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File README_FIRST of Package rasmol
========================================================================== PLEASE READE THIS DOCUMENT CAREFULLY. IT CONTAINS IMPORTANT UPDATES TO THE RASMOL 2.7.3 DOCUMENTATION ON OBTAINING, INSTALLING AND USING RASMOL. ========================================================================== _ R E A D M E . F I R S T R a s M o l v 2 . 7 . 3 . 1 _ R U Molecular Graphics Visualisation Tool 29 December 2006 Based on RasMol 2.6 by Roger Sayle Biomolecular Structures Group, Glaxo Wellcome Research & Development, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, UK Version 2.6, August 1995, Version 2.6.4, December 1998 Copyright (C) Roger Sayle 1992-1999 and Based on Mods by Author Version, Date Copyright Arne Mueller RasMol 2.6x1 May 98 (C) Arne Mueller 1998 Gary Grossman and RasMol 2.5-ucb Nov 95 (C) UC Regents/ModularCHEM Marco Molinaro RasMol 2.5-ucb Nov 96 Consortium 1995, 1996 Philippe Valadon RasTop 1.3 Aug 00 (C) Philippe Valadon 2000 Herbert J. RasMol 2.7.0 Mar 99 (C) Herbert J. Bernstein Bernstein RasMol 2.7.1 Jun 99 1998-2006 RasMol Jan 01 RasMol 2.7.2 Aug 00 RasMol Apr 01 RasMol Jan 04 RasMol 2.7.3 Feb 05 RasMol Apr 06 RasMol Dec 06 with RasMol 2.7.3 incorporating changes by Clarice Chigbo, Ricky Chachra, and Mamoru Yamanishi. Work on RasMol 2.7.3 supported in part by grants DBI-0203064, DBI-0315281 and EF-0312612 from the U.S. National Science Foundation and grant DE-FG02-03ER63601 from the U.S. Department of Energy. and Incorporating Translations by Author Item Language Isabel Servan Martinez, 2.6 Manual Spanish Jose Miguel Fernandez Fernandez Jose Miguel Fernandez Fernandez 2.7.1 Manual Spanish Fernando Gabriel Ranea 2.7.1 menus and messages Spanish Jean-Pierre Demailly 2.7.1 menus and messages French Giuseppe Martini, Giovanni Paolella, 2.7.1 menus and messages Italian A. Davassi, M. Masullo, C. Liotto 2.7.1 help file G. Pozhvanov 2.7.3 menus and messages Russian This Release by Herbert J. Bernstein, Bernstein + Sons, P.O. Box 177, Bellport, NY, USA Copyright (C) Herbert J. Bernstein 1998-2006 The original RasMol manual was created by Roger Sayle. In July 1996, Dr. Margaret Wong of the Chemistry Department, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, made extensive revisions to the RasMol 2.5 manual to accurately reflect the operation of RasMol 2.6. Eric Martz of the University of Massachusetts made further revisions. In May 1997, William McClure of Carnegie Mellon University reorganized the HTML version of the manual into multiple sections which could be downloaded quickly and added use of frames. Portions of the 2.7.1 version of the RasMol manual were derived with permission from William McClure's version using Roger Sayle's rasmol.doc for version 2.6.4 as the primary source. Changes were made in August 2000 for RasMol version 2.7.2, January 2001 for RasMol version, April 2001 for RasMol version and February 2005 for RasMol version 2.7.3. Documentation Last Updated 19 April 2005 Edited by Herbert J. Bernstein and Frances C. Bernstein Translations Thanks to the efforts of Jose Miguel Fernandez Fernandez (Departamento de Bioquimica y Biologia Molecular. Universidad de Granada. Espana ( a translation of the Manual for Rasmol version 2.7.1 into Spanish is now available. La traduccion espanola del manual de la version de la Dra. Wong revisada por Eric Martz fue realizada por Isabel Servan Martinez y Jose Miguel Fernandez Fernandez. La actual traduccion del Manual de RasMol 2.7.1 ha sido realizada usando como base la anterior de RasMol 2.6 por Jose Miguel Fernandez Fernandez. Thanks to translations by Fernando Gabriel Ranea in late 2000 and early 2001, RasMol is now capable of rendering most menu items and messages in Spanish. Jean-Pierre Demailly provided French translations of menus and messages in January 2001. Giuseppe Martini and Giovanni Paolella with contributions by A. Davassi, M. Masullo and C. Liotto provided Italian translation of menus and messages in March 2001. =========================================================================== THIS IS A PRELIMINARY RELEASE INVOLVING EXTENSIVE MODIFICATIONS ***** USE WITH CAUTION ****** =========================================================================== IMPORTANT