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File monit.spec of Package monit
# # spec file for package monit (Version 5.2) # # Copyright (c) 2010 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # # norootforbuild Name: monit Version: 5.2 Release: 1 Summary: Service Manager and Monitor System #{version}.tar.gz Source: monit-%{version}.tar.bz2 Source1: monit-vendor-files.tar.gz Patch1: monit-page_shift.patch Url: Group: System/Monitoring License: GNU General Public License (GPL) BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build BuildRequires: bison flex gcc glibc-devel make openssl-devel BuildRequires: autoconf automake libtool Obsoletes: monit-beta < %{version} Provides: monit-beta = %{version} %if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1030 BuildRequires: licenses Requires: licenses %endif %if "%{_vendor}" == "suse" %define VENDOR SUSE %else %define VENDOR %_vendor %endif %description Monit is a utility for managing and monitoring processes, files, directories, and devices on a Unix system. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations. For example, monit can start a process if it does not run, restart a process if it does not respond, and stop a process if it uses too many resources. You can use monit to monitor files, directories, and devices for changes, such as time stamp changes, checksum changes, or size changes. You can even use monit to monitor remote hosts: monit can ping a remote host and check port connections. Authors: -------- Jan-Henrik Haukeland <hauk at tildeslash dot com> Martin Pala <martin.pala at iol dot cz> Rory Toma <rory at digeo dot com> Christian Hopp <chopp at iei dot tu-clausthal dot de> %package doc License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Summary: Service Manager and Monitor System (Documentation and Examples) Group: System/Monitoring %if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1120 BuildArch: noarch %endif %description doc Monit is a utility for managing and monitoring processes, files, directories, and devices on a Unix system. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations. For example, monit can start a process if it does not run, restart a process if it does not respond, and stop a process if it uses too many resources. You can use monit to monitor files, directories, and devices for changes, such as time stamp changes, checksum changes, or size changes. You can even use monit to monitor remote hosts: monit can ping a remote host and check port connections. This package only contains the documentation and examples. You must also install the package %{name} to actually use monit. %prep %setup -q -a1 %patch1 find doc/ -type f -size 0 -exec %__rm {} \; %build #autoreconf -fiv export CFLAGS="%{optflags} -fno-strict-aliasing" %configure \ --with-ssl-lib-dir="%{_libdir}" %__make %{?jobs:-j%{jobs}} %install %__make \ BINDIR="%{buildroot}%{_bindir}" \ MANDIR="%{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1" \ install %__install -d \ "%{buildroot}/etc/init.d" \ "%{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/monit.d" \ "%{buildroot}%{_sbindir}" \ "%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/monit" \ "%{buildroot}%{_var}/adm/fillup-templates" \ "%{buildroot}%{_var}/run/monit" \ "%{buildroot}%{_var}/lib/monit" . vendor-files/sysconfig/monit.tmpl MONIT_BIN="%{_bindir}/monit" MONIT_MODIFY_INITTAB="%{_datadir}/monit/monit-modifyinittab" MONIT_PID_FILE="%{_var}/run/monit/" MONIT_SYSCONFIG_FILE="/etc/sysconfig/monit" MONIT_INITTAB_STATE_FILE="%{_var}/lib/monit/monit-inittab.state" MONIT_ARGS="-p ${MONIT_PID_FILE} -s %{_var}/run/monit/monit.state" MONIT_EVENTQUE_DIR="%{_var}/lib/monit" %__sed -e "s|%{_var}/monit|${MONIT_EVENTQUE_DIR}|g" \ < monitrc > "%{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/monitrc" pushd vendor-files for templatefile in docu/README tools/monit-modifyinittab init/monit sysconfig/monit; do %__sed \ -e "s|__MONIT_RC_FILE__|${MONIT_RC_FILE}|g" \ -e "s|__MONIT_INITTAB_BASE__|${MONIT_INITTAB_BASE}|g" \ -e "s|__MONIT_INITTAB_COMMENT__|${MONIT_INITTAB_COMMENT}|g" \ -e "s|__MONIT_INITTAB_STATE_FILE__|${MONIT_INITTAB_STATE_FILE}|g" \ -e "s|__MONIT_ARGS__|${MONIT_ARGS}|g" \ -e "s|__MONIT_BIN__|${MONIT_BIN}|g" \ -e "s|__MONIT_MODIFY_INITTAB__|${MONIT_MODIFY_INITTAB}|g" \ -e "s|__MONIT_PID_FILE__|${MONIT_PID_FILE}|g" \ -e "s|__MONIT_SYSCONFIG_FILE__|${MONIT_SYSCONFIG_FILE}|g" \ < "${templatefile}.tmpl" \ > "${templatefile}" done popd # vendor-files %__install -m0754 vendor-files/init/monit "%{buildroot}/etc/init.d/monit" %__ln_s ../../etc/init.d/monit "%{buildroot}/usr/sbin/rcmonit" %__install -m0754 vendor-files/tools/monit-modifyinittab "%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/monit" %__install -m0644 vendor-files/sysconfig/monit "%{buildroot}%{_var}/adm/fillup-templates/sysconfig.monit" touch "%{buildroot}%{_var}/lib/monit/monit-inittab.state" touch "%{buildroot}%{_var}/run/monit"/monit.{pid,state} %__install -m0644 vendor-files/docu/README README.SUSE for f in COPYING LICENSE; do h=/usr/share/doc/licenses/md5/$(md5sum "$f"|cut -f1 -d" ") test -e "$h" && %__ln_s -f "$h" "$f" done %__install -d "%{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}" >doc.main.lst for f in COPYING LICENSE; do %__install -m0644 "$f" "%{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}/$f" echo "%doc %{_docdir}/%{name}/$f" >>doc.main.lst done >doc.doc.lst for f in CHANGES.txt PLATFORMS README* doc; do %__cp -a "$f" "%{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}/" echo "%doc %{_docdir}/%{name}/$(basename $f)" >>doc.doc.lst done %post %{fillup_and_insserv} %preun %{stop_on_removal monit} %postun %{restart_on_update monit} %{insserv_cleanup} %clean %__rm -rf "%{buildroot}" %files -f doc.main.lst %defattr(-,root,root) %doc %dir %{_docdir}/%{name} %attr(0600,root,root) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/monitrc %dir %{_sysconfdir}/monit.d %attr(0754,root,root) %config /etc/init.d/monit /usr/sbin/rcmonit %{_bindir}/monit %dir %{_datadir}/monit %{_datadir}/monit/monit-modifyinittab %{_var}/adm/fillup-templates/sysconfig.monit %dir %{_var}/lib/monit %ghost %{_var}/lib/monit/monit-inittab.state %ghost %dir %{_var}/run/monit %ghost %{_var}/run/monit/ %ghost %{_var}/run/monit/monit.state %doc %{_mandir}/man1/monit.1%{ext_man} %files doc -f doc.doc.lst %defattr(-,root,root) %doc %dir %{_docdir}/%{name} %changelog
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