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File python-pytest-doc.changes of Package python-pytest
------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 30 09:29:28 UTC 2017 - - Update to version 3.0.7 * Fix issue in assertion rewriting breaking due to modules silently discarding other modules when importing fails Notably, importing the `anydbm` module is fixed. (`#2248`_). Thanks `@pfhayes`_ for the PR. * junitxml: Fix problematic case where system-out tag occured twice per testcase element in the XML report. Thanks `@kkoukiou`_ for the PR. * Fix regression, pytest now skips unittest correctly if run with ``--pdb`` (`#2137`_). Thanks to `@gst`_ for the report and `@mbyt`_ for the PR. * Ignore exceptions raised from descriptors (e.g. properties) during Python test collection (`#2234`_). Thanks to `@bluetech`_. * ``--override-ini`` now correctly overrides some fundamental options like ``python_files`` (`#2238`_). Thanks `@sirex`_ for the report and `@nicoddemus`_ for the PR. * Replace ``raise StopIteration`` usages in the code by simple ``returns`` to finish generators, in accordance to `PEP-479`_ (`#2160`_). Thanks `@tgoodlet`_ for the report and `@nicoddemus`_ for the PR. * Fix internal errors when an unprintable ``AssertionError`` is raised inside a test. Thanks `@omerhadari`_ for the PR. * Skipping plugin now also works with test items generated by custom collectors (`#2231`_). Thanks to `@vidartf`_. * Fix trailing whitespace in console output if no .ini file presented (`#2281`_). Thanks `@fbjorn`_ for the PR. * Conditionless ``xfail`` markers no longer rely on the underlying test item being an instance of ``PyobjMixin``, and can therefore apply to tests not collected by the built-in python test collector. Thanks `@barneygale`_ for the PR. - Updated source URL ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Feb 23 14:40:25 UTC 2017 - - update for singlespec - update to 3.0.6 * fixed tests in python 3.6 - only use Python 3 to build docs ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 16 14:25:04 UTC 2016 - - Fix download url. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 15 22:20:01 UTC 2016 - - update to version 3.0.2 * Improve error message when passing non-string ids to ``pytest.mark.parametrize`` (`#1857`_). Thanks `@okken`_ for the report and `@nicoddemus`_ for the PR. * Add ``buffer`` attribute to stdin stub class ``pytest.capture.DontReadFromInput`` Thanks `@joguSD`_ for the PR. * Fix ``UnicodeEncodeError`` when string comparison with unicode has failed. (`#1864`_) Thanks `@AiOO`_ for the PR. * ``pytest_plugins`` is now handled correctly if defined as a string (as opposed as a sequence of strings) when modules are considered for assertion rewriting. Due to this bug, much more modules were being rewritten than necessary if a test suite uses ``pytest_plugins`` to load internal plugins (`#1888`_). Thanks `@jaraco`_ for the report and `@nicoddemus`_ for the PR (`#1891`_). * Do not call tearDown and cleanups when running tests from ``unittest.TestCase`` subclasses with ``--pdb`` enabled. This allows proper post mortem debugging for all applications which have significant logic in their tearDown machinery (`#1890`_). Thanks `@mbyt`_ for the PR. * Fix use of deprecated ``getfuncargvalue`` method in the internal doctest plugin. Thanks `@ViviCoder`_ for the report (`#1898`_). - update to version 3.0.1 * Fix regression when ``importorskip`` is used at module level (`#1822`_). Thanks `@jaraco`_ and `@The-Compiler`_ for the report and `@nicoddemus`_ for the PR. * Fix parametrization scope when session fixtures are used in conjunction with normal parameters in the same call (`#1832`_). Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for the report, `@Kingdread`_ and `@nicoddemus`_ for the PR. * Fix internal error when parametrizing tests or fixtures using an empty ``ids`` argument (`#1849`_). Thanks `@OPpuolitaival`_ for the report and `@nicoddemus`_ for the PR. * Fix loader error when running ``pytest`` embedded in a zipfile. Thanks `@mbachry`_ for the PR. - update to version 3.0.0 + Incompatible changes * Reinterpretation mode has now been removed. Only plain and rewrite mode are available, consequently the ``--assert=reinterp`` option is no longer available. Thanks `@flub`_ for the PR. * The following deprecated commandline options were removed: * ``--genscript``: no longer