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File php-cs-fixer.changes of Package php-cs-fixer
------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 6 18:53:30 UTC 2022 - Arjen de Korte <> - Remove BuildRequires php8-json (builtin for php8) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 2 10:41:22 UTC 2022 - - version update to 3.13.0 * lot of changes, see for changes in individual releases - modified sources % LICENSE - deleted sources - README.rst (not needed) - added sources + ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 8 13:21:01 UTC 2020 - Alexei Sorokin <> - Update to version 2.16.1: * BlankLineAfterNamespaceFixer - do not remove indent, handle comments * MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - fix for on_multiline:ensure_fully_multiline with trailing comma in function call * FileLintingIterator - fix current value on end/invalid * FunctionTypehintSpaceFixer - Ensure single space between type declaration and parameter * MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - handle misplaced ) * NoLeadingImportSlashFixer - Add space if needed * SimpleToComplexStringVariableFixer - Fix $ bug * Fix preg_match error on 7.4snapshot * IsNullFixer - fix null coalescing operator handling * ToolInfo - fix access to reference without checking existence * Fix non-static closure unbinding this on PHP 7.4 * Use Box 3 to build the PHAR * PHP 7.4 - Tests for support * DX: test that default config is not passed in RuleSet * DX: test to ensure @PHPUnitMigration rule sets are correctly defined * DX: static call of markTestSkippedOrFail * Add apostrophe to possessive "team's" * ReadmeCommandTest - use CommandTester * DX: control names of public methods in test's classes * NewWithBracesFixer - Fix object operator and curly brace open cases * fix typos in README * DX: Fix shell script syntax in order to fix Travis builds * DX: Lock binary SCA tools versions * Revert PHP7.4 - Add "str_split" => "mb_str_split" mapping * DX: AutoReview - ensure Travis handle all needed PHP versions * MethodArgumentSpaceFixerTest - make explicit configuration to prevent fail on configuration change * IndentationTypeFixer - fix handling 2 spaces indent * NoSuperfluousElseifFixer - fix invalid escape sequence in character class * NoUnusedImports - Fix imports detected as used in namespaces * PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer - fix handling expect empty exception message * HeredocIndentationFixer - remove whitespace in empty lines * ClassKeywordRemoveFixer - fix for self,static and parent keywords * TokensAnalyzer - handle nested anonymous classes * CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer - fix stop based on precedence * Fix command exit code on lint error after fixing fix. * FunctionsAnalyzer: fix for comment in type * BracesFixer - handle dynamic static method call * Braces - fix both single line comment styles * PhpdocTypesOrderFixer - Prevent unexpected default value change * Add PHPStan * IncludeFixer - remove braces when the statement is wrapped in block * Allow running if installed as project specific * Verify PCRE pattern before use * Remove superfluous leading backslash, closes 4520 * DX: ensure data providers are used * Redo PHP7.4 - Add "str_split" => "mb_str_split" mapping * DX: use PHIVE for dev tools * Docs: update Cookbook * Enhancement: Use default name property to configure command names * DX: removing unnecessary variable initialization * DX: use ::class whenever possible * DX: travis_retry for dev-tools install * Allow 7.4snapshot to fail due to a bug on it * GitlabReporter - fix report output * Move readme-update command to Section 3 * Update symfony ruleset * Command::execute() should always return an integer * Add suport for true/false return type hints. * Increase PHPStan level to 1 * Fix deprecation notices * Output details - Explain why a file was skipped * Fix STDIN test when path is one level deep * PhpdocToReturnType - Add support for Foo[][] * Ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4 typed properties * Import cannot be used after `::` so can be removed * Ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4 numeric literal separator * Fix PHP 7.4 deprecation notices * Ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4 arrow functions * Ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4 spread operator in array expression * Ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4 null coalescing assignment operator * Configure no_superfluous_phpdoc_tags for Symfony * Travis CI - Update known files list * Remove workaround for dev-tools install reg. Phive * FunctionsAnalyzer - add "isTheSameClassCall" for correct verifying of function calls * Add typed properties test to VisibilityRequiredFixerTest * ArrayIndentationFixer - Fix array indentation for multiline values * TokensAnalyzer::isConstantInvocation - fix for extending multiple interfaces * TokensAnalyzer::isConstantInvocation - fix for interface method return type * Allow Symfony 5 components (l-vo) * Disallow PHP 7.4 failures on Travis CI * PHP 7.4 integration test * DX: Update .gitattributes and move to root of the project * Check PHP extensions on runtime * Improve docs - README * DX: generate headers in README.rst * Enable execution under PHP 7.4 * TravisTest - rewrite tests to allow last supported by tool PHP version to be snapshot * PhpdocLineSpanFixer - Introduction * Add FinalPublicMethodForAbstractClassFixer * FinalStaticAccessFixer - Introduction * Issue #4274: Let lowercase_constants directive to be configurable. * GlobalNamespaceImportFixer - Introduction * SelfStaticAccessorFixer - Introduction * CommentToPhpdocFixer - allow to ignore tags * Add NullableTypeDeclarationForDefaultNullValueFixer * Add SingleLineThrowFixer * NoSuperfluousPhpdocTags - Add remove_inheritdoc option * NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - allow params that aren't on the signature * PhpdocAlignFixer - add "property-read" and "property-write" to allowed tags * Phpdoc to param type fixer rebase * Raise deprecation warnings on usage of deprecated aliases * DX: update branch alias * SelfStaticAccessor - extend itests * Configure no_superfluous_phpdoc_tags for Symfony * DX: fix usage of deprecated options * Fix PHP 7.3 strict mode warnings * Add single_line_throw to Symfony ruleset * FunctionsAnalyzer - add "isTheSameClassCall" for correct verifying of function calls * PhpdocToParamTypeFixer - cover more cases * FinalPublicMethodForAbstractClassFixer - Do not attempt to mark abstract public methods as final * NullableTypeDeclarationForDefaultNullValueFixer - fix for not lowercase "null" * Ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4 * Add typed properties test to VisibilityRequiredFixerTest * ArrayIndentationFixer - Fix array indentation for multiline values * TokensAnalyzer::isConstantInvocation - fix for extending multiple interfaces * TokensAnalyzer::isConstantInvocation - fix for interface method return type * Allow Symfony 5 components * Disallow PHP 7.4 failures on Travis CI * README - Mark up as code * PHP 7.4 integration test * DX: Update .gitattributes and move to root of the project * Check PHP extensions on runtime * Improve docs - README (mvorisek) * DX: generate headers in README.rst * Enable execution under PHP 7.4 * TravisTest - rewrite tests to allow last supported by tool PHP version to be snapshot - Update README.rst. - Define both the minimum and maximum versions in the PHP "build" dependency. - Minor spec clean-up. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 11 10:28:57 UTC 2019 - - Update to release 2.15.1 * bug #4418 PhpUnitNamespacedFixer - properly translate classes which do not follow translation pattern (ktomk) * bug #4419 PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer - skip anonymous classes and lambda (SpacePossum) * bug #4420 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - PHP7.3 trailing commas in function calls (SpacePossum) * minor #4345 Travis: PHP 7.4 isn't allowed to fail anymore (Slamdunk) * minor #4403 LowercaseStaticReferenceFixer - Fix invalid PHP version in example (HypeMC) * minor #4424 DX: cleanup of composer.json - no need for branch-alias (keradus) * minor #4425 DX: assertions are static, adjust custom assertions (keradus) * minor #4426 DX: handle deprecations of symfony/event-dispatcher:4.3 (keradus) * minor #4427 DX: stop using reserved T_FN in code samples (keradus) * minor #4428 DX: update dev-tools (keradus) * minor #4429 DX: MethodArgumentSpaceFixerTest - fix hidden merge conflict (keradus) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jun 2 10:11:17 UTC 2019 - - Update to release 2.14.4 * bug #4418 PhpUnitNamespacedFixer - properly translate classes which do not follow translation pattern (ktomk) * bug #4419 PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer - skip anonymous classes and lambda (SpacePossum) * bug #4420 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - PHP7.3 trailing commas in function calls (SpacePossum) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 6 16:01:37 UTC 2019 - - Update to release 2.14.3 * bug #4298 NoTrailingWhitespaceInCommentFixer - fix for non-Unix line separators (kubawerlos) * bug #4303 FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer - Fix the short type detection when a question mark (nullable) is prefixing it. (drupol) * bug #4313 SelfAccessorFixer - fix for part qualified class name (kubawerlos, SpacePossum) * bug #4314 PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer - fix for having property with name as method to update (kubawerlos, SpacePossum) * bug #4316 NoUnsetCastFixer - Test for higher-precedence operators (SpacePossum) * bug #4327 TokensAnalyzer - add concat operator to list of binary operators (SpacePossum) * bug #4335 Cache - add indent and line ending to cache signature (dmvdbrugge) * bug #4344 VoidReturnFixer - handle yield from (SpacePossum) * bug #4346 BracesFixer - Do not pull close tag onto same line as a comment (SpacePossum) * bug #4350 StrictParamFixer - Don't detect functions in use statements (bolmstedt) * bug #4357 Fix short list syntax detection. (SpacePossum) * bug #4365 Fix output escaping of diff for text format when line is not changed (SpacePossum) * bug #4370 PhpUnitConstructFixer - Fix handle different casing (SpacePossum) * bug #4379 ExplicitStringVariableFixer - add test case for variable as an array key (kubawerlos, Slamdunk) * feature #4337 PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer - prepare for PHPUnit 8 (kubawerlos) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 1 23:20:48 UTC 2019 - Jan Engelhardt <> - Generalize description and trim rhetoric from it. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 26 17:36:00 UTC 2019 - Johannes Weberhofer <> - Cleaned up spec - Fixed download links ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 17 18:45:01 UTC 2019 - - Update to release 2.14.2 * minor #4306 DX: Drop HHVM conflict on Composer level to help Composer with HHVM compatibility, we still prevent HHVM on runtime (keradus) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 14 18:10:09 UTC 2019 - - Initial release 2.14.1
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