Marcus Rueckert
- autobuild-team 2 tasks
- opensuse-review-team 11 tasks
- ruby-maintainers 0 tasks
Involved Projects and Packages
Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer tasks in the background. It is a direct extraction from Shopify where the job table is responsible for a multitude of core tasks.
ActiveRecord backend for DelayedJob, originally authored by Tobias Luetke
Erubis is an implementation of eRuby and has the following features:
* Very fast, almost three times faster than ERB and about 10% faster than eruby.
* Multi-language support (Ruby/PHP/C/Java/Scheme/Perl/Javascript)
* Auto escaping support
* Auto trimming spaces around '<% %>'
* Embedded pattern changeable (default '<% %>')
* Enable to handle Processing Instructions (PI) as embedded pattern (ex. '')
* Context object available and easy to combine eRuby template with YAML datafile
* Print statement available
* Easy to extend and customize in subclass
* Ruby on Rails support
EventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network
communications. It's extremely easy to use in Ruby. EventMachine wraps all
interactions with IP sockets, allowing programs to concentrate on the
implementation of network protocols. It can be used to create both network
servers and clients. To create a server or client, a Ruby program only needs
to specify the IP address and port, and provide a Module that implements the
communications protocol. Implementations of several standard network protocols
are provided with the package, primarily to serve as examples. The real goal
of EventMachine is to enable programs to easily interface with other programs
using TCP/IP, especially if custom protocols are required.
Gemified exception_notification rails plugin, compatible with Rails 2.3
ExecJS lets you run JavaScript code from Ruby.
factory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories - less error-prone, more explicit, and all-around easier to work with than fixtures.
factory_girl_rails provides integration between
factory_girl and rails 3 (currently just automatic factory definition
FasterCSV is intended as a replacement to Ruby‘s standard CSV library.
Optimized replacement for thread.rb primitives
Library to tail files in Ruby
Generate source rpms and rpm spec files from a Ruby Gem. The spec file tries
to follow the gem as closely as possible
Find out which locale the user preferes by reading the languages they specified in their browser
This is a native Ruby package for reading and writing INI files.
Although made popular by Windows, INI files can be used on any system thanks
to their flexibility. They allow a program to store configuration data, which
can then be easily parsed and changed. Two notable systems that use the INI
format are Samba and Trac.
An initialization file, or INI file, is a configuration file that contains
configuration data for Microsoft Windows based applications. Starting with
Windows 95, the INI file format was superseded but not entirely replaced by
a registry database in Microsoft operating systems.
Although made popular by Windows, INI files can be used on any system thanks
to their flexibility. They allow a program to store configuration data, which
can then be easily parsed and changed.
This is a implementation of the JSON specification according to RFC 4627. You
can think of it as a low fat alternative to XML, if you want to store data to
disk or transmit it over a network rather than use a verbose markup language.