${examples.dir}/Mini"/> <property name="docs.dir" value="${basedir}/docs"/> <property name="apidocs.dir" value="${docs.dir}/api"/> <property name="build.dest" value="${build.dir}/classes"/> <property name="lib.dir" value="${basedir}/lib"/> <property name="class.path" value="${lib.dir}/Regex.jar:${build.dest}"/> <!-- Use jikes compiler, if you don't have it comment out the next lines --> <!-- property name="build.compiler.emacs" value="true"/ --> <!-- property name="build.compiler" value="jikes"/ --> </target> <!-- Compile the sources --> <target name="compile" depends="init"> <mkdir dir="${build.dest}"/> <javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${build.dest}" classpath="${class.path}" debug="true" encoding="ISO-8859-1" /> </target> <!-- Just an alias --> <target name="build" depends="compile"/> <!-- Jar the library --> <target name="jar" depends="examples"> <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/${name}.jar" basedir="${build.dest}" manifest="${basedir}/manifest.txt" includes="org/**,listclass.class" /> </target> <!-- Compile the examples --> <target name="examples" depends="compile"> <javac srcdir="${examples.dir}" destdir="${build.dest}" classpath="${class.path}" encoding="ISO-8859-1" /> </target> <!-- Creates the API documentation --> <target name="apidocs" depends="init"> <mkdir dir="${apidocs.dir}"/> <javadoc packagenames="${packages}" sourcepath="${src.dir}" destdir="${apidocs.dir}" author="true" version="true" use="true" windowtitle="${name} API" doctitle="${name}" encoding="ISO-8859-1" /> </target> <target name="test1" depends="examples"> <echo message="Display class file contents"/> <java classname="listclass" classpath="${class.path}"> <arg value="-code"/> <arg value="java.lang.String"/> </java> </target> <target name="test2" depends="examples"> <echo message="Decompile class file to Jasmin format (see java/lang/String.j)"/> <java classname="JasminVisitor" classpath="${class.path}"> <arg value="java.lang.String"/> </java> </target> <target name="test3" depends="examples"> <echo message="Create Hello World class from scratch"/> <java classname="HelloWorldBuilder" classpath="${class.path}"/> <echo message="Running Hello World"/> <java classname="HelloWorld" classpath="."/> </target> <target name="test4" depends="examples"> <echo message="Run fancy classloader example"/> <java classname="org.apache.bcel.util.JavaWrapper" fork="true" classpath="${class.path}"> <arg value="ProxyCreator"/> </java> </target> <target name="test" depends="test1,test2,test3,test4"/> <target name="mini" depends="examples"> <echo message="Run Mini compiler"/> <java classname="Mini.MiniC" classpath="${class.path}" fork="true" dir="${mini.dir}"> <arg value=""/> <arg value=""/> <arg value=""/> </java> <echo message="Faculty"/> <java classname="fac" classpath="${mini.dir}" /> <echo message="Fibonacci"/> <java classname="fib" classpath="${mini.dir}" /> <echo message="Maximum of numbers"/> <java classname="max" classpath="${mini.dir}" /> </target> <!-- Clean everything up --> <target name="clean" depends="init"> <delete dir="${build.dir}"/> <delete> <fileset dir="${docs.dir}" includes="manual.blg,manual.bbl,manual.dvi,manual.log"/> <fileset dir="${docs.dir}" includes="**/*.aux"/> <fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="**/*~"/> </delete> </target> <!