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File rubygem-jekyll.changes of Package rubygem-jekyll
------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat May 21 04:33:59 UTC 2016 - - updated to version 3.1.6 no changelog found ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 19 04:31:45 UTC 2016 - - updated to version 3.1.3 no changelog found ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 20 05:33:06 UTC 2016 - - updated to version 3.1.2 no changelog found ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jan 30 05:32:00 UTC 2016 - - updated to version 3.1.1 no changelog found ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 25 05:51:42 UTC 2016 - - updated to version 3.1.0 no changelog found ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 21 05:38:01 UTC 2016 - - updated to version 3.0.2 no changelog found ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 19 05:38:15 UTC 2015 - - updated to version 3.0.1 no changelog found ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 27 05:29:36 UTC 2015 - - updated to version 3.0.0 no changelog found ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 9 09:35:03 UTC 2015 - - version update to 2.5.3 see ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 25 17:47:44 UTC 2014 - - recreated spec according to new packaging scheme ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Nov 22 07:18:17 UTC 2014 - - version update to 2.5.0 - added %ghost for /usr/bin/jekyll ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Oct 13 12:18:08 UTC 2014 - - adapt to new rubygem packaging ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun May 18 09:04:37 UTC 2014 - - updated to version 2.0.3 see ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Apr 6 05:38:53 UTC 2014 - - updated to version 1.5.1 ### Bug Fixes * Only strip the drive name if it begins the string (#2176) ## 1.5.0 / 2014-03-24 ### Minor Enhancements * Loosen `safe_yaml` dependency to `~> 1.0` (#2167) * Bump `safe_yaml` dependency to `~> 1.0.0` (#1942) ### Bug Fixes * Fix issue where filesystem traversal restriction broke Windows (#2167) * Lock `maruku` at `0.7.0` (#2167) ### Development Fixes * Lock `cucmber` at `1.3.11` (#2167) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 20 09:29:24 UTC 2014 - - updated to version 1.4.3 ### Bug Fixes * Patch show-stopping security vulnerabilities (#1944) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Dec 21 08:14:21 UTC 2013 - - updated to version 1.4.2 ### Bug Fixes * Turn on Maruku fenced code blocks by default (#1830) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Dec 12 10:19:33 UTC 2013 - - updated to version 1.4.1 ## Bug Fixes * Don't allow nil entries when loading posts (#1796) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 9 11:39:39 UTC 2013 - - updated to version 1.4.0 ### Major Enhancements * Add support for TOML config files (#1765) ### Minor Enhancements * Sort plugins as a way to establish a load order (#1682) * Update Maruku to 0.7.0 (#1775) ### Bug Fixes * Add a space between two words in a Pagination warning message (#1769) * Upgrade `toml` gem to `v0.1.0` to maintain compat with Ruby 1.8.7 (#1778) ### Development Fixes * Remove some whitespace in the code (#1755) * Remove some duplication in the reading of posts and drafts (#1779) ### Site Enhancements * Fixed case of a word in the Jekyll v1.3.0 release post (#1762) * Fixed the mime type for the favicon (#1772) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 29 11:05:09 UTC 2013 - - updated to version 1.3.1 ### Minor Enhancements * Add a `--prefix` option to passthrough for the importers (#1669) * Push the paginator plugin lower in the plugin priority order so other plugins run before it (#1759) ### Bug Fixes * Fix the include tag when ran in a loop (#1726) * Fix errors when using `--watch` on 1.8.7 (#1730) * Specify where the include is called from if an included file is missing (#1746) ### Development Fixes * Extract `Site#filter_entries` into its own object (#1697) * Enable Travis' bundle caching (#1734) * Remove trailing whitespace in some files (#1736) * Fix a duplicate test name (#1754) ### Site Enhancements * Update link to example Rakefile to point to specific commit (#1741) * Fix drafts docs to indicate that draft time is based on file modification time, not `` (#1695) * Add `jekyll-monthly-archive-plugin` and `jekyll-category-archive-plugin` to list of third-party plugins (#1693) * Add `jekyll-asset-path-plugin` to list of third-party plugins (#1670) * Add `emoji-for-jekyll` to list of third-part plugins (#1708) * Fix previous section link on plugins page to point to pagination page (#1707) * Add `org-mode` converter plugin to third-party plugins (#1711) * Point "Blog migrations" page to (#1732) * Add docs for `post_url` when posts are in subdirectories (#1718) * Update the docs to point to `` (#1448) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 22 08:40:34 UTC 2013 - - updated to version 1.3.0 ### Major Enhancements * Add support for adding data as YAML files under a site's `_data` directory (#1003) * Allow variables to be used with `include` tags (#1495) * Allow using gems for plugin management (#1557) ### Minor Enhancements * Decrease the specificity in the site template CSS (#1574) * Add `encoding` configuration option (#1449) * Provide better error handling for Jekyll's custom Liquid