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File hdf5.spec of Package hdf5.26542
# # spec file # # Copyright (c) 2022 SUSE LLC # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via # %global flavor @BUILD_FLAVOR@%{nil} %ifarch s390 i586 ExclusiveArch: do_not_build %endif %if 0%{?sle_version} >= 150200 %define DisOMPI1 ExclusiveArch: do_not_build %endif %if !0%{?is_opensuse} && 0%{?sle_version:1} && 0%{?sle_version} < 150200 %define DisOMPI3 ExclusiveArch: do_not_build %endif %if 0%{?sle_version:1} && 0%{?sle_version} < 150300 %define DisOMPI4 ExclusiveArch: do_not_build %endif # Disable until resource issue is resolved. %bcond_with check %define use_sz2 0 %define vers 1.10.8 %define _vers 1_10_8 %define short_ver 1.10 %define src_ver %{version} %define pname hdf5 %global _lto_cflags %{_lto_cflags} -ffat-lto-objects %if "%{flavor}" == "" ExclusiveArch: do_not_build %define package_name %pname %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "serial" %bcond_with hpc %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "openmpi1" %{?DisOMPI1} %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 1 %bcond_with hpc %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "openmpi2" %{?DisOMPI2} %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 2 %bcond_with hpc %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "openmpi3" %{?DisOMPI3} %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 3 %bcond_with hpc %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "openmpi4" %{?DisOMPI4} %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 4 %bcond_with hpc %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "mvapich2" %global mpi_flavor %{flavor} %bcond_with hpc %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu-hpc" %bcond_without hpc %global compiler_family gnu %undefine c_f_ver %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu-openmpi-hpc" %{?DisOMPI1} %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %undefine c_f_ver %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 1 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu-mvapich2-hpc" %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %undefine c_f_ver %global mpi_flavor mvapich2 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu-openmpi2-hpc" %{?DisOMPI2} %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %undefine c_f_ver %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 2 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu-openmpi3-hpc" %{?DisOMPI3} %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %undefine c_f_ver %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 3 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu-openmpi4-hpc" %{?DisOMPI4} %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %undefine c_f_ver %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 4 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu-mpich-hpc" %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %undefine c_f_ver %global mpi_flavor mpich %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu7-hpc" %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 7 %undefine mpi_flavor %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu7-openmpi-hpc" %{?DisOMPI1} %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 7 %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 1 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu7-openmpi2-hpc" %{?DisOMPI2} %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 7 %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 2 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu7-mvapich2-hpc" %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 7 %global mpi_flavor mvapich2 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu7-openmpi3-hpc" %{?DisOMPI3} %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 7 %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 3 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu7-openmpi4-hpc" %{?DisOMPI4} %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 7 %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 4 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu7-mpich-hpc" %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 7 %global mpi_flavor mpich %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu8-hpc" %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 8 %undefine mpi_flavor %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu8-openmpi-hpc" %{?DisOMPI1} %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 8 %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 1 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu8-openmpi2-hpc" %{?DisOMPI2} %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 8 %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 2 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu8-openmpi3-hpc" %{?DisOMPI3} %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 8 %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 3 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu8-openmpi4-hpc" %{?DisOMPI4} %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 8 %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 4 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu8-mvapich2-hpc" %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 8 %global mpi_flavor mvapich2 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu8-mpich-hpc" %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 8 %global mpi_flavor mpich %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu9-hpc" %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 9 %undefine mpi_flavor %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu9-openmpi-hpc" %{?DisOMPI1} %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 9 %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 1 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu9-openmpi2-hpc" %{?DisOMPI2} %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 9 %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 2 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu9-openmpi3-hpc" %{?DisOMPI3} %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 9 %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 3 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu9-openmpi4-hpc" %{?DisOMPI4} %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 9 %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 4 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu9-mvapich2-hpc" %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 9 %global mpi_flavor mvapich2 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu9-mpich-hpc" %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 9 %global mpi_flavor mpich %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu10-hpc" %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 10 %undefine mpi_flavor %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu10-openmpi-hpc" %{?DisOMPI1} %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 10 %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 1 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu10-openmpi2-hpc" %{?DisOMPI2} %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 10 %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 2 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu10-openmpi3-hpc" %{?DisOMPI3} %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 10 %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 3 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu10-openmpi4-hpc" %{?DisOMPI4} %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 10 %global mpi_flavor openmpi %define mpi_vers 4 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu10-mvapich2-hpc" %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 10 %global mpi_flavor mvapich2 %endif %if "%{flavor}" == "gnu10-mpich-hpc" %bcond_without hpc %define compiler_family gnu %define c_f_ver 10 %global mpi_flavor mpich %endif %{?mpi_flavor:%{bcond_without mpi}}%{!?mpi_flavor:%{bcond_with mpi}} %{?with_hpc:%{!?compiler_family:%global compiler_family gnu}} %{?with_mpi:%{!?mpi_flavor:error "No MPI family specified!"}} # For compatibility package names %if "%{flavor}" == "openmpi1" && 0%{?suse_version} <= 1500 %define mpi_ext %{nil} %else %define mpi_ext %{?mpi_vers} %endif %if %{with hpc} %{hpc_init -c %compiler_family %{?with_mpi:-m %mpi_flavor} %{?c_f_ver:-v %{c_f_ver}} %{?mpi_vers:-V %{mpi_vers}} %{?ext:-e %{ext}}} %{?with_mpi:%global hpc_module_pname p%{pname}} %define my_prefix %hpc_prefix %define my_bindir %hpc_bindir %ifarch x86_64 %define my_libdir %hpc_prefix/lib64 %else %define my_libdir %hpc_libdir %endif %define my_incdir %hpc_includedir %define package_name %{hpc_package_name %_vers} %define libname(l:s:) lib%{pname}%{-l*}%{hpc_package_name_tail %{?