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File rpmlint-backports-data.changes of Package rpmlint-backports-data
------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jul 29 12:16:54 UTC 2018 - - Split package map db in to arch specific databases to allow providing packages that are not delivered in SLE for that arch (e.g. SLE-WE packages) - This package is now arch specific. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 16 16:43:26 UTC 2018 - - Remove kernel files in db - we only track the package names and restrict using forbidden file locations in rpmlint checks - Update based on GM + updates Packages Added + cairo + exiv2 + google-compute-engine + kernel-azure + kernel-azure-base + kernel-azure-devel + kernel-devel-azure + kernel-source-azure + kernel-syms-azure + libopenmpt + libvorbis + tiff Packages removed - glusterfs - glusterfs-devel - libgfapi0 - libgfchangelog0 - libgfdb0 - libgfrpc0 - libgfxdr0 - libglusterfs0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 8 15:02:22 UTC 2018 - - Update based on GMC Packages added: + amazon-ecs-init + apparmor-rpm-macros + cloud-netconfig-azure + cloud-netconfig-ec2 + davfs2 + ddclient + docker-bash-completion + dpdk-devel + ghostscript-fonts + gitk + gnu-free-fonts + gnuplot-doc + gnu-unifont-legacy-bitmap-fonts + gtk-vnc-devel + intlfonts-ethiopic-bitmap-fonts + intlfonts-phonetic-bitmap-fonts + intlfonts-type1-fonts + kernel-livepatch-4_12_14-23-default + kiwi-templates-SLES15-JeOS + liba52-devel + libbitmask1 + libboost_mpi1_66_0 + libboost_mpi1_66_0-devel + libboost_mpi_python-py2_7-1_66_0 + libboost_mpi_python-py2_7-1_66_0-devel + libboost_numpy-py3-1_66_0 + libboost_numpy-py3-1_66_0-devel + libboost_python-py2_7-1_66_0 + libboost_python-py2_7-1_66_0-devel + libcaca0-plugins + libcaca-devel + libcpuset1 + libcpuset-devel + libcreaterepo_c-devel + libepubgen-devel + libev-devel + libgladeui-2-devel + libgooglepinyin-devel + libgrss-devel + libgsf-devel + libgssdp-devel + libgvncpulse-1_0-0 + libhangul-devel + libkkc-devel + liblapacke3 + libldap-legacy + libldm-1_0-0-devel + libMagickCore-7_Q16HDRI6 + libMagickWand-7_Q16HDRI6 + libmariadb_plugins + libmariadbprivate + libnetfilter_cthelper-devel + libnetfilter_cttimeout-devel + libnetfilter_queue-devel + libopal-devel + liborcus-devel + libpacemaker-devel + libpng12-devel + libpt-devel + libqpdf21 + libqt5-qtdoc + libqxp-devel + librelp-devel + libreoffice-l10n-as + libreoffice-l10n-bn + libreoffice-l10n-br + libreoffice-l10n-cy + libreoffice-l10n-dz + libreoffice-l10n-el + libreoffice-l10n-eo + libreoffice-l10n-et + libreoffice-l10n-eu + libreoffice-l10n-fa + libreoffice-l10n-ga + libreoffice-l10n-gl + libreoffice-l10n-he + libreoffice-l10n-kk + libreoffice-l10n-kn + libreoffice-l10n-lv + libreoffice-l10n-mai + libreoffice-l10n-ml + libreoffice-l10n-mr + libreoffice-l10n-nr + libreoffice-l10n-nso + libreoffice-l10n-or + libreoffice-l10n-pa + libreoffice-l10n-si + libreoffice-l10n-sl + libreoffice-l10n-sr + libreoffice-l10n-ss + libreoffice-l10n-st + libreoffice-l10n-ta + libreoffice-l10n-te + libreoffice-l10n-th + libreoffice-l10n-tn + libreoffice-l10n-tr + libreoffice-l10n-ts + libreoffice-l10n-ve + librime-devel + libservicelog-devel + libsha1detectcoll-devel + libskk-devel + libstdc++6-locale + libtbbmalloc2 + libtss0 + libvala-0_38-devel + libwmf-devel + libwmf-gnome + libwps-devel + libwsman-devel + mozilla-nss-sysinit + myspell-bn_BD + myspell-br_FR + myspell-el_GR + myspell-et_EE + myspell-gl + myspell-he_IL + myspell-lv_LV + myspell-si_LK + myspell-sl_SI + myspell-sr + myspell-te_IN + myspell-th_TH + noto-mono-fonts + noto-naskharabic-ui-fonts + noto-sans-arabic-fonts + noto-sans-arabic-ui-fonts + noto-sans-bengali-ui-fonts + noto-sans-display-fonts + noto-sans-gujarati-ui-fonts + noto-sans-gurmukhi-ui-fonts + noto-sans-jp-black-fonts + noto-sans-jp-demilight-fonts + noto-sans-jp-fonts-full + noto-sans-jp-light-fonts + noto-sans-jp-medium-fonts + noto-sans-jp-mono-fonts + noto-sans-jp-thin-fonts + noto-sans-kannada-ui-fonts + noto-sans-kr-black-fonts + noto-sans-kr-demilight-fonts + noto-sans-kr-fonts-full + noto-sans-kr-light-fonts + noto-sans-kr-medium-fonts + noto-sans-kr-mono-fonts + noto-sans-kr-thin-fonts + noto-sans-lao-ui-fonts + noto-sans-malayalam-ui-fonts + noto-sans-mono-fonts + noto-sans-myanmar-ui-fonts + noto-sans-oriya-ui-fonts + noto-sans-sc-black-fonts + noto-sans-sc-demilight-fonts + noto-sans-sc-fonts-full + noto-sans-sc-light-fonts + noto-sans-sc-medium-fonts + noto-sans-sc-mono-fonts + noto-sans-sc-thin-fonts + noto-sans-sinhala-ui-fonts + noto-sans-symbols2-fonts + noto-sans-tamil-ui-fonts + noto-sans-tc-black-fonts + noto-sans-tc-demilight-fonts + noto-sans-tc-fonts-full + noto-sans-tc-light-fonts + noto-sans-tc-medium-fonts + noto-sans-tc-mono-fonts + noto-sans-tc-thin-fonts + noto-sans-telugu-ui-fonts + noto-sans-thai-ui-fonts + noto-serif-bengali-fonts + noto-serif-devanagari-fonts + noto-serif-display-fonts + noto-serif-ethiopic-fonts + noto-serif-gujarati-fonts + noto-serif-hebrew-fonts + noto-serif-kannada-fonts + noto-serif-malayalam-fonts + noto-serif-myanmar-fonts + noto-serif-sinhala-fonts + noto-serif-tamil-fonts + noto-serif-telugu-fonts + openmpi_2_1_3-gnu-hpc-docs + openmpi2-gnu-hpc-docs + p11-kit-nss-trust + postgresql10-contrib + postgresql-contrib + python3-neutronclient + raleway-fonts + rarpd + reiserfs-kmp-default + release-notes-sle_hpc + remmina-devel + rime + rpcsvc-proto-devel + ruby2.5-rubygem-asciidoctor + salt-fish-completion + salt-proxy + salt-syndic + sazanami-fonts + sbl + tbb-devel + tftpboot-installation-common + tpm-tools-pkcs11 + translation-update-nl + typelib-1_0-GVncPulse-1_0 + update-desktop-files + utf8proc-devel + wol-udev-rules + yaml-cpp-devel + zinnia-devel + zypper-docker Packages Removed: - gnome-user-share - gnome-user-share-lang - kernel-livepatch-4_12_14-18-default - libMagickCore-7_Q16HDRI5 - libMagickWand-7_Q16HDRI5 - libqpdf18 - reiserfs - release-notes-sles_hpc - update-test-affects-package-manager - update-test-broken - update-test-feature - update-test-interactive - update-test-optional - update-test-reboot-needed - update-test-relogin-suggested - update-test-security - xf86-input-void - xorg-x11-driver-input ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 24 10:58:55 UTC 2018 - - Switch to dumbdbm for shelve db - Update based on RC4 Packages added: + c-ares-devel + catatonit + emacs-el + enscript + evieproto-devel + fabtests + firewalld-rpcbind-helper + freeglut-devel + gfbgraph-devel + glew-devel + glibc-utils + glog-devel + gnuplot + gsl-devel + gsound-devel + gspell-lang + gstreamer-plugins-bad-lang + gtk3-branding-SLE + gtkmm2-devel + gtksourceview-lang + gtkspell3-lang + gtkspell-lang + icedtea-web + icmpinfo + kernel-livepatch-4_12_14-18-default + kmod-bash-completion + ldmtool + libatomic_ops-devel + libcaca0 + libcerf1 + libcimcClientXML0 + libclammspack0 + libcmpiCppImpl0 + libcryptsetup12-hmac-32bit + libcryptui-devel + libcsync-plugin-sftp + libcsync-plugin-smb + libepc-1_0-2 + libepc-devel + libfpm_pb0 + libgadu-devel + libgit2-devel + libinput-tools + libirrecord0 + libjack-devel + libjacknet0 + libjackserver0 + libldm-1_0-0 + liblirc0 + liblirc_driver0 + libnetcdf_4_6_1-gnu-hpc + libnetcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mpich-hpc + libnetcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc + libnetcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + liboath0 + libomp5-devel + libopamgt-devel + libopenssl1_1-hmac-32bit + libospf0 + libospfapiclient0 + libotr-devel + libpskc0 + libpskc-devel + libquagga_pb0 + librasqal-devel + libraw-devel + libredland-devel + libserf-devel + libtidy-devel + libusb-compat-devel + libutf8proc2 + libwx_baseu-suse3 + libwx_gtk2u_core-suse3 + libxcb-devel-doc + libXpm-tools + libzebra1 + lirc-devel + metis-devel + netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-hpc + netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-hpc-devel + netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-hpc-devel-static + netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mpich-hpc + netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel + netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static + netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc + netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel + netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static + netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel + netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static + ntfsprogs + oath-toolkit-xml + opa-address-resolution-devel + opencv + opencv-devel + pam_radius + patterns-hpc-workload_server + perl-Date-Manip + perl-Test-Inter + python2-msgpack + python3-kmod + quagga + quagga-devel + rhino + rp-pppoe + sanlock-devel + sblim-cmpi-base-devel + sblim-cmpi-c++-devel + sblim-indication_helper-devel + sblim-sfcc-devel + sblim-sfcCommon-devel + subversion-devel + sysstat-isag + tagsoup + thunderbolt-user-space + totem-plugin-brasero + totem-plugins + tunctl + typelib-1_0-GCab-1_0 + typelib-1_0-Gom-1_0 + update-test-affects-package-manager + update-test-broken + update-test-feature + update-test-interactive + update-test-optional + update-test-reboot-needed + update-test-relogin-suggested + update-test-security + xf86-video-vesa + xmlbeans + zypper-search-packages-plugin + zziplib-devel Packages removed: - cloud-init-config-caasp - kernel-livepatch-4_12_14-16-default - libieee1284 - libieee1284-devel - libmozjs-17_0 - libnetcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-hpc - libnetcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-mpich-hpc - libnetcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libnetcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - mozjs17-devel - netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-hpc - netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-hpc-devel - netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-hpc-devel-static - netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-mpich-hpc - netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel - netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static - netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel - netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static - netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel - netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static - python2-kmod - python2-msgpack-python - update-desktop-files - zypper-package-search-plugin ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 18 09:56:07 UTC 2018 - - Removing rpmlint-backports package during built time to prevent rpmlint error s390x architecture ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 2 09:07:48 UTC 2018 - - Update based on RC3 Packages added: + adwaita-qt5 + apparmor-utils-lang + blog-plymouth + conntrack-tools + container-suseconnect + cppunit-devel + cppunit-devel-doc + cracklib-dict-small + cross-nvptx-gcc7 + cross-nvptx-newlib7-devel + ddskk + desktop-translations + docbook2x + docbook-utils + docbook-utils-minimal + dovecot23 + dovecot23-backend-mysql + dovecot23-backend-pgsql + dovecot23-backend-sqlite + dovecot23-devel + dovecot23-fts + dovecot23-fts-lucene + dovecot23-fts-solr + dovecot23-fts-squat + emacs-apel + enigmail + FastCGI-devel + fwupd + fwupd-devel + fwupd-lang + gcc7-fortran-32bit + gcc-fortran-32bit + gegl-devel + glm-devel + gnome-keyring-32bit + gnome-online-miners + grilo-lang + grilo-plugins + grilo-plugins-lang + grilo-plugin-tracker + grilo-tools + growpart-rootgrow + gstreamer-plugin-cluttergst3 + gtk2-branding-SLE + ibmtss-devel + intel-vaapi-driver + iptables-nft + itstool + java-10-openjdk + java-10-openjdk-demo + java-10-openjdk-devel + java-10-openjdk-headless + kernel-default-livepatch + kernel-livepatch-4_12_14-16-default + kiwi-template-sap + latex2html + libabw-devel + libapr-util1-dbd-mysql + libapr-util1-dbd-pgsql + libapr-util1-dbd-sqlite3 + libavcodec-devel + libavformat-devel + libavresample3 + libavresample-devel + libbrotli-devel + libcap1-32bit + libcdr-devel + libchewing-devel + libcmis-devel + libcppunit-1_14-0 + libcue-devel + libdbi-devel + libdvdread-devel + libe-book-devel + libeot-devel + libexiv2-devel + libexttextcat-devel + libfreehand-devel + libgbm1-32bit + libgepub0 + libgexiv2-devel + libgom-1_0-0 + libgrss0 + libICE6-32bit + libimagequant0 + libjasper4 + liblangtag-devel + liblavfile-2_0-0 + liblavjpeg-2_0-0 + liblavplay-2_0-0 + liblavrec-2_0-0 + libmicrohttpd-devel + libmng-devel + libmpeg2-0 + libmpeg2encpp-2_0-0 + libmplex2-2_0-0 + libMrm4-32bit + libmspub-devel + libnetfilter_cthelper0 + libnetfilter_cttimeout1 + libnetfilter_queue1 + libnfs-devel + libnscd1 + libnscd-devel + libodfgen-devel + libopamgt0 + libopasadb1_0_0 + libopenmpi_2_1_3-gnu-hpc + libopenssl1_1 + libopenssl1_1-32bit + libopenssl-1_1-devel + libopenssl1_1-hmac + libosinfo-lang + libpagemaker-devel + libprotobuf15 + libprotobuf-lite15 + libprotoc15 + libpsm2-compat + libpst-devel + libQt5OpenGLExtensions-devel-static + libqt5-qt3d-devel + libqt5-qt3d-imports + libqt5-qt3d-private-headers-devel + libqt5-qt3d-tools + libqt5-qtconnectivity-tools + libqt5-qtdoc-html + libqt5-qtdoc-qch + libqt5-qtgraphicaleffects + libqt5-qtimageformats + libqt5-qtimageformats-devel + libqt5-qtquickcontrols + libqt5-qtquickcontrols2 + libqt5-qtscript-devel + libqt5-qtscript-private-headers-devel + libqt5-qtsensors-devel + libqt5-qtsensors-private-headers-devel + libqt5-qttranslations + libqt5-qtwayland + libqt5-qtwayland-devel + libqt5-qtwayland-private-headers-devel + libQt5Script5 + libqt5xdg-devel + librevenge-devel + librevenge-generators-0_0-0 + libslurm32 + libSM6-32bit + libsmbios_c2 + libsmputils1-1 + libsmputils-devel + libssh4-32bit + libssh-devel + libtidy5 + libtidyp-devel + libUil4-32bit + libvirt-daemon-hooks + libvisio-devel + libvoikko-devel + libwayland-client0-32bit + libwayland-server0-32bit + libwpd-devel + libwpg-devel + libxcb-xfixes0-32bit + libXm4-32bit + libXmu6-32bit + libXp6-32bit + libXt6-32bit + libzmf-devel + lifecycle-data-sle-module-basesystem + lifecycle-data-sle-module-desktop-applications + lifecycle-data-sle-module-desktop-productivity + lifecycle-data-sle-module-hpc + lifecycle-data-sle-module-server-applications + lpsolve-devel + meanwhile-devel + mercurial + Mesa-libEGL1-32bit + meson + MozillaFirefox-translations-common + MozillaFirefox-translations-other + MozillaThunderbird-translations-other + mpg123 + mpich + mpich-devel + mpitests + mpitests-mpich + mpitests-mvapich2 + mpitests-mvapich2-psm + mpitests-mvapich2-psm2 + mpitests-openmpi2 + mvapich2-doc + mvapich2-psm2 + mvapich2-psm2-devel + mythes-devel + nasm + ninja + novnc + nss_ldap + nss_ldap-32bit + nvptx-tools + opa-address-resolution + opencc-devel + openconnect-devel + openldap2-back-meta + openldap2-back-perl + openmpi_2_1_3-gnu-hpc + openmpi_2_1_3-gnu-hpc-devel + openmpi_2_1_3-gnu-hpc-devel-static + openmpi_2_1_3-gnu-hpc-macros-devel + openmpi_2_1_3-gnu-hpc-testsuite + openmpi2-docs + opensc + openssl-1_1 + osinfo-db-tools + pam_ldap + pam_ldap-32bit + parted-lang + patterns-gnome-gnome_multimedia + patterns-hpc-compute_node + patterns-hpc-development_node + patterns-hpc-libraries + pidentd + pinentry-emacs + pngquant + postgresql10-plperl + postgresql10-plpython + postgresql10-pltcl + postgresql-plperl + postgresql-plpython + postgresql-pltcl + protobuf-devel + psqlODBC + python2-kmod + python2-numpy_1_14_0-gnu-hpc + python2-numpy_1_14_0-gnu-hpc-devel + python2-numpy-gnu-hpc + python2-numpy-gnu-hpc-devel + python2-websockify + python3-cliff + python3-cmd2 + python3-cmdln + python3-coverage + python3-createrepo_c + python3-Cython + python3-deprecation + python3-distro + python3-dogpile.cache + python3-gobject2 + python3-gobject2-devel + python3-heatclient + python3-munch + python3-openstackclient + python3-openstacksdk + python3-osc-lib + python3-os-client-config + python3-os-service-types + python3-pluggy + python3-pyotherside + python3-pyperclip + python3-pyscard + python3-requestsexceptions + python3-selinux + python3-swiftclient + python3-tox + python3-usb + python3-virtualenv + python3-xcb-proto-devel + python-chewing + python-gdbm + python-websockify-common + QGnomePlatform + raspberrypi-firmware + raspberrypi-firmware-config + raspberrypi-firmware-dt + rpmemd + rrdtool-devel + smp_utils + sssd-32bit + stoken-devel + sysprof-devel + systemd-container + systemd-coredump + systemtap-docs + systemtap-headers + systemtap-sdt-devel + systemtap-server + system-user-news + tidy + tomcat-admin-webapps + tomcat-webapps + totem-devel + translation-update + translation-update-ar + translation-update-cs + translation-update-da + translation-update-de + translation-update-es + translation-update-fi + translation-update-fr + translation-update-hu + translation-update-it + translation-update-ja + translation-update-ko + translation-update-nb + translation-update-pl + translation-update-pt + translation-update-pt_BR + translation-update-ru + translation-update-sv + translation-update-zh_CN + translation-update-zh_TW + typelib-1_0-AppStream-1.0 + typelib-1_0-Champlain-0_12 + typelib-1_0-CryptUI-0_0 + typelib-1_0-Fwupd-2_0 + typelib-1_0-Gegl-0_3 + typelib-1_0-GExiv2-0_10 + typelib-1_0-GFBGraph-0_2 + typelib-1_0-Ggit-1_0 + typelib-1_0-Gladeui-2_0 + typelib-1_0-GMime-3_0 + typelib-1_0-Grss-0_7 + typelib-1_0-Gsf-1 + typelib-1_0-GSound-1_0 + typelib-1_0-GSSDP-1_0 + typelib-1_0-GtkVnc-1_0 + typelib-1_0-GUPnP-1_0 + typelib-1_0-GUPnPIgd-1_0 + typelib-1_0-Jsonrpc-1.0 + typelib-1_0-kkc-1_0 + typelib-1_0-UDisks-2_0 + typelib-1_0-WebKit2WebExtension-4_0 + u-boot-rpi3 + unrar_wrapper + vhostmd + vim-data-common + vm-dump-metrics + wol + xalan-c + xcb-proto-devel + xdg-desktop-portal + xdg-desktop-portal-devel + xdg-desktop-portal-gtk + xdg-desktop-portal-gtk-lang + xdg-desktop-portal-lang + xmlsec1-devel + xmlsec1-nss-devel + xorg-x11-Xvnc-novnc + xorriso + yast2-boot-server + yast2-scanner + yubikey-manager + yubikey-manager-qt + zypper-package-search-plugin Package removed: - bcc-lua - cdrkit-cdrtools-compat - docbook_5 - docbook5-xsl-stylesheets - dovecot22 - dovecot22-backend-mysql - dovecot22-backend-pgsql - dovecot22-backend-sqlite - dovecot22-devel - dovecot22-fts - dovecot22-fts-lucene - dovecot22-fts-solr - dovecot22-fts-squat - ffado - fprintd - fprintd-devel - fprintd-lang - fprintd-pam - ft2demos - ftbench - ftdiff - ftdump - ftgamma - ftgrid - ftinspect - ftlint - ftmulti - ftstring - ftvalid - ftview - gdb-32bit - gdbserver-32bit - genisoimage - ghostscript-cjk - gstreamer-plugin-gstclutter-3_0 - hdf5 - hdf5-devel - hdf-devel - hdf-devel-data - icedax - iproute2-doc - jack - java-9-openjdk - java-9-openjdk-demo - java-9-openjdk-devel - java-9-openjdk-headless - libavc1394-0 - libc-client2007e_suse - libdbus-c++-1-1 - libdfp1-32bit - libffado2 - libfprint0 - libfprint-devel - libgegl-0_2-0 - libgmime-2_6-0 - libgnutls-dane0 - libgnutls-dane-devel - libhdf4 - libhdf5-101 - libhdf5_cpp101 - libhdf5_fortran100 - libhdf5_hl100 - libhdf5_hl_cpp100 - libhdf5hl_fortran100 - libica3-32bit - libiec61883-0 - libindicator3-7 - libindicator3-devel - libindicator7 - libindicator-devel - libjack-devel - libjacknet0 - libjackserver0 - libjasper1 - libluajit-5_1-2 - libnetcdf11 - libopenmpi_2_1_2-gnu-hpc - libopenssl1_1_0 - libopenssl1_1_0-32bit - libopenssl-1_1_0-devel - libopenssl1_1_0-hmac - libpython3_6m1_0-32bit - libreadline7-32bit - libslurm31 - libsmbios - libssh2-1-32bit - libtspi1-32bit - libxml++-2_6-2 - netcdf-devel - netcdf-devel-data - openmpi_2_1_2-gnu-hpc - openmpi_2_1_2-gnu-hpc-devel - openmpi_2_1_2-gnu-hpc-devel-static - openmpi_2_1_2-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - openmpi_2_1_2-gnu-hpc-testsuite - openssl-1_1_0 - patterns-gnome-gnome_laptop - php7-imap - pulseaudio-module-jack - python2-qt5 - python-kmod - python-selinux - SuSEfirewall2 - wodim - yubikey-personalization-gui ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 7 14:51:19 UTC 2018 - - Update based on RC1 Packages added: + alacarte + alacarte-lang + apache-pdfbox + bzr + cal10n + cargo + check-devel + createrepo_c + cscope + delayacct-utils + dev86 + dia-lang + dmraid + dracut-kiwi-lib + dracut-kiwi-live + dracut-kiwi-oem-dump + dracut-kiwi-oem-repart + dracut-kiwi-overlay + ekiga-plugins-evolution + evolution-plugin-bogofilter + evolution-plugin-pst-import + evolution-plugin-spamassassin + FastCGI + fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel + fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static + fftw3-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel + firewall-macros + flatpak-builder + gd + gdb-32bit + gdbserver-32bit + gedit-devel + gedit-plugin-devhelp + genders-base + gimp-help-ca + gimp-help-da + gimp-help-el + gimp-help-en_GB + gimp-help-fi + gimp-help-hr + gimp-help-ja + gimp-help-lt + gimp-help-nn + gimp-help-pt_BR + gimp-help-sl + gimp-help-zh + glade + glade-catalog-gtksourceview + glade-catalog-libpeas + glade-catalog-vte + glade-lang + gnome-builder-lang + gnome-builder-plugin-ctags + gnome-builder-plugin-devhelp + gnome-builder-plugin-gettext + gnome-builder-plugin-html-completion + gnome-builder-plugin-symbol-tree + gnome-builder-plugin-sysmon + gnome-builder-plugin-todo + gnome-builder-plugin-vala-pack + gnome-builder-plugin-xml-pack + gnome-color-manager-lang + gnome-keyring-pam-32bit + gnome-online-accounts-lang + gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-photos + gnome-vfs2-lang + graphviz-perl + grub2-s390x-emu + gstreamer-plugins-good-lang + gstreamer-plugins-ugly + gstreamer-plugins-ugly-lang + gtk2-lang + gtk-doc-lang + hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel + hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static + hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-module + hdf5-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel + hexchat-plugins-lua + hexchat-plugins-perl + hexchat-plugins-python3 + inkscape-lang + iproute2-bash-completion + iproute2-doc + kernel-default-man + kernel-zfcpdump + kiwi-boot-descriptions + kiwi-man-pages + kiwi-pxeboot + kiwi-tools + liba52-0 + libblacs2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + libblacs2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel + libblacs2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static + libblacs2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + libblacs2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel + libbonobo-lang + libbonoboui-lang + libboost_atomic1_66_0 + libboost_atomic1_66_0-devel + libboost_container1_66_0 + libboost_container1_66_0-devel + libboost_context1_66_0 + libboost_context1_66_0-devel + libboost_coroutine1_66_0 + libboost_coroutine1_66_0-devel + libboost_fiber1_66_0 + libboost_fiber1_66_0-devel + libboost_graph1_66_0 + libboost_graph1_66_0-devel + libboost_iostreams1_66_0-devel + libboost_locale1_66_0-devel + libboost_log1_66_0 + libboost_log1_66_0-devel + libboost_math1_66_0 + libboost_math1_66_0-devel + libboost_python-py3-1_66_0 + libboost_python-py3-1_66_0-devel + libboost_random1_66_0 + libboost_random1_66_0-devel + libcap1 + libcheck0 + libcreaterepo_c0 + libdfp1-32bit + libdrm2-32bit + libdrm_amdgpu1-32bit + libdrm_intel1-32bit + libdrm_nouveau2-32bit + libdrm_radeon1-32bit + libedit0-32bit + libfcgi0 + libfftw3_3_3_6-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + libfftw3-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + libgdata-lang + libgladeui-2-6 + libGLEW2_1 + libGLw1 + libGLw-devel + libGLwM1 + libgnomecanvas-lang + libgnomekbd-lang + libgnome-lang + libgnomeui-lang + libgnustep-base1_25 + libgphoto2-6-lang + libHalf23 + libhdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + libhdf5_fortran_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + libhdf5_fortran-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + libhdf5-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + libhdf5_hl_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + libhdf5_hl_fortran-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + libhdf5_hl-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + libica3 + libica3-32bit + libica-devel + libica-devel-static + libica-tools + libicu60_2-bedata + libIex-2_2-23 + libIexMath-2_2-23 + libIlmImf-2_2-23 + libIlmImfUtil-2_2-23 + libIlmThread-2_2-23 + libImath-2_2-23 + libinvm-cim-devel + libinvm-cli-devel + libinvm-i18n-devel + libLLVM5-32bit + libmeanwhile1 + libmpfr6 + libndctl-devel + libnetcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc + libnetcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + libnetcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + libnetcdf-fortran-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + libnetcdf-gnu-mvapich2-hpc + libnetcdf-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + libopeniscsiusr0_1_0 + libopenmpi_2_1_2-gnu-hpc + libopenmpi2-gnu-hpc + libpciaccess0-32bit + libpetsc_3_8_3-gnu-mpich-hpc + libpetsc_3_8_3-gnu-mvapich2-hpc + libpetsc_3_8_3-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + libpetsc-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + libpmemobj++-devel + libpqos1-devel + libpst4 + libpurple-plugin-import-empathy + libpurple-plugin-sametime + libpython3_6m1_0-32bit + libqc1 + libQt53DAnimation5 + libQt53DAnimation-devel + libQt53DCore5 + libQt53DCore-devel + libQt53DExtras5 + libQt53DExtras-devel + libQt53DInput5 + libQt53DInput-devel + libQt53DLogic5 + libQt53DLogic-devel + libQt53DQuick5 + libQt53DQuickAnimation5 + libQt53DQuickAnimation-devel + libQt53DQuick-devel + libQt53DQuickExtras5 + libQt53DQuickExtras-devel + libQt53DQuickInput5 + libQt53DQuickInput-devel + libQt53DQuickRender5 + libQt53DQuickRender-devel + libQt53DQuickScene2D5 + libQt53DQuickScene2D-devel + libQt53DRender5 + libQt53DRender-devel + libQt5QuickControls2-5 + libQt5QuickControls2-devel + libQt5QuickTemplates2-5 + libQt5QuickTemplates2-devel + libQt5Sensors5 + libQt5Sensors5-imports + libQt5WaylandClient5 + libQt5WaylandCompositor5 + libQt5WebChannel5-imports + libQt5Xdg3 + libQt5XdgIconLoader3 + libQt5XdgIconLoader-devel + libreadline7-32bit + librpmem1 + librpmem-devel + libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel + libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static + libscalapack2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + libscalapack2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel + libstorage-ng-lang + libtcmu2 + libtidyp-1_04-0 + libtspi1-32bit + libvala-0_38-0 + libvdpau_nouveau + libvmem-devel + libvmmalloc-devel + libX11-xcb1-32bit + libxcb-dri2-0-32bit + libxcb-dri3-0-32bit + libxcb-glx0-32bit + libxcb-present0-32bit + libxcb-sync1-32bit + libxshmfence1-32bit + libXvMC_nouveau + libXxf86vm1-32bit + libyui-doc + libyui-ncurses-doc + libyui-ncurses-pkg-doc + libyui-qt-doc + libyui-qt-graph8 + libyui-qt-graph-devel + libyui-qt-graph-doc + libyui-qt-pkg-doc + meld + meld-lang + Mesa-32bit + Mesa-dri-32bit + Mesa-dri-nouveau + Mesa-gallium-32bit + Mesa-libGL1-32bit + Mesa-libglapi0-32bit + ModemManager-bash-completion + mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static + mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-doc + mpiP-gnu-mpich-hpc + mpiP-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + mvapich2-devel-static + mvapich2-psm-devel + nautilus-deja-dup + nautilus-totem + netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc + netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel + netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static + netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel + netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static + netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel + netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static + netcdf-fortran-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + netcdf-gnu-mvapich2-hpc + netcdf-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel + netcdf-gnu-openmpi2-hpc + netcdf-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel + NetworkManager-lang + openmpi2 + openmpi_2_1_2-gnu-hpc + openmpi_2_1_2-gnu-hpc-devel + openmpi_2_1_2-gnu-hpc-devel-static + openmpi_2_1_2-gnu-hpc-macros-devel + openmpi_2_1_2-gnu-hpc-testsuite + openmpi2-config + openmpi2-devel + openmpi2-gnu-hpc + openmpi2-gnu-hpc-devel + openmpi2-gnu-hpc-devel-static + openmpi2-gnu-hpc-macros-devel + openmpi2-libs + openssh-fips + openssl-ibmca + osasnmpd + patterns-public-cloud-15-OpenStack + patterns-public-cloud-15-OpenStack-Instance-Tools + patterns-server-enterprise-fips + patterns-server-enterprise-hwcrypto + pdsh-dshgroup + pdsh-genders + pdsh-machines + pdsh-netgroup + pdsh-slurm + perl-Algorithm-Diff + perl-Alien-Tidyp + perl-Bootloader-YAML + perl-BSD-Resource + perl-Capture-Tiny + perl-Class-Factory-Util + perl-Class-Tiny + perl-Config-AutoConf + perl-Config-IniFiles + perl-CPAN-Meta-Check + perl-CPAN-Meta-Requirements + perl-Crypt-DES + perl-Crypt-Rijndael + perl-DateTime-Format-Builder + perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime + perl-DBD-Pg + perl-Devel-CheckBin + perl-Devel-CheckLib + perl-Devel-Cover + perl-DNS-LDNS + perl-doc + perl-ExtUtils-Config + perl-ExtUtils-Helpers + perl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths + perl-ExtUtils-LibBuilder + perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker + perl-FastCGI + perl-File-ShareDir-Install + perl-File-Slurp-Tiny + perl-File-Slurp-Unicode + perl-Geography-Countries + perl-HTML-Tidy + perl-Importer + perl-IO-CaptureOutput + perl-IP-Country + perl-Lingua-Translit + perl-Mail-SpamAssassin-Plugin-iXhash2 + perl-Mock-Config + perl-Module-Build + perl-Module-Build-Tiny + perl-Module-Find + perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable + perl-Net-Ident + perl-Net-IP + perl-Net-Libproxy + perl-Net-Oping + perl-Net-SNMP + perl-Package-DeprecationManager + perl-Params-Util + perl-Path-Class + perl-Path-Tiny + perl-PCP-LogSummary + perl-PCP-MMV + perl-PerlMagick + perl-Readonly + perl-Readonly-XS + perl-Scalar-List-Utils + perl-Scope-Guard + perl-SGMLS + perl-solv + perl-Spiffy + perl-Sub-Info + perl-Sub-Install + perl-SUPER + perl-Switch + perl-Sys-Virt + perl-Term-Table + perl-Test2-Plugin-NoWarnings + perl-Test2-Suite + perl-Test-Base + perl-Test-Deep + perl-Test-Differences + perl-Test-File-ShareDir + perl-Test-LeakTrace + perl-Test-MockModule + perl-Test-Most + perl-Test-Needs + perl-Test-NoWarnings + perl-Test-Requires + perl-Test-RequiresInternet + perl-Test-Simple + perl-Test-Strict + perl-Test-Warnings + perl-Test-Without-Module + perl-Test-YAML + perl-Text-CharWidth + perl-Text-CSV_XS + perl-Text-Diff + perl-Text-WrapI18N + perl-Text-Wrapper + perl-Tk-devel + perl-Unicode-Collate + perl-XML-Bare + perl-XML-Filter-BufferText + perl-XML-Handler-YAWriter + perl-XML-SAX-Writer + perl-XML-Structured + perl-XML-Writer-String + perl-YAML + perl-YAML-LibYAML + petsc_3_8_3-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel + petsc_3_8_3-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel + petsc_3_8_3-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel + petsc-doc + petsc-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel + pixz + prctl + procinfo + pulseaudio-esound-compat + pulseaudio-gdm-hooks + pulseaudio-zsh-completion + pv + python3-alabaster + python3-beautifulsoup4 + python3-boto + python3-cinderclient + python3-debtcollector + python3-glanceclient + python3-heat-cfntools + python3-imagesize + python3-iso8601 + python3-keystoneauth1 + python3-keystoneclient + python3-kiwi + python3-logutils + python3-Mako + python3-monotonic + python3-msgpack + python3-netaddr + python3-nose + python3-novaclient + python3-oslo.config + python3-oslo.i18n + python3-oslo.serialization + python3-oslo.utils + python3-pecan + python3-positional + python3-pykerberos + python3-requests-aws + python3-requests-kerberos + python3-rfc3986 + python3-snowballstemmer + python3-solv + python3-Sphinx + python3-sphinxcontrib + python3-sphinxcontrib-websupport + python3-sphinx_rtd_theme + python3-stevedore + python3-waitress + python3-warlock + python3-WebOb + python3-WebTest + python3-wrapt + python3-xattr + qclib + qclib-devel + qclib-devel-static + qemu-s390 + re2c + release-notes-sled + release-notes-sles + release-notes-sles-for-sap + remmina-plugin-exec + remmina-plugin-secret + remmina-plugin-spice + remmina-plugin-xdmcp + ruby2.5-devel-extra + ruby2.5-rubygem-diff-lcs + ruby2.5-rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks + ruby2.5-rubygem-rspec + ruby2.5-rubygem-rspec-core + ruby2.5-rubygem-rspec-expectations + ruby2.5-rubygem-rspec-mocks + ruby2.5-rubygem-rspec-support + ruby2.5-rubygem-yast-rake + ruby-solv + rust + s390-tools + s390-tools-hmcdrvfs + s390-tools-zdsfs + scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-module + scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-test + sharutils-lang + smc-tools + snipl + spamassassin + stunnel + system-role-hpc-compute + system-role-hpc-server + tcsh-lang + terminfo + terminfo-iterm + terminfo-screen + tftpboot-installation-SLE-15-aarch64 + tftpboot-installation-SLE-15-ppc64le + tftpboot-installation-SLE-15-s390x + tftpboot-installation-SLE-15-x86_64 + totem-lang + u-boot-tools + unar + vala + vim-plugin-devhelp + yast2-cio + yast2-reipl + yast2-rmt + yast2-s390 + yast2-testsuite + zenity-lang Packages removed: - aspell - aspell-af - aspell-agal - aspell-am - aspell-ar - aspell-az - aspell-be - aspell-bg - aspell-bn - aspell-br - aspell-ca - aspell-cs - aspell-csb - aspell-cy - aspell-da - aspell-devel - aspell-el - aspell-en - aspell-eo - aspell-es - aspell-et - aspell-fa - aspell-fi - aspell-fo - aspell-fr - aspell-ga - aspell-gd - aspell-gl - aspell-gu - aspell-gv - aspell-he - aspell-hi - aspell-hil - aspell-hr - aspell-hsb - aspell-hu - aspell-ia - aspell-id - aspell-is - aspell-ispell - aspell-it - aspell-ku - aspell-la - aspell-lt - aspell-lv - aspell-mg - aspell-mi - aspell-mk - aspell-mn - aspell-mr - aspell-ms - aspell-mt - aspell-nb - aspell-nl - aspell-nn - aspell-ny - aspell-or - aspell-pa - aspell-pl - aspell-pt_BR - aspell-pt_PT - aspell-qu - aspell-ro - aspell-ru - aspell-rw - aspell-sc - aspell-sk - aspell-sl - aspell-sr - aspell-sv - aspell-sw - aspell-ta - aspell-tet - aspell-tl - aspell-tn - aspell-tr - aspell-uk - aspell-uz - aspell-vi - aspell-wa - aspell-yi - aspell-zu - clang4-checker - createrepo - epydoc - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel-static - fftw3-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-module - hdf5-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - kernel-default-livepatch - kernel-livepatch-4_12_14-12_2-default - libaspell15 - libblacs2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libblacs2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - libblacs2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel-static - libblacs2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libblacs2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - libcares-devel - libclang4 - libdpdk-17_08-0 - libfftw3_3_3_6-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libfftw3-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libHalf12 - libhdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libhdf5_fortran_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libhdf5_fortran-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libhdf5-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libhdf5_hl_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libhdf5hl_fortran_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libhdf5_hl_fortran-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libhdf5_hl-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libIex-2_2-12 - libIexMath-2_2-12 - libIlmImf-2_2-22 - libIlmImfUtil-2_2-22 - libIlmThread-2_2-12 - libImath-2_2-12 - libLLVM4 - libmpfr4 - libnetcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libnetcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libnetcdf-fortran-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libnetcdf-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libomp4-devel - libopenmpi_1_10_7-gnu-hpc - libopenmpi1-gnu-hpc - libpetsc_3_7_6-gnu-mpich-hpc - libpetsc_3_7_6-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libpetsc_3_7_6-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libpetsc-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libpsm2-compat - libpspell15 - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel-static - libscalapack2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libscalapack2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - libtcmu1 - mercurial - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel-static - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-doc - mpiP-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - netcdf_4_4_1_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel-static - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel-static - netcdf-fortran-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - netcdf-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - netcdf-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - openmpi_1_10_7-gnu-hpc - openmpi_1_10_7-gnu-hpc-devel - openmpi_1_10_7-gnu-hpc-devel-static - openmpi_1_10_7-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - openmpi_1_10_7-gnu-hpc-testsuite - openmpi1-gnu-hpc - openmpi1-gnu-hpc-devel - openmpi1-gnu-hpc-devel-static - openmpi1-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - openstack-suse-macros - openstack-suse-sudo - petsc_3_7_6-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel - petsc_3_7_6-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel - petsc_3_7_6-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - petsc-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - python2-dbus-python-devel - python2-qt5-devel - python3-msgpack-python - sap_suse_cluster_connector - scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-module - scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-test - selinux-policy - selinux-policy-devel - tcmu-runner-devel ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Feb 18 15:53:44 UTC 2015 - - initial package
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