File not found: t-prot-manpage.diff

A Display Filter for RFC822 Messages

Edit Package t-prot

t-prot detects and, when demanded, hides annoying parts in rfc822
messages: TOFU (see below), huge quoted blocks, signatures (especially
when they are too long), excessive punctuation, blocks of empty lines,
and trailing spaces and tabs. For use inside of MTAs or MDAs, it may
exit with appropriate libc exit codes, so annoying messages may be
bounced easily.

TOFU is an abbreviation that mixes German and English words. It expands
to "text oben, full-quote unten" that means "text above - full quote
below" and describes the style of many users who let their mailer or
newsreader quote everything of the previous message and just add some
text at the top.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
muttrc.t-prot 0000000998 998 Bytes
t-prot-2.101.tar.bz2 0000039312 38.4 KB
t-prot.changes 0000007977 7.79 KB
t-prot.spec 0000002567 2.51 KB
Latest Revision
autobuild's avatar autobuild committed (revision 15)
11.4 source split
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