tags (#1514) * If an included file causes a Liquid error, add the path to the include file that caused the error to the error message (#1596) * If a layout causes a Liquid error, change the error message so that we know it comes from the layout (#1601) * Update Kramdown dependency to `~> 1.2` (#1610) * Update `safe_yaml` dependency to `~> 0.9.7` (#1602) * Allow layouts to be in subfolders like includes (#1622) * Switch to listen for site watching while serving (#1589) * Add a `json` liquid filter to be used in sites (#1651) * Point people to the migration docs when the `jekyll-import` gem is missing (#1662) ### Bug Fixes * Fix up matching against source and destination when the two locations are similar (#1556) * Fix the missing `pathname` require in certain cases (#1255) * Use `+` instead of `Array#concat` when building `Post` attribute list (#1571) * Print server address when launching a server (#1586) * Downgrade to Maruku `~> 0.6.0` in order to avoid changes in rendering (#1598) * Fix error with failing include tag when variable was file name (#1613) * Downcase lexers before passing them to pygments (#1615) * Capitalize the short verbose switch because it conflicts with the built-in Commander switch (#1660) * Fix compatibility with 1.8.x (#1665) * Fix an error with the new file watching code due to library version incompatibilities (#1687) ### Development Fixes * Add coverage reporting with Coveralls (#1539) * Refactor the Liquid `include` tag (#1490) * Update launchy dependency to `~> 2.3` (#1608) * Update rr dependency to `~> 1.1` (#1604) * Update cucumber dependency to `~> 1.3` (#1607) * Update coveralls dependency to `~> 0.7.0` (#1606) * Update rake dependency to `~> 10.1` (#1603) * Clean up `site.rb` comments to be more concise/uniform (#1616) * Use the master branch for the build badge in the readme (#1636) * Refactor Site#render (#1638) * Remove duplication in command line options (#1637) * Add tests for all the coderay options (#1543) * Improve some of the cucumber test code (#1493) * Improve comparisons of timestamps by ignoring the seconds (#1582) ### Site Enhancements * Fix params for `JekyllImport::WordPress.process` arguments (#1554) * Add `jekyll-suggested-tweet` to list of third-party plugins (#1555) * Link to Liquid's docs for tags and filters (#1553) * Add note about installing Xcode on the Mac in the Installation docs (#1561) * Simplify/generalize pagination docs (#1577) * Add documentation for the new data sources feature (#1503) * Add more information on how to create generators (#1590, #1592) * Improve the instructions for mimicking GitHub Flavored Markdown (#1614) * Add `jekyll-import` warning note of missing dependencies (#1626) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 23 14:53:03 UTC 2013 - - updated to version 1.2.1 ### Minor Enhancements * Print better messages for detached server. Mute output on detach. (#1518) * Disable reverse lookup when running `jekyll serve` (#1363) * Upgrade RedCarpet dependency to `~> 2.3.0` (#1515) * Upgrade to Liquid `>= 2.5.2, < 2.6` (#1536) ### Bug Fixes * Fix file discrepancy in gemspec (#1522) * Force rendering of Include tag (#1525) ### Development Fixes * Add a rake task to generate a new release post (#1404) * Mute LSI output in tests (#1531) * Update contributor documentation (#1537) ### Site Enhancements * Fix a couple of validation errors on the site (#1511) * Make navigation menus reusable (#1507) * Fix link to History page from Release v1.2.0 notes post. * Fix markup in History file for command line options (#1512) * Expand 1.2 release post title to 1.2.0 (#1516) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 13 11:06:24 UTC 2013 - - updated to version 1.2.0 ### Major Enhancements * Disable automatically-generated excerpts when `excerpt_separator` is `""`. (#1386) * Add checking for URL conflicts when running `jekyll doctor` (#1389) ### Minor Enhancements * Catch and fix invalid `paginate` values (#1390) * Remove superfluous `div.container` from the default html template for `jekyll new` (#1315) * Add -D short-form switch for the drafts option (#1394) * Update the links in the site template for Twitter and GitHub (#1400) * Update dummy email address to domain (#1408) * Update normalize.css to v2.1.2 and minify; add rake task to update normalize.css with greater ease. (#1430) * Add the ability to detach the server ran by `jekyll serve` from it's controlling terminal (#1443) * Improve permalink generation for URLs with special characters (#944) * Expose the current Jekyll version to posts and pages via a new `jekyll.version` variable (#1481) ### Bug Fixes * Markdown extension matching matches only exact matches (#1382) * Fixed NoMethodError when message passed to `Stevenson#message` is nil (#1388) * Use binary mode when writing file (#1364) * Fix 'undefined method `encoding` for "mailto"' errors w/ Ruby 1.8 and Kramdown > 0.14.0 (#1397) * Do not force the permalink to be a dir if it ends on .html (#963) * When a Liquid Exception is caught, show the full path rel. to site source (#1415) * Properly read in the config options when serving the docs locally (#1444) * Fixed `--layouts` option for `build` and `serve` commands (#1458) * Remove kramdown as a runtime dependency since it's optional (#1498) * Provide proper error handling for invalid file names in the include tag (#1494) ### Development Fixes * Remove