_vers}} %define vname %{pname}_%{_vers}-hpc %else %if %{without mpi} %define my_prefix %_prefix %define my_bindir %_bindir %define my_libdir %_libdir %define my_incdir %_includedir %else %define my_prefix %{_libdir}/mpi/gcc/%{mpi_flavor}%{?mpi_ext} %define my_suffix -%{mpi_flavor}%{?mpi_ext} %define my_bindir %{my_prefix}/bin %define my_libdir %{my_prefix}/%{_lib}/ %define my_incdir %{my_prefix}/include/ %endif %if 0%{!?package_name:1} %define package_name %pname%{?my_suffix} %endif %define libname(l:s:) lib%{pname}%{!-l:%{-s:-}}%{-l*}%{-s*}%{?my_suffix} %define vname %{pname} %endif # Run 'sh ./' when updating hdf5! %include %{_sourcedir}/so_versions Name: %{package_name} Version: %vers Release: 0 Summary: Command-line programs for the HDF5 scientific data format License: BSD-3-Clause Group: Productivity/Scientific/Other URL: Source0:{pname}-%{short_ver}/%{pname}-%{src_ver}/src/%{pname}-%{src_ver}.tar.bz2 Source100: so_versions Source1000: Patch0: hdf5-LD_LIBRARY_PATH.patch # not really needed but we want to get noticed if hdf5 doesn' t know our host Patch2: hdf5-1.8.11-abort_unknown_host_config.patch %ifarch %arm Patch4: hdf5-1.8.10-tests-arm.patch %endif Patch5: PPC64LE-Fix-long-double-handling.patch Patch6: hdf5-Remove-timestamps-from-binaries.patch # Could be ported but it's unknown if it's still needed Patch7: hdf5-mpi.patch Patch8: Disable-phdf5-tests.patch # boo#1179521, boo#1196682, gh#HDFGroup/hdf5#1494 Patch9: hdf5-1.10.8-pr1494-fix-release-check-version.patch # Imported from Fedora, strip flags from h5cc wrapper Patch10: hdf5-wrappers.patch Patch11: Compound-datatypes-may-not-have-members-of-size-0.patch Patch12: Validate-location-offset-of-the-accumulated-metadata-when-comparing.patch Patch13: Fix-error-message-not-the-name-but-the-link-information-is-parsed.patch Patch14: Make-sure-info-block-for-external-links-has-at-least-3-bytes.patch Patch15: Hot-fix-for-CVE-2020-10812.patch Patch16: H5O_fsinfo_decode-Make-more-resilient-to-out-of-bounds-read.patch Patch17: H5O__pline_decode-Make-more-resilient-to-out-of-bounds-read.patch Patch18: Pass-compact-chunk-size-info-to-ensure-requested-elements-are-within-bounds.patch Patch19: When-evicting-driver-info-block-NULL-the-corresponding-entry.patch Patch20: Report-error-if-dimensions-of-chunked-storage-in-data-layout-2.patch Patch21: H5O_dtype_decode_helper-Parent-of-enum-needs-to-have-same-size-as-enum-itself.patch Patch22: H5IMget_image_info-H5Sget_simple_extent_dims-does-not-exceed-array-size.patch BuildRequires: fdupes %if 0%{?use_sz2} BuildRequires: libsz2-devel %endif BuildRequires: zlib-devel %if %{without hpc} BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: gcc-fortran %if %{with mpi} BuildRequires: %{mpi_flavor}%{?mpi_ext}-devel %else Requires: lib%{pname}_cpp%{sonum_CXX} = %{version} Requires: lib%{pname}_hl_cpp%{sonum_HL_CXX} = %{version} %endif Requires: lib%{pname}-%{sonum} = %{version} Requires: lib%{pname}_fortran%{sonum_F} = %{version} Requires: lib%{pname}_hl%{sonum_HL} = %{version} Requires: lib%{pname}hl_fortran%{sonum_HL_F} = %{version} %else # hpc %hpc_requires Requires: %{libname -l _fortran} %if %{without mpi} Requires: %{libname -l _cpp} Requires: %{libname -l _hl_cpp} %endif Requires: %{libname -l _hl} Requires: %{libname -l hl_fortran} Requires: %{libname} BuildRequires: %{compiler_family}%{?c_f_ver}-compilers-hpc-macros-devel BuildRequires: lua-lmod BuildRequires: suse-hpc >= 0.2 %if %{with mpi} BuildRequires: %{mpi_flavor}%{?mpi_vers}-%{compiler_family}%{?c_f_ver}-hpc-macros-devel %endif %endif # ?hpc BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build %if "%{flavor}" == "openmpi1" && 0%{?suse_version} <= 1500 Provides: %{pname}-openmpi = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: %{pname}-openmpi < %{version}-%{release} %endif %description HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data. It supports an unlimited variety of datatypes. This package contains the %{flavor} version utility functions for