supported; > ``--no-assert``: use ``--assert=plain`` instead; > ``--nomagic``: use ``--assert=plain`` instead; > ``--report``: use ``-r`` instead; * ImportErrors in plugins now are a fatal error instead of issuing a pytest warning (`#1479`_). Thanks to `@The-Compiler`_ for the PR. * Removed support code for Python 3 versions < 3.3 (`#1627`_). * Removed all ``py.test-X*`` entry points. The versioned, suffixed entry points were never documented and a leftover from a pre-virtualenv era. These entry points also created broken entry points in wheels, so removing them also removes a source of confusion for users (`#1632`_). Thanks `@obestwalter`_ for the PR. * ``pytest.skip()`` now raises an error when used to decorate a test function, as opposed to its original intent (to imperatively skip a test inside a test function). Previously this usage would cause the entire module to be skipped (`#607`_). Thanks `@omarkohl`_ for the complete PR (`#1519`_). * Exit tests if a collection error occurs. A poll indicated most users will hit CTRL-C anyway as soon as they see collection errors, so pytest might as well make that the default behavior (`#1421`_). A ``--continue-on-collection-errors`` option has been added to restore the previous behaviour. Thanks `@olegpidsadnyi`_ and `@omarkohl`_ for the complete PR (`#1628`_). * Renamed the pytest ``pdb`` module (plugin) into ``debugging`` to avoid clashes with the builtin ``pdb`` module. * Raise a helpful failure message when requesting a parametrized fixture at runtime, e.g. with ``request.getfixturevalue``. Previously these parameters were simply never defined, so a fixture decorated like ``@pytest.fixture(params=[0, 1, 2])`` only ran once (`#460`_). Thanks to `@nikratio`_ for the bug report, `@RedBeardCode`_ and `@tomviner`_ for the PR. * ``_pytest.monkeypatch.monkeypatch`` class has been renamed to ``_pytest.monkeypatch.MonkeyPatch`` so it doesn't conflict with the ``monkeypatch`` fixture. * ``--exitfirst / -x`` can now be overridden by a following ``--maxfail=N`` and is just a synonym for ``--maxfail=1``. + New Features * Support nose-style ``__test__`` attribute on methods of classes, including unittest-style Classes. If set to ``False``, the test will not be collected. * New ``doctest_namespace`` fixture for injecting names into the namespace in which doctests run. Thanks `@milliams`_ for the complete PR (`#1428`_). * New ``--doctest-report`` option available to change the output format of diffs when running (failing) doctests (implements `#1749`_). Thanks `@hartym`_ for the PR. * New ``name`` argument to ``pytest.fixture`` decorator which allows a custom name for a fixture (to solve the funcarg-shadowing-fixture problem). Thanks `@novas0x2a`_ for the complete PR (`#1444`_). * New ``approx()`` function for easily comparing floating-point numbers in tests. Thanks `@kalekundert`_ for the complete PR (`#1441`_). * Ability to add global properties in the final xunit output file by accessing the internal ``junitxml`` plugin (experimental). Thanks `@tareqalayan`_ for the complete PR `#1454`_). * New ``ExceptionInfo.match()`` method to match a regular expression on the string representation of an exception (`#372`_). Thanks `@omarkohl`_ for the complete PR (`#1502`_). * ``__tracebackhide__`` can now also be set to a callable which then can decide whether to filter the traceback based on the ``ExceptionInfo`` object passed to it. Thanks `@The-Compiler`_ for the complete PR (`#1526`_). * New ``pytest_make_parametrize_id(config, val)`` hook which can be used by plugins to provide friendly strings for custom types. Thanks `@palaviv`_ for the PR. * ``capsys`` and ``capfd`` now have a ``disabled()`` context-manager method, which can be used to temporarily disable capture within a test. Thanks `@nicoddemus`_ for the PR. * New cli flag ``--fixtures-per-test``: shows which fixtures are being used for each selected test item. Features doc strings of fixtures by default. Can also show where fixtures are defined if combined with ``-v``. Thanks `@hackebrot`_ for the PR. * Introduce ``pytest`` command as recommended entry point. Note that ``py.test`` still works and is not scheduled for removal. Closes proposal `#1629`_. Thanks `@obestwalter`_ and `@davehunt`_ for the complete PR (`#1633`_). * New cli flags: > ``--setup-plan``: performs normal collection and reports the potential setup and teardown