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Collection-Oriented Data Storage

Edit Package simias

Simias is a technology that will allow various types of data to be
stored and related in what is known as a collection. Initially Simias
is the underlying data store for the iFolder project, although it has
potential to do much more.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
simias-WebServer2.patch 0000001454 1.42 KB
simias-buildfix.patch 0000002268 2.21 KB
simias-ext.patch 0000003695 3.61 KB
simias-lib64.patch 0000000400 400 Bytes
simias-libflaim.patch 0000000541 541 Bytes
simias-make.patch 0000002456 2.4 KB
simias-warnings.patch 0000003710 3.62 KB
simias.changes 0000014237 13.9 KB
simias.spec 0000005737 5.6 KB
simias.tar.gz 0026121626 24.9 MB
Latest Revision
autobuild's avatar autobuild committed (revision 15)
11.4 source split
Comments 0
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