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File python-azure-mgmt.changes of Package python-azure-mgmt
------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 3 16:42:40 UTC 2024 - Robert Schweikert <> - Change version setting of Obsoletes to <= to trigger python3 binary removal since there was no source version bump ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 4 12:53:17 UTC 2024 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Switch package to modern Python Stack on SLE-15 + Use Python 3.11 on SLE-15 by default + Add Obsoletes for old python3 package on SLE-15 + Drop support for older Python versions - Switch build system from setuptools to pyproject.toml + Add python-pip and python-wheel to BuildRequires + Replace %python_build with %pyproject_wheel + Replace %python_install with %pyproject_install + Update name for dist directory in %files section ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Mar 10 18:50:03 UTC 2024 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires + python-azure-mgmt-appcontainers + python-azure-mgmt-confidentialledger + python-azure-mgmt-dnsresolver + python-azure-mgmt-dynatrace + python-azure-mgmt-nginx + python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesdatareplication + python-azure-mgmt-scvmm + python-azure-mgmt-workloads - Remove deprecated packages from the Azure SDK from Requires + python-azure-mgmt-documentdb ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 1 10:38:19 UTC 2024 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires + python-azure-mgmt-apicenter + python-azure-mgmt-appcomplianceautomation + python-azure-mgmt-azurearcdata + python-azure-mgmt-containerservicefleet + python-azure-mgmt-cosmosdbforpostgresql + python-azure-mgmt-defendereasm + python-azure-mgmt-desktopvirtualization + python-azure-mgmt-devcenter + python-azure-mgmt-devhub + python-azure-mgmt-education + python-azure-mgmt-elasticsan + python-azure-mgmt-graphservices + python-azure-mgmt-hardwaresecuritymodules + python-azure-mgmt-hybridconnectivity + python-azure-mgmt-hybridcontainerservice + python-azure-mgmt-iotfirmwaredefense + python-azure-mgmt-loadtesting + python-azure-mgmt-managedapplications + python-azure-mgmt-managednetworkfabric + python-azure-mgmt-networkanalytics + python-azure-mgmt-networkcloud + python-azure-mgmt-networkfunction + python-azure-mgmt-newrelicobservability + python-azure-mgmt-paloaltonetworksngfw + python-azure-mgmt-playwrighttesting + python-azure-mgmt-qumulo + python-azure-mgmt-securitydevops + python-azure-mgmt-selfhelp + python-azure-mgmt-servicenetworking + python-azure-mgmt-sphere + python-azure-mgmt-springappdiscovery + python-azure-mgmt-storagemover + python-azure-mgmt-voiceservices + python-azure-mgmt-workloadmonitor ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 13 07:56:36 UTC 2022 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires + python-azure-mgmt-dashboard + python-azure-mgmt-securityinsight ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 7 08:57:51 UTC 2022 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires + python-azure-mgmt-redisenterprise ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 22 10:02:53 UTC 2022 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires + python-azure-mgmt-app ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 16 08:08:44 UTC 2022 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires + python-azure-mgmt-agfood + python-azure-mgmt-agrifood + python-azure-mgmt-avs + python-azure-mgmt-chaos + python-azure-mgmt-connectedvmware + python-azure-mgmt-dataprotection + python-azure-mgmt-deviceupdate + python-azure-mgmt-digitaltwins + python-azure-mgmt-edgeorder + python-azure-mgmt-elastic + python-azure-mgmt-extendedlocation + python-azure-mgmt-fluidrelay + python-azure-mgmt-guestconfig + python-azure-mgmt-hybridnetwork + python-azure-mgmt-loadtestservice + python-azure-mgmt-logz + python-azure-mgmt-mobilenetwork + python-azure-mgmt-oep + python-azure-mgmt-orbital + python-azure-mgmt-purview + python-azure-mgmt-quantum + python-azure-mgmt-quota + python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicessiterecovery + python-azure-mgmt-resourceconnector + python-azure-mgmt-resourcehealth + python-azure-mgmt-servicefabricmanagedclusters + python-azure-mgmt-servicelinker + python-azure-mgmt-storagepool + python-azure-mgmt-testbase + python-azure-mgmt-videoanalyzer + python-azure-mgmt-webpubsub ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 8 10:07:31 UTC 2021 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires + python-azure-mgmt-azureadb2c + python-azure-mgmt-confluent + python-azure-mgmt-customproviders + python-azure-mgmt-databox + python-azure-mgmt-datadog + python-azure-mgmt-hybridkubernetes + python-azure-mgmt-maintenance + python-azure-mgmt-portal + python-azure-mgmt-powerbidedicated + python-azure-mgmt-support + python-azure-mgmt-timeseriesinsights - Remove all version constraints in Requires ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 26 11:07:08 UTC 2020 - Robert Schweikert <> - Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 24 10:55:02 UTC 2020 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires + python-azure-mgmt-databoxedge - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-attestation >= 0.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-billing >= 1.