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File qt6-3d.spec of Package qt6-3d
# # spec file for package qt6-3d # # Copyright (c) 2021 SUSE LLC # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # %define real_version 6.2.2 %define short_version 6.2 %define tar_name qt3d-everywhere-src %define tar_suffix %{nil} # %global qt6_flavor @BUILD_FLAVOR@%{nil} %if "%{qt6_flavor}" == "docs" %define pkg_suffix -docs %endif # Name: qt6-3d%{?pkg_suffix} Version: 6.2.2 Release: 0 Summary: Qt 6 3D Library License: LGPL-3.0-only OR (GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-or-later) URL: Source:{short_version}/%{real_version}%{tar_suffix}/submodules/%{tar_name}-%{real_version}%{tar_suffix}.tar.xz Source99: qt6-3d-rpmlintrc BuildRequires: pkgconfig BuildRequires: qt6-core-private-devel BuildRequires: qt6-gui-private-devel BuildRequires: qt6-opengl-private-devel BuildRequires: qt6-qml-private-devel BuildRequires: qt6-quick-private-devel BuildRequires: qt6-shadertools-private-devel BuildRequires: cmake(Qt6Concurrent) BuildRequires: cmake(Qt6Core) # Doesn't build yet # BuildRequires: cmake(Qt6Gamepad) BuildRequires: cmake(Qt6Gui) BuildRequires: cmake(Qt6OpenGL) BuildRequires: cmake(Qt6Qml) BuildRequires: cmake(Qt6Quick) BuildRequires: cmake(Qt6Multimedia) BuildRequires: cmake(Qt6ShaderTools) BuildRequires: cmake(Qt6Widgets) BuildRequires: cmake(assimp) >= 5 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(zlib) %if "%{qt6_flavor}" == "docs" BuildRequires: qt6-tools %{qt6_doc_packages} %endif %description Qt 3D provides functionality for near-realtime simulation systems with support for 2D and 3D rendering in both Qt C++ and Qt Quick applications. %if !%{qt6_docs_flavor} %package devel Summary: Qt 6 3D development meta package Requires: cmake(Qt63DAnimation) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DCore) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DExtras) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DInput) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DLogic) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DQuick) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DQuickAnimation) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DQuickExtras) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DQuickInput) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DQuickRender) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DQuickScene2D) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DRender) = %{real_version} BuildArch: noarch %description devel This meta-package requires all the qt6-3d development packages. %package private-devel Summary: Qt 6 3D unstable ABI meta package Requires: qt6-3d-devel = %{version} Requires: qt6-3danimation-private-devel = %{version} Requires: qt6-3dcore-private-devel = %{version} Requires: qt6-3dextras-private-devel = %{version} Requires: qt6-3dinput-private-devel = %{version} Requires: qt6-3dlogic-private-devel = %{version} Requires: qt6-3dquick-private-devel = %{version} Requires: qt6-3dquickanimation-private-devel = %{version} Requires: qt6-3dquickextras-private-devel = %{version} Requires: qt6-3dquickinput-private-devel = %{version} Requires: qt6-3dquickrender-private-devel = %{version} Requires: qt6-3dquickscene2d-private-devel = %{version} Requires: qt6-3drender-private-devel = %{version} BuildArch: noarch %description private-devel This meta-package requires all the qt6-3d development packages that do not have any ABI or API guarantees. %package -n libQt63DAnimation6 Summary: Qt 6 3DAnimation library %description -n libQt63DAnimation6 The Qt 6 3DAnimation library. %package -n qt6-3danimation-devel Summary: Development files for the Qt 6 3DAnimation library Requires: libQt63DAnimation6 = %{version} %description -n qt6-3danimation-devel Development files for the Qt 6 3DAnimation library. %package -n qt6-3danimation-private-devel Summary: Non-ABI stable API for the Qt 6 3DAnimation library Requires: cmake(Qt63DAnimation) = %{real_version} %description -n qt6-3danimation-private-devel This package provides private headers of libQt63DAnimation that do not have any ABI or API guarantees. %package -n libQt63DCore6 Summary: Qt 6 3DCore library %description -n libQt63DCore6 The Qt 6 3DCore library. %package -n qt6-3dcore-devel Summary: Development files for the Qt 6 3DCore library Requires: libQt63DCore6 = %{version} Requires: cmake(Qt6Concurrent) Requires: cmake(Qt6Gui) Requires: cmake(Qt6Network) %description -n qt6-3dcore-devel Development files for the Qt 6 3DCore library. %package -n qt6-3dcore-private-devel Summary: Non-ABI stable API for the Qt 6 3DCore library Requires: cmake(Qt63DCore) = %{real_version} %description -n qt6-3dcore-private-devel This package provides private headers of libQt63DCore that do not have any ABI or API guarantees. %package -n libQt63DExtras6 Summary: Qt 6 3DExtras library %description -n