
Request 578324 superseded

- Allow debuginfo

- Update to (lib)fcall-2.1 release
* Added support for the following platforms:
(Previously, a build on these platforms failed.)
- x86_64: Solaris 11.3.
- OpenBSD 6.1.
- HardenedBSD 10 and 11.
* Fixed a bug regarding passing of pointers on the following platforms:
- x86_64: Linux with x32 ABI: CC="gcc -mx32".
* Fixed a crash in trampoline on the following platforms:
- Update the patch ffcall-trampoline.patch even if not applied

- Update to (lib)fcall-2.0 release
* The package now installs a library libffcall.{a,so}. It contains the
'avcall' and 'callback' packages. The libraries libavcall.{a,so} and
libcallback.{a,so} are still installed as well, but are deprecated.
* The installed libraries are now installed as shared libraries by default
(except for libvacall, which is still a static library only).
* The installed shared libraries are now properly versioned. This means that
when installing with --enable-shared, upgrading to a newer version of
libffcall will not break existing binaries.
* The installed include files are now platform independent. This means that
you can now install libffcall for different ABIs on the same system, using
the same --prefix option but different --exec-prefix options for each ABI.
* API changes in :
- The second argument of alloc_trampoline() is now a 'void**', rather
than a 'void*'.
- The return value of trampoline_variable() is now a 'void**', rather
than a 'void*'.


Jan Engelhardt's avatar

That last defattr has no effect.

Dr. Werner Fink's avatar

Ahh ... I've nothing diabled, this seems to be the project default ... I have to explict enable this

Request History
Dr. Werner Fink's avatar

WernerFink created request

- Allow debuginfo

- Update to (lib)fcall-2.1 release
* Added support for the following platforms:
(Previously, a build on these platforms failed.)
- x86_64: Solaris 11.3.
- OpenBSD 6.1.
- HardenedBSD 10 and 11.
* Fixed a bug regarding passing of pointers on the following platforms:
- x86_64: Linux with x32 ABI: CC="gcc -mx32".
* Fixed a crash in trampoline on the following platforms:
- Update the patch ffcall-trampoline.patch even if not applied

- Update to (lib)fcall-2.0 release
* The package now installs a library libffcall.{a,so}. It contains the
'avcall' and 'callback' packages. The libraries libavcall.{a,so} and
libcallback.{a,so} are still installed as well, but are deprecated.
* The installed libraries are now installed as shared libraries by default
(except for libvacall, which is still a static library only).
* The installed shared libraries are now properly versioned. This means that
when installing with --enable-shared, upgrading to a newer version of
libffcall will not break existing binaries.
* The installed include files are now platform independent. This means that
you can now install libffcall for different ABIs on the same system, using
the same --prefix option but different --exec-prefix options for each ABI.
* API changes in :
- The second argument of alloc_trampoline() is now a 'void**', rather
than a 'void*'.
- The return value of trampoline_variable() is now a 'void**', rather
than a 'void*'.

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review


Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer

Please review sources

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added repo-checker as a reviewer

Please review build success

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot added openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:18 as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:18"

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot accepted review

Picked openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:18

Repo Checker's avatar

repo-checker accepted review

cycle and install check passed

Dr. Werner Fink's avatar

WernerFink superseded request

superseded by 578359

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