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-communication >= 1.0.0b4 + python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 18.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 10.1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-datafactory >= 0.14.0 + python-azure-mgmt-datamigration >= 4.1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-hdinsight >= 2.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-healthcareapis >= 0.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-kusto >= 0.10.0 + python-azure-mgmt-loganalytics >= 2.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-media >= 3.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-netapp >= 0.14.0 + python-azure-mgmt-policyinsights >= 0.6.0 + python-azure-mgmt-security >= 0.6.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 12 15:41:30 UTC 2020 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices >= 6.3.0 + python-azure-mgmt-core >= 1.2.2 + python-azure-mgmt-keyvault >= 8.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-sql >= 0.24.0 + python-azure-mgmt-subscription >= 0.7.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 12 11:51:54 UTC 2020 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires + python-azure-mgmt-automanage + python-azure-mgmt-azurestackhci + python-azure-mgmt-baremetalinfrastructure + python-azure-mgmt-communication + python-azure-mgmt-resourcemover + python-azure-mgmt-streamanalytics ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 6 12:07:57 UTC 2020 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-appconfiguration >= 1.0.1 + python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 17.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-hybridcompute >= 2.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-loganalytics >= 1.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-monitor >= 1.0.1 + python-azure-mgmt-netapp >= 0.13.0 + python-azure-mgmt-resource >= 15.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-search >= 3.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-servicebus >= 1.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 16.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-synapse >= 0.4.0 + python-azure-mgmt-web >= 0.48.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 23 11:02:54 UTC 2020 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 9.4.0 + python-azure-mgmt-eventhub >= 8.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-network >= 16.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-rdbms >= 3.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-sql >= 0.21.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 8 20:06:48 UTC 2020 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires + python-azure-mgmt-appplatform >= 1.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-hybridcompute >= 1.0.0 - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-advisor >= 4.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-apimanagement >= 0.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 9.3.0 + python-azure-mgmt-datafactory >= 0.13.0 + python-azure-mgmt-mixedreality >= 0.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservices >= 0.5.0 + python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup >= 0.8.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 1 19:53:01 UTC 2020 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-keyvault >= 7.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-synapse >= 0.3.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 31 09:39:38 UTC 2020 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires + python-azure-mgmt-datashare >= 0.2.0 - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-appconfiguration >= 0.6.0 + python-azure-mgmt-authorization >= 0.61.0 + python-azure-mgmt-containerinstance < 3.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-containerinstance >= 2.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 9.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-datafactory >= 0.12.0 + python-azure-mgmt-hanaonazure >= 0.14.0 + python-azure-mgmt-iotcentral >= 3.1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-kubernetesconfiguration >= 0.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-kusto >= 0.9.0 + python-azure-mgmt-reservations >= 0.8.0 + python-azure-mgmt-servicefabric >= 0.5.0 + python-azure-mgmt-sql >= 0.20.0 + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 11.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-storagecache >= 0.3.0 + python-azure-mgmt-subscription >= 0.6.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 18 21:56:49 UTC 2020 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-appconfiguration >= 0.5.0 + python-azure-mgmt-cdn >= 5.1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb >= 1.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-hdinsight >= 1.7.0 + python-azure-mgmt-netapp >= 0.12.0 + python-azure-mgmt-resource >= 10.2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 20 14:40:56 UTC 2020 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-batch >= 9.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices >= 6.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 13.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb >= 0.15.0 + python-azure-mgmt-eventgrid >= 3.0.0rc8 + python-azure-mgmt-eventhub >= 4.