and does not execute any fixtures and tests; > ``--setup-only``: performs normal collection, executes setup and teardown of fixtures and reports them; > ``--setup-show``: performs normal test execution and additionally shows setup and teardown of fixtures; > ``--keep-duplicates``: py.test now ignores duplicated paths given in the command line. To retain the previous behavior where the same test could be run multiple times by specifying it in the command-line multiple times, pass the ``--keep-duplicates`` argument (`#1609`_); Thanks `@d6e`_, `@kvas-it`_, `@sallner`_, `@ioggstream`_ and `@omarkohl`_ for the PRs. * New CLI flag ``--override-ini``/``-o``: overrides values from the ini file. For example: ``"-o xfail_strict=True"``'. Thanks `@blueyed`_ and `@fengxx`_ for the PR. * New hooks: > ``pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef, request)``: executes fixture setup; > ``pytest_fixture_post_finalizer(fixturedef)``: called after the fixture's finalizer and has access to the fixture's result cache. Thanks `@d6e`_, `@sallner`_. * Issue warnings for asserts whose test is a tuple literal. Such asserts will never fail because tuples are always truthy and are usually a mistake (see `#1562`_). Thanks `@kvas-it`_, for the PR. * Allow passing a custom debugger class (e.g. ``--pdbcls=IPython.core.debugger:Pdb``). Thanks to `@anntzer`_ for the PR. + Changes * Plugins now benefit from assertion rewriting. Thanks `@sober7`_, `@nicoddemus`_ and `@flub`_ for the PR. * Change ``report.outcome`` for ``xpassed`` tests to ``"passed"`` in non-strict mode and ``"failed"`` in strict mode. Thanks to `@hackebrot`_ for the PR (`#1795`_) and `@gprasad84`_ for report (`#1546`_). * Tests marked with ``xfail(strict=False)`` (the default) now appear in JUnitXML reports as passing tests instead of skipped. Thanks to `@hackebrot`_ for the PR (`#1795`_). * Highlight path of the file location in the error report to make it easier to copy/paste. Thanks `@suzaku`_ for the PR (`#1778`_). * Fixtures marked with ``@pytest.fixture`` can now use ``yield`` statements exactly like those marked with the ``@pytest.yield_fixture`` decorator. This change renders ``@pytest.yield_fixture`` deprecated and makes ``@pytest.fixture`` with ``yield`` statements the preferred way to write teardown code (`#1461`_). Thanks `@csaftoiu`_ for bringing this to attention and `@nicoddemus`_ for the PR. * Explicitly passed parametrize ids do not get escaped to ascii (`#1351`_). Thanks `@ceridwen`_ for the PR. * Fixtures are now sorted in the error message displayed when an unknown fixture is declared in a test function. Thanks `@nicoddemus`_ for the PR. * ``pytest_terminal_summary`` hook now receives the ``exitstatus`` of the test session as argument. Thanks `@blueyed`_ for the PR (`#1809`_). * Parametrize ids can accept ``None`` as specific test id, in which case the automatically generated id for that argument will be used. Thanks `@palaviv`_ for the complete PR (`#1468`_). * The parameter to xunit-style setup/teardown methods (``setup_method``, ``setup_module``, etc.) is now optional and may be omitted. Thanks `@okken`_ for bringing this to attention and `@nicoddemus`_ for the PR. * Improved automatic id generation selection in case of duplicate ids in parametrize. Thanks `@palaviv`_ for the complete PR (`#1474`_). * Now pytest warnings summary is shown up by default. Added a new flag ``--disable-pytest-warnings`` to explicitly disable the warnings summary (`#1668`_). * Make ImportError during collection more explicit by reminding the user to check the name of the test module/package(s) (`#1426`_). Thanks `@omarkohl`_ for the complete PR (`#1520`_). * Add ``build/`` and ``dist/`` to the default ``--norecursedirs`` list. Thanks `@mikofski`_ for the report and `@tomviner`_ for the PR (`#1544`_). * ``pytest.raises`` in the context manager form accepts a custom ``message`` to raise when no exception occurred. Thanks `@palaviv`_ for the complete PR (`#1616`_). * ```` files now benefit from assertion rewriting; previously it was only available for test modules. Thanks `@flub`_, `@sober7`_ and `@nicoddemus`_ for the PR (`#1619`_). * Text documents without any doctests no longer appear as "skipped". Thanks `@graingert`_ for reporting and providing a full PR (`#1580`_). * Ensure that a module within a namespace package can be found when it is specified on the command