libQt63DExtras6 The Qt 6 3DExtras library. %package -n qt6-3dextras-devel Summary: Development files for the Qt 6 3DExtras library Requires: libQt63DExtras6 = %{version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DCore) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DInput) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DLogic) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DRender) = %{real_version} %description -n qt6-3dextras-devel Development files for the Qt 6 3DExtras library. %package -n qt6-3dextras-private-devel Summary: Non-ABI stable API for the Qt 6 3DExtras library Requires: cmake(Qt63DExtras) = %{real_version} %description -n qt6-3dextras-private-devel This package provides private headers of libQt63DExtras that do not have any ABI or API guarantees. %package -n libQt63DInput6 Summary: Qt 6 3DInput library %description -n libQt63DInput6 The Qt 6 3DInput library. %package -n qt6-3dinput-devel Summary: Development files for the Qt 6 3DInput library Requires: libQt63DInput6 = %{version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DCore) = %{real_version} %description -n qt6-3dinput-devel Development files for the Qt 6 3DInput library. %package -n qt6-3dinput-private-devel Summary: Non-ABI stable API for the Qt 6 3DInput library Requires: cmake(Qt63DInput) = %{real_version} %description -n qt6-3dinput-private-devel This package provides private headers of libQt63DInput that do not have any ABI or API guarantees. %package -n libQt63DLogic6 Summary: Qt 6 3DLogic library %description -n libQt63DLogic6 The Qt 6 3DLogic library. %package -n qt6-3dlogic-devel Summary: Development files for the Qt 6 3DLogic library Requires: libQt63DLogic6 = %{version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DCore) = %{real_version} %description -n qt6-3dlogic-devel Development files for the Qt 6 3DLogic library. %package -n qt6-3dlogic-private-devel Summary: Non-ABI stable API for the Qt 6 3DLogic library Requires: cmake(Qt63DLogic) = %{real_version} %description -n qt6-3dlogic-private-devel This package provides private headers of libQt63DLogic that do not have any ABI or API guarantees. %package -n libQt63DQuick6 Summary: Qt 6 3DQuick library %description -n libQt63DQuick6 The Qt 6 3DQuick library. %package -n qt6-3dquick-devel Summary: Development files for the Qt 6 3DQuick library Requires: libQt63DQuick6 = %{version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DCore) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt6Qml) Requires: cmake(Qt6Quick) %description -n qt6-3dquick-devel Development files for the Qt 6 3DQuick library. %package -n qt6-3dquick-private-devel Summary: Non-ABI stable API for the Qt 6 3DQuick library Requires: cmake(Qt63DQuick) = %{real_version} %description -n qt6-3dquick-private-devel This package provides private headers of libQt63DQuick that do not have any ABI or API guarantees. %package -n libQt63DQuickAnimation6 Summary: Qt 6 3DQuickAnimation library %description -n libQt63DQuickAnimation6 The Qt 6 3DQuickAnimation library. %package -n qt6-3dquickanimation-devel Summary: Development files for the Qt 6 3DQuickAnimation library Requires: libQt63DQuickAnimation6 = %{version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DAnimation) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DCore) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DQuick) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DRender) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt6Gui) Requires: cmake(Qt6Qml) %description -n qt6-3dquickanimation-devel Development files for the Qt 6 3DQuickAnimation library. %package -n qt6-3dquickanimation-private-devel Summary: Non-ABI stable API for the Qt 6 3DQuickAnimation library Requires: cmake(Qt63DQuickAnimation) = %{real_version} %description -n qt6-3dquickanimation-private-devel This package provides private headers of libQt63DQuickAnimation that do not have any ABI or API guarantees. %package -n libQt63DQuickExtras6 Summary: Qt 6 3DQuickExtras library %description -n libQt63DQuickExtras6 The Qt 6 3DQuickExtras library. %package -n qt6-3dquickextras-devel Summary: Development files for the Qt 6 3DQuickExtras library Requires: libQt63DQuickExtras6 = %{version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DCore) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DExtras) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DInput) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DQuick) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DRender) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt6Gui) Requires: cmake(Qt6Qml) %description -n qt6-3dquickextras-devel Development files for the Qt 6 3DQuickExtras library. %package -n qt6-3dquickextras-private-devel Summary: Non-ABI stable API for the Qt 6 3DQuickExtras library Requires: cmake(Qt63DQuickExtras) = %{real_version} %description -n qt6-3dquickextras-private-devel