
Request 1181576 accepted

- update to 1.0.136:
* reinstate Debian codename symlinks
* drop unneeded addition of "test extras"
* avoid setting DEF_MIRROR to https://https://...
- remove patch revert-symlink-removal.patch as it's unneeded now

- update to 1.0.135:
* fix quoting to allow spaces in target directory
* Use correct keyring and mirror for Ubuntu
* Ubuntu: test for dpkg zstd support for Hirsute+
* Remove hardcoded HTTPS mirror and use inline substitution
- add patch revert-symlink-removal.patch for not breaking workflows

Request History
Richard Rahl's avatar

rrahl0 created request

- update to 1.0.136:
* reinstate Debian codename symlinks
* drop unneeded addition of "test extras"
* avoid setting DEF_MIRROR to https://https://...
- remove patch revert-symlink-removal.patch as it's unneeded now

- update to 1.0.135:
* fix quoting to allow spaces in target directory
* Use correct keyring and mirror for Ubuntu
* Ubuntu: test for dpkg zstd support for Hirsute+
* Remove hardcoded HTTPS mirror and use inline substitution
- add patch revert-symlink-removal.patch for not breaking workflows

Alexei Sorokin's avatar

XRevan86 accepted request

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