working with HDF5 files. %{?with_hpc:%{hpc_master_package}} %package -n %{libname -s %{sonum}} Summary: Shared libraries for the HDF5 scientific data format # To avoid unresolvable errors due to multiple providers of the library Group: System/Libraries Provides: %{libname} = %{version} Obsoletes: %{libname} < %{version} %{?with_hpc:Requires: %{name}-module = %version} %description -n %{libname -s %{sonum}} HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data. It supports an unlimited variety of datatypes. This package contains the %{flavor} version of the HDF5 runtime libraries. %{?with_hpc:%{hpc_master_package -l -n lib%{pname}%{hpc_package_name_tail}}} %package -n %{libname -l _hl -s %{sonum_HL}} Summary: High-level shared libraries for the HDF5 scientific data format # To avoid unresolvable errors due to multiple providers of the library Group: System/Libraries Provides: %{libname -l _hl} = %{version} Obsoletes: %{libname -l _hl} < %{version} %{?with_hpc:Requires: %{name}-module = %version} %description -n %{libname -l _hl -s %{sonum_HL}} HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data. It supports an unlimited variety of datatypes. This package contains the %{flavor} version of the high-level HDF5 runtime libraries. %{?with_hpc:%{hpc_master_package -l -n lib%{pname}_hl%{hpc_package_name_tail} -N %{pname}_hl}} %package -n %{libname -l _cpp -s %{sonum_CXX}} Summary: Shared libraries for the HDF5 scientific data format # To avoid unresolvable errors due to multiple providers of the library Group: System/Libraries Provides: %{libname -l _cpp} = %{version} Obsoletes: %{libname -l _cpp} < %{version} %{?with_hpc:Requires: %{name}-module = %version} %description -n %{libname -l _cpp -s %{sonum_CXX}} HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data. It supports an unlimited variety of datatypes. This package contains the HDF5 runtime libraries. %{?with_hpc:%{hpc_master_package -l -n lib%{pname}_cpp%{hpc_package_name_tail} -N %{pname}_cpp}} %package -n %{libname -l _hl_cpp -s %{sonum_HL_CXX}} Summary: High-level shared libraries for the HDF5 scientific data format # To avoid unresolvable errors due to multiple providers of the library Group: System/Libraries Provides: %{libname -l _hl_cpp} = %{version} Obsoletes: %{libname -l _hl_cpp} < %{version} %{?with_hpc:Requires: %{name}-module = %version} %description -n %{libname -l _hl_cpp -s %{sonum_HL_CXX}} HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data. It supports an unlimited variety of datatypes. This package contains the the high-level HDF5 runtime libraries. %{?with_hpc:%{hpc_master_package -l -n lib%{pname}_hl_cpp%{hpc_package_name_tail} -N %{pname}_hl_cpp}} %package -n %{libname -l _fortran -s %{sonum_F}} Summary: Shared libraries for the HDF5 scientific data format # To avoid unresolvable errors due to multiple providers of the library Group: System/Libraries Provides: %{libname -l _fortran} = %{version} Obsoletes: %{libname -l _fortran} < %{version} %{?with_hpc:Requires: %{name}-module = %version} %description -n %{libname -l _fortran -s %{sonum_F}} HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data. It supports an unlimited variety of datatypes. This package contains the %{flavor} version of the HDF5 runtime libraries. %{?with_hpc:%{hpc_master_package -l -n lib%{pname}_fortran%{hpc_package_name_tail} -N %{pname}_fortran}} %package -n %{libname -l hl_fortran -s %{sonum_HL_F}} Summary: High-level shared libraries for the HDF5 scientific data format # To avoid unresolvable errors due to multiple providers of the library Group: System/Libraries Provides: %{libname -l hl_fortran} = %{version} Obsoletes: %{libname -l hl_fortran} < %{version} %{?with_hpc:Requires: %{name}-module = %version} %description -n %{libname -l hl_fortran -s %{sonum_HL_F}} HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data. It supports an unlimited variety of datatypes. This package contains the %{flavor} version of the high-level HDF5 runtime libraries. %{?with_hpc:%{hpc_master_package -l -n lib%{pname}_hl_fortran%{hpc_package_name_tail} -N %{pname}hl_fortran}} %package -n %{pname}-devel-data Summary: Development data files for %{name} Group: Development/Libraries/Other %description -n %{pname}-devel-data HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data. It supports an unlimited variety of datatypes. This package contains generic files needed to create projects that use any version of HDF5. %package devel Summary: Development files for %{name} Group: Development/Libraries/Parallel Requires: %{libname -l _cpp -s %{sonum_CXX}} = %{version} Requires: %{libname -l _hl_cpp -s %{sonum_HL_CXX}} = %{version} Requires: %{name} = %{version} %{!?with_hpc:Requires: %{pname}-devel-data = %{version}} Requires: zlib-devel %if 0%{?use_sz2} Requires: libsz2-devel %endif Requires: %{libname -s %{sonum}} = %{version} # Required by Fortran programs? Requires: %{libname -l _fortran -s %{sonum_F}} = %{version} Requires: %{libname -l _hl -s %{sonum_HL}} = %{version} Requires: %{libname -l hl_fortran -s %{sonum_HL_F}} = %{version} %{?with_hpc:%hpc_requires_devel} %if "%{flavor}" == "openmpi1" && 0%{?suse_version} <= 1500 Provides: %{pname}-openmpi-devel = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: %{pname}-openmpi-devel < %{version}-%{release} %endif %description devel HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data. It supports an unlimited variety of datatypes. This package contains all files needed to create projects that use the %{flavor} version of HDF5. %{?with_hpc:%{hpc_master_package devel}} %package devel-static Summary: Static development files for %{name} Group: Development/Libraries/Parallel Requires: %{name}-devel = %{version} %description devel-static HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data. It supports an unlimited variety of datatypes. This package provides the static libraries for the %{flavor} version of HDF5. %package -n %{vname}-examples Summary: Examples for %{name} Group: Documentation/Other %description -n %{vname}-examples HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data. It supports an unlimited variety of datatypes. This package provides examples of HDF5 library use. %{?!with_mpi:%{?with_hpc:%{hpc_master_package -n %{pname}-hpc-examples -M %{vname}-examples}}} %if %{with hpc} %package module Summary: Module files for %{name} Group: Development/Libraries/Parallel Provides: %{name}-module = %version Requires: lua-lmod %description module HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data. It supports an unlimited variety of datatypes. This package contains the environment module needed for the HDF5 library packages. %endif %prep %{?with_hpc: %hpc_debug} %setup -q -n %{pname}-%{version} %patch0 -p1 -b .LD_LIBRARY_PATH %patch2 -p0 -b .abort_unknown_host_config %ifarch %arm %patch4 -p0 -b .tests-arm %endif %patch5 -p1 %patch6 -p1 # %%patch7 -p1 %patch8 -p1 %patch9 -p1 %patch10 -p1 %patch11 -p1 %patch12 -p1 %patch13 -p1 %patch14 -p1 %patch15 -p1 %patch16 -p1 %patch17 -p1 %patch18 -p1 %patch19 -p1 %patch20 -p1 %patch21 -p1 %patch22 -p1 %if %{without hpc} # baselibs looks different for different flavors - generate it on the fly cat > %{_sourcedir}/baselibs.conf <<EOF libhdf5-%{sonum}%{?my_suffix} libhdf5_hl%{sonum_HL}%{?my_suffix} libhdf5_fortran%{sonum_F}%{?my_suffix} libhdf5hl_fortran%{sonum_HL_F}%{?my_suffix} libhdf5_cpp%{sonum_CXX}%{?my_suffix} libhdf5_hl_cpp%{sonum_HL_CXX}%{?my_suffix} hdf5%{?my_suffix}-devel requires %{?my_suffix}-<targettype> requires "libhdf5-%{sonum}%{?my_suffix}-<targettype> = <version>" requires "libhdf5_hl%{sonum_HL}%{?my_suffix}-<targettype> = <version>" requires "libhdf5_fortran%{sonum_F}%{?my_suffix}-<targettype> = <version>" requires "libhdf5hl_fortran%{sonum_HL_F}%{?my_suffix}-<targettype> = <version>" requires "libhdf5_cpp%{sonum_CXX}%{?my_suffix}-<targettype> = <version>" requires "libhdf5_hl_cpp%{sonum_HL_CXX}%{?my_suffix}-<targettype> = <version>" EOF %endif %build %{?with_hpc:%hpc_setup} %{?with_hpc:%hpc_debug} export CC=gcc export CXX=g++ export F9X=gfortran export CFLAGS="%{optflags}" %ifarch %arm # we want to have useful H5_CFLAGS on arm too test -e config/linux-gnueabi || cp config/linux-gnu config/linux-gnueabi %endif # NOTE: --enable-unsupported is required when --enable-fortran # and/or --enable-cxx is enabled along with --enable-threadsafe. # Building with thise combination results in thread-safe C # libraries and non-thread-safe fotran and/or C++ libraries. So # you have to explicitly