Andre Duffeck's avatar

Andre Duffeck


Involved Projects and Packages

HTTP/REST API client library.

This Rails plugin allows for rendering special templates for mobile devices, using the existing views and partials as a fallback.

A gem to provide swappable JSON backends utilizing Yajl::Ruby, the JSON gem, ActiveSupport, or JSON pure.

Use with Net::HTTP to do multipart form posts. IO values that have #content_type, #original_filename, and #local_path will be posted as a binary file.

HTTP Basic strategies for OmniAuth.

HTTP Basic strategies for OmniAuth.

Enterprise strategies for OmniAuth.

Additional strategies for OmniAuth.

OAuth strategies for OmniAuth.

OpenID strategies for OmniAuth.

A Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol built with a similar style to the original OAuth gem.

OmniAuth is an authentication framework that that separates the concept of authentiation from the concept of identity, providing simple hooks for any application to have one or multiple authentication providers for a user.

Provides a more HTTPish API around the ruby-openid library

Ruby/NTLM provides message creator and parser for the NTLM authentication.

Sass makes CSS fun again. Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding
nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more.
It's translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the
command line tool or a web-framework plugin.

Maintainer Bugowner

Little addons which make the life of a Fate user easier.


A plasmoid which lets you access the Fate database.

A gem to provide swappable JSON backends utilizing Yajl::Ruby, the JSON gem, ActiveSupport, or JSON pure.

Sass makes CSS fun again. Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding
nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more.
It's translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the
command line tool or a web-framework plugin.

HTTP/REST API client library.

This Rails plugin allows for rendering special templates for mobile devices, using the existing views and partials as a fallback.

A gem to provide swappable JSON backends utilizing Yajl::Ruby, the JSON gem, ActiveSupport, or JSON pure.

Use with Net::HTTP to do multipart form posts. IO values that have #content_type, #original_filename, and #local_path will be posted as a binary file.

Sass makes CSS fun again. Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding
nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more.
It's translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the
command line tool or a web-framework plugin.

0 contributions in the last year
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