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File google-noto-sans-cjk-fonts.spec of Package google-noto-sans-cjk-fonts
# # spec file for package google-noto-sans-cjk-fonts # # Copyright (c) 2022 SUSE LLC # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # %define realver 2.004 Name: google-noto-sans-cjk-fonts Version: 20201202.%realver Release: 0 Summary: Noto Sans CJK Font - Regular and Bold License: OFL-1.1 Group: System/X11/Fonts URL: Source0:{realver}/ Source1:{realver}/ Source2:{realver}/ Source3:{realver}/ Source4:{realver}/ Source5:{realver}/ BuildRequires: fontpackages-devel BuildRequires: unzip BuildArch: noarch Requires: google-noto-sans-jp-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-kr-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-sc-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-tc-fonts = %{version} Provides: noto-sans-cjk-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjk-fonts <= %{version} Provides: noto-sans-cjk = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjk <= %{version} %description Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Regular and Bold weights for Noto Sans fonts for the four CJK languages. %package -n google-noto-sans-sc-regular-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Simplified Chinese Font - Regular Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-sc-regular-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-sc-regular-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-sc-regular-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Regular weight of Sans font for Simplified Chinese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-sc-thin-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Simplified Chinese Font - Thin Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-sc-thin-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-sc-thin-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-sc-thin-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Thin weight of Sans font for Simplified Chinese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-sc-light-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Simplified Chinese Font - Light Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-sc-light-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-sc-light-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-sc-light-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Light weight of Sans font for Simplified Chinese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-sc-demilight-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Simplified Chinese Font - DemiLight Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-sc-demilight-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-sc-demilight-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-sc-demilight-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Demilight weight of Sans font for Simplified Chinese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-sc-bold-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Simplified Chinese Font - Bold Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-sc-bold-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-sc-bold-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-sc-bold-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Bold weight of Sans font for Simplified Chinese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-sc-black-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Simplified Chinese Font - Black Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-sc-black-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-sc-black-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-sc-black-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Black weight of Sans font for Simplified Chinese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-sc-medium-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Simplified Chinese Font - Medium Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-sc-medium-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-sc-medium-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-sc-medium-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Medium weight of Sans font for Simplified Chinese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-sc-mono-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Simplified Chinese Font - Monospace Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-sc-mono-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-sc-mono-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-sc-mono-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Monospace fonts for Simplified Chinese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-sc-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Simplified Chinese Font - Regular and Bold Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-cjksc = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjksc <= %{version} Provides: noto-sans-cjksc-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjksc-fonts <= %{version} Provides: noto-sans-sc-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-sc-fonts <= %{version} Provides: scalable-font-zh-CN Provides: scalable-font-zh-SG Provides: locale(zh_CN;zh_SG) Requires: google-noto-sans-sc-bold-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-sc-regular-fonts = %{version} %description -n google-noto-sans-sc-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Regular and Bold weights of Sans font for Simplified Chinese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-sc-fonts-full Summary: Noto Sans Simplified Chinese Font - All Weights Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-sc-fonts-full = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-sc-fonts-full <= %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-sc-black-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-sc-demilight-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-sc-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-sc-light-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-sc-medium-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-sc-thin-fonts = %{version} %description -n google-noto-sans-sc-fonts-full Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains All weights for Sans fonts for Simplified Chinese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-tc-regular-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Traditional Chinese Font - Regular Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-tc-regular-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-tc-regular-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-tc-regular-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Regular weight of Sans font for Traditional Chinese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-tc-thin-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Traditional Chinese Font - Thin Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-tc-thin-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-tc-thin-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-tc-thin-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Thin weight of Sans font for Traditional Chinese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-tc-light-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Traditional Chinese Font - Light Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-tc-light-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-tc-light-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-tc-light-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Light weight of Sans font for Traditional Chinese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-tc-demilight-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Traditional Chinese Font - DemiLight Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-tc-demilight-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-tc-demilight-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-tc-demilight-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Demilight weight of Sans font for Traditional Chinese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-tc-bold-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Traditional Chinese Font - Bold Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-tc-bold-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-tc-bold-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-tc-bold-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Bold weight of Sans font for Traditional Chinese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-tc-black-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Traditional Chinese Font - Black Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-tc-black-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-tc-black-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-tc-black-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Black weight of Sans font for Traditional