This package provides private headers of libQt63DQuickExtras that do not have any ABI or API guarantees. %package -n libQt63DQuickInput6 Summary: Qt 6 3DQuickInput library %description -n libQt63DQuickInput6 The Qt 6 3DQuickInput library. %package -n qt6-3dquickinput-devel Summary: Development files for the Qt 6 3DQuickInput library Requires: libQt63DQuickInput6 = %{version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DCore) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DInput) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt6Gui) Requires: cmake(Qt6Qml) %description -n qt6-3dquickinput-devel Development files for the Qt 6 3DQuickInput library. %package -n qt6-3dquickinput-private-devel Summary: Non-ABI stable API for the Qt 6 3DQuickInput library Requires: cmake(Qt63DQuickInput) = %{real_version} %description -n qt6-3dquickinput-private-devel This package provides private headers of libQt63DQuickInput that do not have any ABI or API guarantees. %package -n libQt63DQuickRender6 Summary: Qt 6 3DQuickRender library %description -n libQt63DQuickRender6 The Qt 6 3DQuickRender library. %package -n qt6-3dquickrender-devel Summary: Development files for the Qt 6 3DQuickRender library Requires: libQt63DQuickRender6 = %{version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DCore) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DQuick) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DRender) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt6Gui) Requires: cmake(Qt6Qml) %description -n qt6-3dquickrender-devel Development files for the Qt 6 3DQuickRender library. %package -n qt6-3dquickrender-private-devel Summary: Non-ABI stable API for the Qt 6 3DQuickRender library Requires: cmake(Qt63DQuickRender) = %{real_version} %description -n qt6-3dquickrender-private-devel This package provides private headers of libQt63DQuickRender that do not have any ABI or API guarantees. %package -n libQt63DQuickScene2D6 Summary: Qt 6 3DQuickScene2D library %description -n libQt63DQuickScene2D6 The Qt 6 3DQuickScene2D library. %package -n qt6-3dquickscene2d-devel Summary: Development files for the Qt 6 3DQuickScene2D library Requires: libQt63DQuickScene2D6 = %{version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DCore) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DQuick) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DRender) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt6Gui) Requires: cmake(Qt6Qml) %description -n qt6-3dquickscene2d-devel Development files for the Qt 6 3DQuickScene2D library. %package -n qt6-3dquickscene2d-private-devel Summary: Non-ABI stable API for the Qt 6 3DQuickScene2D library Requires: cmake(Qt63DQuickScene2D) = %{real_version} %description -n qt6-3dquickscene2d-private-devel This package provides private headers of libQt63DQuickScene2D that do not have any ABI or API guarantees. %package -n libQt63DRender6 Summary: Qt 6 3DRender library %description -n libQt63DRender6 The Qt 6 3DRender library. %package -n qt6-3drender-devel Summary: Development files for the Qt 6 3DRender library Requires: libQt63DRender6 = %{version} Requires: cmake(Qt63DCore) = %{real_version} Requires: cmake(Qt6Concurrent) Requires: cmake(Qt6OpenGL) %description -n qt6-3drender-devel Development files for the Qt 6 3DRender library. %package -n qt6-3drender-private-devel Summary: Non-ABI stable API for the Qt 6 3DRender library Requires: cmake(Qt63DRender) = %{real_version} %description -n qt6-3drender-private-devel This package provides private headers of libQt63DRender that do not have any ABI or API guarantees. %package imports Summary: Qt 6 3D Library - QML imports %requires_ge libQt6Quick6 Supplements: (libQt63DCore6 and libQt6Quick6) %description imports Qt 6 3D QML imports. %{qt6_examples_package} %endif %prep %autosetup -p1 -n %{tar_name}-%{real_version}%{tar_suffix} # Empty file used for the meta packages touch meta_package %build # -flto breaks CONFIG += resources_big (QTBUG-73834), but resources_big is # needed to prevent excessive memory use. # The error is visible when building the 'planets-qml' example. %define _lto_cflags %{nil} %cmake_qt6 \ -DFEATURE_qt3d_system_assimp:BOOL=ON %{qt6_build} %install %{qt6_install} %if !