This version is based in directly on RasMol version, on RasMol version 2.7.2, on RasMol version 2.7.1, on RasMol version 2.6_CIF.2, on RasMol version 2.6x1, on RasMol version 2.6.4, and RasMol 2.5-ucb and 2.6-ucb. Please read the file NOTICE for important notices which apply to this package and for license terms (GPL or RASLIC). =========================================================================== The source kit for this version of RasMol is available at Binaries releases may include files from external packages covered by other licenses. See =========================================================================== RasMol_2_7_3_1_RU is an pre-release of RasMol 2.7.4 incorporating the following modifications: * Correction to mouse handling to avoid run away rotation in the X-windows versions. The bug was isolated in careful testing by Niroshan Egodawatte. The proposed fix is by H. J. Bernstein. This is a revised version of the patch of 15 December 2005, which had problems with window resizing discovered by Isaac Awuah Asiamah. See * Correction to trailing bits of Z-coordinate when writing out PDB files. The problem was reported by Senn Hans Martin. The proposed fix is by H. J. Bernstein and was tested by Senn Hans Martin. See * Correction to handling of distance monitors for atoms more than 170 Angstroms apart. The problem was reported by Dan Bolster in trying distance monitors to measure viruses. The proposed fix is by H. J. Bernstein. See * Release As part of the development of 2.7.4, the patches above and a new patch to update the versions in rasmol.h, etc. See * Release_2.7.3.1_ru. The changes to Release to incorporate Russian language messages and menus have been combined with several other changes in one large (1MB) patch, RasMol_2.7.3.1_ru_29Dec06.patch. After applying the patch, all symlinks should be manually removed, and the new icons raswin.ico, raswin_doc.ico, raswin_scr.ico should be placed in src/mswin. Finally the new pattern of symlinks should be created from the top level by executing ./.symlinks A sample script for applying the patches and doing this cleanup is provided. The changes are as follows: * Russian language messages and were translated by Gregory A. Pozhvanov (pozhvanov at gmail dot com) of Saint-Petersburg State University. * An MS windows installer was proposed by G. A. Pozhvanov, and reimplemented on the open source base of NSIS-2.21. * A unix installer script,, and a matching script to select an appropropriate binary version to run under unix, have been added by H. J. Bernstein * Language selections have been made "sticky". * The "About" dialog has been made uniform among platforms and "Register" and "Donate" buttons have been added to the "About" dialog screen and to the menus. * In response to a bug report from Steve Shaw (shaws at mail dot nih dot gov) at the NIH, two new options have been added for export of VRML images: "rotate" and "mirror". write vrml mirror <filename> will write a vrml file with all axes mirrored (x -> -x, y -> -y and z -> -z) and write vrml rotate <filename> will write a vrml file rotated 180 degrees around the x-axis (x - > x, y -> -y, z-> -z) * Code from 2003 by Vencislav Stanev to export Raster3D scripts from RasMol was integrated with this release, and support for ribbons was added. * In order to support builds on newer 64-bit unix systems, Nikolay Darakev added code to the build scripts to check the length of long integers and to adjust the builds. See =========================================================================== CHANGES TO THE RASMOL 2.7.3 INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS for RASMOL =========================================================================== INSTALLATION FROM A BINARY KIT: For MS Windows, download to your desktop and run it. For a unix system (including Mac OS X), if there is a binary kit for your system, download the tarball, unpack it and check for the file _README_FIRST (the version of this file for that system) and follow the instructions given there. In general, all that is required is: 1. If planning a system install, do the following steps as root or using sudo. 2. Either unset RASMOLPATH or check that it is set to the appropriate path for your rasmol installtion. For most systems, it is best to unset RASMOLPATH. This is especially important if you have installed CCP4, which sets RASMOLPATH to a value appropriate to the version of rasmol in the CCP4 kit. 3. If you wish to force installation of the font kits that come with rasmol, you should also unset DISPLAY before doing the install, so that will be unable to find any existing fonts. 