line together with the ``--pyargs`` option. Thanks to `@taschini`_ for the PR (`#1597`_). * Always include full assertion explanation during assertion rewriting. The previous behaviour was hiding sub-expressions that happened to be ``False``, assuming this was redundant information. Thanks `@bagerard`_ for reporting (`#1503`_). Thanks to `@davehunt`_ and `@tomviner`_ for the PR. * ``OptionGroup.addoption()`` now checks if option names were already added before, to make it easier to track down issues like `#1618`_. Before, you only got exceptions later from ``argparse`` library, giving no clue about the actual reason for double-added options. * ``yield``-based tests are considered deprecated and will be removed in pytest-4.0. Thanks `@nicoddemus`_ for the PR. * ``[pytest]`` sections in ``setup.cfg`` files should now be named ``[tool:pytest]`` to avoid conflicts with other distutils commands (see `#567`_). ``[pytest]`` sections in ``pytest.ini`` or ``tox.ini`` files are supported and unchanged. Thanks `@nicoddemus`_ for the PR. * Using ``pytest_funcarg__`` prefix to declare fixtures is considered deprecated and will be removed in pytest-4.0 (`#1684`_). Thanks `@nicoddemus`_ for the PR. * Passing a command-line string to ``pytest.main()`` is considered deprecated and scheduled for removal in pytest-4.0. It is recommended to pass a list of arguments instead (`#1723`_). * Rename ``getfuncargvalue`` to ``getfixturevalue``. ``getfuncargvalue`` is still present but is now considered deprecated. Thanks to `@RedBeardCode`_ and `@tomviner`_ for the PR (`#1626`_). * ``optparse`` type usage now triggers DeprecationWarnings (`#1740`_). * ``optparse`` backward compatibility supports float/complex types (`#457`_). * Refined logic for determining the ``rootdir``, considering only valid paths which fixes a number of issues: `#1594`_, `#1435`_ and `#1471`_. Updated the documentation according to current behavior. Thanks to `@blueyed`_, `@davehunt`_ and `@matthiasha`_ for the PR. * Always include full assertion explanation. The previous behaviour was hiding sub-expressions that happened to be False, assuming this was redundant information. Thanks `@bagerard`_ for reporting (`#1503`_). Thanks to `@davehunt`_ and `@tomviner`_ for PR. * Better message in case of not using parametrized variable (see `#1539`_). Thanks to `@tramwaj29`_ for the PR. * Updated docstrings with a more uniform style. * Add stderr write for ``pytest.exit(msg)`` during startup. Previously the message was never shown. Thanks `@BeyondEvil`_ for reporting `#1210`_. Thanks to `@JonathonSonesen`_ and `@tomviner`_ for the PR. * No longer display the incorrect test deselection reason (`#1372`_). Thanks `@ronnypfannschmidt`_ for the PR. * The ``--resultlog`` command line option has been deprecated: it is little used and there are more modern and better alternatives (see `#830`_). Thanks `@nicoddemus`_ for the PR. * Improve error message with fixture lookup errors: add an 'E' to the first line and '>' to the rest. Fixes `#717`_. Thanks `@blueyed`_ for reporting and a PR, `@eolo999`_ for the initial PR and `@tomviner`_ for his guidance during EuroPython2016 sprint. + Bug Fixes * Parametrize now correctly handles duplicated test ids. * Fix internal error issue when the ``method`` argument is missing for ``teardown_method()`` (`#1605`_). * Fix exception visualization in case the current working directory (CWD) gets deleted during testing (`#1235`_). Thanks `@bukzor`_ for reporting. PR by `@marscher`_. * Improve test output for logical expression with brackets (`#925`_). Thanks `@DRMacIver`_ for reporting and `@RedBeardCode`_ for the PR. * Create correct diff for strings ending with newlines (`#1553`_). Thanks `@Vogtinator`_ for reporting and `@RedBeardCode`_ and `@tomviner`_ for the PR. * ``ConftestImportFailure`` now shows the traceback making it easier to identify bugs in ```` files (`#1516`_). Thanks `@txomon`_ for the PR. * Text documents without any doctests no longer appear as "skipped". Thanks `@graingert`_ for reporting and providing a full PR (`#1580`_). * Fixed collection of classes with custom ``__new__`` method. Fixes `#1579`_. Thanks to `@Stranger6667`_ for the PR. * Fixed scope overriding inside metafunc.parametrize (`#634`_). Thanks to `@Stranger6667`_ for the PR. * Fixed the total tests tally in junit xml output (`#1798`_). Thanks to `@cryporchild`_ for