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-hdinsight >= 1.5.1 + python-azure-mgmt-imagebuilder >= 0.4.0 + python-azure-mgmt-loganalytics >= 0.7.0 + python-azure-mgmt-monitor >= 0.11.0 + python-azure-mgmt-network >= 11.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-policyinsights >= 0.5.0 + python-azure-mgmt-resource >= 10.1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-security >= 0.4.1 + python-azure-mgmt-signalr >= 0.4.0 + python-azure-mgmt-sql >= 0.19.0 + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 11.1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-web >= 0.47.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 7 11:07:14 UTC 2020 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires + python-azure-mgmt-kubernetesconfiguration + python-azure-mgmt-redhatopenshift + python-azure-mgmt-storageimportexport + python-azure-mgmt-synapse - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-applicationinsights >= 0.3.0 + python-azure-mgmt-batch >= 8.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 9.0.1 + python-azure-mgmt-core >= 1.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb >= 0.14.0 + python-azure-mgmt-costmanagement >= 0.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-eventgrid >= 2.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-kubernetesconfiguration >= 0.1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-loganalytics >= 0.5.0 + python-azure-mgmt-monitor >= 0.9.0 + python-azure-mgmt-netapp >= 0.10.0 + python-azure-mgmt-network >= 10.1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-peering >= 0.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-resource >= 9.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-web >= 0.46.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 14 07:47:51 UTC 2020 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 12.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 9.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-iotcentral >= 3.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-keyvault >= 2.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-rdbms >= 2.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-sql >= 0.18.0 + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 9.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 11 08:10:22 UTC 2020 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 11.1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-rdbms >= 2.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 9.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 24 12:41:51 UTC 2020 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-appconfiguration >= 0.4.0 + python-azure-mgmt-keyvault >= 2.1.1 + python-azure-mgmt-resource >= 8.0.1 + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 7.2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 27 20:12:33 UTC 2020 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-advisor >= 3.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-cdn >= 4.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 8.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-datamigration >= 4.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-deploymentmanager >= 0.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-frontdoor >= 0.3. + python-azure-mgmt-hanaonazure >= 0.12.0 + python-azure-mgmt-hdinsight >= 1.4.0 + python-azure-mgmt-imagebuilder >= 0.3.0 + python-azure-mgmt-iotcentral >= 2.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-iothub >= 0.10.0 + python-azure-mgmt-kusto >= 0.5.0 + python-azure-mgmt-media >= 2.1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-netapp >= 0.8.0 + python-azure-mgmt-network >= 9.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup >= 0.6.0 + python-azure-mgmt-storagecache >= 0.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-storagesync >= 0.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-web >= 0.44.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 7 13:12:41 UTC 2020 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb >= 0.11.0 + python-azure-mgmt-hdinsight >= 1.3.0 + python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup >= 0.5.0 + python-azure-mgmt-redis >= 7.0.0rc1 + python-azure-mgmt-resource >= 7.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-sql >= 0.16.0 + python-azure-mgmt-sqlvirtualmachine >= 0.5.0 + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 7.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 28 09:29:07 UTC 2019 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 10.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 8.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-network >= 8.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 6.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 4 12:13:58 UTC 2019 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires + python-azure-mgmt-alertsmanagement + python-azure-mgmt-apimanagement + python-azure-mgmt-appconfiguration + python-azure-mgmt-attestation + python-azure-mgmt-automation + python-azure-mgmt-costmanagement + python-azure-mgmt-databricks + python-azure-mgmt-deploymentmanager + python-azure-mgmt-edgegateway + python-azure-mgmt-frontdoor + python-azure-mgmt-healthcareapis + python-azure-mgmt-labservices + python-azure-mgmt-machinelearningservices + python-azure-mgmt-managedservices + python-azure-mgmt-mixedreality + python-azure-mgmt-netapp + python-azure-mgmt-peering + python-azure-mgmt-privatedns - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-batch >= 7.