4. If your system does not provide a Bourne-style shell as /bin/sh, change the first line of to refer to an appropriate Bourne-style shell, e.g. #/usr/local/bin/bash and add the option --shell=shellpath (e.g. --shell=/usr/local/bin/bash) to any invocation of 5. If you are doing a system install, add the option --system to any invocation of 6. Invoke ./ with the options noted above. For an ordinary user install ./ should suffice. When the script runs it will ask for confirmation of the chosen installation directories. To perform the installation, you must answer "y" or "Y". The default is no. INSTALLATION FROM SOURCE: All versions need unix style utilities to work with the source. Builds for MS Windows and Mac Classic are done with CodeWarrior. Builds in a unix environment (including Mac OS X) need xmkmf and gcc. Builds with visual studio are not supported at this time. The source of RasMol can be downloaded as a complete tarball from This tarball should be placed in the directory in which the build is to be done and unpacked with the command: gunzip < RasMol_2_7_3_1_RU_29Dec06.tar.gz | tar xvf - (Alternatively, if you have been making your own modifications to RasMol 2.7.3, you may wish to start with a copy of your modified RasMol_2.7.3 directory, apply the patches listed in the prior section using, and then rename the patched directory RasMol_2_7_3_1_RU_29Dec06. If you are doing an MS Windows build be certain to pick up the new icons). This will create a directory RasMol_2_7_3_1_RU_29Dec06 with the following subdirectory structure RasMol_2_7_3_1_RU_29Dec06 |-- ChangeLog |-- RCS |-- data |-- doc | `-- RCS |-- html_graphics `-- src |-- RCS |-- mac | |-- RCS |-- mingw |-- mswin |-- new_patches |-- old_patches |-- txt `-- vms Binaries may then be build according to the instructions for RasMol 2.7.3. In unix systems, including Mac OS X, a complete set of binaries for 32- 16- and 8-bit visuals should be build with on of the scripts included in the src directory: for most unix systems, and for OS X. The scripts may need to be edited to adapt to local conventions, especially to pick up the xforms library, if available. At this point, under MS Windows, the next step would be to build an NSIS windows installer using the src/mswin/raswin_install.nsi script. You will need to install NSIS in a windows system to create the installer. See Under unix or Mac OS X, if you are not certain you have all the appropriate X11 fonts, you will need to add font kits in a directory named external_packages at the same level as the src directory using the kits at The modified directory structure would then be RasMol_2_7_3_1_RU_29Dec06 |-- ChangeLog |-- RCS |-- data |-- doc | `-- RCS |-- external_packages | |-- cyr-rfx-windows-1251-1.1 | | |-- 75dpi | | | |-- CVS | | |-- CVS | | |-- doc | | | |-- CVS | | `-- misc | | |-- CVS | `-- jmk-x11-fonts-3.0 | |-- modd | | |-- ascii | | `-- iso8859-1-parts | |-- neep | |-- ascii | |-- fragments | |-- iso8859-1-parts | |-- iso8859-15-parts | |-- iso8859-2-parts | `-- iso8859-9-parts |-- html_graphics |-- src |-- RCS |-- mac | |-- RCS |-- mingw |-- mswin |-- new_patches |-- old_patches |-- txt `-- vms Under unix and Mac OS X, once the binaries have been build and the fonts from external_packages have been added, return to the src directory and execute the command sh to install the rasmol binaries, the rasmol.hlp file and the fonts. The install can be controlled by both options and environment variables. For more details, see the changes to the RasMol manual, below. =========================================================================== CHANGES TO THE RASMOL 2.7.3 MANUAL for RASMOL =========================================================================== In general, the manual for RasMol 2.7.3 may be used for RASMOL These are the major differences: 1. Starting RasMol Under MS Windows, RasMol can be started from the command line in an MSDOS or CMD window or by double-clicking the