Chinese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-tc-medium-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Traditional Chinese Font - Medium Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-tc-medium-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-tc-medium-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-tc-medium-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Medium weight of Sans font for Traditional Chinese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-tc-mono-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Traditional Chinese Font - Monospace Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-tc-mono-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-tc-mono-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-tc-mono-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Monospace fonts for Traditional Chinese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-tc-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Traditional Chinese Font - Regular and Bold Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-cjktc = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjktc <= %{version} Provides: noto-sans-cjktc-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjktc-fonts <= %{version} Provides: noto-sans-tc-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-tc-fonts <= %{version} Provides: scalable-font-zh-TW Provides: locale(;zh_TW) Requires: google-noto-sans-tc-bold-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-tc-regular-fonts = %{version} %description -n google-noto-sans-tc-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Regular and Bold weights of Sans font for Traditional Chinese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-tc-fonts-full Summary: Noto Sans Traditional Chinese Font - All Weights Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-tc-fonts-full = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-tc-fonts-full <= %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-tc-black-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-tc-demilight-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-tc-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-tc-light-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-tc-medium-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-tc-thin-fonts = %{version} %description -n google-noto-sans-tc-fonts-full Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains All weights for Sans fonts for Traditional Chinese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-hk-regular-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) Font - Regular Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-hk-regular-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-hk-regular-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-hk-regular-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Regular weight of Sans font for Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong), hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-hk-thin-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) Font - Thin Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-hk-thin-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-hk-thin-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-hk-thin-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Thin weight of Sans font for Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong), hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-hk-light-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) Font - Light Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-hk-light-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-hk-light-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-hk-light-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Light weight of Sans font for Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong), hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-hk-demilight-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) Font - DemiLight Provides: noto-sans-hk-demilight-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-hk-demilight-fonts <= %{version} Group: System/X11/Fonts %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-hk-demilight-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Demilight weight of Sans font for Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong), hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-hk-bold-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) Font - Bold Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-hk-bold-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-hk-bold-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-hk-bold-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Bold weight of Sans font for Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong), hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-hk-black-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) Font - Black Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-hk-black-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-hk-black-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-hk-black-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Black weight of Sans font for Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong), hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-hk-medium-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) Font - Medium Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-hk-medium-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-hk-medium-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-hk-medium-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Medium weight of Sans font for Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong), hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-hk-mono-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) Font - Monospace Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-hk-mono-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-hk-mono-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-hk-mono-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Monospace fonts for Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong), hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-hk-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) Font - Regular and Bold Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-cjkhk = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjkhk <= %{version} Provides: noto-sans-cjkhk-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjkhk-fonts <= %{version} Provides: noto-sans-hk-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-hk-fonts <= %{version} Provides: scalable-font-zh-HK Provides: scalable-font-zh-MO Provides: locale(zh_HK;zh_MO) Requires: google-noto-sans-hk-bold-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-hk-regular-fonts = %{version} %description -n google-noto-sans-hk-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Regular and Bold weights of Sans font for Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong), hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-hk-fonts-full Summary: Noto Sans Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) Font - All Weights Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-hk-fonts-full = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-hk-fonts-full <= %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-hk-black-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-hk-demilight-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-hk-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-hk-light-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-hk-medium-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-hk-thin-fonts = %{version} %description -n google-noto-sans-hk-fonts-full Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains All weights for Sans fonts for Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong), hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-jp-regular-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Japanese Font - Regular Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-jp-regular-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-jp-regular-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-jp-regular-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Regular weight of Sans font for Japanese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-jp-thin-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Japanese Font - Thin Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-jp-thin-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-jp-thin-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-jp-thin-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Thin weight of Sans font for Japanese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-jp-light-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Japanese Font - Light Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-jp-light-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-jp-light-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-jp-light-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Light weight of Sans font for Japanese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-jp-demilight-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Japanese Font - DemiLight Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-jp-demilight-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-jp-demilight-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-jp-demilight-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Demilight weight of Sans font for Japanese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-jp-bold-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Japanese Font - Bold Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-jp-bold-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-jp-bold-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-jp-bold-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Bold weight of Sans font for Japanese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-jp-black-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Japanese Font - Black Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-jp-black-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-jp-black-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-jp-black-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Black weight of Sans font for Japanese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-jp-medium-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Japanese Font - Medium Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-jp-medium-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-jp-medium-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-jp-medium-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Medium weight of Sans font for Japanese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-jp-mono-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Japanese Font - Monospace Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-jp-mono-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-jp-mono-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-jp-mono-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Monospace fonts for Japanese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-jp-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Japanese Font - Regular and Bold Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-cjkjp = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjkjp <= %{version} Provides: noto-sans-cjkjp-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjkjp-fonts <= %{version} Provides: noto-sans-jp-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-jp-fonts <= %{version} Provides: scalable-font-ja Provides: locale(ja) Requires: google-noto-sans-jp-bold-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-jp-regular-fonts = %{version} %description -n google-noto-sans-jp-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Regular and Bold weights of Sans font for Japanese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-jp-fonts-full Summary: Noto Sans Japanese Font - All Weights Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-jp-fonts-full = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-jp-fonts-full <= %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-jp-black-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-jp-demilight-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-jp-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-jp-light-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-jp-medium-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-jp-thin-fonts = %{version} %description -n google-noto-sans-jp-fonts-full Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains All weights for Sans fonts for Japanese, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-kr-regular-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Korean Font - Regular Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-kr-regular-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-kr-regular-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-kr-regular-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Regular weight of Sans font for Korean, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-kr-thin-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Korean Font - Thin Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-kr-thin-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-kr-thin-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-kr-thin-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Thin weight of Sans font for Korean, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-kr-light-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Korean Font - Light Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-kr-light-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-kr-light-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-kr-light-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Light weight of Sans font for Korean, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-kr-demilight-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Korean Font - DemiLight Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-kr-demilight-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-kr-demilight-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-kr-demilight-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Demilight weight of Sans font for Korean, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-kr-bold-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Korean Font - Bold Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-kr-bold-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-kr-bold-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-kr-bold-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Bold weight of Sans font for Korean, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-kr-black-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Korean Font - Black Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-kr-black-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-kr-black-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-kr-black-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Black weight of Sans font for Korean, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-kr-medium-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Korean Font - Medium Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-kr-medium-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-kr-medium-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-kr-medium-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Medium weight of Sans font for Korean, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-kr-mono-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Korean Font - Monospace Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-kr-mono-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-kr-mono-fonts <= %{version} %reconfigure_fonts_prereq %description -n google-noto-sans-kr-mono-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Monospace fonts for Korean, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-kr-fonts Summary: Noto Sans Korean Font - Regular and Bold Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-cjkkr = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjkkr <= %{version} Provides: noto-sans-cjkkr-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-cjkkr-fonts <= %{version} Provides: noto-sans-kr-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-kr-fonts <= %{version} Provides: scalable-font-ko Provides: locale(ko) Requires: google-noto-sans-kr-bold-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-kr-regular-fonts = %{version} %description -n google-noto-sans-kr-fonts Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains Regular and Bold weights of Sans font for Korean, hinted. %package -n google-noto-sans-kr-fonts-full Summary: Noto Sans Korean Font - All Weights Group: System/X11/Fonts Provides: noto-sans-kr-fonts-full = %{version} Obsoletes: noto-sans-kr-fonts-full <= %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-kr-black-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-kr-demilight-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-kr-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-kr-light-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-kr-medium-fonts = %{version} Requires: google-noto-sans-kr-thin-fonts = %{version} %description -n google-noto-sans-kr-fonts-full Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains All weights for Sans fonts for Korean, hinted. %prep unzip -qqn %{SOURCE0} unzip -qqn %{SOURCE1} unzip -qqn %{SOURCE2} unzip -qqn %{SOURCE3} unzip -qqn %{SOURCE4} unzip -qqn %{SOURCE5} %build %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_ttfontsdir} cp *.?tf %{buildroot}%{_ttfontsdir}/ cp */*/*.?tf %{buildroot}%{_ttfontsdir}/ %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-sc-regular-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-sc-thin-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-sc-medium-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-sc-light-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-sc-demilight-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-sc-bold-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-sc-black-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-sc-mono-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-tc-regular-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-tc-thin-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-tc-medium-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-tc-light-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-tc-demilight-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-tc-bold-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-tc-black-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-tc-mono-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-hk-regular-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-hk-thin-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-hk-medium-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-hk-light-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-hk-demilight-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-hk-bold-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-hk-black-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-hk-mono-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-jp-regular-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-jp-thin-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-jp-medium-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-jp-light-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-jp-demilight-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-jp-bold-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-jp-black-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-jp-mono-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-kr-regular-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-kr-thin-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-kr-medium-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-kr-light-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-kr-demilight-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-kr-bold-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-kr-black-fonts %reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n google-noto-sans-kr-mono-fonts %files %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %license LICENSE %files -n google-noto-sans-sc-regular-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKsc-Regular.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-sc-thin-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKsc-Thin.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-sc-medium-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKsc-Medium.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-sc-light-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKsc-Light.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-sc-demilight-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKsc-DemiLight.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-sc-bold-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKsc-Bold.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-sc-black-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKsc-Black.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-sc-mono-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansMonoCJKsc-*.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-sc-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %license LICENSE %files -n google-noto-sans-sc-fonts-full %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %license LICENSE %files -n google-noto-sans-tc-regular-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKtc-Regular.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-tc-thin-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKtc-Thin.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-tc-medium-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKtc-Medium.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-tc-light-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKtc-Light.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-tc-demilight-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKtc-DemiLight.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-tc-bold-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKtc-Bold.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-tc-black-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKtc-Black.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-tc-mono-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansMonoCJKtc-*.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-tc-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %license LICENSE %files -n google-noto-sans-tc-fonts-full %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %license LICENSE %files -n google-noto-sans-hk-regular-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKhk-Regular.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-hk-thin-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKhk-Thin.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-hk-medium-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKhk-Medium.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-hk-light-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKhk-Light.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-hk-demilight-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKhk-DemiLight.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-hk-bold-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKhk-Bold.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-hk-black-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKhk-Black.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-hk-mono-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansMonoCJKhk-*.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-hk-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %license LICENSE %files -n google-noto-sans-hk-fonts-full %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %license LICENSE %files -n google-noto-sans-jp-regular-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKjp-Regular.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-jp-thin-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKjp-Thin.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-jp-medium-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKjp-Medium.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-jp-light-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKjp-Light.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-jp-demilight-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKjp-DemiLight.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-jp-bold-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKjp-Bold.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-jp-black-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKjp-Black.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-jp-mono-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansMonoCJKjp-*.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-jp-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %license LICENSE %files -n google-noto-sans-jp-fonts-full %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %license LICENSE %files -n google-noto-sans-kr-regular-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKkr-Regular.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-kr-thin-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKkr-Thin.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-kr-medium-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKkr-Medium.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-kr-light-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKkr-Light.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-kr-demilight-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKkr-DemiLight.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-kr-bold-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKkr-Bold.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-kr-black-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansCJKkr-Black.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-kr-mono-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %dir %{_ttfontsdir} %{_ttfontsdir}/NotoSansMonoCJKkr-*.?tf %files -n google-noto-sans-kr-fonts %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %license LICENSE %files -n google-noto-sans-kr-fonts-full %defattr(0644,root,root,755) %license LICENSE %changelog
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