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File kmp-install of Package suse-module-tools
#!/usr/bin/perl # # KMP-INSTALL: Install specified kernel module packages and automatically # remove packages providing same-named modules. # # Copyright (c) 2014 SUSE # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. use strict; use warnings; use IO::Handle; use File::Find; my @zypper_cmd = qw(zypper); sub print_help { print "Usage: $0 [options] <package> ... Installs given packages and removes any KMPs that contain conficting module names. Run 'zypper help install' for the list of valid options. Additionally, the options --non-interactive and --non-interactive-include-reboot-patches can be used\n"; } sub add_package { my ($list, $attr) = @_; return unless $attr->[0] =~ /-kmp-/; my $new = { name => $attr->[0], version => $attr->[1], arch => $attr->[2], }; $new->{repo} = $attr->[3] if defined($attr->[3]); # old-version -> new-version $new->{version} =~ s/.*->\s*//; push(@$list, $new); } sub add_module { my ($package, $path) = @_; return unless $path =~ m@^/lib/modules/([^/]+)/.*/([^/]+\.ko)$@; my ($version, $name) = ($1, $2); $name =~ s/-/_/g; $package->{modules} ||= []; push(@{$package->{modules}}, "$version/$name"); } sub query_installed_kmps { my $res = shift; my %seen; open(my $pipe, '-|', "rpm", "-qa", "--qf", '[%{n} %{v} %{r} %{arch} %{filenames}\n]', "*-kmp-*"); while (<$pipe>) { chomp; my ($n, $v, $r, $a, $file) = split(' '); next unless $file =~ m@^/lib/modules/.*/.*/.*\.ko$@; my $nvra = "$n-$v-$r.$a"; if (!exists($seen{$nvra})) { add_package($res, [$n, "$v-$r", $a]); $seen{$nvra} = $res->[$#$res]; } add_module($seen{$nvra}, $file); } } sub fetch_packages { my $interactive = shift; my $new_pkgs = shift; my $remove_pkgs = shift; my @cmd = @zypper_cmd; push(@cmd, "--non-interactive") if !$interactive; push(@cmd, qw(-vv install --download-only)); push(@cmd, @_); pipe(READ, WRITE); my $pid = fork(); if (!$pid) { # child close(READ); open(STDOUT, ">&WRITE"); if (!$interactive) { open(NULL, '<', "/dev/null"); open(STDIN, "<&NULL"); close(NULL); open(NULL, '>', "/dev/null"); open(STDERR, ">&NULL"); close(NULL); } exec(@cmd); } # parent close(WRITE); my ($len, $buf, $last_line); my ($state, @cur_pkg); $state = 0; $last_line = ""; my $list; STDOUT->autoflush(1); while (($len = sysread(READ, $buf, 4096))) { print $buf if $interactive; my @lines = split(/\n/, $buf, -1); $lines[0] = $last_line . $lines[0]; # XXX: Assumes that the very last line is terminated by \n $last_line = pop(@lines); for my $l (@lines) { if ($state == 0 && $l =~ /^The following.* package.* going to be (installed|upgraded|downgraded|REMOVED):/) { if ($1 eq "REMOVED") { $list = $remove_pkgs; } else { $list = $new_pkgs; } $state = 1; next; } next unless $state == 1; if ($l eq "") { $state = 0; if (@cur_pkg) { add_package($list, \@cur_pkg); } @cur_pkg = (); next; } $l =~ s/ *$//; if ($l =~ /^[^ ]/) { if (@cur_pkg) { add_package($list, \@cur_pkg); } @cur_pkg = ($l); } if ($l =~ /^ /) { $l =~ s/^ *//; push(@cur_pkg, $l); } } } STDOUT->autoflush(0); close(READ); waitpid($pid, 0); return $?; } my %repo_cache; sub get_repo_cache { my $name = shift; my $res; if (exists($repo_cache{$name})) { return $repo_cache{$name}; } open(my $pipe, '-|', "zypper", "repos", $name); while (<$pipe>) { chomp; if (m@^MD Cache Path\s*:\s*(/.