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unsorted: - 0ad - 0ad-data - 2ping - 389-ds - 389-ds-devel - 389-ds-snmp - 3omns - 4pane - 4pane-lang - 4store - 4ti2 - 4ti2-devel - 7kaa - 96BoardsGPIO-common - 96BoardsGPIO-devel - ASL - ASL-devel - ASL-doc - Agda - AppCSXCAD - AppStream-devel - AppStream-doc - BNFC - Botan - Botan-doc - Box2D-doc - CSXCAD-devel - CSXCAD-matlab - CharLS-devel - Coin-devel - ColPack-devel - ColPack-devel-32bit - ColorFull-devel - CorsixTH - Crystalcursors - DVDStyler - DVDStyler-lang - DevIL-devel - DisplayCAL - Ebnf2ps - FastCGI - FastCGI-devel - FirmwareUpdateKit - FlightGear - FlightGear-data - FlightGear-docs - FreeCAD - GraphicsMagick - GraphicsMagick-devel - H2rename - HSAIL-Tools - HaXml - HepMC-devel - HepMC2-devel - Herwig-devel - Herwig-libs - IccXML - ImageMagick-devel - ImageMagick-devel-32bit - ImageMagick-doc - ImageMagick-extra - J7Z - J7Z-kf5 - Jamulus - LHAPDF-devel - LiE - LiE-doc - LibVNCServer-devel - Mesa-32bit - Mesa-demo - Mesa-demo-x - Mesa-devel - Mesa-dri-32bit - Mesa-dri-devel - Mesa-dri-nouveau-32bit - Mesa-gallium-32bit - Mesa-libEGL-devel - Mesa-libEGL1-32bit - Mesa-libGL-devel - Mesa-libGL1-32bit - Mesa-libGLESv1_CM-devel - Mesa-libGLESv1_CM1 - Mesa-libGLESv2-2 - Mesa-libGLESv2-devel - Mesa-libGLESv3-devel - Mesa-libOpenCL - Mesa-libVulkan-devel - Mesa-libd3d - Mesa-libd3d-32bit - Mesa-libd3d-devel - Mesa-libd3d-devel-32bit - Mesa-libglapi-devel - Mesa-libglapi-devel-32bit - Mesa-libglapi0-32bit - ModemManager-devel - Modules - MozillaFirefox-branding-upstream - MozillaFirefox-buildsymbols - MozillaFirefox-devel - MozillaThunderbird-buildsymbols - MozillaThunderbird-devel - MultiMarkdown-5 - MultiMarkdown-6 - MyGUI - MyGUI-demo - MyGUI-devel - MyGUI-devel-doc - NetworkManager-branding-upstream - NetworkManager-devel - NetworkManager-devel-32bit - NetworkManager-iodine - NetworkManager-iodine-gnome - NetworkManager-iodine-lang - NetworkManager-l2tp - NetworkManager-l2tp-gnome - NetworkManager-l2tp-lang - NetworkManager-openswan - NetworkManager-openswan-gnome - NetworkManager-openswan-lang - NetworkManager-strongswan - NetworkManager-strongswan-gnome - NetworkManager-strongswan-lang - OOKiedokie - OpenColorIO - OpenColorIO-devel - OpenColorIO-doc - OpenIPMI-devel - OpenIPMI-python - OpenImageIO - OpenImageIO-devel - OpenLP - OpenPrintingPPDs - OpenSceneGraph - OpenSceneGraph-examples - OpenSceneGraph-plugins - PackageKit-Qt-devel - PackageKit-branding-upstream - PackageKit-devel - PgTcl - Photini - PlayOnLinux - Printrun - Printrun-common - PyGreSQL - PythonQt-devel - QCSXCAD-devel - QGnomePlatform - QGnomePlatform-32bit - QMPlay2 - QMPlay2-devel - Qross-devel - QtAV - QtAV-devel - QtAV-players - QtAV-qml - QtDMM - R-KernSmooth - R-MASS - R-Matrix - R-Matrix-devel - R-base - R-base-devel - R-boot - R-class - R-cluster - R-codetools - R-compiler - R-core - R-core-devel - R-core-doc - R-core-libs - R-core-packages - R-datasets - R-foreign - R-grDevices - R-graphics - R-grid - R-lattice - R-methods - R-mgcv - R-nlme - R-nnet - R-parallel - R-recommended-packages - R-rpart - R-spatial - R-splines - R-stats - R-stats4 - R-survival - R-tcltk - R-tools - R-utils - Regina-REXX - Regina-REXX-devel - Regina-REXX-doc - RemoteBox - Rivet-devel - SHERPA-MC-devel - SUSEConnect - SampleICC - ShellCheck - SimGear-devel - SoQt - SoQt-devel - SoQt-doc - SuSEfirewall2 - SuSEfirewall2-fail2ban - Supybot - ThePEG-devel - ThePEG-libs - UEFITool - VFlib3 - VFlib3-devel - Vc-devel - Vc-devel-doc - Vc-devel-static - VirtualGL - VirtualGL-32bit - VirtualGL-devel - WindowMaker - WindowMaker-applets - WindowMaker-devel - WindowMaker-themes - WoeUSB - YODA-devel - YampaSynth - a2ps - a2ps-devel - a2ps-h - a52dec - aaa_base-malloccheck - aaa_base-wsl - aalib - aalib-devel - aalib-devel-32bit - abcde - abi-compliance-checker - abi-dumper - abi-monitor - abi-tracker - abiword - abiword-docs - abook - abook-lang - abootimg - abxtest - acarsdec - acbuild - accerciser - accerciser-lang - accerciser-plugin-IPython - accountsservice-devel - acct - ack - acpi - acpid - actkbd - adaptx - adaptx-doc - adaptx-javadoc - addrwatch - adinatha-fonts - adminer - adminer-designs - adminer-editor - adminer-firebird - adminer-mysql - adminer-pgsql - adminer-sqlite - adms - adns - adolc-devel - adolc-devel-32bit - adolc-doc - ads - adwaita-qt4 - aegisub - aelfred - aelfred-javadoc - aespipe - afl - agenda - agenda-lang - agrep - aha - aide - aide-test - airspy - airspy-devel - airspy-udev - airspyhf-devel - airspyhf-udev - aisleriot - aisleriot-lang - aisleriot-themes - akonadi-calendar-devel - akonadi-contact-devel - akonadi-import-wizard-devel - akonadi-mime-devel - akonadi-notes-devel - akonadi-runtime - akonadi-search-devel - akonadi-server-devel - akonadi-server-sqlite - akonadiconsole - alac - alac-devel - alacarte - alacarte-lang - alacritty - alacritty-bash-completion - alacritty-fish-completion - alacritty-zsh-completion - albert - aldusleaf-crimson-text-fonts - alevt - alevtd - alex - allegro - allegro-dga2-plugin - allegro-dga2-plugin-32bit - allegro-jack-plugin - allegro-jack-plugin-32bit - allegro-tools - almanah - almanah-lang - alpine - alpine-branding-openSUSE - alsa-devel - alsa-devel-32bit - alsa-docs - alsa-firmware - alsa-plugins-a52 - alsa-plugins-jack - alsa-plugins-jack-32bit - alsa-plugins-lavcrate - alsa-plugins-maemo - alsa-plugins-maemo-32bit - alsa-plugins-pulse-32bit - alsa-plugins-samplerate - alsa-plugins-samplerate-32bit - alsa-plugins-speex - alsabat - alsaequal - alure - alure-devel - amanda - amavisd-new - amavisd-new-docs - amazon-ssm-agent - amsynth - amsynth-lang - amsynth-plugin-dssi - amsynth-plugin-lv2 - amsynth-plugin-vst - amtu - analitza-devel - analyzeMFT - angelscript - angelscript-devel - anjuta - anjuta-devel - anjuta-extras - anjuta-extras-lang - anjuta-lang - anki - ansible - ansifilter - ansifilter-gui - ant - ant-antlr - ant-apache-bcel - ant-apache-bsf - ant-apache-log4j - ant-apache-oro - ant-apache-regexp - ant-apache-resolver - ant-apache-xalan2 - ant-commons-logging - ant-commons-net - ant-contrib - ant-contrib-javadoc - ant-contrib-manual - ant-findbugs - ant-javamail - ant-jdepend - ant-jmf - ant-jsch - ant-junit - ant-manual - ant-phone - ant-scripts - ant-swing - ant-testutil - anthy - anthy-32bit - anthy-devel - antlr - antlr-bootstrap - antlr-devel - antlr-java - antlr-manual - antlr3c-devel - apache-commons-beanutils - apache-commons-beanutils-javadoc - apache-commons-cli - apache-commons-cli-javadoc - apache-commons-codec - apache-commons-codec-javadoc - apache-commons-collections - apache-commons-collections-javadoc - apache-commons-collections-testframework - apache-commons-collections-testframework-javadoc - apache-commons-daemon - apache-commons-daemon-javadoc - apache-commons-daemon-jsvc - apache-commons-dbcp - apache-commons-dbcp-javadoc - apache-commons-email - apache-commons-email-javadoc - apache-commons-httpclient - apache-commons-httpclient-demo - apache-commons-httpclient-javadoc - apache-commons-httpclient-manual - apache-commons-io - apache-commons-io-javadoc - apache-commons-jxpath - apache-commons-lang - apache-commons-lang-javadoc - apache-commons-lang3 - apache-commons-lang3-javadoc - apache-commons-math - apache-commons-math-javadoc - apache-commons-parent - apache-commons-pool - apache-commons-pool-javadoc - apache-commons-pool2 - apache-commons-pool2-javadoc - apache-commons-validator - apache-commons-validator-javadoc - apache-ivy - apache-ivy-javadoc - apache-pdfbox - apache-pdfbox-javadoc - apache-portlet-1_0-api - apache-portlet-1_0-api-javadoc - apache-rpm-macros - apache-rpm-macros-control - apache2-devel - apache2-event - apache2-icons-oxygen - apache2-mod_apparmor - apache2-mod_auth_kerb - apache2-mod_authn_otp - apache2-mod_dnssd - apache2-mod_encoding - apache2-mod_evasive - apache2-mod_fcgid - apache2-mod_jk - apache2-mod_mono - apache2-mod_nss - apache2-mod_perl - apache2-mod_perl-devel - apache2-mod_scgi - apache2-mod_security2 - apache2-mod_uwsgi - apache2-mod_wsgi - apache2-mod_wsgi-python3 - apache2-worker - apcupsd - apcupsd-cgi - apcupsd-gui - apfel-devel - apg - apparmor-rpm-macros - appframework - appframework-javadoc - appimaged - appindicator-sharp - appindicator-sharp-devel - appmenu-qt - appstream-glib-devel - apr-devel - apr-util-devel - apt-cacher-ng - apulse - apulse-32bit - aqbanking - aqbanking-devel - aqbanking-doc - aqbanking-ebics - aqbanking-lang - aqbanking-ofx - aranym - arc - arc-icon-theme - archivemail - archivemount - argon2 - argon2-devel - argon2-doc - args4j - args4j-javadoc - argus - argus-client - argus-server - argyllcms-doc - aria2 - aria2-devel - aria2-lang - arj - armadillo-devel - armadillo-devel-32bit - armadillo-doc - armagetron - arp-scan - arpack-ng-devel - arpack-ng-devel-32bit - arphic-bkai00mp-fonts - arphic-bsmi00lp-fonts - arphic-fonts - arphic-gbsn00lp-fonts - arphic-gkai00mp-fonts - arphic-ukai-fonts - arphic-uming-fonts - arping2 - arprec-devel - arptables - arpwatch - arpwatch-ethercodes - arpwatch-ethercodes-build - art-sharp2 - artha - artifacts - artifacts-validator - artikulate - artikulate-lang - as10k1 - asciidiagram - asciidoc - asciidoc-examples - asciinema - asclock - asco - asco-doc - aseprite - aseqview - asl - asl-doc - asm - asm-javadoc - asm2 - asm2-examples - asm2-javadoc - asm3 - asm3-examples - asm3-javadoc - asn1c - aspell - aspell-af - aspell-agal - aspell-am - aspell-ar - aspell-ast - aspell-az - aspell-be - aspell-bg - aspell-bn - aspell-br - aspell-ca - aspell-cs - aspell-csb - aspell-cy - aspell-da - aspell-devel - aspell-el - aspell-en - aspell-eo - aspell-es - aspell-et - aspell-fa - aspell-fi - aspell-fo - aspell-fr - aspell-fy - aspell-ga - aspell-gd - aspell-gl - aspell-grc - aspell-gu - aspell-gv - aspell-he - aspell-hi - aspell-hil - aspell-hr - aspell-hsb - aspell-hu - aspell-hus - aspell-hy - aspell-ia - aspell-id - aspell-is - aspell-ispell - aspell-it - aspell-kn - aspell-ku - aspell-ky - aspell-la - aspell-lt - aspell-lv - aspell-mg - aspell-mi - aspell-mk - aspell-ml - aspell-mn - aspell-mr - aspell-ms - aspell-mt - aspell-nb - aspell-nds - aspell-nl - aspell-nn - aspell-ny - aspell-or - aspell-pa - aspell-pl - aspell-pt_BR - aspell-pt_PT - aspell-qu - aspell-ro - aspell-ru - aspell-rw - aspell-sc - aspell-sk - aspell-sl - aspell-spell - aspell-sr - aspell-sv - aspell-sw - aspell-ta - aspell-te - aspell-tet - aspell-tk - aspell-tl - aspell-tn - aspell-tr - aspell-uk - aspell-uz - aspell-vi - aspell-wa - aspell-yi - aspell-zu - assimp-devel - asterisk-sounds-devel - asteroids3D - astyle - asusfan - at-spi-sharp - at-spi-sharp-devel - at-spi2-atk-devel - at-spi2-core-devel - at-spi2-core-devel-32bit - atftp - atheme - atheme-devel - atk-devel - atk-devel-32bit - atk-doc - atkmm-devel - atkmm-devel-32bit - atkmm-doc - atkmm1_6-devel - atkmm1_6-devel-32bit - atkmm1_6-doc - atlascpp-devel - atomiks - atomix - atomix-lang - atool - atop - atop-daemon - atril - atril-backends - atril-devel - atril-lang - atril-thumbnailer - attica-qt5-devel - attica-qt5-devel-32bit - attractmode - aubio-tools - audacious - audacious-devel - audacious-lang - audacious-plugins - audacious-plugins-extra - audacious-plugins-lang - audacity - audacity-lang - audaspace - audaspace-devel - audaspace-doc - audaspace-plugins - audex - audex-lang - audience - audience-lang - audio-recorder - audio-recorder-lang - audiofile - audiofile-devel - audiofile-devel-32bit - audiofile-doc - audit-audispd-plugins - audit-devel - audit-devel-32bit - audit-visualize - augeas-devel - augeas-devel-32bit - augeas-lense-tests - autobench - autoconf - autoconf-archive - autoconf-el - autoconf213 - autocutsel - autofdo - autogen - automake - automoc4 - autonym-fonts - autossh - autotrace - autotrace-devel - autotrash - avahi-autoipd - avahi-compat-howl-devel - avahi-compat-mDNSResponder-devel - avahi-mono - avahi-utils - avahi-utils-gtk - avalon-framework - avalon-framework-javadoc - avalon-framework-manual - avalon-logkit - avalon-logkit-javadoc - avesta-fonts - avfs - avfs-devel - avgtime - avocado - avogadro - avogadro-devel - avogadrolibs-devel - avr-libc - avrdude - avrdude-devel - awesfx - awesome - awesome-branding-openSUSE - awesome-branding-upstream - awesome-freedesktop - awesome-shifty - awesome-vicious - aws-cli - aws-vpc-move-ip - ax25-tools - axel - axis - axis-manual - ayatana-appindicator-sharp - ayatana-appindicator-sharp-devel - ayatana-ido-devel - aytests-tests - azove - azure-cli - azure-cli-acr - azure-cli-acs - azure-cli-advisor - azure-cli-appservice - azure-cli-backup - azure-cli-batch - azure-cli-batchai - azure-cli-billing - azure-cli-cdn - azure-cli-cloud - azure-cli-cognitiveservices - azure-cli-command-modules-nspkg - azure-cli-component - azure-cli-configure - azure-cli-consumption - azure-cli-container - azure-cli-core - azure-cli-cosmosdb - azure-cli-dla - azure-cli-dls - azure-cli-eventgrid - azure-cli-extension - azure-cli-feedback - azure-cli-find - azure-cli-interactive - azure-cli-iot - azure-cli-keyvault - azure-cli-lab - azure-cli-monitor - azure-cli-network - azure-cli-nspkg - azure-cli-profile - azure-cli-rdbms - azure-cli-redis - azure-cli-reservations - azure-cli-resource - azure-cli-role - azure-cli-servicefabric - azure-cli-sql - azure-cli-storage - azure-cli-taskhelp - azure-cli-vm - babe - babelstone-han-fonts - babelstone-marchen-fonts - babelstone-modern-fonts - babelstone-ogham-fonts - babelstone-phags-pa-fonts - babelstone-runic-fonts - babeltrace - babeltrace-devel - babl-devel - backintime - backintime-lang - backintime-qt4 - baka-mplayer - baloo5-devel - baloo5-widgets-devel - balsa - balsa-lang - bam - bamf-daemon - bamf-devel - bamf-doc - bandwidth - barbie_seahorse_adventures - barcode - barcode-devel - bareftp - bash-completion-devel - bash-completion-doc - bash-devel - bash-loadables - batctl - bats - bb - bbe - bbswitch - bbswitch-kmp-default - bcache-tools - bcc-devel - bcc-docs - bcc-examples - bcc-lua - bcc-tools - bcel - bcel5_3 - bcel5_3-javadoc - bcg729-devel - bchunk - bcmatroska2-devel - bctoolbox-devel - bcunit-devel - bcunit-doc - bdfresize - bea-stax - beansbinding - beansbinding-javadoc - beaver - beets - beignet - beignet-devel - belcard-devel - belle-sip-devel - belr-devel - benchmark-devel - berkeleydb - berkeleydb-demo - berkeleydb-javadoc - berkeleydb-manual - bestplugins - bff - bff4 - biabam - biblesync-devel - bibletime - biboumi - bibtool - bibview - bigreqsproto-devel - bin86 - bind-devel - bind-devel-32bit - bind-doc - bind-lwresd - bindfs - bing - binutils-devel - binutils-devel-32bit - binutils-gold - binwalk - bison - bison-32bit - bison-lang - bitcoin-qt5 - bitcoin-test - bitcoin-utils - bitcoind - bitlbee - bitlbee-devel - bitlbee-discord - bitlbee-doc - bitlbee-facebook - bitlbee-steam - bitstream-vera-fonts - bittwist - blacs-devel-headers - bladeRF - bladeRF-devel - bladeRF-udev - blas-devel - blas-devel-32bit - blas-devel-static - blas-man - blasphemer - bleachbit - bleachbit-lang - blender - blender-lang - bless - bless-doc - bliss - bliss-devel - blktrace - bloaty - blobAndConquer - blobwars - blobwars-lang - blockout - blog-devel - blog-plymouth - blogbench - blosc-devel - blueberry - blueberry-lang - bluefish - blueman - blueman-lang - bluemoon - blueprint-cursor-theme - blueproximity - blueproximity-lang - bluez-auto-enable-devices - bluez-cups - bluez-devel - bluez-devel-32bit - bluez-qt-devel - bluez-test - bluez-tools - bmake - bmon - bogofilter-common - bogofilter-db - bogofilter-doc - bogofilter-kyotocabinet - bogofilter-sqlite3 - boinc-client - boinc-client-devel - boinc-client-doc - boinc-client-lang - boinc-manager - boinc-manager-lang - bomber - bomber-lang - bomns - bonnie - bonnie++ - boo - boo-2_0_9_3 - boo-devel - books - boomaga - boomaga-lang - boost_1_66-doc-html - boost_1_66-doc-pdf - boost_1_66-jam - boost_1_66-quickbook - bootchart - booth - booth-test - bootsplash-branding-KDE - bootsplash-branding-upstream - borgbackup - borgbackup-bash-completion - borgbackup-fish-completion - borgbackup-zsh-completion - borgmatic - bouncycastle - bouncycastle-javadoc - bovo - bovo-lang - bpm-tools - bpython - bpython-doc - branding-upstream - brasero-devel - brasero-nautilus - bridge-utils - bridge-utils-devel - brise - brisk-menu - brisk-menu-lang - brlapi-devel - brlapi-java - brlemu - brltty-driver-libbraille - brltty-utils - brotli - brp-check-suse - brp-extract-appdata - brp-extract-translations - brp-trim-translations - bs - bs-update - bs2b-tools - bsd-games - bsdiff - bsdtar - bsf - bsf-javadoc - bsh - bsh-demo - bsh-javadoc - bsh-manual - bsh2 - bsh2-bsf - bsh2-classgen - bsh2-demo - bsh2-javadoc - bsh2-manual - bspwm - bspwm-bash-completion - bspwm-fish-completion - bspwm-zsh-completion - btar - btcflash - btfs - btrfs-extent-same - budgie-desktop - budgie-desktop-devel - budgie-desktop-docs - buffer - bugreporter - bugzilla - bugzilla-lang-de - build - build-compare - build-initvm-x86_64 - build-mkbaselibs - build-mkdrpms - buildstream - bumblebee - bumblebee-status - bumblebee-status-module-cmus - bumblebee-status-module-dnf - bumblebee-status-module-mocp - bumblebee-status-module-mpd - bumblebee-status-module-redshift - bumpversion - busybox - busybox-static - buzztrax - buzztrax-lang - buzztrax-plugins - bvi - bwbar - bwidget - bwm-ng - byacc - byaccj - byobu - byobu-doc - bytelist - byzanz - byzanz-lang - bzflag - bzip2-doc - bzr - bzr-lang - bzr-test - bzrtp-devel - c-ares-devel - c-dvar-devel - c-list-devel - c-rbtree-devel - c-sundry-devel - c-toxcore - c-toxcore-daemon - c-toxcore-devel - c2hs - c_count - ca-certificates-cacert - ca-certificates-steamtricks - cab - cabal-install - cabal-install-bash-completion - cabal-rpm - caca-utils - cachefilesd - cacti - cacti-doc - cacti-spine - cadabra2 - cadabra2-doc - cadabra2-examples - cadabra2-gui - cadaver - caffeine - cairo-clock - cairo-clock-lang - cairo-devel - cairo-devel-32bit - cairo-tools - cairomm-devel - cairomm-devel-32bit - cairomm-doc - cairomm1_0-devel - cairomm1_0-devel-32bit - cairomm1_0-doc - caja - caja-devel - caja-engrampa - caja-extension-actions - caja-extension-atril - caja-extension-dropbox - caja-extension-folder-color - caja-extension-gksu - caja-extension-image-converter - caja-extension-nextcloud - caja-extension-nitroshare - caja-extension-open-terminal - caja-extension-sendto - caja-extension-sendto-devel - caja-extension-sendto-gajim - caja-extension-sendto-pidgin - caja-extension-sendto-upnp - caja-extension-share - caja-extension-terminal - caja-extension-terminal-lang - caja-extension-wallpaper - caja-extension-xattr-tags - caja-extension-xreader - caja-extensions-common-lang - caja-gschemas - caja-lang - cal10n - cal10n-javadoc - cal3d - cal3d-devel - cal3d-doc - calamares - calamares-branding-upstream - calamares-webview - calamaris - calc - calc-devel - calcurse - calcurse-lang - calendarsupport-devel - calibre - calligra - calligra-devel - calligra-doc - calligra-extras-converter - calligra-extras-dolphin - calligra-extras-okular - calligra-gemini - calligra-karbon - calligra-lang - calligra-plan - calligra-plan-lang - calligra-sheets - calligra-stage - calligra-tools - calligra-words - camlistore-daemon - camlistore-utils - camsource - camsource-devel - canberra-gtk-play-gnome - canna - canna-devel - canna-libs - canna-libs-32bit - canna-yubin - cannadic - cantata - cantata-lang - cantor - cantor-devel - cantor-lang - canutils - canutils-linuxcan - capi4hylafax - capi4linux - capi4linux-32bit - capi4linux-devel - capi4linux-devel-32bit - capnproto - cardpeek - cargo - cargo-vendor - caribou - caribou-devel - caribou-gtk-module-common - caribou-gtk2-module - caribou-gtk3-module - caribou-lang - carla - carla-devel - carla-vst - caslon-fonts - casync - catatonit - catcodec - cava - cblas-devel - cblas-devel-32bit - cblas-devel-static - ccache - ccd2cue - ccd2cue-doc - ccgfs - ccrtp-devel - ccrtp-doc - ccrypt - ccrypt-emacs - ccrypt-lang - ccze - ccze-devel - cd-discid - cd-paranoia - cddlib-devel - cdecl - cdemu-client - cdemu-client-lang - cdemu-daemon - cdio-utils - cdk-devel - cdogs-sdl - cdparanoia - cdparanoia-devel - cdrskin - cdrtools - cec-client - cecilia - cedict - cedilla - cellwriter - celt - celt051 - celt051-devel - ceph - ceph-base - ceph-common - ceph-fuse - ceph-mds - ceph-mgr - ceph-mon - ceph-osd - ceph-radosgw - ceph-resource-agents - ceph-test - cerbere - cereal-devel - certbot - certbot-doc - cervisia - cervisia-lang - cetcd-devel - cf-cli - cfengine - cfengine-doc - cfengine-examples - cfengine-masterfiles - cfitsio - cfitsio-devel - cfitsio-devel-doc - cfityk - cflow - cgal-demo-examples-devel - cgal-devel - cgal-doc - cgdb - cgit - cglib - cglib-javadoc - chameleon - charybdis - chasen - chasen-devel - chck-devel - check-create-certificate - check-devel - checkbashisms - checkpolicy - cheese-devel - chemical-mime-data - cherrytree - cherrytree-lang - chessx - chmlib-devel - chmlib-devel-32bit - chmlib-examples - chntpw - chocolate-doom - chocolate-doom-bash-completion - choqok - choqok-devel - chromaprint-fpcalc - chromedriver - chromium-bsu - chrpath - ciano - ciano-lang - cifs-utils-devel - cinnamon - cinnamon-control-center - cinnamon-control-center-common - cinnamon-control-center-devel - cinnamon-control-center-lang - cinnamon-gschemas - cinnamon-gschemas-branding-openSUSE - cinnamon-gschemas-branding-upstream - cinnamon-lang - cinnamon-metatheme-numix - cinnamon-screensaver - cinnamon-screensaver-lang - cinnamon-session - cinnamon-session-lang - cinnamon-settings-daemon - cinnamon-settings-daemon-devel - cinnamon-settings-daemon-lang - cinnamon-theme-adapta - circuslinux - cjs - cjs-devel - ck-devel - ckermit - ckermit-doc - clFFT - clFFT-devel - clack - clamav - clamav-devel - clamtk - clamtk-lang - clang - clang-checker - clang-devel - clang5 - clang5-checker - clang5-devel - clang5-devel-32bit - clanlib - clanlib-devel - clanlib-doc - clanlib-examples - classpathx-mail - classpathx-mail-javadoc - classworlds - classworlds-javadoc - claws-mail - claws-mail-devel - claws-mail-lang - cld2-devel - cldr-emoji-annotation - cldr-emoji-annotation-devel - clementine - clicfs - clinfo - clipgrab - clipped - clipped-lang - clisp - clisp-doc - cln - cln-devel - cloud-init - cloud-init-config-suse - cloud-init-doc - cloud-netconfig-azure - cloud-netconfig-ec2 - clpeak - clucene-core-devel - cluster-glue - clustershell - clusterssh - clutter-devel - clutter-gst-devel - clutter-gtk-devel - clzip - cm-unicode-fonts - cmake - cmake-gui - cmake-man - cmark - cmark-devel - cmark-python - cmis-client - cmrt-devel - cmuclmtk - cmus - cmus-plugin-cdio - cmus-plugin-cue - cmus-plugin-ffmpeg - cmus-plugin-flac - cmus-plugin-jack - cmus-plugin-libao - cmus-plugin-mikmod - cmus-plugin-modplug - cmus-plugin-mpc - cmus-plugin-opus - cmus-plugin-pulse - cmus-plugin-sndio - cmus-plugin-vorbis - cmus-plugin-wavpack - cmus-plugins-all - cntlm - cobbler - cobbler-tests - cobbler-web - coccigrep - coccinelle - codec2 - codec2-devel - codec2-examples - codelite - cogl-devel - collectd - collectd-plugin-dbi - collectd-plugin-gps - collectd-plugin-ipmi - collectd-plugin-java - collectd-plugin-lua - collectd-plugin-lvm - collectd-plugin-memcachec - collectd-plugin-mysql - collectd-plugin-notify-desktop - collectd-plugin-nut - collectd-plugin-openldap - collectd-plugin-pinba - collectd-plugin-postgresql - collectd-plugin-python3 - collectd-plugin-sigrok - collectd-plugin-smart - collectd-plugin-snmp - collectd-plugin-virt - collectd-plugins-all - collectd-spamassassin - collectd-web - collectd-web-js - collectl - colm-devel - colm-doc - color-filesystem - colorblind-devel - colord-gtk - colord-kde - colord-kde-lang - colordiff - colorhug-client - colorhug-client-lang - colormake - colorpicker - colorpicker-lang - comix - comix-lang - compartm - compcache - compface - compface-devel - compicc - compiz - compiz-bcop - compiz-branding-SLED - compiz-branding-openSUSE - compiz-branding-upstream - compiz-devel - compiz-emerald - compiz-emerald-devel - compiz-emerald-lang - compiz-emerald-theme-manager - compiz-emerald-themes - compiz-gnome - compiz-lang - compiz-manager - compiz-plugins - compiz-plugins-experimental - compiz-plugins-experimental-devel - compiz-plugins-experimental-lang - compiz-plugins-extra - compiz-plugins-extra-devel - compiz-plugins-extra-lang - compiz-plugins-main - compiz-plugins-main-devel - compiz-plugins-main-lang - compizconfig-settings-manager - compizconfig-settings-manager-common - compizconfig-settings-manager-lang - complexity - compositeproto-devel - compton - compton-conf - compton-conf-lang - concurrent - conkeror - conky - conky-doc - conman - conntrack-tools - console-setup - container-diff - containerd - containerd-ctr - containerd-test - contractor - converseen - converseen-lang - convmv - cookiecutter - cookiecutter-doc - cool-retro-term - coolkey - coolkey-32bit - coolkey-devel - corebird - corebird-lang - coreboot-utils - coreutils-testsuite - corosync - corosync-qdevice - corosync-qnetd - corosync-testagents - courier-authlib - courier-authlib-devel - courier-authlib-ldap - courier-authlib-mysql - courier-authlib-pgsql - courier-authlib-pipe - courier-authlib-sqlite - courier-authlib-userdb - courier-imap - courier-prime-fonts - courier-unicode-devel - courier-unicode-doc - cowsay - cpanspec - cpmono_v07-fonts - cppcheck - cppcheck-gui - cppdb-devel - cppdb-doc - cpphs - cppi - cppi-lang - cpprest-devel - cpptasks - cpptasks-javadoc - cppunit-devel - cppunit-devel-32bit - cppunit-devel-doc - cppzmq-devel - cpuid - cpulimit - cpupower-bench - cpupower-devel - cpuset - cpustat - cracklib-devel - cracklib-devel-32bit - cracklib-dict-small - cram-common - crash - crash-devel - crash-doc - crash-eppic - crash-gcore - crash-kmp-default - crawl - crawl-data - crawl-sdl - create-resources - createrepo - createrepo_c - criu - criu-devel - crmsh - crmsh-scripts - crmsh-test - cronic - cronie-anacron - cross-aarch64-binutils - cross-aarch64-gcc7 - cross-aarch64-gcc7-icecream-backend - cross-arm-binutils - cross-arm-gcc7 - cross-arm-none-gcc7 - cross-arm-none-gcc7-bootstrap - cross-arm-none-newlib-devel - cross-avr-binutils - cross-avr-gcc7 - cross-avr-gcc7-bootstrap - cross-epiphany-binutils - cross-epiphany-gcc7 - cross-epiphany-gcc7-bootstrap - cross-epiphany-newlib-devel - cross-hppa-binutils - cross-hppa-gcc7 - cross-hppa-gcc7-icecream-backend - cross-hppa64-binutils - cross-i386-binutils - cross-i386-gcc7 - cross-i386-gcc7-icecream-backend - cross-ia64-binutils - cross-m68k-binutils - cross-m68k-gcc7 - cross-m68k-gcc7-icecream-backend - cross-mips-binutils - cross-mips-gcc7 - cross-mips-gcc7-icecream-backend - cross-nvptx-gcc7 - cross-nvptx-newlib7-devel - cross-ppc-binutils - cross-ppc64-binutils - cross-ppc64-gcc7 - cross-ppc64-gcc7-icecream-backend - cross-ppc64le-binutils - cross-ppc64le-gcc7 - cross-ppc64le-gcc7-icecream-backend - cross-riscv64-binutils - cross-rx-binutils - cross-rx-gcc7 - cross-rx-gcc7-bootstrap - cross-rx-newlib-devel - cross-s390-binutils - cross-s390x-binutils - cross-s390x-gcc7 - cross-s390x-gcc7-icecream-backend - cross-sparc-binutils - cross-sparc-gcc7 - cross-sparc64-binutils - cross-sparc64-gcc7 - cross-sparc64-gcc7-icecream-backend - cross-sparcv9-gcc7-icecream-backend - cross-spu-binutils - crosstool-ng - crudini - cryfs - cryptctl - crystalhd-firmware - cscope - csindex - csmash - csmith - csound - csound-devel - csvprintf - csync - csync2 - ctags - ctdb - ctdb-pcp-pmda - ctdb-tests - cttop - cudd-devel - culmus-ancient-semitic-fonts - culmus-fonts - cunit-devel - cunit-doc - cups-airprint - cups-ddk - cups-devel - cups-devel-32bit - cups-filters-devel - cups-pdf - cura-engine-lulzbot - cura-lulzbot - cura1-lulzbot - curl-mini - curlftpfs - cutecom - cvs - cvs-doc - cvs2svn - cvsps - cxref - cxsc - cxsc-devel - cxxtools-devel - cyradm - cyreal-alice-fonts - cyreal-junge-fonts - cyreal-lobster-cyrillic-fonts - cyreal-lora-fonts - cyreal-marko-horobchyk-fonts - cyreal-marmelad-fonts - cyreal-wire-fonts - cyrus-imapd - cyrus-imapd-devel - cyrus-imapd-snmp - cyrus-imapd-snmp-mibs - cyrus-imapd-utils - cyrus-sasl-devel - cyrus-sasl-devel-32bit - cyrus-sasl-gs2 - cyrus-sasl-ldap-auxprop - cyrus-sasl-ntlm - cyrus-sasl-otp - cyrus-sasl-otp-32bit - cyrus-sasl-saslauthd - cyrus-sasl-scram - cyrus-sasl-sqlauxprop - czmq - czmq-devel - d-feet - d-feet-lang - d0_blind_id - d0_blind_id-devel - dSFMT-devel - dai-banna-fonts - damageproto-devel - dante - dante-devel - dante-devel-32bit - dante-server - dapl - dapl-debug - dapl-debug-devel - dapl-debug-libs - dapl-debug-utils - dapl-devel - dapl-devel-32bit - dapl-utils - daps - dar - dar-lang - darktable - darktable-doc - darktable-tools-basecurve - darktable-tools-noise - darts - dash - dasher - dasher-data-extras - dasher-data-recommended - dasher-lang - datamash - dataquay-devel - datefudge - dateutils - dateutils-octave - datovka - davfs2 - db48-doc - dbench - dbench4 - dbh-devel - dblatex - dbsplit-tools - dbus-1-devel - dbus-1-devel-32bit - dbus-1-devel-doc - dbus-1-glib-32bit - dbus-1-glib-devel - dbus-1-glib-devel-32bit - dbus-1-glib-doc - dbus-1-mono - dbus-1-presage - dbus-broker - dbus-sharp - dbus-sharp-devel - dbus-sharp-glib - dbus-sharp-glib-devel - dbus-sharp-glib2 - dbus-sharp-glib2-devel - dbus-sharp2 - dbus-sharp2-devel - dbview - dc3dd - dc3dd-lang - dcmtk - dcmtk-devel - dconf-devel - dcraw - dcraw-lang - dd_rescue - dd_rescue-crypt - dd_rescue-lzo - dd_rhelp - ddccontrol - ddccontrol-db - ddccontrol-db-lang - ddccontrol-devel - ddccontrol-doc - ddccontrol-gtk - ddccontrol-lang - ddclient - ddcutil - ddd - ddd-doc - ddgr - dds2tar - deadbeef - deadbeef-devel - deadbeef-lang - deadbeef-plugin-mpris2 - debhelper - debootstrap - dee-devel - deepin-music-libnetease-meta-search - deepin-music-player - dehydrated - dehydrated-apache2 - dehydrated-lighttpd - dehydrated-nginx - dejagnu - delaguardo-inconsolata_lgc-fonts - delayacct-utils - delta - deltafs - deluge - deluge-lang - derive - desktop-data-openSUSE-extra - desktopfolder - desktopfolder-lang - deutex - dev86 - devhelp - devhelp-devel - devhelp-lang - device-mapper-devel - device-mapper-devel-32bit - devilspie2 - devilspie2-lang - devmem2 - devscripts - dex - dfc - dfc-lang - dfu-programmer - dfu-tool - dh-autoreconf - dh-make - dhcp-devel - dhcp-doc - dhcp-relay - dhcp-server - dhcp-tools - dhewm3 - dhex - dia - dia-lang - dialog-devel - dialog-examples - dianara - dico - dico-devel - dico-lang - dico-modules - dicts - diff-pdf - diffmk - diffoscope - diffstat - dina-bitmap-fonts - ding - ding-dict-de_en - dirac - dirac-devel - dirac-devel-32bit - direnv - dirvish - discount - discover-plasmoid - diskimage-builder - diskscan - disorderfs - distcc - distcc-gui - distcc-server - distribution-gpg-keys - dita - djvu2pdf - djvulibre - djvulibre-djview4 - djvulibre-doc - djvusmooth - djvusmooth-lang - dkgpg - dkimproxy - dkms - dleyna-core-devel - dleyna-renderer-devel - dleyna-server-devel - dmd - dmenu - dmraid-devel - dmtcp - dmtcp-devel - dmxproto-devel - dnf - dnf-conf - dnf-lang - dnf-plugins-core - dnf-plugins-core-lang - dnf-utils - dnf-yum - dnscrypt-proxy - dnscrypt-proxy-devel - dnsmasq-utils - dnstracer - docbook-css-stylesheets - docbook-dsssl-stylesheets - docbook-simple - docbook-tdg - docbook-toys - docbook-utils - docbook-utils-minimal - docbook-xml-slides - docbook-xml-website - docbook-xsl-pdf2index - docbook2x - docbook2x-doc - docbook5-xsl-stylesheets - docbook_3 - docbook_5 - docbook_5-doc - docker - docker-bash-completion - docker-compose - docker-distribution-registry - docker-libnetwork - docker-runc - docker-runc-test - docker-test - docker-zsh-completion - docky - docky-devel - docky-lang - doctest - doctest-discover - dogtail - dolphin-devel - dolphin-plugins - dolphin-plugins-lang - dom2-core-tests - dom4j - dom4j-demo - dom4j-javadoc - dom4j-manual - domination - domination-data - doomsday - dosbox - dosemu - dotconf-devel - double-conversion-devel - dovecot - dovecot23 - dovecot23-backend-mysql - dovecot23-backend-pgsql - dovecot23-backend-sqlite - dovecot23-devel - dovecot23-fts - dovecot23-fts-lucene - dovecot23-fts-solr - dovecot23-fts-squat - doxygen - doxywizard - dpdk - dpdk-devel - dpdk-doc - dpdk-examples - dpdk-kmp-default - dpdk-tools - dpic - dpic-doc - dpkg - dpkg-devel - dpkg-lang - dracut-fips - dracut-ima - dracut-kiwi-lib - dracut-kiwi-live - dracut-kiwi-oem-dump - dracut-kiwi-oem-repart - dracut-kiwi-overlay - dracut-tools - drbd - drbd-kmp-default - drbd-utils - drbdmanage - dreampie - dri2proto-devel - dri3proto-devel - driconf - driverctl - dropbox-cli - drops - drumstick - drush - dssi - dssi-devel - dssim - dstat - dt - dtach - dtc - dtdinst - dtkcore - dtkcore-devel - dtksettings - dtkwidget - dtkwidget-devel - dtv-scan-tables - dtv-scan-tables-v5 - dub - duc - duktape-devel - dumb - dumb-doc - dummy-release - dump - dump1090 - dumpvdl2 - dunelegacy - dunst - duperemove - duply - dustrac - dvb-utils - dvbsnoop - dvbstream - dvdauthor - dvdisaster - dvdisaster-docs - dvgt - dwarves - dwz - dxflib-devel - dynamic-wallpapers-11x - dynamips - dzen2 - e16 - e2fsprogs-devel - e3 - eaglemode - easy-rsa - easytag - easytag-lang - eatmydata - eb - eb-devel - eb-garamond-fonts - eb-lang - ebiso - ebizzy - eblook - ebook-tools - echomixer - eciadsl-usermode - ecj - eclipse-swt - ecryptfs-utils - ecryptfs-utils-32bit - ecryptfs-utils-devel - ecryptfs-utils-devel-32bit - edgar - editorconfig - edje - eekboard - eekboard-devel - eeyek-fonts - efivar - efivar-devel - efl - efl-devel - efl-examples - efl-lang - efl-testsuite - efont-serif-fonts - eigen3-devel - eigen3-doc - ekiga - ekiga-lang - ekiga-plugins-evolution - elektra - elektra-qt-gui - elementary - elementary-appcenter - elementary-appcenter-lang - elementary-cmake-modules - elementary-examples - elementary-icon-theme - elemines - elftoaout - elib - elilo - elinks - elisa - elisa-lang - ell-devel - elua - emacs-auctex - emacs-color-theme - emacs-dash - emacs-el - emacs-flim - emacs-haskell-mode - emacs-magit - emacs-vm - emacs-with-editor - emacs-x11 - embryo - emf2svg-conv - emil - emojione-color-font - empathy - empathy-lang - enca - enca-devel - encfs - encfs-lang - enchant-devel - enchant-tools - enchant-voikko-32bit - enchant-zemberek - enchant-zemberek-32bit - endless-sky - enet-devel - engauge-digitizer - engauge-digitizer-devel-doc - engauge-digitizer-doc - engdic - engrampa - engrampa-lang - enigmail - enlightenment - enlightenment-branding-openSUSE - enlightenment-branding-upstream - enlightenment-devel - enlightenment-doc-html - enlightenment-profiles-openSUSE - enlightenment-theme-cerium2 - enlightenment-theme-dark - enlightenment-theme-openSUSE - enlightenment-theme-openSUSE-ice - enlightenment-theme-openSUSE-oliveleaf - enlightenment-theme-upstream - enlightenment-x-dark-icon-theme - entangle - entangle-doc - entangle-lang - entangle-plugin-photobox - entangle-plugin-shooter - entr - envoy - envy24control - eog-devel - eog-plugin-exif-display - eog-plugin-export-to-folder - eog-plugin-fit-to-width - eog-plugin-fullscreenbg - eog-plugin-hide-titlebar - eog-plugin-light-theme - eog-plugin-map - eog-plugin-maximize-windows - eog-plugin-postasa - eog-plugin-pythonconsole - eog-plugin-send-by-mail - eog-plugin-slideshowshuffle - eog-plugins - eog-plugins-data - eog-plugins-lang - eom - eom-devel - eom-lang - eperiodique - ephoto - ephoto-lang - epic - epiphany - epiphany-branding-openSUSE - epiphany-branding-upstream - epiphany-lang - epour - epour-lang - epplet-base - epymc - epymc-lang - equalx - erfa-devel - erfa-devel-static - eric5 - eric5-api - erlang - erlang-debugger - erlang-debugger-src - erlang-dialyzer - erlang-dialyzer-src - erlang-diameter - erlang-diameter-src - erlang-doc - erlang-epmd - erlang-et - erlang-et-src - erlang-jinterface - erlang-jinterface-src - erlang-observer - erlang-observer-src - erlang-rabbitmq-client - erlang-rebar - erlang-rebar-src - erlang-reltool - erlang-reltool-src - erlang-retest - erlang-retest-src - erlang-sd_notify - erlang-src - erlang-wx - erlang-wx-src - espeak-devel - espeak-ng - espeak-ng-compat - espeak-ng-compat-devel - espeak-ng-devel - espeakedit - etc-update - etckeeper - etckeeper-cron - etckeeper-zypp-plugin - etherape - etherape-lang - etrophy - etrophy-data - etrophy-devel - evas-generic-loaders - evemu - evemu-devel - eventstat - eventviews-devel - evieproto-devel - evince-devel - evince-plugin-comicsdocument - evince-plugin-djvudocument - evince-plugin-dvidocument - evince-plugin-tiffdocument - evince-plugin-xpsdocument - evmctl - evolution-data-server-32bit - evolution-data-server-devel - evolution-data-server-doc - evolution-devel - evolution-plugin-bogofilter - evolution-plugin-pst-import - evolution-plugin-rss - evolution-plugin-rss-lang - evolution-plugin-spamassassin - evtest - exa - exaile - exaile-lang - execstack - exempi-tools - exercism - exfat-utils - exif - exiftran - exim - eximon - eximstats-html - exiv2 - exiv2-lang - exmh - exo-branding-upstream - exo-devel - exodusii-devel - expect-devel - explain - ext3grep - ext4magic - extra-cmake-modules - extra-cmake-modules-doc - extract-appdata-icons - extreme-tuxracer - extundelete - ez-ipupdate - ezstream - f2c - f2c-32bit - f2fs-tools-compat - f2fs-tools-devel - f3 - fIcy - faba-icon-theme - fabtests - facedetect - faenza-icon-theme - faenza-icon-theme-ambiance - faenza-icon-theme-dark - faenza-icon-theme-darker - faenza-icon-theme-darkest - faenza-icon-theme-mint - faenza-icon-theme-radiance - fail2ban - fairymax - fakechroot - fakeroot - fakeroot-32bit - falkon - falkon-gnome-keyring - falkon-kwallet - falkon-lang - farstream-devel - fasd - fastjar - fastjet-devel - fastjet-plugin-siscone - fastjet-plugin-siscone-devel - fate - fatrace - fatsort - fbi - fbiterm - fbpdf - fbreader - fbterm - fcitx-anthy - fcitx-devel - fcitx-fbterm - fcitx-gtk2-32bit - fcitx-gtk3-32bit - fcitx-kkc - fcitx-m17n - fcitx-pinyin-tools - fcitx-pylogger - fcitx-qt4-32bit - fcitx-qt5-32bit - fcitx-qt5-devel - fcitx-quwei - fcitx-rime - fcitx-sayura - fcitx-skin-classic - fcitx-skin-dark - fcitx-skin-new-air - fcitx-skk - fcitx-table-amharic - fcitx-table-arabic - fcitx-table-cn-bingchan - fcitx-table-cn-cangjie - fcitx-table-cn-cantonese - fcitx-table-cn-cns11643 - fcitx-table-cn-dianbao - fcitx-table-cn-erbi - fcitx-table-cn-wanfeng - fcitx-table-cn-wu - fcitx-table-cn-zhengma - fcitx-table-cn-zhengma-large - fcitx-table-cn-ziran - fcitx-table-emoji - fcitx-table-extra-lang - fcitx-table-hk-cantonese - fcitx-table-hk-jyutping - fcitx-table-hk-stroke5 - fcitx-table-ipa-x-sampa - fcitx-table-latex - fcitx-table-malayalam-compose - fcitx-table-malayalam-phonetic - fcitx-table-other - fcitx-table-ru-rustrad - fcitx-table-ru-translit - fcitx-table-ru-yawerty - fcitx-table-t9 - fcitx-table-tamil-remington - fcitx-table-thai - fcitx-table-tools - fcitx-table-tw-array30 - fcitx-table-tw-array30-large - fcitx-table-tw-cangjie3 - fcitx-table-tw-easy-large - fcitx-table-tw-quick-classic - fcitx-table-tw-quick3 - fcitx-table-tw-quick5 - fcitx-table-ua-translit - fcitx-table-vi-qr - fcitx-ui-light - fcitx-unikey - fcoe-utils - fcwnn - fcwnn-devel - fcwnncom - fd - fd-bash-completion - fd-fish-completion - fd-zsh-completion - fd0ssh - fec-devel - fedfs-utils-admin - fedfs-utils-client - fedfs-utils-common - fedfs-utils-devel - fedfs-utils-nsdbparams - fedfs-utils-server - feh - fence-agents - fence-agents-devel - fence-sanlock - festival - festival-devel - fetchmail - fetchmailconf - fetchmsttfonts - ffado - ffado-mixer - ffcall - fflas-ffpack-devel - fflas-ffpack-doc - ffmpeg - ffmpeg-private-devel - ffmpegthumbnailer - ffmsindex - ffsb - fftw3-devel - fftw3-gnu-hpc-devel - fftw3-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel - fftw3-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel - fftw3-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - fftw3-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel - fftw3-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel - fftw3-mpi-devel - fftw3-openmp-devel - fftw3-threads-devel - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-hpc-devel - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-hpc-devel-static - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel-static - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel - fftw3_3_3_6-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel-static - fhourstones - fhs - fifechan-devel - figlet - file-devel - file-devel-32bit - file-unpack - filebench - filelight - filelight-lang - filemanager-actions - filemanager-actions-devel - filemanager-actions-lang - filezilla - filezilla-lang - fillets-ng - fillets-ng-data - finch - finch-devel - findbugs - findbugs-bcel - findbugs-bcel-javadoc - findbugs-javadoc - findbugs-tools - finger - finger-server - fio - fipscheck - fipscheck-devel - firebird - firebird-doc - firebird-examples - firebird-server - firebird-utils - firehol - firehol-doc - firescope - firewall-applet - firewall-config - firewalld-rpcbind-helper - fish - fish-devel - fityk - fityk-devel - five-or-more - five-or-more-lang - fixesproto-devel - fkwnn - fkwnn-devel - flac - flac-devel - flac-devel-32bit - flac-doc - flamerobin - flameshot - flameshot-bash-completion - flare - flare-game - flarq - flashrom - flatpak-builder - flatpak-devel - fldigi - fldigi-lang - flex - flexdock - flickcurl - flickcurl-doc - flickrnet - flickrnet-devel - flim-xemacs - flint-devel - florence - florence-devel - florence-lang - flowgrind - fltk-devel - fltk-devel-32bit - fltk-devel-static - fluid-soundfont-gm - fluid-soundfont-gs - fluidsynth - fluidsynth-devel - fluidsynth-dssi - flute-javadoc - fluxbox - fluxbox-styles-upstream - flxmlrpc-devel - fly - fnotifystat - focuswriter - focuswriter-lang - folder-color-common - folder-color-common-lang - folks-devel - folks-tools - foma - foma-devel - fondu - fonehome - fonehome-server - font-specimen - font-specimen-devel - font-util - fontawesome-fonts - fontawesome-fonts-web - fontcacheproto-devel - fontconfig-32bit - fontconfig-devel - fontconfig-devel-32bit - fontforge - fontforge-devel - fontforge-doc - fontpackages-devel - fontsproto-devel - fonttools - fontweak - forkbomb - forkstat - form - form-doc - fortune - fossil - fotowall - four-in-a-row - four-in-a-row-lang - fox16-devel - fox16-devel-static - fox16-doc - fox16-example-apps - fparser-devel - fpc - fpc-doc - fpc-src - fping - fplll - fplll-devel - fprintd-devel - fprintd-pam-32bit - frame - frame-devel - frameworkintegration-devel - frameworkintegration-devel-32bit - frameworkintegration-plugin-32bit - free-ttf-fonts - freealut-devel - freeciv - freeciv-gtk3 - freeciv-qt - freedoom - freedoom-freedm - freedup - freeglut-demo - freeglut-devel - freeglut-devel-32bit - freeimage-devel - freeipmi - freeipmi-bmc-watchdog - freeipmi-devel - freeipmi-ipmidetectd - freeorion - freeorion-data - freeradius-client - freeradius-client-devel - freeradius-client-libs - freeradius-server - freeradius-server-devel - freeradius-server-doc - freeradius-server-krb5 - freeradius-server-ldap - freeradius-server-libs - freeradius-server-mysql - freeradius-server-perl - freeradius-server-postgresql - freeradius-server-python - freeradius-server-sqlite - freeradius-server-utils - freerdp-devel - freerdp-server - freerdp-wayland - freesrp-devel - freesrp-udev - freetds-config - freetds-devel - freetds-doc - freetds-tools - freetype - freetype-devel - freetype-tools - freetype2-devel - freetype2-devel-32bit - freetype2-profile-tti35 - freexl-devel - frei0r-plugins - frei0r-plugins-devel - frei0r-plugins-opencv - frescobaldi - freshplayerplugin - fribidi-devel - frink - fritzing - fritzing-parts - frogr - frogr-lang - froxlor - frozen-bubble - frozen-bubble-lang - frozen-bubble-server - fs-check - fs_mark - fsarchiver - fsharp - fslint - fstrm - fstrm-devel - fsvs - fswebcam - ftgl-demo - ftgl-devel - ftop - ftp - ftsteutates-sensors - ftwnn - funkload - fuse-devel - fuse-devel-static - fuse-doc - fuse-exfat - fuseiso - fusepod - fusesmb - fusion-icon - fvwm-themes - fvwm2 - fwbuilder - fwnn - fwnn-devel - fwnncom - fwts - fwupd-devel - fwupdate - fwupdate-devel - fwupdate-efi - fwzs - fxload - fzy - g3utils - gaa - gajim - gajim-lang - galaxis - galculator - galculator-lang - gama - gambas3 - gambas3-devel - gambas3-gb-args - gambas3-gb-cairo - gambas3-gb-clipper - gambas3-gb-complex - gambas3-gb-compress - gambas3-gb-compress-bzlib2 - gambas3-gb-compress-zlib - gambas3-gb-crypt - gambas3-gb-data - gambas3-gb-db - gambas3-gb-db-form - gambas3-gb-db-mysql - gambas3-gb-db-odbc - gambas3-gb-db-postgresql - gambas3-gb-db-sqlite3 - gambas3-gb-dbus - gambas3-gb-desktop - gambas3-gb-eval-highlight - gambas3-gb-form - gambas3-gb-form-dialog - gambas3-gb-form-editor - gambas3-gb-form-mdi - gambas3-gb-form-stock - gambas3-gb-form-terminal - gambas3-gb-geom - gambas3-gb-gmp - gambas3-gb-gsl - gambas3-gb-gtk - gambas3-gb-gtk-opengl - gambas3-gb-gtk3 - gambas3-gb-gui - gambas3-gb-httpd - gambas3-gb-image - gambas3-gb-image-effect - gambas3-gb-image-imlib - gambas3-gb-image-io - gambas3-gb-inotify - gambas3-gb-libxml - gambas3-gb-logging - gambas3-gb-maps - gambas3-gb-markdown - gambas3-gb-media - gambas3-gb-memcached - gambas3-gb-mime - gambas3-gb-mysql - gambas3-gb-ncurses - gambas3-gb-net - gambas3-gb-net-curl - gambas3-gb-net-pop3 - gambas3-gb-net-smtp - gambas3-gb-openal - gambas3-gb-opengl - gambas3-gb-opengl-glsl - gambas3-gb-opengl-glu - gambas3-gb-opengl-sge - gambas3-gb-openssl - gambas3-gb-option - gambas3-gb-pcre - gambas3-gb-pdf - gambas3-gb-qt5 - gambas3-gb-qt5-ext - gambas3-gb-qt5-opengl - gambas3-gb-qt5-webkit - gambas3-gb-report - gambas3-gb-report2 - gambas3-gb-scanner - gambas3-gb-sdl - gambas3-gb-sdl-sound - gambas3-gb-settings - gambas3-gb-signal - gambas3-gb-term - gambas3-gb-term-form - gambas3-gb-util - gambas3-gb-util-web - gambas3-gb-v4l - gambas3-gb-vb - gambas3-gb-web - gambas3-gb-web-feed - gambas3-gb-web-form - gambas3-gb-xml - gambas3-gb-xml-rpc - gambas3-gb-xml-xslt - gambas3-ide - gambas3-runtime - gambas3-script - gamin-devel - gammaray - gammaray-devel - gammu - gammu-devel - gammu-doc - gammu-smsd - ganglia-devel - ganglia-gmetad - ganglia-gmetad-skip-bcheck - ganglia-gmond - ganglia-gmond-modules-python - ganglia-web - gap - gap-4ti2interface - gap-ace - gap-alnuth - gap-atlasrep - gap-autodoc - gap-automata - gap-automgrp - gap-autpgrp - gap-browse - gap-cap - gap-circle - gap-cohomolo - gap-congruence - gap-convex - gap-core - gap-corelg - gap-crime - gap-crisp - gap-cryst - gap-crystcat - gap-ctbllib - gap-cvec - gap-data - gap-design - gap-devel - gap-digraphs - gap-doc - gap-edim - gap-example - gap-examplesforhomalg - gap-factint - gap-fga - gap-fining - gap-float - gap-forms - gap-fplsa - gap-fr - gap-full - gap-gapdoc - gap-gauss - gap-gaussforhomalg - gap-gbnp - gap-generalizedmorphismsforcap - gap-genss - gap-gradedmodules - gap-gradedringforhomalg - gap-grape - gap-groupoids - gap-guarana - gap-guava - gap-hap - gap-happrime - gap-hecke - gap-help - gap-homalg - gap-homalgtocas - gap-idrel - gap-intpic - gap-io - gap-io_forhomalg - gap-irredsol - gap-json - gap-kan - gap-kbmag - gap-laguna - gap-liepring - gap-liering - gap-localizeringforhomalg - gap-loops - gap-lpres - gap-mapclass - gap-matgrp - gap-matricesforhomalg - gap-modules - gap-nilmat - gap-normalizinterface - gap-nq - gap-numericalsgps - gap-openmath - gap-orb - gap-patternclass - gap-polenta - gap-polycyclic - gap-prim-groups - gap-qaos - gap-qpa - gap-quagroup - gap-radiroot - gap-rcwa - gap-rds - gap-recog - gap-recogbase - gap-resclasses - gap-ringsforhomalg - gap-rpm-devel - gap-sco - gap-scscp - gap-semigroups - gap-sgpviz - gap-simpcomp - gap-sla - gap-small-groups - gap-smallsemi - gap-sonata - gap-spinsym - gap-symbcompcc - gap-toolsforhomalg - gap-toric - gap-toricvarieties - gap-trans-groups - gap-unitlib - gap-utils - gap-wedderga - gap-xmod - gap-xmodalg - garlic - garlic-doc - gasnet - gasnet-devel - gasnet-doc - gaupol - gavl - gbdfed - gbrainy - gbrainy-lang - gc-devel - gcab-devel - gcad3d - gcal - gcal-lang - gcc - gcc-32bit - gcc-PIE - gcc-ada - gcc-ada-32bit - gcc-c++ - gcc-c++-32bit - gcc-fortran - gcc-fortran-32bit - gcc-go - gcc-go-32bit - gcc-info - gcc-locale - gcc-obj-c++ - gcc-objc - gcc-objc-32bit - gcc7 - gcc7-32bit - gcc7-ada - gcc7-ada-32bit - gcc7-c++ - gcc7-c++-32bit - gcc7-fortran - gcc7-fortran-32bit - gcc7-go - gcc7-go-32bit - gcc7-info - gcc7-locale - gcc7-obj-c++ - gcc7-obj-c++-32bit - gcc7-objc - gcc7-objc-32bit - gcc7-testresults - gccmakedep - gcdemu - gcdemu-lang - gcin - gcin-anthy - gcin-anthy-32bit - gcin-branding-openSUSE - gcin-branding-upstream - gcin-gtk2 - gcin-gtk2-32bit - gcin-gtk3 - gcin-gtk3-32bit - gcin-qt4 - gcin-qt4-32bit - gcin-qt5 - gcin-qt5-32bit - gcolor2 - gcompris - gcompris-devel - gcompris-qt - gcompris-qt-activities - gcompris-qt-lang - gcompris-qt-voices - gcompris-voices-ar - gcompris-voices-br - gcompris-voices-cs - gcompris-voices-da - gcompris-voices-de - gcompris-voices-el - gcompris-voices-en - gcompris-voices-es - gcompris-voices-eu - gcompris-voices-fi - gcompris-voices-fr - gcompris-voices-hi - gcompris-voices-hu - gcompris-voices-id - gcompris-voices-it - gcompris-voices-mr - gcompris-voices-nb - gcompris-voices-nl - gcompris-voices-pt - gcompris-voices-pt-br - gcompris-voices-ru - gcompris-voices-so - gcompris-voices-sr - gcompris-voices-sv - gcompris-voices-tr - gconf-editor - gconf-editor-lang - gconf-sharp-peditors2 - gconf-sharp2 - gconf2-32bit - gconf2-branding-SLED - gconf2-branding-SLES - gconf2-devel - gconfmm-devel - gcovr - gcstar - gd - gd-devel - gdal - gdal-devel - gdata-sharp - gdata-sharp-devel - gdb-testresults - gdbm-devel - gdbm-devel-32bit - gdbserver - gdk-pixbuf-devel - gdk-pixbuf-devel-32bit - gdk-pixbuf-loader-libopenraw-32bit - gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg-32bit - gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders-32bit - gdl-devel - gdl-lang - gdlmm-devel - gdm-branding-upstream - gdm-devel - gdouros-abydos-fonts - gdouros-abydos-fonts-doc - gdouros-aegean-fonts - gdouros-aegyptus-fonts - gdouros-akkadian-fonts - gdouros-alfios-fonts - gdouros-analecta-fonts - gdouros-anatolian-fonts - gdouros-atavyros-fonts - gdouros-maya-fonts - gdouros-musica-fonts - gdouros-symbola-fonts - gdouros-text-fonts - gdouros-unidings-fonts - geany - geany-devel - geany-doc - geany-lang - geany-plugins - geany-plugins-lang - geary - geary-lang - geda-base - geda-doc - geda-examples - geda-gaf - geda-gattrib - geda-gnetlist - geda-gschem - geda-gsymcheck - geda-symbols - geda-utils - geda-xgsch2pcb - gedit-devel - gedit-latex-lang - gedit-plugin-bookmarks - gedit-plugin-bracketcompletion - gedit-plugin-charmap - gedit-plugin-code-assistance - gedit-plugin-codecomment - gedit-plugin-colorpicker - gedit-plugin-colorschemer - gedit-plugin-commander - gedit-plugin-dashboard - gedit-plugin-devhelp - gedit-plugin-drawspaces - gedit-plugin-findinfiles - gedit-plugin-git - gedit-plugin-joinlines - gedit-plugin-latex - gedit-plugin-multiedit - gedit-plugin-smartspaces - gedit-plugin-synctex - gedit-plugin-terminal - gedit-plugin-textsize - gedit-plugin-translate - gedit-plugin-wordcompletion - gedit-plugin-zeitgeist - gedit-plugins - gedit-plugins-data - gedit-plugins-lang - gedit-theme-adapta - geekodoc - geeqie - geeqie-lang - gegl - gegl-devel - gegl-doc - geis-devel - geis-tools - gemrb - genders - genders-base - genders-devel - genders-perl-compat - geners-devel - gengetopt - genius - genius-devel - genius-lang - genromfs - geoclue2-devel - geocode-glib-devel - geoipupdate - geos-devel - geotiff - geotiff-devel - gerbv - gerbv-devel - geronimo-annotation-1_0-api - geronimo-commonj-1_1-apis - geronimo-corba-1_0-apis - geronimo-corba-2_3-apis - geronimo-ejb-2_1-api - geronimo-ejb-3_0-api - geronimo-el-1_0-api - geronimo-interceptor-3_0-api - geronimo-j2ee-1_4-apis - geronimo-j2ee-connector-1_5-api - geronimo-j2ee-deployment-1_1-api - geronimo-j2ee-management-1_0-api - geronimo-j2ee-management-1_1-api - geronimo-jacc-1_0-api - geronimo-jacc-1_1-api - geronimo-jaf-1_0_2-api - geronimo-jaf-1_1-api - geronimo-javaee-deployment-1_1-api - geronimo-javamail-1_3_1-api - geronimo-javamail-1_4-api - geronimo-jaxr-1_0-api - geronimo-jaxrpc-1_1-api - geronimo-jms-1_1-api - geronimo-jpa-3_0-api - geronimo-jsp-2_0-api - geronimo-jsp-2_1-api - geronimo-jta-1_0_1B-api - geronimo-jta-1_1-api - geronimo-qname-1_1-api - geronimo-saaj-1_1-api - geronimo-servlet-2_4-api - geronimo-servlet-2_5-api - geronimo-specs - geronimo-specs-poms - geronimo-stax-1_0-api - geronimo-ws-metadata-2_0-api - getdata - getdata-devel - getdata-doc - getdp - getdp-devel - getdp-doc - getmail - getmail-doc - gettext-csharp - gettext-its-gtk3 - gettext-java - gettext-runtime-mini - gettext-runtime-mini-tools-doc - gettext-runtime-tools-doc - gettext-tools - gettext-tools-mini - gexif - gexif-lang - gf2x-devel - gfan - gfbgraph-devel - gfio - gfs2-utils - gfxboot - gfxboot-branding-KDE - gfxboot-branding-SLED - gfxboot-branding-SLES - gfxboot-branding-openSUSE - gfxboot-branding-upstream - gfxboot-devel - ggz-client-libs - ggz-client-libs-devel - ggz-client-libs-lang - ghc - ghc-AC-Vector - ghc-AC-Vector-devel - ghc-ALUT - ghc-ALUT-devel - ghc-Agda - ghc-Agda-devel - ghc-BNFC - ghc-BNFC-devel - ghc-BlastHTTP - ghc-BlastHTTP-devel - ghc-Boolean - ghc-Boolean-devel - ghc-BoundedChan - ghc-BoundedChan-devel - ghc-Cabal - ghc-Cabal-devel - ghc-ChannelT - ghc-ChannelT-devel - ghc-Chart - ghc-Chart-cairo - ghc-Chart-cairo-devel - ghc-Chart-devel - ghc-Chart-diagrams - ghc-Chart-diagrams-devel - ghc-ChasingBottoms - ghc-ChasingBottoms-devel - ghc-Clipboard - ghc-Clipboard-devel - ghc-ClustalParser - ghc-ClustalParser-devel - ghc-ConfigFile - ghc-ConfigFile-devel - ghc-DAV - ghc-DAV-devel - ghc-DRBG - ghc-DRBG-devel - ghc-Decimal - ghc-Decimal-devel - ghc-Diff - ghc-Diff-devel - ghc-Earley - ghc-Earley-devel - ghc-EdisonAPI - ghc-EdisonAPI-devel - ghc-EdisonCore - ghc-EdisonCore-devel - ghc-EntrezHTTP - ghc-EntrezHTTP-devel - ghc-FenwickTree - ghc-FenwickTree-devel - ghc-FindBin - ghc-FindBin-devel - ghc-FloatingHex - ghc-FloatingHex-devel - ghc-FontyFruity - ghc-FontyFruity-devel - ghc-Frames - ghc-Frames-devel - ghc-GLFW-b - ghc-GLFW-b-devel - ghc-GLURaw - ghc-GLURaw-devel - ghc-GLUT - ghc-GLUT-devel - ghc-Genbank - ghc-Genbank-devel - ghc-GenericPretty - ghc-GenericPretty-devel - ghc-Glob - ghc-Glob-devel - ghc-GraphSCC - ghc-GraphSCC-devel - ghc-HCodecs - ghc-HCodecs-devel - ghc-HDBC - ghc-HDBC-devel - ghc-HDBC-session - ghc-HDBC-session-devel - ghc-HPDF - ghc-HPDF-devel - ghc-HSet - ghc-HSet-devel - ghc-HStringTemplate - ghc-HStringTemplate-devel - ghc-HTF - ghc-HTF-devel - ghc-HTTP - ghc-HTTP-devel - ghc-HUnit - ghc-HUnit-approx - ghc-HUnit-approx-devel - ghc-HUnit-devel - ghc-HaTeX - ghc-HaTeX-devel - ghc-HaXml - ghc-HaXml-devel - ghc-HandsomeSoup - ghc-HandsomeSoup-devel - ghc-HaskellNet - ghc-HaskellNet-SSL - ghc-HaskellNet-SSL-devel - ghc-HaskellNet-devel - ghc-Hclip - ghc-Hclip-devel - ghc-HsOpenSSL - ghc-HsOpenSSL-devel - ghc-HsOpenSSL-x509-system - ghc-HsOpenSSL-x509-system-devel - ghc-IPv6Addr - ghc-IPv6Addr-devel - ghc-IfElse - ghc-IfElse-devel - ghc-IntervalMap - ghc-IntervalMap-devel - ghc-JuicyPixels - ghc-JuicyPixels-devel - ghc-JuicyPixels-extra - ghc-JuicyPixels-extra-devel - ghc-JuicyPixels-scale-dct - ghc-JuicyPixels-scale-dct-devel - ghc-LibZip - ghc-LibZip-devel - ghc-List - ghc-List-devel - ghc-ListLike - ghc-ListLike-devel - ghc-MFlow - ghc-MFlow-devel - ghc-MemoTrie - ghc-MemoTrie-devel - ghc-MissingH - ghc-MissingH-devel - ghc-MonadPrompt - ghc-MonadPrompt-devel - ghc-MonadRandom - ghc-MonadRandom-devel - ghc-MusicBrainz - ghc-MusicBrainz-devel - ghc-Network-NineP - ghc-Network-NineP-devel - ghc-NineP - ghc-NineP-devel - ghc-NoTrace - ghc-NoTrace-devel - ghc-NumInstances - ghc-NumInstances-devel - ghc-ObjectName - ghc-ObjectName-devel - ghc-Octree - ghc-Octree-devel - ghc-OneTuple - ghc-OneTuple-devel - ghc-Only - ghc-Only-devel - ghc-OpenAL - ghc-OpenAL-devel - ghc-OpenGL - ghc-OpenGL-devel - ghc-OpenGLRaw - ghc-OpenGLRaw-devel - ghc-PSQueue - ghc-PSQueue-devel - ghc-ParsecTools - ghc-ParsecTools-devel - ghc-QuasiText - ghc-QuasiText-devel - ghc-QuickCheck - ghc-QuickCheck-devel - ghc-RNAlien - ghc-RNAlien-devel - ghc-RSA - ghc-RSA-devel - ghc-Rasterific - ghc-Rasterific-devel - ghc-ReadArgs - ghc-ReadArgs-devel - ghc-RefSerialize - ghc-RefSerialize-devel - ghc-SDL - ghc-SDL-devel - ghc-SDL-image - ghc-SDL-image-devel - ghc-SDL-mixer - ghc-SDL-mixer-devel - ghc-SHA - ghc-SHA-devel - ghc-STMonadTrans - ghc-STMonadTrans-devel - ghc-SVGFonts - ghc-SVGFonts-devel - ghc-SafeSemaphore - ghc-SafeSemaphore-devel - ghc-SegmentTree - ghc-SegmentTree-devel - ghc-ShellCheck - ghc-ShellCheck-devel - ghc-Spintax - ghc-Spintax-devel - ghc-Spock - ghc-Spock-api - ghc-Spock-api-devel - ghc-Spock-api-server - ghc-Spock-api-server-devel - ghc-Spock-core - ghc-Spock-core-devel - ghc-Spock-devel - ghc-Spock-lucid - ghc-Spock-lucid-devel - ghc-Spock-worker - ghc-Spock-worker-devel - ghc-StateVar - ghc-StateVar-devel - ghc-Strafunski-StrategyLib - ghc-Strafunski-StrategyLib-devel - ghc-Stream - ghc-Stream-devel - ghc-TCache - ghc-TCache-devel - ghc-Taxonomy - ghc-Taxonomy-devel - ghc-TypeCompose - ghc-TypeCompose-devel - ghc-Unique - ghc-Unique-devel - ghc-Unixutils - ghc-Unixutils-devel - ghc-ViennaRNAParser - ghc-ViennaRNAParser-devel - ghc-Workflow - ghc-Workflow-devel - ghc-X11 - ghc-X11-devel - ghc-X11-xft - ghc-X11-xft-devel - ghc-Xauth - ghc-Xauth-devel - ghc-Yampa - 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ghc-yesod-static-angular-devel - ghc-yesod-static-devel - ghc-yesod-table - ghc-yesod-table-devel - ghc-yesod-test - ghc-yesod-test-devel - ghc-yesod-websockets - ghc-yesod-websockets-devel - ghc-yi-core - ghc-yi-core-devel - ghc-yi-frontend-pango - ghc-yi-frontend-pango-devel - ghc-yi-frontend-vty - ghc-yi-frontend-vty-devel - ghc-yi-fuzzy-open - ghc-yi-fuzzy-open-devel - ghc-yi-ireader - ghc-yi-ireader-devel - ghc-yi-keymap-cua - ghc-yi-keymap-cua-devel - ghc-yi-keymap-emacs - ghc-yi-keymap-emacs-devel - ghc-yi-keymap-vim - ghc-yi-keymap-vim-devel - ghc-yi-language - ghc-yi-language-devel - ghc-yi-misc-modes - ghc-yi-misc-modes-devel - ghc-yi-mode-haskell - ghc-yi-mode-haskell-devel - ghc-yi-mode-javascript - ghc-yi-mode-javascript-devel - ghc-yi-rope - ghc-yi-rope-devel - ghc-yi-snippet - ghc-yi-snippet-devel - ghc-yjtools - ghc-yjtools-devel - ghc-zero - ghc-zero-devel - ghc-zeromq4-haskell - ghc-zeromq4-haskell-devel - ghc-zip - ghc-zip-archive - ghc-zip-archive-devel - ghc-zip-devel - ghc-zippers - ghc-zippers-devel - ghc-zlib - ghc-zlib-bindings - ghc-zlib-bindings-devel - ghc-zlib-devel - ghc-zlib-lens - ghc-zlib-lens-devel - ghcid - ghex - ghex-devel - ghex-lang - ghostscript-devel - ghostscript-fonts - ghostscript-mini - ghostscript-mini-devel - ghostview - ghostwriter - ghostwriter-lang - giada - giblib-devel - giflib-devel - giflib-devel-32bit - giflib-progs - gifsicle - gigaset-frontend - gigaset-frontend-qt - giggle - giggle-devel - giggle-lang - gigolo - gigolo-lang - gimp-devel - gimp-gap - gimp-gap-lang - gimp-help-hr - gimp-help-nn - gimp-plugin-aa - gimp-plugin-dds - gimp-plugin-dds-doc - gimp-plugin-lqr - gimp-plugin-lqr-lang - gimp-save-for-web - gimp-save-for-web-lang - gimp-ufraw - ginac - gio-branding-upstream - gio-sharp - gio-sharp-devel - gio-sharp3 - gio-sharp3-devel - girara-devel - girl - girl-lang - git - git-annex - git-annex-bash-completion - git-arch - git-bz - git-cola - git-core - git-credential-gnome-keyring - git-credential-libsecret - git-crypt - git-cvs - git-daemon - git-doc - git-email - git-gui - git-merge-changelog - git-p4 - git-review - git-svn - git-sync - git-test - git-web - gitg - gitg-lang - gitk - gitolite - gitslave - gitslave-doc - givaro-devel - givaro-doc - gjiten - gkeyfile-sharp - gkeyfile-sharp-devel - gkrellm - gkrellm-cpupower - gkrellm-devel - gkrellm-lang - gl2ps-devel - glabels - glabels-devel - glabels-lang - glade - glade-catalog-anjuta - glade-catalog-evolution - glade-catalog-gitg - glade-catalog-gtkhtml - glade-catalog-gtksourceview - glade-catalog-libpeas - glade-catalog-vte - glade-lang - glade-sharp2 - glew - glew-devel - glfw2-devel - glib-networking-32bit - glib-sharp2 - glib-sharp3 - glib2-devel - glib2-devel-32bit - glib2-devel-static - glib2-tools-32bit - glibc-devel - glibc-devel-32bit - glibc-devel-static - glibc-devel-static-32bit - glibc-html - glibc-i18ndata - glibc-info - glibc-profile - glibc-profile-32bit - glibc-utils - glibc-utils-32bit - glibmm2-devel - glibmm2_4-devel - glm-devel - glm-doc - glmark2 - global - glog-devel - gloox-devel - glpk - glpk-devel - glpk-doc - glproto-devel - glslang-devel - glu-devel - glu-devel-32bit - glucat-devel - glucat-doc - gluegen2 - gluegen2-devel - glusterfs - glusterfs-devel - glyr-devel - glyrc - gmime-devel - gmime2_6-devel - gmime2_6-sharp - gmock - gmp-devel - gmp-devel-32bit - gmp-ecm - gmp-ecm-devel - gmusicbrowser - gmusicbrowser-lang - gnokii - gnokii-devel - gnokii-lang - gnokii-smsd - gnome-2048 - gnome-2048-lang - gnome-autoar-devel - gnome-backgrounds - gnome-backgrounds-lang - gnome-bluetooth-devel - gnome-bluetooth-plugin-phone-manager - gnome-books - gnome-boxes - gnome-boxes-lang - gnome-builder - gnome-builder-lang - gnome-builder-plugin-beautifier - gnome-builder-plugin-clang - gnome-builder-plugin-cmake - gnome-builder-plugin-ctags - gnome-builder-plugin-devhelp - gnome-builder-plugin-gettext - gnome-builder-plugin-gnome-code-assistance - gnome-builder-plugin-html-completion - gnome-builder-plugin-jedi - gnome-builder-plugin-jhbuild - gnome-builder-plugin-mingw - gnome-builder-plugin-symbol-tree - gnome-builder-plugin-sysmon - gnome-builder-plugin-todo - gnome-builder-plugin-vala-pack - gnome-builder-plugin-xml-pack - gnome-calendar - gnome-calendar-lang - gnome-code-assistance - gnome-colors-icon-theme - gnome-commander - gnome-commander-doc - gnome-commander-lang - gnome-common - gnome-control-center-devel - gnome-desktop-sharp2 - gnome-desktop-sharp2-devel - gnome-desktop2 - gnome-desktop2-lang - gnome-devel-docs - gnome-devel-docs-lang - gnome-directory-thumbnailer - gnome-directory-thumbnailer-lang - gnome-doc-utils - gnome-doc-utils-devel - gnome-doc-utils-lang - gnome-dvb-daemon - gnome-dvb-daemon-lang - gnome-epub-thumbnailer - gnome-font-viewer - gnome-font-viewer-lang - gnome-games-scripts - gnome-genius - gnome-getting-started-docs - gnome-getting-started-docs-lang - gnome-gmail-notifier - gnome-gmail-notifier-lang - gnome-icon-theme - gnome-icon-theme-extras - gnome-icon-theme-symbolic - gnome-initial-setup - gnome-initial-setup-lang - gnome-keyring-32bit - gnome-keyring-pam-32bit - gnome-keyring-sharp - gnome-keyring-sharp-devel - gnome-keysign - gnome-klotski - gnome-klotski-lang - gnome-menus-branding-SLED - gnome-menus-branding-upstream - gnome-menus-devel - gnome-mpv - gnome-mpv-lang - gnome-multi-writer - gnome-multi-writer-lang - gnome-nettool - gnome-nettool-lang - gnome-nibbles - gnome-nibbles-lang - gnome-online-accounts-devel - gnome-packagekit-extras - gnome-patch-translation - gnome-phone-manager - gnome-phone-manager-lang - gnome-pie - gnome-pomodoro - gnome-pomodoro-lang - gnome-print-sharp - gnome-recipes - gnome-recipes-lang - gnome-robots - gnome-robots-lang - gnome-search-tool - gnome-search-tool-lang - gnome-settings-daemon-devel - gnome-sharp2 - gnome-sharp2-complete - gnome-shell-browser-plugin - gnome-shell-devel - gnome-shell-extension-gpaste - gnome-shell-extension-onboard - gnome-shell-search-provider-boxes - gnome-shell-search-provider-epiphany - gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-calendar - gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-recipes - gnome-shell-search-provider-lollypop - gnome-shell-theme-adapta - gnome-software-devel - gnome-sound-recorder - gnome-sound-recorder-lang - gnome-subtitles - gnome-subtitles-lang - gnome-taquin - gnome-taquin-lang - gnome-tetravex - gnome-tetravex-lang - gnome-themes - gnome-themes-extras - gnome-themes-lang - gnome-todo - gnome-todo-devel - gnome-todo-lang - gnome-usage - gnome-usage-lang - gnome-vfs-monikers - gnome-vfs-sharp2 - gnome-vfs2-32bit - gnome-vfs2-devel - gnome-vfs2-doc - gnome-video-effects-devel - gnu-compilers-hpc - gnu-compilers-hpc-devel - gnu-compilers-hpc-macros-devel - gnu-crypto - gnu-efi - gnu-free-fonts - gnu-getopt - gnu-getopt-javadoc - gnu-inetlib - gnu-jaf - gnu-netcat - gnu-recutils - gnu-recutils-devel - gnu-recutils-lang - gnu-regexp - gnu-regexp-demo - gnu-regexp-javadoc - gnu-unifont-legacy-bitmap-fonts - gnu_ddrescue - gnu_parallel - gnu_parallel-doc - gnubg - gnubg-databases - gnubg-doc - gnubg-lang - gnubg-sounds - gnucap - gnucash - gnucash-devel - gnucash-docs - gnucash-lang - gnugo - gnuhealth - gnuhealth-client - gnumeric - gnumeric-devel - gnumeric-doc - gnumeric-lang - gnump3d - gnuplot - gnuplot-doc - gnuradio - gnuradio-devel - gnuradio-doc - gnuradio-examples - gnuradio-examples-wxgui - gnuradio-wxgui - gnuserv - gnusocialshell - gnustep-base - gnustep-base-devel - gnustep-make - gnutls-guile - go - go-doc - go-for-it - go-for-it-lang - go-md2man - go-race - go1.7 - go1.7-doc - go1.7-race - go1.8 - go1.8-doc - go1.8-race - go1.9 - go1.9-doc - go1.9-race - goatattack - goatattack-data - gob2 - gobby - gobby-lang - gobject-introspection - gobject-introspection-devel - gocr - gocr-gui - goffice-0_8-devel - goffice-0_8-lang - goffice-devel - goffice-lang - golang-github-cpuguy83-go-md2man - golang-github-docker-libnetwork - golang-github-exercism-cli - golang-github-golang-glog - golang-github-jteeuwen-go-bindata - golang-github-kr-pty - golang-github-kr-text - golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager - golang-github-prometheus-node_exporter - golang-github-prometheus-prometheus - golang-github-prometheus-promu - golang-github-russross-blackfriday - golang-github-shurcool-sanitized_anchor_name - golang-gopkgin-check - golang-packaging - goldendict - gom-devel - gonvert - goobox - goobox-lang - goocanvas-devel - goocanvas-lang - google-alegreya-fonts - google-allerta-fonts - google-anonymouspro-fonts - google-arimo-fonts - google-authenticator-libpam - google-authenticator-libpam-32bit - google-cabin-fonts - google-caladea-fonts - google-cardo-fonts - google-compute-engine-init - google-compute-engine-oslogin - google-compute-engine-oslogin-32bit - google-cousine-fonts - google-croscore-fonts - google-exo-fonts - google-inconsolata-fonts - google-lekton-fonts - google-merriweather-fonts - google-nobile-fonts - google-opensans-fonts - google-roboto-mono-fonts - google-tinos-fonts - googler - gos-wallpapers - gource - govpn - govpn-server - gp2c - gpa - gpa-lang - gparted - gparted-lang - gpaste - gpaste-devel - gpaste-lang - gperf - gperftools - gperftools-devel - gperiodic - gperiodic-lang - gpgmepp5 - gpgmepp5-32bit - gpgmepp5-devel - gpgmepp5-devel-32bit - gphoto - gphotofs - gpick - gpick-lang - gpicview - gpicview-lang - gpm-devel - gpomme - gpp - gpredict - gpredict-lang - gprename - gprename-lang - gpresagemate - gprompter - gpsbabel - gpsd - gpsd-clients - gpsd-devel - gptfdisk-fixparts - gputils - gputils-doc - gpxsee - gq - grabpng - gradio - gradio-lang - gradle-local - gradle-open-api - grail - grail-devel - gramofile - gramps - gramps-lang - granatier - granatier-lang - granite-common - granite-demo - granite-devel - granite-lang - grantlee-editor - grantlee-editor-lang - grantlee5-32bit - grantlee5-devel - grantlee5-devel-32bit - grantleetheme-devel - graphite2 - graphite2-devel - graphviz-devel - graphviz-doc - graphviz-guile - graphviz-gvedit - graphviz-java - graphviz-lua - graphviz-perl - graphviz-php - graphviz-python - graphviz-ruby - graphviz-smyrna - graphviz-tcl - grc - grepmail - grfcodec - gri - grilo-devel - grilo-plugin-dleyna - grilo-tools - groff-doc - gromacs - gromacs-bash - gromacs-devel - gromacs-doc - gromacs-openmpi - gromit - growpart - growpart-rootgrow - grpc-devel - grsync - grsync-lang - grub - grub2-branding-upstream - grub2-theme-breeze - grub2-x86_64-xen - grubby - gsequencer - gsequencer-devel - gsequencer-devel-doc - gsettings-backend-dconf-32bit - gsettings-desktop-schemas-devel - gsettings-qt - gsettings-qt-devel - gsignond - gsignond-config-upstream - gsignond-devel - gsignond-doc - gsignond-plugin-oauth - gsl - gsl-devel - gsl-doc - gsmartcontrol - gsoap-devel - gsoap-doc - gsound - gsound-devel - gspell - gspell-devel - gssdp-utils - gssproxy - gst123 - gstreamer-1_0-plugins-buzztrax - gstreamer-32bit - gstreamer-devel - gstreamer-doc - gstreamer-editing-services - gstreamer-editing-services-devel - gstreamer-plugin-python - gstreamer-plugins-bad-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-bad-chromaprint - gstreamer-plugins-bad-chromaprint-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-bad-devel - gstreamer-plugins-bad-doc - gstreamer-plugins-bad-fluidsynth - gstreamer-plugins-bad-fluidsynth-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-base-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-base-devel - gstreamer-plugins-base-devel-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-base-doc - gstreamer-plugins-farstream-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-good-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-good-doc - gstreamer-plugins-good-extra - gstreamer-plugins-good-extra-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-good-jack - gstreamer-plugins-good-jack-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-libav-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-libav-doc - gstreamer-plugins-qt - gstreamer-plugins-qt-devel - gstreamer-plugins-qt5 - gstreamer-plugins-qt5-devel - gstreamer-plugins-ugly-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-ugly-doc - gstreamer-plugins-vaapi - gstreamer-plugins-vaapi-doc - gstreamer-rtsp-server-devel - gstreamer-transcoder - gstreamer-transcoder-devel - gstreamer-validate - gstreamer-validate-devel - gstreamermm-devel - gstreamermm-doc - gsynaptics - gsynaptics-lang - gtef-2-lang - gtef-devel - gtest - gtg - gtg-lang - gthumb - gthumb-devel - gthumb-lang - gti - gtick - gtick-lang - gtk-doc - gtk-doc-lang - gtk-key-theme-ctrluftw - gtk-recordMyDesktop - gtk-recordMyDesktop-lang - gtk-sharp-beans - gtk-sharp-beans-devel - gtk-sharp2 - gtk-sharp2-complete - gtk-sharp2-doc - gtk-sharp2-gapi - gtk-sharp3 - gtk-sharp3-complete - gtk-sharp3-devel - gtk-sharp3-doc - gtk-sharp3-gapi - gtk-sharp3-gapi-devel - gtk-vnc-devel - gtk-vnc-tools - gtk-vnc2-devel - gtk-xfce-engine - gtk-xfce-engine-32bit - gtk2-branding-upstream - gtk2-devel - gtk2-devel-32bit - gtk2-engine-aurora - gtk2-engine-cleanice - gtk2-engine-cleanice-32bit - gtk2-engine-clearlooks - gtk2-engine-clearlooks-32bit - gtk2-engine-crux - gtk2-engine-crux-32bit - gtk2-engine-equinox - gtk2-engine-glide - gtk2-engine-glide-32bit - gtk2-engine-industrial - gtk2-engine-industrial-32bit - gtk2-engine-mist - gtk2-engine-mist-32bit - gtk2-engine-murrine - gtk2-engine-murrine-32bit - gtk2-engine-nimbus - gtk2-engine-nimbus-32bit - gtk2-engine-oxygen - gtk2-engine-oxygen-32bit - gtk2-engine-redmond95 - gtk2-engine-redmond95-32bit - gtk2-engine-thinice - gtk2-engine-thinice-32bit - gtk2-engines - gtk2-engines-devel - gtk2-immodule-amharic-32bit - gtk2-immodule-inuktitut-32bit - gtk2-immodule-multipress - gtk2-immodule-multipress-32bit - gtk2-immodule-thai-32bit - gtk2-immodule-vietnamese-32bit - gtk2-immodule-xim-32bit - gtk2-immodules-tigrigna - gtk2-immodules-tigrigna-32bit - gtk2-metatheme-adapta - gtk2-metatheme-ambiance - gtk2-metatheme-ambiant-mate - gtk2-metatheme-arc - gtk2-metatheme-elementary - gtk2-metatheme-equinox - gtk2-metatheme-geeko - gtk2-metatheme-gilouche - gtk2-metatheme-greybird - gtk2-metatheme-industrial - gtk2-metatheme-mint - gtk2-metatheme-nimbus - gtk2-metatheme-numix - gtk2-metatheme-paper - gtk2-metatheme-radiance - gtk2-metatheme-radiant-mate - gtk2-metatheme-sonar - gtk2-metatheme-vertex - gtk2-metatheme-yuyo - gtk2-theme-clearlooks - gtk2-theme-crux - gtk2-theme-industrial - gtk2-theme-mist - gtk2-theme-oxygen - gtk2-theme-redmond95 - gtk2-theme-thinice - gtk2-theming-engine-adwaita-32bit - gtk2-tools-32bit - gtk2hs-buildtools - gtk3-branding-upstream - gtk3-devel - gtk3-devel-32bit - gtk3-immodule-amharic-32bit - gtk3-immodule-broadway - gtk3-immodule-inuktitut-32bit - gtk3-immodule-multipress - gtk3-immodule-multipress-32bit - gtk3-immodule-thai-32bit - gtk3-immodule-vietnamese-32bit - gtk3-immodule-xim-32bit - gtk3-immodules-tigrigna - gtk3-immodules-tigrigna-32bit - gtk3-metatheme-adapta - gtk3-metatheme-ambiance - gtk3-metatheme-ambiant-mate - gtk3-metatheme-arc - gtk3-metatheme-elementary - gtk3-metatheme-geeko - gtk3-metatheme-greybird - gtk3-metatheme-mint - gtk3-metatheme-numix - gtk3-metatheme-paper - gtk3-metatheme-radiance - gtk3-metatheme-radiant-mate - gtk3-metatheme-vertex - gtk3-metatheme-yuyo - gtk3-tools-32bit - gtkam - gtkam-doc - gtkam-lang - gtkglext-devel - gtkglext-doc - gtkhtml-4_0-lang - gtkhtml-devel - gtkimageview-devel - gtkmm2-devel - gtkmm2-tutorial - gtkmm2-tutorial-lang - gtkmm3-devel - gtkmm3-doc - gtkmm3-tutorial - gtkmm3-tutorial-lang - gtkparasite - gtkpod - gtkpod-devel - gtkpod-lang - gtksourceview-devel - gtksourceview18 - gtksourceview18-devel - gtksourceview18-doc - gtksourceview2-devel - gtksourceview2-lang - gtksourceview2-sharp - gtksourceviewmm-devel - gtkspell-devel - gtkspell-doc - gtkspell3-devel - gtkwave - gtkwave-doc - gtkwave-examples - gtranslator - gtranslator-devel - gtranslator-lang - gts - gts-devel - gtypist - gtypist-lang - guake - gucharmap-devel - gudev-sharp - gudev-sharp-devel - guestfs-tools - guestfsd - guile - guile-bytestructures - guile-cairo - guile-cairo-devel - guile-charting - guile-devel - guile-git - guile-json - guile-modules-2_0 - guile1 - guilt - guitarix - guix - gummi - gummi-lang - gup - gupnp-dlna-tools - gupnp-tools - gupnp-tools-lang - gutenprint-devel - gutenprint-gimpplugin - guvcview - guvcview-devel - guvcview-lang - guvcview-qt5 - guvcview-qt5-lang - gv - gvfs-32bit - gvfs-devel - gvim - gwenhywfar - gwenhywfar-devel - gwenhywfar-lang - gwenhywfar-tools - gyp - gypsy - gzdoom - gzrt - ha-cluster-bootstrap - haas-proxy - hackbench - hackrf - hackrf-devel - hackrf-firmware - hackrf-udev - hamcrest - hamcrest-demo - hamcrest-javadoc - hamlib - hamlib-devel - handedict - handwriting - hapistrano - happy - haproxy - hardening-check - hardinfo - harfbuzz-devel - harfbuzz-tools - harminv - harminv-devel - hartke-aurulentsans-fonts - haserl - hashalot - hashcat - hashdeep - haskintex - haveged-devel - hawk-apiserver - hawk2 - hawkey-man - haxe - hbci4java - hbci4java-javadoc - hcode - hda-verb - hdajackretask - hdajacksensetest - hddtemp - hdevtools - hdf - hdf-devel - hdf-devel-data - hdf-devel-static - hdf-openmpi - hdf-openmpi-devel - hdf-openmpi-devel-static - hdf5 - hdf5-devel - hdf5-devel-32bit - hdf5-devel-data - hdf5-devel-static - hdf5-examples - hdf5-gnu-hpc-devel - hdf5-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel - hdf5-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel - hdf5-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - hdf5-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel - hdf5-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel - hdf5-mvapich2 - hdf5-mvapich2-devel - hdf5-mvapich2-devel-static - hdf5-openmpi - hdf5-openmpi-devel - hdf5-openmpi-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-hpc - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-mpich-hpc - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-mpich-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-module - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel-static - hdf5_1_10_1-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-module - hdhomerun_config - hdhomerun_config_gui - hdspconf - hdsploader - hdspmixer - headmore - health-check - health-checker - health-checker-plugins-caasp - health-checker-testing - heaptrack - heaptrack-devel - heaptrack-gui - heaptrack-lang - hedgewars - hedgewars-data - heimdall - heimdall-frontend - hello - hello-lang - help2man - herbstluftwm - herbstluftwm-bash-completion - herbstluftwm-examples - herbstluftwm-zsh-completion - hercules - hex - hex2bin - hexchat - hexchat-devel - hexchat-lang - hexchat-plugins-lua - hexchat-plugins-perl - hexchat-plugins-python3 - hexd - hexter - hfst - hfst-devel - hfst-ospell - hfst-ospell-devel - hfsutils - hg-fast-export - hg-git - hiawatha - hiawatha-letsencrypt - hibiscus - highlight - highlight-gui - highlight-gui-lang - highlighting-kate - himeno - hindent - hiredis - hiredis-devel - hitori - hitori-lang - hivex - hivex-devel - hivex-lang - hledger - hledger-api - hledger-interest - hledger-ui - hledger-web - hlint - hmaccalc - hmcfgusb - hmconv - hollywood - hollywood-data - holodev - holy-project - homebank - homebank-lang - homeshick - honggfuzz - hoogle - horst - hostap-utils - hostapd - hostinfo - hourglass - hourglass-lang - howl - hp-drive-guard - hp2xx - hpack - hpc-coveralls - hping - hping-doc - hplip - hplip-devel - hplip-sane - hsb2hs - hscolour - hspec-discover - hsqldb - hsqldb-demo - hsqldb-javadoc - hsqldb-manual - ht - htdig - htdig-devel - htdig-doc - hte - html-dtd - html-xml-utils - html2ps - html2text - htmldoc - htop - http-parser-devel - httperf - httrack - httrack-devel - hub - humanity-icon-theme - hunspell-devel - hunspell-devel-32bit - hwdata - hwinfo-devel - hwloc - hwloc-data - hwloc-devel - hwloc-doc - hwmixvolume - hxtools - hxtools-data - hxtools-man - hxtools-profile - hxtools-scripts - hydrogen - hyena - hylafax+ - hylafax+-client - hyphen - hyphen-devel - i18nspector - i2c-tools - i3 - i3-devel - i3-gaps - i3-gaps-devel - i3lock - i3lock-xlock-compat - i3status - i4l-base - i4l-isdnlog - i4l-vbox - i4lfirm - ibacm - ibm-data-db2 - ibmswtpm2 - ibmtss - ibmtss-base - ibmtss-devel - ibsim - ibus-anthy - ibus-anthy-devel - ibus-branding-openSUSE-KDE - ibus-devel - ibus-gtk-32bit - ibus-gtk3-32bit - ibus-input-pad - ibus-kkc - ibus-qt - ibus-qt-32bit - ibus-qt-devel - ibus-rime - ibus-skk - ibus-table-cns11643 - ibus-table-compose - ibus-table-devel - ibus-table-emoji - ibus-table-extraphrase - ibus-table-extraphrase-devel - ibus-table-ipa-x-sampa - ibus-table-latex - ibus-table-mathwriter - ibus-table-others - ibus-table-rusle - ibus-table-thai - ibus-table-viqr - ibus-table-yawerty - ibus-table-zhengma - ibus-table-ziranma - ibus-typing-booster - ibus-unikey - ibutils - ibutils-devel - ibutils-ui - icc-examin - icc-examin-lang - icc-mime-types - icc-profiles - icc-profiles-all - icc-profiles-basiccolor-lstarrgb - icc-profiles-basiccolor-printing2009-coat2 - icc-profiles-basiccolor-printing2009-doc - icc-profiles-basiccolor-printing2009-extra - icc-profiles-lcms-lab - icc-profiles-mini - icc-profiles-openicc-rgb - icc-profiles-oyranos-extra - icc-targets-fogra - icc-targets-npes - iceWMCP - iceWMCP-addons - icecast - icecast-doc - icedtea-web-javadoc - ices - icewm-config-upstream - icewm-lite - icewm-theme-yast-installation - icewm-themes - icinga2 - icinga2-bin - icinga2-common - icinga2-doc - icinga2-ido-mysql - icinga2-ido-pgsql - icinga2-libs - icingaweb2 - icingaweb2-common - icingaweb2-icingacli - icingaweb2-module-director - icingaweb2-vendor-HTMLPurifier - icingaweb2-vendor-JShrink - icingaweb2-vendor-Parsedown - icingaweb2-vendor-dompdf - icingaweb2-vendor-lessphp - icingaweb2-vendor-zf1 - icmake - icmpinfo - icns-utils - icon-naming-utils - icu - icu4j - icu4j-javadoc - id3lib - id3lib-32bit - id3lib-devel - id3lib-examples - id3v2 - idep - ido-devel - idutils - idutils-lang - idzebra - idzebra-devel - idzebra-doc - iec16022 - iftop - ifuse - igerman98-doc - ignuit - iio-sensor-proxy-doc - iksemel - iksemel-devel - ikvm - ilbc-devel - ilmbase-devel - ima-evm-utils-devel - ima-inspect - imageburner - imageburner-lang - imagej - imagewriter - imake - imap - imap-devel - imapfilter - imgen - imgp - imgp-bash-completion - imgp-fish-completion - imgp-zsh-completion - imgvtopgm - imhangul-32bit - iml-devel - imlib2 - imlib2-devel - imlib2-filters - imlib2-loaders - imobiledevice-tools - imwheel - imx-usb-loader - incidenceeditor-devel - include-what-you-use - include-what-you-use-tools - indent - indic-fonts - infiniband-diags - infiniband-diags-devel - infiniband-diags-devel-32bit - infinipath-psm-devel - infinoted - info2html - info4 - infos-creator-rpm - ini4j - ini4j-javadoc - injeqt-devel - inkscape-extensions-dia - inkscape-extensions-fig - inkscape-extensions-gimp - inkscape-extensions-skencil - inn - inn-devel - innoextract - innotop - inotify-tools - inotify-tools-devel - inotify-tools-doc - input-pad - input-pad-devel - input-pad-eek - input-pad-xtest - inputproto-devel - inspectrum - inst-source-utils - install-initrd-openSUSE - installation-images-debuginfodeps-openSUSE - installation-images-openSUSE - instlux - instsource-susedata - int10h-oldschoolpc-fonts - intel-SINIT - intel-cmt-cat - intel-hybrid-driver - intel-vaapi-driver-32bit - intelhex - interbench - intero - intlfonts - intlfonts-asian-bitmap-fonts - intlfonts-bdf-fonts - intlfonts-ethiopic-bitmap-fonts - intlfonts-phonetic-bitmap-fonts - intlfonts-ttf-fonts - intlfonts-type1-fonts - intltool - inxi - iodbc - iodbc-admin - iodine - iometer - ioping - iops - ior - iotop - iouyap - ip6addr - ipa-gothic-bold-fonts - ipa-gothic-bolditalic-fonts - ipa-gothic-italic-fonts - ipa-pgothic-bold-fonts - ipa-pgothic-bolditalic-fonts - ipa-pgothic-italic-fonts - ipadic - ipcalc - iperf - iperf-devel - ipmiutil - ipmiutil-devel - ipmiutil-static - iprange - iproute2-bash-completion - iproxy - ipsec-tools - ipset-devel - iptables-nft - iptraf-ng - ipvsadm - ipxe-bootimgs - ipxrip - irda - irman-common - irman-utils - irqd - irrlicht-data - irrlicht-devel - irssi - irssi-devel - irssi-otr - isight-firmware-tools - isl-devel - isl-devel-32bit - iso-codes-devel - iso-country-flags-png - isorelax - ispell-esperanto - ispell-naustrian - ispell-nswiss - issue-generator - istgt - isync - itk - itpp-devel - itpp-doc - itstool - iucode-tool - iverilog - iverilog-devel - ivtv - ivy-local - ivykis-devel - iwatch - iwidgets - iwpmd - iwscanner - ixpdimm-cli - ixpdimm-data - ixpdimm-monitor - ixpdimm_sw-devel - jack - jack-32bit - jackEQ - jacktrip - jaero - jag - jag-data - jag-level-editor - jailbreak-cabal - jakarta-commons-compress - jakarta-commons-compress-javadoc - jakarta-commons-digester - jakarta-commons-digester-javadoc - jakarta-commons-discovery - jakarta-commons-discovery-javadoc - jakarta-commons-fileupload - jakarta-commons-fileupload-javadoc - jakarta-commons-launcher - jakarta-commons-launcher-javadoc - jakarta-commons-modeler - jakarta-commons-modeler-javadoc - jakarta-commons-net - jakarta-commons-net-javadoc - jakarta-commons-transaction - jakarta-commons-vfs - jakarta-commons-vfs-javadoc - jakarta-commons-vfs-manual - jakarta-poi - jakarta-poi-javadoc - jakarta-poi-manual - jakarta-slide-webdavclient - jakarta-slide-webdavclient-javadoc - jakarta-slide-webdavclient-repolib - jakarta-taglibs-standard - jakarta-taglibs-standard-javadoc - jameica - jameica-devel - jameica-javadoc - jarjar - jarjar-javadoc - jasper - java-10-openjdk-accessibility - java-10-openjdk-demo - java-10-openjdk-devel - java-10-openjdk-javadoc - java-10-openjdk-jmods - java-10-openjdk-src - java-11-openjdk - java-11-openjdk-accessibility - java-11-openjdk-demo - java-11-openjdk-devel - java-11-openjdk-headless - java-11-openjdk-javadoc - java-11-openjdk-jmods - java-11-openjdk-src - java-1_7_0-bootstrap - java-1_7_0-bootstrap-devel - java-1_7_0-bootstrap-headless - java-1_8_0-openjdk - java-1_8_0-openjdk-accessibility - java-1_8_0-openjdk-demo - java-1_8_0-openjdk-devel - java-1_8_0-openjdk-headless - java-1_8_0-openjdk-javadoc - java-1_8_0-openjdk-src - java-atk-wrapper - java-binfmt-misc - java-cup - java-cup-bootstrap - java-cup-manual - java-libkolabxml1 - java-mraa - javacc - javacc-demo - javacc-manual - javacc3 - javacc3-demo - javacc3-manual - javacc3-repolib - javahelp2 - javahelp2-javadoc - javahelp2-manual - javapackages-local - javassist - javassist-demo - javassist-javadoc - javassist-manual - javazic - jaxen - jaxen-bootstrap - jaxodraw - jaxodraw-javadoc - jaxodraw-latex - jbig2dec - jbig2dec-devel - jbig2dec-devel-32bit - jbigkit - jcifs - jcifs-demo - jcifs-javadoc - jcip-annotations - jcip-annotations-javadoc - jcodings - jcommon - jcommon-javadoc - jcommon-test - jdepend - jdepend-demo - jdom - jedit - jedit-javadoc - jemalloc - jemalloc-devel - jemalloc-devel-static - jemmy - jemmy-javadoc - jeos-firstboot - jeuclid - jeuclid-cli - jeuclid-fop - jeuclid-mathviewer - jfbterm - jflex - jflex-bootstrap - jflex-doc - jformatstring - jformatstring-javadoc - jgoodies-forms - jgoodies-forms-demo - jgoodies-forms-javadoc - jgoodies-forms-manual - jgoodies-looks - jgoodies-looks-demo - jgoodies-looks-javadoc - jgoodies-looks-manual - jgraphx - jgroups - jgroups-javadoc - jgroups-manual - jgroups-repolib - jhead - jigdo - jigit - jikes - jimtcl - jimtcl-devel - jing - jing-javadoc - jisp2 - jisp2-demo - jisp2-javadoc - jlatexmath - jlatexmath-fop - jlatexmath-javadoc - jlex - jlfgr - jmock - jmock-demo - jmock-javadoc - jmol - jna - jna-javadoc - joda-time - joda-time-javadoc - jogl2 - jomolhari-fonts - jondo - jondofox - jovie - jp2a - jpegoptim - jq - jrosetta - jrtplib-devel - jsch - jsch-demo - jsch-javadoc - jsmn-devel - json-glib-devel - jsoncpp-devel - jsonrpc-glib-devel - jsr-305 - jsr-305-javadoc - jthread-devel - jtidy - jtidy-scripts - judy-devel - judy-doc - juk - juk-lang - julia - julia-compat - julia-compat-debug - julia-compat-devel - julia-debug - julia-devel - julia-doc - julia-examples - jumpnbump - junit - junit-demo - junit-javadoc - junit-manual - junitperf - junitperf-demo - junitperf-javadoc - jvyamlb - jxrlib - jxrlib-devel - jython - jython-demo - jython-javadoc - jython-manual - jzlib - jzlib-demo - k3b-devel - k4dirstat - k4dirstat-lang - kaccessible - kaccounts-integration-32bit - kaccounts-integration-devel - kaccounts-integration-devel-32bit - kactivities-stats-devel - kactivities-stats-devel-32bit - kactivities5-devel - kactivities5-devel-32bit - kactivities5-tools - kadu - kadu-devel - kadu-sound-bns - kadu-sound-drums - kadu-sound-florkus - kadu-sound-michalsrodek - kadu-sound-percussion - kadu-sound-ultr - kaffeine - kaffeine-lang - kajongg - kajongg-lang - kakasi - kakasi-devel - kakasi-dict - kakoune - kalarm - kalarm-lang - kalarmcal-devel - kalgebra-mobile - kalzium-devel - kamerka - kamerka-lang - kanjipad - kapidox - kapman - kapman-lang - kapptemplate - kapptemplate-lang - karchive-devel - karchive-devel-32bit - karim - kasumi - kate4-parts - katomic - katomic-lang - kauth-devel - kauth-devel-32bit - kawaii-player - kbdsniffd - kblackbox - kblackbox-lang - kblocks - kblocks-lang - kblog-devel - kblog-lang - kbookmarks-devel - kbookmarks-devel-32bit - kbounce - kbounce-lang - kbproto-devel - kbreakout - kbreakout-lang - kbuild - kcachegrind - kcachegrind-lang - kcalcore-devel - kcalutils-devel - kchmviewer - kcmutils-devel - kcmutils-devel-32bit - kcodecs-devel - kcodecs-devel-32bit - kcompletion-devel - kcompletion-devel-32bit - kconfig-devel - kconfig-devel-32bit - kconfigwidgets-devel - kconfigwidgets-devel-32bit - kcontacts-devel - kcontacts-devel-32bit - kcoreaddons-devel - kcoreaddons-devel-32bit - kcrash-devel - kcrash-devel-32bit - kcron - kcron-lang - kdav-devel - kdb-devel - kdb-lang - kdb-mysql-driver - kdb-postgresql-driver - kdb-sqlite3-driver - kdbg - kdbg-lang - kdbusaddons-devel - kdbusaddons-devel-32bit - kde-l10n-ast - kde-l10n-caValencia - kde-l10n-devel - kde-l10n-eu - kde-l10n-ga - kde-l10n-gl - kde-l10n-he - kde-l10n-hi - kde-l10n-hr - kde-l10n-ia - kde-l10n-is - kde-l10n-kk - kde-l10n-km - kde-l10n-lv - kde-l10n-mr - kde-l10n-nds - kde-l10n-nn - kde-l10n-pa - kde-l10n-ro - kde-l10n-sr - kde-l10n-tr - kde-l10n-ug - kde-l10n-wa - kde-oxygen-fonts - kde4-kgreeter-plugins - kdebase4-runtime-devel - kdebase4-workspace - kdebase4-workspace-addons - kdebase4-workspace-devel - kdebase4-workspace-liboxygenstyle - kdebase4-workspace-liboxygenstyle-32bit - kdebase4-workspace-libs-32bit - kdebugsettings - kdebugsettings-lang - kdeclarative-components-32bit - kdeclarative-devel - kdeclarative-devel-32bit - kdeclarative-tools - kded-devel - kdedesktopcheck - kdegames-carddecks-other - kdegames4-carddecks-default - kdegames4-carddecks-other - kdelibs4-apidocs - kdelibs4-doc - kdelibs4support-32bit - kdelibs4support-devel - kdelibs4support-devel-32bit - kdenlive - kdenlive-lang - kdepim-apps-libs-devel - kdepimlibs4 - kdesdk-scripts - kdesdk-scripts-kf5-porting - kdesdk-scripts-lang - kdesdk-thumbnailers - kdesdk-thumbnailers-lang - kdesdk4-scripts - kdesdk4-scripts-kf5-porting - kdesignerplugin - kdesignerplugin-devel - kdesignerplugin-lang - kdesu-devel - kdesu-devel-32bit - kdesvn - kdevelop5 - kdevelop5-lang - kdevelop5-pg-qt - kdevelop5-plugin-php - kdevelop5-plugin-php-lang - kdevelop5-plugin-python3 - kdevelop5-plugin-python3-lang - kdevplatform - kdevplatform-devel - kdevplatform-lang - kdewebkit-devel - kdewebkit-devel-32bit - kdf - kdf-lang - kdgantt2 - kdgantt2-devel - kdiagram-devel - kdiamond - kdiamond-lang - kdiff3 - kdiff3-lang - kdm - kdm-branding-upstream - kdnssd - kdnssd-framework-devel - kdnssd-framework-devel-32bit - kdnssd-lang - kdoctools-devel - kdoctools-devel-32bit - kdstatemachineeditor-devel - kdumpid - keepalived - keepass - keepassx - keepassxc - keepassxc-lang - kelbt - kemoticons-devel - kemoticons-devel-32bit - kepas - kernel-debug - kernel-debug-base - kernel-debug-devel - kernel-default-base - kernel-default-devel - kernel-devel - kernel-docs - kernel-docs-html - kernel-kvmsmall - kernel-kvmsmall-base - kernel-kvmsmall-devel - kernel-macros - kernel-obs-build - kernel-obs-qa - kernel-source - kernel-source-vanilla - kernel-syms - kernel-vanilla - kernel-vanilla-devel - kernelshark - ketchup - kexi - kexi-lang - keybinder-3.0-devel - keybinder-devel - keybinder-lua - keychain - keyutils-devel - keyutils-devel-32bit - kf5-filesystem - kf5-mediainfo - kfilemetadata5-32bit - kfilemetadata5-devel - kfilereplace - kfind - kfind-lang - kfloppy - kfloppy-lang - kfourinline - kfourinline-lang - kget - kget-lang - kglobalaccel-devel - kglobalaccel-devel-32bit - kgoldrunner - kgoldrunner-lang - kguiaddons-devel - kguiaddons-devel-32bit - khmeros-fonts - kholidays - kholidays-devel - kholidays-lang - khotkeys5-devel - khtml-devel - khtml-devel-32bit - ki18n-devel - ki18n-devel-32bit - kicad - kicad-doc - kicad-doc-ca - kicad-doc-de - kicad-doc-en - kicad-doc-es - kicad-doc-fr - kicad-doc-id - kicad-doc-it - kicad-doc-ja - kicad-doc-nl - kicad-doc-pl - kicad-doc-ru - kicad-footprints - kicad-lang-bg - kicad-lang-ca - kicad-lang-cs - kicad-lang-de - kicad-lang-el - kicad-lang-es - kicad-lang-fi - kicad-lang-fr - kicad-lang-hu - kicad-lang-id - kicad-lang-it - kicad-lang-ja - kicad-lang-ko - kicad-lang-lt - kicad-lang-nl - kicad-lang-pl - kicad-lang-pt - kicad-lang-ro - kicad-lang-ru - kicad-lang-sk - kicad-lang-sl - kicad-lang-sv - kicad-lang-zh_CN - kicad-library - kicad-library-3d - kicad-library-install - kiconthemes-devel - kiconthemes-devel-32bit - kid3 - kid3-cli - kid3-core - kid3-core-lang - kid3-doc - kid3-qt - kid3-qt-doc - kidentitymanagement-devel - kidletime-devel - kidletime-devel-32bit - kigo - kigo-lang - kile - kile-lang - killbots - killbots-lang - killerd - killswitch-applet - kimageformats-32bit - kimagemapeditor - kimagemapeditor-lang - kimap-devel - kinit-32bit - kinit-devel - kinput2 - kio-32bit - kio-core-32bit - kio-devel - kio-devel-32bit - kio-gdrive - kio-gdrive-lang - kio-stash - kio-stash-lang - kio_audiocd-devel - kio_audiocd4-devel - kio_iso - kio_mtp - kirigami - kirigami-devel - kirigami-lang - kirigami2-devel - kiriki - kiriki-lang - kismet - kitemmodels-devel - kitemmodels-devel-32bit - kitemviews-devel - kitemviews-devel-32bit - kiten-devel - kiwi-boot-descriptions - kiwi-boot-requires - kiwi-filesystem-requires - kiwi-image-docker-requires - kiwi-image-iso-requires - kiwi-image-oem-requires - kiwi-image-pxe-requires - kiwi-image-vmx-requires - kiwi-man-pages - kiwi-pxeboot - kiwi-tools - kjobwidgets-devel - kjobwidgets-devel-32bit - kjots - kjots-lang - kjs-devel - kjs-devel-32bit - kjs-devel-lang - kjsembed-devel - kjsembed-devel-32bit - kjumpingcube - kjumpingcube-lang - kkc-data - klatexformula - klatexformula-apidoc - klavaro - kldap-devel - klfbackend-devel - klftools-devel - klickety - klickety-lang - klines - klines-lang - klinkstatus - kmailtransport-devel - kmarkdownwebview - kmarkdownwebview-lang - kmbox-devel - kmediaplayer-devel - kmediaplayer-devel-32bit - kmime-devel - kmix - kmix-lang - kmod-bash-completion - kmouth - kmouth-lang - kmymoney - kmymoney-devel - kmymoney-lang - knavalbattle - knavalbattle-lang - knemo - knemo-lang - knetwalk - knetwalk-lang - knewstuff-core-devel - knewstuff-devel - knewstuff-devel-32bit - knewstuff-imports - knewstuff-quick-devel - knock - knockd - knot - knotifications-devel - knotifications-devel-32bit - knotifyconfig-devel - knotifyconfig-devel-32bit - koan - kolf - kolf-lang - kollision - kollision-lang - kolor-manager - kolourpaint - kolourpaint-lang - kompare-devel - konqueror - konqueror-devel - konqueror-lang - konqueror-plugins - konquest - konquest-lang - konsole4-part - kontactinterface-devel - kopano-archiver - kopano-backup - kopano-bash-completion - kopano-client - kopano-common - kopano-contacts - kopano-dagent - kopano-devel - kopano-gateway - kopano-ical - kopano-lang - kopano-migration-imap - kopano-migration-pst - kopano-monitor - kopano-search - kopano-server - kopano-server-packages - kopano-spamd - kopano-spooler - kopano-utils - kopano-webapp - kopano-webapp-contactfax - kopano-webapp-folderwidgets - kopano-webapp-gmaps - kopano-webapp-lang - kopano-webapp-pimfolder - kopano-webapp-quickitems - kopano-webapp-titlecounter - kopano-webapp-webappmanual - kopano-webapp-zdeveloper - kopete - kopete-devel - kpackage-32bit - kpackage-devel - kpackage-devel-32bit - kpartloader - kpartloader-lang - kparts-devel - kparts-devel-32bit - kpassgen - kpeople5-32bit - kpeople5-devel - kpeople5-devel-32bit - kphotoalbum - kphotoalbum-lang - kpimtextedit-devel - kplotting-devel - kplotting-devel-32bit - kpmcore - kpmcore-devel - kpmcore-lang - kppp - kproperty - kproperty-devel - kproperty-lang - kpty-devel - kpty-devel-32bit - kradio - kraft - krandr - krb5-auth-dialog - krb5-auth-dialog-lang - krb5-client - krb5-devel - krb5-devel-32bit - krb5-mini - krb5-mini-devel - krb5-plugin-kdb-ldap - krb5-plugin-preauth-otp - krb5-plugin-preauth-pkinit - krdc - krdc-devel - krdc-lang - kremotecontrol - kremotecontrol-devel - krename - kreport - kreport-devel - kreport-lang - krfb - krfb-lang - krita - krita-devel - krita-lang - kronometer - kross-32bit - kross-devel - kross-devel-32bit - kross-python - krunner-devel - krunner-devel-32bit - krusader - krusader-doc - kscd - kscreenlocker-devel - kservice-32bit - kservice-devel - kservice-devel-32bit - ksh - ksh-devel - kshisen - kshisen-lang - kshutdown - ksirk - ksirk-lang - ksmtp-devel - ksnakeduel - ksnakeduel-lang - kspaceduel - kspaceduel-lang - ksquares - ksquares-lang - kssl - kst - kst-devel - kstars - kstars-lang - ksystemlog - ksystemlog-lang - kteatime - kteatime-lang - ktexteditor-32bit - ktexteditor-devel - ktexteditor-devel-32bit - ktextwidgets-devel - ktextwidgets-devel-32bit - ktimer - ktimer-lang - ktnef-devel - ktoblzcheck - ktoblzcheck-devel - ktorrent - ktorrent-lang - ktuberling - ktuberling-lang - kturtle - kturtle-lang - kubic-locale-archive - kubrick - kubrick-lang - kuiviewer - kuiviewer-lang - kunitconversion-devel - kunitconversion-devel-32bit - kup-client - kup-server - kupfer - kurso-de-esperanto - kuser - kvirc - kvirc-devel - kvkbd - kvpnc - kwallet-devel - kwallet-devel-32bit - kwalletmanager - kwave - kwave-lang - kwayland-32bit - kwayland-devel - kwayland-devel-32bit - kwebkitpart - kwebkitpart-lang - kwidgetsaddons-devel - kwidgetsaddons-devel-32bit - kwikdisk - kwin - kwin5-devel - kwindowsystem-devel - kwindowsystem-devel-32bit - kwrite - kwrited5 - kxmlgui-devel - kxmlgui-devel-32bit - kxmlrpcclient5-devel - kxmlrpcclient5-devel-32bit - kye - kye-data - kyotocabinet - labplot-kf5 - labplot-kf5-lang - ladspa - ladspa-32bit - ladspa-AMB - ladspa-FIL - ladspa-MCP - ladspa-REV - ladspa-VCO - ladspa-alienwah - ladspa-blepvco - ladspa-blop - ladspa-caps - ladspa-cmt - ladspa-devel - ladspa-guitarix - ladspa-matched - ladspa-preamp - ladspa-pvoc - ladspa-sooperlooper - ladspa-super-60 - ladspa-swh-plugins - ladspa-tap-plugins - ladspa-vcf - ladspa-vlevel - ladspa-vocoder - laf-plugin - laf-plugin-javadoc - lam - lam-32bit - lam-devel - lame-doc - lame-mp3rtp - lammps - lammps-devel - lapack-devel - lapack-devel-32bit - lapack-devel-static - lapack-man - lapacke-devel - lapacke-devel-32bit - lapacke-devel-static - lapdog - laptop-mode-tools - lasem - lasem-devel - lastpass-cli - laszip-devel - latencytop - latex2html - latex2html-doc - latex2html-pngicons - latex2rtf - latexila - lato-fonts - latrace - latte-dock - latte-dock-lang - lazarus - lbdb - lbzip2 - lcab - lcdf-typetools - lcms2 - lcov - lcurse - ld10k1 - ld10k1-devel - ldapfuse - ldapvi - ldb-tools - ldirectord - ldns - ldns-devel - ldtp - leafnode - ledger - ledmon - leechcraft - leechcraft-advancednotifications - leechcraft-aggregator - leechcraft-aggregator-bodyfetch - leechcraft-aggregator-webaccess - leechcraft-anhero - leechcraft-auscrie - leechcraft-azoth - leechcraft-azoth-abbrev - leechcraft-azoth-acetamide - leechcraft-azoth-adiumstyles - leechcraft-azoth-autoidler - leechcraft-azoth-autopaste - leechcraft-azoth-birthdaynotifier - leechcraft-azoth-chathistory - leechcraft-azoth-depester - leechcraft-azoth-doc - leechcraft-azoth-embedmedia - leechcraft-azoth-herbicide - leechcraft-azoth-hili - leechcraft-azoth-isterique - leechcraft-azoth-juick - leechcraft-azoth-keeso - leechcraft-azoth-lastseen - leechcraft-azoth-metacontacts - leechcraft-azoth-modnok - leechcraft-azoth-mucommands - leechcraft-azoth-murm - leechcraft-azoth-nativeemoticons - leechcraft-azoth-otroid - leechcraft-azoth-rosenthal - leechcraft-azoth-shx - leechcraft-azoth-standardstyles - leechcraft-azoth-vader - leechcraft-azoth-velvetbird - leechcraft-azoth-xoox - leechcraft-azoth-xtazy - leechcraft-bittorrent - leechcraft-blasq - leechcraft-blasq-deathnote - leechcraft-blasq-rappor - leechcraft-blasq-vangog - leechcraft-blogique - leechcraft-blogique-hestia - leechcraft-blogique-metida - leechcraft-certmgr - leechcraft-cpuload - leechcraft-cstp - leechcraft-dbusmanager - leechcraft-deadlyrics - leechcraft-devel - leechcraft-devmon - leechcraft-doc - leechcraft-dolozhee - leechcraft-dumbeep - leechcraft-eleeminator - leechcraft-fenet - leechcraft-fenet-awesome - leechcraft-fenet-kwin - leechcraft-fenet-openbox - leechcraft-gacts - leechcraft-glance - leechcraft-gmailnotifier - leechcraft-historyholder - leechcraft-hotstreams - leechcraft-htthare - leechcraft-imgaste - leechcraft-intermutko - leechcraft-kbswitch - leechcraft-kinotify - leechcraft-knowhow - leechcraft-krigstask - leechcraft-lackman - leechcraft-lastfmscrobble - leechcraft-laughty - leechcraft-launchy - leechcraft-lemon - leechcraft-lhtr - leechcraft-liznoo - leechcraft-lmp - leechcraft-lmp-brainslugz - leechcraft-lmp-dumbsync - leechcraft-lmp-fradj - leechcraft-lmp-graffiti - leechcraft-lmp-httstream - leechcraft-lmp-mp3tunes - leechcraft-lmp-mtpsync - leechcraft-lmp-potorchu - leechcraft-lmp-ppl - leechcraft-mellonetray - leechcraft-monocle - leechcraft-monocle-dik - leechcraft-monocle-doc - leechcraft-monocle-fxb - leechcraft-monocle-pdf - leechcraft-monocle-postrus - leechcraft-monocle-seen - leechcraft-musiczombie - leechcraft-namauth - leechcraft-netstoremanager - leechcraft-netstoremanager-googledrive - leechcraft-networkmonitor - leechcraft-newlife - leechcraft-ooronee - leechcraft-otlozhu - leechcraft-pintab - leechcraft-pogooglue - leechcraft-poshuku - leechcraft-poshuku-autosearch - leechcraft-poshuku-cleanweb - leechcraft-poshuku-dcac - leechcraft-poshuku-fatape - leechcraft-poshuku-filescheme - leechcraft-poshuku-foc - leechcraft-poshuku-fua - leechcraft-poshuku-keywords - leechcraft-poshuku-onlinebookmarks - leechcraft-poshuku-onlinebookmarks-delicious - leechcraft-poshuku-onlinebookmarks-readitlater - leechcraft-poshuku-qrd - leechcraft-poshuku-speeddial - leechcraft-poshuku-webkitview - leechcraft-rosenthal - leechcraft-sb2 - leechcraft-scroblibre - leechcraft-secman - leechcraft-secman-simplestorage - leechcraft-seekthru - leechcraft-summary - leechcraft-sysnotify - leechcraft-tabsessionmanager - leechcraft-tabslist - leechcraft-textogroose - leechcraft-touchstreams - leechcraft-tpi - leechcraft-vgrabber - leechcraft-vrooby - leechcraft-xproxy - leechcraft-xtazy - leechcraft-zalil - legion-devel - lekha - lemonbar - lensfun-devel - lensfun-doc - lensfun-tools - lentil - leptonica-devel - leptonica-tools - letshelp-certbot - leveldb-devel - leveldb-devel-static - lhasa - lhasa-devel - lib3270-5_1 - lib3270-devel - lib3ds-1-3 - lib3ds-devel - lib4store-devel - lib4store0 - lib4ti2-0 - lib96BoardsGPIO0 - libAPFEL0 - libAppStreamQt-devel - libArcus-lulzbot-devel - libArcus3-lulzbot - libBox2D-devel - libBox2D-devel-32bit - libBox2D2_3_1 - libBox2D2_3_1-32bit - libBulletFileLoader2_86 - libBulletInverseDynamicsUtils2_86 - libBulletWorldImporter2_86 - libBulletXmlWorldImporter2_86 - libCGAL13 - libCSXCAD0 - libCharLS2 - libCoin60 - libColPack0 - libColPack0-32bit - libColorFull0 - libConvexDecomposition2_86 - libEMF-devel - libEMF-utils - libFLAC++6-32bit - libFLAC8-32bit - libFOX-1_6-0 - libFS-devel - libFS-devel-32bit - libFS6-32bit - libGIMPACTUtils2_86 - libGLC-devel - libGLC0 - libGLEW2_1-32bit - libGLU1-32bit - libGLw-devel - libGLw1 - libGLw1-32bit - libGLwM1 - libGLwM1-32bit - libGammu8 - libGeneratedSaxParser0_3 - libGeoIP-devel - libGeoIP-devel-32bit - libGeoIP1-32bit - libGetDP2_11 - libGraphicsMagick++-Q16-12 - libGraphicsMagick++-devel - libGraphicsMagick-Q16-3 - libGraphicsMagick3-config - libGraphicsMagickWand-Q16-2 - libHACD2_86 - libHX-devel - libHX-devel-32bit - libHX28-32bit - libHalf23-32bit - libHepMC-3_0_0 - libHepMC4 - libICE-devel - libICE-devel-32bit - libICE6-32bit - libIDL-2-0 - libIDL-2-0-32bit - libIL1 - libIccXML-devel - libIccXML2 - libIex-2_2-23-32bit - libIexMath-2_2-23 - libIexMath-2_2-23-32bit - libIlmImf-2_2-23-32bit - libIlmImfUtil-2_2-23 - libIlmImfUtil-2_2-23-32bit - libIlmThread-2_2-23-32bit - libImath-2_2-23 - libImath-2_2-23-32bit - libImlib2-1 - libIrrlicht1_8 - libKChart2 - libKDb3-4 - libKF5Activities5-32bit - libKF5ActivitiesStats1-32bit - libKF5Archive5-32bit - libKF5Attica5-32bit - libKF5Auth5-32bit - libKF5Baloo5-32bit - libKF5BalooEngine5-32bit - libKF5Blog5 - libKF5Bookmarks5-32bit - libKF5CalendarEvents5-32bit - libKF5CddbWidgets5 - libKF5Codecs5-32bit - libKF5Completion5-32bit - libKF5ConfigCore5-32bit - libKF5ConfigGui5-32bit - libKF5ConfigWidgets5-32bit - libKF5Contacts5-32bit - libKF5CoreAddons5-32bit - libKF5Crash5-32bit - libKF5DBusAddons5-32bit - libKF5DNSSD5-32bit - libKF5Declarative5-32bit - libKF5DocTools5-32bit - libKF5Emoticons5-32bit - libKF5GlobalAccel5-32bit - libKF5GuiAddons5-32bit - libKF5I18n5-32bit - libKF5IconThemes5-32bit - libKF5IdleTime5-32bit - libKF5ItemModels5-32bit - libKF5ItemViews5-32bit - libKF5JS5-32bit - libKF5JSApi5-32bit - libKF5JobWidgets5-32bit - libKF5JsEmbed5-32bit - libKF5KCMUtils5-32bit - libKF5KDELibs4Support5-32bit - libKF5KDGantt2-5 - libKF5KFace10_0_0 - libKF5KGeoMap10_0_0 - libKF5KHtml5-32bit - libKF5MediaPlayer5 - libKF5MediaPlayer5-32bit - libKF5ModemManagerQt-devel - libKF5NetworkManagerQt-devel - libKF5NetworkManagerQt-devel-32bit - libKF5NetworkManagerQt6-32bit - libKF5NewStuff5-32bit - libKF5NewStuffCore5-32bit - libKF5Notifications5-32bit - libKF5NotifyConfig5-32bit - libKF5Parts5-32bit - libKF5Plotting5-32bit - libKF5Prison5-32bit - libKF5Pty5-32bit - libKF5Purpose5-32bit - libKF5PurposeWidgets5-32bit - libKF5QGpgme5 - libKF5QGpgme5-32bit - libKF5QuickAddons5-32bit - libKF5Runner5-32bit - libKF5Screen7-32bit - libKF5Solid5-32bit - libKF5SonnetCore5-32bit - libKF5SonnetUi5-32bit - libKF5Style5-32bit - libKF5Su5-32bit - libKF5SyntaxHighlighting5-32bit - libKF5TextWidgets5-32bit - libKF5ThreadWeaver5-32bit - libKF5Torrent6 - libKF5UnitConversion5-32bit - libKF5Wallet5-32bit - libKF5WebKit5-32bit - libKF5WidgetsAddons5-32bit - libKF5WindowSystem5-32bit - libKF5XmlGui5-32bit - libKF5XmlRpcClient5-32bit - libKPimGAPIBlogger5 - libKPimGAPIDrive5 - libKPimGAPILatitude5 - libKPimGAPIMaps5 - libKPropertyCore3-4 - libKPropertyWidgets3-4 - libKReport3-4 - libLASi-devel - libLASi1 - libLHAPDF-6_2_1 - libLLVM5-32bit - libLTO5 - libLTO5-32bit - libLimeSuite18_04-1 - libMagick++-7_Q16HDRI4-32bit - libMagick++-devel - libMagick++-devel-32bit - libMagickCore-7_Q16HDRI6-32bit - libMagickWand-7_Q16HDRI6-32bit - libMathMLSolver0_3 - libMrm4 - libMrm4-32bit - libMyGUIEngine3 - libOIS-1_3_0 - libOIS-devel - libOSMesa-devel - libOSMesa-devel-32bit - libOSMesa8 - libOSMesa8-32bit - libOgreMain-devel - libOgreMain1_9_0 - libOgreMain1_9_0-plugins - libOgreOverlay-devel - libOgreOverlay1_9_0 - libOgrePaging-devel - libOgrePaging1_9_0 - libOgreProperty-devel - libOgreProperty1_9_0 - libOgreRTShaderSystem-devel - libOgreRTShaderSystem1_9_0 - libOgreTerrain-devel - libOgreTerrain1_9_0 - libOgreVolume-devel - libOgreVolume1_9_0 - libOpenCL1 - libOpenCOLLADABaseUtils0_3 - libOpenCOLLADAFramework0_3 - libOpenCOLLADASaxFrameworkLoader0_3 - libOpenCOLLADAStreamWriter0_3 - libOpenColorIO1 - libOpenImageIO1_8 - libOpenImageIO_Util1_8 - libOpenSceneGraph-devel - libOpenSceneGraph131 - libOpenThreads-devel - libOpenThreads20 - libOyranosSynnefo-devel - libOyranosSynnefo-devel-static - libOyranosSynnefo1 - libPythonQt-Qt5-Python3-3 - libPythonQt_QtAll-Qt5-Python3-3 - libQCSXCAD0 - libQgpsmm23 - libQt53DAnimation-devel - libQt53DAnimation5 - libQt53DAnimation5-32bit - libQt53DCore-devel - libQt53DCore5 - libQt53DCore5-32bit - libQt53DExtras-devel - libQt53DExtras5 - libQt53DExtras5-32bit - libQt53DInput-devel - libQt53DInput5 - libQt53DInput5-32bit - libQt53DLogic-devel - libQt53DLogic5 - libQt53DLogic5-32bit - libQt53DQuick-devel - libQt53DQuick5 - libQt53DQuick5-32bit - libQt53DQuickAnimation-devel - libQt53DQuickAnimation5 - libQt53DQuickAnimation5-32bit - libQt53DQuickExtras-devel - libQt53DQuickExtras5 - libQt53DQuickExtras5-32bit - libQt53DQuickInput-devel - libQt53DQuickInput5 - libQt53DQuickInput5-32bit - libQt53DQuickRender-devel - libQt53DQuickRender5 - libQt53DQuickRender5-32bit - libQt53DQuickScene2D-devel - libQt53DQuickScene2D5 - libQt53DQuickScene2D5-32bit - libQt53DRender-devel - libQt53DRender5 - libQt53DRender5-32bit - libQt5Bluetooth5 - libQt5Bluetooth5-32bit - libQt5Bluetooth5-imports - libQt5Bootstrap-devel-static - libQt5Bootstrap-devel-static-32bit - libQt5Charts5 - libQt5Charts5-designer - libQt5Charts5-devel - libQt5Concurrent-devel - libQt5Concurrent-devel-32bit - libQt5Concurrent5-32bit - libQt5Core-devel - libQt5Core-devel-32bit - libQt5Core-private-headers-devel - libQt5Core5-32bit - libQt5DBus-devel - libQt5DBus-devel-32bit - libQt5DBus-private-headers-devel - libQt5DBus5-32bit - libQt5DataVisualization5 - libQt5DataVisualization5-devel - libQt5Designer5 - libQt5Designer5-32bit - libQt5DesignerComponents5 - libQt5DesignerComponents5-32bit - libQt5Gamepad5 - libQt5Gamepad5-32bit - libQt5Gui-devel - libQt5Gui-devel-32bit - libQt5Gui-private-headers-devel - libQt5Gui5-32bit - libQt5Help5 - libQt5Help5-32bit - libQt5KmsSupport-devel-static - libQt5KmsSupport-private-headers-devel - libQt5Location5 - libQt5Location5-32bit - libQt5Multimedia5-32bit - libQt5Network-devel - libQt5Network-devel-32bit - libQt5Network-private-headers-devel - libQt5Network5-32bit - libQt5NetworkAuth5 - libQt5NetworkAuth5-32bit - libQt5Nfc5 - libQt5Nfc5-32bit - libQt5Nfc5-imports - libQt5OpenGL-devel - libQt5OpenGL-devel-32bit - libQt5OpenGL-private-headers-devel - libQt5OpenGL5-32bit - libQt5OpenGLExtensions-devel-static - libQt5OpenGLExtensions-devel-static-32bit - libQt5Pas-devel - libQt5Pas1 - libQt5PlatformHeaders-devel - libQt5PlatformSupport-devel-static - libQt5PlatformSupport-devel-static-32bit - libQt5PlatformSupport-private-headers-devel - libQt5Positioning5-32bit - libQt5PrintSupport-devel - libQt5PrintSupport-devel-32bit - libQt5PrintSupport-private-headers-devel - libQt5PrintSupport5-32bit - libQt5QuickControls2-devel - libQt5QuickTemplates2-devel - libQt5RemoteObjects5 - libQt5RemoteObjects5-32bit - libQt5Script5-32bit - libQt5Scxml5 - libQt5Scxml5-32bit - libQt5Scxml5-imports - libQt5Sensors5-32bit - libQt5SerialBus5 - libQt5SerialBus5-32bit - libQt5SerialPort5-32bit - libQt5Sql-devel - libQt5Sql-devel-32bit - libQt5Sql-private-headers-devel - libQt5Sql5-32bit - libQt5Sql5-mysql-32bit - libQt5Sql5-postgresql - libQt5Sql5-postgresql-32bit - libQt5Sql5-sqlite-32bit - libQt5Sql5-unixODBC - libQt5Sql5-unixODBC-32bit - libQt5Svg5-32bit - libQt5Test-devel - libQt5Test-devel-32bit - libQt5Test-private-headers-devel - libQt5Test5-32bit - libQt5TextToSpeech5-32bit - libQt5WaylandClient5-32bit - libQt5WaylandCompositor5-32bit - libQt5WebChannel5-32bit - libQt5WebKit-private-headers-devel - libQt5WebKit5-32bit - libQt5WebKit5-devel - libQt5WebKit5-devel-32bit - libQt5WebKitWidgets-devel - libQt5WebKitWidgets-devel-32bit - libQt5WebKitWidgets-private-headers-devel - libQt5WebKitWidgets5-32bit - libQt5WebSockets5 - libQt5WebSockets5-32bit - libQt5WebSockets5-imports - libQt5WebView5 - libQt5WebView5-32bit - libQt5WebView5-imports - libQt5Widgets-devel - libQt5Widgets-devel-32bit - libQt5Widgets-private-headers-devel - libQt5Widgets5-32bit - libQt5X11Extras5-32bit - libQt5Xdg3 - libQt5XdgIconLoader-devel - libQt5XdgIconLoader3 - libQt5Xml-devel - libQt5Xml-devel-32bit - libQt5Xml5-32bit - libQt5XmlPatterns5-32bit - libQtAssistantClient4 - libQtAssistantClient4-32bit - libQtQuick5-32bit - libRivet-2_5_4 - libSDL-1_2-0-32bit - libSDL-devel - libSDL-devel-32bit - libSDL2-2_0-0-32bit - libSDL2-devel - libSDL2-devel-32bit - libSDL2_gfx-1_0-0 - libSDL2_gfx-1_0-0-32bit - libSDL2_gfx-devel - libSDL2_gfx-devel-32bit - libSDL2_image-2_0-0 - libSDL2_image-2_0-0-32bit - libSDL2_image-devel - libSDL2_image-devel-32bit - libSDL2_mixer-2_0-0 - libSDL2_mixer-2_0-0-32bit - libSDL2_mixer-devel - libSDL2_mixer-devel-32bit - libSDL2_net-2_0-0 - libSDL2_net-2_0-0-32bit - libSDL2_net-devel - libSDL2_net-devel-32bit - libSDL2_ttf-2_0-0 - libSDL2_ttf-2_0-0-32bit - libSDL2_ttf-devel - libSDL2_ttf-devel-32bit - libSDL_Pango-devel - libSDL_Pango-devel-32bit - libSDL_Pango1 - libSDL_Pango1-32bit - libSDL_bgi-devel - libSDL_bgi1 - libSDL_gfx-devel - libSDL_gfx-devel-32bit - libSDL_gfx15-32bit - libSDL_image-1_2-0 - libSDL_image-1_2-0-32bit - libSDL_image-devel - libSDL_image-devel-32bit - libSDL_mixer-1_2-0 - libSDL_mixer-1_2-0-32bit - libSDL_mixer-devel - 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libavahi-glib-devel - libavahi-glib1-32bit - libavahi-gobject-devel - libavahi-qt4-1 - libavahi-qt4-devel - libavahi-ui0 - libavc1394-0 - libavc1394-0-32bit - libavc1394-devel - libavc1394-devel-32bit - libavc1394-tools - libavcodec-devel - libavcodec57-32bit - libavdevice-devel - libavdevice57-32bit - libavfilter-devel - libavfilter6-32bit - libavformat-devel - libavformat57-32bit - libavfs0 - libavogadro1 - libavrdude1 - libavresample-devel - libavresample3-32bit - libavutil-devel - libavutil55-32bit - libax25-0 - libax25-common - libax25-devel - libax25io0 - libayatana-appindicator-devel - libayatana-appindicator1 - libayatana-appindicator3-1 - libayatana-appindicator3-devel - libayatana-ido3-0_4-0 - libayatana-ido3-0_4-0-32bit - libayatana-indicator-devel - libayatana-indicator3-7 - libayatana-indicator3-devel - libayatana-indicator7 - libb64 - libb64-devel - libbamf3-2 - libbase-javadoc - libbasicobjects-devel - libbasicobjects-devel-32bit - libbasicobjects0 - libbasicobjects0-32bit - libbcc0 - libbcg729-0 - libbcg729-0-32bit - libbcmatroska2-0 - libbcmatroska2-0-32bit - libbctoolbox-tester1 - libbctoolbox-tester1-32bit - libbctoolbox1 - libbctoolbox1-32bit - libbcunit1 - libbcunit1-32bit - libbde-devel - libbde-tools - libbde1 - libbeecrypt-devel - libbeecrypt6 - libbelcard1 - libbelcard1-32bit - libbellesip0 - libbellesip0-32bit - libbelr1 - libbelr1-32bit - libbenchmark0 - libbfio-devel - libbfio1 - libbiblesync1_1 - libbind9-160-32bit - libbitcoinconsensus-devel - libbitcoinconsensus0 - libbitmask-devel - libbitmask1 - libblacs2-gnu-mpich-hpc - libblacs2-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel - libblacs2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libblacs2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel - libblacs2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libblacs2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - libblacs2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libblacs2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel - libblacs2-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libblacs2-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel - libblacs2-mvapich2 - libblacs2-mvapich2-devel - libblacs2-mvapich2-devel-static - libblacs2-openmpi - libblacs2-openmpi-devel - libblacs2-openmpi-devel-static - 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libbuzztrax-core1 - libbuzztrax-gst-devel - libbuzztrax-gst1 - libbuzztrax-ic-devel - libbuzztrax-ic1 - libbz2-devel - libbz2-devel-32bit - libbzrtp0 - libbzrtp0-32bit - libc++-devel - libc++1 - libc++abi-devel - libc++abi1 - libc-client2007e_suse - libcaca-devel - libcaca-ruby - libcaca0 - libcaca0-32bit - libcaca0-plugins - libcaca0-plugins-32bit - libcacard - libcacard-devel - libcaes-devel - libcaes1 - libcairo-gobject2-32bit - libcairo-script-interpreter2 - libcairo-script-interpreter2-32bit - libcairo2-32bit - libcairomm-1_0-1-32bit - libcairomm-1_16-1 - libcairomm-1_16-1-32bit - libcaja-extension1 - libcal3d12 - libcalc2 - libcamel-1_2-60-32bit - libcanberra-devel - libcanberra-gtk-devel - libcanberra-gtk0-32bit - libcanberra-gtk2-module-32bit - libcanberra-gtk3-0-32bit - libcanberra-gtk3-devel - libcanberra-gtk3-module-32bit - libcanberra0-32bit - libcantorlibs17 - libcap-devel - libcap-ng-devel - libcap-ng-utils - libcap-ng0-32bit - libcap-progs - libcap1 - libcap1-32bit - libcapi20-2 - libcapi20-2-32bit - libcapi20-3 - libcapi20-3-32bit - libcapnp-0_6 - libcapnp-devel - libcares2-32bit - libcblas3 - libcblas3-32bit - libccrtp3 - libcdata-devel - libcdata1 - libcdatetime-devel - libcdatetime1 - libcdaudio-devel - libcdaudio1 - libcdaudio1-32bit - libcdd0 - libcdda_interface0-32bit - libcdda_paranoia0-32bit - libcddb-devel - libcddb-utils - libcddb2-32bit - libcdio++0 - libcdio++0-32bit - libcdio-devel - libcdio-paranoia-devel - libcdio16-32bit - libcdio_cdda2-32bit - libcdio_paranoia2-32bit - libcdirectory-devel - libcdirectory1 - libcdk5 - libcdr-devel - libcdr-devel-doc - libcdr-tools - libcdvar0 - libcec-devel - libcec4 - libcelt-devel - libcelt-devel-32bit - libcelt0-2-32bit - libcephfs-devel - libcephfs2 - libcerf-devel - libcerf1 - libcerror-devel - libcerror1 - libcfg6 - libcfg6-32bit - libcfile-devel - libcfile1 - libcfitsio6 - libchamplain-devel - libchardet-devel - libchardet1 - libchardet1-32bit - libchck0 - libcheck0 - libcheck0-32bit - libchewing-devel - libchewing3-32bit - libchipcard - libchipcard-devel - libchipcard6 - libchm0-32bit - libchromaprint-devel - libchromaprint1 - libchromaprint1-32bit - libcilkrts5 - libcilkrts5-32bit - libcimcClientXML0 - libcimcclient0 - libcinnamon-control-center1 - libcinnamon-desktop-data - libcinnamon-desktop-data-branding-openSUSE - libcinnamon-desktop-data-branding-upstream - libcinnamon-desktop-devel - libcinnamon-desktop-lang - libcinnamon-desktop4 - libcinnamon-desktop4-32bit - libcinnamon-menu-3-0 - libcinnamon-menu-3-0-32bit - libcinnamon-menu-3-devel - libcircle-devel - libcircle2 - libcjs0 - libcjs0-32bit - libck0 - libclFFT2 - libclamav7 - libclammspack0 - libclang5 - libclang5-32bit - libclastfm-devel - libclaw-devel - libclaw-doc - libclaw1 - libclc - libcld2-0 - libcli-devel - libcli1_9 - libclocale-devel - libclocale1 - libcloudproviders-devel - libcloudproviders0 - libclucene-core1-32bit - libclucene-shared1-32bit - libclutter-1_0-0-32bit - libclutter-gst-3_0-0-32bit - libclutter-gtk-1_0-0-32bit - libclzma-suse0 - libcmap4 - libcmap4-32bit - libcmark0_28_3 - libcmis-c-0_5-5 - libcmis-c-devel - libcmis-devel - libcmocka-devel - libcmocka-devel-32bit - libcmocka-devel-static - libcmocka0 - libcmocka0-32bit - libcmpiCppImpl0 - libcmpisfcc1 - libcmrt1 - libcmuclmtk-devel - libcmuclmtk0 - libcnotify-devel - libcnotify1 - libcodec2-0_6 - libcogl-gles2-20 - libcogl-pango20-32bit - libcogl20-32bit - libcollectdclient-devel - libcollectdclient1 - libcollection-devel - libcollection-devel-32bit - libcollection4 - libcollection4-32bit - libcolm-0_13_0_5 - libcolorblind0 - libcolord-devel - libcolord-gtk-devel - libcolord-gtk1-32bit - libcolord2-32bit - libcom_err-devel - libcom_err-devel-32bit - libcom_err-devel-static - libcompel1 - libcompizconfig - libcompizconfig-devel - libcomps-devel - libcomps-doc - libcomps0_1_6 - libconfig++-devel - libconfig++11 - libconfig++11-32bit - libconfig-devel - libconfig11 - libconfig11-32bit - libconfuse-devel - libconfuse0 - libconfuse0-lang - libcorosync-devel - 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libcsync-plugin-sftp - libcsync-plugin-smb - libcsync0 - libcsync0-32bit - libcsystem-devel - libcsystem1 - libct4 - libctemplate-devel - libctemplate3 - libcthreads-devel - libcthreads1 - libctl-devel - libctl-doc - libctl5 - libcudd-3_0_0-0 - libcue-devel - libcunit1 - libcups2-32bit - libcupscgi1-32bit - libcupsimage2-32bit - libcupsmime1-32bit - libcupsppdc1-32bit - libcurl-devel - libcurl-devel-32bit - libcurl-mini-devel - libcurl4-mini - libcvc-devel - libcvc0 - libcwiid-devel - libcwiid-devel-32bit - libcwiid1 - libcwiid1-32bit - libcwnn0 - libcxsc2 - libcxsparse-3_1_9 - libcxx-gtk-utils-3-2_2-0 - libcxx-gtk-utils-3-devel - libcxxtools-bin9 - libcxxtools-http9 - libcxxtools-json9 - libcxxtools-unit9 - libcxxtools-xmlrpc9 - libcxxtools9 - libczmq4 - libd0_blind_id0 - libd0_rijndael0 - libdSFMT2_2 - libdaemon-devel - libdar-devel - libdar5000 - libdat2-2 - libdat2-2-32bit - libdataquay0 - libdatrie-devel - libdatrie1-32bit - libdazzle - libdazzle-1_0-0 - libdazzle-devel - libdb-4_8-devel - 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libflickcurl-devel - libflickcurl0 - libflickcurl0-32bit - libflint0 - libflorence-1_0-1 - libfltk1-32bit - libfluidsynth1 - libfluidsynth1-32bit - libflxmlrpc1 - libfm - libfm-devel - libfm-doc - libfm-extra-devel - libfm-extra4 - libfm-gtk-devel - libfm-gtk4 - libfm-lang - libfm-qt-devel - libfm-qt-lang - libfm-qt3 - libfm4 - libfmapi-devel - libfmapi1 - libfole-devel - libfole1 - libfolks-tracker25 - libfoma-hfst0 - libfoma0 - libfontenc-devel - libfontenc-devel-32bit - libfontenc1-32bit - libfonts-javadoc - libformula-javadoc - libfparser-4_5_2 - libfplll4 - libfpm_pb0 - libfprint-devel - libfprint-examples - libfprint0-32bit - libframe6 - libframe6-32bit - libfreebl3-32bit - libfreefare-devel - libfreefare-tools - libfreefare0 - libfreehand-devel - libfreehand-devel-doc - libfreehand-tools - libfreeimage3 - libfreeimageplus3 - libfreesrp0 - libfreetype6-32bit - libfreexl1 - libfribidi0-32bit - libfsm0 - libfsntfs-devel - libfsntfs-tools - libfsntfs1 - libfst-hfst0 - libftdi0-binding-python - libftdi0-devel - libftdi1 - libftdi1-2 - libftdi1-devel - libftgl2 - libftgl2-32bit - libftoa0_3 - libfunambol-9_0_1 - libfunambol-devel - libfuse2-32bit - libfuzzy-devel - libfuzzy2 - libfvalue-devel - libfvalue1 - libfvde-devel - libfvde-tools - libfvde1 - libfwevt-devel - libfwevt1 - libfwnt-devel - libfwnt1 - libfwsi-devel - libfwsi1 - libgadu-devel - libgames-support-devel - libgames-support-lang - libgames-support2 - libgamin-1-0 - libgamin-1-0-32bit - libgaminggear - libgaminggear-devel - libgaminggear-lang - libgaminggear0 - libgaminggearfx0 - libgaminggearwidget0 - libganglia0 - libgap-4_8_6-4 - libgap-devel - libgarcon-branding-upstream - libgarcon-devel - libgarcon-doc - libgasnet-1_30_0 - libgavl-devel - libgavl1 - libgbm-devel - libgbm-devel-32bit - libgbm1-32bit - libgcin-im-client1 - libgcin-im-client1-32bit - libgck-1-0-32bit - libgck-devel - libgck-devel-32bit - libgconfmm-2_6-1 - libgcr-3-1-32bit - libgcr-devel - libgcr-devel-32bit - libgcrypt-cavs - libgcrypt-devel - libgcrypt-devel-32bit - libgcrypt20-hmac - libgcrypt20-hmac-32bit - libgd3-32bit - libgda-5_0-4 - libgda-5_0-4-lang - libgda-5_0-bdb - libgda-5_0-devel - libgda-5_0-doc - libgda-5_0-firebird - libgda-5_0-jdbc - libgda-5_0-ldap - libgda-5_0-mdb - libgda-5_0-mysql - libgda-5_0-postgres - libgda-5_0-sqlcipher - libgda-5_0-sqlite - libgda-5_0-tools - libgda-5_0-web - libgda-report-5_0-4 - libgda-tools - libgda-ui-5_0-4 - libgda-ui-5_0-plugins - libgda-ui-5_0-tools - libgda-xslt-5_0-4 - libgdal20 - libgdata-devel - libgdata22-32bit - libgdbm4-32bit - libgdiplus-devel - libgdiplus0 - libgdk_pixbuf-2_0-0-32bit - libgdl-3-5 - libgdlmm-3_0-2 - libgeany0 - libgeda-devel - libgeda42 - libgeda42-data - libgee-0_8-2-32bit - libgee-devel - libgee06-devel - libgee2 - libgeis1 - libgeis1-32bit - libgenders0 - libgendersplusplus2 - libgeners0 - libgeocode-glib0-32bit - libgeos-3_6_2 - libgeos_c1 - libgeotiff2 - libgepub-devel - libgerbv1 - libges-1_0-0 - libgetdata++7 - libgetdata8 - libgexiv2-devel - 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libglue-devel-32bit - libglue2 - libglue2-32bit - libglusterfs0 - libglut3 - libglut3-32bit - libglvnd-32bit - libglvnd-devel - libglvnd-devel-32bit - libglyr1-32bit - libgme-devel - libgme0-32bit - libgmime-2_6-0 - libgmime-2_6-0-32bit - libgmime-3_0-0-32bit - libgmm++-devel - libgmodule-2_0-0-32bit - libgmp10-32bit - libgmpxx4 - libgmpxx4-32bit - libgnome - libgnome-32bit - libgnome-desktop-2-17 - libgnome-desktop-2-17-32bit - libgnome-desktop-2-devel - libgnome-desktop-3-12-32bit - libgnome-desktop-3-devel - libgnome-devel - libgnome-games-support-devel - libgnome-keyring-devel - libgnome-keyring0-32bit - libgnome-lang - libgnome-menu-3-0-32bit - libgnomecanvas-2-0 - libgnomecanvas-2-0-32bit - libgnomecanvas-devel - libgnomecanvas-lang - libgnomecups-1_0-1 - libgnomecups-1_0-1-32bit - libgnomecups-devel - libgnomecups-lang - libgnomekbd-devel - libgnomeprint - libgnomeprint-32bit - libgnomeprint-devel - libgnomeprint-doc - libgnomeprint-lang - libgnomeprintui - libgnomeprintui-32bit - 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libqtermwidget4-0 - libqtermwidget5-0 - libqtkeychain1 - libqtweetlib-devel - libqtweetlib1_0 - libquadmath0-32bit - libquagga_pb0 - libquazip1 - libquazip5-1 - libqucs0 - libquicktime - libquicktime-devel - libquicktime-lang - libquicktime-tools - libquicktime0-32bit - libquo-devel - libquo6 - libquorum5 - libquorum5-32bit - libquvi-devel - libquvi-scripts-devel - libquvi-scripts-nsfw - libqwt-qt5-6 - libqwt5 - libqwt6 - libqxmledit0 - libqxmledit0-32bit - libqxmpp-devel - libqxmpp-doc - libqxmpp-qt5-0 - libqxmpp-qt5-devel - libqxmpp-qt5-doc - libqxmpp0 - libqxmpp0-32bit - libqxp-devel - libqxp-doc - libqxp-tools - libqxt-devel - libqxt1 - libqxtglobalshortcut0 - librados-devel - libradosstriper-devel - libradosstriper1 - libraptor-devel - libraptor2-0-32bit - librasqal-devel - librasqal-devel-doc - librasqal3-32bit - libraven0 - libraw-devel - libraw-devel-static - libraw-tools - libraw1394-11-32bit - libraw1394-devel - libraw1394-devel-32bit - libraw1394-tools - librawstudio-2_1 - librawstudio-devel - libraylib1 - librbd-devel - librbio-2_2_6 - librcc-devel - librcc0 - librcc0-32bit - librcd-devel - librcd0 - librcd0-32bit - librcps-devel - librcps0 - librdf0-32bit - librdmacm-utils - librdmacm1-32bit - libre2-0-32bit - libreadline-java - libreadline-java-32bit - libreadline-java-javadoc - libreadline5 - libreadline5-32bit - libreadline6 - libreadline6-32bit - libreadline7-32bit - librec1 - librecad - librecad-parts - libredland-devel - libref_array-devel - libref_array-devel-32bit - libref_array1 - libref_array1-32bit - libregf-devel - libregf-tools - libregf1 - libregina3 - libreiser4-1_2-1 - libreiser4-minimal-1_2-1 - libreiserfs-0_3-0 - libreiserfs-0_3-0-32bit - libreiserfs-devel - libreiserfs-devel-32bit - libreiserfs-progs - libreiserfscore-devel - librelp-devel - librelp0 - libreoffice-base-drivers-firebird - libreoffice-base-drivers-postgresql - libreoffice-calc-extensions - libreoffice-gdb-pretty-printers - libreoffice-glade - libreoffice-gtk2 - libreoffice-l10n-af - libreoffice-l10n-as - libreoffice-l10n-bn - libreoffice-l10n-br - libreoffice-l10n-cy - libreoffice-l10n-dz - libreoffice-l10n-eu - libreoffice-l10n-ga - libreoffice-l10n-gl - libreoffice-l10n-gu - libreoffice-l10n-he - libreoffice-l10n-hi - libreoffice-l10n-hr - libreoffice-l10n-kk - libreoffice-l10n-kn - libreoffice-l10n-lv - libreoffice-l10n-mai - libreoffice-l10n-ml - libreoffice-l10n-mr - libreoffice-l10n-nn - libreoffice-l10n-nr - libreoffice-l10n-nso - libreoffice-l10n-or - libreoffice-l10n-pa - libreoffice-l10n-pt_PT - libreoffice-l10n-ro - libreoffice-l10n-si - libreoffice-l10n-sr - libreoffice-l10n-ss - libreoffice-l10n-st - libreoffice-l10n-ta - libreoffice-l10n-te - libreoffice-l10n-th - libreoffice-l10n-tn - libreoffice-l10n-tr - libreoffice-l10n-ts - libreoffice-l10n-ve - libreoffice-l10n-xh - libreoffice-l10n-zu - libreoffice-officebean - libreoffice-sdk - libreoffice-sdk-doc - libreoffice-writer-extensions - libreofficekit-devel - librep - librep-devel - librep16 - librepair-1_2-1 - librepo-devel - librepo0 - librepository-javadoc - libressl - libressl-devel - libressl-devel-32bit - libressl-devel-doc - librest-0_7-0-32bit - librest-devel - libretro-bsnes - libretro-gambatte - libretro-pcsx_rearmed - librevenge-devel - librevenge-doc - librevenge-generators-0_0-0 - librfxencode0 - librgw-devel - librgw2 - librhash0 - librime-devel - librime1 - librk0 - librlog-devel - librlog5 - librlog5-doc - librocsgraphtheory0 - librpmem-devel - librpmem1 - librrd8 - librsb-devel - librsb0 - librsvg-2-2-32bit - librsvg-devel - librsync-devel - librtaudio6 - librtlsdr0 - librtmidi4 - librubberband-devel - librubberband2 - librubberband2-32bit - librvngabw-0_0-0 - librvngabw-devel - librvngabw-devel-doc - librygel-core-2_6-2 - librygel-db-2_6-2 - librygel-renderer-2_6-2 - librygel-renderer-gst-2_6-2 - librygel-ruih-2_0-1 - librygel-server-2_6-2 - libs3-4 - libs3-devel - libs3-tools - libsam4 - libsam4-32bit - libsamba-credentials-devel - libsamba-credentials0-32bit - libsamba-errors-devel - libsamba-errors0-32bit - libsamba-hostconfig-devel - libsamba-hostconfig0-32bit - libsamba-passdb-devel - libsamba-passdb0-32bit - libsamba-policy-devel - libsamba-policy0-32bit - libsamba-util-devel - libsamba-util0-32bit - libsamdb-devel - libsamdb0-32bit - libsaml-devel - libsaml9 - libsamplerate-devel - libsamplerate-progs - libsamplerate0-32bit - libsanlock1 - libsapi0 - libsapi0-32bit - libsass-3_5_3-1 - libsass-devel - libsbc1-32bit - libscalapack2-gnu-mpich-hpc - libscalapack2-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel - libscalapack2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libscalapack2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel - libscalapack2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libscalapack2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - libscalapack2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libscalapack2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel - libscalapack2-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libscalapack2-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel - libscalapack2-mvapich2 - libscalapack2-mvapich2-devel - libscalapack2-mvapich2-devel-static - libscalapack2-openmpi - libscalapack2-openmpi-devel - libscalapack2-openmpi-devel-static - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-mpich-hpc - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel-static - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel - libscalapack2_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel-static - libscamperfile-devel - libscamperfile0 - libscca-devel - libscca-tools - libscca1 - libscg-devel - libschily-devel - libschily-devel-doc - libschroedinger-1_0-0-32bit - libscilab6 - libscintilla-devel - libscintilla3 - libscratchcore0 - libseccomp-devel - libseccomp-tools - libsecprog-devel - libsecprog0 - libsecret-1-0-32bit - libsecret-devel - libsecret-tools - libselinux-devel - libselinux-devel-static - libsemanage-devel - libsemanage-devel-static - libsemanage-migrate-store - libsemanage1-32bit - libsensors4-32bit - libsensors4-devel - libsepol-devel - libsepol-devel-static - libsepol-utils - libsepol1-32bit - libserd-0-0-32bit - libserf-1-1 - libserf-devel - libserializer-javadoc - libserialport-devel - libserialport0 - libsexy-devel - libsexy-doc - libsexy2 - libsfml2-2_4 - libsfml2-2_4-32bit - libsfst-hfst0 - libsgutils-devel - libsha1detectcoll-devel - libsha1detectcoll1 - libshadowsocks-libev2 - libshiboken-1_2_cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu1_2 - libshiboken-devel - libshiboken-python2_7-1_2 - libshiboken-python3-devel - libshibsp-lite7 - libshibsp7 - libshine-devel - libshine3 - libshout-devel - libshout3 - libshout3-32bit - libshp-devel - libsidplayfp-devel - libsidplayfp4 - libsigc++12-devel - libsigc++2-devel - libsigc++3-devel - libsigc-1_2-5 - libsigc-2_0-0-32bit - libsigc-3_0-0 - libsigc-3_0-0-32bit - libsignal-protocol-c-devel - libsignal-protocol-c2 - libsignon-glib-devel - libsignon-glib1 - libsignon-qt5-1-32bit - libsignon-qt5-devel - libsignon-qt5-docs - libsigrok-data - libsigrok-devel - libsigrok4 - libsigrokcxx4 - libsigrokdecode-devel - libsigrokdecode4 - libsigscan-devel - libsigscan-tools - libsigscan1 - libsigsegv-devel - libsigsegv-doc - libsigsegv2 - libsingularity1 - libskk-devel - libskk0 - libskk0-32bit - libslang2-32bit - libslurm32 - libsmartcols-devel - libsmartcols-devel-static - libsmbclient-devel - libsmbclient0-32bit - libsmbconf-devel - libsmbconf0-32bit - libsmbios-devel - libsmbios-lang - libsmbldap-devel - libsmbldap2-32bit - libsmdev-devel - libsmdev-tools - libsmdev1 - libsmi - libsmi-devel - libsmi2 - libsmpp34-0 - libsmpp34-0-devel - libsmputils-devel - libsmraw-devel - libsmraw-tools - libsmraw1 - libsnapper-devel - libsnappy1-32bit - libsndfile-devel - libsndfile-progs - libsndfile1-32bit - libsndio6_0 - libsnmp30-32bit - libsoc-common - libsoc-devel - libsoc2 - libsocialweb-branding-upstream - libsocialweb-client2 - libsocialweb-devel - libsocketcan-devel - libsocketcan2 - libsocks0 - libsocks0-32bit - libsodium-devel - libsofia-sip-ua-glib3 - libsofia-sip-ua0 - libsoftokn3-32bit - libsolarus1 - libsolv-demo - libsolv-devel - libsord-0-0-32bit - libsoup-2_4-1-32bit - libsoup-devel - libsoup-devel-32bit - libsource-highlight-devel - libsource-highlight4 - libsource-highlight4-32bit - libsoxr-lsr0 - libsoxr-lsr0-32bit - libsoxr0-32bit - libspandsp2-32bit - libspatialindex4 - libspatialite-devel - libspatialite7 - libspdylay7 - libspectre-devel - libspeechd-devel - libspeechd2-32bit - libspeex1-32bit - libspeexdsp1-32bit - libspf2-2 - libspf2-devel - libspf2-tools - libspice-server-devel - libspiro-devel - libspiro0 - libsplinter-3-0 - libspnav-devel - libspnav0 - libspqr-2_0_8 - libsqlcipher-3_20_1-0 - libsqlite3-0-32bit - libsratom-0-0-32bit - libsrecord0 - libsrtp-devel - libsrtp1-32bit - libsrtp2-1 - libsrtp2-1-32bit - libsrtp2-devel - libssh-devel - libssh-devel-doc - libssh2-1-32bit - libssh2-devel - libssl45 - libssl45-32bit - libssr-glinject - libssr-glinject-32bit - libsss_certmap-devel - libsss_certmap0 - libsss_idmap-devel - libsss_idmap0 - libsss_nss_idmap-devel - libsss_nss_idmap0 - libsss_simpleifp-devel - libsss_simpleifp0 - libstaroffice-devel - libstaroffice-devel-doc - libstaroffice-tools - libstartup-notification-1-0-32bit - libstatgrab-devel - libstatgrab-devel-32bit - libstatgrab10 - libstatgrab10-32bit - libstdc++-devel - libstdc++-devel-32bit - libstdc++6-devel-gcc7 - libstdc++6-devel-gcc7-32bit - libstdc++6-locale - libstfl-devel - libstfl0 - libstilview-devel - libstilview0 - libstk-devel - libstk4 - libstorage-ng-devel - libstorage-ng-integration-tests - libstorage-ng-python3 - libstorage-ng-utils - libstoragemgmt - libstoragemgmt-arcconf-plugin - libstoragemgmt-devel - libstoragemgmt-hpsa-plugin - libstoragemgmt-local-plugin - libstoragemgmt-megaraid-plugin - libstoragemgmt-netapp-plugin - libstoragemgmt-nfs-plugin - libstoragemgmt-nstor-plugin - libstoragemgmt-smis-plugin - libstoragemgmt-targetd-plugin - libstoragemgmt-udev - libstoragemgmt1 - libstp2_1 - libstroke - libstroke-devel - libstrophe-devel - libstrophe0 - libsubtitleeditor-devel - libsubtitleeditor0 - libsuil-0-0 - libsuperlu5 - libsuperlu5-32bit - libsvn_auth_gnome_keyring-1-0 - libsvn_auth_kwallet-1-0 - libsvrcore0 - libsvrcore0-32bit - libsword-1_7_5 - libswresample-devel - libswresample2-32bit - libswscale-devel - libswscale4-32bit - libsybdb5 - libsynce-devel - libsynce0 - libsynctex1 - libsysstat-qt5-0 - libsysstat-qt5-devel - libsystemd0-32bit - libsystemd0-mini - libsz2 - libsz2-32bit - libt3config-devel - libt3config0 - libt3highlight-devel - libt3highlight-utils - libt3highlight2 - libt3key-devel - libt3key-utils - libt3key1 - libt3widget-devel - libt3widget1 - libt3window-devel - libt3window0 - libtachyon-0_99b6 - libtachyon-devel - libtag-devel - libtag1-32bit - libtag_c0-32bit - libtaginfo-devel - libtaginfo1 - libtaginfo1-32bit - libtalloc-devel - libtalloc2-32bit - libtar - libtar-devel - libtar1 - libtasn1-6-32bit - libtasn1-devel - libtasn1-devel-32bit - libtbbmalloc2 - libtcmalloc4 - libtcmu2 - libtcnative-1-0 - libtcnative-1-0-devel - libtcti-device0 - libtcti-socket0 - libtcti-tabrmd0 - libtdb-devel - libtdb1-32bit - libtdsodbc0 - libteam-devel - libteam-tools - libteam5 - libtecla_r1 - libtelepathy-farstream3 - libtelepathy-farstream3-32bit - libtelepathy-glib0-32bit - libtelepathy-qt5-0 - libtelepathy-qt5-0-32bit - libtelepathy-qt5-farstream0 - libtelepathy-qt5-farstream0-32bit - libtelepathy-qt5-service0 - libtelepathy-qt5-service0-32bit - libtemplate_glib-1_0-0 - libtepl-3-0 - libtermkey-devel - libtermkey1 - libtesseract3 - libtevent-devel - libtevent-util-devel - libtevent-util0-32bit - libtevent0-32bit - libtexlua52-5 - libtexluajit2 - libthai-devel - libthai0-32bit - libtheora-devel - libtheora0 - libtheora0-32bit - libtheoradec1-32bit - libtheoraenc1-32bit - libthrift-0_10_0 - libthrift-devel - libtidy-devel - libtidy5 - libtidyp-1_04-0 - libtidyp-devel - libtiff-devel - libtiff-devel-32bit - libtiff5-32bit - libtiger-devel - libtiger5 - libtiled1 - libtimidity-devel - libtimidity2 - libtimidity2-32bit - libtins-devel - libtins3 - libtinyb0 - libtinygettext0 - libtinyxml0 - libtinyxml2-6 - libtirpc-devel - libtls17 - libtls17-32bit - libtntdb-devel - libtntdb4 - libtolua++-5_1-1 - libtolua++-5_1-devel - libtolua++-5_3-1 - libtolua++-5_3-devel - libtolua-devel - libtolua5 - libtomahawk-devel - libtomahawk-playdarapi0_8_99 - libtomahawk-plugins - libtomahawk-plugins-telepathy - libtomahawk-widgets0_8_99 - libtomahawk0_8_99 - libtomcrypt-devel - libtomcrypt-examples - libtomcrypt0 - libtommath-devel - libtommath-examples - libtommath1 - libtommath1-32bit - libtomoe-gtk0 - libtool - libtool-32bit - libtorrent-devel - libtorrent-rasterbar-devel - libtorrent-rasterbar-doc - libtorrent-rasterbar9 - libtorrent19 - libtotem_pg5 - libtotem_pg5-32bit - libtoxav2 - libtoxcore2 - libtoxencryptsave2 - libtpl-extensions3 - libtpm_unseal1 - libtranscript-devel - libtranscript1 - libtranslate-devel - libtranslate-progs - libtranslate0 - libtre5 - libts0-32bit - libtsan0 - libtsk13 - libtspi1 - libtspi1-32bit - libttf2 - libttf2-32bit - libturbojpeg0-32bit - libturris-spectator-devel - libturris-spectator0 - libtwolame-devel - libtwolame0-32bit - libu2f-host-devel - libu2f-host-doc - libu2f-host0 - libu2f-server-devel - libu2f-server-doc - libu2f-server0 - libubsan0 - libubsan0-32bit - libuchardet-devel - libuchardet0 - libuchardet0-32bit - libucl1 - libucm-devel - libucm0 - libucommon8 - libucp-devel - libucp0 - libucpp13 - libucs-devel - libucs0 - libuct-devel - libuct0 - libudev-devel - libudev-devel-32bit - libudev-mini-devel - libudev-mini1 - libudf0 - libudf0-32bit - libudns0 - libudt-devel - libudt0 - libuhd003 - libuhttpmock-0_0-0 - libulockmgr1 - libuna-devel - libuna-tools - libuna1 - libunbound-devel-mini - libunibilium4 - libunibreak-devel - libunibreak3 - libunicap-devel - libunicap2 - libunicap2-32bit - libuninameslist-devel - libuninameslist0 - libunique1-devel - libunistring-devel - libunistring-devel-32bit - libunity-gtk-parser-devel - libunity-gtk2-parser0 - libunity-gtk2-parser0-32bit - libunity-gtk3-parser0 - libunity-gtk3-parser0-32bit - libunshield0 - libunwind-32bit - libunwind-devel - libupm1 - libupnp-devel - libupnp6 - libupnp6-32bit - libupower-glib-devel - liburcu-devel - liburcu6-32bit - liburfkill-glib-devel - liburfkill-glib0 - liburiparser1 - liburiparser1-32bit - libusb-0_1-4-32bit - libusb-1_0-0-32bit - libusb-1_0-devel - libusb-1_0-devel-32bit - libusb-compat-devel - libusb3380-0 - libusb3380-devel - libusbauth-configparser-devel - libusbauth-configparser1 - libusbguard0 - libusbgx-devel - libusbgx-tools - libusbgx1 - libusbmuxd-devel - libusbmuxd4-32bit - libusbprog0 - libuser - libuser-devel - libuser-lang - libuser-python - libuser1 - libustr-1_0-1-32bit - libustr-devel - libustr-devel-static - libut2 - libutempter0-32bit - libutf8proc2 - libuuid-devel - libuuid-devel-32bit - libuuid-devel-static - libuv-devel - libuv1 - libuwac0-0 - libv4l-32bit - libv4l-devel - libv4l-devel-32bit - libv4l1-0-32bit - libv4l2-0-32bit - libv4l2rds0 - libv4l2rds0-32bit - libv4lconvert0-32bit - libva-devel - libva-devel-32bit - libva-drm2-32bit - libva-gl-devel - libva-gl-devel-32bit - libva-glx2-32bit - libva-utils - libva-vdpau-driver - libva-wayland2 - libva-wayland2-32bit - libva-x11-2-32bit - libva2-32bit - libvacuumutils37 - libvala-0_38-0 - libvala-0_38-devel - libvaladoc-0_38-0 - libvaladoc-0_38-devel - libvamp-hostsdk3 - libvamp-hostsdk3-32bit - libvamp-sdk2 - libvamp-sdk2-32bit - libvapoursynth-43 - libvapoursynth-script0 - libvarnishapi1 - libvcdinfo0-32bit - libvdehist-devel - libvdehist0 - libvdemgmt-devel - libvdemgmt0 - libvdeplug-devel - libvdesnmp-devel - libvdesnmp0 - libvdpau-devel - libvdpau-devel-32bit - libvdpau1-32bit - libvdpau_nouveau-32bit - libvdpau_r300-32bit - libvdpau_r600-32bit - libvdpau_radeonsi-32bit - libvdpau_trace1 - libvdpau_trace1-32bit - libvdpau_va_gl1-32bit - libventrilo3-0 - libventrilo3-devel - libverto-devel - libverto-devel-32bit - libverto-glib-devel - libverto-glib1 - libverto-glib1-32bit - libverto-libev-devel - libverto-libev1-32bit - libverto-tevent-devel - libverto-tevent1 - libverto-tevent1-32bit - libvhdi-devel - libvhdi-tools - libvhdi1 - libvigraimpex11-32bit - libvips-devel - libvips42 - libvirt - libvirt-admin - libvirt-daemon-config-nwfilter - libvirt-daemon-driver-libxl - libvirt-daemon-driver-lxc - libvirt-daemon-driver-uml - libvirt-daemon-driver-vbox - libvirt-daemon-hooks - libvirt-daemon-lxc - libvirt-daemon-uml - libvirt-daemon-vbox - libvirt-daemon-xen - libvirt-devel - libvirt-devel-32bit - libvirt-doc - libvirt-glib-devel - libvirt-lock-sanlock - libvirt-nss - libvirt-sandbox-1_0-5 - libvirt-sandbox-devel - libvisio-devel - libvisio-devel-doc - libvisio-tools - libvisio2svg-devel - libvisio2svg0 - libvisual-32bit - libvisual-devel - libvlc5 - libvlccore9 - libvma - libvma-devel - libvma8 - libvmdk-devel - libvmdk-tools - libvmdk1 - libvmem-devel - libvmem1 - libvmime-devel - libvmime1 - libvmmalloc-devel - libvmmalloc1 - libvmtools-devel - libvncserver0 - libvoikko-devel - libvoikko1-32bit - libvolk1_4 - libvorbis-devel - libvorbis-devel-32bit - libvorbis-doc - libvorbis0-32bit - libvorbisenc2-32bit - libvorbisfile3-32bit - libvoro++0 - libvotca_csg4 - libvotca_tools4 - libvotequorum8 - libvotequorum8-32bit - libvpd2 - libvpd2-32bit - libvpd2-devel - libvpd2-devel-32bit - libvpp0 - libvpx-devel - libvpx4-32bit - libvshadow-devel - libvshadow-tools - libvshadow1 - libvslvm-devel - libvslvm-tools - libvslvm1 - libvsqlitepp3 - libvte9 - libvterm-devel - libvterm-tools - libvterm0 - libvtk1 - libvulkan1 - libvulkan1-32bit - libvulkan_intel-32bit - libvulkan_radeon-32bit - libwacom-devel - libwacom-tools - libwacom2-32bit - libwaffle-1-0 - libwaltham0 - libwapcaplet-devel - libwapcaplet0 - libwavpack1-32bit - libwayland-client0-32bit - libwayland-cursor0-32bit - libwayland-egl-devel - libwayland-egl-devel-32bit - libwayland-egl1-32bit - libwayland-server0-32bit - libwbclient-devel - libwbclient0-32bit - libwbxml2-1 - libwbxml2-devel - libwcs5 - libwebcam-devel - libwebcam0 - libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37-32bit - libwebp-devel - libwebp-devel-32bit - libwebp-tools - libwebp6-32bit - libwebpdecoder2 - libwebpdecoder2-32bit - libwebpdemux2-32bit - libwebpextras0 - libwebpextras0-32bit - libwebpmux2-32bit - libwebrtc_audio_processing-devel - libwebrtc_audio_processing-devel-static - libwebrtc_audio_processing1-32bit - libwebsockets-devel - libwebsockets12 - libwebvfx1 - libweston-3 - libweston-3-0 - libweston-desktop-3-0 - libwiiuse0 - libwireshark9 - libwiretap7 - libwlc0 - libwmf-0_2-7-32bit - libwmf-devel - libwmf-gnome - libwmf-gnome-32bit - libwmf-tools - libwnck-1-22-32bit - libwnck-3-0-32bit - libwnck-devel - libwnck-tools - libwnck2-devel - libwnn0 - libwpd-devel - libwpd-devel-doc - libwpd-tools - libwpg-devel - libwpg-devel-doc - libwpg-tools - libwps-devel - libwps-tools - libwrap0-32bit - libwrc-devel - libwrc-tools - libwrc1 - libwscodecs1 - libwslay0 - 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libwx_gtk2u_propgrid-suse3 - libwx_gtk2u_propgrid-suse3-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_propgrid-suse3_1_1 - libwx_gtk2u_qa-suse-nostl3 - libwx_gtk2u_qa-suse3-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_qa-suse3_1_1 - libwx_gtk2u_ribbon-suse-nostl3 - libwx_gtk2u_ribbon-suse3 - libwx_gtk2u_ribbon-suse3-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_ribbon-suse3_1_1 - libwx_gtk2u_richtext-suse-nostl3 - libwx_gtk2u_richtext-suse3 - libwx_gtk2u_richtext-suse3-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_richtext-suse3_1_1 - libwx_gtk2u_stc-suse-nostl3 - libwx_gtk2u_stc-suse3 - libwx_gtk2u_stc-suse3-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_stc-suse3_1_1 - libwx_gtk2u_xrc-suse-nostl3 - libwx_gtk2u_xrc-suse3-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_xrc-suse3_1_1 - libwx_gtk3u_adv-suse3_1_1 - libwx_gtk3u_aui-suse3_1_1 - libwx_gtk3u_core-suse3_1_1 - libwx_gtk3u_gl-suse3_1_1 - libwx_gtk3u_html-suse3_1_1 - libwx_gtk3u_media-suse3_1_1 - libwx_gtk3u_propgrid-suse3_1_1 - libwx_gtk3u_qa-suse3_1_1 - libwx_gtk3u_ribbon-suse3_1_1 - libwx_gtk3u_richtext-suse3_1_1 - libwx_gtk3u_stc-suse3_1_1 - libwx_gtk3u_xrc-suse3_1_1 - libwx_qtu_adv-suse3_1_1 - 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libxcb-render0-32bit - libxcb-res0-32bit - libxcb-screensaver0 - libxcb-screensaver0-32bit - libxcb-shape0-32bit - libxcb-shm0-32bit - libxcb-sync1-32bit - libxcb-util1-32bit - libxcb-xf86dri0 - libxcb-xf86dri0-32bit - libxcb-xfixes0-32bit - libxcb-xinerama0-32bit - libxcb-xinput0-32bit - libxcb-xkb1-32bit - libxcb-xrm0 - libxcb-xtest0 - libxcb-xtest0-32bit - libxcb-xv0-32bit - libxcb-xvmc0 - libxcb-xvmc0-32bit - libxcb1-32bit - libxclass-0_9_2 - libxdg-basedir-devel - libxdg-basedir1 - libxerces-c-3_1-32bit - libxerces-c-devel - libxfce4ui-branding-upstream - libxfce4ui-devel - libxfce4ui-doc - libxfce4util-devel - libxfce4util-tools - libxfconf-devel - libxine-devel - libxine2 - libxine2-32bit - libxine2-gnome-vfs - libxine2-jack - libxine2-pulse - libxine2-sdl - libxkbcommon-devel - libxkbcommon-devel-32bit - libxkbcommon-x11-0-32bit - libxkbcommon-x11-devel - libxkbcommon-x11-devel-32bit - libxkbcommon0-32bit - libxkbfile-devel - libxkbfile-devel-32bit - libxkbfile1-32bit - libxkbui-devel - libxkbui-devel-32bit - libxkbui1 - libxkbui1-32bit - libxklavier-devel - libxklavier-doc - libxklavier16-32bit - libxmi0 - libxml++-2_6-2 - libxml++-2_6-2-32bit - libxml++-3_0-1 - libxml++-3_0-1-32bit - libxml++-devel - libxml++26-devel - libxml-security-c-devel - libxml2-devel - libxml2-devel-32bit - libxml2-doc - libxmlrpc++8 - libxmlrpc3 - libxmlrpc_abyss++8 - libxmlrpc_abyss3 - libxmlrpc_client++8 - libxmlrpc_client3 - libxmlrpc_cpp8 - libxmlrpc_packetsocket8 - libxmlrpc_server++8 - libxmlrpc_server3 - libxmlrpc_server_abyss++8 - libxmlrpc_server_abyss3 - libxmlrpc_server_cgi++8 - libxmlrpc_server_cgi3 - libxmlrpc_server_pstream++8 - libxmlrpc_util++8 - libxmlrpc_util3 - libxmlsec1-gcrypt1 - libxmlsec1-gnutls1 - libxmlsec1-openssl1 - libxmltooling-devel - libxmltooling7 - libxmmsclient++-glib1 - libxmmsclient++4 - libxmmsclient-glib1 - libxmmsclient6 - libxmp-devel - libxmp4 - libxnoise-devel - libxnoise0 - libxosd2 - libxplayer-plparser-mini18 - libxplayer-plparser-mini18-32bit - libxplayer-plparser18 - libxplayer-plparser18-32bit - libxreaderdocument3 - libxreaderview3 - libxshmfence-devel - libxshmfence1-32bit - libxslt-devel - libxslt-devel-32bit - libxslt-python - libxslt1-32bit - libxspf-devel - libxspf4 - libxtables-devel - libxtrx-devel - libxtrx0 - libxtrx_lms7002m0_0_0-SUSE - libxtrxdsp-devel - libxtrxdsp0 - libxtrxll-devel - libxtrxll0 - libxy4 - libyajl-devel - libyajl-devel-32bit - libyajl-devel-static - libyajl2-32bit - libyami-devel - libyami1 - libyaml-cpp0_6 - libyaml-devel - libyara-devel - libyara3 - libyate6 - libyaz-devel - libyaz-devel-32bit - libyaz5 - libyaz5-32bit - libykclient-devel - libykclient3 - libykcs11-1 - libykcs11-devel - libykpers-1-1 - libykpers-devel - libykpiv-devel - libykpiv1 - libyubikey-devel - libyubikey-tools - libyubikey0 - libyui-devel - libyui-doc - libyui-ncurses-devel - libyui-ncurses-doc - libyui-ncurses-pkg-devel - libyui-ncurses-pkg-doc - libyui-qt-devel - libyui-qt-doc - libyui-qt-graph-devel - libyui-qt-graph-doc - 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lightdm-qt-devel - lightdm-qt5-devel - lightdm-slick-greeter - lightdm-slick-greeter-branding-openSUSE - lightdm-slick-greeter-branding-upstream - lightdm-slick-greeter-lang - lightmediascanner - lightmediascanner-devel - lighttpd - lighttpd-mod_authn_gssapi - lighttpd-mod_authn_ldap - lighttpd-mod_authn_mysql - lighttpd-mod_authn_sasl - lighttpd-mod_cml - lighttpd-mod_geoip - lighttpd-mod_magnet - lighttpd-mod_mysql_vhost - lighttpd-mod_rrdtool - lighttpd-mod_trigger_b4_dl - lighttpd-mod_vhostdb_dbi - lighttpd-mod_vhostdb_ldap - lighttpd-mod_vhostdb_mysql - lighttpd-mod_vhostdb_pgsql - lighttpd-mod_webdav - lilo - lilv - lilypond - lilypond-century-schoolbook-l-fonts - lilypond-doc - lilypond-doc-cs - lilypond-doc-de - lilypond-doc-es - lilypond-doc-fr - lilypond-doc-hu - lilypond-doc-it - lilypond-doc-ja - lilypond-doc-nl - lilypond-doc-zh - lilypond-emmentaler-fonts - lilypond-fonts-common - limesuite - limesuite-devel - limesuite-udev - linbox-devel - link-grammar - link-grammar-devel - linkchecker - linkloop - links - linphone - linphone-cli - linssid - linux-atm - linux-atm-devel - linux-ftools - linux-glibc-devel - linux-libertine-fonts - linux32 - linux_pcnfsd2 - linuxconsoletools - linuxptp - linuxrc - linuxrc-devtools - lirc-config - lirc-core - lirc-devel - lirc-disable-kernel-rc - lirc-drv-ftdi - lirc-drv-portaudio - lirc-tools-gui - lit - litetran - littleb-devel - littleb-examples - littlewizard - littlewizard-devel - littlewizard-examples - live-add-yast-repos - live-fat-stick - live-grub-stick - live-langset-data - live-net-installer - live-usb-gui - live555-devel - livedtd - livestreamer - lklug-fonts - lksctp-tools - lksctp-tools-devel - llcbench - lld - lld5 - lldb - lldb-devel - lldb5 - lldb5-devel - lldpd - lldpd-devel - llmnrd - llvm - llvm-LTO-devel - llvm-devel - llvm-emacs-plugins - llvm-gold - llvm-vim-plugins - llvm5 - llvm5-LTO-devel - llvm5-LTO-devel-32bit - llvm5-devel - llvm5-devel-32bit - llvm5-emacs-plugins - llvm5-gold - llvm5-opt-viewer - llvm5-vim-plugins - lmarbles - lmdb - lmdb-devel - lmms - lmms-devel - lndir - lockdev-devel - log4cplus-devel - log4cpp-devel - log4cpp-doc - log4j - log4j-javadoc - log4j-manual - log4j-mini - log4net - logdigest - logstalgia - logtail - logwarn - logwarn-nagios-plugin - logwatch - lokalize - lokalize-lang - lollypop - lollypop-portal - lomt-blackout-fonts - lomt-chunk-fonts - lomt-fanwood-fonts - lomt-goudybookletter-fonts - lomt-junction-fonts - lomt-knewave-fonts - lomt-leaguegothic-fonts - lomt-lindenhill-fonts - lomt-orbitron-fonts - lomt-ostrichsans-fonts - lomt-prociono-fonts - lomt-script1-fonts - lomt-sniglet-fonts - lomt-sortsmillgoudy-fonts - lonote - loook - loudmouth-devel - loudmouth-doc - love - love-0_7_2 - lpairs - lpe - lpsolve - lpsolve-devel - lrcShow-X - lrcShow-X-lang - lrslib - lrslib-devel - lsb - lsdvd - lshw - lshw-gui - lshw-lang - lskat - lskat-lang - lswm - lsyncd - ltrace - ltrace-32bit - lttng-modules - lttng-modules-kmp-default - lttng-tools - lttng-tools-devel - lttng-ust-devel - lttng-ust-doc - ltxml - ltxml-devel - lua-Hamliblua - lua-libguestfs - lua-libprelude - lua-lmod - lua-lmod-doc - lua-macros - lua-rrdtool - lua51 - lua51-BitOp - lua51-devel - lua51-doc - lua51-ldbus - lua51-lgi - lua51-lgi-doc - lua51-lpeg - lua51-lpeg-doc - lua51-lua-dbus - lua51-lua-mpris - lua51-luadbi - lua51-luaevent - lua51-luaexpat - lua51-luafilesystem - lua51-luajit - lua51-luajit-devel - lua51-luaposix - lua51-luarocks - lua51-luasec - lua51-luasocket - lua51-luaterm - lua51-messagepack - lua51-mpack - lua51-zlib - lua53-devel - lua53-doc - lua53-ldbus - lua53-lgi - lua53-lgi-doc - lua53-lpeg - lua53-lpeg-doc - lua53-lua-dbus - lua53-lua-mpris - lua53-luadbi - lua53-luaevent - lua53-luaexpat - lua53-luafilesystem - lua53-luaposix - lua53-luarocks - lua53-luasec - lua53-luaterm - lua53-messagepack - lua53-mpack - lua53-zlib - luabind-devel - luaposix-doc - lucene - lucene++-devel - lucene-analyzers-common - lucene-analyzers-smartcn - lucene-analyzers-stempel - lucene-backward-codecs - lucene-classification - lucene-codecs - lucene-facet - lucene-grouping - lucene-highlighter - lucene-join - lucene-memory - lucene-misc - lucene-queries - lucene-queryparser - lucene-sandbox - lucene-spatial - lucene-spatial3d - lugaru - lugaru-data - luvcview - lv - lv2 - lv2-devel - lv2-docs - lv2-examples - lv2-guitarix - lv2-swh-plugins - lvm2-clvm - lvm2-cmirrord - lvm2-devel - lvm2-lockd - lvm2-testsuite - lxappearance - lxappearance-devel - lxappearance-lang - lxappearance-obconf - lxappearance-obconf-lang - lxc - lxcc - lxcfs - lxde-common - lxde-common-branding-openSUSE - lxde-common-branding-upstream - lximage-qt - lximage-qt-lang - lxinput - lxinput-lang - lxlauncher - lxmenu-data - lxmusic - lxmusic-lang - lxpanel - lxpanel-devel - lxpanel-lang - lxqt-about - lxqt-about-lang - lxqt-admin-lang - lxqt-build-tools-devel - lxqt-config - lxqt-config-lang - lxqt-globalkeys - lxqt-globalkeys-devel - lxqt-globalkeys-lang - lxqt-l10n - lxqt-notificationd - lxqt-notificationd-lang - lxqt-openssh-askpass - lxqt-openssh-askpass-lang - lxqt-panel - lxqt-panel-devel - lxqt-panel-lang - lxqt-policykit - lxqt-policykit-lang - lxqt-powermanagement - lxqt-powermanagement-lang - lxqt-qtplugin - lxqt-runner - lxqt-runner-lang - lxqt-session - lxqt-session-lang - lxqt-sudo - lxqt-sudo-lang - lxqt-theme-openSUSE-default - lxqt-theme-openSUSE-leaper - lxqt-theme-openSUSE-light - lxqt-themes - lxrandr - lxrandr-lang - lxsession - lxshortcut - lxtask - lxtask-lang - lxterminal - lxterminal-lang - lynis - lynx - lyx - lz4 - lzfse - lzfse-devel - lzip - lziprecover - lzlib-devel - lzma-sdk-devel - lzo-devel - lzo-devel-32bit - lzo-devel-static - m17n-lib - m17n-lib-devel - mISDNuser - mISDNuser-devel - mac-robber - macchanger - machinery - machinery-doc - macrofusion - madplay - madplay-lang - maelstrom - mailcommon-devel - maildir-utils - mailgraph - mailimporter-devel - mailman - mailnag - mailnag-lang - mailsync - maim - mairix - makedepend - makedev - makeinfo - makeinfo4 - makeself - makewhat - mame - mame-data - mame-mess - mame-tools - man-pages - man-pages-fr - man-pages-fr-extra - man-pages-posix - manaplus - manaplus-lang - manchu-fonts - mangler - manpageeditor - marble-devel - marble-qt - marco - marco-devel - marco-lang - marco-themes - mariadb-bench - mariadb-connector-odbc - mariadb-galera - mariadb-test - mariadb-tools - marisa - marisa-devel - markdown-unlit - markmywords - master-boot-code - mate-applet-appmenu - mate-applet-dock - mate-applet-indicator - mate-applet-indicator-lang - mate-applet-sensors - mate-applet-sensors-devel - mate-applet-sensors-lang - mate-applet-softupd - mate-applet-softupd-lang - mate-applets - mate-applets-lang - mate-backgrounds - mate-backgrounds-lang - mate-calc - mate-calc-lang - mate-common - mate-control-center - mate-control-center-branding-openSUSE - mate-control-center-branding-upstream - mate-control-center-devel - mate-control-center-lang - mate-desktop - mate-desktop-devel - mate-desktop-gschemas - mate-desktop-gschemas-branding-openSUSE - mate-desktop-gschemas-branding-upstream - mate-desktop-lang - mate-dictionary - mate-disk-usage-analyzer - mate-icon-theme - mate-icon-theme-faenza - mate-icon-theme-faenza-dark - mate-icon-theme-faenza-gray - mate-media - mate-media-lang - mate-menu - mate-menu-lang - mate-menus - mate-menus-branding-openSUSE - mate-menus-branding-upstream - mate-menus-devel - mate-menus-lang - mate-netbook - mate-netbook-lang - mate-notification-daemon - mate-notification-daemon-lang - mate-panel - mate-panel-branding-openSUSE - mate-panel-branding-upstream - mate-panel-devel - mate-panel-lang - mate-polkit - mate-polkit-lang - mate-power-manager - mate-power-manager-lang - mate-screensaver - mate-screensaver-devel - mate-screensaver-lang - mate-screenshot - mate-search-tool - mate-session-manager - mate-session-manager-branding-openSUSE - mate-session-manager-branding-upstream - mate-session-manager-gschemas - mate-session-manager-lang - mate-settings-daemon - mate-settings-daemon-devel - mate-settings-daemon-lang - mate-system-log - mate-system-monitor - mate-system-monitor-lang - mate-terminal - mate-terminal-lang - mate-themes - mate-tweak - mate-tweak-lang - mate-user-guide - mate-user-guide-lang - mate-user-share - mate-user-share-lang - mate-utils-common-lang - matekbd-common - mateweather-common - mathgl-cgi - mathgl-devel - mathgl-devel-static - mathgl-doc - mathgl-doc-pdf - mathgl-doc-ru - mathgl-examples - mathgl-fonts - mathgl-lang - mathgl-lua - mathgl-tex - mathgl-tex-doc - mathgl-tools - mathjax - mathjax-ams-fonts - mathjax-caligraphic-fonts - mathjax-fraktur-fonts - mathjax-main-fonts - mathjax-math-fonts - mathjax-sansserif-fonts - mathjax-script-fonts - mathjax-size1-fonts - mathjax-size2-fonts - mathjax-size3-fonts - mathjax-size4-fonts - mathjax-typewriter-fonts - mathjax-winchrome-fonts - mathjax-winie6-fonts - mathml-dtd - mathomatic - mathomatic-devel - matio-tools - matomo - matthewlib-java - matthewlib-java-javadoc - maven-local - mawk - maxima - maxima-exec-clisp - maxima-lang-de-utf8 - maxima-lang-es-utf8 - maxima-lang-pt-utf8 - maxima-lang-pt_BR-utf8 - maxima-xmaxima - maya-calendar - maya-calendar-devel - maya-calendar-lang - mbedtls-devel - mbuffer - mcabber - mcabber-devel - mcomix - mcpp - mcpp-devel - mcstrans - mdbtools - mdbtools-devel - mdbtools-gui - mdds-1_2-devel - mdtest - meabo - meanwhile-devel - meanwhile-doc - mediainfo - mediainfo-gui - mediastreamer2 - mediastreamer2-devel - medit - medit-lang - mednafen - mednafen-doc - mednafen-lang - mednafen-server - meep - meep-devel - mega-sdist - megaglest - megaglest-data - megatools - meld - meld-lang - melt - memcached - memcached-devel - memkind - memkind-devel - memory-constraints - memphis-devel - memprof - memprof-lang - memtest86+ - menu-cache - menu-cache-devel - mercurial - mercurial-lang - meslo-lg-fonts - meson - meson-testsuite - meson-tools - meson-vim - messagelib-devel - metacity - metacity-devel - metacity-lang - metacity-theme-adapta - metacity-tools - metamail - metatheme-adapta-common - metatheme-ambiance-common - metatheme-ambiant-mate-common - metatheme-arc-common - metatheme-elementary-common - metatheme-geeko-common - metatheme-greybird-common - metatheme-mint-common - metatheme-numix-common - metatheme-paper-common - metatheme-radiance-common - metatheme-radiant-mate-common - metatheme-sonar-common - metatheme-vertex-common - metatheme-yuyo-common - meterbridge - metis - metis-devel - metis-doc - metronome - metronome-lang - mfoc - mfsm - mftrace - mgdiff - mgetty - mgp - mhash-devel - miao-fonts - microformats2-parser - midori - midori-branding-openSUSE - midori-branding-upstream - midori-devel - midori-lang - miller - mined - minetest - minetest-data - minetest-game - minetest-lang - minetestserver - mingetty - mingzat-fonts - minicom - minicom-lang - minimodem - mininet - mininews - minisat - minisat-devel - minitube - minitube-lang - miniupnpc - minizip-devel - minuet - minuet-devel - minuet-lang - mipv6d - mirisdr - mirisdr-udev - mirror - mirrormagic - misfortune - mk-configure - mk-configure-doc - mkdud - mkelfImage - mkosi - mksusecd - mktorrent - mkvtoolnix - mkvtoolnix-gui - mlmmj - mlocate - mlocate-lang - mm-common - mm-common-docs - mmc-utils - mmdblookup - mmv - moarvm - moarvm-devel - mobidict - mobipocket-devel - moc - modem-manager-gui - modem-manager-gui-lang - modglue-devel - modify-fasta - moe - moinmoin-wiki - moka-icon-theme - molsketch - molsketch-devel - molsketch-doc - mongolian-fonts - monit - monit-doc - monitor - monitor-lang - monitoring-plugins - monitoring-plugins-all - monitoring-plugins-bind - monitoring-plugins-bonding - monitoring-plugins-breeze - monitoring-plugins-by_ssh - monitoring-plugins-clamav - monitoring-plugins-cluster - monitoring-plugins-common - monitoring-plugins-contentage - monitoring-plugins-cups - monitoring-plugins-dbi - monitoring-plugins-dbi-mysql - monitoring-plugins-dbi-pgsql - monitoring-plugins-dbi-sqlite3 - monitoring-plugins-dhcp - monitoring-plugins-dig - monitoring-plugins-disk - monitoring-plugins-disk_smb - monitoring-plugins-dns - monitoring-plugins-dummy - monitoring-plugins-extras - monitoring-plugins-fail2ban - monitoring-plugins-file_age - monitoring-plugins-flexlm - monitoring-plugins-fping - monitoring-plugins-haproxy - monitoring-plugins-hpjd - monitoring-plugins-http - monitoring-plugins-icmp - monitoring-plugins-ide_smart - monitoring-plugins-ifoperstatus - monitoring-plugins-ifstatus - monitoring-plugins-ipmi-sensor1 - monitoring-plugins-ircd - monitoring-plugins-ldap - monitoring-plugins-load - monitoring-plugins-log - monitoring-plugins-mailq - monitoring-plugins-mailstat - monitoring-plugins-mem - monitoring-plugins-metadata - monitoring-plugins-mrtg - monitoring-plugins-mrtgtraf - monitoring-plugins-mysql - monitoring-plugins-mysql_health - monitoring-plugins-nagios - monitoring-plugins-nis - monitoring-plugins-nrpe - monitoring-plugins-nt - monitoring-plugins-ntp_peer - monitoring-plugins-ntp_time - monitoring-plugins-nwstat - monitoring-plugins-openvpn - monitoring-plugins-oracle - monitoring-plugins-overcr - monitoring-plugins-pgsql - monitoring-plugins-ping - monitoring-plugins-procs - monitoring-plugins-qlogic_sanbox - monitoring-plugins-radius - monitoring-plugins-real - monitoring-plugins-repomd - monitoring-plugins-rpc - monitoring-plugins-rsync - monitoring-plugins-sar-perf - monitoring-plugins-sensors - monitoring-plugins-sentry3 - monitoring-plugins-sip - monitoring-plugins-smart - monitoring-plugins-smtp - monitoring-plugins-snmp - monitoring-plugins-ssh - monitoring-plugins-swap - monitoring-plugins-tcp - monitoring-plugins-tftp - monitoring-plugins-time - monitoring-plugins-traffic_limit - monitoring-plugins-ups - monitoring-plugins-users - monitoring-plugins-wave - monitoring-plugins-zypper - mono-addins - mono-addins-devel - mono-addins-msbuild - mono-basic - mono-complete - mono-core - mono-data - mono-data-oracle - mono-data-sqlite - mono-debugger - mono-devel - mono-extras - mono-libkolabxml1 - mono-locale-extras - mono-mvc - mono-nat - mono-nat-devel - mono-nuget - mono-nuget-devel - mono-nunit - mono-reactive - mono-uia - mono-uia-devel - mono-upnp - mono-upnp-devel - mono-wcf - mono-web - mono-winforms - mono-winfxcore - mono-zeroconf - mono-zeroconf-devel - mono-zeroconf-doc - mono-zeroconf-provider-avahi - monodoc-core - mopac7 - moreutils - moreutils-parallel - mosquitto - mosquitto-clients - mosquitto-devel - motif - motif-devel - motif-devel-32bit - motion - motoya-lcedar-fonts - motoya-lmaru-fonts - motv - mousepad - mousepad-lang - movit-devel - movit8-data - mozaddon-bugmenot - mozaddon-devel - mozilla-nspr-32bit - mozilla-nspr-devel - mozilla-nss-32bit - mozilla-nss-certs-32bit - mozilla-nss-devel - mozilla-nss-sysinit - mozilla-nss-sysinit-32bit - mozilla-nss-tools - mozjs17 - mozjs17-devel - mozjs38 - mozjs38-devel - mozjs52 - mozjs52-devel - mozldap-devel - mozldap-libs - mozldap-tools - mozo - mozo-lang - mp - mp-gtk3 - mp3gain - mpDris2 - mpDris2-lang - mpc-devel - mpc-devel-32bit - mpc-qt - mpclient - mpd - mpeg2dec - mpfi-devel - mpfr-devel - mpfr-devel-32bit - mpg123 - mpg123-devel - mpg123-devel-32bit - mpg123-jack - mpg123-jack-32bit - mpg123-openal-32bit - mpg123-portaudio - mpg123-portaudio-32bit - mpg123-pulse-32bit - mpg123-sdl - mpg123-sdl-32bit - mpi-selector - mpiP-gnu-mpich-hpc - mpiP-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - mpiP-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - mpiP-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - mpiP-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-mpich-hpc - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-mpich-hpc-doc - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-doc - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel-static - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-doc - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-doc - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel-static - mpiP_3_4_1-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-doc - mpibash - mpibash-examples - mpich - mpich-devel - mpich-gnu-hpc - mpich-gnu-hpc-devel - mpich-gnu-hpc-devel-static - mpich-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - mpich-ofi - mpich-ofi-devel - mpich-ofi-gnu-hpc - mpich-ofi-gnu-hpc-devel - mpich-ofi-gnu-hpc-devel-static - mpich-ofi-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - mpich-ofi_3_2_1-gnu-hpc - mpich-ofi_3_2_1-gnu-hpc-devel - mpich-ofi_3_2_1-gnu-hpc-devel-static - mpich-ofi_3_2_1-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - mpich_3_2_1-gnu-hpc - mpich_3_2_1-gnu-hpc-devel - mpich_3_2_1-gnu-hpc-devel-static - mpich_3_2_1-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - mplus-fonts - mpt-status - mpv - mpv-bash-completion - mpv-devel - mpv-plugin-mpris - mpv-zsh-completion - mr - mraa - mraa-devel - mraa-examples - mrrescue - mrsh - mrsh-rsh-compat - mrsh-rsh-server-compat - mrsh-server - mscgen - msgpack-devel - msitools - msitools-devel - msitools-lang - msmtp - msmtp-doc - msmtp-mta - mspack-tools - msr-tools - mstflint - mtdev - mtdev-devel - mtools-doc - mtools-floppyd - mtp-tools - mtpaint - mtpaint-handbook - mtpaint-lang - mtr - mtr-gtk - mtree - mtx - mu4e - muffin - muffin-devel - muffin-lang - multimon-ng - multipath-tools-devel - multitail - mumble - mumble-32bit - mumble-server - munge - munge-devel - munge-devel-32bit - munin - munin-node - muparser-devel - muparser-devel-32bit - mupdf - mupdf-devel-static - museic - mutter-devel - mvapich2 - mvapich2-devel - mvapich2-devel-static - mvapich2-doc - mvapich2-gnu-hpc - mvapich2-gnu-hpc-devel - mvapich2-gnu-hpc-doc - mvapich2-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - mvapich2-psm - mvapich2-psm-devel - mvapich2-psm-devel-static - mvapich2-psm-doc - mvapich2-psm-gnu-hpc - mvapich2-psm-gnu-hpc-devel - mvapich2-psm-gnu-hpc-doc - mvapich2-psm-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - mvapich2-psm2 - mvapich2-psm2-devel - mvapich2-psm2-devel-static - mvapich2-psm2-doc - mvapich2-psm2-gnu-hpc - mvapich2-psm2-gnu-hpc-devel - mvapich2-psm2-gnu-hpc-doc - mvapich2-psm2-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - mvapich2-psm2_2_2-gnu-hpc - mvapich2-psm2_2_2-gnu-hpc-devel - mvapich2-psm2_2_2-gnu-hpc-devel-static - mvapich2-psm2_2_2-gnu-hpc-doc - mvapich2-psm2_2_2-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - mvapich2-psm_2_2-gnu-hpc - mvapich2-psm_2_2-gnu-hpc-devel - mvapich2-psm_2_2-gnu-hpc-devel-static - mvapich2-psm_2_2-gnu-hpc-doc - mvapich2-psm_2_2-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - mvapich2_2_2-gnu-hpc - mvapich2_2_2-gnu-hpc-devel - mvapich2_2_2-gnu-hpc-devel-static - mvapich2_2_2-gnu-hpc-doc - mvapich2_2_2-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - mwic - mx4j - mxml - mxml-devel - mylvmbackup - mypaint - mypaint-lang - myspell-af_NA - myspell-af_ZA - myspell-an - myspell-an_ES - myspell-ar_AE - myspell-ar_BH - myspell-ar_DZ - myspell-ar_EG - myspell-ar_IQ - myspell-ar_JO - myspell-ar_KW - myspell-ar_LB - myspell-ar_LY - myspell-ar_MA - myspell-ar_OM - myspell-ar_QA - myspell-ar_SA - myspell-ar_SD - myspell-ar_SY - myspell-ar_TN - myspell-ar_YE - myspell-be_BY - myspell-bn_BD - myspell-bn_IN - myspell-bo - myspell-bo_CN - myspell-bo_IN - myspell-br_FR - myspell-ca_AD - myspell-ca_ES - myspell-ca_ES_valencia - myspell-ca_FR - myspell-ca_IT - myspell-de_AT - myspell-de_CH - myspell-en_AU - myspell-en_BS - myspell-en_BZ - myspell-en_CA - myspell-en_GH - myspell-en_IE - myspell-en_IN - myspell-en_JM - myspell-en_MW - myspell-en_NA - myspell-en_NZ - myspell-en_PH - myspell-en_TT - myspell-en_ZA - myspell-en_ZW - myspell-es_AR - myspell-es_BO - myspell-es_CL - myspell-es_CO - myspell-es_CR - myspell-es_CU - myspell-es_DO - myspell-es_EC - myspell-es_GT - myspell-es_HN - myspell-es_MX - myspell-es_NI - myspell-es_PA - myspell-es_PE - myspell-es_PR - myspell-es_PY - myspell-es_SV - myspell-es_UY - myspell-es_VE - myspell-fr_BE - myspell-fr_CA - myspell-fr_CH - myspell-fr_LU - myspell-fr_MC - myspell-gd_GB - myspell-german-old - myspell-gl - myspell-gl_ES - myspell-gu_IN - myspell-gug - myspell-gug_PY - myspell-he_IL - myspell-hi_IN - myspell-hr_HR - myspell-is - myspell-is_IS - myspell-kmr_Latn - myspell-kmr_Latn_SY - myspell-kmr_Latn_TR - myspell-lo_LA - myspell-lv_LV - myspell-ne_NP - myspell-nl_BE - myspell-nn_NO - myspell-oc_FR - myspell-pt_AO - myspell-pt_PT - myspell-ro - myspell-ro_RO - myspell-si_LK - myspell-sq_AL - myspell-sr - myspell-sr_CS - myspell-sr_Latn_CS - myspell-sr_Latn_RS - myspell-sr_RS - myspell-sv_FI - myspell-sw_TZ - myspell-te - myspell-te_IN - myspell-th_TH - myspell-vi - myspell-vi_VN - myspell-zu_ZA - mysql-connector-java - mysql-workbench - mythes-devel - mytop - naev - naev-data - nagios - nagios-contrib - nagios-devel - nagios-rpm-macros - nagios-theme-exfoliation - nagios-theme-switcher - nagios-www - nagios-www-dch - nagstamon - namdhinggo-fonts - nano-icinga2 - nano-plugin-conky - nanomsg-devel - nanoxml - nanoxml-javadoc - nanoxml-lite - nanoxml-manual - nanoxml-manual-lite - nant - nant-devel - nasc - nasm - nast - nautilus-devel - nautilus-extension-actions - nautilus-extension-dropbox - nautilus-extension-folder-color - nautilus-extension-nextcloud - nautilus-extension-nitroshare - nautilus-extension-tilix - nautilus-image-converter - nautilus-image-converter-lang - nautilus-plugin-easytag - nautilus-search-tool - nautilus-search-tool-lang - nautilus-share - nautilus-share-lang - nautilus-terminal - nauty - nauty-devel - nbd - ncat - ncdu - ncftp - ncmpcpp - ncompress - ncurses-devel - ncurses-devel-32bit - ncurses5-devel - ncurses5-devel-32bit - ndctl - ndesk-dbus - ndesk-dbus-glib - ndesk-dbus-glib-devel - ndiff - neard - neard-devel - neard-test - nedit - neko - neko-devel - neko-mysql - nemiver - nemiver-devel - nemiver-lang - nemo - nemo-devel - nemo-extension-actions - nemo-extension-audio-tab - nemo-extension-compare - nemo-extension-dropbox - nemo-extension-emblems - nemo-extension-fileroller - nemo-extension-gtkhash - nemo-extension-image-converter - nemo-extension-nextcloud - nemo-extension-nitroshare - nemo-extension-pastebin - nemo-extension-preview - nemo-extension-rabbitvcs - nemo-extension-repairer - nemo-extension-seahorse - nemo-extension-share - nemo-extension-terminal - nemo-extension-xreader - nemo-extensions-lang - nemo-lang - neomutt - neomutt-doc - neomutt-lang - neovim - neovim-lang - nested - net-snmp-devel - net-snmp-devel-32bit - net-tools-deprecated - net6 - net6-devel - net6-lang - netbeans-javaparser - netbeans-resolver - netbeans-svnclientadapter - netcdf - netcdf-cxx4-gnu-hpc-tools - netcdf-cxx4-tools - netcdf-cxx4_4_3_0-gnu-hpc-tools - netcdf-devel - netcdf-devel-data - netcdf-devel-static - netcdf-fortran-gnu-mpich-hpc - netcdf-fortran-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel - netcdf-fortran-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - netcdf-fortran-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - netcdf-fortran-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - netcdf-fortran-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel - netcdf-fortran-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - netcdf-fortran-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-mpich-hpc - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel-static - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel - netcdf-fortran_4_4_4-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel-static - netcdf-gnu-hpc - netcdf-gnu-hpc-devel - netcdf-gnu-mpich-hpc - netcdf-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel - netcdf-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - netcdf-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel - netcdf-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - netcdf-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - netcdf-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - netcdf-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel - netcdf-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - netcdf-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel - netcdf-openmpi - netcdf-openmpi-devel - netcdf-openmpi-devel-data - netcdf-openmpi-devel-static - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-hpc - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-hpc-devel - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-hpc-devel-static - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mpich-hpc - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel-static - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel-static - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel-static - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel-static - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi3-hpc - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel - netcdf_4_6_1-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel-static - netcomponents - netcomponents-javadoc - netconsole-tools - netdata - netdate - netdiscover - nethogs - netlabel-tools - netsniff-ng - netsurf-buildsystem - nettle - network-autoconfig - neverball - neverball-doc - neverball-mapc - neverball-neverputt - newlib - newsboat - newsboat-lang - newt - newt-devel - newt-doc - newt-static - newtonsoft-json - newtonsoft-json-devel - nextcloud - nextcloud-client - nextcloud-client-doc - nextcloud-client-dolphin - nextcloud-client-lang - nf3d - nfacct - nfc-eventd - nfcutils - nfoview - nfoview-lang - nfs-doc - nfs4-acl-tools - nfsidmap-devel - nfswatch - nftables - nghttp2 - nginx - ngrep - nh2ps - nilfs-utils - nilfs-utils-devel - nim - nimbus-icon-theme - nini - ninja - ninja-ide - nip2 - nitrogen - nitroshare - nitroshare-kde - nload - nlohmann_json-devel - nlopt-devel - nm-tray - nm-tray-lang - nmap - nmapsi4 - nmcli-dmenu - nmh - nml - nmon - nnn - no-more-secrets - nodejs-common - nodejs-emojione - nodejs-emojione-awesome - nodejs-emojione-demo - nodejs-emojione-meteor - nodejs-emojione-python - nodejs-emojione-swift - nodejs-packaging - nodejs-underscore - nodejs8 - nodejs8-devel - nodejs8-docs - noise - noise-devel - noise-lang - nomacs - nomacs-lang - non-ntk - non-ntk-devel - non-ntk-fluid - noping - normaliz - normaliz-devel - notejot - notejot-lang - notepadqq - notes-up - notes-up-lang - notify-osd - notify-osd-config - notify-sharp - notify-sharp-devel - notify-sharp3 - notify-sharp3-devel - notmuch - notmuch-devel - notmuch-emacs - noto-kufiarabic-fonts - noto-mono-fonts - noto-naskharabic-fonts - noto-naskharabic-ui-fonts - noto-nastaliqurdu-fonts - noto-sans-adlam-fonts - noto-sans-adlamunjoined-fonts - noto-sans-anatolianhieroglyphs-fonts - noto-sans-arabic-fonts - noto-sans-arabic-ui-fonts - noto-sans-armenian-fonts - noto-sans-avestan-fonts - noto-sans-balinese-fonts - noto-sans-bamum-fonts - noto-sans-batak-fonts - noto-sans-bengali-fonts - noto-sans-bengali-ui-fonts - noto-sans-brahmi-fonts - noto-sans-buginese-fonts - noto-sans-buhid-fonts - noto-sans-canadianaboriginal-fonts - noto-sans-carian-fonts - noto-sans-chakma-fonts - noto-sans-cham-fonts - noto-sans-cherokee-fonts - noto-sans-coptic-fonts - noto-sans-cuneiform-fonts - noto-sans-cypriot-fonts - noto-sans-deseret-fonts - noto-sans-devanagari-fonts - noto-sans-devanagari-ui-fonts - noto-sans-display-fonts - noto-sans-egyptianhieroglyphs-fonts - noto-sans-ethiopic-fonts - noto-sans-georgian-fonts - noto-sans-glagolitic-fonts - noto-sans-gothic-fonts - noto-sans-gujarati-fonts - noto-sans-gujarati-ui-fonts - noto-sans-gurmukhi-fonts - noto-sans-gurmukhi-ui-fonts - noto-sans-hanunoo-fonts - noto-sans-hebrew-fonts - noto-sans-imperialaramaic-fonts - noto-sans-inscriptionalpahlavi-fonts - noto-sans-inscriptionalparthian-fonts - noto-sans-javanese-fonts - noto-sans-jp-black-fonts - noto-sans-jp-demilight-fonts - noto-sans-jp-fonts-full - noto-sans-jp-light-fonts - noto-sans-jp-medium-fonts - noto-sans-jp-mono-fonts - noto-sans-jp-thin-fonts - noto-sans-kaithi-fonts - noto-sans-kannada-fonts - noto-sans-kannada-ui-fonts - noto-sans-kayahli-fonts - noto-sans-kharoshthi-fonts - noto-sans-khmer-fonts - noto-sans-khmer-ui-fonts - noto-sans-kr-black-fonts - noto-sans-kr-demilight-fonts - noto-sans-kr-fonts-full - noto-sans-kr-light-fonts - noto-sans-kr-medium-fonts - noto-sans-kr-mono-fonts - noto-sans-kr-thin-fonts - noto-sans-lao-fonts - noto-sans-lao-ui-fonts - noto-sans-lepcha-fonts - noto-sans-limbu-fonts - noto-sans-linearb-fonts - noto-sans-lisu-fonts - noto-sans-lycian-fonts - noto-sans-lydian-fonts - noto-sans-malayalam-fonts - noto-sans-malayalam-ui-fonts - noto-sans-mandaic-fonts - noto-sans-meeteimayek-fonts - noto-sans-mongolian-fonts - noto-sans-mono-fonts - noto-sans-myanmar-fonts - noto-sans-myanmar-ui-fonts - noto-sans-newtailue-fonts - noto-sans-nko-fonts - noto-sans-ogham-fonts - noto-sans-olchiki-fonts - noto-sans-olditalic-fonts - noto-sans-oldpersian-fonts - noto-sans-oldsoutharabian-fonts - noto-sans-oldturkic-fonts - noto-sans-oriya-fonts - noto-sans-oriya-ui-fonts - noto-sans-osage-fonts - noto-sans-osmanya-fonts - noto-sans-phagspa-fonts - noto-sans-phoenician-fonts - noto-sans-rejang-fonts - noto-sans-runic-fonts - noto-sans-samaritan-fonts - noto-sans-saurashtra-fonts - noto-sans-sc-black-fonts - noto-sans-sc-demilight-fonts - noto-sans-sc-fonts-full - noto-sans-sc-light-fonts - noto-sans-sc-medium-fonts - noto-sans-sc-mono-fonts - noto-sans-sc-thin-fonts - noto-sans-shavian-fonts - noto-sans-sinhala-fonts - noto-sans-sinhala-ui-fonts - noto-sans-sundanese-fonts - noto-sans-sylotinagri-fonts - noto-sans-symbols-fonts - noto-sans-symbols2-fonts - noto-sans-syriaceastern-fonts - noto-sans-syriacestrangela-fonts - noto-sans-syriacwestern-fonts - noto-sans-tagalog-fonts - noto-sans-tagbanwa-fonts - noto-sans-taile-fonts - noto-sans-taitham-fonts - noto-sans-taiviet-fonts - noto-sans-tamil-fonts - noto-sans-tamil-ui-fonts - noto-sans-tc-black-fonts - noto-sans-tc-demilight-fonts - noto-sans-tc-fonts-full - noto-sans-tc-light-fonts - noto-sans-tc-medium-fonts - noto-sans-tc-mono-fonts - noto-sans-tc-thin-fonts - noto-sans-telugu-fonts - noto-sans-telugu-ui-fonts - noto-sans-thaana-fonts - noto-sans-thai-fonts - noto-sans-thai-ui-fonts - noto-sans-tibetan-fonts - noto-sans-tifinagh-fonts - noto-sans-ugaritic-fonts - noto-sans-vai-fonts - noto-sans-yi-fonts - noto-serif-armenian-fonts - noto-serif-bengali-fonts - noto-serif-devanagari-fonts - noto-serif-display-fonts - noto-serif-ethiopic-fonts - noto-serif-fonts - noto-serif-georgian-fonts - noto-serif-gujarati-fonts - noto-serif-hebrew-fonts - noto-serif-jp-black-fonts - noto-serif-jp-extralight-fonts - noto-serif-jp-fonts-full - noto-serif-jp-light-fonts - noto-serif-jp-medium-fonts - noto-serif-jp-semibold-fonts - noto-serif-kannada-fonts - noto-serif-khmer-fonts - noto-serif-kr-black-fonts - noto-serif-kr-extralight-fonts - noto-serif-kr-fonts-full - noto-serif-kr-light-fonts - noto-serif-kr-medium-fonts - noto-serif-kr-semibold-fonts - noto-serif-lao-fonts - noto-serif-malayalam-fonts - noto-serif-myanmar-fonts - noto-serif-sc-black-fonts - noto-serif-sc-bold-fonts - noto-serif-sc-extralight-fonts - noto-serif-sc-fonts - noto-serif-sc-fonts-full - noto-serif-sc-light-fonts - noto-serif-sc-medium-fonts - noto-serif-sc-regular-fonts - noto-serif-sc-semibold-fonts - noto-serif-sinhala-fonts - noto-serif-tamil-fonts - noto-serif-tc-black-fonts - noto-serif-tc-bold-fonts - noto-serif-tc-extralight-fonts - noto-serif-tc-fonts - noto-serif-tc-fonts-full - noto-serif-tc-light-fonts - noto-serif-tc-medium-fonts - noto-serif-tc-regular-fonts - noto-serif-tc-semibold-fonts - noto-serif-telugu-fonts - noto-serif-thai-fonts - novdoc - novell-sound-theme - novnc - novprog - novprog-lang - npapi-sdk - nping - npkg - npm8 - npth-devel - nqp - nrpe - nrpe-doc - nsd - nss-mdns-32bit - nss-myhostname - nss-myhostname-32bit - nss-mymachines - nss-mymachines-32bit - nss-pam-ldapd - nss-pam-ldapd-32bit - nss-shared-helper-devel - nss-systemd - nss_ldap - nss_ldap-32bit - nss_wrapper - ntfsprogs-extra - ntl-devel - ntp - ntp-doc - ntpsec - ntpsec-utils - nudoku - nulloy - nulloy-gstreamer - nulloy-phonon - nulloy-taglib - nulloy-vlc - numatop - nunit - nunit-devel - nuosu-fonts - nuoveXT2-icon-theme - nut-cgi - nut-devel - nut-devel-doc-html - nut-devel-doc-pdf - nut-doc-asciidoc - nut-doc-html - nut-doc-images - nut-doc-pdf - nut-drivers-net - nvdock - nvidia-texture-tools - nvme-cli - nvmetcli - nvptx-tools - nxtvepg - o2scl-devel - o2scl-doc - oaml-devel - oath-toolkit - oath-toolkit-xml - obantoo - obby - obby-devel - obby-lang - obconf - obconf-qt - obconf-qt-lang - obex-data-server - obexd - obexd-client - obexd-server - obexfs - obexftp - obexftp-devel - objectweb-anttask - objectweb-asm - obs-service-appimage - obs-service-download_files - obs-service-download_url - obs-service-extract_file - obs-service-format_spec_file - obs-service-obs_scm - obs-service-obs_scm-common - obs-service-product_converter - obs-service-recompress - obs-service-refresh_patches - obs-service-replace_using_package_version - obs-service-set_version - obs-service-snapcraft - obs-service-source_validator - obs-service-tar - obs-service-tar_scm - obs-service-verify_file - ocaml - ocaml-benchmark - ocaml-benchmark-devel - ocaml-brlapi - ocaml-calendar - ocaml-calendar-devel - ocaml-camlp4 - ocaml-camlp4-devel - ocaml-camomile - ocaml-camomile-data - ocaml-camomile-devel - ocaml-compiler-libs - ocaml-compiler-libs-devel - ocaml-cppo - ocaml-cppo-devel - ocaml-csv - ocaml-csv-devel - ocaml-curses - ocaml-curses-devel - ocaml-easy-format - ocaml-easy-format-devel - ocaml-emacs - ocaml-extlib - ocaml-extlib-devel - ocaml-facile - ocaml-facile-devel - ocaml-fileutils - ocaml-fileutils-devel - ocaml-findlib - ocaml-findlib-camlp4 - ocaml-findlib-devel - ocaml-gen - ocaml-gen-devel - ocaml-gettext - ocaml-gettext-camomile - ocaml-gettext-camomile-devel - ocaml-gettext-devel - ocaml-gettext-stub - ocaml-gettext-stub-devel - ocaml-hivex - ocaml-hivex-devel - ocaml-lablgl - ocaml-lablgl-devel - ocaml-lablgtk2 - ocaml-lablgtk2-devel - ocaml-labltk - ocaml-labltk-devel - ocaml-libguestfs - ocaml-libguestfs-devel - ocaml-libvirt - ocaml-libvirt-devel - ocaml-menhir - ocaml-menhir-devel - ocaml-oasis - ocaml-oasis-devel - ocaml-obuild - ocaml-ocamlbuild - ocaml-ocamlbuild-devel - ocaml-ocamldoc - ocaml-ocamlgraph - ocaml-ocamlgraph-devel - ocaml-ounit - ocaml-ounit-devel - ocaml-parmap - ocaml-parmap-devel - ocaml-pcre - ocaml-pcre-devel - ocaml-rpm-macros - ocaml-runtime - ocaml-source - ocaml-x11 - ocaml-xml-light - ocaml-xml-light-devel - ocamlify - ocamlmod - occt - occt-DRAWEXE - occt-devel - oce - oce-DRAWEXE - oce-devel - ocfs2-tools - ocfs2-tools-devel - ocfs2-tools-devel-static - ocfs2-tools-o2cb - ocl-icd-devel - ocrad - ocrad-devel - ocserv - octave - octave-CSXCAD - octave-cli - octave-devel - octave-doc - octave-forge-bim - octave-forge-cgi - octave-forge-communications - octave-forge-control - octave-forge-data-smoothing - octave-forge-database - octave-forge-dataframe - octave-forge-divand - octave-forge-doctest - octave-forge-econometrics - octave-forge-financial - octave-forge-fits - octave-forge-fl-core - octave-forge-fpl - octave-forge-fuzzy-logic-toolkit - octave-forge-ga - octave-forge-general - octave-forge-generate_html - octave-forge-geometry - octave-forge-gsl - octave-forge-image - octave-forge-image-acquisition - octave-forge-instrument-control - octave-forge-interval - octave-forge-io - octave-forge-level-set - octave-forge-linear-algebra - octave-forge-lssa - octave-forge-ltfat - octave-forge-mapping - octave-forge-mechanics - octave-forge-miscellaneous - octave-forge-msh - octave-forge-mvn - octave-forge-nan - octave-forge-ncarray - octave-forge-netcdf - octave-forge-nurbs - octave-forge-octclip - octave-forge-octproj - octave-forge-optics - octave-forge-optim - octave-forge-parallel - octave-forge-quaternion - octave-forge-queueing - octave-forge-secs1d - octave-forge-secs2d - octave-forge-secs3d - octave-forge-signal - octave-forge-sockets - octave-forge-specfun - octave-forge-splines - octave-forge-statistics - octave-forge-stk - octave-forge-strings - octave-forge-struct - octave-forge-symbolic - octave-forge-tisean - octave-forge-tsa - octave-forge-vrml - octave-nlopt_optimize - octave-openEMS - ode-devel - odp-devel - odp-libs - odt2txt - offlineimap - offlineimap-htmldoc - ofl - ofono - ofono-devel - ofono-tests - oggz-tools - ogmtools - ogre-demos - ogre-demos-devel - ogre-docs - ogre-tools - ohpc - oidentd - okteta - okteta-devel - okteta-lang - okular-devel - omnisharp-server - omping - onboard - onboard-data - onboard-lang - oneko - oniguruma-devel - ooRexx - ooRexx-devel - opa-address-resolution - opa-address-resolution-devel - opa-basic-tools - opa-fastfabric - opa-fm - opa-fmgui - opae - opae-devel - open-iscsi-devel - open-isns - open-isns-devel - open-lldp - open-lldp-devel - openCryptoki - openCryptoki-64bit - openCryptoki-devel - openEMS - openEMS-devel - openEMS-matlab - openQA - openQA-client - openQA-common - openQA-doc - openQA-local-db - openQA-worker - openSUSE-Addon-NonOss-release - openSUSE-EULAs - openSUSE-appdata-extra - openSUSE-appstream-process - openSUSE-driverupdate - openSUSE-release-appliance-custom - openSUSE-release-appliance-docker - openSUSE-release-appliance-hyperv - openSUSE-release-appliance-kvm - openSUSE-release-appliance-openstack - openSUSE-release-appliance-vmware - openSUSE-release-ftp - openSUSE-release-livecd-gnome - openSUSE-release-livecd-kde - openSUSE-release-livecd-x11 - openSUSE-release-mini - openSUSE-release-tools - openSUSE-release-tools-abichecker - openSUSE-release-tools-announcer - openSUSE-release-tools-check-source - openSUSE-release-tools-devel - openSUSE-release-tools-leaper - openSUSE-release-tools-maintenance - openSUSE-release-tools-metrics - openSUSE-release-tools-pkglistgen - openSUSE-release-tools-repo-checker - openSUSE-release-tools-staging-bot - openSUSE-release-tools-totest-manager - openSUSE-release-usb-gnome - openSUSE-release-usb-kde - openSUSE-release-usb-x11 - openafs - openafs-authlibs - openafs-authlibs-devel - openafs-client - openafs-devel - openafs-fuse_client - openafs-kernel-source - openafs-kmp-default - openafs-server - openal-soft-devel - openal-soft-devel-32bit - openarena - openarena-data - openbabel - openbabel-devel - openblas-devel - openblas-devel-headers - openblas-pthreads_0_2_20-gnu-hpc-devel-static - openblas_0_2_20-gnu-hpc-devel-static - openblas_openmp-devel-static - openblas_pthreads-devel-static - openblas_serial-devel-static - openbox - openbox-adwaita-ob-theme - openbox-devel - openbox-gnome - openbox-kde - openbox-theme-adapta - opencc-devel - opencl-cpp-headers - opencl-headers - opencl-headers-1_2 - openclonk - openconnect-devel - openconnect-doc - opencsg-devel - opencv - opencv-devel - opencv-doc - opendchub - openexr - openexr-devel - openexr-doc - openfortivpn - opengl-games-utils - opengost-otf-fonts - opengost-ttf-fonts - openjade - openjade-devel - openjpeg - openjpeg-devel - openjpeg-devel-32bit - openjpeg2 - openjpeg2-devel - openldap2 - openldap2-back-meta - openldap2-back-perl - openldap2-back-sock - openldap2-back-sql - openldap2-contrib - openldap2-devel - openldap2-devel-32bit - openldap2-devel-static - openldap2-doc - openldap2-ppolicy-check-password - openlibm-devel - openmarkup - openmarkup-javadoc - openmarkup-manual - openmpi - openmpi-config - openmpi-devel - openmpi-libs - openmpi-libs-32bit - openmpi-testsuite - openmpi1-gnu-hpc - openmpi1-gnu-hpc-devel - openmpi1-gnu-hpc-devel-static - openmpi1-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - openmpi2 - openmpi2-config - openmpi2-devel - openmpi2-docs - openmpi2-gnu-hpc - openmpi2-gnu-hpc-devel - openmpi2-gnu-hpc-devel-static - openmpi2-gnu-hpc-docs - openmpi2-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - openmpi2-libs - openmpi2-libs-32bit - openmpi2-testsuite - openmpi3 - openmpi3-config - openmpi3-devel - openmpi3-docs - openmpi3-gnu-hpc - openmpi3-gnu-hpc-devel - openmpi3-gnu-hpc-devel-static - openmpi3-gnu-hpc-docs - openmpi3-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - openmpi3-libs - openmpi3-testsuite - openmpi_1_10_7-gnu-hpc - openmpi_1_10_7-gnu-hpc-devel - openmpi_1_10_7-gnu-hpc-devel-static - openmpi_1_10_7-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - openmpi_1_10_7-gnu-hpc-testsuite - openmpi_2_1_3-gnu-hpc - openmpi_2_1_3-gnu-hpc-devel - openmpi_2_1_3-gnu-hpc-devel-static - openmpi_2_1_3-gnu-hpc-docs - openmpi_2_1_3-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - openmpi_2_1_3-gnu-hpc-testsuite - openmpi_3_0_0-gnu-hpc - openmpi_3_0_0-gnu-hpc-devel - openmpi_3_0_0-gnu-hpc-devel-static - openmpi_3_0_0-gnu-hpc-docs - openmpi_3_0_0-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - openmpi_3_0_0-gnu-hpc-testsuite - openmpt123 - openmw - openobex-apps - openobex-devel - openocd - openocd-data - openpgm-devel - openrdate - openresolv - opensaml-bin - opensaml-schemas - opensc - opensc-32bit - openscad - openscap - openscap-content - openscap-devel - openscap-docker - openscap-engine-sce - openscap-extra-probes - openscap-utils - openshot-qt - openslide-doc - openslide-tools - openslp-devel - openslp-server - opensm - opensm-devel - opensm-devel-32bit - opensp - opensp-devel - opensp-doc - openspecfun-devel - openssh-cavs - openssh-fips - openssl-1_0_0 - openssl-1_0_0-cavs - openssl-1_0_0-doc - openssl-1_1-doc - openssl-engine-libp11 - openssl-ibmpkcs11 - openssl_tpm_engine - openstack-macros - openstack-suse-macros - openstack-suse-sudo - openstack-tempest - openstack-tempest-doc - openstack-utils - opentoonz - openttd - openttd-data - openttd-dedicated - openttd-opengfx - openucx-tools - openvpn-auth-pam-plugin - openvpn-devel - openvpn-down-root-plugin - openvswitch - openvswitch-devel - openvswitch-doc - openvswitch-ovn-central - openvswitch-ovn-common - openvswitch-ovn-docker - openvswitch-ovn-host - openvswitch-ovn-vtep - openvswitch-pki - openvswitch-test - openvswitch-vtep - openwsman-java - openwsman-perl - openwsman-ruby - openwsman-ruby-docs - openwsman-server - openwsman-server-plugin-ruby - openxcom - openxcom-doc - opie - opie-32bit - oping - opmsg - oprofile - oprofile-32bit - oprofile-devel - optipng - opus-tools - opusfile-devel - orbit2 - orbit2-32bit - orbit2-devel - orbit2-doc - orc - orc-doc - origami-icon-theme - orion - orkhon-fonts - oro - ortp - ortp-devel - os-autoinst - os-autoinst-openvswitch - os-service-types-doc - osc - osc-plugin-check_dups - osc-plugin-collab - osc-plugin-cycle - osc-plugin-install - osc-plugin-staging - osc-plugin-vdelreq - osclib - osdkeys - osdlyrics - osdlyrics-lang - osinfo-db-tools - osmo-fl2k - osmo-fl2k-devel - osmo-fl2k-udev - osmo-ggsn - osmo-iuh - osmosdr - osmosdr-devel - ossp-uuid - oto - otrs - otrs-doc - otrs-itsm - otter-browser - ovirt-guest-agent-common - ovmf-tools - owasp-modsecurity-crs - owasp-modsecurity-crs-base_rules - owasp-modsecurity-crs-experimental_rules - owasp-modsecurity-crs-optional_rules - owasp-modsecurity-crs-slr_rules - owncloud-client - owncloud-client-caja - owncloud-client-doc - owncloud-client-dolphin - owncloud-client-l10n - owncloud-client-nautilus - owncloud-client-nemo - oxygen4-cursors - oxygen5 - oxygen5-cursors - oxygen5-decoration - oxygen5-devel - oxygen5-icon-theme-scalable - oxygen5-lang - oxygen5-style - oxygen5-style-32bit - oyranos - oyranos-monitor - oyranos-profile-graph - oyranos-qcmsevents - oyranos-ui-fltk - p0f - p11-kit-32bit - p11-kit-devel - p11-kit-nss-trust - p11-kit-nss-trust-32bit - p8-platform-devel - pacemaker - pacemaker-cli - pacemaker-cts - pacemaker-remote - packETH - package-translations - packit - pagemon - pagetools - paglinawan-quicksand-fonts - pagul-fonts - palapeli - palapeli-data - palapeli-devel - palapeli-lang - palaura - palm-db-tools - pam-devel - pam-devel-32bit - pam-doc - pam-python - pam_apparmor - pam_apparmor-32bit - pam_cap - pam_cap-32bit - pam_ccreds - pam_ccreds-32bit - pam_cgfs - pam_chroot - pam_chroot-32bit - pam_cifscreds - pam_csync - pam_csync-32bit - pam_dbus - pam_krb5 - pam_krb5-32bit - pam_kwallet - pam_kwallet-32bit - pam_kwallet-common - pam_mktemp - pam_mktemp-32bit - pam_mount - pam_mount-32bit - pam_oath - pam_passwdqc - pam_passwdqc-32bit - pam_pkcs11 - pam_pkcs11-32bit - pam_pkcs11-devel-doc - pam_pwquality - pam_radius - pam_radius-32bit - pam_script - pam_snapper - pam_ssh - pam_ssh-32bit - pam_u2f - pam_userpass - pam_userpass-32bit - pam_wrapper - pam_yubico - paman - pamix - pamixer - pan - pan-lang - pandoc - pandoc-pdf - pango-devel - pango-devel-32bit - pango-tools - pangomm-devel - pangomm-doc - pangomm1_4-devel - pangomm1_4-doc - pangox-compat - pangox-devel - panini - pantheon-calculator - pantheon-calculator-lang - pantheon-files - pantheon-files-lang - pantheon-photos - pantheon-photos-lang - pantheon-terminal - pantheon-terminal-lang - paper-icon-theme - paperclips - paperclips-javadoc - paperkey - papi - papi-devel - papi-devel-32bit - papi-devel-static - papi-hpc - papi-hpc-devel - papi_5_5_1-hpc - papi_5_5_1-hpc-devel - papi_5_5_1-hpc-devel-static - papirus-icon-theme - paprefs - paprefs-lang - paps - par - parallel-netcdf-devel-data - parallel-netcdf-openmpi - parallel-netcdf-openmpi-devel - parallel-netcdf-openmpi-devel-static - paratype-pt-mono-fonts - paratype-pt-sans-fonts - paratype-pt-serif-fonts - paraview - paraviewdata - parcellite - pari-devel - pari-elldata - pari-galdata - pari-galpol - pari-gp - pari-nftables - pari-seadata - parkverbot - parole - parole-devel - parole-lang - parpack-openmpi - parpack-openmpi-devel - parpack-openmpi-devel-32bit - partclone - partclone-lang - parted-devel - parti - partitionmanager - partitionmanager-lang - parzip - passwdqc - passwdqc-devel - pasystray - patch - patch2mail - patchelf - patchutils - patool - patool-bash-completion - patterns-base-apparmor-32bit - patterns-base-base-32bit - patterns-base-documentation - patterns-base-sw_management-32bit - patterns-base-x11-32bit - patterns-base-x11_enhanced-32bit - patterns-desktop-books - patterns-desktop-technical_writing - patterns-devel-C-C++-devel_C_C++ - patterns-devel-base-devel_basis - patterns-devel-base-devel_kernel - patterns-devel-base-devel_rpm_build - patterns-devel-base-devel_web - patterns-devel-java-devel_java - patterns-devel-mono-devel_mono - patterns-devel-osc-devel_osc_build - patterns-devel-perl-devel_perl - patterns-devel-python-devel_python3 - patterns-devel-ruby-devel_ruby - patterns-devel-tcl-devel_tcl - patterns-enlightenment-enlightenment - patterns-gnome-devel_gnome - patterns-gnome-gnome_basic - patterns-gnome-gnome_ide - patterns-haskell-haskell_platform - patterns-hpc-compute_node - patterns-hpc-development_node - patterns-hpc-libraries - patterns-hpc-workload_server - patterns-kde-devel_kde - patterns-kde-devel_kde_frameworks - patterns-kde-devel_qt5 - patterns-kde-kde_ide - patterns-leechcraft-leechcraft - patterns-leechcraft-leechcraft_browser - patterns-leechcraft-leechcraft_media - patterns-leechcraft-leechcraft_messenger - patterns-leechcraft-leechcraft_netutils - patterns-leechcraft-leechcraft_office - patterns-leechcraft-leechcraft_utilities - patterns-lxde-lxde - patterns-lxde-lxde_laptop - patterns-lxde-lxde_office - patterns-lxqt-lxqt - patterns-mate-mate - patterns-mate-mate_admin - patterns-mate-mate_basis - patterns-mate-mate_internet - patterns-mate-mate_laptop - patterns-mate-mate_office - patterns-mate-mate_office_opt - patterns-mate-mate_utilities - patterns-media-rest_cd_core - patterns-media-rest_cd_gnome - patterns-media-rest_cd_kde - patterns-media-rest_cd_x11 - patterns-media-rest_core_dvd - patterns-media-rest_dvd - patterns-network-network_admin - patterns-rpm-macros - patterns-server-dhcp_dns_server - patterns-server-dhcp_dns_server-32bit - patterns-server-directory_server - patterns-server-directory_server-32bit - patterns-server-file_server-32bit - patterns-server-gateway_server - patterns-server-gateway_server-32bit - patterns-server-lamp_server-32bit - patterns-server-mail_server - patterns-server-mail_server-32bit - patterns-server-printing-32bit - patterns-server-xen_server - patterns-server-xen_tools - patterns-yast-devel_yast - patterns-yast-yast2_install_wf - pavucontrol-qt - pavucontrol-qt-lang - pavumeter - pax-utils - pbm2l7k - pbuilder - pbzip2 - pcapdump - pcapinfo - pcaudiolib-devel - pcb - pcb-doc - pcc - pcfclock - pcfclock-kmp-default - pciutils-devel - pciutils-devel-32bit - pcmanfm - pcmanfm-devel - pcmanfm-lang - pcmanfm-qt - pcmanfm-qt-lang - pcmanx-gtk2 - pcp - pcp-conf - pcp-devel - pcp-doc - pcp-export-pcp2graphite - pcp-export-pcp2influxdb - pcp-export-zabbix-agent - pcp-gui - pcp-import-collectl2pcp - pcp-import-ganglia2pcp - pcp-import-iostat2pcp - pcp-import-mrtg2pcp - pcp-import-sar2pcp - pcp-manager - pcp-pmda-activemq - pcp-pmda-apache - pcp-pmda-bash - pcp-pmda-bind2 - pcp-pmda-bonding - pcp-pmda-cifs - pcp-pmda-cisco - pcp-pmda-dbping - pcp-pmda-dm - pcp-pmda-docker - pcp-pmda-ds389 - pcp-pmda-ds389log - pcp-pmda-elasticsearch - pcp-pmda-gfs2 - pcp-pmda-gluster - pcp-pmda-gpfs - pcp-pmda-gpsd - pcp-pmda-infiniband - pcp-pmda-json - pcp-pmda-kvm - pcp-pmda-lmsensors - pcp-pmda-logger - pcp-pmda-lustre - pcp-pmda-lustrecomm - pcp-pmda-mailq - pcp-pmda-memcache - pcp-pmda-mic - pcp-pmda-mounts - pcp-pmda-mysql - pcp-pmda-named - pcp-pmda-netfilter - pcp-pmda-news - pcp-pmda-nfsclient - pcp-pmda-nginx - pcp-pmda-nutcracker - pcp-pmda-nvidia-gpu - pcp-pmda-oracle - pcp-pmda-papi - pcp-pmda-pdns - pcp-pmda-perfevent - pcp-pmda-postfix - pcp-pmda-postgresql - pcp-pmda-redis - pcp-pmda-roomtemp - pcp-pmda-rpm - pcp-pmda-rsyslog - pcp-pmda-samba - pcp-pmda-sendmail - pcp-pmda-shping - pcp-pmda-slurm - pcp-pmda-snmp - pcp-pmda-summary - pcp-pmda-systemd - pcp-pmda-trace - pcp-pmda-unbound - pcp-pmda-vmware - pcp-pmda-weblog - pcp-pmda-zimbra - pcp-pmda-zswap - pcp-system-tools - pcp-testsuite - pcp-webapi - pcre-devel - pcre-devel-static - pcre-doc - pcre-tools - pcre2-devel - pcre2-devel-static - pcre2-doc - pcre2-tools - pcsc-acr38-devel - pcsc-acsccid - pcsc-asedriveiiie-serial - pcsc-ccid - pcsc-eco5000 - pcsc-lite-devel - pcsc-reflex60 - pcsc-tools - pcsc-towitoko-devel - pdf2djvu - pdf2djvu-lang - pdf2svg - pdfcompare - pdfgrep - pdfmod - pdfmod-lang - pdfshuffler - pdfshuffler-lang - pdns - pdns-backend-geoip - pdns-backend-godbc - pdns-backend-ldap - pdns-backend-lua - pdns-backend-mydns - pdns-backend-mysql - pdns-backend-postgresql - pdns-backend-remote - pdns-backend-sqlite3 - pdns-common - pdns-recursor - pdnsd - pdnsd-doc - pdsh - pdsh-dshgroup - pdsh-genders - pdsh-machines - pdsh-netgroup - pdsh-slurm - peazip - peazip-kf5 - peek - peek-lang - pegtl-devel - peksystray - pen - pencil - pentaho-libxml-javadoc - pentaho-reporting-flow-engine-javadoc - pepper - percona-toolkit - perf - perftest - perl-32bit - perl-Algorithm-Annotate - perl-Algorithm-C3 - perl-Algorithm-CheckDigits - perl-Algorithm-Combinatorics - perl-Algorithm-Diff - perl-Alien-SDL - perl-Alien-Tidyp - perl-Alien-wxWidgets - perl-Any-Moose - perl-AnyEvent - perl-AnyEvent-HTTP - perl-AnyEvent-I3 - perl-Apache-AuthCookie - perl-Apache-DBI - perl-Apache-Filter - perl-Apache-LogFormat-Compiler - perl-Apache-Session - perl-Apache-SessionX - perl-Apache2-AuthCookieDBI - perl-App-Ack - perl-App-CELL - perl-App-CLI - perl-App-Cmd - perl-App-Dochazka-CLI - perl-App-Dochazka-Common - perl-App-Dochazka-REST - perl-App-Dochazka-WWW - perl-App-FatPacker - perl-App-MFILE - perl-App-MFILE-WWW - perl-App-Nopaste - perl-App-Rad - perl-App-Rad-Plugin-MoreHelp - perl-App-cpanminus - perl-App-perlbrew - perl-AppConfig - perl-Archive-Cpio - perl-Archive-Extract - perl-Archive-Peek - perl-Archive-Tar-Wrapper - perl-Array-Unique - perl-Audio-RPLD - perl-Authen-DecHpwd - perl-Authen-Passphrase - perl-Authen-SASL - perl-Authen-SASL-Cyrus - perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope - perl-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation - perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check - perl-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr - perl-B-Keywords - perl-B-Utils - perl-BIND-Conf_Parser - perl-BSD-Resource - perl-Benchmark-Timer - perl-BerkeleyDB - perl-Boost-Geometry-Utils - perl-Bootloader-YAML - perl-Browser-Open - perl-Business-ISBN - perl-Business-ISBN-Data - perl-Business-ISMN - perl-Business-ISSN - perl-CDDB_get - perl-CGI - perl-CGI-Ajax - perl-CGI-Application - perl-CGI-FastTemplate - perl-CGI-FormBuilder - perl-CGI-Session - perl-CGI-Simple - perl-CHI - perl-CLASS - perl-CPAN-DistnameInfo - perl-CPAN-Meta-Check - perl-CPAN-Meta-Requirements - perl-CPAN-Mini - perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases - perl-CPAN-Uploader - perl-CSS-Minifier-XS - perl-CSS-Tiny - perl-Cache-Cache - perl-Cache-LRU - perl-Cache-Memcached - perl-Cairo - perl-Calendar-Simple - perl-Canary-Stability - perl-Capture-Tiny - perl-Carp-Always - perl-Carp-Assert - perl-Carp-Assert-More - perl-Carton - perl-Catalyst-Manual - perl-Chart - perl-Class-Accessor - perl-Class-Accessor-Chained - perl-Class-Accessor-Grouped - perl-Class-Accessor-Lite - perl-Class-Adapter - perl-Class-Autouse - perl-Class-Base - perl-Class-C3 - perl-Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT - perl-Class-C3-Componentised - perl-Class-C3-XS - perl-Class-Container - perl-Class-DBI - perl-Class-Data-Inheritable - perl-Class-Date - perl-Class-Factory-Util - perl-Class-ISA - perl-Class-Inner - perl-Class-Inspector - perl-Class-Load - perl-Class-Load-XS - perl-Class-MakeMethods - perl-Class-Method-Modifiers - perl-Class-Method-Modifiers-Fast - perl-Class-MethodMaker - perl-Class-Mix - perl-Class-Multimethods - perl-Class-ReturnValue - perl-Class-Singleton - perl-Class-Spiffy - perl-Class-Std - perl-Class-Tiny - perl-Class-Trigger - perl-Class-Unload - perl-Class-WhiteHole - perl-Class-XPath - perl-Class-XSAccessor - perl-Clone - perl-Clone-PP - perl-Code-DRY - perl-Compress-Bzip2 - perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma - perl-Config-Any - perl-Config-Auto - perl-Config-AutoConf - perl-Config-General - perl-Config-GitLike - perl-Config-Grammar - perl-Config-INI - perl-Config-IniFiles - perl-Config-MVP - perl-Config-MVP-Reader-INI - perl-Config-MySQL - perl-Config-Simple - perl-Config-Std - perl-Config-Tiny - perl-Const-Fast - perl-Context-Preserve - perl-Contextual-Return - perl-Convert-ASN1 - perl-Convert-BER - perl-Convert-BinHex - perl-Convert-TNEF - perl-Convert-UUlib - perl-Cookie-Baker - perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS - perl-Crypt-Blowfish - perl-Crypt-CBC - perl-Crypt-DES - perl-Crypt-DH-GMP - perl-Crypt-Eksblowfish - perl-Crypt-MySQL - perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum - perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA - perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random - perl-Crypt-PasswdMD5 - perl-Crypt-RC4 - perl-Crypt-Rijndael - perl-Crypt-Rot13 - perl-Crypt-SSLeay - perl-Crypt-SaltedHash - perl-Crypt-UnixCrypt_XS - perl-Curses - perl-CursesWidgets - perl-Cwd-Guard - perl-Cyrus-IMAP - perl-Cyrus-SIEVE-managesieve - perl-DBD-CSV - perl-DBD-ODBC - perl-DBD-Pg - perl-DBD-SQLite - perl-DBD-XBase - perl-DBD-mysql - perl-DBI - perl-DBICx-TestDatabase - perl-DBIx-Class - perl-DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler - perl-DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault - perl-DBIx-Class-IntrospectableM2M - perl-DBIx-Class-OptimisticLocking - perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Config - perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader - perl-DBIx-Connector - perl-DBIx-ContextualFetch - perl-DBIx-Simple - perl-DBIx-Transaction - perl-DBM-Deep - perl-DNS-LDNS - perl-Daemon-Generic - perl-Data-Clone - perl-Data-Compare - perl-Data-Dump - perl-Data-Dump-Streamer - perl-Data-Dumper-Concise - perl-Data-Entropy - perl-Data-Float - perl-Data-Hexify - perl-Data-Hierarchy - perl-Data-Integer - perl-Data-ObjectDriver - perl-Data-OptList - perl-Data-Page - perl-Data-Peek - perl-Data-Perl - perl-Data-Printer - perl-Data-Random - perl-Data-Section - perl-Data-Section-Simple - perl-Data-ShowTable - perl-Data-Structure-Util - perl-Data-Uniqid - perl-Data-Util - perl-Data-Visitor - perl-Date-Holidays-CZ - perl-Date-Manip - perl-Date-Simple - perl-Date-Tiny - perl-DateTime - perl-DateTime-Calendar-Julian - perl-DateTime-Calendar-Mayan - perl-DateTime-Format-Builder - perl-DateTime-Format-DateParse - perl-DateTime-Format-ISO8601 - perl-DateTime-Format-MySQL - perl-DateTime-Format-Pg - perl-DateTime-Format-SQLite - perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime - perl-DateTime-Locale - perl-DateTime-TimeZone - perl-DateTime-Tiny - perl-Debug-Trace - perl-Declare-Constraints-Simple - perl-Devel-Caller - perl-Devel-CheckBin - perl-Devel-CheckCompiler - perl-Devel-CheckLib - perl-Devel-CheckOS - perl-Devel-Confess - perl-Devel-CoreStack - perl-Devel-Cover - perl-Devel-Cycle - perl-Devel-Declare - perl-Devel-FindPerl - perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction - perl-Devel-Hide - perl-Devel-Leak - perl-Devel-LexAlias - perl-Devel-NYTProf - perl-Devel-OverloadInfo - perl-Devel-PPPort - perl-Devel-PartialDump - perl-Devel-PatchPerl - perl-Devel-REPL - perl-Devel-StackTrace - perl-Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML - perl-Devel-TakeHashArgs - perl-Devel-Trace - perl-Device-SerialPort - perl-Digest-CRC - perl-Digest-HMAC - perl-Digest-JHash - perl-Digest-MD5 - perl-Digest-Perl-MD5 - perl-Dist-CheckConflicts - perl-Dist-Zilla - perl-Email-Abstract - perl-Email-Address - perl-Email-Date-Format - perl-Email-MIME - perl-Email-MIME-ContentType - perl-Email-MIME-Encodings - perl-Email-MessageID - perl-Email-Reply - perl-Email-Send - perl-Email-Sender - perl-Email-Simple - perl-Email-Valid - perl-Encode - perl-Encode-Detect - perl-Encode-EUCJPASCII - perl-Encode-HanExtra - perl-Encode-JIS2K - perl-Error - perl-Eval-Closure - perl-Eval-LineNumbers - perl-Event - perl-Exception-Base - perl-Exception-Class - perl-Export-Attrs - perl-Exporter-Declare - perl-Exporter-Lite - perl-Exporter-Tidy - perl-Exporter-Tiny - perl-ExtUtils-CChecker - perl-ExtUtils-Config - perl-ExtUtils-CppGuess - perl-ExtUtils-Depends - perl-ExtUtils-F77 - perl-ExtUtils-Helpers - perl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths - perl-ExtUtils-LibBuilder - perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker - perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile - perl-ExtUtils-Manifest - perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig - perl-ExtUtils-Typemaps-Default - perl-ExtUtils-XSpp - perl-FastCGI - perl-Fennec-Lite - perl-File-BaseDir - perl-File-Basename-Object - perl-File-Comments - perl-File-Copy-Recursive - perl-File-DesktopEntry - perl-File-FcntlLock - perl-File-Find-Rule - perl-File-Find-Rule-Perl - perl-File-Finder - perl-File-Flock - perl-File-HomeDir - perl-File-LibMagic - perl-File-MMagic - perl-File-MimeInfo - perl-File-Mork - perl-File-Next - perl-File-Path - perl-File-Path-Tiny - perl-File-ReadBackwards - perl-File-Remove - perl-File-Rsync - perl-File-ShareDir - perl-File-ShareDir-Install - perl-File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir - perl-File-Slurp - perl-File-Slurp-Tiny - perl-File-Slurp-Unicode - perl-File-Slurper - perl-File-Sync - perl-File-Tail - perl-File-Temp - perl-File-Touch - perl-File-Type - perl-File-Unpack - perl-File-Which - perl-File-chdir - perl-File-pushd - perl-FileHandle-Unget - perl-Filesys-Df - perl-Filesys-Notify-Simple - perl-Filesys-Statvfs - perl-Finance-Quote - perl-FindBin-Real - perl-Font-AFM - perl-Font-FreeType - perl-Font-TTF - perl-FreezeThaw - perl-Fuse - perl-Future - perl-GD - perl-GD-Barcode - perl-GD-Graph3d - perl-GDGraph - perl-GDTextUtil - perl-GStreamer1 - perl-Geo-Coordinates-UTM - perl-Geography-Countries - perl-Getopt-ArgvFile - perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive - perl-Getopt-Tabular - perl-Glib - perl-Glib-Object-Introspection - perl-Gnome2 - perl-Gnome2-Canvas - perl-Gnome2-GConf - perl-Gnome2-VFS - perl-Gnome2-Wnck - perl-Goo-Canvas - perl-Graph - perl-GraphViz - perl-GraphicsMagick - perl-Gravatar-URL - perl-Growl-GNTP - perl-Gtk2 - perl-Gtk2-AppIndicator - perl-Gtk2-ImageView - perl-Gtk2-Unique - perl-Guard - perl-HTML-Clean - perl-HTML-Element-Extended - perl-HTML-Encoding - perl-HTML-FillInForm - perl-HTML-Form - perl-HTML-FormHandler - perl-HTML-Format - perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks - perl-HTML-RewriteAttributes - perl-HTML-Scrubber - perl-HTML-SimpleParse - perl-HTML-Stream - perl-HTML-TableExtract - perl-HTML-Template - perl-HTML-Tidy - perl-HTML-TokeParser-Simple - perl-HTML-Tree - perl-HTTP-Body - perl-HTTP-DAV - perl-HTTP-Headers-ActionPack - perl-HTTP-Headers-Fast - perl-HTTP-Lite - perl-HTTP-Parser-XS - perl-HTTP-Request-AsCGI - perl-HTTP-Server-Simple - perl-HTTP-Thin - perl-HTTP-Tiny - perl-HTTPS-Daemon - perl-Hamlib - perl-Hash-Merge - perl-Hash-Merge-Simple - perl-Hash-MoreUtils - perl-Hash-MultiValue - perl-Hash-Util-FieldHash-Compat - perl-Hook-LexWrap - perl-IO-All - perl-IO-Async - perl-IO-CaptureOutput - perl-IO-Event - perl-IO-Handle-Util - perl-IO-Interactive - perl-IO-Interface - perl-IO-Multiplex - perl-IO-Pager - perl-IO-Pipely - perl-IO-SessionData - perl-IO-Socket-Multicast - perl-IO-Socket-PortState - perl-IO-Socket-Timeout - perl-IO-String - perl-IO-Stty - perl-IO-Tee - perl-IO-TieCombine - perl-IO-stringy - perl-IP-Country - perl-IPC-Run - perl-IPC-Run3 - perl-IPC-ShareLite - perl-IPC-System-Simple - perl-IRI - perl-Ima-DBI - perl-Image-Info - perl-Image-Sane - perl-Image-Size - perl-Import-Into - perl-Importer - perl-Inline - perl-Iterator - perl-Iterator-Util - perl-JSON - perl-JSON-Any - perl-JSON-DWIW - perl-JSON-MaybeXS - perl-JSON-RPC - perl-JSON-XS - perl-JavaScript-Minifier-XS - perl-LWP-Online - perl-Lexical-Persistence - perl-Lexical-SealRequireHints - perl-Lingua-EN-FindNumber - perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect - perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number - perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Phrase - perl-Lingua-EN-Number-IsOrdinal - perl-Lingua-EN-Sentence - perl-Lingua-EN-Tagger - perl-Lingua-EN-Words2Nums - perl-Lingua-PT-Stemmer - perl-Lingua-Stem - perl-Lingua-Stem-Fr - perl-Lingua-Stem-It - perl-Lingua-Stem-Ru - perl-Lingua-Stem-Snowball - perl-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Da - perl-Lingua-Translit - perl-Linux-DesktopFiles - perl-Linux-Inotify2 - perl-Linux-Pid - perl-List-AllUtils - perl-List-MoreUtils - perl-List-MoreUtils-XS - perl-List-SomeUtils - perl-List-SomeUtils-XS - perl-List-UtilsBy - perl-Locale-Maketext-Gettext - perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon - perl-Locale-Msgfmt - perl-Locale-US - perl-LockFile-Simple - perl-Log-Any - perl-Log-Contextual - perl-Log-Dispatch - perl-Log-Dispatch-Array - perl-Log-Dispatch-Config - perl-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate - perl-Log-Dispatchouli - perl-Log-Log4perl - perl-Log-Message - perl-Log-Message-Simple - perl-MIME-Charset - perl-MIME-EncWords - perl-MIME-Lite - perl-MIME-Types - perl-MIME-tools - perl-MLDBM - perl-MLDBM-Sync - perl-MRO-Compat - perl-Mac-PropertyList - perl-Mail-DKIM - perl-Mail-IMAPClient - perl-Mail-Mbox-MessageParser - perl-Mail-SPF - perl-Mail-SPF-Test - perl-Mail-Sender - perl-Mail-Sendmail - perl-Mail-SpamAssassin - perl-Mail-SpamAssassin-Plugin-iXhash2 - perl-MailTools - perl-Mason - perl-Math-Base-Convert - perl-Math-BigInt - perl-Math-BigInt-GMP - perl-Math-Calc-Units - perl-Math-Clipper - perl-Math-ConvexHull - perl-Math-ConvexHull-MonotoneChain - perl-Math-Geometry-Voronoi - perl-Math-Libm - perl-Math-PlanePath - perl-Math-Random-ISAAC - perl-Math-Round - perl-Memoize-ExpireLRU - perl-Meta-Builder - perl-Method-Signatures - perl-Method-Signatures-Simple - perl-Minion - perl-Mixin-Linewise - perl-Mo - perl-Mock-Config - perl-Mock-Quick - perl-Modern-Perl - perl-Module-Build - perl-Module-Build-Deprecated - perl-Module-Build-Tiny - perl-Module-Build-WithXSpp - perl-Module-Build-XSUtil - perl-Module-CPANfile - perl-Module-Depends - perl-Module-Find - perl-Module-Implementation - perl-Module-Info - perl-Module-Install - perl-Module-Install-AuthorTests - perl-Module-Install-ExtraTests - perl-Module-Load-Conditional - perl-Module-Metadata - perl-Module-Path - perl-Module-Pluggable - perl-Module-Reader - perl-Module-Refresh - perl-Module-Runtime - perl-Module-Runtime-Conflicts - perl-Module-ScanDeps - perl-Module-Signature - perl-Module-Starter - perl-Mojo-IOLoop-ReadWriteProcess - perl-Mojo-Pg - perl-Mojo-RabbitMQ-Client - perl-Mojo-SQLite - perl-Mojolicious - perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-AssetPack - perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-CHI - perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-RenderFile - perl-Moo - perl-MooX-HandlesVia - perl-MooX-Types-MooseLike - perl-MooX-Types-MooseLike-Numeric - perl-MooX-late - perl-Moose - perl-Moose-Autobox - perl-MooseX-Aliases - perl-MooseX-App-Cmd - perl-MooseX-ArrayRef - perl-MooseX-Attribute-ENV - perl-MooseX-AttributeHelpers - perl-MooseX-AuthorizedMethods - perl-MooseX-ClassAttribute - perl-MooseX-Clone - perl-MooseX-ConfigFromFile - perl-MooseX-Daemonize - perl-MooseX-Declare - perl-MooseX-Getopt - perl-MooseX-GlobRef - perl-MooseX-Has-Options - perl-MooseX-HasDefaults - perl-MooseX-InsideOut - perl-MooseX-Iterator - perl-MooseX-LazyLogDispatch - perl-MooseX-LazyRequire - perl-MooseX-Log-Log4perl - perl-MooseX-LogDispatch - perl-MooseX-MarkAsMethods - perl-MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-ForceCoercion - perl-MooseX-Method-Signatures - perl-MooseX-MultiInitArg - perl-MooseX-NonMoose - perl-MooseX-Object-Pluggable - perl-MooseX-OneArgNew - perl-MooseX-POE - perl-MooseX-Param - perl-MooseX-Params-Validate - perl-MooseX-Role-Cmd - perl-MooseX-Role-Parameterized - perl-MooseX-Role-TraitConstructor - perl-MooseX-Role-WithOverloading - perl-MooseX-SemiAffordanceAccessor - perl-MooseX-SetOnce - perl-MooseX-SimpleConfig - perl-MooseX-Singleton - perl-MooseX-Storage - perl-MooseX-StrictConstructor - perl-MooseX-Traits - perl-MooseX-TransactionalMethods - perl-MooseX-Types - perl-MooseX-Types-Common - perl-MooseX-Types-DateTime - perl-MooseX-Types-LoadableClass - perl-MooseX-Types-Path-Class - perl-MooseX-Types-Path-Tiny - perl-MooseX-Types-Perl - perl-MooseX-Types-Set-Object - perl-MooseX-Types-Stringlike - perl-MooseX-Types-Structured - perl-MooseX-Workers - perl-Mouse - perl-MouseX-ConfigFromFile - perl-MouseX-Types - perl-MouseX-Types-Path-Class - perl-Mozilla-LDAP - perl-NKF - perl-Nagios-Plugin - perl-Net-AMQP - perl-Net-CIDR-Lite - perl-Net-CIDR-Set - perl-Net-DNS - perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable - perl-Net-Daemon - perl-Net-Domain-TLD - perl-Net-Dropbox-API - perl-Net-HTTPServer - perl-Net-IDN-Encode - perl-Net-IDN-Nameprep - perl-Net-INET6Glue - perl-Net-IP - perl-Net-IPv4Addr - perl-Net-Ident - perl-Net-Jabber - perl-Net-LibIDN - perl-Net-Libproxy - perl-Net-Netmask - perl-Net-OAuth - perl-Net-OpenID-Common - perl-Net-OpenID-Consumer - perl-Net-OpenStack-Compute - perl-Net-Oping - perl-Net-Pcap - perl-Net-SMTP-SSL - perl-Net-SNMP - perl-Net-SSH2 - perl-Net-SSLGlue - perl-Net-Server - perl-Net-TFTP - perl-Net-Telnet - perl-Net-Twitter - perl-Net-Whois-RIPE - perl-Net-Whois-Raw - perl-Net-XMPP - perl-NetAddr-IP - perl-NetPacket - perl-NetxAP - perl-Number-Compare - perl-Number-Format - perl-OLE-Storage_Lite - perl-OSSP-uuid - perl-Object-Pluggable - perl-Object-Signature - perl-OpenGL - perl-PAR - perl-PAR-Dist - perl-PAR-Packer - perl-PCP-LogImport - perl-PCP-LogSummary - perl-PCP-MMV - perl-PCP-PMDA - perl-PDA-Pilot - perl-PDF-API2 - perl-PHP-Serialization - perl-POE - perl-POE-Test-Loops - perl-POSIX-strftime-Compiler - perl-PPI - perl-PPIx-Regexp - perl-PPIx-Utilities - perl-Package-DeprecationManager - perl-Package-Generator - perl-Package-Stash - perl-Package-Stash-XS - perl-Package-Variant - perl-PadWalker - perl-Pango - perl-Params-Classify - perl-Params-Coerce - perl-Params-Util - perl-Params-Validate - perl-Params-ValidationCompiler - perl-Parse-CPAN-Packages - perl-Parse-Method-Signatures - perl-Parse-PMFile - perl-Parse-Win32Registry - perl-Parse-Yapp - perl-PatchReader - perl-Path-Class - perl-Path-FindDev - perl-Path-IsDev - perl-Path-Router - perl-Path-Tiny - perl-Perl-Critic - perl-Perl-Critic-Freenode - perl-Perl-Critic-Pulp - perl-Perl-PrereqScanner - perl-Perl-Tidy - perl-Perl-Version - perl-Perl6-Junction - perl-PerlIO-locale - perl-PerlIO-utf8_strict - perl-PerlIO-via-Timeout - perl-PerlIO-via-dynamic - perl-PerlMagick - perl-Plack - perl-Plack-Middleware-LogErrors - perl-Plack-Middleware-Session - perl-Pod-Coverage-Moose - perl-Pod-Coverage-TrustPod - perl-Pod-Eventual - perl-Pod-HtmlPsPdf - perl-Pod-Markdown - perl-Pod-MinimumVersion - perl-Pod-POM - perl-Pod-Readme - perl-Pod-Spell - perl-Pod-Usage - perl-PostScript-Simple - perl-Prima - perl-Probe-Perl - perl-Proc-Fork - perl-Proc-ProcessTable - perl-Proc-Simple - perl-Protocol-WebSocket - perl-Quantum-Superpositions - perl-RDF-Trine - perl-RPC-XML - perl-RPM-Header-PurePerl - perl-RPM2 - perl-Readonly - perl-Readonly-XS - perl-Redis - perl-Regexp-Assemble - perl-Regexp-Common - perl-Regexp-IPv6 - perl-Regexp-Shellish - perl-Return-Value - perl-Role-HasMessage - perl-Role-Identifiable - perl-Role-Tiny - perl-Rose-Object - perl-Router-Simple - perl-SDL - perl-SGML-Parser-OpenSP - perl-SGMLS - perl-SOAP-Lite - perl-SQL-Abstract - perl-SQL-ReservedWords - perl-SQL-SplitStatement - perl-SQL-Statement - perl-SQL-Tokenizer - perl-SQL-Translator - perl-SUPER - perl-SVG - perl-SVN-Simple - perl-Safe-Isa - perl-Scalar-List-Utils - perl-Scalar-String - perl-Scope-Guard - perl-Scope-Upper - perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver - perl-Set-Crontab - perl-Set-Object - perl-Set-Scalar - perl-Smart-Comments - perl-Snowball-Norwegian - perl-Snowball-Swedish - perl-Socket-MsgHdr - perl-Software-License - perl-Sort-Key - perl-Sort-Naturally - perl-Sort-Versions - perl-Specio - perl-Spiffy - perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel - perl-Spreadsheet-Read - perl-Spreadsheet-ReadSXC - perl-Spreadsheet-XLSX - perl-Starman - perl-Statistics-Descriptive - perl-Stream-Buffered - perl-String-Approx - perl-String-CRC32 - perl-String-CamelCase - perl-String-Errf - perl-String-Escape - perl-String-Flogger - perl-String-Format - perl-String-Formatter - perl-String-RewritePrefix - perl-String-ShellQuote - perl-String-ToIdentifier-EN - perl-String-Truncate - perl-Struct-Dumb - perl-Sub-Exporter - perl-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods - perl-Sub-Exporter-GlobExporter - perl-Sub-Exporter-Progressive - perl-Sub-Identify - perl-Sub-Info - perl-Sub-Install - perl-Sub-Name - perl-Sub-Override - perl-Sub-Quote - perl-Sub-Spec - perl-Switch - perl-Symbol-Table - perl-Symbol-Util - perl-Syntax-Keyword-Junction - perl-Sys-CPU - perl-Sys-Guestfs - perl-Sys-Hostname-Long - perl-Sys-LoadAvg - perl-Sys-SigAction - perl-Sys-Virt - perl-Sysadm-Install - perl-SystemPerl - perl-SystemPerl-devel - perl-Task-Kensho-Async - perl-Task-Kensho-CLI - perl-Task-Kensho-Config - perl-Task-Kensho-Dates - perl-Task-Kensho-Exceptions - perl-Task-Kensho-ModuleDev - perl-Task-Kensho-OOP - perl-Task-Kensho-Scalability - perl-Task-Kensho-Testing - perl-Task-Kensho-XML - perl-Task-Moose - perl-Task-Weaken - perl-Template-GD - perl-Template-Toolkit - perl-Term-Encoding - perl-Term-ProgressBar - perl-Term-ReadPassword - perl-Term-Table - perl-Term-UI - perl-TermReadLine-Gnu - perl-Test-Assert - perl-Test-Base - perl-Test-CChecker - perl-Test-CPAN-Meta - perl-Test-CheckChanges - perl-Test-CheckDeps - perl-Test-CheckManifest - perl-Test-Class - perl-Test-Class-Most - perl-Test-ClassAPI - perl-Test-CleanNamespaces - perl-Test-Command - perl-Test-Compile - perl-Test-Deep - perl-Test-Deep-Type - perl-Test-Differences - perl-Test-EOL - perl-Test-Exception-LessClever - perl-Test-FailWarnings - perl-Test-Fatal - perl-Test-File-Contents - perl-Test-File-ShareDir - perl-Test-HasVersion - perl-Test-Identity - perl-Test-InDistDir - perl-Test-Inter - perl-Test-JSON - perl-Test-LWP-UserAgent - perl-Test-LeakTrace - perl-Test-LongString - perl-Test-Manifest - perl-Test-Memory-Cycle - perl-Test-Mock-LWP - perl-Test-Mock-Time - perl-Test-MockModule - perl-Test-MockObject - perl-Test-MockRandom - perl-Test-MockTime - perl-Test-Mojo-Pg - perl-Test-Most - perl-Test-Needs - perl-Test-NoTabs - perl-Test-NoWarnings - perl-Test-Number-Delta - perl-Test-Object - perl-Test-Output - perl-Test-PerlTidy - perl-Test-Refcount - perl-Test-Requires - perl-Test-RequiresInternet - perl-Test-Script - perl-Test-SharedFork - perl-Test-Simple - perl-Test-Spec - perl-Test-Spelling - perl-Test-Strict - perl-Test-SubCalls - perl-Test-Synopsis - perl-Test-TCP - perl-Test-Taint - perl-Test-TempDir-Tiny - perl-Test-Time - perl-Test-Trap - perl-Test-Unit - perl-Test-Unit-Lite - perl-Test-UseAllModules - perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize - perl-Test-WWW-Selenium - perl-Test-Warn - perl-Test-Warnings - perl-Test-Without-Module - perl-Test-YAML - perl-Test-YAML-Valid - perl-Test2-Plugin-NoWarnings - perl-Test2-Suite - perl-Text-Aligner - perl-Text-Autoformat - perl-Text-BibTeX - perl-Text-BibTeX-devel - perl-Text-Brew - perl-Text-CSV - perl-Text-CSV_XS - perl-Text-Capitalize - perl-Text-ChaSen - perl-Text-CharWidth - perl-Text-DelimMatch - perl-Text-Diff - perl-Text-German - perl-Text-Glob - perl-Text-Hunspell - perl-Text-Iconv - perl-Text-Kakasi - perl-Text-Markdown - perl-Text-Patch - perl-Text-Reform - perl-Text-Roman - perl-Text-Soundex - perl-Text-SpellChecker - perl-Text-Sprintf-Named - perl-Text-Table - perl-Text-TabularDisplay - perl-Text-Template - perl-Text-Unidecode - perl-Text-WrapI18N - perl-Text-Wrapper - perl-TheSchwartz - perl-Throwable - perl-Tie-Cache - perl-Tie-Cycle - perl-Tie-Hash-DBD - perl-Tie-Hash-Method - perl-Tie-IxHash - perl-Tie-RefHash-Weak - perl-Tie-Simple - perl-Tie-ToObject - perl-Time-Clock - perl-Time-Duration - perl-Time-Duration-Parse - perl-Time-Mock - perl-Time-Out - perl-Time-Period - perl-Time-Tiny - perl-Time-modules - perl-Tk - perl-Tk-Clock - perl-Tk-devel - perl-Tree-DAG_Node - perl-TryCatch - perl-Type-Tiny - perl-Types-Serialiser - perl-UNIVERSAL-can - perl-UNIVERSAL-isa - perl-UNIVERSAL-moniker - perl-UNIVERSAL-require - perl-URI-Find - perl-URI-Nested - perl-URI-db - perl-Unicode-Collate - perl-Unicode-LineBreak - perl-Unicode-Map - perl-Unicode-Map8 - perl-Unicode-Normalize - perl-Unicode-String - perl-Unicode-Stringprep - perl-Unix-Syslog - perl-Variable-Magic - perl-Verilog-Perl - perl-WWW-Mechanize - perl-WWW-PAUSE-CleanUpHomeDir - perl-WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCom-Create - perl-WWW-Shorten - perl-Want - perl-WeakRef - perl-Web-MREST - perl-Web-MREST-CLI - perl-Web-Machine - perl-Win-Hivex - perl-Wx - perl-XML-Bare - perl-XML-CommonNS - perl-XML-DOM - perl-XML-DOM-XPath - perl-XML-Dumper - perl-XML-Entities - perl-XML-Filter-BufferText - perl-XML-Generator-PerlData - perl-XML-Handler-YAWriter - perl-XML-LibXML-Simple - perl-XML-LibXSLT - perl-XML-Namespace - perl-XML-NamespaceFactory - perl-XML-NodeFilter - perl-XML-Parser-Lite - perl-XML-RegExp - perl-XML-SAX-ExpatXS - perl-XML-SAX-Writer - perl-XML-SemanticDiff - perl-XML-SimpleObject-LibXML - perl-XML-Stream - perl-XML-Structured - perl-XML-Writer - perl-XML-Writer-String - perl-XML-XPathEngine - perl-XML-XSLT - perl-XMLRPC-Lite - perl-XSLoader - perl-YAML - perl-YAML-LibYAML - perl-YAML-Syck - perl-YAML-Tiny - perl-aliased - perl-asa - perl-autobox - perl-autovivification - perl-bareword-filehandles - perl-biber - perl-boolean - perl-checkbot - perl-common-sense - perl-constant-boolean - perl-constant-defer - perl-curry - perl-doc - perl-experimental - perl-gdal - perl-genders - perl-getdata - perl-homedir - perl-indirect - perl-ldap - perl-libconfigfile - perl-libintl-perl - perl-libprelude - perl-libxml-perl - perl-local-lib - perl-marisa - perl-multidimensional - perl-namespace-autoclean - perl-namespace-clean - perl-obexftp - perl-pcsc - perl-qpid - perl-qpid-proton - perl-razor-agents - perl-rrdtool - perl-slurm - perl-solv - perl-strictures - perl-syntax - perl-thrift - perl-version - perl-xfconf - perl-xrood-client-admin - perl-yui - pesign - pesign-obs-integration - petsc-doc - petsc-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel - petsc-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel - petsc-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - petsc-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel - petsc-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel - petsc_3_8_3-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel - petsc_3_8_3-gnu-mpich-hpc-saws - petsc_3_8_3-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel - petsc_3_8_3-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-saws - petsc_3_8_3-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-devel - petsc_3_8_3-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-saws - petsc_3_8_3-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-devel - petsc_3_8_3-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-saws - petsc_3_8_3-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-devel - petsc_3_8_3-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-saws - pfscalibration - pfsglview - pfstmo - pfstools - pfstools-devel - pfstools-exr - pfstools-imgmagick - pfstools-octave - pfsview - pg_comparator - pgaccess - pgn-extract - phalanx - phetsarath-fonts - phobos-devel - phobos-devel-static - phonon-backend-vlc - phonon-devel - phonon4qt5-backend-vlc - phonon4qt5-devel - phonon4qt5-devel-32bit - phoronix-test-suite - photoqt - photorec - php-Icinga - php-composer - php-mapi - php7-APCu - php7-bcmath - php7-bz2 - php7-calendar - php7-curl - php7-dba - php7-devel - php7-embed - php7-enchant - php7-exif - php7-fastcgi - php7-fileinfo - php7-firebird - php7-fpm - php7-ftp - php7-gd - php7-geoip - php7-gettext - php7-gmp - php7-ice - php7-imagick - php7-intl - php7-ldap - php7-mbstring - php7-memcached - php7-odbc - php7-opcache - php7-openssl - php7-pcntl - php7-pear - php7-pear-Archive_Tar - php7-pear-Auth_SASL - php7-pear-MDB2 - php7-pear-MDB2_Driver_mysqli - php7-pear-Mail_Mime - php7-pear-Net_IDNA2 - php7-pear-Net_LDAP2 - php7-pear-Net_SMTP - php7-pear-Net_Sieve - php7-pear-Net_Socket - php7-pear-XML_Parser - php7-phalcon - php7-phar - php7-phpunit7_0 - php7-posix - php7-readline - php7-redis - php7-shmop - php7-snmp - php7-soap - php7-sockets - php7-sodium - php7-sysvmsg - php7-sysvsem - php7-sysvshm - php7-tidy - php7-uuid - php7-wddx - php7-xdebug - php7-xmlrpc - php7-xsl - php7-zip - php7-zlib - phpMyAdmin - phpPgAdmin - pia - pianobar - picard - picard-lang - picmi - picmi-lang - pico - picocom - picojson-devel - pidentd - pidgin-devel - pidgin-plugin-advanced-sound-notification - pidgin-plugin-advanced-sound-notification-lang - pidgin-plugin-birthday-reminder - pidgin-plugin-birthday-reminder-lang - pidgin-plugin-guifications - pidgin-plugin-guifications-lang - pidgin-plugin-indicator - pidgin-plugin-indicator-lang - pidgin-plugin-libnotify - pidgin-plugin-libnotify-lang - pidgin-plugin-libsteam - pidgin-plugin-mrim - pidgin-plugin-otr - pidgin-plugin-otr-lang - pidgin-plugin-pack - pidgin-plugin-pack-extras - pidgin-plugin-privacy-please - pidgin-plugin-privacy-please-lang - pidgin-plugin-prpltwtr - pidgin-plugin-sipe - pidgin-plugin-skype - pidgin-plugin-skypeweb - pidgin-plugin-telegram - pidgin-plugin-xmpp-receipts - piglit - pilot - pilot-link - pimcommon-devel - pin - pinentry-emacs - pinentry-fltk - pinfo - pingtunnel - pingus - pink-pony - pink-pony-data - pinpoint - pinta - pinta-lang - pipenightdreams - pithos - pitivi - pitivi-lang - pix - pix-devel - pix-lang - pixd - pixmap - pixz - pkTriggerCord - pkcs11-helper-devel - pkgdiff - pkipplib - plank - plank-devel - plank-lang - plank-theme-adapta - plank-theme-elementary - plasma-browser-integration - plasma-framework-32bit - plasma-framework-components-32bit - plasma-framework-devel - plasma-framework-devel-32bit - plasma-framework-private-32bit - plasma-nm5-fortisslvpn - plasma-nm5-iodine - plasma-nm5-l2tp - plasma-nm5-openswan - plasma-nm5-ssh - plasma-nm5-sstp - plasma-nm5-strongswan - plasma-nm5-vpnc - plasma-theme-oxygen - plasma-vault - plasma-vault-backend-cryfs - plasma-vault-backend-encfs - plasma-vault-lang - plasma5-sdk - plasma5-sdk-lang - plasma5-workspace-devel - plasma5-workspace-wallpapers - plasmaengineexplorer5 - plasmoid-active-window-control - plater - platformsh-cli - playerctl - playerctl-devel - plee-the-bear - plee-the-bear-data - plib-devel - plistutil - plotutils - plotutils-devel - plowshare - plplot-common - plplot-devel - plplot-doc - plplot-driver-cairo - plplot-driver-ntk - plplot-driver-ps - plplot-driver-psttf - plplot-driver-svg - plplot-driver-xfig - plplot-driver-xwin - plplot-java - plplot-lua - plplot-octave - plplot-python3-qt - plplot-tcltk-devel - plplot-tcltk-libs - plplot-wxwidgets - plplotada-devel - plplotcxx-devel - plplotfortran-devel - plplotqt-devel - plplotwxwidgets-devel - pluma - pluma-devel - pluma-lang - plymouth-devel - plymouth-plugin-fade-throbber - plymouth-plugin-space-flares - plymouth-plugin-throbgress - plymouth-plugin-tribar - plymouth-theme-breeze - plymouth-theme-breeze-plugin-breeze - plymouth-theme-fade-in - plymouth-theme-script - plymouth-theme-solar - plymouth-theme-spinfinity - plymouth-theme-spinner - plymouth-theme-tribar - plymouth-x11-renderer - plzip - pmdk - pmdk-tools - pmidi - png++-devel - pngcheck - pngcrush - pnglite-devel - pngtoico - pnm2ppa - po-utils - po4a - po4a-lang - podofo - poedit - poedit-lang - poezio - poezio-doc - pointfree - pointful - policycoreutils - policycoreutils-lang - policycoreutils-newrole - policycoreutils-python - policycoreutils-sandbox - polkit-devel - polkit-doc - pology - pology-lang - pommed - pongix - popt-devel - portaudio-devel - portmidi - portmidi-devel - portmidi-java - posix_cc - posixovl - post-build-checks - poster - postfish - postfix-devel - postfix-doc - postfix-lmdb - postfix-mysql - postfix-postgresql - postfixadmin - postgresql-contrib - postgresql-devel - postgresql-docs - postgresql-jdbc - postgresql-jdbc-javadoc - postgresql-plperl - postgresql-plpython - postgresql-pltcl - postgresql-test - postgresql10-contrib - postgresql10-devel - postgresql10-docs - postgresql10-plperl - postgresql10-plpython - postgresql10-plr - postgresql10-plr-doc - postgresql10-pltcl - postgresql10-test - postgresql96-contrib - postgresql96-devel - postgresql96-docs - postgresql96-plperl - postgresql96-plpython - postgresql96-plr - postgresql96-plr-doc - postgresql96-pltcl - postgresql96-test - postgrey - postsrsd - pothana2000-fonts - potrace - potrace-devel - pound - pound-doc - povray - powdertoy - powerd - powerline - powerline-docs - powerline-fonts - powerman - powerman-devel - powermanga - powerstat - powertop - powertop-lang - poxml-lang - ppp-devel - ppp-modem - ppp-userpass - pps-tools - pps-tools-devel - pptpd - praat - pragha-plugins-devel - prboom-plus - prelude-correlator-core - prelude-lml - prelude-lml-devel - prelude-lml-rules - prelude-manager - prelude-manager-db-plugin - prelude-manager-devel - prelude-manager-smtp-plugin - prelude-manager-xml-plugin - prelude-tools - preludedb-tools - premake4 - presage - presentproto-devel - prewikka-core - prewikka-lang - primus - primus-32bit - printer-driver-brlaser - printproto-devel - prison-qt5-devel - prison-qt5-devel-32bit - privoxy - privoxy-doc - procdump - procinfo - procmail - procmeter - procmeter-devel - procps-devel - product-builder - product-builder-plugin-Tumbleweed - profanity - profanity-mini - profanity-standard - profiteur - proftpd - proftpd-devel - proftpd-doc - proftpd-lang - proftpd-ldap - proftpd-mysql - proftpd-pgsql - proftpd-radius - proftpd-sqlite - progress - proj - projectM - projectM-data - projectM-devel - projectM-qt5 - projectM-qt5-data - projectM-qt5-devel - projectlibre - pronsole - pronterface - prosody - proteus - protobuf-c - protobuf-devel - protobuf-java - proxychains-ng - prozgui - prun-ohpc - psgml - psgplay - psi+ - psi+-data - psi+-lang - psi+-plugins-attentionplugin - psi+-plugins-autoreplyplugin - psi+-plugins-birthdayreminderplugin - psi+-plugins-chessplugin - psi+-plugins-cleanerplugin - psi+-plugins-clientswitcherplugin - psi+-plugins-conferenceloggerplugin - psi+-plugins-contentdownloaderplugin - psi+-plugins-devel - psi+-plugins-enummessagesplugin - psi+-plugins-extendedmenuplugin - psi+-plugins-extendedoptionsplugin - psi+-plugins-gnupgplugin - psi+-plugins-gomokugameplugin - psi+-plugins-historykeeperplugin - psi+-plugins-httpuploadplugin - psi+-plugins-icqdieplugin - psi+-plugins-imageplugin - psi+-plugins-imagepreviewplugin - psi+-plugins-jabberdiskplugin - psi+-plugins-juickplugin - psi+-plugins-messagefilterplugin - psi+-plugins-otrplugin - psi+-plugins-pepchangenotifyplugin - psi+-plugins-qipxstatusesplugin - psi+-plugins-screenshotplugin - psi+-plugins-skinsplugin - psi+-plugins-stopspamplugin - psi+-plugins-storagenotesplugin - psi+-plugins-translateplugin - psi+-plugins-videostatusplugin - psi+-plugins-watcherplugin - psiconv - psiconv-devel - psl - psl-make-dafsa - pspg - pspp - pspp-devel - pssh - pstoedit-devel - pthread-stubs-devel - ptokax - ptpd - puddletag - pugixml-devel - pulseaudio-equalizer - pulseaudio-esound-compat - pulseaudio-gdm-hooks - pulseaudio-system-wide - pulseaudio-utils-32bit - pulseaudio-zsh-completion - pulseview - pumpa - pure-ftpd - purpose-32bit - purpose-devel - purpose-devel-32bit - putty - pv - pvm - pvm-devel - pw3270 - pw3270-devel - pw3270-plugin-dbus - pwgen - py-fishcrypt - pyalsa - pybugz-common - pydf - pyprompter - pyspacewar - pythia-devel - pythia-doc - python-32bit - python-3parclient - python-Axiom - python-Babel-doc - python-Brownie - python-Cheetah - python-ClientForm - python-Coffin - python-CommonMark-doc - python-CouchDB - python-CouchDB-doc - python-Cython-doc - python-Epsilon - python-FormEncode-doc - python-Genshi-doc - python-GitPython - python-GooCalendar - python-Hamlib - python-Jinja2-emacs - python-Jinja2-vim - python-LHAPDF - python-Louie - python-M2Crypto-doc - python-Ming - python-OpenColorIO - python-OpenColorIO-devel - python-OpenImageIO - python-Parsley - python-Parsley-doc - python-PyECLib - python-PyWavelets-doc - python-PyWebDAV - python-Pylons - python-Rivet - python-SHERPA-MC - python-SQLAlchemy-doc - python-Shed_Skin - python-Shed_Skin-doc - python-SocksiPy - python-Sphinx-doc - python-Sphinx-doc-html - python-Sphinx-doc-man - python-Sphinx-doc-man-common - python-Twisted-doc - python-UcsSdk - python-WTForms-doc - python-WebError - python-WebHelpers - python-WebOb-doc - python-WebTest-doc - python-Werkzeug-doc - python-Whoosh-doc - python-YODA - python-Yapsy-doc - python-ZODB-doc - python-acme-doc - python-aioeventlet - python-aiohttp-doc - python-alembic-doc - python-antlr - python-antlr3_runtime - python-aodhclient - python-aodhclient-doc - python-apfel - python-async - python-autodoc - python-automaton-doc - python-avahi - python-avahi-gtk - python-avogadro - python-azure-agent - python-azure-agent-test - python-azure-sdk - python-backports.functools_lru_cache - python-backports.unittest_mock - python-barbicanclient-doc - python-base-32bit - python-bcdoc - python-beautifulsoup - python-billiard-doc - python-binplist - python-bjoern - python-blinker-doc - python-bottle-doc - python-bpython-common - python-bpython-doc - python-braille - python-bugzillatools - python-cairo-common-devel - python-caja-devel - python-caja-lang - python-carrot - python-castellan-doc - python-cdecimal - python-ceilometerclient-doc - python-ceph-cfg - python-certbot - python-certbot-apache - python-certbot-dns-cloudflare - python-certbot-dns-cloudxns - python-certbot-dns-digitalocean - python-certbot-dns-dnsimple - python-certbot-dns-dnsmadeeasy - python-certbot-dns-google - python-certbot-dns-luadns - python-certbot-dns-nsone - python-certbot-dns-rfc2136 - python-certbot-dns-route53 - python-certbot-nginx - python-chewing - python-cinderclient-doc - python-ciscoconfparse - python-cliff-doc - python-cly - python-concurrentloghandler - python-configargparse - python-configparser - python-congressclient - python-congressclient-doc - python-contextlib2 - python-couchdbkit - python-ctypesgen - python-cwiid - python-dbus-python-common-devel - python-debtcollector-doc - python-demo - python-designateclient - python-designateclient-doc - python-detox - python-devel - python-dfVFS - python-dfwinreg - python-dialog - python-diff_match_patch - python-dingus - python-distorm3 - python-django-auth-ldap - python-django-authopenid - python-django-avatar - python-django-dbtemplates - python-django-grappelli - python-django-guardian - python-django-international - python-django-mailer - python-django-mediasync - python-django-navigation - python-django-nose-selenium - python-django-piston - python-django-reversion - python-django-static - python-django-tastypie - python-djvulibre-doc - python-doc - python-doc-pdf - python-dockerpty - python-dojango - python-dtopt - python-dulwich-doc - python-ed25519ll - python-efilter - python-egenix-mx-base - python-egenix-mx-base-devel - python-espeak - python-espressopp - python-etude - python-falcon-doc - python-fastcluster-doc - python-fastimport - python-faulthandler - python-fcgi - python-feedzilla - python-fityk - python-flup-doc - python-freezerclient-doc - python-funcsigs - python-functional - python-functools32 - python-fuse - python-gamin - python-gcs-oauth2-boto-plugin - python-gdal - python-gdata-doc - python-gdbm - python-genders - python-geopy - python-getdata - python-gevent-doc - python-gexiv2 - python-gitdb - python-glanceclient-doc - python-glareclient - python-glareclient-doc - python-glucat - python-gluster - python-gnome-dvb-daemon - python-gobject-common-devel - python-gobject2-devel - python-goocanvas - python-goocanvas-devel - python-grequests - python-gtk-devel - python-gtk-doc - python-gtk-vnc - python-gtksourceview - python-gtksourceview-devel - python-gudev - python-gunicorn-doc - python-hachoir-core - python-hachoir-metadata - python-hachoir-parser - python-halite - python-happybase-doc - python-heatclient-doc - python-hivex - python-hupper-doc - python-idle - python-imagestore - python-imobiledevice - python-interlude - python-ioflo - python-iptables - python-ipy - python-irclib - python-ironic-inspector-client - python-ironicclient-doc - python-jenkinsapi - python-josepy-doc - python-jrnl - python-junitxml - python-jupyter_client-doc - python-jupyter_core-doc - python-jupyter_ipykernel-doc - python-jupyter_ipyparallel-doc - python-jupyter_ipython-doc - python-jupyter_ipywidgets-doc - python-jupyter_nbconvert-doc - python-jupyter_nbformat-doc - python-jupyter_notebook-doc - python-jupyter_qtconsole-doc - python-jwcrypto - python-k8sclient - python-k8sclient-doc - python-kaa-base - python-kaa-metadata - python-katedj - python-keybinder - python-keystoneauth1-doc - python-keystoneclient-doc - python-keystonemiddleware - python-keystonemiddleware-doc - python-kid - python-killswitch - python-krbV - python-ktoblzcheck - python-lammps - python-lazr.uri - python-ldb-32bit - python-ldb-devel - python-libaccounts - python-libaddrxlat - python-libcomps-doc - python-libesedb - python-libevt - python-libevtx - python-libexe - python-libfwsi - python-libgsignon - python-libkdumpfile - python-libkolabxml1 - python-liblarch - python-liblarch_gtk - python-liblnk - python-libmount - python-libmsiecf - python-libolecf - python-libpff - python-libproxy - python-libregf - python-libteam - python-logutils-doc - python-lxc-python2 - python-magnumclient-doc - python-managesieve - python-manilaclient-doc - python-marisa - python-marshmallow-docs - python-masakariclient - python-masakariclient-doc - python-mathgl - python-mechanize - python-mechanoid - python-miniupnpc - python-mistralclient - python-mistralclient-doc - python-mlt - python-mongodict - python-monkeysign - python-morbid - python-mox3-doc - python-mpi4py-common-devel - python-mpi4py-doc - python-mpmath-doc - python-mpservlets - python-mpservlets-doc - python-mpservlets-tutorial - python-murano-pkg-check - python-muranoclient - python-muranoclient-doc - python-nautilus-common-devel - python-nautilus-common-files - python-ncclient-doc - python-nemo - python-networkx-doc - python-neutronclient-doc - python-nlopt - python-nosehtmloutput - python-notify - python-notify-devel - python-notmuch - python-notmuch-doc - python-novaclient-doc - python-oauth - python-oauth2 - python-oauth2-test - python-obexftp - python-odict - python-odorik - python-openbabel - python-openstack.nose_plugin - python-openstackclient-doc - python-openstacksdk-doc - python-optcomplete - python-os-api-ref - python-os-testr-doc - python-os-win - python-os-win-doc - python-osc-lib-doc - python-osdlyrics - python-oslo.cache - python-oslo.cache-doc - python-oslo.concurrency-doc - python-oslo.config-doc - python-oslo.context-doc - python-oslo.db - python-oslo.db-doc - python-oslo.i18n-doc - python-oslo.log-doc - python-oslo.messaging - python-oslo.messaging-doc - python-oslo.middleware - python-oslo.middleware-doc - python-oslo.policy-doc - python-oslo.privsep - python-oslo.privsep-doc - python-oslo.reports - python-oslo.reports-doc - python-oslo.rootwrap - python-oslo.rootwrap-doc - python-oslo.serialization-doc - python-oslo.service - python-oslo.service-doc - python-oslo.utils-doc - python-oslo.versionedobjects - python-oslo.versionedobjects-doc - python-oslo.vmware - python-oslo.vmware-doc - python-osprofiler-doc - python-pandas-doc - python-paramiko-doc - python-parted - python-pass_python_keyring - python-pathlib2 - python-pbr-doc - python-pcp - python-pisock - python-plist - python-ply-doc - python-podcastparser - python-polib-doc - python-poppler - python-poppler-qt5 - python-portpicker - python-posix_ipc - python-presage - python-presagemate - python-pssh - python-pushy - python-py-doc - python-py2pack-doc - python-pyOpenSSL-doc - python-pycadf - python-pycadf-doc - python-pycdio - python-pycryptopp - python-pycurl-doc - python-pyexiv2 - python-pygame-doc - python-pyghmi-doc - python-pygraphviz-doc - python-pyinsane - python-pyinsane2 - python-pylibacl - python-pylibacl-doc - python-pyliblzma - python-pyliblzma-doc - python-pylzma - python-pymemcache - python-pymetar - python-pymisp-doc - python-pymod2pkg - python-pymod2pkg-doc - python-pypdf - python-pyplete - python-pyrrd - python-pyserial-doc - python-pyside - python-pyside-common - python-pyside-devel - python-pyside-shiboken - python-pyside-shiboken-doc - python-pyside-tools - python-pysmell - python-pysnmp-doc - python-pysqlite - python-pytest-doc - python-python-digest - python-python-gammu - python-python-openid - python-python-urljr - python-pytidylib - python-pyuca - python-pyweblib - python-pyxb - python-qpid - python-qpid-qmf - python-qpid_messaging - python-qscintilla-qt4-sip - python-qscintilla-qt5-sip - python-qt4-doc - python-qt4-utils - python-qt5-doc - python-qt5-utils - python-raet - python-rcssmin-docs - python-rdflib-doc - python-redland - python-remoto - python-renderspec - python-renderspec-doc - python-requestbuilder - python-requirements-detector - python-requirements-parser - python-restkit - python-retry_decorator - python-rjsmin-docs - python-roman - python-rst2pdf - python-ruamel.ordereddict - python-saharaclient - python-saharaclient-doc - python-salt-testing - python-scgi - python-scitools - python-scour - python-senlinclient - python-senlinclient-doc - python-setools - python-shodan-doc - python-sievelib - python-singledispatch - python-sip-common - python-sip-doc - python-six-doc - python-slimit - python-slimmer - python-slowaes - python-slumber - python-sortedcontainers-doc - python-sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme - python-sqlalchemy-migrate-doc - python-stevedore-doc - python-stomper - python-storm - python-storm-django - python-storm-mysql - python-storm-postgresql - python-storm-twisted - python-subprocess32 - python-sushy - python-sushy-doc - python-svg2rlg - python-svneverever - python-swiftclient-doc - python-tables-doc - python-talloc-32bit - python-talloc-devel - python-tdb-32bit - python-temps - python-testtools-doc - python-tevent-32bit - python-textX-doc - python-tk - python-tlslite - python-tlslite-doc - python-tooz - python-tooz-doc - python-tox-doc - python-transaction-doc - python-translationstring-doc - python-tre - python-trollius - python-troveclient - python-troveclient-doc - python-txsocksx - python-urlgrabber - python-vcs - python-venusian-doc - python-vips - python-volatility - python-vte - python-wadllib - python-weakrefmethod - python-weave - - python-websockify-common - python-webunit - python-wsgiref - python-wxWidgets-3_0 - python-wxWidgets-3_0-devel - python-wxWidgets-3_0-lang - python-xapian - python-xklavier - python-xmldiff - python-xmms2 - python-yaql - python-yara - python-yui - python-zaqarclient - python-zaqarclient-doc - python-zinnia - python-zope.component-doc - python-zope.configuration-doc - python-zope.deprecation-doc - python-zope.event-doc - python-zope.exceptions-doc - python-zope.hookable-doc - python-zope.i18nmessageid-doc - python-zope.location-doc - python-zope.proxy-doc - python-zope.schema-doc - - python-zope.testbrowser - python2-APScheduler - python2-Arpeggio - python2-Automat - python2-BTrees - python2-BTrees-devel - python2-BTrees-doc - python2-Babel - python2-Beaker - python2-Bottleneck - python2-CXX - python2-CXX-devel - python2-CacheControl - python2-Cerberus - python2-Chameleon - python2-Chameleon-doc - python2-CherryPy - python2-CommonMark - python2-Cycler - python2-Cython - python2-Django1 - python2-Durus - python2-EasyProcess - python2-EditorConfig - python2-Fabric - python2-Faker - python2-Flask - python2-Flask-Babel - python2-Flask-Login - python2-Flask-WTF - python2-Flask-doc - python2-FontTools - python2-FormEncode - python2-Frozen-Flask - python2-Genshi - python2-GeoIP - python2-HeapDict - python2-Jinja2 - python2-JsonWeb - python2-Kajiki - python2-Levenshtein - python2-Logbook - python2-M2Crypto - python2-Mako - python2-Markdown - python2-MarkupSafe - python2-Markups - python2-Mathics - python2-MiniMock - python2-Paste - python2-PasteDeploy - python2-PasteScript - python2-Pillow - python2-Pillow-tk - python2-Pint - python2-PrettyTable - python2-PyAudio - python2-PyAutoGUI - python2-PyDispatcher - python2-PyGithub - python2-PyICU - python2-PyJWT - python2-PyMsgBox - python2-PyMySQL - python2-PyPDF2 - python2-PyPrind - python2-PySDL2 - python2-PyScreeze - python2-PySocks - python2-PyTweening - python2-PyVirtualDisplay - python2-PyWavelets - python2-PyWebDAV3 - python2-PyX - python2-PyYAML - python2-Pygments - python2-Pykka - python2-Pyrex - python2-QtAwesome - python2-QtPy - python2-Quandl - python2-Routes - python2-SPARQLWrapper - python2-SQLAlchemy - python2-SQLAlchemy-Utils - python2-SecretStorage - python2-Send2Trash - python2-Shapely - python2-Sphinx - python2-Sphinx-latex - python2-Tempita - python2-Trolly - python2-Twisted - python2-Unidecode - python2-WSGIProxy2 - python2-WSME - python2-WTForms - python2-WTForms-lang - python2-WebOb - python2-WebTest - python2-Werkzeug - python2-Whoosh - python2-XlsxWriter - python2-Yapsy - python2-ZConfig - python2-ZConfig-doc - python2-ZODB - python2-acme - python2-actdiag - python2-adal - python2-aexpect - python2-aiodns - python2-aiohttp-theme - python2-alabaster - python2-alembic - python2-amqp - python2-amqplib - python2-ana - python2-anyjson - python2-apache-libcloud - python2-apipkg - python2-appindicator - python2-applicationinsights - python2-apsw - python2-argcomplete - python2-argh - python2-args - python2-arrow - python2-astral - python2-astroid - python2-astropy - python2-astropy-helpers - python2-atomicwrites - python2-atspi - python2-attrs - python2-aubio - python2-audioread - python2-audit - python2-augeas - python2-autobahn - python2-automaton - python2-autopep8 - python2-autoupgrade-ng - python2-axolotl - python2-axolotl-curve25519 - python2-ayatana-appindicator - python2-azure-batch - python2-azure-cognitiveservices-language-nspkg - python2-azure-cognitiveservices-nspkg - python2-azure-cognitiveservices-search-nspkg - python2-azure-cognitiveservices-vision-nspkg - python2-azure-common - python2-azure-datalake-store - python2-azure-graphrbac - python2-azure-keyvault - python2-azure-mgmt - python2-azure-mgmt-authorization - python2-azure-mgmt-batch - python2-azure-mgmt-batchai - python2-azure-mgmt-billing - python2-azure-mgmt-cdn - python2-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices - python2-azure-mgmt-commerce - python2-azure-mgmt-compute - python2-azure-mgmt-consumption - python2-azure-mgmt-containerinstance - python2-azure-mgmt-containerregistry - python2-azure-mgmt-containerservice - python2-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb - python2-azure-mgmt-datafactory - python2-azure-mgmt-datalake-analytics - python2-azure-mgmt-datalake-nspkg - python2-azure-mgmt-datalake-store - python2-azure-mgmt-devtestlabs - python2-azure-mgmt-dns - python2-azure-mgmt-documentdb - python2-azure-mgmt-eventgrid - python2-azure-mgmt-eventhub - python2-azure-mgmt-iothub - python2-azure-mgmt-iothubprovisioningservices - python2-azure-mgmt-keyvault - python2-azure-mgmt-loganalytics - python2-azure-mgmt-logic - python2-azure-mgmt-machinelearningcompute - python2-azure-mgmt-media - python2-azure-mgmt-monitor - python2-azure-mgmt-msi - python2-azure-mgmt-network - python2-azure-mgmt-notificationhubs - python2-azure-mgmt-nspkg - python2-azure-mgmt-powerbiembedded - python2-azure-mgmt-rdbms - python2-azure-mgmt-recoveryservices - python2-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup - python2-azure-mgmt-redis - python2-azure-mgmt-reservations - python2-azure-mgmt-resource - python2-azure-mgmt-scheduler - python2-azure-mgmt-search - python2-azure-mgmt-servermanager - python2-azure-mgmt-servicebus - python2-azure-mgmt-servicefabric - python2-azure-mgmt-sql - python2-azure-mgmt-storage - python2-azure-mgmt-subscription - python2-azure-mgmt-trafficmanager - python2-azure-mgmt-web - python2-azure-monitor - python2-azure-multiapi-storage - python2-azure-nspkg - python2-azure-servicebus - python2-azure-servicefabric - python2-azure-servicemanagement-legacy - python2-azure-storage - python2-babelfish - python2-backports - python2-backports.shutil_get_terminal_size - python2-backports.ssl_match_hostname - python2-backports_abc - python2-barbicanclient - python2-bcc - python2-beautifulsoup4 - python2-beautifulsoup4-doc - python2-bencode - python2-betamax - python2-billiard - python2-binaryornot - python2-biplist - python2-bitstring - python2-bleach - python2-blessings - python2-blinker - python2-blist - python2-blockdiag - python2-blosc - python2-bobo - python2-bobodoctestumentation - python2-bokeh - python2-boost_parallel_mpi1_66_0 - python2-boto3 - python2-botocore - python2-bottle - python2-bpython - python2-breathe - python2-brotlipy - python2-bsddb3 - python2-bsddb3-devel - python2-bugzilla - python2-cached-property - python2-cachetools - python2-cairo-devel - python2-cairocffi - python2-cairocffi-pixbuf - python2-caja - python2-caldav - python2-canonicaljson - python2-capng - python2-case - python2-cassowary - python2-castellan - python2-ceilometerclient - python2-cerealizer - python2-certifi - python2-certstream - python2-cfscrape - python2-chai - python2-characteristic - python2-chardet - python2-cheroot - python2-cinderclient - python2-cl - python2-click - python2-click-log - python2-click-plugins - python2-click-threading - python2-cliff - python2-clinkgrammar - python2-clint - python2-cloudpickle - python2-clustershell - python2-cmd2 - python2-cmdln - python2-cogapp - python2-colorama - python2-colorlog - python2-colour - python2-compizconfig - python2-configparser2 - python2-configshell-fb - python2-constantly - python2-construct - python2-cookies - python2-cooldict - python2-cov-core - python2-coverage - python2-cracklib - python2-cram - python2-crayons - python2-crcmod - python2-createrepo_c - python2-croniter - python2-cssutils - python2-cursive - python2-curtsies - python2-cymruwhois - python2-cyordereddict - python2-d2to1 - python2-daemonize - python2-daiquiri - python2-datrie - python2-dbus-python-devel - python2-ddt - python2-debian - python2-debtcollector - python2-defusedxml - python2-deltarpm - python2-demjson - python2-deprecation - python2-dfdatetime - python2-discid - python2-discogs-client - python2-discover - python2-distro - python2-distutils-extra - python2-dj-database-url - python2-django-appconf - python2-django-babel - python2-django-formtools - python2-django-nose - python2-django-picklefield - python2-django-webtest - python2-django_compressor - python2-djvulibre - python2-dnf - python2-dnf-plugin-leaves - python2-dnf-plugin-local - python2-dnf-plugin-show-leaves - python2-dnf-plugin-versionlock - python2-dnf-plugins-core - python2-dns-lexicon - python2-dnspython - python2-docker - python2-docker-pycreds - python2-docopt - python2-docrepr - python2-docutils - python2-dogpile.cache - python2-dpkt - python2-duckduckgo2 - python2-dulwich - python2-easygui - python2-ecdsa - python2-editdistance - python2-elasticsearch - python2-email_validator - python2-emoji - python2-entrypoint2 - python2-entrypoints - python2-enum-compat - python2-enzyme - python2-et_xmlfile - python2-ethtool - python2-evdev - python2-evemu - python2-eventlet - python2-eventlet-doc - python2-evtx - python2-exam - python2-execnet - python2-execnet-doc - python2-exrex - python2-extras - python2-ez_setup - python2-factory_boy - python2-falcon - python2-fann2 - python2-fastcluster - python2-fedmsg - python2-feedparser - python2-fixtures - python2-flake8 - python2-flaky - python2-flexmock - python2-flexx - python2-flickrapi - python2-flup - python2-freetype-py - python2-freezegun - python2-freezerclient - python2-frozendict - python2-fudge - python2-funcparserlib - python2-fusepy - python2-future - python2-futures - python2-futurist - python2-gTTS-token - python2-gabbi - python2-gdata - python2-gear - python2-geoip2 - python2-geos - python2-gevent - python2-gitlint - python2-glanceclient - python2-glfw - python2-gmpy - python2-gobject-Dee - python2-gobject-devel - python2-gogs_client - python2-google-api-python-client - python2-google-auth - python2-gpg - python2-gpgme - python2-gphoto2 - python2-gpod - python2-gpsd - python2-graphviz - python2-greenlet - python2-greenlet-devel - python2-gst - python2-guessit - python2-gunicorn - python2-guzzle_sphinx_theme - python2-h11 - python2-h2 - python2-h5py - python2-hamcrest - python2-hankel - python2-happybase - python2-hawkauthlib - python2-hawkey - python2-heatclient - python2-hkdf - python2-hl7apy - python2-hp3parclient - python2-hpack - python2-html2text - python2-html5-parser - python2-html5lib - python2-http-parser - python2-httpbin - python2-httpretty - python2-humanfriendly - python2-humanize - python2-hupper - python2-husl - python2-hyperframe - python2-hyperlink - python2-hypothesis - python2-icalendar - python2-imageio - python2-imagesize - python2-incremental - python2-inflect - python2-inflection - python2-influxdb - python2-iniparse - python2-inspektor - python2-invoke - python2-ipaddr - python2-ipython_genutils - python2-ironicclient - python2-iso8601 - python2-isodate - python2-isort - python2-itsdangerous - python2-iwlib - python2-jdcal - python2-jedi - python2-jedihttp - python2-jellyfish - python2-jenkins-job-builder - python2-jinja2-time - python2-jira - python2-jmespath - python2-joblib - python2-josepy - python2-jplephem - python2-jsbeautifier - python2-jsondate - python2-jsonpatch - python2-jsonpath-rw - python2-jsonpath-rw-ext - python2-jsonpointer - python2-jsonrpclib-pelix - python2-jsonschema - python2-jupyter_client - python2-jupyter_core - python2-jupyter_ipykernel - python2-jupyter_ipyparallel - python2-jupyter_ipython - python2-jupyter_ipython-iptest - python2-jupyter_ipywidgets - python2-jupyter_metakernel - python2-jupyter_nbconvert - python2-jupyter_nbconvert-latex - python2-jupyter_nbformat - python2-jupyter_nbsphinx - python2-jupyter_notebook - python2-jupyter_notebook-latex - python2-jupyter_octave_kernel - python2-jupyter_qtconsole - python2-jupyter_sphinx_theme - python2-jupyter_widgetsnbextension - python2-kafka-python - python2-kaitaistruct - python2-kazoo - python2-keepalive - python2-kerberos - python2-keyczar - python2-keyring - python2-keystoneauth1 - python2-keystoneclient - python2-kitchen - python2-kiwi - python2-kiwisolver - python2-kmod - python2-knack - python2-kombu - python2-kubernetes - python2-lancet-ioam - python2-latexcodec - python2-lazy-object-proxy - python2-ldap - python2-ldap3 - python2-lesscpy - python2-leveldb - python2-lexicon - python2-libarchive-c - python2-libbde - python2-libcomps - python2-libewf - python2-libfsntfs - python2-libfvde - python2-libfwnt - python2-libguestfs - python2-libnacl - python2-libpamtest - python2-libpfm - python2-libprelude - python2-libpreludedb - python2-libqcow - python2-librepo - python2-libsass - python2-libscca - python2-libsigscan - python2-libsmdev - python2-libsmraw - python2-libtorrent-rasterbar - python2-libvhdi - python2-libvirt-python - python2-libvmdk - python2-libvshadow - python2-libvslvm - python2-libxml2-python - python2-limnoria - python2-linecache2 - python2-llvmlite - python2-locket - python2-logilab-astng - python2-logilab-common - python2-logutils - python2-logzero - python2-lxml-devel - python2-lxml-doc - python2-lz4 - python2-m2r - python2-magic - python2-magnumclient - python2-mando - python2-manilaclient - python2-manuel - python2-manuel-doc - python2-marathon - python2-marshmallow - python2-mate-menus - python2-matplotlib - python2-matplotlib-cairo - python2-matplotlib-gtk3 - python2-matplotlib-latex - python2-matplotlib-qt-shared - python2-matplotlib-qt4 - python2-matplotlib-qt5 - python2-matplotlib-tk - python2-matplotlib-web - python2-matplotlib-wx - python2-matrix-synapse - python2-matrix-synapse-ldap3 - python2-maxminddb - python2-mccabe - python2-memory_profiler - python2-metaextract - python2-mhash - python2-mistune - python2-mock - python2-mockito - python2-mockldap - python2-moksha-common - python2-moksha-hub - python2-monascaclient - python2-more-itertools - python2-mox3 - python2-mpi4py - python2-mpi4py-devel - python2-mpmath - python2-mraa - python2-msgpack - python2-msrest - python2-msrestazure - python2-mulpyplexer - python2-multi_key_dict - python2-munch - python2-munkres - python2-musicbrainzngs - python2-mutagen - python2-mygpoclient - python2-mypy_extensions - python2-mysql-connector-python - python2-nautilus - python2-nautilus-devel - python2-nbxmpp - python2-nbxmpp-doc - python2-ncclient - python2-ndg-httpsclient - python2-neovim - python2-net-snmp - python2-netaddr - python2-netifaces - python2-networkx - python2-neutronclient - python2-newt - python2-nine - python2-nltk - python2-nose - python2-nose-cover3 - python2-nose-exclude - python2-nose-progressive - python2-nose2 - python2-nose_warnings_filters - python2-nosexcover - python2-notify2 - python2-novaclient - python2-nss - python2-ntlm-auth - python2-num2words - python2-numba - python2-numba-devel - python2-numexpr - python2-numpy-devel - python2-numpy-gnu-hpc - python2-numpy-gnu-hpc-devel - python2-numpy_1_14_0-gnu-hpc - python2-numpy_1_14_0-gnu-hpc-devel - python2-numpydoc - python2-oauth2client - python2-oauth2client-django - python2-oauth2client-flask - python2-oauth2client-gce - python2-oauthlib - python2-oct2py - python2-odfpy - python2-olefile - python2-opencv - python2-opengl - python2-opengl-accelerate - python2-openpyxl - python2-openqa_client - python2-openqa_review - python2-openstackclient - python2-openstackdocstheme - python2-openstacksdk - python2-openvswitch - python2-openvswitch-test - python2-os-client-config - python2-os-service-types - python2-os-testr - python2-osc-lib - python2-oslo.concurrency - python2-oslo.config - python2-oslo.context - python2-oslo.i18n - python2-oslo.log - python2-oslo.policy - python2-oslo.serialization - python2-oslo.utils - python2-oslosphinx - python2-oslotest - python2-osprofiler - python2-padatious - python2-paho-mqtt - python2-pandas - python2-pandocfilters - python2-parallax - python2-param - python2-parsedatetime - python2-parsel - python2-parso - python2-partd - python2-passivetotal - python2-passlib - - python2-pathlib - python2-pathtools - python2-patsy - python2-pbkdf2 - python2-pbr - python2-pdfrw - python2-pecan - python2-pefile - python2-pep8 - python2-persistent - python2-persistent-devel - python2-persistent-doc - python2-pexpect - python2-phonenumbers - python2-phue - python2-pickleshare - python2-pifpaf - python2-pika - python2-pika-pool - python2-pilkit - python2-pip - python2-piston-mini-client - python2-pivy - python2-pkgconfig - python2-pkginfo - python2-plaster - python2-plaster-pastedeploy - python2-plotly - python2-pluggy - python2-ply - python2-pmw - python2-polib - python2-portend - python2-positional - python2-power - python2-poyo - python2-prelude-correlator - python2-pretend - python2-prewikka - python2-proboscis - python2-process-tests - python2-progressbar - python2-proliantutils - python2-prompt_toolkit - python2-protobuf - python2-psutil - python2-psycopg2 - python2-ptyprocess - python2-publicsuffixlist - python2-pulsectl - python2-pure-sasl - python2-pwquality - python2-py - python2-py-cpuinfo - python2-py-espeak-ng - python2-py-radix - python2-py2pack - python2-py3status - python2-pyBarcode - python2-pyFFTW - python2-pyOpenSSL - python2-pyPEG2 - python2-pyRFC3339 - python2-pyacoustid - python2-pyaes - python2-pyalsaaudio - python2-pyaml - python2-pyannotate - python2-pyasn1-modules - python2-pybeam - python2-pyblake2 - python2-pybluez - python2-pybtex - python2-pybugz - python2-pycha - python2-pychm - python2-pycodestyle - python2-pycountry - python2-pycrypto - python2-pycryptodome - python2-pycryptodomex - python2-pycups - python2-pycurl - python2-pydenticon - python2-pydicom - python2-pydot - python2-pydot3 - python2-pydotplus - python2-pyee - python2-pyenchant - python2-pyfeyn - python2-pyflakes - python2-pygame - python2-pygame-devel - python2-pyghmi - python2-pygit2 - python2-pyglet - python2-pygments-style-railscasts - python2-pygraphviz - python2-pyinotify - python2-pyjokes - python2-pykerberos - python2-pykwalify - python2-pylast - python2-pylibmc - python2-pylint - python2-pylons-sphinx-themes - python2-pymacaroons-pynacl - python2-pymad - python2-pymediainfo - python2-pymisp - python2-pymol - python2-pymongo - python2-pyngus - python2-pyocr - python2-pyowm - python2-pyparsing-doc - python2-pyperclip - python2-pypng - python2-pyquery - python2-pyramid - python2-pyroute2 - python2-pyrsistent - python2-pysaml2 - python2-pyscard - python2-pysendfile - python2-pyserial - python2-pysmbc - python2-pysmi - python2-pysnmp - python2-pysrt - python2-pystache - python2-pysvn - python2-pytaglib - python2-pyte - python2-pytest - python2-pytest-attrib - python2-pytest-cache - python2-pytest-cov - python2-pytest-django - python2-pytest-expect - python2-pytest-flake8 - python2-pytest-forked - python2-pytest-httpbin - python2-pytest-localserver - python2-pytest-mock - python2-pytest-pythonpath - python2-pytest-qt - python2-pytest-relaxed - python2-pytest-runner - python2-pytest-sugar - python2-pytest-timeout - python2-pytest-xdist - python2-pytest-xvfb - python2-python-afl - python2-python-aiml - python2-python-daemon - python2-python-dateutil - python2-python-editor - python2-python-gflags - python2-python-gnupg - python2-python-jenkins - python2-python-json-logger - python2-python-magic - python2-python-memcached - python2-python-mimeparse - python2-python-mpd2 - python2-python-mpv - python2-python-pam - python2-python-ptrace - python2-python-qpid-proton - python2-python-sql - python2-python-stdnum - python2-python-subunit - python2-python-twitter - python2-python-vlc - python2-python-whois - python2-python-xlib - python2-pythonwhois - python2-pytools - python2-pytricia - python2-pytz - python2-pyvmomi - python2-pywbem - python2-pywinrm - python2-pyzmq - python2-pyzmq-devel - python2-qrcode - python2-qscintilla-qt4 - python2-qscintilla-qt5 - python2-qt4 - python2-qt4-devel - python2-qt5 - python2-qt5-devel - python2-queuelib - python2-random2 - python2-rarfile - python2-rarfile-doc - python2-ravello-sdk - python2-rawkit - python2-rcssmin - python2-rdflib - python2-rebulk - python2-recommonmark - python2-redis - python2-rednose - python2-regex - python2-relatorio - python2-rencode - python2-reno - python2-reportlab - python2-repoze.lru - python2-repoze.sphinx.autointerface - python2-repoze.who - python2-requests - python2-requests-cache - python2-requests-file - python2-requests-futures - python2-requests-kerberos - python2-requests-mock - python2-requests-oauthlib - python2-requests-toolbelt - python2-requests_ntlm - python2-requestsexceptions - python2-responses - python2-retrying - python2-rfc3986 - python2-rjsmin - python2-rnginline - python2-rollbar - python2-rope - python2-rply - python2-rsa - python2-rst.linker - python2-rt - python2-rtslib-fb - python2-ruamel.base - python2-ruamel.yaml - python2-s3transfer - python2-salt - python2-sane - python2-sanlock - python2-sasl - python2-scandir - python2-scikit-image - python2-scikit-learn - python2-scipy - python2-scp - python2-scripttest - python2-seaborn - python2-selenium - python2-semanage - python2-semantic_version - python2-semver - python2-seqdiag - python2-service_identity - python2-setproctitle - python2-setuptools-git - python2-setuptools_scm - python2-sh - python2-shodan - python2-sigal - python2-signedjson - python2-simplebayes - python2-simpleeval - python2-simplegeneric - python2-simplejson - python2-simplejson-test - python2-sip - python2-sip-devel - python2-sleekxmpp - python2-slip - python2-slip-dbus - python2-slip-gtk - python2-smmap - python2-snowballstemmer - python2-socketpool - python2-softlayer - python2-sortedcontainers - python2-sortinghat - python2-soundcloud - python2-spake2 - python2-spark_parser - python2-spec - python2-sphinx-feature-classification - python2-sphinx-issues - python2-sphinx-testing - python2-sphinx_rtd_theme - python2-sphinxcontrib - python2-sphinxcontrib-actdiag - python2-sphinxcontrib-apidoc - python2-sphinxcontrib-asyncio - python2-sphinxcontrib-blockdiag - python2-sphinxcontrib-documentedlist - python2-sphinxcontrib-github-alt - python2-sphinxcontrib-httpdomain - python2-sphinxcontrib-issuetracker - python2-sphinxcontrib-newsfeed - python2-sphinxcontrib-programoutput - python2-sphinxcontrib-websupport - python2-sqlalchemy-migrate - python2-sqlparse - python2-statsd - python2-statsmodels - python2-stdeb - python2-stestr - python2-stevedore - - python2-subgrab - python2-subliminal - python2-suds-jurko - python2-sunpy - python2-sure - python2-swiftclient - python2-sympy - python2-systemd - python2-tables - python2-tablib - python2-tabulate - python2-tagpy - python2-targetcli-fb - python2-tbb - python2-tblib - python2-telepot - python2-tempora - python2-tenacity - python2-termcolor - python2-terminado - python2-termstyle - python2-tesserocr - python2-testfixtures - python2-testinfra - python2-testpath - python2-testrepository - python2-testresources - python2-testscenarios - python2-testtools - python2-text-unidecode - python2-textX - python2-textile - python2-texttable - python2-thrift - python2-thriftpy - python2-tld - python2-tldextract - python2-toolz - python2-tornado - python2-toro - python2-tox - python2-tqdm - python2-traceback2 - python2-traitlets - python2-transaction - python2-transip - python2-translationstring - python2-trello - python2-tsk - python2-tweepy - python2-twine - python2-twodict - python2-txWS - python2-txZMQ - python2-txaio - python2-typing - python2-tzlocal - python2-u-msgpack-python - python2-ujson - python2-uncertainties - python2-unicodecsv - python2-unittest-xml-reporting - python2-unittest2 - python2-unpaddedbase64 - python2-upm - python2-uritemplate - python2-urllib3 - python2-usb - python2-validate_email - python2-vcrpy - python2-vcversioner - python2-vdirsyncer - python2-venusian - python2-versiontools - python2-veusz - python2-vine - python2-virt-bootstrap - python2-virtkey - python2-virtualbox - python2-virtualenv - python2-virtualenv-clone - python2-virtualenvwrapper - python2-vispy - python2-vobject - python2-voluptuous - python2-vulkan - python2-w3lib - python2-waitress - python2-warlock - python2-watchdog - python2-watchdog-doc - python2-wcwidth - python2-webcolors - python2-webencodings - python2-websocket-client - python2-websockify - python2-wheel - python2-whichcraft - python2-wikipedia - python2-wiring - python2-wptools - python2-wrapt - python2-ws4py - python2-wsgi_intercept - python2-wsproto - python2-wstools - python2-xapp - python2-xattr - python2-xcffib - python2-xhtml2pdf - python2-xlrd - python2-xlwt - python2-xmltodict - python2-xxhash - python2-yapf - python2-yarb - python2-youtube-dl - python2-yq - python2-yubico - python2-yum - python2-zake - python2-zc.buildout - python2-zc.lockfile - python2-zdaemon - python2-zeroconf - python2-zict - python2-zipstream - python2-zodbpickle - python2-zope.component - python2-zope.configuration - python2-zope.deprecation - python2-zope.event - python2-zope.exceptions - python2-zope.hookable - python2-zope.i18nmessageid - python2-zope.interface - python2-zope.location - python2-zope.proxy - python2-zope.proxy-devel - python2-zope.schema - - python2-zope.testing - python2-zope.testrunner - python2-zypp-plugin - python3-32bit - python3-96BoardsGPIO - python3-APScheduler - python3-Arpeggio - python3-Automat - python3-BTrees - python3-BTrees-devel - python3-BTrees-doc - python3-Babel - python3-Babel-doc - python3-Beaker - python3-Bottleneck - python3-CXX - python3-CXX-devel - python3-CacheControl - python3-Cerberus - python3-Chameleon - python3-Chameleon-doc - python3-Cheetah3 - python3-CherryPy - python3-CommonMark - python3-Cycler - python3-Cython - python3-Django - python3-Durus - python3-EasyProcess - python3-EditorConfig - python3-Faker - python3-Flask - python3-Flask-Babel - python3-Flask-Login - python3-Flask-WTF - python3-Flask-doc - python3-FontTools - python3-FormEncode - python3-Frozen-Flask - python3-Genshi - python3-GeoIP - python3-GitgExt - python3-HeapDict - python3-Jinja2 - python3-JsonWeb - python3-Kajiki - python3-Levenshtein - python3-Logbook - python3-M2Crypto - python3-Mako - python3-Markdown - python3-MarkupSafe - python3-Markups - python3-Mathics - python3-MiniMock - python3-Paste - python3-PasteDeploy - python3-PasteScript - python3-Pillow - python3-Pillow-tk - python3-Pint - python3-PrettyTable - python3-PyAudio - python3-PyAutoGUI - python3-PyDispatcher - python3-PyGithub - python3-PyICU - python3-PyJWT - python3-PyMsgBox - python3-PyMySQL - python3-PyNaCl - python3-PyPDF2 - python3-PyPrind - python3-PySDL2 - python3-PyScreeze - python3-PyTweening - python3-PyVirtualDisplay - python3-PyWavelets - python3-PyWebDAV3 - python3-PyWebDAV3-GNUHealth - python3-PyX - python3-PyYAML - python3-Pygments - python3-Pykka - python3-QtAwesome - python3-QtPy - python3-Quandl - python3-Routes - python3-SPARQLWrapper - python3-SQLAlchemy - python3-SQLAlchemy-Utils - python3-SecretStorage - python3-Send2Trash - python3-Shapely - python3-SoapySDR - python3-Sphinx - python3-Sphinx-doc - python3-Sphinx-doc-man - python3-Sphinx-latex - python3-Tempita - python3-Trolly - python3-Twisted - python3-Unidecode - python3-WSGIProxy2 - python3-WSME - python3-WTForms - python3-WTForms-lang - python3-WebOb - python3-WebTest - python3-Werkzeug - python3-Whoosh - python3-XlsxWriter - python3-Yapsy - python3-ZConfig - python3-ZConfig-doc - python3-ZODB - python3-acme - python3-actdiag - python3-adal - python3-aeidon - python3-aexpect - python3-aiodns - python3-aiohttp - python3-aiohttp-theme - python3-alabaster - python3-alembic - python3-amqp - python3-amqplib - python3-ana - python3-anyjson - python3-apache-libcloud - python3-apipkg - python3-applicationinsights - python3-apsw - python3-argcomplete - python3-argh - python3-args - python3-arrow - python3-astral - python3-astroid - python3-astropy - python3-astropy-helpers - python3-async_generator - python3-async_timeout - python3-atomicwrites - python3-attrs - python3-aubio - python3-audioread - python3-audit - python3-augeas - python3-autobahn - python3-automaton - python3-autopep8 - python3-autoupgrade-ng - python3-axolotl - python3-axolotl-curve25519 - python3-azure-batch - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-language-nspkg - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-nspkg - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-search-nspkg - python3-azure-cognitiveservices-vision-nspkg - python3-azure-common - python3-azure-datalake-store - python3-azure-graphrbac - python3-azure-keyvault - python3-azure-mgmt - python3-azure-mgmt-authorization - python3-azure-mgmt-batch - python3-azure-mgmt-batchai - python3-azure-mgmt-billing - python3-azure-mgmt-cdn - python3-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices - python3-azure-mgmt-commerce - python3-azure-mgmt-compute - python3-azure-mgmt-consumption - python3-azure-mgmt-containerinstance - python3-azure-mgmt-containerregistry - python3-azure-mgmt-containerservice - python3-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb - python3-azure-mgmt-datafactory - python3-azure-mgmt-datalake-analytics - python3-azure-mgmt-datalake-nspkg - python3-azure-mgmt-datalake-store - python3-azure-mgmt-devtestlabs - python3-azure-mgmt-dns - python3-azure-mgmt-documentdb - python3-azure-mgmt-eventgrid - python3-azure-mgmt-eventhub - python3-azure-mgmt-iothub - python3-azure-mgmt-iothubprovisioningservices - python3-azure-mgmt-keyvault - python3-azure-mgmt-loganalytics - python3-azure-mgmt-logic - python3-azure-mgmt-machinelearningcompute - python3-azure-mgmt-media - python3-azure-mgmt-monitor - python3-azure-mgmt-msi - python3-azure-mgmt-network - python3-azure-mgmt-notificationhubs - python3-azure-mgmt-nspkg - python3-azure-mgmt-powerbiembedded - python3-azure-mgmt-rdbms - python3-azure-mgmt-recoveryservices - python3-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup - python3-azure-mgmt-redis - python3-azure-mgmt-reservations - python3-azure-mgmt-resource - python3-azure-mgmt-scheduler - python3-azure-mgmt-search - python3-azure-mgmt-servermanager - python3-azure-mgmt-servicebus - python3-azure-mgmt-servicefabric - python3-azure-mgmt-sql - python3-azure-mgmt-storage - python3-azure-mgmt-subscription - python3-azure-mgmt-trafficmanager - python3-azure-mgmt-web - python3-azure-monitor - python3-azure-multiapi-storage - python3-azure-nspkg - python3-azure-sdk - python3-azure-servicebus - python3-azure-servicefabric - python3-azure-servicemanagement-legacy - python3-azure-storage - python3-azurectl - python3-babelfish - python3-babeltrace - python3-backports - python3-backports_abc - python3-barbicanclient - python3-base-32bit - python3-bcc - python3-bcrypt - python3-beautifulsoup4 - python3-beautifulsoup4-doc - python3-bencode - python3-betamax - python3-billiard - python3-binaryornot - python3-biplist - python3-bitstring - python3-bleach - python3-blessings - python3-blinker - python3-blist - python3-blockdiag - python3-blosc - python3-bobo - python3-bobodoctestumentation - python3-bokeh - python3-boost_parallel_mpi1_66_0 - python3-botan - python3-boto - python3-boto3 - python3-botocore - python3-bottle - python3-bpython - python3-breathe - python3-brotlipy - python3-bsddb3 - python3-bsddb3-devel - python3-bugzilla - python3-buku - python3-buku-bash-completion - python3-buku-fish-completion - python3-buku-zsh-completion - python3-caca - python3-cached-property - python3-cachetools - python3-cairo-devel - python3-cairocffi - python3-cairocffi-pixbuf - python3-caldav - python3-canonicaljson - python3-capng - python3-case - python3-cassowary - python3-castellan - python3-ccm - python3-ceilometerclient - python3-cephfs - python3-cerealizer - python3-certstream - python3-cfscrape - python3-chai - python3-characteristic - python3-cheroot - python3-cinderclient - python3-cl - python3-clang - python3-click - python3-click-log - python3-click-plugins - python3-click-threading - python3-cliff - python3-clinkgrammar - python3-clint - python3-cloudpickle - python3-clustershell - python3-cmd2 - python3-cogapp - python3-colorama - python3-colorlog - python3-colour - python3-compizconfig - python3-configobj - python3-configparser2 - python3-configshell-fb - python3-constantly - python3-construct - python3-cookies - python3-cooldict - python3-cov-core - python3-coverage - python3-cracklib - python3-cram - python3-crayons - python3-crcmod - python3-croniter - python3-cssselect - python3-cssutils - python3-cursive - python3-curtsies - python3-cymruwhois - python3-cyordereddict - python3-d2to1 - python3-daemonize - python3-daiquiri - python3-datrie - python3-dbus-python-devel - python3-ddt - python3-debian - python3-debtcollector - python3-defusedxml - python3-deltarpm - python3-demjson - python3-deprecation - python3-devel - python3-dfdatetime - python3-dfwinreg - python3-discid - python3-discogs-client - python3-discover - python3-distro - python3-distutils-extra - python3-dj-database-url - python3-django-appconf - python3-django-babel - python3-django-formtools - python3-django-nose - python3-django-picklefield - python3-django-webtest - python3-django_compressor - python3-djvulibre - python3-dnf - python3-dnf-plugin-leaves - python3-dnf-plugin-local - python3-dnf-plugin-show-leaves - python3-dnf-plugin-versionlock - python3-dnf-plugins-core - python3-dns-lexicon - python3-dnsdiag - python3-dnspython - python3-doc - python3-docker - python3-docker-pycreds - python3-docopt - python3-docrepr - python3-docutils - python3-dogpile.cache - python3-dpkt - python3-duckduckgo2 - python3-dulwich - python3-easygui - python3-ec2deprecateimg - python3-ec2publishimg - python3-ec2uploadimg - python3-ec2utilsbase - python3-ecdsa - python3-editdistance - python3-efl - python3-efl-doc - python3-efl-examples - python3-elasticsearch - python3-email_validator - python3-emoji - python3-entrypoint2 - python3-entrypoints - python3-enum-compat - python3-enzyme - python3-et_xmlfile - python3-ethtool - python3-evdev - python3-evemu - python3-eventlet - python3-eventlet-doc - python3-evtx - python3-exam - python3-execnet - python3-execnet-doc - python3-exrex - python3-extras - python3-ez_setup - python3-factory_boy - python3-falcon - python3-fann2 - python3-fastcluster - python3-fasteners - python3-fedmsg - python3-feedparser - python3-fixtures - python3-flake8 - python3-flaky - python3-flexmock - python3-flexx - python3-flickrapi - python3-flup - python3-freetype-py - python3-freezegun - python3-freezerclient - python3-frozendict - python3-fudge - python3-funcparserlib - python3-fusepy - python3-future - python3-futurist - python3-gTTS-token - python3-gabbi - python3-gdal - python3-gdata - python3-gear - python3-geis - python3-geoip2 - python3-gevent - python3-gexiv2 - python3-gitlint - python3-glanceclient - python3-glfw - python3-gmpy - python3-gnucash - python3-gobject-Dee - python3-gobject-devel - python3-gobject2 - python3-gobject2-devel - python3-gogs_client - python3-gom - python3-google-api-python-client - python3-google-auth - python3-gpg - python3-gpgme - python3-gphoto2 - python3-gpsd - python3-graphviz - python3-greenlet - python3-greenlet-devel - python3-gst - python3-gsw - python3-guessit - python3-gunicorn - python3-guzzle_sphinx_theme - python3-h11 - python3-h2 - python3-h5py - python3-hamcrest - python3-hankel - python3-happybase - python3-hawkauthlib - python3-hawkey - python3-heatclient - python3-hkdf - python3-hl7apy - python3-hp3parclient - python3-hpack - python3-html2text - python3-html5-parser - python3-html5lib - python3-http-parser - python3-httpbin - python3-httplib2 - python3-httpretty - python3-humanfriendly - python3-humanize - python3-hupper - python3-husl - python3-hyperframe - python3-hyperlink - python3-hypothesis - python3-ibus - python3-icalendar - python3-idle - python3-idna_ssl - python3-imageio - python3-imagesize - python3-imbox - python3-incremental - python3-inflect - python3-inflection - python3-influxdb - python3-iniparse - python3-inspektor - python3-invoke - python3-ipa - python3-ipa-tests - python3-ipa_hbac - python3-ipython_genutils - python3-ironicclient - python3-iso8601 - python3-isodate - python3-isort - python3-itsdangerous - python3-iwlib - python3-javapackages - python3-jdcal - python3-jedi - python3-jedihttp - python3-jellyfish - python3-jenkins-job-builder - python3-jinja2-time - python3-jira - python3-jmespath - python3-joblib - python3-josepy - python3-jplephem - python3-jsbeautifier - python3-jsondate - python3-jsonpatch - python3-jsonpath-rw - python3-jsonpath-rw-ext - python3-jsonpointer - python3-jsonrpclib-pelix - python3-jsonschema - python3-jupyter_client - python3-jupyter_core - python3-jupyter_ipykernel - python3-jupyter_ipyparallel - python3-jupyter_ipython - python3-jupyter_ipython-iptest - python3-jupyter_ipywidgets - python3-jupyter_metakernel - python3-jupyter_nbconvert - python3-jupyter_nbconvert-latex - python3-jupyter_nbformat - python3-jupyter_nbsphinx - python3-jupyter_notebook - python3-jupyter_notebook-latex - python3-jupyter_octave_kernel - python3-jupyter_qtconsole - python3-jupyter_sphinx_theme - python3-jupyter_widgetsnbextension - python3-kafka-python - python3-kaitaistruct - python3-kazoo - python3-keepalive - python3-kerberos - python3-keyczar - python3-keyring - python3-keystoneauth1 - python3-keystoneclient - python3-kitchen - python3-kiwi - python3-kiwisolver - python3-kmod - python3-knack - python3-kombu - python3-kopano - python3-kubernetes - python3-lancet-ioam - python3-latexcodec - python3-lazy-object-proxy - python3-ldap - python3-ldap3 - python3-ldb - python3-ldb-32bit - python3-ldb-devel - python3-ldns - python3-lensfun - python3-lesscpy - python3-leveldb - python3-lexicon - python3-libaccounts - python3-libarchive-c - python3-libbde - python3-libcec - python3-libcomps - python3-libewf - python3-libfsntfs - python3-libftdi1 - python3-libfvde - python3-libfwnt - python3-libgsignon - python3-libguestfs - python3-libixion - python3-libnacl - python3-liborcus - python3-libpamtest - python3-libpfm - python3-libprelude - python3-libpreludedb - python3-libproxy - python3-libqcow - python3-librepo - python3-libsass - python3-libscca - python3-libsigscan - python3-libsmdev - python3-libsmraw - python3-libsoc - python3-libstoragemgmt - python3-libstoragemgmt-clibs - python3-libtorrent-rasterbar - python3-libvhdi - python3-libvmdk - python3-libvshadow - python3-libvslvm - python3-lilv - python3-limnoria - python3-linecache2 - python3-lldb - python3-lldb5 - python3-llvmlite - python3-locket - python3-lockfile - python3-logilab-astng - python3-logilab-common - python3-logutils - python3-logzero - python3-lxml - python3-lxml-devel - python3-lxml-doc - python3-lz4 - python3-m2r - python3-magic - python3-magnumclient - python3-mando - python3-manilaclient - python3-manuel - python3-manuel-doc - python3-mapi - python3-marathon - python3-marshmallow - python3-matplotlib - python3-matplotlib-cairo - python3-matplotlib-gtk3 - python3-matplotlib-latex - python3-matplotlib-qt-shared - python3-matplotlib-qt4 - python3-matplotlib-qt5 - python3-matplotlib-tk - python3-matplotlib-web - python3-matrix-synapse - python3-matrix-synapse-ldap3 - python3-maxminddb - python3-mccabe - python3-memory_profiler - python3-metaextract - python3-minidb - python3-mistune - python3-mitmproxy - python3-mock - python3-mockito - python3-mockldap - python3-moksha-common - python3-moksha-hub - python3-monascaclient - python3-monotonic - python3-more-itertools - python3-mox3 - python3-mpi4py - python3-mpi4py-devel - python3-mpmath - python3-mraa - python3-msgpack - python3-msrest - python3-msrestazure - python3-mulpyplexer - python3-multi_key_dict - python3-multidict - python3-munch - python3-munkres - python3-musicbrainzngs - python3-mutagen - python3-mygpoclient - python3-mypy - python3-mypy_extensions - python3-mysql-connector-python - python3-nautilus - python3-nautilus-devel - python3-nbxmpp - python3-nbxmpp-doc - python3-ncclient - python3-neovim - python3-net-snmp - python3-netaddr - python3-netifaces - python3-networkx - python3-neutronclient - python3-newt - python3-nghttp2 - python3-nine - python3-nltk - python3-node-semver - python3-nose - python3-nose-cover3 - python3-nose-exclude - python3-nose-progressive - python3-nose2 - python3-nose_warnings_filters - python3-nosexcover - python3-notify2 - python3-notmuch - python3-novaclient - python3-nss - python3-ntlm-auth - python3-ntp - python3-num2words - python3-numba - python3-numba-devel - python3-numexpr - python3-numpy - python3-numpy-devel - python3-numpy-gnu-hpc - python3-numpy-gnu-hpc-devel - python3-numpy_1_14_0-gnu-hpc - python3-numpy_1_14_0-gnu-hpc-devel - python3-numpydoc - python3-oauth2client - python3-oauth2client-django - python3-oauth2client-flask - python3-oauth2client-gce - python3-oauthlib - python3-oct2py - python3-odfpy - python3-olefile - python3-opencv - python3-opengl - python3-opengl-accelerate - python3-openpyxl - python3-openqa_client - python3-openqa_review - python3-openshot - python3-openstackclient - python3-openstackdocstheme - python3-openstacksdk - python3-openvswitch - python3-openvswitch-test - python3-openwsman - python3-os-client-config - python3-os-service-types - python3-os-testr - python3-osc-lib - python3-oslo.concurrency - python3-oslo.config - python3-oslo.context - python3-oslo.i18n - python3-oslo.log - python3-oslo.policy - python3-oslo.serialization - python3-oslo.utils - python3-oslosphinx - python3-oslotest - python3-osprofiler - python3-padatious - python3-paho-mqtt - python3-pandas - python3-pandocfilters - python3-parallax - python3-param - python3-paramiko - python3-parsedatetime - python3-parsel - python3-parso - python3-partd - python3-passivetotal - python3-passlib - - python3-pathlib - python3-pathtools - python3-patsy - python3-pbkdf2 - python3-pbr - python3-pcp - python3-pdfrw - python3-pecan - python3-pefile - python3-pep8 - python3-persistent - python3-persistent-devel - python3-persistent-doc - python3-pexpect - python3-phonenumbers - python3-phue - python3-pickleshare - python3-pifpaf - python3-pika - python3-pika-pool - python3-pilkit - python3-piston-mini-client - python3-pivy - python3-pkgconfig - python3-pkginfo - python3-plaster - python3-plaster-pastedeploy - python3-plotly - python3-plplot - python3-pluggy - python3-pmw - python3-polib - python3-portend - python3-positional - python3-power - python3-poyo - python3-prelude-correlator - python3-pretend - python3-prewikka - python3-proboscis - python3-process-tests - python3-progressbar - python3-proliantutils - python3-prompt_toolkit - python3-protobuf - python3-psutil - python3-psycopg2 - python3-ptyprocess - python3-publicsuffixlist - python3-pulsectl - python3-pure-sasl - python3-pwquality - python3-py-cpuinfo - python3-py-espeak-ng - python3-py-radix - python3-py2pack - python3-py3status - python3-pyBarcode - python3-pyFFTW - python3-pyPEG2 - python3-pyRFC3339 - python3-pyacoustid - python3-pyaes - python3-pyalsaaudio - python3-pyaml - python3-pyannotate - python3-pyasn1-modules - python3-pybeam - python3-pyblake2 - python3-pybluez - python3-pybtex - python3-pybugz - python3-pycha - python3-pycodestyle - python3-pycountry - python3-pycrypto - python3-pycryptodome - python3-pycryptodomex - python3-pydenticon - python3-pydicom - python3-pydle - python3-pydot - python3-pydot3 - python3-pydotplus - python3-pyee - python3-pyenchant - python3-pyfeyn - python3-pyflakes - python3-pygame - python3-pygame-devel - python3-pyghmi - python3-pygit2 - python3-pyglet - python3-pygments-style-railscasts - python3-pygraphviz - python3-pyinotify - python3-pyjokes - python3-pykerberos - python3-pykwalify - python3-pylast - python3-pylibmc - python3-pylint - python3-pylons-sphinx-themes - python3-pymacaroons-pynacl - python3-pymad - python3-pymediainfo - python3-pymisp - python3-pymol - python3-pymongo - python3-pyngus - python3-pyocr - python3-pyotherside - python3-pyowm - python3-pyparsing-doc - python3-pyperclip - python3-pypng - python3-pyquery - python3-pyramid - python3-pyroute2 - python3-pyrsistent - python3-pysaml2 - python3-pyscard - python3-pysendfile - python3-pyserial - python3-pyside - python3-pyside-devel - python3-pyside-shiboken - python3-pyside-shiboken-doc - python3-pyside2 - python3-pyside2-devel - python3-pysmi - python3-pysnmp - python3-pysrt - python3-pystache - python3-pysvn - python3-pytaglib - python3-pyte - python3-pytest - python3-pytest-asyncio - python3-pytest-attrib - python3-pytest-cache - python3-pytest-cov - python3-pytest-django - python3-pytest-expect - python3-pytest-flake8 - python3-pytest-forked - python3-pytest-httpbin - python3-pytest-localserver - python3-pytest-mock - python3-pytest-pythonpath - python3-pytest-qt - python3-pytest-relaxed - python3-pytest-runner - python3-pytest-sugar - python3-pytest-timeout - python3-pytest-xdist - python3-pytest-xvfb - python3-python-afl - python3-python-aiml - python3-python-daemon - python3-python-dateutil - python3-python-editor - python3-python-gflags - python3-python-gnupg - python3-python-jenkins - python3-python-json-logger - python3-python-magic - python3-python-memcached - python3-python-mimeparse - python3-python-mpd2 - python3-python-mpv - python3-python-pam - python3-python-ptrace - python3-python-qpid-proton - python3-python-sql - python3-python-stdnum - python3-python-subunit - python3-python-twitter - python3-python-vlc - python3-python-whois - python3-python-xlib - python3-python3-openid - python3-pythonwhois - python3-pytools - python3-pytricia - python3-pytz - python3-pyudev - python3-pyvmomi - python3-pywbem - python3-pywinrm - python3-pyxdg - python3-pyzmq - python3-pyzmq-devel - python3-qet_tb_generator - python3-qrcode - python3-qscintilla-qt4 - python3-qscintilla-qt5 - python3-qt4 - python3-qt4-devel - python3-qt5 - python3-qt5-devel - python3-queuelib - python3-rados - python3-random2 - python3-rarfile - python3-rarfile-doc - python3-ravello-sdk - python3-rawkit - python3-rbd - python3-rcssmin - python3-rdflib - python3-rebulk - python3-recommonmark - python3-redis - python3-rednose - python3-regex - python3-relatorio - python3-rencode - python3-reno - python3-reportlab - python3-repoze.lru - python3-repoze.sphinx.autointerface - python3-repoze.who - python3-requests-cache - python3-requests-file - python3-requests-futures - python3-requests-kerberos - python3-requests-mock - python3-requests-oauthlib - python3-requests-toolbelt - python3-requests_ntlm - python3-requestsexceptions - python3-responses - python3-retrying - python3-rfc3986 - python3-rgw - python3-rjsmin - python3-rnginline - python3-rollbar - python3-rope - python3-rply - python3-rpm - python3-rpmconf - python3-rrdtool - python3-rsa - python3-rst.linker - python3-rt - python3-rtslib-fb - python3-ruamel.base - python3-ruamel.yaml - python3-rust2rpm - python3-s3transfer - python3-salt - python3-sane - python3-sanlock - python3-sasl - python3-scandir - python3-scikit-image - python3-scikit-learn - python3-scipy - python3-scp - python3-scripttest - python3-seaborn - python3-selenium - python3-selinux - python3-semanage - python3-semantic_version - python3-semver - python3-seqdiag - python3-service_identity - python3-setproctitle - python3-setuptools-git - python3-setuptools_scm - python3-sh - python3-shodan - python3-sigal - python3-signedjson - python3-simplebayes - python3-simpleeval - python3-simplegeneric - python3-simplejson - python3-simplejson-test - python3-sip - python3-sip-devel - python3-sleekxmpp - python3-slixmpp - python3-smmap - python3-snowballstemmer - python3-socketpool - python3-softlayer - python3-solv - python3-sortedcontainers - python3-sortinghat - python3-soundcloud - python3-spake2 - python3-spark_parser - python3-spec - python3-sphinx-feature-classification - python3-sphinx-issues - python3-sphinx-testing - python3-sphinx_rtd_theme - python3-sphinxcontrib - python3-sphinxcontrib-actdiag - python3-sphinxcontrib-apidoc - python3-sphinxcontrib-asyncio - python3-sphinxcontrib-blockdiag - python3-sphinxcontrib-documentedlist - python3-sphinxcontrib-github-alt - python3-sphinxcontrib-httpdomain - python3-sphinxcontrib-issuetracker - python3-sphinxcontrib-newsfeed - python3-sphinxcontrib-programoutput - python3-sphinxcontrib-trio - python3-sphinxcontrib-websupport - python3-splinter - python3-sqlalchemy-migrate - python3-sqlparse - python3-sss-murmur - python3-sss_nss_idmap - python3-sssd-config - python3-statsd - python3-statsmodels - python3-stdeb - python3-stestr - python3-stevedore - - python3-subgrab - python3-subliminal - python3-subscene-api - python3-suds-jurko - python3-sunpy - python3-sure - python3-susepubliccloudinfo - python3-susepubliccloudinfo-amazon - python3-swiftclient - python3-sympy - python3-systemd - python3-tables - python3-tablib - python3-tabulate - python3-tagpy - python3-talloc - python3-talloc-32bit - python3-talloc-devel - python3-targetcli-fb - python3-tbb - python3-tblib - python3-tdb - python3-tdb-32bit - python3-telepot - python3-tempora - python3-tenacity - python3-termcolor - python3-terminado - python3-termstyle - python3-tesserocr - python3-testfixtures - python3-testinfra - python3-testpath - python3-testrepository - python3-testresources - python3-testscenarios - python3-testsuite - python3-testtools - python3-tevent - python3-tevent-32bit - python3-text-unidecode - python3-textX - python3-textile - python3-texttable - python3-thrift - python3-thriftpy - python3-tk - python3-tld - python3-tldextract - python3-tools - python3-toolz - python3-tornado - python3-toro - python3-tox - python3-tqdm - python3-traceback2 - python3-traitlets - python3-transaction - python3-transip - python3-translationstring - python3-trello - python3-tsk - python3-tweepy - python3-twine - python3-twodict - python3-txWS - python3-txZMQ - python3-txaio - python3-typed-ast - python3-tzlocal - python3-u-msgpack-python - python3-ujson - python3-uncertainties - python3-unicodecsv - python3-unittest-xml-reporting - python3-unittest2 - python3-unpaddedbase64 - python3-upm - python3-uritemplate - python3-urwid - python3-usb - python3-validate_email - python3-vapoursynth - python3-vcrpy - python3-vcversioner - python3-vdirsyncer - python3-venusian - python3-versiontools - python3-veusz - python3-vine - python3-virt-bootstrap - python3-virtkey - python3-virtualenv - python3-virtualenv-clone - python3-virtualenvwrapper - python3-vispy - python3-vobject - python3-voluptuous - python3-vtk - python3-vulkan - python3-w3lib - python3-waitress - python3-warlock - python3-watchdog - python3-watchdog-doc - python3-wcwidth - python3-web_cache - python3-webcolors - python3-webencodings - python3-websocket-client - python3-websockets - python3-websockify - python3-wheel - python3-whichcraft - python3-wikipedia - python3-wiring - python3-wptools - python3-wrapt - python3-ws4py - python3-wsgi_intercept - python3-wsproto - python3-wstools - python3-xapian - python3-xapp - python3-xattr - python3-xcb-proto-devel - python3-xcffib - python3-xhtml2pdf - python3-xlrd - python3-xlwt - python3-xmltodict - python3-xxhash - python3-yapf - python3-yarb - python3-yarl - python3-youtube-dl - python3-yq - python3-yubico - python3-z3 - python3-zake - python3-zarafa - python3-zc.buildout - python3-zc.lockfile - python3-zdaemon - python3-zeroconf - python3-zict - python3-zipstream - python3-zodbpickle - python3-zope.component - python3-zope.configuration - python3-zope.deprecation - python3-zope.event - python3-zope.exceptions - python3-zope.hookable - python3-zope.i18nmessageid - python3-zope.interface - python3-zope.location - python3-zope.proxy - python3-zope.proxy-devel - python3-zope.schema - - python3-zope.testing - python3-zope.testrunner - pyzy-devel - q4wine - q4wine-lang - qactus - qalculate - qbittorrent - qbittorrent-nox - qconf - qd-devel - qdirstat - qdox - qdox-repolib - qelectrotech - qemacs - qemu-arm - qemu-block-dmg - qemu-block-gluster - qemu-block-iscsi - qemu-extra - qemu-kvm - qemu-lang - qemu-linux-user - qemu-ovmf-x86_64-debug - qemu-ppc - qemu-s390 - qemu-testsuite - qgit - qgo - qgroundcontrol - qhexedit2 - qhexedit2-devel - qhexedit2-doc - qhull - qhull-devel - qimgv - qiv - qjackctl - qjackctl-lang - qm - qmelt - qml-box2d - qmmp - qmmp-plugin-pack-ffap - qmmp-plugin-pack-goom - qmmp-plugin-pack-history - qmmp-plugin-pack-mpg123 - qmmp-plugin-pack-samplerate - qmmp-plugin-pack-xmp - qnapi - qoauth-qt5-devel - qore - qore-devel - qore-devel-doc - qore-doc - qore-misc-tools - qos - qpdf - qpdf-devel - qpdfview - qpdfview-lang - qperf - qphotorec - qpid-cpp-client - qpid-cpp-client-devel - qpid-cpp-client-devel-docs - qpid-cpp-server - qpid-cpp-server-ha - qpid-cpp-server-store - qpid-proton-devel - qpid-proton-devel-doc - qpid-qmf - qpid-qmf-devel - qpid-tests - qpid-tools - qpress - qprint - qps - qputty-qt5 - qqc2-desktop-style-devel - qqwing - qqwing-devel - qrencode - qrencode-devel - qrupdate - qrupdate-devel - qrupdate-static - qsapecng - qsyncthingtray - qsynergy - qsynth - qsynth-lang - qt4-assistant-adp - qt4-assistant-adp-devel - qt4-qtscript-doc - qt4-style-fusion - qt4-x11-tools - qt5ct - qtcurve-gtk2 - qtcurve-gtk2-32bit - qtcurve-kde4 - qtcurve-kde4-32bit - qtcurve-qt5 - qtcurve-qt5-32bit - qterm - qterminal - qterminal-lang - qtermwidget-lang - qtermwidget-qt4-data - qtermwidget-qt4-devel - qtermwidget-qt5-data - qtermwidget-qt5-devel - qtkeychain-devel - qtkeychain-lang - qtkeychain-qt5-devel - qtodotxt - qtox - qtractor - quagga - quagga-devel - quakespasm - quantum-espresso - quantum-espresso-doc - quantum-espresso-openmpi - quassel-base - quassel-client - quassel-client-qt5 - quassel-core - quassel-mono - quazip-devel - quazip-doc - quazip-qt5-devel - quazip-qt5-doc - qucs - qucs-devel - quickbench - quilt - quilter - quilter-lang - quiterss - quiterss-lang - quotatool - qutebrowser - quvi - qv4l2 - qwt-designer - qwt-devel - qwt-devel-doc - qwt-examples - qwt6-designer - qwt6-devel - qwt6-devel-doc - qwt6-examples - qwt6-qt5-designer - qwt6-qt5-devel - qwt6-qt5-devel-doc - qwt6-qt5-examples - qxmledit - qxmledit-devel - qxtglobalshortcut-devel - rabbitmq-java-client - rabbitmq-server - rabbitmq-server-plugins - racer - racket - racket-devel - radamsa - radeontop - radeontop-lang - radiotray - radiotray-lang - rados-objclass-devel - rage - ragel - ragel-6 - ragel-devel - raleway-fonts - randrproto-devel - ranger - rapid-photo-downloader - rapid-photo-downloader-lang - rapport - raptor - rarian - rarian-devel - rarian-scrollkeeper-compat - rarpd - rasdaemon - rasmol - raspberrypi-firmware - raspberrypi-firmware-config - raspberrypi-firmware-dt - raspberrypi-firmware-extra - rasqal - raw-thumbnailer - rawstudio - rawstudio-lang - raylib-devel - razercfg - razor-agents - rbd-fuse - rbd-mirror - rbd-nbd - rcc-runtime - rclone - rcm - rcs - rdiff - rdiff-backup - rdma-core-devel - rdma-core-devel-32bit - rdma-ndd - rds-tools - rds-tools-devel - re2-devel - re2c - read-only-root-fs-volatile - readline-devel - readline-devel-32bit - readline-devel-static - readline5-devel - readline5-devel-32bit - readline6-devel - readline6-devel-32bit - readrec0 - realmd - realmd-lang - rear - recidivm - recordmydesktop - recordproto-devel - redeclipse - redeclipse-data - redis - redland - redland-storage-postgresql - rednotebook - rednotebook-lang - redshift - redshift-gtk - regexp - reiser4progs - reiser4progs-devel - relaxngDatatype - remake - remake-lang - remind - remmina-devel - remmina-plugin-exec - remmina-plugin-spice - renderproto-devel - rep-gtk - rep-gtk-devel - reptyr - resample - rescue - resolv_wrapper - resource-agents - resourceproto-devel - restic - retext - retro-gtk-devel - reuse - reuse-lang - rfb - rfbplaymacro - rfbproxy - rfcat - rfcat-udev - rfcdiff - rhash - rhash-devel - rhash-lang - rhino-demo - rhythmbox - rhythmbox-devel - rhythmbox-lang - rime - rinetd - ripgrep - ripgrep-bash-completion - ripgrep-fish-completion - ripgrep-zsh-completion - ripit - rk-devel - rkhunter - rkward - rlwrap - rmail - rmedigicontrol - rmt-server - rnd_jue - rnd_jue-data - robinhood - robinhood-tests - robinhood-tools - robinhood-webgui - roccat-arvo - roccat-isku - roccat-iskufx - roccat-kiro - roccat-kone - roccat-koneplus - roccat-konepure - roccat-konextd - roccat-kova2016 - roccat-kovaplus - roccat-lua - roccat-nyth - roccat-pyra - roccat-ryos - roccat-savu - roccat-skeltr - roccat-sova - roccat-suora - roccat-tools - roccat-tyon - rockdodger - rocksndiamonds - rocksndiamonds-data - rocs - rocs-devel - rocs-lang - rofi - rofi-devel - rollback-helper - root-tail - rosegarden - rott - roundcubemail - rox-filer - rpcgen - rpcsvc-proto-devel - rpm-build - rpm-devel - rpmconf - rpmdevtools - rpmemd - rpmlint - rpmlint-Factory - rpmlint-Factory-strict - rpmlint-mini - rpmorphan - rpmrebuild - rrdtool - rrdtool-cached - rrdtool-devel - rrdtool-doc - rsibreak - rsibreak-lang - rsnapshot - rsocket - rsocket-32bit - rss-glx - rss2email - rssguard - rsstail - rst2html5 - rstcheck - rsvg-view - rsvg2-sharp - rsyslog - rsyslog-diag-tools - rsyslog-doc - rsyslog-module-dbi - rsyslog-module-elasticsearch - rsyslog-module-gcrypt - rsyslog-module-gssapi - rsyslog-module-gtls - rsyslog-module-mmnormalize - rsyslog-module-mysql - rsyslog-module-omamqp1 - rsyslog-module-omhttpfs - rsyslog-module-omtcl - rsyslog-module-pgsql - rsyslog-module-relp - rsyslog-module-snmp - rsyslog-module-udpspoof - rtags - rtaudio-devel - rtl-sdr - rtl-sdr-devel - rtl-sdr-udev - rtl_433 - rtl_433-devel - rtmidi-devel - rtorrent - rtorrent-vim - rubber - rubberband-cli - rubberband-ladspa - rubberband-ladspa-32bit - rubberband-vamp - rubberband-vamp-32bit - ruby-apparmor - ruby-common-rails - ruby-devel - ruby-geos - ruby-libprelude - ruby-marisa - ruby-obexftp - ruby-redland - ruby-rrdtool - ruby-selinux - ruby-solv - ruby-xapian - ruby-yui - ruby2.5-devel - ruby2.5-devel-extra - ruby2.5-doc - ruby2.5-doc-ri - ruby2.5-rubygem-abstract - ruby2.5-rubygem-abstract-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-abstract-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-abstract_method-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-actioncable-5_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-actioncable-doc-5_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-actionmailer-5_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-actionmailer-doc-5_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-actionpack-5_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-actionpack-doc-5_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-actionview-5_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-actionview-doc-5_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-activejob-5_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-activejob-doc-5_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-activemodel-5_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-activemodel-doc-5_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-activerecord-5_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-activesupport-5_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-activesupport-doc-5_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-addressable - ruby2.5-rubygem-addressable-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-addressable-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-airbrussh - ruby2.5-rubygem-airbrussh-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-amq-protocol - ruby2.5-rubygem-amq-protocol-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-amq-protocol-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-amqp - ruby2.5-rubygem-amqp-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-amqp-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-archive-tar-minitar - ruby2.5-rubygem-archive-tar-minitar-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-arel - ruby2.5-rubygem-arel-6 - ruby2.5-rubygem-arel-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-arel-doc-6 - ruby2.5-rubygem-asciidoctor - ruby2.5-rubygem-asciidoctor-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-asciidoctor-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-attr_required - ruby2.5-rubygem-attr_required-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-attr_required-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-autoprefixer-rails - ruby2.5-rubygem-autoprefixer-rails-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-autoprefixer-rails-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-axiom-types - ruby2.5-rubygem-axiom-types-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-axiom-types-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-base32 - ruby2.5-rubygem-base32-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-base32-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-bcrypt - ruby2.5-rubygem-bcrypt-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-bcrypt-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-bindata - ruby2.5-rubygem-bindata-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-bindata-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-bindex - ruby2.5-rubygem-bindex-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-bindex-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-binding_of_caller - ruby2.5-rubygem-binding_of_caller-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-binding_of_caller-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-buff-extensions - ruby2.5-rubygem-buff-extensions-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-buff-extensions-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-buff-ruby_engine - ruby2.5-rubygem-buff-ruby_engine-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-buff-ruby_engine-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-builder - ruby2.5-rubygem-builder-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-builder-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-bundler - ruby2.5-rubygem-bundler-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-byebug - ruby2.5-rubygem-byebug-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-cfa-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-cfa_grub2-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-cheetah-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-childprocess-0_6 - ruby2.5-rubygem-childprocess-doc-0_6 - ruby2.5-rubygem-childprocess-testsuite-0_6 - ruby2.5-rubygem-coderay - ruby2.5-rubygem-coderay-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-coercible - ruby2.5-rubygem-coercible-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-coercible-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-coffee-rails - ruby2.5-rubygem-coffee-rails-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-coffee-script - ruby2.5-rubygem-coffee-script-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-coffee-script-source - ruby2.5-rubygem-coffee-script-source-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-colored - ruby2.5-rubygem-colored-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-colored-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-concurrent-ruby - ruby2.5-rubygem-concurrent-ruby-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-crass - ruby2.5-rubygem-crass-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-crass-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-debug_inspector - ruby2.5-rubygem-debug_inspector-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-debug_inspector-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-delayed_job - ruby2.5-rubygem-delayed_job-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-delayed_job-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-descendants_tracker - ruby2.5-rubygem-descendants_tracker-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-descendants_tracker-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-devise - ruby2.5-rubygem-devise-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-devise-i18n - ruby2.5-rubygem-devise-i18n-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-devise-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-devise_ldap_authenticatable - ruby2.5-rubygem-devise_ldap_authenticatable-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-devise_ldap_authenticatable-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-diff-lcs - ruby2.5-rubygem-diff-lcs-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-diff-lcs-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-diffy - ruby2.5-rubygem-diffy-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-diffy-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-docile - ruby2.5-rubygem-docile-1_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-docile-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-docile-doc-1_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-docile-testsuite-1_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-domain_name - ruby2.5-rubygem-domain_name-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-domain_name-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-em-websocket - ruby2.5-rubygem-em-websocket-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-em-websocket-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-equalizer - ruby2.5-rubygem-equalizer-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-equalizer-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-erubi - ruby2.5-rubygem-erubi-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-erubi-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-erubis - ruby2.5-rubygem-erubis-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-erubis-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-eventmachine - ruby2.5-rubygem-eventmachine-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-excon - ruby2.5-rubygem-excon-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-excon-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-execjs - ruby2.5-rubygem-execjs-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-factory_girl - ruby2.5-rubygem-factory_girl-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-fake_ftp - ruby2.5-rubygem-fake_ftp-0_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-fake_ftp-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-fake_ftp-doc-0_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-fake_ftp-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-fake_ftp-testsuite-0_1 - ruby2.5-rubygem-faraday - ruby2.5-rubygem-faraday-0_12 - ruby2.5-rubygem-faraday-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-faraday-doc-0_12 - ruby2.5-rubygem-faraday_middleware - ruby2.5-rubygem-faraday_middleware-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-fast_gettext-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-ffi - ruby2.5-rubygem-ffi-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-ffi-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-font-awesome-rails - ruby2.5-rubygem-font-awesome-rails-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-font-awesome-rails-testsuite - ruby2.5-rubygem-forwardable-extended - ruby2.5-rubygem-forwardable-extended-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-gem2rpm-doc - ruby2.5-rubygem-get_process_mem - 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salt-cloud - salt-doc - salt-fish-completion - salt-master - salt-minion - salt-proxy - salt-ssh - salt-syndic - salt-zsh-completion - samba-ceph - samba-client-32bit - samba-core-devel - samba-doc - samba-kdc-32bit - samba-krb-printing - samba-libs-32bit - samba-pidl - samba-test - samba-winbind-32bit - sandman - sane-backends-32bit - sane-backends-devel - sane-backends-devel-32bit - sanlk-reset - sanlock - sanlock-devel - sar2 - sar2-data - sarg - sassc - sat4j - saweri-fonts - sawfish - sawfish-devel - sawfish-sounds - sax3 - saxon6 - saxon6-aelfred - saxon6-demo - saxon6-fop - saxon6-javadoc - saxon6-jdom - saxon6-manual - saxon6-scripts - saxon8 - saxon8-demo - saxon8-dom - saxon8-javadoc - saxon8-jdom - saxon8-manual - saxon8-scripts - saxon8-sql - saxon8-xom - saxon8-xpath - saxon9 - saxon9-demo - saxon9-javadoc - saxon9-manual - saxon9-scripts - saxpath - sbc-devel - sbcl - sbd - sbiload - sbl - sbl-orca - sblim-cmpi-c++-devel - sblim-cmpi-devel - sblim-sfcc-devel - sc - sc-controller - scalapack-mvapich2-test - scalapack-openmpi-test - scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-mpich-hpc-module - scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-mpich-hpc-test - scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-module - scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-test - scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-module - scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi1-hpc-test - scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-module - scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi2-hpc-test - scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-module - scalapack_2_0_2-gnu-openmpi3-hpc-test - scalpel - scamper - scanmem - scantailor - scap-workbench - scap-workbench-doc - scat - schedtool - schedtop - schemaspy - schismtracker - schroedinger-devel - schroedinger-doc - scilab - scilab-devel - scilab-lang - scilab-modules - scilab-modules-doc - scilab-modules-doc-lang - scilab-tests - scirenderer - scirenderer-javadoc - scite - scmon - scons - scratch - scratch-devel - scratch-lang - screen-message - screencast - screencast-lang - screenfetch - screenshot-tool - screenshot-tool-lang - scribus - scribus-devel - scrnsaverproto-devel - scrot - scrub - scrypt - scsirastools - scsires - scummvm - scummvm-extra - scummvm-tools - sdcc - sdcc-doc - sdcc-libc-sources - sdcv - sddm-branding-upstream - sdl-ball - sdlscavenger - sdparm - seahorse-sharing - seahorse-sharing-lang - seamonkey - seamonkey-translations-common - seamonkey-translations-other - seccheck - segv_handler - selinux-tools - semantik - semi-emacs - semi-xemacs - sendfax - sendmail - sendmail-devel - sendmail-starttls - sendxmpp - sensord - seq24 - ser2net - serd-devel - serdi - servius - servletapi3 - servletapi3-javadoc - servletapi4 - servletapi4-javadoc - servletapi5 - setconf - setools-console - setools-devel - setools-gui - setools-java - setools-libs - setools-tcl - setserial - sfftobmp - sffview - sfml2-devel - sfml2-doc - sgi-bitmap-fonts - sgmltool - sgmltools-lite - sgpio - sgrep - sha1collisiondetection - shadowsocks-libev - shadowsocks-libev-devel - shadowsocks-libev-doc - shake - shapelib - shared-color-targets - shared-desktop-ontologies - shared-desktop-ontologies-devel - sharutils - sharutils-lang - shepherd - shepherd-bins - shibboleth-sp - shibboleth-sp-devel - shigofumi - shorewall - shorewall-core - shorewall-docs - shorewall-init - shorewall-lite - shorewall6 - shorewall6-lite - shotcut - shotcut-lang - shp - shunit2 - shutter - shutter-lang - siege - siga - sigil - signon-kwallet-extension - signon-plugin-oauth2-devel - signon-plugins-32bit - signon-plugins-devel - signon-plugins-docs - signond-docs - signond-libs-32bit - signond-libs-devel - sigrok-cli - sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw - sil-abyssinica-fonts - sil-charis-fonts - sil-doulos-fonts - sil-gentium-fonts - sil-mondulkiri-fonts - sil-padauk-fonts - simh - simple-ccsm - simple-ccsm-lang - simple-mtpfs - simple-obfs - simple-obfs-doc - simplescreenrecorder - singularity - singularity-devel - sipcalc - siproxd - siproxd-doc - sisctrl - sitar - sitecopy - sitecopy-lang - sk1 - skelcd-control-CAASP - skelcd-control-openSUSE - skelcd-control-openSUSE-promo - skelcd-installer-net-openSUSE - skelcd-installer-openSUSE - skelcd-openSUSE - skelcd-openSUSE-non-OSS - skeletons - ski - skinlf - skinlf-demo - skinlf-javadoc - skkdic-extra - skopeo - slade - slang-devel - slang-slsh - slapi-nis - sleuth - sleuthkit - sleuthkit-devel - slf4j - slf4j-javadoc - slf4j-manual - slib - slingshot - slop - slrn - slrn-lang - sluice - slurm - slurm-auth-none - slurm-config - slurm-devel - slurm-doc - slurm-lua - slurm-munge - slurm-node - slurm-openlava - slurm-pam_slurm - slurm-plugins - slurm-seff - slurm-sjstat - slurm-slurmdbd - slurm-sql - slurm-sview - slurm-torque - smatch - smbios-utils - smc-tools - smemstat - smictrl - smillaenlarger - smilutils - smplayer - smplayer-lang - smssend - smtpping - smtube - smtube-lang - smugbatch - smuxi - smuxi-engine - smuxi-engine-campfire - smuxi-engine-campfire-lang - smuxi-engine-irc - smuxi-engine-irc-lang - smuxi-engine-jabbr - smuxi-engine-jabbr-lang - smuxi-engine-lang - smuxi-engine-twitter - smuxi-engine-twitter-lang - smuxi-engine-xmpp - smuxi-engine-xmpp-lang - smuxi-frontend - smuxi-frontend-gnome - smuxi-frontend-gnome-irc - smuxi-frontend-gnome-irc-lang - smuxi-frontend-gnome-lang - smuxi-frontend-gnome-twitter - smuxi-frontend-gnome-twitter-lang - smuxi-frontend-gnome-xmpp - smuxi-frontend-gnome-xmpp-lang - smuxi-frontend-lang - smuxi-frontend-stfl - smuxi-message-buffer - smuxi-message-buffer-lang - smuxi-server - smuxi-server-lang - snack - snap-photobooth - snap-photobooth-lang - snappy-devel - snd - snd_sf2 - sndio - sndio-devel - sngrep - sni-qt-32bit - snorenotify-qt5 - snorenotify-qt5-devel - soapy-osmo-devel - soapy-sdr - soapy-sdr-devel - soapysdr0.6-module-airspy - soapysdr0.6-module-bladerf - soapysdr0.6-module-freesrp - soapysdr0.6-module-hackrf - soapysdr0.6-module-lms7 - soapysdr0.6-module-mirisdr - soapysdr0.6-module-osmosdr - soapysdr0.6-module-remote - soapysdr0.6-module-rfspace - soapysdr0.6-module-rtlsdr - soapysdr0.6-module-uhd - soapysdr0.6-module-xtrx - socat - socket_wrapper - sofia-sip - sofia-sip-devel - solaar - solaar-cli - solaar-doc - solarfighter - solarus - solarus-devel - solarus-quest-editor - solarwolf - solarwolf_we - solfege - solid-devel - solid-devel-32bit - something-for-reddit - sonar-icon-theme - sonic-visualiser - sonnet-devel - sonnet-devel-32bit - sopwith - sord - sord-devel - soundconverter - soundconverter-lang - soundtouch - soundtouch-devel - soup-sharp - soup-sharp-devel - source-highlight - source-highlight-cgi - sox-devel - soxr-devel - spacefm - spacefm-lang - spacenavd - spamassassin - spandsp-devel - spandsp-doc - sparse - sparse-devel - sparse-inspect - sparse-llvm - sparsehash-devel - spatialindex-devel - spawn-fcgi - spax - spdlog-devel - spdylay - spdylay-devel - spec-cleaner - spec-cleaner-format_spec_file - spectacle-doc - spectator - spectcl - speech-dispatcher-configure - speedcrunch - speedtest-cli - speex - speex-devel - speexdsp-devel - spew - spice-gtk - spice-gtk-devel - spice-gtk-lang - spice-html5 - spice-protocol-devel - spice-up - spice-up-lang - spirv-headers - spirv-tools - spirv-tools-devel - splint - splinter-devel - spyder - spyder-breakpoints - spyder-breakpoints-lang - spyder-dicom - spyder-doc - spyder-hdf5 - spyder-lang - spyder-profiler - spyder-profiler-lang - spyder-pylint - spyder-pylint-lang - spyder3 - spyder3-breakpoints - spyder3-breakpoints-lang - spyder3-dicom - spyder3-doc - spyder3-hdf5 - spyder3-lang - spyder3-profiler - spyder3-profiler-lang - spyder3-pylint - spyder3-pylint-lang - sqlcipher - sqlcipher-devel - sqlite3-devel - sqlite3-doc - sqlitebrowser - sqliteman - sqliteodbc - sqliteodbc-doc - sqtop - squid - squidGuard - squidGuard-doc - squidview - squirrel - squirrel-devel - squirrel-devel-static - squirrel-doc - squirrel-examples - sratom-devel - src_vipa - srecord - srecord-devel - srecord-doc - srm - srp_daemon - ssdeep - ssh-contact - ssh-contact-client - ssh-contact-service - sshguard - sshpass - sshuttle - ssldump - sslscan - sssd - sssd-32bit - sssd-ad - sssd-dbus - sssd-ipa - sssd-krb5 - sssd-krb5-common - sssd-ldap - sssd-proxy - sssd-tools - sssd-wbclient - sssd-wbclient-devel - sssd-winbind-idmap - stack - staging-build-key - stalonetray - stan - star - star-rmt - stardict - stardict-dic-enru-engcom - stardict-dic-enru-mueller7 - stardict-sounds-wyabdcrealpeopletts - stardict-tools - starfighter - startup-notification-devel - statgrab - statserial - steamtricks - steamtricks-data - stellarium - stgit - stix-integrals-fonts - stix-pua-fonts - stix-sizes-fonts - stix-variants-fonts - stlink - stlink-gui - stm32flash - stockfish - stoken - stoken-devel - stoken-gui - storage-fixup - storeBackup - stow - stow-doc - stp - stp-devel - stp-python - stress-ng - strip-nondeterminism - strongswan - strongswan-doc - strongswan-hmac - strongswan-ipsec - strongswan-libs0 - strongswan-mysql - strongswan-nm - strongswan-sqlite - structured-haskell-mode - stunnel - stunnel-doc - stylish-haskell - su-wrapper - submin - submin-apache - submin-svn - subnetcalc - subtitlecomposer - subtitlecomposer-lang - subtitleeditor - subtitleeditor-lang - subversion - subversion-bash-completion - subversion-devel - subversion-doc - subversion-perl - subversion-python - subversion-python-ctypes - subversion-ruby - subversion-server - subversion-tools - suck - sudo-devel - sudo-test - sudoku-sensei - suil-devel - suil-plugin-gtk2-in-qt5 - suil-plugin-qt5-in-gtk2 - suil-plugin-x11 - suil-plugin-x11-in-gtk2 - suil-plugin-x11-in-gtk3 - suil-plugin-x11-in-qt5 - suitesparse-devel - suitesparse-devel-static - sundanese-unicode-fonts - sunpinyin-devel - sunpinyin-tools - sunxi-tools - superlu-devel - supertux2 - supertuxkart - supertuxkart-data - surfraw - suse-build-key - suse-hpc - suse-xsl-stylesheets - susedoc-buildbook - susefirewall2-to-firewalld - svg-schema - svgcleaner - svgcleaner-gui - svgpart - svgpart-lang - svn2git - svrcore-devel - sway - sweeper - sweeper-lang - swift-im - swiften-devel - swig - swig-doc - swig-examples - swing-layout - swing-layout-javadoc - swing-worker - swing-worker-demo - swing-worker-javadoc - swingx - swingx-javadoc - swipl - switcheroo-control - switcheroo-control-doc - sword - sword-devel - swtcalendar - swtchart - swtchart-javadoc - sxhkd - sxiv - synapse - synapse-lang - syncthing - syncthing-gtk - syncthing-gtk-lang - syndication-devel - synergy - synnefo - syntax-highlighting-devel - syntax-highlighting-devel-32bit - sysbench - sysdig - sysdig-kmp-default - sysfsutils-devel - sysinfo - syslinux-debuginfo-x86_64 - syslinux-x86_64 - syslog-ng - syslog-ng-curl - syslog-ng-devel - syslog-ng-geoip - syslog-ng-python - syslog-ng-redis - syslog-ng-smtp - syslog-ng-sql - syslog-service - syslogd - sysprof - sysprof-devel - sysprof-lang - sysstat - sysstat-isag - system-group-obsolete - system-user-games - system-user-news - system-user-uucp - system-user-uuidd - systemd-container - systemd-coredump - systemd-devel - systemd-logger - systemd-mini - systemd-mini-bash-completion - systemd-mini-container-mini - systemd-mini-coredump-mini - systemd-mini-devel - systemd-mini-sysvinit - systemd-rpm-macros - systemd-ui - systemsettings5-devel - systemtap - systemtap-docs - systemtap-headers - systemtap-runtime - systemtap-sdt-devel - systemtap-server - systester - sysuser-tools - syzkaller - sz2-devel - t-prot - t1utils - t38modem - tachyon - tack - tagbanwa-fonts - taglib-extras-devel - taglib-sharp - taglib-sharp-devel - tagsoup-javadoc - tai-heritage-pro-fonts - tali - tali-lang - talk - talk-server - talloc-man - tamago - tamil-gtk2im - tamil-gtk2im-32bit - tango-icon-theme - tanukiwrapper - tanukiwrapper-javadoc - tanukiwrapper-manual - tar-backup-scripts - tar-doc - tar-tests - tardy - target-isns - targetcli-fb-common - taskwarrior - tasque - tasque-lang - tbb-devel - tboot - tcd - tcl-32bit - tcl-Hamlib - tcl-brlapi - tcl-devel - tcl-rrdtool - tcl-sqlcipher - tcl-tktray - tcl8-xapian - tclap - tclap-doc - tclcurl - tcllib - tclplug - tclplug-32bit - tcludp - tclx - tcmu-runner - tcmu-runner-handler-rbd - tcpd - tcpd-devel - tcpdump - tcpflow - tcpreplay - tcptraceroute - tdom - tdom-devel - tea - tecla - tecla-devel - tei-roma - tei-xsl-stylesheets - tei_4 - telegram-theme-adapta - telepathy-accounts-signon - telepathy-farstream-devel - telepathy-gabble - telepathy-gabble-xmpp-console - telepathy-glib-devel - telepathy-glib-doc - telepathy-haze - telepathy-logger-devel - telepathy-mission-control-devel - telepathy-phoney - telepathy-qt5-devel - telepathy-qt5-devel-32bit - telepathy-rakia - telepathy-rakia-devel - telepathy-salut - telepathy-sipe - tellico - tellico-lang - telnet - telnet-server - template-glib-devel - template-glib-lang - tennebon-dynamic-wallpaper - tepl-3-lang - tepl-devel - termcap - termcap-32bit - terminator - terminator-lang - terminfo - terminfo-iterm - terminfo-screen - terminology - terminology-lang - terminology-theme-dark - terminology-theme-misc - terminology-theme-openSUSE - terminology-theme-openSUSE-oliveleaf - terminology-theme-upstream - terminus-bitmap-fonts - termsyn-bitmap-fonts - teseq - tesseract - tesseract-data - tesseract-ocr - tesseract-ocr-devel - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-afrikaans - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-albanian - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-amharic - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-arabic - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-assamese - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-azerbaijani - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-azerbaijani_cyrillic - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-basque - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-belarusian - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-bengali - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-bosnian - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-bulgarian - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-burmese - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-catalan - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-cebuano - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-cherokee - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-chinese_simplified - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-chinese_traditional - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-croatian - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-czech - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-danish - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-dutch - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-dzongkha - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-english - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-english_middle - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-esperanto - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-estonian - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-finnish - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-frankish - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-french - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-french_middle - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-galician - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-georgian - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-georgian_old - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-german - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-greek - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-greek_ancient - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-gujarati - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-haitian - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-hebrew - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-hindi - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-hungarian - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-icelandic - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-indonese - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-inuktitut - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-irish - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-italian - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-italian_old - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-japanese - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-javanese - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-kannada - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-kazakh - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-khmer - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-korean - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-kurdish - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-kyrgyz - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-lao - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-latin - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-latvian - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-lithuanian - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-macedonian - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-malay - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-malayalam - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-maltese - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-marathi - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-math_equation - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-nepali - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-norwegian - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-orientation_and_script_detection - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-oriya - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-pashto - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-persian - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-polish - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-portuguese - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-punjabi - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-romanian - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-russian - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-sanskrit - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-serbian - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-serbian_latin - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-sinhala - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-slovak - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-slovenian - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-spanish - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-spanish_old - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-swahili - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-swedish - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-syriac - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-tagalog - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-tajik - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-tamil - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-telugu - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-thai - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-tibetan_standard - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-tigrinya - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-turkish - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-ukrainian - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-urdu - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-uyghur - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-uzbek - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-uzbek_cyrillic - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-vietnamese - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-welsh - tesseract-ocr-traineddata-yiddish - tesseract-server - testdisk - testrec0 - tetrinet-server - tevent-man - texamator - texamator-lang - texi2html - texi2html-lang - texinfo - texinfo4 - texlive - texlive-12many - texlive-12many-doc - texlive-2up - texlive-2up-doc - texlive-Asana-Math - texlive-Asana-Math-doc - texlive-Asana-Math-fonts - texlive-ESIEEcv - texlive-ESIEEcv-doc - texlive-FAQ-en - texlive-GS1 - texlive-GS1-doc - texlive-HA-prosper - texlive-HA-prosper-doc - texlive-IEEEconf - texlive-IEEEconf-doc - texlive-IEEEtran - texlive-IEEEtran-doc - texlive-MemoirChapStyles - texlive-SIstyle - texlive-SIstyle-doc - texlive-SIunits - texlive-SIunits-doc - texlive-Tabbing - texlive-Tabbing-doc - texlive-Type1fonts - texlive-a0poster - texlive-a0poster-doc - texlive-a2ping - texlive-a2ping-bin - texlive-a2ping-doc - texlive-a4wide - texlive-a4wide-doc - texlive-a5comb - texlive-a5comb-doc - texlive-aastex - texlive-aastex-doc - texlive-abbr - texlive-abbr-doc - texlive-abc - texlive-abc-doc - texlive-abntex2 - texlive-abntex2-doc - texlive-abraces - texlive-abraces-doc - texlive-abstract - texlive-abstract-doc - texlive-abstyles - texlive-abstyles-doc - texlive-academicons - texlive-academicons-doc - texlive-academicons-fonts - texlive-accanthis - texlive-accanthis-doc - texlive-accanthis-fonts - texlive-accfonts - texlive-accfonts-bin - texlive-accfonts-doc - texlive-achemso - texlive-achemso-doc - texlive-acmart - texlive-acmart-doc - texlive-acmconf - texlive-acmconf-doc - texlive-acro - texlive-acro-doc - texlive-acronym - texlive-acronym-doc - texlive-acroterm - texlive-acroterm-doc - texlive-active-conf - texlive-active-conf-doc - texlive-actuarialangle - texlive-actuarialangle-doc - texlive-actuarialsymbol - texlive-actuarialsymbol-doc - texlive-addfont - texlive-addfont-doc - texlive-addlines - texlive-addlines-doc - texlive-adfathesis - texlive-adfathesis-doc - texlive-adforn - texlive-adforn-doc - texlive-adforn-fonts - texlive-adfsymbols - texlive-adfsymbols-doc - texlive-adfsymbols-fonts - texlive-adhocfilelist - texlive-adhocfilelist-bin - texlive-adhocfilelist-doc - texlive-adjmulticol - texlive-adjmulticol-doc - texlive-adjustbox - texlive-adjustbox-doc - texlive-adobemapping - texlive-adrconv - texlive-adrconv-doc - texlive-adtrees - texlive-adtrees-doc - texlive-advdate - texlive-advdate-doc - texlive-ae - texlive-ae-doc - texlive-aecc - texlive-aecc-doc - texlive-aeguill - texlive-aeguill-doc - texlive-afm2pl - texlive-afm2pl-bin - texlive-afm2pl-doc - texlive-afparticle - texlive-afparticle-doc - texlive-afthesis - texlive-afthesis-doc - texlive-aguplus - texlive-aguplus-doc - texlive-aiaa - texlive-aiaa-doc - texlive-aichej - texlive-ajl - texlive-akktex - texlive-akktex-doc - texlive-akletter - texlive-akletter-doc - texlive-alegreya - texlive-alegreya-doc - texlive-alegreya-fonts - texlive-aleph - texlive-aleph-bin - texlive-alertmessage - texlive-alertmessage-doc - texlive-alg - texlive-alg-doc - texlive-algorithm2e - texlive-algorithm2e-doc - texlive-algorithmicx - texlive-algorithmicx-doc - texlive-algorithms - texlive-algorithms-doc - texlive-alkalami - texlive-alkalami-doc - texlive-alkalami-fonts - texlive-allrunes - texlive-allrunes-doc - texlive-allrunes-fonts - texlive-almfixed - texlive-almfixed-doc - texlive-almfixed-fonts - texlive-alnumsec - texlive-alnumsec-doc - texlive-alterqcm - texlive-alterqcm-doc - texlive-altfont - texlive-altfont-doc - texlive-ametsoc - texlive-ametsoc-doc - texlive-amiri - texlive-amiri-doc - texlive-amiri-fonts - texlive-amsaddr - texlive-amsaddr-doc - texlive-amscls - texlive-amscls-doc - texlive-amsfonts - texlive-amsfonts-doc - texlive-amsfonts-fonts - texlive-amslatex-primer - texlive-amsldoc-it - texlive-amsldoc-vn - texlive-amsmath - texlive-amsmath-doc - texlive-amsmath-it - texlive-amsrefs - texlive-amsrefs-doc - texlive-amstex - texlive-amstex-bin - texlive-amstex-doc - texlive-amsthdoc-it - texlive-animate - texlive-animate-doc - texlive-anonchap - texlive-anonchap-doc - texlive-anonymouspro - texlive-anonymouspro-doc - texlive-anonymouspro-fonts - texlive-answers - texlive-answers-doc - texlive-antiqua - texlive-antiqua-doc - texlive-antiqua-fonts - texlive-antomega - texlive-antomega-doc - texlive-antt - texlive-antt-doc - texlive-antt-fonts - texlive-anufinalexam - texlive-anyfontsize - texlive-anyfontsize-doc - texlive-anysize - texlive-anysize-doc - texlive-aobs-tikz - texlive-aobs-tikz-doc - texlive-aomart - texlive-aomart-doc - texlive-apa - texlive-apa-doc - texlive-apa6 - texlive-apa6-doc - texlive-apa6e - texlive-apa6e-doc - texlive-apacite - texlive-apacite-doc - texlive-apalike-german - texlive-apalike-german-doc - texlive-apalike2 - texlive-apnum - texlive-apnum-doc - texlive-appendix - texlive-appendix-doc - texlive-appendixnumberbeamer - texlive-appendixnumberbeamer-doc - texlive-apprends-latex - texlive-apptools - texlive-apptools-doc - texlive-apxproof - texlive-apxproof-doc - texlive-arabi - texlive-arabi-add - texlive-arabi-add-doc - texlive-arabi-doc - texlive-arabi-fonts - texlive-arabluatex - texlive-arabluatex-doc - texlive-arabtex - texlive-arabtex-doc - texlive-arabtex-fonts - texlive-arabxetex - texlive-arabxetex-doc - texlive-aramaic-serto - texlive-aramaic-serto-doc - texlive-aramaic-serto-fonts - texlive-arara - texlive-arara-bin - texlive-arara-doc - texlive-archaeologie - texlive-archaeologie-doc - texlive-archaic - texlive-archaic-doc - texlive-archaic-fonts - texlive-arcs - texlive-arcs-doc - texlive-arev - texlive-arev-doc - texlive-arev-fonts - texlive-arimo - texlive-arimo-doc - texlive-arimo-fonts - texlive-armtex - texlive-armtex-doc - texlive-armtex-fonts - texlive-around-the-bend - texlive-arphic - texlive-arphic-doc - texlive-arphic-fonts - texlive-arphic-ttf - texlive-arphic-ttf-doc - texlive-arphic-ttf-fonts - texlive-arrayjobx - texlive-arrayjobx-doc - texlive-arraysort - texlive-arraysort-doc - texlive-arsclassica - texlive-arsclassica-doc - texlive-articleingud - texlive-articleingud-doc - texlive-arydshln - texlive-arydshln-doc - texlive-asaetr - texlive-asaetr-doc - texlive-asapsym - texlive-asapsym-doc - texlive-asapsym-fonts - texlive-ascelike - texlive-ascelike-doc - texlive-ascii-chart - texlive-ascii-font - texlive-ascii-font-doc - texlive-ascii-font-fonts - texlive-asciilist - texlive-asciilist-doc - texlive-askmaps - texlive-askmaps-doc - texlive-aspectratio - texlive-aspectratio-doc - texlive-aspectratio-fonts - texlive-assignment - texlive-assignment-doc - texlive-assoccnt - texlive-assoccnt-doc - texlive-astro - texlive-astro-doc - texlive-asyfig - texlive-asyfig-doc - texlive-asymptote - texlive-asymptote-bin - texlive-asymptote-by-example-zh-cn - texlive-asymptote-doc - texlive-asymptote-faq-zh-cn - texlive-asymptote-manual-zh-cn - texlive-asypictureb - texlive-asypictureb-doc - texlive-attachfile - texlive-attachfile-doc - texlive-aucklandthesis - texlive-aucklandthesis-doc - texlive-augie - texlive-augie-doc - texlive-augie-fonts - texlive-auncial-new - texlive-auncial-new-doc - texlive-auncial-new-fonts - texlive-aurical - texlive-aurical-doc - texlive-aurical-fonts - texlive-aurl - texlive-aurl-doc - texlive-authoraftertitle - texlive-authoraftertitle-doc - texlive-authorindex - texlive-authorindex-bin - texlive-authorindex-doc - texlive-auto-pst-pdf - texlive-auto-pst-pdf-doc - texlive-autoaligne - texlive-autoaligne-doc - texlive-autoarea - texlive-autoarea-doc - texlive-autobreak - texlive-autobreak-doc - texlive-automata - texlive-automata-doc - texlive-autonum - texlive-autonum-doc - texlive-autopdf - texlive-autopdf-doc - texlive-autosp - texlive-autosp-bin - texlive-avantgar - texlive-avantgar-fonts - texlive-avremu - texlive-avremu-doc - texlive-awesomebox - texlive-awesomebox-doc - texlive-axodraw2 - texlive-axodraw2-doc - texlive-b1encoding - texlive-b1encoding-doc - texlive-babel - texlive-babel-albanian - texlive-babel-albanian-doc - texlive-babel-azerbaijani - texlive-babel-azerbaijani-doc - texlive-babel-basque - texlive-babel-basque-doc - texlive-babel-belarusian - texlive-babel-belarusian-doc - texlive-babel-bosnian - texlive-babel-bosnian-doc - texlive-babel-breton - texlive-babel-breton-doc - texlive-babel-bulgarian - texlive-babel-bulgarian-doc - texlive-babel-catalan - texlive-babel-catalan-doc - texlive-babel-croatian - texlive-babel-croatian-doc - texlive-babel-czech - texlive-babel-czech-doc - texlive-babel-danish - texlive-babel-danish-doc - texlive-babel-doc - texlive-babel-dutch - texlive-babel-dutch-doc - texlive-babel-english - texlive-babel-english-doc - texlive-babel-esperanto - texlive-babel-esperanto-doc - texlive-babel-estonian - texlive-babel-estonian-doc - texlive-babel-finnish - texlive-babel-finnish-doc - texlive-babel-french - texlive-babel-french-doc - texlive-babel-friulan - texlive-babel-friulan-doc - texlive-babel-galician - texlive-babel-galician-doc - texlive-babel-georgian - texlive-babel-georgian-doc - texlive-babel-german - texlive-babel-german-doc - texlive-babel-greek - texlive-babel-greek-doc - texlive-babel-hebrew - texlive-babel-hebrew-doc - texlive-babel-hungarian - texlive-babel-hungarian-doc - texlive-babel-icelandic - texlive-babel-icelandic-doc - texlive-babel-indonesian - texlive-babel-indonesian-doc - texlive-babel-interlingua - texlive-babel-interlingua-doc - texlive-babel-irish - texlive-babel-irish-doc - texlive-babel-italian - texlive-babel-italian-doc - texlive-babel-japanese - texlive-babel-japanese-doc - texlive-babel-kurmanji - texlive-babel-kurmanji-doc - texlive-babel-latin - texlive-babel-latin-doc - texlive-babel-latvian - texlive-babel-latvian-doc - texlive-babel-macedonian - texlive-babel-macedonian-doc - texlive-babel-malay - texlive-babel-malay-doc - texlive-babel-norsk - texlive-babel-norsk-doc - texlive-babel-occitan - texlive-babel-occitan-doc - texlive-babel-piedmontese - texlive-babel-piedmontese-doc - texlive-babel-polish - texlive-babel-polish-doc - texlive-babel-portuges - texlive-babel-portuges-doc - texlive-babel-romanian - texlive-babel-romanian-doc - texlive-babel-romansh - texlive-babel-romansh-doc - texlive-babel-russian - texlive-babel-russian-doc - texlive-babel-samin - texlive-babel-samin-doc - texlive-babel-scottish - texlive-babel-scottish-doc - texlive-babel-serbian - texlive-babel-serbian-doc - texlive-babel-serbianc - texlive-babel-serbianc-doc - texlive-babel-slovak - texlive-babel-slovak-doc - texlive-babel-slovenian - texlive-babel-slovenian-doc - texlive-babel-sorbian - texlive-babel-sorbian-doc - texlive-babel-spanglish - texlive-babel-spanglish-doc - texlive-babel-spanish - texlive-babel-spanish-doc - texlive-babel-swedish - texlive-babel-swedish-doc - texlive-babel-thai - texlive-babel-thai-doc - texlive-babel-turkish - texlive-babel-turkish-doc - texlive-babel-ukrainian - texlive-babel-ukrainian-doc - texlive-babel-vietnamese - texlive-babel-vietnamese-doc - texlive-babel-welsh - texlive-babel-welsh-doc - texlive-babelbib - texlive-babelbib-doc - texlive-background - texlive-background-doc - texlive-backnaur - texlive-backnaur-doc - texlive-baekmuk - texlive-baekmuk-doc - texlive-baekmuk-fonts - texlive-bagpipe - texlive-bagpipe-doc - texlive-bangorcsthesis - texlive-bangorcsthesis-doc - texlive-bangorexam - texlive-bangorexam-doc - texlive-bangtex - texlive-bangtex-doc - texlive-bankstatement - texlive-bankstatement-doc - texlive-barcodes - texlive-barcodes-doc - texlive-bardiag - texlive-bardiag-doc - texlive-barr - texlive-barr-doc - texlive-bartel-chess-fonts - texlive-bartel-chess-fonts-doc - texlive-bashful - texlive-bashful-doc - texlive-basicarith - texlive-basicarith-doc - texlive-baskervald - texlive-baskervald-doc - texlive-baskervald-fonts - texlive-baskervaldx - texlive-baskervaldx-doc - texlive-baskervaldx-fonts - texlive-baskervillef - texlive-baskervillef-doc - texlive-baskervillef-fonts - texlive-basque-book - texlive-basque-book-doc - texlive-basque-date - texlive-basque-date-doc - texlive-bbcard - texlive-bbcard-doc - texlive-bbding - texlive-bbding-doc - texlive-bbm - texlive-bbm-doc - texlive-bbm-macros - texlive-bbm-macros-doc - texlive-bbold - texlive-bbold-doc - texlive-bbold-type1 - texlive-bbold-type1-doc - texlive-bbold-type1-fonts - texlive-bchart - texlive-bchart-doc - texlive-bclogo - texlive-bclogo-doc - texlive-beamer - texlive-beamer-FUBerlin - texlive-beamer-doc - texlive-beamer-tut-pt - texlive-beamer-verona - texlive-beamer-verona-doc - texlive-beamer2thesis - texlive-beamer2thesis-doc - texlive-beameraudience - texlive-beameraudience-doc - texlive-beamercolorthemeowl - texlive-beamercolorthemeowl-doc - texlive-beamerdarkthemes - texlive-beamerdarkthemes-doc - texlive-beamerposter - texlive-beamerposter-doc - texlive-beamersubframe - texlive-beamersubframe-doc - texlive-beamerswitch - texlive-beamerswitch-doc - texlive-beamertheme-cuerna - texlive-beamertheme-cuerna-doc - texlive-beamertheme-detlevcm - texlive-beamertheme-detlevcm-doc - texlive-beamertheme-epyt - texlive-beamertheme-epyt-doc - texlive-beamertheme-metropolis - texlive-beamertheme-metropolis-doc - texlive-beamertheme-phnompenh - texlive-beamertheme-phnompenh-doc - texlive-beamertheme-upenn-bc - texlive-beamertheme-upenn-bc-doc - texlive-beamerthemejltree - texlive-beamerthemenirma - texlive-beamerthemenirma-doc - texlive-beebe - texlive-begingreek - texlive-begingreek-doc - texlive-begriff - texlive-begriff-doc - texlive-belleek - texlive-belleek-doc - texlive-belleek-fonts - texlive-bengali - texlive-bengali-doc - texlive-bera - texlive-bera-doc - texlive-bera-fonts - texlive-berenisadf - texlive-berenisadf-doc - texlive-berenisadf-fonts - texlive-besjournals - texlive-besjournals-doc - texlive-bestpapers - texlive-bestpapers-doc - texlive-betababel - texlive-betababel-doc - texlive-beton - texlive-beton-doc - texlive-beuron - texlive-beuron-doc - texlive-beuron-fonts - texlive-bewerbung - texlive-bewerbung-doc - texlive-bez123 - texlive-bez123-doc - texlive-bezos - texlive-bezos-doc - texlive-bgreek - texlive-bgreek-doc - texlive-bgteubner - texlive-bgteubner-doc - texlive-bguq - texlive-bguq-doc - texlive-bguq-fonts - texlive-bhcexam - texlive-bhcexam-doc - texlive-bib-fr - texlive-bib-fr-doc - texlive-bibarts - texlive-bibarts-doc - texlive-biber - texlive-biber-bin - texlive-bibexport - texlive-bibexport-bin - texlive-bibexport-doc - texlive-bibhtml - texlive-bibhtml-doc - texlive-biblatex - texlive-biblatex-abnt - texlive-biblatex-abnt-doc - texlive-biblatex-anonymous - texlive-biblatex-anonymous-doc - texlive-biblatex-apa - texlive-biblatex-apa-doc - texlive-biblatex-archaeology - texlive-biblatex-archaeology-doc - texlive-biblatex-arthistory-bonn - texlive-biblatex-arthistory-bonn-doc - texlive-biblatex-bookinarticle - texlive-biblatex-bookinarticle-doc - texlive-biblatex-bookinother - texlive-biblatex-bookinother-doc - texlive-biblatex-bwl - texlive-biblatex-bwl-doc - texlive-biblatex-caspervector - texlive-biblatex-caspervector-doc - texlive-biblatex-cheatsheet - texlive-biblatex-chem - texlive-biblatex-chem-doc - texlive-biblatex-chicago - texlive-biblatex-chicago-doc - texlive-biblatex-claves - texlive-biblatex-claves-doc - texlive-biblatex-doc - texlive-biblatex-dw - texlive-biblatex-dw-doc - texlive-biblatex-fiwi - texlive-biblatex-fiwi-doc - texlive-biblatex-gb7714-2015 - texlive-biblatex-gb7714-2015-doc - texlive-biblatex-gost - texlive-biblatex-gost-doc - texlive-biblatex-historian - texlive-biblatex-historian-doc - texlive-biblatex-ieee - texlive-biblatex-ieee-doc - texlive-biblatex-ijsra - texlive-biblatex-ijsra-doc - texlive-biblatex-iso690 - texlive-biblatex-iso690-doc - texlive-biblatex-juradiss - texlive-biblatex-juradiss-doc - texlive-biblatex-lni - texlive-biblatex-lni-doc - texlive-biblatex-luh-ipw - texlive-biblatex-luh-ipw-doc - texlive-biblatex-manuscripts-philology - texlive-biblatex-manuscripts-philology-doc - texlive-biblatex-mla - texlive-biblatex-mla-doc - texlive-biblatex-morenames - texlive-biblatex-morenames-doc - texlive-biblatex-multiple-dm - texlive-biblatex-multiple-dm-doc - texlive-biblatex-musuos - texlive-biblatex-musuos-doc - texlive-biblatex-nature - texlive-biblatex-nature-doc - texlive-biblatex-nejm - texlive-biblatex-nejm-doc - texlive-biblatex-nottsclassic - texlive-biblatex-nottsclassic-doc - texlive-biblatex-opcit-booktitle - texlive-biblatex-opcit-booktitle-doc - texlive-biblatex-oxref - texlive-biblatex-oxref-doc - texlive-biblatex-philosophy - texlive-biblatex-philosophy-doc - texlive-biblatex-phys - texlive-biblatex-phys-doc - texlive-biblatex-publist - texlive-biblatex-publist-doc - texlive-biblatex-realauthor - texlive-biblatex-realauthor-doc - texlive-biblatex-sbl - texlive-biblatex-sbl-doc - texlive-biblatex-science - texlive-biblatex-science-doc - texlive-biblatex-shortfields - texlive-biblatex-shortfields-doc - texlive-biblatex-source-division - texlive-biblatex-source-division-doc - texlive-biblatex-subseries - texlive-biblatex-subseries-doc - texlive-biblatex-swiss-legal - texlive-biblatex-swiss-legal-doc - texlive-biblatex-trad - texlive-biblatex-trad-doc - texlive-biblatex-true-citepages-omit - texlive-biblatex-true-citepages-omit-doc - texlive-bibleref - texlive-bibleref-doc - texlive-bibleref-french - texlive-bibleref-french-doc - texlive-bibleref-german - texlive-bibleref-german-doc - texlive-bibleref-lds - texlive-bibleref-lds-doc - texlive-bibleref-mouth - texlive-bibleref-mouth-doc - texlive-bibleref-parse - texlive-bibleref-parse-doc - texlive-bibletext - texlive-bibletext-doc - texlive-biblist - texlive-biblist-doc - texlive-bibtex - texlive-bibtex-bin - texlive-bibtex-doc - texlive-bibtex8 - texlive-bibtex8-bin - texlive-bibtex8-doc - texlive-bibtexperllibs - texlive-bibtexperllibs-doc - texlive-bibtexu - texlive-bibtexu-bin - texlive-bibtopic - texlive-bibtopic-doc - texlive-bibtopicprefix - texlive-bibtopicprefix-doc - texlive-bibunits - texlive-bibunits-doc - texlive-bidi - texlive-bidi-atbegshi - texlive-bidi-atbegshi-doc - texlive-bidi-doc - texlive-bidicontour - texlive-bidicontour-doc - texlive-bidihl - texlive-bidihl-doc - texlive-bidipagegrid - texlive-bidipagegrid-doc - texlive-bidipresentation - texlive-bidipresentation-doc - texlive-bidishadowtext - texlive-bidishadowtext-doc - texlive-bigfoot - texlive-bigfoot-doc - texlive-bigints - texlive-bigints-doc - texlive-bin-devel - texlive-binarytree - texlive-binarytree-doc - texlive-binomexp - texlive-binomexp-doc - texlive-biochemistry-colors - texlive-biochemistry-colors-doc - texlive-biocon - texlive-biocon-doc - texlive-biolett-bst - texlive-biolett-bst-doc - texlive-bitelist - texlive-bitelist-doc - texlive-bitpattern - texlive-bitpattern-doc - texlive-bizcard - texlive-bizcard-doc - texlive-blacklettert1 - texlive-blacklettert1-doc - texlive-blindtext - texlive-blindtext-doc - texlive-blkarray - texlive-blkarray-doc - texlive-blochsphere - texlive-blochsphere-doc - texlive-block - texlive-block-doc - texlive-blockdraw_mp - texlive-blockdraw_mp-doc - texlive-bloques - texlive-bloques-doc - texlive-blox - texlive-blox-doc - texlive-bnumexpr - texlive-bnumexpr-doc - texlive-bodegraph - texlive-bodegraph-doc - texlive-bohr - texlive-bohr-doc - texlive-boisik - texlive-boisik-doc - texlive-boites - texlive-boites-doc - texlive-bold-extra - texlive-bold-extra-doc - texlive-boldtensors - texlive-boldtensors-doc - texlive-bondgraph - texlive-bondgraph-doc - texlive-bondgraphs - texlive-bondgraphs-doc - texlive-bookcover - texlive-bookcover-doc - texlive-bookdb - texlive-bookdb-doc - texlive-bookest - texlive-bookest-doc - texlive-bookhands - texlive-bookhands-doc - texlive-bookhands-fonts - texlive-booklet - texlive-booklet-doc - texlive-bookman - texlive-bookman-fonts - texlive-booktabs - texlive-booktabs-de - texlive-booktabs-doc - texlive-booktabs-fr - texlive-boolexpr - texlive-boolexpr-doc - texlive-boondox - texlive-boondox-doc - texlive-boondox-fonts - texlive-bophook - texlive-bophook-doc - texlive-borceux - texlive-borceux-doc - texlive-bosisio - texlive-bosisio-doc - texlive-boxedminipage - texlive-boxedminipage-doc - texlive-boxedminipage2e - texlive-boxedminipage2e-doc - texlive-boxhandler - texlive-boxhandler-doc - texlive-bpchem - texlive-bpchem-doc - texlive-bpolynomial - texlive-bpolynomial-doc - texlive-br-lex - texlive-br-lex-doc - texlive-bracketkey - texlive-bracketkey-doc - texlive-braids - texlive-braids-doc - texlive-braille - texlive-braille-doc - texlive-braket - texlive-braket-doc - texlive-brandeis-dissertation - texlive-brandeis-dissertation-doc - texlive-breakcites - texlive-breakcites-doc - texlive-breakurl - texlive-breakurl-doc - texlive-bredzenie - texlive-bredzenie-doc - texlive-breqn - texlive-breqn-doc - texlive-bropd - texlive-bropd-doc - texlive-brushscr - texlive-brushscr-doc - texlive-brushscr-fonts - texlive-bullcntr - texlive-bullcntr-doc - texlive-bundledoc - texlive-bundledoc-bin - texlive-bundledoc-doc - texlive-burmese - texlive-burmese-doc - texlive-burmese-fonts - texlive-bussproofs - texlive-bussproofs-doc - texlive-bxbase - texlive-bxbase-doc - texlive-bxcalc - texlive-bxcalc-doc - texlive-bxcjkjatype - texlive-bxcjkjatype-doc - texlive-bxdpx-beamer - texlive-bxdpx-beamer-doc - texlive-bxdvidriver - texlive-bxdvidriver-doc - texlive-bxeepic - texlive-bxeepic-doc - texlive-bxenclose - texlive-bxenclose-doc - texlive-bxjalipsum - texlive-bxjalipsum-doc - texlive-bxjaprnind - texlive-bxjaprnind-doc - texlive-bxjscls - texlive-bxjscls-doc - texlive-bxnewfont - texlive-bxnewfont-doc - texlive-bxorigcapt - texlive-bxorigcapt-doc - texlive-bxpapersize - texlive-bxpapersize-doc - texlive-bxpdfver - texlive-bxpdfver-doc - texlive-bytefield - texlive-bytefield-doc - texlive-c-pascal - texlive-c-pascal-doc - texlive-c90 - texlive-c90-doc - texlive-cabin - texlive-cabin-doc - texlive-cabin-fonts - texlive-cachepic - texlive-cachepic-bin - texlive-cachepic-doc - texlive-caladea - texlive-caladea-doc - texlive-caladea-fonts - texlive-calcage - texlive-calcage-doc - texlive-calctab - texlive-calctab-doc - texlive-calculation - texlive-calculation-doc - texlive-calculator - texlive-calculator-doc - texlive-calligra - texlive-calligra-doc - texlive-calligra-type1 - texlive-calligra-type1-doc - texlive-calligra-type1-fonts - texlive-callouts - texlive-callouts-doc - texlive-calrsfs - texlive-calrsfs-doc - texlive-cals - texlive-cals-doc - texlive-calxxxx-yyyy - texlive-calxxxx-yyyy-doc - texlive-cancel - texlive-cancel-doc - texlive-canoniclayout - texlive-canoniclayout-doc - texlive-cantarell - texlive-cantarell-doc - texlive-cantarell-fonts - texlive-capt-of - texlive-capt-of-doc - texlive-captcont - texlive-captcont-doc - texlive-captdef - texlive-captdef-doc - texlive-caption - texlive-caption-doc - texlive-carbohydrates - texlive-carbohydrates-doc - texlive-carlisle - texlive-carlisle-doc - texlive-carlito - texlive-carlito-doc - texlive-carlito-fonts - texlive-carolmin-ps - texlive-carolmin-ps-doc - texlive-carolmin-ps-fonts - texlive-cascadilla - texlive-cascadilla-doc - texlive-cases - texlive-cases-doc - texlive-casyl - texlive-casyl-doc - texlive-catchfilebetweentags - texlive-catchfilebetweentags-doc - texlive-catcodes - texlive-catcodes-doc - texlive-catechis - texlive-catechis-doc - texlive-catoptions - texlive-catoptions-doc - texlive-cbcoptic - texlive-cbcoptic-doc - texlive-cbcoptic-fonts - texlive-cbfonts - texlive-cbfonts-doc - texlive-cbfonts-fd - texlive-cbfonts-fd-doc - texlive-cbfonts-fonts - texlive-cc-pl - texlive-cc-pl-doc - texlive-cc-pl-fonts - texlive-ccaption - texlive-ccaption-doc - texlive-ccfonts - texlive-ccfonts-doc - texlive-ccicons - texlive-ccicons-doc - texlive-ccicons-fonts - texlive-cclicenses - texlive-cclicenses-doc - texlive-cd - texlive-cd-cover - texlive-cd-cover-doc - texlive-cd-doc - texlive-cdpbundl - texlive-cdpbundl-doc - texlive-cell - texlive-cell-doc - texlive-cellspace - texlive-cellspace-doc - texlive-celtic - texlive-celtic-doc - texlive-censor - texlive-censor-doc - texlive-cfr-initials - texlive-cfr-initials-doc - texlive-cfr-lm - texlive-cfr-lm-doc - texlive-changebar - texlive-changebar-doc - texlive-changelayout - texlive-changelayout-doc - texlive-changepage - texlive-changepage-doc - texlive-changes - texlive-changes-doc - texlive-chappg - texlive-chappg-doc - texlive-chapterfolder - texlive-chapterfolder-doc - texlive-charter - texlive-charter-doc - texlive-charter-fonts - texlive-chbibref - texlive-chbibref-doc - texlive-checkcites - texlive-checkcites-bin - texlive-checkcites-doc - texlive-checklistings - texlive-checklistings-bin - texlive-checklistings-doc - texlive-chem-journal - texlive-chemarrow - texlive-chemarrow-doc - texlive-chemarrow-fonts - texlive-chembst - texlive-chembst-doc - texlive-chemcompounds - texlive-chemcompounds-doc - texlive-chemcono - texlive-chemcono-doc - texlive-chemexec - texlive-chemexec-doc - texlive-chemfig - texlive-chemfig-doc - texlive-chemformula - texlive-chemformula-doc - texlive-chemgreek - texlive-chemgreek-doc - texlive-chemmacros - texlive-chemmacros-doc - texlive-chemnum - texlive-chemnum-doc - texlive-chemschemex - texlive-chemschemex-doc - texlive-chemstyle - texlive-chemstyle-doc - texlive-cherokee - texlive-cherokee-doc - texlive-chess - texlive-chess-doc - texlive-chess-problem-diagrams - texlive-chess-problem-diagrams-doc - texlive-chessboard - texlive-chessboard-doc - texlive-chessfss - texlive-chessfss-doc - texlive-chet - texlive-chet-doc - texlive-chextras - texlive-chextras-doc - texlive-chicago - texlive-chicago-annote - texlive-chicago-annote-doc - texlive-chickenize - texlive-chickenize-doc - texlive-childdoc - texlive-childdoc-doc - texlive-chivo - texlive-chivo-doc - texlive-chivo-fonts - texlive-chkfloat - texlive-chkfloat-doc - texlive-chktex - texlive-chktex-bin - texlive-chktex-doc - texlive-chletter - texlive-chletter-doc - texlive-chngcntr - texlive-chngcntr-doc - texlive-chronology - texlive-chronology-doc - texlive-chronosys - texlive-chronosys-doc - texlive-chscite - texlive-chscite-doc - texlive-churchslavonic - texlive-churchslavonic-doc - texlive-cinzel - texlive-cinzel-doc - texlive-cinzel-fonts - texlive-circ - texlive-circ-doc - texlive-circuitikz - texlive-circuitikz-doc - texlive-cite - texlive-cite-doc - texlive-citeall - texlive-citeall-doc - texlive-cje - texlive-cje-doc - texlive-cjhebrew - texlive-cjhebrew-doc - texlive-cjhebrew-fonts - texlive-cjk - texlive-cjk-doc - texlive-cjk-gs-integrate - texlive-cjk-gs-integrate-bin - texlive-cjk-gs-integrate-doc - texlive-cjk-ko - texlive-cjk-ko-doc - texlive-cjk-latex-extras - texlive-cjkpunct - texlive-cjkpunct-doc - texlive-cjkutils - texlive-cjkutils-bin - texlive-cjkutils-doc - texlive-classics - texlive-classics-doc - texlive-classicthesis - texlive-classicthesis-doc - texlive-classpack - texlive-classpack-doc - texlive-cleanthesis - texlive-cleanthesis-doc - texlive-clearsans - texlive-clearsans-doc - texlive-clearsans-fonts - texlive-clefval - texlive-clefval-doc - texlive-cleveref - texlive-cleveref-doc - texlive-clipboard - texlive-clipboard-doc - texlive-clock - texlive-clock-doc - texlive-cloze - texlive-cloze-doc - texlive-clrscode - texlive-clrscode-doc - texlive-clrscode3e - texlive-clrscode3e-doc - texlive-cm - texlive-cm-doc - texlive-cm-lgc - texlive-cm-lgc-doc - texlive-cm-lgc-fonts - texlive-cm-super - texlive-cm-super-doc - texlive-cm-super-fonts - texlive-cm-unicode - texlive-cm-unicode-doc - texlive-cm-unicode-fonts - texlive-cmap - texlive-cmap-doc - texlive-cmarrows - texlive-cmarrows-doc - texlive-cmbright - texlive-cmbright-doc - texlive-cmcyr - texlive-cmcyr-doc - texlive-cmcyr-fonts - texlive-cmdstring - texlive-cmdstring-doc - texlive-cmdtrack - texlive-cmdtrack-doc - texlive-cmexb - texlive-cmexb-doc - texlive-cmexb-fonts - texlive-cmextra - texlive-cmll - texlive-cmll-doc - texlive-cmll-fonts - texlive-cmpica - texlive-cmpica-doc - texlive-cmpj - texlive-cmpj-doc - texlive-cmsd - texlive-cmsd-doc - texlive-cmtiup - texlive-cmtiup-doc - texlive-cnbwp - texlive-cnbwp-doc - texlive-cnltx - texlive-cnltx-doc - texlive-cns - texlive-cns-doc - texlive-cntformats - texlive-cntformats-doc - texlive-cntperchap - texlive-cntperchap-doc - texlive-cochineal - texlive-cochineal-doc - texlive-cochineal-fonts - texlive-codedoc - texlive-codedoc-doc - texlive-codepage - texlive-codepage-doc - texlive-codesection - texlive-codesection-doc - texlive-codicefiscaleitaliano - texlive-codicefiscaleitaliano-doc - texlive-collcell - texlive-collcell-doc - texlive-collectbox - texlive-collectbox-doc - texlive-collection-basic - texlive-collection-bibtexextra - texlive-collection-binextra - texlive-collection-context - texlive-collection-fontsextra - texlive-collection-fontsrecommended - texlive-collection-fontutils - texlive-collection-formatsextra - texlive-collection-games - texlive-collection-humanities - texlive-collection-langarabic - texlive-collection-langchinese - texlive-collection-langcjk - texlive-collection-langcyrillic - texlive-collection-langczechslovak - texlive-collection-langenglish - texlive-collection-langeuropean - texlive-collection-langfrench - texlive-collection-langgerman - texlive-collection-langgreek - texlive-collection-langitalian - texlive-collection-langjapanese - texlive-collection-langkorean - texlive-collection-langother - texlive-collection-langpolish - texlive-collection-langportuguese - texlive-collection-langspanish - texlive-collection-latex - texlive-collection-latexextra - texlive-collection-latexrecommended - texlive-collection-luatex - texlive-collection-mathscience - texlive-collection-metapost - texlive-collection-music - texlive-collection-pictures - texlive-collection-plaingeneric - texlive-collection-pstricks - texlive-collection-publishers - texlive-collection-xetex - texlive-collref - texlive-collref-doc - texlive-colordoc - texlive-colordoc-doc - texlive-colorinfo - texlive-colorinfo-doc - texlive-coloring - texlive-coloring-doc - texlive-colorsep - texlive-colorspace - texlive-colorspace-doc - texlive-colortab - texlive-colortab-doc - texlive-colortbl - texlive-colortbl-doc - texlive-colorwav - texlive-colorwav-doc - texlive-colorweb - texlive-colorweb-doc - texlive-colourchange - texlive-colourchange-doc - texlive-combelow - texlive-combelow-doc - texlive-combine - texlive-combine-doc - texlive-combinedgraphics - texlive-combinedgraphics-doc - texlive-combofont - texlive-combofont-doc - texlive-comfortaa - texlive-comfortaa-doc - texlive-comfortaa-fonts - texlive-comicneue - texlive-comicneue-doc - texlive-comicneue-fonts - texlive-comma - texlive-comma-doc - texlive-commado - texlive-commado-doc - texlive-commath - texlive-commath-doc - texlive-comment - texlive-comment-doc - texlive-compactbib - texlive-complexity - texlive-complexity-doc - texlive-components-of-TeX - texlive-comprehensive - texlive-computational-complexity - texlive-computational-complexity-doc - texlive-concepts - texlive-concepts-doc - texlive-concmath - texlive-concmath-doc - texlive-concmath-fonts - texlive-concmath-fonts-doc - texlive-concprog - texlive-concprog-doc - texlive-concrete - texlive-concrete-doc - texlive-confproc - texlive-confproc-doc - texlive-constants - texlive-constants-doc - texlive-conteq - texlive-conteq-doc - texlive-context - texlive-context-account - texlive-context-account-doc - texlive-context-algorithmic - texlive-context-animation - texlive-context-animation-doc - texlive-context-annotation - texlive-context-annotation-doc - texlive-context-bin - texlive-context-bnf - texlive-context-bnf-doc - texlive-context-chromato - texlive-context-chromato-doc - texlive-context-cmscbf - texlive-context-cmscbf-doc - texlive-context-cmttbf - texlive-context-cmttbf-doc - texlive-context-construction-plan - texlive-context-construction-plan-doc - texlive-context-cyrillicnumbers - texlive-context-cyrillicnumbers-doc - texlive-context-degrade - texlive-context-degrade-doc - texlive-context-doc - texlive-context-fancybreak - texlive-context-fancybreak-doc - texlive-context-filter - texlive-context-filter-doc - texlive-context-fonts - texlive-context-french - texlive-context-french-doc - texlive-context-fullpage - texlive-context-fullpage-doc - texlive-context-gantt - texlive-context-gantt-doc - texlive-context-gnuplot - texlive-context-gnuplot-doc - texlive-context-inifile - texlive-context-inifile-doc - texlive-context-layout - texlive-context-layout-doc - texlive-context-letter - texlive-context-letter-doc - texlive-context-lettrine - texlive-context-lettrine-doc - texlive-context-mathsets - texlive-context-mathsets-doc - texlive-context-notes-zh-cn - texlive-context-rst - texlive-context-rst-doc - texlive-context-ruby - texlive-context-ruby-doc - texlive-context-simplefonts - texlive-context-simplefonts-doc - texlive-context-simpleslides - texlive-context-simpleslides-doc - texlive-context-title - texlive-context-title-doc - texlive-context-transliterator - texlive-context-transliterator-doc - texlive-context-typearea - texlive-context-typearea-doc - texlive-context-typescripts - texlive-context-typescripts-doc - texlive-context-vim - texlive-context-vim-doc - texlive-context-visualcounter - texlive-context-visualcounter-doc - texlive-continue - texlive-continue-doc - texlive-contour - texlive-contour-doc - texlive-contracard - texlive-contracard-doc - texlive-conv-xkv - texlive-conv-xkv-doc - texlive-convbkmk - texlive-convbkmk-bin - texlive-convbkmk-doc - texlive-cooking - texlive-cooking-doc - texlive-cooking-units - texlive-cooking-units-doc - texlive-cookingsymbols - texlive-cookingsymbols-doc - texlive-cool - texlive-cool-doc - texlive-coollist - texlive-coollist-doc - texlive-coolstr - texlive-coolstr-doc - texlive-coolthms - texlive-coolthms-doc - texlive-cooltooltips - texlive-cooltooltips-doc - texlive-coordsys - texlive-coordsys-doc - texlive-copyedit - texlive-copyedit-doc - texlive-copyrightbox - texlive-copyrightbox-doc - texlive-cormorantgaramond - texlive-cormorantgaramond-doc - texlive-cormorantgaramond-fonts - texlive-correctmathalign - texlive-correctmathalign-doc - texlive-coseoul - texlive-coseoul-doc - texlive-countriesofeurope - texlive-countriesofeurope-doc - texlive-countriesofeurope-fonts - texlive-counttexruns - texlive-counttexruns-doc - texlive-courier - texlive-courier-fonts - texlive-courier-scaled - texlive-courier-scaled-doc - texlive-courseoutline - texlive-courseoutline-doc - texlive-coursepaper - texlive-coursepaper-doc - texlive-coverpage - texlive-coverpage-doc - texlive-covington - texlive-covington-doc - texlive-cprotect - texlive-cprotect-doc - texlive-cquthesis - texlive-cquthesis-doc - texlive-crbox - texlive-crbox-doc - texlive-crimson - texlive-crimson-doc - texlive-crimson-fonts - texlive-crop - texlive-crop-doc - texlive-crossreference - texlive-crossreference-doc - texlive-crossrefware - texlive-crossrefware-bin - texlive-crossrefware-doc - texlive-crossword - texlive-crossword-doc - texlive-crosswrd - texlive-crosswrd-doc - texlive-cryptocode - texlive-cryptocode-doc - texlive-cryst - texlive-cryst-doc - texlive-cryst-fonts - texlive-cs - texlive-cs-fonts - texlive-csbulletin - texlive-csbulletin-doc - texlive-cslatex - texlive-cslatex-bin - texlive-csplain - texlive-csplain-bin - texlive-csquotes - texlive-csquotes-de - texlive-csquotes-doc - texlive-css-colors - texlive-css-colors-doc - texlive-cstex - texlive-cstypo - texlive-cstypo-doc - texlive-csvsimple - texlive-csvsimple-doc - texlive-ctable - texlive-ctable-doc - texlive-ctablestack - texlive-ctablestack-doc - texlive-ctan_chk - texlive-ctanify - texlive-ctanify-bin - texlive-ctanify-doc - texlive-ctanupload - texlive-ctanupload-bin - texlive-ctanupload-doc - texlive-ctex - texlive-ctex-doc - texlive-ctex-faq - texlive-ctib - texlive-ctib-doc - texlive-ctie - texlive-ctie-bin - texlive-cuisine - texlive-cuisine-doc - texlive-currency - texlive-currency-doc - texlive-currfile - texlive-currfile-doc - texlive-currvita - texlive-currvita-doc - texlive-cursolatex - texlive-curve - texlive-curve-doc - texlive-curve2e - texlive-curve2e-doc - texlive-curves - texlive-curves-doc - texlive-custom-bib - texlive-custom-bib-doc - texlive-cutwin - texlive-cutwin-doc - texlive-cv - texlive-cv-doc - texlive-cv4tw - texlive-cv4tw-doc - texlive-cweb - texlive-cweb-bin - texlive-cweb-doc - texlive-cweb-latex - texlive-cweb-latex-doc - texlive-cyber - texlive-cyber-doc - texlive-cybercic - texlive-cybercic-doc - texlive-cyklop - texlive-cyklop-doc - texlive-cyklop-fonts - texlive-cyrillic - texlive-cyrillic-bin - texlive-cyrillic-bin-bin - texlive-cyrillic-bin-doc - texlive-cyrillic-doc - texlive-cyrplain - texlive-dad - texlive-dad-doc - texlive-dad-fonts - texlive-dancers - texlive-dantelogo - texlive-dantelogo-doc - texlive-dantelogo-fonts - texlive-dashbox - texlive-dashbox-doc - texlive-dashrule - texlive-dashrule-doc - texlive-dashundergaps - texlive-dashundergaps-doc - texlive-dataref - texlive-dataref-doc - texlive-datatool - texlive-datatool-doc - texlive-dateiliste - texlive-dateiliste-doc - texlive-datenumber - texlive-datenumber-doc - texlive-datetime - texlive-datetime-doc - texlive-datetime2 - texlive-datetime2-bahasai - texlive-datetime2-bahasai-doc - texlive-datetime2-basque - texlive-datetime2-basque-doc - texlive-datetime2-breton - texlive-datetime2-breton-doc - texlive-datetime2-bulgarian - texlive-datetime2-bulgarian-doc - texlive-datetime2-catalan - texlive-datetime2-catalan-doc - texlive-datetime2-croatian - texlive-datetime2-croatian-doc - texlive-datetime2-czech - texlive-datetime2-czech-doc - texlive-datetime2-danish - texlive-datetime2-danish-doc - texlive-datetime2-doc - texlive-datetime2-dutch - texlive-datetime2-dutch-doc - texlive-datetime2-en-fulltext - texlive-datetime2-en-fulltext-doc - texlive-datetime2-english - texlive-datetime2-english-doc - texlive-datetime2-esperanto - texlive-datetime2-esperanto-doc - texlive-datetime2-estonian - texlive-datetime2-estonian-doc - texlive-datetime2-finnish - texlive-datetime2-finnish-doc - texlive-datetime2-french - texlive-datetime2-french-doc - texlive-datetime2-galician - texlive-datetime2-galician-doc - texlive-datetime2-german - texlive-datetime2-german-doc - texlive-datetime2-greek - texlive-datetime2-greek-doc - texlive-datetime2-hebrew - texlive-datetime2-hebrew-doc - texlive-datetime2-icelandic - texlive-datetime2-icelandic-doc - texlive-datetime2-irish - texlive-datetime2-irish-doc - texlive-datetime2-it-fulltext - texlive-datetime2-it-fulltext-doc - texlive-datetime2-italian - texlive-datetime2-italian-doc - texlive-datetime2-latin - texlive-datetime2-latin-doc - texlive-datetime2-lsorbian - texlive-datetime2-lsorbian-doc - texlive-datetime2-magyar - texlive-datetime2-magyar-doc - texlive-datetime2-norsk - texlive-datetime2-norsk-doc - texlive-datetime2-polish - texlive-datetime2-polish-doc - texlive-datetime2-portuges - texlive-datetime2-portuges-doc - texlive-datetime2-romanian - texlive-datetime2-romanian-doc - texlive-datetime2-russian - texlive-datetime2-russian-doc - texlive-datetime2-samin - texlive-datetime2-samin-doc - texlive-datetime2-scottish - texlive-datetime2-scottish-doc - texlive-datetime2-serbian - texlive-datetime2-serbian-doc - texlive-datetime2-slovak - texlive-datetime2-slovak-doc - texlive-datetime2-slovene - texlive-datetime2-slovene-doc - texlive-datetime2-spanish - texlive-datetime2-spanish-doc - texlive-datetime2-swedish - texlive-datetime2-swedish-doc - texlive-datetime2-turkish - texlive-datetime2-turkish-doc - texlive-datetime2-ukrainian - texlive-datetime2-ukrainian-doc - texlive-datetime2-usorbian - texlive-datetime2-usorbian-doc - texlive-datetime2-welsh - texlive-datetime2-welsh-doc - texlive-dblfloatfix - texlive-dblfloatfix-doc - texlive-dccpaper - texlive-dccpaper-doc - texlive-dcpic - texlive-dcpic-doc - texlive-de-macro - texlive-de-macro-bin - texlive-de-macro-doc - texlive-decimal - texlive-decimal-doc - texlive-decorule - texlive-decorule-doc - texlive-dehyph-exptl - texlive-dehyph-exptl-doc - texlive-dejavu - texlive-dejavu-doc - texlive-dejavu-fonts - texlive-delim - texlive-delim-doc - texlive-delimseasy - texlive-delimseasy-doc - texlive-delimset - texlive-delimset-doc - texlive-delimtxt - texlive-delimtxt-doc - texlive-denisbdoc - texlive-denisbdoc-doc - texlive-detex - texlive-detex-bin - texlive-devel - texlive-dhua - texlive-dhua-doc - texlive-diadia - texlive-diadia-bin - texlive-diadia-doc - texlive-diagbox - texlive-diagbox-doc - texlive-diagmac2 - texlive-diagmac2-doc - texlive-diagnose - texlive-diagnose-doc - texlive-dialogl - texlive-dialogl-doc - texlive-dice - texlive-dice-doc - texlive-dichokey - texlive-dichokey-doc - texlive-dickimaw - texlive-dictsym - texlive-dictsym-doc - texlive-dictsym-fonts - texlive-diffcoeff - texlive-diffcoeff-doc - texlive-digiconfigs - texlive-digiconfigs-doc - texlive-din1505 - texlive-din1505-doc - texlive-dinat - texlive-dinat-doc - texlive-dinbrief - texlive-dinbrief-doc - texlive-dingbat - texlive-dingbat-doc - texlive-directory - texlive-directory-doc - texlive-dirtree - texlive-dirtree-doc - texlive-dirtytalk - texlive-dirtytalk-doc - texlive-disser - texlive-disser-doc - texlive-dithesis - texlive-dithesis-doc - texlive-dk-bib - texlive-dk-bib-doc - texlive-dlfltxb - texlive-dlfltxb-doc - texlive-dnaseq - texlive-dnaseq-doc - texlive-dnp - texlive-doc-pictex - texlive-docbytex - texlive-docbytex-doc - texlive-doclicense - texlive-doclicense-doc - texlive-docmfp - texlive-docmfp-doc - texlive-docmute - texlive-docmute-doc - texlive-docsurvey - texlive-doctools - texlive-doctools-doc - texlive-documentation - texlive-documentation-doc - texlive-doi - texlive-doi-doc - texlive-doipubmed - texlive-doipubmed-doc - texlive-dosepsbin - texlive-dosepsbin-bin - texlive-dosepsbin-doc - texlive-dot2texi - texlive-dot2texi-doc - texlive-dotarrow - texlive-dotarrow-doc - texlive-dotseqn - texlive-dotseqn-doc - texlive-dottex - texlive-dottex-doc - texlive-doublestroke - texlive-doublestroke-doc - texlive-doublestroke-fonts - texlive-dowith - texlive-dowith-doc - texlive-download - texlive-download-doc - texlive-dox - texlive-dox-doc - texlive-dozenal - texlive-dozenal-doc - texlive-dozenal-fonts - texlive-dpfloat - texlive-dpfloat-doc - texlive-dprogress - texlive-dprogress-doc - texlive-drac - texlive-drac-doc - texlive-draftcopy - texlive-draftcopy-doc - texlive-draftfigure - texlive-draftfigure-doc - texlive-draftwatermark - texlive-draftwatermark-doc - texlive-dramatist - texlive-dramatist-doc - texlive-dratex - texlive-dratex-doc - texlive-drawmatrix - texlive-drawmatrix-doc - texlive-drawstack - texlive-drawstack-doc - texlive-drm - texlive-drm-doc - texlive-drm-fonts - texlive-droid - texlive-droid-doc - texlive-droid-fonts - texlive-droit-fr - texlive-droit-fr-doc - texlive-drs - texlive-drs-doc - texlive-drv - texlive-drv-doc - texlive-dsptricks - texlive-dsptricks-doc - texlive-dtk - texlive-dtk-doc - texlive-dtl - texlive-dtl-bin - texlive-dtxdescribe - texlive-dtxdescribe-doc - texlive-dtxgallery - texlive-dtxgallery-doc - texlive-dtxgen - texlive-dtxgen-bin - texlive-dtxgen-doc - texlive-dtxtut - texlive-duerer - texlive-duerer-doc - texlive-duerer-latex - texlive-duerer-latex-doc - texlive-duotenzor - texlive-duotenzor-doc - texlive-dutchcal - texlive-dutchcal-doc - texlive-dutchcal-fonts - texlive-dvdcoll - texlive-dvdcoll-doc - texlive-dvgloss - texlive-dvgloss-doc - texlive-dviasm - texlive-dviasm-bin - texlive-dviasm-doc - texlive-dvicopy - texlive-dvicopy-bin - texlive-dvidvi - texlive-dvidvi-bin - texlive-dviincl - texlive-dviincl-doc - texlive-dviinfox - texlive-dviinfox-bin - texlive-dviinfox-doc - texlive-dviljk - texlive-dviljk-bin - texlive-dvipdfmx - texlive-dvipdfmx-bin - texlive-dvipdfmx-doc - texlive-dvipng - texlive-dvipng-bin - texlive-dvipos - texlive-dvipos-bin - texlive-dvips - texlive-dvips-bin - texlive-dvips-doc - texlive-dvipsconfig - texlive-dvisvgm - texlive-dvisvgm-bin - texlive-dynamicnumber - texlive-dynamicnumber-doc - texlive-dynblocks - texlive-dynblocks-doc - texlive-dyntree - texlive-dyntree-doc - texlive-e-french - texlive-e-french-doc - texlive-ean - texlive-ean-doc - texlive-ean13isbn - texlive-ean13isbn-doc - texlive-easy - texlive-easy-doc - texlive-easy-todo - texlive-easy-todo-doc - texlive-easyfig - texlive-easyfig-doc - texlive-easyformat - texlive-easyformat-doc - texlive-easylist - texlive-easylist-doc - texlive-easyreview - texlive-easyreview-doc - texlive-ebezier - texlive-ebezier-doc - texlive-ebgaramond - texlive-ebgaramond-doc - texlive-ebgaramond-fonts - texlive-ebgaramond-maths - texlive-ebgaramond-maths-doc - texlive-ebong - texlive-ebong-bin - texlive-ebong-doc - texlive-ebook - texlive-ebook-doc - texlive-ebproof - texlive-ebproof-doc - texlive-ebsthesis - texlive-ebsthesis-doc - texlive-ec - texlive-ec-doc - texlive-ecc - texlive-ecc-doc - texlive-ecclesiastic - texlive-ecclesiastic-doc - texlive-ecgdraw - texlive-ecgdraw-doc - texlive-ecltree - texlive-ecltree-doc - texlive-eco - texlive-eco-doc - texlive-ecobiblatex - texlive-ecobiblatex-doc - texlive-econometrics - texlive-econometrics-doc - texlive-economic - texlive-economic-doc - texlive-ecv - texlive-ecv-doc - texlive-ed - texlive-ed-doc - texlive-edfnotes - texlive-edfnotes-doc - texlive-edmac - texlive-edmac-doc - texlive-edmargin - texlive-edmargin-doc - texlive-ednotes - texlive-ednotes-doc - texlive-eemeir - texlive-eemeir-doc - texlive-eepic - texlive-eepic-doc - texlive-efbox - texlive-efbox-doc - texlive-egameps - texlive-egameps-doc - texlive-egplot - texlive-egplot-doc - texlive-eiad - texlive-eiad-doc - texlive-eiad-ltx - texlive-eiad-ltx-doc - texlive-eijkhout - texlive-einfuehrung - texlive-einfuehrung2 - texlive-ejpecp - texlive-ejpecp-doc - texlive-ekaia - texlive-ekaia-doc - texlive-elbioimp - texlive-elbioimp-doc - texlive-electrum - texlive-electrum-doc - texlive-electrum-fonts - texlive-eledform - texlive-eledform-doc - texlive-eledmac - texlive-eledmac-doc - texlive-elements - texlive-elements-doc - texlive-ellipse - texlive-ellipse-doc - texlive-ellipsis - texlive-ellipsis-doc - texlive-elmath - texlive-elmath-doc - texlive-elocalloc - texlive-elocalloc-doc - texlive-elpres - texlive-elpres-doc - texlive-elsarticle - texlive-elsarticle-doc - texlive-elteikthesis - texlive-elteikthesis-doc - texlive-eltex - texlive-eltex-doc - texlive-elvish - texlive-elvish-doc - texlive-elzcards - texlive-elzcards-doc - texlive-emarks - texlive-emarks-doc - texlive-embedall - texlive-embedall-doc - texlive-embrac - texlive-embrac-doc - texlive-emf - texlive-emf-doc - texlive-emisa - texlive-emisa-doc - texlive-emp - texlive-emp-doc - texlive-emptypage - texlive-emptypage-doc - texlive-emulateapj - texlive-emulateapj-doc - texlive-enctex - texlive-enctex-doc - texlive-encxvlna - texlive-encxvlna-doc - texlive-endfloat - texlive-endfloat-doc - texlive-endheads - texlive-endheads-doc - texlive-endiagram - texlive-endiagram-doc - texlive-endnotes - texlive-endnotes-doc - texlive-engpron - texlive-engpron-doc - texlive-engrec - texlive-engrec-doc - texlive-engtlc - texlive-engtlc-doc - texlive-enigma - texlive-enigma-doc - texlive-enotez - texlive-enotez-doc - texlive-enumitem - texlive-enumitem-doc - texlive-enumitem-zref - texlive-enumitem-zref-doc - texlive-envbig - texlive-envbig-doc - texlive-environ - texlive-environ-doc - texlive-envlab - texlive-envlab-doc - texlive-epigrafica - texlive-epigrafica-doc - texlive-epigrafica-fonts - texlive-epigram - texlive-epigraph - texlive-epigraph-doc - texlive-epiolmec - texlive-epiolmec-doc - texlive-epiolmec-fonts - texlive-eplain - texlive-eplain-bin - texlive-eplain-doc - texlive-epsdice - texlive-epsdice-doc - texlive-epsf - texlive-epsf-doc - texlive-epsf-dvipdfmx - texlive-epsf-dvipdfmx-doc - texlive-epsincl - texlive-epsincl-doc - texlive-epslatex-fr - texlive-epspdf - texlive-epspdf-bin - texlive-epspdf-doc - texlive-epspdfconversion - texlive-epspdfconversion-doc - texlive-epstopdf - texlive-epstopdf-bin - texlive-epstopdf-doc - texlive-eqell - texlive-eqell-doc - texlive-eqlist - texlive-eqlist-doc - texlive-eqnalign - texlive-eqnalign-doc - texlive-eqname - texlive-eqnarray - texlive-eqnarray-doc - texlive-eqparbox - texlive-eqparbox-doc - texlive-erdc - texlive-erdc-doc - texlive-erewhon - texlive-erewhon-doc - texlive-erewhon-fonts - texlive-errata - texlive-errata-doc - texlive-es-tex-faq - texlive-esami - texlive-esami-doc - texlive-esdiff - texlive-esdiff-doc - texlive-esint - texlive-esint-doc - texlive-esint-type1 - texlive-esint-type1-doc - texlive-esint-type1-fonts - texlive-esk - texlive-esk-doc - texlive-eskd - texlive-eskd-doc - texlive-eskdx - texlive-eskdx-doc - texlive-eso-pic - texlive-eso-pic-doc - texlive-esrelation - texlive-esrelation-doc - texlive-esrelation-fonts - texlive-esstix - texlive-esstix-doc - texlive-esstix-fonts - texlive-estcpmm - texlive-estcpmm-doc - texlive-esvect - texlive-esvect-doc - texlive-esvect-fonts - texlive-etaremune - texlive-etaremune-doc - texlive-etdipa - texlive-etex - texlive-etex-doc - texlive-etex-pkg - texlive-etex-pkg-doc - texlive-etextools - texlive-etextools-doc - texlive-ethiop - texlive-ethiop-doc - texlive-ethiop-t1 - texlive-ethiop-t1-doc - texlive-ethiop-t1-fonts - texlive-etoc - texlive-etoc-doc - texlive-etoolbox - texlive-etoolbox-de - texlive-etoolbox-doc - texlive-euenc - texlive-euenc-doc - texlive-eukdate - texlive-eukdate-doc - texlive-euler - texlive-euler-doc - texlive-eulerpx - texlive-eulerpx-doc - texlive-eulervm - texlive-eulervm-doc - texlive-euro - texlive-euro-ce - texlive-euro-ce-doc - texlive-euro-doc - texlive-europasscv - texlive-europasscv-doc - texlive-europecv - texlive-europecv-doc - texlive-eurosym - texlive-eurosym-doc - texlive-eurosym-fonts - texlive-euxm - texlive-everyhook - texlive-everyhook-doc - texlive-everypage - texlive-everypage-doc - texlive-exam - texlive-exam-doc - texlive-exam-n - texlive-exam-n-doc - texlive-examdesign - texlive-examdesign-doc - texlive-example - texlive-examplep - texlive-examplep-doc - texlive-exceltex - texlive-exceltex-bin - texlive-exceltex-doc - texlive-excludeonly - texlive-excludeonly-doc - texlive-exercise - texlive-exercise-doc - texlive-exercises - texlive-exercises-doc - texlive-exp-testopt - texlive-exp-testopt-doc - texlive-expdlist - texlive-expdlist-doc - texlive-expex - texlive-expex-doc - texlive-export - texlive-export-doc - texlive-expressg - texlive-expressg-doc - texlive-exsheets - texlive-exsheets-doc - texlive-exsol - texlive-exsol-doc - texlive-extarrows - texlive-extarrows-doc - texlive-exteps - texlive-exteps-doc - texlive-extpfeil - texlive-extpfeil-doc - texlive-extract - texlive-extract-doc - texlive-extratools - texlive-extsizes - texlive-extsizes-doc - texlive-facsimile - texlive-facsimile-doc - texlive-factura - texlive-factura-doc - texlive-facture - texlive-facture-doc - texlive-faktor - texlive-faktor-doc - texlive-fancybox - texlive-fancybox-doc - texlive-fancyhdr - texlive-fancyhdr-doc - texlive-fancyhdr-it - texlive-fancylabel - texlive-fancylabel-doc - texlive-fancynum - texlive-fancynum-doc - texlive-fancypar - texlive-fancypar-doc - texlive-fancyref - texlive-fancyref-doc - texlive-fancyslides - texlive-fancyslides-doc - texlive-fancytabs - texlive-fancytabs-doc - texlive-fancytooltips - texlive-fancytooltips-doc - texlive-fancyvrb - texlive-fancyvrb-doc - texlive-fandol - texlive-fandol-doc - texlive-fandol-fonts - texlive-fast-diagram - texlive-fast-diagram-doc - texlive-fbb - texlive-fbb-doc - texlive-fbb-fonts - texlive-fbithesis - texlive-fbithesis-doc - texlive-fbs - texlive-fc - texlive-fc-doc - texlive-fcavtex - texlive-fcavtex-doc - texlive-fcltxdoc - texlive-fcltxdoc-doc - texlive-fcolumn - texlive-fcolumn-doc - texlive-fdsymbol - texlive-fdsymbol-doc - texlive-fdsymbol-fonts - texlive-featpost - texlive-featpost-doc - texlive-fei - texlive-fei-doc - texlive-fenixpar - texlive-fenixpar-doc - texlive-fetamont - texlive-fetamont-doc - texlive-fetamont-fonts - texlive-feupphdteses - texlive-feupphdteses-doc - texlive-feyn - texlive-feyn-doc - texlive-feynmf - texlive-feynmf-doc - texlive-feynmp-auto - texlive-feynmp-auto-doc - texlive-ffslides - texlive-ffslides-doc - texlive-fge - texlive-fge-doc - texlive-fge-fonts - texlive-fgruler - texlive-fgruler-doc - texlive-fibeamer - texlive-fibeamer-doc - texlive-fifinddo-info - texlive-fifinddo-info-doc - texlive-fifo-stack - texlive-fifo-stack-doc - texlive-fig4latex - texlive-fig4latex-bin - texlive-fig4latex-doc - texlive-figbas - texlive-figbas-doc - texlive-figbas-fonts - texlive-figbib - texlive-figbib-doc - texlive-figflow - texlive-figflow-doc - texlive-figsize - texlive-figsize-doc - texlive-filecontents - texlive-filecontents-doc - texlive-filecontentsdef - texlive-filecontentsdef-doc - texlive-filedate - texlive-filedate-doc - texlive-filehook - texlive-filehook-doc - texlive-fileinfo - texlive-fileinfo-doc - texlive-filemod - texlive-filemod-doc - texlive-filesystem - texlive-finbib - texlive-findhyph - texlive-findhyph-bin - texlive-findhyph-doc - texlive-fink - texlive-fink-doc - texlive-finstrut - texlive-finstrut-doc - texlive-fira - texlive-fira-doc - texlive-fira-fonts - texlive-first-latex-doc - texlive-fitbox - texlive-fitbox-doc - texlive-fithesis - texlive-fithesis-doc - texlive-fix2col - texlive-fix2col-doc - texlive-fixcmex - texlive-fixcmex-doc - texlive-fixfoot - texlive-fixfoot-doc - texlive-fixlatvian - texlive-fixlatvian-doc - texlive-fixltxhyph - texlive-fixltxhyph-doc - texlive-fixme - texlive-fixme-doc - texlive-fixmetodonotes - texlive-fixmetodonotes-doc - texlive-fixpdfmag - texlive-fjodor - texlive-fjodor-doc - texlive-flabels - texlive-flabels-doc - texlive-flacards - texlive-flacards-doc - texlive-flagderiv - texlive-flagderiv-doc - texlive-flashcards - texlive-flashcards-doc - texlive-flashmovie - texlive-flashmovie-doc - texlive-flipbook - texlive-flipbook-doc - texlive-flippdf - texlive-flippdf-doc - texlive-float - texlive-float-doc - texlive-floatrow - texlive-floatrow-doc - texlive-flowchart - texlive-flowchart-doc - texlive-flowfram - texlive-flowfram-doc - texlive-fltpoint - texlive-fltpoint-doc - texlive-fmp - texlive-fmp-doc - texlive-fmtcount - texlive-fmtcount-doc - texlive-fn2end - texlive-fn2end-doc - texlive-fnbreak - texlive-fnbreak-doc - texlive-fncychap - texlive-fncychap-doc - texlive-fncylab - texlive-fncylab-doc - texlive-fnpara - texlive-fnpara-doc - texlive-fnpct - texlive-fnpct-doc - texlive-fnspe - texlive-fnspe-doc - texlive-fntproof - texlive-fntproof-doc - texlive-fnumprint - texlive-fnumprint-doc - texlive-foekfont - texlive-foekfont-doc - texlive-foekfont-fonts - texlive-foilhtml - texlive-foilhtml-doc - texlive-fonetika - texlive-fonetika-doc - texlive-fonetika-fonts - texlive-font-change - texlive-font-change-doc - texlive-font-change-xetex - texlive-font-change-xetex-doc - texlive-fontawesome - texlive-fontawesome-doc - texlive-fontawesome-fonts - texlive-fontaxes - texlive-fontaxes-doc - texlive-fontbook - texlive-fontbook-doc - texlive-fontch - texlive-fontch-doc - texlive-fontinst - texlive-fontinst-bin - texlive-fontinst-doc - texlive-fontmfizz - texlive-fontmfizz-doc - texlive-fontmfizz-fonts - texlive-fontname - texlive-fontname-doc - texlive-fontools - texlive-fontools-bin - texlive-fontools-doc - texlive-fonts-churchslavonic - texlive-fonts-churchslavonic-doc - texlive-fonts-churchslavonic-fonts - texlive-fonts-tlwg - texlive-fonts-tlwg-doc - texlive-fonts-tlwg-fonts - texlive-fontspec - texlive-fontspec-doc - texlive-fonttable - texlive-fonttable-doc - texlive-fontware - texlive-fontware-bin - texlive-fontwrap - texlive-fontwrap-doc - texlive-footbib - texlive-footbib-doc - texlive-footmisc - texlive-footmisc-doc - texlive-footmisx - texlive-footmisx-doc - texlive-footnotebackref - texlive-footnotebackref-doc - texlive-footnotehyper - texlive-footnotehyper-doc - texlive-footnoterange - texlive-footnoterange-doc - texlive-footnpag - texlive-footnpag-doc - texlive-forarray - texlive-forarray-doc - texlive-foreign - texlive-foreign-doc - texlive-forest - texlive-forest-doc - texlive-forest-quickstart - texlive-forloop - texlive-forloop-doc - texlive-formation-latex-ul - texlive-formation-latex-ul-doc - texlive-formlett - texlive-formlett-doc - texlive-formular - texlive-formular-doc - texlive-fouridx - texlive-fouridx-doc - texlive-fourier - texlive-fourier-doc - texlive-fourier-fonts - texlive-fouriernc - texlive-fouriernc-doc - texlive-fp - texlive-fp-doc - texlive-fpl - texlive-fpl-doc - texlive-fpl-fonts - texlive-fragmaster - texlive-fragmaster-bin - texlive-fragmaster-doc - texlive-fragments - texlive-fragments-doc - texlive-frame - texlive-frame-doc - texlive-framed - texlive-framed-doc - texlive-francais-bst - texlive-francais-bst-doc - texlive-frankenstein - texlive-frankenstein-doc - texlive-frcursive - texlive-frcursive-doc - texlive-frcursive-fonts - texlive-frederika2016 - texlive-frederika2016-doc - texlive-frederika2016-fonts - texlive-frege - texlive-frege-doc - texlive-frletter - texlive-frletter-doc - texlive-frontespizio - texlive-frontespizio-doc - texlive-ftcap - texlive-ftcap-doc - texlive-ftnxtra - texlive-ftnxtra-doc - texlive-fullblck - texlive-fullblck-doc - texlive-fullminipage - texlive-fullminipage-doc - texlive-fullwidth - texlive-fullwidth-doc - texlive-functan - texlive-functan-doc - texlive-fundus-calligra - texlive-fundus-calligra-doc - texlive-fundus-cyr - texlive-fundus-sueterlin - texlive-fundus-sueterlin-doc - texlive-fvextra - texlive-fvextra-doc - texlive-fwlw - texlive-fwlw-doc - texlive-g-brief - texlive-g-brief-doc - texlive-gaceta - texlive-gaceta-doc - texlive-galois - texlive-galois-doc - texlive-gamebook - texlive-gamebook-doc - texlive-garrigues - texlive-garrigues-doc - texlive-garuda-c90 - texlive-gastex - texlive-gastex-doc - texlive-gatech-thesis - texlive-gatech-thesis-doc - texlive-gates - texlive-gates-doc - texlive-gauss - texlive-gauss-doc - texlive-gb4e - texlive-gb4e-doc - texlive-gcard - texlive-gcard-doc - texlive-gchords - texlive-gchords-doc - texlive-gcite - texlive-gcite-doc - texlive-gender - texlive-gender-doc - texlive-gene-logic - texlive-gene-logic-doc - texlive-genealogy - texlive-genealogy-doc - texlive-genealogytree - texlive-genealogytree-doc - texlive-genmisc - texlive-genmpage - texlive-genmpage-doc - texlive-gentium-tug - texlive-gentium-tug-doc - texlive-gentium-tug-fonts - texlive-gentle - texlive-geometry - texlive-geometry-de - texlive-geometry-doc - texlive-german - texlive-german-doc - texlive-germbib - texlive-germbib-doc - texlive-germkorr - texlive-germkorr-doc - texlive-geschichtsfrkl - texlive-geschichtsfrkl-doc - texlive-getfiledate - texlive-getfiledate-doc - texlive-getitems - texlive-getitems-doc - texlive-getmap - texlive-getmap-bin - texlive-getmap-doc - texlive-getoptk - texlive-getoptk-doc - texlive-gfnotation - texlive-gfnotation-doc - texlive-gfsartemisia - texlive-gfsartemisia-doc - texlive-gfsartemisia-fonts - texlive-gfsbaskerville - texlive-gfsbaskerville-doc - texlive-gfsbaskerville-fonts - texlive-gfsbodoni - texlive-gfsbodoni-doc - texlive-gfsbodoni-fonts - texlive-gfscomplutum - texlive-gfscomplutum-doc - texlive-gfscomplutum-fonts - texlive-gfsdidot - texlive-gfsdidot-doc - texlive-gfsdidot-fonts - texlive-gfsneohellenic - texlive-gfsneohellenic-doc - texlive-gfsneohellenic-fonts - texlive-gfsporson - texlive-gfsporson-doc - texlive-gfsporson-fonts - texlive-gfssolomos - texlive-gfssolomos-doc - texlive-gfssolomos-fonts - texlive-ghab - texlive-ghab-doc - texlive-ghsystem - texlive-ghsystem-doc - texlive-gillcm - texlive-gillcm-doc - texlive-gillius - texlive-gillius-doc - texlive-gillius-fonts - texlive-gincltex - texlive-gincltex-doc - texlive-ginpenc - texlive-ginpenc-doc - texlive-gitfile-info - texlive-gitfile-info-doc - texlive-gitinfo - texlive-gitinfo-doc - texlive-gitinfo2 - texlive-gitinfo2-doc - texlive-gitlog - texlive-gitlog-doc - texlive-gloss - texlive-gloss-doc - texlive-gloss-occitan - texlive-gloss-occitan-doc - texlive-glossaries - texlive-glossaries-bin - texlive-glossaries-danish - texlive-glossaries-danish-doc - texlive-glossaries-doc - texlive-glossaries-dutch - texlive-glossaries-dutch-doc - texlive-glossaries-english - texlive-glossaries-english-doc - texlive-glossaries-extra - texlive-glossaries-extra-doc - texlive-glossaries-french - texlive-glossaries-french-doc - texlive-glossaries-german - texlive-glossaries-german-doc - texlive-glossaries-irish - texlive-glossaries-irish-doc - texlive-glossaries-italian - texlive-glossaries-italian-doc - texlive-glossaries-magyar - texlive-glossaries-magyar-doc - texlive-glossaries-polish - texlive-glossaries-polish-doc - texlive-glossaries-portuges - texlive-glossaries-portuges-doc - texlive-glossaries-serbian - texlive-glossaries-serbian-doc - texlive-glossaries-spanish - texlive-glossaries-spanish-doc - texlive-glyphlist - texlive-gmdoc - texlive-gmdoc-doc - texlive-gmdoc-enhance - texlive-gmdoc-enhance-doc - texlive-gmiflink - texlive-gmiflink-doc - texlive-gmp - texlive-gmp-doc - texlive-gmutils - texlive-gmutils-doc - texlive-gmverb - texlive-gmverb-doc - texlive-gmverse - texlive-gmverse-doc - texlive-gnu-freefont - texlive-gnu-freefont-doc - texlive-gnu-freefont-fonts - texlive-gnuplottex - texlive-gnuplottex-doc - texlive-go - texlive-go-doc - texlive-gobble - texlive-gobble-doc - texlive-gofonts - texlive-gofonts-doc - texlive-gofonts-fonts - texlive-gost - texlive-gost-doc - texlive-gothic - texlive-gothic-doc - texlive-gotoh - texlive-gotoh-doc - texlive-gradientframe - texlive-gradientframe-doc - texlive-gradstudentresume - texlive-gradstudentresume-doc - texlive-grafcet - texlive-grafcet-doc - texlive-grant - texlive-grant-doc - texlive-graphbox - texlive-graphbox-doc - texlive-graphics - texlive-graphics-cfg - texlive-graphics-cfg-doc - texlive-graphics-def - texlive-graphics-def-doc - texlive-graphics-doc - texlive-graphics-pln - texlive-graphics-pln-doc - texlive-graphicx-psmin - texlive-graphicx-psmin-doc - texlive-graphicxbox - texlive-graphicxbox-doc - texlive-graphviz - texlive-graphviz-doc - texlive-grayhints - texlive-grayhints-doc - texlive-greek-fontenc - texlive-greek-fontenc-doc - texlive-greek-inputenc - texlive-greek-inputenc-doc - texlive-greekdates - texlive-greekdates-doc - texlive-greektex - texlive-greektex-doc - texlive-greektonoi - texlive-greektonoi-doc - texlive-greenpoint - texlive-greenpoint-doc - texlive-gregoriotex - texlive-gregoriotex-bin - texlive-gregoriotex-doc - texlive-gregoriotex-fonts - texlive-grfpaste - texlive-grfpaste-doc - texlive-grid - texlive-grid-doc - texlive-grid-system - texlive-grid-system-doc - texlive-gridset - texlive-gridset-doc - texlive-grotesq - texlive-grotesq-doc - texlive-grotesq-fonts - texlive-grundgesetze - texlive-grundgesetze-doc - texlive-gsemthesis - texlive-gsemthesis-doc - texlive-gsftopk - texlive-gsftopk-bin - texlive-gsftopk-doc - texlive-gtl - texlive-gtl-doc - texlive-gtrcrd - texlive-gtrcrd-doc - texlive-gtrlib-largetrees - texlive-gtrlib-largetrees-doc - texlive-gu - texlive-gu-doc - texlive-guide-to-latex - texlive-guitar - texlive-guitar-doc - texlive-guitarchordschemes - texlive-guitarchordschemes-doc - texlive-guitlogo - texlive-guitlogo-doc - texlive-gustlib - texlive-gustlib-doc - texlive-gustprog - texlive-gzt - texlive-gzt-doc - texlive-h2020proposal - texlive-h2020proposal-doc - texlive-hacm - texlive-hacm-doc - texlive-hacm-fonts - texlive-halloweenmath - texlive-halloweenmath-doc - texlive-handout - texlive-handout-doc - texlive-hands - texlive-hang - texlive-hang-doc - texlive-hanging - texlive-hanging-doc - texlive-hanoi - texlive-happy4th - texlive-har2nat - texlive-har2nat-doc - texlive-hardwrap - texlive-hardwrap-doc - texlive-harmony - texlive-harmony-doc - texlive-harnon-cv - texlive-harnon-cv-doc - texlive-harpoon - texlive-harpoon-doc - texlive-harvard - texlive-harvard-doc - texlive-harveyballs - texlive-harveyballs-doc - texlive-harvmac - texlive-harvmac-doc - texlive-hatching - texlive-hatching-doc - texlive-hausarbeit-jura - texlive-hausarbeit-jura-doc - texlive-havannah - texlive-havannah-doc - texlive-hc - texlive-hc-doc - texlive-he-she - texlive-he-she-doc - texlive-helvetic - texlive-helvetic-fonts - texlive-hep - texlive-hep-doc - texlive-hepnames - texlive-hepnames-doc - texlive-hepparticles - texlive-hepparticles-doc - texlive-hepthesis - texlive-hepthesis-doc - texlive-hepunits - texlive-hepunits-doc - texlive-here - texlive-here-doc - texlive-heuristica - texlive-heuristica-doc - texlive-heuristica-fonts - texlive-hexgame - texlive-hexgame-doc - texlive-hf-tikz - texlive-hf-tikz-doc - texlive-hfbright - texlive-hfbright-doc - texlive-hfbright-fonts - texlive-hfoldsty - texlive-hfoldsty-doc - texlive-hhtensor - texlive-hhtensor-doc - texlive-histogr - texlive-histogr-doc - texlive-historische-zeitschrift - texlive-historische-zeitschrift-doc - texlive-hitec - texlive-hitec-doc - texlive-hletter - texlive-hletter-doc - texlive-hlist - texlive-hlist-doc - texlive-hobby - texlive-hobby-doc - texlive-hobete - texlive-hobete-doc - texlive-hook-pre-commit-pkg - texlive-horoscop - texlive-horoscop-doc - texlive-hpsdiss - texlive-hpsdiss-doc - texlive-hrefhide - texlive-hrefhide-doc - texlive-hrlatex - texlive-hrlatex-doc - texlive-hustthesis - texlive-hustthesis-doc - texlive-hvfloat - texlive-hvfloat-doc - texlive-hvindex - texlive-hvindex-doc - texlive-hypdvips - texlive-hypdvips-doc - texlive-hyper - texlive-hyper-doc - texlive-hypernat - texlive-hypernat-doc - texlive-hyperref - texlive-hyperref-doc - texlive-hyperref-docsrc - texlive-hyperxmp - texlive-hyperxmp-doc - texlive-hyph-utf8 - texlive-hyph-utf8-doc - texlive-hyphen-afrikaans - texlive-hyphen-ancientgreek - texlive-hyphen-arabic - texlive-hyphen-armenian - texlive-hyphen-base - texlive-hyphen-basque - texlive-hyphen-belarusian - texlive-hyphen-bulgarian - texlive-hyphen-bulgarian-doc - texlive-hyphen-catalan - texlive-hyphen-chinese - texlive-hyphen-churchslavonic - texlive-hyphen-coptic - texlive-hyphen-croatian - texlive-hyphen-czech - texlive-hyphen-danish - texlive-hyphen-dutch - texlive-hyphen-english - texlive-hyphen-esperanto - texlive-hyphen-estonian - texlive-hyphen-ethiopic - texlive-hyphen-farsi - texlive-hyphen-finnish - texlive-hyphen-french - texlive-hyphen-friulan - texlive-hyphen-galician - texlive-hyphen-georgian - texlive-hyphen-german - texlive-hyphen-greek - texlive-hyphen-greek-doc - texlive-hyphen-hungarian - texlive-hyphen-hungarian-doc - texlive-hyphen-icelandic - texlive-hyphen-indic - texlive-hyphen-indonesian - texlive-hyphen-interlingua - texlive-hyphen-irish - texlive-hyphen-italian - texlive-hyphen-kurmanji - texlive-hyphen-latin - texlive-hyphen-latvian - texlive-hyphen-lithuanian - texlive-hyphen-mongolian - texlive-hyphen-norwegian - texlive-hyphen-occitan - texlive-hyphen-piedmontese - texlive-hyphen-polish - texlive-hyphen-portuguese - texlive-hyphen-romanian - texlive-hyphen-romansh - texlive-hyphen-russian - texlive-hyphen-sanskrit - texlive-hyphen-sanskrit-doc - texlive-hyphen-serbian - texlive-hyphen-slovak - texlive-hyphen-slovenian - texlive-hyphen-spanish - texlive-hyphen-spanish-doc - texlive-hyphen-swedish - texlive-hyphen-thai - texlive-hyphen-turkish - texlive-hyphen-turkmen - texlive-hyphen-ukrainian - texlive-hyphen-uppersorbian - texlive-hyphen-welsh - texlive-hyphenat - texlive-hyphenat-doc - texlive-hyphenex - texlive-hyplain - texlive-hyplain-doc - texlive-ibycus-babel - texlive-ibycus-babel-doc - texlive-ibygrk - texlive-ibygrk-doc - texlive-ibygrk-fonts - texlive-icsv - texlive-icsv-doc - texlive-idxcmds - texlive-idxcmds-doc - texlive-idxlayout - texlive-idxlayout-doc - texlive-ieeepes - texlive-ieeepes-doc - texlive-ietfbibs - texlive-ifetex - texlive-ifetex-doc - texlive-iffont - texlive-iffont-doc - texlive-ifluatex - texlive-ifluatex-doc - texlive-ifmslide - texlive-ifmslide-doc - texlive-ifmtarg - texlive-ifmtarg-doc - texlive-ifnextok - texlive-ifnextok-doc - texlive-ifoddpage - texlive-ifoddpage-doc - texlive-ifplatform - texlive-ifplatform-doc - texlive-ifptex - texlive-ifptex-doc - texlive-ifsym - texlive-ifsym-doc - texlive-iftex - texlive-iftex-doc - texlive-ifthenx - texlive-ifthenx-doc - texlive-ifxetex - texlive-ifxetex-doc - texlive-iitem - texlive-iitem-doc - texlive-ijmart - texlive-ijmart-doc - texlive-ijqc - texlive-ijqc-doc - texlive-ijsra - texlive-ijsra-doc - texlive-imac - texlive-imac-doc - texlive-image-gallery - texlive-image-gallery-doc - texlive-imakeidx - texlive-imakeidx-doc - texlive-imfellenglish - texlive-imfellenglish-doc - texlive-imfellenglish-fonts - texlive-impatient - texlive-impatient-cn - texlive-impatient-fr - texlive-impnattypo - texlive-impnattypo-doc - texlive-import - texlive-import-doc - texlive-imsproc - texlive-imsproc-doc - texlive-imtekda - texlive-imtekda-doc - texlive-incgraph - texlive-incgraph-doc - texlive-inconsolata - texlive-inconsolata-doc - texlive-inconsolata-fonts - texlive-index - texlive-index-doc - texlive-indextools - texlive-indextools-doc - texlive-initials - texlive-initials-doc - texlive-initials-fonts - texlive-inlinebib - texlive-inlinebib-doc - texlive-inlinedef - texlive-inlinedef-doc - texlive-inputtrc - texlive-inputtrc-doc - texlive-insbox - texlive-insbox-doc - texlive-interactiveworkbook - texlive-interactiveworkbook-doc - texlive-interchar - texlive-interchar-doc - texlive-interfaces - texlive-interfaces-doc - texlive-interpreter - texlive-interpreter-doc - texlive-interval - texlive-interval-doc - texlive-intro-scientific - texlive-inversepath - texlive-inversepath-doc - texlive-invoice - texlive-invoice-doc - texlive-ionumbers - texlive-ionumbers-doc - texlive-iopart-num - texlive-iopart-num-doc - texlive-ipaex - texlive-ipaex-doc - texlive-ipaex-fonts - texlive-ipaex-type1 - texlive-ipaex-type1-doc - texlive-ipaex-type1-fonts - texlive-iscram - texlive-iscram-doc - texlive-iso - texlive-iso-doc - texlive-iso10303 - texlive-iso10303-doc - texlive-isodate - texlive-isodate-doc - texlive-isodoc - texlive-isodoc-doc - texlive-isomath - texlive-isomath-doc - texlive-isonums - texlive-isonums-doc - texlive-isorot - texlive-isorot-doc - texlive-isotope - texlive-isotope-doc - texlive-issuulinks - texlive-issuulinks-doc - texlive-itnumpar - texlive-itnumpar-doc - texlive-iwhdp - texlive-iwhdp-doc - texlive-iwona - texlive-iwona-doc - texlive-iwona-fonts - texlive-jablantile - texlive-jablantile-doc - texlive-jacow - texlive-jacow-doc - texlive-jadetex - texlive-jadetex-bin - texlive-jadetex-doc - texlive-jamtimes - texlive-jamtimes-doc - texlive-japanese-otf - texlive-japanese-otf-doc - texlive-japanese-otf-uptex - texlive-japanese-otf-uptex-doc - texlive-jknapltx - texlive-jknapltx-doc - texlive-jlabels - texlive-jlabels-doc - texlive-jlreq - texlive-jlreq-doc - texlive-jmlr - texlive-jmlr-doc - texlive-jmn - texlive-jmn-fonts - texlive-jneurosci - texlive-jneurosci-doc - texlive-jpsj - texlive-jpsj-doc - texlive-js-misc - texlive-js-misc-doc - texlive-jsclasses - texlive-jsclasses-doc - texlive-jslectureplanner - texlive-jslectureplanner-doc - texlive-jumplines - texlive-jumplines-doc - texlive-junicode - texlive-junicode-doc - texlive-junicode-fonts - texlive-jura - texlive-jura-doc - texlive-juraabbrev - texlive-juraabbrev-doc - texlive-jurabib - texlive-jurabib-doc - texlive-juramisc - texlive-juramisc-doc - texlive-jurarsp - texlive-jurarsp-doc - texlive-jvlisting - texlive-jvlisting-doc - texlive-kantlipsum - texlive-kantlipsum-doc - texlive-karnaugh - texlive-karnaugh-doc - texlive-karnaugh-map - texlive-karnaugh-map-doc - texlive-karnaughmap - texlive-karnaughmap-doc - texlive-kastrup - texlive-kastrup-doc - texlive-kdgdocs - texlive-kdgdocs-doc - texlive-kerkis - texlive-kerkis-doc - texlive-kerkis-fonts - texlive-kerntest - texlive-kerntest-doc - texlive-keycommand - texlive-keycommand-doc - texlive-keyfloat - texlive-keyfloat-doc - texlive-keyreader - texlive-keyreader-doc - texlive-keystroke - texlive-keystroke-doc - texlive-keyval2e - texlive-keyval2e-doc - texlive-keyvaltable - texlive-keyvaltable-doc - texlive-kix - texlive-kix-doc - texlive-kixfont - texlive-kixfont-doc - texlive-kluwer - texlive-kluwer-doc - texlive-knitting - texlive-knitting-doc - texlive-knitting-fonts - texlive-knittingpattern - texlive-knittingpattern-doc - texlive-knowledge - texlive-knowledge-doc - texlive-knuth - texlive-knuth-doc - texlive-knuth-lib - texlive-knuth-local - texlive-knuthotherfonts - texlive-koma-moderncvclassic - texlive-koma-moderncvclassic-doc - texlive-koma-script - texlive-koma-script-doc - texlive-koma-script-examples - texlive-koma-script-sfs - texlive-koma-script-sfs-doc - texlive-komacv - texlive-komacv-doc - texlive-kotex-oblivoir - texlive-kotex-oblivoir-doc - texlive-kotex-plain - texlive-kotex-plain-doc - texlive-kotex-utf - texlive-kotex-utf-doc - texlive-kotex-utils - texlive-kotex-utils-bin - texlive-kotex-utils-doc - texlive-kpathsea - texlive-kpathsea-bin - texlive-kpathsea-devel - texlive-kpathsea-doc - texlive-kpfonts - texlive-kpfonts-doc - texlive-kpfonts-fonts - texlive-ksfh_nat - texlive-ksp-thesis - texlive-ksp-thesis-doc - texlive-ktv-texdata - texlive-ktv-texdata-doc - texlive-kurier - texlive-kurier-doc - texlive-kurier-fonts - texlive-l2picfaq - texlive-l2tabu - texlive-l2tabu-english - texlive-l2tabu-french - texlive-l2tabu-italian - texlive-l2tabu-spanish - texlive-l3build - texlive-l3build-doc - texlive-l3experimental - texlive-l3experimental-doc - texlive-l3kernel - texlive-l3kernel-doc - texlive-l3packages - texlive-l3packages-doc - texlive-labbook - texlive-labbook-doc - texlive-labels - texlive-labels-doc - texlive-labyrinth - texlive-labyrinth-doc - texlive-lacheck - texlive-lacheck-bin - texlive-ladder - texlive-ladder-doc - texlive-lambda - texlive-lambda-lists - texlive-lambda-lists-doc - texlive-langcode - texlive-langcode-doc - texlive-langsci - texlive-langsci-doc - texlive-lapdf - texlive-lapdf-doc - texlive-lastpackage - texlive-lastpackage-doc - texlive-lastpage - texlive-lastpage-doc - texlive-latex - texlive-latex-bib-ex - texlive-latex-bib2-ex - texlive-latex-bin - texlive-latex-bin-bin - texlive-latex-brochure - texlive-latex-course - texlive-latex-doc - texlive-latex-doc-ptr - texlive-latex-fonts - texlive-latex-fonts-doc - texlive-latex-git-log - texlive-latex-git-log-bin - texlive-latex-git-log-doc - texlive-latex-graphics-companion - texlive-latex-make - texlive-latex-make-doc - texlive-latex-notes-zh-cn - texlive-latex-papersize - texlive-latex-papersize-bin - texlive-latex-papersize-doc - texlive-latex-referenz - texlive-latex-tabellen - texlive-latex-tds - texlive-latex-tds-doc - texlive-latex-veryshortguide - texlive-latex-web-companion - texlive-latex2e-help-texinfo - texlive-latex2e-help-texinfo-fr - texlive-latex2e-help-texinfo-spanish - texlive-latex2man - texlive-latex2man-bin - texlive-latex2man-doc - texlive-latex2nemeth - texlive-latex2nemeth-bin - texlive-latex2nemeth-doc - texlive-latex4wp - texlive-latex4wp-it - texlive-latexbangla - texlive-latexbangla-doc - texlive-latexbug - texlive-latexbug-doc - texlive-latexcheat - texlive-latexcheat-de - texlive-latexcheat-esmx - texlive-latexcheat-ptbr - texlive-latexconfig - texlive-latexcourse-rug - texlive-latexdemo - texlive-latexdemo-doc - texlive-latexdiff - texlive-latexdiff-bin - texlive-latexdiff-doc - texlive-latexfileinfo-pkgs - texlive-latexfileinfo-pkgs-doc - texlive-latexfileversion - texlive-latexfileversion-bin - texlive-latexfileversion-doc - texlive-latexgit - texlive-latexgit-doc - texlive-latexindent - texlive-latexindent-bin - texlive-latexindent-doc - texlive-latexmk - texlive-latexmk-bin - texlive-latexmk-doc - texlive-latexmp - texlive-latexmp-doc - texlive-latexpand - texlive-latexpand-bin - texlive-latexpand-doc - texlive-lato - texlive-lato-doc - texlive-lato-fonts - texlive-layaureo - texlive-layaureo-doc - texlive-layouts - texlive-layouts-doc - texlive-lazylist - texlive-lazylist-doc - texlive-lcd - texlive-lcd-doc - texlive-lcdftypetools - texlive-lcdftypetools-bin - texlive-lcg - texlive-lcg-doc - texlive-lcyw - texlive-lcyw-doc - texlive-leading - texlive-leading-doc - texlive-leadsheets - texlive-leadsheets-doc - texlive-leaflet - texlive-leaflet-doc - texlive-lecturer - texlive-lecturer-doc - texlive-ledmac - texlive-ledmac-doc - texlive-leftidx - texlive-leftidx-doc - texlive-leipzig - texlive-leipzig-doc - texlive-lengthconvert - texlive-lengthconvert-doc - texlive-lettre - texlive-lettre-doc - texlive-lettrine - texlive-lettrine-doc - texlive-levy - texlive-levy-doc - texlive-lewis - texlive-lewis-doc - texlive-lexikon - texlive-lexikon-doc - texlive-lexref - texlive-lexref-doc - texlive-lfb - texlive-lfb-doc - texlive-lgreek - texlive-lgreek-doc - texlive-lh - texlive-lh-doc - texlive-lhcyr - texlive-lhelp - texlive-lhelp-doc - texlive-libertine - texlive-libertine-doc - texlive-libertine-fonts - texlive-libertinegc - texlive-libertinegc-doc - texlive-libertinus - texlive-libertinus-doc - texlive-libertinus-fonts - texlive-libertinust1math - texlive-libertinust1math-doc - texlive-libertinust1math-fonts - texlive-libgreek - texlive-libgreek-doc - texlive-librarian - texlive-librarian-doc - texlive-librebaskerville - texlive-librebaskerville-doc - texlive-librebaskerville-fonts - texlive-librebodoni - texlive-librebodoni-doc - texlive-librebodoni-fonts - texlive-librecaslon - texlive-librecaslon-doc - texlive-librecaslon-fonts - texlive-libris - texlive-libris-doc - texlive-libris-fonts - texlive-lilyglyphs - texlive-lilyglyphs-bin - texlive-lilyglyphs-doc - texlive-lilyglyphs-fonts - texlive-limap - texlive-limap-doc - texlive-linearA - texlive-linearA-doc - texlive-linearA-fonts - texlive-linegoal - texlive-linegoal-doc - texlive-lineno - texlive-lineno-doc - texlive-ling-macros - texlive-ling-macros-doc - texlive-linguex - texlive-linguex-doc - texlive-linop - texlive-linop-doc - texlive-lion-msc - texlive-lion-msc-doc - texlive-lipsum - texlive-lipsum-doc - texlive-lisp-on-tex - texlive-lisp-on-tex-doc - texlive-listbib - texlive-listbib-bin - texlive-listbib-doc - texlive-listing - texlive-listing-doc - texlive-listings - texlive-listings-doc - texlive-listings-ext - texlive-listings-ext-bin - texlive-listings-ext-doc - texlive-listlbls - texlive-listlbls-doc - texlive-listliketab - texlive-listliketab-doc - texlive-listofitems - texlive-listofitems-doc - texlive-listofsymbols - texlive-listofsymbols-doc - texlive-lithuanian - texlive-lithuanian-doc - texlive-liturg - texlive-liturg-doc - texlive-lkproof - texlive-lkproof-doc - texlive-lm - texlive-lm-doc - texlive-lm-math - texlive-lm-math-doc - texlive-lm-math-fonts - texlive-lmake - texlive-lmake-doc - texlive-lni - texlive-lni-doc - texlive-lobster2 - texlive-lobster2-doc - texlive-lobster2-fonts - texlive-locality - texlive-locality-doc - texlive-localloc - texlive-localloc-doc - texlive-logbox - texlive-logbox-doc - texlive-logical-markup-utils - texlive-logical-markup-utils-doc - texlive-logicproof - texlive-logicproof-doc - texlive-logicpuzzle - texlive-logicpuzzle-doc - texlive-logpap - texlive-logpap-doc - texlive-logreq - texlive-logreq-doc - texlive-lollipop - texlive-lollipop-bin - texlive-lollipop-doc - texlive-longdivision - texlive-longdivision-doc - texlive-longfbox - texlive-longfbox-doc - texlive-longfigure - texlive-longfigure-doc - texlive-longnamefilelist - texlive-longnamefilelist-doc - texlive-loops - texlive-loops-doc - texlive-lpform - texlive-lpform-doc - texlive-lpic - texlive-lpic-doc - texlive-lplfitch - texlive-lplfitch-doc - texlive-lps - texlive-lps-doc - texlive-lroundrect - texlive-lroundrect-doc - texlive-lsc - texlive-lsc-doc - texlive-lshort-bulgarian - texlive-lshort-chinese - texlive-lshort-czech - texlive-lshort-dutch - texlive-lshort-english - texlive-lshort-estonian - texlive-lshort-finnish - texlive-lshort-french - texlive-lshort-german - texlive-lshort-italian - texlive-lshort-japanese - texlive-lshort-korean - texlive-lshort-mongol - texlive-lshort-persian - texlive-lshort-polish - texlive-lshort-portuguese - texlive-lshort-russian - texlive-lshort-slovak - texlive-lshort-slovenian - texlive-lshort-spanish - texlive-lshort-thai - texlive-lshort-turkish - texlive-lshort-ukr - texlive-lshort-vietnamese - texlive-lstaddons - texlive-lstaddons-doc - texlive-lstbayes - texlive-lstbayes-doc - texlive-lt3graph - texlive-lt3graph-doc - texlive-ltablex - texlive-ltablex-doc - texlive-ltabptch - texlive-ltabptch-doc - texlive-ltb2bib - texlive-ltb2bib-doc - texlive-ltxdockit - texlive-ltxdockit-doc - texlive-ltxfileinfo - texlive-ltxfileinfo-bin - texlive-ltxfileinfo-doc - texlive-ltximg - texlive-ltximg-bin - texlive-ltximg-doc - texlive-ltxindex - texlive-ltxindex-doc - texlive-ltxkeys - texlive-ltxkeys-doc - texlive-ltxmisc - texlive-ltxnew - texlive-ltxnew-doc - texlive-ltxtools - texlive-ltxtools-doc - texlive-lua-alt-getopt - texlive-lua-alt-getopt-doc - texlive-lua-check-hyphen - texlive-lua-check-hyphen-doc - texlive-lua-visual-debug - texlive-lua-visual-debug-doc - texlive-lua2dox - texlive-lua2dox-bin - texlive-lua2dox-doc - texlive-luabibentry - texlive-luabibentry-doc - texlive-luabidi - texlive-luabidi-doc - texlive-luacode - texlive-luacode-doc - texlive-luahyphenrules - texlive-luahyphenrules-doc - texlive-luaindex - texlive-luaindex-doc - texlive-luainputenc - texlive-luainputenc-doc - texlive-luaintro - texlive-lualatex-doc - texlive-lualatex-doc-de - texlive-lualatex-math - texlive-lualatex-math-doc - texlive-lualibs - texlive-lualibs-doc - texlive-luamesh - texlive-luamesh-doc - texlive-luamplib - texlive-luamplib-doc - texlive-luaotfload - texlive-luaotfload-bin - texlive-luaotfload-doc - texlive-luapackageloader - texlive-luapackageloader-doc - texlive-luasseq - texlive-luasseq-doc - texlive-luatex - texlive-luatex-bin - texlive-luatex-doc - texlive-luatex85 - texlive-luatex85-doc - texlive-luatexbase - texlive-luatexbase-doc - texlive-luatexja - texlive-luatexja-doc - texlive-luatexko - texlive-luatexko-doc - texlive-luatextra - texlive-luatextra-doc - 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texlive-makeplot - texlive-makeplot-doc - texlive-makeshape - texlive-makeshape-doc - texlive-mandi - texlive-mandi-doc - texlive-manfnt - texlive-manfnt-font - texlive-manfnt-font-fonts - texlive-manuscript - texlive-manuscript-doc - texlive-margbib - texlive-margbib-doc - texlive-marginfix - texlive-marginfix-doc - texlive-marginnote - texlive-marginnote-doc - texlive-markdown - texlive-markdown-doc - texlive-marvosym - texlive-marvosym-doc - texlive-marvosym-fonts - texlive-matc3 - texlive-matc3-doc - texlive-matc3mem - texlive-matc3mem-doc - texlive-match_parens - texlive-match_parens-bin - texlive-match_parens-doc - texlive-math-e - texlive-math-into-latex-4 - texlive-mathabx - texlive-mathabx-doc - texlive-mathabx-type1 - texlive-mathabx-type1-doc - texlive-mathabx-type1-fonts - texlive-mathalfa - texlive-mathalfa-doc - texlive-mathastext - texlive-mathastext-doc - texlive-mathcomp - texlive-mathcomp-doc - texlive-mathdesign - texlive-mathdesign-doc - texlive-mathdesign-fonts - texlive-mathdots - 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texlive-milog - texlive-milog-doc - texlive-minibox - texlive-minibox-doc - texlive-minidocument - texlive-minidocument-doc - texlive-minifp - texlive-minifp-doc - texlive-minipage-marginpar - texlive-minipage-marginpar-doc - texlive-miniplot - texlive-miniplot-doc - texlive-minitoc - texlive-minitoc-doc - texlive-minorrevision - texlive-minorrevision-doc - texlive-minted - texlive-minted-doc - texlive-mintspirit - texlive-mintspirit-doc - texlive-mintspirit-fonts - texlive-minutes - texlive-minutes-doc - texlive-missaali - texlive-missaali-doc - texlive-missaali-fonts - texlive-mkgrkindex - texlive-mkgrkindex-bin - texlive-mkgrkindex-doc - texlive-mkjobtexmf - texlive-mkjobtexmf-bin - texlive-mkjobtexmf-doc - texlive-mkpattern - texlive-mkpattern-doc - texlive-mkpic - texlive-mkpic-bin - texlive-mkpic-doc - texlive-mla-paper - texlive-mla-paper-doc - texlive-mlist - texlive-mlist-doc - texlive-mltex - texlive-mltex-bin - texlive-mltex-doc - texlive-mmap - texlive-mmap-doc - texlive-mnotes - texlive-mnotes-doc - texlive-mnras - texlive-mnras-doc - texlive-mnsymbol - texlive-mnsymbol-doc - texlive-mnsymbol-fonts - texlive-moderncv - texlive-moderncv-doc - texlive-moderntimeline - texlive-moderntimeline-doc - texlive-modiagram - texlive-modiagram-doc - texlive-modref - texlive-modref-doc - texlive-modroman - texlive-modroman-doc - texlive-modular - texlive-modular-doc - texlive-mongolian-babel - texlive-mongolian-babel-doc - texlive-monofill - texlive-monofill-doc - texlive-montex - texlive-montex-doc - texlive-montex-fonts - texlive-montserrat - texlive-montserrat-doc - texlive-montserrat-fonts - texlive-moodle - texlive-moodle-doc - texlive-moreenum - texlive-moreenum-doc - texlive-morefloats - texlive-morefloats-doc - texlive-morehype - texlive-morehype-doc - texlive-moresize - texlive-moresize-doc - texlive-moreverb - texlive-moreverb-doc - texlive-morewrites - texlive-morewrites-doc - texlive-movie15 - texlive-movie15-doc - texlive-mp3d - texlive-mp3d-doc - texlive-mparhack - 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texlive-nag - texlive-nag-doc - texlive-nameauth - texlive-nameauth-doc - texlive-namespc - texlive-namespc-doc - texlive-nanumtype1 - texlive-nanumtype1-doc - texlive-nanumtype1-fonts - texlive-nar - texlive-natbib - texlive-natbib-doc - texlive-natded - texlive-natded-doc - texlive-nath - texlive-nath-doc - texlive-nature - texlive-nature-doc - texlive-navigator - texlive-navigator-doc - texlive-navydocs - texlive-navydocs-doc - texlive-ncclatex - texlive-ncclatex-doc - texlive-ncctools - texlive-ncctools-doc - texlive-ncntrsbk - texlive-ncntrsbk-fonts - texlive-nddiss - texlive-nddiss-doc - texlive-ndsu-thesis - texlive-ndsu-thesis-doc - texlive-needspace - texlive-needspace-doc - texlive-nestquot - texlive-neuralnetwork - texlive-neuralnetwork-doc - texlive-nevelok - texlive-nevelok-doc - texlive-newcommand - texlive-newenviron - texlive-newenviron-doc - texlive-newfile - texlive-newfile-doc - texlive-newlfm - texlive-newlfm-doc - texlive-newpx - texlive-newpx-doc - texlive-newpx-fonts - texlive-newsletr - texlive-newsletr-doc - texlive-newspaper - texlive-newspaper-doc - texlive-newtx - texlive-newtx-doc - texlive-newtx-fonts - texlive-newtxsf - texlive-newtxsf-doc - texlive-newtxsf-fonts - texlive-newtxtt - texlive-newtxtt-doc - texlive-newtxtt-fonts - texlive-newunicodechar - texlive-newunicodechar-doc - texlive-newvbtm - texlive-newvbtm-doc - texlive-newverbs - texlive-newverbs-doc - texlive-nextpage - texlive-nfssext-cfr - texlive-nfssext-cfr-doc - texlive-nicefilelist - texlive-nicefilelist-doc - texlive-niceframe - texlive-niceframe-doc - texlive-nicetext - texlive-nicetext-doc - texlive-nih - texlive-nih-doc - texlive-nihbiosketch - texlive-nihbiosketch-doc - texlive-nimbus15 - texlive-nimbus15-doc - texlive-nimbus15-fonts - texlive-nkarta - texlive-nkarta-doc - texlive-nlctdoc - texlive-nlctdoc-doc - texlive-nmbib - texlive-nmbib-doc - texlive-noconflict - texlive-noconflict-doc - texlive-nodetree - texlive-nodetree-doc - texlive-noindentafter - texlive-noindentafter-doc - 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texlive-numberedblock - texlive-numberedblock-doc - texlive-numericplots - texlive-numericplots-doc - texlive-numname - texlive-numname-doc - texlive-numprint - texlive-numprint-doc - texlive-numspell - texlive-numspell-doc - texlive-nwejm - texlive-nwejm-doc - texlive-oberdiek - texlive-oberdiek-doc - texlive-objectz - texlive-objectz-doc - texlive-obnov - texlive-obnov-doc - texlive-ocg-p - texlive-ocg-p-doc - texlive-ocgx - texlive-ocgx-doc - texlive-ocgx2 - texlive-ocgx2-doc - texlive-ocherokee - texlive-ocherokee-doc - texlive-ocherokee-fonts - texlive-ocr-b - texlive-ocr-b-doc - texlive-ocr-b-outline - texlive-ocr-b-outline-doc - texlive-ocr-b-outline-fonts - texlive-ocr-latex - texlive-ocr-latex-doc - texlive-octavo - texlive-octavo-doc - texlive-odsfile - texlive-odsfile-doc - texlive-ofs - texlive-ofs-doc - texlive-ogham - texlive-ogham-doc - texlive-oinuit - texlive-oinuit-doc - texlive-oinuit-fonts - texlive-old-arrows - texlive-old-arrows-doc - texlive-old-arrows-fonts - texlive-oldlatin - 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texlive-pedigree-perl - texlive-pedigree-perl-bin - texlive-pedigree-perl-doc - texlive-perception - texlive-perception-doc - texlive-perfectcut - texlive-perfectcut-doc - texlive-perltex - texlive-perltex-bin - texlive-perltex-doc - texlive-permute - texlive-permute-doc - texlive-persian-bib - texlive-persian-bib-doc - texlive-petiteannonce - texlive-petiteannonce-doc - texlive-petri-nets - texlive-petri-nets-bin - texlive-petri-nets-doc - texlive-pfarrei - texlive-pfarrei-bin - texlive-pfarrei-doc - texlive-pgf - texlive-pgf-blur - texlive-pgf-blur-doc - texlive-pgf-doc - texlive-pgf-soroban - texlive-pgf-soroban-doc - texlive-pgf-spectra - texlive-pgf-spectra-doc - texlive-pgf-umlcd - texlive-pgf-umlcd-doc - texlive-pgf-umlsd - texlive-pgf-umlsd-doc - texlive-pgfgantt - texlive-pgfgantt-doc - texlive-pgfkeyx - texlive-pgfkeyx-doc - texlive-pgfmolbio - texlive-pgfmolbio-doc - texlive-pgfopts - texlive-pgfopts-doc - texlive-pgfornament - texlive-pgfornament-doc - texlive-pgfplots - texlive-pgfplots-doc - texlive-phaistos - texlive-phaistos-doc - texlive-phaistos-fonts - texlive-phffullpagefigure - texlive-phffullpagefigure-doc - texlive-phfnote - texlive-phfnote-doc - texlive-phfparen - texlive-phfparen-doc - texlive-phfqit - texlive-phfqit-doc - texlive-phfquotetext - texlive-phfquotetext-doc - texlive-phfsvnwatermark - texlive-phfsvnwatermark-doc - texlive-phfthm - texlive-phfthm-doc - texlive-philex - texlive-philex-doc - texlive-philokalia - texlive-philokalia-doc - texlive-philokalia-fonts - texlive-philosophersimprint - texlive-philosophersimprint-doc - texlive-phonenumbers - texlive-phonenumbers-doc - texlive-phonetic - texlive-phonetic-doc - texlive-phonrule - texlive-phonrule-doc - texlive-photo - texlive-photo-doc - texlive-physics - texlive-physics-doc - texlive-piano - texlive-piano-doc - texlive-picinpar - texlive-picinpar-doc - texlive-pict2e - texlive-pict2e-doc - texlive-pictex - texlive-pictex-doc - texlive-pictex2 - texlive-pictexsum - texlive-piechartmp - texlive-piechartmp-doc - texlive-piff - texlive-piff-doc - texlive-pigpen - texlive-pigpen-doc - texlive-pigpen-fonts - texlive-pinlabel - texlive-pinlabel-doc - texlive-pitex - texlive-pitex-doc - texlive-pittetd - texlive-pittetd-doc - texlive-pkfix - texlive-pkfix-bin - texlive-pkfix-doc - texlive-pkfix-helper - texlive-pkfix-helper-bin - texlive-pkfix-helper-doc - texlive-pkgloader - texlive-pkgloader-doc - texlive-pkuthss - texlive-pkuthss-doc - texlive-pl - texlive-pl-doc - texlive-pl-fonts - texlive-placeat - texlive-placeat-doc - texlive-placeins - texlive-placeins-doc - texlive-placeins-plain - texlive-plain - texlive-plain-doc - texlive-plainpkg - texlive-plainpkg-doc - texlive-plantslabels - texlive-plantslabels-doc - texlive-plari - texlive-plari-doc - texlive-plates - texlive-plates-doc - texlive-platex - texlive-platex-bin - texlive-platex-doc - texlive-platex-tools - texlive-platex-tools-doc - texlive-platexcheat - texlive-play - texlive-play-doc - texlive-playfair - texlive-playfair-doc - texlive-playfair-fonts - texlive-plipsum - texlive-plipsum-doc - texlive-plnfss - texlive-plnfss-doc - texlive-plstmary - texlive-plstmary-doc - texlive-plweb - texlive-plweb-doc - texlive-pmgraph - texlive-pmgraph-doc - texlive-pmx - texlive-pmx-bin - texlive-pmx-doc - texlive-pmxchords - texlive-pmxchords-bin - texlive-pmxchords-doc - texlive-pnas2009 - texlive-poemscol - texlive-poemscol-doc - texlive-poetrytex - texlive-poetrytex-doc - texlive-polski - texlive-polski-doc - texlive-poltawski - texlive-poltawski-doc - texlive-poltawski-fonts - texlive-polyglossia - texlive-polyglossia-doc - texlive-polynom - texlive-polynom-doc - texlive-polynomial - texlive-polynomial-doc - texlive-polytable - texlive-polytable-doc - texlive-postcards - texlive-postcards-doc - texlive-poster-mac - texlive-poster-mac-doc - texlive-powerdot - texlive-powerdot-FUBerlin - texlive-powerdot-FUBerlin-doc - texlive-powerdot-doc - texlive-ppr-prv - texlive-ppr-prv-doc - texlive-pracjourn - texlive-pracjourn-doc - texlive-preprint - texlive-preprint-doc - texlive-prerex - texlive-prerex-doc - texlive-present - texlive-present-doc - texlive-presentations - texlive-presentations-en - texlive-pressrelease - texlive-pressrelease-doc - texlive-prettyref - texlive-prettyref-doc - texlive-preview - texlive-preview-doc - texlive-prftree - texlive-prftree-doc - texlive-printlen - texlive-printlen-doc - texlive-proba - texlive-proba-doc - texlive-probsoln - texlive-probsoln-doc - texlive-procIAGssymp - texlive-procIAGssymp-doc - texlive-prodint - texlive-prodint-doc - texlive-prodint-fonts - texlive-productbox - texlive-productbox-doc - texlive-program - texlive-program-doc - texlive-progress - texlive-progress-doc - texlive-progressbar - texlive-progressbar-doc - texlive-proofread - texlive-proofread-doc - texlive-prooftrees - texlive-prooftrees-doc - texlive-properties - texlive-properties-doc - texlive-proposal - texlive-proposal-doc - texlive-prosper - texlive-prosper-doc - texlive-protex - texlive-protex-doc - texlive-protocol - texlive-protocol-doc - texlive-przechlewski-book - texlive-przechlewski-book-doc - texlive-ps2pk - texlive-ps2pk-bin - texlive-psbao - texlive-psbao-doc - texlive-pseudocode - texlive-pseudocode-doc - texlive-psfrag - texlive-psfrag-doc - texlive-psfrag-italian - texlive-psfragx - texlive-psfragx-doc - texlive-psgo - texlive-psgo-doc - texlive-psizzl - texlive-psizzl-doc - texlive-pslatex - texlive-psnfss - texlive-psnfss-doc - texlive-pspicture - texlive-pspicture-doc - texlive-pst-2dplot - texlive-pst-2dplot-doc - texlive-pst-3d - texlive-pst-3d-doc - texlive-pst-3dplot - texlive-pst-3dplot-doc - texlive-pst-abspos - texlive-pst-abspos-doc - texlive-pst-am - texlive-pst-am-doc - texlive-pst-arrow - texlive-pst-arrow-doc - texlive-pst-asr - texlive-pst-asr-doc - texlive-pst-bar - texlive-pst-bar-doc - texlive-pst-barcode - texlive-pst-barcode-doc - texlive-pst-bezier - texlive-pst-bezier-doc - texlive-pst-blur - texlive-pst-blur-doc - texlive-pst-bspline - texlive-pst-bspline-doc - texlive-pst-calendar - texlive-pst-calendar-doc - texlive-pst-cie - texlive-pst-cie-doc - texlive-pst-circ - texlive-pst-circ-doc - texlive-pst-coil - texlive-pst-coil-doc - texlive-pst-cox - texlive-pst-cox-doc - texlive-pst-dbicons - texlive-pst-dbicons-doc - texlive-pst-diffraction - texlive-pst-diffraction-doc - texlive-pst-electricfield - texlive-pst-electricfield-doc - texlive-pst-eps - texlive-pst-eps-doc - texlive-pst-eucl - texlive-pst-eucl-doc - texlive-pst-eucl-translation-bg - texlive-pst-exa - texlive-pst-exa-doc - texlive-pst-fill - texlive-pst-fill-doc - texlive-pst-fit - texlive-pst-fit-doc - texlive-pst-fr3d - texlive-pst-fr3d-doc - texlive-pst-fractal - texlive-pst-fractal-doc - texlive-pst-fun - texlive-pst-fun-doc - texlive-pst-func - texlive-pst-func-doc - texlive-pst-gantt - texlive-pst-gantt-doc - texlive-pst-geo - texlive-pst-geo-doc - texlive-pst-ghsb - texlive-pst-ghsb-doc - texlive-pst-gr3d - texlive-pst-gr3d-doc - texlive-pst-grad - texlive-pst-grad-doc - texlive-pst-graphicx - texlive-pst-graphicx-doc - texlive-pst-infixplot - texlive-pst-infixplot-doc - texlive-pst-intersect - texlive-pst-intersect-doc - texlive-pst-jtree - texlive-pst-jtree-doc - texlive-pst-knot - texlive-pst-knot-doc - texlive-pst-labo - texlive-pst-labo-doc - texlive-pst-layout - texlive-pst-layout-doc - texlive-pst-lens - texlive-pst-lens-doc - texlive-pst-light3d - texlive-pst-light3d-doc - texlive-pst-magneticfield - texlive-pst-magneticfield-doc - texlive-pst-math - texlive-pst-math-doc - texlive-pst-mirror - texlive-pst-mirror-doc - texlive-pst-node - texlive-pst-node-doc - texlive-pst-ob3d - texlive-pst-ob3d-doc - texlive-pst-ode - texlive-pst-ode-doc - texlive-pst-optexp - texlive-pst-optexp-doc - texlive-pst-optic - texlive-pst-optic-doc - texlive-pst-osci - texlive-pst-osci-doc - texlive-pst-ovl - texlive-pst-ovl-doc - texlive-pst-pad - texlive-pst-pad-doc - texlive-pst-pdf - texlive-pst-pdf-bin - texlive-pst-pdf-doc - texlive-pst-pdgr - texlive-pst-pdgr-doc - texlive-pst-perspective - texlive-pst-perspective-doc - texlive-pst-platon - texlive-pst-platon-doc - texlive-pst-plot - texlive-pst-plot-doc - texlive-pst-poly - texlive-pst-poly-doc - texlive-pst-pulley - texlive-pst-pulley-doc - texlive-pst-qtree - texlive-pst-qtree-doc - texlive-pst-rubans - texlive-pst-rubans-doc - texlive-pst-shell - texlive-pst-shell-doc - texlive-pst-sigsys - texlive-pst-sigsys-doc - texlive-pst-slpe - texlive-pst-slpe-doc - texlive-pst-solarsystem - texlive-pst-solarsystem-doc - texlive-pst-solides3d - texlive-pst-solides3d-doc - texlive-pst-soroban - texlive-pst-soroban-doc - texlive-pst-spectra - texlive-pst-spectra-doc - texlive-pst-spinner - texlive-pst-spinner-doc - texlive-pst-spirograph - texlive-pst-spirograph-doc - texlive-pst-stru - texlive-pst-stru-doc - texlive-pst-support - texlive-pst-text - texlive-pst-text-doc - texlive-pst-thick - texlive-pst-thick-doc - texlive-pst-tools - texlive-pst-tools-doc - texlive-pst-tree - texlive-pst-tree-doc - texlive-pst-tvz - texlive-pst-tvz-doc - texlive-pst-uml - texlive-pst-uml-doc - texlive-pst-vectorian - texlive-pst-vectorian-doc - texlive-pst-vehicle - texlive-pst-vehicle-doc - texlive-pst-vowel - texlive-pst-vowel-doc - texlive-pst-vue3d - texlive-pst-vue3d-doc - texlive-pst2pdf - texlive-pst2pdf-bin - texlive-pst2pdf-doc - texlive-pstool - texlive-pstool-doc - texlive-pstools - texlive-pstools-bin - texlive-pstools-doc - texlive-pstricks - texlive-pstricks-add - texlive-pstricks-add-doc - texlive-pstricks-doc - texlive-pstricks_calcnotes - texlive-pstring - texlive-pstring-doc - texlive-psu-thesis - texlive-psu-thesis-doc - texlive-ptex - texlive-ptex-base - texlive-ptex-base-doc - texlive-ptex-bin - texlive-ptex-doc - texlive-ptex-fontmaps - texlive-ptex-fontmaps-bin - texlive-ptex-fontmaps-doc - texlive-ptex-fonts - texlive-ptex-fonts-doc - texlive-ptex-fonts-fonts - texlive-ptex2pdf - texlive-ptex2pdf-bin - texlive-ptex2pdf-doc - texlive-ptexenc-devel - texlive-ptext - texlive-ptext-doc - texlive-ptptex - texlive-ptptex-doc - texlive-punk - texlive-punk-doc - texlive-punk-latex - texlive-punk-latex-doc - texlive-punknova - texlive-punknova-doc - texlive-punknova-fonts - texlive-purifyeps - texlive-purifyeps-bin - texlive-purifyeps-doc - texlive-pxbase - texlive-pxbase-doc - texlive-pxchfon - texlive-pxchfon-doc - texlive-pxcjkcat - texlive-pxcjkcat-doc - texlive-pxfonts - texlive-pxfonts-doc - texlive-pxfonts-fonts - texlive-pxgreeks - texlive-pxgreeks-doc - texlive-pxjahyper - texlive-pxjahyper-doc - texlive-pxpgfmark - texlive-pxpgfmark-doc - texlive-pxrubrica - texlive-pxrubrica-doc - texlive-pxtatescale - texlive-pxtatescale-doc - texlive-pxtxalfa - texlive-pxtxalfa-doc - texlive-pygmentex - texlive-pygmentex-bin - texlive-pygmentex-doc - texlive-python - texlive-python-doc - texlive-pythonhighlight - texlive-pythonhighlight-doc - texlive-pythontex - texlive-pythontex-bin - texlive-pythontex-doc - texlive-qcircuit - texlive-qcircuit-doc - texlive-qcm - texlive-qcm-doc - texlive-qobitree - texlive-qobitree-doc - texlive-qpxqtx - texlive-qpxqtx-doc - texlive-qrcode - texlive-qrcode-doc - texlive-qstest - texlive-qstest-doc - texlive-qsymbols - texlive-qsymbols-doc - texlive-qtree - texlive-qtree-doc - texlive-quattrocento - texlive-quattrocento-doc - texlive-quattrocento-fonts - texlive-quicktype - texlive-quicktype-doc - texlive-quotchap - texlive-quotchap-doc - texlive-quoting - texlive-quoting-doc - texlive-quotmark - texlive-quotmark-doc - texlive-quran - texlive-quran-doc - texlive-r_und_s - texlive-r_und_s-doc - texlive-raleway - texlive-raleway-doc - texlive-raleway-fonts - texlive-ran_toks - texlive-ran_toks-doc - texlive-randbild - texlive-randbild-doc - texlive-randomlist - texlive-randomlist-doc - texlive-randomwalk - texlive-randomwalk-doc - texlive-randtext - texlive-randtext-doc - texlive-rccol - texlive-rccol-doc - texlive-rcs - texlive-rcs-doc - texlive-rcs-multi - texlive-rcs-multi-doc - texlive-rcsinfo - texlive-rcsinfo-doc - texlive-readarray - texlive-readarray-doc - texlive-realboxes - texlive-realboxes-doc - texlive-realscripts - texlive-realscripts-doc - texlive-rec-thy - texlive-rec-thy-doc - texlive-recipe - texlive-recipe-doc - texlive-recipebook - texlive-recipebook-doc - texlive-recipecard - texlive-recipecard-doc - texlive-rectopma - texlive-rectopma-doc - texlive-recycle - texlive-recycle-doc - texlive-recycle-fonts - texlive-refcheck - texlive-refcheck-doc - texlive-refenums - texlive-refenums-doc - texlive-reflectgraphics - texlive-reflectgraphics-doc - texlive-refman - texlive-refman-doc - texlive-refstyle - texlive-refstyle-doc - texlive-regcount - texlive-regcount-doc - texlive-regexpatch - texlive-regexpatch-doc - texlive-register - texlive-register-doc - texlive-regstats - texlive-regstats-doc - texlive-reledmac - texlive-reledmac-doc - texlive-relenc - texlive-relenc-doc - texlive-relsize - texlive-relsize-doc - texlive-reotex - texlive-reotex-doc - texlive-repeatindex - texlive-repeatindex-doc - texlive-repere - texlive-repere-doc - texlive-repltext - texlive-repltext-doc - texlive-resphilosophica - texlive-resphilosophica-doc - texlive-resumecls - texlive-resumecls-doc - texlive-resumemac - texlive-resumemac-doc - texlive-reverxii - texlive-revquantum - texlive-revquantum-doc - texlive-revtex - texlive-revtex-doc - texlive-revtex4 - texlive-revtex4-doc - texlive-ribbonproofs - texlive-ribbonproofs-doc - texlive-rjlparshap - texlive-rjlparshap-doc - texlive-rlepsf - texlive-rlepsf-doc - texlive-rmathbr - texlive-rmathbr-doc - texlive-rmpage - texlive-rmpage-doc - texlive-roboto - texlive-roboto-doc - texlive-roboto-fonts - texlive-robustcommand - texlive-robustcommand-doc - texlive-robustindex - texlive-robustindex-doc - texlive-roex - texlive-romanbar - texlive-romanbar-doc - texlive-romanbarpagenumber - texlive-romanbarpagenumber-doc - texlive-romande - texlive-romande-doc - texlive-romande-fonts - texlive-romanneg - texlive-romanneg-doc - texlive-romannum - texlive-romannum-doc - texlive-rosario - texlive-rosario-doc - texlive-rosario-fonts - texlive-rotfloat - texlive-rotfloat-doc - texlive-rotpages - texlive-rotpages-doc - texlive-roundbox - texlive-roundbox-doc - texlive-roundrect - texlive-roundrect-doc - texlive-rputover - texlive-rputover-doc - texlive-rrgtrees - texlive-rrgtrees-doc - texlive-rsc - texlive-rsc-doc - texlive-rsfs - texlive-rsfs-doc - texlive-rsfs-fonts - texlive-rsfso - texlive-rsfso-doc - texlive-rterface - texlive-rterface-doc - texlive-rtkinenc - texlive-rtkinenc-doc - texlive-rtklage - texlive-rtklage-doc - texlive-rubik - texlive-rubik-bin - texlive-rubik-doc - texlive-ruhyphen - texlive-rulercompass - texlive-rulercompass-doc - texlive-russ - texlive-russ-doc - texlive-rutitlepage - texlive-rutitlepage-doc - texlive-rviewport - texlive-rviewport-doc - texlive-rvwrite - texlive-rvwrite-doc - texlive-ryethesis - texlive-ryethesis-doc - texlive-sa-tikz - texlive-sa-tikz-doc - texlive-sageep - texlive-sageep-doc - texlive-sanitize-umlaut - texlive-sanitize-umlaut-doc - texlive-sanskrit - texlive-sanskrit-doc - texlive-sanskrit-t1 - texlive-sanskrit-t1-doc - texlive-sanskrit-t1-fonts - texlive-sansmath - texlive-sansmath-doc - texlive-sansmathaccent - texlive-sansmathaccent-doc - texlive-sansmathfonts - texlive-sansmathfonts-doc - texlive-sansmathfonts-fonts - texlive-sapthesis - texlive-sapthesis-doc - texlive-sasnrdisplay - texlive-sasnrdisplay-doc - texlive-sauerj - texlive-sauerj-doc - texlive-sauter - texlive-sauterfonts - texlive-sauterfonts-doc - texlive-savefnmark - texlive-savefnmark-doc - texlive-savesym - texlive-savetrees - texlive-savetrees-doc - texlive-scale - texlive-scale-doc - texlive-scalebar - texlive-scalebar-doc - texlive-scalerel - texlive-scalerel-doc - texlive-scanpages - texlive-scanpages-doc - texlive-scanpages-fonts - texlive-schemabloc - texlive-schemabloc-doc - texlive-schemata - texlive-schemata-doc - texlive-scheme-basic - texlive-scheme-context - texlive-scheme-full - texlive-scheme-gust - texlive-scheme-infraonly - texlive-scheme-medium - texlive-scheme-minimal - texlive-scheme-small - texlive-scheme-tetex - texlive-schule - texlive-schule-doc - texlive-schulschriften - texlive-schulschriften-doc - texlive-schwalbe-chess - texlive-schwalbe-chess-doc - texlive-sciposter - texlive-sciposter-doc - texlive-sclang-prettifier - texlive-sclang-prettifier-doc - texlive-scratch - texlive-scratch-doc - texlive-screenplay - texlive-screenplay-doc - texlive-screenplay-pkg - texlive-screenplay-pkg-doc - texlive-scrjrnl - texlive-scrjrnl-doc - texlive-scrlttr2copy - texlive-scrlttr2copy-doc - texlive-scsnowman - texlive-scsnowman-doc - texlive-sdrt - texlive-sdrt-doc - texlive-sduthesis - texlive-sduthesis-doc - texlive-secdot - texlive-secdot-doc - texlive-section - texlive-section-doc - texlive-sectionbox - texlive-sectionbox-doc - texlive-sectsty - texlive-sectsty-doc - texlive-seealso - texlive-seealso-doc - texlive-seetexk - texlive-seetexk-bin - texlive-selectp - texlive-selectp-doc - texlive-selnolig - texlive-selnolig-doc - texlive-semantic - texlive-semantic-doc - texlive-semantic-markup - texlive-semantic-markup-doc - texlive-semaphor - texlive-semaphor-doc - texlive-semaphor-fonts - texlive-seminar - texlive-seminar-doc - texlive-semioneside - texlive-semioneside-doc - texlive-semproc - texlive-semproc-doc - texlive-sepfootnotes - texlive-sepfootnotes-doc - texlive-sepnum - texlive-sepnum-doc - texlive-seqsplit - texlive-seqsplit-doc - texlive-serbian-apostrophe - texlive-serbian-apostrophe-doc - texlive-serbian-date-lat - texlive-serbian-date-lat-doc - texlive-serbian-def-cyr - texlive-serbian-def-cyr-doc - texlive-serbian-lig - texlive-serbian-lig-doc - texlive-sesamanuel - texlive-sesamanuel-doc - texlive-sesstime - texlive-sesstime-doc - texlive-setdeck - texlive-setdeck-doc - texlive-setspace - texlive-setspace-doc - texlive-seuthesis - texlive-seuthesis-doc - texlive-seuthesix - texlive-seuthesix-doc - texlive-sf298 - texlive-sf298-doc - texlive-sffms - texlive-sffms-doc - texlive-sfg - texlive-sfg-doc - texlive-sfmath - texlive-sgame - texlive-sgame-doc - texlive-shade - texlive-shade-doc - texlive-shadethm - texlive-shadethm-doc - texlive-shadow - texlive-shadow-doc - texlive-shadowtext - texlive-shadowtext-doc - texlive-shapepar - texlive-shapepar-doc - texlive-shapes - texlive-shapes-doc - texlive-shdoc - texlive-shdoc-doc - texlive-shipunov - texlive-shipunov-doc - texlive-shorttoc - texlive-shorttoc-doc - texlive-show2e - texlive-show2e-doc - texlive-showcharinbox - texlive-showcharinbox-doc - texlive-showdim - texlive-showdim-doc - texlive-showexpl - texlive-showexpl-doc - texlive-showhyphens - texlive-showhyphens-doc - texlive-showlabels - texlive-showlabels-doc - texlive-showtags - texlive-showtags-doc - texlive-shuffle - texlive-shuffle-doc - texlive-sidecap - texlive-sidecap-doc - texlive-sidenotes - texlive-sidenotes-doc - texlive-sides - texlive-sides-doc - texlive-signchart - texlive-signchart-doc - texlive-silence - texlive-silence-doc - texlive-simple-resume-cv - texlive-simple-resume-cv-doc - texlive-simple-thesis-dissertation - texlive-simple-thesis-dissertation-doc - texlive-simplecd - texlive-simplecd-doc - texlive-simplecv - texlive-simplecv-doc - texlive-simpler-wick - texlive-simpler-wick-doc - texlive-simplewick - texlive-simplewick-doc - texlive-simplified-latex - texlive-simurgh - texlive-simurgh-doc - texlive-sitem - texlive-sitem-doc - texlive-siunitx - texlive-siunitx-doc - texlive-skak - texlive-skak-doc - texlive-skaknew - texlive-skaknew-doc - texlive-skaknew-fonts - texlive-skb - texlive-skb-doc - texlive-skdoc - texlive-skdoc-doc - texlive-skeycommand - texlive-skeycommand-doc - texlive-skeyval - texlive-skeyval-doc - texlive-skmath - texlive-skmath-doc - texlive-skrapport - texlive-skrapport-doc - texlive-skull - texlive-slantsc - texlive-slantsc-doc - texlive-slideshow - texlive-slideshow-doc - texlive-smalltableof - texlive-smalltableof-doc - texlive-smartdiagram - texlive-smartdiagram-doc - texlive-smartref - texlive-smartref-doc - texlive-smartunits - texlive-smartunits-doc - texlive-snapshot - texlive-snapshot-doc - texlive-snotez - texlive-snotez-doc - texlive-songbook - texlive-songbook-doc - texlive-songs - texlive-songs-doc - texlive-sort-by-letters - texlive-sort-by-letters-doc - texlive-soton - texlive-soton-doc - texlive-soul - texlive-soul-doc - texlive-soup - texlive-soup-doc - texlive-sourcecodepro - texlive-sourcecodepro-doc - texlive-sourcecodepro-fonts - texlive-sourcesanspro - texlive-sourcesanspro-doc - texlive-sourcesanspro-fonts - texlive-sourceserifpro - texlive-sourceserifpro-doc - texlive-sourceserifpro-fonts - texlive-spalign - texlive-spalign-doc - texlive-spanish-mx - texlive-spanish-mx-doc - texlive-sparklines - texlive-sparklines-doc - texlive-spath3 - texlive-spath3-doc - texlive-spelling - texlive-spelling-doc - texlive-sphdthesis - texlive-sphdthesis-doc - texlive-spie - texlive-spie-doc - texlive-splines - texlive-splines-doc - texlive-splitbib - texlive-splitbib-doc - texlive-splitindex - texlive-splitindex-bin - texlive-splitindex-doc - texlive-spot - texlive-spot-doc - texlive-spotcolor - texlive-spotcolor-doc - texlive-spreadtab - texlive-spreadtab-doc - texlive-spverbatim - texlive-spverbatim-doc - texlive-sr-vorl - texlive-sr-vorl-doc - texlive-srbook-mem - texlive-srbook-mem-doc - texlive-srcltx - texlive-srcltx-doc - texlive-srcredact - texlive-srcredact-bin - texlive-srcredact-doc - texlive-sseq - texlive-sseq-doc - texlive-sslides - texlive-sslides-doc - texlive-stack - texlive-stackengine - texlive-stackengine-doc - texlive-stage - texlive-stage-doc - texlive-standalone - texlive-standalone-doc - texlive-stanli - texlive-stanli-doc - texlive-starfont - texlive-starfont-doc - texlive-starfont-fonts - texlive-startex - texlive-startex-doc - texlive-statex - texlive-statex-doc - texlive-statex2 - texlive-statex2-doc - texlive-statistik - texlive-statistik-doc - texlive-staves - texlive-staves-doc - texlive-staves-fonts - texlive-stdclsdv - texlive-stdclsdv-doc - texlive-stdpage - texlive-stdpage-doc - texlive-steinmetz - texlive-steinmetz-doc - texlive-stellenbosch - texlive-stellenbosch-doc - texlive-stex - texlive-stex-doc - texlive-stix - texlive-stix-doc - texlive-stix-fonts - texlive-stmaryrd - texlive-stmaryrd-doc - texlive-stmaryrd-fonts - texlive-storebox - texlive-storebox-doc - texlive-storecmd - texlive-storecmd-doc - texlive-stringstrings - texlive-stringstrings-doc - texlive-struktex - texlive-struktex-doc - texlive-sttools - texlive-sttools-doc - texlive-stubs - texlive-stubs-doc - texlive-studenthandouts - texlive-studenthandouts-doc - texlive-sty2dtx - texlive-sty2dtx-bin - texlive-sty2dtx-doc - texlive-suanpan - texlive-suanpan-doc - texlive-subdepth - texlive-subdepth-doc - texlive-subeqn - texlive-subeqn-doc - texlive-subeqnarray - texlive-subeqnarray-doc - texlive-subfig - texlive-subfig-doc - texlive-subfigmat - texlive-subfigmat-doc - texlive-subfigure - texlive-subfigure-doc - texlive-subfiles - texlive-subfiles-doc - texlive-subfloat - texlive-subfloat-doc - texlive-substances - texlive-substances-doc - texlive-substitutefont - texlive-substitutefont-doc - texlive-substr - texlive-substr-doc - texlive-subsupscripts - texlive-subsupscripts-doc - texlive-sudoku - texlive-sudoku-doc - texlive-sudokubundle - texlive-sudokubundle-doc - texlive-suftesi - texlive-suftesi-doc - texlive-sugconf - texlive-sugconf-doc - texlive-superiors - texlive-superiors-doc - texlive-superiors-fonts - texlive-supertabular - texlive-supertabular-doc - texlive-susy - texlive-susy-doc - texlive-svg - texlive-svg-doc - texlive-svg-inkscape - texlive-svgcolor - texlive-svgcolor-doc - texlive-svn - texlive-svn-doc - texlive-svn-multi - texlive-svn-multi-bin - texlive-svn-multi-doc - texlive-svn-prov - texlive-svn-prov-doc - texlive-svninfo - texlive-svninfo-doc - texlive-svrsymbols - texlive-svrsymbols-doc - texlive-svrsymbols-fonts - texlive-swebib - texlive-swebib-doc - texlive-swimgraf - texlive-swimgraf-doc - texlive-syllogism - texlive-syllogism-doc - texlive-symbol - texlive-symbol-fonts - texlive-sympytexpackage - texlive-sympytexpackage-doc - texlive-synctex - texlive-synctex-bin - texlive-synctex-devel - texlive-synproof - texlive-synproof-doc - texlive-syntax - texlive-syntax-doc - texlive-syntrace - texlive-syntrace-doc - texlive-synttree - texlive-synttree-doc - texlive-systeme - texlive-systeme-doc - texlive-t-angles - texlive-t-angles-doc - texlive-t2 - texlive-t2-doc - texlive-tabfigures - texlive-tabfigures-doc - texlive-table-fct - texlive-table-fct-doc - texlive-tableaux - texlive-tableaux-doc - texlive-tablefootnote - texlive-tablefootnote-doc - texlive-tableof - texlive-tableof-doc - texlive-tablestyles - texlive-tablestyles-doc - texlive-tablists - texlive-tablists-doc - texlive-tablor - texlive-tablor-doc - texlive-tabls - texlive-tabls-doc - texlive-tabriz-thesis - texlive-tabriz-thesis-doc - texlive-tabstackengine - texlive-tabstackengine-doc - texlive-tabto-generic - texlive-tabto-ltx - texlive-tabto-ltx-doc - texlive-tabu - texlive-tabu-doc - texlive-tabularborder - texlive-tabularborder-doc - texlive-tabularcalc - texlive-tabularcalc-doc - texlive-tabularew - texlive-tabularew-doc - texlive-tabulars-e - texlive-tabulary - texlive-tabulary-doc - texlive-tabvar - texlive-tabvar-doc - texlive-tabvar-fonts - texlive-tagging - texlive-tagging-doc - texlive-tagpair - texlive-tagpair-doc - texlive-talk - texlive-talk-doc - texlive-tamefloats - texlive-tamefloats-doc - texlive-tamethebeast - texlive-tap - texlive-tap-doc - texlive-tapir - texlive-tapir-doc - texlive-tapir-fonts - texlive-tasks - texlive-tasks-doc - texlive-tcldoc - texlive-tcldoc-doc - texlive-tcolorbox - texlive-tcolorbox-doc - texlive-tdclock - texlive-tdclock-doc - texlive-tds - texlive-tdsfrmath - texlive-tdsfrmath-doc - texlive-technics - texlive-technics-doc - texlive-ted - texlive-ted-doc - texlive-templates-fenn - texlive-templates-sommer - texlive-templatetools - texlive-templatetools-doc - texlive-tempora - texlive-tempora-doc - texlive-tempora-fonts - texlive-tengwarscript - texlive-tengwarscript-doc - texlive-tensor - texlive-tensor-doc - texlive-termcal - texlive-termcal-doc - texlive-termlist - texlive-termlist-doc - texlive-termmenu - texlive-termmenu-doc - texlive-testhyphens - texlive-testhyphens-doc - texlive-testidx - texlive-testidx-doc - texlive-tetex - texlive-tetex-bin - texlive-tetex-doc - texlive-teubner - texlive-teubner-doc - texlive-tex - texlive-tex-bin - texlive-tex-ewd - texlive-tex-ewd-doc - texlive-tex-font-errors-cheatsheet - texlive-tex-gyre - texlive-tex-gyre-doc - texlive-tex-gyre-fonts - texlive-tex-gyre-math - texlive-tex-gyre-math-doc - texlive-tex-gyre-math-fonts - texlive-tex-ini-files - texlive-tex-ini-files-doc - texlive-tex-label - texlive-tex-label-doc - texlive-tex-overview - texlive-tex-ps - texlive-tex-ps-doc - texlive-tex-refs - texlive-tex-virtual-academy-pl - texlive-tex4ebook - texlive-tex4ebook-bin - texlive-tex4ebook-doc - texlive-tex4ht - texlive-tex4ht-bin - texlive-tex4ht-doc - texlive-texapi - texlive-texapi-doc - texlive-texbytopic - texlive-texconfig - texlive-texconfig-bin - texlive-texconfig-doc - texlive-texcount - texlive-texcount-bin - texlive-texcount-doc - texlive-texdef - texlive-texdef-bin - texlive-texdef-doc - texlive-texdiff - texlive-texdiff-bin - texlive-texdiff-doc - texlive-texdirflatten - texlive-texdirflatten-bin - texlive-texdirflatten-doc - texlive-texdoc - texlive-texdoc-bin - texlive-texdoc-doc - texlive-texdraw - texlive-texdraw-doc - texlive-texfot - texlive-texfot-bin - texlive-texfot-doc - texlive-texilikechaps - texlive-texilikecover - texlive-texinfo - texlive-texlive-common - texlive-texlive-cz - texlive-texlive-de - texlive-texlive-en - texlive-texlive-es - texlive-texlive-fr - texlive-texlive-it - texlive-texlive-pl - texlive-texlive-ru - texlive-texlive-sr - texlive-texlive-zh-cn - texlive-texlive.infra - texlive-texlive.infra-doc - texlive-texliveonfly - texlive-texliveonfly-bin - texlive-texliveonfly-doc - texlive-texloganalyser - texlive-texloganalyser-bin - texlive-texloganalyser-doc - texlive-texlogos - texlive-texlua-devel - texlive-texluajit-devel - texlive-texmate - texlive-texmate-doc - texlive-texments - texlive-texments-doc - texlive-texosquery - texlive-texosquery-bin - texlive-texosquery-doc - texlive-texpower - texlive-texpower-doc - texlive-texproposal - texlive-texshade - texlive-texshade-doc - texlive-texsis - texlive-texsis-bin - texlive-texsis-doc - texlive-textcase - texlive-textcase-doc - texlive-textfit - texlive-textfit-doc - texlive-textglos - texlive-textglos-doc - texlive-textgreek - texlive-textgreek-doc - texlive-textmerg - texlive-textmerg-doc - texlive-textopo - texlive-textopo-doc - texlive-textpath - texlive-textpath-doc - texlive-textpos - texlive-textpos-doc - texlive-texvc - texlive-texvc-doc - texlive-texware - texlive-texware-bin - texlive-tfrupee - texlive-tfrupee-doc - texlive-tfrupee-fonts - texlive-thaienum - texlive-thaienum-doc - texlive-thalie - texlive-thalie-doc - texlive-theoremref - texlive-theoremref-doc - texlive-thesis-ekf - texlive-thesis-ekf-doc - texlive-thesis-titlepage-fhac - texlive-thesis-titlepage-fhac-doc - texlive-thinsp - texlive-thinsp-doc - texlive-thmbox - texlive-thmbox-doc - texlive-thmtools - texlive-thmtools-doc - texlive-threadcol - texlive-threadcol-doc - texlive-threeddice - texlive-threeddice-doc - texlive-threeparttable - texlive-threeparttable-doc - texlive-threeparttablex - texlive-threeparttablex-doc - texlive-thumb - texlive-thumb-doc - texlive-thumbpdf - texlive-thumbpdf-bin - texlive-thumbpdf-doc - texlive-thumbs - texlive-thumbs-doc - texlive-thumby - texlive-thumby-doc - texlive-thuthesis - texlive-thuthesis-doc - texlive-ticket - texlive-ticket-doc - texlive-ticollege - texlive-ticollege-doc - texlive-tie - texlive-tie-bin - texlive-tikz-3dplot - texlive-tikz-3dplot-doc - texlive-tikz-bayesnet - texlive-tikz-bayesnet-doc - texlive-tikz-cd - texlive-tikz-cd-doc - texlive-tikz-dependency - texlive-tikz-dependency-doc - texlive-tikz-dimline - texlive-tikz-dimline-doc - texlive-tikz-feynman - texlive-tikz-feynman-doc - texlive-tikz-inet - texlive-tikz-inet-doc - texlive-tikz-kalender - texlive-tikz-kalender-doc - texlive-tikz-opm - texlive-tikz-opm-doc - texlive-tikz-optics - texlive-tikz-optics-doc - texlive-tikz-page - texlive-tikz-page-doc - texlive-tikz-palattice - texlive-tikz-palattice-doc - texlive-tikz-qtree - texlive-tikz-qtree-doc - texlive-tikz-timing - texlive-tikz-timing-doc - texlive-tikzinclude - texlive-tikzinclude-doc - texlive-tikzmark - texlive-tikzmark-doc - texlive-tikzorbital - texlive-tikzorbital-doc - texlive-tikzpagenodes - texlive-tikzpagenodes-doc - texlive-tikzpeople - texlive-tikzpeople-doc - texlive-tikzpfeile - texlive-tikzpfeile-doc - texlive-tikzposter - texlive-tikzposter-doc - texlive-tikzscale - texlive-tikzscale-doc - texlive-tikzsymbols - texlive-tikzsymbols-doc - texlive-times - texlive-times-fonts - texlive-timetable - texlive-timing-diagrams - texlive-timing-diagrams-doc - texlive-tinos - texlive-tinos-doc - texlive-tinos-fonts - texlive-tipa - texlive-tipa-de - texlive-tipa-doc - texlive-tipa-fonts - texlive-tipfr - texlive-tipfr-doc - texlive-titlecaps - texlive-titlecaps-doc - texlive-titlefoot - texlive-titlepages - texlive-titlepic - texlive-titlepic-doc - texlive-titleref - texlive-titleref-doc - texlive-titlesec - texlive-titlesec-doc - texlive-titling - texlive-titling-doc - texlive-tkz-base - texlive-tkz-base-doc - texlive-tkz-berge - texlive-tkz-berge-doc - texlive-tkz-doc - texlive-tkz-doc-doc - texlive-tkz-euclide - texlive-tkz-euclide-doc - texlive-tkz-fct - texlive-tkz-fct-doc - texlive-tkz-graph - texlive-tkz-graph-doc - texlive-tkz-kiviat - texlive-tkz-kiviat-doc - texlive-tkz-linknodes - texlive-tkz-linknodes-doc - texlive-tkz-orm - texlive-tkz-orm-doc - texlive-tkz-tab - texlive-tkz-tab-doc - texlive-tlc2 - texlive-tocbibind - texlive-tocbibind-doc - texlive-tocdata - texlive-tocdata-doc - texlive-tocloft - texlive-tocloft-doc - texlive-tocvsec2 - texlive-tocvsec2-doc - texlive-todo - texlive-todo-doc - texlive-todonotes - texlive-todonotes-doc - texlive-tokenizer - texlive-tokenizer-doc - texlive-toolbox - texlive-toolbox-doc - texlive-tools - texlive-tools-doc - texlive-topfloat - texlive-topfloat-doc - texlive-toptesi - texlive-toptesi-doc - texlive-totcount - texlive-totcount-doc - texlive-totpages - texlive-totpages-doc - texlive-tpic2pdftex - texlive-tpic2pdftex-bin - texlive-tpslifonts - texlive-tpslifonts-doc - texlive-tqft - texlive-tqft-doc - texlive-tracklang - texlive-tracklang-doc - texlive-trajan - texlive-trajan-doc - texlive-trajan-fonts - texlive-tram - texlive-tram-doc - texlive-translation-array-fr - texlive-translation-arsclassica-de - texlive-translation-biblatex-de - texlive-translation-chemsym-de - texlive-translation-dcolumn-fr - texlive-translation-ecv-de - texlive-translation-enumitem-de - texlive-translation-europecv-de - texlive-translation-filecontents-de - texlive-translation-moreverb-de - texlive-translation-natbib-fr - texlive-translation-tabbing-fr - texlive-translations - texlive-translations-doc - texlive-tree-dvips - texlive-tree-dvips-doc - texlive-treetex - texlive-treetex-doc - texlive-trfsigns - texlive-trfsigns-doc - texlive-trigonometry - texlive-trigonometry-doc - texlive-trimspaces - texlive-trimspaces-doc - texlive-trivfloat - texlive-trivfloat-doc - texlive-trsym - texlive-trsym-doc - texlive-truncate - texlive-truncate-doc - texlive-tsemlines - texlive-ttfutils - texlive-ttfutils-bin - texlive-ttfutils-doc - texlive-tucv - texlive-tucv-doc - texlive-tudscr - texlive-tudscr-doc - texlive-tufte-latex - texlive-tufte-latex-doc - texlive-tugboat - texlive-tugboat-doc - texlive-tugboat-plain - texlive-tugboat-plain-doc - texlive-tui - texlive-tui-doc - texlive-turabian - texlive-turabian-doc - texlive-turabian-formatting - texlive-turabian-formatting-doc - texlive-turkmen - texlive-turkmen-doc - texlive-turnstile - texlive-turnstile-doc - texlive-turnthepage - texlive-turnthepage-doc - texlive-twoinone - texlive-twoinone-doc - texlive-twoup - texlive-twoup-doc - texlive-txfonts - texlive-txfonts-doc - texlive-txfonts-fonts - texlive-txfontsb - texlive-txfontsb-doc - texlive-txfontsb-fonts - texlive-txgreeks - texlive-txgreeks-doc - texlive-txuprcal - texlive-txuprcal-doc - texlive-txuprcal-fonts - texlive-type1cm - texlive-type1cm-doc - texlive-typed-checklist - texlive-typed-checklist-doc - texlive-typeface - texlive-typeface-doc - texlive-typehtml - texlive-typehtml-doc - texlive-typeoutfileinfo - texlive-typeoutfileinfo-bin - texlive-typeoutfileinfo-doc - texlive-typicons - texlive-typicons-doc - texlive-typicons-fonts - texlive-typoaid - texlive-typoaid-doc - texlive-typogrid - texlive-typogrid-doc - texlive-uaclasses - texlive-uaclasses-doc - texlive-uafthesis - texlive-uafthesis-doc - texlive-uantwerpendocs - texlive-uantwerpendocs-doc - texlive-uassign - texlive-uassign-doc - texlive-ucbthesis - texlive-ucbthesis-doc - texlive-ucdavisthesis - texlive-ucdavisthesis-doc - texlive-ucharcat - texlive-ucharcat-doc - texlive-ucharclasses - texlive-ucharclasses-doc - texlive-ucs - texlive-ucs-doc - texlive-ucthesis - texlive-ucthesis-doc - texlive-udesoftec - texlive-udesoftec-doc - texlive-uebungsblatt - texlive-uebungsblatt-doc - texlive-uestcthesis - texlive-uestcthesis-doc - texlive-uhc - texlive-uhc-doc - texlive-uhc-fonts - texlive-uhhassignment - texlive-uhhassignment-doc - texlive-uhrzeit - texlive-uhrzeit-doc - texlive-uiucredborder - texlive-uiucredborder-doc - texlive-uiucthesis - texlive-uiucthesis-doc - texlive-ukrhyph - texlive-ukrhyph-doc - texlive-ulem - texlive-ulem-doc - texlive-ulqda - texlive-ulqda-bin - texlive-ulqda-doc - texlive-ulthese - texlive-ulthese-doc - texlive-umbclegislation - texlive-umbclegislation-doc - texlive-umich-thesis - texlive-umich-thesis-doc - texlive-uml - texlive-uml-doc - texlive-umlaute - texlive-umlaute-doc - texlive-umoline - texlive-umoline-doc - texlive-umthesis - texlive-umthesis-doc - texlive-umtypewriter - texlive-umtypewriter-fonts - texlive-unamth-template - texlive-unamthesis - texlive-unamthesis-doc - texlive-undergradmath - texlive-underlin - texlive-underlin-doc - texlive-underoverlap - texlive-underoverlap-doc - texlive-underscore - texlive-underscore-doc - texlive-undolabl - texlive-undolabl-doc - texlive-unfonts-core - texlive-unfonts-core-doc - texlive-unfonts-core-fonts - texlive-unfonts-extra - texlive-unfonts-extra-doc - texlive-unfonts-extra-fonts - texlive-uni-wtal-ger - texlive-uni-wtal-ger-doc - texlive-uni-wtal-lin - texlive-uni-wtal-lin-doc - texlive-unicode-bidi - texlive-unicode-bidi-doc - texlive-unicode-data - texlive-unicode-data-doc - texlive-unicode-math - texlive-unicode-math-doc - texlive-unisugar - texlive-unisugar-doc - texlive-units - texlive-units-doc - texlive-unitsdef - texlive-unitsdef-doc - texlive-universa - texlive-universa-doc - texlive-universalis - texlive-universalis-doc - texlive-universalis-fonts - texlive-unravel - texlive-unravel-doc - texlive-unswcover - texlive-unswcover-doc - texlive-uothesis - texlive-uothesis-doc - texlive-uowthesis - texlive-uowthesis-doc - texlive-uowthesistitlepage - texlive-uowthesistitlepage-doc - texlive-upca - texlive-upca-doc - texlive-updmap-map - texlive-uplatex - texlive-uplatex-bin - texlive-uplatex-doc - texlive-upmethodology - texlive-upmethodology-doc - texlive-uppunctlm - texlive-uppunctlm-doc - texlive-upquote - texlive-upquote-doc - texlive-uptex - texlive-uptex-base - texlive-uptex-base-doc - texlive-uptex-bin - texlive-uptex-fonts - texlive-uptex-fonts-doc - texlive-urcls - texlive-urcls-doc - texlive-uri - texlive-uri-doc - texlive-url - texlive-url-doc - texlive-urlbst - texlive-urlbst-bin - texlive-urlbst-doc - texlive-urwchancal - texlive-urwchancal-doc - texlive-usebib - texlive-usebib-doc - texlive-ushort - texlive-ushort-doc - texlive-uspace - texlive-uspace-doc - texlive-uspatent - texlive-uspatent-doc - texlive-ut-thesis - texlive-ut-thesis-doc - texlive-utf8mex - texlive-utf8mex-doc - texlive-utopia - texlive-utopia-doc - texlive-utopia-fonts - texlive-uwmslide - texlive-uwmslide-doc - texlive-uwthesis - 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texlive-versions - texlive-versions-doc - texlive-versonotes - texlive-versonotes-doc - texlive-vertbars - texlive-vertbars-doc - texlive-vgrid - texlive-vgrid-doc - texlive-vhistory - texlive-vhistory-doc - texlive-visualfaq - texlive-visualpstricks - texlive-visualtikz - texlive-vlna - texlive-vlna-bin - texlive-vmargin - texlive-vmargin-doc - texlive-vntex - texlive-vntex-doc - texlive-vntex-fonts - texlive-vocaltract - texlive-vocaltract-doc - texlive-volumes - texlive-volumes-doc - texlive-voss-mathcol - texlive-vpe - texlive-vpe-bin - texlive-vpe-doc - texlive-vruler - texlive-vruler-doc - texlive-vwcol - texlive-vwcol-doc - texlive-wadalab - texlive-wadalab-doc - texlive-wadalab-fonts - texlive-wallpaper - texlive-wallpaper-doc - texlive-warning - texlive-warning-doc - texlive-warpcol - texlive-warpcol-doc - texlive-was - texlive-was-doc - texlive-wasy - texlive-wasy-doc - texlive-wasy2-ps - texlive-wasy2-ps-doc - texlive-wasy2-ps-fonts - texlive-wasysym - texlive-wasysym-doc - texlive-web - texlive-web-bin - texlive-webguide - texlive-widetable - texlive-widetable-doc - texlive-williams - texlive-williams-doc - texlive-withargs - texlive-withargs-doc - texlive-wnri - texlive-wnri-doc - texlive-wnri-latex - texlive-wnri-latex-doc - texlive-wordcount - texlive-wordcount-doc - texlive-wordlike - texlive-wordlike-doc - texlive-wrapfig - texlive-wrapfig-doc - texlive-wsemclassic - texlive-wsemclassic-doc - texlive-wsuipa - texlive-wsuipa-doc - texlive-wtref - texlive-wtref-doc - texlive-xargs - texlive-xargs-doc - texlive-xassoccnt - texlive-xassoccnt-doc - texlive-xcharter - texlive-xcharter-doc - texlive-xcharter-fonts - texlive-xcite - texlive-xcite-doc - texlive-xcjk2uni - texlive-xcjk2uni-doc - texlive-xcntperchap - texlive-xcntperchap-doc - texlive-xcolor - texlive-xcolor-doc - texlive-xcolor-material - texlive-xcolor-material-doc - texlive-xcolor-solarized - texlive-xcolor-solarized-doc - texlive-xcomment - texlive-xcomment-doc - texlive-xcookybooky - texlive-xcookybooky-doc - texlive-xdoc - texlive-xdoc-doc - texlive-xduthesis - texlive-xduthesis-doc - texlive-xdvi - texlive-xdvi-bin - texlive-xdvi-doc - texlive-xebaposter - texlive-xebaposter-doc - texlive-xecjk - texlive-xecjk-doc - texlive-xecolor - texlive-xecolor-doc - texlive-xecyr - texlive-xecyr-doc - texlive-xeindex - texlive-xeindex-doc - texlive-xellipsis - texlive-xellipsis-doc - texlive-xepersian - texlive-xepersian-doc - texlive-xesearch - texlive-xesearch-doc - texlive-xespotcolor - texlive-xespotcolor-doc - texlive-xetex - texlive-xetex-bin - texlive-xetex-devanagari - texlive-xetex-devanagari-doc - texlive-xetex-doc - texlive-xetex-itrans - texlive-xetex-itrans-doc - texlive-xetex-pstricks - texlive-xetex-pstricks-doc - texlive-xetex-tibetan - texlive-xetex-tibetan-doc - texlive-xetexconfig - texlive-xetexfontinfo - texlive-xetexfontinfo-doc - texlive-xetexko - texlive-xetexko-doc - texlive-xetexref - texlive-xevlna - texlive-xevlna-doc - texlive-xfor - texlive-xfor-doc - texlive-xgreek - texlive-xgreek-doc - texlive-xhfill - texlive-xhfill-doc - texlive-xifthen - texlive-xifthen-doc - texlive-xii - texlive-xint - texlive-xint-doc - texlive-xits - texlive-xits-doc - texlive-xits-fonts - texlive-xkeyval - texlive-xkeyval-doc - texlive-xlop - texlive-xlop-doc - texlive-xltxtra - texlive-xltxtra-doc - texlive-xmltex - texlive-xmltex-bin - texlive-xmltex-doc - texlive-xmltexconfig - texlive-xmpincl - texlive-xmpincl-doc - texlive-xnewcommand - texlive-xnewcommand-doc - texlive-xoptarg - texlive-xoptarg-doc - texlive-xpatch - texlive-xpatch-doc - texlive-xpeek - texlive-xpeek-doc - texlive-xpiano - texlive-xpiano-doc - texlive-xpicture - texlive-xpicture-doc - texlive-xpinyin - texlive-xpinyin-doc - texlive-xprintlen - texlive-xprintlen-doc - texlive-xpunctuate - texlive-xpunctuate-doc - texlive-xq - texlive-xq-doc - texlive-xsavebox - texlive-xsavebox-doc - texlive-xsim - texlive-xsim-doc - texlive-xskak - texlive-xskak-doc - texlive-xstring - texlive-xstring-doc - texlive-xtab - texlive-xtab-doc - texlive-xunicode - texlive-xunicode-doc - texlive-xwatermark - texlive-xwatermark-doc - texlive-xyling - texlive-xyling-doc - texlive-xymtex - texlive-xymtex-doc - texlive-xypic - texlive-xypic-doc - texlive-xypic-fonts - texlive-xypic-tut-pt - texlive-xytree - texlive-xytree-doc - texlive-yafoot - texlive-yafoot-doc - texlive-yagusylo - texlive-yagusylo-doc - texlive-yaletter - texlive-yaletter-doc - texlive-yannisgr - texlive-yannisgr-doc - texlive-yathesis - texlive-yathesis-doc - texlive-yax - texlive-yax-doc - texlive-ycbook - texlive-ycbook-doc - texlive-ydoc - texlive-ydoc-doc - texlive-yfonts - texlive-yfonts-doc - texlive-yfonts-t1 - texlive-yfonts-t1-doc - texlive-yfonts-t1-fonts - texlive-yhmath - texlive-yhmath-doc - texlive-yhmath-fonts - texlive-yinit-otf - texlive-yinit-otf-doc - texlive-yinit-otf-fonts - texlive-york-thesis - texlive-york-thesis-doc - texlive-youngtab - texlive-youngtab-doc - texlive-yplan - texlive-yplan-bin - texlive-yplan-doc - texlive-ytableau - texlive-ytableau-doc - texlive-zapfchan - texlive-zapfchan-fonts - texlive-zapfding - texlive-zapfding-fonts - texlive-zed-csp - texlive-zed-csp-doc - texlive-zhmetrics - texlive-zhmetrics-doc - texlive-zhmetrics-uptex - texlive-zhmetrics-uptex-doc - texlive-zhnumber - texlive-zhnumber-doc - texlive-zhspacing - texlive-zhspacing-doc - texlive-ziffer - texlive-ziffer-doc - texlive-zlmtt - texlive-zlmtt-doc - texlive-zwgetfdate - texlive-zwgetfdate-doc - texlive-zwpagelayout - texlive-zwpagelayout-doc - texlive-zxjafbfont - texlive-zxjafbfont-doc - texlive-zxjafont - texlive-zxjafont-doc - texlive-zxjatype - texlive-zxjatype-doc - texmaker - texmath - texstudio - texworks - texworks-plugin-lua - texworks-plugin-python - tftpboot-installation-common - tftpboot-installation-openSUSE-Leap-15.0-x86_64 - tgt - thai-fonts - the_silver_searcher - thermald - thessalonica-oldstandard-otf-fonts - thessalonica-oldstandard-ttf-fonts - thessalonica-tempora-lgc-otf-fonts - thessalonica-tempora-lgc-ttf-fonts - thessalonica-theano-otf-fonts - thessalonica-theano-ttf-fonts - threadweaver-devel - threadweaver-devel-32bit - thrift - thryomanes-fonts - thttpd - thunar-devel - thunar-plugin-shares - thunar-plugin-shares-lang - thunar-plugin-vcs - thunar-plugin-vcs-lang - thunar-sendto-blueman - thunar-sendto-clamtk - thunar-volman-branding-upstream - thunarx-python - thunarx-python-doc - thunderbolt-user-space - tibetan-machine-uni-fonts - tidy - tidy-doc - tidyp - tiff - tig - tigervnc-x11vnc - tilda - tilda-lang - tilde - tiled - tilix - tilix-lang - timidity - tint - tint2 - tint2-lang - tintii - tinyb-devel - tinyca2 - tinygettext-devel - tinyproxy - tinyssh - tinyxml-devel - tinyxml-docs - tinyxml2-devel - tiobench - tipcutils - titlecase - tix - tk-32bit - tk-devel - tkdiff - tkfont - tkimg - tkimg-devel - tkinfo - tkirc - tktable - tkxcd - tls - tls-debug - tlswrap - tmate - tmon - tmpwatch - tmux-powerline - tmxtools - tn5250 - tn5250-devel - tnef - tntdb-doc - tntdb-mysql - tntdb-postgresql - tntdb-replicate - tntdb-sqlite - tolua - toluapp-5.1 - toluapp-5.3 - tomahawk - tomahawk-kde - tomatoes - tomcat - tomcat-admin-webapps - tomcat-docs-webapp - tomcat-el-3_0-api - tomcat-embed - tomcat-javadoc - tomcat-jsp-2_3-api - tomcat-jsvc - tomcat-lib - tomcat-servlet-4_0-api - tomcat-webapps - tomoe - tomoe-devel - tomoe-doc - tomoe-gtk - tomoe-gtk-devel - tomoe-gtk-doc - tomoe-gtk-lang - tomoyo-tools - tor - torbrowser-apparmor-profile - torbrowser-launcher - torbrowser-launcher-lang - torrentinfo - torsocks - totem-devel - totem-pl-parser-devel - totem-plugin-gnome-dvb-daemon - touchegg - touchegg-gui - tpm-quote-tools - tpm-tools - tpm-tools-devel - tpm-tools-pkcs11 - tpm2-0-tss - tpm2-0-tss-devel - tpm2.0-abrmd - tpm2.0-abrmd-devel - tpm2.0-tools - trace-cmd - tracker-devel - tracker-miner-rss - trader - trader-lang - trang - transconnect - transfig - transifex-client - translate-shell - translate-toolkit - translate-toolkit-devel-doc - translation-update-as - translation-update-ast - translation-update-be - translation-update-be-latin - translation-update-bn - translation-update-bn_IN - translation-update-ca-valencia - translation-update-dz - translation-update-en-shaw - translation-update-en_CA - translation-update-es_AR - translation-update-es_CL - translation-update-es_CO - translation-update-es_CR - translation-update-es_DO - translation-update-es_EC - translation-update-es_ES - translation-update-es_GT - translation-update-es_HN - translation-update-es_MX - translation-update-es_NI - translation-update-es_PA - translation-update-es_PE - translation-update-es_PR - translation-update-es_SV - translation-update-es_UY - translation-update-es_VE - translation-update-eu - translation-update-fr_CA - translation-update-ga - translation-update-gl - translation-update-gu - translation-update-he - translation-update-hi - translation-update-hr - translation-update-is - translation-update-it_IT - translation-update-kk - translation-update-km - translation-update-kn - translation-update-lv - translation-update-mai - translation-update-mk - translation-update-ml - translation-update-mr - translation-update-nb_NO - translation-update-nds - translation-update-ne - translation-update-nn - translation-update-or - translation-update-pa - translation-update-pt_PT - translation-update-ro - translation-update-sq - translation-update-sr - translation-update-sr-ije - translation-update-sr-latin - translation-update-ta - translation-update-te - translation-update-th - translation-update-tr - translation-update-tr_TR - translation-update-ug - translation-update-upstream - translation-update-vi - translation-update-wa - translation-update-zh_HK - translator - translator-lang - transmageddon - transmageddon-lang - transmission - transmission-daemon - transmission-qt - transmission-qt-lang - transset - trapproto-devel - tre - tre-devel - tre-lang - tree - treeline - trigger-rally - trinity - tripwire - trojita - trousers - trousers-devel - trustedgrub - trustedgrub2 - trustedgrub2-i386-pc - tryton - trytond - trytond_account - trytond_account_invoice - trytond_account_invoice_stock - trytond_account_product - trytond_calendar - trytond_company - trytond_country - trytond_currency - trytond_party - trytond_product - trytond_purchase - trytond_purchase_request - trytond_stock - trytond_stock_lot - trytond_stock_supply - tse3 - tse3-devel - tslib - tslib-devel - tslib-devel-32bit - tslib-plugins - tsung - ttf2pt1 - tuladha-jejeg-fonts - tumbler-devel - tumbler-doc - tunctl - tuned-gtk - tuned-profiles-atomic - tuned-profiles-nfv - tuned-profiles-oracle - tuned-profiles-realtime - tuned-utils - tuned-utils-systemtap - tup - tup-doc - tupitube - tupitube-plugins - tuxcursors - tuxguitar - tuxpaint - tuxpaint-config - tuxpaint-config-lang - tuxpaint-devel - tuxpaint-stamps - tuxpaint-stamps-animals - tuxpaint-stamps-clothes - tuxpaint-stamps-food - tuxpaint-stamps-hobbies - tuxpaint-stamps-household - tuxpaint-stamps-medical - tuxpaint-stamps-military - tuxpaint-stamps-naturalforces - tuxpaint-stamps-people - tuxpaint-stamps-plants - tuxpaint-stamps-seasonal - tuxpaint-stamps-space - tuxpaint-stamps-sports - tuxpaint-stamps-symbols - tuxpaint-stamps-town - tuxpaint-stamps-vehicles - tv-common - tv-fonts - tvbrowser - tvheadend - tvtime - tvtime-lang - twemoji-color-font - twilio-utils - twinkle - twolame - txt2man - txt2tags - typelib-1_0-Accounts-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Amtk-3_0 - typelib-1_0-Anjuta-3_0 - typelib-1_0-AppIndicator-0_1 - typelib-1_0-AppStream-1.0 - typelib-1_0-AppStreamBuilder-1_0 - typelib-1_0-AppStreamGlib-1_0 - typelib-1_0-AtrilDocument-1_5_0 - typelib-1_0-AtrilView-1_5_0 - typelib-1_0-Avahi-0_6 - typelib-1_0-AyatanaAppIndicator-0_1 - typelib-1_0-AyatanaAppIndicator3-0_1 - typelib-1_0-AyatanaIdo3-0_4 - typelib-1_0-Bamf-3_0 - typelib-1_0-BraseroBurn-3_2_0 - typelib-1_0-BraseroMedia-3_2_0 - typelib-1_0-BuzztraxCore-1_1 - typelib-1_0-BuzztraxIc-1_1 - typelib-1_0-CMenu-3_0 - typelib-1_0-Caja-2_0 - typelib-1_0-Camel-1_2 - typelib-1_0-Cheese-3_0 - typelib-1_0-CinnamonDesktop-3_0 - typelib-1_0-CjsPrivate-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Cogl-2_0 - typelib-1_0-CoglGst-2_0 - typelib-1_0-CoglPango-2_0 - typelib-1_0-Colord-1_0 - typelib-1_0-ColordGtk-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Colorhug-1_0 - typelib-1_0-CryptUI-0_0 - typelib-1_0-Cvc-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Dbusmenu-0_4 - typelib-1_0-DbusmenuGtk-0_4 - typelib-1_0-DbusmenuGtk3-0_4 - typelib-1_0-Dee-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Devhelp-3_0 - typelib-1_0-Dnf-1_0 - typelib-1_0-EBook-1_2 - typelib-1_0-EBookContacts-1_2 - typelib-1_0-EDataServer-1_2 - typelib-1_0-EDataServerUI-1_2 - typelib-1_0-Eek-0_90 - typelib-1_0-Eom-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Farstream-0_2 - typelib-1_0-Fcitx-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Folks-0_6 - typelib-1_0-FolksEds-0_6 - typelib-1_0-FolksTelepathy-0_6 - typelib-1_0-FolksTracker-0_6 - typelib-1_0-Fwupd-2_0 - typelib-1_0-GCab-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GES-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GExiv2-0_10 - typelib-1_0-GMime-2_6 - typelib-1_0-GMime-3_0 - typelib-1_0-GOffice-0_10 - typelib-1_0-GPaste-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GSSDP-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GSound-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GSystem-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GTop-2_0 - typelib-1_0-GUPnP-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GUPnPAV-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GUPnPDLNA-2_0 - typelib-1_0-GUPnPDLNAGst-2_0 - typelib-1_0-GUPnPIgd-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GUdev-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GUsb-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GVncPulse-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GXPS-0_1 - typelib-1_0-GcrUi-3 - typelib-1_0-Gda-5_0 - typelib-1_0-Gdaui-5_0 - typelib-1_0-Gdl-3 - typelib-1_0-Gee-0_8 - typelib-1_0-Gee-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Gegl-0_3 - typelib-1_0-Ggit-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Gitg-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GitgExt-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Gladeui-2_0 - typelib-1_0-GnomeAutoar-0_1 - typelib-1_0-GnomeAutoarGtk-0_1 - typelib-1_0-GoVirt-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Gom-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GooCanvas-2_0 - typelib-1_0-Granite-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Graphene-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GrlNet-0_3 - typelib-1_0-GrlPls-0_3 - typelib-1_0-Grss-0_7 - typelib-1_0-Gsf-1 - typelib-1_0-GstAllocators-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GstApp-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GstBadAllocators-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GstFft-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GstGL-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GstInsertBin-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GstMpegts-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GstPlayer-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GstRtp-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GstRtsp-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GstRtspServer-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GstSdp-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GstTranscoder-1_0 - typelib-1_0-GstValidate-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Gtd-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Gtef-2_0 - typelib-1_0-Gtk-2_0 - typelib-1_0-GtkSpell-3_0 - typelib-1_0-GtkVnc-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Gucharmap-2_90 - typelib-1_0-HarfBuzz-0_0 - typelib-1_0-Ido3-0_1 - typelib-1_0-Jsonrpc-1.0 - typelib-1_0-Keybinder-0_0 - typelib-1_0-Keybinder-3_0 - typelib-1_0-Libmsi-1_0 - typelib-1_0-LibvirtGConfig-1_0 - typelib-1_0-LibvirtGObject-1_0 - typelib-1_0-LibvirtSandbox-1_0 - typelib-1_0-LightDM-1 - typelib-1_0-Manette-0_2 - typelib-1_0-MateDesktop-2_0 - typelib-1_0-MateMenu-2_0 - typelib-1_0-MatePanelApplet-4_0 - typelib-1_0-Matekbd-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Memphis-0_2 - typelib-1_0-MetaMuffin-0_0 - typelib-1_0-ModemManager-1_0 - typelib-1_0-NMA-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Nautilus-3_0 - typelib-1_0-Nemo-3_0 - typelib-1_0-OSTree-1_0 - typelib-1_0-OsmGpsMap-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Playerctl-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Pluma-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Poppler-0_18 - typelib-1_0-Retro-0_12 - typelib-1_0-RygelCore-2_6 - typelib-1_0-RygelRenderer-2_6 - typelib-1_0-RygelRendererGst-2_6 - typelib-1_0-RygelServer-2_6 - typelib-1_0-Signon-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Skk-1_0 - typelib-1_0-SocialWebClient-0_25 - typelib-1_0-TelepathyFarstream-0_6 - typelib-1_0-Template-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Tepl-3_0 - typelib-1_0-TrackerMiner-2_0 - typelib-1_0-UDisks-2_0 - typelib-1_0-Uhm-0_0 - typelib-1_0-Unique-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Urfkill-0_0 - typelib-1_0-Vips-8_5 - typelib-1_0-WebKit2WebExtension-4_0 - typelib-1_0-Wnck-1_0 - typelib-1_0-Workrave-1_0 - typelib-1_0-XApp-1_0 - typelib-1_0-XplayerPlParser-1_0 - typelib-1_0-XreaderDocument-1_5 - typelib-1_0-XreaderView-1_5 - typelib-1_0-Zeitgeist-2_0 - typelib-1_0-gSignon-1_0 - typelib-1_0-gSignond-1_0 - typelib-1_0-kkc-1_0 - typelib-1_0-libdazzle-1_0 - typelib-1_0-libmirage-3_1 - typelib_1_0-Budgie-0_1 - typescript - tzdb - u-boot-tools - u2f-host - u2f-server - u3-tool - ubuntu-fonts - ubuntu-mate-icon-theme - ubuntu-mate-wallpapers - ubuntu-mono-icon-theme - uchardet - ucl-devel - ucm - ucommon - ucommon-devel - ucpp - ucpp-devel - udav - udev-browse - udev-mini - udftools - udhcp - udisks2-devel - udns - udns-devel - ufiformat - ufraw - ufraw-lang - ufw - ufw-lang - uget - uget-lang - uhd-devel - uhd-doc - uhd-firmware - uhd-udev - uhttpmock-devel - uid_wrapper - uisp - ullae-veliyae - ulogd - ulogd-mysql - ulogd-pcap - ulogd-pgsql - ulogd-sqlite3 - umbrello - umbrello-lang - uml-utilities - umoci - unbound - unbound-devel - unbound-munin - unbound-python - unclutter - uncrustify - unetbootin - unibilium-devel - unicode-emoji - unicode-ucd - unicode-ucd-unihan - unifdef - unifraktur-fonts - unionfs-fuse - unison - units - unittest-cpp-devel - unity-gtk-module-common - unity-gtk2-module - unity-gtk3-module - unixODBC-32bit - unixODBC-devel - unixbench - unmass - unoconv - unpaper - unrar_wrapper - unsermake - unshield - unshield-devel - unzip-rcc - unzix - update-bootloader-rpm-macros - update-test-32bit-pkg - update-test-32bit-pkg-32bit - update-test-broken - update-test-feature - update-test-relogin-suggested - update-test-trivial - uperf - upm-devel - upx - uranium-firmware-lulzbot - uranium-lulzbot - urbanlightscape - urfkill - urh - uriparser - uriparser-devel - urlwatch - urxvt-font-size - urxvt-perls - us428control - usbauth - usbauth-notifier - usbguard - usbguard-devel - usbguard-tools - usbprog - usbprog-devel - usbprog-gui - usbredir - usbredir-devel - usbtop - usbview - ushare - usnic_tools - usx2yloader - utempter-devel - utempter-devel-32bit - utf8proc-devel - utfcpp-devel - uthash-devel - util-macros-devel - utils-libnfs - uucp - uucp-xinetd - uudeview - uuid-devel - uuidd - uvcdynctrl - uwac0-0-devel - uwsgi - uwsgi-emperor_pg - uwsgi-emperor_zeromq - uwsgi-geoip - uwsgi-gevent - uwsgi-glusterfs - uwsgi-greenlet - uwsgi-jvm - uwsgi-ldap - uwsgi-libffi - uwsgi-logzmq - uwsgi-lua - uwsgi-pam - uwsgi-php7 - uwsgi-psgi - uwsgi-pypy - uwsgi-python - uwsgi-python3 - uwsgi-sqlite3 - uwsgi-xslt - v4l-conf - v4l-tools - v4l-utils - v4l-utils-devel-tools - v4l-utils-lang - v4l2loopback-kmp-default - v4l2loopback-utils - vacation - vacuum-im - vacuum-im-devel - vacuum-im-lang - vacuum-im-plugins-dbusnotifications - vacuum-im-plugins-spellchecker - vacuum-im-plugins-statistics - vacuum-im-plugins-usermood - vacuum-im-plugins-usertune - vala - vala-panel - vala-panel-appmenu-lang - vala-panel-devel - vala-panel-extras-battery - vala-panel-extras-gtop - vala-panel-extras-lang - vala-panel-extras-volume - vala-panel-extras-weather - vala-panel-extras-xkb - vala-panel-extras-xkb-flags - vala-panel-lang - vala-panel-plugin-appmenu - vala-panel-plugin-sntray - vala-panel-plugin-sntray-lang - vala-panel-plugins-base - vala-panel-plugins-wnck - valadoc - valadoc-doclet-devhelp - valadoc-doclet-gtkdoc - valadoc-doclet-html - valgrind - valgrind-devel - vamp-plugin-sdk - vamp-plugin-sdk-devel - vapoursynth-devel - vapoursynth-plugin-eedi3 - vapoursynth-plugin-imwri - vapoursynth-plugin-miscfilters - vapoursynth-plugin-morpho - vapoursynth-plugin-ocr - vapoursynth-plugin-removegrain - vapoursynth-plugin-subtext - vapoursynth-plugin-vinverse - vapoursynth-plugin-vivtc - vapoursynth-tools - variety - varnish - varnish-devel - vboot - vbrfix - vcdimager-devel - vcron - vcsh - vcsh-zsh-completion - vde2 - vde2-cryptcab - vde2-slirp - vdr - vdr-devel - vdr-devel-doc - vdr-lang - vdr-plugin-epgsearch - vdr-plugin-femon - vdr-plugin-remote - vdr-plugin-satip - vdr-plugin-streamdev-client - vdr-plugin-streamdev-server - vdr-plugin-xineliboutput - vdr-xineliboutput-client - vegastrike - vegastrike-data - vegastrike-extra - vegastrike-music - vegastrike-speech - velocity - velocity-demo - velocity-javadoc - velocity-manual - verilator - verilator-doc - verilator-doc-pdf - verilator-examples - veusz - vgrep - vhostmd - vidcutter - videoproto-devel - viewnior - viewnior-lang - viewprof - viewvc - vifm - vifm-colors - vigra-devel - vim-bootstrap - vim-icinga2 - vim-plugin-NERDcommenter - vim-plugin-NERDtree - vim-plugin-a - vim-plugin-ack - vim-plugin-align - vim-plugin-bufexplorer - vim-plugin-calendar - vim-plugin-colorschemes - vim-plugin-colorsel - vim-plugin-conky - vim-plugin-devhelp - vim-plugin-diffchanges - vim-plugin-editorconfig - vim-plugin-fugitive - vim-plugin-gitdiff - vim-plugin-gnupg - vim-plugin-latex - vim-plugin-locateopen - vim-plugin-matrix - vim-plugin-minibufexpl - vim-plugin-multiplesearch - vim-plugin-neomutt - vim-plugin-nginx - vim-plugin-powerline - vim-plugin-project - vim-plugin-quilt - vim-plugin-rails - vim-plugin-searchcomplete - vim-plugin-showmarks - vim-plugin-snipmate - vim-plugin-supertab - vim-plugin-taglist - vim-plugin-tlib - vim-plugin-tregisters - vim-plugin-tselectbuffer - vim-plugin-tselectfiles - vim-plugin-utl - vim-plugin-vimwiki - vim-plugin-zoomwin - vino - vino-lang - vips-doc - vips-tools - virglrenderer-devel - virglrenderer-test-server - virt-sandbox - virt-top - virt-what - virtualbox - virtualbox-devel - virtualbox-guest-desktop-icons - virtualbox-guest-source - virtualbox-host-kmp-default - virtualbox-host-source - virtualbox-qt - virtualbox-vnc - virtualbox-websrv - visio2svg-conv - visualjackm - vit - vkeybd - vkquake - vlan - vlc - vlc-codec-gstreamer - vlc-devel - vlc-jack - vlc-lang - vlc-noX - vlc-qt - vm-dump-metrics - vms-empire - vmtouch - vncmanager - vncmanager-controller - vncmanager-controller-gnome - vncmanager-greeter - vnstat - vnstat-cgi - vocal - vocal-lang - vodovod - voikkospell - vokoscreen - vollkorn-fonts - vorbisgain - voro++ - voro++-devel - votca-csg - votca-csg-bash - votca-csg-common - votca-csg-devel - votca-csg-doc - votca-csg-tutorials - votca-csgapps - votca-tools - votca-tools-devel - voxelands - vpcs - vpp - vpp-api-java - vpp-api-lua - vpp-api-python - vpp-devel - vpp-plugins - vpx-tools - vsqlite++-devel - vtable-dumper - vtcl - vte-devel - vte-tools - vte016-sharp - vte2-devel - vte2-lang - vte2-tools - vtk-devel - vtk-devel-doc - vtk-examples - vtk-java - vtk-qt - vtk-tcl - vtkdata - vulkan - vulkan-devel - vulkan-devel-32bit - vym - w3c-markup-validator - w3c-markup-validator-libs - w3m-inline-image - w3mir - w_scan - wadptr - waffle - waffle-devel - wallstreet - waltham-devel - wammu - wammu-lang - wang-fonts - warzone2100 - warzone2100-data - watchman - watchman-python - wavemon - wavpack - wavpack-devel - way-cooler - wayland-devel - wayland-devel-32bit - wayland-protocols-devel - wbxml2-tools - wcd - wcslib-devel - wcslib-doc - wcslib-tools - wdfs - wdiff - wdiff-lang - weather-wallpaper - weather-wallpaper-lang - webalizer - webalizer-flags - webcamoid - webcamoid-devel - webdot - webenginepart - webkit-jsc-4 - webkit2gtk3-devel - webkit2gtk3-plugin-process-gtk2 - websocketpp-devel - webvfx - webvfx-devel - webvfx-module - weechat - weechat-aspell - weechat-devel - weechat-guile - weechat-lang - weechat-lua - weechat-perl - weechat-python - weechat-ruby - weechat-tcl - werken-xpath - werken-xpath-javadoc - wesnoth - wesnoth-campaign-server - wesnoth-data - wesnoth-fslayout - wesnoth-server - wesnoth-tools - weston - weston-devel - wgetpaste - when-command - when-command-lang - whfc - whohas - whois - widelands - widelands-data - widelands-debug - wiggle - wiiuse-devel - wine - wine-32bit - wine-devel - wine-devel-32bit - wine-gecko - wine-nine - wine-nine-32bit - wine-nine-devel - wine-nine-devel-32bit - wine-staging - wine-staging-32bit - wine-staging-devel - wine-staging-devel-32bit - wine-staging-nine - wine-staging-nine-32bit - wine-staging-nine-devel - wine-staging-nine-devel-32bit - winpr2-devel - winrs - wipe - wireshark - wireshark-devel - wireshark-plugin-libvirt - wireshark-ui-qt - withlock - wizznic - wlc-devel - wm-icons - wmakerconf - wmgui - wminput - wmpomme - wnck-sharp - wol-udev-rules - wondershaper - wordcut - wordcut-devel - wordnet - wordnet-devel - words-british - words-canadian - workrave - workrave-devel - wpa_supplicant-gui - wqy-bitmap-fonts - wqy-microhei-fonts - wqy-zenhei-fonts - writerperfect - wrk - ws-jaxme - ws-jaxme-javadoc - ws-jaxme-manual - wsdl4j - wsdl4j-javadoc - wslay - wslay-devel - wt - wt-devel - wumpus - wv - wv-devel - wv2-devel - wxEphe - wxGTK3-3_2-devel - wxMaxima - wxQt-3_2-devel - wxWidgets-3_0-devel - wxWidgets-3_0-devel-32bit - wxWidgets-3_0-docs - wxWidgets-3_0-nostl-devel - wxWidgets-3_0-plugin-sound_sdlu-3_0 - wxWidgets-3_0-plugin-sound_sdlu-3_0-32bit - wxWidgets-3_2-devel - wxWidgets-3_2-plugin-sound_sdlu-3_2 - wxWidgets-docs - wxhexeditor - wxhexeditor-lang - wxlua - wxlua-devel - wxmp3gain - wxmp3gain-lang - wxstedit - wxstedit-devel - wxsvg - wyrd - wyrmgus - wyrmgus-devel - wyrmsun - x11vnc - x11vnc-frontend - x2x - x3270 - x86info - xalan-c - xalan-j2 - xalan-j2-demo - xalan-j2-manual - xalan-j2-xsltc - xaos - xaos-lang - xapian-core - xapian-core-doc - xapian-core-examples - xapps-common - xar - xautolock - xautomation - xaw3dd - xawtv - xbanish - xbase - xbase-devel - xbase-doc - xbench - xbindkeys - xbitmaps-devel - xbomb - xboxdrv - xbsql - xbsql-devel - xcalib - xcalib-profiles - xcb - xcb-proto-devel - xcb-util-cursor-devel - xcb-util-cursor-devel-32bit - xcb-util-devel - xcb-util-devel-32bit - xcb-util-errors-devel - xcb-util-image-devel - xcb-util-image-devel-32bit - xcb-util-keysyms-devel - xcb-util-keysyms-devel-32bit - xcb-util-renderutil-devel - xcb-util-renderutil-devel-32bit - xcb-util-wm-devel - xcb-util-wm-devel-32bit - xcb-util-xrm-devel - xclass - xclass-devel - xcm - xcmiscproto-devel - xcolors - xcoral - xcowsay - xdg-desktop-portal-devel - xdg-desktop-portal-gtk - xdg-desktop-portal-gtk-lang - xdiskusage - xdm-xsession - xdmsc - xdotool - xdotool-devel - xdriinfo - xed - xed-devel - xed-lang - xemacs - xemacs-el - xemacs-info - xemacs-packages - xemacs-packages-el - xemacs-packages-info - xen - xen-devel - xen-doc-html - xen-libs-32bit - xen-tools - xen-tools-domU - xengine - xerces-c - xerces-c-doc - xerces-j2 - xerces-j2-demo - xerces-j2-scripts - xerces-j2-xml-resolver - xextproto-devel - xf86-input-evdev-devel - xf86-input-joystick-devel - xf86-input-libinput-devel - xf86-input-mouse-devel - xf86-input-synaptics - xf86-input-synaptics-devel - xf86-input-wacom-devel - xf86-video-dummy - xf86-video-fbturbo - xf86-video-intel-32bit - xf86-video-nv - xf86-video-openchrome - xf86-video-sisusb - xf86-video-v4l - xf86bigfontproto-devel - xf86dgaproto-devel - xf86driproto-devel - xf86miscproto-devel - xf86rushproto-devel - xf86vidmodeproto-devel - xfburn - xfburn-lang - xfce4-dev-tools - xfce4-icon-theme - xfce4-mixer - xfce4-mixer-lang - xfce4-notifyd-branding-upstream - xfce4-notifyd-theme-adapta - xfce4-panel-branding-upstream - xfce4-panel-devel - xfce4-panel-plugin-appmenu - xfce4-panel-plugin-battery - xfce4-panel-plugin-battery-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-clipman - xfce4-panel-plugin-clipman-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-cpufreq - xfce4-panel-plugin-cpufreq-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-cpugraph - xfce4-panel-plugin-cpugraph-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-datetime - xfce4-panel-plugin-datetime-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-dict - xfce4-panel-plugin-diskperf - xfce4-panel-plugin-diskperf-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-eyes - xfce4-panel-plugin-eyes-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-fsguard - xfce4-panel-plugin-fsguard-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-genmon - xfce4-panel-plugin-genmon-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-mailwatch - xfce4-panel-plugin-mailwatch-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-mixer - xfce4-panel-plugin-mount - xfce4-panel-plugin-mount-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-mpc - xfce4-panel-plugin-mpc-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-multiload-nandhp - xfce4-panel-plugin-netload - xfce4-panel-plugin-netload-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-netspeed - xfce4-panel-plugin-places - xfce4-panel-plugin-places-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-screenshooter - xfce4-panel-plugin-sensors - xfce4-panel-plugin-sensors-devel - xfce4-panel-plugin-sensors-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-smartbookmark - xfce4-panel-plugin-smartbookmark-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-sntray - xfce4-panel-plugin-systemload - xfce4-panel-plugin-systemload-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-timeout - xfce4-panel-plugin-timeout-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-timer - xfce4-panel-plugin-timer-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-verve - xfce4-panel-plugin-verve-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-wavelan - xfce4-panel-plugin-wavelan-lang - xfce4-panel-plugin-weather - xfce4-panel-plugin-weather-lang - xfce4-power-manager-branding-upstream - xfce4-session-branding-upstream - xfce4-session-devel - xfce4-settings-branding-upstream - xfce4-vala - xfce4-volumed - xfce4-volumed-pulse - xfdesktop-branding-upstream - xfig - xfishtank - xfmpc - xfmpc-lang - xfsdump - xfsprogs-devel - xfwm4-branding-upstream - xfwm4-theme-adapta - xfwm4-themes - xgalaga++ - xgnokii - xgrabsc - xhfsutil - xhtml-dtd - xiccd - xindy - xindy-doc - xindy-rules - xine-ui - xine-ui-32bit - xineramaproto-devel - xiphos - xiphos-lang - xjadeo - xkbcomp-devel - xkeycaps - xl2tpd - xl2tpd-doc - xlatencytop - xless - xlockmore - xlogin - xls2csv - xmahjongg - xmgrace - xmgrace-devel - xmh - xmined - xml-commons - xml-commons-apis-bootstrap - xml-commons-jaxp-1.1-apis - xml-commons-jaxp-1.1-apis-manual - xml-commons-jaxp-1.2-apis - xml-commons-jaxp-1.2-apis-manual - xml-commons-jaxp-1.3-apis - xml-commons-jaxp-1.3-apis-manual - xml-commons-jaxp-1.4-apis - xml-commons-jaxp-1.4-apis-manual - xml-commons-resolver-bootstrap - xml-commons-resolver10 - xml-commons-resolver11 - xml-commons-resolver12 - xml-commons-which-bootstrap - xml-commons-which10 - xml-commons-which11 - xml-im-exporter - xml-im-exporter-javadoc - xml-security-c-bin - xml2po - xml2po-devel - xmlbeans-mini - xmlbeans-scripts - xmldb-api - xmldb-api-javadoc - xmldb-api-sdk - xmldb-common - xmlformat - xmlgraphics-batik - xmlgraphics-batik-demo - xmlgraphics-batik-rasterizer - xmlgraphics-batik-slideshow - xmlgraphics-batik-squiggle - xmlgraphics-batik-svgpp - xmlgraphics-batik-ttf2svg - xmlgraphics-commons - xmlgraphics-commons-javadoc - xmlgraphics-fop - xmlrpc-c-devel - xmlsec1 - xmlsec1-devel - xmlsec1-gcrypt-devel - xmlsec1-gnutls-devel - xmlsec1-nss-devel - xmlsec1-openssl-devel - xmlto - xmltooling-schemas - xmlunit - xmlunit-javadoc - xmms2 - xmms2-devel - xmms2-docs - xmms2-perl - xmms2-plugin-airplay - xmms2-plugin-ao - xmms2-plugin-apefile - xmms2-plugin-asf - xmms2-plugin-asx - xmms2-plugin-base - xmms2-plugin-cdda - xmms2-plugin-cue - xmms2-plugin-curl - xmms2-plugin-daap - xmms2-plugin-flac - xmms2-plugin-flv - xmms2-plugin-gme - xmms2-plugin-gvfs - xmms2-plugin-html - xmms2-plugin-ices - xmms2-plugin-icymetaint - xmms2-plugin-id3v2 - xmms2-plugin-jack - xmms2-plugin-karaoke - xmms2-plugin-m3u - xmms2-plugin-modplug - xmms2-plugin-mp4 - xmms2-plugin-musepack - xmms2-plugin-normalize - xmms2-plugin-ofa - xmms2-plugin-pulse - xmms2-plugin-samba - xmms2-plugin-sndfile - xmms2-plugin-speex - xmms2-plugin-tta - xmms2-plugin-vocoder - xmms2-plugin-wave - xmms2-plugin-wavpack - xmms2-ruby - xmobar - xmonad - xmoontool - xmorph - xmorph-devel - xmoto - xmoto-data - xmp - xnoise - xnoise-lang - xom - xonotic - xonotic-data - xonotic-server - xonsh - xonsh-doc - xorg-cf-files - xorg-docs - xorg-sgml-doctools - xorg-x11-Xvnc-java - xorg-x11-Xvnc-novnc - xorg-x11-devel - xorg-x11-server-Xspice - xorg-x11-server-sdk - xorg-x11-server-source - xorg-x11-util-devel - xorgxrdp - xortool - xosd - xosd-devel - xosview - xournal - xpenguins - xpinguin - xplanet - xplayer - xplayer-devel - xplayer-lang - xplayer-plparser - xplayer-plparser-devel - xplayer-plparser-lang - xplayer-plugin-zeitgeist - xplayer-plugins - xpp2 - xpp2-demo - xpp2-javadoc - xpp2-manual - xpp3 - xpp3-javadoc - xpp3-minimal - xprintidle - xprompt - xproto-devel - xproxymngproto-devel - xquarto - xrdp - xrdp-devel - xreader - xreader-backends - xreader-devel - xreader-lang - xroach - xrootd-cl - xrootd-cl-devel - xrootd-client - xrootd-client-devel - xrootd-fuse - xrootd-libs - xrootd-libs-devel - xrootd-private-devel - xrootd-server - xrootd-server-devel - xsane - xscreensaver-data-extra - xsd - xsd-doc - xsel - xselection - xsession - xsettingsd - xslide - xsp - xstereograph - xstroke - xsynth-dssi - xtables-addons - xtables-addons-kmp-default - xtables-geoip - xteddy - xtexit - xtrabackup - xtrabackup-test - xtrans - xtrx-udev - xtrx_lms7002m-devel - xvfb-run - xviewer - xviewer-devel - xviewer-lang - xviewer-plugin-exif-display - xviewer-plugin-export-to-folder - xviewer-plugin-fit-to-width - xviewer-plugin-light-theme - xviewer-plugin-map - xviewer-plugin-postasa - xviewer-plugin-pythonconsole - xviewer-plugin-send-by-mail - xviewer-plugin-slideshowshuffle - xviewer-plugins - xviewer-plugins-data - xviewer-plugins-lang - xvkbd - xwmfs - xxkb - xyconv - xyconvert - xylib-devel - xz-devel - xz-devel-32bit - xz-static-devel - xzgv - yafc - yaics - yajl - yakuake - yakuake-lang - yamagi-quake2 - yaml-cpp-devel - yara - yara-doc - yasm - yasm-devel - yast-gpmc - yast2-alternatives - yast2-audit-laf - yast2-buildtools - yast2-caasp - yast2-cluster - yast2-configuration-management - yast2-core-devel - yast2-devtools - yast2-dhcp-server - yast2-dns-server - yast2-drbd - yast2-fcoe-client - yast2-firstboot - yast2-geo-cluster - yast2-http-server - yast2-installation-control - yast2-instserver - yast2-iplb - yast2-iscsi-lio-server - yast2-isns - yast2-multipath - yast2-nis-server - yast2-online-update-configuration - yast2-pkg-bindings-devel-doc - yast2-python-bindings - yast2-python3-bindings - yast2-qt-branding-openSUSE - yast2-rdp - yast2-rear - yast2-registration - yast2-rmt - yast2-slide-show - yast2-slp-server - yast2-squid - yast2-testsuite - yast2-trans - yast2-trans-af - yast2-trans-allpacks - yast2-trans-am - yast2-trans-ast - yast2-trans-be - yast2-trans-bn - yast2-trans-cy - yast2-trans-es_AR - yast2-trans-eu - yast2-trans-gl - yast2-trans-gu - yast2-trans-he - yast2-trans-hi - yast2-trans-hr - yast2-trans-jv - yast2-trans-ka - yast2-trans-kab - yast2-trans-km - yast2-trans-kn - yast2-trans-ku - yast2-trans-lo - yast2-trans-lv - yast2-trans-mk - yast2-trans-mr - yast2-trans-ms - yast2-trans-my - yast2-trans-nds - yast2-trans-ne - yast2-trans-nn - yast2-trans-pa - yast2-trans-ps - yast2-trans-ro - yast2-trans-si - yast2-trans-sq - yast2-trans-sr - yast2-trans-sr-latin - yast2-trans-sw - yast2-trans-ta - yast2-trans-tg - yast2-trans-th - yast2-trans-tk - yast2-trans-tr - yast2-trans-vi - yast2-trans-wa - yast2-trans-xh - yast2-trans-zu - yast2-update-FACTORY - yast2-ycp-ui-bindings-devel - yate - yate-bts - yate-devel - yate-qt4 - yate-scripts - yaz - yaz-doc - yelp-devel - yelp-tools - yesod-bin - yi - ykclient - ykpers - yodl - you-get - you-get-bash-completion - you-get-fish-completion - you-get-zsh-completion - youtube-dl - youtube-dl-gui - youtube-dl-gui-lang - ypbind - ypserv - ytalk - yubico-piv-tool - yubikey-manager - yubikey-manager-qt - yubikey-personalization-gui - yubikey-piv-manager - yubioath-desktop - yum - yum-aliases - yum-allowdowngrade - yum-basearchonly - yum-changelog - yum-downloadonly - yum-fastestmirror - yum-filter-data - yum-lang - yum-list-data - yum-merge-conf - yum-metadata-parser - yum-priorities - yum-protect-packages - yum-protectbase - yum-refresh-updatesd - yum-tmprepo - yum-tsflags - yum-updatesd - yum-upgrade-helper - yum-utils - yum-verify - yum-versionlock - z - z3 - z3-devel - zanshin - zanshin-lang - zathura - zathura-devel - zathura-lang - zathura-plugin-cb - zathura-plugin-djvu - zathura-plugin-pdf-poppler - zathura-plugin-ps - zbar - zdbsp - zeal - zeitgeist - zeitgeist-devel - zenmap - zerobranestudio - zeroinstall-injector - zeromq-devel - zeromq-tools - zhu3d - zile - zile-doc - zimg-devel - zinnia-devel - zlib-devel - zlib-devel-32bit - zlib-devel-static - zlib-devel-static-32bit - zlibrary-data - zlibrary-devel - zlibrary0_99 - zn_poly-devel - znc - znc-devel - znc-perl - znc-python3 - znc-tcl - zoo - zopfli - zot - zpaq - zramcfg - zsh - zsh-htmldoc - zstd - zsync - zsync-devel - ztail - zutils - zvbi - zvbi-devel - zvbi-devel-32bit - zvbi-lang - zynaddsubfx - zynaddsubfx-common - zynaddsubfx-dssi - zynaddsubfx-lv2 - zynaddsubfx-vst - zypper-docker - zypper-migration-plugin - zziplib-devel - zziplib-devel-32bit
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