File not found: 0001-fix-compilation-warning.patch

Ethernet Bridge Tables

Edit Package ebtables

A firewalling tool to transparently filter network traffic passing a
bridge. The filtering possibilities are limited to link layer filtering
and some basic filtering on higher network layers. The ebtables tool
can be used together with the other Linux filtering tools, like
iptables. There are no incompatibility issues.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
ebtables-2.0.11.tar.gz 0000428411 418 KB
ebtables-2.0.11.tar.gz.sig 0000000590 590 Bytes
ebtables.changes 0000010662 10.4 KB
ebtables.keyring 0000006684 6.53 KB
ebtables.service 0000000222 222 Bytes
ebtables.spec 0000005318 5.19 KB
ebtables.systemd 0000001730 1.69 KB
Latest Revision
Stefan Weiberg's avatar Stefan Weiberg (suntorytimed) committed (revision 2)
Sync of the firewalld package from Tumbleweed, as a part of jsc#SLE-17336

This request is losing the reference to the patch which is not needed anymore:
- include-linux-if.patch
Comments 0
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