RasMol icon. In addition, starting with RasMol RU, RasMol can be installed so that is can be selected from the program list in the start menu. Under Unix, RasMol can be started from a terminal window as in the past. However, in that case it is the responsibility of the user or system administrator to ensure that the environment variable RASMOLPATH has been set to the path leading to the file rasmol.hlp and that the necessary fonts have been loaded for use by the X server and that the correct font and encoding has been selected for use by the terminal window. In addition, the user has to select a rasmol binary that corresponds to the pixel bit depth supported by the X server. Two new scripts, and have been provided to simplify and partially automate this process. If rasmol is installed by used of, the binaries for all pixel bit depths, the rasmol help file, rasmol.hlp, and the script will all be installed in a common directory, usually /usr/lib/RasMol_2_7_3_1 for a system install or $HOME/lib/RasMol_2_7_3_1 for a user install. At the same time, a special wrapper script that sets RASMOLPATH to the path to rasmol installation directory and then executes is installed in an appropriate binary directory, usually as /usr/bin/rasmol for a system install or $HOME/bin/rasmol for a user install. The configuration of the install can be controlled by the following options: usage: [--help] | [--prefix=installdir] | [--compilefonts] | [--system] | [--local] " --help prints out usage --prefix=installdir specifies the directory within which the installation will be done. This is not the RASMOLPATH path, but the path intended to contain lib/RasMol_2_7_3_1 and bin/rasmol --compilefonts asks that recompile the bdf versions of the fonts that it installs to pcf versions. This should not be necessary on newer machines, but on some older systems, e.g. a Solaris 2.5 system, fonts compiled in one endian format cannot be handled by an X-server expecting the other format and must be recompiled with the version of bdf2pdf native to that system. --shell=shellpath specifies the path of a Bourne-style shell to use in place of /bin/sh, e.g. --shell=/usr/local/bin/bash --system if not otherwise specified by --prefix or by the RASMOTHPATH environment variable, try to install in the binaries and help file in /usr/lib/RasMol_2_7_3_1 --local if not otherwise specified by --prefix or by the RASMOTHPATH environment variable, try to install in the binaries and help file in $HOME/lib/RasMol_2_7_3_1 The following environment variables are used in the install: RASMOLPATH This is the path to the rasmol directory containing the rasmol help file, rasmol.hlp, and other relevant files. If no --prefix option is specified, the target installation directory is specified by this variable. If the --prefix option is specified, it overrides any existing setting of RASMOLPATH. If the original RASMOLPATH or the RASMOLPATH constructed from the --prefix option by appending "/lib/RASMOL_2_7_3_1", has "lib" as its second to last path component, the rasmol wrapper script is installed in a path constructed by stripping the last two path components of RASMOLPATH and then appending /bin/rasmol. If "lib" is not such a component, the wrapper is installed in a path contructed by stripping only the last component of RASMOLPATH and then appending only rasmol. RASMOL_LANTIN1FDIR This is the path to the X11 ISO 8859-1 font directory to be used if the does not find the font -*-*-bold-o-normal-*-14-*-iso8859-1 already installed. If RASMOL_LATIN1FDIR is not specified, a limited search is make for the jmk font collection. RASMOL_CP1251FDIR This is the path to the X11 Cyrillic code page 1251 font directory to be used if does not find the font -*-*-bold-o-normal-*-14-*-*1251 already installed. If RASMOL_CP1251FDIR is not specified, or if the specified path does not contain misc and 75dpi subdirectories a limited search is made for the cry-rfx windows 1251 font collection. RASMOL_DEBUG If this environment variable is non-empty, provides debugging information. Note that specifies /bin/sh for its execution. If /bin/sh is not available or is not a Bourne-style shell, then some Bourne-style shell, such as bash, should be substituted. The copy of script in the installation directory should also be setup to use a