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File PrintAnalyzer of Package cups
#!/usr/bin/perl -w #*************************************************************************** # PrintAnalyzer # Generate some stats from cups page_log file # copyright : (C) 1999 - 2002 by Thies Moeller # email : #*************************************************************************** #*************************************************************************** #* * #* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * #* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * #* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * #* (at your option) any later version. * #* * #*************************************************************************** use strict; use warnings; use POSIX qw(strftime); use Time::Local; ############## # edit place of your page_log file ############## my $PAGE_LOG_FILE = "/var/log/cups/page_log"; ############## # edit start and end of normal work time # activity outside this interval will be marked with an "!" # to disable set WorkStart to 0 and WorkEnd to 23 ############## my $WorkStart = 8; my $WorkEnd = 21; ############################ nothing to modify below this line ############## my %userRequests = (); my %userPages = (); my %hourRequests = (); my %dateRequests = (); my %datePages = (); my %pageRequests = (); my %queueRequests = (); my %queuePages = (); my %pageHeu = (); my %copyRequests = (); my %logline = (); my %lastlogline = (); my %billingStats = (); my $totalReq = 0; my $totalPages = 0; sub DateCompare { my $date1 = substr($a, 6, 2) * 1024; # Years my $date2 = substr($b, 6, 2) * 1024; $date1 += substr($a,3,2) * 64; # Months $date2 += substr($b,3,2) * 64; $date1 += substr($a, 0, 2); # Days $date2 += substr($b, 0, 2); return ($date1 <=> $date2); } sub tzdiff2sec { ## this method is copied from LogReport ## Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Stichting LogReport Foundation die "tzdiff2sec needs 1 arg\n" unless @_ == 1; # e.g. +0100 or -0900 ; +hh:mm, +hhmm, or +hh my ( $sign, $hour, $min ) = $_[0] =~ /^([+-])?(\d\d):?(\d\d)?$/ or die "invalid tzdiff format: $_[0]. It must looks like +0100 or -01:00\n"; $sign ||= "+"; $hour ||= 0; $min ||= 0; my $sec = $hour * 60 * 60 + $min * 60; $sec *= -1 if $sign eq '-'; return $sec; } sub getMonth { my $AllMonths= 'JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec'; my $month = shift(@_); return index($AllMonths, $month)/3; } sub DateTime2Epoch { my ($day,$month,$year,$hour,$min,$sec,$tz)= unpack'@1 A2 @4 A3 @8 A4 @13 A2 @16 A2 @19 A2 @22 A5', shift(); my $epoch=timegm $sec , $min , $hour, $day, getMonth($month), $year; return $epoch - tzdiff2sec($tz); } sub PrintDayLog { my $dateReq; ############# Output Form ################ format DAYLOG_TOP = Daily Usage Date %Requests Pages ----------------------------------------- . format DAYLOG = @<<<<<<<<<<<<< @>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> $dateReq,$dateRequests{$dateReq},$datePages{$dateReq} . ############# Output Form ################ $-=0; $~="DAYLOG"; $^="DAYLOG_TOP"; foreach $dateReq (sort DateCompare keys %dateRequests) { #printf("Monat %d\n",getMonth($dateReq)); write; } } sub PrintUserLog { my $userReq; my $pageperjob; ############# Output Form ################ format USERLOG_TOP = PrinterAccounting Username Requests Pages Pages/Request -------------------------------------------------------- . format USERLOG = @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>> $userReq, $userRequests{$userReq}, $userPages{$userReq}, $pageperjob . ############# Output Form ################ $-=0; $~="USERLOG"; $^="USERLOG_TOP"; foreach $userReq (sort { $userPages{$b} <=> $userPages{$a}} keys %userRequests) { $pageperjob = sprintf("%5d", POSIX::ceil($userPages{$userReq} / $userRequests{$userReq})); write ; } } sub PrintHourLog { my $hourReq; my $outOfWorkingTime; ############# Output Form ################ format HOURLOG_TOP = Hour Usage Hour Requests --------------------- . format HOURLOG = @<@<<<<< @>>>>>>> $outOfWorkingTime,$hourReq,$hourRequests{$hourReq} . ############# Output Form ################ $-=0; $~="HOURLOG"; $^="HOURLOG_TOP"; foreach $hourReq (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %hourRequests) { if($hourReq <$WorkStart || $hourReq > $WorkEnd) { if($hourRequests{$hourReq} == 0) { next; } else { $outOfWorkingTime = "!"; } } else { $outOfWorkingTime = " "; } write; } } sub PrintRequestSize { my $pageReq; my %pageHeu; my $pageHeuK; my $pageperHeu; ############# Output Form ################ format REQUESTLOG_TOP = Heuristic JobSize %Requests --------------------------- . format REQUESTLOG = @||||||||||| @>>>>>>>> $pageHeuK,$pageperHeu . ############# Output Form ################ # sammeln der Daten foreach $pageReq (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %pageRequests) { if($pageReq >0 && $pageReq <=10) {$pageHeu{"1. 0-10"}+=$pageRequests{$pageReq}}; if ($pageReq >10 && $pageReq <=20) {$pageHeu{ "2. 20-30"}+=$pageRequests{$pageReq}}; if ($pageReq >20 && $pageReq <=30) {$pageHeu{ "3. 30-40"}+=$pageRequests{$pageReq}}; if ($pageReq >40 && $pageReq <=50) {$pageHeu{ "4. 40-50"}+=$pageRequests{$pageReq}}; if ($pageReq >50 && $pageReq <=100) {$pageHeu{ "5. 50-100"}+=$pageRequests{$pageReq}}; if ($pageReq >100 && $pageReq <=200) {$pageHeu{ "6. 100-200"}+=$pageRequests{$pageReq}}; if ($pageReq >200 ) {$pageHeu{ "7. 200- "}+=$pageRequests{$pageReq}}; } $-=0; $~="REQUESTLOG"; $^="REQUESTLOG_TOP"; foreach $pageHeuK (sort keys %pageHeu) { $pageperHeu = sprintf("%5.2f", 100*$pageHeu{$pageHeuK}/$totalReq); write; } } sub PrintCopySize { my $copyReq; my %copyHeu; my $copyHeuK; my $copyperheu; ############# Output Form ################ format COPY_TOP = Heuristic Copies %Requests --------------------------- . format COPYLOG = @||||||||||||| @>>>>>>>> $copyHeuK,$copyperheu . ############# Output Form ################ foreach $copyReq (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %copyRequests) { if($copyReq == 1 ) {$copyHeu{" 1. single"}+=$copyRequests{$copyReq}}; if($copyReq == 2) {$copyHeu{" 2. 2 "}+=$copyRequests{$copyReq}}; if($copyReq == 3) {$copyHeu{" 3. 3 "}+=$copyRequests{$copyReq}}; if($copyReq == 4) {$copyHeu{" 4. 4 "}+=$copyRequests{$copyReq}}; if($copyReq >=5 && $copyReq <=10) {$copyHeu{" 5. 5-10 "}+=$copyRequests{$copyReq}}; if ($copyReq >10 && $copyReq <=20) {$copyHeu{ " 6. 20-30 "}+=$copyRequests{$copyReq}}; if ($copyReq >20 && $copyReq <=30) {$copyHeu{ " 7. 30-40 "}+=$copyRequests{$copyReq}}; if ($copyReq >40 && $copyReq <=50) {$copyHeu{ " 8. 40-50 "}+=$copyRequests{$copyReq}}; if ($copyReq >50 && $copyReq <=100) {$copyHeu{ " 9. 50-100 "}+=$copyRequests{$copyReq}}; if ($copyReq >100 && $copyReq <=200) {$copyHeu{ "10. 100-200 "}+=$copyRequests{$copyReq}}; if ($copyReq >200 ) {$copyHeu{ "11. 