Request 72405 accepted
- The default timeout for sntp is to long. This can stop booting
- bnc#689070 - ntp post install script always removes /etc/sysconfig/ntp
- bnc#688529 - (ntp) ntpq and ntpdc command history broken
- bnc#695598 - "Started sntp" in /var/log/messages
- fix "rcntp ntptimeset"
* never try to syncronize with local clocks (127.127.*), which led to
sntp blocking until timeout elapsed (and probably blocking boot
sequence for ~5 min per device..)
- fix DOS line breaks in some doc files
- fix/improve init script
* related to bugzilla 688132
* "rcntp ntptimeset" could not parse servers from ntp.conf when IP proto
was specified (server [-4|-6] hostname)
* "rcntp ntptimeset" is now using ip proto parameter (-4|-6) if it's set in
NTPD_OPTIONS and skip servers where the opposite proto is defined
Request History
varkoly created request
- The default timeout for sntp is to long. This can stop booting
- bnc#689070 - ntp post install script always removes /etc/sysconfig/ntp
- bnc#688529 - (ntp) ntpq and ntpdc command history broken
- bnc#695598 - "Started sntp" in /var/log/messages
- fix "rcntp ntptimeset"
* never try to syncronize with local clocks (127.127.*), which led to
sntp blocking until timeout elapsed (and probably blocking boot
sequence for ~5 min per device..)
- fix DOS line breaks in some doc files
- fix/improve init script
* related to bugzilla 688132
* "rcntp ntptimeset" could not parse servers from ntp.conf when IP proto
was specified (server [-4|-6] hostname)
* "rcntp ntptimeset" is now using ip proto parameter (-4|-6) if it's set in
NTPD_OPTIONS and skip servers where the opposite proto is defined
coolo approved review
Builds for repo openSUSE_Factory
Output of check script (non-fatal):
ntp/ntp.spec has a %pre with groupadd and/or useradd (unchanged)
saschpe accepted request
Accepted submit request 72405 from user coolo
licensedigger accepted review
{"approve": "license and version number unchanged: 4.2.6p3"}
coolo accepted review
Builds for repo openSUSE_Factory
Output of check script (non-fatal):
ntp/ntp.spec has a %pre with groupadd and/or useradd (unchanged)