redundant argument to Jekyll::Commands::New#scaffold_post_content (#1356) * Add new dependencies to the README (#1360) * Fix link to contributing page in README (#1424) * Update TomDoc in Pager#initialize to match params (#1441) * Refactor `Site#cleanup` into `Jekyll::Site::Cleaner` class (#1429) * Several other small minor refactorings (#1341) * Ignore `_site` in deploy (#1480) * Add Gem version and dependency badge to README (#1497) ### Site Enhancements * Add info about new releases (#1353) * Update plugin list with jekyll-rss plugin (#1354) * Update the site list page with Ruby's official site (#1358) * Add `jekyll-ditaa` to list of third-party plugins (#1370) * Add `postfiles` to list of third-party plugins (#1373) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 31 05:45:55 UTC 2013 - - updated to version 1.1.2, see History.markdown ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 12 18:52:51 UTC 2013 - - fix usage of update-alternatives ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jun 9 06:41:43 UTC 2013 - - updated to version 1.0.3 ### Minor Enhancements * Add support to gist tag for private gists. (#1189) * Fail loudly when MaRuKu errors out (#1190) * Move the building of related posts into their own class (#1057) * Removed trailing spaces in several places throughout the code (#1116) * Add a `--force` option to `jekyll new` (#1115) * Convert IDs in the site template to classes (#1170) ### Bug Fixes * Fix typo in Stevenson constant "ERROR". (#1166) * Rename Jekyll::Logger to Jekyll::Stevenson to fix inheritance issue (#1106) * Exit with a non-zero exit code when dealing with a Liquid error (#1121) * Make the `exclude` and `include` options backwards compatible with versions of Jekyll prior to 1.0 (#1114) * Fix pagination on Windows (#1063) * Fix the application of Pygments' Generic Output style to Go code (#1156) ### Site Enhancements * Add a Pro Tip to docs about front matter variables being optional (#1147) * Add changelog to site as History page in /docs/ (#1065) * Add note to Upgrading page about new config options in 1.0.x (#1146) * Documentation for `date_to_rfc822` and `uri_escape` (#1142) * Documentation highlight boxes shouldn't show scrollbars if not necessary (#1123) * Add link to jekyll-minibundle in the doc's plugins list (#1035) * Quick patch for importers documentation * Fix prefix for WordpressDotCom importer in docs (#1107) * Add jekyll-contentblocks plugin to docs (#1068) * Make code bits in notes look more natural, more readable (#1089) * Fix logic for `relative_permalinks` instructions on Upgrading page (#1101) * Add docs for post excerpt (#1072) * Add docs for gist tag (#1072) * Add docs indicating that Pygments does not need to be installed separately (#1099, #1119) * Update the migrator docs to be current (#1136) * Add the Jekyll Gallery Plugin to the plugin list (#1143) ### Development Fixes * Use Jekyll.logger instead of Jekyll::Stevenson to log things (#1149) * Fix pesky Cucumber infinite loop (#1139) * Do not write posts with timezones in Cucumber tests (#1124) * Use ISO formatted dates in Cucumber features (#1150) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 24 08:39:36 UTC 2013 - - updated to version 1.0.2 ### Major Enhancements * Add `jekyll doctor` command to check site for any known compatibility problems (#1081) * Backwards-compatibilize relative permalinks (#1081) ### Minor Enhancements * Add a `data-lang="<lang>"` attribute to Redcarpet code blocks (#1066) * Deprecate old config `server_port`, match to `port` if `port` isn't set (#1084) * Update pygments.rb version to 0.5.0 (#1061) * Update Kramdown version to 1.0.2 (#1067) ### Bug Fixes * Fix issue when categories are numbers (#1078) * Catching that Redcarpet gem isn't installed (#1059) ### Site Enhancements * Add documentation about `relative_permalinks` (#1081) * Remove pygments-installation instructions, as pygments.rb is bundled with it (#1079) * Move pages to be Pages for realz (#985) * Updated links to Liquid documentation (#1073) ## 1.0.1 / 2013-05-08 ### Minor Enhancements * Do not force use of toc_token when using generate_tok in RDiscount (#1048) * Add newer `language-` class name prefix to code blocks (#1037) * Commander error message now preferred over process abort with incorrect args (#1040) ### Bug Fixes * Make Redcarpet respect the pygments configuration option (#1053) * Fix the index build with LSI (#1045) * Don't print deprecation warning when no arguments are specified. (#1041) * Add missing `</div>` to site template used by `new` subcommand, fixed typos in code (#1032) ### Site Enhancements * Changed https to http in the GitHub Pages link (#1051) * Remove CSS cruft, fix typos, fix HTML errors (#1028) * Removing manual install of Pip and Distribute (#1025) * Updated URL for Markdown references plugin (#1022) ### Development Fixes * Markdownify history file (#1027) * Update links on README to point to new (#1018) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 25 10:13:26 UTC 2012 - - updated to version 0.12.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 1 05:04:49 UTC 2012 - - updated to version 0.11.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 18 11:09:36 UTC 2011 - - update to 0.10.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 7 11:04:01 UTC 2010 - - created package
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