200- "}+=$copyRequests{$copyReq}}; } $-=0; $~="COPYLOG"; $^="COPY_TOP"; foreach $copyHeuK (sort keys %copyHeu) { $copyperheu = sprintf("%5.2f", 100*$copyHeu{$copyHeuK}/$totalReq); write; } } sub PrintQueueLog { my $queueReq; my $reqperqueue; my $pagepermin; my $pageperqueue ; ############# Output Form ################ format QUEUELOG_TOP = Queue Heuristic Queue %Requests %Pages Pages -------------------------------------------------------------- . format QUEUELOG = @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>> $queueReq,$reqperqueue,$pageperqueue,$queuePages{$queueReq} . ############# Output Form ################ $-=0; $~="QUEUELOG"; $^="QUEUELOG_TOP"; foreach $queueReq (sort { $queuePages{$b} <=> $queuePages{$a} } keys %queuePages) { $reqperqueue = sprintf("%5.2f", 100*$queueRequests{$queueReq}/$totalReq); $pageperqueue = sprintf("%5.2f", 100*$queuePages{$queueReq}/$totalPages); write; } } sub PrintBillingLog { my $billing; my $pageperbilling ; my $billinguser; ############# Output Form ################ format BILLINGLOG_TOP = Billing Heuristic Billing Pages -------------------------------------------------------------- . format BILLINGLOG = @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @>>>>>>>> $billing,$pageperbilling . format BILLINGUSERLOG = |- @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>> $billinguser,$pageperbilling . ############# Output Form ################ $-=0; $~="BILLINGLOG"; $^="BILLINGLOG_TOP"; foreach $billing (sort keys %billingStats) { $pageperbilling = $billingStats{$billing}{"total_pages"}; $~="BILLINGLOG"; write; $~="BILLINGUSERLOG"; foreach $billinguser ( sort {$billingStats{$billing}{"user"}{$b} <=> $billingStats{$billing}{"user"}{$a}} keys %{$billingStats{$billing}{"user"}}) { $pageperbilling = $billingStats{$billing}{"user"}{$billinguser}; write; } } } sub HandleNewJob { my $realpages = $lastlogline{num_pages}*$lastlogline{copies}; my $hourstring = POSIX::strftime "%H", localtime($lastlogline{time}) ; my $daystring = POSIX::strftime "%d/%m/%y", localtime($lastlogline{time}) ; $userRequests{$lastlogline{user}}++; $userPages{$lastlogline{user}}+=$realpages; $dateRequests{$daystring}++; $datePages{$daystring}+=$realpages; $pageRequests{$realpages}++; $queueRequests{$lastlogline{printer}}++; $queuePages{$lastlogline{printer}}+=$realpages; $hourRequests{$hourstring}++; $copyRequests{$lastlogline{copies}}++; $billingStats{$lastlogline{billing}}{"user"}{$lastlogline{user}} += $realpages; $billingStats{$lastlogline{billing}}{"printer"}{$lastlogline{printer}} += $realpages; $billingStats{$lastlogline{billing}}{"total_pages"} += $realpages; $totalReq++; $totalPages+=$realpages; } sub InitHourHistogram { my $i; for ($i = 0 ; $i <=24 ; $i++) { my $hourstring = sprintf("%02d", $i); $hourRequests{$hourstring}=0; } } # main open(PAGELOG,"$PAGE_LOG_FILE") || die "Can't open pagelog file $PAGE_LOG_FILE"; #initialize the hourhistogram InitHourHistogram; while(<PAGELOG>) { my $time; my $pagenum; %logline = (); chomp(); ($logline{printer}, $logline{user}, $logline{jobid}, $time, $pagenum, $logline{copies}, $logline{billing}) = ($_ =~ /^(.*)\s(.*)\s(\d+)\s(\[.*\])\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(.*)$/) or do { print STDERR "Cannot convert $_ \n"; next; }; # downcase username because of samba $logline{user}=~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # handle empty user if ($logline{user} eq "") { $logline{user}="TestPages"; } # handle empty billing code if ($logline{billing} eq "") { $logline{billing}="-none-"; } my $endtime = DateTime2Epoch( $time ); if ( ! defined $lastlogline{jobid} || $lastlogline{jobid} ne $logline{jobid} ) { # new job; $logline{num_pages} = 1; $logline{time} = $endtime; if ( defined $lastlogline{jobid} ) { HandleNewJob; }; } else { # same job; update info $logline{num_pages} = $lastlogline{num_pages} + 1; $logline{time} = $lastlogline{time}; } %lastlogline= %logline; } close(PAGELOG); # handle last job if ( defined $lastlogline{jobid} ) { HandleNewJob; } PrintQueueLog; PrintRequestSize; PrintCopySize; PrintBillingLog; PrintUserLog; PrintHourLog; PrintDayLog;
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