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File kdelibs4support.spec of Package kdelibs4support
# # spec file for package kdelibs4support # # Copyright (c) 2020 SUSE LLC # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # %define lname libKF5KDELibs4Support5 %define _tar_path 5.71 # Full KF5 version (e.g. 5.33.0) %{!?_kf5_version: %global _kf5_version %{version}} # Last major and minor KF5 version (e.g. 5.33) %{!?_kf5_bugfix_version: %define _kf5_bugfix_version %(echo %{_kf5_version} | awk -F. '{print $1"."$2}')} %bcond_without lang Name: kdelibs4support Version: 5.71.0 Release: 0 Summary: Code and utilities to ease the transition to KDE Frameworks 5 License: LGPL-2.1-or-later Group: System/GUI/KDE URL: Source:{_tar_path}/portingAids/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz %if %{with lang} Source1:{_tar_path}/portingAids/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz.sig Source2: frameworks.keyring %endif Source99: baselibs.conf BuildRequires: NetworkManager-devel BuildRequires: cmake >= 3.0 BuildRequires: extra-cmake-modules >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: fdupes BuildRequires: kf5-filesystem BuildRequires: perl-URI BuildRequires: pkgconfig BuildRequires: cmake(KDED) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5Bookmarks) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5Completion) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5Config) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5ConfigWidgets) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5Crash) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5DBusAddons) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5DesignerPlugin) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5DocTools) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5Emoticons) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5GlobalAccel) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5GuiAddons) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5I18n) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5IconThemes) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5ItemViews) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5KIO) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5Notifications) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5Parts) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5Service) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5TextWidgets) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5UnitConversion) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5WidgetsAddons) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5WindowSystem) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(KF5XmlGui) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Concurrent) >= 5.12.0 BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Core) >= 5.12.0 BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5DBus) >= 5.12.0 BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Designer) >= 5.12.0 BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Network) >= 5.12.0 BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5PrintSupport) >= 5.12.0 BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Svg) >= 5.12.0 BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Test) >= 5.12.0 BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Widgets) >= 5.12.0 BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5X11Extras) >= 5.12.0 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(openssl) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(sm) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(x11) Recommends: %{name}-lang = %{version} Provides: kde4support = %{version} Obsoletes: kde4support < %{version} %description This package includes CMake macros and C++ classes whose functionality has been replaced by code in CMake, Qt and other frameworks. Code should aim to port away from this framework eventually. The API documentation of the classes in this framework and the notes at <> should help with this. Note that some of the classes in this framework, especially KStandardDirs, may not work correctly unless any libraries and other software using the KDE4 Support framework are installed to the same location as KDELibs4Support, although it may be sufficient to set the KDEDIRS environment variable correctly. %package -n kssl Summary: Code and utilities to ease the transition to KDE Frameworks 5 License: GPL-2.0-or-later Group: System/GUI/KDE %description -n kssl This package includes CMake macros and C++ classes whose functionality has been replaced by code in CMake, Qt and other frameworks. Code should aim to port away from this framework eventually. The API documentation of the classes in this framework and the notes at <> should help with this. Note that some of the classes in this framework, especially KStandardDirs, may not work correctly unless any libraries and other software using the KDE4 Support framework are installed to the same location as KDELibs4Support, although it may be sufficient to set the KDEDIRS environment variable correctly. %package -n %{lname} Summary: Code and utilities to ease the transition to KDE Frameworks 5 License: LGPL-2.1-or-later Group: System/GUI/KDE Requires: kded >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} %description -n %{lname} This package includes CMake macros and C++ classes whose functionality has been replaced by code in CMake, Qt and other frameworks. Code should aim to port away from this framework eventually. The API documentation of the classes in this framework and the notes at <> should help with this. Note that some of the classes in this framework, especially KStandardDirs, may not work correctly unless any libraries and other software using the KDE4 Support framework are installed to the same location as KDELibs4Support, although it may be sufficient to set the KDEDIRS environment variable correctly. %package devel Summary: Code and utilities to ease the transition to KDE Frameworks 5 License: LGPL-2.1-or-later Group: Development/Libraries/KDE Requires: %{lname} = %{version} Requires: %{name} = %{version} Requires: extra-cmake-modules Requires: cmake(KF5Archive) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} Requires: cmake(KF5Auth) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} Requires: cmake(KF5ConfigWidgets) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} Requires: cmake(KF5CoreAddons) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} Requires: cmake(KF5Crash) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} Requires: cmake(KF5DBusAddons) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} Requires: cmake(KF5DesignerPlugin) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} Requires: cmake(KF5DocTools) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} Requires: cmake(KF5Emoticons) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} Requires: cmake(KF5GuiAddons) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} Requires: cmake(KF5IconThemes) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} Requires: cmake(KF5Init) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} Requires: cmake(KF5ItemModels) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} Requires: cmake(KF5Notifications) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} Requires: cmake(KF5Parts) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} Requires: cmake(KF5TextWidgets) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} Requires: cmake(KF5UnitConversion) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} Requires: cmake(KF5WindowSystem) >= %{_kf5_bugfix_version} Requires: cmake(Qt5Core) >= 5.12.0 Requires: cmake(Qt5DBus) >= 5.12.0 Requires: cmake(Qt5PrintSupport) >= 5.12.0 Requires: cmake(Qt5Xml) >= 5.12.0 Provides: kde4support-devel = %{version} Obsoletes: kde4support-devel < %{version} %description devel This package includes CMake macros and C++ classes whose functionality has been replaced by code in CMake, Qt and other frameworks. Code should aim to port away from this framework eventually. The API documentation of the classes in this framework and the notes at <> should help with this. Note that some of the classes in this framework, especially KStandardDirs, may not work correctly unless any libraries and other software using the KDE4 Support framework are installed to the same location as KDELibs4Support, although it may be sufficient to set the KDEDIRS environment variable correctly. Development files. %lang_package %prep %setup -q %build %cmake_kf5 -d build %cmake_build %install %kf5_makeinstall -C build %fdupes %{buildroot} %if %{with lang} %find_lang %{name} --with-man --all-name %{kf5_find_htmldocs} %endif %post -n %{lname} -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n %{lname} -p /sbin/ldconfig %if %{with lang} %files lang -f %{name}.lang %endif %files %license COPYING* %doc README* %{_kf5_bindir}/kdebugdialog5 %{_kf5_bindir}/kf5-config %{_kf5_configdir}/colors/ %{_kf5_configdir}/kdebug.areas %{_kf5_configdir}/kdebugrc %{_kf5_libexecdir}/filesharelist %{_kf5_libexecdir}/fileshareset %{_kf5_plugindir}/ %{_kf5_servicesdir}/ # within kssl package %exclude %{_kf5_plugindir}/ %exclude %{_kf5_servicesdir}/kcm_ssl.desktop %{_kf5_servicetypesdir}/ %{_kf5_datadir}/kdoctools/ %{_kf5_datadir}/widgets/ %{_kf5_sharedir}/locale/kf5_all_languages %{_kf5_datadir}/locale/ %doc %lang(en) %{_kf5_mandir}/*/kf5-config.* %dir %{_kf5_htmldir}/en %dir %{_kf5_htmldir} %doc %lang(en) %{_kf5_htmldir}/en/*/ %files -n kssl %license COPYING* %doc README* %{_kf5_configdir}/ksslcalist %{_kf5_plugindir}/ %{_kf5_servicesdir}/kcm_ssl.desktop %{_kf5_datadir}/kssl/ %files -n %{lname} %license COPYING* %doc README* %{_kf5_libdir}/* %files devel %{_kf5_libdir}/ %{_kf5_libdir}/cmake/KF5KDELibs4Support/ %{_kf5_libdir}/cmake/KF5KDE4Support/ %{_kf5_libdir}/cmake/KDELibs4/ %{_kf5_includedir}/kdelibs4support_version.h %{_kf5_includedir}/KDELibs4Support/ %dir %{_kf5_includedir}/KDELibs4Support/ %{_kf5_sharedir}/dbus-1/interfaces/kf5_org.freedesktop.PowerManagement.Inhibit.xml %{_kf5_sharedir}/dbus-1/interfaces/kf5_org.freedesktop.PowerManagement.xml %{_kf5_sharedir}/dbus-1/interfaces/kf5_org.kde.Solid.Networking.Client.xml %{_kf5_sharedir}/dbus-1/interfaces/kf5_org.kde.Solid.PowerManagement.PolicyAgent.xml %changelog
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