Bourne-style shell, as should the rasmol wrapper script. The option --shell=shellpath can be used to do the rest of the changes once the first line of has been changed. Once the install has been done, the path to the wrapper rasmol script should be added to the user PATH, if not already there. Then rasmol can be executed by the command "rasmol", which will set RASMOLPATH and run The options for are "--help" and the command line options of rasmol. Except for "--help" all the options are passed on the rasmol. A set of language specification option are processed by as well as being passed on to rasmol. If no language is specified, the environment variable RASMOL_LANG and then the file $HOME/.rasmol/RasMol.flg are checked for a language specifier. If no language is specifed, English is assumed. At this time rasmol supports English, French, Italian, Russian and Spanish. If the language chosen is English, French, Italian or Spanish, checks for the availability of the font -*-*-bold-o-normal-*-14-*-iso8859-1. If the language chosen is Russian, checks for the availability of the font -*-*-bold-o-normal-*-14-*-*1251. If the font is not found, and the jmk or cyr-rfx-windows-1251 font directories have been set up, uses xset to add those font directories to the X server font path. If using a remote X-server, it is important to have added those fonts to the font server before calling then tries to find an appropriate terminal window font to support the selected language and normally will spawn an xterm using that font as the terminal font and invoking a rasmol binary matching the available pixel bit depth. The spawned xterm, however, does not report start-up errors back to the originating window. If rasmol does not start, the problem can be debugged by setting the environment variable RASMOL_NOSPAWN of a non-empty value. This will cause rasmol to be run in the original window, making start-up errors visible. However, the font selection will not be made, and should be made manually by the user if relevant to debugging the problem. Normally RASMOL_NOSPAWN is not needed again once a satisfactory installation has been made and tested. The list of environment variables supported by is: RASMOL_LANG the name of the language to be used RASMOLPATH path to the directory containing RASMOL_LIBSFORMPATH path to xforms library directory" RASMOL_LANTIN1FDIR path to X11 ISO 8859-1 font directory" RASMOL_CP1251FDIR path to X11 ISO CP 1251 font directory" RASMOL_DEBUG if non-empty, report settings" RASMOL_NOSPAWN if non-empty, do not spawn an intermediary xterm" Note that the locale variables, LANG, LC_ALL, etc. are not used in this release and should not be set. They can cause the spawned xterm to use an encoding that does not support the fonts used by this release of rasmol. 2. New Menu Options For all platforms, the list of export formats in menus has been updated to correspond to all the formats listed for the save and write commands. The "About" dialog has been made uniform across platforms and not includes buttons for "Register", "OK", "Donate" and a checkbox for "Do not show this dialog at startup". The Help menu (or the top of the Apple menu under Mac Classic) has been extended to list "About RasMol", "User Manual", "Register" and "Donate". 3. Changes to Commands 3.1. The language to be used for messages and menus may be selected with the commands "English", "French", "Italian", "Russian" or "Spanish". Appropriate fonts must be installed before using a language. In most cases the fonts for "English", "French", "Italian" and "Spanish" are already present. For MS Windows and most unix systems, for support of Russian in this release, Code Page 1251 fonts need to be installed. For Mac Classic systems, the ER Kurier Macintosh fonts need to be installed. 3.2. Two new options have been added for export of VRML images: "rotate" and "mirror". write vrml mirror <filename> will write a vrml file with all axes mirrored (x -> -x, y -> -y and z -> -z) and write vrml rotate <filename> will write a vrml file rotated 180 degrees around the x-axis (x - > x, y -> -y, z-> -z) Updated 30 December 2006. Herbert J. Bernstein Bernstein + Sons, 5 Brewster Lane, Bellport, NY 11713-2803, USA yaya at bernstein-plus-sons dot com
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