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices >= 5.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 7.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-consumption >= 3.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-containerregistry >= 3.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 7.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-datamigration >= 3.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-dns >= 2.1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-eventhub >= 3.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-devtestlabs >= 4.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-hdinsight >= 1.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-keyvault >= 2.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-msi >= 1.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-network >= 5.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-resource >= 4.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 4.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 11 11:26:32 UTC 2019 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Drop patch to support older versions of setuptools as SLE-12 is now shipping with a recent enough version + am_drop-compatible-releases-operator.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 15 11:48:04 UTC 2019 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires + python-azure-mgmt-security + python-azure-mgmt-sqlvirtualmachine - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-advisor >= 2.0.1 + python-azure-mgmt-authorization >= 0.51.1 + python-azure-mgmt-batch >= 6.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-batchai >= 2.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-cdn >= 3.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices >= 3.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-commerce >= 1.0.1 + python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 4.4.0 + python-azure-mgmt-consumption >= 2.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-containerinstance >= 1.4.0 + python-azure-mgmt-containerregistry >= 2.7.0 + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 4.4.0 + python-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb >= 0.5.2 + python-azure-mgmt-datafactory >= 0.7.0 + python-azure-mgmt-datamigration >= 2.1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-devtestlabs >= 3.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-dns >= 2.1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-eventgrid >= 2.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-eventhub >= 2.3.0 + python-azure-mgmt-hanaonazure >= 0.4.0 + python-azure-mgmt-hdinsight >= 0.2.1 + python-azure-mgmt-iotcentral >= 1.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-iothub >= 0.7.0 + python-azure-mgmt-keyvault >= 1.1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-kusto >= 0.3.0 + python-azure-mgmt-logic >= 4.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-media >= 1.1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-network >= 2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-notificationhubs >= 2.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-policyinsights >= 0.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-powerbiembedded >= 2.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-rdbms >= 1.7.0 + python-azure-mgmt-redis >= 6.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-reservations >= 0.3.1 + python-azure-mgmt-scheduler >= 2.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-servicebus >= 0.5.3 + python-azure-mgmt-signalr >= 0.1.1 + python-azure-mgmt-sql >= 0.11.0 + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 3.1.1 + python-azure-mgmt-trafficmanager >= 0.51.0 + python-azure-mgmt-web >= 0.41.0 - Remove python-devel package from BuildRequires - Run fdupes to hardlink duplicate files + Add fdupes to BuildRequires + Add %fdupes invocation to %install ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 6 21:06:45 UTC 2018 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <> - New upstream release + Version 4.0.0 - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires + python-azure-mgmt-botservice + python-azure-mgmt-datamigration + python-azure-mgmt-devspaces + python-azure-mgmt-documentdb + python-azure-mgmt-hdinsight + python-azure-mgmt-iotcentral + python-azure-mgmt-kusto + python-azure-mgmt-managementgroups + python-azure-mgmt-maps + python-azure-mgmt-policyinsights + python-azure-mgmt-servermanager + python-azure-mgmt-signalr - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-authorization >= 0.50.0 + python-azure-mgmt-batchai >= 2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-billing >= 0.