
Request 845856 accepted

- Amend the spec file (jsc#SLE-16818)
+ Only enable fish support for Tumbleweed
+ Only enable the MSR plugin for x86
+ Only install dbxtool in the architectures with UEFI support


Dominique Leuenberger's avatar
 5+%if 0%{?is_opensuse}
 6+%bcond_without fish_support
 8+%bcond_with fish_support

This is opening the leap gap again. Leap is supposedly inheriting binaries from SLE with 15.3;

Lubos Kocman's avatar

Hello, that's correct you really want to use is_opensuse only for differentiation in between (SLE and Leap) or openSUSE Factory. Since Leap 15.3 will simply reuse SLE-binaries, but we need to make sure that re-building sources on Leap would produce the same feature-set.

Based on https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_cross_distribution_howto it should be %if 0%{?suse_version} > 1500 # Please mind that ever changing comment on the page.

Gary Ching-Pang Lin's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

Ok, will fix it. Thanks for the suggestion.

Request History
Gary Ching-Pang Lin's avatar

gary_lin created request

- Amend the spec file (jsc#SLE-16818)
+ Only enable fish support for Tumbleweed
+ Only enable the MSR plugin for x86
+ Only install dbxtool in the architectures with UEFI support

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar accepted request

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