the PR. * Fixed off-by-one error with lines from ``request.node.warn``. Thanks to `@blueyed`_ for the PR. - update to version 2.9.2: * fix #510: skip tests where one parameterize dimension was empty thanks Alex Stapleton for the Report and @RonnyPfannschmidt for the PR * Fix Xfail does not work with condition keyword argument. Thanks @astraw38 for reporting the issue (#1496) and @tomviner for PR the (#1524). * Fix win32 path issue when puttinging custom config file with absolute path in pytest.main("-c your_absolute_path"). * Fix maximum recursion depth detection when raised error class is not aware of unicode/encoded bytes. Thanks @prusse-martin for the PR (#1506). * Fix pytest.mark.skip mark when used in strict mode. Thanks @pquentin for the PR and @RonnyPfannschmidt for showing how to fix the bug. * Minor improvements and fixes to the documentation. Thanks @omarkohl for the PR. * Fix --fixtures to show all fixture definitions as opposed to just one per fixture name. Thanks to @hackebrot for the PR. - update to version 2.9.1: * Improve error message when a plugin fails to load. Thanks @nicoddemus for the PR. * Fix (#1178): with non-ascii characters raises an internal pytest error. Thanks @nicoddemus for the PR. * Fix (#469): junit parses report.nodeid incorrectly, when params IDs contain ::. Thanks @tomviner for the PR (#1431). * Fix (#578): SyntaxErrors containing non-ascii lines at the point of failure generated an internal py.test error. Thanks @asottile for the report and @nicoddemus for the PR. * Fix (#1437): When passing in a bytestring regex pattern to parameterize attempt to decode it as utf-8 ignoring errors. * Fix (#649): parametrized test nodes cannot be specified to run on the command line. - update to version 2.9.0: * New Features + New pytest.mark.skip mark, which unconditionally skips marked tests. Thanks @MichaelAquilina for the complete PR (#1040). + --doctest-glob may now be passed multiple times in the command-line. Thanks @jab and @nicoddemus for the PR. + New -rp and -rP reporting options give the summary and full output of passing tests, respectively. Thanks to @codewarrior0 for the PR. + pytest.mark.xfail now has a strict option which makes XPASS tests to fail the test suite, defaulting to False. There’s also a xfail_strict ini option that can be used to configure it project-wise. Thanks @rabbbit for the request and @nicoddemus for the PR (#1355). + Parser.addini now supports options of type bool. Thanks @nicoddemus for the PR. + New ALLOW_BYTES doctest option strips b prefixes from byte strings in doctest output (similar to ALLOW_UNICODE). Thanks @jaraco for the request and @nicoddemus for the PR (#1287). + give a hint on KeyboardInterrupt to use the –fulltrace option to show the errors, this fixes #1366. Thanks to @hpk42 for the report and @RonnyPfannschmidt for the PR. + catch IndexError exceptions when getting exception source location. This fixes pytest internal error for dynamically generated code (fixtures and tests) where source lines are fake by intention * Changes + Important: py.code has been merged into the pytest repository as pytest._code. This decision was made because py.code had very few uses outside pytest and the fact that it was in a different repository made it difficult to fix bugs on its code in a timely manner. The team hopes with this to be able to better refactor out and improve that code. This change shouldn’t affect users, but it is useful to let users aware if they encounter any strange behavior. + Keep in mind that the code for pytest._code is private and experimental, so you definitely should not import it explicitly! + Please note that the original py.code is still available in pylib. + pytest_enter_pdb now optionally receives the pytest config object. Thanks @nicoddemus for the PR. + Removed code and documentation for Python 2.5 or lower versions, including removal of the obsolete _pytest.assertion.oldinterpret module. Thanks @nicoddemus for the PR (#1226). + Comparisons now always show up in full when CI or BUILD_NUMBER is found in the environment, even when -vv isn’t used. Thanks @The-Compiler for the PR. + --lf and --ff now support long names: --last-failed and --failed-first respectively. Thanks @MichaelAquilina for the PR. + Added expected exceptions to pytest.raises fail message + Collection only displays progress (“collecting X items”) when in a