
Request 1153114 superseded

- Fix openssl version detection for 3.0.x.

- dd_rescue-ossl3-evpcipherctx.diff: There's an additional field
in the (private) struct _evp_cipher_ctx_st in openssl-3 since
3.0.6, which makes a difference on 32bit. (On 64bit, the effect
is hidden by the compiler's alignment rules.)

- Specify libopenssl-devel as BuildRequirements. This will select
openssl-3 on new distributions.


Valentin Lefebvre's avatar

Thanks for the changes ! Just a minor remark, you use "%autosetup" with the changes, FMHO, you can remove the use of "%setup" from the %prep section, where %autosetup do the setup jobs and apply patches. The other way, would be to use %setup and %autopatch, but I may recommend to use %autosetup as you did :)

Valentin Lefebvre's avatar

Also, may it have a reference to this bug: https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1219882 into the changelog, adding [bsc#1219882], it allows to easily link to an existing bug report. I think the first changelog entry may be a good option.

Kurt Garloff's avatar
author target maintainer

Thanks a lot, Valentin! I have done as suggested. So, when pushing new changes, do I need to create a new SR, superceding this one?

Kurt Garloff's avatar
author target maintainer

Sidenote: I never understood why the build macro improvements are not backported to old SLES versions (here: SLESE12SP5), making it simple for new packages to be built on old distros. dd_rescue would happily compile on old distros, but here we see SLES12SP5 fail, which I can only ignore. (I keep some more spec file magic in my own build service project, but I understand that this is unwanted on Factory.)

Kurt Garloff's avatar
author target maintainer

Another sidenote: It looks to me like I can approve this SR myself, despite being the author. Is it because I happen to be maintainer? I guess it's still best practice to follow the four eyes principle and wait for someone else to approve (except for cases of emergency)?

Request History
Kurt Garloff's avatar

garloff created request

- Fix openssl version detection for 3.0.x.

- dd_rescue-ossl3-evpcipherctx.diff: There's an additional field
in the (private) struct _evp_cipher_ctx_st in openssl-3 since
3.0.6, which makes a difference on 32bit. (On 64bit, the effect
is hidden by the compiler's alignment rules.)

- Specify libopenssl-devel as BuildRequirements. This will select
openssl-3 on new distributions.

Kurt Garloff's avatar

garloff superseded request

superseded by 1154455

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