allow building the thread-safe C # library and the non-thread-safe C++ and fortran libraries in # order to make sure people don't assume that their fotran or # C++ code is thread-safe. Since our users are going to be # accessing this through other programs, this doesn't matter. %if %{without hpc} %if %{with mpi} export CC="%{my_bindir}/mpicc" export CXX="%{my_bindir}/mpicxx" export FC="%{my_bindir}/mpif90" export F77="%{my_bindir}/mpif77" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="%{my_libdir}" %endif %configure \ %if %{with mpi} --prefix=%{my_prefix} \ --exec-prefix=%{_prefix} \ --bindir=%{my_bindir} \ --libdir=%{my_libdir} \ --includedir=%{my_incdir} \ --datadir=%{_datadir} \ %endif --docdir=%{_docdir}/%{name} \ %else # hpc %global _hpc_exec_prefix %hpc_exec_prefix %global hpc_exec_prefix %_prefix %if %{with mpi} export CC=mpicc export CXX=mpicxx export F77=mpif77 export FC=mpif90 export MPICC=mpicc export MPIFC=mpifc export MPICXX=mpicxx %endif %hpc_configure \ %define hpc_exec_prefix %{expand:%_hpc_exec_prefix} %endif # ?hpc --disable-hltools \ --disable-dependency-tracking \ --enable-fortran \ --enable-unsupported \ --enable-hl \ --enable-shared \ --enable-threadsafe \ --enable-build-mode=production \ %if %{with mpi} --enable-parallel \ %endif --enable-cxx \ %if 0%{?use_sz2} --with-szlib \ %endif --with-pthread make V=1 %{?_smp_mflags} %install %{?with_hpc:%hpc_setup} %{?with_hpc:%hpc_debug} make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} find %{buildroot} -type f -name "*.la" -delete -print %if %{without mpi} %if %{with hpc} # copy to versioned subdir install -m 755 -d %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/share/%{version} install -m 755 -d %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/share/hdf5_examples mv %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/hpc/*/hdf5/*/share/hdf5_examples/* \ %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/share/%{version}/ mv %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/share/%{version} \ %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/share/hdf5_examples %else # rpm macro for version checking mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir}/macros.d/ cat > %{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir}/macros.d/macros.hdf5 <<EOF # # RPM macros for hdf5 packaging # %_hdf5_sonum %{sonum} %_hdf5_version %{version} EOF %endif %else # delete examples from parallel builds find %{buildroot} -type d -name "hdf5_examples" -exec rm -rf {} +; %endif %fdupes -s %{buildroot}/%{_datadir} %if %{with hpc} %{hpc_write_pkgconfig -n hdf5 -l hdf5} %{hpc_write_pkgconfig -n hdf5_hl -l hdf5_hl} %{hpc_write_pkgconfig -n hdf5_fortran -l hdf5_fortran} %{hpc_write_pkgconfig -n hdf5_hl_fortran -l hdf5hl_fortran} %{hpc_write_pkgconfig -n hdf5_cpp -l hdf5_cpp} %{hpc_write_pkgconfig -n hdf5_hl_cpp -l hdf5_hl_cpp} %hpc_write_modules_files #%%Module1.0##################################################################### proc ModulesHelp { } { puts stderr " " puts stderr "This module loads the %{pname} library built with the %{compiler_family} compiler toolchain." puts stderr "\nVersion %{version}\n" } module-whatis "Name: %{pname} built with %{compiler_family} toolchain" module-whatis "Version: %{version}" module-whatis "Category: runtime library" module-whatis "Description: %{SUMMARY:0}" module-whatis "%{url}" set version %{version} prepend-path PATH %{hpc_bindir} prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH %{hpc_libdir} setenv %{hpc_upcase %pname}_DIR %{hpc_prefix} setenv %{hpc_upcase %pname}_BIN %{hpc_bindir} setenv %{hpc_upcase %pname}_LIB %{hpc_libdir} if {[file isdirectory %{hpc_includedir}]} { prepend-path LIBRARY_PATH %{hpc_libdir} prepend-path CPATH %{hpc_includedir} prepend-path C_INCLUDE_PATH %{hpc_includedir} prepend-path CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH %{hpc_includedir} prepend-path INCLUDE %{hpc_includedir} %hpc_modulefile_add_pkgconfig_path setenv %{hpc_upcase %pname}_INC %{hpc_includedir} } family "%pname" EOF %endif %if %{with check} %check %if 0%{?qemu_user_space_build} # default timeout is 1200 seconds export HDF5_ALARM_SECONDS=3600 %endif %if %{with mpi} export HDF5_Make_Ignore=yes %endif %{?with_hpc:%hpc_setup} %ifarch ppc ppc64 ppc64le aarch64 make %{?