Involved Projects and Packages
Playing around with Maemo:mer on PPC
This package is based on the package 'glib2.0' from project 'home:lbt:Mer:0.11'.
Automatically generated description for glib2.0. Should come from debs?
Upload of beta source for Fremantle (28 Apr 2009)
This area holds the stable packages for the numbered release
This area holds the stable packages for the numbered release
This area holds the stable packages for the numbered release
This area holds the stable packages for the numbered release
This area holds the stable packages for the numbered release
This area contains the consolidated Mer packages from Base/UI/Apps
Packaged applications included in Mer
* advanced-backlight
* advanced-power
* advanced-power-monitor
* blueman
* extras-repository
* finefm
* galculator
* homeip
* maemopadplus
* midori
* mirage
* mplayer
* osso-xterm
* vte
* personal-launch
* wpeditor
Packages which deals with the underlying functionality of Mer
that isn't directly presented to the user, such as booting,
networking, logging, rescue, generic X support
* apt
* alsa-plugins
* circular-syslogd
* core-pattern
* evkey
* base64
* hal
* network-manager
* cnetworkmanager
* pulseaudio
* sudo
* tslib
* upstart
* utelnetd
* waitdbus
* xserver-xorg-input-evdev
* xresponse-visualize
* xkeyboard-config
* xf86-input-tslib
These packages should ideally be unmodified from the upstream Maemo and hildon projects
* alarmd
* clinkc
* certman
* clipboard-manager
* dbus-glib
* epeg
* alarmd
* gail
* gconf2
* glib2.0
* gnome-vfs-filechooser-backend
* gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg-osso
* gtk+2.0
* gtkhtml
* hildon-application-manager
* hildon-control-panel
* hildon-input-method
* hildon-input-method-framework
* icd2-osso-ic-dev
* hildon-thumbnail
* hildon-theme-tools
* hildon-theme-cacher
* hildon-games-wrapper
* libconbtui
* libconic
* libdb1
* libhildon
* libhildonfm
* libhildonhelp
* libhildonmime
* libosso
* maemo-launcher
* maemopad
* mce-dev
* osso-af-settings
* osso-af-utils
* osso-gnome-vfs2
* osso-gnomevfs2-extra
* osso-gwconnect
* osso-gwobex
* osso-systemui-dbus-dev
* osso-uri-l10n-public
* sapwood
* screenshot-tool
* tablet-browser-interface
Packages with translation strings which we share with Maemo
* marketing-release-public
* gtk20-l10n
* hildon-application-manager-l10n-public
* hildon-common-strings-l10n-public
* hildon-control-panel-l10n-public
* hildon-fm-l10n-public
* hildon-libs-l10n-public
* ke-recv-l10n-public
* maemo-af-desktop-l10n-public
* osso-applet-tasknavigator-l10n-public
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