*)@) { $res = $1; $res =~ s:/raw/:/packages/:; $res =~ s/\s*$//; } } close($pipe); $repo_cache{$name} = $res; return $res; } sub find_fetched { my $packages = shift; my %local_packages; for $a (@_) { if ($a =~ /\.rpm$/ && -e $a) { open(my $pipe, '-|', "rpm", "-qp", "--qf", '%{n}-%{v}-%{r}.%{arch}', $a); my $nvra = <$pipe>; close($pipe); if (defined($nvra)) { $local_packages{$nvra} = $a; } } } for my $p (@$packages) { my $nvra = "$p->{name}-$p->{version}.$p->{arch}"; if ($p->{repo} eq "Plain RPM files cache") { if (exists($local_packages{$nvra})) { $p->{path} = $local_packages{$nvra}; } else { print STDERR "Cannot find package $p->{name}\n"; } next; } my $dir = get_repo_cache($p->{repo}); if (!$dir) { print STDERR "Cannot find zypp cache for repository $p->{repo} (package $p->{name})\n"; next; } my $file = "$nvra.rpm"; my $wanted = sub { $p->{path} = $File::Find::name if $_ eq $file; }; find($wanted, $dir); if (!$p->{path}) { print STDERR "Cannot find $file in zypp cache ($dir)\n"; next; } } for my $p (@$packages) { next unless $p->{path}; open(my $pipe, '-|', "rpm", "-qlp", $p->{path}); my @files = <$pipe>; close($pipe); for my $f (@files) { add_module($p, $f); } } } # treat -n, --non-interactive, -0 and --non-interactive-include-reboot-patches # as global zypper options my @save_argv = @ARGV; @ARGV=(); for my $a (@save_argv) { if ($a =~ /^-(h|-help)$/) { print_help(); exit 0; } elsif ($a =~ /^-(n$|-non-interactive$|0$|-non-interactive-)/) { push(@zypper_cmd, $a); } else { push(@ARGV, $a); } } if (!@ARGV) { print_help(); exit 1; } print "Fetching packages\n"; my (@new_pkgs, @remove_pkgs, @installed_pkgs); my $ret = fetch_packages(0, \@new_pkgs, \@remove_pkgs, @ARGV); if ($ret != 0) { print "zypper returned an error, retrying in interactive mode\n"; @new_pkgs = (); @remove_pkgs = (); $ret = fetch_packages(1, \@new_pkgs, \@remove_pkgs, @ARGV); } if ($ret != 0) { exit 1; } find_fetched(\@new_pkgs, @ARGV); query_installed_kmps(\@installed_pkgs); # Do not check packages to be updated/removed for module conflicts my (%new_pkgs, %remove_pkgs); for my $p (@remove_pkgs) { my $nvra = "$p->{name}-$->{version}.$p->{arch}"; $remove_pkgs{$nvra} = 1; } for my $p (@new_pkgs) { $new_pkgs{$p->{name}} = 1; } my @tmp = @installed_pkgs; @installed_pkgs = (); for my $p (@tmp) { my $nvra = "$p->{name}-$->{version}.$p->{arch}"; next if $new_pkgs{$p->{name}} || $remove_pkgs{$nvra}; push(@installed_pkgs, $p); } # check for conflicts my %new_modules; for my $p (@new_pkgs) { next unless $p->{modules}; for my $m (@{$p->{modules}}) { $new_modules{$m} = $p->{name}; } } my @conflicting_pkgs; for my $p (@installed_pkgs) { next unless $p->{modules}; for my $m (@{$p->{modules}}) { next unless exists($new_modules{$m}); print "Package $p->{name} conflicts with new package $new_modules{$m}\n"; push(@conflicting_pkgs, $p); last; } } # Install new packages, removing conflicting installed packages my @cmd = (@zypper_cmd, "install", @ARGV); for my $p (@conflicting_pkgs) { push(@cmd, "!$p->{name}.$p->{arch}=$p->{version}"); } print join(" ", "Running", @cmd), "\n"; if (system(@cmd) != 0) { exit 1; } exit 0;
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