
Request 662675 accepted

- Modify update_git.sh script:
pass --zero-commit to format-patch
This removes needless noise in the buildservice when the same set
of patches is imported/exported at different times by different users.
pass --no-signature to format-patch
Remove sed call which used to remove the signature, use mv instead

This SR does no include the noise of the all-zero hashes.

Request History
Olaf Hering's avatar

olh created request

- Modify update_git.sh script:
pass --zero-commit to format-patch
This removes needless noise in the buildservice when the same set
of patches is imported/exported at different times by different users.
pass --no-signature to format-patch
Remove sed call which used to remove the signature, use mv instead

This SR does no include the noise of the all-zero hashes.

Bruce Rogers's avatar

bfrogers accepted request

We should have done this a long time ago - good idea. Thanks!

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