_smp_mflags} check || { echo "Ignore transient make check failures for PowerPC or aarch64. boo#1058563"; } %else %if "%{?mpi_flavor}" != "mpich" || ("%_arch" != "s390" && "%_arch" != "s390x") make %{?_smp_mflags} check %endif %endif %endif %post -n %{libname -l _cpp -s %{sonum_CXX}} -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n %{libname -l _cpp -s %{sonum_CXX}} -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n %{libname -l _hl_cpp -s %{sonum_HL_CXX}} -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n %{libname -l _hl_cpp -s %{sonum_HL_CXX}} -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n %{libname -s %{sonum}} -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n %{libname -s %{sonum}} -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n %{libname -l _hl -s %{sonum_HL}} -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n %{libname -l _hl -s %{sonum_HL}} -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n %{libname -l _fortran -s %{sonum_F}} -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n %{libname -l _fortran -s %{sonum_F}} -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n %{libname -l hl_fortran -s %{sonum_HL_F}} -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n %{libname -l hl_fortran -s %{sonum_HL_F}} -p /sbin/ldconfig %if %{with hpc} %postun module %hpc_module_delete_if_default %endif %if 0%{?sle_version} > 120200 || 0%{?suse_version} > 1320 %define mylicense %license %else %define mylicense %doc %endif %if %{without mpi} %files -n %{vname}-examples %{?with_hpc:%dir %{_prefix}/share/hdf5_examples} %{_prefix}/share/hdf5_examples%{?with_hpc:/%{version}} %if %{without hpc} %files -n %{pname}-devel-data %{_rpmconfigdir}/macros.d/macros.hdf5 %endif %endif # ?mpi %files -n %{name} %{?with_hpc:%dir %my_bindir} %{my_bindir}/h5clear %{my_bindir}/h5copy %{my_bindir}/h5debug %{my_bindir}/h5diff %{my_bindir}/h5dump %{my_bindir}/h5format_convert %{my_bindir}/h5import %{my_bindir}/h5jam %{my_bindir}/h5ls %{my_bindir}/h5mkgrp %if %{with mpi} %{my_bindir}/ph5diff %{my_bindir}/h5perf %{my_bindir}/perf %endif %{my_bindir}/h5perf_serial %{my_bindir}/h5redeploy %{my_bindir}/h5repack %{my_bindir}/h5repart %{my_bindir}/h5stat %{my_bindir}/h5unjam %{my_bindir}/mirror_server %{my_bindir}/mirror_server_stop %files -n %{libname -s %{sonum}} %doc ACKNOWLEDGMENTS README.txt %mylicense COPYING ## %if %{without mpi} %doc release_docs/HISTORY-1_8_0-1_10_0.txt %doc release_docs/RELEASE.txt %endif %defattr(0755,root,root) %{?with_hpc:%hpc_dirs} %{my_libdir}/{sonum} %{my_libdir}/{sonum}.* %files -n %{libname -l _hl -s %{sonum_HL}} %mylicense COPYING %defattr(0755,root,root) %{?with_hpc:%hpc_dirs} %{my_libdir}/{sonum_HL} %{my_libdir}/{sonum_HL}.* %files -n %{libname -l _cpp -s %{sonum_CXX}} %mylicense COPYING %defattr(0755,root,root) %{?with_hpc:%hpc_dirs} %{my_libdir}/{sonum_CXX} %{my_libdir}/{sonum_CXX}.* %files -n %{libname -l _hl_cpp -s %{sonum_HL_CXX}} %mylicense COPYING %defattr(0755,root,root) %{?with_hpc:%hpc_dirs} %{my_libdir}/{sonum_HL_CXX} %{my_libdir}/{sonum_HL_CXX}.* %files -n %{libname -l _fortran -s %{sonum_F}} %mylicense COPYING %defattr(0755,root,root) %{?with_hpc:%hpc_dirs} %{my_libdir}/{sonum_F} %{my_libdir}/{sonum_F}.* %files -n %{libname -l hl_fortran -s %{sonum_HL_F}} %mylicense COPYING %defattr(0755,root,root) %{?with_hpc:%hpc_dirs} %{my_libdir}/{sonum_HL_F} %{my_libdir}/{sonum_HL_F}.* %if %{with hpc} %files module %hpc_modules_files %endif %files devel ## %{?with_hpc:%dir %{my_incdir}} %doc release_docs/HISTORY-1_0-1_8_0_rc3.txt %doc release_docs/RELEASE.txt %doc ACKNOWLEDGMENTS README.txt %{?with_hpc:%{hpc_pkgconfig_file -n hdf5}} %{?with_hpc:%{hpc_pkgconfig_file -N -n hdf5_hl}} %{?with_hpc:%{hpc_pkgconfig_file -N -n hdf5_fortran}} %{?with_hpc:%{hpc_pkgconfig_file -N -n hdf5_hl_fortran}} %{?with_hpc:%{hpc_pkgconfig_file -N -n hdf5_cpp}} %{?with_hpc:%{hpc_pkgconfig_file -N -n hdf5_hl_cpp}} %{my_bindir}/h5c++ %if %{without mpi} %{my_bindir}/h5cc %{my_bindir}/h5fc %else %{my_bindir}/h5pcc %{my_bindir}/h5pfc %endif %{my_incdir}/*.h %{my_libdir}/*.so %{my_libdir}/*.settings %{my_incdir}/*.mod %files devel-static %{my_libdir}/*.a %changelog
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