
Request 1111918 superseded

- port setup to pyproject.toml and drop d2to1 requirement

Markéta Machová's avatar

sitelib glob again (sorry for that! Won't do that next time, because I think it is a minor issue, but now I feel the need to be consistent.) and please send the pyproject.toml upstream (this time the pull request might be time-consuming, because they might ask you to update Travis conf and whatnot).

Markéta Machová's avatar

although, looking at them, just send them the file and don't care about the infrastructure. They are probably not alive anymore, but the file could help someone else trying to build it.

Ondřej Súkup's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

@mcalabakova .. upstream stopped with any reaction about 5 years ago ? and I belive everyone using this lib simple bundle it or copy into project as is in reality only one py file :(

sitelib glob is what I didn't touch and main purpose of this was to get rid of d2to1 which is even more dead and tis lib is only consumer we have in opensuse :D

Request History
Ondřej Súkup's avatar

mimi_vx created request

- port setup to pyproject.toml and drop d2to1 requirement

Ondřej Súkup's avatar

mimi_vx superseded request

superseded by 1112055

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