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File gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly.spec of Package gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly
# # spec file for package gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly # # Copyright (c) 2015 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # %define wlibcdio 1 %define _name gst-plugins-ugly %define gst_branch 0.10 # Patched code is built by default. # Use rpmbuild -D 'BUILD_ORIG 1' to build original code. # Use rpmbuild -D 'BUILD_ORIG 1' -D 'BUILD_ORIG_ADDON 1' to build patched build plus original as addon. %define _experimental 1 Name: gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly Version: 0.10.19 Release: 0 Summary: GStreamer Streaming-Media Framework Plug-Ins License: LGPL-2.1+ Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Other Url: %if 0%{?BUILD_ORIG} Source:{_name}-%{version}.tar.xz %else # WARNING: This is not a comment, but the real command to repack source: #%(bash %{_sourcedir}/%{name} %{_name}-%{version}.tar.xz) Source: %{_name}-%{version}-patched.tar.xz %endif Source1: %{name} Source99: baselibs.conf # PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly-0.10.19-opencore_amr_0_1_3.patch bgo#671123 -- Fix build with opencore-amr 0.1.3 Patch0: gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly-0.10.19-opencore_amr_0_1_3.patch # PATCH-FEATURE-OPENSUSE gstreamer010-plugins-ugly-patched.patch -- Disable plugins that can't be distributed by openSUSE Patch1: gstreamer010-plugins-ugly-patched.patch # PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly-0.10.19-new_libcdio.patch git commit 649bd92cd2 -- fix build with new libcdio Patch2: gstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly-0.10.19-new_libcdio.patch BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: glib2-devel >= 2.24 BuildRequires: gstreamer-0_10-devel >= 0.10.36 BuildRequires: gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base-devel >= 0.10.36 BuildRequires: gtk-doc %if 0%{?wlibcdio} == 1 BuildRequires: libcdio-devel %endif # Broken and disabled by upstream: BuildRequires: libdvdnav-devel BuildRequires: libdvdread-devel BuildRequires: libsidplay1-devel BuildRequires: libtool BuildRequires: orc-devel >= 0.4.11 BuildRequires: python BuildRequires: python-xml BuildRequires: translation-update-upstream %if 0%{?suse_version} <= 1210 BuildRequires: xz %endif %if 0%{?BUILD_ORIG} BuildRequires: liba52-devel BuildRequires: libmad-devel BuildRequires: libmp3lame-devel BuildRequires: libmpeg2-devel BuildRequires: libopencore-amr-devel BuildRequires: libtwolame-devel BuildRequires: libx264-devel %endif # Get minimum gstreamer and gstreamer-plugins-base required versions from %define gstreamer010_plugins_ugly_req %(xzgrep --text "^GST.*_REQ" %{S:0} | sort -u | sed 's/GST_REQ=/gstreamer-0_10 >= /;s/GSTPB_REQ=/gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base >= /' | tr '\\n' ' ') Requires: %gstreamer010_plugins_ugly_req Recommends: %{name}-lang = %{version} Enhances: gstreamer-0_10 # Name up to 10.3: Provides: gstreamer010-plugins-ugly = %{version} Obsoletes: gstreamer010-plugins-ugly < %{version} # Generic name, never used in SuSE: Provides: gst-plugins-ugly = %{version} %if 0%{?BUILD_ORIG} %if 0%{?BUILD_ORIG_ADDON} Provides: patched_subset %else Provides: %{name}-orig-addon = %{version} # Name up to 10.3: Provides: gstreamer010-plugins-ugly-orig-addon = %{version} Obsoletes: gstreamer010-plugins-ugly-orig-addon < %{version} # x264 moved from bad (after OpenSUSE 11.1 & SLE11): Conflicts: gstreamer010-plugins-bad < 0.10.13 # xingmux moved from bad (after OpenSUSE 10.3): Conflicts: gstreamer010-plugins-bad <= 0.10.5 %endif %else Provides: patched_subset %endif BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build %description GStreamer is a streaming media framework based on graphs of filters that operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything media-related, from real-time sound processing to playing videos. Its plug-in-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing newplug-ins. This package contains well-written plug-ins that can't be shipped in gstreamer-plugins-good because: - the license is not LGPL - the license of the library is not LGPL - there are possible licensing issues with the code. %if 0%{?BUILD_ORIG} %if 0%{?BUILD_ORIG_ADDON} %package orig-addon Summary: GStreamer Streaming-Media Framework Plug-Ins Group: Productivity/Multimedia/Other Requires: %{name} >= %{version} Supplements: %{name} # Name up to 10.3: Provides: gstreamer010-plugins-ugly-orig-addon = %{version} Obsoletes: gstreamer010-plugins-ugly-orig-addon < %{version} # Generic name, never used in SuSE: Provides: gst-plugins-ugly:%{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ # x264 moved from bad (after OpenSUSE 11.1 & SLE11): Conflicts: gstreamer010-plugins-bad < 0.10.13 # xingmux moved from bad (after OpenSUSE 10.3): Conflicts: gstreamer010-plugins-bad <= 0.10.5 %description orig-addon GStreamer is a streaming media framework based on graphs of filters that operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos and just about anything else media-related. Its plug-in-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. This package contains well-written plug-ins that can't be shipped in openSUSE because of patent problems. %endif %endif %package doc Summary: GStreamer Streaming-Media Framework Plug-Ins Group: Development/Libraries/C and C++ Requires: %{name} = %{version} # Name up to 10.3: Provides: gstreamer010-plugins-ugly-doc = %{version} Obsoletes: gstreamer010-plugins-ugly-doc < %{version} %description doc GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything else media-related. Its plugin-based architecture means that new data types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new plug-ins. %lang_package %prep %setup -q -n %{_name}-%{version} %patch0 %if ! 0%{?BUILD_ORIG} %patch1 %endif %patch2 -p1 translation-update-upstream po gst-plugins-ugly-0.10 %build %if ! 0%{?BUILD_ORIG} NOCONFIGURE=1 ./ %endif %configure\ %if 0%{?_package_name} --with-package-name='%{_package_name}' \ %else --with-package-name='openSUSE gstreamer-plugins-ugly package' \ %endif %if 0%{?_package_origin} --with-package-origin='%{_package_origin}' \ %else --with-package-origin='' \ %endif --enable-gtk-doc \ %if 0%{?_experimental} --enable-experimental \ %endif --disable-static make %{?_smp_mflags} V=1 %install %makeinstall rm %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/*.la %if ! 0%{?BUILD_ORIG} for MODULE in \ %{_datadir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/presets/GstAmrnbEnc.prs \ %{_datadir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/presets/GstX264Enc.prs \ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ \ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ \ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ \ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ \ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ \ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ \ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ \ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ \ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ \ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ \ ; do rm -f %{buildroot}$MODULE done %endif %find_lang %{_name}-%{gst_branch} %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %files %defattr(-, root, root) %doc AUTHORS COPYING NEWS README RELEASE REQUIREMENTS %if 0%{?wlibcdio} == 1 %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ %endif %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ #%{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ %if 0%{?_experimental} %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ %endif %if 0%{?BUILD_ORIG} %if 0%{?BUILD_ORIG_ADDON} %files orig-addon %defattr(-, root, root) %endif %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ %{_libdir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/ %{_datadir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/presets/GstAmrnbEnc.prs %{_datadir}/gstreamer-%{gst_branch}/presets/GstX264Enc.prs %endif %files lang -f %{_name}-%{gst_branch}.lang %files doc %defattr(-, root, root) %{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html/gst-plugins-ugly-plugins-%{gst_branch} %changelog
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