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File tesseract-ocr-traineddata.spec of Package tesseract-ocr-traineddata
# # spec file for package tesseract-ocr-traineddata # # Copyright (c) 2024 SUSE LLC # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # Name: tesseract-ocr-traineddata Version: 4.1.0+git.20231024.dd24b9d Release: 0 Summary: Tesseract Traineddata for Various Languages License: Apache-2.0 URL: Source0: tessdata_fast-%{version}.tar.xz BuildRequires: python3-packaging BuildArch: noarch %description This package contains fast integer versions of trained models for the Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine. These models only work with the LSTM OCR engine of Tesseract 4. %package doc Summary: Documentation for %{name} %description doc The %{name}-doc package contains the documentation for %{name}. %package osd Summary: Orientation & Script Detection Data for tesseract Requires: tesseract-ocr >= %{version} Provides: tesseract-ocr-traineddata-orientation_and_script_detection = %{version} Obsoletes: tesseract-ocr-traineddata-orientation_and_script_detection < 4 Obsoletes: tesseract-traineddata-orientation_and_script_detection <= 3.02 BuildArch: noarch %description osd Orientation & Script Detection data for the Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine. %package equ Summary: Orientation & Script Detection Data for tesseract Requires: tesseract-ocr >= %{version} Provides: tesseract-ocr-traineddata-math_equation = %{version} Obsoletes: tesseract-ocr-traineddata-math_equation < 4 Obsoletes: tesseract-traineddata-math_equation <= 3.02 BuildArch: noarch %description equ Math equation data for the Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine. # define lang_subpkg macro # m: 3 letter macrolanguage code # n: language name # o: old language name # -m and -n is needed for subpackages # %define lang_subpkg(l:m:n:o:) \ %define macrolang %{-m:%{-m*}}%{!-m:%{error:3 letter Language code not defined}} \ %define langname %{-n:%{-n*}}%{!-n:%{error:Language name not defined}} \ %define oldlangname %{-o:%{-o*}} \ \ %package %{macrolang}\ Summary: %{langname} language data for %{name}\ BuildArch: noarch\ Requires: tesseract-ocr >= %{version}\ Provides: tesseract-ocr-traineddata-%{oldlangname} = %{version} \ Provides: tesseract-traineddata-%{oldlangname} = %{version} \ Obsoletes: tesseract-ocr-traineddata-%{oldlangname} < 4\ Obsoletes: tesseract-traineddata-%{oldlangname} <= 3.02\ \ %description %{macrolang}\ This package contains the fast integer version of the %{langname} language \ trained models for the Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine.\ \ %files %{macrolang}\ %dir %{_datadir}/tessdata\ %{_datadir}/tessdata/%{macrolang}.* # define script_subpkg macro # s: script name # n: package name # %define script_subpkg(s:n:) \ %define scriptname %{-s:%{-s*}}%{!-s:%{error:Script name defined}} \ %define filename %{-n:%{-n*}}%{!-n:%{error:Package name not defined}} \ %define pkgname %(echo %{filename} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') \ \ %package script-%{pkgname}\ Summary: %{scriptname} script data for %{name}\ BuildArch: noarch\ Requires: tesseract-ocr >= %{version}\ \ %description script-%{pkgname}\ This package contains the fast integer version of the %{scriptname} script \ trained models for the Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine.\ \ %files script-%{pkgname}\ %dir %{_datadir}/tessdata/\ %dir %{_datadir}/tessdata/script/\ %{_datadir}/tessdata/script/%{filename}.