%{qt6_docs_flavor} # CMake files are not needed for plugins rm -r %{buildroot}%{_qt6_cmakedir}/Qt6Qml/QmlPlugins rm %{buildroot}%{_qt6_cmakedir}/*/*Plugin{Config,ConfigVersion,Targets*}.cmake %post -n libQt63DAnimation6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libQt63DAnimation6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n libQt63DCore6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libQt63DCore6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n libQt63DExtras6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libQt63DExtras6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n libQt63DInput6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libQt63DInput6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n libQt63DLogic6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libQt63DLogic6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n libQt63DQuick6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libQt63DQuick6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n libQt63DQuickAnimation6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libQt63DQuickAnimation6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n libQt63DQuickExtras6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libQt63DQuickExtras6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n libQt63DQuickInput6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libQt63DQuickInput6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n libQt63DQuickRender6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libQt63DQuickRender6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n libQt63DQuickScene2D6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libQt63DQuickScene2D6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n libQt63DRender6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n libQt63DRender6 -p /sbin/ldconfig %files devel %doc meta_package %files private-devel %doc meta_package %files -n libQt63DAnimation6 %{_qt6_libdir}/* %files -n qt6-3danimation-devel %{_qt6_cmakedir}/Qt63DAnimation/ %{_qt6_descriptionsdir}/3DAnimation.json %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DAnimation/ %{_qt6_libdir}/libQt63DAnimation.prl %{_qt6_libdir}/ %{_qt6_metatypesdir}/qt63danimation_*_metatypes.json %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3danimation.pri %exclude %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DAnimation/%{real_version} %files -n qt6-3danimation-private-devel %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DAnimation/%{real_version}/ %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3danimation_private.pri %files -n libQt63DCore6 %license LICENSE.* %{_qt6_libdir}/* %files -n qt6-3dcore-devel %dir %{_qt6_cmakedir}/Qt6 %{_qt6_cmakedir}/Qt6/FindWrapQt3DAssimp.cmake %{_qt6_cmakedir}/Qt63DCore/ %{_qt6_cmakedir}/Qt6BuildInternals/StandaloneTests/Qt3DTestsConfig.cmake %{_qt6_descriptionsdir}/3DCore.json %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DCore/ %{_qt6_libdir}/libQt63DCore.prl %{_qt6_libdir}/ %{_qt6_metatypesdir}/qt63dcore_*_metatypes.json %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3dcore.pri %exclude %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DCore/%{real_version} %files -n qt6-3dcore-private-devel %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DCore/%{real_version}/ %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3dcore_private.pri %files -n libQt63DExtras6 %{_qt6_libdir}/* %files -n qt6-3dextras-devel %{_qt6_cmakedir}/Qt63DExtras/ %{_qt6_descriptionsdir}/3DExtras.json %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DExtras/ %{_qt6_libdir}/libQt63DExtras.prl %{_qt6_libdir}/ %{_qt6_metatypesdir}/qt63dextras_*_metatypes.json %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3dextras.pri %exclude %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DExtras/%{real_version} %files -n qt6-3dextras-private-devel %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DExtras/%{real_version}/ %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3dextras_private.pri %files -n libQt63DInput6 %{_qt6_libdir}/* %files -n qt6-3dinput-devel %{_qt6_cmakedir}/Qt63DInput/ %{_qt6_descriptionsdir}/3DInput.json %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DInput/ %{_qt6_libdir}/libQt63DInput.prl %{_qt6_libdir}/ %{_qt6_metatypesdir}/qt63dinput_*_metatypes.json %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3dinput.pri %exclude %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DInput/%{real_version} %files -n qt6-3dinput-private-devel %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DInput/%{real_version}/ %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3dinput_private.pri %files -n libQt63DLogic6 %{_qt6_libdir}/* %files -n qt6-3dlogic-devel %{_qt6_cmakedir}/Qt63DLogic/ %{_qt6_descriptionsdir}/3DLogic.json %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DLogic/ %{_qt6_libdir}/libQt63DLogic.prl %{_qt6_libdir}/ %{_qt6_metatypesdir}/qt63dlogic_*_metatypes.json %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3dlogic.pri %exclude %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DLogic/%{real_version} %files -n qt6-3dlogic-private-devel %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DLogic/%{real_version}/ %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3dlogic_private.pri %files -n libQt63DQuick6 %{_qt6_libdir}/* %files -n qt6-3dquick-devel %{_qt6_cmakedir}/Qt63DQuick/ %{_qt6_descriptionsdir}/3DQuick.json %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DQuick/ %{_qt6_libdir}/libQt63DQuick.prl %{_qt6_libdir}/ %{_qt6_metatypesdir}/qt63dquick_*_metatypes.json %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3dquick.pri %exclude %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DQuick/%{real_version} %files -n qt6-3dquick-private-devel %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DQuick/%{real_version}/ %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3dquick_private.pri %files -n libQt63DQuickAnimation6 %{_qt6_libdir}/* %files -n qt6-3dquickanimation-devel %{_qt6_cmakedir}/Qt63DQuickAnimation/ %{_qt6_descriptionsdir}/3DQuickAnimation.json %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DQuickAnimation/ %{_qt6_libdir}/libQt63DQuickAnimation.prl %{_qt6_libdir}/ %{_qt6_metatypesdir}/qt63dquickanimation_*_metatypes.json %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3dquickanimation.pri %exclude %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DQuickAnimation/%{real_version} %files -n qt6-3dquickanimation-private-devel %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DQuickAnimation/%{real_version}/ %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3dquickanimation_private.pri %files -n libQt63DQuickExtras6 %{_qt6_libdir}/* %files -n qt6-3dquickextras-devel %{_qt6_cmakedir}/Qt63DQuickExtras/ %{_qt6_descriptionsdir}/3DQuickExtras.json %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DQuickExtras/ %{_qt6_libdir}/libQt63DQuickExtras.prl %{_qt6_libdir}/ %{_qt6_metatypesdir}/qt63dquickextras_*_metatypes.json %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3dquickextras.pri %exclude %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DQuickExtras/%{real_version} %files -n qt6-3dquickextras-private-devel %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DQuickExtras/%{real_version}/ %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3dquickextras_private.pri %files -n libQt63DQuickInput6 %{_qt6_libdir}/* %files -n qt6-3dquickinput-devel %{_qt6_cmakedir}/Qt63DQuickInput/ %{_qt6_descriptionsdir}/3DQuickInput.json %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DQuickInput/ %{_qt6_libdir}/libQt63DQuickInput.prl %{_qt6_libdir}/ %{_qt6_metatypesdir}/qt63dquickinput_*_metatypes.json %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3dquickinput.pri %exclude %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DQuickInput/%{real_version} %files -n qt6-3dquickinput-private-devel %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DQuickInput/%{real_version}/ %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3dquickinput_private.pri %files -n libQt63DQuickRender6 %{_qt6_libdir}/* %files -n qt6-3dquickrender-devel %{_qt6_cmakedir}/Qt63DQuickRender/ %{_qt6_descriptionsdir}/3DQuickRender.json %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DQuickRender/ %{_qt6_libdir}/libQt63DQuickRender.prl %{_qt6_libdir}/ %{_qt6_metatypesdir}/qt63dquickrender_*_metatypes.json %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3dquickrender.pri %exclude %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DQuickRender/%{real_version} %files -n qt6-3dquickrender-private-devel %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DQuickRender/%{real_version}/ %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3dquickrender_private.pri %files -n libQt63DQuickScene2D6 %{_qt6_libdir}/* # TODO move plugins elsewhere? %{_qt6_pluginsdir}/renderplugins/ %files -n qt6-3dquickscene2d-devel %{_qt6_cmakedir}/Qt63DQuickScene2D/ %{_qt6_descriptionsdir}/3DQuickScene2D.json %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DQuickScene2D/ %{_qt6_libdir}/libQt63DQuickScene2D.prl %{_qt6_libdir}/ %{_qt6_metatypesdir}/qt63dquickscene2d_*_metatypes.json %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3dquickscene2d.pri %exclude %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DQuickScene2D/%{real_version} %files -n qt6-3dquickscene2d-private-devel %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DQuickScene2D/%{real_version}/ %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3dquickscene2d_private.pri %files -n libQt63DRender6 %{_qt6_libdir}/* # TODO move plugins elsewhere? %{_qt6_pluginsdir}/geometryloaders/ %{_qt6_pluginsdir}/sceneparsers/ %{_qt6_pluginsdir}/renderers/ %files -n qt6-3drender-devel %{_qt6_cmakedir}/Qt63DRender/ %{_qt6_descriptionsdir}/3DRender.json %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DRender/ %{_qt6_libdir}/libQt63DRender.prl %{_qt6_libdir}/ %{_qt6_metatypesdir}/qt63drender_*_metatypes.json %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3drender.pri %exclude %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DRender/%{real_version} %files -n qt6-3drender-private-devel %{_qt6_includedir}/Qt3DRender/%{real_version}/ %{_qt6_mkspecsdir}/modules/qt_lib_3drender_private.pri %files imports %{_qt6_qmldir}/Qt3D/ %{_qt6_qmldir}/QtQuick/ %endif %changelog
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