Atri Bhattacharya's avatar

Atri Bhattacharya


Member of the group
Involved Projects and Packages

This provides a common package for LIGO Python libraries.


The LIGO Light-Weight XML format is used extensively by compact object
detection pipeline and associated tool sets. This package provides a Python
I/O library for reading, writing, and interacting with documents in this

ligo-segments defines the segment, segmentlist, and segmentlistdict objects for manipulating semi-open intervals.

This module provides a pure-python version of the `LIGOTimeGPS` class,
used to represent GPS times (number of seconds elapsed since GPS
epoch) with nanoseconds precision.

This module is primarily for use as a drop-in replacement for the
'official' `lal.LIGOTimeGPS` class (provided by the SWIG-python
bindings of [LAL](// for use on those
environments where LAL is not available, or building LAL is
unnecessary for the application (e.g. testing).

The code provided here is much slower than the C-implementation
provided by LAL, so if you really care about performance, don't use
this module.


Mathics is a general-purpose computer algebra system (CAS). It is meant to be a free, lightweight alternative to Mathematica.

A lexer and highlighter for Mathematica/Wolfram Language source code using the
pygments engine.


PyCBC is a software package used to explore astrophysical sources of
gravitational waves. It contains algorithms to analyze
gravitational-wave data from the LIGO and Virgo detectors, detect
coalescing compact binaries, and measure the astrophysical parameters
of detected sources.


This package provides a subclass of the Python standard library netrc.netrc
class to add some custom behaviors.


QCDLoop is a library of one-loop scalar Feynman integrals, evaluated close to
four dimensions. QCDLoop can compute one-loop integrals for tadpole, bubble,
triangle and box topologies. See arXiv:0712.1851 and arXiv:1605.03181 for

Maintainer Bugowner

Quantum ESPRESSO is an integrated suite of Open-Source computer codes for electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale. It is based on density-functional theory, plane waves, and pseudopotentials.


The Rivet project (Robust Independent Validation of Experiment and Theory) is a toolkit for validation of Monte Carlo event generators. It provides a large (and ever growing) set of experimental analyses useful for MC generator development, validation, and tuning, as well as a convenient infrastructure for adding your own analyses. Rivet is the most widespread way by which analysis code from the LHC and other high-energy collider experiments is preserved for comparison to and development of future theory models.


This package provides a C++ double precision implementation of several basic geometric entities and transformations: points in 3d, directions in 3d (unit vectors), 3-vectors, points in 4d, 4-vectors, rotations, linear transformations, and boosts. The main purpose of the package is representing 4-momenta of relativistic particles and related formulae.


Root is a modular scientific software framework. It provides all the functionalities needed to deal with big data processing, statistical analysis, visualisation and storage.

Maintainer Bugowner

Scilab is a scientific software package for numerical computations providing a powerful open computing environment for engineering and scientific applications which includes hundreds of mathematical functions with the possibility to add interactively programs from various languages (C, C++, Fortran...). It has sophisticated data structures (including lists, polynomials, rational functions, linear systems...), an interpreter and a high level programming language. Matlab and Maple files can be converted.


Sherpa is a Monte Carlo event generator for the Simulation of High-Energy Reactions of PArticles in lepton-lepton, lepton-photon, photon-photon, lepton-hadron and hadron-hadron collisions.


SPLINTER (SPLine INTERpolation) is a library for multivariate function approximation implemented in C++. The library can be used for function approximation, regression, data smoothing, and much more. Currently, the library contains the following implementations:

1. tensor product B-splines,
2. radial basis functions, including the thin plate spline, and
3. polynomial regression.

The coefficients in these models are computed using ordinary least squares (OLS). The name of the library, SPLINTER, originates from the tensor product B-spline implementation, which was the first of the methods to be implemented.


Toolkit providing a common platform for event generators in C++


Wannier90 is a library for generating maximally-localized Wannier functions and
using them to compute advanced electronic properties of materials with high
efficiency and accuracy.


YODA is a small set of data analysis (specifically histogramming) classes being developed by MCnet members as a lightweight common system for MC event generator validation analyses.

OpenVINO Telemetry is a package for sending statistics with user's consent,
used in combination with other OpenVINO packages.


This library allows you to write entries to a KeePass database


Powerline is a status-line plugin for vim, and provides status-lines and prompts
for several other applications, including zsh, bash, tmux, IPython, Awesome and

Maintainer Bugowner

Guake is a dropdown terminal made for the GNOME desktop environment.

SimpleScreenRecorder is a Linux program that was created to record programs and games.

Original goal was to create a program that was just really simple to use, and the result is actually a pretty powerful program. It's 'simple' in the sense that it's easier to use than ffmpeg/avconv or VLC, because it has a straightforward user interface.

* Graphical user interface (Qt-based).
* Faster than VLC and ffmpeg/avconv.
* Records the entire screen or part of it, or records OpenGL applications
directly (similar to Fraps on Windows).
* Synchronizes audio and video properly (a common issue with VLC and ffmpeg/avconv).
* Reduces the video frame rate if your computer is too slow (rather than
using up all your RAM like VLC does).
* Fully multithreaded: small delays in any of the components will never
block the other components, resulting is smoother video and better
performance on computers with multiple processors.
* Pause and resume recording at any time (either by clicking a button or by
pressing a hotkey).
* Shows statistics during recording (file size, bit rate, total recording
time, actual frame rate, ...).
* Can show a preview during recording, so you don't waste time recording
something only to figure out afterwards that some setting was wrong.
* Uses libav/ffmpeg libraries for encoding, so it supports many different
codecs and file formats (adding more is trivial).
* Sensible default settings: no need to change anything if you don't want to.
* Tooltips for almost everything: no


Disable XInput touch device when pen or eraser device reports proximity,
to avoid palm events when writing on a tablet PC with pen + touch.

XNoHands is designed for Tablet PCs running Linux and equipped
with both touch and pen devices. The devices must be logically separate,
and the pen device must report proximity events. (This is the case e.g.
with Wacom-based tablet PCs). XNoHands runs in the background of a user
session and disables the touchscreen device whenever the pen device is in
proximity of the screen. This allows the user to rest their hand on the
screen while writing without causing havoc.

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