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File papi.spec of Package papi
# # spec file for package papi # # Copyright (c) 2019 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # %global flavor @BUILD_FLAVOR@%{nil} %define pname papi %define ver 5.7.0 %define _ver 5_7_0 %bcond_with ringdisabled %if "%flavor" == "" ExclusiveArch: do_not_build %define package_name %pname %endif # Magic for OBS Staging. Only build the flavors required by # other packages in the ring. %if %{with ringdisabled} %if "%flavor" != "standard" ExclusiveArch: do_not_build %endif %endif %if "%flavor" == "standard" %{bcond_with hpc} %endif %if "%flavor" == "hpc" %{bcond_without hpc} %endif %if %{without hpc} %define package_name %{pname} %define libname() lib%{pname}%{?with_mpi:-%{mpi_family}} %define p_bindir %_bindir %define p_libdir %_libdir %define p_datadir %_datadir %define p_includedir %_includedir %define p_mandir %_mandir %else %{hpc_init %{?ext:-e %{ext}}} %define libname() lib%{pname}%{expand:%%{hpc_package_name_tail %{**}}} %define package_name %{hpc_package_name %_ver} %define p_bindir %hpc_bindir %define p_libdir %hpc_libdir %define p_datadir %hpc_datadir %define p_includedir %hpc_includedir %define p_mandir %hpc_mandir %endif Name: %{package_name} Version: %ver Release: 0 Summary: Performance Application Programming Interface License: BSD-3-Clause Group: Development/Libraries/C and C++ Url: Source:{pname}-%{version}.tar.gz Source1: %{pname}-rpmlintrc Patch1: papi-fix-ldflags.patch BuildRequires: autoconf >= 2.61 BuildRequires: automake BuildRequires: chrpath BuildRequires: gcc-fortran BuildRequires: libpfm-devel >= 4.3.0 BuildRequires: libpfm-devel-static >= 4.3.0 BuildRequires: libsensors4-devel BuildRequires: linux-kernel-headers BuildRequires: ncurses-devel BuildRequires: pkg-config %if %{with hpc} BuildRequires: lua-lmod BuildRequires: suse-hpc Requires: lua-lmod %endif BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build #PAPI doesn't support the s390 architecture ExcludeArch: s390 s390x %ifarch %ix86 x86_64 ia64 %if 0%{?suse_version} > 1201 BuildRequires: libquadmath0 %else %if 0%{?suse_version} == 1201 BuildRequires: libquadmath46 %endif %endif %endif %ifarch ppc64 BuildRequires: gcc-32bit BuildRequires: gcc-fortran-32bit BuildRequires: glibc-devel-32bit %endif #BuildRequires: libibmad-devel %if %{with hpc} Requires: %{libname %_ver} = %version %endif %description PAPI aims to provide the tool designer and application engineer with a consistent interface and methodology for use of the performance counter hardware found in most major microprocessors. PAPI enables software engineers to see, in near real time, the relation between software performance and processor events. %{?with_hpc:%{hpc_master_package -L}} %package devel Summary: Software Development Kit for PAPI Group: Development/Libraries/C and C++ Requires: %{libname %_ver} = %version Requires: %{name} = %{version} Requires: linux-kernel-headers %description devel This package includes the C header files that specify the PAPI userspace libraries and interfaces. This is required for rebuilding any program that uses PAPI. %{?with_hpc:%{hpc_master_package -a devel}} %package devel-static Summary: Static PAPI libraries Group: Development/Libraries/C and C++ Requires: %{name}-devel = %{version} Requires: linux-kernel-headers %description devel-static This package includes the static PAPI libraries. %package -n %{libname %_ver} Summary: PAPI runtime library Group: System/Libraries %description -n %{libname %_ver} This package contains the PAPI runtime library. %{?with_hpc:%{hpc_master_package -l -L}} %prep %setup -q -n %{pname}-%{version} %patch1 -p1 # Create baselibs.conf dynamically (non-HPC build only). %if %{without hpc} cat > %{_sourcedir}/baselibs.conf <<EOF %{libname %_ver} %{name}-devel requires -%{name}-<targettype> requires "%{libname %_ver}-<targettype> = <version>" EOF %endif %build %define _lto_cflags %{nil} #export SUSE_ASNEEDED=0 cd src autoreconf -fi for c in lmsensors; do cd components/$c autoconf %if %{without hpc} %configure \ %else %hpc_configure \ %endif --with-sensors_incdir=%{_includedir}/sensors \ --with-sensors_libdir=%{_libdir} cd - done export CFLAGS="%{optflags} -Wno-unused-parameter" %if %{without hpc} %configure \ %else %hpc_configure \ %endif --with-components="appio lmsensors coretemp example net" \ --with-perf-events --with-shared-lib=yes \ --with-shlib --with-pthread-mutexes \ --with-pfm-incdir=%{_includedir} \ --with-pfm-libdir=%{_libdir} #DBG workaround to make sure libpfm just uses the normal CFLAGS DBG="" make DOCDIR=%{_defaultdocdir}/%{pname} %{?_smp_mflags} %install cd src make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install %{?_smp_mflags} DOCDIR=%{_defaultdocdir}/%{pname} LDCONFIG=/bin/true chrpath --delete %{buildroot}%{p_libdir}/*.so* %if %{with hpc} %{hpc_compress_man 3} %hpc_write_modules_files #%%Module1.0##################################################################### proc ModulesHelp { } { puts stderr " " puts stderr "This module loads the %{pname} library" puts stderr "toolchain." puts stderr "\nVersion %{version}\n" } module-whatis "Name: %{pname}" module-whatis "Version: %{version}" module-whatis "Category: runtime library" module-whatis "Description: %{SUMMARY:0}" module-whatis "URL %{url}" set version %{version} prepend-path PATH %{hpc_bindir} prepend-path MANPATH %{hpc_mandir} prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH %{hpc_libdir} setenv %{hpc_upcase %pname}_DIR %{hpc_prefix} setenv %{hpc_upcase %pname}_BIN %{hpc_bindir} setenv %{hpc_upcase %pname}_LIB %{hpc_libdir} if {[file isdirectory %{hpc_includedir}]} { prepend-path LIBRARY_PATH %{hpc_libdir} prepend-path CPATH %{hpc_includedir} prepend-path C_INCLUDE_PATH %{hpc_includedir} prepend-path CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH %{hpc_includedir} prepend-path INCLUDE %{hpc_includedir} %hpc_modulefile_add_pkgconfig_path setenv %{hpc_upcase %pname}_INC %{hpc_includedir} } EOF %endif %post -n %{libname %_ver} -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n %{libname %_ver} /sbin/ldconfig %{?with_hpc:%{hpc_module_delete_if_default}} %files %defattr(-,root,root) %if %{with hpc} %hpc_dirs %dir %hpc_datadir %dir %hpc_bindir %hpc_modules_files %endif %{p_bindir}/papi_clockres %{p_bindir}/papi_command_line %{p_bindir}/papi_cost %{p_bindir}/papi_decode %{p_bindir}/papi_event_chooser %{p_bindir}/papi_mem_info %{p_bindir}/papi_native_avail %{p_bindir}/papi_version %{p_bindir}/papi_xml_event_info %{p_bindir}/papi_component_avail %{p_bindir}/papi_error_codes %{p_bindir}/papi_multiplex_cost %{p_datadir}/%{pname} %{p_bindir}/papi_avail %doc ChangeLog*.txt LICENSE.txt README RELEASENOTES.txt %files devel %defattr(-,root,root) %if %{with hpc} %dir %hpc_mandir %dir %hpc_mandir/man1 %dir %hpc_mandir/man3 %dir %hpc_includedir %dir %hpc_pkgconfigdir %endif %{p_includedir}/f77papi.h %{p_includedir}/f90papi.h %{p_includedir}/fpapi.h %{p_includedir}/papi.h %{p_includedir}/papiStdEventDefs.h %doc %{p_mandir}/man3/*.gz %doc %{p_mandir}/man1/* %{p_libdir}/ %{p_libdir}/pkgconfig/*.pc %files devel-static %defattr(-,root,root) %{p_libdir}/lib*.a %files -n %{libname %_ver} %defattr(-,root,root) %{p_libdir}/* %changelog
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