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Request 736080 superseded

- Update to version 0.7.1 with various improvements and fixes
* Full support to nvidia prime offloading without service or
with bbswitch with service disabled
* Distinction between "service disabled" (bbswitch package)
and "service not installed"
* Fixed bug with bbswitch and service enabled that returns i
"PCI BusID of NVIDIA card could not be detected"
* Now when NVIDIA is OFF, intel xorg config file has ai
commented "nvidia prime offloading" section
* Mention that offloading needs service disabled
* Corrected intentation in some sections
- supersedes the following patches:
* 0001-Removed-exit-1-error-from-common-set-intel-because-d.patch
* 0002-Various-improvements-and-fixes.patch

- 0001-Removed-exit-1-error-from-common-set-intel-because-d.patch,
* Removed "exit 1" error from "common set intel" because during
boot and nvidia card off by default in bbswitch (load_state=0)
crashes service
- 0002-Various-improvements-and-fixes.patch
* Various improvements and fixes
+ Full support to nvidia prime offloading without service or with
bbswitch with service disabled
+ Distinction between "service disabled" (bbswitch package) and
"service not installed"
+ Fixed bug with bbswitch and service enabled that returns
"PCI BusID of NVIDIA card could not be detected"
+ Now when NVIDIA is OFF, intel xorg config file has a commented
"nvidia prime offloading" section
+ Mention that offloading needs service disabled
+ Corrected intentation in some sections
* supersedes 0001-Fix-intel-configs-if-no-NVIDIA-kernel-module-is-avai.patch

- fix build on distributions, where %{?regenerate_initrd_post}
doesn't exist yet
- %preun: 'prime-select unset' is supposed to fail during
package installation test during build, therefore don't
let it fail via adding "|| true" to the command

- 0001-Fix-intel-configs-if-no-NVIDIA-kernel-module-is-avai.patch
* Move additional nvidia X device section needed for NVIDIA's Prime
Render Offload mode to an extra xorg.conf.d snippet. Add this only
to intel X configs, if NVIDIA's PCI BusId can be detected.
- add xorg-nvidia-prime-render-offload.conf X snippet to /etc/prime

Request History
Stefan Dirsch's avatar

sndirsch created request

- Update to version 0.7.1 with various improvements and fixes
* Full support to nvidia prime offloading without service or
with bbswitch with service disabled
* Distinction between "service disabled" (bbswitch package)
and "service not installed"
* Fixed bug with bbswitch and service enabled that returns i
"PCI BusID of NVIDIA card could not be detected"
* Now when NVIDIA is OFF, intel xorg config file has ai
commented "nvidia prime offloading" section
* Mention that offloading needs service disabled
* Corrected intentation in some sections
- supersedes the following patches:
* 0001-Removed-exit-1-error-from-common-set-intel-because-d.patch
* 0002-Various-improvements-and-fixes.patch

- 0001-Removed-exit-1-error-from-common-set-intel-because-d.patch,
* Removed "exit 1" error from "common set intel" because during
boot and nvidia card off by default in bbswitch (load_state=0)
crashes service
- 0002-Various-improvements-and-fixes.patch
* Various improvements and fixes
+ Full support to nvidia prime offloading without service or with
bbswitch with service disabled
+ Distinction between "service disabled" (bbswitch package) and
"service not installed"
+ Fixed bug with bbswitch and service enabled that returns
"PCI BusID of NVIDIA card could not be detected"
+ Now when NVIDIA is OFF, intel xorg config file has a commented
"nvidia prime offloading" section
+ Mention that offloading needs service disabled
+ Corrected intentation in some sections
* supersedes 0001-Fix-intel-configs-if-no-NVIDIA-kernel-module-is-avai.patch

- fix build on distributions, where %{?regenerate_initrd_post}
doesn't exist yet
- %preun: 'prime-select unset' is supposed to fail during
package installation test during build, therefore don't
let it fail via adding "|| true" to the command

- 0001-Fix-intel-configs-if-no-NVIDIA-kernel-module-is-avai.patch
* Move additional nvidia X device section needed for NVIDIA's Prime
Render Offload mode to an extra xorg.conf.d snippet. Add this only
to intel X configs, if NVIDIA's PCI BusId can be detected.
- add xorg-nvidia-prime-render-offload.conf X snippet to /etc/prime

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer

Please review sources

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Stefan Dirsch's avatar

sndirsch superseded request

superseded by 736082

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