-- can rename this target when we get the docs sorted out --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- D O C S --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="check_for_jdom"> <available property="jdom.present" classname="org.jdom.JDOMException"> <classpath> <pathelement location="${jakarta.site2}/lib/${jdom.jar}"/> </classpath> </available> </target> <target depends="check_for_jdom" name="docs-prepare-error" unless="jdom.present"> <echo> The Jakarta-Site2 module is not present! Please check to make sure that you have checked it out from CVS. <> </echo> </target> <target name="xdocs" depends="docs-prepare-error" description="--> generates the HTML documentation" if="jdom.present"> <taskdef name="anakia" classname="org.apache.velocity.anakia.AnakiaTask"> <classpath> <fileset dir="${jakarta.site2}/lib"> <include name="*.jar"/> </fileset> </classpath> </taskdef> <anakia basedir="${docs.src}" destdir="${docs.dest}/" extension=".html" style="./site.vsl" projectFile="stylesheets/project.xml" excludes="**/stylesheets/** empty.xml" includes="**/*.xml" lastModifiedCheck="true" templatePath="${jakarta.site2}/xdocs/stylesheets"> </anakia> <copy todir="${docs.dest}/images" filtering="no"> <fileset dir="${docs.src}/images"> <include name="**/*.gif"/> <include name="**/*.jpeg"/> <include name="**/*.jpg"/> </fileset> </copy> </target> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- D I S T R I B U T I O N S --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="dist" depends="init,jar,apidocs,xdocs"> <property name="distDir" value="${build.dir}/${}"/> <!-- B I N A R Y D I S T R I B U T I O N --> <echo> +-------------------------------------------------------+ | C R E A T I N G B I N A R Y D I S T R I B U T I O N | +-------------------------------------------------------+ </echo> <mkdir dir="${distDir}"/> <!-- Copy README and LICENSE --> <copy todir="${distDir}" file="README.JustIce"/> <copy todir="${distDir}" file="TODO.JustIce"/> <copy todir="${distDir}" file="LICENSE.txt"/> <!-- Copy Jars --> <copy todir="${distDir}"> <fileset dir="${build.dir}"> <include name="**/*.jar"/> </fileset> </copy> <!-- Copy lib directory --> <copy todir="${distDir}/lib"> <fileset dir="${lib.dir}"> <include name="*.jar"/> </fileset> </copy> <!-- Copy documentation --> <copy todir="${distDir}/docs"> <fileset dir="${docs.dest}"> <include name="**"/> </fileset> </copy> <!-- Copy examples --> <copy todir="${distDir}/examples"> <fileset dir="${examples.dir}"> <include name="**/*.java"/> </fileset> </copy> <!-- Create a tar.gz file --> <tar longfile="gnu" tarfile="${}.tar"> <tarfileset dir="${build.dir}"> <include name="${}/**"/> </tarfileset> </tar> <gzip zipfile="${}.tar.gz" src="${}.tar"/> <delete file="${}.tar"/> <!-- Create a zip file --> <zip zipfile="${}.zip"> <zipfileset dir="${build.dir}"> <include name="${}/**"/> </zipfileset> </zip> <!-- S O U R C E D I S T R I B U T I O N --> <echo> +-------------------------------------------------------+ | C R E A T I N G S O U R C E D I S T R I B U T I O N | +-------------------------------------------------------+ </echo> <delete> <fileset dir="${distDir}"> <include name="**/bcel*.jar"/> </fileset> </delete> <copy todir="${distDir}" file=""/> <copy todir="${distDir}" file="build.xml"/> <!-- Copy Sources --> <copy todir="${distDir}/src/java"> <fileset dir="${src.dir}"> <include name="**/*.java"/> </fileset> </copy> <!-- Copy examples --> <copy todir="${distDir}/examples"> <fileset dir="${examples.dir}"> <include name="**/*.java"/> </fileset> </copy> <!-- Create a tar.gz file --> <tar longfile="gnu" tarfile="${}-src.tar"> <tarfileset dir="${build.dir}"> <include name="${}/**"/> </tarfileset> </tar> <gzip zipfile="${}-src.tar.gz" src="${}-src.tar"/> <delete file="${}-src.tar"/> <!-- Create a zip file --> <zip zipfile="${}"> <zipfileset dir="${build.dir}"> <include name="${}/**"/> </zipfileset> </zip> </target> </project>
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