terminal. This avoids cluttering the output when using --color=yes to obtain colors in CI integrations systems (#1397). * Bug Fixes + The -s and -c options should now work under xdist; Config.fromdictargs now represents its input much more faithfully. Thanks to @bukzor for the complete PR (#680). + Fix (#1290): support Python 3.5’s @ operator in assertion rewriting. Thanks @Shinkenjoe for report with test case and @tomviner for the PR. + Fix formatting utf-8 explanation messages (#1379). Thanks @biern for the PR. + Fix traceback style docs to describe all of the available options (auto/long/short/line/native/no), with auto being the default since v2.6. Thanks @hackebrot for the PR. + Fix (#1422): junit record_xml_property doesn’t allow multiple records with same name. - Move %check to -doc subpackage to avoid dependency loop with new python3-hypothesis test dependency. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 1 11:02:42 UTC 2016 - - update to version 2.8.7: * fix #1338: use predictable object resolution for monkeypatch - changes from version 2.8.6: * fix #1259: allow for double nodeids in junitxml, this was a regression failing plugins combinations like pytest-pep8 + pytest-flakes * Workaround for exception that occurs in pyreadline when using --pdb with standard I/O capture enabled. Thanks Erik M. Bray for the PR. * fix #900: Better error message in case the target of a monkeypatch call raises an ImportError. * fix #1292: monkeypatch calls (setattr, setenv, etc.) are now O(1). Thanks David R. MacIver for the report and Bruno Oliveira for the PR. * fix #1223: captured stdout and stderr are now properly displayed before entering pdb when --pdb is used instead of being thrown away. Thanks Cal Leeming for the PR. * fix #1305: pytest warnings emitted during pytest_terminal_summary are now properly displayed. Thanks Ionel Maries Cristian for the report and Bruno Oliveira for the PR. * fix #628: fixed internal UnicodeDecodeError when doctests contain unicode. Thanks Jason R. Coombs for the report and Bruno Oliveira for the PR. * fix #1334: Add captured stdout to jUnit XML report on setup error. Thanks Georgy Dyuldin for the PR. - Update to version 2.8.5 * fix #1243: fixed issue where class attributes injected during collection could break pytest. fix #1074: precompute junitxml chunks instead of storing the whole tree in objects fix #1238: fix pytest.deprecated_call() receiving multiple arguments (Regression introduced in 2.8.4). - update to version 2.8.4: * fix #1190: deprecated_call() now works when the deprecated function has been already called by another test in the same module. Thanks Mikhail Chernykh for the report and Bruno Oliveira for the PR. * fix #1198: --pastebin option now works on Python 3. Thanks Mehdy Khoshnoody for the PR. * fix #1219: --pastebin now works correctly when captured output contains non-ascii characters. Thanks Bruno Oliveira for the PR. * fix #1204: another error when collecting with a nasty __getattr__(). Thanks Florian Bruhin for the PR. * fix the summary printed when no tests did run. Thanks Florian Bruhin for the PR. * a number of documentation modernizations wrt good practices. Thanks Bruno Oliveira for the PR. - update to version 2.8.3: * fix #1169: add __name__ attribute to testcases in TestCaseFunction to support the @unittest.skip decorator on functions and methods. Thanks Lee Kamentsky for the PR. * fix #1035: collecting tests if test module level obj has __getattr__(). Thanks Suor for the report and Bruno Oliveira / Tom Viner for the PR. * fix #331: don't collect tests if their failure cannot be reported correctly e.g. they are a callable instance of a class. * fix #1133: fixed internal error when filtering tracebacks where one entry belongs to a file which is no longer available. Thanks Bruno Oliveira for the PR. * enhancement made to highlight in red the name of the failing tests so they stand out in the output. Thanks Gabriel Reis for the PR. * add more talks to the documentation * extend documentation on the --ignore cli option * use pytest-runner for setuptools integration * minor fixes for interaction with OS X El Capitan system integrity protection (thanks Florian) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun May 24 10:57:07 UTC 2015 - - Split documentation into separate package to avoid build loop
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