* # see # and %lang_subpkg -m afr -n Afrikaans -o afrikaans %lang_subpkg -m amh -n Amharic -o amharic %lang_subpkg -m ara -n Arabic -o arabic %lang_subpkg -m asm -n Assamese -o assamese %lang_subpkg -m aze -n Azerbaijani -o azerbaijani %lang_subpkg -m aze_cyrl -n %{quote:Azerbaijani (Cyrillic)} -o azerbaijani_cyrillic %lang_subpkg -m bel -n Belarusian -o belarusian %lang_subpkg -m ben -n Bengali -o bengali %lang_subpkg -m bod -n %{quote:Tibetan (Standard)} -o tibetan_standard %lang_subpkg -m bos -n Bosnian -o bosnian %lang_subpkg -m bre -n Breton -o breton %lang_subpkg -m bul -n Bulgarian -o bulgarian %lang_subpkg -m cat -n Catalan -o catalan %lang_subpkg -m ceb -n Cebuano -o cebuano %lang_subpkg -m ces -n Czech -o czech %lang_subpkg -m chi_sim -n %{quote:Chinese (Simplified)} -o chinese_simplified %lang_subpkg -m chi_sim_vert -n %{quote:Chinese (Simplified, Vertical)} -o chinese_simplified_vertical %lang_subpkg -m chi_tra -n %{quote:Chinese (Traditional)} -o chinese_traditional %lang_subpkg -m chi_tra_vert -n %{quote:Chinese (Traditional, Vertical)} -o chinese_traditional_vertical %lang_subpkg -m chr -n Cherokee -o cherokee %lang_subpkg -m cos -n Corsican -o corsican %lang_subpkg -m cym -n Welsh -o welsh %lang_subpkg -m dan -n Danish -o danish %lang_subpkg -m deu -n German -o german %lang_subpkg -m div -n %{quote:Dhivehi; Maldivian} -o dhivehi %lang_subpkg -m dzo -n Dzongkha -o dzongkha %lang_subpkg -m ell -n Greek -o greek %lang_subpkg -m eng -n English -o english %lang_subpkg -m enm -n %{quote:Middle English (1100-1500)} -o english_middle %lang_subpkg -m epo -n Esperanto -o esperanto %lang_subpkg -m est -n Estonian -o estonian %lang_subpkg -m eus -n Basque -o basque %lang_subpkg -m fao -n %{quote:Faroese} -o faroese %lang_subpkg -m fas -n %{quote:Persian (Farsi)} -o persian %lang_subpkg -m fil -n %{quote:Filipino; Pilipino} -o filipino %lang_subpkg -m fin -n Finnish -o finnish %lang_subpkg -m fra -n French -o french %lang_subpkg -m frk -n Frankish -o frankish %lang_subpkg -m frm -n %{quote:Middle French (ca. 1400-1600)} -o french_middle %lang_subpkg -m fry -n %{quote:Western Frisian} -o frisian %lang_subpkg -m gla -n %{quote:Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic} -o gaelic %lang_subpkg -m gle -n Irish -o irish %lang_subpkg -m glg -n Galician -o galician %lang_subpkg -m grc -n %{quote:Ancient Greek} -o greek_ancient %lang_subpkg -m guj -n Gujarati -o gujarati %lang_subpkg -m hat -n Haitian -o haitian %lang_subpkg -m heb -n Hebrew -o hebrew %lang_subpkg -m hin -n Hindi -o hindi %lang_subpkg -m hrv -n Croatian -o croatian %lang_subpkg -m hun -n Hungarian -o hungarian %lang_subpkg -m hye -n Armenian -o armenian %lang_subpkg -m iku -n Inuktitut -o inuktitut %lang_subpkg -m ind -n Indonesian -o indonese %lang_subpkg -m isl -n Icelandic -o icelandic %lang_subpkg -m ita -n Italian -o italian %lang_subpkg -m ita_old -n %{quote:Italian (Old)} -o italian_old %lang_subpkg -m jav -n Javanese -o javanese %lang_subpkg -m jpn -n Japanese -o japanese %lang_subpkg -m jpn_vert -n "Japanese (Vertical)" -o japanese_vertical %lang_subpkg -m kan -n Kannada -o kannada %lang_subpkg -m kat -n Georgian -o georgian %lang_subpkg -m kat_old -n %{quote:Georgian (Old)} -o georgian_old %lang_subpkg -m kaz -n Kazakh -o kazakh %lang_subpkg -m khm -n Khmer -o khmer %lang_subpkg -m kir -n Kyrgyz -o kyrgyz %lang_subpkg -m kor -n Korean -o korean %lang_subpkg -m kor_vert -n "Korean (Vertical)" -o korean_vertical %lang_subpkg -m kmr -n Kurmanji -o kurmanji %lang_subpkg -m lao -n Lao -o lao %lang_subpkg -m lat -n Latin -o latin %lang_subpkg -m lav -n Latvian -o latvian %lang_subpkg -m lit -n Lithuanian -o lithuanian %lang_subpkg -m ltz -n Luxembourgish -o luxembourgish %lang_subpkg -m mal -n Malayalam -o malayalam %lang_subpkg -m mar -n Marathi -o marathi %lang_subpkg -m mkd -n Macedonian -o macedonian %lang_subpkg -m mlt -n Maltese -o maltese %lang_subpkg -m mon -n Mongolian -o mongolian %lang_subpkg -m mri -n Maori -o maori %lang_subpkg -m msa -n Malay -o malay %lang_subpkg -m mya -n Burmese -o burmese %lang_subpkg -m nep -n Nepali -o nepali %lang_subpkg -m nld -n Dutch -o dutch %lang_subpkg -m nor -n Norwegian -o norwegian %lang_subpkg -m oci -n Occitan -o occitan %lang_subpkg -m ori -n Oriya -o oriya %lang_subpkg -m pan -n Punjabi -o punjabi %lang_subpkg -m pol -n Polish -o polish %lang_subpkg -m por -n Portuguese -o portuguese %lang_subpkg -m pus -n Pashto -o pashto %lang_subpkg -m que -n Quechuan -o quechuan %lang_subpkg -m ron -n Romanian -o romanian %lang_subpkg -m rus -n Russian -o russian %lang_subpkg -m san -n Sanskrit -o sanskrit %lang_subpkg -m sin -n Sinhala -o sinhala %lang_subpkg -m slk -n Slovakian -o slovak %lang_subpkg -m slv -n Slovenian -o slovenian %lang_subpkg -m snd -n Sindhi -o sindhi %lang_subpkg -m spa -n Spanish -o spanish %lang_subpkg -m spa_old -n %{quote:Spanish (Old)} -o spanish_old %lang_subpkg -m sqi -n Albanian -o albanian %lang_subpkg -m srp -n Serbian -o serbian %lang_subpkg -m srp_latn -n %{quote:Serbian (Latin)} -o serbian_latin %lang_subpkg -m sun -n Sundanese -o sundanese %lang_subpkg -m swa -n Swahili -o swahili %lang_subpkg -m swe -n Swedish -o swedish %lang_subpkg -m syr -n Syriac -o syriac %lang_subpkg -m tam -n Tamil -o tamil %lang_subpkg -m tat -n Tatar -o tatar %lang_subpkg -m tel -n Telugu -o telugu %lang_subpkg -m tgk -n Tajik -o tajik %lang_subpkg -m tha -n Thai -o thai %lang_subpkg -m tir -n Tigrinya -o tigrinya %lang_subpkg -m ton -n Tongan -o tongan %lang_subpkg -m tur -n Turkish -o turkish %lang_subpkg -m uig -n Uyghur -o uyghur %lang_subpkg -m ukr -n Ukrainian -o ukrainian %lang_subpkg -m urd -n Urdu -o urdu %lang_subpkg -m uzb -n Uzbek -o uzbek %lang_subpkg -m uzb_cyrl -n %{quote:Uzbek (Cyrillic)} -o uzbek_cyrillic %lang_subpkg -m vie -n Vietnamese -o vietnamese %lang_subpkg -m yid -n Yiddish -o yiddish %lang_subpkg -m yor -n Yoruba -o yoruba %script_subpkg -n Arabic -s Arabic %script_subpkg -n Armenian -s Armenian %script_subpkg -n Bengali -s Bengali %script_subpkg -n Canadian_Aboriginal -s %{quote:Canadian (Aboriginal)} %script_subpkg -n Cherokee -s Cherokee %script_subpkg -n Cyrillic -s Cyrillic %script_subpkg -n Devanagari -s Devanagari %script_subpkg -n Ethiopic -s Ethiopic %script_subpkg -n Fraktur -s Fraktur %script_subpkg -n Georgian -s Georgian %script_subpkg -n Greek -s Greek %script_subpkg -n Gujarati -s Gujarati %script_subpkg -n Gurmukhi -s Gurmukhi %script_subpkg -n HanS -s %{quote:Han (Simplified)} %script_subpkg -n HanS_vert -s %{quote:Han (Simplified, Vertical)} %script_subpkg -n HanT -s %{quote:Han (Traditional)} %script_subpkg -n HanT_vert -s %{quote:Han (Traditional, Vertical)} %script_subpkg -n Hangul -s Hangul %script_subpkg -n Hangul_vert -s %{quote:Hangul (Vertical)} %script_subpkg -n Hebrew -s Hebrew %script_subpkg -n Japanese -s Japanese %script_subpkg -n Japanese_vert -s %{quote:Japanese (Vertical)} %script_subpkg -n Kannada -s Kannada %script_subpkg -n Khmer -s Khmer %script_subpkg -n Lao -s Lao %script_subpkg -n Latin -s Latin %script_subpkg -n Malayalam -s Malayalam %script_subpkg -n Myanmar -s Myanmar %script_subpkg -n Oriya -s Oriya %script_subpkg -n Sinhala -s Sinhala %script_subpkg -n Syriac -s Syriac %script_subpkg -n Tamil -s Tamil %script_subpkg -n Telugu -s Telugu %script_subpkg -n Thaana -s Thaana %script_subpkg -n Thai -s Thai %script_subpkg -n Tibetan -s Tibetan %script_subpkg -n Vietnamese -s Vietnamese %prep %autosetup -n tessdata_fast-%{version} %build %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/tessdata/ cp -a *.traineddata %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/tessdata/ cp -r script %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/tessdata %files doc %license LICENSE %doc %files equ %{_datadir}/tessdata/equ.traineddata %files osd %{_datadir}/tessdata/osd.traineddata %changelog
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