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-cdn >= 3.0 + python-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices >= 3.0 + python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 4.0 + python-azure-mgmt-containerinstance >= 1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-containerregistry >= 2.1 + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 4.2 + python-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb >= 0.4.1 + python-azure-mgmt-datafactory >= 0.6.0 + python-azure-mgmt-datalake-analytics >= 0.6.0 + python-azure-mgmt-datalake-store >= 0.5.0 + python-azure-mgmt-datamigration >= 1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-devtestlabs >= 2.2 + python-azure-mgmt-dns >= 2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-eventgrid >= 1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-eventhub >= 2.1 + python-azure-mgmt-hanaonazure >= 0.1.1 + python-azure-mgmt-iotcentral >= 0.1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-iothub >= 0.5.0 + python-azure-mgmt-iothubprovisioningservices >= 0.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-keyvault >= 1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-loganalytics >= 0.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-logic >= 3.0 + python-azure-mgmt-machinelearningcompute >= 0.4.1 + python-azure-mgmt-managementgroups >= 0.1.0 + python-azure-mgmt-media >= 1.0.0rc2 + python-azure-mgmt-monitor >= 0.5.2 + python-azure-mgmt-msi >= 0.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-network >= 2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-notificationhubs >= 2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-powerbiembedded >= 2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-rdbms >= 1.2 + python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservices >= 0.3.0 + python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup >= 0.3.0 + python-azure-mgmt-reservations >= 0.2.1 + python-azure-mgmt-resource >= 2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-scheduler >= 2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-search >= 2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-servicebus >= 0.5.1 + python-azure-mgmt-servicefabric >= 0.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-sql >= 0.9.1 + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-subscription >= 0.2.0 + python-azure-mgmt-trafficmanager >= 0.50.0 + python-azure-mgmt-web >= 0.35.0 - Update patches for new version + am_drop-compatible-releases-operator.patch - Update %description from - Update Requires from ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 7 09:46:09 UTC 2018 - - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-batchai >= 1.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 4.0.0rc1 + python-azure-mgmt-dns >= 2.0.0rc1 + python-azure-mgmt-network >= 2.0.0rc2 + python-azure-mgmt-rdbms >= 1.1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 13 08:55:49 UTC 2018 - - New upstream version + Version 2.0.0 - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires + python-azure-mgmt-batchai + python-azure-mgmt-billing + python-azure-mgmt-containerinstance + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice + python-azure-mgmt-managementpartner + python-azure-mgmt-relay + python-azure-mgmt-servicefabric - Remove obsolete packages from the Azure SDK from Requires + python-azure-mgmt-documentdb - Move LICENSE.txt from %doc to %license section - Update patches for new version + am_drop-compatible-releases-operator.patch - Update Requires from ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 13 14:32:40 UTC 2018 - - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires + python-azure-mgmt-batch to >= 5.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-cdn to >= 2.0.0 + python-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices to >= 2.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 25 15:03:39 UTC 2018 - - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires + python-azure-mgmt-advisor + python-azure-mgmt-applicationinsights + python-azure-mgmt-consumption + python-azure-mgmt-datafactory + python-azure-mgmt-hanaonazure + python-azure-mgmt-iothubprovisioningservices + python-azure-mgmt-loganalytics + python-azure-mgmt-machinelearningcompute + python-azure-mgmt-marketplaceordering + python-azure-mgmt-msi + python-azure-mgmt-reservations + python-azure-mgmt-subscription ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 5 09:29:41 UTC 2017 - - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires + python-azure-mgmt-eventgrid + python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservices - Explicitly specify Python files of the package in %files - Remove bogus tests directory from %files - Bump python-azure-mgmt-compute Requires to >= 3.0.0 - Bump python-azure-mgmt-containerregistry Requires to >= 1.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 11 12:51:54 UTC 2017 - - Update version numbers in Requires + Bump minimum version for python-azure-mgmt-cdn to 1.0.0 + Bump minimum version for python-azure-mgmt-compute to 2.0.0 - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires + python-azure-mgmt-commerce + python-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb + python-azure-mgmt-eventhub + python-azure-mgmt-media + python-azure-mgmt-notificationhubs + python-azure-mgmt-powerbiembedded + python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup + python-azure-mgmt-search + python-azure-mgmt-servermanager + python-azure-mgmt-servicebus ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 27 14:27:42 UTC 2017 - - Initial build + Version 1.0.0 - Add patch to drop compatible releases operator from, required for SLES12 as the setuptools version is too old + am_drop-compatible-releases-operator.patch
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