Atri Bhattacharya's avatar

Atri Bhattacharya


Member of the group
Involved Projects and Packages

A compile-time regular expressions with support for
matching/searching/capturing during compile-time or runtime.

HEALPix is a Hierarchical, Equal Area, and iso-Latitude Pixelation of the
sphere designed to support efficiently (1) local operations on the pixel set,
(2) a hierarchical tree structure for multi-resolution applications, and (3)
the global Fast Spherical Harmonic transform.

libLASi is a library written by Larry Siden that provides a C++ stream output interface for creating Postscript documents that can contain characters from any of the scripts and symbol blocks supported in Unicode and by Owen Taylor's Pango layout engine. The library accomodates right-to-left scripts such as Arabic and Hebrew as easily as left-to-right scripts. Indic and Indic-derived Complex Text Layout (CTL) scripts, such as Devanagari, Thai, Lao, and Tibetan are supported to the extent provided by Pango and by the OpenType fonts installed on your system. All of this is provided without need for any special configuration or layout calculation on the programmer's part.

Although the capability to produce Unicode-based multilingual Postscript documents exists in large Open Source application framework libraries such as GTK+, QT, and KDE, libLASi was designed for projects which require the ability to produce Postscript independent of any one application framework.

libsharp is a code library for spherical harmonic transforms (SHTs) with
features including MPI support for distributed memory systems and SHTs of
fields with arbitrary spin, supporting new developments in CPU instruction sets
like the Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) or fused multiply-accumulate (FMA)

Matplot++ is a graphics library for data visualization that provides
interactive plotting, means for exporting plots in high-quality formats for
scientific publications, a compact syntax consistent with similar libraries,
dozens of plot categories with specialized algorithms, multiple coding styles,
and supports generic backends.

A C++ library with classes for forking external processes and asynchronous reading from streams. It takes away the burden of all subtleties involving the Unix fork call. The asynchronous read facility enables one to read on multiple input streams at the same time, without losing any of the standard C++ stream facilities.
There are also several small additional programs bundled with modglue, such as a program to add readline capability to any command line program. Moreover, the modglue library extends the idea of standard Unix pipes by providing a general framework for the creation of new processes with more than just the standard stdin/stdout/stderr pipes.

NumCpp is a templatized header-only C++ implementation of the Python NumPy library.


Parallel Tasking Library (PTL) is a lightweight C++11 multithreading tasking
system featuring thread-pool, task-groups, and lock-free task queue.

SQLiteC++ (SQLiteCpp) is a lean and easy to use C++ SQLite3 wrapper. It offers
an encapsulation around the native C APIs of SQLite, with a few intuitive and
well documented C++ classes.

TestSweeper is a C++ testing framework for parameter sweeps. It handles parsing
command line options, iterating over the test space, and printing results. This
simplifies test functions by allowing them to concentrate on setting up and
solving one problem at a time.

TRNG is a modern C++ pseudo random number generator library.

Key features:
* fully compatible with the C++11 random number facility as defined in
* implements various pseudo random number algorithms
* supports multiple streams of random numbers for parallel (multi-threaded) applications
* does not depend on a specific parallelization technique, may be used with any threading library or MPI
* pseudo random numbers can be sampled from many different distributions

VecCore is a simple abstraction layer on top of other vectorization libraries.
It provides an architecture-independent API for expressing vector operations on
data. Code written with this API can then be dispatched to one of several
backends like Vc, UME::SIMD, or a scalar implementation.

Conan is a package manager for C and C++ developers. It is specifically
designed and optimized for accelerating the development and Continuous
Integration of C and C++ projects.

Cppreference is a complete online reference for the C and C++ languages and standard libraries, i.e. a more convenient version of the C and C++ standards. This package provides an offline mirror of the reference.


stdman is a tool that parses archived HTML files from cppreference and generates groff-formatted manual pages for Unix-based systems. The goal is to provide excellent formatting for easy readability.

This package provides the full cppreference documentation in the man format.


Code-minimap is a tool for generating text minimaps at high speed.


Scintilla is a code editing component. It includes features for
editing and debugging source code, such as syntax styling, error
indicators, code completion and call tips. The selection margin can
contain breakpoint markers and the current line. It can use
proportional fonts, multiple fonts and different colors at the same


SciTE is a SCIntilla based Text Editor. Originally built to demonstrate
Scintilla, it has grown to be a generally useful editor with facilities for
building and running programs.


This Project contains several packages which might be interesting for educational use.

Maintainer Bugowner

Artha is a free cross-platform English thesaurus that works completely off-line and is based on WordNet. Stable releases for download are currently available for GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows; it is tested on major Desktop Environments like GNOME, KDE, Xfce, etc and on Microsoft Windows XP, Vista and 7. Artha is released under the GNU General Public Licence version 2.


Dvegas facilitates adaptive Monte Carlo integration based on an enhanced and extended version of Peter Lepage's VEGAS algorithm. It allows to automatically take into account correlations between sets of dimensions and to fully adapt the sampling of sums of integrals. The code is genuinely object-oriented and written in ISO/ANSI standard C++.


Maxima is a full symbolic computation program. It is full featured
doing symbolic manipulation of polynomials, matrices, rational
functions, integration, Todd-coxeter, graphing, bigfloats. It has a
symbolic debugger source level debugger for maxima code. Maxima is
based on the original Macsyma developed at MIT in the 1970's. It is
quite reliable, and has good garbage collection, and no memory leaks.
It comes with hundreds of self tests.


myFitter is a C++ class library for maximum likelihood fits and the numerical computation of p-values in likelihood ratio tests.

In some situations the statistical significance (p-value) of a likelihood ratio test can not be computed analytically. This is, for example, the case when some parameters of the model are only allowed to float within a certain range or when the models being compared are not nested, meaning that neither model can be obtained from the other by fixing some of its parameters.

myFitter implements a method for efficient numerical computation of p-values. This method is also applicable in the case of non-nested models.


Plots is a graph plotting app for GNOME. Plots makes it easy to visualise
mathematical formulae. In addition to basic arithmetic operations, it supports
trigonometric, hyperbolic, exponential and logarithmic functions, as well as
arbitrary sums and products. It can display polar equations, and both implicit
and explicit Cartesian equations.

4433 contributions in the last year
Contributions on 2023-09-17
31 commits
13 requests created
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